Societal family image
Global Information Media editorial page
The Global Community has had work on the societal family image ever since 1985. A short list of our previous work on the societal family image. A short list of our previous work on the societal family image is shown here

For more recent work on the societal family image read the following table.

 Month/year  Theme and Author  Read contents
 April 13, 2009
Border Tribal Belt: Partnership, Prosperity and Security
by Mariam Khan
President Pakistan Peoples Party
Human Rights Women WING
Mr.Shah Khawar
Deputy Atorney General for Pakistan
Pakistan Supreme Court
Download full WORD document by author Border Tribal Belt:Partnership, Prosperity and Security


The only alternative of ameliorating the lot of these people is active cooperation of Afghanistan and Pakistan. A holistic and integrated plan for tribal development is needed. International community must shoulder the responsibility of bringing these two countries nearer to each other despite of lingering suspicions between the two neighbours.

There are many irritants between the two countries and these are rooted in past and recent history. However, it is heartening to note that both Afghanistan and Pakistan established a tripartite commission with the US government on 17 June 2003 as one of the partners to discuss security matters and other related subjects. The meetings of the Commission are regularly taking place alternately in Kabul and Islamabad. The establishment of the tripartite commission is in line with the 11th Article of the 1921 Anglo-Afghan Treaty, which stipulates that "two high contracting parties having mutually satisfied themselves each regarding the goodwill of the other, and especially regarding their benevolent intentions towards the tribes residing, close to their respective boundaries, hereby undertake each to inform the other in future of any military operations of major importance which may appear necessary for the maintenance of order among the frontier tribes residing within their respective spheres, before the commencement of such operations." The establishment of tripartite commission augurs well for the future relations of the two countries. This paves way for cooperation in other areas, including the development and progress of the tribes residing close to the border. It is widely alleged, not without any reason, that Pakistan has actually violated the sanctity of the border by establishing security posts inside the Afghan territory. This is the duty of international community, specifically Americans, to rectify the situation before the misgivings and suspicions lead to acrimony.
  Read Border Tribal Belt: Partnership, Prosperity and Security
 April 13, 2009
Pakistan Peoples Party Human Rights(women) Wing: working group of women for peace and security
by Mariam Khan
President Pakistan Peoples Party
Human Rights Women WING
Mr.Shah Khawar
Deputy Atorney General for Pakistan
Pakistan Supreme Court
Download full WORD document by author Pakistan Peoples  Party   Human  Rights(women) Wing:  Working group of women for peace and security

Strategic Policy:

1.Capacity development of local Human Rights women wing. Promotion of sustainable livelihood systems among poor and vulnerable members of society .

2.Implement action of a primary health care programme to improve knowledge and practice on diseases ,prevention and basic health care.

3.Implementation of an agricultural project in urban areas ,focusing on women economic empowerment and community development through increased agricultural production.

4.Promotion of rule of law through reform supporting activities within the formal legal sector and media campaigns.

5. Free legal aid for accused women and juveniles

6. Reforms in prison rules in general and for women prisoners particular.

7. Establishment of separate prisons for women and juveniles where atmosphere should not be of a prison but reformatory institution.

8. Well being off minor children of women prisoners and establishment of care centers for children of women in incarceration.

9. Establishment of exclusive family courts, till sub division level .

10. Rehabilitation of women/ juveniles having free from prisons and creating skill development and employment opportunities.

11.Eleminatin of death sentence of women .

12. free vocational education .

13. Child and women protection centers.

14. Poverty reduction plans to eliminate beggary.

15. Elimination of prostitution through proper study and action plan where the sex workers be given incentives and state protection and bring them to normal life .

16. Provision of soft micro loans to needy women .

We need your assistance in improving the quality of life in our country ,such as help in identifying issues of women and their role in family ,work place and public arena , and help shape the public policy debate on the issues we need support by private –sector grants and contributions .

We want to provide education and trainings to low income women to enable them to become self-supporting.
  Read Pakistan Peoples  Party   Human  Rights(women) Wing:  working group of women for peace and security
 May 26, 2007  Letter sent by Germain Dufour to the Global Community The Global Community celebrates Life Day on May 26 of each year
The Global Community is defined as being all that exits or occurs at any location at any time between the Ozone layer above and the core of the planet below
  Read The Global Community celebrates Life Day on May 26 of each year
 June 1, 2007   Réflexion philosophique reliant dans une perspective d'harmonie la journée du 1 juin ( pour la protection de l'enfance ) et celle du 21 juin ( jour global d'harmonie.), by Guy CRÉQUIE, Harmonie et paix - et philosophie.   Read Réflexion philosophique reliant dans une perspective d'harmonie la journée du 1 juin ( pour la protection de l'enfance ) et celle du 21 juin ( jour global d'harmonie.)
 April 25, 2007  1st Virtual Congress on World Citizenship and democratic Governance
Letter sent to the Global Community by Nina Goncharova, - Russia;
Co-signed by: Carol Hiltner, Jackie Stratton, Susan Quattrociocchi, Maia Rose, Theresa Fornalski, Carolyn Cilek, Clarice Sieden – USA; Claude Veziau – Canada; Igor Zinger, David Kaplun – Israel
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 March 8, 2007  Letter sent by Grassroots Women to the Global Community Grassroots Women International Women’s Day 2007 Statement
Strengthen Women’s Resistance: Oppose Imperialism’s Intensifying Attacks! Assert Women’s Basic Human Rights!
In Canada, a patriarchal resurgence and ever-more entrenched systemic racism are intensifying the exploitation, oppression, and economic exclusion of working class, (im)migrant, refugee and Indigenous women. We are hard hit by the neo-liberal policies of the Canadian government of liberalization, deregulation and privatization which leave working class women unable to earn a decent income or to access affordable housing, health, and other services. Amidst rising corporate profiteering, government corruption, and military spending, government funding for childcare and women’s programs have been slashed. The insultingly paltry and unjustly distributed $100/month childcare benefit has been a slap in the face for women demanding a genuinely universal national childcare program. (Im)migrant and refugee women face the punitive and exploitative nature of immigration policies such as the Live-in Caregiver Program and unjust deportations. Indigenous women face the ongoing colonization of their land and resources.
  Read   Grassroots Women International Women’s Day 2007 Statement
  December 21st, 2006   Contraception Saves Money and Marriages, by Cristina Page,, an AlterNet staff writer  Read Contraception Saves Money and Marriages
  Spring, 2006   We Deserve Some Answers. A new national effort suggests six questions to ask public officials about birth control. by Andrea Camp, Birth Control Watch, Bush Continues to Undermine Family Planning and Ms. Magazine  Read We Deserve Some Answers. A new national effort suggests six questions to ask public officials about birth control.


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