Session A
1. Consumerism
2. Consumer rights and their human rights
3. Universal values
4. Consumer responsibilities and human responsibilities
5. The Glass Bubble
concept of ‘a Global Community’
6. The Global Community, the human
family, the Earth Community
7. The Gross Sustainable Development Product
8. Measuring and assessing Earth management with a comprehensive
set of indicators.
9. Sustainable Development for the New Age Civilization
10. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Earth Management
Session B
1. Religious aspects of Earth Management
2. How does a religion support a
sound management of the planet?
3. The new religion of the Guiding Souls,
and the Soul of humanity, make it possible to all religions to coexist in
4. Humanity's higher purpose
5. Leadership of a nation and
6. The New Age Revelations, by God
7. The Soul of Humanity's
8. Religion and environmental conservation
Session C
1. Moral responsibility and accountability of all nations
2. Peace Movement of
the Earth Community
3. Promoting Peace in the world as a way of life and
shelving the war industry forever from humanity
4. The immediate formation of
the Earth Ministry of Health
5. Abolition of Nuclear Weapons: security,
sustainability and justice in a nuclear free future
Session D
1. The state of the world today is the result of a specific set of interlocking
institutions: the IMF, the World Bank and the WTO. The debt of the poor or
'developing' nations to the rich nations was in actuality a form of global tax and
therefore they dont have to pay it back. The Earth Court of Justice will be
asked to decide on the debt be changed into an actual global tax to be paid by
the rich nations to the poor nations, and to decide on the amount of tax to be
2. Native rights in the province of British Columbia are classified as
ecological and primordial human and Earth rights and therefore supersede in
importance the rights of the greatest number of people of the province.
3. Poster presentation and student project viewing
4. A global regulatory
framework for capitals and corporations
Session E
1. The Soul of Humanity
2. Global corporate ethics
3. Corporate social
4. Designing, monitoring, and implementing checks and balances
for corporations
5. Corporations are required to expand their responsibilities
to include human rights, the environment, community and family aspects, safe
working conditions, fair wages and sustainable consumption aspects.
6. Freshwater and clean air as Human and Earth Rights
Session F
1. Recommendations of the Earth Community Organization to heads of State
and Government, national delegates and leaders from non-governmental
organizations, businesses and other major groups of the Johannesburg
Summit 2002on Sustainable Development. We have already included in the
'Summary of Recommendations from Participants' a short list of
recommendations obtained during a previous dialogue: Global 2000. Global
2000 was the World Congress on Managing and Measuring
Sustainable Development - Global Community Action 1 held in August
2000. The same issues discussed during Global 2000 are relevant to the
Global Dialogue 2002 on Earth Management - all People together.
Several new issues were added for Global Dialogue 2002.
2. Special interest
group and workshop
3. Agricultural Sustainability
Session G
1. Trade and globalization
2. The definition of 'Sustainable Development' with
the idea that free trade and the planetary trading blocks are serving the Human
Family, and not the other way around for the benefits of a few people on the
3. Global cooperation, the new way of doing business, ‘a new way of
4. Trade and the Way of Life of the West to include ethical and moral
values, responsibility and accountability in all situations and places
5. The
Summit of the Americas, the FTAA and Earth Management
6. The Peoples
Revolution of the New Age
Session H
1. The Scale of Human and Earth Rights
2. Reforming the structure and voting
system of the United Nations organization
3. The Charter of the Earth
4. The annulment of the special voting privileges of the Five
Permanent Members of the UN, and the establishment of a voting system that
give to each nation one vote per million people
5. The establishment of the
Scale of Human and Earth Rights as a replacement to the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights.
Session I
1. Models of the Earth Government
2. Establishing the foundation of the Earth
3. Democracy of the New Age Civilization will blossom out of the Scale
of Human and Earth Rights
4. Earth Environmental Governance
Session J
1. Evolution, Creation, Intelligent Design, and now, the Guiding Souls to serve
2. History in making: the end of superpowers, the birth of the New Age
Civilization, the age of global co-operation
3. Proposing our Charter to the
Session K
1. On the creation of a new nation through the process of the Earth Court of
Justice: Palestinians and Jews of Israel are invited to the global dialogue to
create sustainable communities and a permanent peace movement in the land.
2. Poster presentation and student project viewing
3. New symbiotical
relationships between the nations to the North with those of the South
Session L
1. Establishing fundamental aspects and criteria of the New Age Civilization:
all Peoples together, the Human Family, the Soul of Humanity, the Earth
Community, the Global Community, Global Economic Cooperation, Earth
Governance, Earth Environmental Governance, global cooperation, global
Ministries, and Earth Government.
2. Leadership for the Human Family:
Reflective Human Action for a Culture of Peace
Session M
1. Reforming the World Trade Organization (WTO), and the FTAA
2. Global
financial institutions serving the Earth Community
3. A method of raising global
taxes, of redistributing incomes to the poorest communities, of providing
debt-free technical assistance to non-industrial and developing countries to
help them out of poverty and to meet environmental and social standards
4. Means and action plan of eradicating poverty in the world
5. Water resources protection and management
6. The formation of
global ministries to manage the world affairs in several aspects of our lives:
energy, agriculture, environment, health, Earth resources, Earth management,
security and safety, emergencies and rescues, trade, banks, speculation on
world markets, peace, family and human development, water resources
protection, family and human development, water resources protection, youth,
education, justice, science and technology, finance, human resources, ethics,
human and Earth rights, sustainable development, industry, and manufacturing
products, etc. Global ministries will be given power to rule themselves in
harmony with each other. The WTO will not be the only global ministry that
can rule on cases related to trade.
Session N
1. The Earth Court of Justice
2. The Earth Ministry of Justice
3. The Earth
Ministry of the Environment
4. Formation of other global ministries
5. The
Earth Resources Ministry: assessing, compiling, managing and protecting Earth
resources, and the Earth Court of Justice prosecuting cases involving crimes
related to the relentless misused of the Earth resources.
Session O
1. Settling of disputes between nations through the process of the Earth Court
of Justice: the peoples of Kashmir, India and Pakistan are invited to dialogue
about the disputed territory of Kashmir
2. The Earth Court of Justice be
asked to prohibit the process of market speculation worldwide, abolish
speculation altogether. It can bankrupt a country's economy in seconds.
Speculation should be de-institutionalized. Humanity has no real need for
speculation, and it does way more damage than good.
3. Fight against
terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
4. Poster
presentation and student project viewing
Session P
1. Restoration of the planet, our home
2. Global Warming and ratifying the
Kyoto Protocol
3. Climate Change
Dr. Yew-Kwang Ng said that Public spending, especially on research and environmental protection, is likely
well below optimal due to the long-term and global public-good nature and the
overestimation of the costs of rasing public revenue. This overestimation arises
1. Economists'emphasis on the excess burden on the spending side;
2. The failure to take account of the environmental disruption effects of most
production and consumption (which make taxes largely corrective than
distortive), relative-income effects (which bias in favor of private
consumption), and burden-free taxes on goods with diamond effects;
3. The failure to recognize the fact that, in non-poor countries, higher private
consumption does not increase happiness at the social level, making the
happiness cost of public spending virtually zero. Both reported happiness and
indicators of quality of life have little positive association with economic growth
but increase with scientific and technological breakthroughs at the global level.
Nikolai Grishin and Olga Tokmakova recommend that:
· Promote the application of the principles of public participation in
environmental impact assessment in a transboundary context at all levels of
· Develop ways to enhance public participation at the level of the
environmental impact assessment in a transboundary context;
· Open up their work for the public, including NGOs, so that they can work as
partners in decision-making and implementation of the Convention;
· Apply unreasonable or discriminatory conditions on the participation by
NGOs as observers in meetings.
It is clear that the main objective of human activity in the Earth, should be the
improvement of the conditions of living and future generations of people and
improvement of the environment and nature resources in long term
perspective. Such objective should be formulated for the development of
different regions and countries of the Earth in the international and national
It is important, in particular, for the countries with economy in transition. These
countries, if they have such natural resources as oil and gas, based on the
development of their economy on the use of these resources. But if SEA will
be carried out for these countries, it may be clear that not only development of
oil and gas industry may be effective for them in a long term perspective.
The main question is: who should formulate and manage the process of SEA
with such objective. In the national level it may be intergovernmental structures
or international NGOs or international meetings of the public, like the World
Raghbendra Jha and K.V. Bhanu Murthy argue that economic growth is desired because it increases
opportunities and thereby provides greater scope for action. Clearly, though,
there is an intertemporal dimension to this. Enhanced scope for action today
may be available only by reducing such scope in the future. The environment is
the principal example of this. But it is, by no means, the only one. For
example, the no-Ponzi game condition restricting the growth of public debt
(see Blanchard and Fischer (1989), for example) such that the state (or private
individuals) do not borrow indefinitely from future generations in order to
finance current consumption, is surely part of the same concern as, for
example, that of preserving biodiversity. The stock of natural, human and
physical capital must all be maintained at some, as yet vaguely defined,
"optimal" levels over time. The message that we live off resources borrowed
from future generations rather than those inherited from our ancestors has to
be enshrined as a basic principle of economic constitutions the world over.
The notion that economic growth has to be sustainable is part of this
constitution. But sustainability can have several alternative definitions. Before
we discuss some of the notions that have been used in the literature and
propose our own, it should be realized that just as important as the definition
of sustainability is the notion of sustainable for whom. Surely, for a sufficiently
high price, rich OECD countries can continue to dump nuclear and toxic waste
onto poor LDCs. Thus sustainability of growth can be attained for the OECD
countries but not for the LDCs. Surely, this option although feasible at a point
in time, cannot be continued indefinitely. Thus the applicability of the notion of
sustainability has ultimately got to be universal and refer to the indefinite future.
Germane to this whole argument is the notion that sustainability involves a
switch in consumption possibilities both across space at a point in time and
from the present to the future. When we say that a contemporaneous profile of
consumption is not sustainable, then it probably means that a switch in
consumption either spatially and/or over time would improve global welfare,
again perceived as a magnitude referring to the indefinite future.
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Dr. Sue L.T. McGregor is concerned with all
aspects of family and individual well-being, security and quality of life and the
factors that affect their ability to fulfil their basic functions as a social institution:
socialization; procreation; consumption and production; social control; love,
nurturance and moral; and, maintenance of the household and daily lives. She examined the UN recognized rights within their consumption role
and how these rights impact the human rights of global citizens. Her work is based on the premise that people are part of a global, human
family which engages in a consuming role in a capitalist society. Since
capitalism cannot survive without continuous consumption, consumption has
been deified in our consumer society. If we accept that we live in a human
family, we have to be concerned with the human relationships that emerge
during family functions, especially the function of production and consumption.
The basic argument of this discussion is that people need to change their
approach so that they put people, relationships and sustainability first, and
profits, wealth, growth and progress second or, at the least, strike a better
balance between the two polarities. When this change happens, the goals of
social equity and ecological soundness will become integral with economic
efficiency and consumers will see themselves in relation to
other people and the environment.
She stipulates that in a consumer society, one can never have enough and this mind set is not
sustainable; as a caveat, not all consumption is bad; the goal is balanced,
sustainable consumption. Lafferty (1994) suggests that sustainable
consumption encompasses sustainable management of resources,
considerations for the natural environment and societal processes of change,
the promotion of human dignity and human rights, quality of life and the
perspective of interdependence referring to the interplay between people and
environments and the relationships between economies, nationally and
internationally. There is potential tension between one's
consumer rights and their human rights. Consumer rights assume
the existence of human rights. How can one exercise the
consumer right to have a voice in the policy process if they do
not even have a vote or are not allowed to participate in
government? How can they form consumer groups to voice their
opinions collectively if they do not have to right to assemble in
groups in public? How can they demand the right to consumer
education when the education system is such that people cannot
afford to attend, live too far away or there are no schools at all?
This lack of access to education leads to illiteracy and ignorance
in the general sense and, more specifically, lack of consumer
education curricula leads to the inability to acquire knowledge
and skills necessary to be an informed consumer. Also, how can
people exercise their consumer right to information if they cannot
read the information due to lack of the human right to education?
How can consumers exercise their right to express the
consumers' interest if they have been socialized in a planned
economy wherein they do not see themselves in a consuming
role? Exercising this right is exacerbated more so when people
who lived in a planned economy have been forced to convert to a
market economy over night but have not been socialized to
function in a market economy (e.g., Russia and many African
countries). How can people exercise their consumer right to
safety and health in the goods and services they acquire when
they do not even have the human rights of proper sanitation, safe
drinking water, or adequate shelter and clothing? How can people
exercise their consumer right to make choices in the marketplace
if they do not have adequate incomes or steady employment?
More thought provoking, how can people exercise their consumer
right to redress if they do not have the human rights of
recognition as a person under the law or do not have access to
justice? Indeed, all of the consumer rights assume that the human
rights already exist. Both the civil and political and the economic,
social, and to a lesser extent, cultural human rights have to be in
place in order for people to exercise their consumer rights.
Second, and closer to home, there is real tension between
consumers' rights and the rights of other humans; that is,
sometimes one's rights as a consumer impinge on the rights of
other humans living in the global family. Of all of the consumer
rights, the right to choice seems to be the one that impinges the
most on the human rights of other people. The right to choice
refers to the right to have a range and variety of goods and
services at competitive, fair prices and variable, satisfactory
quality. In order to assure choice in the Northern markets,
governments have implemented trade laws to facilitate cross
border transactions and transnational corporations (TNCs) have
set up business off shore so they can lessen the cost of the
production process. Unfortunately, in too many cases, the goods
that are available in the Northern markets were provided by slave
labour, child labour, prison labour and sweatshops or in countries
that allow the TNCs to forego adhering to pollution or ecological
concerns and human rights in pursuit of profit. Worse yet, elitist
governments are often bribed to turn their eyes the other way
leading to situations where labour rights are abused in efforts to
earn more profits. This leads to abhorrent working conditions,
job insecurity and low living standards (all human rights).
Consumers in Northern countries have been socialized to want
more and more things to consume but have not been socialized to
appreciate the impact of their consumption choices on the human
rights of other people; that is, they are NOT responsible for their
decisions. Sue then concluded that we need to focus on human relations and human security and
how they are affected by consumption decisions. For indeed,
"the very process of competitive individualistic consumption [has
been] corrosive of the values that sustain human relationships
and the families, communities" (Ekins, 1998,p.18). A future
article will deal with the link between consumer responsibilities
and human responsibilities.
Nikolai Grishin and Olga Tokmakova address the following issues of public participation in
environmental impact assessment: (a) goals and principles; (b)
practical acpects; (c) legal, administrative and institutional
frameworks; and (d) methods for arranging public participation in
EIA. They found clear that the main objective of human activity on Earth
should be the improvement of the conditions of living and future
generations of people and improvement of the environment and
nature resources in long term perspective. Such objective should
be formulated for the development of different regions and
countries of the Earth in the international and national levels. It is important, in particular, for the countries with economy in
transition. These countries, if they have such natural resources as
oil and gas, based on the development of their economy on the
use of these resources. But if SEA will be carried out for these
countries, it may be clear that not only development of oil and
gas industry may be effective for them in a long term
perspective. The main question is: who should formulate and manage the
process of SEA with such objective. In the national level it may
be intergovernmental structures or international NGOs or
international meetings of the public, like the World Congress.
Raghbendra Jha and K.V. Bhanu Murthy stipulate that defining sustainable development even broadly is a non-trivial
task. A further difficulty arises when we have to decide what has
to be done to achieve it. The term "sustainable" is relatively easy
to define: it means "enduring" or "lasting". So sustainable
development is development that lasts .
The term "development" is a value-loaded concept inviting any
number of interpretations. Economic development may be a
relatively narrow term defined as growth in GNP per capita, or
real consumption per capita and perhaps expanded to include
educational and some social development indicators. The United
Nations develops a Human Development Index which
emphasizes literacy, life expectancy and GDP per capita. The
World Commission on Environment and Development
(WCED) focuses on needs and underscores its emphasis on
poverty alleviation as the prime objective of sustainable
development. The WCED position might be regarded as the
minimum level of access to commodities and resources alone
beyond which wellbeing or utility has meaning. In doing this, it
achieves a starting point to an inquiry into the determinants of
sustainable development.
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Alexander Theodore Lopin says that each responsible person realizing the responsibility for sustainable
development of the Earth, has the right to manage the Earth. It is should notice,
that such management will differ from usual state management, as it is not
present neither army, nor budget at us. But its are not necessary to us also, as
we represent by ourselves a grassroots process. Such management will have
the spiritual, intellectual form and will concern area of elaboration of correct
solutions because of independent cognition on the basis of the theory of
development. Simultaneously with it the new global understanding or new
global perception, appropriate to new conditions of the globalization should be
created. We should clearly imagine, that the new problems cannot be decided
on the basis of old submissions about the world.
Dr. Gennady N. Karopa mentioned that the primary role and basic functions in solving the environment problem belongs to
contemporary schools providing good facilities for systematic training,
education and development of each citizen of our community. However
schools today have certain difficulties in carrying out the effective
environmental education of the pupils. First of all it can be explained by the
fact that the mechanisms involved in the process of forming the person's
responsible attitude towards nature have not been investigated yet.
Nikolai Grishin and Olga Tokmakova said that public participation was usually defined as involving the public in
decision-making in general, but it was also important to have cooperation
between authorities. It is useful to arrange for cooperation between authorities
and participation of the public at the same time. It is clear that the main objective of human activity in the Earth, should be the
improvement of the conditions of living and future generations of people and
improvement of the environment and nature resources in long term
perspective. Such objective should be formulated for the development of
different regions and countries of the Earth in the international and national
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Dr. Sue L.T. McGregor provides some exciting synergy between
sustainable development, consumption and family well-being. New concepts
(the human family, human responsibilities, human security, citizenship
education) and old concepts (quality of life, well-being, justice and standard of
living) have been combined in conjunction with a comparative analysis of the
alternative approaches to the GDP as a way to bring together a collection of
viewpoints to understand a family perspective in sustainable consumption and
Vassily A. Agaphonoff used his World Economic-Ecological Model to show that growth of the planet's population and growth of personal consumption
stipulate the necessity of economic growth. The ruling world economic model
(market economy based on private property and competition) goes to aims of
economic growth. Factors limiting economic growth are limitation of Earth and all her resources
and also final's man's opportunities and human society (physiologic, mental and
social opportunities) as moving power of economic growth and consumer of
its results. Limiting factors of biosphere will be narrower and harder in case of
loosing biovariety.
Nikolai Grishin and Olga Tokmakova has explained a more practical experience dealing with public participation in
environmental impact assessment in a transboundary context. Public participation in environmental impact assessment in a
transboundary context should take place in a manner that takes
full account of the rights and responsibilities of the public and the
public authorities.
Raghbendra Jha and K.V. Bhanu Murthy point out that
the notion of sustainability has not been sufficiently well
developed in the extant literature. In particular, the full import of
sustainability defined as a universal phenomenon and one that
applies to the very long run, is insufficiently articulated in the
literature. Developing this notion in its full generality is an
important task as yet incomplete. In the present paper we take
the first step in this direction by trying to focus on the
consumption reducing aspect of the sustainability agenda. The
consumption switching component is left for another paper . In
doing so, we at once critically examine the notion of sustainability
as espoused by noted commentators and extend it in areas that
seem to have been ignored. In particular, we are interested in the
implications of sustainability for consumer behavior and the
outlining of property rights.
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Germain Dufour says that the Glass Bubble is designed to illustrate the concept of "a global
community" to elementary school children as opposed to the idea a community
is "the street where I live." It is an imaginary space enclosed in a glass bubble. Inside this is everything the
child can see: above to the clouds, below into the waters of a lake or in the
earth, to the horizons in front, in back, and on the sides. Every creature, every
plant, every person, every structure that is visible to him(her) is part of this
"global community." By focusing on familiar ground in this manner it can be taught that every living
thing within the glass bubble is there because his/her food is there, his/her
home is there, all he/she needs to survive is there. And every creature will stay
as long as what his/her needs remains to be available within that "global
community." Look up, look down, to the right, to the left, in front and behind you. Imagine all this space is inside a giant clear glass bubble.
This is "a global community." The concept of the Glass Bubble can be extended to include the planet Earth
and all the "global communities" contained therein. The following definition of The Global Community is appropriate:
"The Global Community is defined as being all that exits or occurs at
any location at any time between the Ozone layer above and the core
of the planet below."
Nikolai Grishin and Olga Tokmakova showed that implementation of public participation in transboundary EIA in each country
should take into account the national traditions, institutions and social structure.
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Mr. Bekkerov Pete and Victoria Churikova describe that the first Russian settlers had appeared in the middle part of
Kamchatka, the aboriginal were in the stage of community ( primitive)relations .
Dr. Sue L.T. McGregor proposed that
the idea of sustainability to be a moral and ethical state, as well as an economic
and environmental state, wherein sustainable consumption patterns respect the
universal values of peace, security, justice and equity within the human
relationships that exist in the global village. Put more simply, not only should
consumers be concerned with the impact of their decisions on the environment
but also on the lives and well-being of other people. Since one of the key
functions of families as a social institution is to engage in production (selling
their labour in return for wages) and consumption (using those wages to buy
goods and services), the roundtable would examine the role of families as they
impact sustainable consumption and development. To embrace a moral and
ethical perspective, the family's function of production and consumption has to
be discussed in relation to its other key functions , especially (a) socialization
of children into adult, roles and (b) social control of family members so they
are responsible contributing members of society.
Nikolai Grishin and Olga Tokmakova proposed that public participation was usually defined as involving the public in
decision-making in general, but it was also important to have cooperation
between authorities. It is useful to arrange for cooperation between authorities
and participation of the public at the same time.
Dr. Tao Jiyi thinks that the adoption of world sustainable
development calls for strong international cooperation. The author analyses
reasons why international cooperation is needed to achieve world sustainable
development. The author also points out that international cooperation can
facilitate native people's acceptance of rational policies, financial assistances
and advanced technologies provided by the international community and that
international cooperation also can contribute to regulating world population
distribution, improving low population quality of backward countries,
protecting and exploiting natural resources, developing those products and
industries which can cause lower consumption of natural resources and energy
sources with light pollution of environment, and keeping environmental stability
and ecological balance. In a word, international cooperation greatly
contributes to world sustainable development. Finally, the author suggests how
world sustainable development can be promoted through international
Germain Dufour mentioned that Earth Community has initialized the People's
Participation Grassroots Movement in wanting what is rightfully ours to
manage: Earth. 'We the Peoples' of the Earth are now set with one goal, one
direction, that is to protect and manage Earth for our generation and for all of
the others to come. We are the hopes of humanity. We are now developing
the foundation of Earth Government, the highest aspirations of humanity, a
Vision of the most powerful reform in the History of Humanity. People from
all over the planet are developing models for Earth Government, the greatest
of all hopes. Human consciousness has evolved and will seek no rest until
Earth Government has come to life.
Societies seek to form a democratically elected Earth Government, one
representative per million people. Over six thousands representatives will be
managing Earth.
Mr.Mamady Diallo and Mr. Mory Sanda Diakite
Mr.Mamady Diallo and Mr. Mory Sanda Diakite
Travail - justice - Solidarite
Ministere de l'Administration du Territoire de La
Decentralisation et de la Securite
Service National De Coordination et D'Intervention Des
O N G "SACCO" Conakry.
TOGETHER , TORONTO du 17 au 22 Aout 20002
Rapport Presente Par:
1) Mr. Mamady Diallo , President de l'ONG
2 ) Mr. Mory Sanda Diakite , Vice President
Conakry , Aout 2002
Dieu à créer l'huniver pour que vivent les hommes ,
les animaux et les êtres inanimés.
Il donnat en suite la conscience à l'homme de
reflechir sur les maintiens de cet bien precieux de de
sa propre survie.
Vu le procres sans cesse croissant de la science, la
technique et la technologie plus poussée, n est en
droit de ce demander aujourd'hui quelle destinée
donnerons nous à cette univer en ce debut du 3è
La vie sur la planet n'est elle pas devenue une
menace réelle à l'extiction des races?
De la course aux armes de destructions massives en
passant par la famine et la misert dans certains
endroits de la planete, l'humanité court à un danger
si les dispositions d'urgences ne sont pas prises pour
erradiquer le fleau qui nous menace.
Pour un observateur averti, est ce que l'humanité est
elle une gouvernance ?
Les politiques mises sur pied en fonse d'avantage les
fosses entre les riches et les pauvres.
Dans l'un ou autre camp, on se rejette les
De cette decadance, quelle place reservons nous à
l'Afrique, aux pays en developpements dechirés par la
guerres, la famine, la misert.
Est ce qu'il ya des dirrigeants au monde qui pensent
réellement à la situation des plus demunis ?
La politique de la mondialisation est elle la
meilleur voie pour sauver l'humaniter de la misert, la
famine, les guerres inter ethniques, la heine des
hommes ?
Un chercher n'à t'il penser que pour que vive une
harmonie entre les hommes, il faut confier les pauvres
aux riches ?
Ces sur ce plateau de composition multiple que nous
tenterons de developper nos rapports de vision sur la
gestion de la communaute en 2024.
Nous esperons nous faire entendre à travers ce message
pour que vive une harmonie sur la planete.
à Suivre
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Elena Krougikova proposed that the role of non-governmental organizations in Environmental
education from the experience of GAIA in the Kola peninsula.
Abdelmonem KAANICHE mentioned that sustainable development constitutes an evolutionary and very complex
process making use of several disciplines and different data: economic, social
and ecological. The decision in this field always leads to the choice of a variant
of a national and/or local development plan . The reach and the complexity of
decisions at the strategic and operational level, justify the realization and the
development of a help Decision Support System. For more efficiency, decisions must be taken quickly and in real time taking in consideration several
parameters together.
Thorkil Casse and Fabiana Issler said that all economies depend ultimately upon the availability of resources in their
productive system. But ‘resource dependent economies’ are those where the
major income-generating activity consists of primary natural resource
extraction and its transformation. In such economies, the resource-dependency
relationship is more apparent. Sudden changes in resource demand may
compromise their ability to generate and/or sustain welfare. Not surprisingly,
resource dependent economies are more fragile and exposed to crisis than less
resource-dependent ones, especially, when only a few products are extracted
and transformed. Resource dependent economies may experience periods of
rapid growth and prosperity, but scarcity of a key resource leads almost
inevitably to the decline of the resource-dependency model, leading to decline
with all its implications, namely recession, unemployment and decapitalisation.
Depending on the ability of these economies to rapidly diversify their economic
activities and sustain welfare levels, they may or may not pursue a successful
transition to a less resource-dependent model.
Germain Dufour demonstrated that the technical definition of Sustainable
Development was given as being:
"a sound balance among the interactions of the impacts (positive and/or
negative), or stresses, on the four major quality systems: People,
Economic Development, Environment and Availability of Resources."
The non-technical definition was given as being:
"a sound balance among the interactions designed to create a healthy
economic growth, preserve environmental quality, make wise use of our
resources, and enhance social benefits."
An evaluation of sustainable development consists of ranking risks relative to
each other and to help deciding which practice is better than another. In 1988,
the author has developed a scale of values, and has designed and tested
indicators to represent quality of development. Hundreds of indicators were
measured and integrated into an overall expression called the Gross
Environmental Sustainable Development Index (GESDI). GESDI was
developed to measure sustainable development locally and globally. It
expresses the quality of our growth or development, and it describes
environmental quality rather than merely measuring different environmental
An other indicator was developed to measure the costs of development: the
Gross Sustainable Development Product (GSDP).
The GSDP is defined as the total value of production within a region over a
specified period of time. It is measured using market prices for goods and
services transactions in the economy. The GSDP is designed to replace the
Gross Development product (GDP) as the primary indicator of the economic
performance of a nation. The GSDP takes into accounts:
· the economic impacts of environmental and health degradation or
improvement, resource depletion or findings of new stocks, and depreciation
or appreciation of stocks;
· the impact of people activity on the environment, the availability of resources,
and economic development;
· the "quality" of the four major quality systems and the impacts of changes in
these systems on national income and wealth;
· global concerns and their impacts on the economy;
· the welfare, economic development and quality of life of future generations;
· expenditures on pollution abatement and clean-ups, people health, floods,
vehicle accidents, and on any negative impact costs;
· the status of each resource and the stocks and productive capacities of
exploited populations and ecosystems, and make sure that those capacities are
sustained and replenished after use; and
· the depreciation or appreciation of natural assets, the depletion and
degradation of natural resources and the environment, ecological processes
and biological diversity, the costs of rectifying unmitigated environmental
damage, the values of natural resources, capital stocks, the impacts of
degradation or improvement, social costs, health costs, environmental clean-up
costs, and the costs of the environment, economic growth, and resources uses
to current and future generations and to a nation’s income.
The measurement of GSDP shows that consumption levels can be maintained
without depleting and depreciating the quality and quantity of services. It
indicates the solutions to the problems as well as the directions to take,
such as:
· invest in technology, R & D, to increase the end-use efficiency;
· increase productivity;
· modify social, educational programs and services;
· slow down or increase economic growth;
· remediate components of the four major quality systems; and
· rectify present shortcomings of income and wealth accounts.
The measurement of GSDP also gives a proper and sound signal to the public,
government and industry about the rate and direction of economic growth; it
identifies environmental, health, and social quality; it identifies sustainable and
unsustainable levels of resource and environmental uses; it measures the
success or failure of sustainable development policies and practices; and it
identifies resource scarcity. Values obtained enable us to make meaningful
comparisons of sustainable development between cities, provinces, nations
over the entire planet.
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Elena Krougikova explained the use of Social Indicators of Environmental Situation.
Dr. Vladimir Kremsa described Sustainable Rural Development.
ANITA KON considered theoretical aspects on the production restructuring
process and the trend towards the services sector seen worldwide in recent
years. The empirical analysis focused on the increasing trend towards the
services sector in Brazil and included is an evaluation of the redistribution of
employees in the consolidated economic activities of the Primary, Secondary
and service sectors. The paper concludes with the finding that the proliferation
of the services sector within Brazil, though constant, has failed to demonstrate
the intensity and momentum that was observed in more advanced economies,
with regards to the introduction of modernization.
It is also inferred that although the economic policies did stimulate a global
convergence process of labor distribution among regions, those policies did
not attenuate economic dynamism concentration to the desired extent, nor did
it diminish in any considerable way the difference in the degree of development
among the regions. Business organizations located at the more advanced
regions reveal more possibilities to face global competitiveness, and to
increase labor productivity, due to the influence of structural aspects related to
material and human resources, and also to specific spatial, politic and cultural
She also explained that the world globalization process caused significant changes in advanced
and also in less developed economies in recent years that include: a)
increasing internationalization of economic activities; b) the reorganization of
dominant firms: c) the increasing integration of manufacturing and service
production; d) the growing use of microelectronics technology; e) the growing
demand in industry for a high skilled workforce, but many routine jobs being
displaced by technical change; f) the increasing complexity and volatility of
consumption; and a changing role for state intervention.
If those changes occur more rapidly in more advanced countries, it is also
observed a similar dynamics of restructuring in other low and middle income
countries, although in a lower speed. For each level of economic development,
it is found similar patterns of occupational structure and restructuring, during a
period of time due to industrialization and technological modernization.
Business organization have to cope with international competition dealing with
many transformations as to technology and plant, nature of labor qualification,
new organization of labor process, new features of production
(non-continuous production and limited economies of scales). On the other
side, technical innovations affects the nature of product (intensification of
non-material services, the features of product), consumption (through forms of
delivery of product, role of consumer, organization of consumption) and also
markets (organization of markets, regulation and marketing tools).
Natalia Knijnikova demonstrated that the global ecological questions needed unprecedent joint
efforts of scientific and high level political circles of the different countries. The
produced strategy «sustainable development» as environmental development
variant has become property of the global community. Its logic continuation («
step by step») of sustainable development are national strategy . From a
question « what it’s necessary to change? » we send to a question « how to
change »? It’s necessary in time and precisely to estimate the response to
change of the tendencies of growth and development. I.e. the indicators of
sustainable development have decisive meaning for an estimation of the chosen
strategy on conformity wished, expected and really received results of a new
direction of development, and also speed of progress to an object in view in
time and space.
Speak, that it’s too much indicators (134) of sustainable development and
consequently they can’t be applied in practice. It ‘s so and not so.
That of indicators is much quite naturally, as there are no «recipes,» ready and
tested by mankind of sustainable development. But nowadays already it’s
necessary to choose from them some indicators, obligatory and accepted to all
countries, to receive commensurable results. In an ideal they should be so
significance as GDP and ÂÍÏ. Last from great Russian ecologist -
encyclopaedist Nikolai Reimers in his last book « Hopes for a survival of
mankind. Conceptual ecology » ( published already after his death in 1992)
has allocated only three universal indicators of the progress to sustainable
development. "Criterion and indicator of successful social-economical
development within the limits of ecological restrictions should be the
parameters of population health and duration of the life, and also natural
preconditions of maintenance of these parameters act. The economical
riches as such are necessary to consider out-of-date by measurement of
the national property ".
By a most urgent question, which must to reflect indicators, what parity of
economy and ecology today. The locomotive of economy continues a
movement by rolling rails. Therefore should be chosen only few ðarameters -
for reflection ecology and economy integration .
