Global Dialogue 2012 Overview involved over 260 leaders from 90 countries. Participants were from 130 nations to dialogue on hundreds of issues.
The OVERVIEW of Global Dialogue 2012 was written from the materials found in the workshop sessions, group discussions by email and discussion roundtables summaries, brain-storming exercises, vision statements, comments and
recommendations, reviewing of research papers and from results of the dialogue held from September 1st 2011 to August 31st 2012, and especially the dialogue held in the month of August.
Materials published in the press releases, proclamations and Newsletters were also included.
Global Dialogue 2012 Overview includes the:
Overview of all papers, articles, comments, opinions, recommendations of Global Dialogue 2012 by name and email, and with listing of relevant issues - workshop sessions.

- Global Peace Earth movement to help
- Global Peace Village movement to help
- Global Ministries
- Peace animations
- Ministry of Global Peace
Authors of research papers and articles on issues of Earth management
A) energy worlwide and,
B) concerns about the protection of the global life-support systems
We thank authors for their hard work and activism. Over the past several decades, they have fought hard for the protection of the
global life-support systems and, certainly, the Tar Sands of Alberta, an environmental nightmare of global proportions, have been
the subject of many of us. Not over yet! But for now thank you and keep writing to us.
Read acknowledgment and thank you letter to USA President Barack Obama for his decision to delay approval of the Keystone XL Pipeline,
a 1,700 mile pipeline that would have brought environmentally-disastrous crude from Alberta’s tar sands to Gulf Coast refineries.
A series of letters, papers and animations concerning environmentally-disastrous crude from Alberta’s tar sands:
a) Animation movie in (.swf) 
b) Animation movie in (.wmv) 
c) Canadian tar sands oil a living insanity. 
d) Stop the madness of tar sands oil pipeline construction.
e) Dirty tar sands oil bi-products of Alberta, Canada, used for global pollution and mass destruction.
f) To all Texans: this land and its resources are no longer ours so get ready to be relocated.
Part A
Part B
g) Earth Court of Global Rights and Justice
Vote Democrats! Vote President Obama!
h) Letter to President Barack Obama concerning your re-election as President of the United States of America
Research and animations concerning Peace in the world:
Authors of research papers and articles on issues of Global Peace 
Authors of research papers and articles on issues of Global Peace 
What Peace amongst nations means? 
Global Peace Movement and Disarmament 
What Peace amongst nations means 
The Canadian experience is the pathway to Peace in the world 
Peace amongst nations means follow the pathway to Peace in the world 
Building a Global Civilization for all life 
Fundamentals for Peace
Global Protection Agency (GPA) 
What we can no longer do 
What we must do for Peace 
Global Rights year one 
The Global Community Peace Movement has declared a planetary state of emergency. Global Community Peace advocates have told their stories 
Essential services 
Essential services HQ 
Global Essential Services Main Index 
Global Community of North America (GCNA) Emergency, Rescue, and Relief Centre 
Federation of Global Governments Emergency, Rescue, and Relief Centre 
Recommendations resulting from the assessment of all papers, articles, and comments of Global Dialogue 2012

[ Portal of the Global Community ]
[ the Global Community ]
[ Global Dialogue ]
