Politics and Justice without borders
Actions for the good of all as per the Statement of rights, responsibilities, and accountabilities of the Global Community citizens
Table of Contents
The Global Citizens Peace Movement was a success. Global Community Earth Government (GCEG) congratulates all volunteers who participated in organizing the walk for peace. Submit your nomination for the ECO Award in the category of the Global Citizens Peace Movement. Love-hate relationhip between America and the Muslim and Arab worlds has roots in the fundamental human rights and may be simply defined as the opposition of two worlds: a world where life is a gift of God and should be respected versus a world where the messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (GR)(GR), is dearer than parents, their children and themselves. Six months ago, a famous journalist of the BBC attacked Arabs describing them as a worthless nation. In spite of being a renowned figure with a daily program in Britain, his slandering was rejected by the British as racist and he was fired from the BBC. We have heard of the conflict caused by the media industry showing picture of the Prophet Muhammad (GR)(GR). Let us examine in this Newsletter the two different human rights defined in the Global Constitution. Perhaps the best place to start is by understanding both sides, both the media industry and the Muslims view point. There exists a cultural vagueness in the West. This vagueness results from the presence of two different concepts. The first is a great Western concept that we respect, appraise, and need. That concept is freedom of speech. This is a great humane and civilized concept. On the other hand, there is the great Islamic concept of dignifying Allah Messenger (GR). The problem arises due to the lack of understanding of the Islamic Civilization and the Western Civilization regarding these two concepts. The non-Muslims cannot value the rank of dignifying the Prophet (GR). The value of freedom of speech should be adapted to Muslim values. And indeed, this was accomplished in the Global Constitution. Freedom of religion and belief is a guarantee by a government for freedom of belief for individuals and freedom of worship for individuals and groups. It is considered by many to be a fundamental human right. Freedom of religion must also include the freedom to practice no religion (irreligion) or the belief that there exists no deity (atheism). The Scale of Human and Earth Rights is very clear about 'freedoms'. But it is also very clear about 'fundamental rights'. 'Fundamental rights' have priority over 'freedoms'. Every human being has 'fundamental rights'. Those rights are part of the Primordial Human Rights, section 2 on the Scale. They are much more important than the freedoms themselves and, therefore, should be respected at all times. The media industry includes the Internet, movie, television and news industries. And as well all newspapers. They are major sources of global unsecurity. They display a culture of violence in everyday life in newspapers, on television screens and cinemas. The American Way of Life is creating this culture of violence. An american child at age six year old has seen more violence on television than any other child of the Middle East over a life span. This culture of violence infects both industrial and developing countries, rich and poor. This trend of culture of violence must end. Newspapers, the Internet, the movie and TV industry are a threat to global security. The media industry should be restricted severely. They are many other reasons for doing so. The rights of the media industry need to be restricted from the widespread abuses of child pornography, offenses against human dignity as express by Muslims, and the culture of violence and fear offered every day by the media industry. The media industry is responsible for the propagation of violence through communications. Why has government not done anyhting to regulate the media industry? Surely everyone understood that on the Scale of Human and Earth Rights security of a nation is more important than the human rights related to the freedom of expression of the media industry. Security of the people and the state is on top of the Scale. It is part of the primordial human rights. While freedom of expression is a right found lower on the Scale and is classified partly as * Community rights and the right that the greatest number of people has by virtue of its number (50% plus one) and after voting representatives democratically (these rights can be and are usually a part of the constitution of a country) and partly as So the freedom of expression of a person is not as important as the security of that person and the security of the state. It is also not as important as fundamental rights. GCEG Earth Court of Justice will prosecute all criminal activities and charge all offenders from the media industry, including those who insulted the Prophet (GR) name and image. Humanity is going through a phase of global consciousness. We see entire nations making choices based on what is good for themselves, today self-interests, versus what is good for the next generations and all life on the planet. In other words, they make choices between global politics versus international politics. International politics are driven by national interests, self-interests, while Global politics are about the survival of all of us of the planet. Global politics have never been handled for the view of what is best to humanity. If and when we did, we did something of no consequences. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and subsequently the Human Rights Charters of many nations, were good examples of failures to humanity. We developed rights and gave them equal importance. Nothing we can apply to any real situations. Nothing real! No where in Nature do we ever observe rights of equal importance. We, human beings, invented the Declaration and now much of our future is dependent on it. What is truly real is the Scale of Human and Earth Rights. It is a scale of social values. Just think about a situation where a group of people are watching a basketball game. Suddenly someone observed a hole in the roof and a dangerous structural fault. The roof is likely to fall anytime soon. That someone gives the alarm. Now what is the most important thing to do right now? If you think like someone with a good common sense, the most important thing to do right now is of course to have everyone out of the building. But if you think like those who developed the Declaration, you would still be watching the game (making sure that all basketball players follow the rules of the game as they have the same rights) and you would be dying later on along with everyone else in the building. Not a good scenario! What if it is a deadly gas coming into the building? a fire? an earthquake? a flood? What if the building is the Earth, home to all life we know of. What about climate change?! Green gases causing it. Deadly gases! The Kyoto Protocol is giving the alarm! What is the most important thing to do? That is the purpose of the Scale of Human and Earth Rights. It tells you what are the most important rights to sustain humanity now and in the coming future. An analysis has shown that the Declaration of Human Rights and Charters of Nations all over the world dont even consider these important rights. They are not even included. All because those who developed the Declaration were living in a different world where we live, where human beings live on Earth. They lived in an imaginary space where everything is just as important as everything else. We have to rectify their failures of helping humanity. We have to throw away the Declaration and Charters, and adopt the Scale. Simple as that! Global politics is about doing what is right for all of us now and in the future, and for all life on the planet. We base our understandings and actions on principles we all know are rights deep down. You cannot have a nation invading another nation for its resources? its water? its oil and gas? We have chaos without principles! We have conflicts and wars. There are ways of doing things that will give everyone a good survival chance. There are global equitable and sustainable solutions. Global politics are meant to guide us on the right path. They are meant to bring humanity on a safe ground. They are about the survival of all of us of the planet. This is what people who work hard, pay their taxes and play by the rules want from their political leaders. You don't expect politicians to be perfect. But you do want to know that your tax dollars - money you've worked for - are being spent properly and wisely. You've been let down. How many time have we heard of corruption at the United Nations: remember the ' oil for food program', and now american corporations are making billions of dollars "rebuilding Iraq" or is it destroying Iraq to have the contracts of rebuilding it. There is so much corruption that it stinks to the Moon. Many other organizations are corrupted and have no intention of changing their ethics rules: * World Trade Organization (WTO), Most dont even have ethics. If they do they dont follow them. The problem is the system they have created. It has become clear that this culture of waste, mismanagement and corruption cannot reform itself. GCEG needs a President who will lead by example. We need a President who will fix the system rather than defend its beneficiaries. I did not get into politics to get a title or position. I got into politics to fight for the things I believe in. As President, I will lead by example. I will begin the process of fixing the system by legislating and enforcing the GCEG Responsibility and Accountability Act – a specific, detailed and credible plan to clean up bad global governance. Accountable government. You deserve nothing less. Join me and help make it happen. A very important legislation is the Global Citizens Rights, Responsibility
and Accountability Act which, after its approval by Global Parliament,
will define rights, responsibility and accountability of all global citizens.
Each and everyone of us will make decisions, deal with one another, and
basically conduct our actions as per the Act. The final document will be
brought forward for approval during the Tenth Global Meeting of the
Global Community Earth Government, Fall 2006. People from all nations
of the world, and all National Governments, are invited to amend the document
proposed here today (read Press Release Feb. 26, 2006 A group project for you: send us your own short version of the Act. It has to be developed from the actual longer version shown here. Depending on the level of participation, we may have different categories for this special project. Global Parliament will be reviewing all proposals. During the Ceremonies of Global Dialogue 2006, Global
Dialogue 2006
Global Community Earth Government (GCEG) has found that detainees at Guantanamo Bay - held there since the war in Afghanistan as "unlawful combatants" -
and suspected al-Qaeda and Taleban members, will not get a fair hearing.
The detainees held at Camp Delta on the isolated US base include about 680 people captured during the war against the Taleban in Afghanistan, launched by the US after the 11 September 2001 attacks.
After the detention centre opened in January 2002, US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld called its inmates "among the most dangerous, best trained, vicious killers on the face of the Earth".
