Global Community Earth Government
Global Community Earth Government
Newsletter Volume 3       Issue 5,    July  2005
The Interim Earth Government

Now is time to form the federation of all nations,
Earth Government

Table of Contents

The Interim Earth Government has had a quiet beginning in 1988. It was formed at the same time as the Global Community Organization. They were both discussed again in a report on global changes published in 1990. The report contained 450 policies (workable sound solutions) on global sustainable development, and was presented to the United Nations, the Government of Canada, the provincial government of Alberta and several non-profit organizations and scientists.
   History of the Global Community Organization and Interim Earth Government   
   Proposal for an alliance between Earth Government and all Nations   
   Member Nations no longer need to accept economic bribes from the IMF and the World Bank   
   The put-down of the EU Constitution is a signal of the EU economic block in disarray as happened to the US lead FTAA
   Resolution for the creation of a Democratic Earth Government    
   Earth Government Global Economic System   
   Proposal to let the Global Community Ombudsperson use the Scale of Human and Earth Rights as a way of protecting rights of global community citizens   
   People from all Nations are required to sign the Global Constitution   
   The Ninth Global Meeting of the Interim Earth Government, August 20th, 2005   
   The Global Exhibition   
   Legislation on hydrogen-fueled engine   
   Earth Government Global Law, the Global Constitution, Statutes, Codes and Bills   
   Bush's sandwich democracy   
   Global Community Earth Government denounces the FTAA, an American initiative to take the economic control of resources of the Americas   

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Several times in the past we have published the history of the Global Community and the Interim Earth Government. Today we are offering our readers an updated history to include the August 2005 Ninth Global Meeting of the Interim Earth Government. The approval of the Global Constitution will be the most important item of discussion. New global legislation will also be on the table for approval. I urge everyone to attend this very important meeting as part of Global Dialogue 2005. Global Dialogue 2005 The Preliminary Program is already available on the website of Global Community Earth Government. Global Community Earth Government

Our history has had a very quiet beginning in 1988 when we created and defined the Global Community Organization. We had our First Global Meeting of the Interim Earth Government on August 20, 1988.

Over the past decade, Global Community Earth Government has been doing 'activist work' to promote the establishment of the federation of all Nations as a replacement to the United Nations. We promote a global democracy as oppose to the global bureaucracy of the UN.

Global Community Earth Government guarantees Member Nations the Human and Earth Rights described in Section 1, 2, and 3 of the Scale of Human and Earth Rights and that means providing citizens of our Member Nations with:

1.     Ecological rights and the protection of the global life-support systems
2.     Primordial human rights

2.1     Security
2.2     Respect and Care for the Community of Life
2.3     Human Dignity
2.4     Freedoms
2.5     Equality before the law
2.6     Solidarity
2.7     Universal health care, education, retirement security and employment services to every Global Community citizen
2.8     Earth Ministry of Health
2.9     Legal rights

3.     The ecological rights, the protection of the global life-support systems and the primordial human rights of future generations

I was happily surprised to see the French and the Netherlands voting down the EU Constitution. They voted down the EU Constitution after we have shown them its fundamental flaws. Our 'activist work' for the good of all humanity paid off. The Constitution called for more economic liberalisation so as to make the EU a more effective competitor against the FTAA and other economic blocs. But the people do not like this because they sense it will lead to an EU based on the Anglo-American economic model where commercial considerations outweigh social or environmental ones. The EU Constitution was like another Titanic facing its glacier. Over the years, I never counted the number of Newsletter Articles members of the Global Community have published to show the world how bad the EU and their Constitution were for humanity. The EU Constitution was based on economics and greed. Not democracy! No one in the EU organization will ever be elected by the Peoples from Member States. There are no election, only nominated or appointed officials. Unlike the legislative branch of Earth Government with the three Houses. Earth Government consists of the Global Parliament, which is divided into three chambers:

1.     House of Elected Representatives
2.     House of Advisers, and
3.     United Nations (UN).

In many ways the EU organization is very much like the World trade Organization (WTO) or the United Nations (UN). There are no stop to corruption at the highest level. Global Community Earth Government is tranparent and has a Global Law to prevent corruption.

The EU will have to get back to fundamental aspects. When it does, I see an EU government up ahead, not just an economically based organization. Eventually an EU government can become a world government without the USA. America would have welcomed an EU organization based only on economics. This is not about to happen.

The world wants a savior. Global Community Earth Government will take this responsibility.

The question is what can we offer the world that the world would want?

I believe I have already answer this question. Read

Global Community Earth Government would be a better alternative to both the EU and the US (with its proposal of the FTAA). Right now we are working on the development of the Global Constitution. We will keep promoting our work, keep meeting with national governments, and form a coalition of 25 nations or more under the flag of Earth Government. We can offer a better deal to the world than the EU, the WTO, the FTAA, the US or the UN, all put together.

We are proposing a method of making the transition to the new global finance, credit, money and banking system, by extending multi-billion unit revolving lines of credit in Global Credits or Earth currency to all developing countries, and to other countries, willing to accept the terms defined herein. The method bases the capacity and ability of the Global Financial Credit Corporation (GFCC) to extend lines of credit simply on facts of people available to work, resources available, and technology available, whether within a country or by transfer, and is not dependent on nor limited by prior savings.

A basket of measured commodities linked to the value of an hour's worth of labor is one way to define the value of a monetary system's unit. The selection of items for the basket is somewhat arbitrary, but one can select items that any human being is likely to consume if the particular resources are available. Once determined by law, the valuation can take place. No valuation can take place if no world legislation arbitrarily sets the initial value for the unit. The following basket of 16 measured commodities represents approximately what any adult worldwide on a living wage might be expected to consume or conserve in one day. Therefore, this value is equal to the minimum wage that a citizen can earn in one four-hour day. The basket is also a small enough basket to be comprehensible and memorable to most adults.

We have it a priority to make Global Community Earth Government more visible to all peoples through a Global Exhibition to be organized in different nations. A Global Exhibition would allow every person and businesses to participate by bringing their products, art work, etc.

As part of Earth Government Global Law, new legislation is now available and updated. Earth Government Legislation

Earth Government Global Law Global Community Earth Government consists of 69 codes, covering various subject areas, the Global Constitution Global Constitution , Bills and Statutes. Information presented reflects laws currently in effect. All Earth Government Codes have been updated to include Statutes of year 2005.

Germain Dufour
Global Community Earth Government Global Community Earth Government

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History of the Global Community organization and Interim Earth Government




Historically, the Earth Community Organization (ECO) was called The Global Community organization. the  Global  Community The name was changed during the August 2000 Global Dialogue. Global Dialogue 2000 Thereafter, we used both names as meaning the same organization. The Global Community means the Earth Community Organization and vice versa. Global Community WebNet Ltd. has operated its business under the name of the Global Community for several years and is still doing now. Global Community WebNet Ltd.

The Global Community organization was first discussed in a report on global changes published in 1990 by Germain Dufour. See professional qualifications The report contained 450 policies (workable sound solutions) on sustainable development, and was presented to the United Nations, the Government of Canada, the provincial  government of Alberta and several non-profit organizations and scientists.

The  Earth Community Organization aims to establish a new, permanent dialogue on measuring and managing sustainable development. It is a grassroots process. Everyone is involved. Everyone is part of the  Earth Community. Your views are important. We want to hear what they are.
Submitted reports on sustainable development to Green Plan of Canada, the Alberta Government and the United Nations.

Submitted to the United Nations the definition and a method of measurement of sustainable development. The method is based on a scale making wide use of hundreds of indicators, indices as well as statistical and field data. Two local / global indicators were developed to measure the quality and cost of development: the Gross Environmental Sustainable Development Index (GESDI) and the Gross Sustainable Development Product (GSDP). Measurements were made and a benchmark for the 21st century was obtained for Calgary, Alberta and Canada.

Wrote 450 environmental policies towards the development of the Green Plan of Canada and the Alberta Environmental Protection Enhancement Act, Bill 23. Title of the report:

Global Change
A grassroots process
To develop new policies, and create new mechanisms and strategies, to increase our planet's ability to assure the continuation of life, and to pursue the goal to make Canada, by the year 2000, the world's most environmentally friendly country.

The following people and organizations participated directly or indirectly in the development and publication of the Report on Global Change, or/and were given a copy of the report.

Lucien Bouchard, Robert de Cotret, Al Johnson, P.L. Black, Harry Brightwell, Jim Prentice, Robyn Youell, Jay Park, Scott Tannas, Dick Cotter, Pam Cholak, Martin Herrington, Dr. Teja Singh, Ina Given, Frank Hickey, Don Dabbs, Rob Nelson, Richard Theissen, Ada Rawlings, Dick Gillespie, James M. Culkin, David Farran, Donna M. Christensen, John Shiry, Christopher S. Davis, Wes Serra, Tim Boston, Michael Lohner, and Stuart Michaelson.

Energy, Mines and Resources Canada,
Statistics Canada,
Environment Canada,
Transport Canada,
Alberta Environment,
Alliance for Responsible CFC,
Global Releaf,
Worldwatch Institute,
International Energy Agency,
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD),
Energy Probe,
Independent Petroleum Association of Canada,
Canadian Petroleum Products,
World Commission on Environment and Development,
National Task Force on Environment and Economy,
United Nations Environment Program, and
Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland.

Organized a Global Dialogue worldwide requesting both national governments and people of each country to send delegates. Formed 'The Global Community Organization' (also called the Earth Community Organization) and the 'Interim Earth Government'. Germain Dufour elected President. First Global Meeting of the Interim Earth Government was held August 20, 1988.





Registered Global Community WebNet Ltd. with the Government of Canada, a federal corporation of Canada, the first corporation on Earth to qualify and obtain one ECO, the Certified Corporate Global Community Citizenship, and is a unique way to show the world that our ways of doing business are best for the Global Community. Since 1990, the business has operated under five other names: Property Environmental Consultants Inc., Earth Community, the Global Community, Earth Government and Global Dialogue.
Second Global Meeting of the Interim Earth Government was held in Calgary, August 15th, 1991.





Created the Society for World Sustainable Development.
The Global Community Organization made a call on National Governments for participation in the Interim Earth Government.
Third Global Meeting of the Interim Earth Government was held in Calgary, August 26th, 1995.





The Society for World Sustainable Development was legally registered as a Society with the Government of Canada on April 30th 1998.
Head Office was in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Board of Directors (founders of the Society)
Joseph Germain Dufour, President, Consultant on Sustainable Development and Environment
Researcher and business person on Sustainable Development, Environment and Energy
Professor James S. Frideres, Vice-President
Kenneth M. Campbell, Treasurer, Remote Sensing Technologist
A. Virginia Conn, Secretary, Retired teacher
Felicity Caron, Communication Officer, Artist
Witness for the registration of the Society, Diane K. Whitlow, Secretary of Dr. James S. Frideres

The Global Community organized a Global Dialogue for developing the best suitable model of Earth Government.
Fourth Global Meeting of the Interim Earth Government was held in Calgary, August 11th, 1998.





Fifth Global Meeting of the Interim Earth Government was held in Calgary, August 19th, 2000.
Again Germain Dufour was elected President. Dr. Sue L.T. McGregor was appointed Minister of Family and Human Development for the Global Community. James Mwami was appointed Minister of Water Resources Protection for the Global Community.

The Head Offices of 'The Global Community Organization' and the 'Interim Earth Government were moved to Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
Drafting of the Charter of the Global Community on basis on alternative choices.
Plan agreed for an Interim Earth Government to meet regularly.
Global Dialogue 2000
August 17-22, 2000, in Guelph, Ontario, Canada, and August 1-31, 2002, on Internet.
Global Dialogue 2000 was promoting The Global Community organization, the Earth Community Organization (ECO), the Human Family, the Earth Society, (different names for the same organization) with the mandate of managing Earth. The World Congress on Managing and Measuring Sustainable Development - Global Community Action 1 was about establishing the foundation for a sound Earth Government. We estimate that so far the World Congress and The Global Community concepts have made contact by 'ricochet' with at least a million people throughout the World. We have three mailing lists: the Participants list of about 500 businesses, NGOs, universities, professionals, and the public from 90 countries; an intermediate mailing list of 5,000 "interested" individuals (an 'individual' here may either be a person, a corporation, a NGO, a local community, a group of people, a business, or a government); and finally an extensive mailing list of 18,000 individuals from all countries of the world. Again by the effects of 'ricochet' and chain reaction after creation of new thoughts we will touch the hearts and the minds of the billions of people on Earth. This will happen very quickly. Most likely within a year. The World Congress has broken grounds not only in the number of interested participants but also in its new global dialogue on Earth Management. The hundreds of people who have sent us their research work (280 research papers were submitted) from around the world represent only a part of a great ground-swell of concern for the future of our planet. It is quite possible the men and women who have produced this body of work will go down in history as major instruments of change. We now have 73 Discussion Roundtables divided into the four interacting quality systems: Social(37), Environment(16), Economics(8) and Availability of Resources(12). We went past previous Earth Summits organized by governments who have been focusing only on a specific issue without including the public throughout the world and without taking into account all impacts. We are proposing here to The Global Community that sound solutions to world problems can only be brought forward after analyzing all important interacting impacts.
The Global Community Assessment Centre (GCAC) publishes monthly reports and articles concerned with Earth governance and management; Global sustainability; the Global Community overall picture; Humanity's new vision of the world.
Established the criteria to obtain the ECO Award.
Global Community Earth Government is offering training and educational programs related to all issues of the global dialogues.

