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Earth Management - all Peoples together This new global dialogue will be held August 17-22, year 2002 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada The theme is
Earth Government for Earth Community- A grassroots process - NEWSLETTER Newsletter Volume 2 Issue 05, July 2001
Mailing address Earth Community Organization
Table of Contents
Earth needs urgently a world system of governance. The United Nations fail to satisfy the needs of the people of the 21st Century. They have never improved upon the old ways and thinking of the middle of the 20th Century. Its voting system no longer satisfy the 6.157 billion people on Earth. The challenges are different and require a world organization up for dealing with the needs of all these people. During the past several years, the Earth Community has been pleading the United Nations leaders to make changes in the UN organizational structure and ways of doing things. There has been an urgent need for fundamental changes in the United Nations organization. The world wants a true democratic world organization. The UN is not! Should we start from scratch? No! There are a lot of good things within the UN, and they need to be protected. The Earth Community is requesting that the United Nations change its voting system to have one vote per million people. This way the rich North will have to deal with the poor in the South in order to obtain votes for decision-making. The eradication of poverty in the world will be achieved. Thousands of other good things will be achieved. The most fundamental requirement of a world organization is a democratic voting system. Democracy must be a priority. The right that the greatest number of people has by virtue of its number (50% plus one) is a human right. It should be respected. Surely, no one believes that organizations such as the European Union and the Free Trade Area of the Americas, or the like, are a substitute to a democracy. They are driven by profits only and are a form of "world anti-government". In the Preamble of the Charter of the United Nations, it says "WE THE PEOPLES OF THE UNITED NATIONS " but in fact any of the five permanent members of the UN has the power to overthrow a proposal brought forward by any member. The words should really say "WE THE FIVE PERMANENT MEMBERS". The Earth Community is proposing a voting system based on democracy: one vote per million people. In total there are 6104 votes. Taken apart the actual five permanent UN members would have a total of 1810 votes i.e., less than 30% of the total number of votes of 6104 votes. A basic democracy requires a 50% plus one vote for ruling. The above calculations were counting all five permanent members together but in fact any of the five members has the power to overthrow a decision brought forward by any of the 189 Member States of the United Nations. This means 1/189 or 0.5% of the membership is more powerful than the remaining 99.5%. If that is not a dictature, what is it? It does not say much about democracy at the UN. More like a dictature of the five permanent members. In actual fact, the general philosophy of the UN indicates that the more money a country has the more power that country has at the UN. Basically it is all about money. The disrespect of democracy by the United Nations reflects on other worldwide organizations and their thinking with regard to Earth Management. For instance, leaders of the 34 member nations of the Organization of American States (all the independent nations in North and South Americas and the Caribbean, except Cuba) have met in Quebec City, Canada, to discuss hemispheric free trade which would eliminate trade and investment barriers on goods and services between member countries by 2005. They proposed to create the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) which would represent the world’s largest common market. Again here profit is the goal to achieve at the expense of democracy. Why does the world needs to use and keep alive such an unfair system of voting? Fear?! Fear of the nuclear warheads madness? At the UN the five permanent members have the most destructive power of the entire world. Earth would not survive if they decide to unleash their malicious weapons of destruction. Surely democracy is not about muscles and destructive weapons. If it is then let us spell out the truth just as it is. The survival of the Earth Community and of life on Earth depends on every one being honest and responsible. Are we going to let the five permanent members put a weapon on our heads each time there is a decision to make to protect and manage the Earth Community, to create sustainable communities for future generations and to make any sound decision for the survival of our species? In addition to the discussion roundtables set-up during the World Congress, there will new discussion roundtables on the following topics: a) Earth Environmental Governance b) The Democratic Voting System for the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) c) Freshwater and clean air as human rights d) The Climate Change Ministry of Earth Government e) The Earth Ministry of Energy for the people f) New Age Revelations g) God's Plan for Humanity h) Revolution and Evolution of Life i) Leadership and the humble citizen Many more discussion roundtables will be added between now and the publication of the Final Program on January 2002. May the DIVINE WILL come into our lives and show us the way. May our higher purpose in life bring us closer to the Soul of Humanity and God. Cordially, Germain Germain Dufour President Earth Community Organization and Interim Earth Government Headquarters Ontario Canada gdufour@globalcommunitywebnet.com
(see also Press Releases #1 by Interim Earth Government)
July 2001 Kofi Annan United Nations Secretary-General Dear Mr. Secretary-General: Earth needs urgently a world system of governance. The United Nations fail to satisfy the needs of the people of the 21st Century. It has never improved upon the old ways and thinking of the middle of the 20th Century. Its voting system no longer satisfy the 6.157 billion people on Earth. The challenges are different and require a world organization up for dealing with the needs of all these people. During the past several years, the Earth Community has been pleading the United Nations leaders to make changes in the UN organizational structure and ways of doing things. There has been an urgent need for fundamental changes in the United Nations organization. The world wants a true democratic world organization. The UN is not! Should we start from scratch? No! There are a lot of good things within the UN, and they need to be protected. The most fundamental requirement of a world organization is a democratic system of voting. Democracy must be a priority. The right that the greatest number of people has by virtue of its number (50% plus one) is a human right. It should be respected. The actual UN system of voting is undemocratic, unfair and noone likes it. It does not work! The Earth Community Organization (ECO) has proposed a voting system based on democracy. The system was described in the past and is again showing its functioning in the following two articles of this Newsletter: Earth Governance vs the United Nations and The Democratic Voting System for the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA). It is very simple and democratic. Surely, no one believes that organizations such as the European Union and the Free Trade Area of the Americas, or the like, are a substitute to a democracy. They are driven by profits only and are a form of "world anti-government". Of the 189 Member States of the United Nations, it takes only one of the five permanent members to overthrow any decision or proposal during a meeting. This means 1/189 or 0.5% of the membership is more powerful than the remaining 99.5%. If that is not a dictature, what is it? It does not say much about democracy at the UN. More like a dictature of the five permanent members. In the Preamble of the Charter of the United Nations, it says "WE THE PEOPLES OF THE UNITED NATIONS " but in fact it should say "WE THE FIVE PERMANENT MEMBERS". The Earth Community is requesting that the United nations change its voting system to have one vote per million people. This way the rich North will have to deal with the poor in the South in order to obtain votes for decision-making. The eradication of poverty in the world will be achieved. Thousands of other good things will be achieved. Earth has long been waiting for a truly global governing body based on universal values, human rights, global concepts and democracy. We might as well start this creating process now, there is no longer any reason to wait. Do you have the courage to stand up for a democratic voting system at the UN? There is a lot to be done. Creation of Ministries (see listing) will be a priority. If not let us form the Earth Government. We are the Earth Community and we will form the Earth Government. Earth management is a priority and is a duty by every responsible person. A democratically elected Earth Government will now be formed, and we want you to reflect on future effects of such an event on the history of humanity. Certainly one will expect extraordinary changes: a reorganizing of human activities all over the planet; participation by all societies on the planet in solving local and global problems; new alliances forming; north meeting with south (eradication of poverty will be the price to pay to get votes from the south) in order to gather more votes within the newly created Earth Government to satisfy power struggles between European, Asian and Western countries; adoption of democratic principles, human rights, global concepts, and universal values by every human being; expansion of consciousness; gathering and coordinating of forces to resolve social and political problems in a peaceful way (no more conflicts or wars); gathering and coordinating of forces (technologies, scientific research, exploration work, human resources, etc.) to resolve global problems such as global climate, environment, availability of resources, poverty, employment, etc. Thousands more changes! Let your heart and mind reflect on 'the good' of a democratically elected Earth Government. Everyone is part of Earth Community by birth and therefore everyone has a right to vote. Everyone should be given a chance to vote. If you live in a developing country this time you will have a vote, human rights like all of us, you will be part of Earth Community, and we will stand by you. Decisions will be made democratically. You will finally have a voice and a friend, many friends, within Earth Government and Earth Community. Your lives have values just like all of ours. Between now and August 2002 we will have created the Interim
Earth Government for Earth Community. The Interim Earth
Government for Earth Community will govern for as long as necessary to
create the democratic structure of the government and put in place the
voting system that it requires.
