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Abdul-Raheem Dr. Abdul-Raheem General-Secretary of the Global Pan African Movement Tajudeen28@hotmail.com Abraham John E. Abraham T.J. Modelling Ltd. Alberta Canada Abramia File Dr. Grigori Abramia Director Georgian Center for Environmental Research Georgia geocer@mmc.net.ge gia_abramia@hotmail.com http://www.georgia-gateway.org/ NGOinGeorgia/WB/001.htm http://georgia-gateway.org/ENG/ Society&Culture/Organizations/Unions/WB/001.htm Acharya File Gay Raj Acharya Japan acharyasan@yahoo.com acharya@env.mine.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp Paper title: Towards a consensus on concepts of agricultural sustainability by G.R.Acharya¹, Kajunari Fukumura² and Masahiko Tomita² Japan Adjez Ahmed ADJEZ National Climate Center ALGERIA ahmed_adjez@hotmail.com Agaphonoff File Vassily A. Agaphonoff Rainbow Keepers Rostov Group rkrostov@don.sitek.net Agarwal Usha Sekhar and Anil Agarwal India VISIT US AT: http://www.cseindia.org New Email: vikas@cseindia.org webadmin@cseindia.org http://www.oneworld.org/cse/govern.htm Agbonifo Mr. Stanley Agbonifo Nigeria povalcrus@onebox.com Sincerely yours, For Poverty Alleviation Crusaders. Ahadzie George Ahadzie Executive Director Green Earth Organization greeneth@ghana.com Ahmadinejad Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Ahmed Dr. Ahsan Uddin Ahmed Head Environment and Development Division Bangladesh Unnayan Parishad (BUP) BANGLADESH bup@bdcom.com, neelormi@juniv.ed Ahmed File Faysal Abdel-Gadir Mohamed and Nimat Abdel-Karim Ahmed Manama, Bahrain undpbah@batelco.com.bh Ahmed Rashiduzzaman Ahmed Bangladesh rashed71@gmail.com Aja Aja Anthropology Department McGill University Canada agandh3@po-box.mcgill.ca Akhoundzadeh Namik Akhoundzadeh State Committee on Environment project@ecology.baku.az Akhter File Shawkat Ali, Ayesha Akhter and Md. Hasibur Rahman Environment and Agricultural Development Studies Centre Bangladesh icms@bdcom.com Akimov File Ecological Expert Slav Akimov and Ozod Mukhamedjanov President of NGO "City of Masters" Republic of Uzbekistan of Central Asian Region guest@cpart.uz Aksissou Mustapha AKSISSOU Department of Biology MOROCCO aksissoum@hotmail.com Alexander File William M. Alexander Emeritus Professor of World Food Politics California Polytechnic State University kerala@friendshouse.org www.jadski.com/kerala Alexey File Drouziaka Alexey Novosibirsk State University Member of Ecoclub of NSU Russia druz@ecoclub.nsu.ru al-Fadhily Ali al-Fadhily Ali Ms. Shaheen Ali Toronto, Ontario snali_2001@yahoo.ca Ali File Shawkat Ali, Ayesha Akhter and Md. Hasibur Rahman Environment and Agricultural Development Studies Centre Bangladesh icms@bdcom.com Allen-Sanchez Caitlin Allen-Sanchez Project Manager World Energy Assessment Energy and Atmosphere Programme United Nations Development Programme caitlin.sanchez@undp.org Alicia, Dana, Desiree, Farida, Gael, Gayle, Jodie, Liz, Medea, Nancy, Rae, and Tighe Alicia, Dana, Desiree, Farida, Gael, Gayle, Jodie, Liz, Medea, Nancy, Rae, and Tighe Almand File Eugenia Almand Executive Director, Institute on World Problems govt_rules@yahoo.com ![]() govt_rules@worldproblems.net ![]() http://www.worldproblems.net/index.html ![]() World Constitution and Parliament Association Leader in the movement for democratic federal world government since 1984 Constitution for the Federation of Earth http://www.wcpa.biz/ ![]() Writings on World Government http://www.radford.edu/~gmartin/index.html ![]() Almeida Prof. Anibal T. de Almeida adealmeida@isr.uc.pt Amarawickrama Tito Amarawickrama Researcher in Agriculture and Environmental Kandy Sri Lanka Amerasinghe File Dr. Terence P. Amerasinghe President, Institute on World Problems President, World Constitution & Parliament Association govt_rules@yahoo.com ![]() govt_rules@worldproblems.net ![]() http://www.worldproblems.net/index.html ![]() World Constitution and Parliament Association Leader in the movement for democratic federal world government since 1984 Constitution for the Federation of Earth http://www.wcpa.biz/ ![]() Writings on World Government http://www.radford.edu/~gmartin/index.html ![]() Ananda Jayanath Ananda Sri Lanka jananda@slt.lk Anderson Gail Anderson Manager, SDinfo Sustainable Development Operations gail.anderson@ec.gc.ca http://www.sdinfo.gc.ca/ Angus Ian Angus Anielski File Mark Anielski www.rprogress.org http://www.rprogress.org and Director, Green Economics Pembina Institute for Appropriate Development email: anielski@ualberta.ca ANOUBON MOMO Albert Hilaire ANOUBON MOMO Cameroun E-mail : anoubon@camnet.cm anoubon@yahoo.cm Site Internet : www.multimania.com\anoubon Arbore CONSTANTIN ARBORE apgro@mail.dntis.ro Arimah Dr. Ben C. Arimah Department of Environmental Science University of Botswana BOTSWANA arimahbc@noka.ub.bw Arun File Joe C. Arun IDCR India Email: arunc65@yahoo.co.uk ![]() ASLAM File MALIK AMIN ASLAM Executive Director, ENVORK: A Research & Development Organization Researcher in Climate Change Sector in Pakistan & Design / Development of the CDM Member of the UN (UNIDO, UNEP, UNDP & UNCTAD) International Working Group on the CDM Researcher on CDM capacity building (UNEP ~ Geneva) Reasearcher on Compatibility of Kyoto Mechanisms (PEW Centre on Climate Change ~ USA) Pakistan amin@isb.comsats.net.pk Astier Marta Astier Coordinator of the Agroecology Program Mexico giraac@yreri.crefal.edu.mx http://www.oikos.unam.mx/gira Auerbach Lewis Auerbach Director Office of the Commissioner of Environment and Sustainable Development Ottawa Ontario, Canada auerbal@oag-bvg.gc.ca Augustin File S. Augustin, J. Katima, E. Kilawe & B. Lyimo Tanzania taghgat@newafrica.or.tz jkatima@cpe.udsm.ac.tz Augustine Arasomwan S. Augustine Kidane@qanet.gm Augustino Suzana Nhemati Augustino sanhemati@yahoo.com Averill Nancy Averill Director of Research and Methodology Language: English n_averill@ppforum.com Ayato File SUSAKI Ayato, Mitsubishi Research Institute, INC., susaki@mri.co.jp ASUKA-ZHANG Shouchuan(Jusen), Tohoku University Email Address: asuka@sal.tohoku.ac.jp Paper title: "The Impact of Carbon Credits on Financial Viability of the AIJ/JI/CDM Projects" Ayo MR.ADEWULU FALOLU DEHINSILU and Fam Ayo(Admin. Director) SOUTH LEADER MKTG NIG.LTD NIGERIA EMAIL:famayo@mail.com Aziz Mir Adnan Aziz miradnanaziz@gmail.com Aziz Chemist Environment & development Ishag A. Aziz Sudan widadosman@hotmail.com Babate Faustino Jerome Babate Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist Philippines hx@gslink.net Badri S.A.HAMID BADRI Ahvaz - IRAN Structural aspects of Earth should be preserved naturally., English sabadri_99@yahoo.com Bahirwa A.R. Bahirwa International Institute of Education Mbarara University Uganda mustmed@infocom.co.ug Bakker Johannes (Hans) Iemke Bakker Department of Sociology and Anthropology Canada hans@css.uoguelph.ca hans@uoguelph.ca Baldock File Joy Hyvarinen and David Baldock Research Fellow Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) Authors: Joy Hyvarinen and David Baldock Paper tilte: THE INTERNATIONAL CLIMATE CHANGE NEGOTIATIONS, AGRICULTURE AND THE EU E-mail: jhyvarinen@hotmail.com or jhyvarinen@ieeplondon.org.uk Ballif-Spanvill Dr. Bonnie Ballif-Spanvill and Alison Winn Women's Research Institute Brigham Young University U.S.A. WRISec@fhss.byu.edu Banerjee Partha Banerjee http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GIMProceedings/GNewsOct2008.htm Banni File Ammar Banni Professor of French College in Algeria IFLAC /http://www.iflac.com/ E-mail: ammarbanni@yahoo.fr Website: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=30 Bapat File Dr. Jyotsna Bapat Senior Lecturer India jbapat@hotmail.com Sociology99@hotmail.com Barker David H. Barker BSc CEng MICE MIHT PEng (Malaysia) Geostructures Consulting e-mail: eco-engineer@bigfoot.com barker@geocon.freeserve.co.uk The Stables Model Farm Crockham Hill Edenbridge Unied Kingdom Baroud Ramzy Baroud http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GIMProceedings/GNewsOct2008.htm Barry Dr. Glen Barry http://earthmeanders.blogspot.com/ Dr. Barry is founder and President of Ecological Internet; provider of the largest, most used environmental portals on the Internet including the Climate Ark at http://www.climateark.org/ and http://EcoEarth.Info/ Earth Meanders is a series of ecological essays that are written in his personal capacity. Bartelmus Dr. Peter Bartelmus Director Division for Material Flows and Structural Change Department of Economics and Social Information and Policy Analysis Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy Germany peter.bartelmus@wupperinst.org http://www.wupperinst.org Basireddy Dr.B.SUDHAKARA REDDY BASIREDDY ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR & DEAN INDIRA GANDHI INSTITUTE OF DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH INDIA sreddy@igidr.ac.in Basit File Abdul Basit E-mail: basit72@gmail.com Bass File Dr. Brad Bass, Roger Hansell and Glenda Poole Adaptation & Impacts Research Group Institute of Environmental Studies University of Toronto Brad.Bass@ec.gc.ca brad.bass@utoronto.ca http://www.tor.ec.gc.ca/earg Bastola MR. PREM PRASAD BASTOLA Designation:- Managing Director Mr. prem prasad Bastola Avenues training, research and educational consultancy pvt Ltd. NEPAL E-MAIL: prembastola@hotmail.com Baxter Wanda Baxter Bazylevych Dr. Roman Bazylevych Professor Chairman of Computer Software Engineering Department Lviv Polytechnic State University Ukraine rbaz@polynet.lviv.ua Beale File Jennifer Beale Project Manager Bench Marks Launch Canada email: tccrsoc@web.net website: www.web.net/~tccr Bekkerov Mr. Bekkerov Peter President of the Union of Itelmen Families, the most ancient people in Kamchatka Russia E-mail: bekkerov@elrus.kamchatka.su Paper title: The Itelmens of Kamchatka Authors: Peter Bekkerov, The President of the Union of Itelmen Families, and Victoria Churikova, the manager. Bello Walden Bello Ben, Ricken, Iain, Galit, Paul, Graziela, Pascal, Esra'a, Milena Ben, Ricken, Iain, Galit, Paul, Graziela, Pascal, Esra'a, Milena Ben-Dor Oren Ben-Dor Benavot Dr. Aaron Benavot Department of Sociology and Anthropology ISRAEL email: msbenavo@mscc.huji.ac.il Bendapudi Ramkumar Bendapudi West Virginia University West Virginia U.S.A gdsouza@wvu.edu Bentivegna File Vincenzo Bentivegna Professor at the University of Florence, Italy DPMPE@CESIT1.UNIFI.IT vincenzo.bentivegna@cesit1.unifi.it Bentley File Peter Bentley Director, Environmental Protection - IAEW Australia senseadventures@yahoo.com.au ![]() Mt. Warning Bed & Breakfast Retreat "Maya" http://www.bigvolcano.com.au/custom/mtwarnbb/ ![]() Member of: Northern NSW Ecotourism Association (NNETA), and Wildlife Tourism Australia (WTA) Berg Jeff Berg Berliner File Pedro Berliner, Ph. D. Chairperson Wyler department of Dryland Agriculture J. Blaustein Institute for Desert Research ben Gurion University of the negev Israel Interests: Afforestation in arid zones, marginal water use, water management in arid zones. Indiscriminate felling of trees is one of the major causes for the desertification of semi-arid regions. It is however possible to use available (usually marginal) water resources to plant trees and manage the forests for long term sustainability. berliner@bgumail.bgu.ac.il Bernard Alain Bernard Le gouvernement de France Alain.Bernard@equipment.gouv.fr Bin Yu Bin byu@wittenberg.edu http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GIMProceedings/GNewsOct2008.htm Bidwai Praful Bidwai http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GIMProceedings/GNewsOct2008.htm BIVOL File Elena BIVOL Researcher in public administration The Republic of Moldova clima@moldova.md valentin@bios.moldova.su elena@bios.moldova.su Bliss Shepherd Bliss Bobiec File Andrzej Bobiec Chair Society for Protection of the Bialowieza Primeval Forest www.topb.most.org.pl pecheneg@ic.kharkov.ua Proposal for issues 1 , 25, 26, 28, and 51 Bogale File Ayalneh Bogale Alemaya University of Agriculture Ethiopia and Department of Resource Economics Humboldt University of Berlin Germany alemaya.univ@telecom.net.et ayalneh.bogale@rz.hu-berlin.de alemaya.univ@telecom.net.et Bogolyubov File Dr. Alexander S. Bogolyubov "Ecosystem" Association Russia abogol@stk.mmtel.ru http://www.ilstu.edu/~aggubin/buklet_eng.htm Bond Patrick Bond Born Manfred Born Ecolo-ecology and communication Environmental Management Germany manfred.born@ecolo-bremen.de born@econtur.de http://www.econtur.de http://www.ecolo-bremen.de Bosa George Lutalo Bosa DIRECTOR UGANDA LITERATURE PROMOTION AGENCY e-Mail: uptc mail@imul.com Bosselmann File Dr Klaus Bosselmann Associate Professor of Law Director, New Zealand Centre for Environmental Law President, New Zealand Earth Charter Campaign New Zealand email k.bosselmann@auckland.ac.nz www.law.auckland.ac.nz/cel/nzcel.html Bossman FRANCIS BOSSMAN, Executives of Ghana United Nations Associations (GUNA) TEMA - GHANA WEST AFRICA davidfrancis74@yahoo.com Bray Shirley Bray AWA, CUSO and Seeds of Diversity Alberta Canada sbray@telusplanet.net Brecher Gary Brecher Brendel File Oystein S. LaBianca (Ph.D) and Gary Brendel Oystein S. LaBianca (Ph.D) U.S.A. and Gary Brendel ADRA International labianca@andrews.edu Breton File Michael Breton email: sumak@sentex.net website: www.nexusbreakaway.com Business and services committed to ethical practice. Paper title: Nexus, the Breakaway Society Broad Robin Broad http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GIMProceedings/GNewsNov2008.htm Brooks Sarah L. Brooks Environmental Architecture and natural Building bsarah_l@hotmail.com Brown Heather L Brown heather-b@lycos.com Organization: Lycos Communications (http://comm.lycos.com:80) Heather Brown Arusha Centre Brown File Keith G. Brown, PhD Dean and Managing Director Department of Economic and Technological Innovation Canada kbrown@uccb.ns.ca Buchan Susannah Buchan Buchanan Bruce H. Buchanan, M.D. Toronto, Ontario Canada http://www.ceptualinstitute.com/genre/ buchanan/homepageBB.htm Bumbaco Mike Bumbaco Canada bumbaco.mike@etc.ec.gc.ca Web: www.etcentre.org Bunting Madeleine Bunting Bunzl File John M. Bunzl – Founder and Director E-Mail: info@simpol.org jbunzl@simpol.org Papers: 1) To Give in To the Protesters Would be to Turn Democracy on its Head 2) Reform the WTO! - But where are the Ideas? 