Established the criteria to become a citizen of the Global Community. You may be:

*     a person
*     a global community
*     an institution
*     a town, city or province
*     a state or a nation
*     a business   Certified Corporate Global Community Citizenship (CCGCC)
*     an NGO
*     a group of people who decided to unite for the better of everyone participating in the relationship, or you may be
*     an international organization

Humanity's new vision of the world
Humanity's new vision of the world Humanity's new vision of the world
It is about being a Global Community citizen and seeing the world and living a life through:
  • the Scale of Human and Earth Rights; Scale of Human and Earth Rights
  • the Statement of Rights and Responsibilities of a person and the Global Community; Statement of Rights and Responsibilities and
  • building global symbiotical relationships between people, institutions, cities, provinces and nations of the world. Global symbiotical relationships
The Sixth Global Meeting of the Interim Earth Government was held in Guelph, August 22th, 2001.





Global Dialogue 2002
August 17-22, 2002, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and August 1-31, 2002, on Internet.
Earth Management - All Peoples together theme Earth Government for Earth Community - A grassroots process -
Global Parliament meet in Toronto and through the Internet. There were 550 Participants from 135 nations.
Some of the major achievements are listed here.
Earth Government

Earth governance and management
Global policies and strategies for climate change
Earth Court of Justice
Earth Government
Criteria to obtain the Global Community Citizenship
Scenarios for what may become of humanity
Earth flag
Global concepts
Global policies and strategies for the proper governance and management of the Earth
Earth Community
Charter of the Earth Community
Scale of Human and Earth Rights
Peace movement of Earh Community
Statement of rights and responsibilities of a person, a Global Community, the Global Community
Celebration of Life Day
Global policies and strategies for global cooperation and symbiotical relationships between communities and nations
Global concepts
Global policies and strategies for managing world overpopulation
Earth Community Organization (ECO), the Global Community
Global strategies for proper governance of the Earth
Global Community
Defined 'the Global community'
Defined 'a global community'
Evaluation of sustainable development locally and globally
Sound solutions for an equitable global sustainable development
Created the Global Community Assessment Centre (GCAC)
Global Community Overall Picture: a country by country description of needs and problems
Vision of Earth in year 2024
Global concepts
Global Dialogue
Established a global dialogue between people, businesses, communities and nation governments
Promote peace in the world through dialogue
Finding sound and equitable solutions to local and global problems
Protection of life on Earth
Help humanity survive this millennium
Established the process to obtain on ECO, the Certified Corporate Global Community Citizenship

The Global Community Earth Government established the criteria that was used for the development of the Global Constitution. Work begun on drafting the Global Constitution. Many issues were resolved: Earth Government Global Law, Activities of the Global Community, Humanity's new vision of the world, Global Community institutions and bodies, the Global Constitution, Global Constitution Advisory Board, Portal of the Global Community, Global Exhibition, and Earth Government Legislation: Statutes, Codes and Bills.
Established the Earth Executive Council:
1.     Global Council
2.     Cabinet Ministers

Established the legislative branch of Earth Government consists of the Global Parliament, which is divided into three chambers:
1.     House of Elected Representatives
2.     House of Advisers, and
3.     United Nations (UN).

Established the Organs of Earth Government:
1.     Earth Executive Council
2.     Earth Government Departments
3.     Global Civil Service Administration and Planning
4.     The Global Judiciary
5.     Agency of Global Police
6.     Global Community Ombudspersons Office
7.     Global Investment Bank
8.     The Court of Auditors
9.     Global Community Citizenship Office
10.     Human and Earth Rights Office
11.     Global Community Assessment Centre (GCAC)
12.     Earth Security
13.     Global Civil Society Council
14.     Agency for Research, Planning and Development
15.     Global Community Justice Network
Established many additional Earth Government Resources.
The Seventh Global Meeting of the Interim Earth Government was held in Guelph, August 20th, 2002.





Global Dialogue 2004
August 17-22, 2004, in Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada, and August 1-31, 2004, on Internet.
Global Parliament meet in Nanaimo and through the Internet. There were 560 Participants from 130 nations.
New Age Civilization of the 3rd Millennium: the age of global co-operation and symbiotical relationships, theme: A Vision to Caring for Life and Earth
Global Dialogue 2004 involved 260 leaders from 63 countries on Internet. Participants were from 130 nations to dialogue on 59 issues.
First and second drafts of the Global Constitution presented to the Global Community and approved by Global Community Earth Government.

Established the Global Community Parliament with its governing institutions and bodies.

  • Head Office
  • Earth Government Main Index Earth Government
  • The Global Parliament
  • The Global Constitution Main Index of the Global Consitution
  • Second draft of the Global Constitution First draft of the Global Constitution
  • Quaestors
  • Conference of presidents
  • Parliament's Constitutional Affairs Committee
  • Earth Executive Council
  • The Global Council
  • Charter of the Global Community
  • Council of Ministers
  • Citizenship
  • Committee of Nations
  • Delegations from Civil Society
  • Ministries of the Global Community
  • Global Community Ombudspersons Office
  • Global Bank
  • Global co-operation between nations
  • Advisory Board for the Global Constitution Advisory Board for the Global Constitution

Global Law Legislation was approved by Global Parliament.

Created the Portal of the Global Community
The information gateway empowering the movement for the protection of the global life-support systems, Earth Governance and Management and Global Societal Sustainability. The original and best Global Community portal - with search engine, links to sites and news, press releases, letters, reports, action alert, educational and training programs, scientific evaluations, business assesments and support, workshops and global dialogues and more!

Global Dialogue 2005 Global Dialogue 2005
August 20th, 2005, in Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada, and August 1-31, 2005, on Internet.
Global Dialogue 2005
Politics and Justice without borders
The Global Constitution

the Global Constitution
The raison d'etre of Global Dialogue 2005 is to find sound solutions to sustain the Global Community and all life this century. New concepts and strategies had to be developed and are shown on this website.

Global Dialogue 2005 will bring forward many more new concepts and value systems, and positive actions to sustain the Global Community, and actions for the good of all as per the Statement of Rights and Responsibilities of the Global Community citizens.

This Global Dialogue is also about politics and Justice without borders. The Global Community is involved with the affairs of all levels of government anywhere, anyplace.

The Global Community Parliament (GCP) has developed a strategy for implementing the area of freedom, security and justice without borders. This strategy along with the Criteria for Global Citizenship and the Charter of the Global Community will be integrated into the Global Constitution. More development will be published in the coming months. The Global Community Parliament's Constitutional Affairs Committee will have a third draft of the Global Constitution by August 2005 and a final document by August 2006.

The Ninth Global Meeting of the Interim Earth Government will be held in Nanaimo, August 20th, 2005.

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Proposal for an alliance between Earth Government and all Nations

Global Community Earth Government is proposing an alliance between Earth Government and all Nations. Perhaps other organizations will want to join us all. Showing unity in diversity is the aim of everyone and shows our capacity for success.

Join us! Let us find ways of how we can manage Earth and be at Peace.

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Member Nations no longer need to accept economic bribes from the IMF and the World Bank

Human and Earth Rights Human and Earth Rights
Scale of Human and Earth Rights
Chapter 10 of the Global Constitution is all about Human and Earth rights.

The Scale of Human and Earth Rights contains six (6) sections. Section 1 has more importance than all other sections below, and so on.

Concerning Sections 1, 2, and 3, it shall be Earth Government highest priority to guarantee these rights to Member Nations and to have proper lesgislation and implement and enforce global law as described in the Global Constitution.

After a thorough investigation conducted over a period of several years of the:

*     Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and
*     Charters of many national governments,
and comparing them with the six (6) Sections of the Scale of Human and Earth Rights,

it was made clear how little importance was given to Sections 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the Scale of Human and Earth Rights.

Historically, the Universal Declaration was developed right after WWII, a time when Peoples all over the world had a strong need for human dignity and compassion. And it was on December 10, 1948 that the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In the agreement, all aspects of our lives were given equal importance. That was wrong! Nowhere in Nature do we see such statement being the truth. Certainly, the rights to security, breathing clean air and drinking fresh water are more important than the rights to destroy our forests, of producing and manufacturing products harmful to consumers, to all Life, of allowing world population to increase without thoughtful control, and of keeping and building up weapons of mass destruction. Today, Peoples still have a need for human dignity and compassion, but now we are facing a situation where the survival of Life on the planet was critically endangered. The United Nations (UN) no longer protect the most important rights.

Results from the investigation have made clear how urgent it was to replace both the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Charters from all nations by the Scale of Human and Earth Rights. These results imply that the UN does not have the power to do anything to help humanity and all Life. The UN is clogged by its own Constitution and thoughtless leadership. The best ever thing the UN could do for humanity would be that during a General Assembly they would have a motion on the floor asking for the:
*     immediate disintegration of the UN organization, and
*     formation of the federation of all nations, Earth Government, and acceptance of its Global Constitution.
This would have the effect of telling the few most powerful nations of this world to take a 'democratic seat' like all Member Nations. And Earth Government would have the power it needs to do good for all Peoples, and all Life, not just to satisfy the 'needs of the most powerful nations'. Member Nations would no longer need to accept economic bribes from the IMF and the World Bank.

Global Community Earth Government guarantees Member Nations the Human and Earth Rights described in Section 1, 2, and 3, and that means providing citizens of our Member Nations with:

1.     Ecological rights and the protection of the global life-support systems
2.     Primordial human rights

2.1     Security
2.2     Respect and Care for the Community of Life
2.3     Human Dignity
2.4     Freedoms
2.5     Equality before the law
2.6     Solidarity
2.7     Universal health care, education, retirement security and employment services to every Global Community citizen
2.8     Earth Ministry of Health
2.9     Legal rights
3.     The ecological rights, the protection of the global life-support systems and the primordial human rights of future generations

Section  1.    Ecological rights and the protection of the global life-support systems

Section  2.    Primordial human rights
  • safety and security
  • have shelter
  • 'clean' energy
  • a 'clean' and healthy environment
  • drink fresh water
  • breath clean air
  • eat a balance diet and
  • basic clothing.

Section  3.    The ecological rights, the protection of the global life-support systems and the primordial human rights of future generations

Concerning Sections 4, 5 and 6, it shall be the aim of Earth Government to secure these other rights for all global citizens within the federation of all nations, but without immediate guarantee of universal achievement and enforcement. These rights are defined as Directive Principles, obligating the Earth Government to pursue every reasonable means for universal realization and implementation.

Section  4.    Community rights and the right that the greatest number of people has by virtue of its number (50% plus one) and after voting representatives democratically

Section  5.    Economic rights (business and consumer rights, and their responsibilities and accountabilities) and social rights (civil and political rights)

Section  6.    Cultural rights and religious rights

Germain Dufour
Global Community Earth Government Global Community Earth Government

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The put-down of the EU Constitution is a signal of the EU economic block in disarray as happened to the US lead FTAA

I was happily surprised to see the French and the Netherlands voting down the EU Constitution. They voted down the EU Constitution after we have shown them its fundamental flaws. The Constitution called for more economic liberalisation so as to make the EU a more effective competitor against the FTAA and other economic blocs. But the people do not like this because they sense it will lead to an EU based on the Anglo-American economic model where commercial considerations outweigh social or environmental ones. The EU Constitution was like another Titanic facing its glacier. Over the years, I never counted the number of Newsletter Articles members of the Global Community have published to show the world how bad the EU and their Constitution were for humanity. The EU Constitution was based on economics and greed. Not democracy! No one in the EU organization will ever be elected by the Peoples from Member States. There are no election, only nominated or appointed officials. Unlike the legislative branch of Earth Government with the three Houses. Earth Government consists of the Global Parliament, which is divided into three chambers:

1.     House of Elected Representatives
2.     House of Advisers, and
3.     United Nations (UN).

In many ways the EU organization is very much like the World trade Organization (WTO) or the United Nations (UN). There are no stop to corruption at the highest level of the EU organization.

Here are some of the main lines I have used and developed over the years to show fundamental flaws of the EU organization:

1)     The Global Community has begun to establish the existence of the age of global cooperation in the world. An economically base symbiotical relationship exists between nations of the European Union. Other types (geographical, economical, social, business-like, political, religious, and personal) may be created all over the world between communities, nations, and between people themselves. Effective Earth governance requires a greater understanding of what it means to live in a more crowded, interdependent humanity with finite resources and more pollution threatening the global life-support systems. The Global Community has no other choice but to work together at all levels. The collective power is needed to create a better world.

