Global Protection Agency(GPA) will train and lead a global force.
My name is
Germain Joseph Dufour.
I am
President of Global Parliament
Global Civilizational Community
Multicivilizational Community
Global Community
and also President
of my own Canadian business and website:
Global Community WebNet Ltd.
Take time to listen to our videos.
Many of the Videos might be too large to open for you on the Internet. Sorry!
And welcome to all of you global citizens.
Global Community, Global Parliament, Federation of Global Governments,
Global Civilizational State
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Global Community, Global Community WebNet Ltd. (Canada)
We the Peoples, all Life on Earth, are claiming ownership of the planet as a birthright."Global Community is defined as being all that exits or occurs at any location at any time between the Ozone layer above and the core of the planet below. It is defined around a given territory, that territory being the planet as a whole, as well as a specific population, which is all life forms on Earth." By extension, the expression Global Community also includes the entire Universe, space and time, all matter, galaxies, dark matter, all particles and all unknown parts of the Universe yet to be discovered. Global Community also includes all Souls, SoulLife God, and that makes it different than just saying Global Community is the Universe.
This definition includes all people, all life on Earth and over the entire Universe. That makes Global Civilizational State the 21st century framework for Earth governance, and the only legitimate body with the power to make the laws of the land and to make the rules for the territory of the Earth.
Politics and Justice without borders
The theme of Global Dialogue 2008 is:
The planet-Life-Soul of Humanity symbiotical relationship
which brings up a question
Who owns the Earth?
Global Dialogue 2008 recommendations include:
- Recommendations from all papers, articles, and comments of Global Dialogue 2008
- Recommendations resulting from the assessment of all papers, articles, and comments of Global Dialogue 2008
- The Global Movement to Help is the final product of the assessment of the work from all Participants of Global Dialogue 2008.
It is very important that the Movement be promoted by all Global Citizens. From now on we serve the people of all nations, all life on Earth. Each Global Government is made more responsible and accountable to the people of member nations within the region where it operates. Essential services to the people of each member nation are now the most important global rights on the Scale of Global Rights and are protected by the Global Protection Agency (GPA) of each member nation.
Global Parliament's site is maintained by the Legislative Counsel of Global Parliament, pursuant to Global Parliament legislation.
This Global Parliament site is maintained by the Legislative Counsel of Global Parliament, pursuant to Global Parliament legislation.
Global Parliament Law consists of Codes, covering various subject areas, the Global Parliament Constitution
, Bills and Statutes. Information presented reflects laws currently in effect. All Global Parliament Codes have been updated to include Statutes of year 2023.
The House of Elected Representatives, the House of Advisers, and the Global Governments Federation together are the Global Parliament. The Peoples of Global Community elect, nominate or appoint their representatives to Earth Government.
Global Parliament shall, jointly with the Earth Executive Council, enact legislation, and exercise the budgetary function, as well as functions of political control and consultation as laid down in the Global Constitution.
Global Parliament shall elect its President and its officers from among its members.
The folowing are some of the sections related to the House of Advisers and copied from the Global Constitution.
This website is maintained by the Legislative Counsel of Global Parliament, pursuant to Global Parliament's Global Law, its legislation.
Global Parliament's Global Law consists of Codes, covering various subject areas, the Global Constitution, Bills, Codes and Statutes. Information presented reflects laws currently in effect. All Global Parliament's Codes have been updated to include Statutes of year 2023.
Constitution, Statutes, and Codes
Scale of Global Rights Code Global Community Vision Code Global Dialogue Code Federation of Global Governments Code Global Peace Movement Code Global Parliament Code Law and Justice Code Earth Court of Justice Code Global Protection Agency Code Global Parliament Proceedings Code Global Life Support Protection Protection of the global life-support systems Code The air we breathe Code The water we drink Code The soils that provide the food we eat Code The climate that serendipitously is neither too hot nor too cold Code Communications and media Code Electricity and energy Code Food production and delivery Code Recreation Code Temperature control Code Transportation Code Water supply Code Community infrastructures Code Global warming crisis Code Global Dialogue participants Code Global warming Code Global Parliament Constitution Code Global climate change Code Global Voting Code Global Political Parties Code Countries to uphold the principles of equality Code Global Civilization Initiatives Code Global cultural exchanges Code Responsibility of Political Parties Code Countries need to uphold the principles of equality Code Global principles of mutual learning between countries Code Global general meeting of a political party Code Global caucus of all members of any particular party in Parliament Code Direct Democracy. Code Earth resources. Code Global Parliament management. Code Home and community development. Code Global Diplomacy. Code World population issues. Code Replacing the United Nations and NATO by Global Parliament's governance. Code Replacing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the Scale of Global Rights. Code Human rights are universal and inalienable; indivisible; interdependent and interrelated. They are universal because everyone is born with and possesses the same rights, regardless of where they live, their gender or race, or their religious, cultural or ethnic background. Code Human rights include the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to work and education, and many more. Everyone is entitled to these rights, without discrimination. Code The most important human rights: - the right to life - those rights that make life worth living, such as the rights to food, education, work, health, and liberty. Code Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty. Code Fundamental rights are the rights of a country's citizens that are stated in the constitution and enforced by the law. Human rights, on the other hand, are the safeguards that a human being seeks in order to live in dignity and equality. Code Civil and political rights are violated through genocide, torture, and arbitrary arrest. These violations often happen during times of war, and when a human rights violation intersects with the breaking of laws about armed conflict, it's known as a war crime. Code Human rights violators are involved for genocide, torture, war crimes, recruitment or use of child soldiers, female genital mutilation, and for immigration and naturalization fraud arising out of efforts to hide their involvement in such crimes. Code Global Ministries. Code New ways of doing business and trade in global development and in the management of global resources. Code Closed meetings of Global Political Parties to select candidates or to decide on policy or to elect a presidential caucus. Code A one-party state with a governance structure in which only a single political party controls the ruling system. Code Global Parliament summit meeting Code A Global Transnational Political Party with members or representatives in more than one country. Code A Global small government conservatism. Code A Global voting method in which a voter's identity in an election or a referendum is anonymous. This forestalls attempts to influence the voter by intimidation, blackmailing, and potential vote buying. Code Global Parliament allowing both freedom and transparency, two fundamental values of a democratic society. Code A Global Summit Meeting, an international meeting of heads of state or government. Code Management Meetings, Leadership Meetings, Executive Meetings, or Board Meetings to deliver updates. Code Fundamental Liberal ideals of freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, the separation of church and state, the right to due process, and equality under the law are widely accepted as a common foundation of liberalism. Code The Republicans advocate reduced taxes as a means of stimulating the economy and advancing individual economic freedom. They oppose extensive government regulation of the economy, government-funded social programs, affirmative action, and policies aimed at strengthening the rights of workers. Code Republican philosophy leans more towards individual freedoms, rights and responsibilities. In contrast, Democrats attach greater importance to equality and social/community responsibility. Code Unanimity being an agreement by all people in a given situation. Groups may consider unanimous decisions as a sign of social, political or procedural agreement, solidarity, and unity. Code Global Parliament Participants listing. Code Global Parliament 's Constitution. Code Global environmental and ecological protection. Code Building a Civilizational State. Code Global education. Code Global leadership. Code Short and long term solutions to global issues. Code Business and Professions Code Civil Code Eradicating poverty Code Racism, Xenophobia and Discrimination Code Collecting the Global Tax Code Clean Air Code Code of Civil Procedure Commercial Code Corporations Code Ecology of the Planet Code Education Code Elections Code Evidence Code Home and Community Development Code Climate Change Adaptation Code Family Code Financial Code Settling of Disputes Between Nations Code Human and Earth Rights Code Food and Agricultural Code Fish and Game Code Youth Participation Code Harbors and Navigation Code Government Code Health and Safety Code Insurance Code Women Rights and Issues Code Waste Management Code Military and Veterans Code Labor Code Penal Code Probate Code Teaching and Education Code Global Economy and Trade Code Public Resources Code Public Contract Code Public Utilities Code Revenue and Taxation Code Cities: Power, Rights, Responsiblities and Accountabilities Code Streets and Highways Code Unemployment Insurance Code Global Life-support Systems Protection Code Vehicle Code Water Code Alternative Energies Code Welfare and Institutions Code Ecological Resources Code Recycling and Biodegradability Code Abolition of Weapons of Mass Destruction Code Global Community Citizenship Code Statement of Rights and Responsibilities Code Corporate Accountability and Global Ethics Code Universal Health Care Code Sciences and Technology Code Preventive Actions Against Polluters Code Water Resources Code Earth Security Code Management of Earth Resources Code New Way of Doing Business Code Global Rescues and Emergencies Code Working Conditions Code Global Transparency Code Money Trading and Stocks Code Space Exploration Code Research and Development Code Global Food Supplies Code Asylum, Immigration and Border control Code Global Community Arrest Warrant Code Global Fight Against Crime Code
Recommendations resulting from the assessment of all papers, articles, and comments of Global Dialogue 2008
- Food, agriculture and climate change
- The provision of food, water and fuel, a profit-driven war economy contributing to "eliminating the poor" through "starvation deaths", a global symbiotical relationship, and the new way of doing business and trade
- Certified Corporate Global Community Citizenship
- The fundamental criteria of a global symbiotical relationship
- Biofuel production, global food crisis, and the Federation of Global Governments
- A new wave of anti-occupation and anti-U.S. sentiment in Iraq, wars are a threat to global security, invasion of nations such as those of the Middle East and Afghanistan are crimes against humanity and will be prosecuted. War is the greatest violation of global rights that one people can inflict on another and to all life on Earth.
- Food is not just another commodity
- Water is not a commodity but is a human and environmental right
- Problems with biofuels: deforestation, increase in greenhouse gas emissions, requirements for land that does not exist to achieve positive environmental effects, enhanced food insecurity, creation of more poverty, increased soil degradation, decreased biodiversity, and accelerated depletion of natural resources
- Petroleum supplies are declining as demand increases, a radical change of human habitation on the Earth, drastic reduction of food and fresh water available to people, Peak Water and Peak Food, we need food sovereignty
- A democratically planned global economy, reflecting the fundamental unity and aspirations of all humanity, the Global Community
- Democracy and the meaning of effective Earth governance and management with essential services
- Democracy as a way of life requires the presence of essential services
- Global Movement to Help offers Essential Services to serve the people of all nations, all life on Earth
- Direct democracy and global voting
- Global rights and democracy
- 21st century democracy starts with essential services
- Democracy, overconsumption and the natural order of things
- The political system of an individual country does not have to be a democracy
- Energy, the end of the military and wars, democracy and the new world order
- Global problems arising from an overpopulated planet, reducing consumption, control our population growth, and comprehensive population policies
- Urban problems, employment, a future where people and nature matter, where wealth is based on the things that count rather than merely the things that can be counted
- Policies to decrease world population
- The melting of the Polar Cap
- Planetary state of emergency
- What to do now about climate change
- Who owns the Earth ? Everyone of those global communities have an Earth right of ownership. Taxation of natural resources
- Canadian society: a vibrant, modern, symbiosis global society
- Global Community Global Movement to Help offers Essential Services to serve the people of all nations, all life on Earth
- Effective Earth governance and management means having a global vision for humanity and knowing what is needed to give a healthy future to the next generations
- The Global Community shall reinforce humanity's new vision of the world throughout this century and beyond
- For the first time in human history, and the first time this millennium, humanity has proposed a benchmark
- On the Scale of Global Rights wars are the worst criminal offenses and most destructive of the environment and global life-support systems. They alone are threatening in large part the future of humanity and all life on the planet.
- The worst environmental degradation happens in wars
- Declaration of Beliefs of the Global Community
- The Global Community has broadened the traditional focus of the security of states to include both the security of people as well as that of the planet
- The Global Community concept of ownership states that land and all other natural resources of the planet are a common heritage and belong equally to everyone as a birthright.
- Taxes should be designed to conserve resources and energy
- The Earth and all its natural resources belong to all the "global communities" contained therein
- Water is a fundamental human right and a public trust to be guarded by all levels of government
- The Global Citizens Rights, Responsibility and Accountability Act
- Effective Earth governance and management means Justice for all
- Global Protection Agency
- Global security policies
- Global life-support systems
- The Global Protection Agency (GPA) recommendations
- There are many instances where the Earth Court of Justice could be successful in bringing Effective Earth governance and management and helping to step down the planetary state of emergency.
- To create a biodiversity zone over the entire planet by way of Earth rights and taxation of natural resources
Food, agriculture and climate change
Food prices rose 4 percent in the United States last year, the highest rise since 1990. All over the world food prices are on the rise. At the spring meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank finance ministers wanted to focus the world's attention on food crisis rather than the credit crisis. The bank is turning dirty carbon credits into gold -- bad news for those seeking a real solution to the climate crisis. The World Bank's long-running identity crisis is proving hard to shake. When efforts to rebrand itself as a "knowledge bank" didn't work, it devised a new identity as a "Green Bank." Really? Yes, it's true. Sure, the Bank continues to finance fossil fuel projects globally, but never mind. The World Bank has seized upon the immense challenges climate change poses to humanity and is now front and center in the complicated, international world of carbon finance. It can turn the dirtiest carbon credits into gold. How exactly, does this work, you ask? Quite simply: The Bank finances a fossil fuel project, involving oil, natural gas, or coal, in Poor Country A. Rich Country B asks the Bank to help arrange carbon credits so Country B can tell its carbon counters it's taking serious action on climate change. The World Bank kindly obliges, offering carbon credits for a price far lower than Country B would have to pay if Country B made those cuts at home. Country A gets a share of the cash to invest in equipment to make fossil fuel project slightly more efficient, the World Bank takes its 13 percent cut. Unchecked climate change could spark instability in energy-producing states and lead to the collapse of fragile states around the world. Rising sea levels are what some nations fear most about global warming. But in Europe, climate change is likely to mean a new flood of immigrants from Africa and other poorer countries, according to a new report. There are many factors contributing to this current crisis, including the rising price of oil, deregulated agricultural markets, financial speculation, and biofuels. Another key factor is climate change, which is affecting crop yield and food production. It is time for us to get serious about understanding the way climate change affects water resources for food production and conversely the way agricultural water use is leading to climate change. Agricultural practices geared towards growing export-oriented monoculture crops are chemical intensive and have resulted in high levels of pollution in local water systems. In addition, nitrogen used in fertilizers leaches into water courses increasing the indirect nitrous oxide emissions downstream. This model of production has intensified water use, both in terms of the water going into the growing of the commodities themselves, but also in terms of inter-basin water transfers. Protecting our waters in local watersheds and wetlands and using them judiciously in support of local agricultural systems and livelihood practices, rather than continuing with the current strategy of promoting export-oriented, monoculture, industrial, water-guzzling agricultural systems, is key to reducing the water sector's direct contributions to climate change. Moreover local practices that conserve and enhance local water availability to ensure resilience of rain-fed agricultural systems are necessary as an adaptation mechanism, to meet climate challenges and to help meet food security goals, two of the biggest challenges for developing countries today. It is time to reevaluate our agricultural policies that promote water and energy intensive agriculture. We will have to make some major changes in our agriculture systems to address some of the upcoming climate challenges. Doing so will help us cope with extreme changes in the hydrological cycle and resultant food and water crises many communities and nations are sure to face. Effective and sustainable water management in agriculture in support of healthy food systems needs to be part of the climate solution.
