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Global Parliament's Constitution
A working Global Parliament's Constitution is the only way for us all to guarantee essential services, Justice, and protection to every home.
Artwork by Germain Dufour
August 22, 2009

Global Parliament's Constitution Main Index
Advisory Board to the Global Parliament's Constitution

Global Dialogue 2010   Global Dialogue 2010
Global Political Parties Global Political Parties April 2010 Newsletters
Global Law Global Law
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Politics and Justice without borders: what we stand for Politics and Justice without borders: what we stand for
Earth governance at its best vs at its worst Politics and Justice without borders:  Earth governance

Global Movement to Help main listing:
  • Federation of Global Governments Emergency, Rescue, and Relief Centre Federation of Global Governments Emergency, Rescue, and Relief Centre
  • Global Constitution Global Constitution
  • The Federation of Global Governments vs the United Nations
  • Annual meeting of the Federation of Global Governments
  • A just, fair and most needed Global Government
  • Federation of Global Governments Head Quarters (HQ) Federation of Global Governments Head Quarters Federation of Global Governments
  • Essential services Main index the Global Movement to Help essential services   Essential services
  • Global Justice Network Global Justice Network  Global Justice Network
  • Global Protection Agency (GPA) Main index of the  Global Protection Agency (GPA)  Global Protection Agency (GPA)
  • Global Rights Global Rights
  • Portal of the Global Community (original Portal from back in 1985) Portal of the Global Community
  • Portal Global Dialogue 2009 Main website of Global Dialogue 2009
  • Global Information Media (GIM) daily proclamations concerning actual issues in the world    Global Information Media (GIM) daily proclamations concerning actual issues in the world
  • Portal of Global Dialogue 2008 Portal of Global Dialogue 2008
  • Proceedings of the Global Dialogue   Proceedings of the Global Dialogue
  • Global Peace Movement amongst nations and people Global Peace Movement amongst nations and people
  • Global Citizens voting on issues Global Community voting on issues
  • The Federation of Global Governments vs the United Nations
  • Civil Society
  • Global Protection Agency (GPA)
  • The Judiciary
  • Global Ministries
  • Essential services
  • Twenty four years ago the Global Community organization was created. Happy 24 th year Anniversary everyone Happy 23 rd year Anniversary everyone

A working Federation's Constitution is the only way for us all to guarantee essential services, Justice, and protection to every home. The Federation is not a World Government or Earth Government. No! It is the Federation of Global Governments. The Global Community offers a more meaningful union in the form of nine or more Global Governments. We serve the people of all nations, all life on Earth. Each Global Government is made more responsible and accountable to the people of member nations within the region where it operates. Essential services to the people of each member nation are now the most important global rights and are protected by the Global Protection Agency (GPA) of each member nation. The Federation is an efficient and immediate emergency response to help. The very first step of the Federation, and maybe the only one for several decades ahead of us, would be the approval of essential services amongst the participating member nations. The Global Community has researched and developed such services and listed them here. All of them are already in operation on a small scale in the industrialized nations of the world. We want each Global Government to take a larger share of responsibility of the specific region where it operates, and be more accountable to the people of that region. And we want a Global Government to be made of diverses nations. Be compassionate. Each Global Government is obliged to offer Essential Services to the people of its member nations.

Portal of Global Parliament
Constitution Main Index
Main Index of the Constitution Preamble Table of Contents of the  Constitution

Thank you to all of those who have been sending their comments and work on the Preamble and on the 28 Chapters of the Constitution. People from all over the world have been enthusiastic about finally developing a Federation's Constitution for all life on Earth. We want this process to continue for all Chapters throughout year 2010. Our Federations's Constitution is well on its way.

We will be showing new revisions every month.

Our work is very important. We are showing leadership in a world where there is an avid need for it. Already several other organizations have accepted and used our work, many documents and books have been published based on our past research and development and "soft activism" work. There is no doubt in our mind we are making a significant difference in the world.

We are the leading organization working on the Federation's Constitution. This is a unique way of expressing and protecting the needs of all people on Earth, all life. We have conducted the research and development of our work without any other motives than that of helping humanity, all life on Earth. The Global Constitution has been a success but what the world needs is not a World Government, not an Earth Government. What the world needs is the Federation of Global Governments (the Federation). Quite a difference! The Federation is focus only on four specific areas of concerns and needs of our world.

