Theme of Global Dialogue 2022:
Global Civilizational State:
Global Protection Agency (GPA) essential services.
Global Dialogue 2022 Table of Contents.
(Global Dialogue 2022 begins September 1st, 2021, and concludes on August 31st, 2022)
Proceedings of Global Dialogue 2021 are now ready for reading.
( see enlargement )
Governance of the Earth by Global Parliament will make the rule of arbitrary power--economic (WTO, FTAA, TPPA, BRICS, EU, etc.), political, or military (NATO)-- subjected to the rule of law within the global civil society, the human family. Justice is for everyone and is everywhere, a universal constant. Justice is without borders.
We can do better united as a Global Government, a Global Parliament, the Global Civilizational State:
a new world to build, and a future to share and protect together.
Let us all be united as a Federation of 9 or more Global Governmewnts.
Federation of Global Governments: what we stand for
Global Community ethics offer fundamental moral behaviors and irrevocable standards.
You need not be religious to make this vision yours. This vision is for all human beings regardless of their social origin, language, culture, sex, skin color or religion.
Global Community vision creates new hopes, standards, ideals and goals for everyone to embrace freely, and live a life without fear.
Global Community faith is about realizing this new global order will be better, safer, and more realistic after replacing the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights
As a replacement to the United Nations, we have formed Global Parliament with 9 or more Global Governments (GGs) and an enforceable, non-military democratic Global Constitution for all. Governing bodies consist of four chambers making the Global Parliament:
by Scale of Global Rights
To determine rights requires an understanding of needs and reponsibilities and their importance. The Scale shows social values in order of importance and so will help us understand clearly the rights of a community and its citizens. So now Global Community ethics includes a process based on Scale of Global Rights. Global citizens have a binding responsibility for the welfare of all humanity and care for all life on Earth. Global Community ethical grounds are practical, real, and applicable for all women and men of good will, religious and non-religious.
1. House of Elected Representatives
2. House of Advisers
3. House of Executive Council, and
4. Federation of Global Governments
The power of Global Parliament was de-centralized to give each GG a better chance to find the right solutions to global issues. It can act faster and be more effective and efficient in the context of the Global Civilizational State, this great, wide, wonderful world made of all these diverse global communities within each Nation. Global Community becomes thus more fluid and dynamic. A global symbiotical relationship is created between Nations and Global Parliament for the good of all groups participating in the relationship and for the good of humanity, all life on Earth. The relationship allows a global equitable and peaceful development. This is the basic concept that is allowing us to group willing Member Nations from different parts of the world. A typical example is the Global Government of North America (GGNA) . Member Nations of these global governments have not yet been selected. Each Nation Government needs to go through the process of a referendum asking people if they wish to be a part of a Global Government, and which is it they wish to be part of. For instance, Canada may wish to be part of the Global Government of South America. A referendum in Canada would determine the Global Government the people of Canada wish to belong to. Global Parliament does not force anyone to belong in any specific Global Government.
Links on the above artwork:
Register your Ministry now : SWF file
HTML document
QuickTime movie
MPG-4 movie
Global Community definition:
SWF file
HTML document
QuickTime movie
MPG-4 movie
Why a Ministry of Global Peace in government ?
SWF file
HTML document
QuickTime movie
MPG-4 movie
Scale of Global Rights:
SWF file
HTML document
QuickTime movie
MPG-4 movie
Global Law:
SWF file
HTML document
QuickTime movie
MPG-4 movie
Get more details with the theme from October 2013 Newsletter
See complete listing of nations with their status concerning registration
Read the text with images version of all the above movies
Old web site of the Ministry of Global peace
Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA); World Trade Organization (WTO); North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA; 1994);
the USMCA which took effect on July 1, 2020, replacing NAFTA;
Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA); Canada–United States Free Trade Agreement (1988, suspended by NFTAA); Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS); European Union (EU); and many more international trade agreements between nations. All international trade agreements must be administered by the Global Trade and Resources Ministry
Welcome to your Global Community
and the Global Ministry of Essential Services
as institutionalized by Global Parliament. Today's international trade agreements are obsolete and primitive. They are formed to make a few people on the planet rich and creating a world of overconsumption and wastfully degrading the planet's resources and environment. Let us walk into a sustainable future. Let us first define what we mean by "Global Protection Agency (GPA)", and of course what we mean by "essential services" in the global context of humanity.
the 21st century framework for Earth governance.
