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The following table shows a summary of the Proceedings of the Global Dialogue as evaluated by the Global Community Assessment Centre (GCAC) | |
a) Tracking armed conflicts within and between nations around the world and offering assistance in dispute resolution;
b) Promoting human and Earth rights and democracy for the people;
c) Monitoring democratic elections; and
d) Educating the public about the advantages of a peaceful solution to any conflict.
1. reducing the rate and magnitudes of change through mitigating the causes, and
2. reducing the harmful consequences through anticipatory adaptation.
1. policy response to the consequences of the global warming, and
2. strategies to adapt to the consequences of the unavoidable climate change.
Report: Evaluation of Global Community Data |
The evaluation of GESDI and GSDP
was conducted for the following world regions:
North America,
Central America and the Caribbean,
South America,
South-East Asia,
Middle-East, and
The 9 world regions correspond to the 9 global governments proposed by Earth Government in the Global Constitution.
This report will be made available at a later day.
Global Data |
Global data used for the evaluation of the Global Community data will be made available at a later day along with the report.
Developing a scale of values and designing and testing quality indicators is the most important task. The Gross Environmental Sustainable Development Index (GESDI)
Table of Contents
Theme of Global Dialogue 2024
Short and long term solutions to save the world.
Global participants files.
My name is
Global Community, Global Parliament, Federation of Global Governments,
Global Civilizational State
Return to Global Dialogue 2024
Return to Global Community activities.
Federation of Global Governments Global Community WebNet Ltd. (Canada) Email address: germaindufour4@gmail.com, Global Community WebNet Ltd. (Canada)
Note: show a short description of the work done by Global Community over the past 39 years. A listing of all the work done from year 1985 to 2024 follows below here after the title "Table of Contents". And a more complete listing of all our work done ever since 1985 starts with the title:
Global participants files.
Table of Contents
Sorry not all links were properly finished. Not enough time! But you can finish or access each and everyone of them. Here is how I have done it. First connect with
"index_january_7_2024.html" major section. Then add to it
The Table of Contents of the work done by Global Community since 1985, including our Vision of Earth in 2024.
As never before in history, common destiny beckons us to seek a new beginning. It requires a new sense of global interdependence and universal responsibility. We must develop and apply the vision of a sustainable way of life locally, nationally, regionally, globally, and within ourselves throughout life. Our global cultural diversity is a precious heritage and different cultures will find their own distinctive ways to realize the global vision.
In order to build a sustainable global community, each individual, each local community, and national governments of the world must initiate their commitment to Global Civilizational Community, which we have defined as a social, and political movement in the sense of having a broad organizational structure and an ideology aimed at governing. The environmental movement, within Global Civilizational Community, expresses the concerns of groups of people regarding depletion of water, clean air, climate change aspects, degradation of land and other changes in ecosystems affecting traditional patterns of natural resources exploitation. Global Civilizational State has taken the role of helping these groups in protecting and managing our mutual global vision by coordinating efforts.
Global Civilizational State has now a Vision of the Earth in Year 2024 and a sense of direction. Global Civilizational Community has embarks on a new path in history, the inevitability of global societies living, sharing, and creating symbiotical relationships interactively. Global Civilizational State is a governing body based on universal values, global rights, global concepts and direct democracy which defines us all. Yes! Now we all can vote on creating our global vision together. We might as well start working on this new way of doing things, and creating governing institutions now; there is no longer any reason to wait. Global Civilizational State conducts affairs in ways to promote political, economic, cultural and scientific relations, while maintaining peaceful relationships.
Our creativity today already influences tomorrow's socio-economic strategies and contribute to the evolution of human societies - an evolution directed towards a global partnership and cooperation with each other for survival. Global Civilizational State was first to oppose any type of invasion of a people by another people. Global Civilizational State opposes environmental, economic, population and military warfares.
For example, to explain further as Moscow's war in Ukraine rages on, with deadly shelling on cities along the front lines and more clashes in hot spots in southern Ukraine, sadly, regrettably, and disastrously, the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, showed no need to use diplomacy to save his country from being detroyed and his citizens from being killed.