[ Global Peace Village: the way forward ]
[ Glass-bubble concept of a Global Community ]
[ Global Peace Village ]
[ Global Peace Movement ]
[ Global Movement to help ]
[ Short list of previous articles and papers on Global Peace ]
[ Old research papers on the definition of " a Global Community", "the Global Community" ]
[ Theme of Global Dialogue 2012 is Global Peace Village: the way forward ]
[ Global Community issues on overpopulation worldwide ]
[ Earth management: energy and protection of the global life-support systems ]
List of participants who sent their work on the issues of Global Dialogue 2012
Agence France Presse  ,
AFP  ,
Isolda Agazzi  ,
Al Jazeera  ,
Associated Press  ,
Ward Anseeuw  ,
Sharon Astyk  ,
Bill Van Auken  ,
John Scales Avery (5)  ,
Subhankar Banerjee  ,
Abdul Basit  ,
Glen Barry  ,
Elias Biryabarema  ,
David Bollier  ,
Francis A. Boyle  ,
Lisa Kaas Boyle  ,
Seth Borenstein  ,
Fred Branfman  ,
Lester R. Brown  ,
Geoff Brumfiel  ,
Bob Burnett  ,
Roger Bybee  ,
Mijin Cha  ,
Michelle Chen  ,
Charles Q. Choi  ,
Noam Chomsky  ,
Farooque Chowdhury (4)  ,
Robert E. Cobb (2)  ,
Commission on Justice  ,
Common Dreams Staff (6)  ,
Jonathan Cook  ,
Shamus Cooke  ,
Steve Connor  ,
Lorenzo Cotula  ,
Guy Crequie (16)  ,
Dr. Peter Custers (2)  ,
Garry Davis  ,
Mike Davis  ,
William deBuys  ,
Carlos de Castro  ,
David DeGraw  ,
Danielle Droitsch  ,
Marielle Dufour (2)  ,
Rene Dufour  ,
Gwynne Dyer  ,
Stephanie Elizondo  ,
Justin Elliott (2)  ,
Tom Engelhardt  ,
Robert Engelman  ,
Dr. Mark Everard  ,
Larry Everest  ,
Alyssa Figueroa  ,
John Bellamy Foster  ,
Jennifer Francis  ,
Timothy V. Gatto  ,
Dana Gabriel  ,
Sarah van Gelder  ,
Susan George  ,
Tina Gerhardt  ,
Abdus Sattar Ghazali  ,
Andrew Glikson (3)  ,
Jessica Goad  ,
Juan Gonzalez  ,
Peter Goodchild (5)  ,
Amy Goodman (2)  ,
Glenn Greenwald  ,
Robert Greenwald  ,
John Michael Greer  ,
Rein Haarsma  ,
James Hansen (2)  ,
Ghali Hassan  ,
Fiona Harvey (2)  ,
William T. Hathaway  ,
Chris Hedges (2)  ,
Richard Heinberg (3)  ,
Gary Holt  ,
Steve Horn  ,
John James  ,
Jay Janson  ,
Robert Jensen  ,
Alok Jha  ,
Zaid Jilani  ,
Brad Johnson  ,
Eric Johnson (2)  ,
Rania Khalek  ,
Nehginpao Kipgen  ,
Michael T. Klare (4)  ,
Naomi Klein (2)  ,
Mike Konczal  ,
David Korten (2)  ,
William Kotke  ,
Stephen Lacey  ,
William Lazonick  ,
Stephen Leahy (3)  ,
Rousbeh Legatis  ,
Les Leopold  ,
Jon Letman  ,
Lise  ,
Tara Lohan (3)  ,
Fred Magdoff (2)  ,
Chris Marsden  ,
Kim Martineau  ,
Manu V. Mathai  ,
Bill McKibben (5)  ,
Guy R. McPherson (3)  ,
Dr. Charles Mercieca (9)  ,
Leslaw Michnowski  ,
Christopher Mims  ,
Maureen Nandini Mitra  ,
Dianne Monroe  ,
Joy Merwin Monteiro  ,
Chris Mooney  ,
David Morris  ,
Tom Murphy (7)  ,
Chandra Muzaffar  ,
PZ Myers  ,
Peace and Creation of the NCC India  ,
Tim Newcomb  ,
P. Ngigi Njoroge  ,
Geert Jan van Oldenborgh  ,
Christian Parenti  ,
Lynn Parramore  ,
Fred Pearce  ,
Dr Gideon Polya (4)  ,
Bill Quigley  ,
Mazin Qumsiyeh  ,
Barath Raghavan  ,
Md. Hasibur Rahman (2)  ,
Paul Craig Roberts  ,
Sara Robinson  ,
Phil Rockstroh  ,
Joe Romm (3)  ,
Nicholas Russo  ,
Jon Rynn  ,
Sarah Saba  ,
Ismail Salami  ,
Steven Earl Salmony  ,
Carrie Saxifrage  ,
Eugenie Scott  ,
Sarah Seltzer (3)  ,
Devinder Sharma  ,
Shankar Sharma  ,
Vandana Shiva (2)  ,
Dr. Habib Siddiqui  ,
Sarah Simpson  ,
Kavaljit Singh  ,
Pablo Sol'n  ,
Charles Sullivan  ,
Michael Taylor  ,
Desmond Tutu  ,
Matt Taibbi  ,
Scott Thill  ,
Nick Turse  ,
Desmond Tutu  ,
Bill Van Auken (2)  ,
John Vidal  ,
Rene WADLOW  ,
Jay Walljasper  ,
Bill Walker  ,
Jay Walljasper  ,
Chip Ward  ,
Gary Weiss  ,
Tom Whipple (2)  ,
Jody Williams  ,
