
Global Protection Agency(GPA) will train and lead a global force.

Global Law and Justice, Global Constitution, Statutes, and Codes

Scale of Global Rights Code Global Community Vision Code Global Dialogue Code
Federation of Global Governments Code Global Peace Movement Code Global Parliament Code
Law and Justice Code Earth Court of Justice Code Global Protection Agency Code
Global Parliament Proceedings Code Global Life Support Protection Protection of the global life-support systems Code
The air we breathe Code The water we drink Code The soils that provide the food we eat Code
The climate that serendipitously is neither too hot nor too cold Code Communications and media Code Electricity and energy Code
Food production and delivery Code Recreation Code Temperature control Code
Transportation Code Water supply Code Community infrastructures Code
Global warming crisis Code Global Dialogue participants Code Global warming Code
Global Parliament Constitution Code Global climate change Code Global Voting Code
Global Political Parties Code Countries to uphold the principles of equality Code Global Civilization Initiatives Code
Global cultural exchanges Code Responsibility of Political Parties Code Countries need to uphold the principles of equality Code
Global principles of mutual learning between countries Code Global general meeting of a political party Code Global caucus of all members of any particular party in Parliament Code
Direct Democracy. Code Earth resources. Code Global Parliament management. Code
Home and community development. Code Global Diplomacy. Code World population issues. Code
Replacing the United Nations and NATO by Global Parliament's governance. Code Replacing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the Scale of Global Rights. Code Human rights are universal and inalienable; indivisible; interdependent and interrelated. They are universal because everyone is born with and possesses the same rights, regardless of where they live, their gender or race, or their religious, cultural or ethnic background. Code
Human rights include the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to work and education, and many more. Everyone is entitled to these rights, without discrimination. Code The most important human rights: - the right to life - those rights that make life worth living, such as the rights to food, education, work, health, and liberty. Code Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty. Code
Fundamental rights are the rights of a country's citizens that are stated in the constitution and enforced by the law. Human rights, on the other hand, are the safeguards that a human being seeks in order to live in dignity and equality. Code Civil and political rights are violated through genocide, torture, and arbitrary arrest. These violations often happen during times of war, and when a human rights violation intersects with the breaking of laws about armed conflict, it's known as a war crime. Code Human rights violators are involved for genocide, torture, war crimes, recruitment or use of child soldiers, female genital mutilation, and for immigration and naturalization fraud arising out of efforts to hide their involvement in such crimes. Code
Global Ministries. Code New ways of doing business and trade in global development and in the management of global resources. Code
Closed meetings of Global Political Parties to select candidates or to decide on policy or to elect a presidential caucus. Code A one-party state with a governance structure in which only a single political party controls the ruling system. Code Global Parliament summit meeting Code
A Global Transnational Political Party with members or representatives in more than one country. Code A Global small government conservatism. Code A Global voting method in which a voter's identity in an election or a referendum is anonymous. This forestalls attempts to influence the voter by intimidation, blackmailing, and potential vote buying. Code
Global Parliament allowing both freedom and transparency, two fundamental values of a democratic society. Code A Global Summit Meeting, an international meeting of heads of state or government. Code Management Meetings, Leadership Meetings, Executive Meetings, or Board Meetings to deliver updates. Code
Fundamental Liberal ideals of freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, the separation of church and state, the right to due process, and equality under the law are widely accepted as a common foundation of liberalism. Code The Republicans advocate reduced taxes as a means of stimulating the economy and advancing individual economic freedom. They oppose extensive government regulation of the economy, government-funded social programs, affirmative action, and policies aimed at strengthening the rights of workers. Code Republican philosophy leans more towards individual freedoms, rights and responsibilities. In contrast, Democrats attach greater importance to equality and social/community responsibility. Code
Unanimity being an agreement by all people in a given situation. Groups may consider unanimous decisions as a sign of social, political or procedural agreement, solidarity, and unity. Code Global Parliament Participants listing. Code Global Parliament 's Constitution. Code
Global environmental and ecological protection. Code Building a Civilizational State. Code Global education. Code
Global leadership. Code Short and long term solutions to global issues. Code
Business and Professions Code Civil Code Eradicating poverty Code
Racism, Xenophobia and Discrimination Code Collecting the Global Tax Code Clean Air Code
Code of Civil Procedure Commercial Code Corporations Code
Ecology of the Planet Code Education Code Elections Code
Evidence Code Home and Community Development Code Climate Change Adaptation Code
Family Code Financial Code Settling of Disputes Between Nations Code
Human and Earth Rights Code Food and Agricultural Code Fish and Game Code
Youth Participation Code Harbors and Navigation Code Government Code
Health and Safety Code Insurance Code Women Rights and Issues Code
Waste Management Code Military and Veterans Code Labor Code
Penal Code Probate Code Teaching and Education Code
Global Economy and Trade Code Public Resources Code Public Contract Code
Public Utilities Code Revenue and Taxation Code Cities: Power, Rights, Responsiblities and Accountabilities Code
Streets and Highways Code Unemployment Insurance Code Global Life-support Systems Protection Code
Vehicle Code Water Code Alternative Energies Code
Welfare and Institutions Code Ecological Resources Code Recycling and Biodegradability Code
Abolition of Weapons of Mass Destruction Code Global Community Citizenship Code Statement of Rights and Responsibilities Code
Corporate Accountability and Global Ethics Code Universal Health Care Code Sciences and Technology Code
Preventive Actions Against Polluters Code Water Resources Code Earth Security Code
Management of Earth Resources Code New Way of Doing Business Code Global Rescues and Emergencies Code
Working Conditions Code Global Transparency Code Money Trading and Stocks Code
Space Exploration Code Research and Development Code Global Food Supplies Code
Asylum, Immigration and Border control Code Global Community Arrest Warrant Code Global Fight Against Crime Code


