the age of global co-operation and symbiotical relationships theme A Vision to Caring for Life and Earth August 17-22, 2004 ![]() |
Scheduling Introduction and Procedure Participate in Workshop Sessions Workshop Session Leaders Info For more information contact the Office of Global Dialogue 2004 |
Global Dialogue 2004 begins August 1st, 2004, on the Internet. Roundtable Discussions begin on the Internet that first day. The period August 17-22 is a time for the Workshop Sessions to occur all over the planet and in Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada, and for summarizing results, and August 31 is the closing of Global Dialogue 2004. If we continue to have sponsoring, Proceedings will be written and published in September/October and will be made available on the website of Global Dialogue afterwards. Any change in the scheduling of Global Dialogue 2004 will be shown on the website at: http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/gdufour/scheduling.htm The proposed framework for sessions, and Opening and Closing Ceremonies is shown at: http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/gdufour/frameforsessions.htm Scheduling at the physical site and the proposed framework for sessions at the physical site, i.e. day(s) of the Global Dialogue at the physical site, and number of days reserved at the physical site, may change, and we may not know for certain about these parameters until July 2004. Back to top of page
Global Dialogue 2004 is being held all over the planet. Our website is used to relate results to everyone so as to continue the discussions with everyone else on Earth. Participants may apply to lead a Discussion Roundtable(s) and/or a Workshop Session(s). Leaders of the Workshop Sessions being held all over the world and in Nanaimo and Leaders of Discussion Roundtables on the Internet are allowed to organize their sessions in their own town, global community, university or home, wherever, as long as they assume all costs and responsibilities. Noone is being paid for their work and expenses. This is strictly on a volunteering basis and no money is available or will be available. You may also invite the public, experts and all Participants to your Discussion Roundtable or Workshop Session. This is a grassroots process and everyone is invited. Leaders may also be chosen from the Participant list. Leaders do not have to do this. They may even up-out of this process at any time without penalties of any kind (let me know now if you cannot go on with this process). So please be understanding! We are breaking grounds with the Global Dialogues and in the ways international conferences may be held in the future. Noone has ever organized a Global Dialogue having people (including the general public) from all over the planet participating interactively from their own town, community, universities or homes. Daily results of the Discussion Roundtables and Workshop Sessions usually include comments and recommendations and are to be sent by email to gdufour@globalcommunitywebnet.com or gdufour@globalcommunitywebnet.com in the message area of the email (please no attachment unless necessary). Each email message should not be larger than 60 KB. Send several messages but try to be within this limit. Only messages with email addresses shown under "Participants" will be read. If you need to use a different email address let me know first by phone. All Participants are invited to send their papers, comments and recommendations to the Leaders of their choice and they may send them also directly to the Office of Global Dialogue 2004. Participants are required to communicate with their leaders of interest. You are required to discuss via email and send comments and recommendations to them. Leaders will relate to this website your comments and recommendations and summarizing results. All Leaders are required to send an Opening Statement related to their Discussion Roundtable. A Closing Statement should also be sent during the period August 17-22, 2004. These statements along with the comments and recommendations will be inserted in the space reserved to each Discussion Roundtable and Workshop Session on our website. The list of participants who have sent research papers is shown on our website. If you are planning to send a research paper do read the section 'Expectations from those sending research papers', and the section 'Call for Papers'. When you submit a paper you must fill and send us the Paper Submission Cover Sheet. Research papers and other information will also be copied on our website in the 'Participant Listing' section. Follow the link. All Leaders will contact (by email) paper submitters who have written Lead Papers within their respective Discussion Roundtable and Workshop Session and ask for comments and recommendations. All papers must be reviewed. During the period August 17-22 leaders will summarize results and email them as well. Scheduling and workshop sessions to be held at the physical site will be ready soon. Back to top of page