3) Beleaguered on the Shores of Lac Léman: the WTO Invites the Activists to Tea Burkhardt Helmut (Ken) Burkhardt Adjunct Professor of Physics Ryerson Polytechnic University Toronto ON Canada M5B 2K3 burkhard@acs.ryerson.ca Burress Glenn E. Burress Geburress@aol.com Busgopaul Mahendranath Busgopaul Secretary General Republic of Mauritius halley@bow.intnet.mu Byer Pete Byer Centre for a New American dream newdream3@newdream.org Caetano Pedro Caetano Portugal pedrocaetano69@hotmail.com Campbell Thomas J. Campbell email tomcamp@simcom.on.ca Carpenter Chad Carpenter IISD Canada chadc@iisd.org Casse File Thorkil Casse Senior Project Researcher Center for Development Research Denmark tca@cdr.dk cdr@cdr.dk www.cdr.dk Cassimon File Danny Cassimon Assistant Professor of Development Finance University of Antwerp Belgium danny.cassimon@ufsia.ac.be Castiglione File Marinella Castiglione and Dan HyperLinker Eudaemony Laboratory Proposal for Discussion Roundtable issues 35, 21, 6, 17, and 15 Proposal title: In order for another world to become a possibility eulab@hyperlinker.com http://ars.hyperlinker.com/ Cato Molly Scott Cato sms96@aber.ac.uk Cavanagh John Cavanagh http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GIMProceedings/GNewsNov2008.htm Celestin TCHOUEN Jean Célestin, Remote Sensing and GIS/EIS specialist Deputy Chief of the Centre for Information and Documentation on Environment (CIDE) Technical Co-ordinator, Cameroon -Clearing House Mechanism (CHM) National Focal Point Office (Convention of Biological Diversity) Ministry of the Environment and Forestry http://www.dainet.de/cameroon/news.htm cbd.chmcam@camnet.cm Cerney Dawna Cerney Chamberlin Peter Chamberlin peter.chamberlin@yahoo.com http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GIMProceedings/GNewsOct2008.htm Chand File Mr. Yam Bahadur Chand President Institution for Development of Nepal Nepal wenergy@mos.com.np Chantaworn Pirom Chantaworn(Ph.D) Faculty of Economics, Thammasat University Thailand pirom@econ3.tu.ac.th Chaudhari Mr. Lalit P.Chaudhari Vice President Institute for Sustainable Development and Research India isdr@hotmail.com isdr@im.eth.net Sustainable development for economic and environment friendly existence of human settelment , conserving natural resources in environment , green house gases , global warming , water for life and water for nature . Chaudhary Dr. Krishan Bir Chaudhary Chege Ayub Chege Finishing PhD in management of plant nutrients in tropical small holder farms University of Exeter, Hatherly Laboratores agchege@exeter.ac.uk Cherednichenko File Larisa Khomik, Alexander Khomik and Valentine Cherednichenko Larisa Khomik Projectionist Chief of "Environmental Education and sociopsycological adaptation of Personality" Department The Republican Center of Science Study "Disable Children and New Information Technology" (RCSS DCNIT") Editor-in-Chief of environmental video libraries newsletter E-mail: stone@dcnit.icfcst.kiev.ua Website http://dcnit.icfcst.kiev.ua Alexander Khomik E-mail: alex@dcnit.icfcst.kiev.ua lora@dcnit.icfcst.kiev.ua stone@dcnit.icfcst.kiev.ua. Cherny Moscow Mayor Office Xenya Cherny and Vladimir Moshkalo Xenya Cherny Communication Officer Moscow Russia xvc_iucn@interset.ru iucnmos@aha.ru Chossudovsky Michel Chossudovsky Chowdhury File Ameer H. Chowdhury Email: iedsfoeb@accesstel.net Friends of the Earth Bangladesh Subject: About the Earth Management - all Peoples together . Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2002 20:22:10 +0600 From: ieds To: gdufour@globalcommunitywebnet.com Date: February 18, 2002. Attn: Earth Community Organization Canada From: Ameer H. Chowdhury IEDS-Friends of the Earth Bangladesh. Chrenko File Kamil Vilinovic, Project Manager of the UNDP project and Milan Chrenko, Project Assistant of the UNDP project Project started December 1998 The Regional Environmental Center, CO Slovakia Executing Agency: Ministry of Environment Implementing Agency: Regional Environmental Centre, Country Office Slovakia Slovak Republic rec@changenet.sk Internet: www.rec.sk Christie File Kenneth Christie Professor Norway email: kenneth.christie@isp.uib.no Christian File Most Honorable Bilongo Bolo Serge Christian Ambassador of the Dominion of Melchizedek (Ecclesiastical Sovereign Nation State) to the Republic of Cameroon Universal Peace Ambassador ( Universal Ambassador Peace Circle) Ambassadeur de la Paix Member of the International Peace Bureau www.gov-dom.org ambassadeuruniversel@yahoo.fr Christian Mr. Eze Christian Njoku MOVEMENT FOR PROTECTION OF THE AFRICAN CHILD (MOPOTAC) DEPARTMENT: COUNSELLING COUNTRY:NIGERIA email: chriseze68@yahoo.com Christiansen File Jim Christiansen Sierra Club France jchris5210@aol.com Chtchoukine Anton K. Chtchoukine Russia anton@ke.spb.org Chuks Ossai A. Chuks Nigeria email: povalcrus@yahoo.com email: povalcrus1@yahoo.com Churikova File Victoria Churikova Kamchatka Russia bekkerov@elrus.kamchatka.su Paper: The Itelmens of Kamchatka Authors: Peter Bekkerov, The President of the Union of Itelmen Families, and Victoria Churikova, the manager. Cihlar Josef Cihlar Environmental Monitoring Section Ottawa Ontario Canada Josef.Cihlar@CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca http://www.ccrs.nrcan.gc.ca Cipciriuc File Lilian Cipciriuc http://www.nffm.agravista.md/ http://www.ournet.md/~fnfm e-mail: fnfm@ara.mldnet.com fnfm@moldnet.md vdergaciov@yahoo.com Ciubotaru File Valentin Ciubotaru Republic of Moldova E-mail: valentin@bios.moldline.net elena@bios.moldline.net clima@moldova.md Clifford Mr. Neil Clifford Wildlife Artist Wildlife Sculptor in Toronto Toronto, Canada lineil@ican.net Cobb File Robert E. Cobb Forelaws on Board www.geocities.com/EvolutionaryPanaltruism/ USA Email: panaltruism@yahoo.com cosmicaltruism2003@yahoo.com Paper titles: A Democratically Planned Global Economy - Societal Sustainability www.geocities.com/EvolutionaryPanaltruism/DPGE.html Evolutionary Forelawsship: Realizing Human Potential in the Age of Cosmic Genealogy on Earth ![]() Cohen File Howard Cohen www.caringforcreation.net thegvn@yahoo.com Cojocaru and Marian Tamas ROMANIA apgro@mail.dntis.ro Colman File Ronald Colman Genuine Progress Index Atlantic Nova Scotia Canada gcolman@istar.ca Colville File Roy Colville Reading, England r.colvile@virginnet.co.uk Connor Steve Connor http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GIMProceedings/GNewsOct2008.htm Convery File Louise Dunne and Frank Convery Research Fellow Environmental Institute Ireland Louise Dunne louise.dunne@ucd.ie Frank Convery frank.convery@ucd.ie Email: louise.dunne@ucd.ie http://www.ucd.ie/~envinst/envstud/ Cook Richard C. Cook Cortes Lawrence Cortes Philippines hx@gslink.net Costa Filipe Costa Portugal Europe Costen File Catherine Whelan Costen Past Canadian Action Party (CAP) President & Communications Director ![]() Website: http://web.mac.com/whelancosten Email: cathpublish@wildroseinternet.ca Crequie File Guy Crequie A l'origine dote du seul certificat d'etudes, je suis devenu a 40 ans, diplome de 3ieme cycle universitaire. Je suis message du Manifeste 2000 de l'UNESCO, ambassadeur universel de la paix, laureat des Academies Europeenne et mondiale de la culture et des arts. guy.crequie@wanadoo.fr http://www2.blogger.com/profile/16097917629603014188 Cross S.G. Patil*, L.B. Hugar*, M.S. Veerapur*, J. Yerriswamy*, T. Cross†, A.C. vanLoon†, and G.W. vanLoon† *University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, Karnataka, India and †Queen’s University, Kingston Gary W. vanLoon Department of Chemistry Queen's University Canada vanloon@chem.queensu.ca Curwell Stephen Curwell Director BEQUEST Research Centre for the Built and Human Environment Bridgewater Building United Kingdom S.R.Curwell@surveying.salford.ac.uk Cumming Brad Cumming Head, Pollution Prevention Brad.Cumming@ec.gc.ca Danaher Kevin Danaher Danielson Anders Danielson Associate Professor Department of Economics Sweden anders.danielsson@nek.lu.se Danielyan File Karine Danielyan National Expert of UNDP and UNEP Independent expert of Parliament of RA Yerevan Armenia ashd@freenet.am argev@lx2.yerphi.am Our association has its oun home page http://users.freenet.am/~ashd Dauncey Guy Dauncey David Inkey David Inkey Antarcticu@aol.com http://www.labornet.org/news/0104/toopoor.htm Global online communication for a democratic, independent labor movement Poem I am too poor to go to war Discussion Roundtables for issues #12 and 13 Davies Jessie Davies Director of the Environment and Sustainable Development Research Centre University of New Brunswick Canada jdavies@unb.ca http://www.unb.ca/web/enviro Davis Joel A. Davis Editor ISA Newsletter University of Arizona Tucson U.S.A. isa@u.arizona.edu http://www.isanet.org Davis File Micah Davis micah_davis42@hotmail.com Davis Mike Davis de Almeida Prof. Anibal T. de Almeida adealmeida@isr.uc.pt Dedijer File Stevan Dedijer Consultant Integrated Intelligence: Biological - Individual - Technological - Governing - Social system Department of Business Administration Lund University Sweden and Croatia stevan.dedijer@fek.lu.se sdedijer@du.tel.hr De Feis File George L. De Feis e-mail. gldefeis@aol.com AND Chief Operating Officer The Objectivist Center e-mail. gdefeis@objectivistcenter.org de Filippo Guido de Filippo Italy lac@micronet.it http://www.agora.stm.it/efah/lac.htm de Guia Teresita de Guia Development Cooperation for Asia Pacific Banawa Philippines devcap@mozcom.com Dehinsilu MR.ADEWULU FALOLU DEHINSILU and Fam Ayo(Admin. Director) LAGOS NIGERIA EMAIL:famayo@mail.com Del Porto File David Del Porto Ecos/Sustainable Strategies Concord Massachusetts U.S.A. sustainable@aics.net http://www.ecological-engineering.com http://www.ecological-engineering.com/cofs.html del-Sol Divina del-Sol Divine Discovery E-mail: divina@divinediscovery.com Website: http://www.divinediscovery.com de Montoya Monica Lindh de Montoya Department of Social Anthropology Sweden monica-lindhde.montoya@socant.su.se de Oliveira Dr. Haydée Torres de Oliveira Federal University of Sao Carlos BRAZIL hayto@zaz.com.br Dernbach File Dr. John C. Dernbach Associate Professor PA U.S.A. John.C.Dernbach@law.widener.edu Deser Clara Deser de Silva Winston de Silva President Saviya Development Foundation Sri Lanka sdf@sri.lanka.net Deveaux Natalie Deveaux Seoul, Korea ndeveaux@hotmail.com Dewulf File Dr. ir. J.Dewulf, J. Mulder, H.J. van der Kooi Prof. Dr. ir. Herman Van Langenhove Gent Belgium herman.vanlangenhove@rug.ac.be Dr. ir. Jo. Dewulf Department of Organic Chemistry Ghent University Gent Belgium Jo.Dewulf@rug.ac.be JanMaarten Mulder The Netherlands J.mulder@stm.tudelft.nl Hedzer J. van der Kooi The Netherlands H.J.vanderKooi@stm.tudelft.nl Di File Zhang Di Youth reporter China kefeng@sina.com 4sunshine@yeah.net Zhangdi@eyou.com Diakite Mr. Mory Sanda Diakite V/President Vice-President of AGUIDEPE/ALKADIAF Guinée Conakry S/C SERVICE "SACCO" KOULEWONDY-KALOUM GUINEE dmamady@yahoo.fr Diallo Mr.Mamady Diallo , President of AGUIDEPE/ALKADIAF Mr. Mory Sanda Diakite V/President Guinée Conakry dmamady@yahoo.fr Di Lascio Marco Alfredo Di Lascio dilascio@gate.ene.unb.br Dissemond Heinrich Wohlmeyer and Hermann Dissemond Universitaet fuer Bodenkultur Wien h350p3@edv2.boku.ac.at Di Vita File Dott. Giuseppe Di Vita University of Catania Italy gdivita@lex.unict.it Djamanbaev File Erkinbek Djamanbaev President The Center for Training & Consulting http://www.strategs.com/ edjamanbaev@strategs.com E-mai: hq@strategs.com Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic E-mai: ctc@strategs.com CTC - Kazakhstan Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan E-mai: ctckz@strategs.com Djanaeva File Nurgul Djanaeva Independent researcher Forum of women's NGOs of Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan dnurgul@yahoo.com janay@mail.elcat.kg Docekal File Su Docekal co-founder of the Stonewall Committee for Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender/Transsexual Rights and a leader of Radical Women, spoke Feb. 14, 2004 at a Seattle rally to protest Bush's support for a constitutional ban. Proposal title: In Defense of Same-Sex Marriage Radical Women statement at the Seattle rally against a Constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage Issued by: National Radical Women www.radicalwomen.org |