Essential defect GDP is the reference of damage caused to an environment to
costs over flow. At the same time GDP and GNP the economists ( by The
Economist Publications « The World in 2000» ) are similar on « a sacred cow
» - to continue to consider growth GDP as a unique parameter of success of
economy. «The Scope of wings American eagle » is compared extremely
from % GDP. Essential defect GDP is the reference of damage caused to an
environment to costs ïåðåëèâà. The costs ïåðåëèâà nowadays are not
subtracted nowadays from volume of cumulative manufacture, and the
consequence it GDP overestimates a level of material well-being of a
society(community). At the same time GDP and GNP the economists are
similar on «a sacred cow » - to continue to consider(examine) growth GDP as
a unique(sole) parameter of success of economy. «The Scope of wings
American îðëà » is compared extremely from % GDP. Only parity « of a
total internal collateral product » (the cost expression of damage caused by
pollution of natural environment to a total internal product will show a real
picture of well-being.
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Professor Alexander Skalon showed that the idea of the market (private
property on resources, freedom of trade and competition in conditions of
limited resources and decreasing ecological quality of the environment) does
not contradict the idea of effective and ecologically eligible development.
Isabelle Lambiel described that people have noticed that the climate has changed over the last few
years. In some countries the temperature has increased by one or two degrees
and natural catastrophies are becoming more and more frequent. Flooding or
freshwater scarcity as well as water pollution are harming the environment of
the Thirld World and developing countries and air pollution characterizes the
industrialized regions. Therefore, poor and rich regions are facing a common
problem which is linked to climate change, that's why they should negotiate
and find a compromise as quickly as possible. If no sollution is suggested,
developing countries like China will repeat the same mistakes as the developed
world. In fact, the latter can expect a higher salary, which will close the gap
between rich and poor regions. Accordingly, they will be able to consume
more luxury products like cars and pollute more. Our governments have to
intervene by developing and measuring consumption pattern. Why not launch
on the market vehicles which do not emit dangerous gas ? Moreover, the firms
should be interested in investing for the environment. Thus, ecological norms
have to be intoduced and gain as much credibility as the norms for quality (Iso
9000). An increase in taxes could also give the companies an incentive to
produce ecologically. There is a real need of consumption and production
patterns for sustainable development.
As far as social problems are concerned, measures should be taken in order to
stop inflation and provide poor people with financial help. Nowadays some
workers get a very low salary, which hardly allows them to feed their family as
the food prices are too high. An adjustment has to be made. Otherwise the
gap between rich and poor people will be further widened, which would lead
to many difficulties. People from the street decide to steal or use violence in
order to defend their rights to be integrated into society. Others take drugs. In
all these cases, the government has to suggest measures to insure security in
the country. Therefore, they have to hire more policemen and build new
prisons. Is sustainable development achieved ? When we first look at the
situation, it does not appear so dramatic. However, we can not qualify these
solutions as positive. In fact, most of the budget is used to hide the poverty
and the delinquency and not to eradicate them. Therefore, this money should
be given for education. In fact, children brought up in good schools will act
better in their future because they find a shelter there and have the feeling that
the country cares for the poor. Besides, they learn how to succeed in life. As
people say, knowledge is power. The fact of depriving of country of good
education should be introduced in order to provide each child with the same
chances of having success. The latter must learn how to read, write and use
computers so that they can get an interesting job.
Unfortunately, a lot of people are unemployed. This is due to the fact that small
firms are swallowed up by the big ones which try to rationalize the production
by using machines instead of people. Our politicians should intervene and
motivate young enterpreneurs to build a firm by granting them lower taxes
during the first years of their business. In fact, the latter can hire other people if
they are helped financially and thus reduce unemployment. Moreover,
competitivity will be maintained thanks to the existence of small and middle
size companies so that the prices will remain stable. The consumers will benefit
from advantageous products and keep on buying. Therefore, small business
will survive.
In conclusion, sustainable development can be achieved if a positive social,
environmental and economic development is insured. In any case, people
should be given an incentive to attain this aim. That's why our politicians should
intoduce lower taxes as well as pattern for ecology and education. Caring for
the environment and the people can create a new atmosphere in which
everybody lives in security and peace.
Alexander J. F. Heydendael showed that when tourism development occurs,
economic benefits are usually unequally distributed amongst members of local
communities. There is evidence suggesting that those who benefit are often
limited in number and that those who benefit most are often those who were at
an economic advantage to begin with, particularly landowners who can afford
the investment. Specialist tourism can also involve a relatively small segment of
a local community, possibly removing contact of the larger community with the
resources in question. In the case of foreign direct investment, much of the
profit may be transferred back to the home country. Therefore, tourism can
actually increase inequalities in communities, and thus relative poverty. In
addition, tourism increases local demand for goods and services, including
food, resulting in higher prices and potentially decreased availability for local
people. Such trends are often more prevalent where there is a lack of
consultation with the peoples and communities involved in tourism.
Dr. Tao Jiyi explained that in order to promote world sustainable development and create a truly
sustainable global society, the nations of the world have to best harmonize
interacting impacts upon people, utilization of natural resources, economic
development and environmental needs. Many countries have adopted a lot of
effective measures on the complex interactions within themselves, but they are
by no means sufficient. That is to say, a lot of work remains to be done. The
author of this paper think that the adoption of world sustainable development
calls for strong international cooperation. This is to say, all countries, including
developed countries and develpping countries should cooperate harmoniously
with each other in such areas as population issues, resource problems,
economic issues and environmental issues. Some scholars have mentioned this
topic, but their studies of effects of international cooperation upon world
sustainable development are rare, often superficial and not systematic. He illustrated the effects of international
cooperation upon world sustainable development and suggest how world
sustainable development can be achieved through international cooperation.
Germain Dufour showed that during the past decades various changes have taken place in political,
economic and social institutions. Economic reforms, changes in national
policies, and global concerns have contributed to redefine the roles of these
institutions for sustainable development. The 'New Age Movement' is a social,
political and religious movement in the sense of having a broad organizational
structure and an ideology aimed at governing. The environmental movement,
within the New Age Movement expresses the concerns of groups of people
regarding depletion of water, clean air, climate change aspects, degradation of
land and other changes in ecosystems affecting traditional patterns of natural
resource exploitation. The Earth Community has taken the role of helping these
groups in protecting and managing the environment by coordinating efforts.
The environmental movement now has encompasses global aspects under the
umbrella of one global Earth Ministry of the Environment, the Earth
Environmental Governance. Earth Environmental Governance is the most
importance and urgent challenge of the Earth Community.
Earth Environmental Governance can only be achieved successfully within the
larger context of Sustainable Developent and Earth Management. All aspects
are inter-related and affect one another.
A healthy environment is essential to long term prosperity and well-being, and
citizens in Earth Community demand a high level of ecological protection. This
is the 'raison d'etre' of the Scale of Human and Earth Rights.
In this way the Scale of Earth Rights gives us a 'sense of direction' for future
planning and managing of the Earth. Earth management is now well defined
and becomes a goal to achieve. We no longer waste energy and resources in
things that are absolutely unimportant.
Leslaw Michnowski
To all people of good will!
We speak to you because we are concerned about the fate of the Human Race and of the Earth.
The World is in crisis.
We are exploiting our natural resources of minerals and fuels faster than we are gaining access to alternative sources. We are polluting the
natural environment and soil faster than the environment can regenerate itself to reach the level suitable for human needs. Depreciation
(devaluation) - moral degradation of the existing forms of living - is going on faster than new forms, consistent with new living conditions for
humans and for nature, are being introduced. This situation is complicated also due to demographic expansion, especially in those parts of the
human family that are lagging in their development.
This crisis results mainly in lack of adjustment of two dominating systems - the system of values and the economic system - to the
contemporary state of changes in the living conditions of humans and nature. These changes are proceeding very fast with the development of
science and technology.
At the same time, there is no absolute deficit of material resources (minerals, fuels, ecological resources). However there is a lack of
knowledge, technology, active intellectual potential and human conscience, and time - the factors that are necessary for limiting the futile
utilization of scarce resources, as well as for developing alternative sources, whilst the resources which are currently under exploitation are
being drained.
This crisis not only constitutes a serious hazard for everybody; it also constitutes an opportunity. This opportunity will occur if we carry out a
radical reconstruction of the mentality and social relations, which could create the possibility for sustainable development.
Currently two methods of overcoming the global crisis seem to be possible.
The first, traditional method is based on decreasing the number of consumers of the resources that are in deficit. This method represents a
pathology of social Darwinism - eco-fascism that leads to ecological holocaust of the weak, and subsequently - to the extinction of all humans.
The second method is based on the popularization of intellectual creative activity aimed at the common good and supported by science and high
technology. This would be an ecohumanistic method.
Ecohumanism is a partnership-based co-operation for the common good of all people (rich and poor, from countries highly
developed and behind in development), their descendants, and natural environment - commonly supported by science and high
The first, traditional method may seem effective only at first glance. Social Darwinism does not allow the elimination of the crisis-provoking
results of the moral degradation of the life forms that are not adapted to the new, quickly changing conditions.
The higher the level of development and the application of scientific and technological achievements, the faster is the pace of changes in living
conditions for people and nature. This implies a very large acceleration of moral degradation pace for diverse, previously well-functioning
forms of life. Moral degradation is as dangerous as the overexploitation of natural resources. This type of degradation, which is almost
invisible, only to an insignificant extent depends on the number of people. It is caused mainly by the development of science and technology.
This development cannot be stopped.
In order to eliminate the third factor of global crisis - the moral degradation of life forms, which in fact constitutes the basic factor - it is
necessary to undertake stability-oriented solutions, which are radically different from traditional solutions.
These are:
I - increasing far-sightedness and the flexibility of the methods of human activities,
II - supplementing calculations of the costs and benefits of social and economic activity with comprehensively assessed social and natural
III - implementation of a system of stimulating ecohumanistic and intellectually creative activity and its popularization.
IV - increasing the intellectual potential of the human race (i.e. through popularization of the at least medium-level, comprehensive education
of the youth, what would ensure intellectual independence, responsibility and the ability to participate in the development of science and
This requires the further development of system dynamics - computer simulation methods for large-scale environmental and social (ecosocial)
systems, flexible automation of production, and development of information technology (teleinformatization). It is impossible to prepare the
appropriate economic statement without forecasting and a measurable assessment of comprehensive, broad in time and space, results of human
activities and of the other changes in living conditions of people and nature.
The information problem is a key issue in overcoming the global crisis and in the creation of possibilities for sustainable
development of the whole global society.
Both, contemporary and forecasted development of science and technology, especially of information technology, makes the possibility of a
significant increase of the level of cognizability of human activity results more real. However, we are not able to predict fully all life hazards.
Therefore, there is a necessity of the parallel development of flexible automation of production, advanced construction of diverse expert
information systems, data bases, and collection of other intellectual, scientific, and technological reserves that are indispensable for the quick
elimination of the hazards, which were impossible to predict in advance.
The second key problem is harnessing people's wealth to make it serve creative, innovative input to the common good. This is a potential for
releasing enormous intellectual creative activity, which is so indispensable for eliminating the deficits in material and spiritual life resources.
It is impossible to solve both of these key problems related to global crisis at the local level. Joint public activities are necessary, with support
from the world intellectual elite and powerful authorities.
Undoubtedly, for the development of the capability of forecasting and for a measurable assessment of the results of human activities, and for
appropriate stimulation of ecohumanistic and innovative, creative activity it would be helpful - and this is what we are proposing - to create a
World Center for a Strategy of Sustainable Development, under the auspices of the United Nations. This would be a professional center, for
large-scale scientific, technological and organizational operations (Apollo-type), based on subsidiarity principle. The main goal of this Center
would be to create information foundation of ecohumanism and sustainable development for the world society.
Its official establishment might take place in 2002, during the Special Session of General UN Assembly - "Rio+10".
The first task for the Center should be improvement and popularization of the methods for forecasting of the changes in conditions on Earth and
in local societies, as well as in the natural environment.
It is necessary to create urgently, as a priority, the information basis of ecohumanism and sustainable development in order to prevent the
development of eco-fascism and ecological holocaust of weaker parts of the human family that might lead to the ecological extinction of the
whole human race. Without creating the information foundation of activities for our common good, such effort will not be effective!
The Sustainable Development Creators' Club.
The Polish Federation for Life
This Appeal was published inter alia in:
- “Zielone Brygady”, nr 4(149)/2000, 16-29.2.2000
- „Polish Academy of Sciences, Dialogue and Universalism, Metaphilosophy as the Wisdom of Science, Art and Life”, no. 4-5/2002.
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Anatoliy A. Shiyan explained that the understanding grows that the Nature is arranged by a principle
of hierarchical self-organization. It means, that the natural systems, as a rule,
are formed on a background of the certain flows of energy and/or mass. These
self-organized systems arise and destroy again, - even when external
conditions (flows of energy and/or mass) remain constant. The
self-organization is described by the nonlinear equations, and consequently
"nonlinear thinking" penetrates into all areas of a science more deeply. The
natural systems are, as a rule, Hierarchical. It is understood that, as a result of
association of a number of the self-organized objects from "the same level of
hierarchy", a certain new object having new properties and qualities will be
But what are ways of change of the approach to management of a Nature?
Which methods, algorithms and ways are needed for operation on Nature
objects so that to reach optimum results, - and to not ruin the Man? For this
purpose it is necessary to reconsider base that we can name as Optimum
Control. Such Optimum Control should take into account as the basic laws of
existence of Natural objects, and nature of functioning of the Man. I report
results on classification of methods of management of Natural systems and I
show that this classification is classification of the people. The data of testing of
the received results are given.
Natalia Knijnikova demonstrated that the understanding of the global ecological questions needed unprecedent joint
efforts of scientific and high level political circles of the different countries. The
produced strategy «sustainable development» as environmental development
variant has become property of the global community. Its logic continuation («
step by step») of sustainable development are national strategy . From a
question « what it’s necessary to change? » we send to a question « how to
change »? It’s necessary in time and precisely to estimate the response to
change of the tendencies of growth and development. I.e. the indicators of
sustainable development have decisive meaning for an estimation of the chosen
strategy on conformity wished, expected and really received results of a new
direction of development, and also speed of progress to an object in view in
time and space.
Speak, that it’s too much indicators (134) of sustainable development and
consequently they can’t be applied in practice. It ‘s so and not so.
Germain Dufour explained that Earth Community has come to realize that peoples live in a world of
increasing interdependence and that our faith is intrinsically related to the
preservation of the global life-support systems and to the survival of all forms
of life. Earth Community is calling upon scientists, tehnologists, technicians,
engineers and all other professionals to create positive actions in their own
fields about using knowledge from all fields of science in a responsible manner
to find sound solutions to human needs and to fulfill aspirations without
misusing this knowledge.
Science gives a person a set of rules, a way of thinking, a philosophy to look
at the physical universe, to observe and analyze it, and to discover its making,
its functioning, and its structure. The scientific method is very reassuring to
oneself. It gives us the basic reasoning we need in order to make informed and
sound policy and management decisions.
Science has a responsibility for the well-being of humanity. Science is found
everywhere in our societies. Because of science, new technologies and
techniques were developed and used in the market place. The products of
science take important places in all aspects of our lives and actually save lives
every second. They make our lives manageable in a million difeerent ways.
Science has also played a destructive role in our history and is continuing to do
so today. Science, technology and engineering are directly or indirectly
responsible for threats to our environment, for wasteful uses of the Earth's
resources and for wars and conflicts in the world.
Science, technology and engineering are major forces of socio-economic
change. They cause humanity and its social and natural environment to evolve
rapidly and, therefore, they carry serious responsibility and accountability.
They are no longer regarded as benefactors of humanity. Ethical integrity has
declined. In several parts of the world people have become suspicious and are
questioning abuses of various kinds. Many scientists and other professionals
have shown little regard to ethical problems arising from their work and must
become responsible and accountable just like everyone else. There are no
exception. We are all asked in helping humanity and all life on Earth from
complete extinction. It is a common goal.
Researchers and other professionals receive public funding for finding solutions
to problems in society. Public funding should be directed towards very specific
research projects related to the life-support system of the planet and to a more
sustainable biosphere.
Science, technology and engineering must regain public trust, state ethical
responsibilties and become a voice to present and future generations. During
the August 2002 global dialogue, there will be a discussion roundtable on the
ethical issues related to science, technology and engineering, their practices
and ideologies. The public is invited to debate the issue.
The public should be informed about research projects and their wider
implications. All parties involved should collaborate with the public. Strong
legal and moral safeguards must be implemented to discourage unethical
practice and the wrongly use of science, technology and engineering for the
development and manufacturing of mass destruction weapons, and for
experiments which do not respect the dignity of human persons and animals.
Just as for human rights, the respect of the dignity of the human person is at the
root of the ethics of science, technology and engineering. The Scale of Human
Rights is aimed at prohibiting all acts, research projects, technology
development, which do not conform to the ideas of humanity.
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Dr. E. Kula said in his introduction:
"Islam, as a major world religion which shares the same Abrahamic
roots as the Judaeo-Christian tradition, has been largely absent from this
debate. Most conservationists now believe that it is essential that there
be comprehensive discussion not only of environmental policies, but also
of the ethics underlying environmental protection. This paper looks at the
importance of the environment in the main sources of Islamic instruction,
namely the Koran and Prophet's Hadiths (teachings). These texts turn
out to be on the side of conservation, the emphasis being on respect for
creation, the protection of the natural order and avoidance of all
wasteful activities which may cause injury to the environment. These
positions are contrasted with the views expressed by political Islam,
which has become influential in a large part of the Muslin world and
rejects the conservation measures advocated by Western writers."
According to the Koran and Prophet's Hadiths, if people were truly religious
and not so much political, there would not be a problem about the protection
of the global life-support systems.
New Revelations by God:
1. Thou shall be One with humanity and thou shall have a higher
purpose, and that is to propagate Life throughout the Universe. I
shall provide you with means to travel the galaxies.
2. Thou shall have another higher purpose, and that is to manage
Earth responsibly.
3. The Soul of Humanity shall be your guiding hand to follow
as my hand.
4. The Soul of Humanity is a part of my own consciousness, my
Spirit, my way of being with you and you with me.
5. Thou shall banish war as a solution to problems between
communities. All Souls involved with war, directly or indirectly,
shall face the Soul of Humanity to be purified. All Souls involved
in the making of weapons, war product and equipment shall be
facing the Soul of Humanity.
6. The stewardship of the ecological base is the essential
prerequisite for the effectiveness and exercise of all rights
recognized for human beings, and it has to be given priority
before the fulfilment of various economic and social wishes.
Demands resulting from the socio-economic system of a
particular country have to find their limits in the protection of the
global ecosystem. Vital interests of future generations have to be
considered as having priority before less vital interests of the
present generation. All Souls involved with the careless
destruction of the life-support system of the planet, directly or
indirectly, shall face the Soul of Humanity to be purified.
7. Thou shall be ethically responsible and accountable locally,
globally and throughout the Universe.
8. Although you may foresee correctly the Universe with a
beginning and expanding, what you observe is a part of a greater
whole that is infinite and eternal. You shall have faith in your good
heart, mind and Spirit to reach a much greater understanding of
the Universe. The Soul of Humanity shall guide you on the way.
9. Souls traveling the galaxies to propagate life shall be good
Souls only. They shall still be a part of the Soul of Humanity.
There higher purpose shall be to spread life of various forms
throughout the Universe.
10. Thou shall live a life as per global ethical values developed by
the Soul of Humanity. Thou shall applied these values responsibly
and wisely in all situations and places.
With regard to the Climate Change problems, all national governments must
ratify the Kyoto Protocol. In fact the climate change problems are created by
everyone, including consumers as well as industries. So everyone should be
included in the solution of the problem. We are all responsible, not just the
leader of a country.
The Golden Rule principle, also called the Ethic of Reciprocity by
theologians, says: "Dont do to others what you wouldn't want done to you."
Or treat others the way you would want to be treated. The Golden Rule has a
moral aspect found in each religion or faith. It could be used as a global ethic.
Paul McKenna, a writer in interfaith dialogue, has found analogues for the
golden rule in 13 faiths. These 13 analogue statements are passages found in
the scriptures or writings that promote this ethos. Every faith is unanimous of
saying that every individual should be treated with the same respect and dignity
we all seek for ourselves. As a first step in bringing together religious leaders
all around the world, the Earth Community is presenting here 13 statements
that unify us all in one Golden Rule.
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The Earth Community is asking all religions around the world to re-examine
their scriptures, precepts, practices, ethical and moral values in light of
ecological concerns. The global community is facing a global environmental
crisis. It is very important that every person on Earth accept of being part of
the process in protecting the global life-support systems. The ecological crisis
is as much about saving children as it is about saving other lifeforms on the
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Germain Dufour explained that at the early stage, when the Earth was formed, and a while
later, all the conditions for the formation of life were present, and life was
created to better serve God. Life was made of matter and every particle of
that matter had a Soul that merged with all the others. That first spark of life
had a unique and independent Soul, and its own Spirit, to better serve God.
Throughout the different evolutionary stages of life on Earth, Souls have kept
merging to better serve God. Many groupings of Souls became more
complicated than others, they were much brighter beings than other groupings,
but all serve God in their own special way. One unique and most wonderful
grouping was the grouping that made the human Soul. God loves the human
Souls a lot because of their wonderful qualities. Through their Souls human
beings became conscious of God in many different ways. Religions of all kinds
started to spread on Earth over the past thousands of years to adore God and
pray. Different groupings of Souls affected human beings in different ways and
Peoples today have different religious beliefs. God loves diversity. God loves
good Souls from all religions.
Different religions have different ways to love, adore and pray to God. And
God's Heaven exists. Heaven on Earth is different from God's Heaven. To be
in Heaven with God will mean a Soul has left the matter of the Universe
forever to enter God's Heaven.
God in His greatness and pure LOVE has made it possible for Souls to enter
God's Heaven following different pathways. But all pathways are God's
pathways only.
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Is humanity as we know it today on Earth our final destination? by Germain
God said:
1. Thou shall be One with humanity and thou shall have a higher
purpose, and that is to propagate Life throughout the Universe. I
shall provide you with means to travel the galaxies.
2. Thou shall have another higher purpose, and that is to manage
Earth responsibly.
It was necessary for our species to reach today's population of 6.157 billions
in order to leap to our next stage of evolution that will bring us closer to God
and propel humanity to fulfill the Divine Plan.
What is the Divine Plan for humanity?
The Divine Plan is the greatest hope for humanity and is now being revealed.
God could not have created a universe with billions of galaxies, each one with
billions of stars such as our Sun, unless He had a plan for Life, especially for
an advanced species such as ours.
We have the responsibility of managing Earth. Everyone shares responsibility
for the present and future well-being of life within Earth Community. When
there is a need to find a solution to a problem or a concern, a sound solution
would be to choose a measure or conduct an action, if possible, which causes
reversible damage as oppose to a measure or an action causing an irreversible
Life exists on millions of other planets in the universe, and our species got to
be who we are today through the evolutionary process. Other lifeforms in the
universe may have evolved to be at least as advanced as our species. Their
Souls may even be more complicated than ours. They may have merged a
trillion times more than our Souls. They may have evolved as well.
The Divine Plan for humanity is:
a) for everyone to manage Earth responsibly, and
b) about to reach the stars and spread Life throughout the
universe and thus help other Souls to evolve and serve God in the
best possible ways.
The higher purpose of humanity is to serve God by propagating Life
throughout the universe. Humanity will evolve spiritually to fulfill
God's Plan. Soon God will show us the way to reach the galaxies.
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Germain Dufour explained that with regard to the Climate Change problems, all national governments must
ratify the Kyoto Protocol. In fact the climate change problems are created by
everyone, including consumers as well as industries. So everyone should be
included in the solution of the problem. We are all responsible, not just the
leader of a country.
What would be best to do is to create the Earth Ministry of the
Environment and the Earth Court of Justice to prosecute nations that
commit crimes against humanity such as those crimes against the global
life-support systems and, certainly, not signing the Kyoto Protocol is amongst
the worst of those crimes.
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New Age Revelations are given at the following location.
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The Soul of Humanity's Message is described at the following location.
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Dr. E. Kula explained that over thirty years ago a debate began as to whether religion in general, or the
Judaeo-Christian faith in particular, were in some sense responsible for the
present environmental predicament. Islam, as a major world religion which
shares the same Abrahamic roots as the Judaeo-Christian tradition, has been
largely absent from this debate. Most conservationists now believe that it is
essential that there be comprehensive discussion not only of environmental
policies, but also of the ethics underlying environmental protection. This paper
looks at the importance of the environment in the main sources of Islamic
instruction, namely the Koran and Prophet's Hadiths (teachings). These texts
turn out to be on the side of conservation, the emphasis being on respect for
creation, the protection of the natural order and avoidance of all wasteful
activities which may cause injury to the environment. These positions are
contrasted with the views expressed by political Islam, which has become
influential in a large part of the Muslin world and rejects the conservation
measures advocated by Western writers.
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Dr. E. Kula explained that over thirty years ago a debate began as to whether religion in general, or the
Judaeo-Christian faith in particular, were in some sense responsible for the
present environmental predicament. Islam, as a major world religion which
shares the same Abrahamic roots as the Judaeo-Christian tradition, has been
largely absent from this debate. Most conservationists now believe that it is
essential that there be comprehensive discussion not only of environmental
policies, but also of the ethics underlying environmental protection. This paper
looks at the importance of the environment in the main sources of Islamic
instruction, namely the Koran and Prophet's Hadiths (teachings). These texts
turn out to be on the side of conservation, the emphasis being on respect for
creation, the protection of the natural order and avoidance of all wasteful
activities which may cause injury to the environment. These positions are
contrasted with the views expressed by political Islam, which has become
influential in a large part of the Muslin world and rejects the conservation
measures advocated by Western writers.
Germain Dufour said that with regard to the Climate Change problems, all national governments must
ratify the Kyoto Protocol. In fact the climate change problems are created by
everyone, including consumers as well as industries. So everyone should be
included in the solution of the problem. We are all responsible, not just the
leader of a country.
What would be best to do is to create the Earth Ministry of the
Environment and the Earth Court of Justice to prosecute nations that
commit crimes against humanity such as those crimes against the global
life-support systems and, certainly, not signing the Kyoto Protocol is amongst
the worst of those crimes.
Mr.Mamady Diallo and Mr. Mory Sanda Diakite
Mr.Mamady Diallo and Mr. Mory Sanda Diakite
Travail - justice - Solidarite
Ministere de l'Administration du Territoire de La
Decentralisation et de la Securite
Service National De Coordination et D'Intervention Des
O N G "SACCO" Conakry.
TOGETHER , TORONTO du 17 au 22 Aout 20002
Rapport Presente Par:
1) Mr. Mamady Diallo , President de l'ONG
2 ) Mr. Mory Sanda Diakite , Vice President
Conakry , Aout 2002
Dieu à créer l'huniver pour que vivent les hommes ,
les animaux et les êtres inanimés.
Il donnat en suite la conscience à l'homme de
reflechir sur les maintiens de cet bien precieux de de
sa propre survie.
Vu le procres sans cesse croissant de la science, la
technique et la technologie plus poussée, n est en
droit de ce demander aujourd'hui quelle destinée
donnerons nous à cette univer en ce debut du 3è
La vie sur la planet n'est elle pas devenue une
menace réelle à l'extiction des races?
De la course aux armes de destructions massives en
passant par la famine et la misert dans certains
endroits de la planete, l'humanité court à un danger
si les dispositions d'urgences ne sont pas prises pour
erradiquer le fleau qui nous menace.
Pour un observateur averti, est ce que l'humanité est
elle une gouvernance ?
Les politiques mises sur pied en fonse d'avantage les
fosses entre les riches et les pauvres.
Dans l'un ou autre camp, on se rejette les
De cette decadance, quelle place reservons nous à
l'Afrique, aux pays en developpements dechirés par la
guerres, la famine, la misert.
Est ce qu'il ya des dirrigeants au monde qui pensent
réellement à la situation des plus demunis ?
La politique de la mondialisation est elle la
meilleur voie pour sauver l'humaniter de la misert, la
famine, les guerres inter ethniques, la heine des
hommes ?
Un chercher n'à t'il penser que pour que vive une
harmonie entre les hommes, il faut confier les pauvres
aux riches ?
Ces sur ce plateau de composition multiple que nous
tenterons de developper nos rapports de vision sur la
gestion de la communaute en 2024.
Nous esperons nous faire entendre à travers ce message
pour que vive une harmonie sur la planete.
à Suivre
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Germain Dufour said that the worst environmental degradation happens in wars. Farm products in
fields and livestock are abandoned, there is no more control on toxic wastes,
and water, air, and land are polluted. People are displaced and feel no longer
responsible for the quality of life in their communities. Historically, the
industrialized nations have caused the most damage to the environment, with
their careless technology and policies. Emissions from factories and vehicles
have caused ozone depletion and acid rain. Leaders of the wealthier nations
must be willing to accept responsibility for past mistakes and to help pay the
financial burden for environmental protection of the developing nations. This is
the most damaging conflict of interests between the rich industrialized countries
and those that are poor and struggling just for existence. The Earth Community
must help wealthy and poorer nations reach a better understanding of each
other's needs. All aspects are interrelated: peace, human rights and the
environment. The poor is more concerned with ending starvation, finding a
proper shelter and employment, and helping their children to survive.
Environmental issues become meaningless to the poor. In reality, all concerns
are interrelated. As soon as the environment is destroyed beyond repair,
human suffering is next. Ecology has no boundaries. All nations suffer the
effects of air pollution, global warming, loss of biodiversity, soil erosion, acid
rain, ozone depletion, silting of streams, and countless of other environmental
problems. This was the reason for proposing to the Earth Community the
Scale of Human and Earth Rights.
The Earth Community claims that everyone on Earth should be able to
live in peace. This peace mouvement is about courage. Not the courage it
takes to go into battle but the courage to organize resistance to war when a
bloody taste for it inflames the world, and the threat of prison in a nation where
the human rights and freedom of expression have diminished significantly. It is
about the courage to say NO to the war industry. It is an industry that destroys
life on Earth, corrupts society, and violates morality. Military intervention in the
affairs of other nations is wrong. There are other ways, there are peaceful
ways, ways that are not based on profit-making and the gain of power for
itself. We are conscientious objectors, "nonresistants". That word comes
from Jesus, opposing the use of violence: "Ye have heard that it hath been
said, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth: but I say unto you, that
ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek,
turn to him the other also."
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Germain Dufour explained that the Earth Community Organization is promoting the settling of
disputes between nations through the process of the Earth Court of
Justice. The "war industry" throughout the world must be put to a complete halt and
shelved forever from humanity. The Earth Community is asking all peoples
never again to buy there products. The war industry is the "Mother of all
evils in the world". All persons working, directly or indirectly, for the war industry, are responsible
and accountable to humanity and to God for anything happening to their
products after they are sold. Even here in Ontario, Canada, we manufacture
weapons and war products. Workers go home happy after a good day of
work. They have to pay for their mortgages and make car payments and
others. They are mostly Christians. When they go to work, they leave their
religious beliefs at home. Ethical and moral values no longer touch them. They
dont think that are actually responsible and accountable for spreading evil all
around the world. They think they are "good people", good citizens. Every
single bullet you manufacture you are responsible and accountable for it, all of
you from the President of the company to the employee on the industrial line.
Our Society holds responsibility and accountability as well. And if that bullet
happened to be a nuclear war head then it becomes even more imperative to
held the manufacturer and the people involved responsible and accountable.
It is the same idea for any consumer product in any industry. You manufacture,
produce, mine, farm or create a product, you become responsible and
accountable of your product from beginning to end (to the point where it
actually becomes a waste; you are also responsible for the proper disposable
of the waste).
Throughout the 20th Century, the war industry has created the worse evil
humanity has ever encountered: the business of conflicts and wars. It is a
business that has made trillions of dollars (American) and will continue to do
so. It has no moral value, no understanding about Life, no respect for anyone
or anything, no law except the ones that it makes for itself, and all its products
are meant to kill and destroy. It has sold its products to the enemies for the
purpose of making more profit. It has subdued governments all over the world
to make them buy its products. It has given trade and way of doing
business a bad reputation and, therefore, it is a threat to the establisment of
business. Although the war industry has a good public image, it does not really
matter who is the buyer as long as he pays good money.
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The Earth Community Organization, the Human Family, is calling for the
immediate formation of the Earth Ministry of Health. The globalization of
trade, the extensive mouvement of people all over the world, the increase of
poverty and diseases in developing countries and all over the world, have
caused pathogens and exotic diseases to migrate over enormous distances and
now, are an increasing threat to local ecosystems and communities, economies
and health of every human being and all life. The Earth Community
Organization, the Human Family, is calling this threat of the upmost importance
and must be dealt with immediately by every nation. We must manage health in
the world. We are calling for the immediate creation of the Earth Ministry of
Dr. Tee L. Guidotti analyzed and explained A PERSPECTIVE ON THE HEALTH OF URBAN ECOSYSTEMS.
