Portal of the Global Community Global Proceedings

The Global Community has had work on global overview aspects and issues ever since 1985. Global Dialogue 2007 Global Overview contains the results of work done so far.

Global Community Data

Virginie and Germain Dufour
Founders and Spiritual Leaders of the Global Community

The following table shows a summary of the Proceedings of the Global Dialogue as evaluated by the Global Community Assessment Centre (GCAC)
    Global Data
 Global Dialogue  Proceedings  Issues  Workshops  Roundtables  Global Overview  
Global GSDP evaluation per average community of a million people ($106)
Global GESDI evaluation per average community of a million people (%)
 2000             32547 (global real) and 8865 (global average)   59.82  
 2002             33108 and 9293   58.16  
 2004             34076 and 9376   57.09  
 2005             36198 and 9402   56.88  
 2006             38230 and 9657   54.32  
 2007             40077 and 11391   52.40  
 2008             60029 and 12305   40.08  
 2009             90000 and 20100   30.10  
 2010             100,655 and 21,004   25.09  

Global Dialogue 2008 Overview involved over 260 leaders from 90 countries. Participants were from 130 nations to dialogue on hundreds of issues.

The OVERVIEW of Global Dialogue 2008 was written from the materials found in the workshop sessions, group discussions by email and discussion roundtables summaries, brain-storming exercises, vision statements, comments and recommendations, reviewing of research papers and from results of the dialogue held from September 1st 2007 to August 31st 2008, and especially the dialogue held in the month of August. Materials published in the press releases, proclamations and Newsletters were also included.

Global Dialogue 2008 Overview includes the:
  • Overview of all papers, articles, comments, opinions, recommendations of Global Dialogue 2008 by name and email, and with listing of relevant issues - workshop sessions.
  • Overview summary of all papers, articles, and comments of Global Dialogue 2008
  • Summary of recommendations from all papers, articles, and comments of Global Dialogue 2008
  • Recommendations resulting from the assessment of all papers, articles, and comments of Global Dialogue 2008

The Global Movement to Help is the final product of the assessment of the work from all Participants of Global Dialogue 2008.

Global Dialogue 2007 Global Overview contains work:

  • published by the Global Community Information Media (GIM)
  • obtained from Global Dialogue 2007 issues
  • obtained from issues find in Newsletters
  • obtained from issues find in Press Releases
  • obtained from issues find in Proclamations - Letters

 Month  Theme  Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 August 2007   The planet-Life-Soul of Humanity symbiotical relationship
which brings up a question
Who owns the Earth?

   Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 July 2007   Global Justice Movement for all life
   Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 June 2007   Our volunteers will help you to sustain Earth, humanity and all life
   Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 May 2007   Our volunteers will help you to sustain Earth, humanity and all life
   Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 April 2007   God Law, Nature Law, the teaching of the Soul of Humanity with the teaching of the prophet are fundamental pillars of our Global Law
   Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 March 2007   The third option: Global Law, the need to have it, and the benefits    Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 February 2007   To the United Nations: there is such a thing as 'global law', and it applies to everyone, no exception. Why would anyone be giving you any tax dollars when your organization has never enforced the law and, instead, operated on the basis of the needs of powerful lobbying groups and governments, never from principles of your Charter.    Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 January 2007   Year 2006 ECO Award is rewarding 'soft global activism' with relevant scientific efforts and journalism reporting.    Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter

 Month  Theme  Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 December 2006   Global Civilization    Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 November 2006   Politics and Justice without borders. Theme:
Agency of Global Police and the formation of the Global Protection Agency (GPA)
   Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 October 2006   Politics and Justice without borders. Theme: Building Global Communities for all life    Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 August 2006   The Global Community categorically denies Israel the status of nation and of a global community    Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 July 2006   A hunger strike to end the war and bring troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan    Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 June 2006   Peak oil & gas is now and tomorrow is the end of our civilized-self    Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 May 2006   Global Parliament has appointed Dr. José G. Vargas-Hernández to the position of Global Environment Minister    Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 April 2006   A world where life is a gift of God and should be respected versus a world where the messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (GR)(GR), is dearer than parents, their children and themselves.    Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
  February 2006 Global Government of North America (GGNA)
is now, let go NAFTA
We can do better together as friends and united as a Global Government
The Canadian view point
   Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 January 2006   Celebration of Life Day
is May 26 every year, a day to say
thank you God for the gift of Life on Earth
   Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter

 Month  Theme  Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 November 2005   Direct democracy is a community right on the Scale of Human and Earth Rights    Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 October 2005   The Global Constitution as approved by Global Parliament    Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 August 2005   Politics and Justice without borders    Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 July 2005   The Interim Earth Government    Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 June 2005   Federation of Earth and the Earth Constitution    Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 May 2005   Human and Earth Rights    Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 February 2005  The Global Constitution    Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 January 2005  Help tsunamis victims    Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 November 2004   Global governance and Earth management    Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 September 2004  Proceedings of Global Dialogue 2004    Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 July 2004  A global symbiotical relationship between people, institutions, cities, provinces and nations of the world   Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 June 2004  Climate change prelude   Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 May 2004  The statement of rights and responsibilities of a person belonging to 'a global community' and to 'The Global Community', the Earth Community, the human family   Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 April 2004  Earth Rights   Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 March 2004  A global sustainable development   Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 February 2004  Profit-based conservation strategies for natural ecosystems   Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 January 2004  Final Program for Global Dialogue 2004   Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 December 2003  Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA)   Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 November 2003  Protection of the global life-support systems   Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 October 2003  World overpopulation, its global problems and what we can do about them   Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 September 2003  Citizenship of the Global Community   Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 August 2003  Foundation of Earth Government   Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 July 2003  Statement of rights of a person and of the Global Community   Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 June 2003  World overpopulation at the turning point requires each and every one of us to take a stand on rights and on being a part of the Global Community, the human family   Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 May 2003  From 'a Global Community' concept to 'a community of a million people', 'the Global Community' and Earth Government   Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 April 2003   Foundation for the new world order, Earth Government
  • Improved Democracy, Nonviolence, and Peace  