Dodbiba Eno Dodbiba Green Albabia Fatbardh Meta IPTECH Center enod@albmail.com Doncaster File Michele Doncaster Ontario Canada micheledoncaster@hotmail.com Doudna Roger Doudna, Findhorn Foundation Forres, Scotland IV36 3TZ Paper title: Restoration of the planet, our home rdoudna@findhorn.org Doyle Alister Doyle Driesen David Driesen Syracuse, NY ddriesen@law.syr.edu Drouziaka File Alexey Drouziaka Biologist Kamchatka Russia yupik@elrus.kamchatka.su druz@ecoclub.nsu.ru Drouziaka File Valery Drouziaka Kamchatka Russia yupik@elrus.kamchatka.su druz@ecoclub.nsu.ru D'Souza File Ramkumar Bendapudi West Virginia University West Virginia U.S.A and Professor Gerard D’Souza gdsouza@wvu.edu Dufour File Germain Dufour Physicist Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada gdufour@globalcommunitywebnet.com gdufour@globalcommunitywebnet.com Dufour File Marielle Dufour Mouvement d’accueil des Élohim mardv@videotron.ca www.mouvementdaccueildeselohim.com Dufour File René Dufour Ingénieur des mines Médaille Vale-Inco pour l'année 2009 par l'Institut Canadien des Mines, de la Métallurgie et du Pétrole (ICM); en reconnaissance de sa contribution extraordinaire à l'industrie minière canadienne. Dunne File Louise Dunne and Frank Convery Ireland louise.dunne@ucd.ie frank.convery@ucd.ie Email: louise.dunne@ucd.ie http://www.ucd.ie/~envinst/envstud/ Dunsworth Ken Dunsworth Forest Ecosystem Specialist Habitat Protection B.C. Environment Ken.Dunsworth@GEMS6.gov.bc.ca Dusmuradova Noval Dusmuradova Women's Resource Center in Tashkent Uzbekistan atin@silk.org Dutt Umendra Dutt Dyson File Dr. Rose Anne Dyson Ed.D. Consultant in Media Education President, Rose A. Dyson & Associates E-mail: rdyson@oise.utoronto.ca or rosedyson@C-CAVE.com Website: www.C-CAVE.com Paper: Proposal for Discussion Roundtable: GLOBALIZATION, MEDIA AND MERGERS: What is the Impact on Youth and Education? Proposal for Discussion Roundtables 41, 42, and 43 Dzhamanbaev File Dr. Erkin Dzhamanbaev The President of the Kyrghyz Medical Association General Director of Asian Development Bureau ctc@infotel.kg adb@infotel.kg hivos@infotel.kg Eaton File Heather Eaton Canada heaton@ustpaul.uottawa.ca Eaton File Dr. Janet M. Eaton jeaton@fox.nstn.ca http://news.flora.org/flora.mai-not/17300 Ehrlich Paul & Anne Ehrlich Eilers Dr. Gordon Bronitsky and Horst Eilers Dr. Gordon Bronitsky Bronitsky and Associates Italy hoeugen@tin.it g.bronitsky@worldnet.att.net Ejide Mr. Isaac Oluwasegun Ejide Nigeria Segunejide47@hotmail.com Ellis File Bill Ellis TRANET Creating Learning Communities tranet@rangeley.org http://www.futureworld.dk/cc1-11c/book.htm Ellis File DR. MICHAEL ELLIS MBBS MRCP DCH MACNEM NPAA BA (Hons) Dip Grad (Nutr Med) Chief Editor, Co Publisher and Creative vision behind The New Paradigm Journal http://www.newparadigmjournal.com ![]() http://www.centreforchange.org ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Engelhardt Tom Engelhardt http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GIMProceedings/GNewsOct2008.htm Engesaeth Siri Engesaeth The Bellona Foundation Norway siri@bellona.no ENGELS Patrick ENGELS French engels.p@fsgax.ac.be Global change, Geopedology, Human nature EPA Sindh Irfanullah Tunio Assistant Director (Air) Environmental Protection Agency Sindh Pakistan tunio@cyber.net.pk Environmental Protection Agency Sindh Pakistan tunio@cyber.net.pk http://www.bellona.no Erhun KULA ERHUN: see Kula Etneut Ludmila Etneut Kamchatka Russia yupik@elrus.kamchatka.su Everingham Dr. Doug Everingham ![]() dnevrghm@powerup.com.au ISPO’s Officer and NC for Australia ISPO Governance Taskforce www.simpol.org info@simpol.org ![]() Simultaneous Policy (SP) Former Labor Health Minister and Australian NC for ISPO ![]() Ewbank John R. Ewbank ![]() Reform-activists at 86 and 88 Seeking sustainable justice through decentralist-federalism johnewb@comcast.net ![]() john.1916@yahoo.com ![]() Faizullo Nasrulloev Faizullo faizullo@khj.tajik.net Tajikistan Fearon Gervan Fearon Canada gfearon@scar.utoronto.ca Fedorenko Vladimir Fedorenko Member of EYFA "Green World" - Ukraine vova@kma.mk.ua Feeney John Feeney Feick Manager, Habitat Protection in the Ministry of Environment, jenny_feick@hotmail.com Ferrer File Jose Ferrer FERRERJK@pdvsa.com Filho Professor Walter Leal Filho Germany leal@tu-harburg.de leal@tutech.de leal@infra.kth.se The first issue of the International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education is now available. leal@tu-harburg.de sparkinson@mcb.co.uk www.mcb.co.uk/ijshe.htm Flavell Tom Flavell Washington DC 20009 U.S.A. tflavell@aed.org http://www.aed.org/learnlink Fortson Danny Fortson Foss Nicole Foss Oxford Institute for Energy Studies United Kingdom energy@sable.ox.ac.uk http://associnst.ox.ac.uk/energy Frank Joshua Frank Freechild Aquene Freechild Karl Froschauer File froschau@sfu.ca Issues 4, 11, 24, 26, 28, 35, 38, 54, and 55 Fugere Danielle Fugere Fullerton Karyn Fullerton karynf@tidybritain.org.uk Fukumura Kajunari Fukumura: see G.R.Acharya Gale Ron and Irene Gale, Australian Peace Committee/SA Branch Australia r-grayle@msn.com.au Gandhi Ajay Gandhi agandh3@po-box.mcgill.ca Gaodi Xie Gaodi Garayev File Azer Garayev Presiden of Azerbaijan Society for the Protection of Animals Participant of the Pan-European EcoForum Azerbaijan Society for the Protection for Animals e-mail: aspa@azintex.com roland_pro_99@yahoo.com Garcia-Baltasar Jose Lorenzo Garcia-Baltasar Spain Baltasar@openbank.es Gardner Emma Gardner England emmaecho@aol.com Garms Oleg Garms Isnpector of the State Committee on Enviroment Preservation of Altai Region ekolog@altgate.altai.ru Garrido Raquel Garrido Pompeu Fabra University raquel.garrido@econ.upf.es Gbagbo Joseph Kofi Nani Gbagbo Sustainable Community Group Universal Environmental & Energy Associates (UEEA) Ghana kofinani@hotmail.com Gentzoglanis File Dr. Anastassios Gentzoglanis Professor CEREF (Centre for the Study of Regulatory Economics & Finance) Quebec Canada J1K 2R1 agentz@courrier.usherb.ca Georgescu Calin Georgescu NCSD Executive Director UNDP Project Manager and Mariana Burgheaua National Center for Sustainable Development mariana@sdnp.ro Gervasio Dr.Alvaro González Gervasio Agronomist and Geographer Montevideo Uruguay alvarog@chasque.apc.org agonzalez@fcien.edu.uy Getz Vic Getz Department of Sociology Washington State University WA U.S.A. vgetz@mail.wsu.edu Gilchrist Ian G. Gilchrist, M.Sc. Ecologist Alberta igilchrist@golder.com Gillies Jon A. Gillies Professor of Agricultural and Bioresource Engineering Chair, Division of Environmental Engineering Saskatoon, Saskachewan Canada Jon_Gillies@engr.USask.Ca gillies@engr.usask.ca Gil Mora Eduardo Gil Mora Andean Institute of Ecology and Development Cusco Peru egil@chaski.unsaac.edu.pe Glantz Aaron Glantz http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GIMProceedings/GNewsNov2008.htm Glenn Theodore Gordon, AC/UNU Millennium Project, Vero Beach, FL Jerome Glenn, AC/UNU Millennium Project, Washington, D.C. Jerome C. Glenn, director Millennium Project Washington, DC, USA http://www.acunu.org Futuristically yours, Jerry jglenn@igc.org Glikson Andrew Glikson geospec@iinet.net.au http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GIMProceedings/GNewsNov2008.htm GNANAKKAN Mr. Samson Gnanakkan THANJAVUR, TAMILNADU INDIA E-mail: tnj_samson@sancharnet.in Website: www.prcolleges.com Godoy Julio Godoy Goeke File Anne Goeke (de la Bouillerie), Co-Director Earth Rights Institute West Coast Office CA, USA Read about FREE online course on Land Rights and Land Value Capture annie@earthrights.net http://www.earthrights.net/ Affiliated Centre with the Global Community for training and education ![]() Gokhelashvili Ramaz Gokhelashvili Georgia E-mail: gokh2104@uidaho.edu ramazgokh@yahoo.com Gonsalves Sean Gonsalves Gonzales Dr. Alvaro Gervasio Gonzales Professor Sustainable Development Group Montevideo Uruguay alvarog@chasque.apc.org agonzalez@fcien.edu.uy Goodall Chris Goodall Goodchild Peter Goodchild http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GIMProceedings/GNewsNovDec2008.htm Goodman Amy Goodman Gorbachev Mikhail Gorbachev Gordon Theodore Gordon, AC/UNU Millennium Project, Vero Beach, FL Gottinger File Dr. Hans W. Gottinger Professor of Economics University of Maastricht (RL) Germany hg528@bingo.baynet.de hg528@bingo-ev.de gottih@rpi.edu hwgott@aol.com Gowreesunker Baboo Gowreesunker Mauritius dionet@intnet.mu Green Niall Green Greene Jennifer Greene Greenfield File John Greenfield Senior Agricultural Adviser Emeritus, World bank Greenfield@xtra.co.nz Greenpeace Greenpeace Canada mail@ems02.com Grey Barry Grey http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GIMProceedings/GNewsOct2008.htm Grishin File Nikolai Grishin and Olga Tokmakova Nikolai Grishin Coordinator of International and Russian Public Networks for Environmental Impact Assessment (IPNEIA / RUPNEIA) Director of Agency "ECOTERRA" Moscow Russia and Olga Tokmakova Executive Director of CEP-Moscow Moscow Russia Ecoterra@ecoterra.ru ngrishin@glasnet.ru Grynyuk File Dr. Yuriy Grynyuk Ukrainian State Forestry University (Stradch Forest Research Station) Ukraine grinrost@forest.lviv.ua Guangming Dr. Yu Guangming Professor Xianning Normal College P R CHINA qu98@public.xn.hb.cn Guilbeault File Jean-Guy Vaillancourt Professeur de sociologie de l’environnement Université de Montréal et Steven Guilbeault Responsable de la campagne Climat et énergie Greenpeace Canada jean.guy.vaillancourt@umontreal.ca Greenpeace : www.greenpeace.ca Guinomet Isabelle Guinomet Senior Consultant European Commission & UNCSD Head of Sustainability and Environment Indicators Department World Systems (Europe) Ltd. i.guinomet@wsel.lu Guo File Min Guo Attorney at Law Environmental, Coastal, and Ocean Sciences University of Massachusetts at Boston U.S.A. g3131mguo@umbsky.cc.umb.edu Gupta Bob Gupta BobGupta@yahoo.com Guru File Ms. Manjula V. Guru and Dr. James E. Horne The Kerr Center for Sustainable Agriculture, Inc. Poteau, OK manjula@kerrcenter.com jhorne@kerrcenter.com http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GIMProceedings/GNewsNov2008.htm Gutina File Dr. Galina Gutina Moscow, Russia goutin@yandex.ru For the children of the world: letter from Galina Gutina Ecological Problems Through Children’s Eyes. Miniatures for Theatrical Performances Haas File Cliff Haas International Dark-Sky Association, Inc. Tucson, AZ, USA Haji Lotfollah Haji Senior Environmental Engineer Carmel Environmental Co. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada haji.sheer@sk.sympatico.ca Hallowell Elvis Gbanabom Hallowell Sierra Leone West Africa share50@hotmail.com Hamblet Wendy C. Hamblet The Pennsylvania State University wch111@psu.edu Hamel File Jacques L. Hamel Scientific Affairs Officer Email: jhamel@uneca.org or jachamel@hotmail.com Research Paper: Knowledge policies for Sustainable Development in Africa. Only the abstract is shown here. A copy of the complete paper can be obtained from the author. Han Hsiang-Ling Han and Poh Hui hlhpkh@mediaone.net Hansell File Dr. Brad Bass, Roger Hansell and Glenda Poole Adaptation & Impacts Research Group Institute of Environmental Studies University of Toronto Canada Brad.Bass@ec.gc.ca brad.bass@utoronto.ca http://www.tor.ec.gc.ca/earg Hao File Dr. Xiaohui Hao Researcher in Resources, Environment and Sustainable Development Chief of Resource and Environment Division Beijing China haoxiaohui@hotmail.com Haque File Hasida Yasmin, MD. Hasibur Rahman and Shahidul Haque Member Directors Environment and Agricultural Development Studies Centre Dhaka Bangladesh icms@bdcom.com Harnwell Terry Harnwell (ms) terry@africanwebsites.net Hartzok File Alanna Hartzok, Director Earth Rights Institute Email: earthrts@pa.net Website: http://www.earthrights.net Proposal title: Earth Rights Economic Policy Vision Statement Paper title: The Alaska Permanent Fund A Model of Resource Rents for Public Investment and Citizen Dividends by Alanna Hartzok Paper title: A Green Tax Shift Policy Approach To Financing Local-To-Global Public Goods Authors: Hector Sandler, Rashmi Mayur, Tatiana Roskoshnaya and Alanna Hartzok Hassan Ghali Hassan Hawkins Tamara Hawkins Marketing and Online Manager Ontario Canada Canadian Journal of Sociology thawkins@utpress.utoronto.ca Hay Andrew Hay Measurement and Indicators Program International Institute for Sustainable Development(IISD) Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada ahay@iisd.ca Henderson Bill Henderson Henning Reinhard K. Henning Consultant on Integrated Rural Development Germany Website: http://www.jatropha.org henning@bagani.de Hensman Rohini Hensman Hepburn Dean Hepburn http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GIMProceedings/GNewsOct2008.htm Heydendael File Alexander Heydendael Secretariat Convention on Biological Diversity Montreal, Quebec, Canada alexander.heydendael@biodiv.org Hill Hamner Hill Department of Philosophy and Religion Southeast Missouri State University U.S.A. c787hup@semovm.semo.edu Hills File Professor Peter Hills The University of Hong Kong Pokfulam Road Hong Kong SAR People's Republic of China email: phills@hkucc.hku.hk Hillyer Anne Hillyer Overseas Development Group Plant Science Project Tsumeb Namibia, Africa a.hillyer@iafrica.com.na Holland Marika Holland Holloway Harry Holloway Churches have access to millions of worshippers. Saving the Environment is the outcome of " Christianity and the Survival of Creation" a study of bible teachings on the web at http://www.crosscurrents.org/berry.htm The attached File is it plus some notes on possble actions for congregations. Harfy Holloway Hahollow1@aol.com Christianity and The Survival of Creation By Wendell Berry Holt Jim Holt Horne Manjula V. Guru and James E. Horne The Kerr Center for Sustainable Agriculture, Inc. Poteau, OK manjula@kerrcenter.com jhorne@kerrcenter.com Houghton Elise Houghton TDSB Parents Environmental Network Faculty of Environmental Studies York University York Ontario Canada eshough@YorkU.CA Howell D. Gordon Howell Edmonton, Alberta Canada ghowell@compusmart.ab.ca Huba File Mikylas Huba Institute of Geography Society for Sustainable Living in the Slovak Republic Slovakia geoghuba@savba.savba.sk geoghuba@savba.sk Hubley File Craig Hubley and Associates craig@wheel.hubley.com http://hubley.com/green Hudek File Vladimír Hudek Director The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe rec@changenet.sk Website: www.rec.sk Hugar S.G. Patil*, L.B. Hugar*, M.S. Veerapur*, J. Yerriswamy*, T. Cross†, A.C. vanLoon†, and G.W. vanLoon† *University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, Karnataka, India and †Queen’s University, Kingston Gary W. vanLoon Department of Chemistry Queen's University Kingston, ON Canada vanloon@chem.queensu.ca Hunhammar Sven Hunhammar Stockholm Environment Institute Sweden hunhammar@fms.ecology.su.se http://www.fms.ecology.su.se http://www.sei.se Hussain Khalid Hussain & Zubaida Hussain HyperLinker File Marinella Castiglione and Dan HyperLinker Eudaemony Laboratory In order for another world to become a possibility eulab@hyperlinker.com http://ars.hyperlinker.com/ Hyvarinen File Joy Hyvarinen and David Baldock Paper tilte: THE INTERNATIONAL CLIMATE CHANGE NEGOTIATIONS, AGRICULTURE AND THE EU E-mail: jhyvarinen@hotmail.com Iakovou Prof. Dr. Savvas Katsikides Chairman Dept. of Social and Political Science University of Cyprus and Dr. Iakovou,Chr., Dr. Sarris,M. Title of Paper: Towards Sustainable Water Use in the Mediterranean and the Middle East: Conflicting Demands and Varying Social and Political Conditions. by Dr. Katsikides,S., Dr. Iakovou,Chr., Dr. Sarris,M. University of Cyprus Ide Minori Ide Concordia University minori.ide@sympatico.ca events2@environmental-expert.com Idris Kediralah Idris email: KIdris@pacteth.org Igbafe Mr.IGBAFE IKAZUAGBE Timothy Member Department: Chemistry Organization: Student Chemical Society of Nigeria, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile -Ife timogbafe@yahoo.com timogbafe@hotmail.com Ignatenko File Ludmila Ignatenko Chief of the National Community "Aleskam" Sustainable Development of National Communities in the South of Kamchatka Kamchatka Russia yupik@elrus.kamchatka.su Iliescu Gabriela Iliescu Budapest Hungary gavrela@hotmail.com l00ilg01@student.ceu.hu gavrela@yahoo.com Inkey File David Inkey Antarcticu@aol.com http://www.labornet.org/news/0104/toopoor.htm Global online communication for a democratic, independent labor movement Romania tatomir@usa.com Ira File Vladimir Ira Institute of Geography Slovak Academy of Sciences Slovakia ira@savba.sk Itano Nicole Itano Ivanov File Igor G. Ivanov Siberia Russia ic18igi@ic.dcn-asu.ru Jagadeesh File Dr A.Jagade a_jagadeesh11@rediffmail.com a_jagadeesh111@rediffmail.com a_jagadeesh2@yahoo.com a_jagadeesh@yahoo.com vayoo@hotmail.com a_jagadeesh@usa.net a_jagadeesh@coolmail.com Jain Sandhya Jain James John James http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GIMProceedings/GNewsNovDec2008.htm Jamail Dahr Jamail JAMIL File MUHAMMAD JAMIL AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL PAKISTAN taraqeepassandorganization@yahoo.com taraqqe@hotmail.com Janda Karel Janda Department of Economics University of Iowa Iowa City U.S.A. kjanda@blue.weeg.uiowa.edu Karel-Janda@uiowa.edu Janekarnkij Penporn Janekarnkij Bangkok Thailand Language: English fecoppj@nontri.ku.ac.th Jansen File Marielle Jansen Social engineer Australia Paper: A solution to the democratic deficit: the Sociocratic Method of Decision Making sociocracy@aol.com Jarolimek File Jitka Jarolimek, Environmental Consultant jeezel@Rogers.com MISSISSAUGA, ONTARIO http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/jeezel Jasper E. Keith Jasper Alberta Canada Jayafuye Mrs. Kuri Jayafure Toronto carlkuri@netscape.net Jerrett Mike Jerrett jerrettm@mcmaster.ca Jha File Raghbendra Jha and K.V. Bhanu Murthy Raghbendra Jha Professor Indira Gandi Insitute of Development Research India rjha@igidr.ac.in http://www.igidr.ac.in/facu/rjha.htm and Dr. K.V. Bhanu Murthy, Reader in Economics Professor University of Delhi India kvbm@del3.vsnl.net.in bsmm@vsnl.com Jinon Rene Jinon Communications Specialist Development Communications Program pasad@bcd.weblinq.com Jiyi File Dr. Tao Jiyi Professor Social Sciences Department Ji Nan University China taojiyizzz@21cn.com JOHN File Kun H. JOHN, Yeo C. Youn, and Jae W. Park Director Forestry Research Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture Environmental Planning Institute Seoul Korea Kunjohn@aol.com Jolie Betty Jolie Program Secretary to International University of Northern British Columbia jolie@unbc.ca Jonathan File Stanley Agbonifo Jonathan, ICT Coordinator,PAC (see Agbonifo) hwa Jun File Kim hwa jun Seoul National University huanmuchi@hanmail.net KAANICHE File Pr. Abdelmonem KAANICHE Head of Lab IAT CERES, Tunis, Tunisia Abdelmonem.Kaaniche@ceres.rnrt.tn Kalandadze Dimitri Kalandadze Business Consultant D_Kalandadze@georgia.com Interests: Development of Deposits by quarry way cause ecological disasters Kaphle File Mr. Netra PRASAD Kaphle Director Environment and Community Development Organization (ECDO) Kathmandu, Nepal South-East Asia ecdo@htp.com.np Karanja Anne M. Karanja (ph. 402) Institute of Social Studies The Netherlands KARANJA@iss.nl Karimov File Kh. Murtazaev*, S.N. Karimov** *NGO "Ecology and Scientific Technical Progress", Khujand State University, 735700 Khujand, Tajikistan **Khujand Scientific Center, 735714 Khujand, Tajikistan Dr. Khatam Murtazaev Khujand State University Republic of Tajikistan Tajikistan (same email as Professor Kh.Murtazaev) Karir Mrs. Alka Karir ON Karl Helmut Karl Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena Department of Economics Germany h.karl@wiwi.uni-jena.de Karl-@t-online.de http://www.wiwi.uni-jena.de/Wp2 Karopa File Dr. Gennady N. Karopa The Belarusian Green Class Association The University of Gomel Sovetskaya Belarus greenway@karopa.belpak.gomel.by (work, the University of Gomel) gnkaropa@gsu.unibel.by Karpov Alexander S. Karpov Board Member of the St. Petersburg Society of Naturalists St. Petersburg Russia ask@val1.usr.pu.ru ask@spb.org.ru Kasirov Dr. Kokul Kasirov Tajikistan kokul@tajik.net farhod@kokul.td.silk.org Katima File S. Augustin, J. Katima, E. Kilawe & B. Lyimo Prof. Jamidu Katima Tanzania Greenhouse Gases Action Trust Tanzania taghgat@newafrica.or.tz jkatima@cpe.udsm.ac.tz Katsikides Prof. Dr. Savvas Katsikides Chairman Dept. of Social and Political Science University of Cyprus and Dr. Iakovou,Chr., Dr. Sarris,M. Title of Paper: Towards Sustainable Water Use in the Mediterranean and the Middle East: Conflicting Demands and Varying Social and Political Conditions. by Dr. Katsikides,S., Dr. Iakovou,Chr., Dr. Sarris,M. University of Cyprus Kay Sandra Kay, GAEA Technologies Ltd. Canada skay@gaea.ca K.C. File Mr. Rajendra K.C. (see Rajendra) Keane David Keane Paper: A People's Participation Movement keane@nw.com.au |
Khan File Mariam Khan President Pakistan Peoples Party Human Rights Women WING mariam.ppphrww@gmail.com C/O Mr.Shah Khawar Deputy Atorney General for Pakistan Pakistan Supreme Court Islamabad Pakistan Khatib Dr. Hisham Khatib Honorary Vice Chairman Jordan khatib@nets.com.jo Khatri File Mr. Bharat Bahadur Khatri Program Coordinator, Social Organization, Rural Environment and Development Association (REDA)of Nepal City 0f Kathmandu, Province of Kathamndu, Nepal ngonetwork@enet.com.np www.Interconnection.org/ngonetwork Khomik File Larisa Khomik, Alexander Khomik and Valentine Cherednichenko Larisa Khomik The Republican Center of Science Study "Disable Children and New Information Technology" (RCSS "DCNIT") E-mail: lora@dcnit.icfcst.kiev.ua. Website http://dcnit.icfcst.kiev.ua and Website http://dcnit.icfcst.kiev.ua Alexander Khomik lora@dcnit.icfcst.kiev.ua stone@dcnit.icfcst.kiev.ua. Contacts: Valentine Cherednichenko RCSS "DCNIT" E-mail: stone@dcnit.icfcst.kiev.ua Kilawe File S. Augustin, J. Katima, E. Kilawe & B. Lyimo Prof. Jamidu Katima Tanzania Greenhouse Gases Action Trust Tanzania taghgat@newafrica.or.tz jkatima@cpe.udsm.ac.tz Kirvalidze Natalie Kirvalidze Environmental Information and Sustainable Development Centre "Rio" Tbilisi Georgia rio@caucasus.net Kitsiou Dimitra KITSIOU CEFREM - Universite de Perpignan France dkitsiou@univ-perp.fr Klare Michael T. Klare http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GIMProceedings/GNewsNovDec2008.htm Klufas Orest Klufas Architectura PLANNING ARCHITECTURE INTERIORS INC. Vancouver, B.C. Canada oklufas@architectura.ca http://www.architectura.ca Knijnikova File Natalia Knijnikova Ecologist Nhairman of the Expert Council Russia root@greenfeel.bitmcnit.bryansk.su Kolson Geoffrey Olawya Kolson OLANYA GEOFFREY KOLSON UGANDA,EAST AFRICA olawya@yahoo.co.uk KON File ANITA KON São Paulo Brasil anitakon@pucsp.br anitakon@exatas.pucsp.br Kondo File Professor Edson Kenji Kondo Shibuya-ku Tokyo Japan url: http://www.ias.unu.edu kondo@ias.unu.edu Korten David Korten Kostigen Thomas Kostigen http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GIMProceedings/GNewsNov2008.htm Kötke William M. H. Kötke Kovalenko File Alexei Kovalenko Work Affiliation(s) The Republican Center of Science Study "Disable Children and New Information Technology" (RCSS "DCNIT") Deputy director, and chief of department E-mail: olko@dcnit.icfcst.kiev.ua Website http://dcnit.icfcst.kiev.ua Koveinik File Vera Koveinik Paratunka Kamchatka Russia yupik@elrus.kamchatka.su druz@ecoclub.nsu.ru Kovenya Andrey Kovenya United Nations Development