![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Dr. Charles Mercieca President, International Association of Educators for World Peace Dedicated to United Nations Goals of Peace Education Environmental Protection, Human Rights & Disarmament Professor Emeritus, Alabama A&M University mercieca@knology.net ![]()
Impact of Culture in Developing Countries, August 22, 2008
![]() ![]() When we speak of the appreciation of culture we generally refer to the appreciation of arts that may include painting and music as well as theater and poetry. Cultural exhibitions that take place from time to time in various global areas tend to show what it has just been stated. Besides, the Olympics that have taken place in Beijing in 2008 revealed a vivid demonstration of culture. Culture may be viewed in many ways as transcendental in the sense that it is generally liked and respected by all people. The enrichment of culture is the result of contributions made individually or collectively. If we were to take a rapid tour around the world, we would be surprised to notice how many people of talent do exist in so many global areas. We should feel very grateful toward them because they have become the source of world enrichment. For those who might have visited France, they might have had the opportunity to listen to the cultural contributions made by Boudjemaa Zennouch whose talents in playing string instruments have instigated many to invite him to perform in a number of countries. What is the real impact of culture on developing countries? Such an impact has always been proven to be both positive and constructive. Culture is viewed in general as the product of the good an individual, a group or an entire nation, as a matter of fact, has to offer. As stated earlier, culture deals not only with painting and music but also with poetry and theater. These are items that are instinctively sought by all people from every walk of life and profession. They are elements that make people feel interiorly fulfilled. When we deal with culture in developing nations we need to make sure that we do respect and preserve their inherited culture. Besides, we could take the opportunity to bring to the natives of these less fortunate nations other cultures that would enrich or complement their respective cultures. In this process, we need to be gentle as to bring them peaceful music, the composition of uplifting poetry, and the proper use of the theater as to enable them to learn vividly from history anything that is positive and constructive. When people learn and practice the art of sharing with each other their feelings of both joy and concern, there will never be room for war, which should become obsolete the sooner the better. In view of what has been stated, it is obvious that we cannot take the importance of culture lightly. Culture gives satisfaction and fulfillment to everyone involved and concerned. Moreover, it is enables us to develop our sense of appreciation toward ourselves and others. It also enables us to bring peace and harmony in the midst of each community where everyone should feel a winner and no one a loser. The appreciation of culture should always be our goal in life. Download full WORD document by author ![]() New comments concerning the Global Community perspective of the Dalai Lama request for the sovereignty of Tibet and of his leadership as a peacemaker April 17. ![]() My opinion concerning the Global Community perspective of the Dalai Lama request for the sovereignty of Tibet and of his leadership as a peacemaker Subect: The Global Community perspective of the Dalai Lama request for the sovereignty of Tibet and of his leadership as a peacemaker Date: Fri, 04 Apr 2008 04:52:00 -0400 From: "mercieca@knology.net" mercieca@knology.net To: Spiritual Leader of the Global Community globalcommunity@telus.net April 4, 2008 Dear Friends of the Global Community. I agree with virtually everything you stated except for your negative statementson the Dalai Lama whom you misinterpreted and clumniated. We read in the holy scriptures: "Judge a tree by the fruit it gives." This means if the tree looks like an orange tree but produces lemons then we have to call it lemon tree. The Dalai Lama is a holy man who wrote several books deeply versed in spirituality. He is deeply concerned not only with the welfare of Tibetans and Chinese but with people of every country across every continent. He is not searching for separation of Tibet from China but for the continued preservation of the Tibetan language and culture. He simply wishes to see more Tibetans assuming a leading role in Tibet, nothing less and nothing more. If you wish to dismiss my statement as an opinion, that would be your chocie and your privilege. As the Romans used to say: "Contra factum non valet argumentum -- It's useless to argue against facts. I agree with what you said of the Whitehouse and NATO 100%. Those nations that promote the manufacture and sales of weapons and the promotion of war have emerged to become the most dangerous for all people of all nations at this stage of history. Keep up the good work Charles Mercieca Message of Peace from Jesus and Prophet Muhammad The sacred books of two of the leading religions in the world, the Bible and the Koran, speak reverently and highly of Jesus of Nazareth. In the Bible we find several references to Jesus whose presence on Earth, as the promised Messiah, was predicted for a number of centuries. References to His Blessed Mother Mary are also found since the early days of creation. ![]() Islands of Peace: Hope of World Stability In view of this, the time seems now ripe when we need to reform drastically the institution of the military by changing it from an element of destruction into one of construction. In other words, we need to find healthy means to enable the military change its negative image into a positive one. As conscientious and responsible human beings, we should all work to help turn as many nations as possible into islands of peace. The creation of such nations would generate among millions of people positive and constructive energy that is bound to influence the rest of the world at a time least expected. Of course, we need to establish good criteria to make this providential peace event on a global scale meaningful. Here are some of the criteria