It is in the best interest of the Global Community that they get fair and just trials. Camp Delta death chamber plan Some detainees may be executed if convicted at military trials. A court and execution chamber could be built at the US detention Camp Delta in Cuba under plans being drawn up by military officials. Military tribunals for some of the hundreds of men detained at the US base on Guantanamo Bay moved a step closer last month with the appointment of a chief prosecutor and chief defence counsel. Pentagon rules for the tribunals permit death sentences to be passed and the construction of a death chamber at the camp is among options being considered. Renovation work such as rewiring has begun on a number of buildings which could later be designated as courts for the tribunals. There are also plans to build a permanent prison block for those convicted and sentenced and an execution chamber should any be sentenced to death. All have been classified as "enemy combatants" and as such are not entitled to legal representation or a civil trial. None have yet been charged though cases are being prepared against 10 or more detainees. Makeshift camp conditions attracted criticism But many are now thought to be low-level fighters and civilians. Prisoners have been subjected to cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment. Prisoners were never given the right to be visited by and to correspond with, in particular, members of his family or counsel, and given adequate opportunity to communicate with the outside world, subject to reasonable conditions and restrictions as specified by law or lawful regulations. Prisoners have never received adequate medical care. Many prisoners were said to be suffering from poor health which could be aggravated while in detention. Some detainees were often given little more than cursory medical examinations and in a number of cases prison officials have reportedly refused to comply with inmates’ repeated requests for medical attention. The lack of adequate medical attention in places of detention is in direct contravention of Global Law legislation. ![]() A proper medical examination should be offered to a detained or imprisoned person as promptly as possible after his admission to a place of detention or imprisonment, and thereafter medical care and treatment should be provided whenever necessary. This care and treatment should be provided free of charge. GCEG Earth Court of Justice recommendations to the USA government:
1. order the immediate and unconditional hand-over of all prisoners to the Earth Court of Justice;
Global Community Earth Government (GCEG) congratulates volunteers from all over the world for participating in promoting peace by actually walking the street with signs and showing an admirable solidarity against the war in Iraq. We got the point across to the Global Community. You have let your heart, mind and Soul do this walk for peace. Thank you all! We deserve a reward of recognition for the good we do. GCEG will reward some of us with the 2006 ECO Award in the category of the Global Citizens Peace Movement. Submit your nominations now. Read the info shown on ECO Award webpage at ![]() The best way to win the war against terrorism is to live a life with principles and showing by example. We need to educate the coming generations with good principles, being compassionate and sustainability being some of them. The Preamble and the first few Chapters of the Global Constitution ![]() All religions are required to conduct positive actions for peace, join the Global Citizens Peace Movement, and re-examine scriptures, precepts, practices, ethical and moral values in light of ecological concerns. The global community is facing a global environmental crisis. It is very important that every person on Earth accept of being part of the process in protecting the global life-support systems. The ecological crisis is as much about saving children as it is about saving other lifeforms on the planet. Our objective is to find statements from all religions that promote the respect, stewardship, protection, ethical and moral responsibility to life and of the environment, the Earth global life-support systems, and statements that promote a responsible earth management. We are also asking for specific statements on environmental conservation such as those expressed by the Islamic religion. The war industry is the "mother of all evils" of our world. It must be shelved. War products and equipment from all nations must be decommissioned. Join the Global Citizens Peace Movement. ![]() GCEG is promoting the settling of disputes between nations through the process of the Earth Court of Justice. On the Scale of Human and Earth Rights wars are the worst criminal offenses. War is the greatest violation of human rights that one people can inflict on another. It brings deaths and injuries, starvation, diseases, millions of people losing their homes and livelihoods, and massive destruction of property. Children and teenagers are placed in internment camps, and several are often forced to serve as soldiers. War not only corrupts the morals of soldiers, it leads to a decline in the morality of the whole nation. Political and military leaders are always convinced that their particular war is justified. From their point of view, there are several reasons to go to war: loyalty to allies, religion, a thirst for power, greed, ancient grievances to be settled, or the desire to alleviate suffering among their people. A nonviolent settlement to a conflict would always be more advantageous. War is self-defeating because it cannot secure what it sets out to achieve, protection against attack. The hatred for the enemy whipped up by war and the desire for revenge among the losers leads to an accursed vicious circle from which there is no escape. The difference between agressive and defensive, or just and unjust wars, is ridiculous. They are tags each side adopted to suit its interests. War and militarism destroy civil liberties within a nation. What happens to a person's conscience when he/she wears the uniform of the soldier? It is enslaved to the state. He must kill when ordered. No government, whether democratic or despotic, can allow the soldier to decide what to do according to his conscience. That would undermine discipline and the power to fight. The Global Community claims that everyone on Earth should be able to live in peace. This peace mouvement is about courage. Not the courage it takes to go into battle but the courage to organize resistance to war when a bloody taste for it inflames the world, and the threat of prison in a nation where the human rights and freedom of expression have diminished significantly. It is about the courage to say NO to the war industry. It is an industry that destroys life on Earth, corrupts society, and violates morality. Military intervention in the affairs of other nations is wrong. There are other ways, there are peaceful ways, ways that are not based on profit-making and the gain of power for itself. We are conscientious objectors, "nonresistants". That word comes from Jesus, opposing the use of violence: "Ye have heard that it hath been said, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth: but I say unto you, that ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also." The evil is the war industry. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus develops the ethic of nonviolence and love of the enemies. Early Christians were probably the first individuals to renounce participation in war unconditionally. "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God." And he told Peter, "All they that take the sword shall perish with the sword." Christ has taught us to show mercy, to forgive enemies, to put up patiently with oppression, to return only good for evil and love for hatred and, therefore, war is inconsistent with the Spirit of Jesus Christ. This shows that a Christian should take no part in war, never, in any way. This all means that violence is futile in the long run. To respond to violence with violence is only perpetuating a vicious cycle of violence. God prohibits killing, and no exception at all ought to be made to the commandment that it is always wrong to kill. The sanctity of human life is unconditional. A short while ago God, Allah, has spoken to humanity once more. The New Revelations are His Word. His Revelations are to be added to previous ones revealed thousands of years ago. Together they are God's Word, and they will guide humanity for the thousands of years to come. His Word reinforce His compassion and love for humanity and His care for all living inhabitants on Earth and of Earth itself. God has said: "Thou shall banish war as a solution to problems between communities. All Souls involved with war, directly or indirectly, shall face the Soul of Humanity to be purified. All Souls involved in the making of weapons, war product and equipment shall be facing the Soul of Humanity." There are several reasons for objecting to war: religious, moral and political. People have different degrees of refusal to go to war. Absolute pacifists, such as the Global Citizens, will not cooperate with any preparation for war as decided by the war industry, let alone war itself. Others will accept some kinds of service so long as they are not forced to fight. And others are willing to fight in "just wars." The idea of the "just war" began with St. Augustine. Late in the fourth century he argued that the good Christian, barred from doing violence on his own behalf, could take arms in a war that was just. Several theologians now say that the standards for a just war are: a) War must be the last resort and used only after other means have failed. It can be debated whether any war has ever satisfied all these reasonable conditions. There werer always Christians who rejected violence. They believed Christ's way was the pursuit of peace. During the Crusades, from the eleventh to fourteenth centuries, Christians fought to recover the Holy Land from Islam, and the Church plunged into extreme violence and cruelty. Even then there were some who had the courage to criticize the theory and practice of their time. They were like the early Christians in denouncing war. Only now they were not rebelling against a heathen empire but against the wordly Church. In their opposition they formed sects, separate from the official Church. Their pacifist convictions found their source in a return to the Bible. These awakened Christians went back to the fundamental ideas of Christianity, to the New Testament, and took the Sermon on the Mount as their ideal. The people of the Global Community are dedicated in using all its resources to resolve conflict, promote democracy, and fight hunger, terrorism, disease, and human rights abuses. In order to bring about the event of peace, the Global Community is offering other good organizations around the world to work together to bring warring parties to peace. We can accomplish this task by concrete actions such as: a) Tracking armed conflicts within and between nations around the world and offering assistance in dispute resolution; GCEG has given back responsibility to every citizen on Earth. The Global Constitution ![]() ![]() The responsibility of a peacemaker The responsibility of a peacemaker is to settle differences through compromise and negotiation before they erupt into violence. Conflicting views do not have to bring about fighting. War is an irreversible solution to a problem. War is never an appropriate solution to resolve a conflict. The worst environmental degradation happens in wars. Farm products in fields and livestock are abandoned, there is no more control on toxic wastes, and water, air, and land are polluted. People are displaced and feel no longer responsible for the quality of life in their communities. Historically, the industrialized nations have caused the most damage to the environment, with their careless technology and policies. Emissions from factories and vehicles have caused ozone depletion and acid rain. Leaders of the wealthier nations must be willing to accept responsibility for past mistakes and to help pay the financial burden for environmental protection of the developing nations. This is the most damaging conflict of interests between the rich industrialized countries and those that are poor and struggling just for existence. GCEG must help wealthy and poorer nations reach a better understanding of each other's needs. All aspects are interrelated: peace, human rights and the environment. The poor is more concerned with ending starvation, finding a proper shelter and employment, and helping their children to survive. Environmental issues become meaningless to the poor. In reality, all concerns are interrelated. As soon as the environment is destroyed beyond repair, human suffering is next. Ecology has no boundaries. All nations suffer the effects of air pollution, global warming, loss of biodiversity, soil erosion, acid rain, ozone depletion, silting of streams, and countless of other environmental problems. This was the reason for developing the Scale of Human and Earth Rights. GCEG wants to provide a forum where international conflicts could be argued and resolved peacefully. Because of hatred and mistrust, disputing parties always find it difficult to express constructive ideas or proposals. A face-to-face meeting may not even be possible. GCEG offers to be a trusted third party that would carry ideas back and forth, put forward new proposals until both sides agree. When both parties feel they have gained more than they have lost from the process, the outcome is a win-win settlement for peace. Declaration of Beliefs of GCEG We utterly deny all outward wars and strife and fightings with outward weapons, for any end or under any pretence whatever, and we do certainly know, and so testify to the world, that the Spirit of Allah, God, which leads us to all truth, will never move us to fight and war against any human being with outward weapons, neither for the kingdom of Allah, God, not for the kingdom of this world. The Will of God is for life to reach God in the best possible ways. Life is the most precious gift ever given by God to the Universe. Life allows Souls to be conscious of God in as many different ways as possible. Life is the building block through which Souls can have a meaningful relationship with God. By observing the Universe, the galaxies, we are observing and studying God. We are seeing His magnificence, His greatness, and His complex making. There is more to the Universe we observe today, that is there is more to God, much more. God is self-existent, eternal and infinite in space and time Follow God's Word. God's Plan was revealed to humanity a short while ago. The Divine Plan for humanity is: a) for everyone to manage Earth responsibly, and Britain and the United States have invaded the Middle East nations and Afghanistan. Britons first and Americans following in their steps later have found excuses to invade the Middle East ever since World War I. This time it is terrorism. Now they pipeline the oil from Iraq to Israel and America. And now creating global warming will be increased by tenfold. In an insiduous way, they promote the destruction of the global life-support systems of the planet, and of all life. The invasion of nations such as those of the Middle East and Afghanistan are crimes against humanity and will be prosecuted. ![]() GCEG warns all global citizens concerning the Global Community Arrest Warrants of: a. George W. Bush, President of the United States,They are wanted criminals and should be considered extremely dangerous. Those who opposed the invasion now say 'since war is over, let us get in the band wagon of the criminals, no sense of not being a part of the money-making american corporations set to rebuild Iraq using money made from the Iraqi oil'. They become criminals themselves. Even the United Nations have jumped in the band wagon. They say it is much easier to be a criminal then to prosecute the invaders. Their behavior is making a statement of what they really are: criminals. It was the wrong solution to invade Afghanistan and Iraq. Two or more 'wrongs' do not make 'one right'. It never did and never will. Your action does not become 'a right' just because you became criminals yourselves. Politicians can be corrupted but the great majority of the people are good and believe 'justice for all' is a universal value. Politicians make global decisions or the lack of them during meetings. Politicians become actors on the world scene. Actors taken jobs they are not always qualified to take in reality. They make decisions, and they dont understand consequences. In effect, the lack of sound leadership from the part of our politicians are threatening the security of all people and all life on Earth. Security of the world has become a major issue and should be dealt with for the good of all and of all life on Earth. GCEG is the only world organization capable of handling security and the many other global problems. GCEG has broadened the traditional focus of the security of states to include both the security of people as well as that of the planet. Global security policies include: * every person on Earth has a right to a secure existence, and all states have an obligation to protect those rights
In the past, security was thought as better accomplished through military means. Expanding the military capabilities and forming alliances
with other nations were the only way to 'win'. Today wars are unlikely to produce winners. GCEG is all over the planet. Ethnic
groups are everywhere. Some say there are more Italians in Montreal, Canada that there are in Italy. So we would fight our own people? Wars truly
make no sense! The world is too crowded and too small nowadays! And weapons too lethal! So security cannot be achieved through the military. The
only job the military should be asked to do today is to protect the global life-support systems. These systems have the highest priority
on the Scale of Human and Earth Rights and are certainly more important than any of the other rights on the Scale including security. Simply because without life there is
no other right possible. Without Oxygen there is no life! Without clean water there is no life! So protect life on Earth at all costs.