Urban systems are among the most critical areas of study in the environmental
sciences and among the least appreciated. Cities represent a concentration of
human activity for efficiency and interaction. Although they may represent
processes that are at the root of ecosystem exploitation and degradation, they
also hold the potential for minimizing human impact on the surrounding
ecosystem if properly managed and integrated. Cultural concepts of ecosystem
and human health have been linked with thoughts about cities and human
settlements since ancient times. There has been a progression of these
concepts through religious ideas, philosophical systems, sanitation, toxic
substances, and, most recently, the risk of ecosystem change on a large scale
resulting in the collapse of global and regional system that sustain human
communities. However, ecosystems are not really destroyed; when
ecosystems are pushed to the point of failure, they convert into something else
and the human communities that depend on them adapt. The conversion and
adaptation may not be desireable or productive, but they occur. Cities are the
best examples of this. Urban systems are artificial ecosystems that preserve
but subsume the preexisting natural ecosystems. We need a new way of
thinking about ecosystems and human health that does not place human beings
at the center and that is not driven by effects of individual exposures or
perturbations. We also need to appreciate the value as well as the cost of
cities. Urban ecosystems have characteristic pathologies. Those that place
great stress on natural ecosystems or that are overly stressed in their own
carrying capacity are not sustainable. There is an urgent need for valid
indicators of "health" in urban ecosystems: one measure may be how well it
adapts and the way that it responds to external stresses. This is a behavioural
measure, reflecting the viability of the human community.
Colin L. Soskolne said that since 1996, human health was recognized as an integral component of a
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRCC)
grant in the area of Global Ecological Integrity (P.I.: L. Westra). By integrating
human health concerns into the grant application, this apparently added to its
fundability. Since then, numerous meetings promoting the notion of global
ecological integrity together with its relationship to human health have been
well-received. In fact, the World Health Organization’s European Centre for
Environment and Health, Rome Division, was responsible, in December 1998,
for hosting a Workshop on the connection between global ecological integrity
and human health. The Preface to the Discussion Document arising from this
Workshop states that "… global change has become an issue warranting
public health involvement. The public health community needs to face the
challenges presented by global change and equip itself with the necessary
scientific and technical means to anticipate and, where possible, prevent human
health consequences arising from degrading life-support systems".
Brain-storming exercise during Global Dialogue 2002 in Toronto
Participants: Mrs. Kuri Jayafure, Mrs. Alka Karir, Textile designer, Ms. Tamara Sanchez and Germain Dufour
Title: Formation of a Global Ministry of Environmental Health.
1. Must be non-profit, grassroots, and at community level.
2. Finances: drug companies and governments.
3. Global Declaration
a) very strict and mandatory
b) all nations participate
c) scientists and professionals in the fields who have dedicated their lives to environmental health
d) humanitarians
4. Manifesto
a) Self-sustainable society or NGO focusing on environment and health
b) Global market should not deplete natural resources
c) cut down in pollution
d) Reassessing American culture, consumerism in America
e) Consumer responsibilities and accountabilities
f) Environmental health costs
g) Cost on the environment
h) Prices should reflect environmental cost
i) Recycling whenever possible
j) Reducing
k) Each nation should see that they are sustainable communities before exporting
l) Taking on a nation's problem at the roots level (if a deisease exist there then the nation should address that issue)
m) ECO should help manage getting rid of that disease
n) Make use of traditional methods to solve problems
o) Use natural ways to put in the environment when solving problems
The recommendations are now a part of
This is section in F1.
1. Must be non-profit, grassroots, and at community level.
2. Finances: drug companies and governments.
3. Global Declaration
a) very strict and mandatory
b) all nations participate
c) scientists and professionals in the fields who have dedicated their lives to environmental health
d) humanitarians
4. The functioning of the NGO is as per Manifesto.
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Carah Lynn Ong promotes the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons: security, sustainability and justice in
a nuclear free future.
Germain Dufour said that it has become a necessity to implement a total embargo on all US, Russian
and European Union nations mass destruction chemicals, nuclear war heads,
weapons, war products and war equipment. These are the countries that have
developed and manufactured the weapons of mass destruction. They are also
the countries that have been exploiting the developing countries everywhere in
the world and especially in the Middle East, and without due respect to human
rights and democracy. They are also the countries that have sold weapons of
mass destruction to the poor nations of the Middle East for the purpose of
making a profit.
The "war industry" throughout the world must be put to a complete halt and
shelved forever from humanity. The Earth Community is asking all peoples
never again to buy there products. The war industry is the "Mother of all
evils in the world".
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Dr. Tao Jiyi promotes world sustainable development and create a truly sustainable global society, the nations of the world have
to best harmonize interacting impacts upon people, utilization of natural resources, economic development and environmental
needs. Many countries have adopted a lot of effective measures on the complex interactions within themselves, but they are by
no means sufficient. That is to say, a lot of work remains to be done. The author of this paper think that the adoption of world
sustainable development calls for strong international cooperation. This is to say, all countries, including developed countries
and develpping countries should cooperate harmoniously with each other in such areas as population issues, resource
problems, economic issues and environmental issues. Some scholars have mentioned this topic, but their studies of effects of
international cooperation upon world sustainable development are rare, often superficial and not systematic.
Germain Dufour explains that we have the responsibility of managing Earth. The partnership of government, civil society, and business is essential for an
effective global governance based on global concepts, the Scale of Human and Earth Rights and the Charter of the Earth
Community. One cannot talk about the governance of the Earth without talking about the most influential bodies or institutions
of the world that actually govern or rule the world today, or have the power to change it and actually do change the world in
many different ways. So we will talk about the United Nations, the major global economies or planetary economic blocks, the
richest people and corporations on the planet, the IMF, the World Bank, the WTO, religions, the debt of the poor nations, the
restoration of the planet and the global life-support systems. And of course we will also talk about sound solutions to the world
The complete explanation is shown at
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The Earth Community Organization is inviting you to the global dialogue by asking the Earth Court of Justice to decide on
how Native rights in the province of British Columbia are classified as ecological and primordial human and Earth rights and
therefore supersede in importance the rights of the greatest number of people of the province. The Earth Court of Justice will be created for the purpose of deciding on the future of Native Rights. Members of this higher
Court will be chosen to reflect the Peoples involved here.
Dr. Ross Mallick explained that indigenous peoples are dependent on their environment for traditional livelihoods, which are being threatened by development
projects. The indigenous relationship with nature is typically portrayed as being in harmony, and though this may be so in
many instances, there are examples where it is not. The paper cites cases where the harmonious relationship is being
disrupted by outside development, as well as instances where indigenous people themselves contribute to the disruption. The
complex relationship between the environmentalist movement in the dominant society and indigenous peoples is a major
theme in the study, where frequently environmentalist support indigenous but in some cases oppose aboriginal development.
Both multinational interests and environmentalists cast an influence which affects aboriginal peoples.
Western environmentalism has influenced Third World and indigenous peoples. Its ideas have been adapted as it
encountered alien cultures and values and it may incorporate some indigenous values in its philosophy but for the most part it
remains an alien imposition on people trying to make a living from limited resources. How environmentalists deal with
indigenous peoples will help determine the success of conservationist programs, and therefore an understanding of how this
relationship can be managed is critical to the success of environmentalism and the survival of indigenous peoples.
Dr. Nazih Noureldin and Herman Michell said that as society continues to rely more heavily on technology, it is increasingly important that there should be a large proportion of
aboriginal people with sound scientific backgrounds. There has been, therefore, a great need to promote programs in science
among First Nations students in order to attract them into scientific professions. In order to attract Aboriginal high school
students to the university, several approaches were attempted. Although pulling students towards the university proved to be
difficult, retaining them turned out to be more challenging particularly in the science field. However, the Department of
Science in the Saskatchewan Indian Federated College (SIFC) thanks to several projects, have started to reap the benefits
of its efforts. In addition to increase the enrolment in science classes, our projects were designed to foster a sense of discipline and hard
work, requirements for all scientific careers. The successful conclusion of our attempts, so far, indicates that involvement of
students in finding solutions to real research problems provides motivation and enthusiasm among the participants.
Interestingly, within a short period of time, several participants became role models for other aboriginal students whom
otherwise may not have considered the option of majoring one of the sciences.
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Dr. Tao Jiyi thinks that the adoption of world sustainable development calls for strong international cooperation.
The author analyses reasons why international cooperation is needed to achieve world sustainable development. The author
also points out that international cooperation can facilitate native people's acceptance of rational policies, financial assistances
and advanced technologies provided by the international community and that international cooperation also can contribute to
regulating world population distribution, improving low population quality of backward countries, protecting and exploiting
natural resources, developing those products and industries which can cause lower consumption of natural resources and
energy sources with light pollution of environment, and keeping environmental stability and ecological balance. In a word,
international cooperation greatly contributes to world sustainable development. Finally, the author suggests how world
sustainable development can be promoted through international cooperation.
In order to promote world sustainable development and create a truly sustainable global society, the nations of the world
have to best harmonize interacting impacts upon people, utilization of natural resources, economic development and
environmental needs. Many countries have adopted a lot of effective measures on the complex interactions within themselves,
but they are by no means sufficient. That is to say, a lot of work remains to be done. The author of this paper think that the
adoption of world sustainable development calls for strong international cooperation. This is to say, all countries, including
developed countries and develpping countries should cooperate harmoniously with each other in such areas as population
issues, resource problems, economic issues and environmental issues. Some scholars have mentioned this topic, but their
studies of effects of international cooperation upon world sustainable development are rare, often superficial and not
This section is described in
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Dr. Heinrich Wohlmeyer describes the Basic Principles of Applied Ethics.
Funding Criterion:
This criterion recalls that those realities, on which others build upon, have to be protected first. A classical example is, that to
the stewardship of the ecological base (the base of life) has to be given priority before the fulfilment of various economic and
social wishes.
Criterion of Integration:
In the case of conflict wider strategies to keep the system concerned functioning, have to have priority before those
addressing narrower fields.
E.g. demands resulting from the social system of a particular country have to find their limits in the protection of the global
ecosystem or the aim of maximisation of labour productivity in agriculture and forestry should not be realised at the expense
of biodiverse landscapes.
Criterion of Urgency:
Vital interests of future generations have to be considered as having priority before less vital interests of the present
generation. Typical examples are climate change and soil erosion.
Criterion of Reversibility:
If a measure is inevitable, a variant, which causes reversible damage, has to be preferred before a measure causing
irreversible loss.
Criterion of Regenerability:
Regenerable organic raw materials and primary energy carriers have to be preferred versus not regenerable fossil sources.
Criterion of Circular Orientation:
Supply chains have to be designed in a way, that the goods can enter after usage or consumption into natural or industrial
recycling processes.
Criterion of Precaution (Precautionary Principle):
If serious damages to persons, animals, plants and the ecosystem cannot be excluded, an action or pattern of behaviour
should be refrained from.
Criterion of Least Impact:
A measure for supplying goods or services for humans should choose a path, which entails the least possible impact on the
ecological and social system concerned. This criterion is related to the precautionary principle. Its reason is, that functioning
proven systems should not be disturbed and that unnecessary risks should not be taken. One example of its application in the
eco-sphere is to rely on natural varieties before changing genomes by genetic manipulation.
Criterion of Causation (Causation - or Polluter pays Principle):
The causing agent should be made responsible for all damages he took into account. Negative examples are limited liabilities
granted to air- and ship transport, to atomic energy plants and to data high ways.
Criterion of economy:
Human supply strategies consuming less resources should have preference before those enhancing more resource
A positive example is the Factor 10 Strategy (increasing resource productivity by a factor 10).
Criterion of Cooperation:
If measures or their consequences trespass national boarders, cooperative measures should be preferred.
Criterion of respect of human dignity:
Strategies, which violate human dignity, should not be permitted. Examples are the expulsion of an indigenous population by
the flooding of a valley for a hydroelectric power plant or the imposition of overtaxing efficiency aims without a right to a say.
Criterion of wellbeing and aesthetics:
Strategies fostering human wellbeing and beauty of the environment should be preferred. This criterion is especially applicable
to the management of cultural landscapes and the design of industrial sites and working places.
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DESTRUCTION (construction of Baku – Cheyhan pipeline will destroy them). We call for all relevant international organizations to pay attention to the issue of laying the Baku - Cheyhan oil pipeline
through the territory of Gobustan historical and Archeological Reserve and through territories of other Natural Reserves of
Azerbaijan. BP spends the huge financial resources allocated as a loan by both International Finance Organizations and
Banks, and by companies - participants of the pipeline project for destruction of large quantity of the ecological and cultural
monuments, as well as destruction of the environment of Azerbaijan.
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The Corporate Sector and Earth Management: don't let the fox guard the chicken coop by Germain Dufour
The Earth Community Organization (ECO) found a way of dealing with globalization: global ethics. In the past,
corporations ruled without checks and balances. For now on global ethics will be a basic minimum to do business, and there
will be checks and balances. Our judgement will be based on global ethics.Global ethics must always be grounded in
realities. But realities are changing constantly and are different in different places. We live in a world that makes progress
toward democracy. Ethics and morality exist only when human beings can act freely. In our free society, rights are tied to
responsibilities. Corporations are committed to improvement in business performance and want to be seen as 'good
corporate citizens' on a local and a global scale. Corporations have social responsibilities as they are an integral part of
society. Global ethics recalls that those realities, on which others build upon, have to be protected first. ECO has found that
universal values and human and Earth rights as described above were the foundation of global ethics.
ECO has now at hand the method and framework to conduct societal checks and balances of a global sustainable
development. A more balanced world economy will result of annual checks and balances. Corporations will take their social
responsibilities and become involved in designing, monitoring, and implementing these checks and balances. Several
corporations have already done so. Results will be taken into account in the evaluation of sustainable development.
Corporations are required to expand their responsibilities to include human rights, the environment, community and
family aspects, safe working conditions, fair wages and sustainable consumption aspects.
Allowing the corporate sector to review their own activities and conducting their own checks and balances is like letting the
fox guard the chicken coop, i.e. multinational corporations have a vested interest in making sure that they make money and go
unpunished for breaking all Ten Commandments and much more. By the time we realize it was wrong to choose a world
economic model based entirely on profit, it will be too late. The Earth ecosystem, our life-support system, will have been
destroyed beyond repair.
What to do about this situation? Here in the Americas, we are planning to do just that: choosing an economic model totally
based on profit making. The Summit of the Americas (see Article "The Summit of the Americas, the FTAA and Earth
Management") planned for April 2001 in Quebec city will give green light to the corporate sector with no checks. If the
corporate sector was truly willing to honestly do such checks and balances then it should not matter to them to have the
system put in place before they sign such an agreement. ECO is proposing to oversee such a system be put in place to the
satisfaction of Earth Community.
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Mr. Netra PRASAD Kaphle explains that they have formed by a group of committed, interested and experienced people who
have already worked in the field of environmental awareness, bio- diversity conservation, women empowerment, Child Right
and community development programs.
Dr. Balkrishna Kurvey described Human Rights pre-requiste for peace and Sustainable Development in developing country.
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James Mwami explained that soil and water conservation activities are under taken under various agro-ecological and socio-economic circumstances, in
different parts of the World. However, for a multitude of reasons farmers do not generally engage on their own in investment
in soil and water conservation. In the more advanced economies farmers may sometimes take initiative, but in most cases they
are stimulated to do so as a result of specific government policies, direct incentiveness on participation in specific projects.
When the seriousness of the erosion problem was realised in Uganda, in the 1950's, government took the initiative and for
along time they followed a top-down approach in the design and implementation of soil conservation projects and
programmes. Many of these failed. Usually the priorities and capabilities of the land users were insufficiently considered in the
preparation and execution of such projects or programmes.
Uganda government has now come to realise that proper implementation of such activities depend on the acceptance by and
full participation of the population, so that soil conservation and reforestation activities become less dominated by regulations.
There is a shift towards "protect and produce" including less direct soil conservation related activities (e.g. promoting tree
crops) and the measures are accompanied incentives (e.g. subsidies) or by rural development "starter" activities (e.g. drinking
water supply) to incite farmers to participate. In other words conservation has gradually evolved into regional development
activities using "watershed activities"
Pedro Berliner explained that afforestation in arid zones, marginal water use, and water management are important in arid zones.
Indiscriminate felling of trees is one of the major causes for the desertification of semi-arid regions.
It is however possible to use available (usually marginal) water resources to plant trees and manage the forests for long term
Bangladesh is one of the most densely populated country of the world. Industrial and vehicular toxic gaseous emission
impacts on environment and causing human health problem in densely polluted urban area. Mitigative measure is being
implementing through air pollution monitoring, research, dissemination of research activities, particularly phasing out of
two-stroke engine smoke belching auto-rickshaws the most polluting vehicles and finally government has decided to import
lead (Pb) free fuel and encouraging to use Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). Public awareness already been adopting in
urban area by the government and different non-government agencies to prevent serious health problems causing by air
In common sense people thinks air pollution means vehicular smokes and industrial gaseous emission. But air pollution means
any solid, liquid or gaseous substances present in the atmosphere in such concentrations that impact on human health or other
living creature as a whole creates environmental pollution. Composition of fresh dry air contents 78.09% Nitrogen and
20.94% Oxygen by volume. The rest of 0.97% is composed of different gaseous mixture elements (i.e. carbon dioxide,
helium, argon, nitrous oxides and xenon) and very negligible amount of some other organic and inorganic gases. If these
compositions found different in any atmospheric air then the air would be called polluted. Air pollution could be happen by
two ways i.e. by naturally and artificially. Naturally, air pollution caused by volcanic eruption, dust bearing cyclone,
natural-fog, pollen grains, bacteria etc. Significantly, air is polluting by artificially i.e. man-made vehicular and industrial
gaseous emission and also by house holds municipal wastes odors.
Human beings cannot survive without taking atmospheric oxygen through respiration system in a suitable mixture of oxygen,
nitrogen and other inert gases. It is an assumption that an adult man takes 16-18 kg air through respiration system in his day
life. Fresh air is a basic demand of human beings.
It is recognized that civilization of mankind was started with the invention of fire. Fire creates smokes, so air pollution was
started from the primitive period of cave man. At that time air pollution was very negligible in ratio with the density of
population. Air pollution increasing rapidly due to technological development, creation of engines, industrialization, power
plant set-up, burning coal & crude oil, steam locomotives use of railway, steamer, motor vehicles, transport and internal
combustion engines burning petrol, diesel, kerosene and also by households vegetable oils burning, fire-wood, paraffin's &
kerosene burning. Including all above, use of aerosol and pesticides are mostly polluting the atmospheric air very seriously.
Dr. Tee L. Guidotti showed that sustainable development is a widely-discussed alternative to currently unsustainable economic development patterns. It is all
the more attractive because it may be cast in terms compatible with the market economy. However, there must be a social
dimension to the concept, a vision, for it to become a viable alternative to unrestrained economic growth. The Earth is no
longer a self-regulating planetary system. Its future will depend on human action and the continuation of natural ecosystems
will be achieved because people want them to be preserved. Acceptance of sustainable development by society may depend
on cultural values and even spiritual notions about the relationship of humankind to the Earth. This is why the otherwise
quasi-religious concepts often expressed in the environmental movement, such as the Gaia hypothesis, have value as
metaphor even if they do not necessarily express literal fact. Sustainable development is often described in terms that suggest
a static, less technology-dependent, and culturally more homogeous regionalized society. However, sustainable development
cannot be stagnation. People will not accept a view of sustainable development that recreates a technologically more
advanced version of a basic peasant society, especially if they have only recently developed economically. For societies to
accept sustainable development and to continue to grow within, the new way of living must accept cultural diversity,
encourage individual expression, allow social change, offer opportunity, and examine values. There must be ways to permit
opportunity and growth without ecological compromise. Achieving sustainable development may therefore be linked with
policies emphasizing community, the value of information, originality in ideas, and the arts.
Livestock Waste a Big Environmental Problem in Wakerton, Ontario, Canada(and now in many other
provinces), and in the Philippines. The study noted that in some cases, he damage resulting from irresponsibly handled livestock waste has been spectacular and
tragic. In June 1995, it said the artificial waste lagoon at a hog farm in North Carolina burst, releasing nearly 100 million liters
of hog urine and feces that polluted neighboring communities and killed millions of fish in nearby rivers.
A similar incident in 2000 resulted in the contamination of drinking water which led to several deaths in the small Canadian
town of Wakerton. In other cases, the study said livestock waste causes continuous and pervasive damage to people's health
and the environment.
The situation in the Philippines is no better, according to the report.
Germain Dufour explains that air and water are fundamental human and Earth rights.
For centuries we have found it necessary to control water so as to have it where we wanted it.
Despite our efforts, large areas on the planet still suffer from drought, and others from flood, due partly to the nature
variability of climate to change fast than it used to, and this is now impacting on the availability and distribution of water. Our
fresh water sources are already being used and yet, the world population is increasing rapidly. This increase in population and
the increase of pollutants in our drinking water sources have created conflicts which will only become more and more serious
in the near future. In numerous places in the world drinking water sources are rare, sometimes non-existant, and sometimes
were polluted by transnational corporations from our industrialized world and which companies became rich by mining or
manufacturing products in those countries. Should anyone be allowed to control our freshwater resources? Is freshwater a
'human and Earth right' or is it a 'human need'? Should water resources be privatized and commodified for profit? Or
should water be declared a 'human and Earth right' in the Charter of the Earth Community? Is it no true that water is
just as important to an individual as the air we breathe?
Freshwater is needed and is a human and Earth right. So is clean air! The Scale of Human and Earth Rights shows how
and where these rights should be included with respect to all other human rights.
Because of an ever-increasing global population and of human impacts on the natural environment, freshwater resources have
become essentials to human life and to all life in Earth. There is an urgent need to protect these resources and for integrated
understanding of lakes, wetlands and flowing waters.
Fresh water resources and clean air are at least if not more important to every human being than any other
human rights ever listed in any charter of any society. If there was a scale of values to be drawn where would you
insert these two human rights?
Human rights are those that individuals have by virtue of their very existence as human beings: to live, eat, drink fresh water,
breath fresh air, have shelter. Just as human beings have human rights, they also have moral, legal responsibilities and related
obligations and accountabilities. Every person needs Oxygen to live so clean air is certainly a primordial human right by our
very nature. A large part of our body is made of water and we could not live without water; therefore water is also a
primordial human rights by our very nature.
Fresh water resources and clean air are therefore proposed to be categorized as human rights.
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Recommendations are listed at the following location
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G.R.Acharya, Kajunari Fukumura and Masahiko Tomita explained that although sustainability has become one of the major issues in agriculture since its inception
in the World Common Future, it is yet to prove its viability to replace current modern fossil
fuel intensive agriculture. To become sustainability agriculture a forefront national
development policy issue, a consensus among its stakeholder on its definition/concept is a
foremost necessity. In this study, an attempt has been made to present the most likely
common concepts of agricultural sustainability. It is achieved by reviewing the sustainability
definition/concepts either proposed or quoted/referred while discussing the sustainability in
the literatures. A keywords organizing methodology based on the ‘KJ method’ has been
used to generate and organize the keywords. This technique describes a simple approach
to organize a mass of ideas, by clustering them in related groups, and labelling the groups
to identify themes or generalizations. In this process, five major concepts of sustainability
were appeared namely sustainability as: (1) a philosophy, a goal and movement of an
alternative paradigm of development (2) an alternative farming practice’s management and
technology (3) a control environmental degradation imposed by the conventional
agriculture (4) a long term natural resource and energy conservation both at local and
global level (5) a means of economic stability for farming communities to revitalize the rural
society. It is found that the farm level sustainability has been well addressed in
contemporary sustainability studies but the sustainability in other spatial level namely global
and regional level is poorly addressed which needs attention in future studies.
A.S.R.A.S. Sastri, V.P. Singh and R.K. Singh conducted a study on the development of agriculture in a sustainable manner as the primary mandate of agricultural
scientists of the globe. With the increasing use of chemical fertilisers, insecticides and
herbicides, there is an international consciousness for environmental protection. In collaboration with International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Philippines, they worked on the environmental characterisation and assessment of sustainability of rainfed
rice production in Eastern India. They started the project work with a basic concept that
‘sustainability is not a destination but is a continuous journey’. They initially assessed the sustainability using the time series data of rice
productivity in Eastern India. Based on the average productivity level and its variability, the
sustainability has been assessed depending upon the level and its productivity and
variability. A sustainability ladder concept has been developed and the position of each
district of each state has been assessed. A comprehensive agro-ecological atlas has been
developed in which the status of rainfall probability, stable rainfall periods, sustainability
status of strategies for improving the rice productivity in a sustainable manner have been
discussed. Also, the impact of technological and environmental components in the
fluctuations and trends of rice productivity in different states of eastern India have been
worked out.
Ayalneh Bogale investigated the rationale of resource-poor farmers to exercise
resource degrading practices. A total of 180 rural households have been selected for the
study. Despite sever investment constraints, most LDCs has given official recognition to the fact
that land degradation has a great effect on their economies to which Ethiopa is not an
exception. This is mainly owing to the fact that most of these countries depend heavily on
agriculture, which is dominated by subsistence production and widespread poverty.
S.G. Patil, L.B. Hugar, M.S. Veerapur, J. Yerriswamy, T. Cross, A.C. vanLoon, and G.W. vanLoon
have undertaken a study of factors affecting sustainability of agricultural systems in four
agro-ecosystems in the Tungabhadra Project (TBP) area of Karnataka State in South
India. The four areas chosen for the study include villages in the head end of the command
area (highly irrigated system, HIS), the tail end of the command area (semi-irrigated
system, SIS), outside the command area (dry land system, DLS), and in the area supplied
with irrigation for the past approximately 500 years by the Vijayanagar Canals (ancient
irrigated system, AIS). The aim of the project was to survey a variety of factors related to
cropping patterns, water use, physical properties and socio-economic indicators related to
the agricultural practices in these areas. Through a holistic approach, they aimed to identify and
compare factors that relate to sustainability of food production in these areas. In particular
they were looking for examples of highly sustainable processes that could be more widely
Thet have selected six categories of indicators of sustainability – productivity,
efficiency, durability, stability, compatibility, and equity – that can be taken together in
describing each system.
These are defined as follows:
· Productivity is measured in the usual way as yield of crop per hectare
· Efficiency is measured primarily in terms of energy use and production, and is the ratio of
energy output in the form of crop (both primary material, usually grain, and the additional
biomass, such as straw)
· Durability is an index showing resistance to immediate stresses such as stress due to lack
of water or to pests
· Stability is defined as the ability to produce adequately over an extended period of time.
· Compatibility is an indicator that relates the farming practices to the natural and human
surroundings and includes issues such as biodiversity and human health.
· Equity relates to the need to carry out agriculture in a way that provides benefits to all
members of society including landed and landless families, men, women and children.
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Isabelle Lambiel explained that globalization has changed the world : all dimensions of the universe are getting smaller. We
have to think in a global way and look for new possibilities of being competitive. All the
companies nowadays must develop new ways of maintaining existing lines of markets and
finding new ones, which constitute the fundamental source of competitive advantage. Only
learning can create new knowledge that is manifested in innovations, which then require
new learning to use the new technologies effectively. Therefore knowledge contributes to
productivity growth. When new technologies are launched in the market and the Dow
Jones Industrial Index goes up, this is an indicator that the companies are successful. The
economy expands and the standard of living can rise. Innovations have positive social
effects because they create confidence in the mind of entrepreneurs, customers and
employees. When people see their wealth increasing, they are more motivated to allocate
part of their revenue to buy more products which are not harmful to the environment.
Dr. Tao Jiyi stipulated that in order to promote world sustainable development and create a truly sustainable global
society, the nations of the world have to best harmonize interacting impacts upon people,
utilization of natural resources, economic development and environmental needs. Many
countries have adopted a lot of effective measures on the complex interactions within
themselves, but they are by no means sufficient. That is to say, a lot of work remains to be
done. The author of this paper think that the adoption of world sustainable development
calls for strong international cooperation. This is to say, all countries, including developed
countries and develpping countries should cooperate harmoniously with each other in such
areas as population issues, resource problems, economic issues and environmental issues.
Some scholars have mentioned this topic, but their studies of effects of international
cooperation upon world sustainable development are rare, often superficial and not
Heinrich Wohlmeyer and Hermann Dissemond analysed of the effects of the present World Trade Order on the agricultural
markets in the light of conditioning sustainable development. They recommended that concessions in the field of agriculture should not be made, if
it is not agreed, that the protection of man and the environment is incorporated at least
at the same level as trade concerns and that a bridging between GATT/WTO and
Social and Environmental Agreements is institutionalised. Otherwise the asymmetric
and partly destructive dynamics will continue and the world economy would not be
directed towards balanced welfare and human wellbeing.
Germain Dufour explained that national governments and large
corporations have taken the wrong direction by asserting that free trade in the world is
about competing economically without any moral safeguards and accountability to peoples
and the environment. The proper and only way is for Free Trade to become a global
co-operation between all nations. Surely, if we can cooperate in fighting against terrorism,
then we should also be able to cooperate in fighting against the effects of the type Free
Trade and the emergence of the planetary trading blocks as applied by national
governments members of the World Trade Organization(WTO). It has already been
shown that these effects will be desastrous socially and environmentally and are a direct
threat to the existence of Life on Earth. The Earth Community is proposing a solution that
the process of trading within the planetary trading blocks be changed from a spirit of
global competition to that of global economic cooperation.
The Earth Community has made clear that globalization and planetary trading blocks
should be serving the Earth Community and not the other way around, the people
around the world serving the very few rich people. The September 11 event was the
result of bad trading of arms and oil in the Middle East. By applying proper moral
safeguards and accepting responsibility and accountability of all products (arms and oil in
this case), we would make free trade and globalization serving the Human Family.
Earth Community believes all citizens have the right to share the wealth in the world.
Foreign investment and the trade agreement must protect and improve social and
environmental rights, not just the economy. A sustainable development in the world
would mean finding a sound balance among the interactions designed to create a healthy
economic growth, preserve environmental quality, make a wise use of our resources, and
enhance social benefits. Free trade cannot proceed at the expense of the environment,
labour rights, human rights and the sovereignty of a nation. Free Trade leads to an increase
in poverty by giving investor rights priority over government decision-making. Employers
will be looking for more concessions from workers. Small businesses will find it more
difficult to grow and compete against large corporations.
Free Trade encourages countries to change their economic infrastructures to be in line with
the free trade policies of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Many member
countries have already prioritised economic growth over social aspects and human rights.
The World Trade Organization, foreign corporations and world business leaders claim that
Free Trade brings sweeping democracy to all. They claim trade globalization is a
forerunner of democracy in nations where it is non-existent. The Earth Community
Organization does not believe that democracy will automatically succeed in a global free
market. In fact, Free Trade is itself a flagrant abuse of democracy.
Free Trade entrenches corporate power at the expense of democratically elected officials
from local communities, municipal governments, provincial governments, national
governments and states. It is a form of "world anti-government" (such as the European
Union block) as citizens lose the ability to act in their best interests and find sound solutions
to their own problems. Citizens become disconnected with the decision-making process.
Their lives are then driven by the desire of making profits. Fear is used to force people to
behave with the dollar sign as their god. In such scenario, democratic principles lose
meaning and no longer prevail. All that we have worked for over the past decades to build
sustainable communities is gone with Free Trade. People were never asked to discuss and
were never invited in its development. The principles of a sustainable development are let
go and replaced by the desire of the world business leaders to make larger profits.
The distribution of wealth around the world demands more compassionate approaches to
bridging the continuously widening gap between the rich and the poor. Understanding the
economic and social development of a balance world is a priority of the Earth Community
Organization. The eradication of poverty in the world is a priority and our responsibility.
The interaction of poor health, poverty and environmental deterioration has been measured
and was found to have a direct relationship with the stage of economic and social
development of a country. Policies to combat poverty should not damage the environment.
Environmental policies should not create poverty.
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Lagutov Vladimir Victorovich developed an ecological basin policy in the former Soviet Union.
The existing situation could be characterized as following:
- complete failure of the governmental ecological policy;
- inability of the first sector (national authority) to improve situation by structural
reorganization or funding changes;
- insignificant influence of nongovernmental organizations on current situation and the
decision-making process;
- inapplicability of western experience to the local conditions due to the big scale of the
work to be done and absence of civil society.
The concept of the study was aimed at the stabilization of the environment under conditions of limited
resources and authority degradation. The main idea behind the realization of this goal is the
dislocation of the most active social part of the local population in the key areas of river
Natalia Knijnikova concluded in her study that the cost expression of damage caused by pollution of
natural environment to a total internal product will show a real picture of well-being.
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John Bunzl explained that today’s competitive global economy subtly yet
effectively reduces the span of feasible policy options open to national governments. Today
we live in a global and largely borderless economy where capital and transnational
corporations freely move wherever profits are highest, costs lowest and where
governments live in fear of the ‘reaction’ of global markets. No government can now
impose higher taxes or regulations on corporations for fear of them moving employment
elsewhere. Similarly, governments seeking to impose protective environmental or labour
legislation would be seen by global financial markets as ‘uncompetitive’, prompting instant
punishment through devaluation, capital flight, inflation and unemployment. Even the
mooting of such policies would cause the computers of market traders to instantly move
capital to some other economy offering an environment ‘more conducive to business
needs’. Democracy presupposes that political parties can freely represent a wide diversity
of public opinion and consequently a wide range of feasible policies covering the entire
political spectrum. But globally competitive markets now represent a sinister ‘hidden hand’
which narrows the policy parameters to what has now become a highly restricted,
business-friendly stance which excludes all those restorative policies traditionally espoused
by the political Left to balance social and environmental concerns against those of business.