Liz Alden Wily  ,
Stiv Wilson  ,
Steven Wishnia  ,
Naomi Wolf  ,
World Watch Institute (2)  ,
Mickey Z  ,
Jess Zimmerman
List of papers, articles, comments, opinions, recommendations concerning the issues of Global Dialogue 2012 (by name and email)
Agence France Presse, Occupy Wall Street, Other Corporate Greed Protests Spread to 951 Cities Across the World ,
AFP Oceans' Acidity at Highest Point in 300 Million Years
Isolda Agazzi, Global Corporations Undermining Democracy Worldwide
Al Jazeera, US Soldier Kills 17 Afghans In Shooting Spree
Ward Anseeuw, Dual Citizenship Impacting on Patriotism and Creating Unrest for the Global Peace,
Associated Press, Greenhouse Gases Rise By Record Amount
Sharon Astyk, 7 billion: Understanding The Demographic Transition
Bill Van Auken, CIA Directing Arms Shipments To Syria's Rebels
John Scales Avery, Adverse Effects Of Globalization
John Scales Avery, Four Futures
John Scales Avery, The Origin Of Cooperation
John Scales Avery, Limits To Growth And Climate Change
John Scales Avery Facing A Set Of Linked Problems
Subhankar Banerjee Shell Game In The Arctic
Glen Barry, U.S. Abrupt Climate Change 2012
Abdul Basit, Recycling Earth 
Elias Biryabarema, Extreme Weather Set To Worsen With Climate Change: IPCC,
David Bollier, Planning For The Rio+20 Conference: Enter The Commons
Seth Borenstein, Ticking Greenhouse Gas Time Bomb: Melting Permafrost,
Francis A. Boyle The Criminality Of Nuclear Deterrance
Lisa Kaas Boyle, Help for a Plastic Planet: New Report Focuses on Solutions to Global Plastic Pollution
Fred Branfman, Young Hillary Clinton Used to Think Kissinger Was Criminal and Immoral: Now in Laos, She Follows In His Footsteps
Lester R. Brown, Expanding Desert, Falling Water Tables, and Toxic Pollutants Are Driving People From Their Homes
Geoff Brumfiel, Particles Found to Travel Faster Than Speed of Light
Bob Burnett, 5 Reasons Capitalism Has Failed
Roger Bybee, Workers Battle ExxonMobil Over Safety at Baton Rouge Refinery
Mijin Cha, Obama Picks Sides on Keystone XL: TransCanada Wins. Earth, Everyone Else Loses
Michelle Chen, What Do Students Learn When Cities Refuse to Fairly Treat Their Teachers?,
Charles Q. Choi, Leading Light: What Would Faster-Than-Light Neutrinos Mean for Physics?
Noam Chomsky, If We Want A Chance At A Decent Future, The Movement Here And Around The World Must Grow
Farooque Chowdhury, Toward Sino-Russian Comprehensive Strategic Relationship,
Farooque Chowdhury, A Drama In Disarray: G20 Summit In Cannes
Farooque Chowdhury, Democratic Struggle And The Struggle For The Environment Are Tied Together ,
Farooque Chowdhury, The Poor And The Privileged And A Proposal On Resource Use
Robert E. Cobb, Global Freshwater from Seawater
Robert E. Cobb, RDIL - NASA Kepler Mission  
Commission on Justice, Peace and Creation of the NCC India, Madurai Declaration On Climate Change
Common Dreams Staff, Humanity Must Stabilize Population, Consumption Or Face 'Downward Vortex' Of 'Ills'
Common Dreams Staff, Arctic Methane In Vicious Cycle Of Global Warming
Common Dreams staff, Global Temperatures Could Rise By More Than 2?C By Mid-Century: Report
Common Dreams Staff, Earth Facing Imminent Environmental 'Tipping Point
Common Dreams, Report: Extreme Weather Tied to Man-Made Climate Change
Common Dreams Arctic Sea Ice Could Vanish In 10 Years: Study
Jonathan Cook, The Evil Of Humanitarian Wars
Shamus Cooke, Next Steps For The Occupy Movement,
Steve Connor, Retreat Of Arctic Sea Ice Releases Plumes Of Methane: Climate Feedback Catastrophe? ,
Lorenzo Cotula, Dual Citizenship Impacting on Patriotism and Creating Unrest for the Global Peace,