The provision of food, water and fuel, a profit-driven war economy contributing to "eliminating the poor" through "starvation deaths", a global symbiotical relationship, and the new way of doing business and trade
We are at the crossroads of the most serious economic and social crisis in modern history. The process of global impoverishment unleashed at the outset of the 1980s debt crisis has reached a major turning point, leading to the simultaneous outbreak of famines in all major regions of the developing World. There are many complex features underlying the global economic crisis pertaining to financial markets, the decline in production, the collapse of State institutions and the rapid development of a profit-driven war economy. What is rarely mentioned in this analysis, is how this global economic restructuring forcibly impinges on three fundamental necessities of life: food, water and fuel. The provision of food, water and fuel is a precondition of civilized society: they are necessary factors for the survival of the human species. In recent years, the prices of these three variables has increased dramatically at the global level, with devastating economic and social consequences. These three essential goods, which in a real sense determine the reproduction of economic and social life on planet earth, are under the control of a small number of global corporations and financial institutions. Both the State as well as the gamut of international organizations --often referred to as the "international community"-- serve the unfettered interests of global capitalism. The main intergovernmental bodies including the United Nations, the Bretton Woods institutions and the World Trade Organizations (WTO) have endorsed the New World Order on behalf of their corporate sponsors. Governments in both developed and developing countries have abandoned their historical role of regulating key economic variables as well as ensuring a minimum livelihood for their people. We are dealing with a complex and centralized constellation of economic power in which the instruments of market manipulation have a direct bearing on the lives of millions of people. The prices of food, water, fuel are determined at the global level, beyond the reach of national government policy. The price hikes of these three essential goods constitute an instrument of "economic warfare", carried out through the "free market" on the futures and options exchanges. These hikes in the prices of food, water and fuel are contributing in a very real sense to "eliminating the poor" through "starvation deaths". The sugar coated bullets of the "free market" kill our children. The act to kill is instrumented in a detached fashion through computer program trading on the commodity exchanges, where the global prices of rice, wheat and corn are decided upon. When the system doesn't allow people to protect themselves from corporate harm to their communities, it is time to change the system. Let us embrace the new global order. Can you tell us about "democracy"? It's a word used by everyone and can mean so many things. Some people might say you are anti-business. Is that the case? Many people in this country don't understand that corporations have personhood rights. Why does this come as such a surprise to some people? Speak about the regulatory system. It's supposed to keep corporations from doing harm, but everywhere you look -- the water, the land, the air -- everything is polluted. Some believe that laws such as anti-corporate personhood ordinances are a waste of time because they will be challenged and shot down, so why bother? What is the logic behind civil disobedience to the law? Do you believe it's possible to change the role of corporations in our society? Let us embrace the new way of doing business and trade. The Global Community proposes to corporations that they take responsibility on behalf of society and people, and that they should pay more attention to global rights, working conditions and getting ride of corruption in the world of business and trade. We have developed a criteria,and we ask you to turn it into practice. Governments should encourage enterprises to use the criteria both by legal and moral means. At first, the criteria should be adopted in key areas such as procurement, facilities management, investment management, and human resources. Corporations want to be seen as good corporate leaders and have a stronger form of accountability. Business and trade will prosper after stronger common bonds and values have been established. Adopting the criteria will have a beneficial impact on future returns, and share price performance. The Global Community believes all citizens have the right to share the wealth in the world. Foreign investment and the trade agreement must protect and improve social and environmental rights, not just the economy. A global sustainable development would mean finding a sound balance among the interactions designed to create a healthy economic growth, preserve environmental quality, make a wise use of our resources, and enhance social benefits. Free trade cannot proceed at the expense of the environment, labour rights, human rights and the sovereignty of a nation. Free trade will lead to an increase in poverty by giving investor rights priority over government decision-making. Employers will be looking for more concessions from workers. Small businesses will find it more difficult to grow and compete against large corporations. The 21st Century will see limitless links and symbiotical relationships with and within the Global Community. A global symbiotical relationship between two or more nations, or between two or more global communities, can have trade as the major aspect of the relationship or it can have as many other aspects as agreed by the people involved. The fundamental criteria is that a relationship is created for the good of all groups participating in the relationship and for the good of humanity, all life on Earth. The relationship allows a global equitable and peaceful development. The emphasis of a global symbiotical relationship is not so much on how much money a nation should have or how high a GDP should be although money can be made a part of the relationship. We all know developed countries live off developing countries so the emphasis has no need to stress out the profit a rich nation is making off a poor nation. The emphasis of the relationship should give more importance to the other aspects such as quality of life, protection of the environment and of the global life-support systems, the entrenchment of the Scale of Global Rights and the Charter of the Global Community into our ways of life, justice, peace, cultural and spiritual freedom, security, and many other important aspects as described in the global ministries (health, agriculture, energy, trade, resources, etc.). The Global Community will do everything possible to give trade the proper guidance for humanity. Trade will become a global co-operation between all nations. The kind of behaviour that happened in the Middle East and in many other parts of the world will not be allowed again. That is Earth Government ’s commitment to the Global Community to make government and global citizens responsible and accountable. This commitment was defined in sections 11 to 14 of the Global Citizens Rights, Responsibility and Accountability Act.
The business community can help to create a biodiversity zone over the entire planet by changing its ways of doing things, and ways of doing business and trade, and operate its business as per the Scale of Global Rights.
Biofuel production, global food crisis, and the Federation of Global Governments
Biofuel production is certainly one of the culprits in the current global food crisis. But while the diversion of corn from food to biofuel feedstock has been a factor in food prices shooting up, the more primordial problem has been the conversion of economies that are largely food-self-sufficient into chronic food importers. Here the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the World Trade Organization (WTO) figure as much more important villains. Whether in Latin America, Asia, or Africa, the story has been the same: the destabilization of peasant producers by a one-two punch of IMF-World Bank structural adjustment programs that gutted government investment in the countryside followed by the massive influx of subsidized U.S. and European Union agricultural imports after the WTO’s Agreement on Agriculture pried open markets. African agriculture is a case study of how doctrinaire economics serving corporate interests can destroy a whole continent’s productive base. The lower cost of U.S. products stemmed from subsidies that were becoming more massive each year, despite the fact that the WTO was supposed to phase out all forms of subsidy. The social consequences of structural adjustment along with agricultural dumping were predictable. The number of Africans living on less than a dollar a day more than doubled to 314 million people between 1981 and 2001 – or 46% of the whole continent. The role of structural adjustment in creating poverty, as well as severely weakening the continent’s agricultural base and consolidating import dependency, was hard to deny. In sum, biofuel production did not create but only exacerbated the global food crisis. The crisis had been building up for years, as policies promoted by the World Bank, IMF, and WTO systematically discouraged food self-sufficiency and encouraged food importation by destroying the local productive base of smallholder agriculture. Throughout Africa and the global South, these institutions and the policies they promoted are today thoroughly discredited. But whether the damage they have caused can be undone in time to avert more catastrophic consequences than we are now experiencing remains to be seen. By its way of not dealing with global governance, the United Nations have perpetuated the archaic concept of land ownership, a concept that is threatening security in the world and all life on Earth. The UN never had a human criteria for land and natural resources ownership. The people of all nations have to be educated of the new way for the good of all. Should organizations such as the United Nations (UN), the World Trade Organization (WTO), World Health Organization (WHO), North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), North American Free Trade Association (NAFTA), European Union (EU) be required to operate as per the 'fundamental criteria' of the Global Community? The 'fundamental criteria' stipulates that a relationship is created for the good of all groups participating in the relationship and for the good of humanity, all life on Earth. The relationship allows a global equitable and peaceful development and a more stable and inclusive global economy. The Global Community is proposing to replace the United Nations by the Federation of Global Governments, and to reform NATO, World Trade Organization, World Bank, IMF, E.U., NAFTA, FTAA, and to centralize them under the Federation, and these organizations will be asked to pay a global tax to be administered by the Federation.
A new wave of anti-occupation and anti-U.S. sentiment in Iraq, wars are a threat to global security, invasion of nations such as those of the Middle East and Afghanistan are crimes against humanity and will be prosecuted. War is the greatest violation of global rights that one people can inflict on another and to all life on Earth.
Sharp increases in food prices have generated a new wave of anti-occupation and anti-U.S. sentiment in Fallujah, Iraq. Fallujah faces this new crisis after much of the city was destroyed by U.S. military operations in 2004. The area around Fallujah city, which lies 70 km west of Baghdad, has traditionally been one of the most agriculturally productive in Iraq. Farmers planted tomatoes and cucumbers north of Fallujah, others grew potatoes south of the city near Amiriya. Both areas had plenty of date palm trees and small fruit plantations. Now production is down to a fraction of what it was. Farmers have been struggling with changing times. Residents say they are told of a world food crisis that may be affecting them. But their crisis arises mainly from local factors like shortage of water, fuel and electricity. Whatever the reason, residents simply want relief. "We just want our lives back," said a college student who gave her name only as Nada. "We want to eat, buy clothes, get proper education and breathe pure air. No thanks to Americans for their effort to bring us democracy that killed half of us by their bombs and is now apparently killing the other half by starvation. Can you pass this message to the American people for us?" According to the UN, at least four million people in Iraq do not have enough food, while approximately 40 percent of the 27.5 million population do not have access to clean drinking water. At least 30 percent do not have access to proper health services. The invasion of Iraq by the White House is now being seen as the biggest mistake ever done by a nation on an other nation. It is a crime against humanity and all life on Earth, and a crime yet to be prosecuted. Would you agree that those guilty of this crime be held responsible and made accountable? NATO and the White House claimed that they do what they are doing to give security to its population and to the world. In the past, security was thought as better accomplished through military means. Expanding the military capabilities and forming alliances with other nations were the only way to 'win'. That is how NATO came into existence. Today wars are unlikely to produce winners. The Global Community is all over the planet. Ethnic groups are everywhere. Some say there are more Italians in Montreal, Canada that there are in Italy. So we would fight our own people? Wars truly make no sense! The world is too crowded and too small nowadays! And weapons too lethal! So security cannot be achieved through the military. The only job the military should be asked to do today is to protect the global life-support systems. These systems have the highest priority on the Scale of Global Rights and are certainly more important than any of the other rights on the Scale including security. Simply because without life there is no other right possible. Without Oxygen there is no life! Without clean water there is no life! So protect life on Earth at all costs. Wars are the biggest threat to life and the ecosystem of the planet. Primordial human rights come next on the Scale of Global Rights. Without a shelter life will still exist in some places but is hardly possible in cold place. So security must be achieved by other means than wars. We might as well shelved the war industry, the worst of all polluters, from humanity right now and that means phasing out all nuclear, biological, chemical weapons right now. No waiting! That also means having inspectors verifying the phasing out in all nations of the world, and not just in some Middle East country. The nature of global security has changed since the rise of the Global Community. Security used to be about the protection of the state and its boundaries, people, institutions and values from an outside threat. The Global Community emphasizes as a priority the prohibition of external interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states. Global security can only be achieved if it can be shared by all peoples and through global co-operation, based on principles as explained in the Global Constitution such as justice, human dignity, and equity for all and for the good of all. Would you agree that the military option and the war industry should be shelved foerever from humanity and never to be used again to solve a global problem? American have brought disgrace to humanity by their selfish, immoral, unethical, incoherent, inconsistent, dishonnest, erratic, and mostly aimed at making money behavior in the Middle East and towards Afghanistan. You would think we would be 'civilized' by now. Military intervention in the affairs of other nations is wrong. There are other ways, there are peaceful ways, ways that are not based on profit-making and the gain of power for itself. The invasion of nations such as those of the Middle East and Afghanistan are crimes against humanity and will be prosecuted. War is the greatest violation of global rights that one people can inflict on another. Would you agree?
Volume 20 Issue 12 August 2022Theme of August 2022 Newsletter
Executive order concerning the historical formation and essential services of a Global Government.
Germain Joseph Dufour
Global Parliament
Global Civilizational State
Global Community, Global Parliament, Federation of Global Governments, Global Civilizational State.
Back to August 2022 Newsletter
Table of ContentsI. History of Global Parliament.
Preamble.II. Global governance.![]()
Global Governments (GGs) Federation.![]()
Global Parliament legislation and Constitution.![]()
Global Government Constitution.![]()
III. Essential services and Global Ministries:
- Global Ministry of Essential Services.
- Ministry of Global Resources
- Ministry of Global Peace in government
- Earth Environmental Governance
- Earth Ministry of Health
- Global Ministry of Forests
- Global Ministry of Agriculture, Food Production and Distribution
- Global Civilization Ministry of Peace and Disarmament
- Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs: Global Government of Africa
- Global Ministry of Water Resources Protection
- Global Environment Ministry
- Global Ministry of World Population
IV. Global Parliament vs United Nations.![]()
V. Global Parliament leadership.![]()
VI. Global Protection Agency (GPA).![]()
VII. Global Community.![]()
VIII. Becoming a Global Community citizen.
IX. Global Parliament's Constitution.
X. Scale of Global Rights.
XI. Global Law and Global Justice Movement.![]()
XII. Global political parties.
XIII. Global Parliament global voting system.
How 'direct democracy'![]()
XIV. Global Community overall picture: global crises and global life-support systems.
5 Global Crises the world can't ignore in 2022:
- Food Insecurity. Food is more than a meal.
- Refugees. In 2022, more children have been be on the move than ever before in history.
- Climate Change.
- Child Marriage/Gender Discrimination.
- Child Labour and Trafficking.
XV. Tipping points in the Earth system.
XVI. Global Citizens Rights, Responsibility and Accountability Act.Tipping points will be triggered through self-reinforcing feedbacks and will unleash a domino-like chain reaction. A so-called “tipping cascade” which could push the Earth system towards a new hothouse Earth pathway.
Recent IPCC assessments, however, suggested that tipping points could be reached between 1°C and 2°C of warming. The risk that a 2 °C warming could activate important tipping elements, raising the temperature further to activate other tipping elements in a domino-like cascade that could take the Earth System to even higher temperatures.