Prof. Richard C. Rich stipulated that because a community's sustainability depends on the choices and actions of its residents,
"top-down" or "command-and-control" approaches to achieving sustainable development
are often very limited in their effectiveness. An emerging approach to responding to local
environmental issues, however, provides a model for actively involving community
residents in ways that can encourage sustainability. Variously referred to as "collaborative
environmental management" or "civic environmentalism," these approaches involve all
sectors of society in a "ground-up," holistic effort to envision desirable futures for the
community and to act to move toward those visions. They have the important advantage of
creating a sense of place, a community identity, and an attitude of environmental citizenship
that can provide a foundation for life-style and policy changes that lead to sustainability.
This paper explores the relationship between the features of collaborative environmental
management and the conditions necessary for achieving sustainability. It draws on
examples from eight cases of collaborative environmental management in the state of
Virginia to discuss the conditions under which this is an appropriate response to
environmental problems. The analysis asks how collaborative environmental management
practices could be extended to efforts to promote community sustainability, and identifies
the elements of this approach that are especially relevant to application in developing
Dr. Tao Jiyi analyzed the effects of international cooperation upon
world sustainable development and suggest how world sustainable development can be
achieved through international cooperation. He concluded that all countries, including developed
countries and develpping countries should cooperate harmoniously with each other in such
areas as population issues, resource problems, economic issues and environmental issues.
Some scholars have mentioned this topic, but their studies of effects of international
cooperation upon world sustainable development are rare, often superficial and not
Germain Dufour explained that the human species has reached a point in its evolution where it knows its survival is being
challenged. In the past, human beings have had some kind of symbiotical relationship
(which is something common in Nature between lifeforms in an ecosystem) with the world.
We work together for both our survival and well-being. Cooperation and symbiosis
between lifeforms (especially human beings) on Earth have become a necessity of life. We
help one another, joint forces, and accomplish together what we cannot accomplish
separately. Symbiotical relationships exist between nations of the European Union. It is mainly an
economic base symbiotical relationship. But there are many different kind of symbiotical
relationships and many more will be created. The Earth Community is proposing a solution that
the process of trading within the planetary trading blocks be changed from a spirit of
global competition to that of global economic cooperation. The Earth Community has made clear that globalization and planetary trading blocks
should be serving the Earth Community and not the other way around, the people
around the world serving the very few rich people. The September 11 event was the
result of bad trading of arms and oil in the Middle East. By applying proper moral
safeguards and accepting responsibility and accountability of all products (arms and oil in
this case), we would make free trade and globalization serving the Human Family.
The world has become global in most fields of life. Nowadays it is a necessity to
co-operate in resolving global problems which makes global governance a quality
of the New Age Civilization. The next most important achievement of the Human
Family will be the signing of a global agreement on the Scale of Earth Rights.
The Earth Community is requesting all members of the World Trade Organization(WTO)
to change their ways by:
1. building social and environmental concerns into the WTO trade rules;
2. including ethical and moral safeguards, responsibility and accountability in all situations
and places;
3. developing a global regulatory framework for capitals and corporations;
4. making a transition from global competition to global co-operation which allows
communities the freedom to pursue social and environmental objectives;
5. assuring that globalization and planetary trading blocks serve the Earth Community, the
Human Family and not the other way around for the benefit of a few rich people in the
world; and
6. developing a method of raising global taxes, of redistributing incomes to the poorest
communities, of providing debt-free technical assistance to non-industrial and developing
countries to help them out of poverty and to meet environmental and social standards.
Over its long past history trade has never evolved to require from the trading partners to
become legally and morally responsible and accountable for their products from beginning
to end. At the end the product becomes a waste and it needs to be properly dispose of.
Now trade must be given a new impetus to be in line with the global concepts of the New
Age Civilization.You manufacture, produce, mine, farm or create a product, you
become legally and morally responsible and accountable of your product from
beginning to end (to the point where it actually becomes a waste; you are also
responsible for the proper disposable of the waste). This product may be anything and
everything from oil & gas, weapons, war products, to genetically engineered food
products. All consumer products. All medicinal products! All pharmaceutical products! In
order words, a person becomes responsible and accountable for anything and
everything in his or her life.
The Earth Community Organization found that an adequate level of health care is a
universal value as well as a human right. We expect adequate health services to be
accessible, affordable, compassionate and socially acceptable. We believe that every
individual of a society is co-responsible for helping in implementing and managing health
programmes along with the government and the public institutions.
The environmental movement now has encompasses global aspects under the umbrella of
one global Earth Ministry of the Environment, the Earth Environmental Governance.
Earth Environmental Governance is the most importance and urgent challenge of the
Earth Community.
Earth Environmental Governance can only be achieved successfully within the larger
context of Sustainable Developent and Earth Management. All aspects are inter-related
and affect one another.
A healthy environment is essential to long term prosperity and well-being, and citizens in
Earth Community demand a high level of ecological protection. This is the 'raison d'etre' of
the Scale of Earth Rights.
In this way the Scale of Human and Earth Rights gives us a 'sense of direction' for future planning and
managing of the Earth. Earth management is now well defined and becomes a goal to
achieve. We no longer waste energy and resources in things that are absolutely
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Bradford R. Peirce explained the mission of Global Response is to
empower people of all ages, cultures, and nationalities to
protect the environment by creating partnerships for effective citizen action. At the request
of indigenous peoples and grassroots organizations, Global Response organizes
international letter-writing campaigns to help communities prevent environmental
destruction. Global Response involves young people as well as adults in these campaigns,
to develop in them the values and skills for global citizen cooperation and earth
Natalia Knijnikova re-emphasized that the produced strategy
«sustainable development» as environmental development variant has become property of
the global community.
Dr. Tao Jiyi thinks that the adoption of world sustainable development calls for
strong international cooperation. In order to promote world sustainable development and create a truly sustainable global
society, the nations of the world have to best harmonize interacting impacts upon people,
utilization of natural resources, economic development and environmental needs.
Heinrich Wohlmeyer and Hermann Dissemond showed that the analysis of the effects of world trade in general and on agricultural markets in particular
is put into a comprehensive context, in order to gain the scientific coordinates for a
balanced judgement. Therefore the study encloses a description of the present world trade
order as well as deliberations on the theory of trade and of welfare economics - up to a
chapter on ecological economics. They recommended that concessions in the field of agriculture should not be made, if
it is not agreed, that the protection of man and the environment is incorporated at least
at the same level as trade concerns and that a bridging between GATT/WTO and
Social and Environmental Agreements is institutionalised. Otherwise the asymmetric
and partly destructive dynamics will continue and the world economy would not be
directed towards balanced welfare and human wellbeing.
Germain Dufour concluded that the Earth Community is proposing a solution that
the process of trading within the planetary trading blocks be changed from a spirit of
global competition to that of global economic cooperation.
The Earth Community has made clear that globalization and planetary trading blocks
should be serving the Earth Community and not the other way around, the people
around the world serving the very few rich people. The September 11 event was the
result of bad trading of arms and oil in the Middle East. By applying proper moral
safeguards and accepting responsibility and accountability of all products (arms and oil in
this case), we would make free trade and globalization serving the Human Family.
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Germain Dufour proposed that:
1. The Earth Community Organization is promoting the settling of disputes between nations
through the process of the Earth Court of Justice
2. Sustainable Development for the New Age Civilization: its impact on Earth Management
3. The Democratic Voting System for the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA)
4. The aspirations of the people of the Americas and Caribbean in the New Age
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Michael Breton proposed that it is our common responsibility to work together to create this new society.
He believe that we spend so much time analyzing and protesting the old
society, without a common vision of where we are going, of what the alternative is, of the
new society. Further, we spend too little time on building the bridges that would allow us to
walk away from the ruin that is the present conception. It is our common responsibility to work
together to create this new society.
Kulik Mikalai emphasized that solving environmental problems and those of sustainable development, we should keep in
mind that they are closely connected with the generally acknnowledged human rights.
Hardly there can be any effective and progressive development without a broad public
access to decision- making. The international "community-right-to-know" principle is not
observed in Belarus, the country with the communist past, autocratic present and indefinite
Nurgul Djanaeva came to the conclusion that it is desirable to have full and comprehensive analysis of the essence, roots and trends of
the socio-ecological crisis. My effort so led to the conclusion about current
socio-ecological crisis (SEC) as a crisis of interrelations between society and natural
environment, but not of the interrelating parties separately. Besides, SEC is considered as
a historical normal state of the development of the system "Society-Natural environment"
.Using the "ecological" approach helps to identify the roots of the challenge.
Dr. Tao Jiyi illustrated the effects of international cooperation upon
world sustainable development and suggest how world sustainable development can be
achieved through international cooperation.
Germain Dufour concluded that the proper and only way is for Free Trade to become a global
co-operation between all nations. He described the Peoples Revolution of the New Age and Evolution.
The Peoples Revolution of the
New Age has started to make casualties in the U.S. It is not that Peoples around the
world dislike the American Way of Life. In fact, many countries, including Canada, have
embraced the same Way of Life. But it has brought Life to a critical point of extinction. It
threatens the global life-support systems of the planet. It is purely a simple survival reaction
of the human species that has caused the September 11 events in the U.S. What we see
being created now is the New Age Civilization: all Peoples together, the Human Family,
the Earth Community, Global Governance, Earth Environmental Governance, and the
Earth Government.
Life is the most precious gift ever given by God to the Universe. Life allows Souls to be
conscious of God in as many different ways as possible. Life is the building block through
which Souls can have a meaningful relationship with God. Today our species is evolving to
rid itself of the old thoughts and old ways that are threatening its future and survival. This is
a survival reaction and is very real. Our species will accomplish the evolutionary leap within
a generation. The next step is the creation of new thoughts, thousands of them. Healthy
thoughts! The kind that will sustain Earth. The Will of God is for our species to reach Him
in the best possible ways.
The New Age Revolution is here and is growing. We see today the seeds of the
Revolution. They include all social, political and religious aspects of our lives. All of our
ways and values are changing and evolving. Unless the Peoples Revolution is given the
proper guidance, it will be more deadly than all we have seen in our past history put
together. Actions by government and business leaders that lead to revolution and war must
be curtailed. Power based on greed is not in the best interest of humanity as it leads to the
violation of human rights and destruction.
This time people will revolt against the business leaders and the establishment of business.
They are the new leading body of the world. Businesses have taken the role of government
and now hold largely the responsibility of wrongdoings. They are now held accountable for
anything from the pollution of the planet, poverty, human rights violation, resources
depletion, conflicts and wars, and disasters such as flooding and climate changes.
Globalization and the trade blocks intensify all aspects of human life and are at the roots
of the Peoples Revolution of the New Age . Globalization is a process interaction which
involves growing economic interdependence of countries worldwide with implications and
impacts on social, cultural, political, environmental and familial aspects and rights.
Geographical and political limits become less and less significant.
Economic globalization is seen by the growing interaction and interdependence of the
world's different nations and corporations. Interactions include capital flows, flows of
material goods, and labour. Markets, technologies and consumption patterns gradually let
go their national or local character and become international and global. Economic
globalization leads to globally more standardized sets of products.
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The Earth Community Organization has developed the Scale of Human and Earth
Rights in order of importance with the ecological rights being the most important (they
supersede all other rights; and so on down the scale).The Earth Community
Organization has an ongoing process to improve the fundamental wordings of the Scale
of Human and Earth Rights. In order to emphasize the importance of protecting the global
life-support systems the first statement on top of the scale was modified to include such a
need. The new wording of the scale is shown here.
Scale of Human and Earth Rights
* Ecological rights and the protection of the global life-support systems
* Primordial human rights
* The ecological rights, the protection of the global life-support systems and the
primordial human rights of future generations
* Community rights and the right that the greatest number of people has by virtue of its number (50% plus one)
and after voting representatives democratically
* Economic rights (business and consumer rights, and their responsibilities and
accountabilities) and social rights (civil and political rights)
* Cultural rights and religious rights
Ernest Teye-Topey promoted the Role of Human Rights Promotion and Protection in Sustainable
Harry Xiaohui Hao said that Safety and Security should be included as a Primordial Human Right.
Germain Dufour said that new standards, goals and objectives have to be defined. Firm universal guidelines are
essentials in keeping the world healthy. Already we notice new ways of thinking being
embraced, new behaviors and attitudes adopted.
He proposed:
1. Benchmark for the 21st Century; and
2. Scale of values for assessment.
The scale of values is about establishing what is very important to ensure a sound future for
Earth, what is important, what is not so important, and what should be let go. From this
scale, agreed upon by all members of The Global Community, the assessment of
sustainable development can be conducted. The benchmark is the scale established in year
2000 along with the first evaluation of sustainable development conducted with respect to
the four levels.
Our particular approach at the Congress is to emphasize how to best harmonize interacting
impacts upon human beings, use of resources, economic growth and environmental needs.
He proposed that the replacement of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the Scale of Human
and Earth Rights has become a necessity of life.
Primordial human rights are those human rights that individuals have by virtue of their very
existence as human beings: to live, eat, drink fresh water, breath clean air, and have shelter.
These rights are separate categories than ecological rights, the right of the greatest number
of people, economic rights, social rights, cultural rights and religious rights. Ecological and
primordial human rights are the only rights that have existed unchanged throughout the
evolutionary origin of our species. Any major change would have threatened our very
existence. All other human rights listed here are rights created by human beings and can be
changed depending of new circumstances; they are not stagnant but are rather flexible and
adaptive, and they can evolve. Ecological and primordial human rights of this generation
and of future generations are therefore much more important than any other human rights
existing now and in the future.
In this way the Scale of Human and Earth Rights gives us a 'sense of direction' for
future planning and managing of the Earth. Earth management is now well
defined and becomes a goal to achieve. We no longer waste energy and
resources in things that are absolutely unimportant.
The Scale of Human Rights are guiding principles now and for future
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Germain Dufour proposed that Earth Governance can only be achieved successfully within the larger context of
Sustainable Developent and Earth Management. All aspects are inter-related and
affect one another.
Earth needs urgently a world system of governance. The United Nations fail to satisfy the
needs of the people of the 21st Century. It has never improved upon the old ways and
thinking of the middle of the 20th Century. Its voting system no longer satisfy the 6.157
billion people on Earth. The challenges are different and require a world organization up for
dealing with the needs of all these people. Surely, no one believes that organizations such
as the European Union and the Free Trade Area of the Americas, or the like, are a
substitute to a democracy. They are driven by profits only and are a form of "world
The most fundamental requirement of a world organization is a democratic voting system.
Democracy must be a priority. The right that the greatest number of people has by virtue of
its number (50% plus one) is a human right. It should be respected.
The Earth Community is proposing a voting system based on democracy: one vote per
million people. The table below describes the list of the UN Member States in terms of the
population within each country and, therefore, the number of votes they would have in the
proposed Earth Community voting sytem. In total there are 6104 votes. Taken apart the
actual five permanent UN members would have:
Republic of China, 1269
France, 59
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 147
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 58
United States of America, 277
for a total of 1810 votes i.e., less than 30% of the total number of votes of 6104
votes. A basic democracy requires a 50% plus one vote for ruling.
Earth has long been waiting for a truly global governing body based on universal values,
human rights, global concepts and democracy. We might as well start this creating process
now, there is no longer any reason to wait.
There is a lot to be done. Creation of Ministries (see listing) will be a priority.
Since international trade needs an international organization such as the WTO then why not
an international organization to protect the global environment, the global life-support
Brain-storming exercise held at the Toronto site.
Participants during exercise: Jitka Jarolimek, Michael Breton, Michael Lenhardt, Germain Dufour
How does the UN achieve the power to govern its members?
1. It does not have power right now.
2. No unbiase investigation.
3. Do away with the VETO vote of the Five Permanent Members.
4. Get corporations to participate in governing.
5. Let corporations to vote during UN meetings.
6. It cannot achieve its power.
7. Some nations dont care.
8. Self-interest is a factor in caring.
9. The UN has to stop being a pawn.
10. It is a barometer of what world nation leaders believe.
11. The UN has power by influencing public opinion.
12. It is up to its members to agree on small things.
13. Even a small nation without VETO power can manipulate the UN.
14. Make your position known and the UN make it known.
15. Each nation does what it wants when it comes to Kyoto Protocol (self-interests).
16. Let corporations bring up new ideas, money, to help governing (give corporations economic incentives to be GREEN).
17. The UN should be abolished.
1. Do away with the VETO vote of the Five Permanent Members.
2. Get corporations to participate in governing.
3. Make your position known and the UN make it known.
4. The UN has to stop being a pawn.
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Elena BIVOL proposed that the combined efforts of many
sciences revealed a close interdependence between the human health, the conduct of the
people, the quality of their environment, the type of their professional occupation, the
motives and objectives of their lives, the relationships with other people and with the
natural elements. The Earth Charter shall make good use of this interdependence and, at
the same time, avoid huge enumeration of degradation factors and their consequences. It
shall be equally understandable by a child and an old man, by a housewife and a scientist.
It shall apply to the great diversity of people’s confessions, races, social groups, etc. The
conditions should be sought in which the efficiency of the Charter could be ensured, so that
it is a workable instrument and a policy guideline for most people living on the earth. The
experience of law enforcement world-wide shows that man will always seek ways to
circumvent laws that are opposite to his/her basic interests and needs. Thus, the Charter
should look more like a moral law or ethical line of conduct, than like a regulation of life
and activity.
Germain Dufour stated that We the Peoples of the Earth Community are reaffirming faith in the fundamental human
rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women
and of nations large and smalll. We the Peoples implies every individual on Earth. Earth
management is now a priority and a duty of every responsible person on Earth. The Earth
Community Organization (ECO) has taken action by calling the Divine Will into our lives
and following its guidance. Divine Will is now a part of the Soul of Humanity to be used
for the higher purpose of good and Life's evolution. We will learn to serve humanity and
radiate the Will of God to others. We will establish conditions under which justice and
respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can
be maintained, and we promote social progress and better standards of life in larger
The spiritual belief, universal values, principles and aspirations of the New Age will be
attained by:
* practicing tolerance and living together in peace and harmony with one another as
* promoting the economic and social advancement of all peoples,
* maintaining peace and security in the world by using negotiations and peaceful means,
* finding unity in diversity with all Life,
* establishing the respect for the life-support system of the planet,
* creating activities guided by the Soul of Humanity,
* keeping Earth healthy, productive and hospitable for all people and living things, and
* applying the principle that when there is a need to find a solution to a problem or a
concern, a sound solution would be to choose a measure or conduct an action, if possible,
which causes reversible damage as opposed to a measure or an action causing an
irreversible loss.
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Germain Dufour said that the Earth Community is proposing a voting system based on democracy: one vote per
million people. The table below describes the list of the UN Member States in terms of the
population within each country and, therefore, the number of votes they would have in the
proposed Earth Community voting sytem. In total there are 6104 votes. Taken apart the
actual five permanent UN members would have:
Republic of China, 1269
France, 59
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 147
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 58
United States of America, 277
for a total of 1810 votes i.e., less than 30% of the total number of votes of 6104
votes. A basic democracy requires a 50% plus one vote for ruling.
Brain-storming exercise held at the Toronto site.
Participants during exercise: Jitka Jarolimek, Michael Breton, Michael Lenhardt, Germain Dufour
How does the UN achieve the power to govern its members?
1. It does not have power right now.
2. No unbiase investigation.
3. Do away with the VETO vote of the Five Permanent Members.
4. Get corporations to participate in governing.
5. Let corporations to vote during UN meetings.
6. It cannot achieve its power.
7. Some nations dont care.
8. Self-interest is a factor in caring.
9. The UN has to stop being a pawn.
10. It is a barometer of what world nation leaders believe.
11. The UN has power by influencing public opinion.
12. It is up to its members to agree on small things.
13. Even a small nation without VETO power can manipulate the UN.
14. Make your position known and the UN make it known.
15. Each nation does what it wants when it comes to Kyoto Protocol (self-interests).
16. Let corporations bring up new ideas, money, to help governing (give corporations economic incentives to be GREEN).
17. The UN should be abolished.
1. Do away with the VETO vote of the Five Permanent Members.
2. Get corporations to participate in governing.
3. Make your position known and the UN make it known.
4. The UN has to stop being a pawn.
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Nona Kubanychbek is one of the establishers and Vice-president of the NGO “Young professionals” in
Kyrgyzstan. We mainly deal with the promotion of education, including the environmental
Ernest Teye-Topey discussed the Role of Human Rights Promotion and Protection in Sustainable
Natalia Knijnikova explained that the understanding of the global ecological questions needed unprecedent joint efforts of
scientific and high level political circles of the different countries. The produced strategy
«sustainable development» as environmental development variant has become property of
the global community. Its logic continuation (« step by step») of sustainable development
are national strategy . From a question « what it’s necessary to change? » we send to a
question « how to change »? It’s necessary in time and precisely to estimate the response
to change of the tendencies of growth and development. I.e. the indicators of sustainable
development have decisive meaning for an estimation of the chosen strategy on conformity
wished, expected and really received results of a new direction of development, and also
speed of progress to an object in view in time and space.
Germain Dufour explained that the introduction of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights has been a great step in humanity's evolution to better
itself. But now is time to leave it behind and reach to our next step, that is, the Scale of
Human and Earth Rights. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights causes
confusion in the world between nations. The reason why it causes confusion is that it needs
to be improved. A lot! The West cannot understand many of the things that other nations
do and other nations do not understand the West Way of Life. Why? Because the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights is not so universal after all. And because it does
not have a scale of values.
The Earth Community Organization also believes that the Earth Court of Justice is the
only higher Court to decide about global problems and their solutions, to discriminate and
to prosecute on the basis of the Scale of Human and Earth Rights and on the basis of the
Belief, Values, Principles and Aspirations of the New Age.
The Scale of Human and Earth Rights was introduced for the first time by members of
the Earth Community Organization during the August 2000 World Congress on
Managing and Measuring Sustainable Development - Global Community Action
1. It was discussed further in the December 2000 Newsletter.
The Earth Community Organization has developed the Scale of Human and Earth
Rights in order of importance with the ecological rights being the most important (they
supersede all other rights; and so on down the scale). The scale is shown here.
The Scale of Human and Earth Rights
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Marielle Jansen proposed a solution to the democratic deficit: the Sociocratic Method of Decision
Making. It is a Government model.
If you have wondered how democracy can overcome its flaw of the inherent "dictatorship
of the majority", which can even be the narrowest majority of just 50.001%, please
consider the Sociocratic Method of Decision Making.
This method was developed by professor Gerard Endenburg of Maastricht University,
the Netherlands. Endenburg, who is also an electrical engineer has applied his knowledge
from the field of cybernetics to the social sphere and in his own business, Endenburg
Electrotechniek in Rotterdam. He also applied the basic idea of the Quakers’ decision
making model: draw the information required for decision making from the wisdom of the
whole group, not just from the leader(s). He became familiar with the latter in his school
years, through the method that his teacher, Kees Boeke, and his English wife, Beatrice
Cadbury, had developed for reaching a high level of communication between teachers,
pupils and their parents.
Endenburg thus created an open method for organizations to be led on the basis of
equivalence in decision making.
The continuous stream of requests for information about the method led to the foundation
of the Sociocratic Centre of the Netherlands. Sociocracy is now used in organisations
in a number of other countries, including Australia, Brazil, Canada, the USA and
The value of the sociocratic method has been recognised by the Dutch government through
a knighthood for Endenburg and also through the fact that organisations that work with the
method are exempt from installing a works-council (which is obligatory in the Netherlands
for businesses employing more than 50 people). The method also prepares an organisation
for ISO certification.
The sociocratic method can be summarized in four ground rules:
- The principle of consent governs decision making;
- The organisation is built up of departments / functional groups of a maximum of 25
people, who have a common aim;
- The groups are connected through a double link, in such a way that both the leader and
at least one chosen representative from the group take part in decision making on the next
higher level (to ensure both top-down and bottom-up communication);
- Allocation of tasks and functions takes place through sociocratic elections, which means
(among others): application of the principle of consent to the election process. This means:
open discussion within the group about the skills and knowledge of the proposed
Sociocracy in world scale governance has been worked out in theory. I do hope that the
ECO will take up the challenge of trying sociocracy in the practice of world scale
governance, so that the imperfections of the democratic process will be ironed out and the
ECO will guide democracy in its next evolutionary step.
Vassily A. Agaphonoff proposed a World Economic-Ecological Model. Growth of the planet's population and growth of personal consumption stipulate the
necessity of economic growth. The ruling world economic model (market economy based
on private property and competition) goes to aims of economic growth.
Factors limiting economic growth are limitation of Earth and all her resources and also
final's man's opportunities and human society (physiologic, mental and social opportunities)
as moving power of economic growth and consumer of its results. Limiting factors of
biosphere will be narrower and harder in case of loosing biovariety.
A democratically structured Earth Government was proposed by Germain Dufour.
Over the past decades, Earth Community has initialized the People's Participation
Grassroots Movement in wanting what is rightfully ours to manage: Earth. 'We the
Peoples' of the Earth are now set with one goal, one direction, that is to protect and
manage Earth for our generation and for all of the others to come. We are the hopes of
humanity. We are now developing the foundation of Earth Government, the highest
aspirations of humanity,a Vision of the most powerful reform in the History of Humanity.
People from all over the planet are developing models for Earth Government, the greatest
of all hopes. Human consciousness has evolved and will seek no rest until Earth
Government has come to life.
Societies seek to form a democratically elected Earth Government, one representative
per million people. Over six thousands representatives will be managing Earth. The Middle
Age feudal Kingdom has evolved to become a planetary government where
representatives are making decisions on behalf of their communities. In the Vision of
Earth in Year 2024 governing now requires participation from every person on Earth.
National governments have turn over to their citizens the responsibility and accountability
of local and global problems. Finding sound solutions to problems and making decisions is
no longer accomplished behind closed doors but is now a process requiring everyone's
participation. National governments and Earth Government have made democracy a living
and a spiritual process for the good of all of humanity. Participation is now a necessity.
Participation, global concepts, universal values and the Scale of Human and Earth Rights are being
taught at the school level. Earth Community has focused societies aspirations toward a
unique goal: humanity survival now and in the future along with all life on Earth.
The Earth Government will be formed when representatives have been elected. The Earth
Community Organization will decide when there is a significant enough proportion of
people throughout the world participating in this process. Countries will decide if they want
to participate with this process or not. No one country will be forced to participate. It just
means that if the government of a country does not allow representatives to be elected
within their population then their will not be representatives from that country sent to Earth
Government. It is a choice each country must make on their own.
Alexander Wegosky sees an international organisation, both political and cultural, to have an aim in
developing the essence of the state - in most general meaning of the word - by consequent
carrying out the global reformation. The decisive step to this aim is the creation of Global
Federation of states as independent members of the Federation, but with some particular
global instance to control the activity of the states and to manage them so that the
development within these states would proceed without bloodshed and pain. I should point
out that the development is to be painless - that is the matter and there lies the difference
from the revolutionary imperatives of the past.
What is the structure of this organisation to be? What is the name to be given to it? Is it
reasonable to call it "government"? Real governments of the leading countries might feel
offended. Let us give it a draft name of The Global League of the ethical control. I can only
add that the League should have at it's disposal representative posts in each of the
countries and each post should carry out several functions such as cultural, ethnical,
Ecological and political orientation, charity and so forth. Such a political aspect of each
post will turn both structurally and in organisation terms into an International Party of the
Religious, Cultural and Ecological Reformation.
The proposed name Global League of the ethical control enables you to leave as it is the
proposed by you structure of the Ministries as well as your position of The President.
He feels confident enough to play a modest part of your local representative, expert or
even advisor in the countries of the former Soviet Union.
At the first stage of the development of the Global League of the ethical control/ GLEC/
the functions of it are to be confined to sustaining of the positive initiatives of the
International Organisations, governments, religious confessions and individuals, acting for
good of mankind.
At the further stage we must carry out some urge measures which are to be required from
us. We shall need a lot of courage to make a critical judgement of the actions of the same
organisations. We realise that by acting thus we may get ourselves into a very dangerous
situations, but the Deal demands us to act so.
Furthermore, having declared our nonconformist position, we, in the long run, shall gain the
right to apply to the governments and International Corporations with the advice in terms
of giving them the paradigm of further development.
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Vladimir Victorovich Lagutov proposed some fresh ideas about structure and principles of functioning for
the World Government different from the existing state authorities, you might want that
Government be elected by people and not by clans. You might recall my paper and concept of sustainable basin development presented in it.
This concept is the base for the reconciliation of society and Nature interests.
In every basin of a big river the River Keeper should be elected by whole basin population
without taking into account state, national or religious borders. If the interests of nature and
life protection get the first priority within the society, then such elections should not have
any problems. The World Government should consist of such representatives from great
rivers. All countries and nations must recognize such a Government. The activity priorities
for this institution are preservation of life and Nature and not money making. Each
representative of a great river will be the head of the Council of basin smaller river
representatives elected in the same way. Indeed, at the beginning it will be only some kind
of formal organization, but with time when the society will start thinking with basin global
scale, people will pay more attention to the opinion of this already existing and structured
Institution, consisting of those respected and unselfish persons. This is going to be not
business and not authorities but the conscience of the society.
The only hope to sustainable development is such an approach and no one will be able to
accuse this government in self-interest.
Prof. Richard C. Rich said that because a community's sustainability depends on the choices and actions of its residents,
"top-down" or "command-and-control" approaches to achieving sustainable development
are often very limited in their effectiveness. An emerging approach to responding to local
environmental issues, however, provides a model for actively involving community
residents in ways that can encourage sustainability. Variously referred to as "collaborative
environmental management" or "civic environmentalism," these approaches involve all
sectors of society in a "ground-up," holistic effort to envision desirable futures for the
community and to act to move toward those visions. They have the important advantage of
creating a sense of place, a community identity, and an attitude of environmental citizenship
that can provide a foundation for life-style and policy changes that lead to sustainability.
Vassily A. Agaphonoff mentioned that Growth of the planet's population and growth of personal consumption
stipulate the necessity of economic growth. The ruling world economic
model (market economy based on private property and competition) goes
to aims of economic growth.
Factors limiting economic growth are limitation of Earth and all her
resources and also final's man's opportunities and human society
(physiologic, mental and social opportunities) as moving power of
economic growth and consumer of its results. Limiting factors of biosphere
will be narrower and harder in case of loosing biovariety.
Nurgul Djanaeva explored the socio-ecological crisis and its impact on society development.
It is desirable to have full and comprehensive analysis of the essence, roots and trends of
the socio-ecological crisis. My effort so led to the conclusion about current
socio-ecological crisis (SEC) as a crisis of interrelations between society and natural
environment, but not of the interrelating parties separately. Besides, SEC is considered as
a historical normal state of the development of the system "Society-Natural environment"
.Using the "ecological" approach helps to identify the roots of the challenge.
Dr. Tao Jiyi thinks that the adoption of world sustainable development calls for
strong international cooperation. The author analyses reasons why international
cooperation is needed to achieve world sustainable development. The author also points
out that international cooperation can facilitate native people's acceptance of rational
policies, financial assistances and advanced technologies provided by the international
community and that international cooperation also can contribute to regulating world
population distribution, improving low population quality of backward countries, protecting
and exploiting natural resources, developing those products and industries which can cause
lower consumption of natural resources and energy sources with light pollution of
environment, and keeping environmental stability and ecological balance. In a word,
international cooperation greatly contributes to world sustainable development. Finally, the
author suggests how world sustainable development can be promoted through international
Mr.Mamady Diallo and Mr. Mory Sanda Diakite
Mr.Mamady Diallo and Mr. Mory Sanda Diakite
Travail - justice - Solidarite
Ministere de l'Administration du Territoire de La
Decentralisation et de la Securite
Service National De Coordination et D'Intervention Des
O N G "SACCO" Conakry.
TOGETHER , TORONTO du 17 au 22 Aout 20002
Rapport Presente Par:
1) Mr. Mamady Diallo , President de l'ONG
2 ) Mr. Mory Sanda Diakite , Vice President
Conakry , Aout 2002
Dieu à créer l'huniver pour que vivent les hommes ,
les animaux et les êtres inanimés.
Il donnat en suite la conscience à l'homme de
reflechir sur les maintiens de cet bien precieux de de
sa propre survie.
Vu le procres sans cesse croissant de la science, la
technique et la technologie plus poussée, n est en
droit de ce demander aujourd'hui quelle destinée
donnerons nous à cette univer en ce debut du 3è
La vie sur la planet n'est elle pas devenue une
menace réelle à l'extiction des races?
De la course aux armes de destructions massives en
passant par la famine et la misert dans certains
endroits de la planete, l'humanité court à un danger
si les dispositions d'urgences ne sont pas prises pour
erradiquer le fleau qui nous menace.
Pour un observateur averti, est ce que l'humanité est
elle une gouvernance ?
Les politiques mises sur pied en fonse d'avantage les
fosses entre les riches et les pauvres.
Dans l'un ou autre camp, on se rejette les
De cette decadance, quelle place reservons nous à
l'Afrique, aux pays en developpements dechirés par la
guerres, la famine, la misert.
Est ce qu'il ya des dirrigeants au monde qui pensent
réellement à la situation des plus demunis ?
La politique de la mondialisation est elle la
meilleur voie pour sauver l'humaniter de la misert, la
famine, les guerres inter ethniques, la heine des
hommes ?
Un chercher n'à t'il penser que pour que vive une
harmonie entre les hommes, il faut confier les pauvres
aux riches ?