Programme Republic of Belarus kovenya@unibel.by Kozlova Galina Kozlova The "Eco-graph" Azerbaijan Journalist Association kozlovaGB@aznet.org gkozlova@yahoo.com Kozlova Larisa Kozlova Vice President of the Community Geologov Str Kamchatka Russia yupik@elrus.kamchatka.su Krasnyanski File Dr. Mikhail Krasnyanski NEOHIM (Ukraine) Ukraine (Yupanka) public@library.donetsk.ua Kravchuk Tatiana Kravchuk West Regional Scientific Centre Ukraine edward@lv.arbitr.gov.ua Kravcik Michal Kravcik (Kravèík), People and Water mvolav@changenet.sk kravcik@ludiaavoda.sk http://www.peopleandwater.sk http://www.changenet.sk/peopleandwater/news.stm http://www.changenet.sk/ludiaavoda/ Kremsa File Dr. Vladimir Kremsa Professor of Landscape Ecology and Environmental Sciences Research Center for Applied and Advanced Technology (CICATA-IPN) Mexico D.F. vkremsa@vmredipn.ipn.mx Krougikova File Elena Krougikova Kola Coordinative Environmental Centre Coordinator of GAIA Apatity Apatity Russia krugl@aprec.ru Krych Lyle Krych S P I R I T C R E E K Environmental Learning Center PahaCetan@brainerd.net Kryukova File Ms. Maria V. Kryukova (Ph.D.) Senior Researcher The Plant Ecology Laboratory Institute for Aquatic and Ecological Problems of Khabarovsk Russia dmitry@ivep.khabarovsk.su dmitry@ivep.khv.ru flora@ivep.khv.ru Kryvenko Iryna Kryvenko irynakryvenko@hotmail.com KULA File Dr. Erhun KULA University of Ulster at Jordanstown Belfast, Northern Ireland UK ie.kula@ulst.ac.uk Paper title: FLAWED ECONOMICS OF NUCLEAR POWER Kulik File Mikalai Kulik Gomel State University Republic of Belarus nkulik@gsu.unibel.by Kumar Dr. P.K. Dinesh Kumar Scientist INDIA pkdineshkumar@yahoo.com Kurland Norman Kurland and Garry Davis Kurvey File Dr. Balkrishna Kurvey Indian Institute for Peace,Disarmament & Environmental Protection Email: iipdep@nagpur.dot.net.in E-mail: iipdep@nagpur.dot.net.in Kutchava Zura Kutchava Club Mountain Traveller (CMT) clubtravel@netscape.net Kuttner Robert Kuttner http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GIMProceedings/GNewsOct2008.htm Kuzmenko Alekssandr Kuzmenko Ukraine askuzmenko@ukr.net LaBianca File Oystein S. LaBianca (Ph.D) and Gary Brendel MI U.S.A. labianca@andrews.edu Lagutov File Vladimir Victorovich Lagutov, Ph.D. Russia, Novocherkassk e-mail: zedon@novoch.ru Proposal title: Typical Example of the Goal-Aimed Environmental Management For Discussion Roundtables 9, 32, and 53 (proposal) Vladimir Lagutov Russia and for Discussion Roundtables 6 , 10, and 15 (research paper) Center of Coordination and Information "AzovBass" Nongovernmental Regional Ecological Movement "Green Don" Russia, Novocherkassk e-mail: zedon@novoch.ru, Lahmandi-Ayed Rim Lahmandi-Ayed Ecole Polytechnique de Tunisie Tunisie Rim.Lahmandi@excite.com Lambiel File Isabelle Lambiel isabellelambiel@hotmail.com Lantz File Dr. Van Lantz Faculty of Forestry and Department of Economics University of New Brunswick Canada vlantz@unb.ca Last File Rebecca Last Canadian Environment Industry Association Canada email:info@ceia-acie.ca conference@cisdl.org Latorre File Carolina Latorre Fondo Capitalizacion Solidaria SCL Tepoztlan Mexico foncasol@prodigy.net.mx ![]() Lausmaa File Tonu Lausmaa Estonia tlausmaa@teleport.ee Lawrence David Lawrence Lazar Ninel Lazar President Environmental Students Society of Romania BUCHAREST ROMANIA enviro@k.ro reception@findhorn.org (Reception) info@earthcentre.org.uk ecological@designassociation.freeserve.co.uk editorgg@aol.com www.findhornbay.net/business/gnosis/ Leahy Stephen Leahy Leal Keith & Eileen Leal B.C. cfogal@netcom.ca www.canadianliberty.bc.ca Lean Geoffrey Lean Leff Enrique Leff Coordinator, Environmental Training Network for Latin America and the Caribbean D.F. Mexico rolac@rolac.unep.mx http://www.rolac.unep.mx Lei File Ming Lei Peking University Beijing P.R.China and Division of Societal System Planning for Energy Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University, Japan leiming@gsm.pku.edu.cn mlei@uji.energy.kyoto-u.ac.jp Leonard Mr.Kabanda Leonard and Mutyaba Paul Mpaulo icslwanga@yahoo.com Lendman Stephen Lendman Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net Letarte Georges Letarte Quebec Canada codes@sympatico.ca Lloyd Bruce Lloyd Brucelloydg@aol.com Lohan Tara Lohan Lopin File Alexander Theodore Lopin Geology Department of Moscow State University Paper title: Stability - In Conscious and Reasonable Development lopin@nlpub.freenet.kg Lorentzen Lois Ann Lorentzen Department of Theology and Religious Studies University of San Francisco San Francisco California U.S.A. Losalajome Richard Anthony Losalajome, architecte arbeckines@yahoo.fr Lotta Raymond Lotta Lozano File Jose Luis Gutierrez Lozano Fundacioy Ahora A.C. josgutie@aahora.org ![]() Member of the World Social Forum (WSF) http://www.forumsocialmundial.org.br/ ![]() info@ideas.coop ![]() President, Carola Reintjes (IDEAS) http://www.ideas.coop/portada.html ![]() World Social Forum Office in São Paulo ![]() Brasil fsmpoa@forumsocialmundial.org.br ![]() International Council fsmci@forumsocialmundial.org.br ![]() General information fsminfo@forumsocialmundial.org.br ![]() Ludmila Ignatenko Ludmila Union of Aboriginal Communities "Yayar" Kamchatka Russia yupik@elrus.kamchatka.su Luger Andrea Luger Österreich http://www.wifo.ac.at/ Andrea.Luger-Hoefling@wifo.ac.at andrea.luger@wifo.ac.at Ly Adama Ly adma@syfer.refer.sn Lyasah I. Lyasah Ilyasah722@aol.com Lyimo File S. Augustin, J. Katima, E. Kilawe & B. Lyimo Prof. Jamidu Katima Tanzania Greenhouse Gases Action Trust Tanzania taghgat@newafrica.or.tz jkatima@cpe.udsm.ac.tz Lynas Mark Lynas Machado Rodrigo Matta Machado, Departamento de Biologia Geral Brasil mattamac@mono.icb.ufmg.br Madeleine File Ngo Louga Madeleine, Coordinator and Mouandjo Nseke David Fritz Narcisse, Project Administrator Cameroon, mlouga@iccnet.cm Madireddi File Subba Rao Ventkata Madireddi, Professor Chairman & Co-ordinator, Andhra University, India ubbarao_mv@yahoo.com Mah William Mah, Office and Administrative Services Norcen Energy Resources Limited, Calgary, Alberta wmah@norcen.com Mairota Paola Mairota, Intituo di Sistemazioni Idraulico-forestali Facolta di Agraria, Universita di Bari Italy mairota@hotmail.com Majumdar Sumita Majumdar, Husky Oil Sumita.Majumdar@husky-oil.com Makwana Rajesh Makwana Malakhov File Igor N. Malakhov, Lenina str. Ukraine, malakhov@ecok.freenet.kiev.ua Malena Carmen Malena, Participation/Civil Society Specialist Environment and Sustainable Development Unit African Development Bank, Abidjan Ivory Coast, C.MALENA@AFDB.ORG Mallick File Dr. Ross Mallick , 3 Banchory Crescent Kanata, Ontario, Canada Bundo1234@aol.com Mamatova Tatiana Mamatova, Natalia Ablova,Director Bureau on Human Rights and Rule of Law Kyrgyzstan rights@imfiko.bishkek.su , rights@elcat.kg rights@mail.elcat.kg Manopimoke Prakit Tansopon and Supachit Manopimoke, Dr. Supachit Manopimoke Faculty of Economics, Thammasat University, Bangkok, THAILAND smano@econ.tu.ac.th , tansopon@econ.tu.ac.th Mantell Stephanie Mantell Manzi Thandokuhle Manzi Maralusiddaiah File Dr. H.M. Maralusiddaiah, Anthropological Survey of India patel.asi@usa.net , patelsanjana@yahoo.com patel_hm@rediffmail.com Marinenko Nadezhda Marinenko Petroparlovst, Kamchatky, Kamchatka, Russia yupik@elrus.kamchatka Marielle Dufour Mouvement d’accueil des Élohim mardv@videotron.ca marielledufour@videotron.ca www.mouvementdaccueildeselohim.org Marquis Louis Marquis, Associate Dean for Research, Faculte de Droit Universite de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada lmarquis@droit.usherb.ca Martin File Dr. Glen Martin Professor Philosophy and Religious Studies, Radford University President, International Philosophers for Peace... (IPPNO) Chair of the Peace Education Department at Radford University, Virginia gmartin@radford.edu ![]() http://www.radford.edu/~gmartin/index.html ![]() Vice-President and Treasurer for Academic Affairs Institute on World Problems Secretary General and Treasurer World Constitution & Parliament Association (US) Institute on World Problems USA govt_rules@yahoo.com ![]() govt_rules@worldproblems.net ![]() http://www.worldproblems.net/index.html ![]() World Constitution and Parliament Association Leader in the movement for democratic federal world government since 1984 Constitution for the Federation of Earth http://www.wcpa.biz/ ![]() Martin Patrick Martin Marulanda Valeria Marulanda, Valeria_Marulanda@clsdc.com Marwaha Purti Marwaha Masinde Masinde Ministry of Environmental Conservation (MEC) Nairobi, Kenya mec@arcc.or.ke Masuda Nobuhiko Masuda Department of Economics Toyama University Japan masuda@eco.toyama-u.ac.jp Maver Peace Partnership International Dot Maver, President & CEO Global Community Affiliated Centres for Education and Training ![]() Peace Partnership International dot@peacepartintl.org www.peacepartintl.org www. nationalpeaceacademy.us Global Alliance for Ministries and Departments of Peace www.mfp-dop.org Mayur File Rashmi Mayur India iisfb@giasbm01.vsnl.net.in Authors: Hector Sandler, Rashmi Mayur, Tatiana Roskoshnaya and Alanna Hartzok Paper title: A Green Tax Shift Policy Approach To Financing Local-To-Global Public Goods McCann Tom J. McCann T.J. McCann and Associates Ltd. Calgary, Alberta mcca@worldweb.com McCarthy Daniel W. McCarthy McCarthy Michael McCarthy McDonald Cherrie McDonald cherrie@ozemail.com.au McGregor Dr. Sue L.T. McGregor Professor, Department of Education Coordinator Peace and Conflict Studies Program Mount Saint Vincent University Papers: 1) The Role of Families in Sustainable Development 2) The Family Perspective in Sustainable Consumption and Development 3) Application for Position of Minister of Family and Human Development 4) Leadership for the Human Family: Reflective Human Action for a Culture of Peace 5) Consumer Rights and Human Rights sue.mcgregor@msvu.ca www.msvu.ca/PAX/index.html www.consultmcgregor.com McKenna Juanita Mckenna, MA, (RLS) Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation University of Alberta Edmonton Alberta Canada jmckenna@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca McMahon Martha McMahon University of Victoria British Columbia Canada mcmahon@uvvm.uvic.ca Meena File Jack Meena Tanzania Environmental Reporting Tanzania School of Journalism jmmeena@hotmail.com Mehandjiev File Marin R. Mehandjiev (Professor) and Krassimira R. Mehandjieva Association of Bulgarian Environmentalists and Ecologists Bulgaria abecop@museum.web.bg Mehandjieva Marin R. Mehandjiev (Professor) and Krassimira R. Mehandjieva Association of Bulgarian Environmentalists and Ecologists Bulgaria abecop@museum.web.bg Mehlmann Valentin Yemelin and Marilyn Mehlmann Valentin Yemelin St. Petersburg, Russia libra@mailbox.alkor.ru yemelin@rocketmail.com and Swedish part Föreningen Global Action Plan (NGO) Marilyn Mehlmann General Secretary pro tem Stockholm gapinter@ett.se Mejia File Luz Natalia Ramirez Mejia Management Bancolombia acarog@isagen.com.ca acaro@isagen.com.co Medellin, Colombia Mendes File Dr. Isabel Mendes Portugal email: midm@iseg.utl.pt Proposal for Discussion Roundtables for issues #53 , 4, 19, 26, 28, 32, and 36 Paper title: Economic valuation as a framework incentive to enforce profit-based conservation strategies for natural ecosystems. A methodological approach. Mercieca File Dr. Charles Mercieca ![]() President, International Association of Educators for World Peace Dedicated to United Nations Goals of Peace Education Environmental Protection, Human Rights & Disarmament Professor Emeritus, Alabama A&M University Global Peace Movement ![]() Meyer File Mr. Aubrey Meyer Global Commons Institute (GCI) London UK aubrey@gci.org.uk website http://www.gci.org.uk Their website is at: - http://www.globeint.org/ Mgbeoji Ikechi Mgbeoji Dalhousie Law School Halifax Nova Scotia Canada acs2007@is2.dal.ca Michnowski File Leslaw Michnowski Member of the Committee of Prognosis “Poland 2000 Plus” Chairman of Sustainable Development Creators'Club The Polish Federation for Life POLAND http://www.psl.org.pl/kte ![]() kte@psl.org.pl ![]() elmamba@poczta.onet.pl ![]() Links to posters by Leslaw: http://www.psl.org.pl/kte/postergd.pdf ![]() http://www.psl.org.pl/kte/Poster-GD04.doc ![]() http://www.psl.org.pl/kte/wpubllm.htm ![]() http://www.psl.org.pl/kte/howtoavoid.pdf ![]() Proposal: Ecohumanism and Knowledge About the Future as Prerequisites of Survival and Sustainable Development Paper titles: 1) Appeal for Ecohumanism and the Creation of Information Basis for Sustainable Development 2) To create eco-humanistic