Before the war, President Vladimir Putin demanded NATO and the USA to turn the clock back to 1997 and remove its forces and military infrastructure from Central Europe, Eastern Europe and the Baltics. In his eyes, the West promised back in 1990 that NATO would expand "not an inch to the east", yet did so anyway.
NATO and the USA, along with the EU, are helping as if wars were the only way to solve problems in the Ukraine. This is the same kind of wrong behaviour these people and states from the EU have been using between themselves over the past centuries. They behave as if war was the answer to all their problems or concerns. Diplomacy never not to be used.
Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, was a British statesman, soldier, and writer, who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom twice, from 1940 to 1945 during the Second World War, and again from 1951 to 1955. The First World War (WWI) was fought from 1914 to 1918 and the Second World War (or WWII) was fought from 1939 to 1945. They were the largest military conflicts in human history. At the outbreak of war in 1914, Churchill was serving as First Lord of the Admiralty.
In 1915 he helped orchestrate the disastrous Dardanelles naval campaign and was also involved in the planning of the military landings on Gallipoli, both of which saw large losses of his armies. As prime minister (1940–45) during most of World War II, Winston Churchill shaped Allied strategy in the war. In both world wars Winston Churchill would have been able to use diplomacy to end the wars. But diplomacy was not his way to deal with problems, and neither the West's way, to fight Adolf Hitler Army.
Gross Sustainable Development Product (GSDP)
An other indicator was developed to measure the costs of development: the Gross Sustainable Development Product (GSDP).
The GSDP is defined as the total value of production within a region over a specified period of time. It is measured using market prices for goods and services transactions in the economy. The GSDP is designed to replace the Gross Development Product (GDP) as the primary indicator of the economic performance of a nation.
The GSDP takes into accounts:
· the economic impacts of environmental and health degradation or improvement, resource depletion or findings of new stocks, and depreciation or appreciation of stocks;
· the impact of people activity on the environment, the availability of resources, and economic development;
· the "quality" of the four major quality systems and the impacts of changes in these systems on national income and wealth;
· global concerns and their impacts on the economy;
· the welfare, economic development and quality of life of future generations;
· expenditures on pollution abatement and clean-ups, people health, floods, vehicle accidents, and on any negative impact costs;
· the status of each resource and the stocks and productive capacities of exploited populations and ecosystems, and make sure that those capacities are sustained and replenished after use; and
· the depreciation or appreciation of natural assets, the depletion and degradation of natural resources and the environment, ecological processes and biological diversity, the costs of rectifying unmitigated environmental damage, the values of natural resources, capital stocks, the
impacts of degradation or improvement, social costs, health costs, environmental clean-up costs, and the costs of the environment, economic growth, and resources uses to current and future generations and to a nation’s income.
The measurement of GSDP shows that consumption levels can be maintained without depleting and depreciating the quality and quantity of services. It indicates the solutions to the problems as well as the directions to take, such as:
· increase productivity;
· modify social, educational programs and services;
· slow down or increase economic growth;
· remediate components of the four major quality systems; and
· rectify present shortcomings of income and wealth accounts.
The measurement of GSDP also gives a proper and sound signal to the public, government and industry about the rate and direction of economic growth; it identifies environmental, health, and social quality; it identifies sustainable and unsustainable levels of resource and environmental uses; it measures the success or failure of sustainable development policies and practices; and it identifies resource scarcity. Values obtained enable us to make meaningful comparisons of
sustainable development between cities, provinces, nations over the entire planet.
A status report of all physical accounts show the physical state and availability of resources and the state of the environment. Examples of the physical stock accounts are:
• wildlife • agricultural • soils • fish
• protected wilderness areas • flow rate of water
Valuation in terms of money accounts is difficult for some non-market values such as:
* soil carrying capacity and productivity * acid rain deposition
* biodiversity * wilderness and protected areas * land productivity
GESDI can be obtained for these quality indicators that are difficult to give a money value to. Both the GESDI and GSDP are measured together and tell us about the quality and cost of development, locally and globally.
