The peoples of all Nations, in creating an ever closer
Global Community among them, a Global Civilization, are resolved to share
a peaceful future based on common values. Conscious of its spiritual and
moral heritage, the Global Community is founded on the indivisible, universal
values of human dignity, freedom, equality and solidarity; it is based
on the principles of democracy and the rule of law. It places the individual
at the heart of its activities, by establishing the Global Community citizenship,
and by creating an era of freedom, security, global justice and social
The Global Community is a non-hierarchical nonviolent
organization of individuals and organizations that promotes the arts, conducts
workshops, facilitates nonviolent direct actions, educates, organizes,
campaigns, empowers, and aims to rip injustice from its roots. We are committed
to nonviolence. We stand for the globalization of our rights to speech,
thought, religion, assembly, a clean environment, self-determination,
freedom from fear and persecution and freedom from poverty. We stand
for the rights of women, children, elderly, affordable health care, strong
labor rights and social and economic policies that put people and the environment
before profits.
The Global Community claims that everyone on Earth should
be able to live in Peace. This Global Peace Mouvement is about courage
to live a life in a harmonious peace order and showing by example, thus
preventing poverty, wars, terror and violence. We need to educate the coming
generations with good principles, being compassionate, social harmony and
global sustainability being some of them.
Conservation, restoration, and management of the Earth resources is about asking ourselves the question of "Who owns the Earth?" The large gap between rich and
poor is connected to ownership and control of the planet's land and of all other Earth natural resources. We, the Global Community, must now direct the wealth of the world towards the building of local-to-global
economic democracies in order to meet the needs for food, shelter, universal healthcare, education, and employment for all. The Global Community has proposed a democracy for the people based on the fact
that land, the air, water, oil, minerals, and all other natural resources rightly belong to the Global Community along with the local communities where those resources are found. The Earth is the birthright of all
life. The Global Economic Model proposed by the Global Community is truly the best response to the world.
Global Community criteria for sovereignty:
- a global community is in place
- the land and its natural resources are just enough to live a sustainable life and for a healthy living
- the community governs its owns affairs as per the Scale of Human and Earth Rights, Global Law, Global Constitution, and the protection of the environment
and of the global life-support systems
- a symbiotical relationship exists between the citizens and the Global Community
- a democracy based on the fact that land, the air, water, oil, minerals, and all other natural resources within the community rightly belongs to the community along with the Global Community, and
that the Earth is the birthright of all life
- Earth management and taxation of all Earth natural resources
Without this criteria no one can claim ownership - sovereignty - of both Nunavut and the Northwest Passage.
Canada does not own the area of Nunavut or that of the North West
territories. Like we have explained above putting a flag on Moon does not give you ownership. Our first explorers did not own the land just because they stepped foot on
North America. Just because you put a flag on Mount Everest means you own the mountain. You dont! And the Inuit dont own Nunavut either.
The population density of Nunavut is 0.015 persons per square kilometer. So 82.4% of Nunavut is practically empty of people. One can say Nunavut is mostly without
people. If someday a colony is set up on the Moon will that mean the people making up the colony owns the Moon? No it does not! The people of the colony could say they own
an area large enough for their own survival, a sustainable living. Not the entire Moon. Similarly for the Inuit people. They dont own Nunavut.
The Inuit are in large part being taken care of by the Canadian Government. They are being used by the Canadian Government to claim soverighty of Nunavut.
Somewhat like the colony on the Moon would be taken care of by the nation on Earth.
So the Inuit people can only claim to own a small area around their communities.
This means that people from all over the world could come to settle a community in Nunavut.
In Nunavut there is also a vast array of different life-form communities such as the polar bears, caribou, Arctic foxes, seals, beluga whales, northern fulmars, and those communities of organisms that inhabit the sea
floor like brittle stars, worms, zooplankton, microalgae, bivalves and some of the lesser known sea spiders.
And there are many more. Everyone of those global communities have an Earth right of ownership
of the North and of all its natural resources. It is their birthright. They dont express themselves in English, but we understand them. Human beings have a moral
obligation to protect and conserve the biodiversity of life on Earth.
The Earth management of Nunavut is an asset to the Global Community and Canada. The Global Constitution shows us how it can be done with Global Law, the Earth Court of Justice,
and how the Global Protection Agency (GPA) and the Agency of Global Police (AGP) can protect the territory. Global Community Arrest Warrants can be issued to anyone
breaking Global Law. The GCNA Emergency, Rescue and Relief Centre is vigilant and quick in helping all life in need of help.