The risk that self-reinforcing feedbacks could push the Earth System toward a planetary threshold that, if crossed, could prevent stabilization of the climate at intermediate temperature rises and cause continued warming on a hothouse Earth pathway even as human emissions are reduced. Crossing the threshold would lead to a much higher global average temperature than any interglacial in the past 1.2 million years and to sea levels significantly higher than at any time since the end of the last major glacial epoch, or "ice age."
There is evidence that such a threshold might exist and where it might be. If the threshold is crossed, the resulting trajectory would likely cause serious disruptions to ecosystems, society, and economies. Collective human action is required to steer the Earth System away from a potential threshold and stabilize it in a habitable interglacial-like state.
Such action entails stewardship of the entire Earth System—biosphere, climate, and societies, and could include decarbonization of the global economy, enhancement of biosphere carbon sinks, behavioral changes, technological innovations, new governance arrangements, and transformed social values. The warming of the planet is altering the earth's climate system, including its land, atmosphere, oceans, and ice, in far-reaching ways. Additional tipping points in the Earth system will be triggered through self-reinforcing feedbacks and will unleash a domino-like chain reaction. A so-called “tipping cascade” which could push the Earth system towards a new hothouse Earth pathway.
Several key tipping points across the Earth system, from collapsing ice sheets and thawing permafrost, to shifting monsoons and forest dieback. Key tipping points across the Earth system, from collapsing ice sheets and thawing permafrost, to shifting monsoons and forest dieback.
- More frequent and severe weather.
- Higher death rates.
- Dirtier air.
- Higher wildlife extinction rates.
- More acidic oceans.
- Higher sea levels.
- But this isn't the end of the story.
- Greenland ice sheet. The Greenland ice sheet contains enough water to raise global sea levels by over 20 feet and its melting is accelerating.
- The West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS)
- Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC)
- Amazon rainforest.
- Thawing permafrost.
- Shutdown of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
- West Antarctic ice sheet disintegration
- Amazon rainforest dieback
- West African monsoon shift
- Permafrost and methane hydrates
- Coral reef die-off
- Indian monsoon shift
- Greenland ice sheet disintegration
- Boreal forest shift
XVII. Making clear to all people what they can no longer do, and what they must do for survival.![]()
- As part of Global Protection Agency (GPA): establishing in each nation an "Emergency, Rescue, and Relief Centre".
- Establishing a global action plan for survival. Such worldwide action plan be promoted widely during the Global Exhibition.
- Education for Global Survival
- Applying the proper taxation system to establish confidence and trust in the global action plan for survival
- Making available to all nations an efficient global warning system to warn people of imminent danger due to natural or humanmade disasters.
- Analyzing and publishing local and global impacts of all significant events that affect the survival of life on the planet.
- Family is important. Family with too many children is a problem.
- Preventing actions to alliviate the effects of global warming and climate change.
- Making public worlwide a daily list of all people responsible of causing significant deterioration of the global life-support systems.
- Conducting research and development of new ways of saving us all from conflicts, wars, destructive paths or ways of doing things.
- Measuring, assessing and publishing daily actions and changes in the world which significantly affect survival
- Moratorium on world population and the fertility rate, and ending population warfare.
- Ending economic warfare
- Creating a planetary biodiversity zone
- Establishing a global dialogue between all Peoples.
- Humanity new Vision of the World.
XVIII. War industry and diplomacy.
XIX. Global Civilizational State dependable and trustworthy leadership to guard over and care for all life on Earth.![]()
- a) Global Civilizational State and America modernizing the world.
- b) Commonalities between Asia and the West engendered and self-disciplined global citizens to prepare them for life survival now and long after Earth has ceased to exist.
- c) Global crises and existential threat to humanity, all life on Earth.
- d) Description of modern day civilization-states.
- e) Past and modern civilization-states on our planet and government.
- f) Global crises need a sound Global Civilizational State leadership.
- g) How and why capitalism has been a failure of our democratic system of governance.
- h) Democratic socialism plus.
- i) Morality and ways of doing business within Global Civilizational State.
- j) Earth governance and Global Ministries.
- k) Global consumption and sustainability.
- l) Earth environmental governance can only be achieved successfully within the larger context of sustainable development and Earth management.
- m) Global Civilizational State strongly opposes environmental, economic, population, and military warfares.
XX. Resources and land ownership.![]()
Theme of Global Dialogue 2022
(Global Dialogue 2022 begins September 1st, 2021 and concludes on August 31st, 2022)
Global Civilizational State:
Global Protection Agency (GPA) essential services.Table of Contents
Global commons
Global commons are those universal values,principles,
ideas, concepts,
beliefs, truths we have all in common. They may also be symbiotical relationships.
Global commons are the many reasons why humanity get together in times of uncertainty and distress. Wars and conflicts, environmental disasters, Earthquakes and Tsunamis, are a few examples. Other times we get together in research and development, the exploration of space, development of new technologies, education, so many reasons for us all to meet and dialogue. The list goes on a long way.
Today we are getting together to find new global commons that can help for the survival of humanity and all life on Earth. And so you are asked to participate in Global Dialogue 2008.
Global commons are those universal values,principles,
ideas, concepts,
beliefs, truths we have all in common. They may also be symbiotical relationships.
Global commons are the many reasons why humanity get together in times of uncertainty and distress. Wars and conflicts, environmental disasters, Earthquakes and Tsunamis, are a few examples. Other times we get together in research and development, the exploration of space, development of new technologies, education, so many reasons for us all to meet and dialogue. The list goes on a long way.
Today we are getting together to find new global commons that can help for the survival of humanity and all life on Earth. And so you are asked to participate in Global Dialogue 2008.
Global Community celebrates its 35th year in 2020. More significant and meaningful actions needed to save the Earth, all life.
Paper and animations concerned about the Global Community 35th year achievements and celebration from its beginning in 1985 to 2020.
Theme for this month, November 2019.
Let us lead the world toward Global Civilizational State for education, Justice, protection of life on Earth, and for new ways of doing business and trade, in global development, and in the management of global resources.
Germain Dufour
Back to November 2019 Newsletter.
Table of Contents of November Newsletter 2019.
- I. Global Civilizational State affiliated centres for education and training.
- II. Global Civilizational State values, solutions, vision, for humanity's survival and that of all life, on our planet.
- III. Global Civilizational State complete turn around of our ways of doing business and trade, in global development, and in the management of global resources.
- IV. Global Civilizational State Federation of Global Governments (FGGs).
- V. Global Civilizational State 4 types of essential services.
- VI. Global Civilizational State peace, global justice for all life-forms, and protection of the global life-support systems on our planet.
- VII. Global Civilizational State references.
Table of Contents
Theme of Global Dialogue 2024
Short and long term solutions to save the world.
Global Civilizational State: application of the Scale of Global Rights to global issues.
Global participants files.
List of all participants and authors with their work from 1985 to 2007.
All work can be found in Global Proceedings.![]()
Global Information Media (GIM) publishing monthly Newsletters dealing with global issues.![]()
My name is
Germain Joseph Dufour
I am
President of Global Parliament
Global Civilizational Community
Multicivilizational Community
Global Community
and also President
of my own Canadian business and website:
Global Community WebNet Ltd.
And welcome to all of you global citizens.Global Community, Global Parliament, Federation of Global Governments, Global Civilizational State
Return to Global Dialogue 2024
Return to Global Community activities.
Federation of Global Governments
Global Community WebNet Ltd. (Canada)
Email address:, Global Community WebNet Ltd. (Canada)
We the Peoples, all Life on Earth, are claiming ownership of the planet as a birthright."Global Community is defined as being all that exits or occurs at any location at any time between the Ozone layer above and the core of the planet below. It is defined around a given territory, that territory being the planet as a whole, as well as a specific population, which is all life forms on Earth." By extension, the expression Global Community also includes the entire Universe, space and time, all matter, galaxies, dark matter, all particles and all unknown parts of the Universe yet to be discovered. Global Community also includes all Souls, SoulLife God, and that makes it different than just saying Global Community is the Universe.
This definition includes all people, all life on Earth and over the entire Universe. That makes Global Civilizational State the 21st century framework for Earth governance, and the only legitimate body with the power to make the laws of the land and to make the rules for the territory of the Earth.
The following 4 listings:
1) Vision of Earth in 2024: Global Parliament. Federation of 9 or more Global Governments. Global Constitution. Global Protection Agency (GPA). Global Ministries. Global Law. Scale of Global Rights. Direct Democracy. Diplomacy. Essential Services to all member nations.![]()
2) Vision 2024. Higher purpose of Global Community.![]()
3) Vision of Earth in 2024: Evolution, Constitution, Federation of Global Governments vs the United Nations (UN). Global Parliament governing institutions and bodies.![]()
4) Vision 2024. Politics and Justice without borders.![]()
show a short description of the work done by Global Community over the past 39 years. A listing of all the work done from year 1985 to 2024 follows below here after the title "Table of Contents". And a more complete listing of all our work done ever since 1985 starts with the title:
GC_1.Global Community stands for a direct democracy.
and ends with the title
GC_101. Global Community is declaring a moratorium on immigration all over the world, on all applications for immigration, until applicants from any religious or cultural background have satisfied completely Global Community standard for a population fertility rate of 1.3 children per family. That is Global Law.
describes all the work done since 1985, and where it can be found. Follow the links! All links can take you to hundreds of other links concerning our work done over the past 39 years. Participate in the Global Dialogue 2024 by sending us an email at:
Participate and add your name to the Participants Listing and/or the Authors Listing at:
Global participants files.
List of all Participants and Authors with their work from 1985 to 2024.
All work can be found in Global Proceedings.![]()
Vision of Earth in 2024: Global Parliament. Federation of 9 or more Global Governments. Global Constitution. Global Protection Agency (GPA). Global Ministries. Global Law. Scale of Global Rights. Direct Democracy. Diplomacy. Essential Services to all member nations.
- 1.) BuildingGlobalCivilisation_ScaleShortlongtermSolution.html
- 2.) Direct_Democracy_Dialogue.html
- 3.) Direct_Democracy_implies.html
- 4.) DirectDemocracy_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html
- 5.) Economic_system_replacing_America_theWest_systems.html
- 6.) Federation_Global_Government_of_North_America_GGNA.html
- 7.) Federation_of_9_or_more_Global_Governments.html
- 8.) Federation_of_Global_Governments.html
- Vision of Earth in 2024: Higher purpose of Global Community.
- 1.) Higher_purpose_of_Humanity_is_serve_God.html
- 2.) Global_Parliament_institutionsandbodies.html
- 3.) VisionEarth2024_Thou_shall_be_One_with_humanity.html
- Vision of Earth in 2024: Evolution, Constitution, Federation of Global Governments vs the United Nations (UN). Global Parliament governing institutions and bodies.
- 1.)
- 2.) index.html
- 3.) GlobalCivilization_Justice_GlobalLaw_GPA.html
- 4.) TheBiosphere_our_world_Earth.html
- 5.) Nov_December2023/Federation_of_GGs.html
- 6.)
- Vision of Earth in 2024: Politics and Justice without borders.
- 1.) Vision_of_a_new_economic_population_military_environmental.html
- 2.) PoliticsandJusticewithoutborders_Who_owns_Earth.html
- 3.) Lead_the_world_toward_GlobalCivilizationalState.html
- 4.) GlobalVoting_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html
- 5.)
- 6.)
- 7.)
- 8.)
Table of Contents
Sorry not all links were properly finished. Not enough time! But you can finish or access each and everyone of them. Here is how I have done it. First connect with "index_january_7_2024.html" major section. Then add to it
You should get: index_January_7_2024.html
Then check this link to you Internet.This should connect you with the Table of Contents plus all the many links of each section.
Then go to any section where the links were not completed. For example, in section "Short and long term solutions to save the world." pick
and add
to it as shown here: Scale_shortlongterm_solution.html
Good learning!
The Table of Contents of the work done by Global Community since 1985, including our Vision of Earth in 2024.
- Souls and God.
- Vision of Earth in 2024: Global Parliament. Federation of 9 or more Global Governments. Global Constitution. Global Protection Agency (GPA). Global Ministries. Global Law. Scale of Global Rights. Direct Democracy. Diplomacy. Essential Services to all member nations.
- Evolution, creation, guiding Souls to lead the world.
- Politics and Justice without borders.
- Global Community's 39th Anniversary.
- Global Community.
- Global Dialogue.
- Who owns the Earth.
- Vision of Earth in 2024.
- Building Global Civilization.
- Multicivilizational Community Dialogue.
- Global Diplomacy.
- Global Environmental Movement.
- Save the World from extinction.
- Justice without borders.
- Global sustainability.
- Saving Humanity, teaching, lessons.
- Global Peace Movement.
- Peace and Commonalities between nations of Asia and the West.
- The Biosphere, our world Earth.
- Global Issues.
- World overpopulation.
- Global Parliament Proceedings 1985 to 2024.
- Global Protection Agency(GPA) to train, and lead the global force.
- Short and long term solutions to save the world.
- Scale of Global Rights best educating tool.
- Global Parliament with its governing institutions and bodies.
- Global Voting.
- Politics Citizenship.
- Global Direct Democracy.
- Direct Democracy.
- Global Law.
- Justice.
- Legislation, Codes.
- Global Government of North America.
- Global Constitution.
- Global Community 39th anniversary.
- Commonalities and mutual understanding between the West nations and other nations.
- Federation of 9 or more Global Governments.
- Justice, Global Law and GPA.
- Global Ministries.
- Climate change ministry.
- Global Business and Trade.
- Global Ministry of essential services.
- Global Environment Ministry.
- Protection of the Global Life-support systems.
- Global Protection Agency (GPA).
- Global Warming.
- Global Civilizational State dialogue.
- Adaptation to global issues.
- Economic system.
- International Trade Agreements.
- New economic system.
- Global Justice Movement.
- Recommendations.
- Souls and God.
- 1.)
Israel_is_not_a_State_nation_country_Global_Community_democracy_and_ not_a_government.html- 2.) Lead_the_world_toward_GlobalCivilizationalState.html
- 3.)
- 4.)
- Planet_Life_Soul_of_Humanity_Symbiotical_Relationship.html
- 5.) January2024/Life_Soul_of_Humanity.html
- Planet_Life_Soul_of_Humanity.html
- 6.) Higher_purpose_of_Humanity_is_serve_God.html
- 7.) TheBiosphere_our_world_Earth.html
- Founders_and_Spiritual_Leaders_of_Global_Community.html
- Planet_Life_Soul_of_Humanity_relationship.html
- Higher_purpose_of_Humanity_is_serve_God.html
- 8.) VisionEarth2024_Thou_shall_be_One_with_humanity.html
- SoulofHumanity_God_WhoownstheEarth.html
- EvolutionCreationGuidingSouls_Let_us_lead_the_world.html
- 9.) Faith_in_God_Spirit_Soullife_helping_the_formation_of_Life_in_the_Universe.html
- SoulofHumanity_commitment_to_GlobalCommunity.html
- 10.) January2024/Faith.html
- Vision of Earth in 2024: Global Parliament. Federation of 9 or more Global Governments. Global Constitution. Global Protection Agency (GPA). Global Ministries. Global Law. Scale of Global Rights. Direct Democracy. Diplomacy. Essential Services to all member nations.