  • Respect and Care for the Global Community of Life 

  • Ecological Integrity 

  • Social and Economic Justice 

  • A new symbiotical relationship between that of spirituality and the protection of the global life-support systems  

  • Scale of Human and Earth Right 

  • Earth Court of Justice 

  • Charter of Earth Government 
  Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 February 2003  Peace movement of the Earth Community Organization (ECO), the Global Community   Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 January 2003  Community rights on the Scale of Human and Earth Rights   Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 December 2002  Social and Economic Justice   Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 November 2002  The world overpopulation problem resolved along with several other global issues   Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 October 2002  Thinking and consciousness are the means of a spiritual relationship with the Soul of Humanity and God   Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 September 2002  To-day's children evoke a VISION of the New Age Civilization of the 3rd Millennium   Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 July 2002  On the creation of a new nation through the process of the Earth Court of Justice
  Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 June 2002     Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 May 2002   Replacing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the Scale of Human and Earth Rights has become a necessity of life
  Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 April 2002   Terrorism and weapons of mass destruction
  Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 March 2002   Positive actions you have accomplished in sustaining Earth, our home
  Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 December 2001  Interim Earth Government
  Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 November 2001  Developing Earth government models is a R&D project of Earth Community Organization
  Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 October 2001  Western civilization clashes with Islamic civilization
  Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 September 2001  The Soul of Humanity's Message
  Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 July 2001  The Climate Change Ministry of Earth Government
  Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 May 2001  Charter of the Earth Community
  Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 March 2001  Primordial Human Rights and Earth Management
  Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 February 2001  The Corporate Sector and Earth Management   Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 December 2000   Earth Government for Earth Community    -    A grassroots process
  Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 June 2000  Founders of the Global Community   Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 November 1999  On the Issues of Globalization within the Global Community   Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 August 1999  On the Issues of the Scale of Values and Personal Sustainable Development   Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 July 1999  On the Issue of Sustainable Development for Children   Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter
 March 1999  World Congress on Managing and Measuring Sustainable Development   Read this Newsletter   Read Table of Contents of this Newsletter

 Month  Theme  Read this press release
 Month/year  Press briefing  Theme or comments  Read contents
 March 17, 2007   God Law, Nature Law, the teaching of the Soul of Humanity with the teaching of the prophet are fundamental pillars of our Global Law by Germain Dufour, Spiritual Leader of the Global Community  In order to create a harmonious and compassionate Global Community, there are laws I ask everyone to comply with.   Read I am the new long awaited Prophet
 February 19, 2007   Protect North America’s Boreal Forest by Emily L., with Care2 Action Alerts  Can you imagine life without some of your favorite birds? If the summer breeding ground for over 300 of North America's bird species is not protected, we could lose some of these amazing birds forever. The Boreal Forest, known as North America's Bird Nursery, is one of the largest unspoiled ecosystems left on Earth - and it is under threat!   Read Protect North America’s Boreal Forest
 January 1st, 2007   Welcoming of Ban Ki-moon just sworn in as next Secretary-General of the United Nations.  Global Parliament and the Global Community welcome Ban Ki-moon just sworn in as next Secretary-General of the United Nations.   Read Global Parliament and the Global Community welcome <B> Ban Ki-moon</B> just sworn in as next Secretary-General of the United Nations

 Month/year  Press briefing  Theme or comments  Read contents
 November 2, 2006   Portal of the Global Civilization   Global Parliament has appointed DR. MICHAEL ELLIS as Global Civilization Minister of Global Peace and Disarmament   Read Portal of the Global Civilization
 October 20, 2006  Global Protection Agency (GPA)   Introductory brief on the Global Protection Agency (GPA)   Read Introductory brief on the Global Protection Agency (GPA)
 October 14, 2006  North Korean crisis: the USA global invasion perspective   North Korean crisis: the USA global invasion perspective   Read  North Korean crisis: the USA global invasion perspective
 October 14, 2006  Agency of Global Police   Global Community Arrest Warrants against the Secretary General of the United Nations Kofi Annan   Read  Global Community Arrest Warrants against the Secretary General of the United Nations  Kofi Annan
 October 14, 2006  Agency of Global Police   Global Community Arrest Warrants against the Five Permanent Members of the UN Security Council   Read Global Community Arrest Warrants against the Five Permanent Members  of the UN Security Council
 October 2, 2006  Agency of Global Police   Building global communities requires a mean to enforce global law that protects all life on Earth.   Read Agency of Global Police
 September 12th, 2006  Global Dialogue 2007 Call for Papers   Building Global Communities for all life   Read Global Dialogue 2007 Call for Papers
 July 19st, 2006  Global Community Arrest Warrants against four very dangerous criminals   Global Community Arrest Warrants against four very dangerous criminals   Read Global Community Arrest Warrants against four very dangerous criminals
 June 21st, 2006   It's time to do more to end the war in Iraq and in Afghanistan. Join the hunger strike to bring our troops home.  The Global Community and Global Community Earth Government are asking everyone to join us worldwide in a hunger strike to bring our troops home.  Read
 May 1st, 2006   The Global Community organization is calling upon global citizens and all peoples and governments of the world to rally with the GCEG for the good of all   "We the Peoples" are us.
Unity in diversity Getting to know one another and ourselves as one humanity. We must allow multiplicity, diversity and contradiction to exist inside the Global Community ... a world where the conflicts of globalization are met by the romantic dreams of a new modernity, a new federation of nations, the Global Community Earth Government (GCEG)
 March 22, 2006   Prisoners detained by the United States at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba are Global Citizens  Prisoners detained by the United States at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba have requested status of Global Citizens and are to be handed over to the Earth Court of Justice  Read
 February 26, 2006   Global Citizens Rights, Responsibility and Accountability Act  People from all nations of the world, and all National Governments, are invited to amend the document proposed here today.  Read
 January 1, 2006   Celebration of Life Day   Celebration of Life Day is May 26 every year, a day to say
thank you God for the gift of Life on Earth

