Global education and training
Global Information Media editorial page
The Global Community has had work on global education and trainng aspects ever since 1985. A short list of our previous work on global education and trainng aspects. A short list of our previous work on global education and trainng aspects is shown here

For more recent work on global education and trainng aspects read the following table.

 Month/year  Theme and Author  Read contents
 July 10, 2007   10 propositions pour la paix , by Guy CRÉQUIE, Le XXIè siècle est celui du troisième millénaire, il doit anticiper l'héritage que nous laisserons à la nouvelle génération. Ce siècle peut, doit, décider comme le propose l'UNESCO que la pauvreté est une atteinte insupportable aux droits de l'homme mais plus encore, il doit décider que l'humanité est un sujet politique et juridique( déterminant comme instance de vie) supérieur à la logique économique.   Read 10 propositions pour la paix
 June 1, 2007   The National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE) and TheCorporateCounsel.Net invite you to participate in a free webconference: Tackling Global Warming: Challenges for Corporate Boards and their Advisors. , by NCSE. Climate Change: Science and Solutions   Read NCSE invites you to participate in free webconference: Tackling Global Warming- Challenges for Corporate Boards and their Advisors
 May 19, 2007   Question of Direction , by Mike Nickerson and Donna Dillman, Goals are the seeds from which the future grows. When enough people understand this, the conventional wisdom will shift, moving from: our purpose is to expand production and onsumption to our purpose is to enjoy living while managing the planet for generations to come. As you know, the Question of Direction program aims to increase the rate at which this realization takes place.   Read Question of Direction
 May 26, 2007  Letter sent by Germain Dufour to the Global Community The Global Community celebrates Life Day on May 26 of each year
The Global Community is defined as being all that exits or occurs at any location at any time between the Ozone layer above and the core of the planet below
  Read The Global Community celebrates Life Day on May 26 of each year
 June 1, 2007   Réflexion philosophique reliant dans une perspective d'harmonie la journée du 1 juin ( pour la protection de l'enfance ) et celle du 21 juin ( jour global d'harmonie.), by Guy CRÉQUIE, Harmonie et paix - et philosophie.   Read Réflexion philosophique reliant dans une perspective d'harmonie la journée du 1 juin ( pour la protection de l'enfance ) et celle du 21 juin ( jour global d'harmonie.)
 May 2, 2007  Ecovillage Design Education - Training of Trainers 2007, 27 October - 24 November 2007 , by Pracha Hutanuwatr,, published in Findhorn Foundation in partnership with the Global Ecovillage Network and Gaia Education. Based on the Gaia Education Ecovillage Design Curriculum - an official contribution to the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2005-2014   Read Ecovillage Design Education - Training of Trainers 2007
 April 25, 2007  1st Virtual Congress on World Citizenship and democratic Governance
Letter sent to the Global Community by Nina Goncharova, - Russia;
Co-signed by: Carol Hiltner, Jackie Stratton, Susan Quattrociocchi, Maia Rose, Theresa Fornalski, Carolyn Cilek, Clarice Sieden – USA; Claude Veziau – Canada; Igor Zinger, David Kaplun – Israel
Our email:
Our websites: and
 April 14, 2007   Paix et évolution , by Ammar Banni, f you believe in the communion of the spirits, think with us, imagine with us, proclaim with us, the universalism of peace, the right of each man to be for all the other men, the expression of the tolerance and the acceptance of the other   Read Paix et évolution
 March 8, 2007  Letter sent by Grassroots Women to the Global Community Grassroots Women International Women’s Day 2007 Statement
Strengthen Women’s Resistance: Oppose Imperialism’s Intensifying Attacks! Assert Women’s Basic Human Rights!
In Canada, a patriarchal resurgence and ever-more entrenched systemic racism are intensifying the exploitation, oppression, and economic exclusion of working class, (im)migrant, refugee and Indigenous women. We are hard hit by the neo-liberal policies of the Canadian government of liberalization, deregulation and privatization which leave working class women unable to earn a decent income or to access affordable housing, health, and other services. Amidst rising corporate profiteering, government corruption, and military spending, government funding for childcare and women’s programs have been slashed. The insultingly paltry and unjustly distributed $100/month childcare benefit has been a slap in the face for women demanding a genuinely universal national childcare program. (Im)migrant and refugee women face the punitive and exploitative nature of immigration policies such as the Live-in Caregiver Program and unjust deportations. Indigenous women face the ongoing colonization of their land and resources.
  Read   Grassroots Women International Women’s Day 2007 Statement
 February 26, 2007  Is towards a totally spiritually ethical politics possible? Letter sent by Livia Varju, Universal Alliance Servitor for Switzerland, to the Global Community   Read Is towards a totally spiritually ethical politics possible?
 February 7, 2007   POÈME À MON FRÈRE, l’humain du XXIème siècle, by Guy CRÉQUIE, A l'origine dote du seul certificat d'etudes, je suis devenu a  40 ans, diplome de 3ieme cycle universitaire. Je sui message du Manifeste 2000 de l'UNESCO, ambassadeur universel de la paix, laureat des Academies Europeenne et mondiale de la culture et des arts.   Read POÈME À MON FRÈRE
 January/February, 2007   Making Other Arrangements: Can we get over the car and get real about preparing for an oil-scarce future? , by JAMES HOWARD KUNSTLER , The Orion Society,   Read Making Other Arrangements: Can we get over the car and get real about preparing for an oil-scarce future?
 December 17, 2006   100 Things You Can Do to Get Ready for Peak Oil, by Sharon Astyk , Energy Bulletin, Peak Oil Prep, by Mick Winter   Read 100 Things You Can Do to Get Ready for Peak Oil
 December 10, 2006   Teaching peace, by David Krieger , Founder and President of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation and TFF Associate The Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research   Read Teaching peace