- 1.) BuildingGlobalCivilisation_ScaleShortlongtermSolution.html
- 2.) Direct_Democracy_Dialogue.html
- 3.) Direct_Democracy_implies.html
- 4.) DirectDemocracy_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html
- 5.) Economic_system_replacing_America_theWest_systems.html
- 6.) Federation_Global_Government_of_North_America_GGNA.html
- 7.) Federation_of_9_or_more_Global_Governments.html
- 8.) Federation_of_Global_Governments.html
- 9.) Global_Civilizational_State_dependable_and_trustworthy_leadership_ to_guard_over_and_care_for_all_Life_on_Earth.html
- 10.) Global_Constitution_chapters_0.html
- 11.) Global_Constitution.html
- 12.) Global_Constitution_chapters.html
- 13.) Global_Law_Legislation_Codes_listing_good.html
- 14.) Global_Law_Legislation_Codes_listing.html
- 15.) Global_Parliament_Federation.html
- 16.) Global_Parliament_Government.html
- 17.) Global_Parliament_institutionsandbodies.html
- 18.) Global_Parliament_ScaleGlobalRights_Dialogue.html
- 19.) Global_Parliament.html
- 20.) Global_Protection_Agency_to_train_lead_global_force.html
- 21.) Global_Protection_Agency(GPA)_to_train_lead_global_force.html
- 22.) Global_Civilizational_State_dependable_and_trustworthy_leadership_to_ guard_over_and_care_for_all_Life_on_Earth.html
- 23.) GlobalCivilizationalState_in_the_Management_of_global_resources.html
- 24.) GlobalParliamentExecutiveCouncil_shall_enact_Legislation.html
- 25.) GlobalParliamentPolicies_and_Strategies_for_managing_World_Overpopulation.html
- 26.) GlobalWarming_and_international_trade_agreements.html
- 27.) index_constitution.html
- 28.) index_January_8_2024.html
- 29.) index. html
- 30.) indexNEW_ai_DirectDemocracy_NEW_edited5.html
- 31.) Justice_without_borders_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- 32.) Lead_the_world_toward_GlobalCivilizationalState.html
- 33.) Let_us_lead_the_world_Direct_Democracy.html
- 34.) Multicivilizational_State_News.html
- 35.) Our_world_Earth_Table_of_Contents.html
- 36.) PoliticsandJusticewithoutborders_Who_owns_Earth.html
- 37.) ScaleGlobalRights_GlobalParliament.html
- 38.) ScaleofGlobalRights_Shortandlongterm_solution.html
- 39.) Table_of_Contents_2024.html
- 40.) Vision_of_a_new_economic_population_military_environmental.html
- Evolution, creation, guiding Souls to lead the world.
- 1.) VisionEarth2024_Thou_shall_be_One_with_humanity.html
- 2.) Higher_purpose_of_Humanity_is_serve_God.html
- 3.) Global_Civilizational_State_dependable_and_trustworthy_leadership_to_ guard_over_and_care_for_all_Life_on_Earth.html
- EvolutionCreationGuidingSouls_Let_us_lead_the_world.html
- 4.)
- 5.) Lead_the_world_toward_GlobalCivilizationalState.html
- 6.) TheBiosphere_our_world_Earth.html
- Politics and Justice without borders.
- 1.) Lead_the_world_toward_GlobalCivilizationalState.html
- 2.) GlobalVoting_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html
- 3.) PoliticsandJusticewithoutborders_Who_owns_Earth.html
- 4.) Global_Parliament_Constitution_definition.html
- 5.) Global_Constitution_fulfilling_global_sustainability.html
- 6.) VisionEarth2024_Thou_shall_be_One_with_humanity.html
- Justice_without_borders_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- GlobalCivilization_Justice_GlobalLaw_GPA.html
- Direct_Democracy_implies.html
- 7.) Global_Parliament_Federation.html
- 8.) Global_Parliament_Government.html
- 9.) Global_Parliament_institutionsandbodies.html
- 10.) Global_Parliament_Legislation_by_Ministries.html
- 11.) Global_Parliament_Legislation_Codes.html
- 12.) Global_Parliament_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- 13.) Global_Parliament_ScaleGlobalRights_Dialogue.html
- 14.) Global_Parliament.html
- 15.) Global_Protection_Agency_to_train_lead_global_force.html
- 16.) Ministry_of_Global_Resources.html
- 17.) Parliament.html
- 18.) Peace_and_Commonalities_between_Asia_and_the_West.html
- 19.) DirectDemocracy_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html
- 20.) Direct_Democracy_implies.html
- 21.) Diplomacy_edited1.html
- 22.) Diplomacy.html
- 23.) Direct_Democracy_Dialogue.html
- 24.) Global_Protection_Agency_to_train_lead_global_force.html
- 25.) GlobalCivilization_Justice_GlobalLaw_GPA.html
- 26.) BuildingGlobalCivilisation_ScaleShortlongtermSolution.html
- Politics_and_Justice_without_borders.html
- 27.) Sustainable_Global_Civilization.html
- 28.) Israel_and_Palestine_only_one_solution_GlobalParliament_ DirectDemocracy_ScaleofGlobalRights.html
- Global Community's 39th Anniversary.
- Global_Community_39th_Anniversary.html
- 1.) Global_Parliament_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- 2.) Global_Constitution.html
- 3.) DirectDemocracy_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html
- 4.) Direct_Democracy_implies.html
- 5.) Diplomacy_edited1.html
- 6.) Diplomacy.html
- 7.) Direct_Democracy_Dialogue.html
- 8.) Global_Constitution_chapters.html
- 9.) Higher_purpose_of_Humanity_is_serve_God.html
- 10.) Vision_of_a_new_economic_population_military_environmental.html
- 11.) BuildingGlobalCivilisation_ScaleShortlongtermSolution.html
- 12.) VisionEarth2024_Thou_shall_be_One_with_humanity.html
- 13.) Sustainable_Global_Civilization.html
- 14.) Global_Civilizational_State_dependable_and_trustworthy_leadership_to_ guard_over_and_care_for_all_Life_on_Earth.html
- Global Community.
- 1.) Israel_and_Palestine_only_one_solution_GlobalParliament_ DirectDemocracy_ScaleofGlobalRights.html
- SoulofHumanity_commitment_to_GlobalCommunity.html
- 2.) GlobalCivilizationalState_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- Global_Community_39th_Anniversary.html
- 3.) GlobalCivilizationalState_in_the_Management_of_global_resources.html
- 4.) GlobalVoting_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html
- 5.) VisionEarth2024_Thou_shall_be_One_with_humanity.html
- 6.) Global_Constitution.html
- 7.) Global_Constitution_chapters.html
- Global_Community_the_Multicivilizational_Community.html
- 8.) ScaleofGlobalRights_best_educating_tool.html
- 9.) Global_Civilizational_State_dependable_and_trustworthy_leadership_to_ guard_over_and_care_for_all_Life_on_Earth.html
- Founders_and_Spiritual_Leaders_of_Global_Community.html
- Peace_and_Commonalities_between_Asia_and_the_West.html
- 10.) Lead_the_world_toward_GlobalCivilizationalState.html
- Planet_Life_Soul_of_Humanity_Symbiotical_Relationship.html
- saving_humanity_teaching_Lessons.html
- 11.) DirectDemocracy_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html
- 12.) Direct_Democracy_implies.html
- 13.) Diplomacy_edited1.html
- 14.) Diplomacy.html
- 15.) Direct_Democracy_Dialogue.html
- 16.) PoliticsandJusticewithoutborders_Who_owns_Earth.html
- 17.) TheBiosphere_our_world_Earth.html
- 18.) Sustainable_Global_Civilization.html
- Global Dialogue.
- Direct_Democracy_Dialogue.html
- 1.) GlobalWarming_and_international_trade_agreements.html
- Multicivilizational_Community_Direct_Democracy_Dialogue.html
- Global_Civilizational_State_dialogue_Commonalities.html
- 2.) Fossil_fuel_production_developed_economies_means_ commitment_greenhouse_gases_pollution.html
- Global_Civilizational_State_dialogue.html
- 3.) VisionEarth2024_Thou_shall_be_One_with_humanity.html
- Global_Civilizational_State_Direct_Democracy_Dialogue.html
- Proceedings2024_of_the_GlobalDialogue.html
- Global_Dialogue.html
- Global_Dialogue2024_recommendations.html
- 4.) DirectDemocracy_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html
- 5.) Direct_Democracy_implies.html
- 6.) Diplomacy_edited1.html
- 7.) Diplomacy.html
- 8.) Direct_Democracy_Dialogue.html
- 9.) Global_Constitution.html
- 10.) Global_Constitution_chapters.html
- Who owns the Earth.
- Who_owns_the_Earth.html
- 1.) Global_Civilizational_State_dependable_and_trustworthy_leadership_ to_guard_over_and_care_for_all_Life_on_Earth.html
- 2.) Israel_and_Palestine_only_one_solution_GlobalParliament_ DirectDemocracy_ScaleofGlobalRights.html
- 3.) Lead_the_world_toward_GlobalCivilizationalState.html
- 4.) PoliticsandJusticewithoutborders_Who_owns_Earth.html
- PoliticsandJusticewithoutborders_Who_owns_Earth.html
- SoulofHumanity_God_WhoownstheEarth.html
- 5.) GlobalCivilizationalState_in_the_Management_of_global_resources.html
- 6.) Newsletters/January2024/Higher_purpose_of_Humanity_is_serve_God.html
- 7.) GlobalWarming_and_international_trade_agreements.html
- 8.) GlobalVoting_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html
- 9.) Israel_is_not_a_State_nation_country_Global_Community_democracy_ and_not_a_government.html
- 10.) TheBiosphere_our_world_Earth.html
- Vision of Earth in 2024.
- Global_Parliament_Constitution_definition.html
- 1.) Vision_of_a_new_economic_population_military_environmental.html
- 2.) Israel_and_Palestine_only_one_solution_GlobalParliament_ DirectDemocracy_ScaleofGlobalRights.html
- Peace_and_Commonalities_between_Asia_and_the_West.html
- 3.) Fossil_fuel_production_developed_economies_means_ commitment_greenhouse_gases_pollution.html
- Vision_of_Earth_in_year_2024_.html
- 4.) GlobalCivilizationalState_in_the_Management_of_global_resources.html
- 5.) Global_Parliament_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- 6.) GlobalCivilizationalState_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- 7.) GlobalVoting_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html
- 8.) Sustainable_Global_Civilization.html
- HumanityNewVision_of_theworld.html
- 9.) PoliticsandJusticewithoutborders_Who_owns_Earth.html
- 10.) BuildingGlobalCivilisation_ScaleShortlongtermSolution.html
- 11.) Higher_purpose_of_Humanity_is_serve_God.html
- 12.) GlobalWarming_and_international_trade_agreements.html
- 13.) VisionEarth2024_Thou_shall_be_One_with_humanity.html
- 14.) TheBiosphere_our_world_Earth.html
- 15.) Global_Civilizational_State_dependable_and_trustworthy_leadership_ to_guard_over_and_care_for_all_Life_on_Earth.html
- 16.) Global_Parliament_Federation.html
- 17.) Global_Parliament_Government.html
- 18.) Global_Parliament_institutionsandbodies.html
- 19.) Global_Parliament_Legislation_by_Ministries.html
- 20.) Global_Parliament_Legislation_Codes.html
- 21.) Global_Parliament_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- 22.) Global_Parliament_ScaleGlobalRights_Dialogue.html
- 23.) Global_Parliament.html
- 24.) Global_Protection_Agency_to_train_lead_global_force.html
- 25.) Ministry_of_Global_Resources.html
- 26.) Parliament.html
- 27.) Peace_and_Commonalities_between_Asia_and_the_West.html
- 28.) DirectDemocracy_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html
- 29.) Direct_Democracy_implies.html
- 30.) Diplomacy_edited1.html
- 31.) Diplomacy.html
- 32.) Direct_Democracy_Dialogue.html
- 33.) Global_Protection_Agency_to_train_lead_global_force.html
- 34.) GlobalCivilization_Justice_GlobalLaw_GPA.html
- 35.) BuildingGlobalCivilisation_ScaleShortlongtermSolution.html
- Politics_and_Justice_without_borders.html
- 36.) Sustainable_Global_Civilization.html
- 37.) Israel_and_Palestine_only_one_solution_GlobalParliament_ DirectDemocracy_ScaleofGlobalRights.html
- Building Global Civilization.
- BuildingGlobalCivilization_ScaleShortlongtermSolution.html
- 1.) Sustainable_Global_Civilization.html
- 2.) Lead_the_world_toward_GlobalCivilizationalState.html
- GlobalCivilization_Justice_GlobalLaw_GPA.html
- the_building_up_of_GlobalCivilization.html
- 3.) Global_Parliament_Constitution_definition.html
- 4.) Global_Constitution_fulfilling_global_sustainability.html
- 5.) BuildingGlobalCivilisation_ScaleShortlongtermSolution.html
- 6.) GlobalVoting_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html
- 7.) Fossil_fuel_production_developed_economies_means_commitment_ greenhouse_gases_pollution.html
- 8.) Vision_of_a_new_economic_population_military_environmental.html
- 9.) ScaleofGlobalRights_best_educating_tool.html
- Portal_of_the_Global_Civilization.html
- 10.) Global_Protection_Agency_to_train_lead_global_force.html
- 11.) Israel_and_Palestine_only_one_solution_GlobalParliament_ DirectDemocracy_ScaleofGlobalRights.html
- 12.) PoliticsandJusticewithoutborders_Who_owns_Earth.html
- 13.) Global_Constitution.html
- 14.) Global_Constitution_chapters.html
- 15.) GlobalCivilizationalState_in_the_Management_of_global_resources.html
- 16.) Global_Parliament_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- 17.) Higher_purpose_of_Humanity_is_serve_God.html
- 18.) GlobalCivilizationalState_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- 19.) GlobalWarming_and_international_trade_agreements.html
- 20.) Israel_is_not_a_State_nation_country_Global_Community_democracy_and_ not_a_government.html
- Multicivilizational Community Dialogue.