 Month  Press briefing  Theme or comments  Read contents
 January 1, 2006   Celebration of Life Day   Celebration of Life Day is May 26 every year, a day to say
thank you God for the gift of Life on Earth
 February 26, 2006   Global Citizens Rights, Responsibility and Accountability Act  People from all nations of the world, and all National Governments, are invited to amend the document proposed here today.  Read
 March 22, 2006   Prisoners detained by the United States at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba are Global Citizens  Prisoners detained by the United States at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba have requested status of Global Citizens and are to be handed over to the Earth Court of Justice  Read
 May 1st, 2006   The Global Community organization is calling upon global citizens and all peoples and governments of the world to rally with the GCEG for the good of all   "We the Peoples" are us.
Unity in diversity Getting to know one another and ourselves as one humanity. We must allow multiplicity, diversity and contradiction to exist inside the Global Community ... a world where the conflicts of globalization are met by the romantic dreams of a new modernity, a new federation of nations, the Global Community Earth Government (GCEG)

 Month  Press release  Theme or comments  Read contents
 Nov 22, 2004   The ECO Award in the business category given to Germain Dufour by the Global Community  Global Community WebNet Ltd.   Read
 March 2, 2005  Canada showing leadership toward the formation of Earth Government and the development of the Global Constitution  Global Dialogue 2005 is about Earth Government and the Global Constitution   Read
 March 14, 2005  First draft of the Global Constitution  The first draft of the Global Constitution is now ready. Think of it as a worksheet for the final document. Participate now!   Read
 April 22, 2005  Second draft of the Global Constitution  The second draft is ready and will replace the first draft on the website  Read
 July 7, 2005  Global Governments Federation   As a replacement to the United Nations, we are proposing the formation of 9 or more global governments with one Global Constitution.  Read
July 23, 2005 Portal of the Global Community of North America Our North American Community  Read
 September 26, 2005  On September 19, 2005, Global Parliament adopted the Global Constitution   Global Parliament adopted the Global Constitution  Read
 October 27, 2005  "Direct democracy" is a community right on the Scale of Human and Earth Rights  Direct democracy is the right of global citizens to hold referendums on important issues -- and to veto legislation. This is a very important concept that the Global Community must deal with now. This is perhaps the greatest lesson that the United Nations will need to learn in the coming years.  Read

 Month  P.r.  Topic  Read contents
 January 3rd, 2004  #1  Final Program for Global Dialogue 2004  Read
 April 15th, 2004  #2  Two wrongs dont make one right, never did never will  Read
 June 11th, 2004  #3  Climate change: responsibility and accountability of cities (Part I)  Read

  • July 1st, 2001    HNewsPR01.htm

  • Letter to Kofi Annan, United Nations Secretary-General
  • November 1st, 2000    HNewsPR02.htm

  • A campaign to create the Earth flag is going on right
  • November 1st, 2000    HNewsPR03.htm

  • Letter to the United Nations Secretary-General
  • March 8th, 2003     HNewsPR04.htm

  • To all Peoples of the Earth, let it be Peace within Earth Community
  • March 27th, 2003    HNewsPR05.htm

  • Formation of Earth Government for the good of all
  • May 15th, 2003     pressrelease6.htm

  • World overpopulation at the turning point requires each and every one of us to take a stand on rights and on being a part of to the Global Community, the human family
  • July 20th, 2003    pressrelease7.htm

  • Foundation of Earth Government: statement of rights and responsibilities of a person and of belonging to 'a global community' and to 'The Global Community', the Earth Community, Earth Government, the human family
  • August 24th, 2003    pressrelease8.htm

  • Criteria to obtain the Global Community Citizenship
  • October 28th, 2003    pressrelease9.htm

  • Protection of the global life-support systems

 Date sent  Sent by who? and to who?  Theme or comments  Read contents
 August 1, 2007  Sent by DR. Charles Mercieca to the Global Community   China’s Transition into a Society of Social Harmony (Part II)
China represents one of the oldest civilizations in the entire history of our earthly society. Its dynasties managed to leave legacies that have enriched the culture of China in many unique ways. By nature, the Chinese are very kind people and they try to be helpful with those around and with those they come across. They also tend to live in peace and to let others live in peace as well. The only ambition the Chinese people seem to have is to see the members of their relatives and friends equipped with all the vital needs of life. mercieca@knology.net
  Read  China’s Transition into a Society of Social Harmony (Part II)
 July 28, 2007  Sent by DR. Charles Mercieca to the Global Community   China in True Perspective
  Read  China in True Perspective
 June 10, 2007   Sent by Germain Dufour to the Global Community   Global Justice for all life on the planet
The Global Community Global Justice Movement has many inter-related components: monetary, social, economic, environmental, democracy, and peace. The Global Community Global Justice Movement promotes new thinking to benefit all economies and societies – the true, fair, democratic and efficient solution to poverty. The Global Community has the productive resources to eliminate poverty and injustice. Humanity is now in the process of developing the democratic and transparent communications infrastructure which can bring this about. Our approach transcends left-wing/right-wing designations. We see both conventional capitalism and socialism as being two arms of a philosophy which concentrate power in an elite, to the detriment of society as a whole. Reforming the current money system, to empower each and every person, is a first step for justice.
  Read Global Justice for all life on the planet
 May 26, 2007  Sent by Germain Dufour to the Global Community   The Global Community celebrates Life Day on May 26 of each year
The Global Community is defined as being all that exits or occurs at any location at any time between the Ozone layer above and the core of the planet below
  Read The Global Community celebrates Life Day on May 26 of each year
 May 5, 2007  Letter sent by Tea Kovacevic Molnar to the Global Community   God government
Jesus comments on political issues