Guy Crequie
32.0 APRES LA CAPTURE ET LE DECES DU COLONEL KADHAFI. Appel a l intelligence et a la lucidite des peuples !
34.0 Reve ou realite? Projection de l'humain du XXIe siecle
35.0 GUY CREQUIE en concert: AveMaria.mp3 and Granada.mp3
36.0 Guy CREQUIE ecrivain et chanteur venissian ) en concert! BECAUSEMP3CREQUIE-01.mp3
37.0 GUY CREQUIE (GIL CONTI ) en concert: Oh mon Amour Oh!MonAmour.mp3
39.0 Traiter la personne comme une fin..Cette quete philosophique, reste d une brulante actualite au quotidien !
41.0 G 20 ET REALITES DES PEUPLES: quelques commentaires !
42.0 Chroniques sur le monde & enjeux planétaires. (titre d'un nouveau livre)
Guy Crequie,
Elections legislatives en Iran !
8 mars : journee internationale pour le respect des droits fondamentaux de la femme !
Dr. Peter Custers, The Keystone XL Pipeline: Will Humanity's Survival Interests Prevail?
Dr. Peter Custers, Canada's Exit From The Kyoto Protocol: Selling Dirtiest Oil At All Cost,
Mike Davis, The Decline and Fall of the American Empire
William deBuys Get Used to the American West in Flames: What Living With the 'New Normal' Will Mean
Carlos de Castro, Global Wind Power Potential: Physical And Technological Limits
David DeGraw, Debt, Debt, Debt: 90% of Americans Experience Income Decline As Wealth Gets Sucked Back Into Top .1% -- Debt Explodes As We Try to Make Ends Meet
Danielle Droitsch, Report: Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline More of an Economic Liability than Benefit
Marielle Dufour, Les messages des Elohim et "la constante de l' amour peut faire maintenir l' harmonie et l' equilibre dans notre univers"
Marielle Dufour, Meditation cosmique (video)
Rene Dufour, PLAN NORD CHINOIS 2012
Gwynne Dyer, Rio+20: Vengeance Too Long Delayed
Stephanie Elizondo, Exposing the Grave Dangers of Life in an Oil Refinery Zone Climate Emergency Action Plan
Justin Elliott, Occupy Wall Street Goes Global: 900 Protests Around the World, Thousands in Times Square,
Justin Elliott, The 20 Worst Wall Street Banks Funding Our Filthiest Polluters,
Tom Engelhardt, The Military Solution
Robert Engelman, Revisiting Population Growth: The Impact Of Ecological Limits,
Dr. Mark Everard, Common Ground: Securing A Future For All Who Share Our Planet?s Resources,
Larry Everest, Look At The Facts: Who Is The REAL Nuclear Threat In The Middle East ?
Alyssa Figueroa 5 Critical Actions That Really Can Put Us on a Sustainable Path
John Bellamy Foster, The Four Laws Of Ecology And The Four Anti-Ecological Laws Of Capitalism
Jennifer Francis, Linking Weird Weather To Rapid Warming Of The Arctic
Timothy V. Gatto, The Problem Is The United States
Dana Gabriel, Using The TPP To Renegotiate And Expand NAFTA
Sarah van Gelder, Climate Emergency Action Plan
Susan George, Defend The Biosphere And Stop Punishing The Innocent
Tina Gerhardt, Our Oceans Are in Dire Shape, But Without Them All Life on Land -- Human, Plant and Animal -- Is Totally Screwed,
Abdus Sattar Ghazali, The Politics Of Gas Pipelines In Asia,
Andrew Glikson, Mass Extinction Of Species And Climate Change (PDF)
Andrew Glikson, The deep time blueprints of anthropogenic global change
Andrew Glikson, On Arctic Sea ice melt and coal mine canaries
Jessica Goad, Thousands Circle White House to Protest Keystone XL: Will They Abandon Obama if Pipeline is Approved?
Juan Gonzalez, "Poverty Is the Problem" With our Public Schools, Not Teachers' Unions
Peter Goodchild, Petroleum And Population
Peter Goodchild, Waking In The Half World
Peter Goodchild, Global Energy And Resources
Peter Goodchild, Will China Survive?
