Required participation
    a.     People from all Nations are required to sign and ratify the Global Constitution
    b.     Participation from the Government of Canada and all Canadians

People from all Nations are required to sign and ratify the Global Constitution
Ever since its early beginning in year 1988, founding members of the Global Community Earth Government have prepared and ratified the Charter of the Global Community and worked on a process to design a proper Global Constitution for the Global Community. A draft of this Constitution is now available for a democratic federal Earth Government. Now is time to secure the acceptance and ratification of the Global Constitution. The Tenth Global Meeting of the Interim Earth Government to be held August 20th, 2006, is about having Peoples from all Nations to ratify the Global Constitution.

We want the delegates and volunteer participants sent to the Tenth Global Meeting to be people and elements of society scattered around the globe who are ready, willing and able to move constructively under crises circumstances to devise a Constitution for Democratic Federal Earth Government, and to launch the first efforts to obtain widespread consideration and ratification and the beginnings of implementation of such a Global Constitution.

Therefore, let us go forward with a GLOBAL RATIFICATION and ELECTIONS CAMPAIGN, appealing to people and governments to ratify the Global Constitution for Earth Government.

We call upon the people of Earth to ratify the Global Constitution for Earth Government, by direct Referendum and by Initiative Petition followed by election of delegates to the House of Elected Representatives.

We call upon the national governments and legislatures of the world to ratify the Global Constitution for Earth Government and elect delegates to the House of the Global Governments Federation.

We call upon the Universities, Colleges and Churches, Scientific Academies and Institutes to ratify the Global Constitution for Earth Government and nominate delegates with a world view as candidates for election to the House of Advisors.

Let us move forward with courage and humility in the spirit in which these Global Meetings have been conceived, knowing that we are fully justified by the circumstances of world crises, the conditions of world-wide political turmoil and de facto global anarchy, and the recognized right and authority of people to act in the creation of democratic forms of government to serve their safety and welfare, as provided by the Global Constitution.

Having read the Global Constitution for Earth Government or a good summary thereof, or having been well informed about the main provisions and purposes to solve global problems peacefully and to serve the maximum human welfare of all people on Planet Earth.

I do hereby sign as a personal ratifier and affirm my readiness to live as a Global Community Citizen under the Global Constitution for Earth Government with an elected Global Parliament as provided thereunder, which will also assist the good functioning of the Government of my country and of all countries as parts of Earth Government.

And further, I petition the Government and Parliament of my country to give preliminary ratification to the Global Constitution for Earth Government, agreeing to peacefully abide thereunder, and to arrange for general publication and an official referendum to obtain a measured vote on final ratification by the Citizens of my country.

1. Signature ____Joseph Germain Dufour________________ Date _____September 19, 2005

Name (print) ____________Joseph Germain Dufour_____ Country ____Canada

Address __186 Bowlsby Street,_City_Nanaimo________ State _B.C.____ Zip ___V9R 5K1

Occupation _______Consultant on global problems____ Age ___58

2. Signature ______________________________________ Date ___________

Name (print) ___________________________________ Country ___________

Address ___________________City________________ State _____ Zip ________

Occupation ____________________________________________ Age ________

3. Signature ______________________________________ Date ___________

Name (print) ___________________________________ Country ___________

Address ___________________City________________ State _____ Zip ________

Occupation ____________________________________________ Age ________

Instructions: Please make copies of this form, and circulate for millions of signatures! Ask each Non-Governmental Organization willing to help print in the periodical or bulletin of the N.G.O., and request each individual member to sign and circulate for more signers. When a page is complete, make a copy to retain in the office of the Global Ratification and Elections Network in your country, and send the original to the address below. Reports will be made to each national government, requesting ratification action.

Global Ratification and Elections Network
186 Bowlsby Street, Nanaimo
British Columbia
Canada V9R 5K1

Participation from the Government of Canada and all Canadians

This Global Parliament, being of the opinion that,

-     in the present state of world political anarchy, where international agreements are flouted, and judgments of the Global Court are treated as matters of no concern,
-     in the present state of world militarism, where national governments feel forced to spend vast sums of money on weapons and military defense, while global insecurity continues to increase,
-     in the present state of world environmental destruction, whete ice caps and glaciers are melting, the oceans are rising, and global weather patterns are becoming destructive,
-     in the present state of world economic inequality, where the wealthy of the world continue to accumulate unimaginable wealth while each year many billions of dollars are transferred from the poorest regions of the world to the wealthiest regions of the world,

This Global Parliament calls upon the government of CANADA , in collaboration with other national governments, to make earnest efforts to convene a Global Dialogue, as a first step towards the establishment of a Democratic Earth Government, with a Global Parliament representing all nations and peoples equally, under an enforceable, non-military democratic Constitution for Earth Government.

Germain Dufour
Global Community Earth Government Global Community Earth Government





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