2)     Governance of the Earth will make the rule of arbitrary power--economic (WTO, FTAA, EU), political, or military (NATO)-- subjected to the rule of law within the global civil society, the human family. Justice is for everyone and is everywhere, a universal constant. Earth governance does not imply a lost of state sovereignty and territorial integrity. A nation government exists within the framework of an effective Global Community protecting common global values and humanity heritage. Earth governance gives a new meaning to the notions of territoriality, and non-intervention in a state way of life, and it is about protecting the cultural heritage of a state. Diversity of cultural and ethnic groups is an important aspect of Earth governance. Earth governance is a balance between the rights of states with rights of people, and the interests of nations with the interests of the the Global Community, the human family, the global civil society. Earth governance is about the rights of states to self-determination in the global context of the Global Community rather than the traditional context of a world of separate states. Although Earth Government ensures state governments that it will obey the principle of non-intervention in domestic affairs, it will also stand for the rights and interests of the people within individual states in which the security of people is extensively endangered. A global consensus to that effect will be agreed upon by all nation states.

3)     The Global Community has no intention of changing the status and privileges of state governments. In fact, state governments become primary members of the Global Community and Earth Government. Global governance can only be effective within the framework of a world government or world federalism. There is no such thing as global governance through the work of a few international organizations such as the WTO, the EU, or the United Nations dictating to the rest of the world. These organizations are heading in the wrong direction and are causing conflicts between nations, doing away with democracy, increasing the gap between rich and poor, and creating a culture of violence worldwide, terrorism being a small example of what they can do.

For the time being, global economic competition will take its course and will lead the world into a deepening crisis as social and environmental considerations get increasingly brushed aside as all nations struggle to remain "internationally competitive" and attractive to global investors and corporations. This is therefore not a question of choice - either by politicians or by people - it is merely the force of global economic competition which is forcing everyone's hand.

The EU will have to get back to fundamental aspects. When it does, I see an EU government up ahead, not just an economically based organization. Eventually an EU government can become a world government without the USA. America would have welcomed an EU organization based only on economics only, but an EU government extending its arms to include African countries, the Middle East, maybe even China, maybe the rest of the world, would be a totally different world to tackle with.

The world wants a savior but America is not 'qualified'. At least not now. America has a long way to go. America has to change itself first. The EU will get there before America can even contemplate to form a world government. When that happens, if America is not a part of the EU Government (or whatever other name they choose) then America will be controlled by it in more than one way.

America has to offer the world a new vision. At the least, it has to be 'seen' as wanting to change for the better of all life on the planet. And then truly change. America's voting system is all wrong. Ever thought about 'direct democracy'? The province of British Columbia (my home province) recently sat up a Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform in which members were chosen at random for each riding. The citizens' assembly has recommended the province use Single Transferable Voting (STV) to elect the provincial legislature. In a referendum conducted on May 17, 2005, more than 57% of the voters approved this new system of voting. This 57% was achieved without even promoting it much. Once I understood what STV meant I thought a lot of it. Check it out at

There are of course many other voting systems. Most of them would be an improvement to the American Democrats/Republicans party systems. Their parties are all based on economics, greed, like the EU. But the EU is a very dynamic organization and can allow itself to change very quickly. America is too 'conservative' and has no vision. In a way, they have a federation of States, but they could have a federation of Nations.

The question is what can we offer the world that the world would want?

I believe I have already answer this question. Read

Earth Government would be a better alternative to both the EU and the US. Right now we are working on the development of the Global Constitution. We will keep promoting our work, keep meeting with national governments, and form a coalition of 25 nations or more under the flag of Earth Government. We can offer a better deal to the world than the EU, the WTO, the FTAA, the US and the UN, all put together.

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Resolution for the creation of a Democratic Earth Government

This Global Parliament, being of the opinion that,

-     in the present state of world political anarchy, where international agreements are flouted, and judgments of the Global Court are treated as matters of no concern,
-     in the present state of world militarism, where national governments feel forced to spend vast sums of money on weapons and military defense, while global insecurity continues to increase,
-     in the present state of world environmental destruction, whete ice caps and glaciers are melting, the oceans are rising, and global weather patterns are becoming destructive,
-     in the present state of world economic inequality, where the wealthy of the world continue to accumulate unimaginable wealth while each year many billions of dollars are transferred from the poorest regions of the world to the wealthiest regions of the world,

This Global Parliament calls upon the government of CANADA , in collaboration with other national governments, to make earnest efforts to convene a Global Dialogue, as a first step towards the establishment of a Democratic Earth Government, with a Global Parliament representing all nations and peoples equally, under an enforceable, non-military democratic Constitution for Earth Government.

Germain Dufour
Global Community Earth Government Global Community Earth Government

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Earth Government Global Economic System

The method of introducing and making the transition to the new Global finance, credit, money and banking system, is by extending multi-billion unit revolving lines of credit in Global Credits or Earth currency to all developing countries, and to other countries, willing to accept the terms defined herein.

The method bases the capacity and ability of the GFCC to extend lines of credit simply on facts of people available to work, resources available, and technology available, whether within a country or by transfer, and is not dependent on nor limited by prior savings.

The Global Financial Credit Corporation (GFCC) shall calculate initial revolving lines of credit in Global Credits or Earth currency on the basis of:

A.     G50,000,000 units (about 1987 U.S. $1 billion) for each million of population for countries having natural population increase rates by birth of more than 2% annually,

B.     G75,000,000 units (about 1987 U.S. $1.5 billion) per million of population for countries having natural population increase rates of between 1% and 2%,

C.     G100,000,000 units (about 1987 U.S. $2 billion) per million of population for countries having natural population increase rates of between 0% and 1%, and

D.     G125,000,000 units (about 1987 U.S. $2.5 billion) per million of population for countries having zero or less population growth.

The extension of financial credit by the GFCC is further sustained by the following values:

The value of all the resources in the oceans and seabeds beyond 20 km. offshore, which is claimed as Global Territory and as the Common Heritage of Humanity by the Interim Earth Government Global Law.

The claim of humanity as a whole (as represented by the Interim Global Parliament during this transition period) to the equivalent of G500,000,000 units plus (roughly equivalent of ten trillion dollars U.S. 2004 currency), which the separate nations of Earth currently propose to obtain from their citizens and spend for genocidal military equipment, preparations, and operations during the next ten years.

The financial, credit, money and banking system under the Earth Government must be based on virtually unlimited financial credit, which can be extended wherever there are people to work, resources available, technology available, and viable plans for the use of the credit, without being dependent on or limited by prior savings or prior capital formation.

Financial credit must be available in sufficient quantity to carry out unlimited and life-saving peaceful development projects in all countries and all parts of Earth, as well as to implement fully the Global Disarmament Agency, the Emergency Global Rescue Administration, the World Economic Development Organization, and all other Global Legislative Measures adopted by the Interim Global Parliament and subsequently to be adopted by the fully constituted Global Parliamentt.

To launch such a Global Finance, Global Credit, Money, and Global Banking System, it is desirable that the National Governments of a sufficient number of countries (sufficient to establish full credibility and operative acceptance of the new global financial system) shall ratify or give provisional ratification to the Global Constitution of Earth Government, and agree to use and make the transition to the new global financial system.

A basket of measured commodities linked to the value of an hour's worth of labor is one way to define the value of a monetary system's unit. The selection of items for the basket is somewhat arbitrary, but one can select items that any human being is likely to consume if the particular resources are available. Once determined by law, the valuation can take place. No valuation can take place if no world legislation arbitrarily sets the initial value for the unit. The following basket of 16 measured commodities represents approximately what any adult worldwide on a living wage might be expected to consume or conserve in one day. Therefore, this value is equal to the minimum wage that a citizen can earn in one four-hour day. The basket is also a small enough basket to be comprehensible and memorable to most adults. The following basket of 16 measured commodities linked to the value of an hour of labor is hereby the basis for the unit of Global Credit or Earth currency:

[(1 kilogram wheat + 1 kilogram rice + 1 kilogram corn + 1 kilogram potato + 1 kilogram manioc + 1 kilogram soya + 1 kilogram peanut + 1 kilogram lentil+ 1 kilogram pea + 1 kilogram garbanzo + 1 kilogram nyam) / 11] + 10 litres of pure, potable water + 1 litre crude oil + [(100 grams iron + 100 grams aluminum + 100 grams copper) / 3]    
=     1 unit of Global Credit or Earth currency    
=     4 hours labor at minimum wage (@ G0.25 units per hour minimum)    
=     1 day's wage.

A person may obtain other commodities by trade in value, so a person need not personally have any of the commodities in stock in order to conserve value in the monetary system.

The value of the Global Credit or Earth currency may not be adjusted by any external private bank, such as the World Bank, or the International Monetary Fund. Included commodities may only be added or subtracted by the Global Parliament.

Proposal to let Global Community Ombudsperson use the Scale of Human and Earth Rights as a way of protecting rights of global community citizens

Proposal to be brought to the attention of the August 2005 Global Meeting of the Interim Earth Government.
Earth Government is proposing that the Scale of Human and Earth Rights be specialized and used by the Global Community Ombudsperson of the Global Constitution.
The Scale is a useful tool to evaluate criminal sanctions and give fines.

People from all Nations are required to sign the Global Constitution

Ever since its early beginning in year 1988, founding members of the Global Community Earth Government have prepared and ratified the Charter of the Global Community and worked on a process to design a proper Global Constitution for the Global Community. A draft of this Constitution is now available for a democratic federal Earth Government. Now is time to secure the acceptance and ratification of the Global Constitution. The Ninth Global Meeting of the Interim Earth Government to be held August 20th, 2005, in Nanaimo, British Columbia, is about having Peoples from all Nations to ratify the Global Constitution.

We want the delegates and volunteer participants sent to the Ninth Global Meeting to be people and elements of society scattered around the globe who are ready, willing and able to move constructively under crises circumstances to devise a Constitution for Democratic Federal Earth Government, and to launch the first efforts to obtain widespread consideration and ratification and the beginnings of implementation of such a Global Constitution.

Therefore, let us go forward with a GLOBAL RATIFICATION and ELECTIONS CAMPAIGN, appealing to people and governments to ratify the Global Constitution for Earth Government.

We call upon the people of Earth to ratify the Global Constitution for Earth Government, by direct Referendum and by Initiative Petition followed by election of delegates to the House of Elected Representatives.

We call upon the national governments and legislatures of the world to ratify the Global Constitution for Earth Government and elect delegates to the House of the United Nations.

We call upon the Universities, Colleges and Churches, Scientific Academies and Institutes to ratify the Global Constitution for Earth Government and nominate delegates with a world view as candidates for election to the House of Advisors.

Let us move forward with courage and humility in the spirit in which these Global Meetings have been conceived, knowing that we are fully justified by the circumstances of world crises, the conditions of world-wide political turmoil and de facto global anarchy, and the recognized right and authority of people to act in the creation of democratic forms of government to serve their safety and welfare, as provided by the Global Constitution.

Having read the Global Constitution for Earth Government or a good summary thereof, or having been well informed about the main provisions and purposes to solve global problems peacefully and to serve the maximum human welfare of all people on Planet Earth --

I do hereby sign as a personal ratifier and affirm my readiness to live as a Global Community Citizen under the Global Constitution for Earth Government with an elected Global Parliament as provided thereunder, which will also assist the good functioning of the Government of my country and of all countries as parts of Earth Government.

And further, I petition the Government and Parliament of my country to give preliminary ratification to the Global Constitution for Earth Government, agreeing to peacefully abide thereunder, and to arrange for general publication and an official referendum to obtain a measured vote on final ratification by the Citizens of my country.

1. Signature ____Joseph Germain Dufour________________ Date _____June 17, 2005

Name (print) ____________Joseph Germain Dufour_____ Country ____Canada

Address __186 Bowlsby Street,_City_Nanaimo________ State _B.C.____ Zip ___V9R 5K1

Occupation _______Consultant on global problems____ Age ___58

2. Signature ______________________________________ Date ___________

Name (print) ___________________________________ Country ___________

Address ___________________City________________ State _____ Zip ________

Occupation ____________________________________________ Age ________

3. Signature ______________________________________ Date ___________

Name (print) ___________________________________ Country ___________

Address ___________________City________________ State _____ Zip ________

Occupation ____________________________________________ Age ________

Instructions: Please make copies of this form, and circulate for millions of signatures! Ask each Non-Governmental Organization willing to help print in the periodical or bulletin of the N.G.O., and request each individual member to sign and circulate for more signers. When a page is complete, make a copy to retain in the office of the Global Ratification and Elections Network in your country, and send the original to the address below. Reports will be made to each national government, requesting ratification action.

Global Ratification and Elections Network
186 Bowlsby Street, Nanaimo
British Columbia
Canada V9R 5K1

The Ninth Global Meeting of the Interim Earth Government, August 20th, 2005

The Interim Earth Government was formed in 1988 and has grown to a world wide network of individuals and organizations dedicated to democratic federal Earth Government.

With the coming of the millennium the affairs of humanity appear to be unfolding in more profound ways. 

Cause and effect was more apparent and happening more quickly. Those of you who are educated and aware will find themselves urgently called upon to action for the good of all humanity. Global link-ups are already happening at a fast rate. One of the most important factors in our lives is the inter-connection we have to others, to other countries. Through these connections you will be able to create changes for good on a global scale. We must now all become linked to others in faraway places on a much deeper level if we are to work together to keep our planet healthy, productive and hospitable for all people and living things. As your awareness of this global need deepens you will want to join with others to see that good changes happen.