- Multicivilizational_Community_Direct_Democracy_Dialogue.html
- 1.) Lead_the_world_toward_GlobalCivilizationalState.html
- Peace_and_Commonalities_between_Asia_and_the_West.html
- 2.) Israel_and_Palestine_only_one_solution_GlobalParliament_ DirectDemocracy_ScaleofGlobalRights.html
- 3.) GlobalWarming_and_international_trade_agreements.html
- 4.) GlobalVoting_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html
- saving_humanity_teaching_Lessons.html
- 5.) Global_Parliament_Federation.html
- 6.) Global_Parliament_Government.html
- 7.) Global_Parliament_institutionsandbodies.html
- 8.) Global_Parliament_Legislation_by_Ministries.html
- 9.) Global_Parliament_Legislation_Codes.html
- 10.) Global_Parliament_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- 11.) Global_Parliament_ScaleGlobalRights_Dialogue.html
- 12.) Global_Parliament.html
- 13.) Global_Protection_Agency_to_train_lead_global_force.html
- 14.) Ministry_of_Global_Resources.html
- 15.) Parliament.html
- 16.) Peace_and_Commonalities_between_Asia_and_the_West.html
- 17.) DirectDemocracy_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html
- 18.) Direct_Democracy_implies.html
- 19.) Diplomacy_edited1.html
- 20.) Diplomacy.html
- 21.) Direct_Democracy_Dialogue.html
- 22.) Global_Protection_Agency_to_train_lead_global_force.html
- 23.) GlobalCivilization_Justice_GlobalLaw_GPA.html
- 24.) BuildingGlobalCivilisation_ScaleShortlongtermSolution.html
- Politics_and_Justice_without_borders.html
- 25.) Sustainable_Global_Civilization.html
- 26.) Israel_and_Palestine_only_one_solution_GlobalParliament_DirectDemocracy_ ScaleofGlobalRights.html
- 27.) Global_Constitution.html
- 28.) Global_Constitution_chapters.html
- 29.) BuildingGlobalCivilisation_ScaleShortlongtermSolution.html
- 30.) ScaleofGlobalRights_best_educating_tool.html
- 31.) Higher_purpose_of_Humanity_is_serve_God.html
- 32.) Global_Parliament_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- Global_Community_the_Multicivilizational_Community.html
- 33.) Israel_is_not_a_State_nation_country_Global_Community_democracy_ and_not_a_government.html
- Global Diplomacy.
- 1.) Newsletters/Nov_December2023/Diplomacy.html
- 2.) DirectDemocracy_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html
- 3.) Direct_Democracy_implies.html
- 4.) Diplomacy_edited1.html
- 5.) Diplomacy.html
- 6.) Direct_Democracy_Dialogue.html
- 7.) GlobalVoting_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html
- 8.) ScaleofGlobalRights_best_educating_tool.html
- 9.) December2023/Diplomacy_edited1.html
As never before in history, common destiny beckons us to seek a new beginning. It requires a new sense of global interdependence and universal responsibility. We must develop and apply the vision of a sustainable way of life locally, nationally, regionally, globally, and within ourselves throughout life. Our global cultural diversity is a precious heritage and different cultures will find their own distinctive ways to realize the global vision.
In order to build a sustainable global community, each individual, each local community, and national governments of the world must initiate their commitment to Global Civilizational Community, which we have defined as a social, and political movement in the sense of having a broad organizational structure and an ideology aimed at governing. The environmental movement, within Global Civilizational Community, expresses the concerns of groups of people regarding depletion of water, clean air, climate change aspects, degradation of land and other changes in ecosystems affecting traditional patterns of natural resources exploitation. Global Civilizational State has taken the role of helping these groups in protecting and managing our mutual global vision by coordinating efforts.
Global Civilizational State has now a Vision of the Earth in Year 2024 and a sense of direction. Global Civilizational Community has embarks on a new path in history, the inevitability of global societies living, sharing, and creating symbiotical relationships interactively. Global Civilizational State is a governing body based on universal values, global rights, global concepts and direct democracy which defines us all. Yes! Now we all can vote on creating our global vision together. We might as well start working on this new way of doing things, and creating governing institutions now; there is no longer any reason to wait. Global Civilizational State conducts affairs in ways to promote political, economic, cultural and scientific relations, while maintaining peaceful relationships.
Our creativity today already influences tomorrow's socio-economic strategies and contribute to the evolution of human societies - an evolution directed towards a global partnership and cooperation with each other for survival. Global Civilizational State was first to oppose any type of invasion of a people by another people. Global Civilizational State opposes environmental, economic, population and military warfares.
For example, to explain further as Moscow's war in Ukraine rages on, with deadly shelling on cities along the front lines and more clashes in hot spots in southern Ukraine, sadly, regrettably, and disastrously, the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, showed no need to use diplomacy to save his country from being detroyed and his citizens from being killed.
Before the war, President Vladimir Putin demanded NATO and the USA to turn the clock back to 1997 and remove its forces and military infrastructure from Central Europe, Eastern Europe and the Baltics. In his eyes, the West promised back in 1990 that NATO would expand "not an inch to the east", yet did so anyway.
NATO and the USA, along with the EU, are helping as if wars were the only way to solve problems in the Ukraine. This is the same kind of wrong behaviour these people and states from the EU have been using between themselves over the past centuries. They behave as if war was the answer to all their problems or concerns. Diplomacy never not to be used.
Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, was a British statesman, soldier, and writer, who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom twice, from 1940 to 1945 during the Second World War, and again from 1951 to 1955. The First World War (WWI) was fought from 1914 to 1918 and the Second World War (or WWII) was fought from 1939 to 1945. They were the largest military conflicts in human history. At the outbreak of war in 1914, Churchill was serving as First Lord of the Admiralty.
In 1915 he helped orchestrate the disastrous Dardanelles naval campaign and was also involved in the planning of the military landings on Gallipoli, both of which saw large losses of his armies. As prime minister (1940–45) during most of World War II, Winston Churchill shaped Allied strategy in the war. In both world wars Winston Churchill would have been able to use diplomacy to end the wars. But diplomacy was not his way to deal with problems, and neither the West's way, to fight Adolf Hitler Army.
- Global Environmental Movement.
- Save the World from extinction.
- DirectDemocracy_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html.
- 3.)
- GlobalVoting_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html
- 4.) TheBiosphere_our_world_Earth.html
- 4.) GlobalWarming_and_international_trade_agreements.html
- saving_humanity_teaching_Lessons.html
- 5.) ScaleofGlobalRights_best_educating_tool.html
- 6.) Fossil_fuel_production_developed_economies_means_commitment_ greenhouse_gases_pollution.html
- Justice without borders.
- Lead_the_world_toward_GlobalCivilizationalState
- 1.) Lead_the_world_toward_GlobalCivilizationalState.html
- Justice_without_borders_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- GCS_Justice_and_GPA_GGConst.html
- 2.) GlobalVoting_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html
- GCS_Justice_and_GPA.html
- 3.) PoliticsandJusticewithoutborders_Who_owns_Earth.html
- 4.) BuildingGlobalCivilisation_ScaleShortlongtermSolution.html
- Politics_and_Justice_without_borders.html
- 5.) Israel_and_Palestine_only_one_solution_GlobalParliament_DirectDemocracy_ ScaleofGlobalRights.html
- PoliticsandJusticewithoutborders_Who_owns_Earth.html
- Justice_Proceedings.html
- 6.) Global_Parliament_Constitution_definition.html
- 7.) Global_Constitution_fulfilling_global_sustainability.html
- Codes_Justice_GlobalLaw_GPA.html
- GCS_Justice_and_GPA_GGConst.html
- 8.) GlobalCivilization_Justice_GlobalLaw_GPA.html
- Justice_GlobalLaw_GPA_edited1.html
- 9.) GlobalCivilizationalState_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- Justice_GlobalLaw_GPA.html
- GCS_Justice_and_GPA.html
- Global Sustainability.
- GlobalWarming_and_international_trade_agreements.html
- 1.) Sustainable_Global_Civilization.html
- 2.) ScaleofGlobalRights_best_educating_tool.html
- Economic_system_replacing_America_theWest_systems.html
- 3.) Global_Parliament_Constitution_definition.html
- 4.) Global_Constitution_fulfilling_global_sustainability.html
- Global_Legislation_to_manage_global_resources.html
- 5.) Global_Protection_Agency_to_train_lead_global_force.html
- 6.) GlobalCivilizationalState_in_the_Management_of_global_resources.html
- 7.) Fossil_fuel_production_developed_economies_means_commitment_ greenhouse_gases_pollution.html
- 8.) TheBiosphere_our_world_Earth.html
- PeopleEconomicDevelopmentEnvironment_ AvailabilityofResources_Proceedings.html
- Saving Humanity, teaching, lessons.
- saving_humanity_teaching_Lessons.html
- 1.) VisionEarth2024_Thou_shall_be_One_with_humanity.html
- ScaleofGlobalRights_best_educating_tool.html
- 2.) Higher_purpose_of_Humanity_is_serve_God.html
- 3.) ScaleofGlobalRights_best_educating_tool.html
- Global Peace Movement.
- 1.) Israel_is_not_a_State_nation_country_Global_Community_democracy_ and_not_a_government.html
- 2.) Lead_the_world_toward_GlobalCivilizationalState.html
- Global_Parliament_Constitution_definition.html
- Peace and commonalities between nations.
- Peace_and_Commonalities_between_Asia_and_the_West.html
- Global_Civilizational_State_dialogue_Commonaties.html
- 1.) Israel_and_Palestine_only_one_solution_GlobalParliament_ DirectDemocracy_ScaleofGlobalRights.html
- saving_humanity_teaching_Lessons.html
- 2.) ScaleofGlobalRights_best_educating_tool.html
- 3.) Higher_purpose_of_Humanity_is_serve_God.html
- 4.) Lead_the_world_toward_GlobalCivilizationalState.html
- 5.) Israel_is_not_a_State_nation_country_Global_Community_democracy_ and_not_a_government.html
- The Biosphere, our world Earth.
- 1.) TheBiosphere_our_world_Earth.html
- 2.) Fossil_fuel_production_developed_economies_means_commitment_ greenhouse_gases_pollution.html
- 3.) VisionEarth2024_Thou_shall_be_One_with_humanity.html
- 4.) ScaleofGlobalRights_best_educating_tool.html
- Global Issues.
- Global_Civilizational_State_application_of_global_issues.html
- 1.) Sustainable_Global_Civilization.html
- Global_Civilizational_State_to_manage_global_issues.html
- 2.) GlobalVoting_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html
- Scale_of_Global_Rights_applied_to_global_issues.html
- 3.) Global_Parliament_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- 4.) Fossil_fuel_production_developed_economies_means_commitment_ greenhouse_gases_pollution.html
- 5.) GlobalCivilizationalState_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- 6.) TheBiosphere_our_world_Earth.html
- 7.) ScaleofGlobalRights_best_educating_tool.html
- 8.) Israel_and_Palestine_only_one_solution_GlobalParliament_ DirectDemocracy_ScaleofGlobalRights.html
- World overpopulation.
- GlobalParliamentPolicies_and_Strategies_for_managing_World_Overpopulation.html
- 1.) Vision_of_a_new_economic_population_military_environmental.html
- 2.) Sustainable_Global_Civilization.html
- 3.) VisionEarth2024_Thou_shall_be_One_with_humanity.html
- 4.) ScaleofGlobalRights_best_educating_tool.html
- Global Parliament Proceedings.
- Justice_Proceedings.html
- 1.) GlobalCivilizationalState_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- Global_Law_Legislation_Codes_Proceedings.html
- GlobalCivilizationalState_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- PeopleEconomicDevelopmentEnvironment_AvailabilityofResources_Proceedings.html
- PeopleEconomicDevelopmentEnvironment_Proceedings.html
- PeopleEconomicDevelopmentEnvironment_Resources_Proceedings.html
- Proceedings2024_of_the_GlobalDialogue.html
- Global_Justice_Proceedings_2024.html
- Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- Proceedings2024_of_the_GlobalDialogue.html
- 2.) Global_Parliament_Federation.html
- 3.) Global_Parliament_Government.html
- 4.) Global_Parliament_institutionsandbodies.html
- 5.) Global_Parliament_Legislation_by_Ministries.html
- 6.) Global_Parliament_Legislation_Codes.html
- 7.) Global_Parliament_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- 8.) Global_Parliament_ScaleGlobalRights_Dialogue.html
- 9.) Global_Parliament.html
- 10.) Global_Protection_Agency_to_train_lead_global_force.html
- 11.) Ministry_of_Global_Resources.html
- 12.) Parliament.html
- 13.) Peace_and_Commonalities_between_Asia_and_the_West.html
- 14.) DirectDemocracy_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html
- 15.) Direct_Democracy_implies.html
- 16.) Diplomacy_edited1.html
- 17.) Diplomacy.html
- 18.) Direct_Democracy_Dialogue.html
- 19.) Global_Protection_Agency_to_train_lead_global_force.html
- 20.) GlobalCivilization_Justice_GlobalLaw_GPA.html
- 21.) BuildingGlobalCivilisation_ScaleShortlongtermSolution.html
- 22.)Politics_and_Justice_without_borders.html
- 23.) Sustainable_Global_Civilization.html
- 24.) Israel_and_Palestine_only_one_solution_GlobalParliament_ DirectDemocracy_ScaleofGlobalRights.html
- 25.) Global_Parliament_Constitution_definition.html
- 26.) Global_Constitution_fulfilling_global_sustainability.html
- 27.) Global_Parliament_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- Justice_Proceedings.html
- Justice_without_borders_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- 30.) ScaleofGlobalRights_best_educating_tool.html
- Global Protection Agency(GPA) to train, and lead the global force.
- Global_Protection_Agency(GPA)_to_train_lead_global_force.html
- 1.) Global_Protection_Agency_to_train_lead_global_force.html
- ProtectionGlobalLifesupportsystems.html
- 2.) GlobalCivilization_Justice_GlobalLaw_GPA.html
- 3.) Sustainable_Global_Civilization.html
- 4.) ScaleofGlobalRights_best_educating_tool.html
- 5.) Lead_the_world_toward_GlobalCivilizationalState.html
- 6.) Israel_and_Palestine_only_one_solution_GlobalParliament_ DirectDemocracy_ScaleofGlobalRights.html
- Protection_Global_Life_supportsystems.html
- 7.) ScaleofGlobalRights_best_educating_tool.html
- ProtectionGlobalLifesupportsystems_Recommendations.html
- 8.) Global_Civilizational_State_dependable_and_trustworthy_ leadership_to_guard_over_and_care_for_all_Life_on_Earth.html
- Short and long term solutions to save the world.
