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Global ethics, corporate social responsibility, and new way of doing business
Youth participation in the Global Community activities and Earth Government
Cities: power, rights, responsibilities and accountabilities
A strategy for implementing the area of freedom, security and justice without borders
Racism, xenophobia and discrimination
Asylum, immigration, border control
Religious and environmental communities have formed a powerful alliance for sustainability
Genetically modified stem cells, gene therapy, and genetically modified plants and food
Preventive actions against polluters
Global warming systems, fossil fuels, forest industry and paper manufacturing
Mines and mining the impacts
We invite anyone to submit articles, comments, recommendations, and projects to be made available here to the Global Community of North America.
Recommendations to humanity
Help Tsunamis victims, victims of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita
along the Gulf Coast, and victims of landslides, hurricanes, earthquakes, forest fires, environmental disasters, and terrorist attacks in all parts of the world.
Contact the GCNA Emergency, Rescue, and Relief Centre
We can do better together as friends and united as a Global Government.
Read about the Canadian view point.
The Global Government of North America (GGNA) represents all citizens of the North American Community and others. Find out what it means to be united as a Global Government.
A new world to build, a future to share and protect together! We, global citizens, have kept our
love for the real GGNA, the GGNA of separate democracies, each with its glorious
culture and history. What we fear and dislike intensely are the Free Trade
Agreement (FTA), the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and
the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), which are very different things. We Canadian-skeptics love the real Canada, but we see NAFTA and the FTAA
as a bad idea. It is a bad idea like slavery, communism, high-rise flats.
Canada wants a veto power on all major proposals, policies, strategies, or any action (s) submitted to the GGNA for approval.
Canada wants "direct democracy". As defined in Chapter 10.6.3 of the Global Constitution, and Section 4 on the Scale of Human and Earth Rights,
direct democracy is a community right. Direct democracy is the right of global citizens to hold referendums on any issue -- and to veto legislation.
by Germain Dufour
Global Community Earth Government
Member Nation of the GGNA is allowed to go alone (unilaterally) on any such major proposals, policies, and strategies, or any action (s) that can have an
impact on all other Member Nations of the GGNA.
Ratification of the Global Constitution
People and governments from all Nations are required to sign and ratify the Global Constitution.
You can access the webpage handling this process.
The militarization of Canadian Culture
The Hill Times, April 9, 2007
by Murray Dobbin
Harper government is trying to make 'mission' in Afghanistan defining
characteristic of who Canadians are. With no public debate,
we now have a war-fighting military taking up more and more
political space in Canada's constellation of defining institutions.
You can access this letter to the Global Community.
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The Militarization and Annexation of North America
Steve Lendman News, July 19, 2007
by Stephen Lendman The Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) unmasked
You can access this letter to the Global Community.
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Investigative report
The Global Community perspective on the control of the Northwest Passage, Canada sovereignty of Nunavut and 'blood resources'
by Germain Dufour
Spiritual Leader of the Global Community
Key words: Canada sovereignty, Northwest Passage, criteria for sovereignty, biodiversity zone in the North, new Nunavut settlements, blood resources, Global Community, movement for taxation on natural resources,
North America security for all life, Earth is the birth right of all life, Earth ownership, Scale of Human and Earth Rights, Global Law, global citizenship, Kyoto Protocol,
global warming, climate change, global symbiotical
relationship, Global protection Agency, Agency of Global Police, invasion of Afghanistan and Middle East, Saudi Arabia, war industry, United Nations,
GCNA Emergency, Rescue and Relief Centre
Who owns the Nortwest Passage? What is Canada sovereignty in the North?
The Global Community perspective
Background research for this paper: historical facts, principles, standards, articles, ways of doing things in the past, issues, maps, etc.
This report may be a starting place for a group global discussion and roundtable on the issues of Canada sovereignty in Nunavut and the control of the Northwest Passage.
If you wish to send a reply I will post it on the Global Community website in the Group Discussions by email section at
and in the Global Roundtable section at
For now I started the process by researching and writing a paper concerned with the issues, and you will find the research paper at
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