Dear people of the Middle East:
This letter was written to plead you to continue to be aggressive. The most powerful and successful way to deal with us in the West and with the European Union is by not buying our weapons of destruction, war products and equipment. The war machinery has fed European and Western economies since the First World War. The war industry is the most successful industry in the world. It paid us trillions of dollars (american dollars) in many different ways. Better than the oil and gas industry (by the way your oil is the best in the world keep selling it to us real cheap so we can pollute the Earth a lot and fuel our warships in your area, you know, oil is just a natural resource and, after all, it belongs to all of us on Earth). We have learned that the money you spent on buying our war products and equipment keep our economies healthy. This is how we got rich! You paid good money! We sell to our "enemies" (please no offense here, dont take it personal, this is strictly business, we are just smarter than you are)! They pay good prices, and then we destroy them. This process is perpetual! Well! It wont be if you stop buying. This is why we are pleading you to keep buying war products and equipment. Keep us in shape for the next round. If you were to stop buying you would ruin us completely. It is not like we enjoy destroying Earth, its ecosystem, and its living inhabitants and communities, or that we dont care about the next generations, we just need to pay for our mortgages and car payments (which means more air pollution to make everyone sick, and global warming, but you dont have a clue about what that means, and we dont care, because we are both going to Heaven after we die, right..., dont believe the craps about the Soul of Humanity, it is something about the New Age Revelations from God, as if God could be telling us something ). If suddenly you decide not to buy weapons from us or from anyone else you would: a) win the war; b) be better and smarter people than we are; c) help to the survival of the human species on Earth; d) save the world from total destruction; e) be seen as "good people" (and we dont want you to be seen as good people by our media controlled industry because you have to "look bad" for our public so they approve of our war actions against you); and f) make the Earth Community a successful and true worldwide organization with a platform based on a truly democratic system. But, be careful, we have become experts in making you buy our weapons, and war products and equipment. We know you well! You cannot stop yourselves from buying. And please dont unite yourselves. We dont want Muslems to be united as one group. Not good for us! Muslem communities must not unite. We want you to fight one another. That's good! We sell you weapons. Lots of them! Good prices! We make you good deal. Promise! Germain P.S. Maybe after this letter you will understand that the Earth Community believes how meaningless war is. Everyone is responsible and accountable locally and globally one way or the other. I certainly feel responsible for anything happening in the world especially in the Middle East. People are being drawn into a rollercoaster of angry emotions and terrible actions they would not have done if they have thought about them for a while. There is always a better and peaceful solution to our problems. We are all a part of the solution. Like the Earth Community is trying to do now, you must search a solution in your good heart and wonderful mind and spirit. God loves you all, and I love you too.
Subject: book
Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2001 19:39:06 +0400 From: "Galina Gutina" To: "'Germain Dufour'" Dear German, How are you? How is your work? I hope everything is all right. I haven't heard from you for long. My leg was broken but now it's OK. I have been at the Conference in St Petersburg, in the wonderful Russian town. I have published a book in Russian with scenarios for ecological children theaters and methodical recommendation for teachers how to teach children through game. It's my first book in such genre. Before that I wrote only scientific works about water purification. To my great happiness this book turned out a success and in demands between teachers , libraries, children theaters, ecological organizations in Russia. I would like to translate and publish this book in English. Besides I have an idea to organize an international project connected with children ecological theater. I'm sending you an annotation of the book. I would be very obliged to you if you are able to suggest any Funds, organizations or persons who might be interested or able to help me. I hope to hear from you when you have a free minute. With best wishes, Galina Gutina annotation_eng.doc Name: annotation_eng.doc Type: Winword File (application/msword) Encoding: base64
"Ecological Problems Through Children’s Eyes. Miniatures for Theatrical Performances"
by Galina Gutina Annotation The main part of this book consists of small plays dedicated to regularities and problems of the Environment. These plays dedicated to some important themes of the lessons, which are necessary to be studied with children of the age if 6-11. They are: "living" and "not living" in Nature, the circulation of water, the ecological system, domestic pets and problems with homeless animals, the pollution of water, our water-pipe, ecological problems around us in everyday life, the problem of removal of rubbish, etc. The plays offered to the readers are intended not only for performing before the audience but also for joint game with children, for active discussion between actors and audience. All this is aimed to make children come to the right solutions of the problems and is reached by the plot of the play, the questions for discussions, which are included into the play and help children together with actors solve the raised in the play problems. Such discussions are aimed to develop in children skills in trying to find solutions to important public problems. In the book are also included methodical recommendations for teachers how to turn the work on play, performance and dialog-discussion into a fascinating playful teaching children the science about the Environment and provoke their interest for preserving Nature activity. In the book are briefly expounded the author’s experience and ideas about the out-of-classes work with children: how to organize a children holiday, theatrical performance, discussions, competitions, exhibitions of children paintings dedicated to preserving of Nature. The book is intended for out-of-classes work with children of the age of 6-11and will be useful for teachers of primary and secondary schools, for tutors of kinder gardens, workers of children camps and institutions and also for parents. The aim of this book is through a kind game-fairy-tail to assist to develop in children love, understanding and sympathy towards Nature and desire to help it. Dr. Galina Gutina Russia gutina@online.ru gut@glasnet.ru Dear Germain Dufour, Thank you so much for your letter and for considering me a Participant of the Global Dialogue Earth Management - all Peoples together. It's a great honour for me. I've been thinking of the symbol of the flag and in my last letter I proposed to send you a picture of my student wich can be used as a parten. But when I began looking through all the pictures trying to find the most sutable one it turned out to be really hard to choose as all of them are wonderful in their own way. Besides I do not have scaner now to send it to you. But I prommise to send you pictures as soon as I can. During this time I'll try to choose the best picture for the flag (at least I'll try). Besides, I'll send your proposal about the flag to the group of Young Ecological Reporters (students of the age of 17) and maybe they will come up with some ideas. Thank you very much for your work. My best wishes, Galina Gutina
Dr. Galina Gutina has sent the design proposal for the Earth Flag from one of her students.