( see enlargement )
Global Protection Agency (GPA) and Global Ministries.![]()
Global resources affected by world overpopulation.![]()
Moratorium on world population and the fertility rate, and ending population warfare. Family and community planning for world population.
( see enlargement )
Family and community planning for world population.
The Global Community is declaring a moratorium on immigration all over the world, on all applications for immigration, until applicants from any religious or cultural background have satisfied completely the Global Community standard for a population fertility rate of 1.3 children per family. The problem with world overpopulation is everybody’s problem. We are all responsible. Until tangible progress is made no immigrants should be accepted. That is Global Law. Population warfare It is the use of a very high fertility rate to conquer a nation, and that could mean as many as or more than 2.1 children per family. It is a form of cultural and/or religious aggression and invasion by having a much too high number of new born babies. For instance, there has been a rapid increase in population among Muslims to the extent that in fifty years all of Europe and North America are expected to be mostly Islamic. The influx of Latino immigration into the western states of the USA will also have the effect of a population warfare.
Family is important. Family with too many children is a problem.
No one can feed, educate, and take care of a family with a large number of children. Think of the world population today and in the coming decades, as a family with already far too many members. We all know world population on our planet as overreach its safe and secure capacity. Our family is breaking down, suffering, crying, hungry, dying, tortured, and in great danger of extinction. Our family is out of control, abused, taken advantage of by the 1% of its members, and by promoting democracy and human rights destructively.
- Global Ministry of World Population
- Global Ministry of Essential Services
- Ministry of Global Resources
- Ministry of Global Peace in government
- Earth Environmental Governance
- Earth Ministry of Health
- Global Ministry of Forests
- Global Ministry of Agriculture, Food Production and Distribution
- Global Civilization Ministry of Peace and Disarmament
- Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs: Global Government of Africa
- Global Ministry of Water Resources Protection
- Global Environment Ministry
- Sustainable Development Global Information Society
Building global communities require understanding of global problems this generation is facing. There are several major problems: conflicts and wars, no tolerance and compassion for one another, world overpopulation, human activities, as population increases the respect and value of a human life is in decline, insufficient protection and prevention for global health, scarcity of resources and drinking water, poverty, Fauna and Flora species disappearing at a fast rate, global warming and global climate change, global pollution, deforestation, permanent lost of the Earth's genetic heritage, and the destruction of the global life-support systems and the eco-systems of the planet. We need to build global communities for all life on the planet. We need to build global communities that will manage themselves with the understanding of the above problems.
Building global communities also requires a mean to enforce global law that protects all life on Earth. Global Protection Agency (GPA)
of Global Civilizational State will train and lead a global force, bypassing traditional peacekeeping and military bodies such as the United Nations and NATO. This is a great opportunity for globallateralism. GPA is a short term and long term solution, an immediate response to help. This solution is also related to the Scale of Global Rights. The Scale is a new impetus of Global Community to educate everyone about the need for a change in thinking and of doing things amongst all nations. We need to realize what is a priority, what is the most important, and what is the least important for our survival. We need to make hard choices.
The Scale of Global Rights shows social values in order of importance, and so helps us truly understand the rights of an individual and a community for humanity's survival on our planet.
Scale of Global Rights (video)
Global Community offers both a short term solution and a long term solution to the people of all nations.
Both solutions have been integrated into the Scale of Global Rights ,
itself a necessary first step which must be approved by all of us.