  Read  God government
 May 4, 2007  Letter sent by Bill Ellis to the Global Community   The Soul of an apathist
To be or not to be -- mortality and immortality

  Read  The Soul of an apathist
 April 9, 2007  Sent by Murray Dobbin to the Global Community  The militarization of Canadian Culture   Read The militarization of Canadian Culture
 April 4, 2007  Sent by DR. Charles Mercieca to the Global Community  Prophet Mohammad:
God’s Messenger of Peace
  Read  Prophet Mohammad: God’s Messenger of Peace
 March 17, 2007   I am the new long awaited prophet to help humanity through this century and beyond by Germain Dufour, with the Global Community  In order to create a harmonious and compassionate Global Community, there are laws I ask everyone to comply with.   Read I am the new long awaited Prophet
 March 16, 2007  Sent by Germain Dufour to the Global Community   Nature Law
Nature Law, a fundamental pillar of our social values
  Read  Nature Law
 March 17, 2007  Sent by God to the Global Community   Revelations for the 21st Century and beyond
God Law
  Read  Revelations for the 21st Century and beyond
 March 8, 2007  Sent by Grassroots Women to the Global Community   Grassroots Women International Women’s Day 2007 Statement
Strengthen Women’s Resistance: Oppose Imperialism’s Intensifying Attacks! Assert Women’s Basic Human Rights!
In Canada, a patriarchal resurgence and ever-more entrenched systemic racism are intensifying the exploitation, oppression, and economic exclusion of working class, (im)migrant, refugee and Indigenous women. We are hard hit by the neo-liberal policies of the Canadian government of liberalization, deregulation and privatization which leave working class women unable to earn a decent income or to access affordable housing, health, and other services. Amidst rising corporate profiteering, government corruption, and military spending, government funding for childcare and women’s programs have been slashed. The insultingly paltry and unjustly distributed $100/month childcare benefit has been a slap in the face for women demanding a genuinely universal national childcare program. (Im)migrant and refugee women face the punitive and exploitative nature of immigration policies such as the Live-in Caregiver Program and unjust deportations. Indigenous women face the ongoing colonization of their land and resources.
  Read   Grassroots Women International Women’s Day 2007 Statement
 March 9, 2007  Sent by DR. Charles Mercieca to the Global Community   The Crime of War in Iraq   Read  The Crime of War in Iraq
 March 10, 2007  Sent by Triaka Smith to the Global Community   GREAT SHIFT OF POWER, The CONSTITUTION of UNITED DIVERSITY, The New Earth Cooperative To explain, since "Justice" is the principle of Moral Rightness, its a rational view that to force a human being into submission when that person has neither threatened nor caused harm to others, is both Irrational Enslavement and Morally Unjust. In this connection, it's worth noting that while civilized people have voluntarily agreed to make illegal the Initiation of Physical Force by one human upon another, as in murder, rape, and robbery, no government on earth has yet been held to the same Moral Standard.   Read GREAT SHIFT OF POWER
 March 5, 2007  Sent by Connie Fogal, leader of CAP/PAC to the Global Community  Connie Fogal, leader of CAP/PAC, identifies critical issues and solutions for Canadians   Read Connie Fogal, leader of CAP/PAC, identifies critical issues and solutions for Canadians
 March 2, 2007  Sent by DR. Charles Mercieca to the Global Community  The Criminality of War   Read The Criminality of War
 February 26, 2007  Sent by Livia Varju, Universal Alliance Servitor for Switzerland, to the Global Community  Is towards a totally spiritually ethical politics possible?   Read Is towards a totally spiritually ethical politics possible?
 January 1st, 2007  Sent by Germain Dufour to the Global Community  ECO Award in the Global Civilization category   Read ECO Award in the Global Civilization  category
 January 1st, 2007  Sent by Germain Dufour to Ban Ki-moon just sworn in as next Secretary-General of the United Nations  Global Parliament and the Global Community welcome Ban Ki-moon just sworn in as next Secretary-General of the United Nations   Read Global Parliament and the Global Community welcome <B> Ban Ki-moon</B> just sworn in as next Secretary-General of the United Nations

 Date sent  Sent by who? and to who?  Theme or comments  Read contents
 October 26, 2006  Sent by DR. Charles Mercieca to the Global Community  Coalition of Peaceful Nations: Their Strength and Asset to the World   Read Coalition of Peaceful Nations: Their Strength and Asset to the World
 October 20, 2006  Sent by DR. Charles Mercieca to the Global Community  What a Revitalized United Nations Could do for the Entire World   Read What a Revitalized United Nations  Could do for the Entire World
 November 9, 2006  Sent by DR. Jose G. Vargas-Hernandez to Dr. Dowall of IURD-Berkeley  Concerning relationships of cooperation and conflict between the mining company San Xavier, the communities of Cerro de San Pedro, Soledad y San Luis in the Sate of San Luis Potosí, New Social Movements and the three levels of government in Mexico   Read Letter of understanding concerning the position of Global Civilization Minister of Global Peace and Disarmament
 October 31, 2006  Sent by DR. MICHAEL ELLIS to Germain Dufour   Letter of understanding concerning the position of Global Civilization Minister of Global Peace and Disarmament   Read Letter of understanding concerning the position of Global Civilization Minister of Global Peace and Disarmament
 October 14, 2006  Sent by Germain Dufour to Secretary General of the United Nations Kofi Annan   Part II concerning your leadership in the world   Read Letter to the Secretary General of the United Nations (Part II concerning your leadership in the world)
 September 21, 2006  Sent by Germain Dufour to Dr. José G. Vargas-Hernández   Research paper submitted toward Global Dialogue 2007: INSTITUTIONAL ECONOMICS OF CO – OPERATION AND THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF TRUST   Read Research paper submitted toward Global Dialogue 2007: INSTITUTIONAL ECONOMICS OF CO – OPERATION AND THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF TRUST
 March 23, 2006  Sent by Germain Dufour to all Canadians   The war in Afghanistan   Read Letter to all Canadians concerning the war in Afghanistan
 July 19st, 2006  Sent by Germain Dufour to Israel Major General Dan Halutz   Global Community Arrest Warrant against you   Read Letter to the Global Community concerning August 2006  Global Exhibition
 June 21st, 2006  Sent by Germain Dufour to the Global Community   August 2006 Global Exhibition   Read Letter to the Global Community concerning August 2006  Global Exhibition
 June 4th, 2006  Sent by John McConnell founder of Earth Day, to the Global Community  GLOBAL ACTION TO SAVE PEOPLE AND PLANET   Read GLOBAL ACTION TO SAVE PEOPLE AND PLANET
 May 26th, 2006  Sent by Germain Dufour to Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the United Nations  The Global Community and the GCEG are asking you to resign as the Secretary General of the United Nations   Read