- BuildingGlobalCivilisation_ScaleShortlongtermSolution.html
- 1.) BuildingGlobalCivilisation_ScaleShortlongtermSolution.html
- 2.) Vision_of_a_new_economic_population_military_environmental.html
- 3.) Global_Protection_Agency_to_train_lead_global_force.html
- DirectDemocracy_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html
- 4.) TheBiosphere_our_world_Earth.html
- 5.) Lead_the_world_toward_GlobalCivilizationalState.html
- 6.) GlobalVoting_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html
- Scale_shortlongterm_solution.html
- 7.) Fossil_fuel_production_developed_economies_means_commitment_ greenhouse_gases_pollution.html
- 8.) GlobalWarming_and_international_trade_agreements.html
- 9.) Newsletters/January2024/ Israel_and_Palestine_only_one_solution_GlobalParliament_ DirectDemocracy_ScaleofGlobalRights.html
- 10.) Higher_purpose_of_Humanity_is_serve_God.html
- ScaleofGlobalRights_Shortandlongterm_solution.html
- 11.) Sustainable_Global_Civilization.html
- Pictures in the animation.
- Shortandlongterm_solution_ScaleGlobalRights.html
- 12.) ScaleofGlobalRights_best_educating_tool.html
- PeopleEconomicDevelopmentEnvironment_ AvailabilityofResources_Proceedings.html
- 13.) Israel_is_not_a_State_nation_country_Global_Community_ democracy_and_not_a_government.html
- Scale of Global Rights best educating tool.
- ScaleofGlobalRights_best_educating_tool.html
- GPA_Scaleofglobalrights.html
- 1.) ScaleofGlobalRights_best_educating_tool.html
- 2.) Lead_the_world_toward_GlobalCivilizationalState.html
- BuildingGlobalCivilisation_ScaleShortlongtermSolution.html
- ScaleGlobalRights_GlobalParliament.html
- 3.) GlobalCivilization_Justice_GlobalLaw_GPA.html
- Scale_of_Global_Rights_applied_to_global_issues.html
- ScaleofGlobalRights_Shortandlongterm_solution.html
- Shortandlongterm_solution_ScaleGlobalRights.html
- Scale_shortlongterm_solution.html
- 4.) Sustainable_Global_Civilization.html
- GlobalRights_year_one_Scale.html
- Global_Parliament_ScaleGlobalRights_Dialogue.html
- Global Parliament with its governing institutions and bodies.
- Global_Parliament_Constitution.html
- 1.) Global_Constitution.html
- 2.) Global_Constitution_chapters.html
- 3.) Global_Parliament_Constitution_definition.html
- 4.) Global_Constitution_fulfilling_global_sustainability.html
- Global_Parliament_Government.html
- 5.) PoliticsandJusticewithoutborders_Who_owns_Earth.html
- 6.) Newsletters/January2024/Global_Civilizational_State_dependable_ and_trustworthy_leadership_ to_guard_over_and_care_for_all_Life_on_Earth.html
- Global_Parliament_Legislation_by_Ministries.html
- Global_Parliament.html
- 7.) Global_Parliament_Federation.html
- 8.) Global_Parliament_Government.html
- 9.) Global_Parliament_institutionsandbodies.html
- 10.) Global_Parliament_Legislation_by_Ministries.html
- 11.) Global_Parliament_Legislation_Codes.html
- 12.) Global_Parliament_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- 13.) Global_Parliament_ScaleGlobalRights_Dialogue.html
- 14.) Global_Parliament.html
- 15.) Global_Protection_Agency_to_train_lead_global_force.html
- 16.) Ministry_of_Global_Resources.html
- 17.) Parliament.html
- 18.) Peace_and_Commonalities_between_Asia_and_the_West.html
- 19.) DirectDemocracy_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html
- 20.) Direct_Democracy_implies.html
- 21.) Diplomacy_edited1.html
- 22.) Diplomacy.html
- 23.) Direct_Democracy_Dialogue.html
- 24.) Global_Protection_Agency_to_train_lead_global_force.html
- 25.) GlobalCivilization_Justice_GlobalLaw_GPA.html
- 26.) BuildingGlobalCivilisation_ScaleShortlongtermSolution.html
- Politics_and_Justice_without_borders.html
- 27.) Sustainable_Global_Civilization.html
- 28.) Israel_and_Palestine_only_one_solution_GlobalParliament_ DirectDemocracy_ScaleofGlobalRights.html
- GlobalParliamentExecutiveCouncil_shall_enact_Legislation.html
- 29.) DirectDemocracy_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html
- 30.) Direct_Democracy_implies.html
- 31.) Diplomacy_edited1.html
- 32.) Diplomacy.html
- 33.) Direct_Democracy_Dialogue.html
- 34.) GlobalCivilizationalState_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- 35.) GlobalVoting_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html
- 36.) Vision_of_a_new_economic_population_military_environmental.html
- Scale_shortlongterm_solution.html
- 37.) Global_Parliament_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- 38.) Lead_the_world_toward_GlobalCivilizationalState.html
- Global_Parliament_Constitution_definition.html
- Shortandlongterm_solution_ScaleGlobalRights.html
- Scale_of_Global_Rights_applied_to_global_issues.html
- Global_Parliament_Legislation_Codes.html
- ScaleGlobalRights_GlobalParliament.html
- 39.).) Higher_purpose_of_Humanity_is_serve_God.html
- 40.) Israel_and_Palestine_only_one_solution_GlobalParliament_ DirectDemocracy_ScaleofGlobalRights.html
- WhatGlobalParliamentdoes_bysubjectMinistries.html
- BuildingGlobalCivilisation_ScaleShortlongtermSolution.html
- GPA_Scaleofglobalrights.html
- Federation_Global_Government_of_North_America_GGNA.html
- Global_Constitution_chapters.html
- Federation_of_9_or_more_Global_Governments.html
- Federation_of_Global_Governments.html
- Global_Parliament_Constitution.html
- GlobalParliamentConstitutionalAffairs_Committee.html
- 41.) Sustainable_Global_Civilization.html
- GlobalParliamentExecutiveCouncil_shall_enact_Legislation.html
- GlobalParliamentPolicies_and_Strategies_for_managing_World_Overpopulation.html
- MinisterofIntergovernmentalAffairs_GlobalGovernmentof_Africa.html
- Global_Parliament_Legislation_by_Ministries.html
- Global_Parliament_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- Global_Parliament_ScaleGlobalRights_Dialogue.html
- Global Voting.
- GlobalVoting_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html
- 1.) Global_Parliament_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- 2.) GlobalCivilizationalState_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- 3.) GlobalVoting_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html
- 4.) Sustainable_Global_Civilization.html
- Global Citizenship.
- Global_Civilizational_State_dialogue_Commonaties.html
- 1.) PoliticsandJusticewithoutborders_Who_owns_Earth.html
- Israel_is_not_a_State_nation_country_Global_Community_democracy_ and_not_a_government.html
- Global Direct Democracy.
- 1.) Lead_the_world_toward_GlobalCivilizationalState.html
- 2.) GlobalCivilizationalState_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- Direct_Democracy_implies.html
- 3.) DirectDemocracy_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html
- 4.) Direct_Democracy_implies.html
- 5.) Diplomacy_edited1.html
- 6.) Diplomacy.html
- 7.) Direct_Democracy_Dialogue.html
- 8.) Global_Parliament_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- 9.) PoliticsandJusticewithoutborders_Who_owns_Earth.html
- 10.) GlobalVoting_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html
- DirectDemocracy_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html
- Direct_Democracy_implies.html
- 11.) Sustainable_Global_Civilization.html
- 12.) Israel_and_Palestine_only_one_solution_GlobalParliament_ DirectDemocracy_ScaleofGlobalRights.html
- Direct Democracy.
- Direct_Democracy_Dialogue.html
- 1.) Global_Parliament_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- 2.) Vision_of_a_new_economic_population_military_environmental.html
- 3.) GlobalCivilizationalState_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- DirectDemocracy_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html
- 4.) GlobalVoting_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html
- indexNEW_ai_DirectDemocracy_NEW_edited5.html
- Multicivilizational_Community_Direct_Democracy_Dialogue.html
- 5.) ScaleofGlobalRights_best_educating_tool.html
- Major_Listings_Part31_Global_Civilizational_State_dialogue.html
- 6.) GlobalCivilization_Justice_GlobalLaw_GPA.html
- Justice_without_borders_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- 7.) Israel_is_not_a_State_nation_country_Global_Community_ democracy_and_not_a_government.html
- Global Law.
- 1.) Lead_the_world_toward_GlobalCivilizationalState.html
- Global_Codes_Law_Standards.html
- Global_Law_Codes_Standards.html
- Global_Law_Legislation_Codes_Proceedings.html
- 2.) GlobalCivilization_Justice_GlobalLaw_GPA.html
- Legislation_Codes_finalchoice.html
- Global_Law_Legislation_Codes.html
- 3.) Israel_and_Palestine_only_one_solution_GlobalParliament_ DirectDemocracy_ScaleofGlobalRights.html
- Codes_Justice_GlobalLaw_GPA.html
- Global_Law_Legislation_Codes_listing.html
- Global_Law_Legislation_Codes.html
- GlobalCivilization_Justice_GlobalLaw_GPA.html
- 4.) Lead_the_world_toward_GlobalCivilizationalState.html
- GlobalParliamentExecutiveCouncil_shall_enact_Legislation.html
- Justice.
- 5.) Lead_the_world_toward_GlobalCivilizationalState.html
- Global_Justice_Proceedings_2024.html
- GlobalCivilization_Justice_GlobalLaw_GPA.html
- Justice_Proceedings.html
- 6.) Higher_purpose_of_Humanity_is_serve_God.html
- Justice_without_borders_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- Codes_Justice_GlobalLaw_GPA.html
- 3.) GlobalCivilization_Justice_GlobalLaw_GPA.html
- 4.) Israel_and_Palestine_only_one_solution_GlobalParliament_ DirectDemocracy_ScaleofGlobalRights.html
- Justice_GlobalLaw_GPA.html
- 5.) BuildingGlobalCivilisation_ScaleShortlongtermSolution.html
- Politics_and_Justice_without_borders.html
- 6.) Israel_is_not_a_State_nation_country_Global_Community_ democracy_and_not_a_government.html
- Legislation, Codes.
- Global_Codes_Law_Standards.html
- 1.) Vision_of_a_new_economic_population_military_environmental.html
- Global_Law_Codes_Standards.html
- Global_Law_Legislation_Codes_listing.html
- Global_Law_Legislation_Codes_Proceedings.html
- Global_Legislation_to_manage_global_resources.html
- 2.) ScaleofGlobalRights_best_educating_tool.html
- Global_Parliament_Legislation_by_Ministries.html
- Global_Parliament_Legislation_Codes.html
- GlobalParliamentExecutiveCouncil_shall_enact_Legislation.html
- 3.) GlobalCivilization_Justice_GlobalLaw_GPA.html
- 4.) Global_Parliament_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- Legislation_Codes_finalchoice.html
- Legislation_Codes_finalchoice1.html
- 5.) Global_Parliament_Federation.html
- 6.) Global_Parliament_Government.html
- 7.) Global_Parliament_institutionsandbodies.html
- 8.) Global_Parliament_Legislation_by_Ministries.html
- 9.) Global_Parliament_Legislation_Codes.html
- 10.) Global_Parliament_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- 11.) Global_Parliament_ScaleGlobalRights_Dialogue.html
- 12.) Global_Parliament.html
- 13.) Global_Protection_Agency_to_train_lead_global_force.html
- 14.) Ministry_of_Global_Resources.html
- 15.) Parliament.html
- 16.) Peace_and_Commonalities_between_Asia_and_the_West.html
- 17.) DirectDemocracy_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html
- 18.) Direct_Democracy_implies.html
- 19.) Diplomacy_edited1.html
- 20.) Diplomacy.html
- 21.) Direct_Democracy_Dialogue.html
- 22.) Global_Protection_Agency_to_train_lead_global_force.html
- 23.) GlobalCivilization_Justice_GlobalLaw_GPA.html
- 24.) BuildingGlobalCivilisation_ScaleShortlongtermSolution.html
- Politics_and_Justice_without_borders.html
- 25.) Sustainable_Global_Civilization.html
- 26.) Israel_and_Palestine_only_one_solution_GlobalParliament_ DirectDemocracy_ScaleofGlobalRights.html
- Global Government of North America.
- 1.) Global_Civilizational_State_dependable_and_trustworthy_leadership_ to_guard_over_and_care_for_all_Life_on_Earth.html
- 2.) Fossil_fuel_production_developed_economies_means_commitment_ greenhouse_gases_pollution.html
- Global_Parliament_Legislation_by_Ministries.html
- 3.) Global_Protection_Agency_to_train_lead_global_force.html
- 4.) Vision_of_a_new_economic_population_military_environmental.html
- Global Constitution.
- Global_Constitution_chapters.html
- 1.) Global_Constitution.html
- 2.) Global_Constitution_chapters.html
- 3.) Global_Parliament_Constitution_definition.html
- 4.) Global_Constitution_fulfilling_global_sustainability.html
- 5.) Israel_and_Palestine_only_one_solution_GlobalParliament_ DirectDemocracy_ScaleofGlobalRights.html
- Global_Constitution_fulfilling_global_sustainability.html
- Global_Parliament_Constitution_definition.html
- 6.) DirectDemocracy_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html
- 7.) Direct_Democracy_implies.html
- 8.) Diplomacy_edited1.html
- 9.) Diplomacy.html
- 10.) Direct_Democracy_Dialogue.html
- 11.) GlobalVoting_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html
- Global_Parliament_Constitution.html
- 12.) Global_Parliament_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- 13.) Higher_purpose_of_Humanity_is_serve_God.html
- 14.) GlobalCivilizationalState_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- 15.) Lead_the_world_toward_GlobalCivilizationalState.html
- GlobalParliamentConstitutionalAffairs_Committee.html
- 16.) Global_Parliament_Federation.html
- 17.) Global_Parliament_Government.html
- 18.) Global_Parliament_institutionsandbodies.html
- 19.) Global_Parliament_Legislation_by_Ministries.html
- 20.) Global_Parliament_Legislation_Codes.html
- 21.) Global_Parliament_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- 22.) Global_Parliament_ScaleGlobalRights_Dialogue.html
- 23.) Global_Parliament.html
- 24.) Global_Protection_Agency_to_train_lead_global_force.html
- 25.) Ministry_of_Global_Resources.html
- 26.) Parliament.html
- 27.) Peace_and_Commonalities_between_Asia_and_the_West.html
- 28.) DirectDemocracy_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html
- 29.) Direct_Democracy_implies.html
- 30.) Diplomacy_edited1.html
- 31.) Diplomacy.html
- 32.) Direct_Democracy_Dialogue.html
- 33.) Global_Protection_Agency_to_train_lead_global_force.html
- 34.) GlobalCivilization_Justice_GlobalLaw_GPA.html
- 35.) BuildingGlobalCivilisation_ScaleShortlongtermSolution.html
- Politics_and_Justice_without_borders.html
- 36.) Sustainable_Global_Civilization.html
- 37.) Israel_and_Palestine_only_one_solution_GlobalParliament_ DirectDemocracy_ScaleofGlobalRights.html
- Global Community 39th anniversary.