Business leaders are much more sensitive to the greater, wider needs of their expertise and are already in the process of creating a new kind of civilization. 

We believe the world is at a turning point. We can no longer see ourselves as a People who could survive alone or as a People who do not need anyone else. We belong and depend on a much larger group, that of the Global Community. The 21st Century will see limitless links and interrelationships with the Global Community.

This third millennium is a new challenge. New standards, goals and objectives have to be defined. Firm universal guidelines are essentials in keeping the world healthy. Already we notice new ways of thinking being embraced, new behaviors and attitudes adopted. Global ethics are required to do business and to deal with one another in a way that will sustain Earth.

Every single human being must deal responsibly with the affairs going on in his/her own local community ~ when a person takes personal responsibility for their own affairs ~ they become empowered as a person. They can then reach beyond their own property and family, and help to work with others living with and around them, even a part of the local community they live in ~ the villages, the town community, the surrounding territory, and so on. The key is personal responsibility. Therefore the individual is the important element, the one who takes responsibility for their community. When a group of ordinary people realize they, personally, will make the changes they need in their fields, in their villages, in their communities, they can then find ways to bring about these changes for all. There is a wisdom in the ways of very humble people that needs to be utilized. Every humble person deserves to have their ideas respected, and encouraged to develop his or her own life for the better. Sound solutions to help manage and sustain Earth will very likely be found this way. Everyone can help assess the needs of the planet now and propose sound solutions for its proper management, present and future. Everyone can think of better ideas to sustain all life on Earth and realize these ideas by conducting positive and constructive actions. When there is a need to find a solution to a problem or a concern, a sound solution would be to choose a measure or conduct an action, if possible, which causes reversible damage as opposed to a measure causing an irreversible loss; that is the grassroots process.

Right now you can use your skills, knowledge and abilities help bring about the best kind of changes in the world by connecting with us in our aim to form Earth Government.

Sound solutions to all our problems will have to be researched and developed and made available to everyone by Earth Government. Sound solutions made available to all communities should ensure a sound future for Earth. Exchange of creative solutions to the varied community problems around the world will benefit us all on many levels ~ socially, economically and ecologically. We can all help to manage Earth this way. We invite you to participate in the grassroots process to ensure a sound future for Earth.

Earth has long been waiting for a truly global governing body based on universal values, human rights, global concepts and democracy. Earth Government might as well be created now, there is no longer any reason to wait. We are the Global Community, and we will form Earth Government. Earth management is a priority and is a duty by every responsible person.

Earth Government will now be formed, and we want you to reflect on future effects of such an event on the history of humanity. Certainly one will expect extraordinary changes: a reorganizing of human activities all over the planet; participation by all societies on the planet in solving local and global problems; new alliances forming; north meeting with south (eradication of poverty will be the price to pay to get votes from the south) in order to gather more votes within the newly created Earth Government to satisfy power struggles between European countries, Asian countries and the Western countries; adoption of democratic principles, human rights, global concepts, and universal values by every human being; expansion of consciousness; gathering and coordinating of forces to resolve social and political problems in a peaceful way (no more conflicts and wars); gathering and coordinating of forces (technologies, scientific research, exploration work, human resources, etc.) to resolve global problems such as global climate, environment, availability of resources, poverty, employment, etc. Thousands more changes! 

Let your heart and mind reflect on 'the good' of a democratically elected Earth Government. Everyone is part of the Global Community by birth and therefore everyone has a right to vote. Everyone should be given a chance to vote. If you live in a developing country this time you will have a vote ~ human rights are for everyone. You are a part of the Global Community, and we will stand by you.  Decisions will be made democratically. You will finally have a voice and a friend, many friends, within Earth Government and the Global Community. Your lives have values just like all of ours.

Our Mission

Earth Government will:

  • Be responsive to the needs of our citizens.
  • Coordinate efforts from all individuals, organizations, communities, nations, NGOs, governments, businesses to work together to keep our planet healthy, productive and hospitable for all people and living things.
  • Respect and protect our environment by preserving our natural heritage.
  • Build upon our diversified economic base and promote new 'clean' technologies.
  • Ensure controlled quality growth.
  • Maintain strong Earth management practices.
  • Promote global community concepts and universal values as basic building blocks of the Global Community.
  • Conduct societal, environmental, economic and availability of resources checks and  balances.
  • Bring forth a sustainable global society embracing universal values related to human rights, economic and social justice, respect of nature, peace, responsibility to one another, and the protection and management of the Earth.
  • Promote political well-being, or an internal sense of power and autonomy, as being in control of one's life, being able to and having the freedom to make decisions, being aware of and able to anticipate the consequences of one's actions on one's self and others and having the skills to act on one's decisions, being individuals who no longer accept unquestioningly those practices in society that are frequently taken for granted, those practices which reinforce inequality and injustice.
  • Recognize that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. As universal values, freedom and equality are concerned with our ability to decide, to choose values and to participate in the making of laws, and they are dependent on the recognition of other people. These values forbid any form of discrimination on the grounds of race, nationality, sex, religion, age or mother tongue. By accepting both values of freedom and equality we can achieve justice. One can be answerable for one's actions in a 'just' way only if judgments are given in the framework of democratically established laws and courts. Social justice consists in sharing wealth with a view to greater equality and the equal recognition of each individual's merits. Human rights and democracy are closely intertwined. Respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms is one of the characteristics of a democracy. The typical fundamental freedoms of a democracy (freedom of expression, thought, assembly, and association) are themselves part of human rights. These freedoms can exist everywhere. Democracy is a political system based on the participation of the people. It foresees the separation of powers among the judiciary, the legislative and the executive authorities, as well as free and regular elections.
  • We will not enforce economic rights alone to the detriment of individual civil rights and the rights of all individuals to decide their own fate and the future of their country, their political rights. We are aware that traditional customs and standards could burden the sustainability of all life on Earth. They could burden Earth society or any society forever, and holds individuals in a straitjacket. We cannot accept that. No one can! There are choices to be made and you must make them. Cultures can develop and can go on developing. Even religious beliefs may evolve. We are living now and we are able to create these changes. We are at least as bright , most certainly brighter, than the people who were living thousand of years ago. As far as Earth Government is concerned, cultural and religious differences cannot be a reason or an excuse or a pretext for not respecting human rights. Quite the contrary, all kinds of cultures may promote human rights and especially cultural rights. They are different in their achievements, but they are equal in dignity where they are expressions of freedom. At any time or in any given place, men, women and children use their culture to invent new ways of making human rights a living reality. Diversity enriches us if it respects the dignity of each individual, and if it takes account of human rights as a whole. Each individual is recognized as a representative of humankind. Human dignity resides in each of us and this dignity must be recognized and respected by all.
  • Recognize that corporations have social responsibilities as they are an integral part of society. Global ethics recalls that those realities, on which others build upon, have to be protected first. A classical example is that of the stewardship of the ecological base (the base of life) which has to be given priority before the fulfillment of various economic and social wishes. Demands resulting from the social system of a particular country have to find their limits in the protection of the global ecosystem or the aim of maximization of labour productivity in agriculture and forestry should not be realized at the expense of biodiversity landscapes. Vital interests of future generations have to be considered as having priority before less vital interests of the present generation. Typical examples are climate change, fresh water, clean air and soil erosion.

    Supply chains have to be designed in a way, that the goods can enter after usage or consumption into natural or industrial recycling processes. If serious damages to persons, animals, plants and the ecosystem cannot be excluded, an action or pattern of behaviour should be refrained from. A striking example is the use of negotiations and community principles to resolve conflicts in other countries. Never use armed intervention to resolve a conflict. Never go to war.

    A measure for supplying goods or services should choose a path which entails the least possible impact on the ecological and social system concerned. This way functioning proven systems will not be disturbed, and unnecessary risks will not be taken. The Polluter Pays Principle applies to all with no exception. Supply strategies consuming less resources should have preference before those enhancing more resource consumption. Strategies, which violate human dignity, should not be permitted. Examples are the expulsion of an indigenous population by the flooding of a valley for a hydroelectric power plant.

    A more balance world economy will result of annual checks and balances. Corporations will take their social responsibilities and become involved in designing, monitoring, and implementing these checks and balances. Corporations are required to expand their responsibilities to include human rights, the environment, community and family aspects, safe working conditions, fair wages and sustainable consumption aspects.

    Earth Government has extended the idea of sustainability to be a moral and ethical state, as well as an economic and environmental state, wherein sustainable consumption patterns respect the universal values of peace, security, justice and equity within the human relationships that exist in the Global Community. When there is a need to find a solution to a problem or a concern, a sound solution would be to choose a measure, if possible, which causes reversible damage as oppose to a measure causing an irreversible loss.

    Consumers should be concerned with the impact of their decisions on the environment but also on the lives and well-being of other people. Since one of the key functions of families as a social institution is to engage in production (selling their labour in return for wages) and consumption (using those wages to buy goods and services), then the role of families has impacts on sustainable consumption and development. 

  • Assume that the eradication of poverty in the world is a priority and our responsibility. The interaction of poor health, poverty and environmental deterioration have a direct relationship with the stage of economic and social development of a country. Several developing countries are ruled by socio-economic and political structures that are oppressive, and it is the inherently vulnerable and dependent groups that are at a higher risk of neglect and abuse. There has to be an organized NGO sector and active human-rights groups in such societies in order to protect and defend the oppressed people. 
  • Propose to make fresh drinking water a human right. The existing and future uses of water are constantly challenged; balancing supply and demand is made even harder by the amounts of pollution found in the air, land and waters. Pollution is widespread and people are dying because of it. As soon as more pollution is added into the fresh water systems than people and all life die. This is true even with the best system in the world. We live on the edge. Rainwater could carry pollution to the fresh water supply, and it is too late. Our fresh water sources are already being used and yet, the world population is increasing rapidly. This increase in population and the increase of pollutants in our drinking water sources have created conflicts which will only become more and more serious in the near future.
  • Propose to make clean air a human right. Industrial pollution plays a major role in the deterioration of nature but this time the level of pollution is above the carrying capacity of the ecosystem. Human rights are those that individuals have by virtue of their very existence as human beings: to live, eat, drink fresh water, breath fresh air, have shelter. Just as human beings have human rights, they also have moral, legal responsibilities and related obligations and accountabilities. Every person needs Oxygen to live so clean air is certainly a primordial human right by our very nature. A large part of our body is made of water and we could not live without water; therefore water is also a primordial human rights by our very nature.
  • Scrutinize the sustainability of current levels and patterns of consumption and with the economic, political, personal, environmental, availability of resources, societal and spiritual impact of excessive, run-away consumption. Earth Government will find a balanced, sustainable global consumption. About 20% of Earth’s people account for 80% of the world's total consumption. Consumers' rights impinge on the rights of other humans living in the Global Community. The right to choice is the consumer right that refers to the right to have a range and variety of goods and services at competitive, fair prices and variable, satisfactory quality. In order to assure choice in the developed country markets, governments have implemented trade laws to facilitate cross border transactions and transnational corporations (TNCs) have set up business off shore so they can lessen the cost of the production process. The goods that are available in the developed country markets are provided by slave labour, child labour, sweatshops or in countries that allow the TNCs to forego adhering to pollution or ecological concerns and human rights in pursuit of profit. Labour rights are abused in efforts to earn more profits. This leads to abhorrent working conditions, job insecurity and low living standards (all human rights). Consumers in developed countries have been socialized to want more and more things to consume but have not been socialized to appreciate the impact of their consumption choices on the human rights of other people; that is, they are not being responsible for their decisions.

Global Meetings of the Interim Earth Government are the legal and accepted method by which people write for themselves a Constitution and a founding document. The Global Constitution for Earth Government that resulted from this process, provides for official democratic ratification of the Constitution by the people and nations of Earth. The creation of the main text of the Global Constitution for Earth Government is now available. We call Peoples from all Nations, to assemble this coming August 20th, 2005, to ratify the Global Constitution and continue the process of developing global laws directed to creating a decent, equitable world order for all Peoples on Earth.

Each of the eight Global Meetings of the Interim Earth Government have done wonderful work in laying the foundations for genuine Global Law. This law will be binding on the real Global Parliament once the Constitution has been ratified by all and Earth Government has begun governing.

Registration information are now available on the Global Community Earth Government website. Ninth Global Meeting of the Interim Earth Government We invite all Peoples of Earth, governments, and NGO’s to send delegates or observers to his historic event.

Germain Dufour
Global Community Earth Government Global Community Earth Government

The Global Exhibition

Global Community Earth Government
The Global Exhibition

Preliminary Program   Program

The Global Exhibition covers many aspects. It can be about creating high profile, highly targeted business and consumer exhibitions, where buyers and suppliers from around the world can come together to do business. In an increasingly digital age, nothing can replace the power of human contact for establishing and maintaining business relations. And with more market leading exhibitions than any other organiser, no organiser delivers more business contacts. We specialize in exhibitions, trade shows, conferences and event planning.

The Global Exhibition must allow multiplicity, diversity and contradiction to exist inside the structure of an exhibition ... a world where the conflicts of globalization are met by the romantic dreams of a new modernity, a new federation of nations.

