Global Community Earth Government
Politics and Justice without borders
Global Dialogue 2007
Global Dialogue 2007: building global communities for all life
theme Theme of Global Dialogue 2007: building global communities for all life
Building global communities for all life Global Dialogue 2007: building global communities for all life

Certified Corporate G. C. Citizenship

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Sign-up to obtain the ECO Award The ECO Award in the business category, your Certified Corporate Global Community Citizenship (CCGCC) to show the world your ways of doing business are best for the Global Community.

The Global Community proposes to corporations that they take responsibility on behalf of society and people, and that they should pay more attention to human and Earth rights, working conditions and getting ride of corruption in the world of business and trade. We have developed a criteria, and we ask you to turn it into practice. Governments should encourage enterprises to use the criteria both by legal and moral means. At first, the criteria should be adopted in key areas such as procurement, facilities management, investment management, and human resources. Corporations want to be seen as good corporate leaders and have a stronger form of accountability. Business and trade will prosper after stronger common bonds and values have been established. Adopting the criteria will have a beneficial impact on future returns, and share price performance.

Obtaining one ECO will help businesses to be part of the solution to the challenges of globalisation. In this way, the private sector in partnership with the civil society can help realize a vision: allowing a global equitable and peaceful development and a more stable and inclusive global economy.

The Global Community Assessment Centre (GCAC) will guide you on how to better integrate criteria issues in your business. In the context of a healthy world sustainable development, companies will perform better and increase shareholder value by properly managing risks, anticipating regulatory action or accessing new markets. Tangible results of adopting the criteria include a better company reflected in its reputation and quality of brands.

Obtaining one ECO is a tremendous asset to business owners, self-regulatory organizations, investors, brokers, regulators, stock exchanges, accountants, analysts, financial advisers, asset managers, and consultants. It will contribute to strengthen investment markets.

The quality of Earth governance is reflected in each local community worldwide. The Global Community will show leadership by creating a global civil ethic within our ways of life. The Charter of the Global Community describes all values needed for good global governance: mutual respect, tolerance, respect for life, justice for all everywhere, integrity, and caring. The Scale of Human and Earth Rights has become an inner truth and the benchmark of the millennium in how everyone sees all values. The Scale encompasses the right of all people to:

*     the preservation of ethnicity
*     equitable treatment, including gender equity
*     security
*     protection against corruption and the military
*     earn a fair living, have shelter and provide for their own welfare and that of their family
*     peace and stability
*     universal value systems
*     participation in governance at all levels
*     access the Earth Court of Justice for redress of gross injustices
*     equal access to information

Governance of the Earth will make the rule of arbitrary power--economic (WTO, FTAA, EU), political, or military (NATO)-- subjected to the rule of law within the global civil society, the human family. Justice is for everyone and is everywhere, a universal constant. Justice is without borders.

The Global Community has no intention of changing the status and privileges of state governments. In fact, state governments become primary members of the Global Community. Global governance can only be effective within the framework of the criteria of the Global Community citizenship.

The Global Community was built from a grassroots process with a vision for humanity that is challenging every person on Earth as well as nation governments, and has a vision of the people working together building a new civilization including a healthy and rewarding future for the next generations. Global cooperation brings people together for a common future for the good of all.

Earth governance does not imply a lost of state sovereignty and territorial integrity. A nation government exists within the framework of an effective Global Community protecting common global values and humanity heritage. Earth governance gives a new meaning to the notions of territoriality, and non-intervention in a state way of life, and it is about protecting the cultural heritage of a state. Diversity of cultural and ethnic groups is an important aspect of Earth governance.

Earth governance is a balance between the rights of states with rights of people, and the interests of nations with the interests of the the Global Community, the human family, the global civil society.

Earth governance is about the rights of states to self-determination in the global context of the Global Community rather than the traditional context of a world of separate states.

Although the Global Community ensures state governments that it will obey the principle of non-intervention in domestic affairs, it will also stand for the rights and interests of the people within individual states in which the security of people is extensively endangered. A global consensus to that effect will be agreed upon by all nation states.

Effective Earth governance requires a greater understanding of what it means to live in a more crowded, interdependent humanity with finite resources and more pollution threatening the global life-support systems. The Global Community has no other choice but to work together at all levels. The collective power is needed to create a better world .