Fot the protection of those global communities we will need to create a biodiversity zone in the North by way of Earth rights and taxation of natural resources.
The Global Community is defined around a given territory,
that territory being the planet as a whole, as well as a specific population,
which is the Global Community. The Global Community has the power to make the laws of the land and to make the rules
for the territory of the Earth. Global Law has been and continue to be
researched and developed for this purpose. We are all members of the Global Community. We all have the duty to protect the rights and welfare of all species and all people. No humans have the right to encroach on the ecological space of other species and other people,
or treat them with cruelty and violence. All life species, humans and cultures, have intrinsic worth. They are subjects, not commodities, not objects of manipulation or ownership. No humans have the right to own other species, other people or the knowledge of other cultures through
patents and other intellectual property rights. Defending biological and cultural diversity is a duty of all people. Diversity is an end in itself, a value, a source of richness both material and cultural.
All members of the Global Community including all humans have the right to food and water, to safe and clean habitat, to security of ecological space.
These rights are natural rights, they are birthrights given by
the fact of existence on Earth and are best protected through global community rights and global commons. They are not given by states or corporations, nor can they be extinguished by state or corporate action. No state or corporation has the
right to erode or undermine these natural rights or enclose the commons that sustain all through privatisation or monopoly control.
After defining the Global Community expression, Virginie and I thought
we would better serve humanity by first Celebrating Life because life is
what allows us all to be who we all are and to have symbiotical relationships
between ourselves, and between ourselves and the Soul of Humanity and God.
Life often involves tensions between important values.
This can mean difficult choices. However, we must find ways to harmonize
diversity with unity, the exercise of freedom with the common good, short-term
objectives with long-term goals. Every individual, family, organization,
and community has a vital role to play. The arts, sciences, religions,
educational institutions, media, businesses, nongovernmental organizations,
and governments are all called to offer creative leadership. The partnership
of government, civil society, and business is essential for an effective
global governance based on global concepts and the Scale of Human and Earth
Let our time be a time remembered for the awakening of
a new reverence for life, the firm resolve to achieve sustainability, the
quickening of the struggle for justice and peace, and the joyful celebration
of life. Let our expanding consciousness blend with that of the Soul of
Being unified under the Soul of Humanity dissolves all
barriers and expand our global consciousness. We become more whole and
complete within ourselves and as a group. Our common Spirit is able to
resolve planetary problems in a coherent way. One common 'Global Vision'
allows us to see how all the parts of the whole relate to each other. We
have the right relationship with one another, with all lifeforms and Earth
itself, and with the Soul of Humanity.
On May 26 of each year, let us all celebrate life in our
heart, mind and Spirit. Let us thank God for the gift of life.
Perhaps now is time to elaborate on my teaching as your
spiritual leader and Prophet of God.
I am asking all religions around the world to re-examine
their scriptures, precepts, practices, ethical and moral values in light
of ecological concerns. The Global Community is facing a global environmental
crisis. It is very important that every person on Earth accept of being
part of the process in protecting the global life-support systems. The
ecological crisis is as much about saving children as it is about saving
other lifeforms on the planet.
Our first objective will be to find statements from all
religions that promote the respect, stewardship, protection, ethical and
moral responsibility to life and of the environment, the Earth global life-support
systems, and statements that promote a responsible Earth management. I
am also asking for specific statements on environmental conservation.
I ask all religions to participate.
Global Law
In order to create a harmonious and compassionate Global
Community, the following are laws, principles, and ways of life I ask everyone
to comply with:
Divine Law
Nature Law
The teaching of the Soul of Humanity
The teaching of the prophet
Global Law
Golden Rule principle and societal sustainability
Global Justice Movement for all life on the planet
Abolish the business of conflicts and war
Security for all life on Earth
Be actively involved in applying recommendations from the scientists of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC )
The work of the Global Community, the global civil
society, and the determination of government worldwide, make it possible
for everyone to comply with the law. Building global communities requires
a mean to enforce Global Law for the protection of life on Earth. Global
Civilization guides humanity for the building of global communities. This
is a great opportunity for globallateralism. Global Law includes legislation
covering all aspects of human activities. The
Global Protection Agency
(GPA) will train and lead a global force, bypassing traditional peacekeeping
and military bodies such as the United Nations and NATO. The GPA will enforce
the law. And that is the third option we offer the Global Community. And
that is also how we can stop the global warming of the planet and protect
the global life-support systems, thus largely improving the quality of
life of the next generations.
