The website of the Global Government of North America ( GGNA ) is certainly a good example of a type of Global Government.
The GGNA is for all Citizens of the North American Community and others
by Germain Dufour Adviser, Global Government of North America (GGNA) July 7, 2005 Note: for most recents papers on this issue read A) A truthful democracy for the people of the North American continent B) The Global Community perspective on the control of the Northwest Passage, Canada sovereignty of Nunavut and 'blood resources' C) Portal of the Global Community of North America (GCNA) As a replacement to the United Nations, we have formed Global Community Earth Government (GCEG) with 9 or more Global Governments (GGs) and an enforceable, non-military democratic Global Constitution for all. Governing bodies consist of three chambers making the Global Parliament: 1. House of Elected Representatives The power of GCEG was de-centralized to give each GG a better chance to find the right solutions to global issues. It can act faster and be more effective and efficient in the context of the Global Community, this great, wide, wonderful world made of all these diverse global communities within each Nation.The Global Community becomes thus more fluid and dynamic. A global symbiotical relationship is created between Nations and GCEG for the good of all groups participating in the relationship and for the good of humanity, all life on Earth. The relationship allows a global equitable and peaceful development. This is the basic concept that is allowing us to group willing Member Nations from different parts of the world. A typical example is the Global Government of North America (GGNA). Member Nations of these global governments have not yet been selected. Through the process of a referendum in a Member Nation, it is the people of the Member Nation who will select the Global Government they wish to belong to. During a Global Assembly Meeting of the Earth Government, Global Parliament will accept or reject membership of a Nation in a specific Global Government. As we have shown in the Global Constitution, the Global Community is defined as being all that exits or occurs at any location at any time between the Ozone layer above and the core of the planet below. This is an important concept and particularly useful in the context of the Global Governments Federation. A community is not about a piece of land you acquired by force or otherwise. One could think of a typical community of a million people that does not have to be bounded by a geographical or political border. It can be a million people living in many different locations all over the world. The Global Community is thus more fluid and dynamic. We need to let go the archaic ways of seeing a community as the street where I live and contained by a border. Many conflicts and wars will be avoided by seeing ourselves as people with a heart, a mind and a Soul, and as part of a community with the same. The Global Community is this great, wide, wonderful world made of all these diverse global communities. A global symbiotical relationship between two or more nations, or between two or more global communities, can have trade as the major aspect of the relationship or it can have as many other aspects as agreed by the people involved. The fundamental criteria is that a relationship is created for the good of all groups participating in the relationship and for the good of humanity, all life on Earth. The relationship allows a global equitable and peaceful development. This is the basic concept that is allowing us to group Member Nations from different parts of the world. For example, the Global Government of North America can be made of willing Member Nations such as Canada, the United States, Mexico, Great Britain, the Territories, and include the North Pole region. Other nations and territories are welcome to join in. Table of Contents a. Human and Earth Rights within the GGNA The folowing are some of the sections related to the Global Governments Federation and copied from the Global Constitution.
Chapter 14.5.4 The Global Governments Federation
Article 1: The Global Governments Federation 1. Where a vote is taken, any member of the Global Governments Federation may also act on behalf of not more than one other member. Abstentions by members present in person or represented shall not prevent the adoption by the global Council of decisions which require unanimity. 2. The President of the Global Parliament may be invited to be heard by the Global Governments Federation. 3. The Global Governments Federation shall establish its procedural rules by a simple majority. The Global Governments Federation shall be assisted by the General Secretariat of the Earth Executive Council.
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