Wars are the biggest threat to life and the ecosystem of the planet. Primordial human rights come next on the Scale of Human and Earth Rights. Without a shelter life will still exist in some places but is hardly possible in cold place.
There are many related aspects of the global life-support systems: * global warming
So security must be achieved by other means than wars. We might as well shelved the war industry from humanity right now and that means phasing
out all nuclear, biological, chemical weapons right now. No waiting! That also means having inspectors verifying the phasing out in
all nations of the world, and not just in some Middle East country. The nature of global security has changed since the rise of GCEG.
Security used to be about the protection of the state and its boundaries, people, institutions and values from an outside threat. GCEG will emphasize as a priority the prohibition of external interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states. Today the security of
people within GCEG is just as important as the security of states. Citizens must be secure. GCEG is just as important as the security
and life of citizens and states.
There are many threats to security other than the threats to the global life-support systems and threat caused by weapons of mass destruction and the threats to the sovereignty of a state, and they include: * the proliferation of conventional small arms Global security can only be achieved if it can be shared by all peoples and through global co-operation, based on principles as explained in the Global Constitution such as justice, human dignity, and equity for all and for the good of all. All people and states are protected by GCEG.
Note: (GR) means ('May God exalt his mention and protect him from imperfection.’) is a note of respect to be included everytime the name of the Prophet (GR) is being used. Six months ago, a famous journalist of the BBC attacked Arabs describing them as a worthless nation. In spite of being a renowned figure with a daily program in Britain, his slandering was rejected by the British as racist and he was fired from the BBC. We have heard of the conflict caused by the media industry showing picture of the Prophet Muhammad (GR)(GR). Let us examine two different human rights defined in the Global Constitution. ![]() The media industry is promoting the war industry in the Middle East and in Afghanistan. In doing so there are promoting a spirit of violence and fear in our society. The Global Constitution is very specific about rights concerning 'freedom'. For instances,
Of course this is too simplistic! There is more involved here than the freedom of expression of the media industry. Perhaps the best place to start is by understanding both sides, both the media industry and the Muslims view point. Who is Prophet Mohammad? (GR) (GR) To clear some confusions and some false information that doesn't tie to any reality in history, today I chose to quote what history said about the Prophet of mercy from Non-Muslim history scholars who are well respected in their field and known for their accuracy. "He must be called the Savior of Humanity. I believe that if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world, he would succeed in solving its problems in a way that would bring it much needed peace and happiness." GEORGE BERNARD SHAW, The Genuine Islam, Singapore, Vol. 1, No. 8, 1936 "Philosopher, orator, apostle, legislator, warrior, conqueror of ideas, restorer of rational dogmas, of a cult without images, the founder of twenty terrestrial empires and of one spiritual empire, that is Muhammad (GR). As regards all the standards by which Human Greatness may be measured, we may well ask, IS THERE ANY MAN GREATER THAN HE?" There exists a cultural vagueness in the West. This vagueness results from the presence of two different concepts. The first is a great Western concept that we respect, appraise, and need. That concept is freedom of speech. This is a great humane and civilized concept. On the other hand, there is the great Islamic concept of dignifying Allah Messenger (GR). The problem arises due to the lack of understanding of the Islamic Civilization and the Western Civilization regarding these two concepts. The non-Muslims cannot value the rank of dignifying the Prophet (GR). On the other hand, due to the below-average quality of practical application of freedom of speech, Muslims have a vague understanding of the concept of respecting freedom of speech. Accordingly, what is required now? Muslims do not want to refuse the concept of freedom of speech, absolutely not. However, the West should alter the freedom of speech so that it does not collide with the very important Islamic value of dignifying the Prophet (GR). Here lies the vagueness and ambiguity. The West understands very well the freedom of speech (which we appreciate) but it does not understand Islamic values, such as dignifying the Prophet (GR) and other Islamic sanctities. This is where the Western cultural vagueness lies. The West cannot comprehend how much the Muslims love Prophet Muhammad (GR) (GR). The West, in general, governments and people, does not apprehend that Allah's Messenger (GR) is dearer to them than their parents, their children and grandchildren, and themselves. Freedom of speech, which Muslims indeed respect, honor, and actually need, should be modified so that it does not clash with the highly revered Muslim value of dignifying the Prophet (GR). The West respects monarchies, Semitism, all races, and different ethnicities, and its respect to the Prophet (GR) and to sacred Muslim values should be no less. The value of freedom of speech should be adapted to Muslim values. And indeed, this was accomplished in the Global Constitution. Great men that existed throughout history were qualified as such due to a certain trait in their characters. Gandhi for example, was a great politician, Shakespeare a great dramatist, Voltaire a great writer, Napoleon a great military leader and so on. They were all great in one aspect or the other, while the Prophet (GR) was great in every aspect of his life. He was so great morally that he never hit or humiliated a soul, never beat a woman, never betrayed or lied, never went back on his word or avenged himself. He was always called 'the truthful and honest one' before bearing the message of Islam, and after becoming a prophet, the values and principles of the Quran were the model for his behavior. He was also great in his political insight. After the Battle of the Trench, for example, he knew that it was a turning point that would not be followed by a defeat. Moreover, he was great in his submissiveness to Allah as he bowed when praying. The Prophet (GR) was great in the way he believed in freedom of opinion. In the Battle of Badr, he changed the location of the battlefield upon the advice of a soldier. He also agreed to dig the trench around Madinah according to Salman al-Faresy's suggestion, and changed the fighting plan of the Battle of Uhud to respect the opinion of some of his companions. This is how he respected freedom of speech 1400 years ago! The Prophet (GR) was great at forgiving others. On the day of the Conquest of Makkah, his companions were rejoicing saying, "Today is the day of a great battle and today Quraysh will be humiliated by Allah". Conversely, the Prophet's (GR) response was that today is the day of mercy in which Allah will bestow honor on Quraysh. The Prophet (GR) was great in his voluntary renunciation of worldly luxuries when he could have been the richest man on earth had he wished to be. He was also great in the way he dealt with young people motivating them to exercise. His enemies were never able to slander him due to any bad trait. He lived with them for 40 years before the divine message and another 13 years after it, and never were they able to smear him with a single bad trait that marred his character, or doubt his outstanding abilities. They even testified that he had never lied in his life. That is how great he was and that is how humiliating him smears every American, Indian, Pakistani etc.; everyone, whether Muslim or not. It is an insult to all humankind when such a great man is insulted. He was great in his mercy. When he was persecuted by the people of At-Taef and stoned until his feet kept bleeding, the angel of the mountains asked for his permission to destroy them. Yet his response was to supplicate Allah to guide them and to save them. Furthermore, in the Battle of Uhud, he was injured, overcome by his enemies, had his front teeth broken, and fell into a pit with blood gushing from his wounds. Nevertheless, when his companions asked him to curse them and to invoke Allah to punish them, he declined stressing the fact that he was sent as a mercy to all of humankind. He even invoked Allah to guide them to the right path and to excuse them for their ignorance. This is the Prophet (GR), and this is how great he was. Unlike that of other great human figures in history, the Prophet's (GR) greatness is lasting throughout the generations. He believed in co-existence. He trusted the Jews and gave them all the rights of citizenship in Madinah, guaranteeing that no one would harm them, take any of their money, force them to convert, or intercede with their freedom to worship. He was also great in co-existence when he was against using the Muslims loyal to him in Makkah to create tension among the people of Quraysh, even during the war between Makkah and Madinah. At the time of the Hudaybeya treaty, he could have waged war against Quraysh but resorted to peace instead. He could have turned it into a bloodbath, but he chose peace and forced it on his enemies. The human race should be proud that Prophet Muhammad (GR) (GR) existed one day, whether they were Muslims, Hindu, Jews, Christians, believers of any kind, or even non-believers. He is a turning point in the course of humanity. This is Muhammad (GR), and this is how humanity was humiliated the day he was. People around the world are demanding a Global Law that protects the dignity of this great Prophet (GR). Indeed, GCEG's Global Constitution provides for such protection. It is a 'fundamental human right'. Freedom of religion and belief is a guarantee by a government for freedom of belief for individuals and freedom of worship for individuals and groups. It is considered by many to be a fundamental human right. Freedom of religion must also include the freedom to practice no religion (irreligion) or the belief that there exists no deity (atheism). The Scale of Human and Earth Rights ![]()
The media industry includes the Internet, movie, television and news industries. And as well all newspapers. They are major sources of global unsecurity. They display a culture of violence in everyday life in newspapers, on television screens and cinemas. The American Way of Life is creating this culture of violence. An american child at age six year old has seen more violence on television than any other child of the Middle East over a life span. This culture of violence infects both industrial and developing countries, rich and poor. This trend of culture of violence must end. Newspapers, the Internet, the movie and TV industry are a threat to global security. The media industry should be restricted severely. They are many other reasons for doing so. As another very important issue of global politics, over the past six years GCEG has investigated child pornographic materials found on the Internet and their impacts on future generations. In the coming future, their will be a series of articles published in our Newsletters to educate the public. The presence of child pornography on The Internet is a disturbing and growing phenomenon. Please report any suspicious or suspected criminal activity directly to Law Enforcement (see websites in Note). ECO is a research and action organization dedicated to assuring that children grow up in morally secure families. ECO designs strategies to improve children's lives while at the same time helping the human family build a sustained commitment to putting children first. Note: There are websites anyone can contact to complain about pornographic materials: http://www.customs.ustreas.gov/xp/cgov/enforcement/ http://www.cyber-rights.org/reports/child.htm http://www.thecpac.com/stop-it.html http://www.antichildporn.org/parents.htm http://www.childrennow.org/ http://www.geocities.com/pacp18505/index2.html The U.S. Customs Service is North America's front line of defense to combat the importation and proliferation of this illegal material. Child pornography implies human perversion and abuses of children human rights. There are now millions of websites with pornographic materials and child pornography is on the rise. It is an American addiction, the largest market in the world for pornographic materials. In America, there is more demand for child pornographic materials than in any other nation of the world. When are we going to look within ourselves and examine our Way of Life, our values, and start to take some responsibility? We have said above that, concerning weapons of mass destruction and all consumer products, we become responsible and accountable of any product we develop and manufacture, from beginning to end. The product here is pornographic materials, and child pornography is certainly the worst of all kinds. Child pornography is a product of mass destruction endangering the lives of the billions of children to come. There are also child predators on the Internet. Communications age has opened a whole new world for children to explore and learn from, the "information superhighway", The Internet, also has a dark side we all need to understand. Just as predators pray on land and nations (read Letter to the American People concerning american policies in the world), paedophiles are also predators. They surf The Internet waiting to lure innocent children into their web of deviance. This time technology has made it easy for a paedophile to find potential victims. The predator can remain in teen and pre-teen chat rooms indefinitely. Parents must educate their children of any age of the following rules: * Make sure the computer is clearly visible and not hidden away in a child's room. The rights of the media industry need to be restricted from the widespread abuses of child pornography, offenses against human dignity as express by Muslims, and the culture of violence and fear offered every day by the media industry. The media industry ![]() So the freedom of expression of a person is not as important as the security of that person and the security of the state. GCEG Earth Court of Justice will prosecute all criminal activities and charge all offenders from the media industry, including those who insulted the Prophet (GR) name and image.
