
Politics and Justice without borders

Theme of

Global Dialogue 2018:

(September 1st 2017 to August 31st 2018)

Global Civilization vision of Earth in 2024.

Global Civilization vision of Earth in 2024.
Paper to set forth the theme. Paper to August 2017 Newsletter

The animations for the theme. The animation for the theme.
Images showed in the animations. Images showed in the animations

The animations for the theme.
Introductory theme: Vision of Earth in 2024. gg

Chapter #1 Finding Global Civilization vision of Earth in 2024. gg

Chapter #2 Global Civilization issues today. gg

Chapter #3 Short term solutions to saving all life form species on Earth. gg

Chapter #4 Long term solutions to saving all life form species on Earth. gg

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Images showed in the animations.
Introductory theme: Vision of Earth in 2024.  Introductory theme: Vision of Earth in 2024.

Chapter #1 Finding Global Civilization vision of Earth in 2024.  Chapter #1 Finding Global Civilization vision of Earth in 2024.

Chapter #2 Global Civilization issues today. Chapter #2 Global Civilization issues today.

Chapter #3 Short term solutions to saving all life form species on Earth.  Chapter #3 Short term solutions to saving all life form species on Earth.

Chapter #4 Long term solutions to saving all life form species on Earth. Chapter #4 Long term solutions to saving all life form species on Earth.

Theme of August 2017 Newsletter
( see enlargement Theme for July 2017 Newsletter.)

Global Civilization Proceedings
( see enlargement Global Civilization Proceedings.)

Global citizens reporting News.
( see enlargement Global citizens reporting.)

Global Dialogue 2018 Overview includes the:

  • List of all author names in all papers, articles, comments, opinions, recommendations of Global Dialogue 2018.
  • List of all author papers, articles, comments, opinions, recommendations of Global Dialogue 2018.
  • We thank authors for their hard work and activism this dialogue. Over the past several decades, they have fought hard for the protection of the global life-support systems. Proceedings of all dialogues are available at:

List of all author names in papers, articles, comments, opinions, recommendations concerning the issues of Global Dialogue 2018.

Nafeez Ahmed, Dr Elias Akleh, David Anderson (3), Carl Anthony, Lionel Anet, John Scales Avery (2), , Bill Van Auken, Sheshu Babu (2), Subhankar Banerjee, Ugo Bardi, Jennifer Baumwoll, Michael Bauwens, Nathaniel Berman, Alessandro Bianchi, William Blum, Peter Buffett, Robert J Burrowes (4), Ruben Cantu, Julie Cappiello, Damian Carrington (3), Center for Biological Diversity , Eric Chaney, Arbind Kumar Choudh, Lorraine Chow (9), Jon Christensen, Jessica Corbett, G. John Cole, T.J. Coles, Julia Conley, Jonathan Cook, Robert Costanza, Guy Crequie , Alastair Crooke, Finian Cunningham (5), G. Reginald Daniel, Alan Davis, JOSÉ LUIS DIAZ-GRANADOS , Carter Dillard (3), Dr. Michael Dorsey, Sally Dugman (7), Prithiraj Dullay, Daisy Dunne, Nivedita Dwivedi, Andrea Egan, Paul Ehrlich, Tom Engelhardt, Pepe Escobar (2), Richard Eskow , Margaret Flowers, Jennifer Francis, William H. Funk, Susan Glickman, Dr Andrew Glikson (4), Ali Goodyear, Mikhail Gorbachev, Laura Gottesdiener, David Ray Griffin, Lauren Kaori Gurley, Georgina Gustin, Gregor Hagedorn, Kevin Harun, Fiona Harvey, Ghali Hassan, Johanne Hauber-Bieth, Wenonah Hauter, William Hawes, Dani Heffernan, Richard Heinberg (2), Bill Henderson (2), Elizabeth Hernandez, Josh Holder, Dirk Holemans, Kali Holloway, Eric Holthaus , Anthony Janetos, Jay Janson (2), Dahr Jamail, Alex Jensen (2), Irwin Jerome, Jake Johnson, Haley Johnston, Rob Jordan, Dr Binoy Kampmark, Mark Karlin, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Dr Arshad M Khan, Dr Mahboob A Khawaja, Naomi Klein, Robert C. Koehler, Peter Koenig (2), Niko Kommenda, David Korten (2), Franklin Lamb, Bill Laurance, Jeremy Lent (2), Joseph Loe-Sterphone, Reynard Loki (3), Adam Macon, Kelly Marti, Kim Martineau, Bobby Magill, Elijah J. Magnier, Andrei Martyanov, David McCoy, Brian McGavin, Ben McGrath, Robert McSweeney, Daniel Meek, Thierry Meyssan, Sona Mohnot, Sean Mowbray, Dr Chandra Muzaffar, T Navin (2), Giovanni Ortolani, Sandeep Pandey, Deborah Parker, Raj Patel, David William Pear, Rob Percival, James Petras, Federico Pieraccini, John Pilger, Dr Gideon Polya (2), Vladimir Putin, Moin Qazi ,James Bernard Quilligan, Tim Radford, Vasudha Rao, William Rees, Jill Richardson, Paul Craig Roberts (3), Dan Robitzski, Olivia Rosane, Jonathan Rosenblum, RT, Dick Russell, Rachel Rye, Erin Sagen, Saral Sarkar, Satya Sagar, Steven Earl Salmony, Thomas Scheff, Robin Scher (2), Jon Schwarz, K M Seethi, Dr Bouthaina Shaaban, Shankar Sharma, Rowan Shafer, Shobha Shukla, YARA MAURA SILVA, Robert Snefjella, Joel Solomon , David Sparenberg, Dr Vivek Kumar Srivastava, Gaither Stewart, Gene Stone, Dr. David Suzuki (7), Sophia Tesfaye, Ashokchakravarthy Tholona, Andrea Thompson, Mark Trahant, Steve Trent, Nick Turse (2), Bill Van Auken, Erik Vance, Bibi van der Zee, Peter Van Els, Sarah van Gelder, Lucy Goodchild van Hilten, Shiney Varghese, Charles Varni, Visual Capitalist , Andre Vltchek, Daniel Christian Wahl, Robert Walker, Jonathan Watts, Elizabeth West, Richard Westra, Allen White (3), Mike Whitney, John Wight, Jane William, Robin Wylie, Nil Zacharias, John Zangas, Kevin Zeese, Eric Zuesse (4).

