Earth Community Organization (ECO)
the Global Community ![]() Secretary The United Peoples Denmark E-mail: ![]() Website: ![]() Sector: Grassroot movement See 'Activist work' section in the Global Constitution. ![]() ![]() for Discussion Roundtables 57, and 56
Table of Contents | 1.0 WORLD REVOLUTION !
FORM ONE BILLION GUERRILLA GROUPS AND DROWN THE YANKEES IN THE OCEAN OF PEOPLE ! TAKE OVER THE CORPORATIONS ! The complete political solution for salvation of the planet comprises - uprooting of the US empire of evil: Item (7) below - building the alternative new peoples world: Item (16) below. PREVIOUS UPDATES OF GLOBAL RESISTANCE AGENDA 1. All Peoples of the World, Unite !PREMISES Here follow Updates Nos. 7 and 16. Rest of the updates may be reviewed at, *Political Revolution*. 7. Learn From The Iraqi Resistance: FORM ONE BILLION DIVERSIFIED GUERRILLA GROUPS AND DROWN THE YANKEES IN THE OCEAN OF PEOPLE ! Not the powerful imperialistic rivals of the US, but the heroic Iraqi patriots on behalf of and appreciated with the deepest admiration and gratitude by almost all mankind are standing up to recorded history,s by far most vicious, devastating and dangerous enemy of humanity and nature. Armed with simple weapons the guerrilla groups are liquidating the US Nazi thugs and putting an end to the wet colonial dreams of the US corporate gangsters. By classic hit-and-run attacks they are able to demoralize and defeat the overwhelming gangster army and its incomprehensibly vast arsenal of all kinds of fiendishly advanced arms. The energy crisis with peak production of oil now only few years away for a long period has been the highest priority of US foreign policies. In stead of changing the American Way of Death and abstain from sabotaging development of sustainable energy production, the oil industry related gangsters in the white house focus on the countries with oil reserves. The plan is to control ALL oil fields in order to secure the obscene US waste of energy at the cost of all other nations, and also to use the stolen oil to dominate the world. The US government of course cannot tell this openly. It therefore staged 9.11 as a pretext for worldwide aggression, starting with Afghanistan, Iraq, Haiti.;article=50618;show_parent=1 Iraq is the main battlefield for the acute battle between the evil empire and the planetary life. Stoppage of the colonialists in Iraq, however, is not enough. The global resistance movement must relieve the Iraqi heroes and roll back the evil empire everywhere. The present extremist set of white house gangsters is just the continuation of a century long criminal imperialist regime that - covertly through conspiracy with/instigation of local opposition, economic strangulation, assassinations, intimidation, corruption, bribery, HAARP or openly through invasions by mass destruction weapons and ALL imaginable war crimes, including biological, chemical and radioactive poisoning of the targeted countries - systematically has undermined and crushed progressive governments and movements aimed at a better world, installed and supported numerous fascistic dictators and thereby been able to delay the long overdue world revolution and their own defeat. (CIA was formed from the worst WWII Nazi war criminals,,;article=50589;show_parent=1 Their incomprehensibly vast amounts of loot are stolen from the billions of victims who consequently live in poverty, starvation, misery, preventable sicknesses, early death. The global robbery and destruction of nature is *justified* by the Nazi-type flood of lies and hypocritical *moral* reasons dominated by Orwellianated phrases like *freedom* and *democracy* purported by the worldwide mass media monopoly of the corporate gangsters. Culturally the global Ugly American poisonous corporate smog - of greed, hypocrisy, arrogance, exploitation, racism, corruption, bribery, cynical commercialism, commercialization of all true human values, vulgarity and destructive Disney and adult culture of orgies of violence - covers, penetrates and destroys all the diversified authentic cultures of the planet. Astonishing that the USA up until the Internet Age for most people of the world has been able to appear as a progressive and sympathetic society ! To roll back the thick carpet of crime against humanity and nature from the surface of the planet, the TOTAL UNIVERSAL PEOPLES WAR against the perpetrator must be declared by each and every individual in any walk of life who treasures (restoration of) life on the planet. But the peoples war must not be restricted to finishing off the presently loosing Nazionistic white house gang. The development must not be allowed to slip back to the pre-Bush era with the more covert and thereby more sustained genocide. This unique opportunity must be seized for carrying through the long overdue system change. The peoples war must comprise the full diversified range of peaceful as well as all levels of violent, but non-terroristic, direct actions and attacks, ranging from Yankee Go Home campaigns (demonstrations (the next big worldwide demonstration on March 20 !), streamers, stickers, T-shirts, flyers, etc.), to boycott of ALL US material and immaterial products, including the dollar, to hactivism of US military, public and private enterprises, to strikes, to economic and physical sabotage and direct action to armed attacks as taught by the experiences of the peoples wars in Iraq and elsewhere around the world. No US military, public, private business or cultural imperialism enterprise may be left unchallenged or able to feel safe. Figuratively the combatant cells of the peoples war function like the lymphocytes targeting small or large entities of enemies in the blood. The individual cell is sized to task and made up of people who have met anywhere in relation to family, friends, work, education, demonstrations, shopping, hobby, sport, etc. Like affinity groups they agree and plan on the specific targets and types of activities they want to participate in. Like in Iraq the psycological effect on the imperialists and their followers will be enhanced by their inability to identify the activists because they could be anybody around them. At least one of the group members should have internet access for national and international encrypted coordination of activities on local, national or international scale. for the time being may serve organizational purposes. The sovereign group structure may be carried over as an important permanent facility for nipping in the bud any other aspiring evil empire and for building and running the new global peoples society, see item 16 below. In short, reasons for this scheme include: - the fall of the basic evil empire will entail the fall of its evil satellite regimes around the world and change the entire global political situation and climate - the right time is NOW: Prompted by the Nazionistic extremists, the US imperialism finally has cast the *democratic* mask and openly challenged the whole world in a bloody quest for complete domination. The ensuing global hatred of the gangsters provides a unique opportunity for world revolution that must not be missed, before the real-power people behind the US scene bring the