Throughout human history there have been leaders of nations who wanted more land and power over people of other nations. They wanted
to conquer the world to satisfy their own needs and interests and, often, just for power itself, no other reason. They forced their own people to go to war and the people of other 'friendly' nations to fight on their behalf.
Sounds familiar! This is happening today as well! The United States and NATO! Ever since the end of World War I the British tried to
colonize the arabs and Muslims of the Middle East and surroundings. Over the past decade, we have proven in articles of several of our Newsletters that the British and American peoples have tried to invade and colonize
the Arabs and Muslims of the Middle East. Israel is the Trojan Horse to achieve their goal. Back in 1947, the US have coerced the United Nations to create the State of Israel. It was an illegal and arbitrary process (or the lack of it) that created the State of Israel. There was never a Referendum
conducted in the region to find out if there were any reason at all for the creation of Israel (at the time there were only a few Jews in the region) against the will of over one billion Arabs and Muslims. The reason was colonization and invasion of the Middle East for profit and self-interests. Brut and simple exploitation of the people of the Middle East and of their resources.
Another invasion but different than the invasion of Vietnam and of other Peoples by the same invaders. After World War II, at the UN, it was easy for the US to get all the allies on their side. The Five Permanent Members of the UN (Great Britain, France, China, US, Russia) had no objection and all passed the resolution that created the State of Israel.
That was all that was required. No process! All political! Politicians created the State of Israel without any reason except preparing grounds for a
systematic invasion of the Middle East and the exploitation of the Arabs and Muslims and of their resources. In Canada, every province have jurisdiction over
their resources. Ask to the Premier of Alberta what he would say if Ottawa was to create a new agency to manage or take over the resources within his province. He would probably seperate from the rest of Canada and join the US. So why would it be
any different in the Middle East? Dont people from other nations have the rights to own and control their resources? The US do not think so. We are asking the US to justify their action in the Earth Court of Justice (not in the news media which they own and control). We want Justice for all and universal. We want a process
for the creation of new nations. We want the Earth Court of Justice to be an independent and impartial body that will create the process and verify it
for the case of the creation of the States of Israel and Palestine.
Today the colonization of the world by rich nations is more subtil. Rich countries manipulate trade agreements in order to ensure profitability. Their governments insist on tariffs and protectionism in areas in which they are weak. Free trade opens up a poor country's economy to competition with strong, developed, well-financed, multinational corporations. In consequence, most of the local producers and manufacturers go out of business thus leaving a poor country's economy entirely in the hands of the transnational elite. It is a form of colonization and of world anti-government. Rich countries force poorer countries to open up their markets, and then take over them. It is obvious that trade is what drives powerful nations to use their military to control other nation's economies. Profit is what counts! That is what really drives the West to war in the Middle East and surroundings. If the US could get away with it they would use nuclear bombs over every nation of the Middle East to grab their oil reserves. We will show here that, after the Ottoman Empire was defeated during World War I, the British have had a Love-Hate relationship with the Islamic Civilization and, after the birth of Israel, America also had such a Love-Hate relationship with the Islamic Civilization. What we see happening today in the Middle East and in America is the clash of the relationship between America and the Islamic Civilization. Historically, the West has manipulated individuals, terrorist groups, and governments of the Middle East for the sole purpose of making a large profit that is estimated to be eight trillion dollars(American). That is the Love part, the love of money, in the Love-Hate relationship. During the Iran-Iraq War, the Love-Hate relationship between America and Israel on one side and Khomeini and Hussein on the other side was erratic and contradictory. Money could buy anyone in the Pursian Gulf, even Israel and America as they were selling arms to both sides at the same time just to keep the war going and thus, making more money. America's policy toward Iran and Iraq was incoherent, inconsistent, dishonnest, erratic, and mostly aimed at making money. Strictly business! A profit-making international policy! This kind of policy created hate of the West in the heart and mind of every person of the Islamic Civilization, and America's credibility in the eyes of the Muslim allies was seriously damaged. After World War I, following the destruction of the Ottoman Empire, the European powers created states and appointed officials to administer them. A lot of what was created had no legitimacy for the people of the Muslim Civilization, and Western domination brought much of the same kind of hegemony in the region as with the British. Muslims have had enough of outsiders exploiting them for profit and power, of being used and killed, and their communities destroyed. The September 11 attack on America may very well be a small outburst of this hate. This is what Israel, Great Britain and America have to deal with, and they are morally responsible and accountable for creating this hate in the Middle East and in Afghanistan. It is the Free Trading of arms in the Middle East, the business deals, and their complete lack of ethical and moral responsibility and accountability that are at the root of the September 11 attack on the USA. The Afghans were wonderful friends to America during the America-Soviet Cold War but now the USA considered them expandable and merely social and religious barbarians. Afghans were already struggling to survive under severe war-ruined, drought conditions. Poverty was and is still widespread in Afghanistan. This Love-Hate relationship is very much the same today. Americans are now selling arms to the people of Pakistan, and it is only a matter of time before Americans change their mind and called the people of Pakistan the evil enemies, the terrorists, and then invade Pakistan. America assume all Muslims are guilty. Muslims have had more than enough of the American and British imperialism in the Middle East. The act of terrorim was the result of an entire Islamic Civilization telling America, and any new outsiders, to butt out of the Middle East and of Afghanistan, or else they will come to our land and do the same to us. The United States, Great Britain, France, Russia, Germany, and Israel were the countries that sold arms to the people of the Middle East and to Afghanistan. They have shown no ethical and moral values in the activities of their trade. They have made trade a despicable act of dealing with one another between human beings and between nations. No laws! No regulations! No ethics! No moral responsibility and accountability! Everyone has the "freedom" of destroying the global life-support systems! Everyone has the "freedom" of human rights abuses! Now pollution, diseases, terrorism, poverty, social and economic injustice have no boundaries. GCEG requires that those six nations to provide massive financial aid to the amount of eight trillion dollars (American) to the countries of the Middle East and to Afghanistan to help them overcome the ravages of war they have brought to them by the selling of war product and equipment. The money has to come directly from the six nations listed here and not from stealing or obtaining indirectly the oil and gas resources of the Middle East. The financial aid will be administered by GCEG. The first priority of GCEG will be to build sustainable communities in all of the Muslim nations of the Middle East, including Afghanistan. Several times in the past GCEG has requested of the United Nations to restructure and reforme its organization to be in touch with the problems humanity is facing in this millennium. They have never replied. Four of the five UN Permanent Members, the United States, Great Britain, France, and Russia, are those countries that, not only control the UN, but they are the same countries that have brought disgrace to humanity by their selfish, immoral, unethical, incoherent, inconsistent, dishonnest, erratic, and mostly aimed at making money behavior in the Middle East and towards Afghanistan. They have given to trade a bad name. Because of them free trade has become a danger to the extinction of life on Earth. They even got China, the fifth Permanent Member of the UN, to vote YES to invade Afghanistan (without that vote the UN could not have approved), in exchange of China got its membership into the World Trade Organization (WTO). GCEG will do everything possible to give free trade the proper guidance for humanity. Free trade will become a global co-operation between all nations. The kind of behaviour that happened in the Middle East and in many other parts of the world will not be allowed again. That is GCEG’s commitment to the Global Community to make government and global citizens responsible and accountable. This commitment was defined in sections 11 to 14 of the Global Citizens Rights, Responsibility and Accountability Act. ![]() Historical Background What is known of the Middle East includes many countries: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, and the United Arab Emirates, and also the Israeli occupied territories of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. The Islamic State of Afghanistan is geographically located in Southern Asia, north and west of Pakistan, and east of Iran. Afghanistan is included here in the discussion . The different groups of people living in the region are passionate about defending their territory and bodies of water. Religious beliefs strongly influence their politics. The Middle East is the home of the world's most ancient civilizations and the birthplace of the three great monotheistic(one God) religions: Islam, Christianity and Judaism. Islamic believers, or Muslims, follow the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (GR) (GR) as recorded in the Quran; the Quran prescribes common laws, a written language and a universal Muslim culture. Jews follow the Torah which describes their early history and is the basis for several of their cultural practices. Christians learn about the history of Christ's life and teachings in the New Testament of the Bible. It is unfortunate that the various interpretations of these Holy Books often cause disagreement and war rather than peace and healing. Historical aspects of the great Muslim's civilization and the birth of the Islam Religion have been described in GCEG September 2001 Newsletter. They represent the beginning of the Middle East saga. This historical perspective spread from the Greek civilization to modern days. It was after World War II that the Middle East became the principal source of oil for industrial nations and a place of ever-growing strategic importance for the global economy. Because of the oil, the Middle East has become a region for conflicts and wars between the Western Civilization and the Muslim Civilization. Furthermore, the old conflict between Jews and Arabs in Palestine has accentuated the tension and made the Middle East one of the most volatile place on the planet. The politics of the Middle East are very complex. The region is the seething with political extremism and religious fanaticism most often caused by outside powers. Starting in the nineteenth century these outsiders were the Ottoman Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, czarist Russia, Germany, France, Great Britain, the Soviet Union and now the United States of America. There were always two or more outsiders competing for control and influence. The local governments, rulers, warlords or tribal chiefs have often sided with one of the outsiders or the other to advance local needs or their own personal political power. The Ottoman Turks were Islamic and multiethnic. They ruled a large part of the Arab land for a period stretching from early fifteen century to the end of World War I (they were defeated because they took side with Germany) at which time Great Britain and France played the major roles as colonial powers until the 1956 Suez crisis. After World War II the influence of the two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, was exerted through alliances, economic assistance, and the supply of arms, war products and equipment, and not through direct political control or prolonged military occupation. The superpower phase ended in 1991 with the collapse of the Soviet Union. In 1991 at the end of the Cold War between the USSR and America, America demonstrated dominance in the Middle East and Russia was transformed from a powerful adversary into a junior partner (global economics are at the roots of this new partnership). Today the United States with Israel are the only outsiders invading the Middle East countries. These outsiders are shaping the political evolution of the Middle East and the destinies of every Muslim country and