 Date sent  Sent by who? and to who?  Theme or comments  Read contents
 January 1, 2006   Germain Dufour, sent to all Global Citizens  GCEG Recommendations to humanity   Read
 January 1, 2006   Germain Dufour, sent to all Global Citizens   Letter to all global citizens concerning the Global Community Arrest Warrants of:
a.  George W. Bush, President of the United States,
b.  John Howard, Prime Minister of Australia.
 March 23rd, 2006  Sent by Germain Dufour to Dr. Manmohan Singh , Letter to India’s Prime Minister  GCEG to provide a forum to resolve conflicts between Kashmir, India and Pakistan.  Read
 March 23rd, 2006  Sent by Germain Dufour to President Pervez Musharraf , Letter to President of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, President Pervez Musharraf  GCEG to provide a forum to resolve conflicts between Kashmir, India and Pakistan.  Read
 March 23rd, 2006  Sent by Germain Dufour to all Palestinians , Letter to Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniya and all Palestinians  GCEG Earth Court of Justice to create the State of Palestine  Read
 March 23rd, 2006  Sent by Germain Dufour to all Canadians , Letter to all Canadians concerning the war in Afghanistan  Bring our milirary back home to prepare for the future  Read
 April 16th, 2006  Sent by Germain Dufour to Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the United Nations  Global Vision, Global Peace and Global Sustainability  Read
 April 24th, 2006  Sent by Canadian Scientists to Letter to Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper   Concerning climate change  Read
 April 24th, 2006  Sent by Germain Dufour to Letter to the Government of Canada, Department of Energy Sector, Minerals and Metals  To stop supporting a destructive mining project in the village Cerro de San Pedro, Mexico  Read
 April 24th, 2006  Sent by Germain Dufour to Letter to Metallica Resources, a publicly held Canadian mineral exploration and development company with a geographic focus in the Americas  To stop developing a destructive mining project in the village Cerro de San Pedro, Mexico  Read
 May 26th, 2006  Sent by Germain Dufour to Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the United Nations  The Global Community and the GCEG are asking you to resign as the Secretary General of the United Nations   Read
 June 4th, 2006  Sent by John McConnell founder of Earth Day, to the Global Community  GLOBAL ACTION TO SAVE PEOPLE AND PLANET   Read GLOBAL ACTION TO SAVE PEOPLE AND PLANET

 Date sent  Sent by who? and to who?  Theme or comments  Read contents
 July 2004   Germain Dufour, sent to Louise Arbour, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights  Scale of Human and Earth Rights,
and Earth Court of Justice
 Nov 22, 2004  Germain Dufour, sent to the Global Community Membership and the public  The ECO Award in the business category given to Germain Dufour by the Global Community   Read
 Nov 25, 2004  Dr. Sue L.T. McGregor, sent to the Global Community Membership and the public  The ECO Award in the social and human development category given to Dr. Sue L.T. McGregor by the Global Community  Read
 Dec 2, 2004  Robert E. Cobb, sent to the Global Community Membership and the public  The ECO Award in the societal sustainability category given to Robert E. Cobb by the Global Community  Read
 Dec 22, 2004  Dr. Xiaohui Hao, sent to to the Global Community Membership and the public  The ECO Award in the Mitigating GHGs in Power Sector category given to Dr. Xiaohui Hao by the Global Community  Read
 Jan 24, 2005   Jacques L. Hamel, sent to the Global Community  Paper title: Knowledge Policies for Sustainable Development in Africa: A Strategic Framework for Good Governance (54 pages)  Read
 Feb 2, 2005   Prof. Armindo dos Santos de Sousa Teodósio (Téo), sent to to the Global Community Membership and the public  The ECO Award in the Global governance and Earth management category given to Prof. Armindo dos Santos de Sousa Teodósio (Téo) by the Global Community  Read
 Feb 7, 2005  Reply letter sent by Germain Dufour to James T. Ranney, GLOBAL CONSTITUTION FORUM, INC.  Reply letter to Ranney concerning the Global Constitution  Read
 Feb 7, 2005  Sent by Germain Dufour to Dr. Sue McGregor  About Ranney initiative concerning the Global Constitution  Read
 March 2sd, 2005  Sent by Germain Dufour to Kofi Annan, the United Nations Secretary-General  Earth Government and its Global Constitution  Read
 March 2sd, 2005  Sent by Germain Dufour to the Honourable Prime Minister of Canada, Paul Martin   Canada showing leadership toward the formation of Earth Government  Read
 March 8th, 2005  Sent by Jorge D. Rizo-Blandon to the Global Community  I’m determined and able to seriously accept any proposal from your organization so that we can initially set a fraternity and reach any type of agreement.  Read
 September 23, 2005  Sent by Germain Dufour to the American People   Concerning victims of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita  Read
 September 24, 2005  Sent by Germain Dufour to the Global Community  Concerning the formation of a global ministry coordinating efforts during rescues and emergencies due to natural disasters  Read
 August 20, 2005  Germain Dufour, sent to the Global Community Membership and the public  The ECO Award in the Global Governments category given to Germain Dufour by the Global Community   Read
 Sept. 30, 2005  Robert E. Cobb, sent to the Global Community Membership and the public  The ECO Award in the Human empathy and compassion on Earth category given to Robert E. Cobb by the Global Community  Read
 October 23, 2005   Sent by Germain Dufour to all Canadians   Development of new legislation on 'direct democracy'  Read
 October 27, 2005   Sent by Hasibur Rahman Profile Member of the Advisory Board to the Global Community   The ECO Award in the Agriculture and needs of the Global Community Link to related site work category given to Hasibur Rahman by the Global Community  Read