Scale of Global Rights contains six (6) sections. Section 1 has more importance than all other sections below, and so on. Concerning sections 1, 2, and 3, it shall be Global Civilization highest priority to guarantee these rights to their respective Member Nations and to have proper legislation and implement and enforce global law as it applies and as shown in the Global Constitution.
Global Community ethics offer fundamental moral behaviors and irrevocable standards.
You need not be religious to make this vision yours. This vision is for all human beings regardless of their social origin, language, culture, sex, skin color or religion.
Global Community vision creates new hopes, standards, ideals and goals for everyone to embrace freely, and live a life without fear.
Global Community faith is about realizing this new global order will be better, safer, and more realistic after replacing the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights by Scale of Global Rights
To determine rights requires an understanding of needs and reponsibilities and their importance. The Scale shows social values in order of importance and so will help us understand clearly the rights of a community and its citizens. So now Global Community ethics includes a process based on Scale of Global Rights. Global citizens have a binding responsibility for the welfare of all humanity and care for all life on Earth. Global Community ethical grounds are practical, real, and applicable for all women and men of good will, religious and non-religious.
Perhaps Scale of Global Rights
represents the strongest pillar of our vision.
In 1985, Scale of Global Rights (.mp4 (20 MB) ) was first proposed as a replacement to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. After several decades of research and development, many global dialogues, we still find the Scale as the best solution to global problems. Today, we are presenting once more the Scale as the best educating tool to bring about the change the people of the world need to achieve for their own survival.
Short and long term solutions to saving the world: the Scale of Global Right and Global Parliament.
1. Short term solution
2. Long term solution
On the Scale of Global Rights, primordial human rights and the protection of the global life-support systems and ecological rights are on top of the Scale. They are the most important aspects on the Scale.
Primordial human rights are in a separate categorie and distinct than ecological rights, the right of the greatest number of people, economic rights, social rights, cultural rights and religious rights. Ecological and primordial human rights are the only rights that have existed unchanged throughout the evolutionary origin of our species. Any major change would have threatened our very existence. All other human rights listed here are rights created by human beings and can be changed depending of new circumstances; they are not stagnant but are rather flexible and adaptive, and they can evolve. Ecological and primordial human rights of this generation and of future generations are therefore much more important than any other human rights existing now and in the future.
How meaningful is the right to life or to participation in political life if poverty, gender inequality, destitution and epidemics prevent individuals from enjoying freedom of movement, freedom to vote, to marry and so on? The economic and social rights are the essential prerequisite for the effectiveness and exercise of all other rights (other than the protection of the global life-support systems and ecological rights) recognized for human beings. The developing countries are having a harder time than others to achieve the exercise of these rights on a lasting basis, with the problems of economic globalization presenting new challenges. We must therefore beware of enforcing economic rights alone to the detriment of individual civil rights and the rights of all individuals to decide their own fate and the future of their country, their political rights. The universality of human rights recognizes the right of all individuals to participate in the cultural life of their community and of other country, to receive education and training, and to be informed.
Primordial human rights are necessarily human needs but not all human needs are primordial human rights. To determine rights requires an understanding of needs and reponsibilities and their importance.