As a business you may:

a)     be a corporate Knight
b)     be a socially responsible investor
c)     have taken the challenge of a more integrated approach to corporate responsibility by placing environmental and community-based objectives and measures onto the decision-making table alongside with the strategic business planning and operational factors that impact your bottom-line results
d)    provide not only competitive return to your shareholders but you also operate your business in light of environmental and social contributions, and you have understood the interdependence between financial performance, environmental performance and commitment to the community
e)     have taken a full life-cycle approach to integrate and balance environmental and economic decisions for major projects
f)     have an active Environmental, Health and Safety Committee and integrated codes of conduct, policies, standards and operating procedures to reflect your corporate responsibility management
g)     have scored high on categories such as:

* environmental performance
* product safety
* business practices
* help small business in the least developed countries
* commitment to the community
* abolition of child labour
* eliminate discrimination in respect of employment and occupation
* employee relations and diversity
* effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining
* corporate governance
* share performance
* global corporate responsibility
* against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery
* health, safety and security
* provided help to combat diseases such as AIDS
* uphold the freedom of association
* audits and inspections
* emergency preparedness
* corporate global ethical values
* ensured decent working conditions
* implemented no-bribe policies
* standards of honesty, integrity and ethical behaviour
* elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour
* in line with the Scale of Human and Earth Rights and the Charter of Global Community
h)     support a balance and responsible approach that promotes action on the issue of climate change as well as all other issues related to the global life-support systems:

* global warming
* Ozone layer
* wastes of all kind including nuclear and release of radiation
* climate change
* species of the fauna and flora becoming extinct
* losses of forest cover and of biological diversity
* the capacity for photosynthesis
* the water cycle
* food production systems
* genetic resources
* chemicals produced for human use and not found in nature and, eventually, reaching the environment with impacts on Earth's waters, soils, air, and ecology

Now is time to reach a higher level of protection to life on Earth. We all need this for the survival of our species. We can help you integrate and balance global life-support systems protection, global community participation, and economic decisions into your operations and products.

We want to help you be an active corporate member of the Global Community, the human family, the Earth Community.

Apply to us to be a global corporate citizen of the Global Community.

A Certified Corporate Global Community Citizenship is a unique way to show the world that your ways of doing business are best for the Global Community.

You can obtain the citizenship after accepting the Criteria of the Global Community Citizenship and following an assessment of your business. The process shown here is now standardized to all applicants. You are then asked to operate your business as per the values of the citizenship.

GCAC will be conducting the assessment of your business. GCAC is the assessment centre of the Global Community. It was created to give individuals, businesses or other organizations help and advice about negative events happening in their communities which cause concern to people, resources, industry or the environment. GCAC is also the Centre of assessment of local and global indicators about the four major quality systems: Environment, People, Economic Development and the Availability of Resources. The assessment of these indicators will result in giving the Global Community a sense of direction as to ensure a sound future for Earth.

In order to do this GCAC will continue to amass a body of scientific information based on formal assessments such as those on Biodiversity, Climate Change, Human Development Report, World Development Report, struggle for Human and Earth Rights, life species Conservation, Health, Economic Analyses, Commission on Sustainable Development, etc., which have bridged the distance between incomplete science and contentious policy. Local and global indicators developed by the Global Community will also be used as basic scientific information.

Furthermore, no one really understands what assessment processes have been most effective in the past, or why others have failed. GCAC’s goal is to explore how assessment of local and global indicators can better link scientific understanding with the progressive implementation of effective policy solutions to global changes. Achieving this integration is fundamental. The Global Community needs this annual assessment to effectively manage global changes.

GCAC conducts an annual assessment of the 'Global Community Overall Picture' which describes the situation in all nations of the world. The world was divided into five different regions: North America, Latin America & the Caribbean, Africa, Europe, and Asia & Oceania. Each assessment has a description of what is happening in the different regions. They are actual facts concerning issues we have discussed during previous global dialogues in years 2000, 2002 and 2004. Issues between now and the coming global dialogue in 2006 are also included in this project. Our work is too create a plausible scenario(s) of what the world could be between now and 'a not-so-distant-future'. This project will help humanity understand itself better.

Certainly our work is sound. We have already produced very valuable and original tools to help humanity: the Vision of Earth in Year 2024, the Scale of Human and Earth Rights and the Charter of the Global Community, the Earth Court of Justice, global ministries, and we stood for the values we promoted no matter how big was the opponent. Now is time to expand our work for the good of all humanity.