Measurements of GESDI and GSDP provide insights for the discussion of issues such as :
· Are People aspects being stressed too far?
· Are resources and the environment managed in a sustainable manner?
· What forms of community and home designs promote sustainability?
· In what ways should social, educational, and health programs and services be modified?
· Is this generation leaving to the future generation a world that is at least as diverse and productive as the one it inherited?
· What improvements can be brought up to the quality of development?
is quantitatively describing quality indicators rather than merely measuring different variables. GESDI includes all possible aspects, all physical, biological, health, social and cultural components which routinely influences the lives of individuals and communities.
If we are to achieve effective evaluation of quality, comprehensive data are needed about the status and changes of the variables. Optimally, these data may be organized in terms of indices that in some fashion aggregate relevant data. These indices are in turn used to predict the impact of public and private actions, assess conditions and trends, and determine the effectiveness of programs in all areas.
For instance, reliable data are needed to evaluate the effects of human activities on the environment and to determine what possible actions that can be done to ameliorate the adverse effects. The quality of urban environment constitutes a major test of the level of the well-being of a nation as a society. Essential elements of an adequate urban environment include the following parts: * Health care system, * Educational system, * Seniors'care, * Food chain, nutrition, * Population growth, * Farming communities, * Parks, * Psychological, biological, genetics and evolution, * Spiritual pathways, * Entertainment, * Quality of life, customs and beliefs, information access, communication, aesthetics * Decent housing, suitable community services, * Pollution, waste, * An atmosphere of social justice, * Family stability, * Religion, * Infrastructures and facilities, land planning, * Juvenile crimes, gangs, drugs, illiteracy, * Socio-cultural and political influences, multi-culturalism, laws, * Anthropological, Aboriginals, Natives issues.
Knowing what are the important elements of sustainable development allows us to structure indicators into major areas such as demographic data; the economic data of the individual, family, and household; the status of the region's economy; housing, community facilities, and aesthetic quality; social quality. Here also the weights given to the different segments of the evaluation were obtained or guess-estimated from the results of the Survey on the Scale of Values.
Indexes are dimensionless and discrete.
GESDI can be determined by defining an impact or stress equation which itself separates ecological balance and pollution into basic sustainable development impacts. An impact or stress I is created by the interactions between four major quality systems: People, Economic
Developmen, Environment and Availability of Resources.
The function I is a product of four index scales of assessments: U, G, P and C. Each product indicates the relative importance of a given impact, or stress, with respect to the four major quality systems.
where Ii,E = Ui Gi Pi ( W C )i,E
Ii,PA = Ui Gi Pi ( W C )i,PA
Ii,AR = Ui Gi Pi ( W C )i,AR
Ii,ED = Ui Gi Pi ( W C )i,ED
and where E, PA, AR and ED represent the components of the four major quality systems.
The components of the Economic Development system, ED, relate to progress whether it is economically at home, in our community, or in the ways of doings things. New ways of doing things pervade this system. The ideal is to find safe ways of doing things. More and more new consumer products and building materials are brought into the market every year. With less and less government it is getting harder to control all what is brought on the market and therefore more of the non-safe types of products will appear. How do we protect a population from such products? Competitive forces will not necessarily be helping improving the environment and our health.
The components of the People or Social system, PA, relate to human activities and their actions, interactions and reactions. The social and economic well-being of the people and their health are pivotal points for this system.
The components of the Environment system, E, refer to the media through which impacts are transmitted. Each component interacts with other components in the system as well as with components in all other systems.
If only the impacts, or stresses related to the Environment are considered then Ii is called the Environmental Quality Equation and the results obtained here are an Environmental Sustainable Developmen.If only the impacts, or stresses related to the Economic Development are considered then the results obtained here are a Sustainable Economic Development. If only the impacts, or stresses related to People are considered then the results obtained are a Sustainable Community Development and a Sustainable Home Developmen. In each case, impacts or stresses must be made to interact with all four major quality systems.