1st Virtual Congress
on World Citizenship and democratic Governance

«Every human being is the creator of his destiny and he is capable to transform dreams to reality. The more people of the Earth will join in search of an image of the future - a multipolar common house, the more and higher the energy will be for the birth of a New World»

Talgat Akbashev, Russia
Translated by Nina Goncharova
Edited by Claude Veziau, Canada


We cannot wait any more when unreasonable people will destroy themselves as the planetary form of life. It was not by chance that the UN declared the first year of the Third Millennium a Year of Dialogue of Civilizations. For we have this great dialogue happening within ourselves. Intolerance of people, peoples and religions has been permeating all history of human Civilization. That is why we need at least a Decade of conscious efforts of the whole planetary community to become released from the energies of enmity, hatred, aversion and hatred. We need at least Decade of conscious efforts of each inhabitant of the Earth to create cooperation of people and peoples and a new society.

What is Education for World Citizens?

Joint creation, development and realization of projects where education is seen as a process of search of sense of existence, as a way of awakening unlimited human qualities, as the way of awakening of inexhaustible forces and opportunities to create a new society of peace, cooperation and conscious creation of new quality of life.

Do we have Hope?

Development of a human society is subordinated to the same laws, as development of nature and universe. Reaching the ceiling of the old society, it generates by itself an increasing amount of people focused on changing the direction of society. We may consider all social cataclysms and revolutions to be destructive but they can also be seen as the natural expression of the need of people for changes. As life shows, in the ÕÕIst century, a century of nuclear arms and the international terrorism, social revolutions are fraught with transition in unguided international conflicts. We are sure, that we have qualitative new opportunity of our epoch and it is a fact that a New World is born not in struggle but in dialogue of people and peoples.

Do we have attributes of awakening people to be able to create a new society?

A New World is being born in the bosom of the old one as a culmination point where we are obviously finding out, on one hand, the impossibilities to keep old ways of thinking and living, and on the other hand - all the necessary sufficient conditions for transition to a new society.

Attribute number 1: a growing avalanche of ecological and social disasters, constant wars and conflicts « eating up » huge resources - they are orders, calls and demands for urgent actions. The world is awakening from the centuries-old dream, "looming" on a society of unlimited consumption. This Dream has led human civilization to gloomy poverty in the face of abundance of resources, to steady degradation of health in the face of advanced medicine, the increasing political, ethnic and religious intolerance in spite of greater general erudition.

Attribute number 2: humankind has within itself a huge potential of great inner desire to create peace. The world today thirsts for peace on the planet. Citizens of the Earth have prepared everything we need in order to achieve a qualitatively new level of mutual understanding and steady progress.

Attribute number 3: we cannot but see an ever-growing quantity of people realizing the absolute necessity of a transition from a consumer society to a society of creation.

These attributes can be obviously observed by everybody. During the last decade (it is clearly seen, especially, after the Issik-Kul -1986 and Rio-de-Janeiro Forums -1992), we can observe both governors of nations, and people from all over the world being involved in discussions of the things happening on the planet. The American tragedy in September, 11, 2002, the Moscow tragedy in October, 2003, events in Iraq, increasing ecological accidents (especially Iran 2004), covered by all channels of the mass media, gave a great push for people to reflect about the destiny of human civilization, unprecedented in human history.

Education as a tool for creating a New Society

A great planetary system of mass education has been formed on our planet. It is one of the greatest achievements attained by people in the XXth century. In the 3rd millennium, education has become a systematic tool for management of the future. We can logically see that the destiny of all human civilization depends on what aims and results this system is directed towards.

But we have a much deeper basis to promote education as the fundamental factor to give birth to a New Society of Peace and Harmony. Each of us sooner or later comes to an understanding that the whole process of life is a learning process to awaken our life destination. Then it becomes clear that human life and the lives of peoples and the whole of humanity are a continuous process of awakening from within new individual and collective qualities, defining people as reasoning and conscious beings.

