Portal of the Global Community

This is the main index for information concerning activities of the Global Community
Links to previous Newsletters are shown here
Volume 6       Issues 3    March  2008
Politics and Justice without borders


A truthful democracy for the people of the North American continent

 Global Community voting on issues

Global Community voting on issues
Artwork by Germain Dufour
February 1, 2008

Table of Contents

This is the way     Message from the Spiritual Leader of the Global Community
Message from the Editor    GIM  Message from the Editor
Message from the President of Earth Government    Message from the President of Earth Government

Letter to all people of the Global Community of North America (GCNA)
Ever wonder why Canadians and Mexicans were never asked in a referendum the kind of relationship we want to have with Americans and the White House? Ever wonder why Canadians and Mexicans dont have a veto power on the White House's policies and legislation, and yet we feed Americans with our resources? How is that possible? What does that do to the world, to all life on Earth, and to the next generations? As of January 30, 2008, the total U.S. federal debt held by the public was roughly $5.1 trillion and the annual deficit roughly $400 billion. They paid very little for our resources and with money they borrowed every year from China. Americans buy our ' home grown corporations ' with money they dont own. When they have not borrowed the money, they have invaded other nations and taken their resources. Blood resources. Blood money. How can we trust a partner that is basically bankrupted morally and economically? How can we let our governments be dealing with the White House on an agreement such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)? Read letter to   all people of the  Global Community of North America

Key words:     Free Trade Agreement (FTA), the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), and the Global Government of North America (GGNA).

Canadian society:     a vibrant, modern, symbiosis global society Canadian society: a vibrant, modern, symbiosis global society

Key words:     Canadian multiculturalism, diversity, the Canadian experience, immigration, symbiosis global society, symbiotical relationship, global ministries

Direct Democracy Global Voting on the Net
  • Direct democracy
    A)    How 'direct democracy' works
    B)    Development report on direct democracy
    C)    The Global Community overall picture on direct democracy
  • The process of global voting on the Internet

  • A democracy for the Americas

  • We can do better together as friends and united as a Global Government: the Canadian view point.

  • The Global Government of North America (GGNA) represents all citizens of the North American Community and others. Find out what it means to be united as a Global Government.

  • A new world to build, a future to share and protect together!

  • Canada wants a veto power on all major proposals, policies, strategies, or any action (s) submitted to the GGNA for approval. Canada wants "direct democracy"

  • Ratification of the Global Constitution

  • The militarization of Canadian Culture

  • The Militarization and Annexation of North America

  • The Global Community perspective on the control of the Northwest Passage, Canada sovereignty of Nunavut and 'blood resources'

  • Canadian society: a vibrant, modern, symbiosis global society

  • Ever wonder why Canadians were never asked in a referendum the kind of relationship we want to have with Americans and the White House? Ever wonder why Canadians dont have a veto power on the White House's policies and legislation, and yet we feed Americans with our resources?
  • GGNA vs NAFTA and the FTAA: the Canadian view point

    1.0     Global Community Earth Government (GCEG) Global Community Earth Government (GCEG)
    2.0     Global Governments Federation Global Governments Federation
    3.0     Global Government of North America (GGNA) Global Government of North America (GGNA) Letters
        a.     Human and Earth Rights within the GGNA
        b.     GGNA proposal
        b.     GGNA principles
    4.0     Portal of the Global Community of North America (GCNA) Global Community  of North America (GCNA)
    5.0     Recommendations to all Peoples on Earth Recommendations to all Peoples
    6.0     Politics and Justice without borders: Canada and the U.S. Politics and Justice without borders: Canada and the U.S. Politics and Justice without borders: Canada and the U.S.
    7.0     Politics and Justice without borders: Canada, the U.S. and Mexico Politics and Justice without borders: Global Government of North America Chapter XIX of the Global Constitution Politics and Justice without borders: Canada, the U.S. and Mexico
    8.0     Global citizenship Global citizenship Chapter VI of the Global Constitution
    9.0     Global Laws  Global Laws