As we enact global law, we will begin to take on a much
deeper kind of global leadership, one that earns more respect than envy
and more gratitude than hatred, one that can catapult the whole planet
forward into a future where war is no longer thinkable between nation-states
and a legitimate and beneficial global government is able to cope with
global problems.
I believe that there is no greater task in the world today
than for the Global Community to proceed through the maturation of its
leadership, emerging from a more self-interested adolescence as a global
leader into a nobler adulthood. We have the potential to act as a torchbearer
for a better tomorrow. Do we heed the call? I hope this message has convinced
at least a few people that the question of how to proceed with that maturation
is of far deeper significance than the reforming of the United Nations.
I thus pray that we move with wisdom, grace, clarity, and love in the days,
years, and even decades ahead.
The Global Community has made clear that globalization and planetary trading blocks should be serving the Human Family and not the other way around,
the people around the world serving the very few rich individuals. The September 11 event was the result of bad trading of
arms and oil and the absence of moral responsibility and accountability in our way of doing business with the Middle East nations.
By applying proper moral safeguards and accepting responsibility and accountability of all products (arms and oil in this case),
from beginning to end where they become wastes, each corporation would make free trade and globalization serving the Human Family.
The September 11 event was also a turning point in human history and indicated the end of the last superpower in the world and the
birth of the Global Community. Over its long past history trade has never evolved to require from the trading partners to
become legally and morally responsible and accountable for their products from beginning to end. At the end the product becomes
a waste and it needs to be properly dispose of. Now trade must be given a new impetus to be in line with the global concepts of
the Global Community. When you do exploration work, and develop, manufacture, produce, mine, farm or create a product, you become legally
and morally responsible and accountable of your product from beginning to end (to the point where it actually becomes a waste;
you are also responsible for the proper disposable of the waste). This product may be anything and everything from oil & gas,
weapons, war products, construction products, transportation and communications products and equipment, to genetically
engineered food products. All consumer products! All medical products! All pharmaceutical products! In order words, a person
(a person may be an individual, a community, a government, a business, an NGO, or an institution) becomes responsible and
accountable for anything and everything in his or her life.
An important global symbiotical relationship between all Peoples and the Global Community was created during the meeting of
the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Bali, hosted by the Government of Indonesia, which brought together more than 10,000
participants, including representatives of 187 nations together with observers from intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations and the
media. The two week period included the sessions of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change ( UNFCCC ),
its subsidiary bodies as well as the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol. A ministerial segment in the second week concluded the Conference.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC ) was first in establishing scientifically the idea that climate change is a direct result of human activity --
specifically by burning fossil fuels which release greenhouse
gases like carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The international panel wants world governments to initiate a process under the UNFCCC
that results in hard caps for emissions.
The conference was the start of international negotiations on the environment for a successor to the Kyoto Protocol in order to agree on a united
global action to fight climate change.
The report from the IPCC is the fourth in a series, and the culmination of four years of research. The report's summary condenses 2,500 pages of previous publications into a
policy-focused 23 pages.
The IPCC says that the new climate-change deal must be settled in time to ensure that action continues after 2012, when
the current phase of the Kyoto Protocol ends.
The conference culminated in the adoption of the Bali roadmap, which charts the course for a new negotiating process to be concluded by 2009 that will ultimately lead to
a post-2012 international agreement on climate change. Ground-breaking decisions were taken which form core elements of the roadmap. They include the launch of the
Adaptation Fund as well as decisions on technology transfer and on reducing emissions from deforestation, all of them essential
to achieving a secure climate future.
The pivotal agreement among the 187 nations present was a commitment to establish "deep cuts" in global emissions. That means developed countries
will be required to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 25 to 40 per cent by 2020.
The negotiations for the second phase of Kyoto must be completed by 2009, in order to allow for ratification by all countries and entry into force well before 2012,
when the first phase ends.
Political leaders at the UN climate conference in Bali hammered out a deal that will launch negotiations to put the
world on a path towards deeper emission cuts after the Kyoto Protocol expires in 2012.
The road map agreed in Bali now means a new climate treaty must be negotiated by the end of 2009 to replace Kyoto.
In addition to setting
a range of emission reduction targets for industrialized countries, the Bali roadmap contains commitments to negotiate actions to control emissions in developing countries;
financial agreements for adaptation and the transfer of climate-friendly technology; and an agreement to tackle the problem of deforestation in developing countries.
The document, which will come into force in 2012, also sets up a global agreement to stop tropical deforestation.
Key developing countries have shown a willingness to take on new commitments at the two-week-long UN climate conference.