The Global Community believes all citizens have the right to share the wealth in the world. Foreign investment and the trade agreement must protect and improve social and environmental rights, not just the economy. A global sustainable development would mean finding a sound balance among the interactions designed to create a healthy economic growth, preserve environmental quality, make a wise use of our resources, and enhance social benefits. Free trade cannot proceed at the expense of the environment, labour rights, human rights and the sovereignty of a nation. Free trade will lead to an increase in poverty by giving investor rights priority over government decision-making. Employers will be looking for more concessions from workers. Small businesses will find it more difficult to grow and compete against large corporations.

For the first time in human history, and the first time this millennium, humanity has proposed a benchmark:

*     formation of global ministries in all important aspects of our lives
*     the Scale of Human and Earth Rights as a replacement to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
*     Statement of Rights and Responsibilities of a person belonging to 'a global community' and to 'the Global Community'
*     an evolved Democracy based on the Scale of Human and Earth Rights and the Charter of the Global Community
*     a central organization for Earth management, the restoration of the planet and Earth governance: the Global Community Assessment Centre (GCAC)
*     the Earth Court of Justice to deal with all aspects of governance and management of the Earth
*     a new impetus given to the way of doing business and trade
*     more new, diversified (geographical, economical, political, social, business, religious) symbiotical relationships between nations, communities, businesses, for the good and well-being of all
*     proposal to reform the United Nations, World Trade Organization, World Bank, IMF, E.U., NAFTA, FTAA, and to centralize them under the Global Community, and these organizations will be asked to pay a global tax to be administered by the Global Community
*     the Peace Movement of the Global Community and shelving of the war industry from humanity
*     a global regulatory framework for capitals and corporations that emphasizes global corporate ethics, corporate social responsibility, protection of human and Earth rights, the environment, community and family aspects, safe working conditions, fair wages and sustainable consumption aspects
*     the ruling by the Earth Court of Justice of the abolishment of the debt of the poor or developing nations as it is really a form of global tax to be paid annually by the rich or industrialized nations to the developing nations
*     establishing freshwater and clean air as primordial human rights

The Global Community promotes the adoption of world sustainable development and for strong international cooperation to achieve world sustainable development. Global cooperation can facilitate native people's acceptance of rational policies, financial assistances and advanced technologies provided by the international community and that international cooperation also can contribute to regulating world population distribution, improving low population quality of backward countries, protecting and exploiting natural resources, developing those products and industries which can cause lower consumption of natural resources and energy sources with light pollution of environment, and keeping environmental stability and ecological balance. In a word, international cooperation greatly contributes to world sustainable development.

Earth environmental governance can only be achieved successfully within the larger context of sustainable developent and Earth management. All aspects are inter-related and affect one another. A healthy environment is essential to long term prosperity and well-being, and citizens in the Global Community demand a high level of ecological protection. This is the 'raison d'etre' of the Scale of Human and Earth Rights. On the Scale, primordial human rights and the protection of the global life-support systems (ecological rights) are on top of the Scale. They are the most important aspects. Primordial human rights are those human rights that individuals have by virtue of their very existence as human beings: to live, have security, eat, drink fresh water, breath clean air, and have shelter. These rights are separate categories than ecological rights, the right of the greatest number of people, economic rights, social rights, cultural rights and religious rights. Ecological and primordial human rights are the only rights that have existed unchanged throughout the evolutionary origin of our species. Any major change would have threatened our very existence. All other human rights listed here are rights created by human beings and can be changed depending of new circumstances; they are not stagnant but are rather flexible and adaptive, and they can evolve. Ecological and primordial human rights of this generation and of future generations are therefore much more important than any other human rights existing now and in the future.

Ever since the early 1990s, the Global Community has developed and defined sustainable development and a mean of measuring it. Now we want the corporate world as well as everyone else, all consumers, to integrate and balance global life-support systems protection, global community participation, and economic decisions into your operations and products, and into your way of life and of doing things.

Global Community WebNet Ltd. is a federal corporation of Canada. The corporation has sponsored the research and development of the global concepts of the Earth Community Organization (ECO). It has sponsored global dialogues:

A) Global Dialogue 2000
World Congress on Managing and Measuring Sustainable Development: Global Community Action 1
Held in Guelph, Ontario, Canada, August 1-22, 2000

B) Global Dialogue 2002
Earth Management - All Peoples together
Theme: Earth Government for Earth Community - A grassroots process -
Held in August 17-22, 2002, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and on Internet in August 1-31, 2002.