We seek more symbiotical relationships with people and organizations We seek more symbiotical relationships of the kind we have with the Earth Rights Institute  (ERI)
Note concerning personal info sent to us by email Note concerning personal info sent to us by email
Call for Papers Call for Papers
Participate now in Global Dialogue 2008  Participate now in Global Dialogue 2008
We have now streamlined the participation process in the Global Dialogue We have now streamlined the participation process in the Global Dialogue
Press Release concerning the 22 nd Year Anniversary of the Global Community organization Press Release concerning the 22 nd Year Anniversary of the Global Community organization

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Message from the Editor

The Editor of the Global Information Media is now accepting articles, letters, reports, research papers, discussions and global dialogues, and messages for publication. This Media is a way to communicate workable sound solutions to problems arising in the world. Let us share our problems and workable sound solutions. Sharing information is a necessity to all life and humanity's survival. Our world is changing fast before our eyes, and we must react quickly and hard to protect all life on Earth. No hesitation! Right now and no waiting! Life on the planet is our first priority. We must protect it at all costs. We, global citizens, fight to protect life on Earth for this generation and the next ones. We are the defenders of the environment and the global life-support systems. We know who the beasts are, and how they destroy the living on our planet. We have rallied together all over the world to protect our home, Earth. But this time we are not alone. We know it all! We know how everything works. And we will do whatever it takes to protect life on Earth. "We the Peoples", the Global Community, the GCEG, are the Earth revolutionaries, and we will protect life on Earth at all costs.

This is the main index for the Global Information Media (GIM) concerning activities of the Global Community.

GIM was organized with more than sixty sections. Each section allows everyone to participate in the Global Dialogue. You pick an issue, and you participate. All sections may contain any of the following information: abstracts, research papers, notes, outlines, videos and other works of art, posters, articles, letters, press releases, reports, and newsletters. They may also contain discussions, global dialogues, brain-storming exercises on issues, or just email messages from interested participants and groups.

We are delighted to receive new articles for future Newsletters from our readers. It is imperative that, if you give us permission to re-print, all or in part, you include all copyright verification of permission of quote. We do not have a copyright research expert to do this work.

Just so you all know we don't pay anyone, and we don't pay expenses. We do volunteer work for humanity. We expect volunteers to be responsible and accountable of all their actions. We do soft activism work. The Global Constitution shows us how to operate our organization. We follow Global Law as shown in the Global Constitution. All those who do volunteer work for us must become familliar with it and become 'global citizens'. We want our volunteers to be completely loyal to the Global Community and to the values and principles we promote.

The Editor.

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Message from the Spiritual Leader of the Global Community

The world is in a state of perpetual turmoil. We are worlds within worlds orbiting in and through each other’s space. Our interactions with one another can be planned and executed in a caring, considerate manner so that all may exist and not destroy the other.

A good place to start this day would be to see the people living in far away places as we see our neighbors. Neighbors are people we should see as people very much like ourselves. Love your neighbors as yourself. Many scientists have shown that our genetic make-up as human beings are not that much different than that of many other life-forms. The reality is that we as people are not that much different from one another. Our education and upbringings are different and created cultural and religious differences. Conflicts originate often because of these cultural and religious differences.

My teaching for the day is to make the effort to understand what make us different from one another and find a way to appreciate those differences. We also have to make the effort of understanding other life-forms in Nature and appreciate the differences. Because of brain capacity, we dont expect other life-forms of understanding us, but we do have a moral responsibility of understanding them and appreciate the differences. God loves diversity in Nature and in Souls. God loves good Souls from all cultures and religions, and from all life. Yes there is a Soul in every living life-form and God loves them too.

Spiritual Leader of the Global Community
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Message from the President of Earth Government

Ever wonder why Canadians and Mexicans were never asked in a referendum the kind of relationship we want to have with Americans and the White House? Ever wonder why Canadians and Mexicans dont have a veto power on the White House's policies and legislation, and yet we feed Americans with our resources? How is that possible? What does that do to the world, to all life on Earth, and to the next generations? As of January 30, 2008, the total U.S. federal debt held by the public was roughly $5.1 trillion and the annual deficit roughly $400 billion. They paid very little for our resources and with money they borrowed every year from China. Americans buy our ' home grown corporations ' with money they dont own. When they have not borrowed the money, they have invaded other nations and taken their resources. Blood resources. Blood money. How can we trust a partner that is basically bankrupted morally and economically? How can we let our governments be dealing with the White House on an agreement such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)?