| Earth Environmental Governance The Democratic Voting System for the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) Earth Governance vs the United Nations Revolution and Evolution The Climate Change Ministry of Earth Government Leadership and the humble citizen The New Age Revelations, by God God's Plan for Humanity Freshwater and clean air as human rights The Earth Ministry of Energy for the people |
Earth Environmental Governance is the most importance and urgent challenge of the Earth Community. The Earth Ministry of the Environment is proposing a meeting of all the Ministers of the Environment. Each country in the world will send their Minister of the Environment to meet during the global dialogue on Earth Management - all Peoples together. The theme of the conference is "Earth Government for Earth Community, a grassroots process". The roundtable discussion will also include experts from interested groups, environmental institutions, policy specialists from non-governmental organizations, and the public. There is a need to centralize and coordinate efforts into one Ministry of the Environment: the Earth Ministry of the Environment. Discussion about the financial support will be a priority. A comprehensive and reliable system will be proposed to coordinate efforts from all over the world. Anyone willing to participate in the discussion roundtable may send an abstract/research paper now. Other topics for discussion: a) Involvement of major groups in monitoring, assessment and early warning b) Major environmental challenges of the 21st Century c) Civil society involvement d) Responsibility and accountability of the private sector e) Global environmental policy-making Earth Environmental Governance can only be achieved successfully within the larger context of Sustainable Developent and Earth Management. All aspects are inter-related and affect one another. A healthy environment is essential to long term prosperity and well-being, and citizens in Earth Community demand a high level of ecological protection. This is the 'raison d'etre' of the Scale of Human Rights. Primordial human rights are those human rights that individuals have by virtue of their very existence as human beings: to live, eat, drink fresh water, breath clean air, and have shelter. These rights are separate categories than ecological rights, the right of the greatest number of people, economic rights, social rights, cultural rights and religious rights. Ecological and primordial human rights are the only rights that have existed unchanged throughout the evolutionary origin of our species. Any major change would have threatened our very existence. All other human rights listed here are rights created by human beings and can be changed depending of new circumstances; they are not stagnant but are rather flexible and adaptive, and they can evolve. Ecological and primordial human rights of this generation and of future generations are therefore much more important than any other human rights existing now and in the future. This is the reason for drawing the Scale of Human Rights as shown here: * Ecological rights
In this way the Scale of Human Rights gives us a 'sense of direction' for future planning and managing of the Earth. Earth management is now well defined and becomes a goal to achieve. We no longer waste energy and resources in things that are absolutely unimportant. Note: The Scale of Human Rights was brought forward for the first time during the World Congress in August 2000, and it was discussed further in the December 2000 and March 2001 Newsletters.
Abstract Having the correct voting system in place will help countries in the South (33 countries if we include Cuba) to deal with the U.S.A. and Canada on a democratic platform. Canada and the USA will have to deal with the South to gain votes for the decision-making process. The following table shows that Canada and the USA together have a total of 308 votes. They would have to deal with the 585 votes of the South. The decision-making process would certainly be affected. The North would really only have 34% of the votes and would have to seek votes from the South for the decision-making process. The right that the greatest number of people has by virtue of its number (50% plus one) is a human right. It should be respected. Cuba was included here because the people of Cuba have rights just like anyone else. The Summit of the Americas was a meeting of the 34 National Governments of every country in North, Central, South America and the Caribbean (except Cuba). The meeting was held April 20-22, 2001, in Quebec City, and was about extending the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) throughout the Americas to form the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) by 2005. The FTAA will follow the World Trade Organization (WTO) guidelines for settling disputes. The Organization of American States (OAS) manages implementation of this process. Member countries were encouraged to change their economic infrastructures to be in line with the free trade policies of the FTAA (the WTO). Many member countries have already prioritised economic growth over social aspects and human rights. The Earth Community Organization (ECO) is aware of what the 34 National Governments are trying to achieve
and decided to help them designing an agreement between themselves in line with The Charter of the Earth Community. Several articles
in this Newsletter were written especially to help you find sound solutions. Our March and May Newsletters also contain articles pertaining to this challenge. * Primordial human rights * The ecological and primordial human rights of future generations * The right that the greatest number of people has by virtue of its number (50% plus one) and after voting democratically representatives to Earth Government * Economic rights (business and consumer rights, and their responsibilities and accountabilities) and social rights (civil and political rights) * Cultural rights and religious rights The following table was developed to show how the two countries from the North, Canada and the USA, will have to deal with the others from the South to gain votes for the decision-making process.