C) Global Dialogue 2004
New Age Civilization of the 3rd Millennium: the age of global co-operation and symbiotical relationships
Theme: A Vision to Caring for Life and Earth
Held August 21st, 2004 in Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada, and on Internet in August 1-31, 2004.

It is now sponsoring Global Dialogue 2006
Politics and Justice without borders
Theme: Actions for the good of all as per the Statement of Rights and Responsibilities of the Global Community citizens.

These global dialogues have resulted in the establishment of the criteria of the Global Community Citizenship and of the Certified Corporate Global Community Citizenship.

Global Community WebNet Ltd. was the first corporation on Earth to qualify and obtain one ECO, the Certified Corporate Global Community Citizenship.

Criteria of the Global Community Citizenship

1. Acceptance of the Statement of Rights and Responsibilities of a person belonging to 'a global community' and to 'the Global Community', the Earth Community, the human family. That is, to take such a stand has four parts:

a)     I am not just a woman, I am a person, I am citizen of a global community,
b)     I am not just a man, I am a person, I am citizen of a global community,
c)     We are responsible, accountable and equal persons in every way, and we will manage wisely our population and Earth, and
d)     We are citizens of the Global Community, the Earth Community, the human family.

We need to take this stand for the survival of our species.

2. Acceptance of the concept of 'a global community'. The concept of 'a global community' is part of the Glass Bubble concept of a global community. The concept was first researched and developed by the Earth Community Organization (ECO).

We have already said that 'a global community' is not about a piece of land you acquired by force or otherwise. A typical global community may be what a group of people, together, wants it to be. It can be a group of people with the same values. It can be a group of people with the same cultural background, or the same religious background. Or it can be a group of people with different values and beliefs, and with totally different backgrounds and origins. One could think of a typical global community of a million people that does not have to be bounded by a geographical or political border. It can be a million people living in many different locations all over the world. The Global Community is thus more fluid and dynamic. The Global Community is this great, wide, wonderful world made of all these diverse global communities. We need to let go the archaic ways of seeing a community as the street where we live and contained by a border. The people making a global community may be living in many different locations on the planet. It can be a village, or two villages together where people have decided to unite as one global community. The two villages may be found in different parts of the world. It can be a town, a city, or a nation. It can be two or more nations together.

We can no longer perceive ourselves as a People who could survive alone and a People who does not need anyone else. We belong and depend to this much larger group, that of the Global Community. The 21st Century will see limitless links and symbiotical relationships with and within the Global Community. A global symbiotical relationship between two or more nations, or between two or more global communities, can have trade as the major aspect of the relationship or it can have as many other aspects as agreed by the people involved. The fundamental criteria is that a relationship is created for the good of all groups participating in the relationship and for the good of humanity, all life on Earth. The relationship allows a global equitable and peaceful development.

The emphasis of a global symbiotical relationship is not so much on how much money a nation should have or how high a GDP should be although money can be made a part of the relationship. We all know developed countries live off developing countries so the emphasis has no need to stress out the profit a rich nation is making off a poor nation. The emphasis of the relationship should give more importance to the other aspects such as quality of life, protection of the environment and of the global life-support systems, the entrenchment of the Scale of Human and Earth Rights and the Charter of the Global Community into our ways of life, justice, peace, cultural and spiritual freedom, security, and many other important aspects as described in the global ministries (health, agriculture, energy, trade, resources, etc.).

3. Acceptance of the Scale of Human and Earth Rights. To determine rights requires an understanding of needs and reponsibilities and their importance. The Scale of Human and Earth Rights and the Charter of the Global Community were researched and developed by the Global Community to guide us in continuing this process. The Scale shows social values in order of importance and so will help us understand the rights and responsibilities of global communities.