Peter Goodchild, The Future Size Of World Population
Amy Goodman, "Poverty Is the Problem" With our Public Schools, Not Teachers' Unions
Amy Goodman, Climate Change: This Is Just the Beginning
Glenn Greenwald, Three myths about the detention bill,
Robert Greenwald, Meet the 0.01 Percent: War Profiteers
John Michael Greer, An Elegy For The Age Of Space
Geert Jan van Oldenborgh & Rein Haarsma Global Warming According To Scientific Projections
James Hansen, Game Over For The Climate
James Hansen Climate Change Is Here ? And Worse Than We Thought
Ghali Hassan, NATO of Terror
Fiona Harvey, European Union Moves Toward Banning Tar Sands,
Fiona Harvey, Deal Reached in Durban But Scientists Say it Won't Avert Catastrophic Climate Change,
William T. Hathaway, Globalizing The Intifada
Chris Hedges, The Globalization of Hollow Politics
Chris Hedges The Science Of Genocide
Richard Heinberg, Conservation: There Is No Alternative
Richard Heinberg, End-Of-Growth Uprising Goes Global,
Richard Heinberg, What We Are For,
Gary Holt, A Global Constitution,
Steve Horn, Has Obama Just Kicked Off Another Oil War -- This Time in Africa?
John James A Degree By Degree Explanation Of Global Warming
Jay Janson, US Armed Forces Day Pride In The Mass-Murder Of Millions
Robert Jensen, As The Earth Turns: Going Global With Perennial Polyculture Agriculture,
Alok Jha, Neutrinos still faster than light in latest version of experiment
Zaid Jilani, 5 Facts You Should Know About the Wealthiest One Percent of Americans ,
Brad Johnson, Obama Announces He Will Expedite Construction of Part of Keystone XL Pipeline
Eric Johnson, Tar Sands Fight Goes Beyond Keystone: A Little-Known Pipeline Plan Could Prove Disastrous for British Columbia
Eric Johnson, Tar Sands Fight Goes Beyond Keystone: A Little-Known Pipeline Plan Could Prove Disastrous for British Columbia,
Rania Khalek, Food Emergency: How the World Bank and IMF Have Made African Famine Inevitable
Nehginpao Kipgen, Prospect of peace, stability in Myanmar
Michael T. Klare, Energy Wars 2012,
Michael T. Klare,
High Gas Prices Are Here to Stay: Why 21st Century Oil Will Break the Bank -- and the Planet
Why High Oil Prices Are Here To Stay
Michael T. Klare, A New Energy Third World In North America?
Michael T. Klare, 6 Global Conflicts That Have Flared Up Over Oil and Gas
Naomi Klein, Occupy Wall Street: The Most Important Thing in the World Now,
Naomi Klein, To Conservatives, Climate Change is Trojan Horse to Abolish Capitalism,
Mike Konczal, Who Are the 1% And What Do They Do For a Living?,
David Korten, Why I'm In Solidarity With #OccupyWallStreet,
David Korten, Nature Is Not A Commodity: The Path to Rio+20
William Kotke, The Mass Extinction Of The Human Species
Stephen Lacey, Thousands Circle White House to Protest Keystone XL: Will They Abandon Obama if Pipeline is Approved?,
Stephen Lacey, Must Read: Investigation Reveals True Hazards Of Piping Tar Sands Across America
William Lazonick, How American Corporations Transformed from Producers to Predators
Stephen Leahy, CO2 Level Hits 400 PPM, Do We Have A Way Out?
Stephen Leahy, Climate Change? Blame Canada
Rousbeh Legatis, More and More Refugees Flee the Devastation of Climate Change,
Les Leopold, 10 Things to Know About Wall Street's Rapacious Attack on America,
Jon Letman South Korean Island Takes Center Stage in Battle Over Regional Dominance and Environmental Preservation
Tara Lohan, Cash-Strapped School District in PA Turns to Dangerous Shale Gas Drilling for Money
Tara Lohan, 'Last Call at the Oasis': Why Time Is Running Out to Save Our Drinking Water
Tara Lohan, It's Time for Parents to Help Tackle Climate Change
Fred Magdoff, What Every Environmentalist Needs To Know About Capitalism
Fred Magdoff, Democratic Struggle And The Struggle For The Environment Are Tied Together ,
Chris Marsden, Sirte Destroyed By NTC-NATO Offensive In Libya
Kim Martineau, Ocean Acidification Rate May Be Unprecedented
Manu V. Mathai, Green Economy And Growth: Fiddling While Rome Burns?