List of all author papers, articles, comments, opinions, recommendations concerning the issues of Global Dialogue 2018.

Nafeez Ahmed, Pentagon Study Declares American Empire Is ‘Collapsing’. Pentagon Study Declares American Empire Is Collapsing
Dr Elias Akleh, The Crime of the Tripartite Aggression Against Syria.  The Crime of the Tripartite Aggression Against Syria
David Anderson, Our Biosphere Problem. Our Biosphere Problem.
David Anderson, Homo Economicus We Have All Become. Homo Economicus We Have All Become.
David Anderson, The End Of Our Species Is Now A Real Possibility. The End Of Our Species Is Now A Real Possibility.
Carl Anthony, True Sustainability Must Include Social Justice Along With Environmental Protection. True Sustainability Must Include Social Justice Along With Environmental Protection.
Lionel Anet, We Need To Re-Educate Ourselves To Survive And Live Life At Its Best. We Need To Re-Educate Ourselves To Survive And Live Life At Its Best.
John Scales Avery, The Devil’s Dynamo  The Devil’s Dynamo
Bill Van Auken, Deadly siege of Yemeni port of Hodeidah begins with Washington’s aid and approval. Deadly siege of Yemeni port of Hodeidah begins with Washington’s aid and approval.
Sheshu Babu, Himalayan glacier and climate change. Himalayan glacier and climate change
Sheshu Babu, Wild Fires, Tornadoes and Floods — Oh My! Wild Fires, Tornadoes and Floods — Oh My!
Subhankar Banerjee, Trump's Obsession With 'Energy Dominance' Could Destroy the Arctic Refuge and Will Hasten Climate Breakdown. Trump's Obsession With 'Energy Dominance' Could Destroy the Arctic Refuge and Will Hasten Climate Breakdown.
Ugo Bardi, Our Photovoltaic Future: The Metabolic Revolutions of the Earth’s History. Our Photovoltaic Future: The Metabolic Revolutions of the Earth’s History.
Andrea Egan, Jennifer Baumwoll, Climate Change Is Threatening Food Security and Nutrition Around the Globe—but Some Solutions Are Making an Impact. Climate Change Is Threatening Food Security and Nutrition Around the Globe—but Some Solutions Are Making an Impact.
Michael Bauwens, The History And Evolution Of The Commons. The History And Evolution Of The Commons.
Nathaniel Berman, Earthships: 100% Sustainable, Inexpensive Off-Grid Homes Made From Recycled Materials (Video). Earthships: 100% Sustainable, Inexpensive Off-Grid Homes Made From Recycled Materials (Video).
Andre Vltchek and Alessandro Bianchi, On ‘Independence’: Catalonia, Kurdistan, North Korea and Latin America. On ‘Independence’: Catalonia, Kurdistan, North Korea and Latin America.
William Blum, Overthrowing Other People’s Governments. Overthrowing Other People’s Governments.
Peter Buffett, The Fierce Urgency Of “How”.  The Fierce Urgency Of “How”.
Robert J Burrowes, Conflict Theory and Biosphere Annihilation. Conflict Theory and Biosphere Annihilation.
Robert J Burrowes, On Track for Extinction: Can Humanity Survive? On Track for Extinction: Can Humanity Survive?
Robert J Burrowes, Biological Annihilation On Earth Accelerating. Biological Annihilation On Earth Accelerating.
Robert J Burrowes, You Cannot Trap The ‘Magic Rat’: Trump, Congress And Geopolitics. You Cannot Trap The ‘Magic Rat’: Trump, Congress And Geopolitics.
Ruben Cantu, How Two Local Communities Are Fighting Back Against the Trauma of Global Climate Change How Two Local Communities Are Fighting Back Against the Trauma of Global Climate Change
Julie Cappiello, Humanity's Meat and Dairy Intake Must Be Cut in Half by 2050 to Avoid Dangerous Climate Change.  Humanity's Meat and Dairy Intake Must Be Cut in Half by 2050 to Avoid Dangerous Climate Change.
Damian Carrington, Fossil Fuel Burning Set to Hit Record High in 2017, Scientists Warn. Fossil Fuel Burning Set to Hit Record High in 2017, Scientists Warn.
Damian Carrington, Earth's Sixth Mass Extinction Event Already Under Way, Scientists Warn. Earth's Sixth Mass Extinction Event Already Under Way, Scientists Warn.
Damian Carrington, Pesticides Contaminate 75% of the World's Honey, New Research Reveals. Pesticides Contaminate 75% of the World's Honey, New Research Reveals.
Center for Biological Diversity, The Escalating Use of Pesticides Is Harming Already Imperiled Aquatic Invertebrates. The Escalating Use of Pesticides Is Harming Already Imperiled Aquatic Invertebrates
Elizabeth Hernandez, Eric Chaney, Here's What You Need Know About America's Biggest Greenhouse Gas Polluter. Here's What You Need Know About America's Biggest Greenhouse Gas Polluter.
Arbind Kumar Choudh, Peace Peace
Lorraine Chow, The Surprising Reason Why Transportation Is Now the Top Source of U.S. Pollution. The Surprising Reason Why Transportation Is Now the Top Source of U.S. Pollution.
Lorraine Chow, 100% Renewable Energy Worldwide Isn't Just Possible, It's More Cost-Effective Than the Existing System. 100% Renewable Energy Worldwide Isn't Just Possible, It's More Cost-Effective Than the Existing System.
Lorraine Chow, Educated Republicans Are Less Likely to Believe in Climate Change. Educated Republicans Are Less Likely to Believe in Climate Change.
Lorraine Chow, 3 Major Spills in 7 Years: Keystone Has Leaked Far More Than TransCanada Estimated 3 Major Spills in 7 Years: Keystone Has Leaked Far More Than TransCanada Estimated