- Global_Parliament_Legislation_by_Ministries.html
- 1.) Global_Parliament_Constitution_definition.html
- 2.) Global_Constitution_fulfilling_global_sustainability.html
- 3.) GlobalCivilizationalState_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- 4.) Higher_purpose_of_Humanity_is_serve_God.html
- 5.) Global_Parliament_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- 6.) Sustainable_Global_Civilization.html
- 7.) Fossil_fuel_production_developed_economies_means_commitment_ greenhouse_gases_pollution.html
- 8.) Newsletters/January2024/TheBiosphere_our_world_Earth.html
- 9.) VisionEarth2024_Thou_shall_be_One_with_humanity.html
- Commonalities and mutual understanding between the West nations and others.
- GlobalParliamentExecutiveCouncil_shall_enact_Legislation.html
- 1.) Higher_purpose_of_Humanity_is_serve_God.html
- 2.) Global_Constitution.html
- 3.) Global_Constitution_chapters.html
- 4.) GlobalVoting_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html
- 5.) GlobalWarming_and_international_trade_agreements.html
- 6.) Israel_and_Palestine_only_one_solution_GlobalParliament_ DirectDemocracy_ScaleofGlobalRights.html
- 7.) ScaleofGlobalRights_best_educating_tool.html
- 8.) Israel_is_not_a_State_nation_country_Global_Community_ democracy_and_not_a_government.html
- 9.) Lead_the_world_toward_GlobalCivilizationalState.html
- 10.) VisionEarth2024_Thou_shall_be_One_with_humanity.html
- Federation of Global Governments (FGGs).
- Federation_Global_Government_of_North_America_GGNA.html
- 1.) Higher_purpose_of_Humanity_is_serve_God.html
- Federation_of_9_or_more_Global_Governments.html
- Federation_of_Global_Governments.html
- 2.) PoliticsandJusticewithoutborders_Who_owns_Earth.html
- 3.) GlobalVoting_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html
- 4.) Vision_of_a_new_economic_population_military_environmental.html
- Global_Parliament_Constitution_definition.html
- 5.) Sustainable_Global_Civilization.html
- Global_Parliament_Government.html
- 6.) Global_Parliament_Federation.html
- 7.) Global_Parliament_Government.html
- 8.) Global_Parliament_institutionsandbodies.html
- 9.) Global_Parliament_Legislation_by_Ministries.html
- 10.) Global_Parliament_Legislation_Codes.html
- 11.) Global_Parliament_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- 12.) Global_Parliament_ScaleGlobalRights_Dialogue.html
- 13.) January2024/Global_Parliament.html
- 14.) Global_Protection_Agency_to_train_lead_global_force.html
- 15.) Ministry_of_Global_Resources.html
- 16.) Parliament.html
- 17.) Peace_and_Commonalities_between_Asia_and_the_West.html
- 18.) DirectDemocracy_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html
- 19.) Direct_Democracy_implies.html
- 20.) Diplomacy_edited1.html
- 21.) Diplomacy.html
- 22.) Direct_Democracy_Dialogue.html
- 23.) Global_Protection_Agency_to_train_lead_global_force.html
- 24.) GlobalCivilization_Justice_GlobalLaw_GPA.html
- 25.) BuildingGlobalCivilisation_ScaleShortlongtermSolution.html
- Politics_and_Justice_without_borders.html
- 26.) Sustainable_Global_Civilization.html
- 27.) Israel_and_Palestine_only_one_solution_GlobalParliament_ DirectDemocracy_ScaleofGlobalRights.html
- 28.) Global_Constitution.html
- 29.) Global_Constitution_chapters.html
- 30.) GlobalCivilizationalState_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- 31.) Global_Civilizational_State_dependable_and_trustworthy_ leadership_to_guard_over_and_care_for_all_Life_on_Earth.html
- MinisterofIntergovernmentalAffairs_GlobalGovernmentof_Africa.html
- Justice, Global Law and GPA.
- 1.) Lead_the_world_toward_GlobalCivilizationalState.html
- 2.) Vision_of_a_new_economic_population_military_environmental.html
- GlobalParliamentExecutiveCouncil_shall_enact_Legislation.html
- 3.) GlobalCivilization_Justice_GlobalLaw_GPA.html
- 4.) BuildingGlobalCivilisation_ScaleShortlongtermSolution.html
- 5.) Israel_and_Palestine_only_one_solution_GlobalParliament_ DirectDemocracy_ScaleofGlobalRights.html
- 6.) Global_Parliament_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- 7.) Israel_is_not_a_State_nation_country_Global_Community_ democracy_and_not_a_government.html
- 8.) Israel_is_not_a_State_nation_country_Global_Community_democracy_and_ not_a_government.html
- Global Ministries.
- Global_Ministries_essential_services.html
- Global_Ministry_on_Climate_Change.html
- 1.) GlobalWarming_and_international_trade_agreements.html
- 2.) TheBiosphere_our_world_Earth.html
- 3.) ScaleofGlobalRights_best_educating_tool.html
- Global_Parliament_Legislation_by_Ministries.html
- MinisterofIntergovernmentalAffairs_GlobalGovernmentof_Africa.html
- Ministry_of_Global_Resources.html
- WhatGlobalParliamentdoes_bysubjectMinistries.html
- Climate change Ministry.
- Global_Ministry_on_Climate_Change.html
- 1.) Fossil_fuel_production_developed_economies_means_commitment_ greenhouse_gases_pollution.html
- 2.) GlobalWarming_and_international_trade_agreements.html
- 3.) VisionEarth2024_Thou_shall_be_One_with_humanity.html
- 4.) ScaleofGlobalRights_best_educating_tool.html
- 5.) Sustainable_Global_Civilization.html
- GlobalWarming_and_international_trade_agreements.html
- 6.) TheBiosphere_our_world_Earth.html
- Global Business and Trade.
- Global_Warming_and_International_Trade_Agreements.html
- 1.) Fossil_fuel_production_developed_economies_means_commitment_ greenhouse_gases_pollution.html
- 2.) TheBiosphere_our_world_Earth.html
- GlobalParliamentExecutiveCouncil_shall_enact_Legislation.html
- 3.) GlobalWarming_and_international_trade_agreements.html
- 4.) Vision_of_a_new_economic_population_military_environmental.html
- 5.) ScaleofGlobalRights_best_educating_tool.html
- Global Ministry of essential services.
- Global_Ministries_essential_services.html
- 1.) TheBiosphere_our_world_Earth.html
- 2.) Vision_of_a_new_economic_population_military_environmental.html
- WhatGlobalParliamentdoes_bysubjectMinistries.html
- 3.) VisionEarth2024_Thou_shall_be_One_with_humanity.html
- 4.) Sustainable_Global_Civilization.html
- 5.) Global_Protection_Agency_to_train_lead_global_force.html
- Ministry_of_Global_Resources.html
- Global Environment Ministry.
- 1.) GlobalWarming_and_international_trade_agreements.html
- 2.) Fossil_fuel_production_developed_economies_means_commitment_ greenhouse_gases_pollution.html
- 3.) Vision_of_a_new_economic_population_military_environmental.html
- 4.) TheBiosphere_our_world_Earth.html
- 5.) VisionEarth2024_Thou_shall_be_One_with_humanity.html
- 6.) ScaleofGlobalRights_best_educating_tool.html
- Protection of the Global Life-support systems.
- 1.) VisionEarth2024_Thou_shall_be_One_with_humanity.html
- GlobalParliamentExecutiveCouncil_shall_enact_Legislation.html
- 2.) Global_Protection_Agency_to_train_lead_global_force.html
- 3.) Sustainable_Global_Civilization.html
- 4.) TheBiosphere_our_world_Earth.html
- 5.) ScaleofGlobalRights_best_educating_tool.html
- Global Protection Agency (GPA).
- 1.) Lead_the_world_toward_GlobalCivilizationalState.html
- 2.) Global_Protection_Agency_to_train_lead_global_force.html
- Codes_Justice_GlobalLaw_GPA.html
- GCS_Justice_and_GPA.html
- 3.) PoliticsandJusticewithoutborders_Who_owns_Earth.html
- 4.) GlobalCivilization_Justice_GlobalLaw_GPA.html
- 5.) Global_Civilizational_State_dependable_and_trustworthy_ leadership_to_guard_over_and_care_for_all_Life_on_Earth.html
- Global_Law_Codes_Standards.html
- RGlobal_Protection_Agency(GPA)_to_train_lead_ global_force.html
- GlobalCivilization_Justice_GlobalLaw_GPA.html
- GPA_Scaleofglobalrights.html
- 6.) BuildingGlobalCivilisation_ScaleShortlongtermSolution.html
- 7.) ScaleofGlobalRights_best_educating_tool.html
- Justice_GlobalLaw_GPA_edited1.html
- 8.) January2024/TheBiosphere_our_world_Earth.html
- Justice_GlobalLaw_GPA.htmlProtection_ Global_Life_supportsystems.html
- 9.) Sustainable_Global_Civilization.html
- 10.) Israel_and_Palestine_only_one_solution_GlobalParliament_ DirectDemocracy_ScaleofGlobalRights.html
- ProtectionGlobalLifesupportsystems_Recommendations.html
- 11.) Israel_is_not_a_State_nation_country_Global_Community_ democracy_and_not_a_government.html
- Global warming.
- 1.) GlobalWarming_and_international_trade_agreements.html
- 2.) Fossil_fuel_production_developed_economies_means_commitment_ greenhouse_gases_pollution.html
- 3.) Sustainable_Global_Civilization.html
- 4.) ScaleofGlobalRights_best_educating_tool.html
- 5.) TheBiosphere_our_world_Earth.html
- Global Civilizational State dialogue.
- Global_Civilizational_State_application_of_global_issues.html
- 1.) Lead_the_world_toward_Global_Civilizational_State.html
- 2.) Lead_the_world_toward_GlobalCivilizationalState.html
- 3.) PoliticsandJusticewithoutborders_Who_owns_Earth.html
- Global_Civilizational_State_dialogue_Commonaties.html
- 4.) Higher_purpose_of_Humanity_is_serve_God.html
- 5.) Global_Parliament_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- 6.) GlobalWarming_and_international_trade_agreements.html
- 7.) Newsletters/January2024/ Global_Civilizational_State_dependable_and_trustworthy_ leadership_to_guard_over_and_care_for_all_Life_on_Earth.html
- Global_Civilizational_State_Direct_Democracy_Dialogue.html
- Global_Civilizational_State_to_manage_global_issues.html
- 8.) Global_Parliament_Constitution_definition.html
- 9.) Global_Constitution_fulfilling_global_sustainability.html
- 10.) Global_Constitution.html
- 11.) Global_Constitution_chapters.html
- GlobalCivilizationalState_in_the_Management_of_global_resources.html
- 12.) GlobalCivilizationalState_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- 13.) Sustainable_Global_Civilization.html
- GlobalCivilizationalState_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- 14.) Lead_the_world_toward_GlobalCivilizationalState.html
- Peace_and_Commonalities_between_Asia_and_the_West.html
- 15.) ScaleofGlobalRights_best_educating_tool.html
- Adaptation to global issues.
- Global_Legislation_to_manage_global_resources.html
- GlobalCivilizationalState_in_the_Management_of_global_resources.html
- 1.) PoliticsandJusticewithoutborders_Who_owns_Earth.html
- Ministry_of_Global_Resources.html
- 2.) BuildingGlobalCivilisation_ScaleShortlongtermSolution.html
- 3.) Lead_the_world_toward_GlobalCivilizationalState.html
- PeopleEconomicDevelopmentEnvironment_AvailabilityofResources_Proceedings.html
- PeopleEconomicDevelopmentEnvironment_Proceedings.html
- 4.) Sustainable_Global_Civilization.html
- PeopleEconomicDevelopmentEnvironment_Resources_Proceedings.html
- 5.) ScaleofGlobalRights_best_educating_tool.html
- Economic system.
- Economic_system_replacing_America_theWest_systems.html
- 1.) Vision_of_a_new_economic_population_military_environmental.html
- PeopleEconomicDevelopmentEnvironment_AvailabilityofResources_Proceedings.html
- PeopleEconomicDevelopmentEnvironment_Proceedings.html
- 2.) GlobalWarming_and_international_trade_agreements.html
- PeopleEconomicDevelopmentEnvironment_Resources_Proceedings.html
- 3.) Sustainable_Global_Civilization.html
- 4.) ScaleofGlobalRights_best_educating_tool.html
- International Trade Agreements.
- 1.) GlobalWarming_and_international_trade_agreements.html
- 2.) Fossil_fuel_production_developed_economies_means_commitment_ greenhouse_gases_pollution.html
- 3.) TheBiosphere_our_world_Earth.html
- Global_Warming_and_International_Trade_Agreements.html
- 4.) ScaleofGlobalRights_best_educating_tool.html
- 5.) Lead_the_world_toward_Global_Civilizational_State.html
- 6.) Lead_the_world_toward_GlobalCivilizationalState.html
- New economic system.
- Global_Warming_and_International_Trade_Agreements.html
- 1.) Lead_the_world_toward_Global_Civilizational_State.html
- 2.) Lead_the_world_toward_GlobalCivilizationalState.html
- 3.) Vision_of_a_new_economic_population_military_environmental.html
- 4.) ScaleofGlobalRights_best_educating_tool.html
- Global Justice Movement.
- 1.) Lead_the_world_toward_GlobalCivilizationalState.html
- GlobalParliamentExecutiveCouncil_shall_enact_Legislation.html
- 2.) GlobalCivilization_Justice_GlobalLaw_GPA.html
- 3.) Higher_purpose_of_Humanity_is_serve_God.html
- 4.) Israel_is_not_a_State_nation_country_Global_Community_ democracy_and_not_a_government.html
- 5.) Israel_and_Palestine_only_one_solution_GlobalParliament_ DirectDemocracy_ScaleofGlobalRights.html
- Recommendations.