We divide the Global Exhibition into "platforms"--conferences and lecture series engaging figures from a wide range of disciplines--that take place at different communities around the world over the course of the year leading up to the installation in a large Global Exhibition in one country.

Getting to know one another and ourselves as one humanity.

Unity in diversity

The Global Exhibition must allow multiplicity, diversity and contradiction to exist inside the structure of an exhibition ... a world where the conflicts of globalization are met by the romantic dreams of a new modernity, a federation of nations.

I would certainly plan to promote many aspects such as:

1.     Earth Government and its Global Constitution
2.     Earth flag
3.     Celebration of Life Day
4.     the Global Community
5.     the Global Dialogue
6.     the Portal of the Global Community
7.     the Global Community Citizenship (every participant would become a global citizen)
8.     the Certified Corporate Global Community Citizenship (CCGCC)
9.     the ECO Award and have an Award Ceremonies
10.     actions for the good of all as per the Statement of Rights, Responsibilities, and Accountabilities of the Global Community citizens
11.     a global co-operation between nations
12.     Humanity's new vision of the world
13.     global societal sustainability
14.     global governance and Earth management
15.     the Global Community overall picture (6 world regions approach and hundreds of issues)
16.     the global life-support systems
17.     the Global Community Assessment Centre (GCAC)
18.     all educational, cultural, political, social and religious aspects

Nothing in contemporary art speaks so directly to all of these issues as the large scale exhibition as well as any number of other biennials that cropped up around the world during the past decade. The Global Exhibition, endowed with a transnational circuitry, assumed the unique position of reflecting the idea of a world government. Establishing a new curatorial class able to bring artists together from wide-ranging geographic and cultural points, the large-scale exhibition alterd the kinds of visibility afforded artists and so fundamentally changed the conditions of artistic discussion, ultimately forwarding the position that no show could, or should, presume an all-encompassing thesis--at least not in conventional terms and form. Rather, the exhibition extends through time and across geography to include panels, lectures, publications, performances, and public works that fall welt beyond the parameters of the traditional show, and lies well beyond the grasp of any single viewer. In turn, these exhibitions have come to marshal the forces of any number of disciplines, including art history and theory, which leads one to the question of whether the critical function is in some sense migrating from critic to curator, or indeed whether such nominal distinctions are useful at all. At this level, I think that many people correspond to the economic, social, and cultural figure of the 'artist' as it has been constituted in the modern age."

Earth Government aims at replacing the United Nations. That is truly a Revolution. If true revolution changes the rules on how to change the rules, then we must arrive at terms that transform the very concept of the exhibition. Although a few criteria for inclusion based on identity and geopolitics have developed, the art world is still heavily commodified, and an artist without a sales (and therefore publicity) base in the developed word--or a curatorial support network in the world's "periphery"--is not going to be included. Further, the new terms of engagement may be geopolitical, but work from the "First World" must have a powerful aesthetic surplus or an antically unrecognizable political dimension in order to gain access. So many artists are doing serious work with directly political themes but do not see themselves included in these shows--and would not expect themselves to be-since the public visiting such exhibitions is not their audience of interest. Granted, the flattened terrain of modern communications is bringing the interlocking worlds of art production and display into closer proximity, so it would not be correct to claim that work with direct political address will always be left out. But is it still necessary to point out that while "geopolitical" can have the cover of a prefix to cover its political nature, the politics in question bad better be far, far away?

The art world--a congeries of professional services along the lines of dentists, doctors, and professors on the one hand and high-end showrooms like ear dealerships on the other--consistently offers the modernizing elite a compass for understanding cultural and social "facts" as they impinge on their consciousness. The global exhibitions serve as grand collectors and translators of subjectivities under the latest phase of globalization. But as we move between disparate colonialist eras, what is plain about the present moment is that there is no dearth of images of the colonized Other in public view, despite only a little more insight--and that quite momentary--into the interior lives of others than in the previous colonial moment. The elite in question, especially in the North and in developed industrial and postindustrial nations (which includes, perhaps, the antipodean South), may have a taste for edification via these new Crystal Palace expositions. And why not?


Germain Dufour
Project Officer
Global Dialogue 2005
Global Community Earth Government

Preliminary Program
Organizing Committee
Registration Form

Opening Ceremonies
Closing Ceremonies
Program Scheduling
Framework for Sessions

Place of the Global Exhibition
What are the expectations from the Participants and Leaders of the Discussion Roundtables and Workshop Sessions?
Expectations from those sending research Papers
General listing of Participants
List of participants submitting research papers
Call for Papers
Paper Submission Cover Sheet
Presentation Notes
Other Submission Cover Sheet
Workshop Sessions
Discussion Roundtables on Internet
Student Sessions
Posters you may used to promote the Global Exhibition
Poster Presentations

Dramatic Displays
Art work presentations
Positive actions to sustain the Global Community and all life, good Earth governance and management
Vision of Earth in Year 2024
Brain-storming exercises on all issues
Trade Show
Special arrangements
Other arrangements
Collaboration with other organizations
Sponsors and donations
Submission of sponsored activities
Guided Tours
Other Activities
General Inquiries
Accommodations and meals
Universal Currency Converter service
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Legislation on hydrogen-fueled engine

Hydrogen production and supply
by Germain Dufour

Hydrogen can be produced from different energy sources: fossil based and renewable with various production technologies. Hydrogen is the common denominator of many energy sources.

There’s no risk that we’ll ever run out of hydrogen, it's by far the most plentiful element in the universe. On Earth, however, it exists naturally only in chemical compounds, not as hydrogen gas. Water and the main components of coal, oil and natural gas are prime examples of these compounds.

Natural gas currently provides most of the hydrogen used in industry. The relatively simple technology employed – steam reforming – could also produce hydrogen gas for cars at central plants or filling stations. Alternatively fuel tanks could be filled with petrol or methanol, with the cars using on-board ‘reformers’ to generate hydrogen for their fuel cells. This shows promise as a transitional measure while research proceeds on the problems of storing hydrogen.

In steam reforming the hydrocarbon fuel reacts with water at high temperatures to produce hydrogen gas. A major drawback is that carbon dioxide and smog-causing gases such as nitrogen oxides are given off too, although emissions per kilometre of car travel would be less than from petrol-burning vehicles.

An alternative approach now under development, autoreforming, should increase the attractiveness of on-board hydrogen production. Use of a catalyst will allow the reforming to occur at much lower temperatures – too low for the production of nitrogen oxides.

Water is the only potentially pollution-free source of hydrogen. Researchers are looking at new ways of producing hydrogen – using algae, bacteria or photovoltaic cells to absorb sunlight and split water into hydrogen and oxygen. But the technology most likely to be adopted on a large scale is electrolysis, which uses an electric current to split water into oxygen and hydrogen.

The current production of hydrogen is 500 billion m3/year, equivalent to 3.3 million barrels of oil per day. This again is equivalent to 10% of the energy currently used in transportation. Hydrogen is mostly made by partial oxidation or steam reforming of oil, natural gas steam reforming, methanol reforming and water electrolysis. But the production possibilities are diverse, even modified algae can produce hydrogen.

Production of hydrogen is relatively simple compared to processes to make conventional fuels. As a consequence, nobody will be able to control the supply of hydrogen. Hydrogen may create a freedom in the use of energy for transportation, in a similar way that internet made mass communication available to anyone with a PC and a phone line. How is hydrogen produced with electrolysis? In water electrolysis the water molecules are split into hydrogen and oxygen gases. These gases are produced when an electric current flows through an electrolyte from an anode to a cathode. The electrolyte is water mixed with a substance to optimize electrical conductivity. The produced hydrogen and oxygen gases are separated, purified, compressed and stored in gas bottle battery banks or storage vessels.

Our future hydrogen society

Hydrogen is an energy carrier. It means it can store energy. Thus it is particular suitable in renewable energy systems. The surplus wind energy or solar energy produced under good conditions can be used to produce hydrogen with electricity. The use of hydrogen in renewable systems will be especially useful in areas with access to abundant renewable energy resources, with problems producing enough electricity or with insufficient infrastructure.

Recent technological advances, particularly in fuel cell design, have made hydrogen-powered cars a practical proposition, and car makers expect to start mass-producing them within the next decade or so. Their power and acceleration should match those of today’s petrol-powered vehicles, but they may have to be refuelled more often.

The best ways to produce, distribute and store the hydrogen still have to be sorted out. In the short term fossil fuels may remain in demand as a hydrogen source. However, the idea that in the not too distant future most of us will be driving non-polluting cars fuelled by hydrogen from a clean, renewable source is no longer a flight of fantasy.

The hydrogen-fueled engine has been identified as a viable power unit for ultra-low emission series-hybrid vehicles. The Wankel engine is particularly well suited to the use of hydrogen fuel, since its design minimizes most of the combustion difficulties. By operating with very lean mixtures, which effectively derates the engine, very low NO{sub x} emissions can be achieved. Since the rotary engine has a characteristically high power to weight ratio and a small volume per unit power compared to the piston engine, operating a rotary engine on hydrogen and derating the power output could yield an engine with extremely low emissions which still has weight and volume characteristics comparable to a gasoline-fueled piston engine. Finally, since engine weight and volume affect vehicle design, and consequently in-use vehicle power requirements, those factors, as well as engine efficiency, must be taken into account in evaluating overall hybrid vehicle efficiency.

Hydrogen is widely regarded as a promising transportation fuel because it is clean, abundant, and renewable. In a gaseous state, it is colorless, odorless, and non-toxic. When hydrogen is combusted with oxygen, it forms water as the by-product. Due to hydrogen’s high flammability range, it can be completely combusted over a wide range of air/fuel ratios. Unlike gasoline, which if combusted outside its optimal air/fuel ratio will produce excess carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbons (HC), hydrogen does not have a carbon element and therefore will not produce those toxic gases. Like gasoline however, when hydrogen is combusted in air (mixture of oxygen and nitrogen) the temperature of combustion can cause the formation of the nitric oxidizes (NOx). Hydrogen however has an advantage over gasoline in this area because it can be combusted using very high air/fuel ratios. Using a high air/fuel ratio (i.e. combusting hydrogen with more air than is theoretically required) causes the combustion temperature to drop dramatically and thus causes a reduction in the formation of NOx. Unfortunately, the use of excess air also lowers the power output of the engine.

Hydrogen has many advantages as a fuel for vehicles, but a big disadvantage is that it is difficult to store. This is because at normal temperatures hydrogen is a gas. The hydrogen must be packed tightly into a car’s tank, otherwise a filling stop will be needed every few kilometres. The obvious solution is to strongly compress the hydrogen, or liquefy it. However, large amounts of energy are needed for this – an estimated 20–40 per cent of the energy content of the fuel. Also, tanks designed to hold hydrogen at extremely high pressures, or at temperatures approaching absolute zero, are heavy and expensive.

High cost and the large amount of energy needed to liquefy the fuel are likely to be the main problems with refuelling with liquid hydrogen. Filling up with compressed hydrogen gas will probably prove more practical, even though it may reduce the distance between fills. Cars could store the hydrogen in high pressure tanks similar to those used for compressed natural gas. Or, if current research proves successful, some high-tech alternatives could be employed.

Scientists have found that various metals can absorb up to a thousand times their own volume of hydrogen gas. Specially treated carbon may also hold large amounts. These discoveries could shape the fuel tanks of the future.

Hydrogen-powered vehicles

Of course, hydrogen-powered vehicles will need hydrogen. That is another problem. Most commercial hydrogen is made as part of the processing of natural gas. As a fuel it is about 20 percent more expensive than a comparable amount of gasoline.
You need about 15 pounds of hydrogen to go 300 miles. That doesn't sound like much, but hydrogen is very light, and takes a very big tank!

Gaseous hydrogen could be pumped into a vehicle's tank in five minutes using compressors, according to studies. Another problem with hydrogen is that since it is such a simple molecule it can easily leak through cracks and seals. There may be a safety risk. But we use gasoline in our cars and natural gas in our kitchens. The key wil be to design safe systems to handle the hydrogen.

Hydrogen can also come in liquid and solid forms, that require less space, and do not leak as readily, but each has drawbacks in the ease of handling and cost of refueling.

The Global Community recognizes the need for legislation in support of hydrogen production, storage, utilization, safety, codes and standards and education.

The Global Community is involved in a range of activities with regards to safety and codes and standards to assure the safe development and deployment of hydrogen technologies. The main thrusts of these activities are to:

1.     Develop and implement operating protocols that ensure safety in the production, handling, transportation, and public use of hydrogen during hydrogen research, development, testing, and demonstration programs.

2.     Facilitate creation and adoption of model building codes, transportation and handling safety standards, and equipment standards for hydrogen and fuel cell systems in commercial, residential, and transportation applications.

3.     Provide technical resource coordination to facilitate harmonization and development of international codes and standards.

Earth Government regulations on the transportation and use of hydrogen are rules or orders intended to promote safety, compatibility, and efficiency.

4.     Safety

Hydrogen's safety, like that of gasoline and diesel, is a function of engineering and safe practice. Hydrogen's safety has been shown to be on par with the current system (or other fuels) when the proper regulations, codes and standards, and best practices are followed. In fact, its properties have similarities to those of other gaseous fuels such as natural gas and town gas—a coal product that has supplied heating and lighting in America and Europe since the early 1800's.