for a nation to qualify to become declared as an Island of Peace. ![]() China’s Transition into a Society of Social Harmony ![]() China’s Transition into a Society of Social Harmony (Part II) China represents one of the oldest civilizations in the entire history of our earthly society. Its dynasties managed to leave legacies that have enriched the culture of China in many unique ways. By nature, the Chinese are very kind people and they try to be helpful with those around and with those they come across. They also tend to live in peace and to let others live in peace as well. The only ambition the Chinese people seem to have is to see the members of their relatives and friends equipped with all the vital needs of life. ![]() Capacity Development for Peace Building in Post-Conflict Societies ![]() What a Revitalized United Nations Could do for the Entire World ![]() It is obvious that the job of the United Nations Secretary-General has emerged to become the most important job in the world in terms of its tremendous potential to put pressure and to exert influence in bringing needed vital changes into proper perspective. If we were to analyze the history of the United Nations since it started in 1945, we would discover that the five permanent members of the UN Security Council served more as a detriment than an asset to this world-wide body of nations. Most Famous and Beneficial People in the World ![]() The Crime of War in Iraq ![]() What is the purpose of having rules and regulations when we can disregard them at will at any moment we like? Since the early days of human existence, those that transgressed rules and regulations to the detriment of others always tended to be punished, sooner or later. In order for us to understand the seriousness of such violations, we need to understand properly the significance of laws. In order to do that, we must have a clear concept of the four hierarchical laws of which ascetical writers spoke over the past several centuries. The Criminality of War ![]() The New Webster Dictionary of the English Language describes criminality as a gross violation of laws that are either human or divine. It also alludes to crime as a great and atrocious wickedness. Those that commit crimes are dubbed as villains. Criminals are viewed as wicked people who have emerged to become very dangerous to society. Most of them are prosecuted and put in prison or given adequate punishments of some kind. Meaning of War War is described as a struggle between nations, in the case of international war, and between parties in the same nation, in the event of civil war. This struggle is always carried by force of arms where all laws are disregarded along with the nations’ constitution. In the waging of wars, the creation of chaos becomes a sine qua non condition. Hatred and revenge become the norms that are carried out by the instigators of war. The greatest sufferings that people experienced in history may be linked directly or indirectly to weapons and wars. China in True Perspective Over the past few millennia, China provided the world with a culturally rich civilization. Its people always tended to be laborious and creative. On the whole, the Chinese minded their own business and they demonstrated to be heavily family oriented. In spite of this, China has been perhaps the most invaded and exploited nation on earth. As a result, people there have suffered immensely. ![]() Prophet Mohammad: God’s Messenger of Peace Although historians are not fully sure as to the exact year Prophet Mohammad was born, there seems to be a general consensus that he was born on April 20, 570 and died on June 8, 632 when he was 56 years old. This was not an ordinary man by all means. He was deeply spiritual and often communicated with God, like a good son communicates with a beloved father. Initially, he was a shepherd and later became a merchant. He spent each Ramadan fasting and praying outside Mecca, in a cave on Mount Hira. ![]() Capacity Development for Peace Building in Post-Conflict Societies Since the patriarchal society took over some six to eight thousand years ago, the culture of peace has been replaced with the culture of war. From excavations we find that in the matriarchal times the world was characterized by true love, dedicated care, and genuine respect. People hugged each other and offered assistance to each other. This is due to the fact that women, by their very nature tend to rule from the heart, which is the seat of love and compassion. ![]() Coalition of Peaceful Nations: Their Strength and Asset to the World In every era of history, we always had a group of countries which were drawn together by mutual common interests and benefits. Such groups were referred to later by various names, among the common ones we find that of alliance or coalition. For the past six thousand years of recorded history, we have witnessed a world dominated by a patriarchy that tended to be vindictive, merciless and brutal. Characteristics of the Culture of War This was mostly due to the fact that the patriarchs that assumed power were all born and raised in a culture of war, which is characterized by distrust, suspicion, and belligerence. Because of this, there are hardly cases of international significance where problems were tried to be solved through genuine healthy dialogues. The philosophy of the patriarchy has been always the same. It runs something like this: ![]() Radiation of Great Spirituality: A Fountain of Peace Goes Beyond Over the centuries the world has been blessed with great spiritual leaders that have left behind them an indelible mark, which continued to work magic on future generations. Some 2,500 years ago Buddha worked on elevating the spirit of those around him as to make them achieve the gift of happiness. Later, Jesus of Nazareth spent his life on trying to instill in those around him great love for God and their neighbor. ![]() ![]()
Over the centuries the world has been blessed with great spiritual leaders that have left behind them an indelible mark, which continued to work magic on future
generations. Some 2,500 years ago Buddha worked on elevating the spirit of those around him as to make them achieve the gift of happiness. Later, Jesus of Nazareth spent
his life on trying to instill in those around him great love for God and their neighbor.
