* GLOBAL GOVERNANCE AND INFORMATION FOR THE WORLD SOCIETY’S SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GlobalFiles/LMDIALOGUEANDUNIVERSALISM.pdf I would like to cooperate with you (Global Community Earth Government) in the field of building the new symbiotic (human – human and human – nature) world society. It really is the precondition of survival of humankind.. I propose to enlarge a list of Earth Government Ministries. We need additional Ministry: of Information Infrastructure (of world society and economy). It ought to be transministries office. The main task of this office ought to be building of SD global information (in large sense) society – WISDOM based society. We need to change the world society and economy into eco-humanistic (common good), far-sighted, flexible and capable of intellectual and material reserves creation. It is precondition of life, high science and technology aided – i.e. in the State of Change and Risk. The main premise of such society is: * more information With the help of information (and intellectual potential) we could throw aside crises generating social-Darwinism and introduce intellectual evolution mechanisms as main developmental factor. To achieve such goals we need to: 1. shape popular ecohumanisatic consciousness and information culture; As a first theoretical problem – if we want to change the global trends from eco- fascist toward ecohumanistic ones – it is necessary to prove, that “steady state” of humankind is a false conception. It is necessary also to prove that sustainable development is not oxymoron, and wisdom based growth and sustainable development is realistic conception. We, humankind, ought to reach capability of crossing consecutive limits to growth in developmental way and go into Universum – up to “Omega point” (Teilhard de Chardin). Best regards Leslaw To create the Sustainable Development Global Information Society In order to create Sustainable Development Global Information Society we ought to: 1. – confirm thesis: WISDOM BASED GROWTH AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IS POSSIBLE AND NECESSARY FOR SURVIVAL OF HUMANKIND AND EARTH; 2. – disseminate ECOHUMANISTIC consciousness; 3. – introduce - additionally into world socioeconomic infrastructure quite new (ante factum) feed back – FEED FORWARD (“preemptive development”).; 4. - create UN World Center for Strategy of Sustainable Development (SD); . 5. – create UN SD Information Center; 6. - build commonly accessible World SD-Information System -. World (integrated and distributed) Information System for Complex Monitoring, Far-sighted Prediction and Measurable Evaluation - of effects of policy, work and other changes in life-conditions of human- and other beings. 7. support below mentioned Polish Initiative addressed to World Summit on Information Societ (WSIS, Tunis, November 2005). Back to top of page Polish World Summit on Information Societ (WSIS) proposal Polish WSIS Proposal To whom it may concern - by Sustainable Development Information Society Forum - Poland for the Forum Leslaw Michnowski, Warszawa. www.psl.org.pl/kte http://cgi.albany.edu/~sdsweb/sdsweb.cgi?P302 the sustainable development of our people (…) comprehensive vision for the future of humanity (…) poverty eradication, changing consumption and production patterns (…) pillars of sustainable development – economic development, social development and environmental protection (…) Back to top of page WSSD - Johannesburg Declaration – WSSD - Johannesburg Declaration. Dear Sir // Dear Madam In this message we wish to inform you of an initiative presented by the delegation of the Polish government at the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS, Geneva 2003, the relevant document is enclosed). That submission contained, inter alia, the following statements: (…) ways in which the world situation tends to evolve, creates an urgent need to build up a widely and freely accessible world information network. This network could serve to provide monitoring, forecasting and early warning (…) and thus help to implement the principles of sustainable development (SD). (…) This initiative aims to take up, on a global scale, the building of the information basis for SD-policy and SD-economy. The reasoning for this submission is as follows: Systems research conducted in Poland on the causes of a variety of social pathologies — which are dangerously intensifying! — proves beyond doubt that these pathologies are being brought about by the existing and gradually exacerbating global crisis. This crisis could be overcome on the condition that social relations - in the global dimension - are re-oriented towards the common good, and adjusted so as to make effective and good use of achievements of science and technology progress by the society. In turn, to attain such a re-orientation, it is necessary to create a wisdom-based information society, which is far-sighted and flexible. For this to take place, priority should be given to the process of creation of a commonly accessible, world-wide system of: - comprehensive monitoring; of effects of policy, work and other changes in the life conditions of human- beings and nature in general. Such a SD-information system should be globally-integrated and territorially distributed. In order to bring about the creation of such an information system, it is essential to carry out a large-scale operation, requiring appropriate developments in science, technology and society at large. Due to the lack of such an information foundation for the global and local governance, a covert or overt struggle for