situation back to normal, - the already engaged tens of millions of demonstrators as well as everybody else need a realistic, complete and uniting perspective beyond the demonstrations, and a catchy, inspiring and easily understandable slogan for the plan - ALL human beings are needed in this life-and-death struggle for the planet - no other issue binds the human race together as the hatred of the US imperialism, and no other cause may inspire a revolutionary re-orientation, - despite any existing disagreements as to specific targets and methods of struggle, this strategy prevents nobody from participating, regardless also of the local level of oppression, as there is need for all kinds of struggle, and people themselves choose their partners and types of struggle - the truly decentralized power structure of the independent groups needs no central command, only an articulate common goal: the defeat by all means of the US Nazi regime and all of its tentacles, and a common name, appropriately World Revolution - the security is optimum because the gangsters have no coherent organisation they can roll up, and the communication within the groups can be person-to-person without electronic communication that can be detected - the group-based struggle in itself educates, inspires imaginative ways and means, unites the people for and secures the revolutionary direction of the diversified struggle simultaneously with and following the defeat of the US empire of evil - by in effect dissolving and re-structuring the present outdated political/national/social structure, the one-billion-guerrilla-groups basis-democratical scheme provides for and implies the long overdue WORLD REVOLUTION in agreement with Mao,s *Trust the People!* doctrine. ACTION Join the peoples war, defeat the evil empire and bring about a system change by - forming cells of like-minded people as the combatant operational units to defeat the US Nazi regime in the ways the members of the respective cells find appropriate, and also - to build and function optimally in the alternative new peoples global society. 16. The World Parliament of The United Peoples for TAKEOVER OF TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS The peaceful and direct way for the people to get in charge is via an elected world parliament to take over the transnational corporations where all economic and political power is concentrated: THE TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS (TNCs)own, or control via their payments for advertising THE MEDIA who on behalf of the TNCs at the so-called *democratic elections* select the politicians, typically corporate executives, to administer the capitalist societies in favour of the TNCs THE IMPERIALIST GOVERNMENTS individually or through IMF, WB, WTO and with the support of western quisling goverments bribe, intimidate, possibly invade the countries of THE CORRUPT QUISLING GOVERNMENTS in Africa Asia South America who lay their countries wide open for TNC plunder of the natural resources and cheap labour and for destruction of national industry and farming. As counter to the planned fascist US world government of huge concentration of all power, the world parliament of the *G6B* (Group 6 Billion), i.e. the ultimate direct democracy, is established and run on basis of the Internet and organized by the only existing responsible political force concerned with the overall survival of the planet: the global grassroot resistance movement. The world parliament of, for and by the united peoples will be elected by all Earth citizens who have reached the age of 15 years. The 600 parliament members (each representing about 10 million voters) will be elected among candidates with long records of unambiguous anti-corporate active struggle and endorsed by the progressive workers-, farmers-, women-, environment-, peace-, human rights-, students-, etc., mass - and grassroot organisations forming a network and in each country a committee for organizing the election of the parliament members . Re-election beyond one term of two years will NOT be allowed. Each national mandate may be retracted by a national vote in case of unsatisfactory performance. The voting procedure is electronic and the voting done at public poll stations, private computers and camera-phones connected via the internet to a regional server. There is no registration of the voters. Identification is biometric by camera reading of eye iris - more than 30 parameters are registered – so that nobody can vote more than once. Because of the urgency, the establishment of the world parliament will have to be expanded and implemented gradually. Internet poll centers as soon as possible must be established in all cities, towns and villages. The parliament members form working groups for all of the relevant issues. Each working group defines the problem areas to be solved and put each problem out on the net for discussion. If necessary, a vote between alernative solutions to the individual problem is arranged. The world parliament of the united peoples will compete with the US-dominated corrupted UN and merely by its moral superiority tend to take over all influence. Its primary task is takeover of the ownership of selected transnational corporations in key areas whereby in effect all of them will be controlled. The peaceful way to this end is exploitation of the full potential of organized consumers power and/or the recurrent economic depressions. Any business is completely dependent on the willingness of the consumers to buy its products. By (threatening with) organized boycott, the shareholders of any corporation producing consumer goods, rather than loosing everything, after a while will appreciate transfer of their ownership of the corporation to the peoples parliament, against being paid back their invested money within a negociated period of 5 - 10 years depending on the profit level of the corporation. AFTER each takeover the consumers are now asked to buy ONLY from the acquired corporation. In each country or state the committees also organize election of a national committee to take over selected national corporations in key areas of business. For more details see:, *Political Revolution*. The Peoples War for breaking down the criminal imperialistic system, and this scheme for the alternative new peoples world are two sides of the same coin. Based on active participation of significant portions of the populations, they supplement and empower eachother and outlines a complete solution to the apocalyptic devastation and misery of the planet. The establishment of the united peoples world parliament is urgent if it is to take over transnational corporations when the dollar and the corporate sector collapse: ACTION Formation, by progressive grassroot and mass organisations, of national committees to take over national corporations and to organize the election of the world parliament of the united peoples for takeover of transnational corporations. The United Peoples
Subject Re: Global Constitution first draft ready. Date: Sat, 19 Mar 2005 20:12:10 +0100 From: info To:, To have any meaning and differ from the previous failed attempts, the project must take side in the class struggle.