Holy Indian Guru at Work The 20th century was blessed with Mahatma Gandhi who viewed peace as our greatest achievement in life. Mother Teresa, at the same time, chose to bring her love and affection among the poorest of the poor. In this presentation we will focus on a holy Indian Guru that has been gifted with great and unique talents all of which were used for the benefit of all people across every continent. His name is Sri Chinmoy Kumar Ghose who for a long time conducted meditation at the United Nations in New York. This great spiritual leader radiated those around him with his spirituality that was characterized by prudence, humility, faith, hope and love. Wherever he was he radiated in everyone his great spirituality. As a result, people managed to improve their life considerably. In fact, you could easily detect in all of his disciples around the world a spirit of kindness, compassion, and dedication that is both encouraging and enlightening. Sri Chinmoy passed away peacefully at his house in Jamaica, New York on October 11, 2007 at the age of 76. He worked hard conducting meditations and encouraging his students to become increasingly more spiritual till the day before he left this earthly life. Although his physical presence is no more with us, yet his spirit is deeply felt by his disciples and all those who came across him in life. This great servant of the Supreme, as he often referred to God, can still be heard talking to us through the hundreds of videotapes his disciples made of him. We may also listen to Sri Chinmoy’s wisdom by reading a few of the hundreds of books he wrote some of which were translated in several others languages including Russian. We may also feel his spirit by simply watching some of his thousands of paintings of his all of which really elevates our spirit to a higher level of existence reaching the angelic and the divine level. Moreover, this holy man of God expressed his deep spirituality and closeness to God through a variety of music that he composed. Acting as the Digitus Dei Sri Chinmoy gave concerts very often in many cities around the world. In each concert he played some 50 different instruments. Apart from the piano he played virtually all the string instruments one can possibly imagine. His compositions instilled great joy and peace in the hearts of all those listening to him. In fact, he could be described as the digitus Dei – the finger of God, because he used to touch the hearts of people so deeply and so effectively. His spirit was so much immersed in God’s spirit that he was viewed quite often to be a fountain of peace. He led a life of great simplicity. He ate only what was nutritious and healthy and he exercised very often. He ran, lifted weights and played tennis quite well. Like St. Catherine of Siena, he firmly believed that anima sana in corpore sano – a healthy mind is found in a healthy body. In fact, his thousands of disciples around the world all try to eat what is conducive to good health and to perform physical exercises regularly. His disciples are said to have run hundreds and hundreds of miles most of whom regularly as a routine. Above all, Sri Chinmoy, like Jesus of Nazareth, viewed all human beings as children of the Supreme, that is, of God and he demonstrated great love and affection for all of them. In fact, he developed great and genuine friendship with people from every walk of life and profession. Most of his friends were top government officials from countries across the world. One of his greatest friends on whom he wrote a book that was illustrated with many pictures was former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev. There is no need for us to enlist the numerous heads of state he met. One of his memorable meetings was with Pope John Paul II and with Mother Teresa of Calcutta with whom he established very close friendship. He also wrote a book on Mother Teresa which was highly inspiring. Needless to say, he was highly esteemed by several UN officials some of whom attended the meditation he conducted periodically at the United Nations. He tended to speak softly and briefly but every word he uttered was deeply penetrating. Ascetics tell us that when one is pleasing to God one is gifted with the seven gifts of the Holy Sprit. Sri Chinmoy was adorned with such gifts: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, compassion, and fear of God. Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit Let us try to form a good concept of these gifts in order to appreciate the great spirituality of Sri Chinmoy and to help ourselves realize why his life could be well described as a fountain of peace. 1. Wisdom: This consists of one’s ability to distinguish between right and wrong and to see with clarity what is conducive to the universal welfare of all people without exception. 2. Understanding: This consists of one’s ability to comprehend people they way they are in spite of their diversity in character and personality and to accept them with same love and respect accordingly. 3. Counsel: This consists of one’s ability to advise people do the right thing in life in accordance with their God-given talents, educational and cultural background in order to have one’s life be more productive. 4. Fortitude: This consists of one’s ability to exercise constant courage to do what needs to be done and to say what needs to be said in the best interest of all people’s welfare around the world. 5. Knowledge: This consists of one’s ability to comprehend the various branches of available knowledge so that one could adapt better with people from every walk of life and profession. 6. Compassion: This consists of one’s ability to exercise piety toward the less fortunate in particular following the footsteps of Mother Teresa and many holy people before her over the centuries. 7. Fear of God: This consists of one’s ability to recognize fully well how greatly loveable and infinitely kind God is toward all people without exception and, as a result, one is literally afraid of offending such a good and merciful God. We may now realize why Sri Chinmoy was so successful in radiating great spirituality in so many. We may also comprehend why this saintly man may be viewed till the end of times as a genuine fountain of peace. Note: This write-up on Sri Chinmoy is the 900th article of Dr. Charles Mercieca.