My name is
Germain Joseph Dufour.

I am

President of Global Parliament
Global Civilizational Community
Multicivilizational Community
Global Community

and also President
of my own Canadian business and website:
Global Community WebNet Ltd.

Take time to listen to our videos.
Many of the Videos might be too large to open for you on the Internet. Sorry!

And welcome to all of you global citizens.

Global Community, Global Parliament, Federation of Global Governments, Global Civilizational State vv.

Return to Global Dialogue 2024

Return to Global Community activities.

Return to Global Community.

vision 2024
( see enlargement jj)

Global Community

Global Civilizational State

Global citizens Global Citizens voting on issues Letter to all Canadians concerning new legislation on direct democracy Global Citizens Rights, Responsibility and Accountability Act Freedom, security and justice without borders (Part II) Global Community and every global citizen, also known as the human family, the global civil society. I should start by emphasizing that I speak to you as a good global citizen.  Scale of Human and Earth Rights Global Parliament s Constitution   GCEG s commitment to Global Community  to make government and global citizens responsible and accountable, and to bring about Global Peace  Employment for every global citizen  Global Community Citizenship (every participant would become a global citizen)  We the Peoples are us Global Community days of celebration or remembering throughout the year: Global Citizenship Day on October 29 of every year

Global Parliament

Federation of Global Governments

Global Community WebNet Ltd. (Canada)

Global Constitution

Email address:

Global CommunityGlobal Community WebNet Ltd. (Canada)


Videos promoting Global Community.


Sequence 01_2.3gp

TB_Sequence 01_1.mp4

Politics and Justice Without Borders

Global Community Newsletter main website

Global Civilizational State.

Theme for this month, Nov_December2023.

Welcome to your Global Community, the Multicivilizational Community, and Global Civilizational State, and let us all continue to strengthen Direct Democracy and world institutions in ways that would further decrease the risk of human extinction.


My name is
Germain Joseph Dufour.

I am

President of Global Parliament
Global Civilizational Community
Multicivilizational Community
Global Community

and also President
of my own Canadian business and website:
Global Community WebNet Ltd.

Take time to listen to our videos.
Many of the Videos might be too large to open for you on the Internet. Sorry!

And welcome to all of you global citizens.


Global Community, Global Parliament, Federation of Global Governments, Global Civilizational State vv.

Return to Global Dialogue 2024

Return to Global Community activities.

Return to Global Community.

Videos promoting the subject matter, and global issues of November-December Newsletter, along with the values, principles, and history of Global Community.