Lorraine Chow, U.S. Now Stands Alone in Climate Denial as Syria Joins Paris Climate Accord. U.S. Now Stands Alone in Climate Denial as Syria Joins Paris Climate Accord.
Lorraine Chow, U.S. Wind and Solar Boom Helped Prevent 12,700 Deaths in a Single Year. U.S. Wind and Solar Boom Helped Prevent 12,700 Deaths in a Single Year.
Lorraine Chow, Mano a Mano: Schwarzenegger Unveils 'Blueprint' to Challenge Trump on Climate. Mano a Mano: Schwarzenegger Unveils 'Blueprint' to Challenge Trump on Climate.
Lorraine Chow, U.S. Quietly Removes 17 Sites From U.N. Biosphere Reserve Network. U.S. Quietly Removes 17 Sites From U.N. Biosphere Reserve Network.
Lorraine Chow, Nuns Protest Atlantic Sunrise Pipeline by Building Chapel on Proposed Route. Nuns Protest Atlantic Sunrise Pipeline by Building Chapel on Proposed Route
Jon Christensen, Climate Doom and Gloom? Bring It On—but We Need Stories About Taking Action, Too. Climate Doom and Gloom? Bring It On—but We Need Stories About Taking Action, Too.
Jessica Corbett, As CO2 Levels Soar Past ‘Troubling’ 410 ppm Threshold, Trump Kills NASA Carbon Monitoring Program. As CO2 Levels Soar Past ‘Troubling’ 410 ppm Threshold, Trump Kills NASA Carbon Monitoring Program.
G. John Cole, Think You Know Polar Bears? Here Are 36 Amazing Facts About the Icon of Climate Change. Think You Know Polar Bears? Here Are 36 Amazing Facts About the Icon of Climate Change.
John Pilger and T.J. Coles, Dangerous Times: North Korea, China and the Threat of Nuclear War and Accident. Dangerous Times: North Korea, China and the Threat of Nuclear War and Accident.
Julia Conley, Species Threatened as Climate Crisis Pushes Mother Nature ‘Out of Synch’. Species Threatened as Climate Crisis Pushes Mother Nature ‘Out of Synch’.
Jonathan Cook, Fisk Puts to Test the Free-press Myth in Douma. Fisk Puts to Test the Free-press Myth in Douma.
Robert Costanza, Toward a Sustainable Wellbeing Economy. Toward a Sustainable Wellbeing Economy.
Guy Crequie, L'océan Antarctique à l'extrême sud de la planète bleue est le refuge de plus 9 000 espèces ! The Antarctic Ocean in the extreme south of blue planet is the refuge moreover 9,000 species  L'océan Antarctique à l'extrême sud de la planète bleue est le refuge de plus 9 000 espèces ! The Antarctic Ocean in the extreme south of blue planet is the refuge moreover 9,000 species
Alastair Crooke, How Syria’s Victory Reshapes Mideast. How Syria’s Victory Reshapes Mideast.
Finian Cunningham, Western Media Whitewash Yemen Genocide. Western Media Whitewash Yemen Genocide
Finian Cunningham, Selfish US Diktats Could Push Europe to Develop Ties With Russia, China & Iran. Selfish US Diktats Could Push Europe to Develop Ties With Russia, China & Iran.
Finian Cunningham, Washington Holds Gun to North Korea’s Head. Washington Holds Gun to North Korea’s Head.
Finian Cunningham, Germany and Russia's Bond of War & Peace. Germany and Russia's Bond of War & Peace.
Finian Cunningham, Washington: The Bleeder of the ‘Free World’. Washington: The Bleeder of the ‘Free World’.
G. Reginald Daniel, Thomas Scheff, and Joseph Loe-Sterphone, A Theory of War and Violence. A Theory of War and Violence
Alan Davis, How Valuable Are Green Spaces to Our Cities? How Valuable Are Green Spaces to Our Cities?
Carter Dillard, Are the Grandkids Worth It? Climate Policy Depends on How We Value Human Population. Are the Grandkids Worth It? Climate Policy Depends on How We Value Human Population.
Carter Dillard, Low Fertility Rates Isn't a Crisis as Some Argue—It's a Solution to a Safer, More Sustainable World Low Fertility Rates Isn't a Crisis as Some Argue—It's a Solution to a Safer, More Sustainable World
Carter Dillard, We've Prioritized Humans Having Umpteen Kids Over the Right of Entire Species to Survive—and It's Got to Stop. We've Prioritized Humans Having Umpteen Kids Over the Right of Entire Species to Survive—and It's Got to Stop.
Dr. Michael Dorsey, Jane Williams, Why Pollution Trading Will Never Be the Climate Solution for California—or Anywhere Else. Why Pollution Trading Will Never Be the Climate Solution for California—or Anywhere Else.
Sally Dugman, Where ARE We Heading? Where ARE We Heading?
Sally Dugman and Steven Earl Salmony, Overpopulation Leading Into Other Troubles. Overpopulation Leading Into Other Troubles
Sally Dugman, Wildfires, Hurricanes, Tornadoes! Wildfires, Hurricanes, Tornadoes!
Sally Dugman, The Times Ahead: Catastrophes, Resource Conflicts And Cooperation. The Times Ahead: Catastrophes, Resource Conflicts And Cooperation.
Sally Dugman, We Don’t Want It! Don’t You Get It? We Don’t Want It! Don’t You Get It?
Sally Dugman, After Peak Oil, Are We Heading Toward Social Collapse? After Peak Oil, Are We Heading Toward Social Collapse?
Sally Dugman, What Does It Mean To Be Human? What Does It Mean To Be Human?
Prithiraj Dullay, Revisiting Capitalism Revisiting Capitalism
Daisy Dunne, Sea Level Rise due to Antarctic Ice Melt has ‘Tripled over Past Five Years’. Sea Level Rise due to Antarctic Ice Melt has ‘Tripled over Past Five Years’.
Nivedita Dwivedi, How Nothing Really Maters. How Nothing Really Maters.
Andrea Egan, Jennifer Baumwoll, Climate Change Is Threatening Food Security and Nutrition Around the Globe—but Some Solutions Are Making an Impact. Climate Change Is Threatening Food Security and Nutrition Around the Globe—but Some Solutions Are Making an Impact.