Soon there will be a meeting in Louisiana State between the governments of Canada, the United States and Mexico to discuss about the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). I urge all Canadians and Mexicans to oppose such an agreement. It is fundamentally flawed. Instead, Canada and Mexico must negotiate the establishment of the Global Government of North America (GGNA) with the United States to include all economic, social, cultural, and environmental aspects, and a veto power for each partner, and have that approved in a referendum by all Canadians and Mexicans.

The Global Community Assessment Centre (GCAC) is the Centre of assessment of local/global indicators about the four major quality systems: Environment, People, Economic Development and the Availability of Resources. Ever since 1985, the yearly assessment of these indicators have resulted in giving the Global Community a sense of direction as to ensure a sound future for Earth. Local and global indicators developed by the Global Community have also been used as basic scientific information.

The GCAC is about the restoration of the planet, our home.

In order to do this GCAC will continue to amass a body of scientific information based on formal assessments such as those on Biodiversity, Climate Change, Human Development Report, World Development Report, struggle for Human and Earth Rights, life species Conservation, Health, Economic Analyses, Commission on Sustainable Development, etc., which have bridged the distance between incomplete science and contentious policy.

Furthermore, no one really understands what assessment processes have been most effective in the past, or why others have failed. GCAC’s goal is to explore how assessment of local/global indicators can better link scientific understanding with the progressive implementation of effective policy solutions to global changes. Achieving this integration is fundamental. The Global Community needs this annual assessment to effectively manage global changes.

GCAC has also conducted yearly surveys on global issues. An appropriate voting system was researched and developed by the Global Community through its Global Dialogue. The Global Dialogue is itself a way to ask people from all over the world to tell us their opinions and needs on global issues, and to participate in finding better ways of doing things. That is how we have developed the global concepts, the Global Constitution, the Federation, the Global Protection Agency (GPA), and many other aspects of the Global Community, and what made us the real governing body of Earth. We have researched and developed global laws, and we want everyone to comply with the laws.

You have often been asked to vote on global issues. Once more we ask you to vote. Voting is part of our "we the people democracy". It is a the global referendum. It is direct democracy. You have been giving the freedom to choose. We want you to tell us the choices of your local community on global issues. A process was created for this purpose alone. GCAC manages it. Voting on global issues will now be a part of our monthly Newsletter. Vote now.

Make sure you understand the process of voting. As a start, read about the Global Dialogue 2008 OVERVIEW of the process.
Read the articles included here in this Newsletter. Just background.
Choose a global issue from the list. Global  issues are listed here
You might want to propose your own global issue. Indicate that you do in your email to us.
Then vote yes or no. Send us an email including both the global issue and your choice. We will include your choice in the table below.

The theme of April Newsletter will be about the Global Community Peace Movement. We ask everyone to send articles, comments, projects, etc.

Again in April Newsletter, we will promote the coming Celebration of Life Day on May 26. Millions of people all over the world are celebrating. Tell us what you are planning to do on that day.

Germain Dufour
Earth Government

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Note concerning personal info sent to us by email

Our policy concerning personal information is simple: we dont show it. That includes phone numbers, fax numbers, addresses and any personal notes. Please do indicate what you consider a personal note as sometime it is hard to tell.

What we show is the work done by participants and authors, and their email addresses if any. We will show any work concerning issues, email discussions, opinions, articles, letters, reports, works of art, research papers, discussions and global dialogues, and messages for publication.

And also please note that our computer harddrives will not be containing personal info either. This is because of the damage hackers can do.

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Global Community year 2007 accomplishments

Our greatest accomplishment in year 2007 has been the streamlining of the participation process in the Global Dialogue.

The Global Community has developed a process for discussion on issues. Our Global Roundtable and Group Discussion by email are a very efficient way for sharing information and discussion. So I thought to include your messages for discussion along with many others. Others will come later.

I have included your email messages in several locations.

Now go to the Portal at http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GPA/Portal.htm and from there click on the Global Dialogue 2008 icon which then takes you to the lead page of the global dialogue at
On this lead page notice the image with five arrows (like the one shown here).

 The easy way to participate in the Global Dialogue

The five arrows show you the five different ways of participating in the global dialogue.