Earth Governance can only be achieved successfully within the larger context of Sustainable Developent and Earth Management. All aspects are inter-related and affect one another. Earth needs urgently a world system of governance. The United Nations fail to satisfy the needs of the people of the 21st Century. It has never improved upon the old ways and thinking of the middle of the 20th Century. Its voting system no longer satisfy the 6.157 billion people on Earth. The challenges are different and require a world organization up for dealing with the needs of all these people. Surely, no one believes that organizations such as the European Union and the Free Trade Area of the Americas, or the like, are a substitute to a democracy. They are driven by profits only and are a form of "world anti-government". The most fundamental requirement of a world organization is a democratic voting system. Democracy must be a priority. The right that the greatest number of people has by virtue of its number (50% plus one) is a human right. It should be respected. In the Preamble of the Charter of the United Nations, it says "WE THE PEOPLES OF THE UNITED NATIONS " but in fact any of the five permanent members of the UN has the power to overthrow a proposal brought forward by any member. What the Preamble really means is "WE THE FIVE PERMANENT MEMBERS OF THE UNITED NATIONS." In Article 23 of the Charter of the United Nations, it is described the composition of the Security Council. " 1.The Security Council shall consist of fifteen Members of the United Nations. The Republic of China, France, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America shall be permanent members of the Security Council. The General Assembly shall elect ten other Members of the United Nations to be non-permanent members of the Security Council, due regard being specially paid, in the first instance to the contribution of Members of the United Nations to the maintenance of international peace and security and to the other purposes of the Organization, and also to equitable geographical distribution." In fact, nothing can be done by the UN unless all of the five listed members approved it first. It does not say much about democracy at the UN. More like a dictature of the five permanent members. Of the 189 Member States of the United Nations, it takes only one of the five permanent members to overthrow any decision or proposal during a meeting. That 1/189 or 0.5% of the membership is more powerful than the remaining 99.5%. If that is not a dictature, what is it? The Earth Community is proposing a voting system based on democracy: one vote per million people. The table below describes the list of the UN Member States in terms of the population within each country and, therefore, the number of votes they would have in the proposed Earth Community voting sytem. In total there are 6104 votes. Taken apart the actual five permanent UN members would have: Republic of China, 1269 France, 59 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 147 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 58 United States of America, 277 for a total of 1810 votes i.e., less than 30% of the total number of votes of 6104 votes. A basic democracy requires a 50% plus one vote for ruling. In the past, the general philosophy of the UN has indicated that the more money a country has the more power that country has at the UN. Basically it is all about money. The disrespect of democracy by the United Nations reflects on other worldwide organizations and their thinking with regard to Earth Management. For instance, leaders of the 34 member nations of the Organization of American States (all the independent nations in North and South Americas and the Caribbean, except Cuba) have met in Quebec City, Canada, to discuss hemispheric free trade which would eliminate trade and investment barriers on goods and services between member countries by 2005. They proposed to create the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) which would represent the world’s largest common market. The FTAA will include a new constitution leading to rights and freedoms for corporations that override national rights. Investments will be protected in the agreement and investors will not lose their business as a result of government expropriation. The agreement is entirely business oriented. Profit is the goal to achieve. The FTAA will entrench corporate power at the expense of democratically elected officials from local communities, municipal governments, provincial governments, national governments and states. Such a free trade agreement is a form of "world anti-government" (such as the European Union block) as citizens lose the ability to act in their best interests and find sound solutions to their own problems. Citizens become disconnected with the decision-making process. In such scenario, democratic principles lose meaning and no longer prevail. All that we have worked for over the past decades to build sustainable communities will be all gone in the signing of an agreement, the FTAA. People were never asked to discuss and were never invited in its development. The principles of a sustainable development are let go and replaced by the desire of the world business leaders to make larger profits. The following table shows the number of votes each member of the UN organization would have if the decision-making process was based on one vote per million people. This voting system can be implemented now within the UN. It is also the same voting system Earth Government has already accepted in dealing with the people of the world (one representative per million people i.e., one vote per million people). There are a total of 6104 votes. Even China with its largest number of votes (1269 votes) could not dictate alone to the rest of the world. No one could! The relationship between national governments of the world would be based on the democratic voting system as opposed to be based on fear i.e., based on the number of nuclear war heads you possess. People would not be forced and dictated with weapons pointed at their heads during meetings.
* Members of the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA)
The event of the Peoples Revolution was first discussed in May 2001 Newsletter. The question we ask today "Is our species evolutionary leap for survival caused by the New Age Revolution?" During the past thousand years humanity has lived with the "life program information" (read research paper by Shpigel) transferred into the brain via two ways: our genes, and education and upbringing (IMPRINTING theory). The mechanism of biological information protection did the rest. We are lock, stock, and barrel with the old stock. In a way! Today our species is evolving to rid itself of the old thoughts that are threatening its future and survival. This is a survival reaction and is very real. Our species will accomplish the evolutionary leap within a generation. The next step is the creation of new thoughts, thousands of them. Healthy thoughts! The kind that will sustain Earth. Humanity has taken a new direction with globalization and the creation of planetary trade blocks. This new direction will lead to human misery and war, and our species reacts very strongly to such destructive ways. Business leaders are determined to rule the world in ways that will bring about the Peoples Revolution of the New Age. Throughout History there have been major changes happening that have revolutionized our ways. They were social, political or religious revolutions. Political revolutions were always accompanied with deadly encounters. The most recent revolutions were the Bolshevik Revolution, French Revolution, American Revolution and the Chinese Revolution. Because of the lack of human compassion and disrespect of Earth and its community, planetary trading blocks will cause the event of the Peoples Revolution. There is a way to make things right for all life on Earth. We have to face the fact that the New Age Revolution is here and is growing. We see today the seeds of the Revolution: the Peoples Revolution of the New Age which includes all social, political and religious aspects of our lives. All of our ways and values are changing and evolving. Unless the Peoples Revolution is given the proper guidance, it will be more deadly than all we have seen in our past history put together. We can still avoid such an encounter. Actions by government and business leaders that lead to revolution and war must be curtailed. Power based on greed is not in the best interest of humanity as it leads to the violation of human rights and destruction. This time people will revolt against the business leaders and the establishment of business. They are the new leading body of the world. Businesses have taken the role of government and now hold largely the responsibility of wrongdoings. They will be held accountable for anything from the pollution of the planet, poverty, human rights violation, resources depletion, and disasters such as flooding and climate changes. The world we see today aims at "making a profit" the most important aspect of our lives. The European Union uses an economic model based entirely on improving its economic edge in the world. Asia is following in the same step. Now the proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) would also use a similar way of dealing with the other trade blocks of the planet. Globalization and trade blocks are at the roots of the New Age Revolution. They are causing it. Our species evolutionary leap for survival is caused by the New Age Revolution.