Bill Laurance, Paul Ehrlich, If We Don't Halt Earth's Sixth Great Extinction Event, the Tree of Life Will Take Millions of Years to Recover. If We Don't Halt Earth's Sixth Great Extinction Event, the Tree of Life Will Take Millions of Years to Recover.
Tom Engelhardt, Mapping a World From Hell Mapping a World From Hell
Pepe Escobar, China Plans to Break Petrodollar Stranglehold. China Plans to Break Petrodollar Stranglehold.
Pepe Escobar, The Real BRICS Bombshell. The Real BRICS Bombshell.
Richard Eskow, 7 Questions About the Syria Airstrikes That Aren’t Being Asked. 7 Questions About the Syria Airstrikes That Aren’t Being Asked
Kevin Zeese, and Margaret Flowers, Climate Breakdown. Climate Breakdown
Jennifer Francis, Is Warming in the Arctic Behind This Year's Crazy Winter Weather? Is Warming in the Arctic Behind This Year's Crazy Winter Weather?
William H. Funk, How Trump's Proposed Budget Puts Endangered Species at Even Greater Risk.  How Trump's Proposed Budget Puts Endangered Species at Even Greater Risk.
Susan Glickman, You're Wrong, Scott Pruitt: Now Is Exactly the Time to Have That Discussion About Climate Change. You're Wrong, Scott Pruitt: Now Is Exactly the Time to Have That Discussion About Climate Change.
Dr Andrew Glikson, Crimes against the Earth: The role of the mainstream media. Crimes against the Earth: The role of the mainstream media.
Dr Andrew Glikson, The Methane Time Bomb And The Future Of The Biosphere. The Methane Time Bomb And The Future Of The Biosphere.
Dr Andrew Glikson, The Betrayal Of The Future. The Betrayal Of The Future.
Dr Andrew Glikson, There Is No Planet B There Is No Planet B
Ali Goodyear, How Two Local Communities Are Fighting Back Against the Trauma of Global Climate Change How Two Local Communities Are Fighting Back Against the Trauma of Global Climate Change
Mikhail Gorbachev, Mikhail Gorbachev: My Plea to the Presidents of Russia and the United States. Mikhail Gorbachev: My Plea to the Presidents of Russia and the United States.
Laura Gottesdiener, Burning Raqqa :The U.S. War Against Civilians In Syria Burning Raqqa :The U.S. War Against Civilians In Syria
David Ray Griffin, The U.S. Role in the Destruction of Syria. The U.S. Role in the Destruction of Syria.
Lauren Kaori Gurley, Here Are 10 of the World's Dirtiest Oil and Coal Polluters. Here Are 10 of the World's Dirtiest Oil and Coal Polluters.
Georgina Gustin, Factory Farms Put Climate at Risk, Experts Say, Urging Health Officials to Speak Out. Factory Farms Put Climate at Risk, Experts Say, Urging Health Officials to Speak Out.
Gregor Hagedorn, Exponential Growth Towards a Sustainable Future: the Limits of Solar Panel and Wind Turbine Production. Exponential Growth Towards a Sustainable Future: the Limits of Solar Panel and Wind Turbine Production.
Kevin Harun, 7 Reasons Why You Should Be Worried About Heavy Fuel Oil  7 Reasons Why You Should Be Worried About Heavy Fuel Oil
Fiona Harvey, 'Unacceptable' Greenhouse Gas Emissions Gap, U.N. Warns. 'Unacceptable' Greenhouse Gas Emissions Gap, U.N. Warns.
Ghali Hassan, Syria: Another Victim of U.S.-led Barbarism. Syria: Another Victim of U.S.-led Barbarism.
Johanne Hauber-Bieth, Pour que regne la paix… Para que a paz reine ... For peace to reign ... Para que reine la paz ... . Pour que regne la paix… Para que a paz reine ... For peace to reign ... Para que reine la paz ...
Wenonah Hauter, We Are Drowning in Plastic, and Fracking Companies Are Profiting. We Are Drowning in Plastic, and Fracking Companies Are Profiting.
William Hawes, Review: Humanity: The World Before Religion, War, And Inequality By Barry Brown.  Review: Humanity: The World Before Religion, War, And Inequality By Barry Brown.
Richard Heinberg, Systemic Change Driven by Moral Awakening Is Our Only Hope. Systemic Change Driven by Moral Awakening Is Our Only Hope.
Richard Heinberg, Why Climate Change Isn’t Our Biggest Environmental Problem, And Why Technology Won’t Save Us. Why Climate Change Isn’t Our Biggest Environmental Problem, And Why Technology Won’t Save Us.
Dani Heffernan, Nebraskans Install First Solar Panels Inside the Keystone XL Pipeline Route. Nebraskans Install First Solar Panels Inside the Keystone XL Pipeline Route.
Bill Henderson, Climate Change Could Be Fatal: An Open Letter To Canada’s Business Community. Climate Change Could Be Fatal: An Open Letter To Canada’s Business Community.
Bill Henderson, Dear ENGOs: Stop Supporting Fake Climate Mitigation. Dear ENGOs: Stop Supporting Fake Climate Mitigation
Elizabeth Hernandez, Eric Chaney, Here's What You Need Know About America's Biggest Greenhouse Gas Polluter. Here's What You Need Know About America's Biggest Greenhouse Gas Polluter.
Jonathan Watts, Josh Holder, Niko Kommenda, 5 of the World's Biggest Cities That Will Be Drowned and See Millions of Refugees. 5 of the World's Biggest Cities That Will Be Drowned and See Millions of Refugees.
Dirk Holemans, The City Taking The Commons To Heart.  The City Taking The Commons To Heart.
Kali Holloway, 5 Scary Diseases Climate Change May Awaken from the Melting Permafrost. 5 Scary Diseases Climate Change May Awaken from the Melting Permafrost.
Eric Holthaus, Let it Go: The Arctic will Never be Frozen Again. Let it Go: The Arctic will Never be Frozen Again.