As universal values, equality, justice and freedoms are concerned with our ability to decide, to choose values and to participate in the making of laws, and they are dependent on the recognition of other people. These values forbid any form of discrimination on the grounds of race, nationality, sex, religion, age or mother tongue. By accepting both values of freedom and equality we can achieve justice. One can be answerable for one's actions in a 'just' way only if judgements are given in the framework of democratically established laws and courts. Social justice is another universal value to which Global Civilization aspires and accepts as a universal value. Social justice consists in sharing wealth with a view to greater equality and the equal recognition of each individual's merits. All persons within a given society deserve equal access to goods and services that fulfill basic human needs
To determine rights requires an understanding of needs and reponsibilities and their importance. Scale of Global Rights is the best guidance for continuing this process. The Scale shows social values in order of importance and so will help us understand the rights of a community. What are the universal needs of a person, family, a community? Primordial human rights are necessarily human needs but not all human needs are primordial human rights. Nevertheless there are very specific primordial human needs. First there are the material needs, the requisites for a dignified life and truly those needs are the primordial human rights. Then there are the nonmaterial needs which can evolve, and are flexible and adaptive:
- social justice
- basic health care
- communications facilities in the community
- well-rounded education
- cultural protection
- spiritual and religious acceptance and
- global rights
All families need shelter, food, language, body of
knowledge, certain skills, a source of income. Security of the home is an important aspect for any family and the global community
it belongs to. Primordial human needs raise the question of interacting universal responsibilities. In terms of parenthood,
parents must raised their children mentally and physically healthy. It
is a responsibility to do so. Which also means each local community must have an educational
system to help parents raise the child.
Scale definition and Global Law.![]()
Scale of Global Rights.![]()
Basics of Scale of Global Rights.![]()
Scale of Global Rights sections.![]()
Scale and Global Law.![]()
Concerning sections 1, 2, and 3, it shall be Global Community highest priority to guarantee these rights to Member Nations and to have proper lesgislation and implement and enforce global law as it applies.
Section 1. Ecological rights and the protection of the global life-support systems
Section 2. Primordial human rights
- safety and security
- have shelter
- 'clean' energy
- 'clean' and healthy environment
- drink fresh water
- breath clean air
- eat a balance diet
- basic clothing
- universal health care and education
- employment for all
Section 3. The ecological rights, the protection of the global life-support systems and the primordial human rights of future generations
Concerning Sections 4, 5 and 6, it shall be the aim of Global Community to secure these other
rights for all global citizens within the federation of all nations, but
without immediate guarantee of universal achievement and enforcement. These
rights are defined as Directive Principles, obligating the Global Community
to pursue every reasonable means for universal realization and implementation.
Section 4. Community rights, rights of direct democracy, the right that the greatest number of people has by virtue of its number (50% plus one) and after voting representatives democratically.
Section 5. Economic rights
(business and consumer rights, and their responsibilities and accountabilities)
and social rights (civil and political rights)
Section 6. Cultural rights and religious rights
Definition of the Scale of Global Rights
On the Scale of Global Rights
primordial human rights and the protection of the global life-support systems (ecological rights) are on top of the Scale. They are the
most important aspects on the Scale.
For instance, the existing and future uses of water are constantly challenged;
balancing supply and demand is made even harder by the amounts of pollution
found in the air, land and waters. A large part of our body is made of
water, and we cannot live without water; therefore water is a primordial
human right by our very nature. In order to avoid conflicts and wars
over drinking (fresh)water, fresh water has been categorized as a primordial
human right. Industrial pollution plays a major role in the deterioration
of nature but this time the level of pollution is above the carrying capacity
of a healthy ecosystem. Pollution also affects significantly human health and
all lifeforms on Earth. Every person needs Oxygen to live so clean air
is certainly also a primordial human right by our very nature.
Control over the amounts of greengases produced by human activities and let go into our air must be paramount to governance and management of Earth.The production of greengases involves the destruction of the Oxygen in our air and its replacement by CO2, a deadly chemical.
CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere have been measured at an altitude of about 4,000 meters on the peak of Mauna Loa mountain in Hawaii since 1958. The measurements at this location, remote from local sources of pollution, have clearly shown that atmospheric concentrations of CO2 are increasing. The mean concentration of approximately 316 parts per million by volume (ppmv) in 1958 rose to approximately 369 ppmv in 1998. The annual variation is due to CO2 uptake by growing plants. The uptake is highest in the northern hemisphere springtime. Today in 2013, the concentration is 400 ppmv. And after all the dirty tars sands oil of Alberta has been consumed, the concentration will be over 600 ppmv, i.e. the end of civilization as we know it, and the end of most lifeforms on the planet.