economics with the aid of the U.N. Security Council 3) The Polish Initiative For a Sustainable Development of the World Society 4) THE PROFESSIONAL WORLD CENTER FOR STRATEGY OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT – FOR LIFE IN STATE OF CHANGE The paper is shown in full details with graphics at http://www.psl.org.pl/kte/pwcfssd.htm ![]() 5) Eco - development message from the Warsaw Meeting 6) HOW TO AVOID THE GLOBAL CATASTROPHE? The Information Basis for Sustainable Development Policy and Economy http://www.psl.org.pl/kte/howtoavoid.pdf ![]() 7.0 Recommendation: Ways in which the world situation tends to evolve, creates an urgent need to build up a widely and freely accessible world information network. This network could serve to provide monitoring, forecasting and early warning and thus help to implement the principles of sustainable development. ![]() 8.0 HOW TO CREATE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GLOBAL INFORMATION SOCIETY? ![]() 9.0 HOW TO AVOID THE GLOBAL CATASTROPHE? The Information Basis for Sustainable Development Policy and Economy ![]() 10.0 Information basis for sustainable development policy and economy is essential for survival ![]() 11.0 WORLDWIDE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM AS A PRECONDITION FOR THE REALIZATION OF UNITED NATIONS GOALS ![]() 12.0 Eco-Humanism and Popular System Dynamics as Preconditions for Sustainable Development ( VISION OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY – FUTURE OF THE WORLD FROM CYBERNETICIST PERSPECTIVE ) ![]() 13.0 For Humankind Survival Is Sustainable Development Essential? ![]() Miklos File (see also Vilinovic and Chrenko) Laszlo Miklos Minister The Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic Member of Governmental Committee for Sustainable Development rec@changenet.sk Internet: www.rec.sk Miller Jason Miller http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GIMProceedings/GNewsOct2008.htm Miller File Khalid Aziz and Otto N. Miller Professors at Stanford Khalid Aziz Professor of Petroleum Engineering and Otto N. Miller Professor of Earth Sciences Stanford CA California, U.S.A. Minkin BARRY MINKIN Redwood City, CA e-mail: barryminkin@msn.com web site visit: minkinaffilates.com Barry Minkin, Futurist, Global Management Consultant, Best Selling Author and Professional Speaker Miroshnichenko Natalya Miroshnichenko president of the female centre "Ecoinitiative" Nikolaev Ukraine Natalya@mnv.aip.mk.ua Mitchell Laura Mitchell National Coordinator Program Development and Evaluation Toronto Ontario Canada lauram@crossroads-carrefour.ca http://www.crossroads-carrefour.ca Mitha G. Asgar Mitha Mittal Gauri Mittal School of Engineering University of Ontario Canada gmittal@uoguelph.ca www.eos.uoguelph.ca/webgles/mittal Mohamed Faysal Abdel-Gadir Mohamed and Nimat Abdel-Karim Ahmed United Nations Development Programme c/o UNDP Bahrain Registry Manama, Bahrain undpbah@batelco.com.bh Moldogazieva Kalia Moldogazieva Director Human Development Centre Tree of Life Kyrgyzstan root@treelife.cango.net.kg kalia@treelife.cango.net.kg kalia@treelife.freenet.bishkek.su Monasterio File Fernando Ortiz Monasterio Mexico, D.F. C.P. 01020 corpambiental@aol.com ![]() Monbiot George Monbiot http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GIMProceedings/GNewsNovDec2008.htm Monnerie Annick Monnerie Association Francaise d'Etudes Canadiennes (AFEC) French Association for Canadian Studies (FACS) Batiment de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme d'Aquitaine France afec@msha.u-bordeaux.fr http://www.archimedia.fr/AFEC Mora Eduardo Gil Mora National University of Cusco Cusco, Peru egil@chaski.unsaac.edu.pe Aribo Ifedapo Morenikeji Lagos Isolo, Nigeria Morta Eduardo Gil Morta Cusco Peru Moshkalo Moscow Mayor Office Xenya Cherny and Vladimir Moshkalo Moscow Russia xvc_iucn@interset.ru iucnmos@aha.ru SAKANGA MOUROUBA RENE SAKANGA MOUROUBA Conseiller Electoral Country: Ivoiry Coast Duty: Electoral adviser Mobile phone: +225 06323277 Office phone: +225 06202023 sakanga@un.org mourouba@hotmail.com sakangarene@yahoo.fr Moya File Jose H. Moya Professor Central University of Venezuala Caracas Venezuela Coordinator of Institutional Relationships of FORJA of Venezuala forja@reaccium.ve Moya Ramón Pérez Moya Ranchuelo VC Cuba sarkonstantinos@medscape.com Mpaulo Mr.Kabanda Leonard and Mutyaba Paul Mpaulo Kampala, Uganda icslwanga@yahoo.com Mtonga Robert Mtonga bobmtonga@hotmail.com Mukhamedjanov Ecological Expert Slav Akimov and Ozod Mukhamedjanov President of NGO "City of Masters" Republic of Uzbekistan of Central Asian Region guest@cpart.uz Murphy Dr. Eugene T. Murphy Asst. Professor of Sociology & Anthropology Director, Asian Studies Program Fairfield University emurphy@FAIR1.FAIRFIELD.EDU Murtazaev File Dr. Khatam Murtazaev Khujand State University Republic of Tajikistan Tajikistan *NGO "Ecology and Scientific Technical Progress", Khujand State University, 735700 Khujand, Tajikistan **Khujand Scientific Center, 735714 Khujand, Tajikistan murtaza@khj.tajik.net Paper titles: 1. Herbal Medicine of Kidney Stone Disease by Kh. Murtazaev, A. Murtazaev 2. Influence of Radiation and Environment on Mechanical Properties of Polymeric Film by S. Karimov, Kh. Murtazaev 3. Radiation and Cancer Diseases by Kh. Murtazaev, A. Abdivaliev 4. Sandali throughout Time and Space by Kh. Murtazaev, S. Olov 5. Man’s Satellites and Victims of Civilization by Kh. Murtazaev, A. Murtazaev Murthy and Jha File Raghbendra Jha and K.V. Bhanu Murthy Raghbendra Jha Indira Gandi Insitute of Development Research General Vaidya Marg India rjha@igidr.ac.in http://www.igidr.ac.in/facu/rjha.htm and Dr. K.V. Bhanu Murthy, Reader in Economics Professor University of Delhi India kvbm@del3.vsnl.net.in bsmm@vsnl.com Murthy Dr. K.V. Bhanu Murthy, Reader in Economics University of Delhi Pitampura India kvbm@del3.vsnl.net.in bsmm@vsnl.com Mustafaev File Dr. Islam Israfil oglu Mustafaev Ecological Society "Ruzgar" Azerbaijan and Head of Laboratory Radiation Processes Sector of Radiation Researches Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences Azerbaijan IMustafaev@iatp.baku.az ruzmk@rad.dl.ab.az ruzmk@rad.dl.ab.az Mustapha Aksissou Mustapha Department of Biology Faculty of science Morocco aksissoum@hotmail.com Muzafar File Professor Yunusov M. Muzafar A Real Member of Engineering Academy of Tajikistan Doctor of Chemical Sciences The Republic of Tajikistan nigor@sugdien.com Paper title: "Spreading of heavy and toxic metals on Sogdiyskaya region area" by M.M.Yunusov, N.I.Bezzubov, Z.A.Razikov, B.G.Faizulloev Product Association "VOSTOKREDMET", the town of Chkalovsk, the Republic of Tajikistan. Paper title: "Appropriateness of spreading of the artificial radionuclides in the Nothern Tajikistan" by M.M.Yunusov, N.I.Bezzubov, V.V.Perelyaev, Z.A.Razikov, B.G.Faizulloev Product Association "VOSTOKREDMET", the town of Chkalovsk, the Republic of Tajikistan. Paper title: "The method of dialysis extraction of metals for the solution of ecological problems" by M.M.Yunusov, Z.A.Razikov, N.I.Bezzubov, V.V.Perelyaev, B.G.Faizulloev Product Association "VOSTOKREDMET", the town of Chkalovsk, the Republic of Tajikistan. Paper title: "Radiation situation in Sogdiyskaya region" by M.M.Yunusov, Z.A.Razikov, N.I.Bezzubov, V.V.Perelyaev, B.G.Faizulloev Product Association "VOSTOKREDMET", the town of Chkalovsk, the Republic of Tajikistan. Paper title: APPLIED PACKAGE PROGRAM "ECOLOGY OF UNDERGROUND WATER" by Yunusov M.M., Koptelov V.P., Razikov Z.A., Koptelov A.V. Mwami File James Mwami, Water Engineer Minister of Water Resources Protection Interim Earth Government BUSOGA TRUST LUWERO Uganda Papers: 1) Public Participation in Watershed Development by Settlers 2) Water security and development Email: BusogaProject@maf.org Myburgh Oppel Myburgh Stellenbosch University 12641731@rgo.sun.ac.za Nagler Dr. Mark Nagler Policies and Disabilities Studies Department of Sociology Renaissance College University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario Canada Nahrath Stephane Nahrath Assistant Institut de Hautes Etudes en Administration Publique Stephane.Nahrath@idheap.unil.ch Narain Urvashi Narain Ag & Resource Economics University of California Berkeley U.S.A. narain@are.berkeley.edu Narcisse Ngo Louga Madeleine Coordinator and Mouandjo Nseke David Fritz Narcisse Project Administrator Health and Environment Program Cameroon mlouga@iccnet.cm Nauheimer File Dr. Holger Nauheimer Training - Coaching - Consulting Germany h.nauheimer@berlin.snafu.de http://www.snafu.de/~h.nauheimer Ng File Dr. Yew-Kwang Ng Professor Department of Economics Monash University Australia 3168 kwang.ng@buseco.monash.edu.au NGITE-NNOKO File Mr. Rene NGITE-NNOKO TUITOR(VOLUNTEERING) Department of CHEMISTRY CAMEROON City of BUEA SOUTH WEST PROVINCE REPUBLIC OF CAMEROON ngitosh@yahoo.com Nhemati Suzana Nhemati sanhemati@yahoo.com Nickerson File Sustainability Project / 7th Generation Initiative Lanark, Ontario sustain@web.ca http://www.SustainWellBeing.net http://www.SustainWellBeing.net/5.html Nielsen Ron Nielsen Consultant Environmental Affairs and Sustainability Alcan Aluminium Ltd. rnielsen@web.net ronald.nielsen@alcan.com Nikitin File Anatoly Nikitin and Sofia Nikitina Manager NGO "Bionic" Central Karyaki Kamchatka Russia yupik@elrus.kamchatka.su druz@ecoclub.nsu.ru Nikitina Anatoly Nikitin and Sofia Nikitina NGO "Bionic" Kamchatka Russia yupik@elrus.kamchatka.su druz@ecoclub.nsu.ru Njoku File Mr. Eze Christian Njoku MOVEMENT FOR PROTECTION OF THE AFRICAN CHILD (MOPOTAC) LAGOS NIGERIA E-mail: carolink2zero@yahoo.com chriseze68@yahoo.com chriseze@yahoo.com Nobes Sue Nobes Department of Secondary Education The university of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta Canada snobes@epsb.net Noor Nita Noor Bali Indonesia gyanita@www.com sraosha@indo.net.id email : gyanita@www.com, sraosha@indo.net.id Nourallah File Dr. Riad Nourallah, Senior Lecturer, The Diplomatic Academy of London University of Westminster, London, UK nouralr1@wmin.ac.uk , noural1@westminster.ac.uk Noureldin File Dr. Nazih Noureldin Head Science Department University of Regina Regina Saskatchewan nnoureldin@sifc.edu Oberg Jan Oberg Obijiofor Chioma Obijiofor Program manager, ICBG (Africa) USA E-mail: chiomaobijiofor@hotmail.com Obono File Ms. Eteng Flora Obono Acting Chairperson (WASU) West African Students’ Union (WASU) Republic of Ghana etengflora@yahoo.com O'Connor Patrick O’Connor http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GIMProceedings/GNewsNovDec2008.htm Oganezova G. Oganezova and Hrant Sargsyan Armenia Botanic Society tapan@acc.am Oja File Ahto Oja Estonia 21 Stockholm Environment Institute-Tallinn Centre(SEI-T) Estonia ahto@seit.ee http://www.seit.ee http://www.agenda21.ee Olga Dembitskaya Olga Ecological Faculty International University of Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan angel@iuk.kg Olofsson Anna Olofsson Mid Sweden University (MAM) Sweden anna.olofsson@mam.mh.se O’Neill Brendan O’Neill Ong File Carah Lynn Ong Coordinator, Abolition 2000 Santa Barbara, California email: admin@abolition2000.org URL: http://www.abolition2000.org OSALAJOME File Richard Anthony OSALAJOME Kinshasa République Démocratique du CONGO E-mail: arbeckines@yahoo.fr |