Bill McKibben, As We Face Environmental Trauma and Do-Nothing Politicians, Our Last Hope Is Fighting Back
Bill McKibben, With The Keystone Pipeline, Drawing A Line In The Tar Sands,
Bill McKibben, Puncturing The Pipeline
Bill McKibben, Bill McKibben: Climate Denial Is Creating "The Great Carbon Bubble"
Bill McKibben, Americans Wake Up to the Daily Reality of Climate Change
Guy R. McPherson, Toward An Economy Of Earth
Guy R. McPherson, When All Is Said And Done
Guy McPherson, Global Madness
Dr. Charles Mercieca, Distinct Roles Played by the Individual Mind and Heart
Dr. Charles Mercieca, Our Involvement in Saving the World from Complete Destruction
Dr. Charles Mercieca, The Greatest Problem of the American People
Charles Mercieca, Real Source of Major World Problems,
Charles Mercieca, Confucius: Great Chinese Teacher,
Charles Mercieca, Preparing Peace Teachers and Peace Workers in the Community
Charles Mercieca, Discovering the Most Brutal Enemies of our Earthly Community
Charles Mercieca, American Dream Evolving into Nightmare
Charles Mercieca Fusion of Ignorance and Malice in Perspective
Christopher Mims, It's Probably Too Late To Stop Warming
Maureen Nandini Mitra, We're Locked Into Unavoidable Climate Disruption -- So, How Do We Begin to Adapt?
Dianne Monroe, Raising Children In Changing Times
Joy Merwin Monteiro, Expanding Our Moral Universe
Chris Mooney, The Strange Conservative Brain: 3 Reasons Republicans Refuse to Accept Reality About Global Warming
David Morris, 5 New Rules for an Economy That Works,
Tom Murphy, Sustainable Means Bunkty To Me,
Tom Murphy, The Energy Trap,
Tom Murphy, Is The Ocean An Alternative?
Tom Murphy,
Fossil Fuels: I'm Not Dead Yet
The Alternative Energy Matrix
Can Economic Growth Last?
Our Great Hope For The Future
Chandra Muzaffar, Worsening Trends In Global Arms Transfers
PZ Myers, Why We Should Steal Finland's Education System
NASA, Earth Is Losing Half A Trillion Tons Of Ice A Year
NASA Satellites See Unprecedented Greenland Ice Sheet Melt
Tim Newcomb Family Success On The Household Carbon Footprint Front
P. Ngigi Njoroge, The Destruction Of Libya And The Murder Of Muammar Gaddafi
Geert Jan van Oldenborgh & Rein Haarsma Global Warming According To Scientific Projections
Christian Parenti, Why Climate Change Will Make You Love Government
Lynn Parramore, Capitalism's Dirty Secret: Corporations Don't Create Jobs, They Destroy Them
Fred Pearce, Land Grabs: A Global Epidemic
Dr Gideon Polya, Science Says World Must Stop Coal Seam Gas Exploitation
Dr Gideon Polya, Comprehensive Climate Change Inaction By Pro-coal, Pro-gas Gillard Labor Australian Government
Dr Gideon Polya, Western And Australian Pro-Zionist Mainstream Media Censorship Of Muslim Holocaust And Palestinian Holocaust
Dr Gideon Polya, Australia 's Huge Coal, Gas & Iron Ore Exports Threaten Planet
Bill Quigley, Occupying Corporations: How To Cut Corporate Power
Mazin Qumsiyeh, Humanizing
Barath Raghavan, The Roads To Our Alternative Energy Future
Md. Hasibur Rahman, Increasing Population is the Major Problem in Bangladesh
Hasibur Rahman, Dual Citizenship Impacting on Patriotism and Creating Unrest for the Global Peace,
Paul Craig Roberts, Why Can' t Americans Have Democracy?