Ces sur ce plateau de composition multiple que nous
tenterons de developper nos rapports de vision sur la
gestion de la communaute en 2024.
Nous esperons nous faire entendre à travers ce message
pour que vive une harmonie sur la planete.
à Suivre
To all people of good will!
We speak to you because we are concerned about the fate of the Human Race and of the Earth.
The World is in crisis.
We are exploiting our natural resources of minerals and fuels faster than we are gaining access to alternative sources. We are polluting the
natural environment and soil faster than the environment can regenerate itself to reach the level suitable for human needs. Depreciation
(devaluation) - moral degradation of the existing forms of living - is going on faster than new forms, consistent with new living conditions for
humans and for nature, are being introduced. This situation is complicated also due to demographic expansion, especially in those parts of the
human family that are lagging in their development.
This crisis results mainly in lack of adjustment of two dominating systems - the system of values and the economic system - to the
contemporary state of changes in the living conditions of humans and nature. These changes are proceeding very fast with the development of
science and technology.
At the same time, there is no absolute deficit of material resources (minerals, fuels, ecological resources). However there is a lack of
knowledge, technology, active intellectual potential and human conscience, and time - the factors that are necessary for limiting the futile
utilization of scarce resources, as well as for developing alternative sources, whilst the resources which are currently under exploitation are
being drained.
This crisis not only constitutes a serious hazard for everybody; it also constitutes an opportunity. This opportunity will occur if we carry out a
radical reconstruction of the mentality and social relations, which could create the possibility for sustainable development.
Currently two methods of overcoming the global crisis seem to be possible.
The first, traditional method is based on decreasing the number of consumers of the resources that are in deficit. This method represents a
pathology of social Darwinism - eco-fascism that leads to ecological holocaust of the weak, and subsequently - to the extinction of all humans.
The second method is based on the popularization of intellectual creative activity aimed at the common good and supported by science and high
technology. This would be an ecohumanistic method.
Ecohumanism is a partnership-based co-operation for the common good of all people (rich and poor, from countries highly
developed and behind in development), their descendants, and natural environment - commonly supported by science and high
The first, traditional method may seem effective only at first glance. Social Darwinism does not allow the elimination of the crisis-provoking
results of the moral degradation of the life forms that are not adapted to the new, quickly changing conditions.
The higher the level of development and the application of scientific and technological achievements, the faster is the pace of changes in living
conditions for people and nature. This implies a very large acceleration of moral degradation pace for diverse, previously well-functioning
forms of life. Moral degradation is as dangerous as the overexploitation of natural resources. This type of degradation, which is almost
invisible, only to an insignificant extent depends on the number of people. It is caused mainly by the development of science and technology.
This development cannot be stopped.
In order to eliminate the third factor of global crisis - the moral degradation of life forms, which in fact constitutes the basic factor - it is
necessary to undertake stability-oriented solutions, which are radically different from traditional solutions.
These are:
I - increasing far-sightedness and the flexibility of the methods of human activities,
II - supplementing calculations of the costs and benefits of social and economic activity with comprehensively assessed social and natural
III - implementation of a system of stimulating ecohumanistic and intellectually creative activity and its popularization.
IV - increasing the intellectual potential of the human race (i.e. through popularization of the at least medium-level, comprehensive education
of the youth, what would ensure intellectual independence, responsibility and the ability to participate in the development of science and
This requires the further development of system dynamics - computer simulation methods for large-scale environmental and social (ecosocial)
systems, flexible automation of production, and development of information technology (teleinformatization). It is impossible to prepare the
appropriate economic statement without forecasting and a measurable assessment of comprehensive, broad in time and space, results of human
activities and of the other changes in living conditions of people and nature.
The information problem is a key issue in overcoming the global crisis and in the creation of possibilities for sustainable
development of the whole global society.
Both, contemporary and forecasted development of science and technology, especially of information technology, makes the possibility of a
significant increase of the level of cognizability of human activity results more real. However, we are not able to predict fully all life hazards.
Therefore, there is a necessity of the parallel development of flexible automation of production, advanced construction of diverse expert
information systems, data bases, and collection of other intellectual, scientific, and technological reserves that are indispensable for the quick
elimination of the hazards, which were impossible to predict in advance.
The second key problem is harnessing people's wealth to make it serve creative, innovative input to the common good. This is a potential for
releasing enormous intellectual creative activity, which is so indispensable for eliminating the deficits in material and spiritual life resources.
It is impossible to solve both of these key problems related to global crisis at the local level. Joint public activities are necessary, with support
from the world intellectual elite and powerful authorities.
Undoubtedly, for the development of the capability of forecasting and for a measurable assessment of the results of human activities, and for
appropriate stimulation of ecohumanistic and innovative, creative activity it would be helpful - and this is what we are proposing - to create a
World Center for a Strategy of Sustainable Development, under the auspices of the United Nations. This would be a professional center, for
large-scale scientific, technological and organizational operations (Apollo-type), based on subsidiarity principle. The main goal of this Center
would be to create information foundation of ecohumanism and sustainable development for the world society.
Its official establishment might take place in 2002, during the Special Session of General UN Assembly - "Rio+10".
The first task for the Center should be improvement and popularization of the methods for forecasting of the changes in conditions on Earth and
in local societies, as well as in the natural environment.
It is necessary to create urgently, as a priority, the information basis of ecohumanism and sustainable development in order to prevent the
development of eco-fascism and ecological holocaust of weaker parts of the human family that might lead to the ecological extinction of the
whole human race. Without creating the information foundation of activities for our common good, such effort will not be effective!
The Sustainable Development Creators' Club.
The Polish Federation for Life
This Appeal was published inter alia in:
- “Zielone Brygady”, nr 4(149)/2000, 16-29.2.2000
- „Polish Academy of Sciences, Dialogue and Universalism, Metaphilosophy as the Wisdom of Science, Art and Life”, no. 4-5/2002.
mail to:
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Nikolai Grishin and Olga Tokmakova proposed that Public Participation in Environmental Decision Making, as Tool for Solving
Environmental Problems. They explored the following issues of public participation in environmental impact
assessment: (a) goals and principles; (b) practical acpects; (c) legal, administrative and
institutional frameworks; and (d) methods for arranging public participation in EIA.
Raghbendra Jha and K.V. Bhanu Murthy discussed Sustainability: Behavior, Property Rights and Economic Growth.
They argued that the notion of sustainability as used in the extant literature is
incomplete because of two reasons: (i) a neglect of the spatial dimensions of sustainability
and (ii) the absence of a link between sustainability on the one hand and change in behavior
and property rights on the other. This paper tries to address the second issue and argues
that the task of attaining sustainability essentially involves a paradigm shift in which
environmental goods are first treated as merit goods in order to effect behavioral changes
and ultimately as common resources. The outline of a simple fiscal policy that would affect
this is also discussed.
Germain Dufour described our birth right of electing a democratic
government to manage Earth: the rights to vote and elect our representatives. We
want nothing less! They are our human rights! Each and everyone of us on Earth was born
free and equal in dignity and rights. Respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms is
one of the characteristics of a democracy. The typical fundamental freedoms of a
democracy (freedom of expression, thought, assembly, and association) are themselves
part of human rights. These freedoms can exist everywhere. Democracy is a political
system based on the participation of the people. It foresees the separation of powers
among the judiciary, the legislative and the executive authorities, as well as free and regular
Earth has long been waiting for a truly global governing body based on universal values,
human rights, global concepts and democracy. Earth Government might as well be
created now, there is no longer any reason to wait. We are the Earth Community, the
Human Family, and we will form Earth Government. Earth management is a priority and
is a duty by every responsible person.
Earth Community Organization asks how meaningful is the right of the greatest number
of people if they agree to the challenge or damage the ecological base of the Earth. The
greatest number of people cannot and will not be allowed to supersede the rights of the
ecological base of Earth and primordial human rights, and those same rights of the next
The Scale of Human and Earth Rights was introduced for the first time by members of
the Earth Community Organization during the August 2000 World Congress on
Managing and Measuring
Sustainable Development - Global Community Action 1. It was discussed further in
the December 2000 Newsletter.
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Dr. Mikhail Krasnyanski said that the problem of ecology and technological safety become more and more important for the
mankind. But the majority of countries of East Europe, South America, Asia and Africa
have not enough finances either for environment protection (keeping air and water clean)
or for utilization of the accumulated industrial and domestic wastes, or for preventing fires
and explosions in industry, woods, etc. The industrial wastes in these countries (stored in dumps and settling tanks)can be of
interest. In the Ukraine there had been accumulated not less than 25 billion tons of such
wastes, and the estimates are that they are 2 - 3 trillion tons in the whole world. On the
one side such wastes are the source of ecological disaster and on the other side they
contain billions of tons of ready residual raw materials: coal, oil products, wood, iron,
non-ferrous metals, rare metals, etc. (If, for example, you buy all these dumps in all the
above countries 0- and often they are given practically without money - you will become
the owners of huge amounts of extremely cheap natural resources that could be compared
with the deposits of a big country).
Dr. Tee L. Guidotti said that the Earth is no longer a self-regulating planetary system. Its future will depend on human
action and the continuation of natural ecosystems will be achieved because people want
them to be preserved. Acceptance of sustainable development by society may depend on
cultural values and even spiritual notions about the relationship of humankind to the Earth.
This is why the otherwise quasi-religious concepts often expressed in the environmental
movement, such as the Gaia hypothesis, have value as metaphor even if they do not
necessarily express literal fact. Sustainable development is often described in terms that
suggest a static, less technology-dependent, and culturally more homogeous regionalized
society. However, sustainable development cannot be stagnation. People will not accept a
view of sustainable development that recreates a technologically more advanced version of
a basic peasant society, especially if they have only recently developed economically. For
societies to accept sustainable development and to continue to grow within, the new way
of living must accept cultural diversity, encourage individual expression, allow social
change, offer opportunity, and examine values. There must be ways to permit opportunity
and growth without ecological compromise. Achieving sustainable development may
therefore be linked with policies emphasizing community, the value of information,
originality in ideas, and the arts.
B.Sudhakara Reddy explained that during the past five decades various changes have taken place in political, economic and
social institutions. Worldwide trends indicate that economic reforms, changes in national
policies, and global concerns have contributed to redefine the roles of these institutions for
Sustainable Development. In India, this paradigm shift helped to evolve an institutional
mechanism from state controlled towards community participation in the area of natural
resource management.
He examined the evidence from the activities of Tree Growers Cooperative
Societies (TGCS) that were established to support economic, environmental and social
upliftment of rural people. Fuelwood, fodder, pulp and timber wood species are planted in
the TGCS site and the benefits are shared among the shareholders. Thus, the plantation
activities brought prosperity to the stakeholders and equity among various strata of the
society. These wood plantations not only provide fuelwood and fodder but also mitigate
CO2 emissions by removing carbon from the atmosphere and sequestering it. The data,
obtained from six TGCS in India suggest that this type of institutions can survive even in a
market driven economy. The analysis also helps to appreciate the economic trade-offs
involved in the monitoring the natural resources that helps in sustaining the community
involvement. Results show that these types of institutions play an important role in
environmental governance.
Slav Akimov and Ozod Mukhamedjanov have anlyzed:
* Global degradation of ecosystems
* Collapse of Central Asia
* Findings and proposals
Raghbendra Jha and K.V. Bhanu Murthy argued that the notion of sustainability as used in the extant literature is
incomplete because of two reasons: (i) a neglect of the spatial dimensions of sustainability
and (ii) the absence of a link between sustainability on the one hand and change in behavior
and property rights on the other. This paper tries to address the second issue and argues
that the task of attaining sustainability essentially involves a paradigm shift in which
environmental goods are first treated as merit goods in order to effect behavioral changes
and ultimately as common resources. The outline of a simple fiscal policy that would affect
this is also discussed.
Larisa Khomik explained that all over the world the awareness is rising that the human race damages the environment
and may set at risk its own future. Governments and people take action against this
tendency. Up to the present efforts have not been coordinated:
environmental laws were developed in one direction, environmental organizations
developed in a different direction. We have had only a vague idea about where we were
She developed a program that: Taking into account personal, social and environmental aspects
when helping people, in particular children and youth, to adapt to changing ecological,
social, economical, political and other conditions.
Ways of Realization: Environmental education provides a person with knowledge on
and responsibility for the state of the environment, provides guidelines how to behave
Environmental education and raising of environmental awareness are the main columns of a
sustainable society. Environmental films stimulate the emotional perception of ecological
problems and motivate people’s action according to their moral principles and hence
inspire them to preserve the environment for future generations. And this is very important.
If mankind wants to survive, it must take immediate action.
Video film demonstrations promote keen emotional perception and understanding of the
present ecological problems, encourage interesting discussions and, most important, the
wish to solve problems.
Germain Dufour explained that during the past decades various changes have taken place in political, economic and social
institutions. Economic reforms, changes in national policies, and global concerns have
contributed to redefine the roles of these institutions for Sustainable Development. The
'New Age Movements' are social, political and religious movements in the sense of having
a broad organizational structure and an ideology aimed at governing. The environmental
movements within the New Age Movements express the concerns of groups of people
regarding depletion of water, climate change aspects, degradation of land and other
changes in ecosystems affecting traditional patterns of natural resource exploitation. The
Earth Community has taken the role of helping these groups in protecting and managing the
environment by coordinating efforts. Earth Environmental Governance is the most
importance and urgent challenge of the Earth Community. The Earth Ministry of the
Environment is proposing a meeting of all the Ministers of the Environment. Each country
in the world will send their Minister of the Environment to meet during the global dialogue
on Earth Management - all Peoples together. The roundtable discussion will also
include experts from interested groups, environmental institutions, policy specialists from
non-governmental organizations, and the public. There is a need to centralize and
coordinate efforts into one Ministry of the Environment: the Earth Ministry of the
Environment. Discussion about the financial support will be a priority. A comprehensive
and reliable system will be proposed to coordinate efforts from all over the world. Anyone
willing to participate in the discussion roundtable may send an abstract/research paper
now. Other topics for discussion:
a) Involvement of major groups in monitoring, assessment and early
b) Major environmental challenges of the 21st Century
c) Civil society involvement
d) Responsibility and accountability of the private sector
e) Global environmental policy-making
Earth Environmental Governance can only be achieved successfully within the larger
context of Sustainable Developent and Earth Management. All aspects are
inter-related and affect one another. A healthy environment is essential to long term
prosperity and well-being, and citizens in Earth Community demand a high level of
ecological protection. This is the 'raison d'etre' of the Scale of Human Rights. Primordial
human rights are those human rights that individuals have by virtue of their very existence as
human beings: to live, eat, drink fresh water, breath clean air, and have shelter. These rights
are separate categories than ecological rights, the right of the greatest number of people,
economic rights, social rights, cultural rights and religious rights. Ecological and primordial
human rights are the only rights that have existed unchanged throughout the evolutionary
origin of our species. Any major change would have threatened our very existence. All
other human rights listed here are rights created by human beings and can be changed
depending of new circumstances; they are not stagnant but are rather flexible and adaptive,
and they can evolve. Ecological and primordial human rights of this generation and of future
generations are therefore much more important than any other human rights existing now
and in the future.
In the light of the U.S.A., Japan and Russia refusal of taking actions to avert certain global
calamity in regard to global warming, the Earth Community has decided to trial these
nations for their crimes against humanity. We have asked them to ratify the Kyoto Protocol
as it is. Greenhouse gases are accumulating in the Earth's atmosphere as a result of human
activities, and temperatures are rising globally due to these activities. There are plenty of
observable effects of the global warming.
The Earth Court of Justice has listed America as the first nation to be prosecuted for a
global environmental crime. Because the leader of the USA was responsible for not signing
the Kyoto Protocol, President George W. Bush will be first to appear in Court. The reality
here is that every American is on trial here. Every consumer of the deadly gas causing
global warming is on trial. The same goes for every person on Earth using the deadly gas.
The gas is just as deadly as the gas that murdered millions of Jews during World War II. It
is even more deadly as it destroying the global life-support systems of all life on Earth. We
are killing billions of human beings and countless life species. Americans have closed their
conscience to the reality of life on Earth. Justice must prevail to stop the "killing fields". And
therefore they are guilty as charge.
It is a crime against humanity and all life on Earth not to ratify the Kyoto Protocol. It is a
terrible crime against the global life-support systems, against the very existence of the next
generations. On the Scale of Human and Earth Rights, the crime is of maximum
importance. There is no need to wait for the election of the Earth Government to create the
Earth Court of Justice. The Court can be formed now and incorporated to the Earth
Government later.
Prosecuting criminals on the basis of universal jurisdiction regardless of a territorial or
nationality nexus required a solid commitment of political will from national governments
and Earth Community.
Once in effect, the Earth Court of Justice will become the principal judicial organ of the
Earth Community. The Court will have a dual role: to settle in accordance with international
law the legal disputes submitted to it by national governments, local communities, and in
some special cases by corporations, non-government-organizations and citizens, and to
give advisory opinions on legal questions referred to it by duly authorized organs and
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This section is fully described at the following location
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Dr. Galina Gutina described an international project connected with children ecological theater.
Her book consists of small plays dedicated to regularities and problems of
the Environment. These plays dedicated to some important themes of the lessons, which
are necessary to be studied with children of the age if 6-11. They are: "living" and "not
living" in Nature, the circulation of water, the ecological system, domestic pets and
problems with homeless animals, the pollution of water, our water-pipe, ecological
problems around us in everyday life, the problem of removal of rubbish, etc. The plays offered to the readers are intended not only for performing before the audience
but also for joint game with children, for active discussion between actors and audience.
Vassily A. Agaphonoff explained that Growth of the planet's population and growth of personal consumption stipulate the
necessity of economic growth. The ruling world economic model (market economy based
on private property and competition) goes to aims of economic growth.
Factors limiting economic growth are limitation of Earth and all her resources and also
final's man's opportunities and human society (physiologic, mental and social opportunities)
as moving power of economic growth and consumer of its results. Limiting factors of
biosphere will be narrower and harder in case of loosing biovariety.
Natalia Knijnikova explained that the understanding of the global ecological questions needed unprecedent joint efforts of
scientific and high level political circles of the different countries. The produced strategy
«sustainable development» as environmental development variant has become property of
the global community.
Dr. Heinrich Wohlmeyer proposed Strategies for the 21st Century Deficits, Goals and Instruments.
If there is a conflict of goals an values, there is also a need for guiding principles as to the
hierarchy of these "goods". Practical ethics have already developed some road signs. Five
major orientations shall be enumerated.
The Funding Principle demands, that those realities on which others build upon, have to
be protected first. This to say, that saving the biological base of life has to have priority
before certain social aims, which loose their value, if the biological base of life is destroyed.
The Irreversibility Criterion calls for extreme caution, if the consequences of an action
cannot be reversed – especially in the ecological sphere.
The Criterion of Integration asks in the case of a conflict of aims that systems-protection
has to have priority over singular measures. This criterion should be applied to Art. XX lit.
b of the GATT, which exempts measures "necessary to protect human, animal, or plant
life or health". At present only singular phytosanitary and veterinarian measures are
acknowledged, but systems protection is denied.
The Criterion of Urgency demands, that the existential needs of future generations have
to have priority over less urgent wishes and needs of the present generation.
The well known Precautionary Principle demands that precautionary measures (which
also my consist in refraining from an action) have to take precedence over repairing
The Criterion of Cooperation means, that measures, which are based on the cooperation
of Regions and States should have preference before those, which are taken by individual
bodies, since normally environmental problems transgress national borders and universal
standards exclude negative systems competition, usually called ecological and social
dumping, which leads to a race to the bottom ( i.e. towards the lowest standards ).
All these Principles have to be applied in a way which does not violate human dignity,
which has found its normative formulation in the Universal Declaration of Human
Further rules have been developed by the Experts Group on Environmental Law of the
World Commission on Environment and Development in 1986.
Germain Dufour explained that the human species has reached a point in its evolution where it knows its survival is being
challenged. In the past, human beings have had some kind of symbiotical relationship
(which is something common in Nature between lifeforms in an ecosystem) with the world.
We work together for both our survival and well-being. Cooperation and symbiosis
between lifeforms (especially human beings) on Earth have become a necessity of life. We
help one another, joint forces, and accomplish together what we cannot accomplish
Symbiotical relationships exist between nations of the European Union. It is mainly an
economic base symbiotical relationship. But there are many different kind of symbiotical
relationships and many more will be created.
The Earth Community Organization has begun to establish the existence of the New
Age Civilization all over the planet. It will be a major workshop session during the global
dialogue in August. Participants will establish fundamental aspects and criteria of the New
Age Civilization: all Peoples together, the Human Family, the Soul of Humanity, the Earth
Community, the Global Community, Global Economic Cooperation, Global Governance,
Earth Governance, Earth Environmental Governance, and Earth Government.
There are no such thing as an anti-globalization movement as we have defined and
developed the concepts of the New Age Civilization. National governments and large
corporations have taken the wrong direction by asserting that free trade in the world is
about competing economically without any moral safeguards and accountability to peoples
and the environment. The proper and only way is for Free Trade to become a global
co-operation between all nations. Surely, if we can cooperate in fighting against terrorism,
then we should also be able to cooperate in fighting against the effects of the type Free
Trade and the emergence of the planetary trading blocks as applied by national
governments members of the World Trade Organization(WTO). It has already been
shown that these effects will be desastrous socially and environmentally and are a direct
threat to the existence of Life on Earth. The Earth Community is proposing a solution that
the process of trading within the planetary trading blocks be changed from a spirit of
global competition to that of global economic cooperation.
The Earth Community has made clear that globalization and planetary trading blocks
should be serving the Earth Community and not the other way around, the people
around the world serving the very few rich people. The September 11 event was the
result of bad trading of arms and oil in the Middle East. By applying proper moral
safeguards and accepting responsibility and accountability of all products (arms and oil in
this case), we would make free trade and globalization serving the Human Family.
The world has become global in most fields of life. Nowadays it is a necessity to
co-operate in resolving global problems which makes global governance a quality of the
New Age Civilization. The next most important achievement of the Human Family will be
the signing of a global agreement on the Scale of Human and Earth Rights.
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Germain Dufour explained that having the correct voting system in place will help countries in the South (33 countries if
we include Cuba) to deal with the U.S.A. and Canada on a democratic platform. Canada
and the USA will have to deal with the South to gain votes for the decision-making
The following table shows that Canada and the USA together have a total of 308 votes.
They would have to deal with the 585 votes of the South. The decision-making process
would certainly be affected. The North would really only have 34% of the votes and would
have to seek votes from the South for the decision-making process.
The right that the greatest number of people has by virtue of its number (50% plus one) is a
human right. It should be respected. Cuba was included here because the people of Cuba
have rights just like anyone else.
The Summit of the Americas was a meeting of the 34 National Governments of every
country in North, Central, South America and the Caribbean (except Cuba). The meeting
was held April 20-22, 2001, in Quebec City, and was about extending the North
American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) throughout the Americas to form the Free
Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) by 2005. The FTAA will follow the World Trade
Organization (WTO) guidelines for settling disputes. The Organization of American
States (OAS) manages implementation of this process. Member countries were
encouraged to change their economic infrastructures to be in line with the free trade
policies of the FTAA (the WTO). Many member countries have already prioritised
economic growth over social aspects and human rights.
The Earth Community Organization (ECO) is aware of what the 34 National
Governments are trying to achieve and decided to help them designing an agreement
between themselves in line with The Charter of the Earth Community. Several articles
in this Newsletter were written especially to help you find sound solutions. Our March and
May Newsletters also contain articles pertaining to this challenge.
Peoples of the Americas and Caribbean (including Cuba) are an important part of Earth
Community. During the Summit of the Americas several members of the Earth
Community Organization (ECO) were protesting peacefully and orderly outside the
gates. ECO was protesting against the undemocratic process that is the FTAA. Everything
that’s important to the Earth Community is being let go by the 34 nation leaders and
world business leaders in favor of the goal of making profits.
Other implications of the FTAA:
a) Services offered to the public can be managed by private, foreign providers;
these providers are allowed to bid for contracts in all sectors such as energy,
transportation, agriculture, forestry, fishery, health, education, sewer and water
services. Truly, all sectors of life are affected.
b) Resources are opened for trade and may no longer be controlled by a
national government; energy, rain forests and water are affected. In effect,
business leaders of large corporations become the real owners of our
c) Environmental decisions, education initiatives, health policies and cultural
programs will be affected if they represent a threat to a corporation’s potential
d) Canadians will have to accept continental economic and social policies and
the U.S. dollars as our currency. The U.S. dollars will eventually become the
currency of all 34 member nations. What it means to be a Canadian will be
gradually diluted to fulfill the desires of business leaders. What it means to be a
citizen in any country will be diluted to nothing.
e) Government will no longer have an independent financial policy.
f) Labour rights will be subjected to the primary goal of making profit.
g) Viability of social programs in a community will be subjected to scrutiny and
control by the FTAA.
h) Operation of government will be restrained and dependent on economic
i) The sovereignty of a nation will be chipped away. Government will give away
sovereign and constitutional powers to secret FTAA tribunals whose only goals
and objectives are to protect investments and investors.
j) The quality of life of every nation in the hemisphere will be diminished and
subjected to economic goals.
k) Environmental degradation: lowering of plant and biomass diversity,
increase of air pollution, natural resource depletion and pollution, deforestation,
soil erosion, endangerment and extinction of life species. The legacy to our
children and to the future generations thereafter will be a wasteland.
l) U.S. military is "to protect U.S. interests and investments" and that
includes making other nations safe for U.S multinational corporations. When will
the military issue be discussed? How will the military be part of the FTAA? Are
we seeing here in the Americas a scenario that has occurred in Europe before
the Second World War? The FTAA should entrench a strong statement that
says that military should not be an option as a solution to any situation arising in
the hemisphere. The Earth Court of Justice was created to deal with any
situation and, therefore, the military is not needed. The military should also be
subjected to the Earth Court of Justice for any violation of human rights
including environmental rights as defined by the Scale of Human and Earth
m) What impacts will the FTAA have on women and children, indigenous
Peoples, on poverty?
n) Degradation and disrespect of national standards (engineering, health,
environmental, etc.).
o) If U.S. interest rates go up what will be the impacts of the cost of debt
servicing of the 32 (out of 34) poor countries? Investments in those nations
have to be serviced through any export surplus.
p) Future generations will be affected by entering into an agreement that
obligates the present generation to irrevocable conditions. The FTAA would
violate the basic principle of a sustainable development in the hemisphere and
endanger the survival of Life on Earth.
q) If Canada and the U.S. were serious about the FTAA and a sustainable
development in the poorest nations would they not accept removing now all
tariffs for the very poorest members?
NAFTA has led to the loss of thousands of manufacturing jobs in Canadian
plants as companies relocated to Mexico to take advantage of the cheaper and
weaker environmental and safety standards. The same thing will happen with
the new agreement. The FTAA will have the effect of lowering down wages and
working conditions in Canada and in the U.S. thereby adding more profits to
business leaders.
The human rights abuse and environmental degradation are two of the many
unresolved social issues in countries that want the trade agreement. Human
rights violations would constitute unfair trade subsidies.
The process of designing the FTAA is obviously undemocratic and will lead to
an "unsustainable development". Earth Community has worked hard to find
sound solutions and better ways to improve the quality of our lives and that of
the future generations. We are not going to let go the "Belief, Values,
Principles and Aspirations of the New Age". We will form our own ways to
manage the Americas and the Caribbean. We will form the Earth
Government. The people of the Americas and Caribbean will be first in
forming Earth Government to manage the hemisphere.
The Earth Government will be formed when representatives from the 34
member nations have been elected. Earth Government allows the creation of a
truly democratic process whereby one representative is elected for every
million citizens. For the 800 million people or more of the Americas and
Caribbean there would be 800 elected representatives whose job will be to
manage responsibly the hemisphere. Each elected representative will bring
forth issues and concerns of their particular citizens.
There are multiple issues related to forming Earth Government, and they are a
part of discussion roundtables of the global dialogue Earth Management - all
Peoples together with the theme Earth Government for Earth Community -
A grassroots process. This new global dialogue will be held August 17-22,
year 2002, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. We are inviting researchers and
groups to submit research papers and discussion proposals. We are making a
special invitation to all civil society groups. Everyone is invited to participate in
the discussion.
The Earth Community Organization will decide when there is a significant
enough proportion of people throughout the hemisphere participating in the
process. The 34 countries of the hemisphere will decide if they want to
participate with this process or not. No one country will be forced to participate.
It just means that if the government of a country does not allow representatives
to be elected within their population then their will not be representatives from
that country sent to Earth Government. It is a choice each country must make on
their own.
One representative per million people! If all countries in the world had
decided today to participate with this process we would have today 6,114
elected representatives to form Earth Government. They would form the
Elected Representative Council or Legislative body of Earth Government.
They could actually all stay home to govern or from some place in their
communities. Today’s communications are more than adequate to allow voting
and discussing issues, etc. through the Internet and video conferencing. That
would cut cost of governing down to a minimum, at least administrative costs.
The Earth Executive Council would also govern in this way to cut cost down
to a minimum. Ministers can administer their Ministries from where they live if
they wish to. We will show that it costs very little to administer Earth
Government, and that we can achieve immense results. There is no limit to the
good the Earth Government can achieve in the world. Think what can
accomplish a unified 6.114 billion people determined to make things work to
keep Earth healthy!
This third millennium is a new challenge for the people of the Americas
and Caribbean. New standards, goals and objectives have to be defined.
Firm universal guidelines are essential in keeping the hemisphere healthy.
When a group of ordinary people realized that they, personally, will make the
changes they need in their field, in their village, in their communities, they can
then find ways to bring about these changes for all. There is a wisdom in the
ways of very humble people that needs to be utilized. Every humble person
deserves to have ideas respected, and encouraged to develop his or her own
life for the better. Sound solutions to help manage and sustain Earth will very
likely be found this way. Everyone can help assess the needs of the
hemisphere and propose sound solutions for its proper management, present
and future. Everyone can think of better ideas to sustain all life on Earth and
realize these ideas by conducting positive and constructive actions. When there
is a need to find a solution to a problem or a concern, a sound solution would
be to choose a measure or conduct an action, if possible, which causes
reversible damage as opposed to a measure or an action causing an
irreversible loss; that is the grassroots process. The Earth Community
Organization can help you to realize your actions by coordinating efforts
efficiently. The Earth Community Organization is the only way to go to manage
the hemisphere.
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Dear Palestinians and Jews of Israel:
The Earth Community Organization is invited you to the global dialogue to create
sustainable communities and a permanent peace movement in the land through the process
of the Earth Court of Justice.
The Earth Court of Justice will be created for the purpose of deciding on the legality of the
state of Israel and the creation of the state of Palestine. Members of this higher Court will
be chosen to reflect the Peoples involved here.
May the DIVINE WILL come into our lives and show us the way.
May our higher purpose in life bring us closer to the Soul of Humanity and God.
Germain Dufour
President and Chairman
Earth Management - all Peoples together
Earth Community Organization
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Mr.Mamady Diallo a dit qu'en
Afrique seul les Dialogues Nord-Sud pourrainent faire avancer nos Etat dans la grande
lutte pour le maintient de l'environnement mondial.
Oystein S. LaBianca and Gary Brendel explained that more than perhaps any other factor, progress toward reaching the goal of sustainable
social development will depend on building a cadre of leaders in the countries of the north
and south with the capacities needed to create enabling environments for sustainable social
Ngo Louga Madeleine explique que depuis sa mise en application dans nombre de secteurs nevralgiques que sont
l'environnement, le tourisme et la paix, jamais concept n'a ete aussi recurrent et pressant
dans les discours politiques. Plus qu'un simple slogan de campagne, la notion de
developpement durable est en passe de devenir une option legitime. Mais avec le recul
necessaire que nous impose l'histoire et les faits, il est tentant d'affirmer sans risque aucun
d'etre dementi que quelque soit l'angle sous lequel on veut aborder ce concept de nos
jours, pour l'Afrique et pour les africains, la notion semble paradoxale dans la mesure ou
elle conjugue deux idees contradictoires: d'un cote, celle du developpement, et de l'autre,
celle de durabilite.L'inoperationnalite operante et la sterilite criarde du concept sur le
terrain, laisse aujourdh'ui, plus d'un sceptique et dubitatif sur sa finalite.
Face a l'urgence de la situation, et au regard des enjeux incommensurables que revet
l'avenir et le devenir des generations futures et de nos societes traditionnelles et/ou
modernes, il devient, chaque jour, de plus en plus evident que les populations beneficiaires
de cette donne tournent resolument le dos au necessaire pour faire a l'utile. Au seuil de ce
"mytique" millenaire naissant, la reorientation de la conceptualisation a l'instrumentalisation
du concept de developpemnt durable doit etre un defi prioritaire a relever.
Professor José Moya explained that today, at the end of the XX century, again we are faced with historical changes, this time,
GLOBALIZATION is presented to us as a new paradigm, as the only option for
development, we are facing a new ideological operation, terms are changed and appear as
novelties. This demands we redefine our language. WE NEED TO REVOLUTIONIZE
LANGUAGE, many words look normal and are used daily, however, they form an
intricate web of concepts that sustain the IDEOLOGY OF DOMINATION.
Developing, undeveloped, development, traditional society, advance society, modernity,
new technologies, progress and, now: globalization, neo-liberalism, periferic countries,
emergent countries unlimited growth, corporative agendas, technology expansion, etc.