Osborne Dr. Stephen P. Osborne Reader in Public Management Research Public Services Management Group Aston Business School Aston University Birmingham United Kingdom s.p.osborne@aston.ac.uk osbornsp@pcmail.aston.ac.uk Otto Vincent Otto Maastricht University The Netherlands and v_otto@hotmail.com sotto@worldonline.nl Ouziel Pablo Ouziel Owens File Andrew Owens Principal, IEPCO - International Electronic Toronto, ON CANADA Website: www.om.ca/iepco Sector: Corporate and Media biznaturel@yahoo.com Oyewole Niyi Oyewole ecopartner@usa.net Ozod File Mukhamedjanov Ozod President of the Gyldy Akimov Slav Ecological Expert Samarkand-Darbaza Str. Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan ngo@cpart.silk.org nargiza@abc.freenet.uz vildana@cpart.silk.org Pahl Greg Pahl Pandey Dr. Deep N. Pandey Indian Institute of Forest Management Nehru Nagar Bhopal India dnpandey@vsnl.com deep@iifm.org http://education.vsnl.com/deep/index.html http://www.egroups.com/groups/inef Park File Kun H. JOHN, Yeo C. Youn, and Jae W. Park Director Forestry Research Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture Environmental Planning Institute Seoul Korea Kunjohn@aol.com Pasishnyk Natalia Pasishnyk Management Department Ukrainian State University Lvivska Polytechnika Ukraine weti@lviv.gu.net Patel Dr. H. M. Maralusiddaiah File Anthropological Survey of India Manav Bhavan BOGADI Mysore India patel_hm@rediffmail.com patel.asi@usa.net patelsanjana@yahoo.com Patil S.G. Patil*, L.B. Hugar*, M.S. Veerapur*, J. Yerriswamy*, T. Cross†, A.C. vanLoon†, and G.W. vanLoon† *University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, Karnataka, India and †Queen’s University, Kingston Gary W. vanLoon Department of Chemistry Queen's University Kingston, ON Canada vanloon@chem.queensu.ca Patton Carl Allen Patton Murfreesboro USA calpatton@aol.com Website Academic Freedom Freedom of Expression http://members.aol.com/calpatton/index.htm Freedom Journal: Notes in Black History http://members.aol.com/capzpsyche/index.html Paul File Beverly A. Paul King's College University of Western Ontario bpaul@julian.uwo.ca Pavlova File Ms. Julia Pavlova Vice-President Public Women’s Movement of Prikamie Russia pavlov@perm.raid.ru Pavlova Olga Pavlova President of Public Women's Movement of Prikamie o_pavlova@hotmail.com Peoples File Secretary The United Peoples Denmark E-mail: secr@unitedpeoples.net Website: http://www.unitedpeoples.net Sector: Grassroot movement Perez Jose Alberto Cristancho Perez Geologist Geographic Institute - IGAC Researching using RADARSAT, Universite du Quebec Colombia South America cristanc@igac.gov.co Perkins Logan Perkins Director The Priorities Institute Paper title: Livable Cities for the 21st Century logan@priorities.org http://www.priorities.org Petras James Petras Pinto Jim Pinto Articles for Global Dialogue jim@jimpinto.com http://www.jimpinto.com/writings/wfs-softsolutions.html http://www.jimpinto.com/futures.html email : jim@jimpinto.com web: www.JimPinto.com San Diego, CA., USA Pocock Lesley Pocock http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GPA/2006MichaelEllis.htm Polya Dr Gideon Polya Polycarp File Mbadinuju Polycarp E-mail: polyinvltd@yahoo.com Poole Dr. Brad Bass, Roger Hansell and Glenda Poole Adaptation & Impacts Research Group Institute of Environmental Studies Toronto, Ontario Canada Brad.Bass@ec.gc.ca brad.bass@utoronto.ca http://www.tor.ec.gc.ca/earg Popivanova Christina Popivanova International Trade and European Integration Staffs University England International Relations Central European University Budapest The Czech Republic popivanovach@hotmail.com Poudrier Claude Poudrier claude.poudrier@sympatico.ca Poyya moli File Dr. Gopalsamy Poyya moli Reader, Department of School of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Pondicherry University School of Ecology & Environmental Sciences, Human Ecology & Adaptive Management of Ecosystems Paper title: Promotion of peace and sustainable earth governance by community based Heritage Eco-cultural Tourism poyya@satyam.net.in Pozzi John Pozzi Global Resource Bank http://www.grb.net jpozzi@worldnet.att.net Prelaz-Droux Roland Prelaz-Droux Maitre d'enseignement et de recherche Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne Switzerland Roland.Prelaz-Droux@epfl.ch Putkaradze George Putkaradze and Nik Enukidze gile_inf@hotmail.com Quarto File USA http://www.earthisland.org/map/ map.html mangroveap@olympus.net Issues 26 , 51, and 53 Quigley Bill Quigley Quijada File Luan Perez Quijada Tepoztlan Morelor Mexico jupequi@hotmail.com ![]() Rahman File Akim Rahman U.S.A. akim.rahman@puc.state.oh.us rahman.19@osu.edu Issues 1 , 8 , 4, 7, 11, 12, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28, 39, 40, 47 Rahman File (see also 'Ali' in Participants List) Research Officer, LQA Project, Department of Soil Water and Environment Dhaka University Bangladesh Email: hasibur77@yahoo.com ![]() Ramachandraiah File C. Ramachandraiah India rchandra@hd2.vsnl.net.in Issues 26 , 32, 36, and 47 Ranney File James T. Ranney Philadelphia ranney@att.net www.globalconstitutionforum.org Issues 10, 15, 17, 23, 30, 31, 34, & 57 Rebello File Dr. Leo Rebello prof.leorebello@gmail.com http://www.healthwisdom.org Email : prof.leorebello@gmail.com leorebello@hathway.com Website : http://www.healthwisdom.org 1.0 CHANGING THE WORLD TOGETHER E.Mohan Reddy India ongcpr@vsnl.com Issues 1 , 4, 7, 11, 24, 25, 26, 28, 36 and 40 Reddy File B.Sudhakara Reddy India sreddy@igidr.ac.in Issues 4, 5, 7, 15, 24, 25, 26, 28, 35, and 40 Reguly Eric Reguly Redman Janet Redman Ren File Fort Lauderdale ezeflyer@bellsouth.net Richard C. Rich File U.S.A. URBAN@VT.EDU Issues 1 , 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 18, 20, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28, 36, and 39 Roberts Paul Craig Roberts http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GIMProceedings/GNewsNovDec2008.htm Robert File Mme Marie Robert Citoyenne du monde Poète des mots, des images et des gestes Médaille de Vermeil Arts Sciences Lettres Messagère de culture de la paix pour l’Unesco www.marierobert.com marieeau77@aol.com Poeme: Hymne des Citoyens du Monde ![]() Rocha Manuel Pérez Rocha Roganov File Sergey Roganov Russia Roganov@go.com Issue 27 Roskoshnaya File Tatiana Roskoshnaya Russia lpwf@mail.wplus.net Issues 1 , 10 and 29 Rubello File Leticia Rubello Canada lrubello@total.net Issues 1 , and 26 Ruge File Lord Reinhart Dr. Reinhart Ruge govt_rules@yahoo.com ![]() govt_rules@worldproblems.net ![]() http://www.worldproblems.net/index.html ![]() World Constitution and Parliament Association Leader in the movement for democratic federal world government since 1984 Constitution for the Federation of Earth http://www.wcpa.biz/ ![]() Writings on World Government http://www.radford.edu/~gmartin/index.html ![]() Sadikovic File Jasmin Sadikovic, Ecological assocciation Green Osijek President of section for protection of animals in the nature Croatia jasminsadikovic@yahoo.com Sakanga MOUROUBA File Rene Mourouba Sakanga Conseiller Electoral Country: Ivoiry Coast Duty: Electoral adviser Mobile phone: +225 06323277 Office phone: +225 06202023 mourouba@hotmail.com sakangarene@yahoo.fr sakanga@un.org Safonov Dr. Maxim A. Safonov, Institute of Bioresources and Applied Ecology omic@mail.oris.ru , ibrae@ospu.esoo.ru Sandler File Rene Mourouba Sakanga Sanchez File Ms. Tamara Sanchez Toronto, ON tamarasanch@hotmail.com Sandler File Dr.Hector Raul Sandler, Professor of Philosophiy of Law and researcher (Sr) Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, and, President of the Instituto de Capacitación Económica (ICE), a NGO Paper title: A Green Tax Shift Policy Approach To Financing Local-To-Global Public Goods Authors: Hector Sandler, Rashmi Mayur, Tatiana Roskoshnaya and Alanna Hartzok hsandler@internet5.com.ar Sankaran File sankaransubbiah@hotmail.com Sanyal Goutam Kumar Sanyal, Dhaka, Bangladesh sss@bdonline.com Sarris Marios Sarris and Prof. Dr. Savvas Katsikides Dept. of Social and Political Science University of Cyprus Title of Paper: Towards Sustainable Water Use in the Mediterranean and the Middle East: Conflicting Demands and Varying Social and Political Conditions. by Dr. Katsikides,S., Dr. Iakovou,Chr., Dr. Sarris,M. University of Cyprus Title of the Paper: Anthropological Perspectives on the Management of Water Supplies: A Case of Competing Agencies by Marios Sarris (Ph.D London School of Economics and Political Science) Sasseville Dennis Sasseville, KPMG. LLP, 99 High Street, Boston, MA 02110 dsasseville@kpmg.com Sastri File Dr. A.S.R.A.S. Sastri, V.P. Singh Dr. A.S.R.A.S. Sastri, Professor, Associate Director Research &Head, Dept. of Agrometeorology Indira Gandhi Agricultural University, Krishak Nagar India asastri@yahoo.com Sathiendrakumar File Dr. Rajasundram Sathiendrakumar (Dr.), Senior Lecturer in Economics School of Economics & Commerce, Murdoch University South Street, Murdoch, Western Australia kumar@central.murdoch.edu.au Sathyanarayanan C.R. Sathyanarayanan, Anthropological Survey of India India devraj@bgl.vsnl.net.in Sauer Petr Sauer, Head of Department of Environmental Economics University of Economics Prague, W. Churchilla 3 Czech Republic Sauer@vse.cz Saussey Jean Jacques Saussey Scheer Robert Scheer Scheff File Thomas J. Scheff, Professor Emeritus Dept of Sociology, UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA. 93106 Phone 805 687 6145 Fax 805 893 3324 Web http://www.soc.ucsb.edu/faculty/scheff Schlotgauer File Svetlana D.Schlotgauer and Maria V. Kryukova Dr. Svetlana , D. Schlotgauer, Professor, doctor of Biology, Head of the Plant Ecology Laboratory Institute for Aquatic and Ecological Problems of Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences Khabarovsk, Russia flora@ivep.khv.ru Seelan Dr. Santhosh K. Seelan, Upper Midwest Aerospace Consortium John D. Odegard School of Aerospace Sciences, University of North Dakota USA seelan@aero.und.edu , seelan@umac.org SEFIDVASH File FARHANG SEFIDVASH, COORDINATOR OF RESEARCH CENTRE FOR GLOBAL GOVERNANCE BRAZIL, RCGG@ORION.UFRGS.BR RCGG@ORION.UFRGS.BR SEIFERT File Dr. Antonin SEIFERT, Senior Geologist Czech Geological Survey, Klarov, Czech Republic Natural Resources, Environment seifert@cgu.cz Sekhar Usha Sekhar and Anil Agarwal, Anil Agarwal, Director Centre for Science and Environment, India webadmin@cseindia.org Sethi Sarla Sethi, Calgary, Alberta, Canada Shadrin Dr. Nickolai Shadrin lib@ibss.iuf.net Sharma Ashok Sharma Secretary, Himachal Productivity Council Udyog Bhawan, India forgeind@nde.vsnl.net.in , ashokaks@hotmail.com See Ashok Sharma File for photo Sharov File Dr. Vyacheslav Sharov, Associate Professor Chair of Diagnostic Imaging Ural State Medical Academy for Additional Education Russia vbsharov@chat.ru Shengkuiin Cheng Shengkui Sherpa File Mrs. Nickey Kazi Sherpa, Project Director, Rural Environment and Development Association (REDA) Nepal City 0f Kathmandu, Province of Kathamndu, Nepal ngonetwork@enet.com.np (office) www.Interconnection.org/ngonetwork ngonetwork@enet.com.np Shevchuk Alla Shevchuk Odessa Ukraine alla@eco.odessa.ua Shonuga Jelili Shibu Lagos Hlimo8ho Nigeria JD-Concept@yahoo.com Shiyan File Anatoliy A. Shiyan, Head Institute for Social Technologies Ukraine Paper title: Task of the man - to control a Nature: The classification of methods of management of a Nature is a typology of personality. http://soctech.narod.ru sim@hmel.vinnitsa.com Shlosberg Alan Shlosberg Department of Toxicology Kimron Veterinary Institute Israel shlosber@agri.huji.ac.il Shmaefsky File Dr. Brian R. Shmaefsky Professor of Biology & Environmental Sciences Kingwood, USA brian.shmaefsky@nhmccd.edu Shouchuan File SUSAKI Ayato, Mitsubishi Research Institute, INC., susaki@mri.co.jp ASUKA-ZHANG Shouchuan(Jusen), Tohoku University Japan Email Address: asuka@sal.tohoku.ac.jp Paper title: "The Impact of Carbon Credits on Financial Viability of the AIJ/JI/CDM Projects" Shpigel File Leonid Shpigel Institutional affiliation: Centre Free Association "World Wide Open" Saint Petersburg Russia shpilm@mail.ru shpil@au.ru Shrestha Ramesh Shrestha Lecturer of Zoology Tribhuvan University Kathmandu Nepal moti@wlink.com.np Shuyan Cao Shuyan Sichinava Dr. Otari Sichinava Chairman of the Society of Georgia's Environmental Ecocentre U.S.A. otari.sichi@usa.net Singer Dr. Martin Singer Concordia University Montreal, Quebec Canada msinger@vax2.concordia.ca Singh Professor Abhay Man Singh New Delhi India kvbm@del3.vsnl.net.in Singh Abhayendra Mohan Singh Department of Geography Urban Environment University of Delhi India amsingh@himalaya.du.ac.in Singh Dr. A.S.R.A.S. Sastri, V.P. Singh Indira Gandhi Agricultural University Krishak Nagar India asastri@yahoo.com Skalon File Alexander Skalon Russia askalon@ab.ru ic18igi@ic.dcn-asu.ru Issues 1 , 7, 9, 24, 26, 28, 36, 48, 51, and 53 SKAPA File Michal SKAPA Prague Czech Republic bgudeli@accc.ca ptp@accc.ca Skatchkov Krustio Skatchkov Bulgaria Europe helpch@plovdiv.techno-link.com helpch@techno-link.com Skochilov File Yuri Skochilov Youth EcoCentre The EcoCentre Resources Environmental Centre Dushanbe, Tajikistan root@pamir.td.silk.glas.apc.org root@pamir.td.silk.org Slater Andrew Slater Slav Mukhamedjanov Ozod President of the Gyldy Akimov Slav Ecological Expert Regional Ecological Centre of the Central Asia Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan ngo@cpart.silk.org nargiza@abc.freenet.uz Slepkov File Bernie Slepkov Founder, Sustainable Niagara (http://www.SustainableNiagara.ca) St. Catharines, Ontario Canada bernies@mergetel.com Proposal for Discussion Roundtables 1 , 9, 28, 33, and 36 Title: Do We Need Nature? Smith Brendan Smith Smith Bruce L. Smith turnersmith.design@ns.sympatico.ca Smith MIKE SMITH Research Consultant