Workshop Sessions in Nanaimo were made of Global Dialogue 2004 issues obtained from our press releases and newsletters. There may be other Workshop Sessions being held in other parts of the world, and we ask you to relate them to us.Workshop Sessions Listing 1. Protection of the global life-support systems. 2. Overpopulated planet. 3. Criteria to obtain the Global Community Citizenship. 4. The statement of rights and responsibilities of a person and of belonging to 'a global community' and to 'The Global Community', the Earth Community, the human family. 5. Results of comparing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and charters of nations around the world with the Scale of Human and Earth Rights. 6. Political systems of nations dont have to be democracies. 7. A global symbiotical relationship between nations. 8. The Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA). 9. Earth resources. 10. Formation of Earth Government for the good of all. 11. Mines, and mining the impacts. 12. The war industry, the modern evil at work. 13. Peace movement of the Earth Community Organization (ECO). 14. Earth security. 15. Earth governance. 16. Earth Court of Justice. 17. Foundation of the new world order. 18. Global cooperation in health issues. 19. Global community concepts. 20. Global cooperation in helping the starving world. 21. Humanity scale of social values. 22. Upgrading the WTO and the FTAA to symbiotical relationships. 23. Earth Government vs the United Nations. 24. Business and trade, and new ways of doing business. 25. The Kyoto Protocol is everyone's business on Earth. 26. Earth rights and the Scale of Human and Earth Rights. 27. Spirituality, religious beliefs and the protection of the global life-support systems. 28. Preventive actions against the worst polluters on the planet and those who destroy the global life-support systems. 29. Global tax. 30. Scenarios of what might be humanity's future. 31. Vision of the Earth in year 2024. 32. Global strategies. 33. Consumerism. 34. Charter of the Earth Community. 35. Community rights on the Scale of Human and Earth Rights. 36. A global sustainable development. 37. Women's rights. 38. Water resources. 39. Bullying occurring at the United Nations, and case of a predator nation. 40. Criteria to obtain one ECO, the Certified Corporate Global Community Citizenship. 1. Protection of the global life-support systems.There are many related aspects of the global life-support systems that is affected by an overpopulated planet:* global warmingNovember 2003 Newsletter: 3.1, 5.0 April 2003 Newsletter: 8D November 2002 Newsletter: 2A, 2B, 2F December 2002 Newsletter: 2C, 2D, 2F, 2G January 2003 Newsletter: 2F Press release #9 2. Overpopulated planet.October 2002 Newsletter: 2B, 7B, 7HFebruary 2003 Newsletter: 2D April 2003 Newsletter: 8A May 2003 Newsletter: 7J June 2003 Newsletter: A October 2003 Newsletter: 3A, 5D November 2003 Newsletter: 2A, 3.2 Press release #6 3. Criteria to obtain the Global Community Citizenship.August 2003 Newsletter: 8GSeptember 2003 Newsletter: 4A, 4B, 4C, 5A, 5B October 2003 Newsletter: 3C, 4A, 4C, 5A Press release #8 4. The statement of rights and responsibilities of a person and of belonging to 'a global community' and to 'The Global Community', the Earth Community, the human family.November 2002 Newsletter: 2Q, 2RJuly 2003 Newsletter: 5A, 5B August 2003 Newsletter: 7 Press release #7 5. Results of comparing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and charters of nations around the world with the Scale of Human and Earth Rights.May 2003 Newsletter: CAugust 2003 Newsletter: 8F December 2003 Newsletter: 2.0 6. Political systems of nations dont have to be democracies.December 2002 Newsletter: 2ENovember 2002 Newsletter: 2M 7. A global symbiotical relationship between nations.September 2002 Newsletter: 