What may interest you most are the

1) Group Discussion by email and
2) Global Roundtables

Actually both a Group Discussion by email and a Global Roundtable are supplementing one another. Connect with either one. It shows a Main Index in either page.

Once you are in a Main Index take a look at the 'Listing of Global Roundtables 2008' or the 'Listing of 2008 Group Discussions by email ', and connect
with any of the following roundtables or email discussions:

  • R1     =     Democracy for the people (459,460,482,487,482)
  • R2     =     Global governance (491,501,502,514,557)
  • R3     =     Global Economic Model (466,497,531,540,549)
  • R4     =     Law of property ownership (465,467,468,474,490,526)
  • R5     =     Global Movement for Taxation (504,506,509,518,537,538,547,552)
  • R6     =     Global commons (499,500,513,534,535,541,546,562)
  • R7     =     Earth management (492)
  • R8     =     The planet - Life - Soul of Humanity symbiotical relationship (458,476,477,478,544)
  • R9     =     The meaning of 'a global community' in the context of 'Who owns the Earth?' (462,463)
  • R10     =     The meaning of 'the Global Community' in the context of 'Who owns the Earth?' (457,464,469,470,471,475,479,480,484,553)
  • R11     =     Global Community Peace Movement and land ownership (483,493,528)
  • R12     =     The primary social adjustment of the Global Community is a denial of justice (485,516)
  • R13     =     The huamn right to land and other natural resources (488)
  • R14     =     Scale of Earth and Human Rights and land ownership (494,498,503,523,527,529,533)
  • R15     =     Labour force, taxation and land ownership (507,508,512,532,539,548,550,551)
  • R16     =     Global Community, taxation and land ownership (472,510,511,515,517,521,522,524,542,545,558,559)
  • R17     =     Enforceable global law (519,563)
  • R18     =     Health of a person and health of the Earth (520)
  • R19     =     Global development, taxation and land ownership (473,486,525,536)
  • R20     =     Land ownership and the 'new way of doing business and trade' (489,530,554,560)
  • R21     =     Agriculture, taxation and land ownership (555,556)
  • R22     =     Environmental protection, taxation and land ownership (495,496,561)
  • R23     =     Poverty eradication and land ownership (481,505,543)
  • R24     =     Security for all life on the planet and land ownership (461)
  • R25     =     Climate change, global warming and land ownership (495,496,561)
  • R26     =     Social harmony and land ownership (459,460,482,487,482)
  • R27     =     Social justice and land ownership (519,563)
  • R28     =     Religion and land ownership (458,476,477,478,544)
  • R29     =     Global citizenship and land ownership (462,463)
  • R30     =     Earth Government and land ownership (491,501,502,514,557)
  • R31     =     Global Governments and land ownership (491,501,502,514,557)
  • R32     =     Global Constitution and land ownership (491,501,502,514,557)
  • R33     =     Agency of Global police and land ownership (483,493,528)
  • R34     =     Global sustainability and land ownership (466,497,531,540,549)
  • R35     =     Global civilization and land ownership (457,464,469,470,471,475,479,480,484,553)
  • R36     =     Preventive actions against polluters and land ownership (495,496,561)
  • R37     =     Earth resources management and land ownership (492)
  • R38     =     Sustainable cities and land ownership (473,486,525,536)
  • R39     =     Global economy, taxation and land ownership (466,497,531,540,549)
  • R40     =     Food production, manufacturing and land ownership (466,497,531,540,549)
  • R41     =     Mining and land ownership (492)
  • R42     =     Natural resources protection and land ownership (492)
  • R43     =     Biodiversity, Earth ecosystems, global life-support systems, and land ownership (492,495,496,561)


and by reading the section 'Work from participants and authors with a summary or abstract of each work', you  find that the listing and description of participants and authors with links to their work.

Now go back to the Portal and click on the Earth. There you have the special roundtable on 'Who owns the Earth?'

If you decide to participate your message or work will be included here:

What is important here is the possibility of organizing a major roundtable on 'Who owns the Earth?'  with group discussion by email.

Let me know if this is OK for you.

Keep in touch.


Germain Dufour
Spiritual Leader of the Global Community
the Global Community
Global Community Earth Government

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