The source of all problems emanates from hanging on to the instinctive animal principles of struggle for survival and competition. Growth of consciousness while remaining attached to animal principles of organization of life also generates a global existential crisis. Survival principles and crises are necessary conditions to bring about evolution of consciousness in times of barbarity. The Task of a conscious human being is to realize that the Earth is a planetary school for the evolution of consciousness. Evolution has been unconscious, up to the XXth century and is now - beginning with the ÕÕIst century, transforming into conscious evolution. Now it is time for Education for world Citizens to create conditions for people to take responsibility for life.

If life is a school for the awakening of consciousness, it becomes obvious that the family is a cell of education, a human settlement (community) is an educational community, a society is an educational system, and the Earth - a Planet for Education. Education for world Citizens is education oriented to create the ability to take responsibility for life. Such an approach impels us to seek the resolution of all the problems of human civilization, without exceptions, through changing the focus of attention to the HUMAN BEING and on finding ways of awakening his internal potential and his adaptive opportunities to create conviviality. In the light of the birth of a new society of creation, technological and information inventions, even if they concern energy and resources, are not primary. Primary are technologies favoring the awakening of human beings, as sources of inexhaustible forces and energy, as sources of harmony for all reality, as sources of creation of life itself and a new and totally unprecedented reality.

How to give birth to a Society of Education?

Here we see two fundamental tasks having EDUCATION for world citizens as a common basis.

Task 1: creating effective mechanisms to have an increasing amount of people projecting and building a new society of creation and harmony. By participating in the action of continuously creating images of an individual and collective future, and in the realization of such projects all public life can be transformed into a educational channel for adults. Jointly creating images of a future society where the benefit of each individual becomes the condition of benefit for all – this is an attribute of the birthing of a Society of Education.

Task 2: - including this increasing amount of people in the act of creating an educational system to help a new generation to achieve and live on a level of conscious evolution.

What are the features of New Education?

How can we make it a reality?

The first thing that is required for New Education is communication of everybody with everybody on this planet. The new educational system will be closely connected to a new system of communication, which is already established on the planet. It will allow us to communicate both visually and with the help of words with any person on the planet without use of satellites or complex systems of communication, as we have today. Communication of everyone with everyone is a necessary condition for the real valid democratization of public life, accelerated processes of designing, projecting and realizing our own future. Communication of everyone with everyone leads us to really creating planetary consciousness, where the well being and success of each person, each being, becomes a subject of care to each earthman.

The second is a turning of the focus of attention away from the use of natural resources and towards research, activation and use of own internal resources. So this is the way going from living for the sake of consumption to consumption for the sake of life. The former puts the accent on care for the economy and the continuous manufacture of goods. How to take out the competitor? How to force the person to consume more and more new goods and products? These are the main questions of a society based on consumption. Consumption for the sake of life places the human being and his life first. What is life? Where does it come from? What does it consist of? In which direction is it developping? Who am I? Where am I from? Where do I go? - All these questions from the field of abstract metaphysics pass into a field of daily and continuous attention and action. This is the way to give birth to life consciously realizing itself. This is the way of transition from barbarity to culture. This is the way of attaining the state favoring conscious evolution of reason on Earth.

The third is the universal development of a culture of feeling oneself, others and the world, and the result of it is a reverence and sense of all life in all of its variety.

In which directions do we work in order to create a culture of feelings as the basis of Education for World Citizens?

The culture of feelings and becoming aware of oneself activates internal forces, forms internal psychophysical stability in the face of external influences as a basis of mental and physical health of the person. The cultivation of feelings gives birth to reverence for our own inner world and readiness to constantly improve this inner world and to take more and more responsibility for life.

How is it done?

Participation in the creation and realization of projects of individual destiny in a multi-leveled human community transforms all spheres of human life into an educational one.

What individual and collective qualities are guaranteed as results of New Education?

New Education guarantees new qualities and new opportunities for every human being. These are:

· Growth of adaptive abilities of every human being in relation to any environments of existence;
· Awakening evolutionary memory;
· Awakening of boundless endowments in everybody.
· New quality of relations between people and peoples. From a cult of struggle of all with everything, of competition and enmity, to a culture of cooperation and diversity.
· New quality of relationship between humans and nature. Ecology of consciousness - so it would be possible to designate a new direction of Ecology. From ecology directed on protecting nature from people, to an ecology of human consciousness, wherein each being considers him/her-self as a source of harmony with nature - minerals, plants, micro and macrocosm. From protection of nature to awakening deeper and deeper levels of nature and the universe within.

What immediate projects are planned to create a Planet for Education?