5A, 5B, 5D, 5ENovember 2002 Newsletter: 2O, 2P January 2003 Newsletter: 2C April 2003 Newsletter: 8D May 2003 Newsletter: 7G, 7H 8. The Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA).September 2002 Newsletter: 5B, 5CDecember 2003 Newsletter: 3C 9. Earth resources.September 2002 Newsletter: 5GJanuary 2003 Newsletter: 2F February 2003 Newsletter: 2E November 2003 Newsletter: 3.1 December 2003 Newsletter: 3A, 3E 10. Formation of Earth Government for the good of all.January 2003 Newsletter: 2C, 2DOctober 2002 Newsletter: 7B, 7H November 2002 Newsletter: 2K, 2L, 2N December 2003 Newsletter: 2B April 2003 Newsletter: 8G Press release #5 Press release #6 Press release #7 11. Mines, and mining the impacts.April 2003 Newsletter: 8CDecember 2003 Newsletter: 3E 12. The war industry, the modern evil at work.September 2002 Newsletter: 5KOctober 2002 Newsletter: 7F, 7G, 7K November 2002 Newsletter: 2E January 2003 Newsletter: 2J February 2003 Newsletter: 2G, 2H April 2003 Newsletter: 8I June 2003 Newsletter: B July 2003 Newsletter: A, 6D, 6F, 6G August 2003 Newsletter: 8H Press release #4 13. Peace movement of the Earth Community Organization (ECO).September 2002 Newsletter: 5F, 5KOctober 2002 Newsletter: 7A, 7F, 7G November 2002 Newsletter: 2C, 2E, 2T December 2002 Newsletter: 2E February 2003 Newsletter: 2C July 2003 Newsletter: 6B Press release #4 14. Earth security.April 2003 Newsletter: 8JNovember 2002 Newsletter: 2C, 2R 15. Earth governance.September 2002 Newsletter: 3OOctober 2002 Newsletter: 7H November 2002 Newsletter: 2A, 2K, 2L, 2O December 2002 Newsletter: 2B January 2003 Newsletter: 2D April 2003 Newsletter: 8K Press release #5 Press release #6 Press release #7 16. Earth Court of Justice.October 2002 Newsletter: 7ADecember 2002 Newsletter: 2H February 2003 Newsletter: 2G April 2003 Newsletter: 8L May 2003 Newsletter: 7I July 2003 Newsletter: 6C September 2003 Newsletter: 5K December 2003 Newsletter: 3D 17. Foundation of the new world order.December 2002 Newsletter: 2BJanuary 2003 Newsletter: 2D April 2003 Newsletter: 8M May 2003 Newsletter: 7D Press release #5 Press release #6 Press release #7 18. Global cooperation in health issues.January 2003 Newsletter: 2CMay 2003 Newsletter: 5 November 2003 Newsletter: 2O, 3.2 19. Global community concepts.December 2002 Newsletter: 2FMay 2003 Newsletter: E June 2003 Newsletter: D October 2003 Newsletter: 4D 20. Global cooperation in helping the starving world.November 2002 Newsletter: 2OJuly 2003 Newsletter: 6A November 2003 Newsletter: 3.2 21. Humanity scale of social values.November 2002 Newsletter: 2Q, 2RDecember 2002 Newsletter: 2A, 2E, 2F, 2G, 2H April 2003 Newsletter: 8D May 2003 Newsletter: 7B, 7C July 2003 Newsletter: 6E August 2003 Newsletter: 8B, 8C 22. Upgrading the WTO and the FTAA to symbiotical relationships.October 2002 Newsletter: 7EJuly 2003 Newsletter: 6H August 2003 Newsletter: 8E 23. Earth Government vs the United Nations.October 2002 Newsletter: 7J, 7KNovember 2002 Newsletter: 2D, 2N, 2O July 2003 Newsletter: 4B, 6I January 2003 Newsletter: 2D Press release #5 Press release #6 Press release #7 24. Business and trade, and new ways of doing business.October 2002 Newsletter: 7DJanuary 2003 Newsletter: 2B August 2003 Newsletter: 6A, 6C, 8A, 8D 25. The Kyoto Protocol is everyone's business on Earth.October 2002 Newsletter: 7INovember 2002 Newsletter: 2F, 2I December 2002 Newsletter: 2C, 2D April 2003 Newsletter: 8D August 2003 Newsletter: 6B November 2003 Newsletter: 3.1 Press release #9 26. Earth rights and the Scale of Human and Earth Rights.December 2002 Newsletter: 2G, 2FJanuary 2003 Newsletter: 2F February 2003 Newsletter: 2I, 2J, 2K, 2L August 2003 Newsletter: 8B, 8C 27. Spirituality, religious beliefs and the protection of the global life-support systems.October 2002 Newsletter: 7CNovember 2002 Newsletter: 2G December 2002 Newsletter: 2F April 2003 Newsletter: 8D, 8E May 2003 Newsletter: 7A 28. Preventive actions against the worst polluters on the planet and those who destroy the global life-support systems.December 2002 Newsletter: 2GJanuary 2003 Newsletter: 2B, 2F February 2003 Newsletter: 2G May 2003 Newsletter: 7F October 2003 Newsletter: 5A, 7I, 7K Press release #9 29. Global tax.September 2002 Newsletter: 5IOctober 2003 Newsletter: 4B 30. Scenarios of what might be humanity's future.November 2002 Newsletter: 2HJanuary 2003 Newsletter: 2E 31. Vision of the Earth in year 2024.November 2002 Newsletter: 