Subject: The Global Community perspective of the Dalai Lama request for the sovereignty of Tibet and of his leadership as a peacemaker
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2008 12:35:12 -0500 From: "Charles Mercieca" mercieca@knology.net To: "Spiritual Leader of the Global Community" globalcommunity@telus.net April 16, 2008 Dear Friends: Your negative statements about the Dalai Lama reveal, at the very least, that you have never read any book he wrote where he reveals the depth of his holiness and spirituality. This deeply spiritual man wants to help the Chinese through the opening of a dialogue with them who seem to have been reluctant to do so. I am not for this or that man but I am for what is right in the best interest of the welfare of all people without exception. You are dong a good job with your newsletter but this is an item you touched where you really went off guard. See comments in blue here below. Best regards. Charles Mercieca ================================================ ----- Original Message ----- From: Spiritual Leader of the Global Community Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 8:35 AM Subject: The Global Community perspective of the Dalai Lama request for the sovereignty of Tibet and of his leadership as a peacemaker Volume 6 Issues 5 May 2008 http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GIMProceedings/GNewsMay2008.htm Politics and Justice without borders theme The Global Community consider the Dalai Lama as a dangerous religious extremist. He ought to be brought to justice. His crimes include: NOTE: If he is classified as dangerous then you have also to classify as dangerous such historical figures of Buddha, Jesus, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, Bishop Tutu, in addition to numeorus others a) organizing and leading deadly riots in Tibet for the purpose of putting down the Tibetan government and destabilizing China; NOTE: Not true.... he was not instrumental in this. The Dalai Lama is a wise man. b) associating himself with President Bush and the White House; President Bush is a wanted criminal and the White House along with NATO have been shown to be rogue organizations worldwide, and criminal in nature; to give speeches at the White House for the purpose of obtaining military help; to make a deal with the US that would allow the US to build a military base in Tibet in exchange of military help; to help the US continue destabilizing China; NOTE: I do agree with half of these statements but I am not soure about the other half. In the event you are right in all of these statements, then I must say you may have a point. I personally consider the building of foreign military bases anywhere in the world as an atrocious criminal action and those reponsible should be brought to justice and punished adequately. c) violating the human rights of those workers in Tibet whether they come from another part of China or not; NOTE:This is obviously not true espcially that you attribute this to the Dalai Lama. d) planning to destabilize China and that will have immense destructive and deadly consequences far beyond the area of Tibet and are a serious threat to NOTE: The Dalai Lama made it clear that he does accept Tibet as a part of China but he insisted he wants to to see an autonomous administrative Tibet ruled mostly under Tibetans while following the guidelines from Beijing. * global security as defined by the Global Community, * global life-support systems, * the global environment, and * human and Earth rights on a global scale. The fact that the Dalai Lama is aware of those consequences makes him even more dangerous. NOTE: The Dalai Lama may be aware of all the accusation you have made about him. But it is not true that he is to be held responsible and accountable for riots that may develop in Tibet. Table of Contents The Global Community perspective of the Dalai Lama request for the sovereignty of Tibet and of his leadership as a peacemaker NOTE: The Dalai Lama requests sovereignty of Tibet not in the sense that he wants to see an independent country from Mailand China. He simply want to see Tibetans administering themselves, preserving their language and culture, while showing deep respect and submission to China at the same time. Introduction Who owns Tibet? Historical facts Ways to create nations What is freedom? Does freedom bring up Peace? or war? Does living at Peace make demands on freedom? Pathway to Peace amongst nations Pathway to war and destruction Global Community criteria for sovereignty What is a Tibet at Peace and sustainable? Global voting on the Dalai Lama claim of being the leader of Tibet and a peacemaker Dalai Lama claim of being a peacemaker What is the Nobel Peace Prize ? Why was the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Al Gore in 2007 ? Why was the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to the Dalai Lama in 1989 ? Dalai Lama claim of being the leader of Tibet in exil Global Justice Movement aspects Global Community Peace Movement aspects Global voting on the sovereignty of Tibet and its future Global rights in Tibet Conclusion 1) What have I learned from the history ? 2) Global impacts of being associated with the United States 3) Position of the Global Community concerning the Dalai Lama 4) Global Community principles: Global Community Peace Movement Global Justice Movement 5) Recommendations to the: a) Dalai Lama b) Tibetan officials c) Global Citizens
L'histoire de notre communauté terrestre a été pratiquement caractérisée par des luttes et des guerres.