The Urgency index, U, expresses the importance of the need to find a solution to the stress within a reasonable period of time or else the impact will cause significant damages to components of the four major quality systems.
The Geographical Extent index, G, expresses the significant detectable geographical extent of the stress or impact, and includes all major media and modes of transportation and communications.
The Persistence index, P, expresses the period of time during which the effects of the stress or impact will still be felt at a significant level.
The Number of Interactions index, C, describes the relative complexity of the stress or impact while interacting with each of the four major quality systems. An interaction is counted whether it was documented, or is likely or expected to occur. The weight, W, expresses the probability or a judgment value of an interaction and its degree of importance. Results of the Survey on the Scale of Values
were used to guess-estimate the weights for the impacts.
The four interacting circles are quality systems. They are used because together they form a neat
geometric expression about a complicated intellectual concept. They represent interactions.
These interactions occur between the systems and within each individual system.
Here same-size circles represent mathematical local/global indicators that have been developed for assessing and measuring sustainable development within four equally-important realities in local/global life. The scale (to be presented during the World Congress) used within the mathematical model reflects the importance of each quality system in ensuring a sound future for Earth.
People need a healthy environment and resources for industry. Businesses cannot thrive without people or resources. Economic stability depends on people, resources, and good businesses. And all of the above cannot exist without environment.
The four interacting circles are a simplistic expression of our need for one another, our
interaction, the thoughtless damage we can cause. We are worlds within worlds orbiting in and through each other’s space. This interaction can be planned and executed in a caring, considerate manner so that all may exist and not destroy the other.
The impact equation defines the four interacting circles.
Ii = Ui Gi Pi (( W C )i,E+ ( W C )i,PA+( W C )i,AR+ ( W C )i,ED)
The new scale of value used for the evaluation is primarily based on the Scale of Human and Earth Rights.
The following is the design depicting the impact interactions.
Global Civilizational State: application of the Scale of Global Rights to global issues.
List of all participants and authors with their work from 1985 to 2007.
All work can be found in Global Proceedings.
Global Information Media (GIM) publishing monthly Newsletters dealing with global issues.
Germain Joseph Dufour
I am
President of Global Parliament
Global Civilizational Community
Multicivilizational Community
Global Community
and also President
of my own Canadian business and website:
Global Community WebNet Ltd.
And welcome to all of you global citizens.
"Global Community is defined as being all that exits or occurs at any location at any time between the Ozone layer above
and the core of the planet below.
It is defined around a given territory, that territory being the planet as a whole, as well as a specific population, which is all life forms on Earth."
By extension, the expression Global Community also includes the entire Universe, space and time, all matter, galaxies, dark matter, all particles and all unknown parts of the Universe yet to be discovered. Global Community also includes all Souls, SoulLife God, and that makes it different than just saying Global Community is the Universe
The following 4 listings:
1) Vision of Earth in 2024: Global Parliament. Federation of 9 or more Global Governments. Global Constitution. Global Protection Agency (GPA). Global Ministries. Global Law. Scale of Global Rights. Direct Democracy. Diplomacy. Essential Services to all member nations.
2) Vision 2024. Higher purpose of Global Community.
3) Vision of Earth in 2024: Evolution, Constitution, Federation of Global Governments vs the United Nations (UN).
Global Parliament governing institutions and bodies.
4) Vision 2024. Politics and Justice without borders.
GC_1.Global Community stands for a direct democracy.
and ends with the title
GC_101. Global Community is declaring a moratorium on immigration all over the world, on all applications for immigration, until applicants from any religious or cultural background have satisfied completely Global Community standard for a population fertility rate of 1.3 children per family. That is Global Law.
describes all the work done since 1985, and where it can be found. Follow the links! All links can take you to hundreds of other links concerning our work done over the past 39 years. Participate in the Global Dialogue 2024 by sending us an email at:
Participate and add your name to the Participants Listing and/or the Authors Listing at:
List of all Participants and Authors with their work from 1985 to 2024.
All work can be found in Global Proceedings.
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