Direction 1. Education of adults
Direction 2. Creating of Internet - Educational systems aiming the widespread inclusion of children and youth in the creation and realization of images of their own future.
Direction 3. Creating a network of settlements (communities) functionning on the principle of Communities for Education.
Direction 4. Creating a stream of coordinated events focused on integrating people’s visions and actions for the future.

What changes will occur in all spheres of public life?

In economy - consecutive transition from the manufacture of goods to the manufacture of human resources;
In medicine - transition from medicine dealing with illnesses and diseases to culture of health (without medicine)
In an agriculture - transition from technologies based on chemical fertilization to permanent agriculture (permaculture)
In construction - natural design in harmony with the environment
In energy - energy of human beings coming first - then solar, water, wind and other eternal sources
Transport - new ecologically oriented means of transport
Communications - new technologies to connect everybody with everybody
Politics - self-organization of people

Why we are sure of success?

The Attribute of a New Time is the ability of people to act together for the common benefit. This project is focused on forming this very new quality - collective aspiration and actions for the future. It is focused on seeking such an image of a human civilization where there are no hungry and forgotten people, no wars and conflicts, where every human being is a source of harmony for himself, others and environment.

How can we make it reality?

1 - Communication of everybody with everybody on this planet. This leads us to the true creation of a planetary consciousness, where the well-being and success of each person, each being, becomes a subject of care to every human.
2 - Turning the focus of our attention, away from the consumption of natural resources and towards research on activating and using of our own internal resources. This is the way to change from life for the sake of consumption to consumption for the sake of life. It puts the human being and his life first. What is life? Where does it come from? What does it consist of? Where is it going? Who am I? Where am I from? Where do I go? - This is the way of reaching the state of conscious evolution of reason on Earth.
3 – Creating a culture of feeling oneself, others and the world.. and the result of it is reverence for life and an awakening sense of life in all its variety.

New Education guarantees new qualities and new opportunities for every human being. They are:

· Growth of the adaptive abilities of every human being in relation to any environment of existence;
· Awakening evolutionary memory;
· Awakening of boundless potentials in everybody.
· New quality of relations between people. From the cult of struggle to a culture of peace, from the cult of competition and enmity to a culture of cooperation and diversity.
· New quality of relation of a human being with nature. Conscious ecology of the deep interrelations between nature and human beings. From ecology of nature focused on protecting nature from the person, to ecology of consciousness of a human being as a source of harmony for nature - minerals, plants, micro and macrocosm. From the protection of nature to awakening deeper and deeper layers of nature and the universe within every human being.


"Creating conditions for OUR CHILREN to meet in harmony and create a world they would love to live TOGETHER in peace!"

14 April, 2007
By Nina Goncharova – Russia
Co-signed by:
Carol Hiltner, Jackie Stratton, Susan Quattrociocchi, Maia Rose, Theresa Fornalski, Carolyn Cilek, Clarice Sieden – USA;
Claude Veziau – Canada;
Igor Zinger, David Kaplun – Israel

Who are we? What can we do for ourselves and our children to live in the world as they would love to live?

Our Mother Earth and the Universe are waiting for us to become responsible for life. Our planet is transforming now into a new type of civilization that never existed before, the one with a human face, human heart, and divine conscious humanity. "From wars to culture of peace, from competition to cooperation, from consumption to creation, from ignorance to consciousness, from biosphere to noosphere" – this is the transition our planet is going through. Our planet is our common home and a small ship in the ocean of Universe. All people on the Earth – women, men, and children are one great family and one team of this small cosmic ship. It is so inevitable to realize that we are to really become a united team acting together for our children and ourselves, for our common home and our common ship.

On the verge of the coming New World we send this message to all people and especially the competitive persons of the planet! We do understand your desire to act by fighting and we suggest using your great masculine energy for creative aims. We do know and feel that we can grow and improve our inner qualities without fighting and overcoming obstacles that we have created. We can do it by consciously creating tasks of our inner responsibility for the Common Wealth! We realize that we can do it only together. We all need love and we are real gifts to one another as we are chosen to create New Time together! We are all fathers, mothers, and children. It is we who are meant to create the conditions for our children to unite visions and actions for peace in a rather short period of time. We suggest creating conditions for our children to become one vital team for the future.

We invite you together with your children to take part in:

· 11th "Education for World Citizens" Congress to be conducted in the framework of the 12th Ural-Planet festival at Turgoyak lake, Chelyabinsk region, Russia – June 27-29, 2007

· "Earth Is a Garden of Peoples" international expedition to three sacred places – Arkaim-Altai-Baikal – July 1-26, 2007

· Earth Children international nomad YOUTH camp to be conducted in two regions of Altai Republic – July 1-17, 2007

We will create a joint program of actions and a network of inter-national "Culture of Peace" youth camps all over the world to become hearths of new life and catalysts of growing cooperation and peace.

You are welcome to come to Russia
to create a planetary PEACE team in summer 2007!
Please visit our websites:

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