It is not clear how far Canada is willing to go to reach the Kyoto target of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions to 6 per cent below the 1990 level during the period 2008-12. The Canadian Action Plan 2000 on Climate Change includes no calculations, and it is not shown how the Action Plan will work. The European Union leaders have agreed to ratify the 1997 Kyoto Protocol by the end of this year. Let us hope that the action plan they will offer to the world will be real and honest. The Earth Community Organization has created the Climate Change Ministry and offer national governments to coordinate efforts in implementing the Earth Community Action Plan with regard to climate change. There are thousands of actions everyone in Earth Community could take right now. Several more of these actions were listed in the Proceedings of the World Congress on Managing and Measuring Sustainable Development - Global Community Action 1 held on August 1-22, 2000. Positive actions: A) By increasing vegetation in urban areas will reduce the urban heat, and the impacts of other urban environmental problems, which will be exacerbated under climate change. Reducing the urban heat will also reduce the energy demand for space conditioning, and hence greenhouse gas emissions. Plants directly reduce the urban heat through evaporative cooling but further reduce energy consumption through shading. The most common strategy to increase urban vegetation is to plant trees at ground level. However, where space is not available for trees, vegetation can be grown on building roofs, but walls offer far more space, hence vertical gardening is a viable alternative.
B) Aboriginal Peoples as well as everyone else in the world have noticed that the climate has changed over the past years.
They came forward (actions) and said that they too had observed climate changes over the past years and generations. In some countries the temperature has increased
by one or two degrees and natural catastrophes are becoming more and more frequent. Flooding or freshwater scarcity as well as
water pollution are harming the environment of the Third World and developing countries and water and air pollution characterizes the
industrialized regions. Therefore, poor and rich regions are facing a common problem which is linked to climate change, that's why
we should negotiate honestly and find a compromise as quickly as possible. If no
solution is suggested, developing countries like China will
repeat the same mistakes as the developed world. In fact, the latter can expect a higher salary, which will close the gap between rich
and poor regions. The most devastating effects of contamination of the atmosphere on a global scale include:
The most sophisticated climate models take into account factors such as:
A consequence of a warmer climate is a rise in global mean sea-level. Several countries will be more susceptible to inundations. We will see hundreds of millions of environmental refugees searching for land. The mid-latitude wheat belts of the planet will dry; forest fires will wipe out most of the forests; world food markets will have to adjust to help a starving population. Tourism and wildlife in the tropics will be seriously affected by a temperature that is just too hot. Tropical diseases will cause epidemics. Major changes in evaporation and precipitation patterns will not adjust quickly enough to supply the population with water it needs to survive; agriculture will become a dying industry either because of too much water or not enough of it. Sub-Arctic communities will disappear because of the melting of the permafrost.
It is well known that biological communities of the waters and of the
land absorb and bio-accumulate toxic contaminants through the food webs.
Trace concentrations deposited by the atmosphere have become harmful.
They are chemicals carried through the atmosphere to seas, rivers, lakes
and other streams, and subsequently into sediments and soils. Metals and
chemical contaminants can be absorbed for a long time, and are in fact
chemical 'time bombs'.
Urban air pollution is a mixture of several pollutants emitted from different
energy and industrial processes, and of secondary pollutants in the atmosphere.
Some air pollutants are more important than others. At a given concentration
some pollutants are more toxic or more unpleasant. Pollutants have different
effects related to health, ecosystems, economics and aesthetic.
C) Tropical tree plantations may be an important component of the global carbon cycle because they represent a carbon sink that can be
manipulated by humans and they ca mitigate the effects of tropical deforestation, which is the main biotic source of atmospheric
Most forest plantations in the tropics are planted with fast growing trees that culminate in volume and biomass production earlier than
natural forests. These high biomass production forests have a high capacity to sequester atmospheric CO2 and hence assist in
mitigating global warming. Sequestration of CO2 in plantations occurs in tree biomass (stems, branch, foliage and roots), forest floor
and as storage in the soil. Young growing forests are one of the best means to removing CO2 (the gas partially responsible for the
greenhouse effect) from the air. Thus planting forests help to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the air (by the action of sunlight
on the green chlorophyll organic compound, CO2 is absorbed by trees through the small fissures in the leaves or needless, these gases
are fixed as biomass).
D) Ever-increasing anthropogenic releases of greenhouse gases are driving the United Nations Climate Change effort. As the atmosphere's concentrations of "greenhouse gases" increase, so too does the atmosphere's ability to retain heat radiated from the earth's surface. This phenomenon, known as the greenhouse effect, is linked by many scientists to a long-term rise in global temperatures.
Introduction of appropriate sustainable agricultural system with balanced use of chemical fertilizers incorporated organic minerals
and green manure's.
Phase wise replacement of chemical fertilizer by organic fertilizer. Similarly biodegradable insecticide should be replace by the
non-biodegradable insecticides.
The entrepreneur should take proper mitigation measures of industrial pollution by set-up of industrial waste treatment plant.
Control of insect, pests through biological, natural process, alternatives of using harmful insecticides or fungicides is important to
Promotion of research activities in the field of industrial waste utilization and waste recovery process.
Reutilization of agricultural residues through bio-conservation to industrial products.
Need proper implementation of Environmental Policy, Environment Conservation Act’s and Legislation.
Enhancement of the capacity of NGOs, Govt. agencies to successfully implement poverty alleviation program including non-formal
education on environmental pollution awareness.
There are approaches to limit and regulate the pollution emissions of industrial activities. These are standards, taxes and
pollution permits. The choice among these alternatives depends on the administrative structure of a nation.
In an urban community site, air usually
contains materials such as nitric oxide, sulfur oxide, carbon monoxide,
aldehydes, dust and many others. A city would have a department measuring
indicators and indices in order to:
Immediate and honest actions by the USA, Russia, Japan and Canada, and all countries in resolving the problems creating
the greenhouse gases. The ratification of the Kyoto Protocol and the implementation of measurable positive actions
to resolve the problems of global warming.
The support of the Climate Change Ministry of Earth Government in coordinating efforts.