Anthony Janetos, What Would Happen If Several of the World's Biggest Food Crops Failed at the Same Time? What Would Happen If Several of the World's Biggest Food Crops Failed at the Same Time?
Jay Janson, Victory Day! Russians Remembered Their 26 Million Dead Unaware of USA Having Armed Nazis to Invade? Victory Day! Russians Remembered Their 26 Million Dead Unaware of USA Having Armed Nazis to Invade?
Jay Janson, World’s Greatest Military Has BRAVELY Bombed a Smaller Nation Again – Its 27th Small Nation Bombed.  World’s Greatest Military Has BRAVELY Bombed a Smaller Nation Again – Its 27th Small Nation Bombed.
Dahr Jamail, The U.S. Navy Is Poisoning Local Water Supplies Across the Nation With Toxic Chemicals.  The U.S. Navy Is Poisoning Local Water Supplies Across the Nation With Toxic Chemicals.
Alex Jensen, How Eco-Localization Can Curb Globalization s Increasing 'Death Footprint How Eco-Localization Can Curb Globalization s Increasing 'Death Footprint
Alex Jensen, Globalization’s Blowback. Globalization’s Blowback.
Irwin Jerome, 2018, America’s New Corporate Tax Cuts And Future Of The World. 2018, America’s New Corporate Tax Cuts And Future Of The World.
Jake Johnson, Scientists Issue Dire Warning if the Goals of the Paris Climate Accord Go Unmet. Scientists Issue Dire Warning if the Goals of the Paris Climate Accord Go Unmet.
Haley Johnston, Why I Fell in Love With Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge—and Why We Must Protect It From Drilling. Why I Fell in Love With Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge—and Why We Must Protect It From Drilling.
Rob Jordan, Scientists Say Humans' 'Lack of Empathy' Is Leading to Global Species Annihilation. Scientists Say Humans' 'Lack of Empathy' Is Leading to Global Species Annihilation
Dr Binoy Kampmark, Leaving the UN Human Rights Council. Leaving the UN Human Rights Council.
Mark Karlin, Climate Change Refugees Face Militarized Borders Climate Change Refugees Face Militarized Borders
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Dick Russell, The Cronies Behind the Energy Industry's Deliberate Misinformation Campaigns. The Cronies Behind the Energy Industry's Deliberate Misinformation Campaigns.
Dr Arshad M Khan, The Eclipsing Iran Deal-Truth And Consequences. The Eclipsing Iran Deal-Truth And Consequences.
Dr Mahboob A Khawaja, Global Politics Is Not About The Safeguard of Humanity And Peace But of Special Interest And Wars. Global Politics Is Not About The Safeguard of Humanity And Peace But of Special Interest And Wars.
Naomi Klein, We don’t have any time left. We don’t have any time left.
Robert C. Koehler, Begging for War. Begging for War.
Peter Koenig, Beijing’s “Belt and Road” Initiative, Towards an Economy of Peace? Beijing s Belt and Road Initiative, Towards an Economy of Peace?
Peter Koenig, BRICS – Potential and Future in an Emerging New World Economy. BRICS – Potential and Future in an Emerging New World Economy.
Jonathan Watts, Josh Holder, Niko Kommenda, 5 of the World's Biggest Cities That Will Be Drowned and See Millions of Refugees. 5 of the World's Biggest Cities That Will Be Drowned and See Millions of Refugees.
David Korten, How To Restore Our Relationship To Earth. How To Restore Our Relationship To Earth.
David Korten, For The Love Of Earth. For The Love Of Earth.
Franklin Lamb, Russia, US, Iran And Israel War For Syria. Russia, US, Iran And Israel War For Syria.
Bill Laurance, Paul Ehrlich, If We Don't Halt Earth's Sixth Great Extinction Event, the Tree of Life Will Take Millions of Years to Recover. If We Don't Halt Earth's Sixth Great Extinction Event, the Tree of Life Will Take Millions of Years to Recover.
Bill Laurance, Paul Ehrlich, If We Don't Halt Earth's Sixth Great Extinction Event, the Tree of Life Will Take Millions of Years to Recover. If We Don't Halt Earth's Sixth Great Extinction Event, the Tree of Life Will Take Millions of Years to Recover.
Jeremy Lent, The Climate Catastrophe We’re All Ignoring. The Climate Catastrophe We’re All Ignoring.
Jeremy Lent, What Will It Really Take to Avoid Collapse?  What Will It Really Take to Avoid Collapse?
G. Reginald Daniel, Thomas Scheff, and Joseph Loe-Sterphone, A Theory of War and Violence. A Theory of War and Violence
Reynard Loki, New York City Launches Landmark Lawsuit Against Fossil Fuel Industry for Climate Change Damages. New York City Launches Landmark Lawsuit Against Fossil Fuel Industry for Climate Change Damages.
Reynard Loki, How Many More '500-Year Storms' Will People Endure Before They Start Abandoning Coastal Cities? How Many More '500-Year Storms' Will People Endure Before They Start Abandoning Coastal Cities?
Reynard Loki, Stephen Hawking Warns Trump Withdrawal From Climate Deal Could Turn Earth's Temperature to 250 Degrees and Bring Sulphuric Acid Rain. Stephen Hawking Warns Trump Withdrawal From Climate Deal Could Turn Earth's Temperature to 250 Degrees and Bring Sulphuric Acid Rain.
Adam Macon, The Biomass Industry's Hollow Self-Regulatory Scheme Has Been Exposed as a Smokescreen to Destroy Forests for Corporate Profit. The Biomass Industry's Hollow Self-Regulatory Scheme Has Been Exposed as a Smokescreen to Destroy Forests for Corporate Profit.