Ensuring the safe use of hydrogen as a common fuel is of paramount importance for a successful transition to a hydrogen economy. All fuels inherently possess a degree of danger due to their high energy content. Safe use of hydrogen fuel requires preventing volatile combinations of the three combustion factors–ignition source (spark or heat), oxidant (air), and fuel. Through a thorough understanding of fuel properties, hydrogen fuel systems can be designed with appropriate engineering controls and guidelines to ensure safe handling and use. Even so, new safety practices and sensors will be needed to provide additional safety checks and backup prevention mechanisms to ensure the safe handling of hydrogen as a major transportation fuel. This is particularly true given the large quantity of hydrogen that will be needed and because high pressurization will be required in the early stages. For this purpose, the Hydrogen Fuel Initiative is working with other stakeholders in an aggressive program to develop appropriate safety procedures and to achieve consensus on codes and standards for hydrogen production, storage, distribution, and use.

Safety is also achieved through testing, certification, and establishment of comprehensive safety assessments based on hydrogen site plans. Typically, a hydrogen safety site plan includes analyses of hydrogen confinement, the potential for ignition, the need for detectors and odorants, a broad safety analysis, review of site-specific factors, and methods to mitigate adverse consequences.

5.     Codes and Standards

Codes and equipment standards can help to overcome industrial barriers to commercialization and facilitate public acceptance of new hydrogen technologies. Codes and standards are needed in a number of areas including for the vehicle and vehicle-infrastructure such as pipelines. Codes and standards provide a systematic and accurate means for measuring and communicating product risk and insurability to the customer, the general public, and fire-safety certification officials.

Standards are a set of technical definitions, guidelines, and instructions for designers and manufacturers. These standards are typically voluntary, but have been agreed upon to ensure consistency, compatibility, and safety. Developing a standard is a consensus process involving a number of experts in the field. Once developed, standards are usually incorporated into codes that, in turn, must be adopted by Member Nations of Earth Government and local jurisdictions to become legal and binding. Optimally, new codes and standards should be developed in advance of hydrogen fuel systems.

6.     Regulations

Throughout the world, nations have established laws or regulations that require that products and/or systems being developed are safe and do not impose unnecessary risks to the user and to public safety. The foci of Earth Government activities with regards to regulations are to:

a)     Develop and implement operating protocols and a regulatory framework that ensure safety in the production, handling, transportation, and public use of hydrogen during hydrogen research, development, testing and demonstration programs.

b)     Facilitate creation or amendment of transportation, vehicle and equipment, disposal, handling, and workplace safety standards (regulations) for hydrogen and fuel cell systems in commercial and transportation applications.

c)     Develop in advance and enforce hydrogen safety regulations in all aspects of hydrogen production, handling, transportation, and public use that protect public safety as hydrogen products reach the deployment and commercialization stages.


Earth Government Global Law, the Global Constitution, Statutes, Codes and Bills

 Global Community Earth Government
This WWW site is maintained by the Legislative Counsel of Global Parliament, pursuant to Earth Government Global Law.

Earth Government Global Law Global Community Earth Government consists of 69 codes, covering various subject areas, the Global Constitution Global Constitution , Bills and Statutes. Information presented reflects laws currently in effect. All Earth Government Codes have been updated to include Statutes of year 2005.

As part of Earth Government Global Law, new legislation is now available and updated. Earth Government Legislation

Bush's sandwich democracy

America :     a nation predator

Bush's Democracy in the world

A sound governance and management of Earth

Governance of the Earth will make the rule of arbitrary power--economic (WTO, FTAA, EU), political (UN), or military (U.S.A. and NATO)-- subjected to the rule of law within the global civil society, the human family. Justice is for everyone and is everywhere, a universal constant. Earth governance does not imply a lost of state sovereignty and territorial integrity. A nation government can exists within the framework of an effective Global Community Earth Government Global Community Earth Government protecting common global values and humanity heritage. Earth governance gives a new meaning to the notions of territoriality, and non-intervention in a state way of life, and it is about protecting the cultural heritage of a state. Diversity of cultural and ethnic groups is an important aspect of Earth governance. Earth governance is a balance between the rights of states with rights of people, and the interests of nations with the interests of the the Global Community, the human family, the global civil society. Earth governance is about the rights of states to self-determination in the global context of the Global Community rather than the traditional context of a world of separate states. Although Earth Government ensures state governments that it will obey the principle of non-intervention in domestic affairs, it will also stand for the rights and interests of the people within individual states in which the security of people is extensively endangered. A global consensus to that effect will be agreed upon by all Member Nations.


Global Community Earth Government denounces the FTAA, an American initiative to take the economic control of resources of the Americas

President Bush, his Administration and the Republican Congress must be communists disguise as republicans. They have passed legislation to make it easy for American multinationals to invest their capitals outside the U.S.A. especially in China and all over Asia. Barriers to globalization were knocked down, and now globalization is the norm. The effect of such a legislation has been a movement of capitals out of the U.S.A. Surely, the 34 member nations of the Americas do not need of such model as a leader of the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA). The American leadership has shown to be a disaster at home and abroad. Following President Bush legislation American multinationals become more richer at the expenses of everyone in America. Not a good scenario! In 2005, watch yourself Brazil as you got yourself a ticket on the Titanic with America as Captain.

The American leadership has shown to be a disaster at home and abroad. Following President Bush legislation American multinationals become even more richer at the expenses of everyone else in America. Not a good scenario! In 2005, watch yourself Brazil as you got yourself a ticket on the Titanic with America as Captain.

A trade partnership between nations, or an economical agreement is about the control of a nation by the other. Rich countries manipulate trade agreements in order to ensure profitability. What is trade when the US military is taken over a nation's resources? Trade has no meaning except when the US is getting richer at the expenses of all other nations, including Canada, and at the expenses of the global life-support systems. The military is used against domestic dissidents, like a police force. It is also used to expand markets and keep international dissidents in line. Governments of poor countries that try to take control of their own resources and develop their own economies (instead of remaining areas of cheap labour and raw materials for rich countries) are declared enemies, terrorists, and attacked, officially or otherwise. Nicaragua, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, and the Middle East  are examples. U.S. military is "to protect U.S. interests and investments" and that includes making other nations safe for U.S multinational corporations. And that is exactly what is happening in the Middle East where the U.S. military is protecting its strategic economic interests especially the continue flow of oil and gas at the cheapest price, thus making global warming worst by ten-fold. We have estimated that there is, worldwide, one hundred years left of oil and most of it is found in the Middle East. The U.S. has taken over the oil for its citizens back home.

We have estimated that there is, worldwide, one hundred years left of oil and most of it is found in the Middle East. The U.S. has taken over the oil for its citizens back home.

The argument for 'free trade' states that countries should specialize in certain products that they are good at producing and buy from other countries what they are not good at producing, so that the economy is more efficient. What kind of efficiency is it when the pieces of a product are sent half way around the world to be assembled in a country with cheap labour, then shipped back to be sold? It may be profitable, but it is a waste of time and energy as well as resources, and moving products this way is not environmentally friendly and is a threat to the global life-support systems. What kind of efficiency is that? Huge amounts of money are spent on marketing to get people to buy things that they don't need. Where is the efficiency in that?

Because governments of poor nations had to promote 'free trade', this situation cause barriers to trade to be eliminated and now we are seeing the globalization of 'free trade'. Poor nations are now asked to produce only the products they are good at producing and buy from other countries the products they are not as good at producing. This way the economy of a nation will function at maximum efficiency. So now governments are told to open up their borders and to stop meddling in markets, so that competition will be free internationally. Often what is called trade is really moving of resources across borders between subsidiaries of the same corporation. Nothing to do with free competition. Economic activity is centrally-managed and planned by the corporate elite. Capital move freely across borders as restrictions on the flow of money have been removed. Corporations can relocate their operations to the countries with the lowest wages, the least active unions and the lowest environmental standards. The reality is that more polluting industries are encouraged to relocate to poorer countries. A polluting industry tends to increase the chances that people in the surrounding area will have health problems. If pollution kills someone or makes them unable to work, the cost to the economy, or to the industry in the case of a law-suit, would be roughly equal to the projected wages that the person would have earned in the rest of their life. In a country with low life expectancy and low wages, this cost will be lessened. It costs less to dump a load of toxic waste in the lowest wage country.

Of course it is a bad idea to be a member of the World Trade Organization ( WTO) and the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA). There are no advantages! It just does not work for anyone except when you have an army to knock down any member who does not do your five wishes and plus. Memberships in the WTO and the FTAA are not needed and nations should instead seek relationships with fewer other nations only if needed. Certainly it is better to seek an economic relationship with another nation we can trust than with a hundred nations we have no control on and everyone of those nations has a say in the governing of our nation, its environment and social structure. WTO only offers illusions to profit the few wealthiest people on Earth. They say "become an industrialized nation as we are". But that is the biggest illusion of all. To become an industrialized nation is far from being the best solution. The best way and solution for any nation is to follow the Scale of Human and Earth Rights. Right on top of the scale are the ecological rights, the global life-support systems, and the primordial human rights of this generation and of the next generation.

Global Community Earth Government guarantees Member Nations the Human and Earth Rights described in Sections 1, 2, and 3 on the Scale, and that means providing citizens of our Member Nations with:

1.     Ecological rights and the protection of the global life-support systems
2.     Primordial human rights

2.1     Security
2.2     Respect and Care for the Community of Life
2.3     Human Dignity
2.4     Freedoms
2.5     Equality before the law
2.6     Solidarity
2.7     Universal health care, education, retirement security and employment services to every Global Community citizen
2.8     Earth Ministry of Health
2.9     Legal rights

3.     The ecological rights, the protection of the global life-support systems and the primordial human rights of future generations

Economic and social rights come next and are not the most important. That makes a lot of sense! The effect of IMF and World Bank policies in the world caused the destruction of the economies of the poor nations (now we call them 'developing' countries). They impoverished the people by taking away basic services and devaluating their currency. They opened up the national economy to be ravaged by competition with richer nations. Poverty lead to other problems causing the social break-down and ecological destruction of a poor nation.

  Memberships in the WTO and the FTAA are not needed and nations should instead seek relationships with fewer other nations only if needed. Certainly it is better to seek an economic relationship with another nation we can trust than with a hundred nations we have no control on and everyone of those nations has a say in the governing of our nation, its environment and social structure.
Free trade and the Way of Life of the West that is, the way of doing business, have been given a bad reputation in the world, especially in the Middle East where oil and arms sales have always been strategic interests of several Western nations. The West has relentlessly exploited the oil producing nations of the Middle East and elsewhere. By their behavior and ways of doing things, America and the European Union nations have shown that free trade and globalization meant the absence of ethical and moral values, the absence of responsibility and accountability to products and people, abuses of human rights, cause for terrorism, social and economic injustice, poverty, and pollution. They have given to trade a bad name.

The WTO tribunal is illegal and arbitrary. It is not a Higher Court such as the Earth Court of Justice. It has no base for Justice.

The effects of globalization and the creation of planetary trade blocks give rise to global problems such as:

*         unemployment in industrial nations
*         poverty increases world-wide ~ entire countries in a state of starvation
*         environmental degradation
*         national interests of a country changing and becoming more trade oriented and trying to go with the wave of global trade
*         international interests of a country take prime importance
*         in developing countries, national debts constrict the institutions of the national state and contribute to the destruction of the economic activity which, in turn, as the effect of creating unemployment
*         national currencies of many countries are affected by national debts and contribute in destroying social life, creating ethnic conflicts and civil wars
*         the large corporation is becoming larger and getting more power and control falls into the hands of a few people
*         globalization is another way of keeping control on our lives in the hands of a few people
*         with globalization we have no control and no say in our future and the world becomes a game played by a few people just as it has always been throughout history, leading to revolutions and war
*         with globalization there is no sense of direction and meaning, no security for the individual, just a few people getting richer and controlling us all

Global Community Earth Government is requesting all members of the Free Trade Area of the Americas(FTAA) and of the World Trade Organization(WTO) to change their ways by:

1. building social and environmental concerns into their trade rules;
2. including ethical and moral values, responsibility and accountability in all situations and places;
3. developing a global regulatory framework for capitals and corporations;
4. making a transition from global competition to global co-operation which allows communities the freedom to pursue social and environmental objectives;
5. assuring that globalization and planetary trading blocks serve the Global Community, the Human Family;
6. developing a method of raising global taxes, of redistributing incomes to the poorest communities, of providing debt-free technical assistance to non-industrial and developing countries to help them out of poverty and to meet environmental and social standards;
7. adopting the Scale of Human and Earth Rights;
8. becoming a Global Community Citizen ; and
9. helping Member Nations be a part of the Global Community Earth Government.