Germain Dufour explained that the Earth Community Organization is recommending to the developing nations not to make deals with the developed countries. Do not accept money as loans from
the IMF and World Bank. Do not become a member of the WTO. Your best chance for survival is to build sustainable communities in your country. If you do need to make a deal with another nation,
a symbiotical relationship based on economics, make sure it is for the interests of both of you. You have no need of a global membership on any kind. It would destroy you.
The debt of the poor nations or 'developing nations' to the rich nations was in actuality a form of global tax and therefore the poor or 'developing' nations dont have to pay it back.
In fact poor nations should expect way more money as tax by the rich nations and not as loans.
The state of the world today is the result of a specific set of interlocking institutions: the IMF, the World Bank and the WTO. These institutions are
designed to generate massive wealth for the few and poverty for the rest. The same people who make the decisions in government and corporation make the profit.
They create a tight concentration of power. Together they are a form of anti-government whose only goal is profit. The IMF, through Structural Adjustment Programs, now directly runs the economies of over 70 countries.
That means that about 1000 economists and bureaucrats control the economic policies for 1.4 billion people in these countries. That is a form of anti-government. The people
that profit most from the global economy are white people. The people who are most oppressed by the global economy are people of colour. Racism and sexism have become the norm. The entire
planet is in a state of low intensity civil war. The ruling elite profit off of the exploitation of the rest of the world. The Earth Community Organization was
looking for a method of raising global taxes, of redistributing incomes to the poorest communities, of providing debt-free
technical assistance to non-industrial and developing countries to help them out of poverty and to meet environmental and social standards, but there it was all along right on our eyes. The Earth Court of Justice
will be asked to decide on the debt be changed into an actual tax to be paid by the rich nations to the poor nations, and to decide on the amount of tax to be paid. Developing nations will then be able to start
rebuilding their communities as per the Scale of Human and Earth Rights and the Charter of the Earth Community. They will not have to satisfy the economic needs and wishes of the rich nations. The Earth Court of Justice will also be asked to rule illegal the activities of the IMF, the World Bank and
the WTO unless they become a part of a greater whole such as the Earth Ministry of Financial Institutions, a part of the future Earth Government. These institutions will be controlled by the greater whole.
The effect of IMF and World Bank policies in the world caused the destruction of the economies of the poor nations (now we call them 'developing' countries). They impoverished
the people by taking away basic services and devaluating their currency. They opened up the national economy to be ravaged by competition with richer nations. Poverty lead to
other problems causing the ecological destruction of a poor nation. Environmental spending was diminished under a Structural Adjustment Program. More rainforest land had to be
cleared to grow crops just to survive. The overall effect of the US policy within the IMF caused the famine in Somalia, the war in Rwanda, and many
other international catastrophes. In the mean time the debt of the poor nation increased enormously. The longer a nation was under a Structural Adjustment Program, the more
its debt increased. In 1999, the debt of the poor nations has reached $3 trillion dollars. While 'developing' countries receive loans and aid from sources such as
the World Bank, the IMF and other banks in 'developed' countries, they pay back much more just to pay off the interest on their debts. The banks in
'developed' countries are doing very well and cashing in at the detriment of the poor nations. And so are the multinational corporations as the cost of doing business in poor nations gets even cheaper. Governments
of rich nations benefit from what is happening as they gain power over governments of poor nations. The elite in poor nations benefit as well. Today, the personal
wealth of Ferdinand Marcos, the former dictator of the Philippines, is estimated at $10 billion. All around the world there is a small
elite class of officials, bureaucrats, technocrats and economists who make the decisions about the economic policy for most of the world, and they
are also the ones who benefit from those policies at the expense of the rest of the world. The effect of IMF and World Bank policies
created poverty and inequality in the world. Since 1950, the total dollar value of the world economy has increased 5-fold, while the number
of people in absolute poverty has doubled. The 3 wealthiest people on the planet are now wealthier than 48 poorest countries. The total wealth of
the 200 richest people in the world has more than doubled to a $1 trillion. Today about 1.3 billion people survive on less than a dollar a day,
and about the same number do not have access to clean drinking water. Approximately 3 billion people live on less than 2 dollar a day; and 2 billion
people are suffering from anaemia. The state of the world today is the result of a specific set of interlocking institutions: the IMF, the World Bank and the WTO. These institutions are
designed to generate massive wealth for the few and poverty for the rest. The same people who make the decisions in government and corporation make the profit.
They create a tight concentration of power. Together they are a form of anti-government whose only goal is profit. The IMF, through Structural Adjustment Programs, now directly runs the economies of over 70 countries.
That means that about 1000 economists and bureaucrats control the economic policies for 1.4 billion people in these countries. That is a form of anti-government. The people
that profit most from the global economy are white people. The people who are most oppressed by the global economy are people of colour. Racism and sexism have become the norm. The entire
planet is in a state of low intensity civil war. The ruling elite profit off of the exploitation of the rest of the world.
Because governments of poor nations had to promote 'free trade', this situation cause barriers to trade to be eliminated and now we are seeing
the globalization of 'free trade'. Poor nations are now asked to produce only the products they are good at producing and buy from other
countries the products they are not as good at producing. This way the economy of a nation will function at maximum efficiency. So now governments
are told to open up their borders and to stop meddling in markets, so that competition will be free internationally. Often what is called trade is
really moving of resources across borders between subsidiaries of the same corporation. Nothing to do with free competition. Economic activity
is centrally-managed and planned by the corporate elite. Capital move freely across borders as restrictions on the flow of money have been removed. Corporations can relocate their operations to the countries with the lowest wages, the least
active unions and the lowest environmental standards. The reality is that more polluting industries are encouraged to relocate to poorer countries.
A polluting industry tends to increase the chances that people in the surrounding area will have health problems. If pollution kills someone
or makes them unable to work, the cost to the economy, or to the industry in the case of a law-suit, would be roughly equal to the projected
wages that the person would have earned in the rest of their life. In a country with low life expectancy and low wages, this cost will be
lessened. It costs less to dump a load of toxic waste in the lowest wage country.
'Free trade' now means the removal of:
a) tariffs and similar restrictions on the easy flow of capital (and that includes no global tax on transactions stemming from speculation), and
b) non-tariffs barriers to trade.
Today the watchdog, the 'enforcer' for 'free trade', and also the bedfellow of both the IMF and the World Bank, is the World Trade Organization (WTO).
The WTO is responsible for monitoring national trading policies, handling trade disputes, and enforcing the GATT agreements.
The World Trade Organization (WTO), the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) encourage the privatization of public services and the settling of international disputes their own way.
Any government, acting on behalf of a corporation, can challenge the acts of another government if they "interfere with trade." Complaints
are taken to a WTO dispute resolution body which then make a binding decision. The WTO has forced governments to lower their environmental
standards in favour of a corporation to allow more pollution into the environment, and that is a form of anti-government
gone bad with absolute no respect or care for life and the global-life support systems. Corporations can sue governments if they harm their profits through
any unfair barriers to trade. NAFTA and WTO tribunals usually rule in favor of corporations. So now we really have a new definition for the word 'property' to mean
both what is currently owned and profits that could potentially be made. To compensate, we propose a new definition for 'pollution' and 'human destruction' to mean
the pollution and human destruction that the policies of the IMF, World Bank and WTO are causing now in the world plus the pollution and human destruction that they will cause in the future to the next generations.
By providing corporations with a mean to override governmental decisions, NAFTA and the WTO
(and the proposed FTAA) shift power even more into the hands of the elite. And that is also a form of anti-government.
The global economy can be affected by the deregulation in the movement of capital and thus by speculation. Money is made off tiny fluctuations in the relative prices of currencies.
Speculation makes it possible for huge amounts of money to be transferred half-way around the world in a matter of seconds. Whereas world
trade associated with actual goods and services is estimated at $7 trillion a year, speculation is estimated at $1.5 trillion a day.
If a country's economy starts to slow, billions of dollars can be transferred out of the country instantaneously, which can significantly affect its economy and the people. This has been the case in 1997
of a number of East Asia countries. They were bankrupted by speculation. The people were enormously affected for the worst. Speculation can exert tremendous pressure on the internal politics of a country. It can bankrupt a country's
economy. Speculation should be de-institutionalized. Humanity has no real need for speculation, and it does way more damage than good.
Rich countries manipulate trade agreements in order to ensure profitability. Their governments insist on tariffs and protectionism in areas in which
they are weak. For instance, Canada and the USA are now going through the process of an economic war in the softwood industry. The imposition of a 29 percent tariff on softwood lumber by the U.S. Commerce Department
shows that Canadians were duped by the Free Trade Agreement(FTA) and NAFTA. The U.S. Government protectionism is itself aimed at reducing the value of the Canadian companies just long enough for American competitors to acquire them.
Many Canadian industries have already been bought by US competitors. The energy sector is one of them.
Free trade opens up a poor country's economy to competition with strong, developed, well-financed, multinational corporations. In consequence, most of the
local producers and manufacturers go out of business thus leaving a poor country's economy entirely in the hands of the transnational elite. It is a form of
colonization and of world anti-government. Rich countries force poorer countries to open up their markets, and then take them over.
Over the years, the IMF and World Bank interacted with one another and still do today. The IMF looked after the new systems of fixed exchange rates by making exchange easy
between different currencies thus making trade easy between countries. The IMF provided short-term emergency loans (5 years maximum to repay) to governments.
The World Bank was to focus on long-term loans at low interest rates to allow European nations to rebuild and restore. Later on in the 1950s, after European nations had recovered from
the war, the World Bank continued to exist by lending to the governments of poor nations especially in Latin America,
Africa and Asia.
In 1973, US President R. Nixon decided to take America off the gold standard to devalue the US dollar. This US policy destroyed the system
of fixed currency exchange rate. After this action, the effect on the global economy was felt positively by the rich nations of the world, currencies could no longer 'float' relative to each other
and the debt of the poor nations increased as they were all created in US dollars. Then the World Bank loaned more dollars to the poor nations. Often the money was used
for war purposes such as in the Philippines and Argentina. War equipment was bought from America, and this had a positive effect on the US economy.
Poor nations saw their debt grow astronomically and were forced to make new loans just to pay for the interests. The IMF supplied more loans under the condition
that the poor nations undergo "Structural Adjustment Programs". This had the effect that a poor nation's economic policy would be dictated
by the IMF. The IMF simply said to the poor nations: do all you can to attract business and pay off your debts. The IMF
and the World Bank are a form of anti-government gone bad as their policies brought poverty to more than half the population on Earth and are causing
a major threat to the global life-support systems. Poor nations started to privatize
many services and reduce spending on others so that they would have more money available for debt repayment. The overall effect was that governments were cutting
on education, healthcare and subsidies to keep food prices affordable. Governments had to promote 'free trade' and to devalue their currency. Now in
a nation whose currency is worth less, all the costs of doing business are less and prices for imported goods increase. The IMF basically
forced poor nations to focus their economy toward exports, especially cash crops such as coffee, sugar, cotton, etc. and raw materials such as
copper and timber. In consequence of this, several nations produced the same products all at the same time and thus prices for those products went down enormously.
The overall effect of the US policy within the IMF and the World Bank was to increase poverty and ecological destruction in the poor nations while the rich nations got richer.
The Earth Community Organization is calling for the creation of the Earth Court of Justice to rule that the debt of the poor nations or 'developing nations' to the rich nations was in actuality a form of global
tax and therefore the poor or 'developing' nations dont have to pay it back.
In fact poor nations should expect way more money as a tax by the rich nations and not as loans.
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1. Establishing fundamental aspects and criteria of the New Age Civilization: all
Peoples together, the Human Family, the Soul of Humanity, the Earth
Community, the Global Community, Global Economic Cooperation, Earth
Governance, Earth Environmental Governance, global cooperation, global
Ministries, and Earth Government. |
Andrea Luger-Hoefling said that we are part of the nature, when we kill the nature we kill ourselves, the
environment, that nourrishes us.
Dr. Gennady N. Karopa explained that in conditions of increasing crisis of the environment of special importance are the questions
of the environmental education directed at the formation among the population of norms of
the responsible attitude towards nature. The primary role and basic functions in solving this
problem belongs to contemporary schools providing good facilities for systematic training,
education and development of each citizen of our community. However schools today
have certain difficulties in carrying out the effective environmental education of the pupils.
First of all it can be explained by the fact that the mechanisms involved in the process of
forming the person's responsible attitude towards nature have not been investigated yet.
One more reason is the absence of educational and methodical manuals, textbooks and
scientifically based programmes checked in school practice. Realizing these difficulties and
trying to help school teachers the Belarusian National Green Class Association for many
years has been making experimental researches to create a new system of environmental
education of schoolchildren. The Green Class has been working out manuals and
programmes on ecology. The results of this work have been illustrated by local and
national press and presented as reports at many international forums, conferences and
Prof. Richard C. Rich explored the relationship between the features of collaborative environmental
management and the conditions necessary for achieving sustainability. It draws on
examples from eight cases of collaborative environmental management in the state of
Virginia to discuss the conditions under which this is an appropriate response to
environmental problems. The analysis asks how collaborative environmental management
practices could be extended to efforts to promote community sustainability, and identifies
the elements of this approach that are especially relevant to application in developing
Jim Christiansen explored How to Influence Business Organizations on Issues Related to Managing the
Earth in the Long Term. His study is an outgrowth of the way in which international law influences the development
of domestic legal systems.
Nikolai Grishin and Olga Tokmakova promote Public Participation in Environmental Decision Making, as Tool for Solving
Environmental Problems. They addressed the following issues of public participation in environmental impact
assessment: (a) goals and principles; (b) practical acpects; (c) legal, administrative and
institutional frameworks; and (d) methods for arranging public participation in EIA.
Larisa Khomik used video film to demonstrate and promote keen emotional perception and understanding of the
present ecological problems, encourage interesting discussions and, most important, the
wish to solve problems.
Heinrich Wohlmeyer and Hermann Dissemond attempt to denominate the major causes of the present ecological
and social misery, which cannot be denied, and to shed some beams of light onto the
subject of the preconditions of long term sustainable development from a multidisciplinary
array of views. Thus it tries to overcome the blinkers of the specialised branches of science
and of particular interests towards an interdisciplinary (holistic) view.
They proposed a vision of life in physical and psychical wellbeing both sides of human existence
have to be addressed, the physical and the psycho-spiritual. In such a vision civilisation has to be geared in conformity wit human demands and the
ecosystem. Based on an ethical foundation it has to strike the balance between economy
and technology on the one side and human rights and respect of fellow creatures on the
other. In order to achieve this, we need a balanced legal framework providing the social
rules necessary to meet these aims.
If there is a conflict of goals an values, there is also a need for guiding principles as to the
hierarchy of these "goods". Practical ethics have already developed some road signs. Five
major orientations shall be enumerated.
The Funding Principle demands, that those realities on which others build upon, have to
be protected first. This to say, that saving the biological base of life has to have priority
before certain social aims, which loose their value, if the biological base of life is destroyed.
The Irreversibility Criterion calls for extreme caution, if the consequences of an action
cannot be reversed – especially in the ecological sphere.
The Criterion of Integration asks in the case of a conflict of aims that systems-protection
has to have priority over singular measures. This criterion should be applied to Art. XX lit.
b of the GATT, which exempts measures "necessary to protect human, animal, or plant
life or health". At present only singular phytosanitary and veterinarian measures are
acknowledged, but systems protection is denied.
The Criterion of Urgency demands, that the existential needs of future generations have
to have priority over less urgent wishes and needs of the present generation.
The well known Precautionary Principle demands that precautionary measures (which
also my consist in refraining from an action) have to take precedence over repairing
The Criterion of Cooperation means, that measures, which are based on the cooperation
of Regions and States should have preference before those, which are taken by individual
bodies, since normally environmental problems transgress national borders and universal
standards exclude negative systems competition, usually called ecological and social
dumping, which leads to a race to the bottom ( i.e. towards the lowest standards ).
All these Principles have to be applied in a way which does not violate human dignity,
which has found its normative formulation in the Universal Declaration of Human
Further rules have been developed by the Experts Group on Environmental Law of the
World Commission on Environment and Development in 1986.
Mr.Mamady Diallo and Mr. Mory Sanda Diakite
Mr.Mamady Diallo and Mr. Mory Sanda Diakite
Travail - justice - Solidarite
Ministere de l'Administration du Territoire de La
Decentralisation et de la Securite
Service National De Coordination et D'Intervention Des
O N G "SACCO" Conakry.
TOGETHER , TORONTO du 17 au 22 Aout 20002
Rapport Presente Par:
1) Mr. Mamady Diallo , President de l'ONG
2 ) Mr. Mory Sanda Diakite , Vice President
Conakry , Aout 2002
Dieu à créer l'huniver pour que vivent les hommes ,
les animaux et les êtres inanimés.
Il donnat en suite la conscience à l'homme de
reflechir sur les maintiens de cet bien precieux de de
sa propre survie.
Vu le procres sans cesse croissant de la science, la
technique et la technologie plus poussée, n est en
droit de ce demander aujourd'hui quelle destinée
donnerons nous à cette univer en ce debut du 3è
La vie sur la planet n'est elle pas devenue une
menace réelle à l'extiction des races?
De la course aux armes de destructions massives en
passant par la famine et la misert dans certains
endroits de la planete, l'humanité court à un danger
si les dispositions d'urgences ne sont pas prises pour
erradiquer le fleau qui nous menace.
Pour un observateur averti, est ce que l'humanité est
elle une gouvernance ?
Les politiques mises sur pied en fonse d'avantage les
fosses entre les riches et les pauvres.
Dans l'un ou autre camp, on se rejette les
De cette decadance, quelle place reservons nous à
l'Afrique, aux pays en developpements dechirés par la
guerres, la famine, la misert.
Est ce qu'il ya des dirrigeants au monde qui pensent
réellement à la situation des plus demunis ?
La politique de la mondialisation est elle la
meilleur voie pour sauver l'humaniter de la misert, la
famine, les guerres inter ethniques, la heine des
hommes ?
Un chercher n'à t'il penser que pour que vive une
harmonie entre les hommes, il faut confier les pauvres
aux riches ?
Ces sur ce plateau de composition multiple que nous
tenterons de developper nos rapports de vision sur la
gestion de la communaute en 2024.
Nous esperons nous faire entendre à travers ce message
pour que vive une harmonie sur la planete.
à Suivre
To all people of good will!
We speak to you because we are concerned about the fate of the Human Race and of the Earth.
The World is in crisis.
We are exploiting our natural resources of minerals and fuels faster than we are gaining access to alternative sources. We are polluting the
natural environment and soil faster than the environment can regenerate itself to reach the level suitable for human needs. Depreciation
(devaluation) - moral degradation of the existing forms of living - is going on faster than new forms, consistent with new living conditions for
humans and for nature, are being introduced. This situation is complicated also due to demographic expansion, especially in those parts of the
human family that are lagging in their development.
This crisis results mainly in lack of adjustment of two dominating systems - the system of values and the economic system - to the
contemporary state of changes in the living conditions of humans and nature. These changes are proceeding very fast with the development of
science and technology.
At the same time, there is no absolute deficit of material resources (minerals, fuels, ecological resources). However there is a lack of
knowledge, technology, active intellectual potential and human conscience, and time - the factors that are necessary for limiting the futile
utilization of scarce resources, as well as for developing alternative sources, whilst the resources which are currently under exploitation are
being drained.
This crisis not only constitutes a serious hazard for everybody; it also constitutes an opportunity. This opportunity will occur if we carry out a
radical reconstruction of the mentality and social relations, which could create the possibility for sustainable development.
Currently two methods of overcoming the global crisis seem to be possible.
The first, traditional method is based on decreasing the number of consumers of the resources that are in deficit. This method represents a
pathology of social Darwinism - eco-fascism that leads to ecological holocaust of the weak, and subsequently - to the extinction of all humans.
The second method is based on the popularization of intellectual creative activity aimed at the common good and supported by science and high
technology. This would be an ecohumanistic method.
Ecohumanism is a partnership-based co-operation for the common good of all people (rich and poor, from countries highly
developed and behind in development), their descendants, and natural environment - commonly supported by science and high
The first, traditional method may seem effective only at first glance. Social Darwinism does not allow the elimination of the crisis-provoking
results of the moral degradation of the life forms that are not adapted to the new, quickly changing conditions.
The higher the level of development and the application of scientific and technological achievements, the faster is the pace of changes in living
conditions for people and nature. This implies a very large acceleration of moral degradation pace for diverse, previously well-functioning
forms of life. Moral degradation is as dangerous as the overexploitation of natural resources. This type of degradation, which is almost
invisible, only to an insignificant extent depends on the number of people. It is caused mainly by the development of science and technology.
This development cannot be stopped.
In order to eliminate the third factor of global crisis - the moral degradation of life forms, which in fact constitutes the basic factor - it is
necessary to undertake stability-oriented solutions, which are radically different from traditional solutions.
These are:
I - increasing far-sightedness and the flexibility of the methods of human activities,
II - supplementing calculations of the costs and benefits of social and economic activity with comprehensively assessed social and natural
III - implementation of a system of stimulating ecohumanistic and intellectually creative activity and its popularization.
IV - increasing the intellectual potential of the human race (i.e. through popularization of the at least medium-level, comprehensive education
of the youth, what would ensure intellectual independence, responsibility and the ability to participate in the development of science and
This requires the further development of system dynamics - computer simulation methods for large-scale environmental and social (ecosocial)
systems, flexible automation of production, and development of information technology (teleinformatization). It is impossible to prepare the
appropriate economic statement without forecasting and a measurable assessment of comprehensive, broad in time and space, results of human
activities and of the other changes in living conditions of people and nature.
The information problem is a key issue in overcoming the global crisis and in the creation of possibilities for sustainable
development of the whole global society.
Both, contemporary and forecasted development of science and technology, especially of information technology, makes the possibility of a
significant increase of the level of cognizability of human activity results more real. However, we are not able to predict fully all life hazards.
Therefore, there is a necessity of the parallel development of flexible automation of production, advanced construction of diverse expert
information systems, data bases, and collection of other intellectual, scientific, and technological reserves that are indispensable for the quick
elimination of the hazards, which were impossible to predict in advance.
The second key problem is harnessing people's wealth to make it serve creative, innovative input to the common good. This is a potential for
releasing enormous intellectual creative activity, which is so indispensable for eliminating the deficits in material and spiritual life resources.
It is impossible to solve both of these key problems related to global crisis at the local level. Joint public activities are necessary, with support
from the world intellectual elite and powerful authorities.
Undoubtedly, for the development of the capability of forecasting and for a measurable assessment of the results of human activities, and for
appropriate stimulation of ecohumanistic and innovative, creative activity it would be helpful - and this is what we are proposing - to create a
World Center for a Strategy of Sustainable Development, under the auspices of the United Nations. This would be a professional center, for
large-scale scientific, technological and organizational operations (Apollo-type), based on subsidiarity principle. The main goal of this Center
would be to create information foundation of ecohumanism and sustainable development for the world society.
Its official establishment might take place in 2002, during the Special Session of General UN Assembly - "Rio+10".
The first task for the Center should be improvement and popularization of the methods for forecasting of the changes in conditions on Earth and
in local societies, as well as in the natural environment.
It is necessary to create urgently, as a priority, the information basis of ecohumanism and sustainable development in order to prevent the
development of eco-fascism and ecological holocaust of weaker parts of the human family that might lead to the ecological extinction of the
whole human race. Without creating the information foundation of activities for our common good, such effort will not be effective!
The Sustainable Development Creators' Club.
The Polish Federation for Life
This Appeal was published inter alia in:
- “Zielone Brygady”, nr 4(149)/2000, 16-29.2.2000
- „Polish Academy of Sciences, Dialogue and Universalism, Metaphilosophy as the Wisdom of Science, Art and Life”, no. 4-5/2002.
mail to:
Leslaw Michnowski said:
To all the communities, governments and elites of the world!
We, who are gathered in Warsaw, at the World Congress of Universalism, both theoreticians and practicians: men and women of science, technology and faith as
well as from other areas of activities - we all turn to you with an appeal to cooperate in the ECODEVELOPMENTAL TRANSFORMATION OF OUR CIVILISATION.
We appeal to you, in the spirit of cherishing human life and nature, to stop in a steady and gradual way the current ethically immature and pathological forms of
GROWTH AT THE COST OF THE ENVIRONMENT. We appeal to you to replace them with qualitatively new forms of socio-economic life, which will achieve
New ECOHUMANISTIC forms of synergistic - mutually supportive, fruitful - coexistence are becoming possible as an indispensable condition for the SURVIVAL
OF ALL, both rich and poor societies.
We are seriously concerned about the lack of a practical and positive response by world power elites, in spite of warnings from such respected sources as the
Club of Rome, the Holy See (encyclical Sollicitudo rei socialis) as well as the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro.
A very high level of development in science and technology has been accomplished in the 20th century. It has rendered inefficient and wasteful the obsolete
forms of economy. Because of these we have crossed the limits of nature's ability of self-reproduction to provide the needs for human life. Instead of
integration we have fallen into a fundamental CONFLICT: HUMANKlND VERSUS NATURE. We face therefore a global socio-economic and
ecological crisis. This crisis has already begun with PERIPHERAL and economically weaker or younger societies and their economies.
We must move to create harmony between both developed and underdeveloped communities; between the wealthy and the poor, as well us
between Humankind and Nature - and simultaneously adjust the forms of life and economy to the requirements of a qualitatively new,
present-day, SITUATION OF CHANGES in the interrelations of human life and nature. If we do not respond to this, we will not survive the
current crisis or its results. Deep economic recession may lead to social disturbances, which destroy the wealth achieved by previous generations
- the wealth so needed to sustain life and further development in the situation of change. This recession may lead to ECOFASCISM - an attempt
to achieve a particular solution by minimizing the activity of the weaker parts of World Society. The danger will arise if the powerful and wealthy
- while eliminating the weaker and depriving them of their life possessions - will try to overcome a mounting deficit of resources, while
"carefully" protecting nature.
Meanwhile there is in fact no absolute deficit of material life resources. Sustainable and sufficient livelihood for all is possible through the
properly stimulated development of science and technology; through the increase of human creativity, through socio-institutionai transformation
in the forms of human existence, and through a change in procreation and consumption patterns. New ample sources will be found before the old
ones are depleted. We can look forward to a good life not only for ourselves but also for FUTURE GENERATIONS.
To attain these ends it is necessary to direct our activities toward the INCREASE OF QUALITY - including the length of biological and creative
LIFE OF ALL members of a human family. The basic problem is to change the mechanisms of institutions and economies - while taking into
account all social and natural costs of human actions. It is crucial to create the social and scientific-technical basis for long-range development
and to share the results of common work in proportion to the ECOSOCIAL USEFULNESS of its subjects.
In order to survive we must form a UNIVERSAL CIVILIZATION OF PARTNERSHIP based on the principle "to possess in order to be" to be a
co-creator of life and future, both our own and that of the social and natural environment.
It is indispensable that we understand new limitations and the interdependence of human beings in the contemporary situation of change in order
to overcome the deepening global crisis.
We promise to dedicate ourselves to act on behalf of the ecodevelopmental civilizational transformation. JOIN US! TRANSFORMATION OF
The participants of the I-st World Congress of Universalism
Warsaw, August 1993
Leslaw Michnowski said:
World is in the socioeconomic and (nature) environmental crisis. To avoid global catastrophe we ought to know what is the essence of this crisis and what are the main causes of it. We ought to understand also the essence of process of development of the world society and know consecutive transformations (qualitative changes) of socioeconomic relations, which are indispensable to adapt these relations to challenges of the high science and technology era.
To overcome this global crisis, adapt our civilization to the state of change (in life-conditions – conditions of life) and achieve the sustainable development of the world society, it is especially necessary to change methods of shaping policy into methods based on wisdom.
In state of change, for wisdom policy we need:
- a knowledge of complex and future results of human activity and other changes in life-conditions, and
- the ecohumanistic value system.
Ecohumanism is a partnership-based co-operation for the common good of all people (rich and poor, from countries highly developed and behind in development), their descendants, and natural environment - commonly supported by science and high technology.
Therefore we ought to create a possibility of forecasting and measurable evaluating socioeconomic activity effects and other changes in life–conditions. This will allow us to change nowadays egoistic (self-interests) economy into ecohumanistic economy (eco-economy) - based on FEED FORWARD, common good, account of complex profits and costs with its social and nature elements and ecosocial justice. This new, ecohumanistic economy will allow to substitute of intellectual evolution for - nowadays crisis generating, very ecosocially expensive and informational inefficient – social Darwinism.
With this end in view a large-scale international science, technology and social operation for creation of information basis for sustainable development and popular and common use of such global information system should be undertaken.
Adapting of socioeconomic relations to demands of high technology and achieving the sustainable development needs multilevel subsidiarity governance, including global governance (CIA, 2000)..
For ecohumanistic overcoming the global crisis with help of information basis for sustainable development I propose, inter alia, to create by the UN professional World Center for Strategy of Sustainable Development.
I also propose - for proper governance (based on system thinking) - a conceptual model of real world: System of Life (SoL). The SoL reflects common properties and structural features of systems: man – technology – environment (social and/or natural). It also reflects the process of life of such systems and its general consecutive transformations. The SoL includes static as well as dynamic properties and structural features of these systems.
The SoL shows us qualitative changes in:
- infrastructure,
- control(governance)-subsystem and
- value system,
which are necessary for supporting of development of different forms of such life(living)-systems.
The SoL shows us also the changes in human needs realized together with socioeconomic development. The SoL can help us to understand essence of global crisis and find methods of it overcoming.
Nowadays we are living in the quite new life-state – in the STATE OF CHANGE. It is the result of big science-technology progress. We are not adapted to live and develop in such new life-conditions. The main cause of global crisis is rapidly pacing moral degradation of existing forms of life not fitted to the new, rapidly changed conditions of life of human and nature. For avoiding global catastrophe and achieving of sustainable development it is necessary to substitute intellectual evolution for social Darwinism. Computer simulation should be in state of change a basic method of selection of developmental undertakings – in "virtual reality", instead of in practice.. Continuation in state of change of old patterns of development through very expensive "trial and error" and putting to the pieces forms of life not fitted to the new life-conditions - in era of globalization lead us to global catastrophe.
For avoiding the global catastrophe we ought to change patterns of development. We - humankind - ought to achieve ethical maturity and symbiotical skill to develop "together with environment (social and/or natural)". For this end we should incorporate into our socioeconomic infrastructure quite new developmental mechanisms – FEED FORWARD and ECOHUMANISTIC value system. We should change patterns of consumption. Consumption of developed parts of world society should be used as a drive of their intellectual, especially innovative, activity. Consumption of weaker parts of world society should allow them reach maturity - education and possibility of their creative partnership cooperation in sustainable development activity.
Nowadays, the approaching dangerous must be eliminated in anticipatory way. Without Earth community partnership and cooperation for common good it is impossible to get access to adequate information and generate big intellectual, innovative creativeness that is indispensable for anticipatory elimination of negative effects of rapidly pacing moral destruction of existing forms of life.
For life in state of change we need efficient and SUBSIDIARITY multilevel GOVERNANCE. This governance must be based on world integrated information system - for aiding sustainable development policy.
For sustainable development we especially have to:
1 - create the possibility of prediction and measurable valuation of complex effects of socioeconomic activity and other changes in life-conditions of human beings and nature,
2 - join access to wealth and deficit resources with ecosocial usefulness of creative - especially innovation - activity.
As a result of it we could reach an opportunity to create new economy – ecohumanistic economy (eco-economy) - based on common good (egoaltruistic, ecohumanistic) value system and complex, long-term calculations of profits and costs (including social and environmental components).
To this end we ought to create, by the UN, the professional World Center for a Strategy of Sustainable Development
The main tasks of this Center ought to be creation of:
1. world integrated (and distributed) warning forecasting system,
2. world information system for prediction and measurable valuation of complex effects of socioeconomic activity and other changes in conditions of life.
3. ecohumanistic economy (eco-economy),
4. system of accumulation of intellectual and material resources that could be necessary for avoiding non predicted dangers.
Therefore I propose to recommend to Johannesburg Rio+10 UN Summit Meeting creation of the World Center for a Strategy of Sustainable Development and undertaking with help of this Center of large-scale international science, technology, and social operation of building information basis for sustainable development.
The creation of World Information Basis for Sustainable Development is essential for avoiding global catastrophe through Inclusive Globalization, eco-economy, sustainable development, multilevel governance and partnership for common good cooperation of world society and Earth community.
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Dr. Sue McGregor illustrated how pre-service and in-service professional
socialization can be augmented with a peace perspective such that leaders are socialized to
see themselves as global citizens prepared to shape the future of humanity via RHA
leadership strategies.
Germain Dufour promotes the Peace Movement of the Earth Community.
The people of the Earth Community are dedicated in using our resources to resolve
conflict, promote democracy, and fight hunger, terrorism, disease, and human rights
abuses. In order to bring about the event of peace, the Earth Community is offering
communities around the world to work together to bring warring parties to peace. We can
accomplish this task by concrete actions such as:
a) Tracking armed conflicts within and between nations around the world and offering
assistance in dispute resolution;
b) Promoting human rights and democracy;
c) Monitoring democratic elections;and
d) Educating the public about the advantages of a peaceful solution to any conflict.