access to scarce and shrinking natural resources will inevitably grow and accelerate the crisis. This crisis, if unchecked, will lead to a global catastrophe. The deficit of these resources should, and, we believe can, be eliminated through international cooperation, which should replace the existing competition. That, however, requires not only political will, but also the deepening of a comprehensive and easily accessible knowledge about the consequences of human actions and inactions. In November 2005 in Tunis, the second, and final part of the World Summit on Information Society is scheduled to take place. If the ends outlined above are to be achieved, it is necessary that this initiative obtains recognition and strong international support. Given all the above, we wish to ask you to support us in bringing this initiative to life, as it is urgently needed for survival of the humankind. We are deeply convinced that building of the information basis for SD-policy and SD-economy is essential for averting a global catastrophe and achieving sustainable development of the world society. With best regards, Leslaw Michnowski Enclosure H.E. Professor Michal Kleiber Minister of Scientific Research and Information Technology of the Republic of Poland to the World Summit on the Information Society (…) We believe that the Internet and other ICTs technologies can be an effective tool for forecasting and preventing global threats. It can also be a perfect means to support the implementation of the idea of sustainable development. In my opinion, ways in which the world situation tends to evolve, creates an urgent need to build up a widely and freely accessible world information network. This network could serve to provide monitoring, forecasting and early warning with regard to elements capable of triggering a global change and thus help to implement the principles of sustainable development. Such a network would be vital in bringing us closer to a globalization process and its numerous phenomena ranging from the management of human settlements, world eco-systems, population movements up to other crucial elements of global transformation. (…) (Full text, see: http://www.itu.int/wsis/geneva/coverage/statements/poland/pl.doc ). Justification of above proposals: see: http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/gdufour/2004WorkMichnowski.htm , or www.psl.org.pl/kte mail to: elmamba@poczta.onet.pl kte@psl.org.pl lmamba@yahoo.co.uk . Back to top of page Statement by H.E. Professor Michal Kleiber Minister of Scientific Research and Information Technology of the Republic of Poland
to the World Summit on the Information Society Statement by H.E. Professor Michal Kleiber Minister of Scientific Research and Information Technology of the Republic of Poland to the World Summit on the Information Society Geneva, 11 December 2003 Mr. President, Heads of States and Governments, Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates, First of all I should like to thank all the organizers of the WSIS, The Swiss Government and the ITU, for all the effort and work that has been put into the preparations of this most significant event. Mr. President, The turn of two centuries: XVII th and XVIII th was in the history of the European culture the age of Enlightenment and the era of discoveries and a quest for knowledge. It was also the time when independent and free human thought was believed to have unlimited possibilities for exploring the world. The process of setting up many institutions aiming at popularizing new ideas and the exchange of knowledge was a specific feature of that period. At that time, the exchange of information was driven by journalists, literary salons and publishing houses. Nowadays the Internet has taken over a major part of it. The Declaration of Human Rights of that time, which we owe to France and widely propagated cult of knowledge were the impulses of later industrial revolution and profound changes in education system. Indirectly but greatly these factors contributed to the improvement of human well-being and the quality of life. These, and many others historical experiences provide us with evidence that free human thought is the best engine for development. Mr. President, The unfettered exchange of information and free flow of ideas without prohibitions, gags or chains is by far the best guarantee of implementation of essential human rights. Thanks to information available and a wide access to sources of knowledge many scientific breakthroughs of vital importance to mankind were made possible. As a result of this process numerous countries have become free and independent. Miles of barbed wires, apparatus of terror and the efforts of censors did not stop the flow of free thought and the exchange of information, which - among other factors - helped to destroy the Berlin Wall and was entirely instrumental in spreading the "Solidarity Union" message through the whole Poland and, indeed, the whole Central and Eastern Europe. People such as Nelson Mandela and Lech Walesa have become the symbols of progress and freedom. Recently there have been lots of talk within the UN System about best practices sharing. We think there is a lot in our European experience that could be of interest to others. We are prepared to ponder and absorb what others have achieved. In the context of our Summit, such an approach to information and knowledge is the most effective way of bringing States, nations and peoples together. I come form Poland and I can assure you on the experiences of my country that the above mentioned view was confirmed