Actions for the good of all as per the Statement of Rights, Responsibilities, and Accountabilities.
The political system of an individual country does not have to be a democracy.
Global Community must now direct the wealth of the world towards the building of local-to-global economic democracies in order to meet the needs for food, shelter, universal healthcare, education, and employment for all.
Global Economic Model proposed by Global Community is truly the best response to the world.
Direct democracy and global voting on issues
Creation of a biodiversity zone protection all around the planet by way of Earth rights and taxation of natural resources
There are a large body of work of articles, papers and reports concerning the need to protect our environment and Global life-support systems. We are showing here a few.
Reports by the Global Community Assessment Centre (GCAC)
Protect photosynthesis: less CO2 , more Oxygen and better health for all of us.
A) Protection of Global life-support systems![]()
B) Climate change prelude
C) Climate change: responsibility and accountability of cities![]()
Report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has been established by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
to assess scientific, technical and socio- economic information relevant for the understanding of climate change, its potential impacts and options for
adaptation and mitigation. It is currently finalizing its Fourth Assessment Report "Climate Change 2007". The reports by the three Working Groups provide a
comprehensive and up-to-date assessment of the current state of knowledge on climate change.
Articles and papers
1.0 Protection of Global Environment
2.0 What is climate change? What has caused the climate to change?
3.0 The greatest threat to all life on Earth is a trace element.
4.0 Global warming tic-O-tack!
5.0 Results from studies on climate change.
6.0 Local and global impacts.
7.0 Storing excess carbon in terrestrial and ocean systems.
8.0 British Columbia’s battlefield for life.
9.0 Preventive actions to climate change.
10.0 Peak soils movement
11.0 Marine ecosystems, fisheries, Eco-label, seafood, and social marketing aspects and issues
12.0 Global development aspects and issues
13.0 Ocean conservation and protection aspects and issues
14.0 Forest protection aspects and issues
15.0 Soil lost prevention aspects and issues
16.0 Water conservation aspects and issues
17.0 Renewable energy aspects and issues
18.0 Clean air aspects and issues
19.0 Global pollution aspects and issues
20.0 To create a biodiversity zone over the entire planet by way of Earth rights and taxation of natural resources
We need a clear vision. We need a common vision. And we must all change! There are many important aspects of our lives we can no longer do, or should never do anymore. They are destructive. Humanity and all life can no longer afford activities that destroy life and the global environment. And there are other activities we must do, certainly thousands of them, to assure the survival of life on Earth.
In view of this planetary state of emergency we all must change, we must do things differently to give life on Earth a better survival chance. Perhaps the Scale of Global Rights represents the strongest pillar of our vision. In 1985, the Scale of Global Rights was first proposed as a replacement to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. After several decades of research and development, many global dialogues, we still find the Scale as the best solution to global problems.
Leadership to activate and promote Scale of Global Rights worldwide.
The Greenhouse Effect, the human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases, is the explanation about how Global Warming was created all over the planet. Global warming is the long-term heating of Earth’s climate system observed since the pre-industrial period due to human activities, primarily fossil fuel burning, which increases heat-trapping greenhouse gas levels in Earth’s atmosphere. Climate Change is a long-term change in the average weather patterns that have come to define Earth’s local, regional and global climates. The "cause" is global warming, one of the major "effects" is climate change.
Today, we are presenting once more the Scale as the best educating tool to bring about the change the people of the world need to achieve for their own survival. Now the Scale of Global Rights is a long term solution and is also a part of the Global Movement to Help
of Global Community. In itself the Scale was designed to help all life on Earth. What would be preferable is that nations unite amongst themselves to help. Over time, we have seen the creation of the United Nations, the European Union, the South American Community of Nations, and the North American Free Trade Agreement. Except for the UN, these organizations are mainly concerned with trade and economics. Global Civilizational State offers a more meaningful union in the form of nine or more Global Governments. For instance the South American Community of Nations can be a Global Government by simply accepting the Global Constitution
as a way of dealing between member nations. A Global Government is concerned not only with economics and trade, but also with the environment, health, agriculture, energy, food, social, cultural and many other essential aspects. The Federation of Global Governments would be the place of meeting between Global Governments. The very first step of the Federation, and maybe the only one, would be the approval of essential services
amongst the participating member nations. Global Community
has researched and developed such services and listed them here. All of them are already in operation on a small scale.