Declaration of Peace of the Earth Community
We utterly deny all outward wars and strife and fightings with outward weapons, for any
end or under any pretence whatever, and we do certainly know, and so testify to the
world, that the Spirit of Allah, God, which leads us to all truth, will never move us to fight
and war against any human being with outward weapons, neither for the kingdom of Allah,
God, not for the kingdom of this world. The Will of God is for life to reach God in the best
possible ways. Life is the most precious gift ever given by God to the Universe. Life allows
Souls to be conscious of God in as many different ways as possible. Life is the building
block through which Souls can have a meaningful relationship with God. By observing the
Universe, the galaxies, we are observing and studying God. We are seeing His
magnificence, His greatness, and His complex making. There is more to the Universe we
observe today, that is there is more to God, much more. God is self-existent, eternal and
infinite in space and time. Follow God's Word. God's Plan was revealed to humanity a
short while ago. The Divine Plan for humanity is:
a) for everyone to manage Earth responsibly, and
b) about to reach the stars and spread Life throughout the universe and thus help other
Souls to evolve and serve God in the best possible ways.
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John M. Bunzl explained that we live in a world of nations at vastly differing stages of
economic development and, therefore, with widely varying priorities in terms of how labour and environmental considerations
should impact on their economies. To expect Guatemala, for example, to have the same environmental and labour standards as
Germany would be wholly unrealistic. So to expect any organisation to develop, adjudicate upon and enforce rules that are fair
to most, let alone all nations is surely little short of ridiculous. Furthermore, ‘trade’ is the exchange of the end products of often
complex production stages taking place in different parts of the world and carried out under widely varying labour and
environmental conditions. To seek to equate a spoon produced under responsible environmental and labour conditions in one
factory with one produced under sweat-shop conditions in another, and to call such trade ‘free’ as the WTO does, points up
the hollow neo-liberal assertion that ‘free’ trade is necessarily ‘fair’. In this context, ‘de-powering’ the WTO or vesting the
interests of labour and the environment in other supra-national bodies, who would then compete with one another for the
supremacy of their particular standpoint, seems calculated only to result in yet more confusion and is therefore hardly likely to
lead to greater fairness.
In considering what reforms might be appropriate, NGOs need to look rather deeper than just the WTO. For they need also to
recognise that the motor of today’s neo-liberal global economy is competition. The ability of capital and corporations to move,
or merely threaten to move, elsewhere now means that nation states and politicians are no longer in control of the global
economy but are themselves subject to its competitive forces and must themselves compete for capital and jobs. For today,
their ability to implement any policy that might incur the displeasure of world currency or bond markets in the face of the threat
of capital and jobs moving elsewhere has all the robustness and resistance of a chocolate fireguard. Similarly, tighter national
laws to promote environmental or labour protection have become but hollow platitudes when markets and corporations can
switch investment and jobs to any country offering more attractive, less restrictive (i.e. less costly) conditions. Little wonder that
implementation of even the current, very mild, Kyoto climate change agreement stands in jeopardy. Indeed, it can now truly be
said that the unfettered free movement of capital has engendered a world market in government policies: an international
competition which causes the will of the people to become subordinate to the will of the markets. Even more frightening,
however, is the fact that governments are powerless to re-regulate capital markets and corporations because, if attempted,
such action would result in capital and corporate flight. Even the G-7 acting together would be powerless for fear of capital
fleeing to Singapore, Zurich or the Cayman Islands. So it can truly be said that the free market represents the global
institutionalisation of unrestrained competition: competition that is now beyond the control of any single nation nor of any group
of nations. It should also be clear that global free-market competition, such as we have it today, is not a basis upon which
fairness, environmental or labour protection can result. Indeed, competition is not about fairness – it’s about winning.
In the light of this lack of control on the part of national governments, it is perhaps inaccurate to see the WTO as the cause of
our global ills. After all, financial market deregulation and the ability of transnational corporations to move production across
national borders are both phenomena which clearly pre-date the establishment of the WTO. But having unwittingly lost control
over the global economy, and having then found themselves abandoned to its competitive forces, the only response national
governments could make was to ensure that competition be allowed to exert its power more rigorously and ‘fairly’ by setting
up the WTO for the purpose. The WTO should, therefore, more properly be regarded as a symptom of the absence of control
over the global economy rather than its cause.
Germain Dufour stipulated that:
a) the formation of global ministries to manage the world affairs in several aspects of our lives: energy, agriculture,
environment, health, Earth resources, Earth management, security and safety, emergencies and rescues, trade, banks,
speculation on world markets, peace, family and human development, water resources protection, youth, education, justice,
science and technology, finance, human resources, ethics, human and Earth rights, sustainable development, industry, and
manufacturing products, etc. Global ministries will be given power to rule themselves in harmony with each other. The WTO
will not be the only global ministry that can rule on cases related to trade. the formation of global ministries to manage the
world affairs in several aspects of our lives: energy, agriculture, environment, health, Earth resources, Earth management,
security and safety, emergencies and rescues, trade, banks, speculation on world markets, peace, family and human
development, water resources protection, family and human development, water resources protection, youth, education,
justice, science and technology, finance, human resources, ethics, human and Earth rights, sustainable development, industry,
and manufacturing products, etc. Global ministries will be given power to rule themselves in harmony with each other. The
WTO will not be the only global ministry that can rule on cases related to trade.The Earth Community Organization, the Human
Family, is calling for the immediate formation of the Earth Ministry of Health. The globalization of trade, the extensive
mouvement of people all over the world, the increase of poverty and diseases in developing countries and all over the world,
have caused pathogens and exotic diseases to migrate over enormous distances and now, are an increasing threat to local
ecosystems and communities, economies and health of every human being and all life. The Earth Community Organization, the
Human Family, is calling this threat of the upmost importance and must be dealt with immediately by every nation. We must
manage health in the world. We are calling for the immediate creation of the Earth Ministry of Health .
b) the debt of the poor nations to the rich nations was in actuality a form of global tax and therefore the poor or
'developing' nations dont have to pay it back. In fact poor nations should expect way more money as tax by the rich nations
and not as loans. The state of the world today is the result of a specific set of interlocking institutions: the IMF, the
World Bank and the WTO. These institutions are designed to generate massive wealth for the few and poverty for the rest.
The same people who make the decisions in government and corporation make the profit. They create a tight concentration of
power. Together they are a form of anti-government whose only goal is profit. The IMF, through Structural Adjustment
Programs, now directly runs the economies of over 70 countries. That means that about 1000 economists and bureaucrats
control the economic policies for 1.4 billion people in these countries. That is a form of anti-government. The people that profit
most from the global economy are white people. The people who are most oppressed by the global economy are people of
colour. Racism and sexism have become the norm. The entire planet is in a state of low intensity civil war. The ruling elite
profit off of the exploitation of the rest of the world. The Earth Community Organization was looking for a method of
raising global taxes, of redistributing incomes to the poorest communities, of providing debt-free technical assistance to
non-industrial and developing countries to help them out of poverty and to meet environmental and social standards, but there
it was all along right on our eyes. The Earth Court of Justice will be asked to decide on the debt be changed into an
actual tax to be paid by the rich nations to the poor nations, and to decide on the amount of tax to be paid. Developing nations
will then be able to start rebuilding their communities as per the Scale of Human and Earth Rights and the Charter of the Earth
Community. They will not have to satisfy the economic needs and wishes of the rich nations. The Earth Court of Justice will
also be asked to rule illegal the activities of the IMF, the World Bank and the WTO unless they become a part of a greater
whole such as the Earth Ministry of Financial Institutions, a part of the future Earth Government. These institutions will be
controlled by the greater whole.
c) reforming the structure and the voting system of the United Nations to reflect democracy. Democracy of the New Age
Civilization will blossom out of the Scale of Human and Earth Rights.
d) requiring that the FTAA, the EU and the WTO be governed by the Scale of Human and Earth Rights and the Charter of
the Earth Community.
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This section is represented at the following site
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Hector Sandler, Rashmi Mayur, Tatiana Roskoshnaya and Alanna Hartzok proposed A Green Tax Shift Policy Approach To Financing Local-To-Global Public Goods.
There is a troublesome and painful contradiction in the lives of many of us who are working for peace, justice, poverty
eradication, debt cancellation and sustainable development. While our hearts and minds focus on building a better world for
everyone, each day we hand over fistfuls of dollars to build weapons of mass destruction, fuel dangerous, dirty and polluting
technologies, and subsidize huge conglomerates which concentrate the wealth of the world in the control of the few. But
together we can end tax tyranny and align our visions and values with how we finance our governments.
Taxation not only raises money to fund government services, it also reflects the overall value system of a society. The goal of
green tax policy is to create a system of public finance which strengthens and maximize incentives for:
* Fair distribution of wealth
* Environmental protection
* Basic needs production
* Provision of adequate government services
* Peaceful resolution of territorial conflicts
Green tax reform makes a clear distinction between private property and common property. Private property is that which is
created by labor. Common property is that which is provided by nature. Green tax policy removes taxes from wages and other
private property and increases taxes and user fees on common property. Reducing taxes on labor increases purchasing
capacity, reducing taxes on capital encourages efficiency. Shifting taxes to land and resources curbs speculation and private
profiteering in our common property and is a practical way to conserve and fairly share the earth.
Captured in brief soundbites, tax waste, not work; tax bads, not goods; pay for what you take, not what you make; and
polluter pays become tax shift principles readily translated into voter friendly policy recommendations with broadbased political
Green tax policy CUTS taxes on:
* Wages and earned income
* Productive and sustainable capital
* Sales, especially for basic necessities
* Homes and other buildings
Green tax policy INCREASES taxes and fees on:
* Land sites according to land value
* Lands used for timber, grazing, mining
* Emissions into air, water, or soil
* Ocean and freshwater resources
* Electromagnetic spectrum
* Satellite orbital zones
* Oil and minerals
Green tax policy seeks to ELIMINATE subsidies environmentally or socially harmful, unnecessary, or inequitable. Slated for
drastic reduction or complete removal are subsidies for:
* Energy production
* Resource extraction
* Commerce and industry
* Agriculture and forestry
* Weapons of mass destruction
Danny Cassimon attempted at making a strong case in favour of the introduction of a specific type of tobin tax as a powerful instrument
of the promotion of sustainable development, both directly as well as indirectly. Indirectly, it can discourage financial
speculation and currency crises with their devastating effects on countries; directly, as a tax, the proceeds of it can be used as
an alternative source of sustainable development finance in order to promote the establishment of international public goods.
The original Tobin tax proposal can be made into a feasible instrument by engineering it as a two-tier tax (the so-called Spahn
version of the Tobin tax), with tax collection through the international settlements system.
Germain Dufour explained that:
The Earth Community Organization was looking for a method of raising global taxes, of redistributing incomes to
the poorest communities, of providing debt-free technical assistance to non-industrial and developing countries
to help them out of poverty and to meet environmental and social standards, but there it was all along right
on our eyes. The Earth Court of Justice will be asked to decide on the debt be changed into an actual tax to
be paid by the rich nations to the poor nations, and to decide on the amount of tax to be paid. Developing
nations will then be able to start rebuilding their communities as per the Scale of Human and Earth Rights and
the Charter of the Earth Community. They will not have to satisfy the economic needs and wishes of the rich
nations. The Earth Court of Justice will also be asked to rule illegal the activities of the IMF, the World Bank and
the WTO unless they become a part of a greater whole such as the Earth Ministry of Financial Institutions, a part
of the future Earth Government. These institutions will be controlled by the greater whole.
The WTO, the World Bank, the IMF and the UN are worldwide organizations that can and should be used to
raise global taxes to redistribute to the poorest and developing nations. The Earth Court of Justice will see to
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Mr. Stanley Agbonifo introduced our organization, Poverty Alleviation Crusaders (NGO), in accordance to our organization’s commitment
towards Poverty Alleviation. Among our mission statement objectives are contributing to diminishing information gap and
furthering a better understanding of the need to promote democratic rights and good Governance, small scale Agricultural
production, promotion of small scale commercial and industrial enterprises, promotion of skills acquisition and self employment
scheme, coupled with provision of rural and community based infrastructural facilities, youth employment and vocational skills
development/open apprenticeship programme and other related project in relation to our focus on enhancing the survival
capabilities of the disadvantage/destitutes and under-represented in our host communities, we are also part of the UNESCO
Culture of Peace and Non Violence Initiatives for Children of the world.
MALIK AMIN ASLAM described How to ensure Sustainable Development in Developing Countrie.
Germain Dufour explained that the debt of the poor nations to the rich nations was in actuality a form of global tax and therefore the poor or 'developing'
nations dont have to pay it back. In fact poor nations should expect way more money as tax by the rich nations and not as
loans. The state of the world today is the result of a specific set of interlocking institutions: the IMF, the World
Bank and the WTO. These institutions are designed to generate massive wealth for the few and poverty for the rest. The
same people who make the decisions in government and corporation make the profit. They create a tight concentration of
power. Together they are a form of anti-government whose only goal is profit. The IMF, through Structural Adjustment
Programs, now directly runs the economies of over 70 countries. That means that about 1000 economists and bureaucrats
control the economic policies for 1.4 billion people in these countries. That is a form of anti-government. The people that profit
most from the global economy are white people. The people who are most oppressed by the global economy are people of
colour. Racism and sexism have become the norm. The entire planet is in a state of low intensity civil war. The ruling elite
profit off of the exploitation of the rest of the world. The Earth Community Organization was looking for a method of
raising global taxes, of redistributing incomes to the poorest communities, of providing debt-free technical assistance to
non-industrial and developing countries to help them out of poverty and to meet environmental and social standards, but there
it was all along right on our eyes. The Earth Court of Justice will be asked to decide on the debt be changed into an
actual tax to be paid by the rich nations to the poor nations, and to decide on the amount of tax to be paid. Developing nations
will then be able to start rebuilding their communities as per the Scale of Human and Earth Rights and the Charter of the Earth
Community. They will not have to satisfy the economic needs and wishes of the rich nations. The Earth Court of Justice will
also be asked to rule illegal the activities of the IMF, the World Bank and the WTO unless they become a part of a greater
whole such as the Earth Ministry of Financial Institutions, a part of the future Earth Government. These institutions will be
controlled by the greater whole.
The Earth Community Organization proposes a unique way to eradicate poverty around the world:
giving to the people of the developing nations an essential democratic right, the right to vote, one vote per million
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JAMES MWAMI investigated the need for public participation in
watershed development. Soil and water conservation activities are under various agro-ecological and socio-economic
circumstances in different parts of the World. However, for a multitude of reasons farmers do not generally engage on their own in investment in soil and water conservation. In the more advanced economies farmers may sometimes take initiative, but in most cases they are stimulated to do so as a result of specific government policies, direct
incentives on participation in specific projects.
Uganda government has now come to realise that proper implementation of such activities depend on the acceptance by and full participation of the population, so that soil conservation and reforestation activities become less dominated by regulations. There is a shift towards "protect and produce" including less direct soil conservation related activities (e.g. promoting tree crops) and the measures are accompanied incentives (e.g. subsidies) or by rural development "starter" activities (e.g. drinking water supply) to incite farmers to participate. In other words conservation has gradually evolved into regional development activities using "watershed activities"
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6. The formation of global ministries to manage the world affairs in several
aspects of our lives: energy, agriculture, environment, health, Earth resources,
Earth management, security and safety, emergencies and rescues, trade, banks,
speculation on world markets, peace, family and human development, water
resources protection, family and human development, water resources
protection, youth, education, justice, science and technology, finance, human
resources, ethics, human and Earth rights, sustainable development, industry,
and manufacturing products, etc. Global ministries will be given power to rule
themselves in harmony with each other. The WTO will not be the only global
ministry that can rule on cases related to trade. |
Professor Gerard D’Souza explained that over the past decade or so, the underlying emphasis of U.S. farm policy has changed dramatically. The earlier emphasis was
on price supports and a commodity orientation More recently, the emphasis has shifted to broader societal goals including
resource conservation and environmental protection. Simultaneously, worldwide, there is increasing emphasis on
decision-making consistent with sustainable development principles. This paper analyzes the extent to which U.S. farm policy is
consistent with the growing emphasis on sustainable development. To achieve this objective, first an inventory of current
conservation-related policies is undertaken. Next, various sustainable development measures are reviewed. Finally, the
so-called Bellagio principles are used to determine consistency of U.S. farm policy with sustainability principles. The Bellagio
principles, often used to conduct objective assessments of sustainable development, were articulated by an international body
that convened in Bellagio, Italy, in 1996. Our analysis reveals that while current conservation policies are consistent with
sustainable development principles in the short run, they appear to be contradictory in the long run.
The various conservation programs reflect the awareness of sustainability concepts, that natural resources are finite, that there
are limits to the carrying capacity of the earth’s ecosystem and that economic, environmental and societal goals need to be
pursued within these limits. However, the incorporation of intergenerational equity into the program objectives seems to be
inadequate. Thus, while current conservation policies are consistent with sustainable development principles in the short run,
they appear to be contradictory in the long run.
Heinrich Wohlmeyer and Hermann Dissemond have analyzed the Effects of the present World Trade Order on the agricultural markets in the light of conditioning
sustainable Development. Identification of necessary changes and proposals for the positioning of Austria within
the coming WTO-negotiations.
The analysis of the effects of world trade in general and on agricultural markets in particular is put into a comprehensive
context, in order to gain the scientific coordinates for a balanced judgement. Therefore the study encloses a description of the
present world trade order as well as deliberations on the theory of trade and of welfare economics - up to a chapter on
ecological economics.
Germain Dufour described the Governance of the Earth in the true colour of the purple.
We have the responsibility of managing Earth. The partnership of government, civil society, and business is essential for an
effective global governance based on global concepts, the Scale of Human and Earth Rights and the Charter of the Earth
Community. One cannot talk about the governance of the Earth without talking about the most influential bodies or institutions
of the world that actually govern or rule the world today, or have the power to change it and actually do change the world in
many different ways. So we will talk about the United Nations, the major global economies or planetary economic blocks, the
richest people and corporations on the planet, the IMF, the World Bank, the WTO, religions, the debt of the poor nations, the
restoration of the planet and the global life-support systems. And of course we will also talk about sound solutions to the world
Brain-storming exercise during Global Dialogue 2002 in Toronto
Participants: Mrs. Kuri Jayafure, Mrs. Alka Karir, Textile designer, Ms. Tamara Sanchez and Germain Dufour
Title: Formation of a Global Ministry of Environmental Health.
1. Must be non-profit, grassroots, and at community level.
2. Finances: drug companies and governments.
3. Global Declaration
a) very strict and mandatory
b) all nations participate
c) scientists and professionals in the fields who have dedicated their lives to environmental health
d) humanitarians
4. Manifesto
a) Self-sustainable society or NGO focusing on environment and health
b) Global market should not deplete natural resources
c) cut down in pollution
d) Reassessing American culture, consumerism in America
e) Consumer responsibilities and accountabilities
f) Environmental health costs
g) Cost on the environment
h) Prices should reflect environmental cost
i) Recycling whenever possible
j) Reducing
k) Each nation should see that they are sustainable communities before exporting
l) Taking on a nation's problem at the roots level (if a deisease exist there then the nation should address that issue)
m) ECO should help manage getting rid of that disease
n) Make use of traditional methods to solve problems
o) Use natural ways to put in the environment when solving problems
The recommendations are now a part of
This is section in F1.
Formation of a Global Ministry of Environmental Health
1. Must be non-profit, grassroots, and at community level.
2. Finances: drug companies and governments.
3. Global Declaration
a) very strict and mandatory
b) all nations participate
c) scientists and professionals in the fields who have dedicated their lives to environmental health
d) humanitarians
4. The functioning of the NGO is as per Manifesto.
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This section is fully described at the following location
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This section is fully described at the following location
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This section is fully described at the following location
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This section is fully described at the following location
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Alanna Hartzok described A Model of Resource Rents for Public Investment and Citizen Dividends.
Wars are often fought over the ownership and control of land and natural resources. Inequitable ownership and wasteful,
unsustainable use of the earth¹s resources are root causes of both the unjust wealth gap between the rich and the poor and the
depletion and collapse of our natural resource base.
This paper describes the form and function of the Alaska Permanent Fund as a model governmental institution for collection
and distribution of natural resource rents, particularly oil, and makes suggestions for improvement of the Fund. It also presents
an analysis of fundamental issues regarding natural resource and territorial claims and urges the establishment of a Global
Resource Agency to collect and distribute transnational resource rents.
Vassily A. Agaphonoff explained his World Economic-Ecological Model. Growth of the planet's population and growth of personal consumption stipulate the necessity of economic growth. The ruling
world economic model (market economy based on private property and competition) goes to aims of economic growth.
Factors limiting economic growth are limitation of Earth and all her resources and also final's man's opportunities and human
society (physiologic, mental and social opportunities) as moving power of economic growth and consumer of its results.
Limiting factors of biosphere will be narrower and harder in case of loosing biovariety.
Germain Dufour proposed that we have the responsibility of managing Earth. The partnership of government, civil society, and business is essential for an
effective global governance based on global concepts and the Scale of Human and Earth Rights. The Earth Community
Organization (ECO) has created the Earth Resources Ministry for Earth Governance. ECO is also proposing the creation
of several other global ministries for the management of Earth (energy, agriculture, environment, health, Earth resources, Earth
management, security and safety, trade, peace, youth, education, justice, science and technology, finance, human resources,
ethics, human and Earth rights, sustainable development, industry and manufacturing products, etc.). Each ministry would have
a similar power as that given to the WTO organization.
The creation of global ministries is a part of the "Belief, Values, Principles and Aspirations of the New Age" (see the Charter
of the Earth Community on our website). The Earth court of Justice will prosecute cases stemming from the global
Prosecuting is based on:
a) the Scale of Human and Earth Rights
b) the "Belief, Values, Principles and Aspirations of the New Age" (see the Charter of the Earth Community on
our website and see Articles in Newsletters for latest updates)
c) international treaties and conventions in force
d) international custom
e) the general principles of law and
f) as subsidiary means, judicial decisions and the teachings of the most highly qualified publicists.
ECO has summarized the rights of every person on Earth by developing the Scale of Human and Earth Rights. The scale
will eventually be replacing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Divine Will has caused the event of the New Age
Civilization, the age of symbiotical relationships and global cooperation. ECO has begun to establish the existence of the New
Age Civilization all over the planet. An economically base symbiotical relationship exists between nations of the European
Union. Other types may be created all over the world between communities, nations, and between people themselves. They
may be geographical, economical, social, business-like, political, religious, and personal. There has always been symbiotical
relationships in Nature, and between Souls and the matter of the universe to help creating Earth and life on Earth to better serve
God. National governments and large corporations have taken the wrong direction by asserting that free trade in the world is
about competing economically without any moral safeguards and accountability to peoples and the environment. The proper
and only way is for free trade to become a global cooperation between all nations. The Earth Community is proposing a
solution that the process of trading within the planetary trading blocks be changed from a spirit of global competition to that of
global economic cooperation. This is the new way of doing business, the new way of life.
The Earth Court of Justice will hear cases involving crimes related to the relentless misused of the Earth resources. The Earth
Resources Ministry will have a similar power as that given to the WTO organization. It will have the power to rule on cases
involving crimes related to the relentless misuse of the Earth resources.
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Germain Dufour said that the Earth Community Organization is promoting the settling of disputes between nations through the process of the Earth
Court of Justice.
War is the greatest violation of human rights that one people can inflict on another. It brings deaths and injuries, starvation,
diseases, millions of people losing their homes and livelihoods, and massive destruction of property. Children and teenagers are
placed in internment camps, and several are often forced to serve as soldiers. War not only corrupts the morals of soldiers, it
leads to a decline in the morality of the whole nation. Political and military leaders are always convinced that their particular war
is justified. From their point of view, there are several reasons to go to war: loyalty to allies, religion, a thirst for power, greed,
ancient grievances to be settled, or the desire to alleviate suffering among their people. A nonviolent settlement to a conflict
would always be more advantageous. War is self-defeating because it cannot secure what it sets out to achieve, protection
against attack. The hatred for the enemy whipped up by war and the desire for revenge among the losers leads to an accursed
vicious circle from which there is no escape. The difference between agressive and defensive, or just and unjust wars, is
ridiculous. They are tags each side adopted to suit its interests. War and militarism destroy civil liberties within a nation.
What happens to a person's conscience when he/she wears the uniform of the soldier? It is enslaved to the state. He must kill
when ordered. No government, whether democratic or despotic, can allow the soldier to decide what to do according to his
conscience. That would undermine discipline and the power to fight.
The Earth Community claims that everyone on Earth should be able to live in peace. This peace mouvement is about
courage. Not the courage it takes to go into battle but the courage to organize resistance to war when a bloody taste for it
inflames the world, and the threat of prison in a nation where the human rights and freedom of expression have diminished
significantly. It is about the courage to say NO to the war industry. It is an industry that destroys life on Earth, corrupts society,
and violates morality. Military intervention in the affairs of other nations is wrong. There are other ways, there are peaceful
ways, ways that are not based on profit-making and the gain of power for itself. We are conscientious objectors,
"nonresistants". That word comes from Jesus, opposing the use of violence: "Ye have heard that it hath been said, an
eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth: but I say unto you, that ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on
thy right cheek, turn to him the other also."
The evil is the war industry. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus develops the ethic of nonviolence and love of the enemies.
Early Christians were probably the first individuals to renounce participation in war unconditionally. "Blessed are the
peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God." And he told Peter, "All they that take the sword shall
perish with the sword." Christ has taught us to show mercy, to forgive enemies, to put up patiently with oppression, to return
only good for evil and love for hatred and, therefore, war is inconsistent with the Spirit of Jesus Christ. This shows that a
Christian should take no part in war, never, in any way. This all means that violence is futile in the long run. To respond to
violence with violence is only perpetuating a vicious cycle of violence.
The people of the Earth Community are dedicated in using our resources to resolve conflict, promote democracy, and fight
hunger, terrorism, disease, and human rights abuses. In order to bring about the event of peace, the Earth Community is
offering other good organizations around the world to work together to bring warring parties to peace. We can accomplish this
task by concrete actions such as:
a) Tracking armed conflicts within and between nations around the world and offering assistance in dispute resolution;
b) Promoting human rights and democracy;
c) Monitoring democratic elections;and
d) Educating the public about the advantages of a peaceful solution to any conflict.
The Earth Community Organization (ECO) has given back responsibility to every citizen on Earth. Everyone shares
responsibility for the present and future well-being of life within Earth Community. We will work together in working out sound
solutions to local and global problems. It would be wrong and dishonest to blame it all on the leader of a country. Most
problems in the world must find solutions at the local and global community levels (and not assume that the leader alone is
responsible and will handle it). There is a wisdom in the ways of very humble people that needs to be utilized. Every humble
person deserves to have ideas respected, and encouraged to develop his or her own life for the better. Sound solutions to help
manage and sustain Earth will very likely be found this way. Everyone can help assess the needs of the planet and propose
sound solutions for its proper management, present and future. Everyone can think of better ideas to sustain all life on Earth and
realize these ideas by conducting positive and constructive actions. When there is a need to find a solution to a problem or
a concern, a sound solution would be to choose a measure or conduct an action, if possible, which causes reversible
damage as opposed to a measure or an action causing an irreversible loss; that is the grassroots process. The Earth
Community Organization can help people realized their actions by coordinating efforts efficiently together.
The responsibility of a peacemaker is to settle differences through compromise and negotiation before they erupt into
violence. Conflicting views do not have to bring about fighting. War is an irreversible solution to a problem. War is never an
appropriate solution to resolve a conflict.
The worst environmental degradation happens in wars. Farm products in fields and livestock are abandoned, there is no
more control on toxic wastes, and water, air, and land are polluted. People are displaced and feel no longer responsible for the
quality of life in their communities. Historically, the industrialized nations have caused the most damage to the environment, with
their careless technology and policies. Emissions from factories and vehicles have caused ozone depletion and acid rain.
Leaders of the wealthier nations must be willing to accept responsibility for past mistakes and to help pay the financial burden
for environmental protection of the developing nations. This is the most damaging conflict of interests between the rich
industrialized countries and those that are poor and struggling just for existence. The Earth Community must help wealthy and
poorer nations reach a better understanding of each other's needs. All aspects are interrelated: peace, human rights and the
environment. The poor is more concerned with ending starvation, finding a proper shelter and employment, and helping their
children to survive. Environmental issues become meaningless to the poor. In reality, all concerns are interrelated. As soon as
the environment is destroyed beyond repair, human suffering is next. Ecology has no boundaries. All nations suffer the effects of
air pollution, global warming, loss of biodiversity, soil erosion, acid rain, ozone depletion, silting of streams, and countless of
other environmental problems. This was the reason for proposing to the Earth Community the Scale of Human Rights.
The Earth Community wants to provide a forum where international conflicts could be argued and resolved peacefully. Because
of hatred and mistrust, disputing parties always find it difficult to express constructive ideas or proposals. A face-to-face
meeting may not even be possible. The Earth Community offers to be a trusted third party that would carry ideas back and
forth, put forward new proposals until both sides agree. When both parties feel they have gained more than they have lost from
the process, the outcome is a win-win settlement for peace.
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Danny Cassimon attempted at making a strong case in favour of the introduction of a specific type of tobin tax as a powerful instrument
of the promotion of sustainable development, both directly as well as indirectly. Indirectly, it can discourage financial
speculation and currency crises with their devastating effects on countries; directly, as a tax, the proceeds of it can be used as
an alternative source of sustainable development finance in order to promote the establishment of international public goods.
The original Tobin tax proposal can be made into a feasible instrument by engineering it as a two-tier tax (the so-called Spahn
version of the Tobin tax), with tax collection through the international settlements system.
Germain Dufour explained that the global economy can be affected by the deregulation in the movement of capital and thus by speculation. Money is made
off tiny fluctuations in the relative prices of currencies. Speculation makes it possible for huge amounts of money to be
transferred half-way around the world in a matter of seconds. Whereas world trade associated with actual goods and services
is estimated at $7 trillion a year, speculation is estimated at $1.5 trillion a day. If a country's economy starts to slow, billions of
dollars can be transferred out of the country instantaneously, which can significantly affect its economy and the people. This has
been the case in 1997 of a number of East Asia countries. They were bankrupted by speculation. The people were enormously
affected for the worst. Speculation can exert tremendous pressure on the internal politics of a country. It can bankrupt a
country's economy. Speculation should be de-institutionalized. Humanity has no real need for speculation, and it does way
more damage than good. Speculation is a form of gambling and is evil.
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Germain Dufour explained that politicians create wars. They send the military to solve their problems, satisfy their interest and needs, and destroy the problems or create new ones to be in line with the war industry lobbying.
The political game is as deadly as the military game. Peace is the worst enemy to both the potical and military people as peace does not pay for monthly mortgage bills, car payments and lust of the people living off the war industry. It was estimated that in the United States alone the war industry feed over fifty million Americans and has a monthly budget of more than ten trillion american dollars. These people are evils. All of their Souls have already been purified.
They will never see the light again.
The Earth Community Organization is promoting the settling of disputes between nations through the process of the Earth Court of Justice. Justice for all is what we want.
Ever since the end of World War I the British tried to
colonize the arabs and Moslems of the Middle East and surroundings. Over the past two years, we have proven in articles of several of our Newsletters that the British and American peoples have tried to invade and colonize
the Arabs and Moslems of the Middle East. Israel is the Trojan Horse to achieve their goal. Back in 1947, the US have coerced the United Nations to create the State of Israel. It was an illegal and arbitrary process (or the lack of it) that created the State of Israel. There was never a Referendum
conducted in the region to find out if there were any reason at all for the creation of Israel (at the time there were only a few Jews in the region) against the will of over one billion Arabs and Moslems. The reason was colonization and invasion of the Middle East for profit and self-interests. Brut and simple exploitation of the people of the Middle East and of their resources.
Another invasion but different than the invasion of Vietnam and of other Peoples by the same invaders. After World War II, at the UN, it was easy for the US to get all the allies on their side. The Five Permanent Members of the UN (Great Britain, France, China, US, Russia) had no objection and all passed the resolution that created the state of Israel.
That was all that was required. No process! All political! Politicians created the State of Israel without any reason except preparing grounds for a
systematic invasion of the Middle East and the exploitation of the Arabs and Moslems and of their resources. In Canada, every province have jurisdiction over
their resources. Ask to the Premier of Alberta what he would say if Ottawa was to create a new agency to manage or take over the resources within his province. He would probably seperate from the rest of Canada and join the US. So why would it be
any different in the Middle East? Dont people from other nations have the rights to own and control their resources? The US do not think so. We are asking the US to justify their action in the Earth Court of Justice (not in the news media which they own and control). We want Justice for all and universal. We want a process
for the creation of new nations. We want the Earth Court of Justice to be an independent and impartial body that will create the process and verify it
for the case of the creation of the State of Israel.
It has become a necessity to implement a total embargo on all US, Russian and European Union nations mass destruction
chemicals, nuclear war heads, weapons, war products and war equipment. The war industry throughout the world must be put
to a complete halt and shelved forever from humanity. The Earth Community is asking all peoples never again to buy there
products. The war industry is the "Mother of all evils in the world".