Afghanistan. Everything, including oil prices (OPEC really have not much saying in this matter), are ruled by the United States. Saddam Hussein predicted that this would happen, and he warned his fellow Muslims. In 1990, he invaded Kuwait (the region of Kuwait used to belong to Iraq during the Ottoman Empire period but was made independent by the British in 1922) but America, the Soviet Union, Great Britain and France ejected Iraq from Kuwait. Ever since that time, the status quo in the region has been kept by America. The New World Order now reflects the interests of the victors rather than any universal principles of justice or morality. America has emerged as the principal guardian of Gulf security and the Muslim Civilization was, once more over its history, pushed back into a position of dependence, weakness and subservience, and that is really the old regional order (not the New World Order) in the Middle East. Since World War II, America along with junior partners, Great Britain, France and Russia, have refashioned the Middle East in their own image, building a new political and territorial order on the ruins of the Ottoman Empire. Despite the efforts of secular and religious local forces who rejected the West's intrusion, America and the junior partners formed states, chose people to govern them, and drawn frontiers between them. But this new order never worked because to Arab nationalists it meant betrayal of wartime promises made by the Allies, military occupation, and the exploitation of resources and of the Muslim people. The Jewish National Home in Palestine further fueled hostility toward the West. The post war order imposed by Great Britain and the Allies created instabilities and disorder (the Ottoman Empire was stable and had order) throughout the Muslim world. On November 29, 1947, the United Nations passed a resolution partitioning Palestine into two independent states, one Jewish and one Arab. The Jewish accepted the resolution and called their land Israel, but the Muslim states rejected it and sent their armies to regain the land but lost the war against Israel. The Palestinians lost their land and have been without a homeland ever since. They became refugees on their own land. Israel's occupation of Muslim land and refusal to recognize the national rights of the Palestinians were the fundamental problems. The State of Israel made its entrance into history in a war against the Muslims. Throughout this period America was a major support in lobbying the UN partition plan and in the birth of the State of Israel. In the aftermath of World war II there were numerous Arab-Israeli wars namely the: a) 1948 Palestine war; b) 1956 Suez war; c) June 1967 Six-Day war between Israel and Egypt/Syria/Jordan; d) 1969-70 War of Attrition between Israel and Egypt; e) October 1973 Yom Kippur war between Israel and Egypt/Syria; and f) Israel's June 1982 invasion of Lebanon. g) In 2001, the Jews of Israel declared war against the Palestinian refugees and has been at war ever since. After each war America became gradually committed to the security and well-being of Israel. America maintained Israel's superiority over Muslims through regular infusions of money and arms. During the Cold War America had a strategic interest in containing Soviet influence and its expansion in the Middle East. The money and arms given to Israel was used to fend off challenges to American interests from radical, Islamic, and Soviet-backed forces. The American support of Israel was criticized by the Arab Middle East and the Islamic world and has fed the radical Islamic fundamentalist movements. Another strategic interest of the United States was the need to preserve access to two-thirds of the world's known petroleum reserves. In the late 60's and during the 70's, America's defeat in the Vietnam War had profoundly disillusioned the American people about the necessity of always being upfront to the defense of their strategic interests in the Middle East. They chose to rely on friendly local powers as regional policemen: Israel, Iran and Saudi Arabia. They sold arms(at some point in time America agreed to sell anything to the shah of Iran but not nuclear weapons) to Iran and Saudi Arabia and provided them with technical assistance (at costs of course). In Iran, the arms sales increased tremendously as American companies scrambled for lucrative contracts. The overspending on arms led to inflation and corruption as American company officials offered "commissions" in return of government contracts. The increased exposure to Western ideas contributed to Iranian domestic problems, disturbed Islamic fundamentalists and alienated the Iranian people from their rulers. America used the shah to weaken the Soviet Union and its allies, especially Iraq, in Central Asia. In the mean time, the Soviets sold arms to Iraq. For the White House, the Kurdish people in northern Iraq, and the people from Iran and Iraq were all pawns in a geopolitical game, supporting them only as long as they were useful. America tilted first toward Iran but will tilt in favor of Iraq when circumstances change and when it deemed such a tilt advantageous. This strategy built suspicion and resentment of America on all sides and the long-term consequences were not understood (as we have seen what happened on September 11 2001). In 1979 the Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini overthrown the shah of Iran, the Pahlavi dynasty. With the collapse of the shah's regime, a decade of efforts to develop a viable Gulf strategy ended in failure. America lost a close friend but also prestige and credibility. It also lost its links to the Iranian military, its monitoring stations near the Soviet frontier, and a very important arms buyer. The oil-price also want up to $34 a barrel. Khomeini had criticized the shah's subservience to America and its alliance with Israel, potraying them both as evils to Islam. The Islamic Revolution turned America and other former allies into enemies. Khomeini regarded both the Soviet Union and America as equally guilty of imperialism. Khomeini wanted to spread the Islamic system of government to the corrupt pro-Western and anti-Islamic countries of the Gulf. Khomeini call to Iraqi Shiites to overthrow the Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and establish an Islamic state. In December 1979, the Soviet invaded Afghanistan. America feared that the invasion was a prelude to Soviet expansion in the Gulf. On September 22, 1980, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein launched a massive attack on Iran. It was believed that America was an accomplice in the Iraqi attack on Iran. Iraq had a military advantage as Iran was missing its principal source of arms and spare parts. In November 1979, followers of Khomeini seized American hostages. In October 1980, for no apparent reason, Iran announced the release of the hostages. A short while later the embargo on arms to Iran was reversed and Israel was allowed to sell several billion dollars' worth of American-made arms, spare parts, and ammunition to Iran. Money made enemies good friends. The Love-Hate relationship between America and Israel on one side and Khomeini and Hussein on the other side was erratic and contradictory. Money could buy anyone in the Pursian Gulf, even Israel and America. Eventually, Israel made its own arms sell deals without America's permission. America and Israel wanted the Iran-Iraq War to continue forever. There was plenty of money to make from both sides. The Soviet Union condemmed Iraq for starting the war and suspended arms supplies. In 1982 Iran invaded Iraqi territory. Moscow resumed arms supplies to Iraq. At the same time America feared the Iranian military victory which would mean the expansion of Islam. America tilted towards Iraq. America also resumed arms sales to Iraq and restored diplomatic relations. Now the Love-Hate relationship between America and Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was very real. Once again money made old enemies good friends, and bought Israel and America. Both Israel and America were selling arms to both sides at the same time (the Iran-Contra scandal in the US) just to keep the war going. America's credibility in the eyes of the Arab allies was seriously damaged. Because of pressure at home, America intervened actively in the Iran-Iraq War by tilting on Iraq's side. America established an arms embargo against Iran. On July 1988 Iran capitulated. America's policy toward Iran and Iraq had been incoherent, inconsistent, dishonnest, erratic, and mostly aimed at making money. Strictly business! A profit-making international policy! And Saddam Hussein ended up becoming a junior partner with the US in preserving the status quo in the Gulf. The war did not resolve anything. The threat each regime presented the other was still existing after the cease-fire. In 1990 Iraq invaded Kuwait, its former land. The Americans launched Operation Desert Storm to remove the Iraqi forces from Kuwait, and hoping to create a "New World Order" where the rule of law governs the conduct of nations. This New World Order was meant to rally support from local powers but it turned out to be much of the same thing to the Muslim population: status quo, stability, based on the same states and frontiers, and it recognized only state rights and not that of individuals or group rights. It showed that Islamic fundamentalists were not welcome and would never succeed in a democratic framework. Democracy and human rights were not even mentioned, just as if Muslims were not evolved enough as human beings and could not possibly understand the higher thinking of democracy and that of human rights. Maybe Americans thought that, because of their non-Christian religion, Muslims were barbarians and could not be considered as part of the Human Family, the Earth Community. The New World Order was an illusion for covering American hegemony in the Middle East. It allowed Saddam to defeat the Kurdish and Shiite uprisings as a pre-condition to ending the war. The New World Order also allowed the Jews in Israel to occupy Arad lands in Palestine which is something unacceptable to the Islamic Civilization. Americans committed themselves to provide Israel with an unlimited economic, monetary, technological, diplomatic and military assistance. They wanted Israel to maintain its military edge at all costs. America also provided Israel with aid for large-scale housing projects on the West Bank. America remained hostile to the PLO. After understanding these historical events, dont you think Americans and Jews should say me-aculpa for the September 11 events in the USA ? In some ways I feel responsible as well as I should have criticized the American policies in the Middle East and may be they would have changed. Are we responsible adults or are we going to hide behind hate and revenge like irresponsible children? When are we going to look within ourselves and examine our Way of Life, our values, and start to take some responsibility of the September 11 events, and be accountable? All of us. The West is responsible for countless territorial disputes in the Middle East and in other parts of the world, and has denied several countries' very right to exist, and caused numerous wars and struggles for national liberation. Current conflicts in the Middle East are between Muslims and Jews, and Muslims and America. By making an astronomical profit through the selling of arms, war products and equipment to all of the Middle East countries, including Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan, and by sucessively calling these old friends their new enemies and terrorists, and destroying their countries, America and Great Britain have shown that they could never be trusted. Since the Cold War is over, the only American interests in the Middle East are the cheap crude oil and the protection of Israel. The Jews come first even if it mean to fight and annihilate the entire Islamic Civilization with nuclear war heads. If you have any doubt that they would do such an atrocious crime, ask the people from Japan and also, ask the Russians as they have back off from rubbing their noses with those of the American and the British. They are looking for an excuse big enough for doing it. The September 11 event was not big enough. And it would not matter whether or not they have solid proof of who is guilty of the attack. No one has claimed responsibility of the September 11 event and, therefore, there are no solid proof of who could have done such a terrible act. If there had really been a solid proof it would have been easy to prove it in the Earth Court of Justice. America assume all Muslims are guilty. Muslims have had more than enough of the American and British imperialism in the Middle East. There is no such thing as one person, Osama bin Laden, being guilty of the September 11 event. It is ridiculous what the News Media Controlled Industry of the West is trying to make us believe. The media was told "Look for the leader and throw all you have got at him, and if there is no leader we will make one". Americans once again are invading a country in the region of the Middle East, Afghanistan, to look for the leader and his "gang of terrorists". We say that they are not people like we are, and they should be stopped. The reality is that they are Muslims people, more than a billion of them. After World War I, following the destruction of the Ottoman Empire, the European powers created states and appointed officials to administer them. A lot of what was created had no legitimacy for the people of the Muslim Civilization and Western domination brings much of the same kind of hegemony in the region as with the