Kelly Marti, Will you stand with us against the dangerous Keystone XL pipeline? Will you stand with us against the dangerous Keystone XL pipeline?
Kim Martineau, How Reducing U.S. Air Pollution Can Help Feed Africa. How Reducing U.S. Air Pollution Can Help Feed Africa.
Bobby Magill, Court Rules That EPA Isn't Permitted to Regulate One of the Planet's Most Powerful Climate Pollutants. Court Rules That EPA Isn't Permitted to Regulate One of the Planet's Most Powerful Climate Pollutants.
Elijah J. Magnier, What is the Real Reason Behind the US – UK – France’s Attack on Syria? What is the Real Reason Behind the US – UK – France’s Attack on Syria?
Andrei Martyanov, The Implications of Russia's New Weapon Systems The Implications of Russia's New Weapon Systems
David McCoy, Even a 'Minor' Nuclear War Would Be an Ecological Disaster Felt Throughout the World. Even a 'Minor' Nuclear War Would Be an Ecological Disaster Felt Throughout the World
Brian McGavin, Big Issues We Ignore at Our Peril. Big Issues We Ignore at Our Peril
Ben McGrath, Washington launches trade war measures against China. Washington launches trade war measures against China.
Robert McSweeney, Half the Global Population Could Face 'Unknown' Climates by Mid-Century. Half the Global Population Could Face 'Unknown' Climates by Mid-Century.
Daniel Meek, This Is What the Planet Would Be Like Without Trees. This Is What the Planet Would Be Like Without Trees.
Thierry Meyssan, Syria Emerging Victorious. Syria Emerging Victorious.
Sona Mohnot, Can California Protect Frontline Communities From Climate Change? Can California Protect Frontline Communities From Climate Change?
Sean Mowbray, Global Trade Agreements Fail to Address a Critical Issue: Growing Demand for Beef Is Destroying the Environment. Global Trade Agreements Fail to Address a Critical Issue: Growing Demand for Beef Is Destroying the Environment.
Dr Chandra Muzaffar, Striking Syria: The Real Reasons. Striking Syria: The Real Reasons.
T Navin, Can A Profit Driven Economy Provide Solution To Climate Change. Can A Profit Driven Economy Provide Solution To Climate Change.
T Navin, Othering To Ouring – Man, Environment And Society. Othering To Ouring – Man, Environment And Society.
Giovanni Ortolani, What Trump's Withdrawal From UNESCO Means for the Environment. What Trump's Withdrawal From UNESCO Means for the Environment.
Sandeep Pandey, Possibility Of Global Nuclear Disarmament? Possibility Of Global Nuclear Disarmament?
Deborah Parker, Stop this pipeline. Stop this pipeline.
Raj Patel, How To Feed Ourselves In A Time Of Climate Crisis. How To Feed Ourselves In A Time Of Climate Crisis.
David William Pear, North Korea Can Never Trust the U.S.A. North Korea Can Never Trust the U.S.A.
Rob Percival, Why Animal Sentience Matters—and Why We Need a Charter for Animal Compassion. Why Animal Sentience Matters—and Why We Need a Charter for Animal Compassion.
James Petras, An Empire Built on Fear at Home and Abroad.  An Empire Built on Fear at Home and Abroad.
Federico Pieraccini, Challenging the Dollar: China and Russia's Plan from Petroyuan to Gold. Challenging the Dollar: China and Russia's Plan from Petroyuan to Gold.
John Pilger and T.J. Coles, Dangerous Times: North Korea, China and the Threat of Nuclear War and Accident. Dangerous Times: North Korea, China and the Threat of Nuclear War and Accident.
Dr Gideon Polya, Foreign interference in Australia 2. British devastation, perversion & subversion of Australia. Foreign interference in Australia 2. British devastation, perversion & subversion of Australia.
Dr Gideon Polya, Huge Carbon Debt & Intergenerational Injustice – CO2 Drawdown Necessity, & 300 ppm CO2 Target. Huge Carbon Debt & Intergenerational Injustice – CO2 Drawdown Necessity, & 300 ppm CO2 Target.
Vladimir Putin, North Korea Would Rather Eat Grass Than Give Up Nuclear Weapons. North Korea Would Rather Eat Grass Than Give Up Nuclear Weapons.
Moin Qazi, Humanitarianism: The Greatest Art. Humanitarianism: The Greatest Art.
James Bernard Quilligan, Beyond state capitalism: The commons economy in our lifetimes. Beyond state capitalism: The commons economy in our lifetimes.
Tim Radford, Killer Heat Waves Will Threaten Majority of Humankind by Century's End. Killer Heat Waves Will Threaten Majority of Humankind by Century's End.
Vasudha Rao, Perils Of Overpopulation. Perils Of Overpopulation
William Rees, Staving Off The Coming Global Collapse. Staving Off The Coming Global Collapse.
Jill Richardson, Here Come the Ecosexuals. Here Come the Ecosexuals.
Paul Craig Roberts, Dear Russia: An Enemy Is Not A Partner. Dear Russia: An Enemy Is Not A Partner.
Paul Craig Roberts, Washington Is Destroying American Power. Washington Is Destroying American Power.
Paul Craig Roberts, In The Western World Truth Is An Endangered Species: Come To Its Support. In The Western World Truth Is An Endangered Species: Come To Its Support.
Dan Robitzski, As It Turns Out, Environmentally ‘Protected’ Lands Really Aren’t. As It Turns Out, Environmentally ‘Protected’ Lands Really Aren’t.
Olivia Rosane, If One Appointee Gets His Way, UN Could Recognize Healthy Environment as Human Right. If One Appointee Gets His Way, UN Could Recognize Healthy Environment as Human Right.