 Month  P.r.  Topic  Read contents
 January 3rd, 2004  #1  Final Program for Global Dialogue 2004  Read
 April 15th, 2004  #2  Two wrongs dont make one right, never did never will  Read
 June 11th, 2004  #3  Climate change: responsibility and accountability of cities (Part I)  Read

November 1st, 2000, Press release #3 : Letter to the United Nations Secretary-General
2.0    July 1st, 2001, Press release #1: Letter to Kofi Annan, United Nations Secretary-General
3.0    July 2001 Newsletter: Letter to the Secretary General of the United Nations
4.0    July 2001 Newsletter: Letter to the people of the Middle East
5.0    July 2001 Newsletter: For the children of the world: letters from Galina Gutina
6.0    September 2001: Reply letter to President Sadam Hussein
7.0    October 2001 Newsletter: Letter to the American People
8.0    October 2001 Newsletter: Letter to the People of Afghanistan
9.0    October 2001 Newsletter: Letter to the United Nations and NATO
10.0    October 2001 Newsletter: Letter to Osama bin Laden
11.0    November 2001 Newsletter: Letter to the children and women of Afghanistan
12.0    December 2001 Newsletter: Letter to the Jews of Israel
13.0    March 2002 Newsletter: Letter to Hague Appeal for Peace Nobel Peace Prize of 2002: objection to the nominations of President George W. Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair
14.0    July 2002 Newsletters: Letter to the participants of the Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development
15.0    July 2002 Newsletters: Letter to the peoples of Kashmir, India and Pakistan: you are are invited to participate in the global dialogue about the disputed territory of Kashmir by settling the disputed land through the process of the Earth Court of Justice.
16.0    July 2002 Newsletters: Letter to the Palestinians and Jews of Israel: you are invited to participate in the global dialogue to create sustainable communities and a permanent peace movement in the land through the process of the Earth Court of Justice
17.0    July 2002 Newsletters: Letter to the Natives of British Columbia: you are invited to participate in the global dialogue by letting the Earth Court of Justice to decide on how Native rights in the province of British Columbia are classified as ecological and primordial human and Earth rights and therefore supersede in importance the rights of the greatest number of people of the province.

  • July 1st, 2001    HNewsPR01.htm

  • Letter to Kofi Annan, United Nations Secretary-General
  • November 1st, 2000    HNewsPR02.htm

  • A campaign to create the Earth flag is going on right
  • November 1st, 2000    HNewsPR03.htm

  • Letter to the United Nations Secretary-General
  • March 8th, 2003     HNewsPR04.htm

  • To all Peoples of the Earth, let it be Peace within Earth Community
  • March 27th, 2003    HNewsPR05.htm

  • Formation of Earth Government for the good of all
  • May 15th, 2003     pressrelease6.htm

  • World overpopulation at the turning point requires each and every one of us to take a stand on rights and on being a part of to the Global Community, the human family
  • July 20th, 2003    pressrelease7.htm

  • Foundation of Earth Government: statement of rights and responsibilities of a person and of belonging to 'a global community' and to 'The Global Community', the Earth Community, Earth Government, the human family
  • August 24th, 2003    pressrelease8.htm

  • Criteria to obtain the Global Community Citizenship
  • October 28th, 2003    pressrelease9.htm

  • Protection of the global life-support systems

1.0    October 2002 Newsletter: Letter to the American People concerning american policies in the world
2.0    October 2002 Newsletter: Letter to Saddahm Hussein and to the Arab people
3.0    October 2002 Newsletter: Letter to the Prime Minister of Canada, Jean Chretien, concerning ratifying the Kyoto Protocol and Peace in the world
4.0    October 2002 Newsletter: Letter to OPEC nations and to all other oil producing nations of the world
5.0    October 2002 Newsletter: Letter to the Natives of British Columbia concerning your land and resources claims
6.0    January 2003 Newsletter: Letter to the Regional District of Nanaimo
7.0    January 2003 Newsletter: Letter to Honourable Gary Richard Korpan, Mayor of the City of Nanaimo
8.0    January 2003 Newsletter: Letter to Honourable Stan Hagen, Minister of Sustainable Resource Management of British Columbia, Canada
9.0    Petition to save Mount Benson
February 2003 Newsletter: Letter to all peoples of the world concerning Earth Day celebration
11.0    February 2003 Newsletter: Uncle SAM is at the bottom of the Scale of Human and Earth Rights
12.0    March 8th, 2003 Press release #4: To all Peoples of the Earth, let it be Peace within Earth Community