Scale of Human and Earth Rights

* Ecological rights and the protection of the global life-support systems
* Primordial human rights
* The ecological rights, the protection of the global life-support systems and the primordial human rights of future generations
* Community rights and the right that the greatest number of people has by virtue of its number (50% plus one) and after voting representatives democratically
* Economic rights (business and consumer rights, and their responsibilities and accountabilities) and social rights (civil and political rights)
* Cultural rights and religious rights

4. Acceptance of the Charter of the Global Community. The Charter of the Global Community is a declaration of interdependence and responsibility and an urgent call to build a global symbiotical relationship between nations for sustainable development. It is a commitment to Life and its evolution to bring humanity to God. The Global Community has focused people aspirations toward a unique goal: humanity survival now and in the future along with all Life on Earth. The Belief, Values, Principles and Aspirations of the Global Community of the Charter are closely interrelated. Together they provide a conception of sustainable development and set forth fundamental guidelines for achieving it; they were drawn from international law, science, philosophy, religion, and they were discussed as research papers during the global dialogues.

5. Acceptance of your birth right of electing a democratic government to manage Earth. The political system of an individual country does not have to be a democracy. Political rights of a country belong to that country alone. Democracy is not to be enforced by anyone and to anyone or to any global community. Every global community can and should choose the political system of their choice with the understanding of the importance of such a right on the Scale of Human and Earth Rights. On the other hand, representatives to the Global Community must be elected democratically in every part of the world. An individual country may have any political system at home but the government of that country will have to ensure (and allow verification by the Global Community) that representatives to the Global Community have been elected democratically. This way, every person in the world can claim the birth right of electing a democratic government to manage Earth: the rights to vote and elect representatives to form the Global Community.

6. Acceptance of the Earth Court of Justice as the highest Court on Earth. The Global Community is promoting the settling of disputes between nations through the process of the Earth Court of Justice. Justice for all is what we want. Justice withour borders! The Earth Court of Justice will hear cases involving crimes related to the global ministries. It will have the power to rule on cases involving crimes related to each one of the ministries.

Prosecuting criminals on the basis of universal jurisdiction regardless of a territorial or nationality nexus required a solid commitment of political will from national governments and the Global Community. Once in effect, the Earth Court of Justice will become the principal judicial organ of the Global Community. The Court will have a dual role: to settle in accordance with international law the legal disputes submitted to it by national governments, local communities, and in some special cases by corporations, non-government-organizations and citizens, and to give advisory opinions on legal questions referred to it by duly authorized organs and agencies.

The Court will be composed of judges elected by the Elected Representatives Council and Earth Security Council. It may not include more than one judge of any nationality. The Members of the Court do not represent their governments but are independent magistrates. The judges must possess the qualifications required in their respective countries for appointment to the highest judicial offices, or by jurists of recognized competence in international law. The composition of the Court has also to reflect the main forms of civilization and the principal legal systems of the world.

The Earth Court of Justice will hear cases involving:

*     nation states
*     national political and military leaders accountable for violations of international humanitarian law
*     'core' crimes of genocide
*     crimes against humanity and human rights
*     war crimes
*     crimes with significant impacts perpetuated against the life-support system of the planet (for instance wars and use of weapons of widespread destruction are listed under this category)
*     crimes related to the relentless misuse of the Earth Resources
*     environmental crimes
*     social crimes as the Court may see apply
*     crimes stemming from the global ministries

The Earth Court of Justice will also rule on global problems and concerns such as the creation of a new nation in the world, and disputing territories or land between nations.

The procedure followed by the Court is defined in its Statute. The Court decides in accordance with:

*     the Scale of Human and Earth Rights,
*     belief, values, principles and aspirations of the Global Community,
*     international treaties and conventions in force,
*     international custom,
*     the general principles of law,
*     as subsidiary means, judicial decisions and the teachings of the most highly qualified publicists,
*     the Statement of Rights and Responsibilities of Global Community citizens, and
*     the criteria of a Global Community citizen.

The Statute of the Earth Court of Justice will be established later.

The Earth Court of Justice established by the Charter of the Global Community as the principal organ of the Global Community shall be constituted and shall function in accordance with the provisions of the Statute.

History ] ECO Headquarters ] ECO Executive ] Charter of the Global Community ] ECO membership ] Youth participation ] Peace movement ] Global concepts ] Scale of Human and Earth Rights ] Statement of rights and responsibilities ] Global symbiotical relationships ] Global Community Citizenship ] [ Certified Corporate G. C. Citizenship ] Celebration of Life Day ] Earth flag ] Evolution,Creation and now,Guiding Souls ] Scenarios of humanity's future ] Vision of the Earth in year 2024 ] Archives ] Letters ] Newsletters ] Press releases ] Contact us ]

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