by the Cold War period, the Iron Curtain and by all the ineffective efforts to control an interchange of thoughts known in the history. The follow up is well known. Unhampered exchange of information and the free flow of ideas brings good prospects of successful fight against the stereotypes and intolerance. As Mr. Norbert Wiener once said: "To live effectively is to have information". With a full awareness of all the negative factors linked to the social phenomenon of the Internet, such as international digital divide, cyber crime, intellectual property rights violation and some others, the use of this medium can still be considered as a constant source of "enlightenment" and social changes. I think we shall all be deeply convinced that it will induce States and societies to recognize common imperative values such as peace, freedom, democracy, human rights and good governance. Mr. President, The unlimited access to knowledge is the biggest enemy of intolerance. In Poland the development of the Information Society is supported by the governmental strategy called e-Poland. The central issues addressed in the strategy are: - development of IT infrastructure We believe that the Internet and other ICTs technologies can be an effective tool for forecasting and preventing global threats. It can also be a perfect means to support the implementation of the idea of sustainable development. In my opinion, ways in which the world situation tends to evolve, creates an urgent need to build up a widely and freely accessible world information network. This network could serve to provide monitoring, forecasting and early warning with regard to elements capable of triggering a global change and thus help to implement the principles of sustainable development. Such a network would be vital in bringing us closer to a globalisation process and its numerous phenomena ranging from the management of human settlements, world eco-systems, population movements up to other crucial elements of global transformation. In conclusion, Mr. President, let me declare on behalf of my country our full support for all the steps facilitating the build-up of the information society world-wide, which we see as a natural societal development, improving in the long run the quality of life for everyone and for all and assuring getting on higher and higher level of civilisation and economic progress. This is a much coveted goal. We would possibly prefer slightly different language in a number of formulations of the Draft Declaration of Principles and the Plan of Action as prepared for us by the Preparatory Committee. However, that coveted goal is still of utmost importance for us and we are prepared to join the consensus.
Back to top of page HOW TO AVOID THE GLOBAL CATASTROPHE? The Information Basis for Sustainable Development Policy and Economy
by Leslaw Michnowski To live in state of change and risk we need the Wisdom Based Global Information Society. Therefore we need also information efficient, subsidiarity, multilevel and global, governance. This governance must be based on the World SD-Information System - for aiding SD-policy. The creation of commonly accessible World (integrated and distributed) SDInformation System for Comprehensive Monitoring, Long-term Prediction and Measurable Evaluation - of effects of socio-economic activity and/or other environmental changes is essential to avoid the global catastrophe and to achieve sustainable development, through partnership for common good cooperation of world society based on multilevel (and global) governance, SD-economy and Inclusive Globalization (CIA, 2000). Read complete research paper at: HOW TO AVOID THE GLOBAL CATASTROPHE? The Information Basis for Sustainable Development Policy and Economy http://www.psl.org.pl/kte/howtoavoid.pdf ![]()
Back to top of page WORLDWIDE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM AS A PRECONDITION FOR THE REALIZATION OF UNITED NATIONS GOALS (theses) by Leslaw Michnowski Co-founder of Sustainable Development Information Society Forum – Poland Member of: - Committee for Futures Studies "Poland 2000 Plus" Polish Academy of Sciences; Chairman of Sustainable Development Creators’ Club - Poland,
www.psl.org.pl/kte " This Summit (WSIS - LM) must be a summit of solutions. It must push forward the outcome of the World Summit held two months ago at
the United Nations in New York. It must lead to information and communications technologies being used in new ways, which will bring
new benefits to all social classes. (…) an "information society"? We mean one in which human capacity is expanded, built up, nourished
and liberated, by giving people access to the tools and technologies they need (…) The hurdle here is more political than financial."
STATEMENT BY H. E. MR. KOFI ANNAN THE SECRETARY-GENERAL OF THE UNITED NATIONS WSIS, Tunis, 16 November 2005 (…) In the old world of finite natural resources-like oil, coal or iron ore-one country's exploitation of those resources meant there were less available for other countries. But in the new world
of infinite information resources, one country's creation of wealth based on information can be shared by all. The value of information increases, the more it is shared.(...)"
“(…) information is the key to (sustainability - LM) transformation. (…) It
means relevant, compelling, select, powerful, timely, accurate information
flowing in new ways to new recipients, carrying new concept, suggesting new
rules and goals (rules and goals that are themselves information). (…) When
its information flows are changed, any system will behave differently”.