To act as a global policing force, as the GPA aspires to do, many foundations must be laid, especially regarding the move from wielding power derived from Global Civilizational State to legitimate global leadership. There are many required characteristics that are prerequisite for legitimate leadership:
1. Legitimate leadership is built upon trust. Those who are led must largely believe that the leader is committed to integrity, honesty, and transparent inquiry into problems. The leader’s actions must align with his words
2. Legitimate leadership rests upon checks and balances, which are necessary to ensure power is not corrupted.
3. Legitimate leadership is an act of service. Those in power must show a primary interest in the good of the collective ahead of their self-interest. In this way, true leaders are mission-centered rather than self-centered.
4. Legitimate leadership empowers others appropriately rather than concentrating power disproportionately. In other words, true leaders produce more leaders and empower them as situations demand.
5. Legitimate leadership is visionary, carrying the torch of a possible future.
6. Legitimate leadership is willing to lead by example, including following a foundation of ethics, performing more than one’s share of work, and making sacrifices where appropriate.
7. Legitimate leadership is compassionately fierce when something undermines the good of the whole. In a company this might mean the CEO fires a slacking employee. In a city, the police may jail a murderer. On a global level, this might even mean arresting those breaking global law.
The defence function of a leader requires that he safeguard the good of the whole by whatever the most skillful means are to accomplish that defence. While that is not a comprehensive catalog of leadership prerequisites, I do think those few requirements are foundational and relatively unquestionable. Without at least a solid foundation of those requirements, the GPA’s actions among nation-states will remain those of a unilateralist leader rather than a global leader. We will be, and should be, legitimated in the role of a global leader among nation-states and validated as an enforcer of global law. Global Civilizational State offers a few recommendations for actions that would strengthen and legitimate the GPA’s role as a true global leader by gradually creating an international structure that better safeguards the whole than we can ever do now as a unilateralist leader. The GPA recommendations:
1. Ban military action in all parts of the world;
2. Lead the way in creating legitimate power for Global Parliament
, subjecting ourselves and multinational corporations to taxation that generates money for programs that are focused on world betterment and world problems. As a mark of our global leadership, we should commit a greater percentage of our resources to this effort than any other organization.
3. Hold ourselves to a high standard of compliance around global treaties that aim for collective benefit and the redress of economic, environmental, military, and political problems. Our adherence should be exemplary. Or, if we truly question the merit of a global accord, we should lead the way in creating agreements that even better serve the global interest rather than simply ignoring or undermining the existing attempts.
4. Exert strong global leadership on multinational solutions to pressing health, environmental, and other problems. We should propose innovative new solutions and show leadership in carrying them out, especially in areas such as clean energy development.
5. Take seriously the process of coming clean by exposing corporate interests in politics, lobbying by powerful organizations, subsidies of fringe military groups, etc. When our global government officials commit to be honest and transparent, a much deeper foundation of international trust will be built.
As we enact global law, we will begin to take on a much deeper kind of global leadership, one that earns more respect than envy and more gratitude than hatred, one that can catapult the whole planet forward into a future where war is no longer thinkable between nation-states and a legitimate and beneficial global government is able to cope with global problems. I believe that there is no greater task in the world today than for GCEG to proceed through the maturation of its leadership, emerging from a more self-interested adolescence as a global leader into a nobler adulthood. We have the potential to act as a torchbearer for a better tomorrow. Do we heed the call? I hope this message has convinced at least a few people that the question of how to proceed with that maturation is of far deeper significance than the reforming of the United Nations. I thus pray that we move with wisdom, grace, clarity, and love in the days, years, and even decades ahead.