Summary of 101 links with pictures and expository texts.Summary

Note: Each video takes several MBs.

Sequence 01_1.3gp
Sequence 01_2.3gp
Sequence 01.3gp
Sequence 01_Sept_17_A.mpeg

Sequence 01_4.3gp

Global Community diplomatic affairs.


Global Community conduct affairs in ways to promote political, economic, cultural and scientific relations between all member countries while maintaining peaceful relationships. We help others listen to all sides of a situation and work together to find a solution that is beneficial for everyone. Core principles of our diplomatic work are based on negotiation, communication, building relationships, and promoting interests between all Peoples. And it is a commitment to justice, truth in dealing, and realism tempered by a commitment to pluralism. It is honesty that brings long-term benefits and permanent gains. Those principles serve as the foundation for our effective diplomatic interactions, facilitating peaceful resolution of conflicts and promoting international cooperation.

 Earth Government Global Community Global Parliament Earth Executive Council Essential services House of Representatives House of Advisers  Ministries  Portal of the Global Community

Global  Governments  Federation

[ GCEG Global Community Earth Government ] [ Earth Government Global Law Earth Government Global Law ] [ The Global Constitution The Global Constitution ] [ Federation Advisory Board Global Constitution Advisory Board ] [ Activities of the Global Community Activities of the Global Community ] [ Member Nations Member Nation Constitutions, Statutes and Related Legislative Information ]
[ Portal of the Global Community of North America Portal of the Global Community of North America ] [ Ratification of the Global ConstitutionRatification of the Global Constitution ] [ Recommendations to humanityRecommendations to humanity ] [ GGNA Global Government of North America (GGNA) ] [ GGNA schematic GGNA organizational schematic ] [ GCEG schematicGlobal Community Earth Government (GCEG)organizational schematic ] [ GCNA Portal of the Global Community of North America ] [ GGs Global Governments ] [ Global Constitution The Global Constitution ] [ Welcome to the GGNA Welcome to the Global Government of North America (GGNA) ] [ GCEG historyHistory of the Global Community Earth Government (GCEG) ] [ Global Citizens Act  Global Citizens Rights, Responsibility and  Accountability Act ] [ Global Law  Global Law: legislation, Statutes, Codes and Bills ] [ Global Environment Ministry  Global Environment Ministry ] [ Global ministries  Perhaps now  we all see the wisdom to create global ministries in several aspects of our global life.  ] [ Council of Global Ministers Council of Global Ministers ] [ "We the Peoples" are us  Press release: We the Peoples are us Newsletter with theme:  We the Peoples  ] [ Global Politics & Justice NewsGlobal Politics & Global Justice News ] [ Global Community Web Net Global Community Web Net scripted ] [ Global Dialogue 2007 scriptedGlobal  Dialogue 2007 scripted ] [ Global Dialogue 2007 not scriptedGlobal  Dialogue 2007 not scripted ] [ Agency of Global PoliceAgency of Global Police ] [ Global Protection Agency (GPA) Global Protection Agency ] [ Portal of the Global Civilization Portal of the Global Civilization ] [ Global Data Measurement and Assessment Global Data Measurement and Assessment aspects and issues ] [  Global Justice for all life Global Justice for all life  ] [ Portal of the Global Community Portal of the Global Community  ] [ Global Dialogue 2008 Global Dialogue 2008  ] [ Who owns the Earth? Series of articles concerning the issues of Who owns the Earth?   ] [ Global Community Information Media (GIM) Global Community Information Media (GIM)  ] [ Proceedings of the Global Dialogue Proceedings of the Global Dialogue  ] [ Participate in roundtables on Who owns the Earth ?Participate in roundtables on Who owns the Earth ] [ Participate in Group Discussion by email on Who owns the Earth ? Participate in  Group Discussion by email  on Who owns the Earth ] [ Canada sovereignty of Nunavut, Northwest Passage, blood resources Canada sovereignty of Nunavut, Northwest Passage, blood resources ] [ Global referendumVote now Global referendum. Vote now ] [ Global Community Peace Movement website Global Community Peace Movement website ] [  Scale of Global Rights  Scale of Global Rights  ]

Africa European Global Government Global Government of North America South    America Central  America and the Caribbean Global Government of Asia Global Government of Oceania Global Government of the Middle East Global Government of  South-East Asia

Global Community Earth Government Activities of the Global Community Global Government of North America organizational schematic Welcome to the GGNA Global Governments Federation

Global Governments
We can do better united as a Global Government :
a new world to build, and a future to share and protect together.