There is no such a thing as one leader being responsible and accountable for all and everything in the country where the event is happening. The Earth Community Organization (ECO) has shown that resolving local and global problems often require the acceptance of responsibility by everyone. The Western style of dealing with world problems: find the leader and if there is none help elect one. In reality, we are all responsible.The Earth Community Organization (ECO) has given back responsibility to every citizen on Earth. Everyone shares responsibility for the present and future well-being of life within Earth Community. We will work together in working out sound solutions to local and global problems. It would be wrong and dishonest to blame it all on the leader of a country. Most problems in the world must find solutions at the local and global community levels (and not assume that the leader alone is responsible and will handle it). There is a wisdom in the ways of very humble people that needs to be utilized. Every humble person deserves to have ideas respected, and encouraged to develop his or her own life for the better. Sound solutions to help manage and sustain Earth will very likely be found this way. Everyone can help assess the needs of the planet and propose sound solutions for its proper management, present and future. Everyone can think of better ideas to sustain all life on Earth and realize these ideas by conducting positive and constructive actions. When there is a need to find a solution to a problem or a concern, a sound solution would be to choose a measure or conduct an action, if possible, which causes reversible damage as opposed to a measure or an action causing an irreversible loss; that is the grassroots process. Earth Community Organization can help you realized your actions by coordinating efforts efficiently together. With regard to the Climate Change problems, all national governments must ratify the Kyoto Protocol. In fact the climate change problems are created by everyone, including consumers as well as industries. So everyone should be included in the solution of the problem. We are all responsible, not just the leader of a country.
by God 1. Thou shall be One with humanity and thou shall have a higher purpose, and that is to propagate Life throughout the universe. I shall provide you with means to travel the galaxies. 2. Thou shall have another higher purpose, and that is to manage Earth responsibly. 3. The Soul of Humanity shall be your guiding hand to follow as my hand.
It was necessary for our species to reach today's population of 6.157 billions in order to leap to our next stage of evolution that will bring us closer to God and propel humanity to fulfill the Divine Plan. What is the Divine Plan for humanity? The Divine Plan is the greatest hope for humanity and is now being revealed. God could not have created a universe with billions of galaxies, each one with billions of stars such as our Sun, unless He had a plan for Life, especially for an advanced species such as ours. Once I observed stars in the sky through the lenses of very powerful telescopes. I have also observed star clusters, globular clusters, the dynamics of the centre of our galaxy and, later on, galaxies in an expanding universe(click 'About us' at: http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/global2000/Index1.html), the Big Bang, from which came about the expansion of the Primeval Atom. I have also studied energies and fields, group theories, high energy particles, black holes and many other special objects, as well as the structure of the universe and its fundamental forces, and what they all do. I wish I could express my feelings about my observations. Then I have realized the place of our planet in the universe, my place on Earth, and my place in Earth Community. All sorts of new feelings appeared in me. Feelings of not being alone in the universe, of greatness, of love for Earth, passionate love for all lifeforms on Earth. I found it easier to answer several of my questions about our place in the universe, religious beliefs and God, and value systems of our societies. As a scientist, when I studied the universe, from the fundamental particles to the molecules, to lifeforms, to Earth and the stars and the entire universe, I always had a wonderful feeling of the divine in all of this.Observing and studying the universe is very much like learning about God as the universe is a part of God. God created the universe, and He is magnificient. The physical universe is a part of God. God is conscious of us through our Souls. In a way, Souls are 'God's plumbing devices', His ways to communicate with the physical universe, His medium to connect with us. Most Souls as we see them today are not as they were at the beginning of the universe in the Primeval Atom. Most have merged and evolved. The Primeval Atom was made of the pure light of God and of His consciousness and Spirit, which today we call Souls. Then God allowed the Primeval Atom to explode and space, time and matter were formed and the universe evolved as we observe it today. At the early stage of this expanding universe, every particle in the universe had a Soul each being a small part of the primeval consciousness of God. Each Soul was the essence of a small part of God's Spirit. In a way, the essence of each Soul is its own Spirit, itself a small part of God's Spirit. This is because God exists everywhere in the universe and in every particle of all galaxies. Souls have an important intrinsic quality, they can merge together, a group of Souls can become one Soul, a brighter one, different. This is what Souls do best, and it is to unify to better serve God. Souls can evolve as well. At the early stage, when the Earth was formed, and a while later, all the conditions for the formation of life were present, and life was created to better serve God. Life was made of matter and every particle of that matter had a Soul that merged with all the others. That first spark of life had a unique and independent Soul, and its own Spirit, to better serve God. Throughout the different evolutionary stages of life on Earth, Souls have kept merging to better serve God. Many groupings of Souls became more complicated than others, they were much brighter beings than other groupings, but all serve God in their own special way. One unique and most wonderful grouping was the grouping that made the human Soul. God loves the human Souls a lot because of their wonderful qualities. Through their Souls human beings became conscious of God in many different ways. Religions of all kinds started to spread on Earth over the past thousands of years to adore God and pray. Different groupings of Souls affected human beings in different ways and Peoples today have different religious beliefs. God loves diversity. God loves good Souls from all religions. Different religions have different ways to love, adore and pray to God. And God's Heaven exists. Heaven on Earth is different from God's Heaven. To be in Heaven with God will mean a Soul has left the matter of the universe forever to enter God's Heaven. My relationship with my Soul has lead me to the discovery of the Soul of Humanity, a wonderful loving Being made of all the Souls of humanity, the Souls of all lifeforms on Earth and the Soul of Earth itself. Life has evolved on Earth, and there we are the 'top of the line species' (you could challenge this theory as we could have come from another star system). Being the 'top of the line species' on Earth has put a burden on us. We have the responsibility of managing Earth. The Earth ecosystem is so fragile that we have to manage it together wisely. The Soul of Humanity is helping to bring about the event of Peace in the world. Knowing that Earth is a spiritual entity as well as a physical entity in space and time in the universe we begin to have a better relationship with Earth and with all its living inhabitants. This way Earth management will become a spiritual and a natural process whereby each person is responsible and accountable for its management the best they can. Peace in the world and Earth management have for too long been in the hands of and affected by government and business leaders, in the hands of a few people on the planet, as opposed to being in the hands of all of us (6.157 billion people on Earth) working together to keep our planet healthy. We are the keepers of the Earth. The Soul of Humanity will help us: * resolve problems, concerns and issues peacefully; * reinstate the respect for Earth; * work with humanity to keep Earth healthy, productive and hospitable for all people and living things; * bring forth a sustainable global society embracing universal values related to human rights, economic and social justice, respect of nature, peace, responsibility to one another; and * help to protect and manage the Earth. We have the responsibility of managing Earth. Everyone shares responsibility for the present and future well-being of life within Earth Community. When there is a need to find a solution to a problem or a concern, a sound solution would be to choose a measure or conduct an action, if possible, which causes reversible damage as oppose to a measure or an action causing an irreversible loss. Life exists on millions of other planets in the universe, and our species got to be who we are today through the evolutionary process. Other lifeforms in the universe may have evolved to be at least as advanced as our species. Their Souls may even be more complicated than ours. They may have merged a trillion times more than our Souls. They may have evolved as well. The Divine Plan for humanity is: a) for everyone to manage Earth responsibly, and b) about to reach the stars and spread Life throughout the universe and thus help other Souls to evolve and serve God in the best possible ways. The higher purpose of humanity is to serve God by propagating Life throughout the universe. Humanity will evolve spiritually to fulfill God's Plan.