Sara Robinson, The New Totalitarianism: How American Corporations Have Made America Like the Soviet Union
Phil Rockstroh, Reclaiming The Commons: Taking Human Lessons In The Era Of H.R. 347, Corporatism And Perpetual War
Joe Romm, How Global Warming Will Make Hurricanes Like Irene Worse
Joe Romm, Thinning Arctic Sea Ice Poised to Undergo Record Decline in Mid-August, Volume Minimum Likely
Joe Romm, Past Extreme Warming Events Linked To Massive Carbon Release From Thawing Permafrost
Nicholas Russo, In Lead-Up To Climate Summit, Scientists Issue Warning Of Biosphere Collapse
Jon Rynn, The Essentials for the Necessary Transition to a Renewable Energy Economy
Sarah Saba, The Missing Link To Our Harmonised Existence
Ismail Salami, West Stonewalling Democracy in Bahrain
Steven Earl Salmony Duty To Warn?
Carrie Saxifrage, Fourteen Arrested Blocking BNSF Coal Train In White Rock
Eugenie Scott, Teaching Climate Change To School Children
Sarah Seltzer, Schools Nationwide Cutting Down to 4 Days a Week, Because Wealthy Refuse to Pay Fair Share
Sarah Seltzer, In Tough Times, Tough Luck: Colleges Favoring at Richer Applicants
Sarah Seltzer, Fracking in Texas Enabling Drug, Weapons Trafficking
Devinder Sharma, Saving And Sharing Food,
Shankar Sharma, Coal Power Fiasco In India ? Karnataka's Case Study
Vandana Shiva, Climate Justice Requires A New Paradigm,
Vandana Shiva, GM And The PM
Dr. Habib Siddiqui, The 66 th UN General Assembly Session Will Remember Obama's Deplorable Tactics,
Sarah Simpson, Earth's Biggest Doomsday Event: Death By CO2,
Kavaljit Singh, Why We Need A Financial Transaction Tax: A Proposal For The G20
Pablo Sol'n It's The Time Of The Rights Of Mother Earth
Charles Sullivan, Ecology And The Pathology Of Capitalism
Michael Taylor, Dual Citizenship Impacting on Patriotism and Creating Unrest for the Global Peace,
Matt Taibbi, Matt Taibbi: 5 Things Wall Street Protesters Should Demand of the 1%,
Scott Thill, 7 Billion and Counting: Welcome to a Planet With Population Overload and Resources in Crisis [With Photos From National Geographic]
Nick Turse, Obama's Arc of Instability: Destabilizing the World One Region at a Time
Desmond Tutu, The Devil In The Tar Sands
Desmond Tutu, Justice Requires Action To Stop Subjugation Of Palestinians
Bill Van Auken, The Rape Of Libya
Bill Van Auken, Mass Killing And Humanitarian Disaster In NATO Siege Of Sirte,
John Vidal, Deal Reached in Durban But Scientists Say it Won't Avert Catastrophic Climate Change,
Rene WADLOW, A New Awareness, Une nouvelle conscience, nueva conciencia, nueva consciencia
Bill Walker, Conservatives Use Creationist Playbook to Attack Climate Change Education in Schools
Jay Walljasper, A Surprising Town Is Now America's Top Bike City,
Jay Walljasper, The Story Of The Commons
Chip Ward, Occupy Earth: Nature Is The 99%, Too
Gary Weiss, The Horrors of an Ayn Rand World: Why We Must Fight for America's Soul
Tom Whipple, The Peak Oil Crisis: Contagion,
Tom Whipple, The Peak Oil Crisis: Perspective
Jody Williams, The Devil In The Tar Sands,
Liz Alden Wily, Dual Citizenship Impacting on Patriotism and Creating Unrest for the Global Peace,
Stiv Wilson, 7 Dangerous Lies About Plastic
Steven Wishnia, Will Clean Energy Ever Be a Reality in the U.S.? Here's What's Standing in Our Way,
Naomi Wolf, We May Be Witnessing the First Large Global Conflict Where People Are Aligned by Consciousness and Not Nation State or Religion
World Watch Institute, Economic Recovery Brings Return To Growth Of CO2 Emissions
Worldwatch Institute, Nine Population Strategies To Stop Short of 9 Billion
Mickey Z, Occupy For All Species
Jess Zimmerman, Climate Change Is Screwing Up Bird Migration

Contact Information
Telephone: 250-754-0778
Postal address: 186 Bowlsby Street, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada V9R 5K1
Electronic mail: 