So our work is not completed, and probably will never be. We want to continue offering the world this unique perspective of the Global Community. We want the Global Constitution to be the template for the research and development of the Federation's Constitution. This requires changes because the Federation primary focus is only including a few aspects and are shown here:

-   essential services
-   the Judiciary
-   the Global Protection Agency (GPA)
-   Global Ministries

We have mentioned them many times over the past decades and in most of our Newsletters. Civil society was shown as an important participant in the process of development as was shown in our yearly Global Dialogue. And Civil Society has been and will continue to be an important element in the development of the Federation's Constitution.

So our future work is well defined here. We want the Federation's Constitution to be a direct expression of our focus. It must be acceptable to all nations on Earth, to all Peoples. I am asking you to help in the research and development of the Federations's Constitution.

The first stage of development of the Federation's Constitution is the reviewing of the Global Constitution Chapter by Chapter. The next stage of development requires the need of having civil society participate in the development of the Federation's Constitution: Global Dialogue 2010 will be a useful tool to achieve this second stage. The final stage of development requires the approval of the Federation's Constitution by the first Global Government ever formed in the history of humanity.

Let us see what we can do for now. Everyone is involved. We will go over all Chapters of the Global Constitution. You are asked to read, understand and make changes to all Chapters and submit them to me as the Chairperson. In making changes, always keep in mind the above defined focus, much like a lens can focus light on an object. Rewrite the Chapters. Then your work will be published in our Newsletters for discussion with all of us and those participating in the Global Dialogue 2010 i.e., civil society.

The Advisory Board primary goal is to develop a workable Constitution for the Federation of Global Governments. The Global Constitution is our template for development. Global Constitution Members of the Board are required to read every chapter of the Global Constitution and see how contents may apply in the development of the Federation's Constitution. New chapters may need to be developed. A summary or short version of the Federation's Constitution will also be developed.

We are inviting professionals to submit an application to become Advisors for the Federation's Constitution.

Just so you all know we dont pay anyone, and we dont pay expenses. We do volunteer work for humanity. Please do read the section concerning volunteers at We do 'soft activism' work. The Global Constitution shows us how to operate our organization. We follow Global Law as shown in the Global Constitution. All those who do volunteer work for us must become familliar with it and become 'global citizens' . You are required to read about the Criteria of the Global Community Citizenship. Read it at: Once you are sure you understand the Criteria, then you are required to live a life as per the Criteria. You do not need to let go the citizenship you already have. No! You can still be a citizen of any nation on Earth. But you are a better human being as you belong also to the Global Community, and you have now higher values to live a life, to sustain yourself and all life on the planet.

We expect volunteers to be responsible and accountable of all their actions.

Volunteers listen, dialogue, encourage and organize. They can research, develop, manage and lead. They are involved in several different sectors: social and global justice, governance, global rights, security, politics, policy and strategy, overpopulation, global sustainability, global food production, sustainable agriculture, mining, manufacturing, religion, education, environmental conservation, Earth management, biodiversity and Earth ecosystems, forests protection, climate change and global warming, economics, monetary and banking aspects and issues, global data assessment, energy alternatives and management, home and community development, social and cultural aspects and issues, arts, creative thinking and writing, languages, global society development, philosophy and social psychology, industry, business and trade, peace movement, health, medicine, conflict resolution, Earth resources management, Earth and life protection, activism, policing, sustainable development, research and development, engineering, construction, planning, transportation, office management, global law, codes, standards and indicators, and all other aspects of life.

Volunteering qualifications
Volunteer's objectives
Volunteer's program
Current projets
How to reach us

Over the past several decades, the Global Community along with the Federation of Global Governments (Federation), have promoted a just and fair global government. The United Nations (UN) organization does not offer such global service to all Peoples. It is not a government. It is not a democratic institution. It has no power to legislate, protect and offer essential services. There is no Justice possible coming from the UN. The Five Permanents Members are the only rule of law. There are themselves subsidized by corporate rulers, lobbyists with vested interests in keeping things the way they are now. There are no change in sight because they cannot change themselves. We must let go the UN. It is a 20th Century WWII organization that can truly make things work for only 5% of the world nations. Staying with the UN certainly means there will not be a 22nd Century to live for most people on Earth. The world needs a 21st Century organization able to manage Earth and bring hope in every home.

The Global Community organization is the only possible and practical solution to our world. We know how everything work, and we know what to do to make it work for us all.

We do not relate in any way with the United Nations. We are here to replace it. For several decades the Global Community has tried very hard to reform the United Nations. It has become clear that the United Nations promotes a culture of waste, mismanagement and corruption, and that it cannot reform itself. Today, the only logical, most equitable and sustainable alternative, is to replace it with the Global Community .

If you still want to do volunteer work for us please participate in Global Dialogue 2010 (no costs) and fill up the form at

Reply by email.

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