- 1.) Lead_the_world_toward_GlobalCivilizationalState.html
- 2.) Lead_the_world_toward_Global_Civilizational_State.html
- 3.) Lead_the_world_toward_GlobalCivilizationalState.html
- Global_Dialogue2024_recommendations.html
- 4.) Global_Civilizational_State_dependable_and_trustworthy_ leadership_to_guard_over_and_care_for_all_Life_on_Earth.html
- 5.) Higher_purpose_of_Humanity_is_serve_God.html
- 6.) GlobalVoting_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html
- 7.) Global_Parliament_Constitution_definition.html
- 8.) Global_Constitution_fulfilling_global_sustainability.html
- saving_humanity_teaching_Lessons.html
- 9.) PoliticsandJusticewithoutborders_Who_owns_Earth.html
- 10.) DirectDemocracy_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html
- 11.) Direct_Democracy_implies.html
- 12.) Diplomacy_edited1.html
- 13.) Diplomacy.html
- 14.) Direct_Democracy_Dialogue.html
- 15.) Global_Protection_Agency_to_train_lead_global_force.html
- 16.) GlobalCivilization_Justice_GlobalLaw_GPA.html
- 17.) BuildingGlobalCivilisation_ScaleShortlongtermSolution.html
- 18.) Fossil_fuel_production_developed_economies_means_commitment_ greenhouse_gases_pollution.html
- 19.) Global_Parliament_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- 20.) GlobalCivilizationalState_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- 21.) Sustainable_Global_Civilization.html
- 22.) Global_Constitution.html
- 23.) Global_Constitution_chapters.html
- 24.) GlobalWarming_and_international_trade_agreements.html
- 25.) Vision_of_a_new_economic_population_military_environmental.html
- 26.) Israel_and_Palestine_only_one_solution_GlobalParliament_ irectDemocracy_ScaleofGlobalRights.html
- 27.) TheBiosphere_our_world_Earth.html
- 28.) ScaleofGlobalRights_best_educating_tool.html
- 29.) Israel_is_not_a_State_nation_country_Global_Community_democracy_ and_not_a_government.html
- 30.) VisionEarth2024_Thou_shall_be_One_with_humanity.html
- 31.) Global_Parliament_Federation.html
- 32.) Global_Parliament_Government.html
- 33.) Global_Parliament_institutionsandbodies.html
- 34.) Global_Parliament_Legislation_by_Ministries.html
- 35.) Global_Parliament_Legislation_Codes.html
- 36.) Global_Parliament_Proceedings_2021_to_2026.html
- 37.) Global_Parliament_ScaleGlobalRights_Dialogue.html
- 38.) Global_Parliament.html
- 39.) Global_Protection_Agency_to_train_lead_global_force.html
- 40.) Ministry_of_Global_Resources.html
- 41.) Parliament.html
- 42.) Peace_and_Commonalities_between_Asia_and_the_West.html
- 43.) DirectDemocracy_Savetheworldfrom_Extinction.html
- 44.) Direct_Democracy_implies.html
- 45.) Diplomacy_edited1.html
- 46.) Diplomacy.html
- 47.) Direct_Democracy_Dialogue.html
- 48.) Global_Protection_Agency_to_train_lead_global_force.html
- 49.) GlobalCivilization_Justice_GlobalLaw_GPA.html
- 50.) BuildingGlobalCivilisation_ScaleShortlongtermSolution.html
- Politics_and_Justice_without_borders.html
- 51.) Sustainable_Global_Civilization.html
- 52.) Israel_and_Palestine_only_one_solution_GlobalParliament_ DirectDemocracy_ScaleofGlobalRights.html
- GC_1.Global Community stands for a direct democracy.
- GC_2.Global Community, what we stand for.
- GC_3.Global Community, a global democracy for all Peoples.
- GC_4.What makes Life on planet Earth habitable for all species?
- GC_5.Humanity's new Vision of the world.
- GC_6.Global Community is Earth for all Life.
- GC_7.What makes Earth suitable for all life?
- GC_8. Earth Governance, the Multicivilizational Community, and Global Civilizational State.
- GC_9. Global Community Activities over the past decades of research work.
- GC_10.Earth Court of Justice.
- GC_11. Executive order concerning Global Community's survival and Humanity's new vision of the world.
- GC_12. Evolution, creation and now, Global Civilizational State from 1985 to 2024.
- GC_13. Global Civilizational State, the Multicivilizational Community.
- GC_14. Global politics today reconfigured along cultural lines and civilizations.
- GC_15. In a multicivilizational world, there are core values with different ethnic and religious societies have in common.
- GC_16. Earth governance and management to build a Global Civilization based on global sustainability.
- GC_17. Building Global Communities for all Life and plants.
- GC_18. We belong and depend to a much larger group, that of Global Community, the human family.
- GC_19. What it means to live in a more crowded humanity with finite resources and more pollution threatening the global life-support systems.
- GC_20. All civilizations have certain characteristics and shared communication strategies; and the division of people into social and economic classes.
- GC_21. All world civilizations have values, solutions to handle issues, and a vision for survival as a species.
- GC_22. United Nations is an international organization committed to maintaining international peace and security, and human rights.
- GC_23. Most important characteristics for the development of a Global Civilizational Community, or Multicivilizational Community.
- GC_24. Global Community Direct Democracy for all Life and plants.
- GC_25. Global Civilizational State for free education and training, and a prosperous future and a healthy planet, Earth.
- GC_26. Global Community Proceedings of the Global Dialogue.
- GC_27. Global Parliament values and principles.
- GC_28. Global Parliament's Constitution, Global Ministries, and essential services.
- GC_29. Peace in the world with Global Community, and the sharing of Global Resources.
- GC_30. The establishment of global institutions for sciences, health and education, and research remaining loyal, through and fare within the Multicivilizational Community.
- GC_31. Business and the environment: Global Civilizational State proposes that conflicts be resolved without violence and within a framework of Justice.
- GC_32. Global Civilization issues today.
- GC_33. A global collapse of civilizations appears likely. Global warming, overpopulation, overconsumption and poor choices of technologies are major drivers.
- GC_34. Cause and effect relationship between each important global issue. Let us all protect world's ecosystems which reveal a widespread decline due to increasing resource demands of an overpopulated planet.
- GC_35. Obtaining your Certified Corporate Global Community Citizenship (CCGCC) will help you to show the world your ways of doing business are best for Global Community.
- GC_36. Observables provide support to Global Warming. Tipping points occur when global heating pushes temperatures beyond a critical threshold, leading to accelerated and irreversible impacts.
- GC_37. Global tipping points of greatest concerns. The establishment of truly needed global environmental and ecological institutions.
- GC_38. Leadership needed in the protection of all our natural resources, in peril because of what we do and what that does to our planet. We are facing a fresh water crisis. We are facing a food crisis. We are facing a crisis over deforestation. And we are facing crises in our oceans. While carbon emissions from fossil fuels pollute the air, land and our oceans, we are facing the climate change crisis. Now is the time to press for a sound Global Civilizational State leadership.
- GC_39. Leadership needed to solve the problem of human overpopulation.
- GC_40. Leadership needed to solve the problem of migrants and refugees, persecution, or natural disasters.
- GC_41. With so many people taking so much land that also is needed for biodiversity, agriculture and food production and transportation. “What is going to give?”
- GC_42. Earth’s resources are finite. So, populations cannot be infinite; however, the global population continues to grow, taking more and more land, using up more and more resources, demanding more and more energy and housing.
- GC_43. Individuals can be socially, politically and culturally active to elevate the issues they care about. They can become more environmentally responsible in their purchasing decisions and their use of energy and natural resources.
- GC_44. Sustainable wood consumption is essential for the future of forests. Individuals and institutions alike should promote the ecologically sound and socially responsible use of forest products.
- GC_45. Women leadership needed to manage our planet sustainably for Life.
- GC_46. Global voting system for our Democracy.
- GC_47. Global Civilizational State: Global Ministries are about local to global cooperation.
- GC_48. Global Parliament to govern over Nine (9) or more Global Governments.
- GC_49. Global Civilizational State: application of the Scale of Global Rights to global issues.
- GC_50. Scale of Global Rights: Short and long term solutions to the survival of all Life on Earth.
- GC_51. Scale of Global Rights: What are the most important, difficult, severe global issues?
- GC_52. Global Government of North America (GGNA).
- GC_53. Earth governance and management: Ministry of Global Resources.
- GC_54. Global Protection Agency (GPA): to protect Global Parliament.
- GC_55. Basic classification of the bad and good sections on the Scale of Global Rights.
- GC_56. Peoples: World Population Projection in 2024: 8,118,835,999
- GC_57. Protection of the global life-support systems.
- GC_58. A cause and effect relationship wa applied to each important global issue within the Global Civilizational State.
- GC_59. Direct Democracy: global voting.
- GC_60. Glass Bubble concept of a Global Community: Peoples of all places, cultures, faith and religions are part of Global Community.
- GC_61. Global Civilizational State: Global Justice for all with Global Law.
- GC_62. In 2024, Global Community celebrates its 39th year since its formation in 1985. More significant and meaningful actions needed to save the Earth, all Life.
- GC_63. Evolution, creation and now, Global Civilizational State from 1985 to 2024. Global Civilizational State, the Multicivilizational Community.
- GC_64. Global Peace Movement.
- GC_65. Welcome to your most important global commons within the Multicivilizational Community.
- GC_66. Global Peace Movement: to attain Peace in the world we must take into account many important aspects of Life in society.
- GC_67. Executive order concerning Global Parliament, all of Humanity's new vision of the world.
- GC_68. Global Civilizational State dependable and trustworthy leadership to guard over and care for all Life on Earth.
- GC_69. Global Civilization, the 21st century vision of Global Community.
- GC_70. The recognition of rights of future generations is the right to achieve a sustainable level of development and the right to be able to utilise natural resources. The Scale of Global Rights does answer this thinking.
- GC_71. We, global citizens, do volunteer work for humanity. We expect volunteers to be responsible and accountable of all their actions. In order to create a harmonious and compassionate Global Civilizational State, we want you to become a volunteer.
- GC_72. Civilization and culture both refer to the overall way of life of a people, and involve the values, beliefs, norms, institutions, social structures, and modes of thinking to which successive generations in a given society.
- GC_73. A single Global Civilizational State is a variety of cultures, of peoples, of religious worlds, of historical traditions, and of historically formed attitudes.
- GC_74. America is the distinct core-state civilization of the West and is seen by global citizens as the guardian, custodian and embodiment of Western civilization.
- GC_75. Within China development model, the main features of the civilizational state constitute China's greatest strengths.
- GC_76. When looking across cultures of geo-cultural areas and across millennia, certain virtues have prevailed in all cultures, the major ones include: wisdom, knowledge, courage, justice, love, truth, empathy, kindness, and social intelligence.
- GC_77. Global Civilizational State ethics for a business are about how we treat others and a commitment to respect every person humanely and with dignity.
- GC_78. The increased interaction among peoples which includes trade, investment, tourism, media, electronic communication, is generating a common world culture.
- GC_79. In consequence of globalization, the new economic and political distribution of power around the world has become very different then we were used to.
- GC_80. A distinction must be made between necessary and limitless consumption, between justified and unjustified uses of natural resources, and between a profit-only and a socially beneficial and ecologically oriented market economy.
- GC_81. What would be the shape and fundamental goals of an expansive anti-capitalist movement against extinction and for Environmental Justice?
- GC_82. As Moscow's war in Ukraine rages on, with deadly shelling on cities along the front lines and more clashes in hot spots in southern Ukraine, the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, showed no need to use diplomacy to save his country from being detroyed and his citizens from being killed. NATO and the USA, along with the EU, are expected to help as if wars was the way to solve problems.
- GC_83. Over the past centuries, all of the European nations have been fighting each other or fighting with each other. Diplomacy was never a part of their DNA. They would rather behave like Piranhas. They get together to either fight one another or fight foreigners. Again like Piranhas do.
- GC_84. The primary goal of the developed nations must be to overturn the present expansionary economic system based on capitalism by fostering de-growth and creating steady state societies founded on principles of equality and environmental justice.
- GC_85. "Democratic socialism plus" advocates that the control and management of natural resources be under the control of the people. The 1 % super rich people worldwide who thrive within capitalism, must be overthrown. This new way of governing can be achieve through legitimate democratic means by voting in a party that represents this way of governing. "Democratic socialism plus" implies public owership, not private ownership of natural resources.
- GC_86. Global Constitution describes all values needed for good global governance: mutual respect, tolerance, respect for life, justice for all everywhere, integrity, and caring. The Scale of global Rights has become an inner truth and the benchmark of the millennium in how everyone sees all those values.
- GC_87. It's time for us to come to terms with reality. It's time for us to protect what is left to protect: life itself on Earth. This was the reason for the creation of a planetary biodiversity zone.
- GC_88. Earth has long been waiting for a truly global governing body based on universal values, global rights, global concepts and democracy. We must develop and apply the vision of a sustainable way of life locally, nationally, regionally, globally, and within ourselves throughout life.
- GC_89. Our Global Peace Mouvement is about the courage to live a life in a harmonious peace order and showing by example, thus preventing poverty, wars, terror and violence. We need to educate the coming generations with good principles, being compassionate, social harmony and global sustainability being some of them.
- GC_90. Global Community is inviting you to participate in the formation of global symbiotical relationships between people, institutions, cities, provinces,communities, nations, and businesses. We are also proposing the formation of a political symbiotical relationship between state and global civil society.
- GC_91. Global Community ethics offer fundamental moral behaviors and irrevocable standards. Global Community faith is about realizing this new global order will be better, safer, and more realistic after replacing the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the Scale of Global Rights.
- GC_92. Global Civilizational State: the application of the Scale of Global Rights to the most important global issues threatening humanity's survival worldwide.
- GC_93. The very first step of the Federation, we want each Global Government to take a larger share of responsibility of the specific region where it operates, and be more accountable to the people of that region, and to all life on Earth. Global Community has researched and developed such services and listed them here.
- GC_94. Today's international trade agreements are obsolete and primitive. Let us first define what we mean by "Global Protection Agency (GPA)", and of course what we mean by "essential services" in the global context of humanity.
- GC_95. The worst environmental degradation happens in wars. Emissions from factories and vehicles have caused ozone depletion and acid rain.
- GC_96. Global Community ethics includes a process based on Scale of Global Rights. Global citizens have a binding responsibility for the welfare of all humanity and care for all life on Earth.
- GC_97. Scale of Global Rights contains six (6) sections. Section 1 has more importance than all other sections below, and so on. Concerning sections 1, 2, and 3, it shall be Global Civilization highest priority to guarantee these rights to their respective Member Nations and to have proper legislation andimplement and enforce global law as it applies and as shown in the Global Constitution.
- GC_98. Scale of Global Rights definition.
- GC_99. Climate change is definitely at the top of the most global important issues facing our planet today. While this issue primarily focuses on global warming, changes in precipitation, air quality, biodiversity, “habitable” zones and many other areas are part of and affected by climate change.
- GC_100. In consequence of globalization, giant new markets are forming all over the world. Competition is hardening. National economies can no longer insure or guarantee rights of possession on any property. National borders no longer mean protection, security, cultural boundaries, resources ownership, political and economic control.
- GC_101. Global Community is declaring a moratorium on immigration all over the world, on all applications for immigration, until applicants from any religious or cultural background have satisfied completely Global Community standard for a population fertility rate of 1.3 children per family. That is Global Law.
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