Here is our offer.
Regards, Secr The World Parliament of The United Peoples for TAKEOVER OF TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS
The peaceful and direct way for the people to get in charge is via an elected world parliament to take over the transnational
corporations where all economic and political power is concentrated:
THE TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS (TNCs) own, or control via their payments for advertising THE MEDIA who on behalf of the TNCs at the so-called *democratic elections* select the politicians, typically corporate executives, to administer the capitalist societies in favour of the TNCs THE IMPERIALIST GOVERNMENTS individually or through IMF, WB, WTO and with the support of western quisling goverments bribe, intimidate, possibly invade the countries of THE CORRUPT QUISLING GOVERNMENTS in Africa Asia South America who lay their countries wide open for TNC plunder of the natural resources and cheap labour and for destruction of national industry and farming. As counter to the planned fascist US world government of huge concentration of all power, the world parliament of the *G6B* (Group 6 Billion), i.e. the ultimate direct democracy, is established and run on basis of the Internet and organized by the only existing responsible political force concerned with the overall survival of the planet: the global grassroot resistance movement. The world parliament of, for and by the united peoples will be elected by all Earth citizens who have reached the age of 15 years. The 600 parliament members (each representing about 10 million voters) will be elected among candidates with long records of unambiguous anti-corporate active struggle and endorsed by the progressive workers-, farmers-, women-, environment-, peace-, human rights-, students-, etc., mass - and grassroot organisations forming a network and in each country a committee for organizing the election of the parliament members . Re-election beyond one term of two years will NOT be allowed. Each national mandate may be retracted by a national vote in case of unsatisfactory performance. The voting procedure is electronic and the voting done at public poll stations, private computers and camera-phones connected via the internet to a regional server. There is no registration of the voters. Identification is biometric by camera reading of eye iris - more than 30 parameters are registered – so that nobody can vote more than once. Because of the urgency, the establishment of the world parliament will have to be expanded and implemented gradually. Internet poll centers as soon as possible must be established in all cities, towns and villages. The parliament members form working groups for all of the relevant issues. Each working group defines the problem areas to be solved and put each problem out on the net for discussion. If necessary, a vote between alernative solutions to the individual problem is arranged. The world parliament of the united peoples will compete with the US-dominated corrupted UN and merely by its moral superiority tend to take over all influence. Its primary task is takeover of the ownership of selected transnational corporations in key areas whereby in effect all of them will be controlled. The peaceful way to this end is exploitation of the full potential of organized consumers power and/or the recurrent economic depressions. Any business is completely dependent on the willingness of the consumers to buy its products. By (threatening with) organized boycott, the shareholders of any corporation producing consumer goods, rather than loosing everything, after a while will appreciate transfer of their ownership of the corporation to the peoples parliament, against being paid back their invested money within a negociated period of 5 - 10 years depending on the profit level of the corporation. AFTER each takeover the consumers are now asked to buy ONLY from the acquired corporation. In each country or state the committees also organize election of a national committee to take over selected national corporations in key areas of business. For more details see:, *Political Revolution*. The Peoples War for breaking down the criminal imperialistic system, and this scheme for the alternative new peoples world are two sides of the same coin. Based on active participation of significant portions of the populations, they supplement and empower eachother and outlines a complete solution to the apocalyptic devastation and misery of the planet. The establishment of the united peoples world parliament is urgent if it is to take over transnational corporations when the dollar and the corporate sector collapse: ACTION Formation, by progressive grassroot and mass organisations, of national committees to take over national corporations and to organize the election of the world parliament of the united peoples for takeover of transnational corporations. The United Peoples
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