(See: Tools for Transition to Sustainability, in: Meadows and alt, Limits to Growth, the 30 -Years Update)
1. In what way to avoid the global catastrophe – environmental, world war (for access to deficit resources and “clean” environment, Lester R. Brown, Eco-economy, Plan B 2.0: Rescuing a Planet
Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble), and/or clash of civilizations?
2. To avoid the global catastrophe we ought to describe the essence of global crisis in the new way (Michnowski L., http://www.psl.org.pl/kte/artlm.htm ). 3. Nowadays, we (humankind) live in quite new environmental situation: in the State of Change (Flux) and Risk (SCR), as a result of big scientific–technological and organizational progress . 4. In SCR the main cause of global ecosystem degradation is rapidly pacing moral degradation (out-datedness) of existing forms of life - not fitted to new rapidly emergency life conditions. 5. Therefore the global crisis is the result of (currently large inert, chaotic) world society lack of skill for farsightedness, flexibility, intellectual and material reserves creation. 6. To achieve such skill we have to use ITC in such a way that allow the access to knowledge about future effects of human activity and other changes in environment. 7. We should also develop flexible (computer) automation in proper and commonly accessible way. 8. Also - change crisis generating, egoistic economy into sustainable development (SD)-economy, based on: - complex accounting of benefits and cost including natural and social (human) components (OECD), 9. It would allow to achieve the main UN Goals: - Universal Declaration of Human Rights (2005 World Summit Outcome, p. 120); 10. For change currently crisis-generating egoistic economy into SD (sustainable development)-economy - we ought to build information possibility for internalizing externalities (not only natural, but also human – OECD, Club of Rome), and base policy and economy on common interest principle. 11. It would allow to eliminate unemployment by stimulating popular developmental creative activity on wisdom (intellectual evolution) principle. 12. Creation of information bases of SD-policy and SD-economy is especially necessary for: - DECOUPLING (the range of economic growth from the range of depletion growth of deficit natural resources and degradation of environment); 13. Precondition of such change in policy and economy means the big international task (Sojuz-Apollo scale) of building (in multi stage way, based on G. Nadler method, continuously under development) a commonly accessible, world-wide - net (and grid) type - system of:
14. This task ought to be preceded by international research, which will describe conditions for, and facilitate creation of the WORLDWIDE SD-INFORMATION SYSTEM, as well as the WORLDWIDE FLEXIBLE AUTOMATION SYSTEM. It allows to get answer in what way to start building of such follow–up of Tunis outcome. 15. Effects of above research would be presented during three international conferences (for example in Warsaw) of the INTERNATIONAL FORUM ON A WISDOM-BASED GLOBAL INFORMATION SOCIETY – TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF THE WORLD SOCIETY: Conference I: Information efficiency and warning forecasting as preconditions of SD-policy and SD-economy (2007). 16. The first goal of above initiative ought to be achieving 2005 World Summit Outcome (p. 56 f): to establish of a worldwide early warning system, including WSIS Tunis Outcome (Agenda for the Information Society, p. 91 c): working expeditiously towards the establishment of standards-based monitoring and worldwide early-warning systems linked to national and regional networks and facilitating emergency disaster response all over the world. 17. We ought to treat Meadows’s – Forrester (Limits to Growth, Beyond the Limits, …) warning forecasting, as well as Global Earth Observation System of Systems, as elements of global early warning system. 18. I propose also to publish in English and get under world wide discussion my book: Jak zyc? Ekorozwoj albo ..., (How to Live? Eco-development [Sustainable Development] or ... - http://www.psl.org.pl/kte/jzcont.htm 19. Realization of above proposals would allow to convince the world politicians (decision-makers) that overcoming of global crisis is only possible by means of popular creation of information, based on knowledge about future effects of human activity and common interest value system. MAIN CONCLUSIONS OF MY SD-CYBERNETICS RESEARCH: 1. No limits to WISDOM based growth and SD. 2. In the State of Change and Risk the main cause of degradation is rapidly pacing MORAL DEGRADATION (out-datedness) of existing forms of life - not fitted to new rapidly emergency life conditions. 3. For SD we have to create farsightedness, flexibility, and intellectual and material reserves creation possibility of world society. 4. To overcome global crisis – we have especially to: - get access to knowledge about the future effects of human activity; and Justification of above conclusions, inter alia, see: - How to Create Sustainable Development Global Information Society?, Poster for "Global Dialogue 2004" - http://www.psl.org.pl/kte/postergd.pdf ; Back to top of page
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