Let us define what is meant by the "war industry". The war industry comprises all persons (a person can be an organization
such as a government, a business, a non-government organization, an institution such as a university or an institute of
technology, or it can be a professional, an individual, or the like) directly or indirectly related to the research, engineering,
production, manufacturing, promoting, selling, use of war products, war equipment, war ships, war planes, or the like. Conflicts
and wars are often created for the exploitation of tax payers of a country and resources, for the purpose of making a profit and
protecting self-interests. The war industry will use every mean possible to survive as an industry.
All persons working, directly or indirectly, for the war industry, are responsible and accountable to humanity and to God for
anything happening to their products after they are sold. Even here in Ontario, Canada, we manufacture weapons and war
products. Workers go home happy after a good day of work. They have to pay for their mortgages and make car payments
and others. They are mostly Christians. When they go to work, they leave their religious beliefs at home. Ethical and moral
values no longer touch them. They dont think that are actually responsible and accountable for spreading evil all around the
world. They think they are "good people", good citizens. Every single bullet you manufacture you are responsible and
accountable for it, all of you from the President of the company to the employee on the industrial line. Our Society holds
responsibility and accountability as well. And if that bullet happened to be a nuclear war head then it becomes even more
imperative to held the manufacturer and the people involved responsible and accountable.
It is the same idea for any consumer product. You manufacture, produce, farm or create a product, you become responsible
and accountable of your product from beginning to end (to the point where it actually becomes a waste; you are also
responsible for the proper disposable of the waste).
People in our society often argue that their manufacturing products and the trading principles or rules that regulate their actions
are all legal! But what about ethical values and moral principles?!
Greed is what drives belonging or involved with the war industry. By making an astronomical profit through the selling of arms,
war products and equipment to all of the Middle East countries, including Iran, Irak and Afghanistan, and by sucessively calling
these old friends their new enemies and terrorists, and destroying their countries, America and Great Britain have shown that
they could never be trusted. Since the Cold War is over, the only American interests in the Middle East are the cheap crude oil
and the protection of Israel. The Jews come first even if it mean to fight and annihilate the entire Islamic Civilization with nuclear
war heads. If you have any doubt that they would do such an atrocious crime, ask the people from Japan and also, ask the
Russians as they have back off from rubbing their noses with those of the American and the British.
Today the war industry is exploiting the issue of terrorism for profit. Everyone knows terrorism cannot be fought by
conventional warfare but that would not deter the industry from saying it is the best way to get rid of terrorists. Our
governments are now spending tax dollars used for social and environmental programs and services to pay for more war
products and equipment. Terrorists have committed the horrible acts of september 11 because the war industry brought terror
in their homeland and is continuing to do so today in Afghanistan and in Palestine. In the "Letter to the people of the
Middle East", the Earth Community has asked Muslims not to buy war products and equipment from the West or from any
country in the world. The only way to fight evil is by not buying its products. The industry should die eventually, hopefully. But
now the war industry is organizating a massive international media campaign to make taxpayers pay for their expenses. More
illusions about protecting the humble people from nuclear war heads being sent from one continent to another. The terrorist act
of September 11 has shown that if terrorists wanted to use war heads they would not use intercontinental missiles.
Throughout the 20th Century, the war industry has created the worse evil humanity has ever encountered: the business of
conflicts and wars. It is a business that has made trillions of dollars (American) and will continue to do so. It is the "mother
of all evils" created by human beings. It has no moral value, no understanding about Life, no respect for anyone or anything,
no law except the ones that it makes for itself, and all its products are meant to kill and destroy. It has sold its products to the
enemies for the purpose of making more profit. It has subdued governments all over the world to make them buy its products.
It has given trade and way of doing business a bad reputation and, therefore, it is a threat to the establisment of business.
Although the war industry has a good public image, it does not really matter who is the buyer as long as he pays good money.
The proof of this reality was easily verified by finding out what war products and equipment were being used by Iran, Irak,
Afghanistan, and other Middle East countries. Over 90% of all war products and equipment were made in the USA, Great
Britain, Germany, France and Russia. Four out of five of these countries are Permanent Members of the United Nations and
that means they have almost a 100% control on any proposal submitted to the organization. The fifth Permanent Member
missing here is China. Shortly after the September 11 event, the UN Security Council has approved war against the people of
Afghanistan. To get China to vote YES they gave China a membership in the World Trade Organization(WTO).
War brings terror to the children and wonen of Afghanistan. War brings deaths, and destroy everything. War creates more hate
and, therefore, more terrorism. War brings money and wealth to the war makers in the West and the war industry. And the
taxpayers pay for it. Innocent people here in the West and in the Middle East are killed because of the greedy war industry.
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SUSAKI Ayato and ASUKA-ZHANG have examined the potential impact of carbon credit revenues on the attractiveness of projects, we conducted a financial
assessment of thirty-five energy projects and one forestry project that have been supported with the AIJ/JI/CDM feasibility
study subsidy schemes by the Japanese Government. For scenarios with different carbon credit price, we calculated the
payback period, internal rate of return (IRR), or net present value (NPV) of the projects. The results indicate that: 1) majority
of energy projects proposed were .$B!H.(Bplant rehabilitation.$B!I.(B and .$B!H.(Bfuel use change.$B!I.(B; 2) in general,
financial viability of the projects proposed in the subsidy scheme was not so high considering the opportunity cost and
transaction cost; 3) revenue from carbon credits will have the most impact for forestry projects. Therefore, for energy projects
that are not very attractive to the private sector without carbon credits, the additional incentive provided by such revenues may
not be sufficient to induce private investment in many cases.
Slav Akimov and Ozod Mukhamedjanov described the global degradation of ecosystems:
* Global degradation of ecosystems
* Collapse of Central Asia
* Findings and proposals
Brad Bass examined what should our cities look like in a restorative economy? This question is not often asked in discussions on industrial
ecology or biomimicry (an attempt to mimic biological processes in energy production, materials production, information
storage, etc). A focus on the factory or office without considering the larger locational context in which these activities take
place will not fully address problems of water quality, water supply and air quality, not to mention climate change.
Alexander Wegosky explained that Modern waste-lands in their absolute majority are the effects of irrational activity of people. Among them one can take out
gains, sites after fires, gullies, deserts, salt – ridden lands, scrubby lands, swamplands, dirt piles, land having not been used in
agriculture for considerable period of time for any reason, etc. To the same category should be applied deserted villages and
other settlement abandoned by people, as well as desolated industrial objects, firing grounds, spontaneous dumps, zones of
radio and chemical contamination and other territories having been left because of depleting their resources. Mosaic
archipelago of Russian waste-lands occupies the territory more then 500 mln hectares and area in is getting larger at a rate of 4
hectares per minute. In the planetary scale this value must be in at least ten times of higher level. The process of degradation of
Russian landscapes keeps its rate and even gets faster. It occurs at the expense of bedding of the plough-lands because of
ass-arts, military actions, degradation of bottomlands, spontaneous creation of new dumps likely to appear by the sides or
railroads and motor – ways, as well as at the places used by the urban population for recreation.
Roger Doudna explained that it is no longer enough to stop the current destruction of the world's ecosystems - we need to embark on a major programme of
ecological restoration, to help heal the wounds which we have already inflicted on the planet. To achieve the shift required of us
all so that the continued health and well-being of humanity and all other species may be assured, we propose that the United
Nations declare this to be the Century of Restoring the Earth, that the next 100 years be dedicated to helping our planetary
ecosystems heal. The scope and magnitude of work required to achieve this necessitates long-term thinking, on the scale of a
century, and a whole series of projects, both small scale local ones and larger, internationally coordinated initiatives.
Germain Dufour proposed that the restoration of the planet be conducted through GCAC.
of the
for discussion and joint action
on issues of local and global concerns
and for the restoration of the planet, our home
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ZHONGXIANG ZHANG investigated the implications of progressively broadening the scope of the market of tradable permits from no
emissions trading to full global trading. We start with the no emissions trading case where each Annex I country must
individually meet its Kyoto targets. Next, we consider a case where trading of emissions permits is limited to Annex I countries
only. We then expand the scope of the market to include all the non-Annex I countries but China. Finally, to investigate the role
China plays in bringing down Annex I countries' compliance costs, we further broaden the market to include China into full
global trading. Our results clearly demonstrate that the gain of the OECD as a whole increases as the market expands. Our
results also show that developing countries themselves benefit from such an expansion too because it not only provides them
for additional financial resources, but also helps to cut their baseline carbon emissions by a big margin. By contrast, the former
Soviet Union tends to become worse off as the market expands. The potential conflict of interest between the former Soviet
Union and developing countries underlines the importance of establishing clear rules of procedure about admitting new entrants
before emissions trading begins.
The Kyoto Protocol incorporates emissions trading, joint implementation and the clean development mechanism to help Annex
I countries to meet their Kyoto targets at a lower overall cost. This paper aims to estimate the size of the potential market for
all three flexibility mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol over the first commitment period 2008-2012, both on the demand
side and on the supply side. Based on the national communications from 35 Annex I countries, the paper first estimates the
potential demand in the greenhouse gas offset market. Then, the paper provides a quantitative assessment of the implications of
the EU proposal for concrete ceilings on the use of flexibility mechanisms for the division of abatement actions at home and
S. Augustin, J. Katima, E. Klawe & B. Lyimo analyzed tropical tree plantations may be an important component of the global carbon cycle because they represent a carbon sink that
can be manipulated by humans and they ca mitigate the effects of tropical deforestation, which is the main biotic source of
atmospheric carbon.
Most forest plantations in the tropics are planted with fast growing trees that culminate in volume and biomass production
earlier than natural forests. These high biomass production forests have a high capacity to sequester atmospheric CO2 and
hence assist in mitigating global warming. Sequestration of CO2 in plantations occurs in tree biomass (stems, branch, foliage
and roots), forest floor and as storage in the soil. Young growing forests are one of the best means to removing CO2 (the gas
partially responsible for the greenhouse effect) from the air. Thus planting forests help to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide
in the air (by the action of sunlight on the green chlorophyll organic compound, CO2 is absorbed by trees through the small
fissures in the leaves or needless, these gases are fixed as biomass).
Dr. Anastassios Gentzoglanis Carbon dioxide is one of the main culprits for greenhouse gases and the reduction of emissions of this toxic substance has
become the topic of the agenda. Greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels. Accelerated
industrial activity in many developed and developing countries has dramatically increased the levels of these emissions in the air.
Mass deforestation has also cut the globe’s ability to absorb these gases. The dilemma is how to find ways that permit the
economic growth without jeopardising the environment. Canada along with other 37 countries has ratified the 1997 Kyoto
protocol according to which the emissions of greenhouse gases must be reduced significantly by year 2012. It has adopted the
policy of private-enterprise solutions to the global warming problem.
As the date of reducing significantly the emissions of greenhouse gases is approaching, many wonder whether governments
would ever consider the adoption of some measures to reduce the accelerated deterioration of the atmosphere. It is feared that
the uncontrolled industrial activity may lead to a situation where further economic development would be impossible.
Greenhouse gases believe to cause warming of the earth’s climate, leading to erratic whether, melting polar caps and drought in
already warm regions. The ecological equilibrium is in jeopardy. From a policy perspective the radical plan hammered out by
politicians in Kyoto is the first concrete initiative to fix targets for a significant reduction of greenhouse gases. Although the
timetable set for gases emissions reductions is considered by some too long and by others too short, the fact of the matter is
that the countries which ratified the Kyoto protocol have not taken, as yet, any concrete measures to the application of the
agreement. Plausible questions arise as to the seriousness of politicians and policy makers to tackle this problem.
Canada is a case in point. It has pledged, under the Kyoto agreement, to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 6 per cent from
1990 levels by 2012. It has opted to use a market where every ton of carbon dioxide that is removed from the atmosphere or
prevented from being emitted is bought and sold on an exchange like the one that already exists in the U.S. for sulphur dioxide
emissions – a market that is now worth an estimated $500-million (U.S.) in trade a year. Under such a regime overpolluters
could offset their reduction obligations with credits. Demand and supply for credits would provide the appropriate incentives
for reducing emissions. Actually, prices, as determined in the auction exchange market, would provide the appropriate signals
for emissions reduction. A strong demand for the credits would push up the price of the units and create a powerful incentive
for others to create more credits by devising innovative means of cutting emissions. Such an environmental regulation provides
incentives for technological change and better environment.
Section II examines in more detail the greenhouse gas emissions problem and the measures developed to gauge sustainability.
Section III analyses the economic implications of global warming and presents a review of the literature. Section IV examines
the impact of the Kyoto protocol on both industrialised and developing countries and compares its effects under international
tradable permits and independent abatement schemes. Economic arguments such as first-mover advantage and incentives for
technological change under environmental regulation are also examined. The last section concludes and offers policy
The Kyoto accord has set the bases for a cleaner environment and the participating countries are currently trying to develop the
necessary means for attaining the targets established. The most favoured approach is the use of trading permits. This
private-firm solution is debated by many as far as its efficiency is concerned. Economists, however, demonstrate the superiority
of this approach compared to most direct ones such as taxes and direct penalties. Little progress has been done though world
wide even in the use of this approach. The apparent difficulty lies in the uncertainty surrounding the real threat emanating from
the presence of sulphur dioxide and the sheer size of costs associated with the reduction or the curtailment of the emissions of
gases. Given that the costs are ten times higher than the estimated benefits little interest exists from private firms and
governments to implement the necessary measures for cleaner environment.
It is argued in this paper that the estimated costs and benefits, although valid in a strict economic sense, neglect some important
facets that can make an important difference in the outcome. The benefits arising from the reduction of CO2 emissions are
calculated as the environmental damages that are avoided by preventing rising concentrations of gases. Although costs are
calculated in a more direct way the benefits are at best uncertain. Even the direct benefits are really difficult to calculate, never
mind the indirect ones. Cleaner environment and better standards of living arising out of emissions curtailment are difficult to
quantify accurately. Should such comprehensive calculations were possible we would have a more balanced picture of the true
costs and benefits. The international trade in emission rights reduce the calculated costs without altering drastically the
ecological capital. Weak sustainability is possible and it can be achieved by relying on the market mechanisms, such tradable
pollution permits.
In a ever increasing competitive environment firms have a particular interest and incentive to comply with the Kyoto accord first
before their competitors do so. The competitive advantage thus gained makes them more efficient and financially stronger, not
weaker. The very recent experience with an ever increasing number of firms seeking to strike deals in getting trading permits is
an evidence in point. Such a market is worth more than $60 billion-a-year in the U.S. alone. If politicians agree on clear rules
for international trading, the global market could in time reach a trillion dollars a year. Such a growth in the market of tradable
permits is quite promising as far as weak sustainability is concerned. Governments should abide to concrete and permanent
rules on trading of pollution permits so that polluters and non polluters find the way to trade their permits and reduce the
pollution of the environment. By rendering markets more perfect (information becomes more symmetric) the quality of the
environment in the future can only get better.
Germain Dufour explained that what is truly remarkable about this year G8 Summit is that the problem of global warming is not on the Agenda.
What is even more remarkable is that Canada, Japan, Russia, and the United States have not ratified the Kyoto
Protocol on global warming. That is four out of eight countries that dont care about protecting the global life-support
systems. The people of those countries have no conscience about life. The Kyoto Protocol was agreed upon by the nations of
the world in December 1997. It sets legally binding emission targets and outlines several innovative policy instruments. Possible
alternatives concerning future international climate policies were analysed as well. Only the four above-mentioned nations have
decided to withdraw from the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol. Canada has already made clear that it was following the steps
of the USA.
In the light of the U.S.A., Canada, Japan and Russia refusal of taking actions to avert certain global calamity in regard to global
warming, the Earth Community has decided to try these nations for their crimes against humanity. We have asked them to ratify
the Kyoto Protocol as it is. Greenhouse gases are accumulating in the Earth's atmosphere as a result of human activities, and
temperatures are rising globally due to these activities. There are plenty of observable effects of the global warming. And
certainly this ridiculous and false solution of buying environmental credits from each other should not be considered as a way
out of resolving the problem. The ratification is only a beginning to protect the global life-support systems. There is much more
to do! But those four countries are not even coming close to a first start in resolving the problem. And they are amongst the
worst polluters on the planet.
The Earth Court of Justice has listed America as the first nation to be prosecuted for a global environmental crime. Because
the leader of the USA was responsible for not ratifying the Kyoto Protocol, and because his leadership is questionably believed
to be base on his religious believes (see Article in May 2002 Newsletter: Leadership of a nation and religion), President
George W. Bush will be first to appear in Court. The reality here is that every American is on trial here. Every consumer
producing the deadly gas causing global warming is on trial. The same goes for every person on Earth producing the deadly
gas. The gas is just as deadly as the gas that murdered millions of Jews during World War II. It is even more deadly as it is
destroying the global life-support systems of all life on Earth. We are killing billions of human beings and countless life species.
Americans have closed their conscience to the reality of life on Earth. They are showing a bad example to the other nations of
the world. Even Canada is following in their steps. Justice must prevail to stop the "killing fields". And therefore they are
guilty as charge.
It is a crime against humanity and all life on Earth not to ratify the Kyoto Protocol. It is a terrible crime against the global
life-support systems, against the very existence of the next generations. On the Scale of Human and Earth Rights, the crime
is of maximum importance. There is no need to wait for the election of the Earth Government to create the Earth Court of
Justice. The Court can be formed now and incorporated to the Earth Government later.
Prosecuting criminals on the basis of universal jurisdiction regardless of a territorial or nationality nexus required a solid
commitment of political will from national governments and Earth Community.
It is not clear how far Canada is willing to go to reach the Kyoto target of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions to 6 per cent below the 1990 level during
the period 2008-12. The Canadian Action Plan 2000 on Climate Change includes no calculations, and it is not shown how the Action Plan will
As far as complaints from Canadians such as those from Premier Ralph Klein of Alberta and the rich Oil & Gas Industry, we let them know that the signing
of the Kyoto Protocol is for their own good and that of the next generations. Every member of the Global Community understands your suffering but you are the richest
province of Canada and you have for too long live a life of a spoiled child from the rich Canadian oil and gas resources. Certainly you have made
enough savings by now to take your share of the burden of the pollution you have created ever since 1970 (the findings of the rich oil and gas wells).
The Government of Canada has reimbursed 33 1/3 % for every dollar the corporations of the province of Alberta have spent on exploration and development work. The average cost of developing a new well
was about one million dollars. One third of this one million was paid using Canadian dollars. Thousands of corporations have applied and received money back for their
expenses (these expenses often included hidden parts such as meals, air flight costs, and the costs of a lustful life). Several billions of tax dollars were
given away as incentives to the Oil & Gas Industry. It is the industry that truly and practically runs the Province of Alberta. Most of these corporations are owned by foreigners, a lot of them being from the USA. Not only you have wasted
billions of those Canadians tax dollars but you are now complaining about not wanting to stop the effects of the global warming. You are obviously from the USA. Calgary and Edmonton are the worst cities per capita in Canada
in creating the deadly gas causing global warming. Just how much of your kind of madnest is the world going to have to suffer before
we stop you completely?
The Oil & Gas Industry throughout the world will take a large part of the burden of resolving the problem of global warming. All oil and gas producing
nations of the world will take a large part of the burden. You have misused and wasted the natural resources of the Earth for personal profit and self-interests. You have
made it cheap for others to do the same. Consumers are using your product in wasteful ways. You are responsible and accountable for the creation of global
warming all over the world. Worst of all, all of the oil and gas producing nations are using their profits to feed the War Industry, the business
of conflicts and wars. You have made it cheap to develop and manufacture more new ways to destroy ourselves as human communities and also destroy the
global life-support systems of the Earth.
Over the past decades, the USA has dropped out from the rest of world
in fighting against global warming. The US position on global warming was
made very clear just before the September 11 events. They have decided
to opt-out of the discussion. If we were to say what is the most important
cause which brought about global warming and the near destruction of the
Ozone layer we would have to say that it is trade. Trade is about the manufacturing
and exchanging of consumer products all over the world. We have already
explained in previous Newsletters why Free Trade and the creation
of planetary trading blocks are threatening the extinction of life on Earth.
The free trade agreement between nations must protect and improve social
and environmental rights, not just the economy. A sustainable development
in the world would mean finding a sound balance among the interactions
designed to create a healthy economic growth, preserve environmental quality,
make a wise use of our resources, and enhance social benefits.
The European Union leaders have agreed to ratify the 1997 Kyoto Protocol by the end of this year. Let us hope that the action plan they will
offer to the world will be real and honest. The Earth Community Organization has created the Climate Change Ministry, the Earth Ministry of the Environment, and offer
national governments all over the world to coordinate efforts in implementing the Earth Community Action Plan with regard to climate change.
There are thousands of actions everyone in Earth Community could take right now.
Several more of these actions were listed in the Proceedings of the World Congress on Managing and Measuring Sustainable
Development - Global Community Action 1 held on August 1-22, 2000.
Positive actions:
A) By developing a method of raising global taxes, of redistributing incomes to the poorest communities, of providing debt-free technical
assistance to non-industrial and developing countries to help them out of poverty and to meet environmental and social standards.
B) Aboriginal Peoples as well as everyone else in the world have noticed that the climate has changed over the past years.
They came forward (actions) and said that they too had observed climate changes over the past years and generations. In some countries the temperature has increased
by one or two degrees and natural catastrophes are becoming more and more frequent. Flooding or freshwater scarcity as well as
water pollution are harming the environment of the Third World and developing countries and water and air pollution characterizes the
industrialized regions. Therefore, poor and rich regions are facing a common problem which is linked to climate change, that's why
we should negotiate honestly and find a compromise as quickly as possible. If no
solution is suggested, developing countries like China will
repeat the same mistakes as the developed world. In fact, the latter can expect a higher salary, which will close the gap between rich
and poor regions.
World industrial activity is now profoundly
affecting the atmospheric environment. It is now the population number and industrialization that makes the major impacts on the
atmosphere. The most important changes affecting the atmosphere are due
to the growth in the burning of fossil fuels. The burning of fossil
fuels increases carbon dioxide concentrations and air pollutants. The
clearing of forested lands for agriculture and other purposes has
reduced the amount of carbon absorbed by the forests and contributed to
the increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide. We have disturbed a fragile
balance by causing chemical changes in the global atmosphere.
The most devastating effects of contamination of the atmosphere on a
global scale include:
* An increase in greenhouse gas concentrations brought the warming of the climate;
* Depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer;
* Acidification of lakes and forests; and
* Toxic chemicals have contaminated our food chain on the land and in the waters.
The most sophisticated climate models take into account factors such as:
The changes in the radiation balance of the Earth;
Contamination of the atmosphere;
Greenhouse gas concentrations;
Absorption of heat by the oceans;
The ice and snow fields;
The hydrological cycle of precipitation; and
The melting of glaciers and the Greenland ice cap.
A consequence of a warmer climate is a rise in global mean sea-level.
Several countries will be more susceptible to inundations. We will see
hundreds of millions of environmental refugees searching for land.
The mid-latitude wheat belts of the planet will dry; forest fires will
wipe out most of the forests; world food markets will have to adjust to
help a starving population.
Tourism and wildlife in the tropics will be seriously affected by a
temperature that is just too hot.
Tropical diseases will cause epidemics.
Major changes in evaporation and precipitation patterns will not adjust
quickly enough to supply the population with water it needs to survive;
agriculture will become a dying industry either because of too much
water or not enough of it.
Sub-Arctic communities will disappear because of the melting of the
It is well known that biological communities of the waters and of the
land absorb and bio-accumulate toxic contaminants through the food webs.
Trace concentrations deposited by the atmosphere have become harmful.
They are chemicals carried through the atmosphere to seas, rivers, lakes
and other streams, and subsequently into sediments and soils. Metals and
chemical contaminants can be absorbed for a long time, and are in fact
chemical 'time bombs'.
Urban air pollution is a mixture of several pollutants emitted from different
energy and industrial processes, and of secondary pollutants in the atmosphere.
Some air pollutants are more important than others. At a given concentration
some pollutants are more toxic or more unpleasant. Pollutants have different
effects related to health, ecosystems, economics and aesthetic.
C) Tropical tree plantations may be an important component of the global carbon cycle because they represent a carbon sink that can be
manipulated by humans and they ca mitigate the effects of tropical deforestation, which is the main biotic source of atmospheric
Most forest plantations in the tropics are planted with fast growing trees that culminate in volume and biomass production earlier than
natural forests. These high biomass production forests have a high capacity to sequester atmospheric CO2 and hence assist in
mitigating global warming. Sequestration of CO2 in plantations occurs in tree biomass (stems, branch, foliage and roots), forest floor
and as storage in the soil. Young growing forests are one of the best means to removing CO2 (the gas partially responsible for the
greenhouse effect) from the air. Thus planting forests help to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the air (by the action of sunlight
on the green chlorophyll organic compound, CO2 is absorbed by trees through the small fissures in the leaves or needless, these gases
are fixed as biomass).
D) Ever-increasing anthropogenic releases of greenhouse gases are driving the United Nations Climate
Change effort. As the atmosphere's concentrations of "greenhouse gases" increase, so too does the atmosphere's ability to retain heat
radiated from the earth's surface. This phenomenon, known as the greenhouse effect, is linked by many scientists to a long-term rise
in global temperatures.
The greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, are critical to the atmosphere's ability to retain heat and
thereby maintain the global temperatures necessary to maintain life as we currently know it.
The increases in concentrations of these gases are produced primarily through the burning of fossil fuels, but also by such
activities as deforestation and land clearing, which release the carbon naturally contained in vegetation. Over the past 100 years,
humans have caused the release of these gases faster than natural processes can remove them from the atmosphere.
Some scientists predict that average global temperatures will increase 2 to 6 degrees Fahrenheit over the next 100 years if global
emissions of greenhouse gases continue unabated. In addition to an increase in ambient temperatures, the other possible consequences
of global warming include a speeding of the global water cycle. It is predicted that faster evaporation caused by higher
temperatures would lead to drying of soils, exacerbating drought in some areas while increasing precipitation and flooding in others.
Warmer temperatures could melt polar ice caps, leading to what some predict as a rise in sea levels of between 6 to 37 inches over
the next century. This, in turn, would endanger coastal populations and island nations and cause the degradation of coastal
ecosystems. If these predictions prove true, human health will be affected directly as warmer temperatures increase the chances
of heat waves, exacerbate air quality problems and lead to an increase in both allergic disorders and warm weather diseases.
Agriculture, forests, natural ecosystems and vegetation patterns would also be adversely affected by both increases in temperatures
and changes in the water cycle.
E) By increasing vegetation in urban areas will reduce the urban heat, and the impacts of other urban environmental problems, which
will be exacerbated under climate change. Reducing the urban heat will also reduce the energy demand for space conditioning,
and hence greenhouse gas emissions. Plants directly reduce the urban heat through evaporative cooling but further reduce energy
consumption through shading. The most common strategy to increase urban vegetation is to plant trees at ground level. However,
where space is not available for trees, vegetation can be grown on building roofs, but walls offer far more space, hence vertical
gardening is a viable alternative.
F) The Kyoto Protocol is the latest step in the ongoing United Nations' effort to
address global warming. The effort began with the United Nations' Framework Convention on Climate Change (Convention) signed
during the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. (The Convention entered into force in 1994 upon the ratification by 50
nations) Despite the continuing scientific debate on the likely occurrence of global warming, the nations took action
under the "precautionary principle" of international law.
The Convention is intended to stabilise greenhouse gas concentrations at a level that will prevent dangerous interference with the
global climate system. The time frame is to be
"sufficient to allow ecosystems to adapt naturally to climate change, to ensure that food production is not threatened and to
enable economic development to proceed in a sustainable manner."
To further that objective, the Convention sought to commit all parties to it to develop and implement programs to mitigate climate
change by addressing emissions of greenhouse gases.
The Convention places the first level of commitment to reduce emissions on nations that have developed, prospered and established
strong economies through the consumption of fossil fuels since the industrial revolution began. These developed countries are the
38 countries listed in Annex I to the Convention.
The Convention recognises the importance of preserving and enhancing the earth's natural ability to remove certain greenhouse gases
from the atmosphere by FORESTS and other carbon stocks, referred to as "sinks". The removal by sinks is also a key component of the
Protocol, which allows countries to meet their commitments by considering the effects of afforestation, reforestation and
deforestation since 1990, a provision that is expected to promote cost-effective solutions to climate change and good forestry
The Kyoto Protocol put forward three mechanisms for achieving the targets. These include mechanisms such as emissions trading,
joint implementation and the so-called "Clean Development Mechanism" (or CDM), to allow flexibility in achieving the required
Assuming that development and maintenance of sinks will be accepted under CDM, knowledge on the calculation of the amount of
Carbon dioxide that can be sequestered by a given project needs to be known. At times this will involve establishing the carbon
offset potential of a given forest venture, before the project is in place. Use of mathematical models to predicted the carbon
sequestration potential will be important. Our paper is discussing the results of study done in Tanzania.
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Joy Hyvarinen and David Baldock provided a brief overview of issues related to climate change, agriculture and the EU and to
consider related developments in the international climate negotiations. The paper focuses on carbon sequestration. The Sixth
Conference of the Parties (COP 6) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will take place in
November 2000 in The Hague, the Netherlands. One of the most contentious issues on the agenda concerns the extent to
which 'carbon sinks', including agriculture-related ones, will be included in the Kyoto Protocol. The EU and the US have taken
very different approaches to this issue. First, the paper describes the main Kyoto Protocol provisions and related decisions
facing the UNFCCC Parties. It then looks at the links between climate change and the agriculture sector, before considering
the EU's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). In conclusion, the paper addresses some of the current negotiating issues.
Aubrey Meyer explained that:
(a) a history all country fossil fuel production and consumption 1800 - 2000. The consumption data comes from CDIAC and
the production data comes from industry sources; all is expressed in gigatonnes carbon content.
(b) a scenario of all country fossil fuel production and consumption 2000 - 2200. The consumption data is generated from
GCI's CCOptions model expressed in gigatonnes carbon content and the production data is as follows.
The 'scenario' projects a global carbon consumption/production contraction budget with an integral consistent with IPCC's
stabilisation of atmospheric CO2 concentration at 450 ppmv (CO2 only) by around 2100. Consumption shares coverge to
international equality per capita by 2030, which is then the (UN medium fertility) population base year, in this image.
The equivalent integral of oil, coal and gas production comes from integrating the data for the declining availability of
conventional oil supplies consistent with the data published by the IEA in 'The World Energy Outlook" at the end of 1998,
accompanied by Campbell's long range estimates for gas depletion. Future coal production is 'matched' to the balance of the
450 ppmv consumption integral. Future international production shares of coal remain proportional to shares in 1997 for
Records show that global conventional oil discovery peaked in the 1960s and that global production of conventional oil is
peaking in this decade.
This all country depletion data in the oil/coal/gas production production scenario, show that roughly two thirds of conventional
reserves are in the Gulf Middle East and that their annual global production share is rising from 30% to +50% during this
present decade [2001-2010}. The rising oil price is almost certainly a function of this shift already.
This has significant implications for global climate policy. To arrive at higher CO2 atmospheric ppmv futures the increased
production/consumption of fossil fuel would have to come from rates of increased coal production that to many might seem
S. Augustin, J. Katima, E. Klawe & B. Lyimo have designed a model to assess the above ground-biomass for two even-aged, single species plantations with the
same site class (Pinus patula and Eucalyptus saligna) as an attempt to quantify the carbon storage potential of the two species
and their possible roles in carbon sequestration and atmospheric carbon dynamics.
Germain Dufour explained that the Earth Community makes the following recommendations to alleviate the effects of climate change in the world:
1) Introduction of appropriate sustainable agricultural system with balanced use of chemical fertilizers incorporated organic
and green manure's.
2) Phase wise replacement of chemical fertilizer by organic fertilizer. Similarly biodegradable insecticide should be replace by the
non-biodegradable insecticides.
3) The entrepreneur should take proper mitigation measures of industrial pollution by set-up of industrial waste treatment plant.
4) Control of insect, pests through biological, natural process, alternatives of using harmful insecticides or fungicides is important to
5) Promotion of research activities in the field of industrial waste utilization and waste recovery process.
6) Reutilization of agricultural residues through bio-conservation to industrial products.
7) Need proper implementation of Environmental Policy, Environment Conservation Act’s and Legislation.
8) Enhancement of the capacity of NGOs, Govt. agencies to successfully implement poverty alleviation program including non-formal
education on environmental pollution awareness.
9) There are approaches to limit and regulate the pollution emissions of industrial activities. These are standards, taxes and
pollution permits. The choice among these alternatives depends on the administrative structure of a nation.
In an urban community site, air usually
contains materials such as nitric oxide, sulfur oxide, carbon monoxide,
aldehydes, dust and many others. A city would have a department measuring
indicators and indices in order to:
a) Provide a daily report to the public
b) Define air pollution in terms of the amount of pollution created by polluters
c) Define air quality in all parts of the city
d) Measure progress toward air quality goals
e) Propose abatement steps
f) Alarm the public in case of danger
g) Provide data to researchers
h) Provide information for compliance
i) Make intelligent decisions with regard to priorities of programs toward environmental improvement
10) Immediate and honest actions by the USA, Russia, Japan and Canada, and all countries in resolving the problems creating
the greenhouse gases. The ratification of the Kyoto Protocol and the implementation of measurable positive actions
to resolve the problems of global warming.
11) The support of the Climate Change Ministry, the Earth Ministry of the Environment, in coordinating efforts.
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