2HJanuary 2003 Newsletter: 2E 32. Global strategies.November 2002 Newsletter: 2QDecember 2002 Newsletter: 2E, 2F, 2G, 2H January 2003 Newsletter: 2F Press release #9 33. Consumerism.October 2002 Newsletter: 7DNovember 2002 Newsletter: 2T January 2003 Newsletter: 2B 34. Charter of the Earth Community.December 2002 Newsletter: 2E, 2F, 2G, 2H, 2IJanuary 2003 Newsletter: 2I 35. Community rights on the Scale of Human and Earth Rights.January 2003 Newsletter: 2AFebruary 2003 Newsletter: 2F 36. A global sustainable development.January 2003 Newsletter: 2G, 2H, 2K, 2LFebruary 2003 Newsletter: 2I, 2J, 2L 37. Women's rights.February 2003 Newsletter: 2B38. Water resources.February 2003 Newsletter: 2E39. Bullying occurring at the United Nations, and case of a predator nation.September 2002 Newsletter: 5COctober 2002 Newsletter: 7K December 2003 Newsletter: 8C October 2003 Newsletter: 5B April 2003 Newsletter: 8G, 8H 40. Criteria to obtain one ECO, the Certified Corporate Global Community CitizenshipSeptember 2003 Newsletter‘Caring for Life and Earth’ Back to top of page
You may apply to lead a Workshop Session. Leaders of the Workshop Sessions are allowed to organize their sessions in their own town, university or home, wherever, as long as they assume all costs. Noone is being paid for their work and expenses. This is strictly on a volunteering basis and no money is available or will be available. You may also invite the public, experts and all Participants to your Workshop Session. This is a grassroots process and everyone is invited. There will be no more than one leader per session. Most participants are not likely to afford coming to Global Dialogue 2004 in Nanaimo but can use the Internet, and we hope they will organize community meetings (workshop sessions) in their own country on behalf of Global Dialogue 2004. Leaders are included with each workshop session listed in the Workshop Sessions Listing. Click your session of interest and follow the link to 'Participate'. A typical Workshop Session looks as shown here.
Opening Remark by Leader
Procedure Lead Papers Comments and Recommendations from Participants (by name and address) Summary of Comments from Participants Summary of Recommendations from Participants Assessment of Results of Discussion Roundtable and Conclusion Closing Remark by Leader
Your information will appear in the above-mentioned section soon after you sent it. Leaders do not have to do this. They may even up-out of this process at any time without penalties of any kind (let me know now if you cannot go on with this process). So please be understanding! We are breaking grounds with the Global Dialogues and in the ways international conferences may be held in the future. Noone has ever organized a Global Dialogue having people (including the general public) from all over the planet participating interactively from their own town, community, universities or homes. Leaders were chosen from the listed Participants of Global Dialogue 2004. Daily results of the Workshop Sessions usually include comments and recommendations and are to be sent by email to
in the message area of the email (please no attachment unless necessary). This is for security reason as viruses could be attached to files. Each email message should not be larger than 60 KB. Send several messages but try to be within this limit. Only messages with email addresses shown under "Participants" will be read. If you need to use a different email address let me know first by phone.
All Participants are invited to send their comments and recommendations to the Leaders of their choice. Research papers and other information from participants will also appear in the 'Participant Listing' section. Follow the link. All Leaders are required now to send an Opening Statement related to their Workshop Session. A Closing Statement should also be sent during the period August 17-22. These statements along with the comments and recommendations will be inserted in the space reserved to each Discussion Roundtable and Workshop Session on our website. Follow the link where you click 'Participate'. All Leaders will contact (by email) paper submitters who have written Lead Papers within their respective Workshop Sessions and ask for comments and recommendations. During the period August 17-22, Leaders will summarize results and email them as well. Back to top of page |
For more information contact the Office of Global Dialogue 2004 |