Today the watchdog, the 'enforcer' for 'free trade', and also the bedfellow of both the IMF and the World Bank, is the World Trade Organization (WTO). The WTO is responsible for monitoring national trading policies, handling trade disputes, and enforcing the GATT agreements. The World Trade Organization (WTO), the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) encourage the privatization of public services and the settling of international disputes their own way. Any government, acting on behalf of a corporation, can challenge the acts of another government if they "interfere with trade." Complaints are taken to a WTO dispute resolution body which then make a binding decision. The WTO has forced governments to lower their environmental standards in favour of a corporation to allow more pollution into the environment (there are thousands of cases but let just mention the waste oil let go in ocean waters by oil tankers), and that is a form of anti-government gone bad with absolute no respect or care for life and the global-life support systems. Corporations can sue governments if they harm their profits through any unfair barriers to trade. NAFTA and WTO tribunals usually rule in favor of corporations. So now we really have a new definition for the word 'property' to mean both what is currently owned and profits that could potentially be made. To compensate, we propose a new definition for 'pollution' and 'human destruction' to mean the pollution and human destruction that the policies of the IMF, World Bank and WTO are causing now in the world plus the pollution and human destruction that they will cause in the future to the next generations. By providing corporations with a mean to override governmental decisions, NAFTA and the WTO (and the proposed FTAA) shift power even more into the hands of the elite. And that is also a form of anti-government.

The global economy can be affected by the deregulation in the movement of capital and thus by speculation. Money is made off tiny fluctuations in the relative prices of currencies. Speculation makes it possible for huge amounts of money to be transferred half-way around the world in a matter of seconds. Whereas world trade associated with actual goods and services is estimated at $7 trillion a year, speculation is estimated at $1.5 trillion a day. If a country's economy starts to slow, billions of dollars can be transferred out of the country instantaneously, which can significantly affect its economy and the people. This has been the case in 1997 of a number of East Asia countries. They were bankrupted by speculation. The people were enormously affected for the worst. Speculation can exert tremendous pressure on the internal politics of a country. It can bankrupt a country's economy. Speculation should be de-institutionalized. Humanity has no real need for speculation, and it does way more damage than good.

'Free trade' now means the removal of:

a) tariffs and similar restrictions on the easy flow of capital (and that includes no global tax on transactions stemming from speculation), and
b) non-tariffs barriers to trade.

That is how America was bankrupted. Capitals are flowing out of America. American multinationals invest in China and all over Asia instead of America. The few wealthiest mega-corporations are getting richer at the expenses of all Americans.

Rich countries manipulate trade agreements in order to ensure profitability. Their governments insist on tariffs and protectionism in areas in which they are weak. For instance, Canada and the USA are now going through the process of an economic war in the softwood industry. The imposition of a 29 percent tariff on softwood lumber by the U.S. Commerce Department shows that Canadians were duped by the Free Trade Agreement(FTA) and NAFTA. The U.S. Government protectionism is itself aimed at reducing the value of the Canadian companies just long enough for American competitors to acquire them. Many Canadian industries have already been bought by US competitors. The energy sector is one of them. Free trade opens up a poor country's economy to competition with strong, developed, well-financed, multinational corporations. In consequence, most of the local producers and manufacturers go out of business thus leaving a poor country's economy entirely in the hands of the transnational elite. It is a form of colonization and of world anti-government. Rich countries force poorer countries to open up their markets, and then take them over.

There is no such thing an honest 'free trade' with the U.S. It is only free for oil, gas and electricity, which they desperately need and not free for products where American voters demand protection. U.S. protectionist policies are applied at the very moment when President George W. Bush is bullying the world to open its borders to American products and investment. The U.S. Government protectionism is itself aimed at reducing the value of the Canadian companies just long enough for American competitors to acquire them. Canada must abrogate NAFTA and replace it with a fair trade treaty which would restore the bargaining chips we gave away to the Americans.

The US government and the American corporate people are protecting their own people at the cost of deteriorating significantly the Canadina-USA relationship. We, as Canadians, certainly have the right to take the problem to the WTO and to retaliate in other commercial and industrial sectors. This creates the illusion that the trade body and its tribunal are protecting a fair trade. But it is just that an illusion.

What to do about this situation? Here in the Americas, we are planning to do just the opposite of a democracy: choosing an economic model totally based on profit making. The Summit of the Americas in Quebec city gave green light to the corporate sector with no checks. If the corporate sector was truly willing to honestly do such checks and balances then it should not matter to them to have the system put in place before they sign such an agreement. Global Community Earth Government is proposing to oversee such a system be put in place to the satisfaction of Global Community.

The Summit of the Americas was a meeting of the 34 National Governments of every country in North, Central, South America and the Caribbean (except Cuba). The meeting was held April 20-22, 2001, in Quebec City. There was a discussion to extend the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) throughout the Americas to form the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) by 2005. The FTAA will follow the World Trade Organization (WTO) guidelines for settling disputes. The Organization of American States (OAS) manages implementation of this process. Member countries are encouraged to change their economic infrastructures to be in line with the free trade policies of the FTAA. Many member countries have already prioritised economic growth over social aspects and human rights.

The FTAA has been shown to be:

A)     heavily supportive of privatization of health care and education
B)     in favor of complete trade liberalisation
C)     using unsustainable and exploitative production contributing to global deforestation, air pollution, climat change, desertification and loss of topsoil
D)     guaranteeing less control over:
*     the management of natural resources
*     environmental and safety standards
E)      giving more control to profit driven multinational corporations and investors leading to environmental degradation and human right abuses especially of women

Global Community Earth Government is aware of what the 34 National Governments are trying to achieve and decided to help them designing an agreement between themselves in line with the Global Constitution of our organization. Several Articles developed especially to help you find sound solutions.

Chapter 11 of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) signed by Canada, Mexico and the U.S. in 1994 describes the right of foreign investors on national governments. These rights will be intensified in the FTAA. It lets corporations sue governments directly for breaching trade deals they never signed. Companies can claim damages when they believe their rights under the trade pact have been violated by government regulations or decisions. They are allowed to sue for anything that gets in the way of profits. This elevates corporate rights far beyond those of the average citizen and their human rights. In the past, it has led government to cancel anti-pollution or environmental measures. The agreement disempower people and communities. It is the most powerful corporate tool to challenge democratic governance. In effect, no government should enter into an agreement such as the FTAA when citizens know it violates their own constitution. A constitutional referendum and an election with the issue of the FTAA as a priority would have to be conducted by each member nation before considering such an agreement. Government must negotiate the FTAA openly, transparently and honestly.

The FTAA will include a new constitution leading to rights and freedoms for corporations that override national rights. Investments will be protected in the agreement and investors will not lose their business as a result of government expropriation. The agreement is entirely business oriented. Profit is the goal to achieve. Business leaders are successful as long as they produce profits for their shareholders. Furthermore, they have to account for their performance every quarter, and they are not free to act in ways that would jeopardize their company’s financial health. The agreement would be a strong incentive to businesses to obtain and accumulate profits.

The World Trade Organization, foreign corporations and world business leaders claim that the FTAA agreement will bring sweeping democracy to all of the Americas. They claim trade globalization is a forerunner of democracy in nations where it is non-existent. Global Community Earth Government does not believe democracy will automatically succeed in a global free market. In fact, the FTAA is itself a flagrant abuse of democracy.

The FTAA will entrench corporate power at the expense of democratically elected officials from local communities, municipal governments, provincial governments, national governments and states. Such a free trade agreement is a form of "world anti-government" (such as the European Union block) as citizens lose the ability to act in their best interests and find sound solutions to their own problems. Citizens become disconnected with the decision-making process. In such scenario, democratic principles lose meaning and no longer prevail.
All that we have worked for over the past decades to build sustainable communities will be all gone in the signing of an agreement, the FTAA. People were never asked to discuss and were never invited in its development. The principles of a sustainable development are let go and replaced by the desire of the world business leaders to make larger profits.

Global Community Earth Government believe all citizens have the right to share the wealth in the world. Foreign investment and the trade agreement must protect and improve social and environmental rights, not just the economy. A sustainable development in the hemisphere would mean finding a sound balance among the interactions designed to create a healthy economic growth, preserve environmental quality, make a wise use of our resources, and enhance social benefits. Free trade cannot proceed at the expense of the environment, labour rights, human rights and the sovereignty of a nation. The FTAA will lead to an increase in poverty by giving investor rights priority over government decision-making. Employers will be looking for more concessions from workers. Small businesses will find it more difficult to grow and compete against large corporations.

People are concerned about the lack of public consultation in free trade negotiations. The agreement is being negotiated without public scrutiny. The actual process of developing the FTAA is itself undemocratic as it excludes anyone but government officials and business interests. Civil society groups were left outside the gates during the conference. The decisions by trade bodies must not be allowed to take away the rights and responsibilities of local communities. A local community will find it impossible to make decisions about planning, public health, local control over water, waste, zoning, or environmental issues because the rights of corporations to profits would be deemed to take precedence.

The process of the Summit of the Americas had several other wrongdoings: decisions were made in secrecy; misappropriation of taxpayers’ money; violent suppression of free speech; and the sacrifice of Canadian interests for the profit of big corporations. None of the national governments had a referendum on the free trade issue. There were no discussions at home and in communities. People were not asked for their opinions and recommendations. Freedom of speech is a major aspect of democracy. So where is democracy? Citizens were not told what is at stake in the trade deal. The process of developing an agreement must include all citizens in order for democracy to expand freely across the Americas and Caribbean.

Other implications of the FTAA:

a)         Services offered to the public can be managed by private, foreign providers; these providers are allowed to bid for contracts in all sectors such as energy, transportation, agriculture, forestry, fishery, health, education, sewer and water services. Truly, all sectors of life are affected.
b)         Resources are opened for trade and may no longer be controlled by a national government; energy, rain forests and water are affected. In effect, business leaders of large corporations become the real owners of our resources.
c)        Environmental decisions, education initiatives, health policies and cultural programs will be affected if they represent a threat to a corporation’s potential profit.
d)         Canadians will have to accept continental economic and social policies and the U.S. dollars as our currency. The U.S. dollars will eventually become the currency of all 34 member nations. What it means to be a Canadian will be gradually diluted to fulfill the desires of business leaders. What it means to be a citizen in any country will be diluted to nothing.
e)        Government will no longer have an independent financial policy.
f)         Labour rights will be subjected to the primary goal of making profit.
g)        Viability of social programs in a community will be subjected to scrutiny and control by the FTAA.
h)         Operation of government will be restrained and dependent on economic goals.
i)        The sovereignty of a nation will be chipped away. Government will give away sovereign and constitutional powers to secret FTAA tribunals whose only goals and objectives are to protect investments and investors.
j)         The quality of life of every nation in the hemisphere will be diminished and subjected to economic goals.
k)         Environmental degradation: lowering of plant and biomass diversity, increase of air pollution, natural resource depletion and pollution, deforestation, soil erosion, endangerment and extinction of life species. The legacy to our children and to the future generations thereafter will be a wasteland.
l)        U.S. military is "to protect U.S. interests and investments" and that includes making other nations safe for U.S multinational corporations. When will the military issue be discussed? How will the military be part of the FTAA? Are we seeing here in the Americas a scenario that has occurred in Europe before the Second World War? The FTAA should entrench a strong statement that says that military should not be an option as a solution to any situation arising in the hemisphere. The Earth Court of Justice was created to deal with any situation and, therefore, the military is not needed. The military should also be subjected to the Earth Court of Justice for any violation of human and Earth rights including environmental rights as defined by the Scale of Human and Earth Rights.

The military should also be subjected to the Earth Court of Justice for any violation of human and Earth rights including environmental rights as defined by the Scale of Human and Earth Rights.

m)         What impacts will the FTAA have on women and children, indigenous Peoples, on poverty?
n)         Degradation and disrespect of national standards (engineering, health, environmental, etc.).
o)         If U.S. interest rates go up what will be the impacts of the cost of debt servicing of the 32 (out of 34) poor countries? Investments in those nations have to be serviced through any export surplus.
p)         Future generations will be affected by entering into an agreement that obligates the present generation to irrevocable conditions. The FTAA would violate the basic principle of a sustainable development in the hemisphere and endanger the survival of Life on Earth.
q)         If Canada and the U.S. were serious about the FTAA and a sustainable development in the poorest nations would they not accept removing now all tariffs for the very poorest members?

NAFTA has led to the loss of thousands of manufacturing jobs in Canadian plants as companies relocated to Mexico to take advantage of the cheaper and weaker environmental and safety standards. Thus we are now seing a flow of capitals out of Canada to Asian countries. Rich Canadians mega-corporations are taking their profit elsewhere at the expenses of Canadians and the Canadian economy. The same thing will happen with the new agreement. The FTAA will have the effect of lowering down wages and working conditions in Canada and in the U.S. thereby adding more profits to business leaders.

The human rights abuse and environmental degradation are two of the many unresolved social issues in countries that want the trade agreement. Human rights violations would constitute unfair trade subsidies.

The process of designing the FTAA is obviously undemocratic and will lead to an "unsustainable development". Earth Communityhas worked hard to find sound solutions and better ways to improve the quality of our lives and that of the future generations. We are not going to let go the "Belief, Values, Principles and Aspirations of the Global Community Earth Government" . We will form our own ways to manage the Americas and the Caribbean. We will form the Global Community Earth Government . The people of the Americas and Caribbean will be first in forming Earth Government to manage the hemisphere.

