The Global Community is helping government officials, businesses, researchers, students, and others interested in development issues to find sources of economic and social data online.
This program identifies online sources of multi-sectoral and sectoral data at the global level. Each source was discussed briefly and in some cases samples of possible uses of the data was provided.
This program provides data sites and a number of other useful links to:
* online training material
* data issues
* free software or other tools for understanding and analysing data
* maps related to the data
* other useful sites
Data Sources
* Health
* Governance
* Poverty
* Trade
* Earth resources
* Environment
* Worst polluters on the planet
* Urban/Rural
* Overpopulation
* Global life-support systems
* Transportation
* Industry
* Agriculture
* Communications
* Crime
* Education
* National and global accounts
* Finance
* Gender
* Information Technology
* Labour
* Clean technologies
* Water/Sanitation
* Clean air
[ Definition of sustainable development ] [ Measurement of sustainable development ] [ Equitable and peaceful development ] [ Science and technology for development ] [ Disseminating information and educating ] [ Global co-operation on development ] [ Global portal on sustainable development ] [ Home and community development ] [ Sustainable economic development ] [ Ecological sustainable development ] [ Sustainable buildings ] [ Guidelines and criteria for projects ] [ Programs for training and educating ] [ Environmental consumerism ] [ Spirituality, religions and conservation ] [ Research and development ] [ Societal sustainability ] [ S.D. Global Information Society ] [ Social development:access to information ] [ Business responsibility for s.d. ] [ HIV/AIDS and development ] [ ICTs and development ] [ Social development ] [ Sustainable energy ] [ Recycling and biodegradability ] [ Sustainable agriculture ]
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