Jonathan Rosenblum, Exposed: Chevron Has a Secretive Drilling Site in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.  Exposed: Chevron Has a Secretive Drilling Site in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
RT, Iran Preparing to Publish Evidence US Supporting ISIS Iran Preparing to Publish Evidence US Supporting ISIS
Rachel Rye, HSBC To Stop Tar Sands Funding. Who’s Next? HSBC To Stop Tar Sands Funding. Who’s Next?
Erin Sagen, A Trillion-Ton Iceberg Broke Off Antarctica and All I Can Think About Is Food. A Trillion-Ton Iceberg Broke Off Antarctica and All I Can Think About Is Food.
Saral Sarkar, The Times Ahead: Catastrophes, Resource Conflicts And Cooperation. The Times Ahead: Catastrophes, Resource Conflicts And Cooperation.
Satya Sagar, What On Earth Is A Human Being? What On Earth Is A Human Being?
Sally Dugman and Steven Earl Salmony, Overpopulation Leading Into Other Troubles. Overpopulation Leading Into Other Troubles
Thomas Scheff, G. Reginald Daniel, and Joseph Loe-Sterphone, A Theory of War and Violence. A Theory of War and Violence
Joseph Loe-Sterphone, Thomas Scheff, and G. Reginald Daniel, A Theory of War and Violence. A Theory of War and Violence
Robin Scher, NASA Just Took Away a Major Argument Used by Climate Change Deniers. NASA Just Took Away a Major Argument Used by Climate Change Deniers.
Robin Scher, What Stuff Do We Throw Away That Takes Forever to Decay? What Stuff Do We Throw Away That Takes Forever to Decay?
Jon Schwarz, North Korea May Negotiate on Nuclear Weapons: The Washington Post Isn’t Reporting That. North Korea May Negotiate on Nuclear Weapons: The Washington Post Isn t Reporting That.
K M Seethi, Syria in Disarray: Implications of Airstrikes.  Syria in Disarray: Implications of Airstrikes.
Dr Bouthaina Shaaban, The Courage of the Syrian Arab Army and Allies against US Backed Terrorism. The Courage of the Syrian Arab Army and Allies against US Backed Terrorism.
Shankar Sharma, A systemic approach to minimise the impacts of Climate Change. A systemic approach to minimise the impacts of Climate Change
Rowan Shafer, It's Time to Start Teaching Kids About Climate Change. It's Time to Start Teaching Kids About Climate Change.
Shobha Shukla, Women Should Not Live In Fear, But Act With Courage. Women Should Not Live In Fear, But Act With Courage.
Robert Snefjella, Are Harmful Ultraviolet C and Increased Amounts of Ultraviolet B Reaching Earth’s Surface?  Are Harmful Ultraviolet C and Increased Amounts of Ultraviolet B Reaching Earth’s Surface?
Joel Solomon, $100 Trillion Will Change Hands in the Next 20 Years—Here's How It Can Ensure Our Sustainable Future. $100 Trillion Will Change Hands in the Next 20 Years—Here's How It Can Ensure Our Sustainable Future.
David Sparenberg, Solidarity With Earth And Humanity. Solidarity With Earth And Humanity.
Dr Vivek Kumar Srivastava, Stephen Hawking Dies With Warnings On Climate Change  Stephen Hawking Dies With Warnings On Climate Change
Gaither Stewart, The Character Of Russian Communism. The Character Of Russian Communism.
Nil Zacharias, Gene Stone, Our Appetite for Meat Isn't Just Destroying the Planet's Ecosystems—It's Changing the Face of Earth Itself.  Our Appetite for Meat Isn't Just Destroying the Planet's Ecosystems—It's Changing the Face of Earth Itself.
Dr. David Suzuki, Oil and Plastic Are Choking Planet Earth: We Have to Stop Pretending This Isn 't a Problem. Oil and Plastic Are Choking Planet Earth: We Have to Stop Pretending This Isn 't a Problem.
Dr. David Suzuki, The Notion That We Must Dominate Nature Has Led to Widespread Devastation That Threatens Our Very Survival. The Notion That We Must Dominate Nature Has Led to Widespread Devastation That Threatens Our Very Survival.
Dr. David Suzuki, As the Trump Administration Continues to Threaten the Planet, This Is No Time to Be Complacent. As the Trump Administration Continues to Threaten the Planet, This Is No Time to Be Complacent.
Dr. David Suzuki, 200 Years Ago, an Environmental and Fuel Crisis Inspired One of the Greatest Inventions. 200 Years Ago, an Environmental and Fuel Crisis Inspired One of the Greatest Inventions.
Dr. David Suzuki, 15,000 Scientists Issue Urgent Warning: Humanity Is Failing to Safeguard the Planet. 15,000 Scientists Issue Urgent Warning: Humanity Is Failing to Safeguard the Planet.
Dr. David Suzuki, Are Industrial Agriculture and Genetic Modification the Answer to Feeding Humanity? Are Industrial Agriculture and Genetic Modification the Answer to Feeding Humanity?
Dr. David Suzuki, We Would Need 1.7 Earths to Sustain Humanity's Current Rate of Resource Consumption. We Would Need 1.7 Earths to Sustain Humanity's Current Rate of Resource Consumption.
Sophia Tesfaye, Republican Climate Denialism Has Sunk to a Staggering New Low Under Trump.  Republican Climate Denialism Has Sunk to a Staggering New Low Under Trump
Ashokchakravarthy Tholona, Peace and Progress; Peace and Progress; Paz e progresso; Pace e progresso Peace and Progress; Peace and Progress; Paz e progresso; Pace e progresso
Andrea Thompson, Today's Extreme Heat May Become Norm Within a Decade. Today's Extreme Heat May Become Norm Within a Decade.
Mark Trahant, We Don't Think of Californians as Climate Refugees Yet, but We Should. We Don't Think of Californians as Climate Refugees Yet, but We Should.