1.0    April 2003 Newsletter: Letter to the Prime Minister of Canada, Jean Chretien, concerning Peace in the Middle East
2.0    April 2003 Newsletter: Letter to the American and British Peoples concerning the invasion of the Middle East
3.0     April 2003 Newsletter: Letter to all Canadians concerning the total and global embargo on all US products, all goods and services
4.0    April 2003 Newsletter: Letter to the Moslem and the Arab Peoples
5.0    April 2003 Newsletter: Letter to Jiang Zemin and Zhu Rongji of China, and to the Chinese People
6.0    April 2003 Newsletter: Letter to the United Nations
7.0    May 2003 Newsletter: Letter to the Moslem and Arab Peoples
8.0    May 2003 Newsletter: Letter to the Palestinians
9.0    May 2003 Newsletter: Letter to all Peoples of the Earth, let us celebrate Life Day on May 26th
10.0    May 2003 Newsletter: Global cooperation in health issues
11.0    May 2003 Newsletter: Letter to the Chinese People of China concerning your family policy and world overpopulation
12.0    June 2003 Newsletter: Letter to the Honourable Martin Cauchon, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
13.0    June 2003 Newsletter: Letter to the Prime Minister of Canada, Jean Chretien, concerning World overpopulation at the turning point requires each and every one of us to take a stand on rights and on being a part of to the Global Community, the human family
14.0    July 2003 Newsletter: Lettre a Monsieur Jacques Chirac, le Président de la République de France
15.0    July 2003 Newsletter: Letter to George W. Bush, President of the United States
16.0    August 2003 Newsletter: Letter to the people of all nations of the world concerning the rights of a person and of belonging to The Global Community, the Earth Community, the human family
17.0    August 2003 Newsletter: Letter to the people of all nations of the world concerning the Universal Declaration of Human and Earth Rights
18.0    August 2003 Newsletter: Letter to the corporate world: you could be selected as one of the best citizens of The Global Community
19.0    August 2003 Newsletter: Letter to the Board of Directors and shareholders of all oil companies on Earth concerning the Kyoto Protocol
20.0    September 2003 Newsletter: Letter to the peoples of all communities on Earth concerning your desire to become citizens of the Global Community
21.0    October 2003 Newsletter: Letter to all families of the Global Community
22.0    November 2003 Newsletter: Letter to the Prime Minister of Canada, Jean Chretien, concerning the Kyoto Protocol

1.0    October 2002 Newsletter: Letter to the American People concerning american policies in the world
2.0    October 2002 Newsletter: Letter to Saddahm Hussein and to the Arab people
3.0    October 2002 Newsletter: Letter to the Prime Minister of Canada, Jean Chretien, concerning ratifying the Kyoto Protocol and Peace in the world
4.0    October 2002 Newsletter: Letter to OPEC nations and to all other oil producing nations of the world
5.0    October 2002 Newsletter: Letter to the Natives of British Columbia concerning your land and resources claims
6.0    January 2003 Newsletter: Letter to the Regional District of Nanaimo
7.0    January 2003 Newsletter: Letter to Honourable Gary Richard Korpan, Mayor of the City of Nanaimo
8.0    January 2003 Newsletter: Letter to Honourable Stan Hagen, Minister of Sustainable Resource Management of British Columbia, Canada
9.0    Petition to save Mount Benson
February 2003 Newsletter: Letter to all peoples of the world concerning Earth Day celebration
11.0    February 2003 Newsletter: Uncle SAM is at the bottom of the Scale of Human and Earth Rights
12.0    March 8th, 2003 Press release #4: To all Peoples of the Earth, let it be Peace within Earth Community