A new future to build together

The website of the Global Government of North America ( GGNA ) is certainly a good example of a type of Global Government.

Portal of the  Global  Community of North America

We can do better together as friends and united as a Global Government
-    we are now, and we are the future   -

Global   Government  of North America
We, citizens of the Global Community of North America, hereby resolve to establish the Global Government of North America (GGNA) to govern in accordance with the Global Constitution.

The Global Constitution
Reflecting the will of the Global Community of North America citizens and all Member Nations of the GGNA to build a common future, this Global Constitution establishes Global Government of North America, on which Member Nations confer competences to attain objectives they have in common.  The GGNA shall coordinate the policies by which Member Nations aim to achieve these objectives.
The Peoples of the Global Community of North America elect, nominate or appoint their representatives to the GGNA.

Candidates to the House of Elected Representatives are elected democratically. An elected official will represent his or her community at both levels of government:
1.      the GGNA House of Elected Representatives, and
2.      the GCEG House of Elected Representatives or General Assembly.

Candidates to the House of Advisers are nominated by teachers, students, or professional organizations

Global Governments Federation
Candidates to the GGNA Federation are elected or appointed by Member Nations: Canada, United States, Mexico, Great Britain, Territories and North Pole Region. Each member nation has a veto power on all decisions. Consensus must be reached before a decision is made.

The GGNA House of Elected Representatives, the GGNA House of Advisers, and the GGNA Federation together form the GGNA Parliament. GGNA Parliament decides who will represent the GGNA Federation at the Global Governments Federation. GGNA elected representatives serve at both levels of government: GGNA House of Elected Representatives, and GCEG House of Elected Representatives.


( see enlargement jj


( see enlargement jj

The House of Elected Representatives shall be elected by direct universal suffrage of all the Member Nations citizens in free and secret ballot for a term of five years. Representation shall be of one Elected Representative per million people.

GGNA Global Parliament shall, jointly with the GGNA Executive Council, enact legislation, and exercise the budgetary function, as well as functions of political control and consultation as laid down in the Global Constitution.

GGNA Global Parliament shall elect its President and its officers from among its members.
GGNA Global Parliament shall create, alter, abolish or consolidate the departments, commissions, offices, agencies and other parts of the several organs of the GGNA, subject to the specific provisions of the Global Constitution.

Global Government of North America

The GGNA is for all Citizens of the North American Community and others
by Germain Dufour
Adviser, Global Government of North America (GGNA)
July 7, 2005

Note: for most recents papers on this issue read
A)    A truthful democracy for the people of the North American continent
B)    The Global Community perspective on the control of the Northwest Passage, Canada sovereignty of Nunavut and 'blood resources'
C)    Portal of the Global Community of North America (GCNA)

As a replacement to the United Nations, we have formed Global Community Earth Government (GCEG) with 9 or more Global Governments (GGs) and an enforceable, non-military democratic Global Constitution for all. Governing bodies consist of three chambers making the Global Parliament:

1.    House of Elected Representatives
2.    House of Advisers, and
3.    Global Governments Federation

The power of GCEG was de-centralized to give each GG a better chance to find the right solutions to global issues. It can act faster and be more effective and efficient in the context of the Global Community, this great, wide, wonderful world made of all these diverse global communities within each Nation.The Global Community becomes thus more fluid and dynamic. A global symbiotical relationship is created between Nations and GCEG for the good of all groups participating in the relationship and for the good of humanity, all life on Earth. The relationship allows a global equitable and peaceful development. This is the basic concept that is allowing us to group willing Member Nations from different parts of the world. A typical example is the Global Government of North America (GGNA).

Member Nations of these global governments have not yet been selected. Through the process of a referendum in a Member Nation, it is the people of the Member Nation who will select the Global Government they wish to belong to. During a Global Assembly Meeting of the Earth Government, Global Parliament will accept or reject membership of a Nation in a specific Global Government.