Global Community Earth Government has initiated a global dialogue to discuss a sustainable development as a widely-discussed alternative to currently unsustainable economic development patterns. It is all the more attractive because it may be cast in terms compatible with the market economy. However, there must be a social dimension to the concept, a vision, for it to become a viable alternative to unrestrained economic growth. The Earth is no longer a self-regulating planetary system. Its future will depend on human action and the continuation of natural ecosystems will be achieved because people want them to be preserved. Acceptance of sustainable development by society may depend on cultural values and even spiritual notions about the relationship of humankind to the Earth.

People will not accept a view of sustainable development that recreates a technologically more advanced version of a basic peasant society, especially if they have only recently developed economically. For societies to accept a sustainable development and to continue to grow within, the new way of living must accept cultural diversity, encourage individual expression, allow social change, offer opportunity, and examine values. There must be ways to permit opportunity and growth without ecological compromise. Achieving sustainable development may therefore be linked with policies emphasizing community, the value of information, originality in ideas, and the arts.

Humanity embarks on a new path in history, the inevitability of World societies living, sharing, and creating global economic symbiotical relationships interactively is, beyond doubt, that which we must confront and making sure these relationships are for the good of all humanity. Our creativity today may influence tomorrow's socio-economic strategies and contribute to the evolution of human societies - an evolution directed towards a global partnership with each other, and, most importantly, with our natural environment. Many socio-political infrastructures created for global industries neglect the environment and do not promote environmental sustainability. It is proposed the restructuring of knowledge that governs society, a strategy aimed to change the focus of the capitalist economy and considered Indigenous peoples and their nurturing of spiritual and environmental partnership with nature - a valuable and integral part of their socio-economic structure.

A corporation will now be required to operate its business as per global ehtics:

*        Be concerned with issues such as climate change, bio-diversity, pollution prevention and adopt high standards
*         Minimize environmental degradation and health impacts
*        Be responsible for the environmental impact of its products and services throughout their cycle
*         Adopt a wide environmental code, and policies, health and safety practices and procedures aimed at reducing resource and energy use in each stage of a product or service life-cycle
*         Set up appropriate management systems to implement policies
*         Conduct annual checks and balances and provide reports to the community
*         Respect the political jurisdiction of national communities
*         Respect human rights, social and cultural rights
*         Recognize its political and economic impact on local communities
*         Contribute to the long-term social, cultural, environmental and economic sustainability of the local communities
*         Respect the rights of indigenous peoples, their culture and land, and their religious and social customs; provide employment and training opportunities
*         Ensure that each employee is treated with respect and dignity and is not subjected to any physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or abuse
*         Respect employees' right to freedom of association, labour organization, and free collective bargaining
*         Provide equal pay for work of equal value
*         Recognize the responsibilities of all workers to their families, and provide for maternity leave, and paternity leave
*         Ensure that their be no barriers to the full participation of women within the company
*         Participate in the creation of child care centres and centres for the elderly and persons with disabilities where appropriate
*         Ensure no discrimination on grounds of race, ethnicity, or culture
*         Ensure that persons with disabilities who apply for jobs with the company receive fair treatment and are considered solely on their ability to do the job; provide resources and facilities which enable them to achieve progression in employment in the company
*         Provide training to all employees to conduct their activities in an environmentally responsible manner
*         Work with organizations concerned with children's rights, human rights and labour rights to ensure that young workers are not exploited
*         Ensure that a mechanism is in place to address ethical issues of concern raised by employees
*         Make sure that the company's policies balance the interests of managers, shareholders, employees, and other affected parties
*         Adhere to international standards and protocols relevant to its products and services
*         Adopt marketing practices which protect consumers and ensure the safety of all products
*         Conduct or support research on the environmental impacts of raw materials, products, processes, emissions and wastes associates with the company and on the means of minimizing such adverse impacts
*         Make a sustainable use of renewable natural resources such as water, soils and forests
*         Conserve non-renewable natural resources through efficient use and careful planning
*         Conserve energy and improve energy efficiency of internal operations and of the goods and services being sold

Global Community Earth Government will do everything possible to give free trade the proper guidance for humanity. Free trade will become a global co-operation between all nations. The kind of behaviour that happened in the Middle East and in many other parts of the world will not be allowed again.

  There are no such thing as an anti-globalization movement as we have defined and developed the concepts:
"a global community",
"the Global Community" ,
"global governance" ,
and the Global Constitution to handle the planetary problems within the spirit of a global co-operation.

And we are now proposing to world a federation of all Nations, Global Community Earth Government.
National governments and large corporations have taken the wrong direction by asserting that free trade in the world is about competing economically without any moral safeguards and accountability to peoples and the environment. The proper and only way is for Free Trade to become a global co-operation between all nations. Surely, if we can cooperate in fighting against terrorism, then we should also be able to cooperate in fighting against the effects of the type Free Trade and the emergence of the planetary trading blocks as applied by national governments members of the World Trade Organization(WTO). It has already been shown that these effects will be desastrous socially and environmentally and are a direct threat to the existence of Life on Earth. The Earth Community is proposing a solution that the process of trading within the planetary trading blocks be changed from a spirit of global competition to that of global economic cooperation.

Global Community Earth Government has made clear that globalization and planetary trading blocks should be serving the Global Community and not the other way around, the people around the world serving the very few rich people. The September 11 event was the result of bad trading of arms and oil in the Middle East. By applying proper moral safeguards and accepting responsibility and accountability of all products (arms and oil in this case), we would make free trade and globalization serving the Human Family.

Over its long past history trade has never evolved to require from the trading partners to become legally and morally  responsible and accountable for their products from beginning to end. At the end the product becomes a waste and it needs to be properly dispose of. Now trade must be given a new impetus to be in line with the global concepts of the New Age Civilization. You manufacture, produce, mine, farm or create a product, you become legally and morally responsible and accountable of your product from beginning to end (to the point where it actually becomes a waste; you are also responsible for the proper disposable of the waste). This product may be anything and everything from oil & gas, weapons, war products, to genetically engineered food products. All consumer products. All medicinal products! All pharmaceutical products! In order words, a person becomes responsible and accountable for anything and everything in his or her life.

Global Community Earth Government is recommending to the developing nations not to make deals with the developed countries. Do not accept money as loans from the IMF and World Bank. Do not become a member of the WTO. Your best chance for survival is to build sustainable communities in your country. If you do need to make a deal with another nation, it must be a symbiotical relationship. You have no need of a global membership on any kind. It would destroy you.

The debt of the poor nations or 'developing nations' to the rich nations was in actuality a form of global tax and therefore the poor or 'developing' nations dont have to pay it back. In fact poor nations should expect way more money as tax by the rich nations and not as loans. The state of the world today is the result of a specific set of interlocking institutions: the IMF, the World Bank and the WTO. These institutions are designed to generate massive wealth for the few and poverty for the rest. The same people who make the decisions in government and corporation make the profit. They create a tight concentration of power. Together they are a form of anti-government whose only goal is profit. The IMF, through Structural Adjustment Programs, now directly runs the economies of over 70 countries. That means that about 1000 economists and bureaucrats control the economic policies for 1.4 billion people in these countries. That is a form of anti-government. The people that profit most from the global economy are white people. The people who are most oppressed by the global economy are people of colour. Racism and sexism have become the norm. The entire planet is in a state of low intensity civil war. The ruling elite profit off of the exploitation of the rest of the world. The Earth Community Organization was looking for a method of raising global taxes, of redistributing incomes to the poorest communities, of providing debt-free technical assistance to non-industrial and developing countries to help them out of poverty and to meet environmental and social standards, but there it was all along right on our eyes. The Earth Court of Justice will be asked to decide on the debt be changed into an actual tax to be paid by the rich nations to the poor nations, and to decide on the amount of tax to be paid. Developing nations will then be able to start rebuilding their communities as per the Scale of Human and Earth Rights and the Global Constitution. They will not have to satisfy the economic needs and wishes of the rich nations. The Earth Court of Justice will also be asked to rule illegal the activities of the IMF, the World Bank and the WTO unless they become a part of a greater whole such as the Earth Ministry of Financial Institutions, a part of the future the Global Community Earth Government. These institutions will be controlled by the greater whole.

The effect of IMF and World Bank policies in the world caused the destruction of the economies of the poor nations (now we call them 'developing' countries). They impoverished the people by taking away basic services and devaluating their currency. They opened up the national economy to be ravaged by competition with richer nations. Poverty lead to other problems causing the ecological destruction of a poor nation. Environmental spending was diminished under a Structural Adjustment Program. More rainforest land had to be cleared to grow crops just to survive. The overall effect of the US policy within the IMF caused the famine in Somalia, the war in Rwanda, and many other international catastrophes. In the mean time the debt of the poor nation increased enormously. The longer a nation was under a Structural Adjustment Program, the more its debt increased. In 1999, the debt of the poor nations has reached $3 trillion dollars. While 'developing' countries receive loans and aid from sources such as the World Bank, the IMF and other banks in 'developed' countries, they pay back much more just to pay off the interest on their debts. The banks in 'developed' countries are doing very well and cashing in at the detriment of the poor nations. And so are the multinational corporations as the cost of doing business in poor nations gets even cheaper. Governments of rich nations benefit from what is happening as they gain power over governments of poor nations. The elite in poor nations benefit as well. Today, the personal wealth of Ferdinand Marcos, the former dictator of the Philippines, is estimated at $10 billion. All around the world there is a small elite class of officials, bureaucrats, technocrats and economists who make the decisions about the economic policy for most of the world, and they are also the ones who benefit from those policies at the expense of the rest of the world. The effect of IMF and World Bank policies created poverty and inequality in the world. Since 1950, the total dollar value of the world economy has increased 5-fold, while the number of people in absolute poverty has doubled. The 3 wealthiest people on the planet are now wealthier than 48 poorest countries. The total wealth of the 200 richest people in the world has more than doubled to a $1 trillion. Today about 1.3 billion people survive on less than a dollar a day, and about the same number do not have access to clean drinking water. Approximately 3 billion people live on less than 2 dollar a day; and 2 billion people are suffering from anaemia. The state of the world today is the result of a specific set of interlocking institutions: the IMF, the World Bank and the WTO. These institutions are designed to generate massive wealth for the few and poverty for the rest. The same people who make the decisions in government and corporation make the profit. They create a tight concentration of power. Together they are a form of anti-government whose only goal is profit. The IMF, through Structural Adjustment Programs, now directly runs the economies of over 70 countries. That means that about 1000 economists and bureaucrats control the economic policies for 1.4 billion people in these countries. That is a form of anti-government. The people that profit most from the global economy are white people. The people who are most oppressed by the global economy are people of colour. Racism and sexism have become the norm. The entire planet is in a state of low intensity civil war. The ruling elite profit off of the exploitation of the rest of the world.

Over the years, the IMF and World Bank interacted with one another and still do today. The IMF looked after the new systems of fixed exchange rates by making exchange easy between different currencies thus making trade easy between countries. The IMF provided short-term emergency loans (5 years maximum to repay) to governments. The World Bank was to focus on long-term loans at low interest rates to allow European nations to rebuild and restore. Later on in the 1950s, after European nations had recovered from the war, the World Bank continued to exist by lending to the governments of poor nations especially in Latin America, Africa and Asia.

Global Community Earth Government is calling for the creation of the Earth Court of Justice to rule that the debt of the poor nations or 'developing nations' to the rich nations was in actuality a form of global tax and therefore the poor or 'developing' nations dont have to pay it back. In fact poor nations should expect way more money as a tax by the rich nations and not as loans.

In 1973, US President R. Nixon decided to take America off the gold standard to devalue the US dollar. This US policy destroyed the system of fixed currency exchange rate. After this action, the effect on the global economy was felt positively by the rich nations of the world, currencies could no longer 'float' relative to each other and the debt of the poor nations increased as they were all created in US dollars. Then the World Bank loaned more dollars to the poor nations. Often the money was used for war purposes such as in the Philippines and Argentina. War equipment was bought from America, and this had a positive effect on the US economy. Poor nations saw their debt grow astronomically and were forced to make new loans just to pay for the interests. The IMF supplied more loans under the condition that the poor nations undergo "Structural Adjustment Programs". This had the effect that a poor nation's economic policy would be dictated by the IMF. The IMF simply said to the poor nations: do all you can to attract business and pay off your debts. The IMF and the World Bank are a form of anti-government gone bad as their policies brought poverty to more than half the population on Earth and are causing a major threat to the global life-support systems. Poor nations started to privatize many services and reduce spending on others so that they would have more money available for debt repayment. The overall effect was that governments were cutting on education, healthcare and subsidies to keep food prices affordable. Governments had to promote ' free trade ' and to devalue their currency. Now in a nation whose currency is worth less, all the costs of doing business are less and prices for imported goods increase. The IMF basically forced poor nations to focus their economy toward exports, especially cash crops such as coffee, sugar, cotton, etc. and raw materials such as copper and timber. In consequence of this, several nations produced the same products all at the same time and thus prices for those products went down enormously. The overall effect of the US policy within the IMF and the World Bank was to increase poverty and ecological destruction in the poor nations while the rich nations got richer.

Germain Dufour
Global Community Earth Government Global Community Earth Government

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