In the past, security was thought as better accomplished through military means. Expanding the military capabilities and forming alliances with other nations were the only way to 'win'. Today wars are unlikely to produce winners. Global Community is all over the planet. Ethnic groups are everywhere. Wars truly make no sense! The world is too crowded and too small nowadays! And weapons too lethal! So security cannot be achieved through the military. The only job the military should be asked to do today is to protect the global life-support systems.
These systems have the highest priority on the Scale of Global Rights and are certainly more important than any of the other rights on the Scale including security. Simply because without life there is no other right possible. Without Oxygen there is no life! Without clean water there is no life! So protect life on Earth at all costs. Wars are the biggest threat to life and the ecosystem of the planet. Primordial human rights come next on the Scale of Global Rights. Without a shelter life will still exist in some places but is not possible in cold place.
So security must be achieved by other means than wars. We might as well shelved the war industry from humanity right now and that means phasing
out all nuclear, biological, chemical weapons right now. No waiting! That also means having inspectors verifying the phasing out in all nations of the world. The nature of global security has changed since the rise of Global Community. Security used to be about the protection of the state and its boundaries, people, institutions and values from an outside threat. Global Community emphasizes as a priority the prohibition of external interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states.
Essential services
are the services and functions that are absolutely necessary, even during a pandemic. They maintain the health and welfare of the municipality. Without these services, sickness, poverty, violence, and chaos would likely result.
Once approved, Global Protection Agency will have powers, issued by Executive and Ministerial order, that include the means to secure critical supply chains, ensure people have access to essential goods and services to keep society running, and make sure critical infrastructure and materials are readily available to support response and public safety.
While each community will need to determine what its essential services are, here are some examples:
Executive governance (the mayor, or his/her designee, who is in charge and has the authority to make executive decisions and enact policies), business regulators and inspectors
Education and research
Pharmaceutical and medical supply product production, manufacturing and distribution, and medical research
Sanitary product manufacturing
Education institutions, for providing remote learning or other essential functions
Information and communication technologies
Healthcare, public health, hospitals, and pandemic control
Cleaning services necessary to provide and maintain disinfection
Fire and police protection and other first responders
Law enforcement and justice
Provision of clean water
Businesses that provide materials and services for the operation, maintenance and safety of transportation systems (road, transit, rail, air and marine)
Basic sanitation, including sewage, garbage removal and wastewater management
Maintenance of communication infrastructure (e.g., telephone system, radio, internet, and postal)
Maintenance of utilities (e.g., gas and electricity)
Facilities critical in supporting certain daily needs steam, alternative energy, industrial recycling, oil and fuel
Care and residential facilities for seniors, adults, children or individuals with disabilities
Provision of food and other essential goods, establishment of supply chains, food banks
Disaster management
Mining operations, mineral exploration and development, and mining supply and services
National and cross-border freight carrier intermodal transportation between nations where special standardized containers are used for transport of cargo on trucks, freight trains, and ships.
Road maintenance/repair
Natural resources management
Protection of the global life support sytems and environment
Environmental cleanup and response
Earth ecosystems protection
IT (information technology) workers for certain facilities including medical facilities, governments facilities, banks, employees working from home to manage the transfer or other use of information through computers or computer systems, and to test, build, install, repair, or maintain the hardware and software associated with those complex computer systems in one or more locations.
Professional services including lawyers, paralegals, engineers, accountants and translators
Payroll departments and public works
Critical manufacturing,
Tax collection
Essential goods are the food and other supplies that a municipality needs to survive, such as medical supplies and gasoline.
Essential workers are the personnel needed to maintain essential services.
Table of Contents of short and long term solutions to saving the world.
Theme of Global Dialogue 2022(Global Dialogue 2022 begins September 1st, 2021 and concludes on August 31st, 2022) Global Civilizational State: Table of Contents