The United States, Russia, Japan and Canada were at the forefront of moves to block such targets.
The US delegation in particular proved a major obstacle to progress. They appeared to operate a wrecking policy, as though determined to derail the whole process.
Canada worked with the United States for
most of the meeting to oppose crucial elements of the Bali roadmap. As a result, parts of the deal are too vague to assure a successful outcome of the next round of UN
negotiations, due to be completed in 2009. Canada worked against the key elements of this deal for most of the two weeks in Bali, and was singled out by other countries and high-ranking UN officials for its
obstructive behaviour.
Canada initially opposed this emissions reduction range in the final negotiating session, but agreed not to block the consensus position when it found itself virtually
Canada’s current targets and policies fall far short of the standard set in Bali.
Nothing less than a massive scale-up of federal efforts on climate change is required for Canada to play a responsible part in the next two years of negotiations.
The agreement to develop approaches to reduce deforestation and forest degradation is a key outcome of the conference.
Protecting carbon stored in forests and other ecosystems is an important complement to deep cuts in fossil fuel emissions.
The first steps towards transferring "clean" technology to developing countries to help them reduce pollution levels were also agreed. Plans for financial support to
halt deforestation and degradation in developing countries were also worked out.
The United States, the world's biggest polluter, was initially opposed to signing up for emission reduction targets. When similar plans were made at Kyoto in 1997, the US
refused to ratify the treaty. However, in Bali the US agreed to be included in the reduction plans - the first time it has made such a commitment.
Emerging powers China and India will also be bound to universal eco-friendly commitments.
The fact that there is no agreement about how far to cut emissions means the Bali road map is missing a significant result. Politicians were unable to commit themselves
to the recommendations of the scientific community for securing the global life-support systems.
Nevertheless, 187 nations have agreed on a plan to fight climate change and thus ensuring a better future for all of us, the next generations, and all life on Earth.
Global Community recommendations concerning UN climate change conference in Bali are:
1. Re-write the Bali road map into a legal document with legislation, global laws to be enforced;
2. Include sanctions to be implemented when a nation failed to achieve the objectives of the Bali road map; and
3. Acquire funds to be administered by the Global Protection Agency ( GPA ) for the implementation of the sanctions.
No more waiting! Time for
action is now! We are all responsible for the creation of global warming, and there are plenty of observable effects. Greenhouse
gases are accumulating dangerously in the Earth's atmosphere as a result of human activities, and temperatures are rising globally
due to these activities. Climate changes have to be manage without delays and the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol is only the
beginning of a long fight for the protection of life on Earth. There is much more to be done to even come close to what we have to
do. The ratification of the Kyoto Protocol was only the beginning to help save the next generations.
Global consumption is a very important aspect of globalization. Consumers should be concerned with the impact of their decisions on
the environment but also on the lives, human and Earth rights and well-being of other people. Since one of the key functions of
families as a social institution is to engage in production (selling their labour in return for wages) and consumption (using
those wages to buy goods and services), then the role of families has impacts on sustainable consumption and development.
Corporations are required to expand their responsibilities to include human and Earth rights, the environment, community and
family aspects, safe working conditions, fair wages and sustainable consumption aspects. The Global Community has summarized the rights of every
person on Earth by developing the Scale of Human and Earth Rights. The scale will eventually be
replacing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Global Constitution established all rights.
Just as corporations have social responsibilities and so do consumers in societies. Consumers are socialized to improve the
quality of their lives. Quality of life is a multi-dimensional, complex and very subjective concept. For instance,
someone who has changed their consumption habits to better ensure that their choices will make a better quality of life for
themselves, the environment and future generations, may be seen by others as having a lower or inferior quality of life since they
have removed themselves from the materialistic mainstream characteristic of our consumer society. Someone may feel that an absence
of violence and abuse in their life leads to a higher quality of living even though they have fewer tangible resources, money, or
shelter; peace of mind and freedom from abuse has increased the quality of their daily life relative to what it was like before.
There are universal quality of life values which lead to "human betterment" or the improvement of the human condition. In addition
to the value of species survival (human and other living organisms), they include: adequate resources, justice and equality,
freedom, and peace or balance of power. A better quality of life for all people of the Global Community Earth Government is a goal for all of us and
one of our universal values.
The Global Community found that an adequate level of health care is a universal value as well as a human right. We expect adequate health services to
be accessible, affordable, compassionate and socially acceptable. We believe that every individual of a society is co-responsible
for helping in implementing and managing health programmes along with the government and the public institutions.
This ends my teaching for now. More will come later.