For centuries we have found it necessary to control water so as to have
it where we wanted it.
Water in the home comes from either spring water, a deep well, a river or a city reservoir, and is never 'pure'. If water was untreated, it would contain man-made contaminants, minerals, gases, salts, and microorganisms, which would cause unacceptable taste or health risks. Hazardous compounds present in water are mercury, lead, agricultural chemicals, arsenic, organochlorine compounds formed by the chlorine added to municipal water to destroy microorganisms, industrial pollutants, solvents, pesticide, fertilizer, and other contaminants. Our body absorbs equally these contaminants through drinking water or while bathing. City water is regulated for health hazards and does not contain dangerous bacterial contamination. It may contain chemical contaminants from industrial discharge or hazardous waste disposal, vinyl chloride from P.V.C. plastic pipe. Most people take for granted the water we use to wash the car,
to water the lawn, cook and flush our wastes away, to shower, do half-loads of laundry, run the water while brushing our teeth, and ignore a dripping tap, and dump down the drain motor oil, solvents, paints, cleaners. We treat oceans, rivers, lakes, and streams more like parts of our sewer system them our life-support system. We are being
made use to this behavior from childhood while watching television. We often see commercials on TV showing a person washing an automobile or spraying a lawn wastefully and without care. There is also too much violence shown on television and in cinemas,
and nothing in the movies is aimed at educating people on the proper respect for water. We think it is right, our right to be as we are. The entire television networks and film makers and producers over the world should be re-educated in what is right and what is not. They should be responsible and be made accountable for the
counter-educating commercials and products they are advertising
on their networks. What the school system is doing in educating children is being negated by the television networks and film making industry. It is counter-productive and, at the end, the costs hit the taxpayers at home, one way or the other. The Polluter-pays Principle should apply to television networks and film making industry. They may use Human Rights for their defence but they should pay all the costs of the impacts of their advertisings and mindless production. They create behavioral patterns in the
general population from childhood and they should be billed big time. As individuals, we can make changes in our ways of using water and dispose of wastes, both inside our homes and outdoors, and find ways to conserve and protect our water supplies. Water conservation is a means to ensure that there will be enough water for future generations. Good quality of water supplies to satisfy our lifestyle carries a price tag defined here: P(water) = P(storing) + P(distributing) + P(treatment) + P(maintaining and operating) + P(e,h) where P(e,h) is the term representing the associated environmental and health price tags i.e. the impacts on the environment and our health. The costs of obtaining, storing, heating, distributing water are
steadily increasing, and so are the environmental and health impacts associated with those costs. The costs for treating wastewater to make it suitable to return to river systems are equally increasing and many communities now charge residents an extra fee for treating wastewater. Consumption rates vary largely from one community to
another, and between urban and rural areas. Some communities have been forced to restrict water consumption for short periods of time.
Human rights are those that individuals have by virtue of their very existence as human beings: to live, eat, drink fresh water, breath fresh air, have shelter. Just as human beings have human rights, they also have moral, legal responsibilities and related obligations and accountabilities. Every person needs Oxygen to live so clean air is certainly a primordial human right by our very nature. A large part of our body is made of water and we could not live without water; therefore water is also a primordial human rights by our very nature. Fresh water resources and clean air are therefore proposed to be categorized as human rights. Human actions constantly modify the hydrological cycle and also constantly pollute available water. The hydrological balance is changed by:
A Water Resources Assessment is a prerequisite for sustainable development and management of a country's water resources. It provides the basis for a vast range of activities:
The existing and future uses of water are constantly challenged; balancing supply and demand is made even harder by the amounts of pollution found in the air, land and waters. Pollution is widespread and people are dying because of it. As soon as more pollution is added into the fresh water systems than people and all life die. This is true even with the best system in the world. We live on the edge. Rainwater could carry pollution to the fresh water supply, and it is too late. Today there are a multitude of pollution sources and just to name a few:
Water pollution varies in severity from one region to the next depending of the density of urban development, agricultural and industrial practices and the presence or absence of systems for collecting and treating the waste waters. It is necessary to measure the water's quality, quantity and biological characteristics in every country. A lot of the data in the global hydrological network dedicated to measuring these elements are missing. It is non-existent in most developing countries. Data on water use are also scarce. Global demand for water is rising. The rise will accelerate into the future because the world population is expected to reach 8.2 billion by the year 2024. Despite the efforts of worldwide organizations to improve the water services of the developing countries, in 1995 some 20 per cent of the globe's population of 5.7 billion people still lacked a safe and reliable water supply, and 50 per cent were without adequate sanitation. Lack of these services is the basic reason why more than a billion people live in poverty. Even though regulations have been imposed by governments in the industrialized countries to protect their nations' water resources, people are still dying. This is due to the fact that regulations are not enforced as well as they should, regulations are not tough enough, and people dont care and often challenge them their own ways. We basically live on the edge. No safety net! Human health is dependent on a wholesome and reliable supply of water and safe sanitation. It has been estimated that at any given time about half the people living in developing countries are suffering from water-related diseases caused directly by infection, or indirectly by disease-carrying organisms that breed in water. Diarrhoea. infections by parasitic worms, river blindness and malaria are among the most widespread of these diseases. More than five million people are estimated to die each year from diseases related to inadequate sanitation and hygiene practices, and drinking polluted water. In the developed world there is concern about the health effects of exposure to various chemicals in drinking water. Pollutants can build up in shellfish to the point that they harm the people who eat them. The effects of pollution on wildlife are better observed: death, population decline, reduced success of hatching, birth defects for the birds, fish and other forms of life in rivers, lakes, wetlands and deltas. The Water Scarcity Index is the water use as a percentage of the available water resource. It can be shown that the margin between the global available resource and the volume of water used is going to diminish in the future. Population growth is the major factor. By the year 2024, the regions of stress will include two thirds of the world's population. By 2050, they will cover most of the globe. As the crisis approaches and as water resources become scarcer, the risk of conflict over them will become greater. After 2024, climate change will make conditions worse if precipitation amounts decrease in the major food producing regions and evaporation rates increase. With 50 per cent more people to feed than in 1999, the volume of water needed for food production is expected to increase by 50 to 100 per cent. The bulk of the increase in food production will come from irrigation which, in turn, will require more money to be spent on long distance water transfers and dams. There will be greater competition for these waters. The cost of water will certainly rise. In order to avoid conflicts and wars over water, The Earth Community Organization is proposing to make water at the top of its agenda. Better understanding and much more data are needed. All nations need to assess their water resources and make projections for the future. Water resources must be managed. We propose here to make fresh water a human right. We have also discussed the human need for clean air in the article on Climate Change, the Proceedings of the World Congress, and in previous Newsletters. There are more than enough facts that show solid proof for the nedd to make clean air a human right as well.
