The Global Community has had work on the Movement for Cultural Appreciation issues and activities ever since 1985. A short list of our previous work on the Movement for Cultural Appreciation issues and activities.
For more recent work on the Movement for Cultural Appreciation issues and activities read the following table.
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August 22, 2008 |
Impact of Culture in Developing Countries
by Dr. Charles Mercieca 
President, International Association of Educators for World Peace
Dedicated to United Nations Goals of Peace Education
Environmental Protection, Human Rights & Disarmament
Professor Emeritus, Alabama A&M University
Global Peace Movement 
When we speak of the appreciation of culture we generally refer to the appreciation of arts that may include painting and music as well as theater and poetry. Cultural exhibitions that take place from time to time in various global areas tend to show what it has just been stated. Besides, the Olympics that have taken place in Beijing in 2008 revealed a vivid demonstration of culture. Culture may be viewed in many ways as transcendental in the sense that it is generally liked and respected by all people.
The enrichment of culture is the result of contributions made individually or collectively.
If we were to take a rapid tour around the world, we would be surprised to notice how many people of talent do exist in so many global areas. We should feel very grateful toward them because they have become the source of world enrichment. For those who might have visited France, they might have had the opportunity to listen to the cultural contributions made by Boudjemaa Zennouch whose talents in playing string instruments have instigated many to invite him to perform in a number of countries.
What is the real impact of culture on developing countries? Such an impact has always been proven to be both positive and constructive. Culture is viewed in general as the product of the good an individual, a group or an entire nation, as a matter of fact, has to offer. As stated earlier, culture deals not only with painting and music but also with poetry and theater. These are items that are instinctively sought by all people from every walk of life and profession. They are elements that make people feel interiorly fulfilled.
When we deal with culture in developing nations we need to make sure that we do respect and preserve their inherited culture. Besides, we could take the opportunity to bring to the natives of these less fortunate nations other cultures that would enrich or complement their respective cultures. In this process, we need to be gentle as to bring them peaceful music, the composition of uplifting poetry, and the proper use of the theater as to enable them to learn vividly from history anything that is positive and constructive.
When people learn and practice the art of sharing with each other their feelings of both joy and concern, there will never be room for war, which should become obsolete the sooner the better. In view of what has been stated, it is obvious that we cannot take the importance of culture lightly. Culture gives satisfaction and fulfillment to everyone involved and concerned.
Moreover, it is enables us to develop our sense of appreciation toward ourselves and others. It also enables us to bring peace and harmony in the midst of each community where everyone should feel a winner and no one a loser. The appreciation of culture should always be our goal in life.
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February 8, 2008 |
Canadian society: a vibrant, modern, symbiosis global society
Germain Dufour
Spiritual Leader of the Global Community
Prophete of God
Key words: Canadian multiculturalism, diversity, the Canadian experience, immigration, symbiosis global society, symbiotical relationship, global ministries
Canadian society today includes a vast diversity of cultural heritages and racial groups. This multicultural diversity is a result of centuries of immigration.
Truly, the struggle for the making of Canadian multiculturalism is the Canadian experience and the Canadian identity.
Canadian multiculturalism is a symbiotical relationship between Canada, the Canadian people, and the world.
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February 6, 2008 |
The Soul of all Life, the Soul of Humanity, is the unifying religion of a modern symbiosis society, that of the global civilization of the 3 rd Millennium
Soul of all Life
and by
Germain Dufour
Spiritual Leader of the Global Community
Prophete of God
The teaching of the Soul 
The fundamental criteria of a global symbiotical relationship
Guiding Souls and God want to help us manage Earth 
Guiding Souls to serve God is a part of a new unifying religion of a modern symbiosis global society
The Divine Plan and the higher purpose of humanity 
The Global Community teaching
Global Law 
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December 10, 2007 |
Wars and Climate Change: National Interests Verses Global Emergency
Letter sent by Abdul Basit to the Global Community
This is an appeal to World Leaders and Scientific Community, who have gathered in Bali, Indonesia for the United Nations Climate Change Conference.
I remind the world leaders and researchers, who are attending the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Bali, that they have a huge responsibility on their shoulders. The decisions of
this conference will not only decide the future of existence of humankind, but also for preserving all the past cultures and contributions humanity has offered throughout its thousands of years history of
existence on this beautiful planet.
So, on behalf of the human race, I appeal to the world leaders to set aside their narrow national interests and play the historical and highly moral responsibility in saving this planet and its inhabitants. The
very future for all of life, human and otherwise, depends on their meeting this obligation with nothing short of total resolve! |
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September 16, 2007 |
Global Environment Minister,
Global file,, jvargas08@berkeley.ed
Research Professor, Mexico
The role of the nation-state is to regulate conflicts between the essential elements, the nation-state, capitalists (firms), laborers and consumers, binding together disparate and conflicting interests.
This paper is aimed to review the different levels of scale of conflicts between firms, communities, New Social Movements and the role of government. |
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August 1, 2007 |
China’s Transition into a Society of Social Harmony (Part II) Letter sent by DR. Charles Mercieca to the Global Community
China represents one of the oldest civilizations in the entire history of our earthly society. Its dynasties managed to leave legacies that have enriched the culture of China in
many unique ways. By nature, the Chinese are very kind people and they try to be helpful with those around and with those they come across. They also tend to live in
peace and to let others live in peace as well. The only ambition the Chinese people seem to have is to see the members of their relatives and friends equipped with all the
vital needs of life. |
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July 28, 2007 |
China in True Perspective mercieca@knology.netLetter sent by DR. Charles Mercieca to the Global Community
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July 17, 2007 |
Cultural Appreciation Day August 22 of each year, by Germain Dufour
On August 22 of every year the Global Community celebrates the Global Cultural Day, the Cultural Appreciation Day. The event's theme is "Culture, Values and Social Development."
The Global Community is rich with tradition and art.
Culture is certainly tangible - churches, temples and monuments; and intangible - heritage with performing arts, fine arts or visual arts.
Every community is based on a society distinctly different from any other country and its people. The Cultural Appreciation Day celebration occurs at the same time and is an important part of the Global Exhibition.
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