British. They have had enough of outsiders exploiting them for profit and power, of being used and killed, and their communities destroyed. The act of terrorism of September 11 was not caused by a group of lawless people with Osama bin Laden as their leader. No! The act of terrorim was the result of an entire Muslim Civilization telling America, and any new outsiders, to butt out of the Middle East or else they will come to our land and do the same to us. Killing Osama bin Laden and his people will not solve anything. It will make the American people feel better for a while. The News Media Controlled Industry of the West will make sure that the American feel good about having caught and punished the guilty ones. The American people are way more intelligent than this. They know something is not right! Something right has to be done and invading Afghanistan is not the answer. Invading the entire Muslim world is not the answer either. The only strategic interests America has in the Middle east are the oil, selling arms and Israel. We can buy the oil like we have done in the past. Better even we should find an environmentally friendly source of energy. Oil is creating global warming and will bring about the extinction of Life on Earth. Selling arms is evil. We know that so why are we doing it? Money? I certainly never got a penny off selling arms so who is making all those trillion of dollars? There were astronomical amounts of money made by the war industry ever since World War I. We have armed the Muslim people, and then we have destroyed them. The war industry is evil and should be shelved for good. America has an obligation to promote a meaningful Israel-PLO settlement in the Middle East. There is too much instability, violence and bloodshed in the region. As for Israel, if the problem was just the small piece of land that they took away from the Muslim Civilization then we could offer the Jews to relocate somewhere else where they could participate positively as members of the Human Family, the Global Community. There is plenty of space North of Canada. But we would have to ask permission from the Canadian Government and the neighborhood communities (by referendum) if they would accept the people from Israel as neighbors. We would not ask the United Nations to break all the rules of human rights and democracy and approve the creation of the State of Israel in Canada. One thing is for sure Jews would have to leave their guns and war heads behind. They would have to decommission all of their war products and equipment. They would also have to be re-educated in living in our Canadian environment and values. But the problem with Israel in the Middle East is not about the small piece of land that they have taken from the Muslim world. It is about religion: Judaism and Christianity (from America) versus Islam. It is the love-hate relationhip between America and the Muslim and Arab worlds. A world where life is a gift of God and should be respected versus a world where the messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (GR)(GR), is dearer than parents, their children and themselves. Actually it is not so much Christianity as Americans have another religion, they have money or the dollar sign as their religion. In a way, the West is jealous of the Islamic Faith, and followers of the Faith, moderates, fundamentalists and extremists. Much of our Western philosophy is related to science and its applications, and about the Universe, the evolution of Life, and it has its roots in the Islamic Faith and that is totally opposed by Christian believers as they believe in Creation. It is like the Islamic Faith is intruding in a major way into the Christian Faith. This was amply shown during the Iran-Iraq War. The Love-Hate relationship with either regime was based mostly on the love of profit-making from the part of America and hate of Americans and Jews by Iraqis and Iranians. This Love-Hate relationship is very much the same today. Basically what Americans have showed is that, given enough money, America can be bought. No need to destroy America, just buy it. Canadian peace-keeping mission in the world It is not right for Canada to be driven to war just because of the American self-interests in the Middle East. Canada should get out of NATO. It is an archaic institution just like the war industry. Because of their profit making self-interests in the Middle East, America brought terrorism to America and to the entire North American continent. I certainly do not approve of Canadians being asked to give their lives for such meaningless reason. The days of the great wars for great reasons are over. We are the Human Family, the Earth Community, the Global Community, and we dont want greedy people to govern our lives. There are 6.7 billion of us. We will rise up and tell to that small group of greedy people who rule the world where they can go. They can go to Jupiter. What goes around comes around! If we truly want peace, safety and security, than we have to invite every Muslim of the Middle East to become a part of the Human Family.
Women' equality has been defined throughout the Global Constitution. For instance, Chapter 10. 4. 4 Freedoms Article 4: Equality between men and women Equality between men and women must be ensured in all areas, including employment, work and pay. The principle of equality shall not prevent the maintenance or adoption of measures providing for specific advantages in favour of the under-represented sex. And the Statement of rights, responsibilities, and accountabilities of the Global Community citizens is very explicit on the equality of women. ![]() That is, the statement is about to take a stand: a) I am not just a woman, I am a person, I am citizen of a global community, Women'equality was also expressed in the Global Citizens Rights, Responsibility and Accountability Act ![]() ![]()
GCEG has shown that a global community can be united by religion to form a Global Government. It does not have to be a democracy. A GG based on religion is very acceptable to GCEG. People can unite in any way they wish. A community is not about a piece of land you acquired by force or otherwise. One could think of a typical community of a million people that does not have to be bounded by a geographical or political border. It can be a million people living in many different locations all over the world. The Global Community is thus more fluid and dynamic. We need to let go the archaic ways of seeing a community as the street where I live and contained by a border. Many conflicts and wars will be avoided by seeing ourselves as people with a heart, a mind and a Soul, and as part of a community with the same. The old concept of a community being the street where we live in and surrounded by a definite geographical and political boundary has originated during the Roman Empire period. An entire new system of values was then created to make things work for the Roman Empire. Humanity has lived with this concept over two thousand years. Peoples from all over the world are ready to kill anyone challenging their border. They say that this is their land, their property, their 'things'. This archaic concept is endangering humanity and its survival. The Roman Empire has gone but its culture is still affecting us today. We need to let go the old way of thinking. We need to learn of the new concept, and how it can make things work in the world. A typical community may be what a group of people, together, wants it to be. It can be a group of people sharing with the same values. It can be a group of people with the same cultural background, or the same religious background. Or they can be people with totally different backgrounds and beliefs. The people making a global community may be living in many different locations on the planet. With today's communications it is easy to group people in this fashion. It can be a village, or two villages together where people have decided to unite as one community. The two villages may be found in different parts of the world. It can be a town, a city, or a nation. It can be two or more nations together. The number of people making a typical global community becomes important when a democratic election to elect representatives to the Global Community is going on. The voting system of the Global Community is very simple and practical. One representative per million people. A global community of 300 million people would have three hundred representatives. The political system of an individual country does not have to be a democracy. Political rights of a country belong to that country alone. Democracy is not to be enforced by anyone and to anyone or to any global community. Every community can and should choose the political system of their choice with the understanding of the importance of such a right on the Scale of Human and Earth Rights . On the other hand, representatives to the Global Community must be elected democratically in every part of the world. An individual country may have any political system at home but the government of that country will have to ensure (and allow verification by the Global Community) that representatives to the Global Community have been elected democratically. This way, every person in the world can claim the birth right of electing a democratic government to manage Earth: the rights to vote and elect representatives to form the the Global Community. The power of GCEG was de-centralized to give each GG a better chance to find the right solutions to global issues. It can act faster and be more effective and efficient in the context of the Global Community, this great, wide, wonderful world made of all these diverse global communities within each Nation.The Global Community becomes thus more fluid and dynamic. A global symbiotical relationship is created between Nations and GCEG for the good of all groups participating in the relationship and for the good of humanity, all life on Earth. The relationship allows a global equitable and peaceful development. This is the basic concept that is allowing us to group willing Member Nations from different parts of the world. A typical example is the Global Government of North America (GGNA). Member Nations of these global governments have not yet been selected. Through the process of a referendum in a Member Nation, it is the people of the Member Nation who will select the Global Government they wish to belong to. During a Global Assembly Meeting of the Earth Government, Global Parliament will accept or reject membership of a Nation in a specific Global Government. As we have shown in the Global Constitution, the Global Community is defined as being all that exits or occurs at any location at any time between the Ozone layer above and the core of the planet below. This is an important concept and particularly useful in the context of the Global Governments Federation. A community is not about a piece of land you acquired by force or otherwise. One could think of a typical community of a million people that does not have to be bounded by a geographical or political border. It can be a million people living in many different locations all over the world. The Global Community is thus more fluid and dynamic. We need to let go the archaic ways of seeing a community as the street where I live and contained by a border. Many conflicts and wars will be avoided by seeing ourselves as people with a heart, a mind and a Soul, and as part of a community with the same. The Global Community is this great, wide, wonderful world made of all these diverse global communities. A global symbiotical relationship between two or more nations, or between two or more global communities, can have trade as the major aspect of the relationship or it can have as many other aspects as agreed by the people involved. The fundamental criteria is that a relationship is created for the good of all groups participating in the relationship and for the good of humanity, all life on Earth. The relationship allows a global equitable and peaceful development. This is the basic concept that is allowing us to group Member Nations from different parts of the world. For example, the Global Government of North America can be made of willing Member Nations such as Canada, the United States, Mexico, Great britain, Israel, the Territories, and include the North Pole region. The Global Community allows people to take control of their own lives. The Global Community was built from a grassroots process with a vision for humanity that is challenging every person on Earth as well as nation governments. The Global Community has a vision of the people working together building a new civilization including a healthy and rewarding future for the next generations. Global cooperation brings people together for a common future for the good of all. Earth governance does not imply a lost of state sovereignty and territorial integrity. A nation government exists within the framework of an effective Global Community protecting common global values and humanity heritage. Earth governance gives a new meaning to the notions of territoriality, and non-intervention in a state way of life, and it is about protecting the cultural heritage of a state. Diversity of cultural and ethnic groups is an important aspect of Earth governance. Earth governance is a balance between the rights of states with rights of people, and the interests of nations with the interests of the Global Community, the human family, the global civil society. Earth governance is about the rights of states to self-determination in the global context of the Global Community rather than the traditional context of a world of separate states.