Ceci semble être quelque peu étrange quand nous considérons que les gens en général ont toujours opté pour la paix et l'harmonie. Si nous devions étudier profondément la matière nous découvririons bientôt que ceux qui tendent à favoriser des luttes et des guerres consistent généralement en minorités minuscules. Promotion des luttes et des guerres De telles minorités minuscules seraient groupées dans deux segments de base : (1) ceux qui occupent des positions gouvernementales, et (2) ceux qui forment des cliques pour se rebeller contre n'importe quelle forme de gouvernement. En outre, nous pouvons peut-être ajouter un autre groupe qui pourrait être jugé responsable de la promotion continue des luttes et des guerres. Elle se compose des chefs religieux qui font peu ou à peine n'importe quoi aider à remplacer des luttes et des guerres avec la paix et l'harmonie. Pour tous les buts pratiques, concentrons nous sur ce dernier groupe qui est désigné généralement sous le nom des chefs religieux. Le travail primaire des chefs religieux a toujours été de fournir des conseils aux divers peuples du monde pour vivre dans la paix et l'harmonie. Cependant, l'expérience a démontré, comme clairement il a été témoin aux Etats-Unis, que de tels chefs religieux sont souvent hésitants de parler dehors fort et clair contre le mal dans notre société particulièrement quand elle provient des chefs politiques ou des chefs de diverses factions au sein de notre communauté terrestre. Thomas Aquinas nous indique que le secret de la bonne vie a été de favoriser et de préserver le bon indépendamment d'où il vient, même s'il provenait d'un homme d'ordures. D'une part, ce grand saint théologique a souligné l'importance pour tous de condamner le mal certainement même s'il provenait du roi, c.-à-d., de hauts fonctionnaires de gouvernement. Des chefs religieux sont obligés d'étudier les politiques belligérantes gouvernementales qui mènent souvent aux luttes et aux guerres et qui ont comme conséquence la destruction de l'infrastructure des communautés entières, la destruction de notre environnement et la destruction de la vie humaine elle-même. Ils doivent également explorer ce qu'un peu d'argent qui est gagné par ceux qui fournissent tous les dispositifs mortels pour la conservation continue des luttes et des guerres. Ceci est souvent fait sous l'apparence de la défense nationale et de la sécurité ! Aucune justification pour la violence. Le monde dans son ensemble sait bien qu' aujourd'hui que la promotion des luttes et des guerres s'est transformée en affaires lucratives. La fabrication de l'argent par l'élite peu à peu a pris la priorité au-dessus du caractère sacré de la vie humaine. « La fin justifie les moyens » est devenu le slogan de quelques fonctionnaires gouvernementaux et d'un nombre considérable de rebelles organisés. Ces responsables pour la fourniture efficace de conduite morale devraient apprendre du professeur principal de Nazareth que la violence n'est nullement jamais justifié. Ce grand chef moral de toutes les fois nous a enseigné que la violence appelle la violence et plus de violence multiplie plus de violence. Elle explique pourquoi Jésus de Nazareth a dit à un de ses disciples : « celui qui tue par l'épée mourra par l'épée. » Les chefs religieux doivent instruire les fonctionnaires militaires à changer leur mission de destruction en une mission de construction, pour se rendre compte que leur premier devoir est d' être de bons instruments dans les mains de Dieu pour alléger l'humain souffrant plutôt que l'infligeant. Les fonctionnaires militaires doivent défier ouvertement les chefs politiques quand ils sont chargés d'envahir et d'attaquer un autre pays, comme le cas de l'Irak qui a été considéré une grande erreur même par beaucoup de politiciens américains. Il y avait un temps dans l'histoire quand des luttes et les guerres ont été regardées comme justifié dans de diverses circonstances. De nos jours, des conseils de beaucoup de leaders spirituels modernes nous avons relevé pour nous rendre compte que la promotion des luttes