Steve Trent, Climate Change Is Increasing Regional Conflict and Creating Millions of Refugees Across the Globe.  Climate Change Is Increasing Regional Conflict and Creating Millions of Refugees Across the Globe.
Nick Turse, Donald Trump’s First Year Sets Record for U.S. Special Ops. Donald Trump’s First Year Sets Record for U.S. Special Ops.
Nick Turse, The Amount of Money America Wastes on Covert Warfare Will Shock You  The Amount of Money America Wastes on Covert Warfare Will Shock You
Bill Van Auken, US Military-Intelligence Apparatus Presses for Further Strikes on Syria. US Military-Intelligence Apparatus Presses for Further Strikes on Syria.
Erik Vance, Human Activities Are Beginning to Take Their Toll in the Depths of the Oceans. Human Activities Are Beginning to Take Their Toll in the Depths of the Oceans.
Bibi van der Zee, The Argument That Industrial Farming Is an Efficient Way to Grow Food Is a Dangerous Myth That Risks All Life on Earth. The Argument That Industrial Farming Is an Efficient Way to Grow Food Is a Dangerous Myth That Risks All Life on Earth.
Peter Van Els, Plants And Animals Don’t Have A Voice, Let Us Be Theirs. Plants And Animals Don’t Have A Voice, Let Us Be Theirs.
Sarah van Gelder, 90 Companies Helped Cause the Climate Crisis—They Should Pay for It. 90 Companies Helped Cause the Climate Crisis—They Should Pay for It.
Lucy Goodchild van Hilten, Neonics Harm Bees, Poison Drinking Water and Don't Improve Crop Yield: Why Aren't We Banning Them? Neonics Harm Bees, Poison Drinking Water and Don't Improve Crop Yield: Why Aren't We Banning Them?
Shiney Varghese, To Protect Food and Water Security, NAFTA Negotiations Must Get Rid of the Destructive Mechanism That Allows Corporations to Sue Nations. To Protect Food and Water Security, NAFTA Negotiations Must Get Rid of the Destructive Mechanism That Allows Corporations to Sue Nations.
Charles Varni, How Residents of One California County Are Taking on Big Oil. How Residents of One California County Are Taking on Big Oil.
Visual Capitalist, The 10 Companies That Dominate the Global Arms Trade. The 10 Companies That Dominate the Global Arms Trade.
Andre Vltchek and Alessandro Bianchi, On ‘Independence’: Catalonia, Kurdistan, North Korea and Latin America. On ‘Independence’: Catalonia, Kurdistan, North Korea and Latin America.
Daniel Christian Wahl, Beyond Sustainability??—?We are Living in the Century of Regeneration. Beyond Sustainability??—?We are Living in the Century of Regeneration.
Robert Walker, Demographic, Social and Economic Changes May Pose an Even Greater Threat to Humanity Than Climate Change. Demographic, Social and Economic Changes May Pose an Even Greater Threat to Humanity Than Climate Change
Jonathan Watts, Josh Holder, Niko Kommenda, 5 of the World's Biggest Cities That Will Be Drowned and See Millions of Refugees. 5 of the World's Biggest Cities That Will Be Drowned and See Millions of Refugees.
Elizabeth West, On The Road To Extinction, Maybe It’s Not All About Us. On The Road To Extinction, Maybe It’s Not All About Us.
Richard Westra, Trump And US Deficits. Trump And US Deficits.
Allen White, The Western Notion of Development Is Destroying the Planet: So What Are the Alternatives?  The Western Notion of Development Is Destroying the Planet: So What Are the Alternatives?
Allen White, What Is the 'New Economy' and Can It Help Save the Planet? What Is the 'New Economy' and Can It Help Save the Planet?
Allen White, To Achieve Truly Equitable & Sustainable Development, We Must Dump the Notion That Self-Interest Drives Economic Behavior. To Achieve Truly Equitable & Sustainable Development, We Must Dump the Notion That Self-Interest Drives Economic Behavior.
Mike Whitney, John Brennan’s Police State USA. John Brennan’s Police State USA.
John Wight, Western Complicity in Saudi Arabia's Dirty War in Yemen. Western Complicity in Saudi Arabia's Dirty War in Yemen.
Dr. Michael Dorsey, Jane Williams, Why Pollution Trading Will Never Be the Climate Solution for California—or Anywhere Else. Why Pollution Trading Will Never Be the Climate Solution for California—or Anywhere Else.
Robin Wylie, Climate Change Could Lead to a Resurgence of Some of the Deadliest Illnesses on Earth. Climate Change Could Lead to a Resurgence of Some of the Deadliest Illnesses on Earth.
Nil Zacharias, Gene Stone, Our Appetite for Meat Isn't Just Destroying the Planet's Ecosystems—It's Changing the Face of Earth Itself.  Our Appetite for Meat Isn't Just Destroying the Planet's Ecosystems—It's Changing the Face of Earth Itself.
John Zangas, An Iceberg the Size of Delaware Just Broke Off From Antarctica (Video). An Iceberg the Size of Delaware Just Broke Off From Antarctica (Video).
Kevin Zeese, and Margaret Flowers, Climate Breakdown. Climate Breakdown
Eric Zuesse, America Spends About Half of World’s Military Expenditures. America Spends About Half of World’s Military Expenditures.
Eric Zuesse, How The Military Controls America. How The Military Controls America.
Eric Zuesse, U.S. And Its Press Lie Americans Into Invasions Routinely. U.S. And Its Press Lie Americans Into Invasions Routinely.
Eric Zuesse, U.S. Government & Press Lie Constantly, With Total Impunity. U.S. Government & Press Lie Constantly, With Total Impunity

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