10.0 Articles and papers sent by Global Dialogue 2006 Participants in March A) Papers by Leslaw Michnowski Worldwide sustainable development information system as a precondition for the realization of United Nations goals by Leslaw Michnowski. Download full WORD document of this Research Paper ![]() (Other research papers and articles are shown in his file, on the webpage on sustainable development, ![]() ![]() Dear Germain, I would like to inform you, that my WSIS proposal ![]() ![]() I am sending you also link to presentation of my paper: WORLDWIDE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM AS A PRECONDITION FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS GOALS -: ![]() During WSIS follow-up - IFISI WORLD FORUM ON ICT STRATEGIES AND INVESTMENTS (Morocco, 1-3 March 06, ![]() ![]() Implementation of this proposal for example into EU Lisbon Strategy would lead – inter alia - to transform EUROSTAT from statistical office into office of statistics and warning forecasting (not only natural, but also socio-economy dangers). Best Regards - Leslaw Michnowski. www.psl.org.pl/kte PS See also: http://www.una.dk/wsis/Konference_2006/Contributions.htm http://www.una.dk/wsis/Konference_2006/Polen_1.htm http://www.una.dk/wsis/Konference_2006/Polen_2.htm http://www.una.dk/wsis/Konference_2006/Polen_3.htm L.
The power of GCEG was de-centralized to give each GG a better chance to find the right solutions to global issues. It can act faster and be more effective and efficient in the context of the Global Community, this great, wide, wonderful world made of all these diverse global communities within each Nation.The Global Community becomes thus more fluid and dynamic. A global symbiotical relationship is created between Nations and GCEG for the good of all groups participating in the relationship and for the good of humanity, all life on Earth. The relationship allows a global equitable and peaceful development. This is the basic concept that is allowing us to group willing Member Nations from different parts of the world. A typical example is the Global Government of North America (GGNA). Member Nations of these global governments have not yet been selected. Each Nation Government needs to go through the process of a referendum asking people if they wish to be a part of a Global Government, and which is it they wish to be part of. For instance, Canada may wish to be part of the Global Government of South America. A referendum in Canada would determine the Global Government the people of Canada wish to belong to. Earth Government does not force anyone to belong in any specific Global Government. It would be advisable for a prosperous industrialized country to unite with a less advantegous country on other levels and in need of help. A GG of industrialized nations should include less advantageous nations
Global politics versus international politics International politics are driven by national interests, self-interests, while Global politics are about the survival of all of us of the planet. Global politics have never been handled for the view of what is best to humanity. If and when we did, we did something of no consequences. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and subsequently the Human Rights Charters of many nations, were good examples of failures to humanity. We developed rights and gave them equal importance. Nothing we can apply to any real situations. Nothing real! No where in Nature do we ever observe rights of equal importance. We, human beings, invented the Declaration and now much of our future is dependent on it. What is truly real is the Scale of Human and Earth Rights. It is a scale of social values. Just think about a situation where a group of people are watching a basketball game. Suddenly someone observed a hole in the roof and a dangerous structural fault. The roof is likely to fall anytime soon. That someone gives the alarm. Now what is the most important thing to do right now? If you think like someone with a good common sense, the most important thing to do right now is of course to have everyone out of the building. But if you think like those who developed the Declaration, you would still be watching the game (making sure that all basketball players follow the rules of the game as they have the same rights) and you would be dying later on along with everyone else in the building. Not a good scenario! What if it is a deadly gas coming into the building? a fire? an earthquake? a flood? What if the building is the Earth, home to all life we know of. What about climate change?! Green gases causing it. Deadly gases! The Kyoto Protocol is giving the alarm! What is the most important thing to do? That is the purpose of the Scale of Human and Earth Rights. It tells you what are the most important rights to sustain humanity now and in the coming future. An analysis has shown that the Declaration of Human Rights and Charters of Nations all over the world dont even consider these important rights. They are not even included. All because those who developed the Declaration were living in a different world where we live, where human beings live on Earth. They lived in an imaginary space where everything is just as important as everything else. We have to rectify their failures of helping humanity. We have to throw away the Declaration and Charters, and adopt the Scale. Simple as that! Global politics is about doing what is right for all of us now and in the future, and for all life on the planet. We base our understandings and actions on principles we all know are rights deep down. You cannot have a nation invading another nation for its resources? its water? its oil and gas? We have chaos without principles! We have conflicts and wars. There are ways of doing things that will give everyone a good survival chance. There are global equitable and sustainable solutions. Global politics are meant to guide us on the right path. They are meant to bring humanity on a safe ground. They are about the survival of all of us of the planet. This is what people who work hard, pay their taxes and play by the rules want from their political leaders. You don't expect politicians to be perfect. But you do want to know that your tax dollars - money you've worked for - are being spent properly and wisely. You've been let down. How many time have we heard of corruption at the United Nations: remember the ' oil for food program', and now american corporations are making billions of dollars "rebuilding Iraq" or is it destroying Iraq to have the contracts of rebuilding it. There is so much corruption that it stinks to the Moon. Many other organizations are corrupted and have no intention of changing their ethics rules: * World Trade Organization (WTO), Most dont even have ethics. If they do they dont follow them. The problem is the system they have created. It has become clear that this culture of waste, mismanagement and corruption cannot reform itself. GCEG needs a President who will lead by example. We need a President who will fix the system rather than defend its beneficiaries. I did not get into politics to get a title or position. I got into politics to fight for the things I believe in. As President, I will lead by example. I will begin the process of fixing the system by legislating and enforcing the GCEG Responsibility and Accountability Act – a specific, detailed and credible plan to clean up bad global governance. Accountable government. You deserve nothing less. Join me and help make it happen.
Just a few years ago we heard the International Court being told by the United States that American soldiers were not to be taken to Court. How is it possible that a nation such as the United States can be abstained from Justice? How is it possible that the United Nations would not strongly react to such dismal of Justice? How is it possible that any nation, anyone at all, should be abstained from Justice? The judicial body is one of three bodies of a democracy: executive, legislative and judiciary. Take Justice out and you dont have a democracy. So how is it possible that the United States promotes democracy in the Middle East and Afghanistan under the condition that there is no Justice as far as they are concerned. America's military wants to apply Justice, its Justice, to all nations. But they dont want Justice to be applied to themselves. This is totally unacceptable! Justice is for everyone and is a universal constant. Justice should also be strongly applied in all aspects of global life: the environment, the misused of the Earth resources, problems between nations, the creation of new nations, trade and other global ministries. To answer the question of "How is it possible that the United Nations would not strongly react to such dismal of Justice?" is probably due to the fact that the UN itself is not a democracy. It never was a democracy! Justice is non-existent at the UN. Every member state is watching America. The UN is an organization where politicians meet to receive instruction from the United States about what to do next. The UN follow the US lead because the US has a lot of money and a lot of guns and mass destruction weapons for sell. So when the US say that Justice does not apply to Americans then all member states comply. Noone at the UN ever thought for one moment to say that was wrong, to tell Americans that Justice applies to everyone including Americans, and enforce their stand for Justice. If and when a not so powerful member state does not do what America wants it to do, then America ask the UN to force compliance, and every member state agrees. Bullying at work! Worst, it is a dictatorship. There are Global Community Arrest Warrants against President George W. Bush and John Howard, Prime Minister of Australia. (Read Newsletter, Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2006 ![]() Politicians create wars. They send the military to solve their problems, satisfy their interest and needs, and destroy the problems or create new ones to be in line with the war industry lobbying. The political game is as deadly as the military game. Peace is the worst enemy to both the potical and military people as peace does not pay for monthly mortgage bills, car payments and lust of the people living off the war industry. It was estimated that in the United States alone the war industry feed over fifty million Americans and has a monthly budget of more than ten trillion american dollars. These people are evils. All of their Souls have already been purified. They will never see the light again. Global Community Earth Government (GCEG) is promoting the settling of disputes ![]() Ever since the end of World War I the British tried to colonize the arabs and Muslims of the Middle East and surroundings. Over the past two years, we have proven in articles of several of our Newsletters that the British and American peoples have tried to invade and colonize the Arabs and Muslims of the Middle East. Israel is the Trojan Horse to achieve their goal. Back in 1947, the US have coerced the United Nations to create the State of Israel. It was an illegal and arbitrary process (or the lack of it) that created the State of Israel. There was never a Referendum conducted in the region to find out if there were any reason at all for the creation of Israel (at the time there were only a few Jews in the region) against the will of over one billion Arabs and Muslims. The reason was colonization and invasion of the Middle East for profit and self-interests. Brut and simple exploitation of the people of the Middle East and of their resources. Another invasion but different than the invasion of Vietnam and of other Peoples by the same invaders. After World War II, at the UN, it was easy for the US to get all the allies on their side. The Five Permanent Members of the UN (Great Britain, France, China, US, Russia) had no objection and all passed the resolution that created the state of Israel. That was all that was required. No process! All political! Politicians created the State of Israel without any reason except preparing grounds for a systematic invasion of the Middle East and the exploitation of the Arabs and Muslims and of their resources. A Torjan Horse in the making! In Canada, every province have jurisdiction over their resources. Ask to the Premier of Alberta what he would say if Ottawa was to create a new agency to manage or take over the resources within his province. He would probably seperate from the rest of Canada and join the US. So why would it be any different in the Middle East? Dont people from other nations have the rights to own and control their resources? The US do not think so. We are asking the US to justify their action in the Earth Court of Justice (not in the news media which they own and control). We want Justice for all and universal. We want a process for the creation of new nations. We want the Earth Court of Justice to be an independent and impartial body that will create the process and verify it for the case of the creation of the State of Israel. GCEG is promoting that the creation of a new nation does not have to be at the expenses of human lives and destruction of an entire world. It can and should always be done through a decision made by a higher Court. We are promoting the immediate use of this higher Court, the Earth Court of Justice ![]()