The Earth Ministry of Energy is a very important ministry of Earth Government. For now it provides educational information to the public in the form of a home audit on energy. Energy efficiency of a home is dependent and will be limited by the interaction of four elements: people, equipment, available resources and home environment. Energy efficiency is dependent on the performance of the weakest elements of this interaction. You save money by using less electricity and you save the environment too as 90% of the electricity generated in Alberta, Canada, comes from coal. Using less electricity has the effect of producing fewer emissions and less mining and, therefore, decreasing the need to build more power plants which in turn has the effect of keeping the future cost of electricity down. Building less power plants (or using less electricity) rates as a positive aspects on our assessment of environmental impacts. An Energy Auditing of your home will help you recognize where and how energy is being used in your home and identify saving opportunities; establish an effective energy management program and control energy consumption; start energy conservation measures and save on your energy costs. One approach in applying a sound behavior towards energy is to consider the interaction of four elements: people, equipment, available resources, and the home environment. This means energy efficiency of a home is dependent and will be limited by the performance of its weakest element. The excess capacity of any of the elements beyond that of the weakest element is wasted capacity. The most cost-effective way to improve performance is to identify and improve the weakest element. Most often when energy efficiency drops the weak element is people. Either energy conservation has not been made a priority or members of the household are not aware, concerned and motivated about energy conservation. For energy efficiency to be successful there must be support of all household members, realistic goals, designated responsibility, account of all household meters, auditing energy use, establishing priorities, developing the program and evaluation and monitoring. An energy audit provides information about how to identify energy use,
reorganize sources of energy loss, reduce energy consumption and save both
energy and dollars. To control our energy consumption means to conserve
our energy resources and can also contribute to substantial dollars savings
in the home. A. Conducting an Energy Audit requires information on: * electric power costs; consumption readings
for the past 12 months (as obtained from your utility bills);
Collecting data and conducting a walkthrough audit is followed by a cost-benefit analysis to determine whether changes are worthwhile. Substantial dollar savings can be made from small changes in the home. Energy wasting practices and inefficiencies can be eliminated with little capital investment. Analyzing your electrical usage can help you control both energy use and peak demand and therefore will help you save energy dollars. Your energy meter registers consumption. Consumption is the amount of electrical energy used during each billing period and is measured in kilowatt hour (kW.h). In addition to paying for the amount of electrical energy consumed the homeowner also pays a charge based on the maximum or 'peak' load, which you are paying so as to allow the electric utility to maintain the capacity to supply the maximum power you may need based on your highest requirement. An energy audit is a systematic energy analysis of the house which identifies where energy is being used and how it can be used more efficiently. Energy auditors visit the site and collect all relevant technical data through observations and interviews. It is intended to provide general suggestions on ways to save energy in the house. Energy efficiency measures are suggested to the homeowner. An Energy Audit will provide to the homeowner: * Using energy balance calculations
(which make use of the average cost of natural gas and electricity);
The energy audit report includes total annual energy costs and consumption,
potential kw.h and dollar savings, separate dollar savings listed for temperature
setback and weatherstripping, building skin insualtion, ventilation natural
gas savings, ventilation electric motor savings, lighting, electric motors,
pipe insulation, water heater insulation, hot water use, fuel consumption,
etc. B. Energy efficiency and energy conservation in the home The prodution and use of energy affects the environment. Burning coal, oil and natural gas release emissions into the air that are believed to be changing the earth's atmosphere: CO2, NOx, SOx, CH4, CFC's and VOCs. Using energy efficiently plays an important role in our lives. Energy efficiency has economic and environmental benefits. Using less energy saves money. Environmental benefits include a decrease in fossil fuel pollttants. Energy conservation achieved through efficiencies and demand reduction can cut emissions significantly. With increased awareness about energy and for importance of using energy efficiently individuals will be able to make informed decisions about their own lifestyles. There are many ways to reduce energy use and its impact on the environment. Reductions are simple to achieve and they apply throughout your house or your apartment. Energy use at home can be reduced without discomfort or major expenses. In fact, most expenses are recovered through savings in fuel bills and in a very short period of time. A typical homeowner (parts of this also apply to people living in apartments) could reduce its gas, electricity and water bills by thousands of dollars with only a small input of time and money. Besides giving you long-term financial benefits, reducing heat loss and being more energy-efficient, makes your house more comfortable to live in. By eliminating drafts and cold areas, you may also increase your home's resale value. A homeowner can reduce the use of energy in four basic ways by: * ensuring that mechanical and
electrical equipment is operated properly;
Appliances and lighting can consume 25% of the total energy used in the home. By avoiding models and products that waste energy, and by choosing efficient alternatives, you can save yourself thousands of dollars in energy costs. Other benefits are specific to particular appliances. For example, energy-efficient dishwashers use less hot water which means there will be more water left in the tank for other uses. The energy saving features on a dryer can actually prolong the life of your clothes, and certain energy-efficient features available on your kitchen range will improve its cooking performance. The price tag of our lifestyle is not just what we pay at the cash register but also there are two more costs that must be added: the costs of maintaining and using what we got, and the associated environmental price tag, i.e. the impacts on the environment and our health. Price Tag = Price of the item + Price of using item through its lifetime and maintaining it + The associated price tag on the environment and our health This Price Tag applies to every appliance and lighting you buy in the store. Heat loss occurs from all parts of the house structure, including walls, roofs, floors, windows and doors. The rate at which heat is lost is proportional to the difference between the temperature of the heated air inside the house and the temperature of the unheated air outside. The larger the temperature difference the larger the rate of heat loss. Reducing this difference will save on heating costs. Energy conservation in the form of home insulation is one of the best
investments that a homeowner can make, paying large dividends immediately
in the form of decreased heating costs. Your initial cost will be recovered
in a few years.
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