Global Business and Trade
Global Information Media editorial page
The Global Community has had work on global businesses and trade ever since 1985. A short list of our previous work on the global businesses and trade. A short list of our previous work on the Global businesses and trade is shown here

For more recent work on the global businesses and trade read the following table.

 Month/year  Theme and Author  Read contents
 November 10, 2007   Biotech to figure in new EU-India S&T cooperation
published by Indian Society For Sustainable Agriculture and by Indian Express Newspapers (Mumbai) Ltd.

Biotechnology in agriculture, bio-fuel, climate change and energy security are top on the agenda of the European Union’s new offer for science and technology cooperation with India. I am confident that we are embarking upon a new eara in science and technology cooperation between the European Union and India. Our S&T cooperation agreement is about to be renewed for a further 5 years and we are about to announce new exciting opportunities for collaborative research, which may include biotechnology in agriculture, bio-fuel, climate change, energy security and computational material science. We will establish a road map of our strategic S&T cooperation for 2008 and beyond.
  Read Biotech to figure in new EU-India S&T cooperation
 June 1, 2007   The National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE) and TheCorporateCounsel.Net invite you to participate in a free webconference: Tackling Global Warming: Challenges for Corporate Boards and their Advisors. , by NCSE. Climate Change: Science and Solutions   Read NCSE invites you to participate in free webconference: Tackling Global Warming- Challenges for Corporate Boards and their Advisors
 May 31, 2007   Letter sent: Indian Farmer Leader On India-US Pact On GMOs , by Krishan Bir Chaudhary and published by ASHOK B SHARMA, Indian Society For Sustainable Agriculture Indian Express Newspapers (Mumbai) Ltd. I am sending a brief note on "US-India Agricultural Knowledge Initiative" agreement on agriculture for your kind perusal. The entire agreement is shroud in mystery and the farmers of the country have serious apprehensions about the real intent and motive of the joint agreement. Indian Agricultural Scientists have done a very splendid job through years of sustained research. Their scientific acumen and compatibility can match the best of faculty in the world. This agriculture agreement will oblige our scientist to became a tool in the hands of the multinationals for advancement & promotion of their interest in India. I would like to give a brief on the entire gamut of the US-India agreement as the matter concerns India's sovereignty and the future of Indian agriculture.   Read  Letter sent: Indian Farmer Leader On India-US Pact On GMOs
 May 26, 2007   Globalization And Democracy: Some Basics, by Michael Parenti , The fight against free trade is a fight for the right to politico-economic democracy, public services, and a social wage, the right not to be completely at the mercy of big capital. The goal of the transnational corporation is to become truly transnational, poised above the sovereign power of any particu­lar nation, while being served by the sovereign powers of all nations.   Read Globalization And Democracy: Some Basics
 April 21, 2007   Human Rights And Globalization, by Dr. Samir Naim-Ahmed, published in Would globalization enhance the implementation of human rights as stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ( 1948 ) and the subsequent United Nations agreements , particularly the covenant on civil and political rights ( 1966 ), the covenant on economic, social and cultural rights (1966 ) and the declaration on the right to development (1986 )?   Read Human Rights And Globalization
 February 5, 2007   Setback for developing world as US will extend support to farmers , by ASHOK B SHARMA, Indian Society For Sustainable Agriculture, RURAL ECONOMY sections, Indian Express Newspapers (Mumbai) Ltd. Consistent with the game being played by developed countries, the US has begun the process of shifting its subsidies under Amber and Blue boxes to Green box through its 2007 Farm Bill   Read Setback for developing world as US will extend support to farmers
 January 18, 2007   Charging Towards The Big Melt , by Stephen Leahy, published in The huge societal shift needed to find ways to live sustainably will likely not happen without some kind of disaster that will generate enough suffering that people will make the shift.   Read Charging Towards The Big Melt
 December 11, 2006   Suspended WTO talks likely to bring fresh trouble , by ASHOK B SHARMA, Indian Society For Sustainable Agriculture Indian Express Newspapers (Mumbai) Ltd.   Read Suspended WTO talks likely to bring fresh trouble
 December 5, 2006   2006 National Green Power Award Winners Announced , by USA Department of Energy, Starbucks, Whole Foods Market, Staples, IBM, Johnson & Johnson, Aspen Skiing Company Among Award Recipients   Read 2006 National Green Power Award Winners Announced


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