The Court will also be asked to decide on * the formation of a new nation in the world, The Court decides in accordance with: * the Scale of Human and Earth Rights, GCEG dissallows bullying behavior between nations. That goes against global law. ![]() Let us first discuss what we mean by 'a nation bully'. Bullying another nation is a conscious and wilful act of aggression and/or manipulation by one or more nations against another nation, community, or civilization. Bullying can last for a short period or go on for years, and is an abuse of power by those who carry it out. It is sometimes premeditated, and sometimes opportunistic, sometimes directed mainly towards one victim, and sometimes occurs serially and randomly. Bullying by a nation is a cowardly act because it is done to cause hurt without fear of recrimination. The victimised nation is unlikely to retaliate effectively, if at all. Bullying relies on those who are marginally involved, often referred to as observers, onlookers, or watchers, doing nothing to stop the bullying or becoming actively involved in supporting it. We know most of the media industry is own by American investors who are themselves involved in bullying or at least make a profit in publishing the side of the bullying nation(s) thus reinforcing the cause of the bullies. The United Nations are an organization that has been the site of bullying by America on the other nations. The creation of the State of Israel, war against Afghanistan and Iraq and countless other examples show the bullying skill and power of America. Bullying contains the following elements: * harm is intended Bullying another nation is often an antisocial and criminal behavior. Criminal offences should be handled by the Earth Court of Justice. Bully nations have power over their victims. The process of exclusion an humiliation that is inherent in bullying almost guarantees that the victim will not be able to stand up to the bully nation(s).Any efforts to do so become part of the fuel that inflames the bully nation. The situation is characterized by menace and an imbalance of power. It invites further humiliation for the victim and an escalation of violence. Bullying another nation is an abusive and humiliating behavior. It is neither character-forming nor good for anyone in any way. Those who stand up to bullying are just as likely to be hit down. Those nations that state bullying of a nation is normal and acceptable are either deluded or bullies themselves. One may ask if the United Nations are responsible for a culture of bullying of nations. The UN never reprimande America and Britain for their bullying behavior. Why? Bullies want to dominate others. Nation bullies want to dominate other nations. NATO members are nation bullies. The very existence of NATO is a statement of what they are. They attempt to control other nations in many ways. They may engage in a number of aggressive behaviors from verbally taunting other nations, calling them evils, and spreading vicious rumors among the Global Community, to threatening other nations, sometimes even carrying out such threats. Bully nations are very good at selecting those nations that are likely victims. For instance, America chose Afghanistan without any tangible, solid proofs of their allegations. No case was brought to the Earth Court of Justice to substantiate their claims. Ultimately, some victims will give in to the demands of the bullies, thereby reinforcing this socially unacceptable behavior. Bully nations learn rapidly that aggression works for them. It is imperative that bullying be stopped within the Global Community. It can create a hell on Earth for a nation that is victimised (America and Britain have victimised a large number of nations over their history), and can seriously threaten that nation's opportunities in life. And, equally important, the social climate of a place on Earth is a model of the world outside. It is where people develop a large part of their morality, their understanding of how the world works, and their sense of responsibility towards the society they live in. What type of nation would willingly inflict harm on others? Bully nations engage in their behavior because it makes them feel important.They are usually insecure people who need to make themselves feel good by making others feel bad. Hence, they usually have good self-esteem. Bully nations have learned that by being physically aggressive is a way to get what they want, a way to control people, other nation. They have learned this behavior during World War I and II. They have witnessed that Hitler got what he wanted for a long time by being a bully nation. American and British Peoples just follow into his steps. Most bully nations remain bully nations for a long time. Bully nations may also learn their behavior from inappropriate role models on television and in the movies. Bully nations do not outgrow this behavior. They are more likely to be involved with the criminal justice system and tending to be more abusive over time. For instance, the Earth Court of Justice has a strong case against America and all other nations that have not ratified the Kyoto Protocol even though the Global Community has done so. America also want its military to be abstained from being tried in Court. America likes to force Justice (its Justice) into other nations but America do not want Justice applied to itself. Typical bully nation behavior! How do we help bully nations to change their behavior for one that in line for the survival of all life on Earth, in line with the human family, with the Scale of Human and Earth Rights, the Global Constitution, Global Law, and the Global Citizens Rights, Responsibility and Accountability Act ![]() 1. Improve the normal reasoning abilities of the bully nation. Bully nations have armed themselves with the most destructive weapons ever imagined by human beings. They have now built the war industry to make such weapons of mass destruction. They own the media industry which they use for dis-information of the American public and other nations. They make other nations follow into their steps and buy thier weapons, war product and equipment. They profess a culture of violence and war as the Way of Life, the American Way of Life is the best there is. They make trillions of dollars by selling their products to other nations. Throughout the 20th Century, the war industry has created the worse evil humanity has ever encountered: the business of conflicts and wars. It is a business that has made trillions of dollars (American) and will continue to do so. It is the "mother of all evils" created by human beings. It has no moral value, no understanding about Life, no respect for anyone or anything, no law except the ones that it makes for itself, and all its products are meant to kill and destroy. It has sold its products to the enemies for the purpose of making more profit. It has subdued governments all over the world to make them buy its products. It has given trade and way of doing business a bad reputation and, therefore, it is a threat to the establisment of business and trade. Although the war industry has a good public image, it does not really matter who is the buyer as long as he pays good money. The proof of this reality was easily verified by finding out what war products and equipment were being used by Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, and other Middle East countries. Over 90% of all war products and equipment were made in the USA, Britain, Germany, France and Russia. Four out of five of these countries are Permanent Members of the United Nations and that means they have almost a 100% control on any proposal submitted to the organization. The fifth Permanent Member missing here is China. Shortly after the September 11 event, the UN Security Council has approved war against the people of Afghanistan. To get China to vote YES they gave China a membership in the World Trade Organization(WTO). A 'bully nation' can become a 'nation predator'. Let us now discuss what we mean by 'a nation predator'. A nation predator is a nation that feeds on other nations for its own survival and practices the exploitation of the people and of the resources in those other nations. Eventually a nation predator will invade other nations to control resources they need for their own survival. A nation predator would also invade another nation for the sole purpose of gaining popularity at home before an election. The Middle East is a good example of such behavior. We have discussed in several articles the historical aspects of events happening in the Middle East. Today the United States with Israel are the only outsiders invading the Middle East countries. These outsiders are shaping the political evolution of the Middle East and the destinies of every Muslim country and Afghanistan. Everything, including oil prices (OPEC really have not much saying in this matter), are ruled by the United States. Iraqi President Saddam Hussein predicted that this would happen, and he warned his fellow Muslims. GCEG denounces the United States of America for attempting to create new governments in Afghanistan and Iraq as they have done with Israel (a government at war with one billion Muslims and Arabs ever since its fraudulent creation in 1948).
GCEG has an urgent need for the following ministries: a. Ombudsperson The formation of GCEG ministries is the most important event in human history. Humanity sees the need to manage the world affairs in several aspects of our lives: energy, agriculture, environment, health, Earth resources, Earth management, security and safety, emergencies and rescues, trade, banks, speculation on world markets, peace, family and human development, water resources protection, youth, education, justice, science and technology, finance, human resources, ethics, human and Earth rights, sustainable development, industry, and manufacturing products, etc. Global ministries will be given power to rule themselves in harmony with each other. The WTO will not be the only global ministry that can rule on cases related to trade. The Global Community is calling for the immediate formation of the Earth Ministry of Health. The globalization of trade, the extensive mouvement of people all over the world, the increase of poverty and diseases in developing countries and all over the world, have caused pathogens and exotic diseases to migrate over enormous distances and now, are an increasing threat to local ecosystems and communities, economies and health of every human being and all life. The Global Community is calling this threat of the upmost importance and must be dealt with immediately by every nation. We must manage health in the world. We are calling for the immediate creation of the Earth Ministry of Health. We are inviting professionals to submit an application to become the Ministers of Global Community Earth Government (GCEG). Just so you all know we dont pay anyone, and we dont pay expenses. We do volunteer work for humanity. We do 'soft activism' work. The Global Constitution shows us how to operate our organization. We follow Global Law as shown in the Global Constitution. All those who do volunteer work for us must become familliar with it and become 'global citizens' ![]() Once you have accepted the Criteria, you become a Global Citizen, and you can be a volunteer for us. We do not relate in any way with the United Nations. We are here to replace it. For over a decade GCEG has tried very hard to reform the United Nations. It has become clear that the United Nations promotes a culture of waste, mismanagement and corruption, and that it cannot reform itself. Today, the only logical, most equitable and sustainable alternative, is to replace it with GCEG. A Minister starts defining his or her ministry completely: what it will do, why is it needed, the money needed to run it (we do not pay anyone or pay expenses), the people needed, the work it will do all over the world, etc. Each and everyone of us can pick a Minister's position and find absolutely everything there is to be found about the Ministry. If you still want to do volunteer work for us please Participate in Global Dialogue 2006 (no costs) and fill up the form at http://www.globalcommunitywebnet.com/globalcommunity/registrationform.htm Reply by email. Our Council of Ministers is shown here. ![]()
Germain Dufour Project Officer and Adviser to the GGNA President Global Community Earth Government (GCEG) http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GlobalConstitution/ ![]() Global Community Earth Government recommendations to humanity http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/gceg/ ![]() globalcommunity@telus.net ![]() GlobalConstitution@telus.net ![]() Global
Dialogue 2006 Ombudsperson GCEG Ombudsperson websites: 1. Chapter 9 The democratic base of Earth Government ![]() Article 6: The Global Community Ombudsperson 2. Chapter 10.5 Section 3. The ecological rights, the protection of the global life-support systems and the primordial human rights of future generations Chapter 10.6.1 Rights of Global Community citizens Article 5: Global Ombudsperson 3. Chapter 14.2 B.6 Global Community Ombudspersons Office Article 1: Composition of the Global Community Ombudspersons Office 4. Chapter 14.3 B.6 Global Community Ombudspersons Article 1: The Global Community Ombudspersons Office Minister of Global Peace GCEG Global Peace websites: ![]() ![]() ![]() Minister of Global Health
The Global Health Ministry is needed to reduce the threat of new and reemerging diseases and immune micro-organisms. SAR is certainly a new emerging global threat and must be managed before it becomes widespread. There are several factors indicating the need for new global changes in the area of health: * larger populations of mal-nourished and undereducated people living in substandard housing, unhealthy environmental conditions and inadequate health services, and poor water supply and sanitation The Global Community is asking national governments to give their support for the network of collaborating laboratories managed by the World Health Organization (WHO). We are proposing to expand WHO's mandate to include: * a global surveillance system Universal health care, education, retirement security and employment services to every Global Community citizen Implemented through the Global Community with built-in mechanisms for optimum input and oversight guaranteed to all member-states, the Global Community offers a practicable starting point for achieving: (a) a healthful, sustainable environment for every global community citizen, This effort will lead over time to an escalation of human values and symbiotical relationships transcending money centered economics. The Global Community is calling for the immediate formation of the Earth Ministry of Health. The globalization of trade, the extensive mouvement of people all over the world, the increase of poverty and diseases in developing countries and all over the world, have caused pathogens and exotic diseases to migrate over enormous distances and now, are an increasing threat to local ecosystems and communities, economies and health of every human being and all life. The Global Community, the Human Family, is calling this threat of the upmost importance and must be dealt with immediately by every nation. We must manage health in the world. We are calling for the immediate creation of the Earth Ministry of Health ![]() Formation of a Global Ministry of Environmental Health 1. Must be non-profit, grassroots, and at community level. |
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