Letter to the American People concerning the invasion of the Middle East
 Date sent  Sent by who? and to who?  Theme, opinion or comment  Read this proclamation
      The Global Community celebrates Life Day on May 26 of each year   The Global Community celebrates Life Day on May 26 of each year
      The Global Community is given the Day of Life in the Harmonious Era Calendar   The Global Community is given the Day of Life in the Harmonious Era Calendar
         God government
        The Soul of an apathist
        The Global Community celebrates Life Day on May 26 of each year
        GIM Global Parliament and the Global Community welcome   Ban Ki-moon  just sworn in as next Secretary-General of the United Nations
        GIM ECO Award in the Global Civilization  category
        The Criminality of War
        Connie Fogal, leader of CAP/PAC, identifies critical issues and solutions for Canadians
        Is towards a totally spiritually ethical politics possible?
        The Crime of War in Iraq
          Grassroots Women International Women’s Day 2007 Statement
         Revelations for the 21st Century and beyond
         Nature Law
        2007 I am the new long awaited prophet to help humanity through this century and beyond
        Now is time for Bush and Cheney impeachment
        Letter to Israel Major General Dan Halutz concerning the Global Community Arrest Warrant against you
        Louise Arbour, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, ending visit to Israel and Occupied Palestinian Territory
        Letter to the Secretary General of the United Nations (Part II concerning your leadership in the world)
        What a Revitalized United Nations  Could do for the Entire World
        Letter to  the Global Community  concerning August 2006  Global Exhibition
        Letter to all Canadians concerning the war in Afghanistan
        Letter to Israel Major General Dan Halutz concerning the Global Community Arrest Warrant against you
        Letter to the Secretary General of the United Nations (Part II concerning your leadership in the world)
        Letter to  the Global Community  concerning August 2006  Global Exhibition
        Letter to all Canadians concerning the war in Afghanistan
        Letter to Israel Major General Dan Halutz concerning the Global Community Arrest Warrant against you
       Letter to  the Global Community  concerning August 2006  Global Exhibition
        Letter to all Canadians concerning the war in Afghanistan
        Letter to all Canadians concerning the war in Afghanistan
        Letter to all Canadians concerning the war in Afghanistan
       Message from our Global Minister of Family and Human Development
        Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper concerning climate change
       email: pm@pm.gc.ca
        website: http://www.enn.com/today.html?id=10302
        Letter to  Metallica Resources, a publicly held  Canadian mineral exploration and development company with a geographic focus in the Americas:  stop supporting a destructive mining project in the  village Cerro de San Pedro, Mexico
        email: metallica@metal-res.com
        website: http://www.metal-res.com/
        Letter to  the Government of Canada to stop supporting destructive mining projects in the  village Cerro de San Pedro, Mexico
        Department of Energy Sector, Minerals and Metals
        Letter to Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the United Nations concerning Global Vision, Global Peace and Global Sustainability
       Read  Letter
       Read  Letter
        Read  Letter
         Letter to all global citizens concerning the  Global Community Arrest Warrants of John Howard, Prime Minister of Australia
        2006  Letter to all global citizens concerning the  Global Community Arrest Warrants of George W. Bush, President  of the United States
          Letter  to all Canadians concerning new legislation on direct democracy
          Letter sent to the American People concerning victims of  Hurricanes Katrina and Rita
         C)    Letters sent in 2004
         B)    Letter to  the   membership of the Global Community and participants of Global Dialogue 2006 in need of help with problems concerning the tsunami disaster
        2005  A)    Letter to the Global Community concerning the creation of a global ministry coordinating efforts during rescues and emergencies due to natural disasters
         B)    Letter to George W. Bush, President  of the United States, and to my fellow Americans
          A)    Letter to Russia President Vladimir Putin concerning the Kyoto Protocol
         Letter to George W. Bush, President  of the United States
         Letter to George W. Bush, President  of the United States
         Letter to the Canadian farmers, and to the cattle and beef industry, your responsibility and accountability
          Letter to the oil and gas industry concerning the burning of fossil fuels and the Oxygen in the air, your responsibility and accountability
         Letter to Weyerhaeuser and International Forest Products (Interfor), logging and pulp and paper industries, concerning the cutting of trees, your responsibility and accountability
           Letter to the leader of the Green Party, Jim Harris
           Letter to the leader of the NDP, Jack Layton
          Lettre au chef du Bloc Québécois, Gilles Duceppe
         Letter to the Leader of the Opposition, Stephen Harper
          Letter to the Prime Minister of Canada, Paul Martin
          Letter to the Prime Minister of Canada, Paul Martin
          Letter to the Prime Minister of Canada, Paul Martin
          Letter to the Prime Minister of Canada, Paul Martin
          Letter to the Prime Minister of Canada, Paul Martin
          Letter to the Prime Minister of Canada, Paul Martin
           Letter to all Canadians concerning the Kyoto Protocol and climate change
        2004   Letter to Louise Arbour, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
         Letter to the Prime Minister of Canada, Jean Chretien, concerning the Kyoto Protocol
           Letter to all families of the Global Community
        Letter to the peoples of all communities on Earth concerning your desire to become citizens of the Global Community
          Letter to the Board of Directors and shareholders of all oil companies on Earth concerning the Kyoto Protocol
          Letter to the corporate world: you could be selected as one of the best citizens of The Global Community
          Letter to the corporate world: you could be selected as one of the best citizens of The Global Community
         Letter to the corporate world: you could be selected as one of the best citizens of The Global Community
          Letter to the people of all nations of the world concerning the Universal Declaration of Human and Earth Rights
        Letter to the people of all nations of the world concerning the rights of a person and of belonging to The Global Community, the Earth Community, the human family
         Letter to George W. Bush, President  of the United States
         Letter to George W. Bush, President  of the United States
         Lettre a Monsieur Jacques Chirac, le Président de la République de France
        Letter to the Prime Minister of Canada, Jean Chretien, concerning World overpopulation at the turning point requires each and every one of us to take a stand on rights and on being a part of to the Global Community, the human family
        Letter to the Honourable Martin Cauchon, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
         Letter to the Chinese People of China concerning your family policy and world overpopulation
         Letter to the Chinese People of China concerning your family policy and world overpopulation
         Letter to all Peoples of the Earth: let us celebrate Life Day on May 26th
         Letter to the Palestinians
         Letter to the Moslem and Arab Peoples
          President's Message
          President's Message
          President's Message
         Letter to the United Nations
        Letter to Jiang Zemin and Zhu Rongji of China, and to the Chinese People
        Letter to the Moslem and the Arab Peoples
        Letter to all Canadians concerning the total and global embargo on all US products, all goods and services
        Letter to the American and British Peoples concerning the invasion of the Middle East
        Letter to the Prime Minister of Canada, Jean Chretien, concerning Peace in the Middle East
        Letter to the Prime Minister of Canada, Jean Chretien, concerning Peace in the Middle East
       Letter to the Prime Minister of Canada, Jean Chretien, concerning Peace in the Middle East
        Mount Benson Preservation Society   Letter to the Board of Directors of the Regional District of Nanaimo
        Letter to all peoples of the world concerning Earth Day celebration
          Letter to Honourable Stan Hagen, Minister of Sustainable Resource Management of British Columbia, Canada
          Letter to Honourable Gary Richard Korpan, Mayor of the City of Nanaimo
        2003  Letter to the Regional District of Nanaimo
          Letter to the Natives of British Columbia concerning your land and resources claims
          Letter to OPEC nations and to all other oil producing nations of the world
         Letter to Saddahm Hussein and to the Arab people    Letter to the Prime Minister of Canada, Jean Chretien, concerning ratifying the Kyoto Protocol and Peace in the world
         Letter to the American People concerning american policies in the world
          Letter to the Natives of British Columbia
         Letter to the Palestinians and Jews of Israel
           Letter to the peoples of Kashmir, India and Pakistan
         Letter to the participants of the Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development
          Letter to the peoples of America and Russia concerning the mines and the people of Afghanistan
            Letter to the peoples of India and Pakistan concerning the disputed territory of Kashmir
        2002  Letter to Hague Appeal for Peace concerning  Nobel Peace Prize of 2002: objection to the nominations of President George W. Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair
         Letter to the Jews of Israel
         Declaration of Peace of the Earth Community
         Letter to the children and women of Afghanistan
          The Soul of Humanity's Message
        Letter to Osama bin Laden
         Letter to the United Nations and NATO
         Letter to the People of Afghanistan
         Letter to the American People
         Reply letter to President Sadam Hussein
         Letter to the people of the Middle East
         Letter to the Secretary General of the United Nations
        Letter to ECO members about Earth Charter

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Report 1

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Letter 1

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