firm here in Nigeria with branches in Africa gsaconsult@hotmail.com Smith File Triaka Smith triaka@webtv.net In the Spirit of Aloha http://www.globalvisions.org/cl/swn http://groups.yahoo.com/group/uniteddiversity Smits Hans Smits Calgary, Alberta Canada Socci File Dr. Anthony D. Socci U.S. Global Change Research Program Office Washington DC TSOCCI@USGCRP.GOV Http://www.usgcrp.gov Sotelsek File Daniel Sotelsek Professor of Economic University of Alcala Madrid, Spain Lmargalefg@nexo.es Soul of all Life, the Soul of Humanity Soul of all Life, the Soul of Humanity Steele Trevor Steele Director General of Universala Esperanto-Asocio Rotterdam, Netherlands renato.corsetti@uea.org t.steele@zonnet.nl Steiner Achim Steiner Steiner File Dr. Andrej Steiner Smetanova 1 Expert in Slovak Republic and in Central and Eastern Europe countries steiner@changenet.sk Stephenson File Mike Stephenson, Local Affairs Commissioner, Central Student Association University of Guelph, Guelph, Canada guelph@tao.ca, csala@uoguelph.ca Stimson Richard A. Stimson, NC, USA National Coordinator, International Simultaneous Policy Organisation www.simpol.org Author of "Playing with the Numbers" exposing economic fallacies www.stimson.homestead.com stimso1@juno.com Stuetz George Stuetz Southern Alberta Institute of Technology Calgary Alberta Canada george.stuetz@sait.ab.ca Stuiver Marian Stuiver marian.stuiver@alg.swg.wau.nl Firstname.Lastname@Group.Org.WAU.nl Subba Rao File Professor Madireddi Venkata Subba Rao President ENRA & SEED Visakhapatnam INDIA subbarao_mv@yahoo.com mvsmadhavi@hotmail.com Sullivan Charles Sullivan Sundarvel File S.S.Sundarvel Senior Lecturer, School of Ecology Pondicherry University PONDICHERRY INDIA sunvel@yahoo.com Sundt Nicholas Sundt Global Change Washington, DC nick@sundt.org web: http://www.globalchange.org Surve Rupesh Ramakant Surve rpsurve@hotmail.com Susol File Alexander Susol Ukraine, Kiev E-mail: stone@dcnit.icfcst.kiev.ua Website http://dcnit.icfcst.kiev.ua Swanson David Swanson SWANZY-ESSIEN ERIC SWANZY-ESSIEN TAKORADI GHANA,WEST AFRICA E-mail: raszig@yahoo.com Tamas File Andras (Andy) Tamas Ontario Canada andy@tamas.com http://www.tamas.com Tamas Marian Tamas ROMANIA EUROPE apgro@mail.dntis.ro Tanner Mark Tanner Founder - Team Fairnet mark.tanner@fairnet.co.uk Tansopon Prakit Tansopon and Supachit Manopimoke Dr. Supachit Manopimoke Thammasat University Bangkok THAILAND smano@econ.tu.ac.th tansopon@econ.tu.ac.th Tchetmi Mr.ThomasTchetmi Régional Coordinator for Africa pressejeune@hotmail.com pressejeune@camnet.cm ttchetmi@usa.net Tecucianu File Sorin Tecucianu and Niculina Tecucianu Geanina Toma ROMANIA EUROPE email:apgro@mail.dntis.ro Teltaeva Sonun Teltaeva Kyrgyzstan mmb@imfiko.bishkek.su Teodosio File Prof. Armindo Teodosio Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Minas Gerais BRAZIL teodosio@pucminas.br Terkel Amanda Terkel Teye-Topey File Ernest Teye-Topey Ghana Amnesty_Ghana@notes.interliant.com Thakur Baleshwar Thakur Professor of Geography University of Delhi btrrt@del3.vsnl.net.in Thanh Dr. Tran Duc Thanh Head Marine Geo-environment Department Vietnam tdthanh@hio.ac.vn The United Peoples File Secretary The United Peoples E-mail: secr@unitedpeoples.net Website: http://www.unitedpeoples.net Sector: Grassroot movement Thill Scott Thill Thuy Dang Thanh Thuy MTI MOSTE dtthuy@moste.gov.vn Timothy Mr.IGBAFE IKAZUAGBE Timothy Member Department: Chemistry Obafemi Awolowo University Osun State Nigeria timogbafe@yahoo.com timogbafe@hotmail.com Tiwari File Dirgha N. Tiwari (Dr. Eng.) Environmental Economist Kathmandu, Nepal dntiwari@hotmail.com Toguefai File John Koffi B. Toguefai Denmark koffi_john@hotmail.com BIDI37@hotmail.com Tokhtakhodjaeva File Marfua Tokhtakhodjaeva Women's Resource Center of Tashkent Tashkent Uzbekistan E-mail: atin@silk.org, marfua@freenet.uz Tokmakova Nikolai Grishin and Olga Tokmakova Nikolai Grishin Coordinator of International and Russian Public Networks for Environmental Impact Assessment (IPNEIA / RUPNEIA) Director of Agency "ECOTERRA" Moscow Ecoterra@ecoterra.ru IPNEIA@Ecoterra.ru ngrishin@glasnet.ru Toma Geanina Toma Niculina Tecucianu and Sorin Tecucianu ROMANIA EUROPE email:apgro@mail.dntis.ro Toma File Pavel Toma Director of the UNDP project E-mail: toma@flora.lifeenv.gov.sk Website: www.lifeenv.gov.sk Tomas Robert Tomas Tomita Masahiko Tomita: see G.R.Acharya Tomlyak KYRYL TOMLYAK KYIV UKRAINE KURYKIN@RADA.GOV.UA YGAUKR@YAHOO.COM Torgerson File Dr. Douglas Torgerson Professor Trent University Department of Political Studies Environmental and Resources Studies Peterborough, Ontario Canada Tremblay Fleurette Tremblay Internship Coordinator Maîtrise en relations internationales Institut québécois des hautes études internationales Université Laval fleurette.tremblay@hei.ulaval.ca Triaka (pronounced tree-AH-ka) Aloha Doug & All The CONSTITUTION of UNITED DIVERSITY "The New Earth Cooperative" http://community-2.webtv.net/cosmiclaws/doc/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/uniteddiversity Triaka@webtv.net gpaforum@yahoogroups.com uniteddiversity@yahoogroups.com http://community-2.webtv.net/CosmicLaws/doc/index.html http://www.KKCR.org http://community-2.webtv.net/Triaka/THECOSMICCONNECTION/ Truskoff David Truskoff http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GIMProceedings/GNewsNovDec2008.htm Tuladhar File Email: aaupl@unlimit.com Members of Executive Committee President :Mr. Ramesh Man Tuladhar Vice President :Mr. Keshabraj Aryal General Secretary :Mr. Bharat P. Lamichane Treasurer :Ms. Moon Singh Executive Members: Mr. Hari K.C. Ms. Sabina Aryal Ms. Sarita Dongol Ms. Bimala Manadhar Ms. Beli Pariyar Ms. Sushila Adhikari Tunio File Irfanullah Tunio Assistant Director (Admin & Finance) Environmental Protection Agency, Sindh Government of Pakistan Clifton, Karachi Pakistan tunio@cyber.net.pk Turakulov I. Turakulov and Khatam Murtazaev Khujand State University Republic of Tajikistan (same email as Professor Kh.Murtazaev} Twombly Sean Twombly twombly@apsanet.org Tzakova File Veleslava Tzakova Executive DIrector Time Foundation Bulgaria time@sf.icn.bg Unegbu Robert Unegbu National Executive President Ibadan Nigeria betco@infoweb.abs.net Utarbayeva Zhamilya Utarbayeva Institutional / Legal Expert National Environmental Center for Sustainable Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zhamilya@itte.kz Zhamilya_2000@yahoo.com Vaillancourt File Jean-Guy Vaillancourt Professeur de sociologie de l’environnement Département de sociologie Université de Montréal et Steven Guilbeault Responsable de la campagne Climat et énergie Greenpeace Canada jean.guy.vaillancourt@umontreal.ca Greenpeace : www.greenpeace.ca Valarmathi File Sr. Josephine Amala Valarmathi mvalarma75@gmail.com Valentine Mitchell Valentine Vania Rustam Vania Centre for Science and Environment New Delhi India rustam@cseindia.org http://www.cseindia.org vanLoon File A.C. vanLoon S.G. Patil*, L.B. Hugar*, M.S. Veerapur*, J. Yerriswamy*, T. Cross†, A.C. vanLoon†, and G.W. vanLoon† *University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, Karnataka, India and †Queen’s University, Kingston Gary W. vanLoon Department of Chemistry Queen's University Canada, vanloon@chem.queensu.ca vanLoon G.W. vanLoon S.G. Patil*, L.B. Hugar*, M.S. Veerapur*, J. Yerriswamy*, T. Cross†, A.C. vanLoon†, and G.W. vanLoon† *University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, Karnataka, India and †Queen’s University, Kingston Gary W. vanLoon Queen's University Kingston, ON Canada vanloon@chem.queensu.ca VanWynsberghe Rob VanWynsberghe and Sociologist at the University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University and Capilano College British Columbia Canada rvanwyns@sfu.ca Varghese Shiney Varghese Vargas-Hernandez File Jose G. Vargas-Hernandez, M.B.A.;Ph.D. Global Environment Minister ![]() Appointed by Global Parliament Mexico jgvh0811@yahoo.com jvargas2006@gmail.com Global Dialogue 2009, paper tile: PARTNERSHIPS BETWEEN GOVERNMENTS, FIRMS, COMMUNITIES, AND NEW SOCIAL MOVEMENTS found at ![]() Paper title: CO - OPERATION AND CONFLICT BETWEEN FIRMS, COMMUNITIES, NEW SOCIAL MOVEMENTS AND THE ROLE OF GOVERNMENT THE CERRO DE SAN PEDRO CASE ![]() Participate in Workshop Sessions/Discussion Roundtables 4, 11, 24, 26, 28, and 35 Paper title: INSTITUTIONAL ECONOMICS OF CO – OPERATION AND THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF TRUST ![]() Varshney Prof C K Varshney National Academic Director- LEAD India Centre for Research on Environment, Ecology and Development (CREED) New Delhi Email:office@leadindia.org ckvarshney@hotmail.com Veerapur S.G. Patil*, L.B. Hugar*, M.S. Veerapur*, J. Yerriswamy*, T. Cross†, A.C. vanLoon†, and G.W. vanLoon† *University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, Karnataka, India and †Queen’s University, Kingston Gary W. vanLoon Queen's University Kingston, ON Canada vanloon@chem.queensu.ca Victoria File Churikova Victoria NGO Children Forestry "Young Naturalist" Kamchatka Russia yupik@elrus.kamchatka.su Victorovich Lagutov Vladimir Victorovich Russia zedon@novoch.ru Vilela Mirian Vilela Earth Charter Project Manager San Jose Costa Rica mvilela@ecouncil.ac.cr http://www.earthcharter.org http://www.ecouncil.ac.cr http://www.ncsdnetwork.org Vilinovic File Kamil Vilinovic, Project Manager of the UNDP project and Slovak Republic rec@changenet.sk Internet: www.rec.sk Vladimir Vladimir Victorovich Lagutov, Ph.D. Expert of the ecological commission for the Russian State Duma Russia, Novocherkassk e-mail: zedon@novoch.ru Proposal title: Typical Example of the Goal-Aimed Environmental Management For Discussion Roundtables 9 , 32, and 53 (proposal) e-mail: zedon@novoch.ru, Volinskiy Dmitriy Volinskiy Louisiana State University Louisiana U.S.A. dvolin1@lsu.edu Ware File Alyn Ware alynw@attglobal.net Issues 1 , 14 and 28 Weaver Beth Weaver Environmental Defense Fund TakeAction@environmentaldefense.org http://edf.org/home.cfm Wegosky File Alexander Wegosky Russia ecoland@kaluga.ru http://ers.tarusa.ru Issues 1 , 2, 4, 11, 15, 19, 24, 26, and 28 Wheeler File Rob Wheeler Robineagle@worldcitizen.org ![]() www.world-democracy.org ![]() Wildman File Paul Wildman Brisbane Queensland Australia paul@kalgrove.com ![]() Participate in Workshop Sessions/Discussion Roundtables 4,15, 17, 19, 34, 40, 54, 55 and 60 Wise Lisa Wise http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GIMProceedings/GNewsNov2008.htm Wissner by Cliff Wirth clifford.wirth@yahoo.com http://survivingpeakoil.blogspot.com/ http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GIMProceedings/GNewsOct2008.htm Wissner Aaron Wissner Wysham Daphne Wysham Yannick File Rev.Dr.Awoa Allo Paul Yannick Monsieur le Reverent Pasteur AWOA ALLO Paul Yannick DOCTORAT EN DIVINITE (Spiritualité) Leader General de l'Eglise C.I.E.L. dont le Siege est a Yaounde au Cameroun Universal Peace Ambassador ( Universal Ambassador Peace Circle) Ambassadeur de la Paix Member of the International Peace Bureau PROFFESSION: REV PASTEUR AUTRES ATTRIBUTS: - CHARGE DE MISSION EN AFRIQUE CENTRALE DANS LE CADRE DE L'ACADEMY OF UNIVERSAL GLOBAL PAECE AUGP - ECRIVAIN ET POETE - AMBASSADEUR UNIVERSEL DE LA PAIX - MEMBRE DU BUREAU INTERNATIONAL DE LA PAIX AU CAMEROUN DANS LE CADRE DE l'UNAAEEC . ambassadeuruniversel@yahoo.fr Yarnold David Yarnold TakeAction@environmentaldefense.org Environmental Defense Fund http://edf.org/home.cfm Yemelin File Valentin Yemelin and Marilyn Mehlmann Russia libra@mailbox.alkor.ru yemelin@rocketmail.com gapinter@ett.se Issues 3 , 7, 22, 25, 26, 28, 33, 40, 54 and 55 yiming File Wu yiming People's Republic of China wym66@163.net Issues 6 , 7, 10, 24, 28 and 33 Young Rebecca Young Yunusov File Muzafar Yunusov Republic of Tajikistan nigor@sugdien.com Issues 6 , 7, 10, 11, 14, 26, 28, 35, and 49 yusufzai Sabzali Khan yusufzai Zadorsky File William M. Zadorsky Ukraine Ukraine.ecofond@ecofond.dp.ua zadorsky@mail.comwww.zadorsky.8m.com Issues 1 , 6, 7, 25, 26, and 28 Zagon File Sandra Zagon Canada szagon@cprn.org Issues 3 , 21, 26, and 33 Zaim File Katalin K. Zaim Turkey kumar@central.murdoch.edu.au kzaim@bilkent.edu.tr http://www.ctp.bilkent.edu.tr/~kzaim Issues 1 , 11, 26, 28, and 36 Zhang File Professor ZhongXiang Zhang Honolulu USA Email: ZhangZ@EastWestCenter.org http://papers.ssrn.com/author=201341 http://www.eco.rug.nl/medewerk/ zhang/ Z.X.Zhang@Rechten.RUG.NL Z.X.Zhang@ECO.RUG.NL Issues 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 17, 23, 26, 28, 39, and 55 |
Article 1 |
Report 1 |
Letter 1 |