As we have shown in the Global Constitution, the Global Community is defined as being all that exits or occurs at any location at any time between the Ozone layer above and the core of the planet below. This is an important concept and particularly useful in the context of the Global Governments Federation. A community is not about a piece of land you acquired by force or otherwise. One could think of a typical community of a million people that does not have to be bounded by a geographical or political border. It can be a million people living in many different locations all over the world. The Global Community is thus more fluid and dynamic. We need to let go the archaic ways of seeing a community as the street where I live and contained by a border. Many conflicts and wars will be avoided by seeing ourselves as people with a heart, a mind and a Soul, and as part of a community with the same. The Global Community is this great, wide, wonderful world made of all these diverse global communities.

A global symbiotical relationship between two or more nations, or between two or more global communities, can have trade as the major aspect of the relationship or it can have as many other aspects as agreed by the people involved. The fundamental criteria is that a relationship is created for the good of all groups participating in the relationship and for the good of humanity, all life on Earth. The relationship allows a global equitable and peaceful development.

This is the basic concept that is allowing us to group Member Nations from different parts of the world. For example, the Global Government of North America can be made of willing Member Nations such as Canada, the United States, Mexico, Great Britain, the Territories, and include the North Pole region. Other nations and territories are welcome to join in.

Table of Contents

a.    Human and Earth Rights within the GGNA   
b.    GGNA proposals   
c.    Canada wants a veto power   
d.    GGNA principles   

Global Government of North America: Member Nations, Territories and the Pole Region

The folowing are some of the sections related to the Global Governments Federation and copied from the Global Constitution.

Global Community Earth  Government
Main Index of the Global Constitution The Global Constitution on a single page Table of Contents of the Global Constitution

Chapter 14.5.4    The Global Governments Federation
Article 1:    The Global Governments Federation
1.     Where a vote is taken, any member of the Global Governments Federation may also act on behalf of not more than one other member. Abstentions by members present in person or represented shall not prevent the adoption by the global Council of decisions which require unanimity.
2.     The President of the Global Parliament may be invited to be heard by the Global Governments Federation.
3.     The Global Governments Federation shall establish its procedural rules by a simple majority. The Global Governments Federation shall be assisted by the General Secretariat of the Earth Executive Council.

Work done by Global Community over the past 39 years. Global Community stands for a direct democracy.


The following 4 listings:

1) Vision of Earth in 2024: Global Parliament. Federation of 9 or more Global Governments. Global Constitution. Global Protection Agency (GPA). Global Ministries. Global Law. Scale of Global Rights. Direct Democracy. Diplomacy. Essential Services to all member nations. Vision 2024.

2) Vision 2024. Higher purpose of Global Community.Vision 2024.

3) Vision of Earth in 2024: Evolution, Constitution, Federation of Global Governments vs the United Nations (UN). Global Parliament governing institutions and bodies. Economic warfare.

4) Vision 2024. Politics and Justice without borders.Vision 2024.

show a short description of the work done by Global Community over the past 39 years. A listing of all the work done from year 1985 to 2024 follows below here after the title "Table of Contents". And a more complete listing of all our work done ever since 1985 starts with the title:

GC_1.Global Community stands for a direct democracy.

and ends with the title

GC_101. Global Community is declaring a moratorium on immigration all over the world, on all applications for immigration, until applicants from any religious or cultural background have satisfied completely Global Community standard for a population fertility rate of 1.3 children per family. That is Global Law. 

Those 101 listings describe all the work done since 1985, and where it can be found. Follow the links! All links can take you to hundreds of other links concerning our work done over the past 39 years. Participate in the Global Dialogue 2024 by sending us an email at:


Participate and add your name to the Participants Listing and/or the Authors Listing at:

Global participants files.jj
List of all Participants and Authors with their work from 1985 to 2024.jj
All work can be found in Global Proceedings.jj

  • Vision of Earth in 2024: Global Parliament. Federation of 9 or more Global Governments. Global Constitution. Global Protection Agency (GPA). Global Ministries. Global Law. Scale of Global Rights. Direct Democracy. Diplomacy. Essential Services to all member nations. Vision 2024.