et des guerres a cessé complètement d'être pour le but de la sécurité. La nature des luttes et des guerres est allée bien au criminel et elle mérite la condamnation de chaque être humain responsable. Qu'est-ce que plusieurs des leaders spirituels modernes ont en commun tel que Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, le Pape Jean Paul II, évêque Desmond Tutu de l'Afrique du Sud, baba de Sai de l'Inde, de Dalai Lama, et de pape Benoît XVI, en plus de nombreux autres ? Ils ont condamnés toutes les luttes et guerres qui sont dirigées vers la douleur et le massacre des personnes comme mal qui ne peut pas être justifié dans aucune circonstance. En outre, Nelson Mandela, avec d'autres, a déclaré qu'à cette étape de l'histoire, les « Etats-Unis ont émergé pour devenir la nation la plus belligérante et la plus dangereuse sur terre. » Il a basé son rapport sur le fait que cette nation fabrique et vend plus d'armes de destruction que toutes les nations du monde combiné ! Le gouvernement des USA semble avoir entièrement bien réussi pour soumettre à un lavage de cerveau et endoctriner la grande majorité de chefs religieux américains pour regarder la participation américaine dans les luttes et les guerres comme positives et constructives ! Lavage de cerveau et endoctrinement Plusieurs des chefs religieux américains ont été soumis et endoctrinés à un lavage de cerveau pour croire que les luttes et les guerres, que le gouvernement des USA fait n'importe où dans le monde, sont adaptées vers la sécurité et l'intérêt national des Etats-Unis et que les Américains qui combattent dans de telles luttes des guerres sont des héros tandis que ceux qui soutiennent la cause de ces politiques belligérantes et génocides sont des patriotes ! Ceci explique pourquoi aux Etats-Unis les personnes entendent à peine leurs chefs religieux, dans son ensemble, critiquer et condamne dans l'ouvert les politiques génocides de leur gouvernement. Dans leurs lieux de culte elles choisissent de rester silencieuses au lieu de démontrer le courage de condamner tout le genre de mal certainement. Elles parlent souvent de la paix et de l'harmonie mais, en même temps, elles fournissent jamais les moyens de mettre en application de tels éléments parmi les divers peuples de notre planète. En plus de ce qui a été énoncé, les chefs religieux doivent instruire périodiquement et systématiquement les gens partout de leur obligation morale sacro-sainte certainementde pas de travailler pour l'industrie des armes. Ils devraient également expliquer que tout ceux qui périssent par le produit mortel, qu'ils fabriquent tôt ou tard le feu à leur regret et sans l'espoir du retour, puisque nous ne pouvons plus jamais renverser l'horloge de l'histoire. Enfin et surtout, les chefs religieux partout devraient instruire le grand public que ceux qui font argent par la fabrication et les ventes des armes devraient regarder un tel argent comme l'argent du sang. Essentiellement, ils sont des traîtres et coupables du massacre des vies humaines innocentes la même manière comme Judas Iscariot était avec Jésus de Nazareth quand il l'a trahi pour simplement 30 pièces en argent ! Après tout, dans nos Cours de Justice terrestres non seulement ceux qui assassinent sont condamnés mais également ceux qui fournissent les moyens pour de tels meurtres commis. Ils partagent tous la même punition. Si nous devions lui faire une remarque pour respecter correctement notre engagement moral à d'autres, la paix et l'harmonie dans le monde peuvent être réalisées plus tôt que plus tard. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& The history of our earthly community has virtually been characterized by struggles and wars. This seems to be somewhat strange when we consider that people in general always opted for peace and harmony. If we were to go deeply into the matter we would soon discover that those that tend to promote struggles and wars consist generally of tiny minorities. Promotion of Struggles and Wars Such tiny minorities would be grouped into two basic segments: (1) those who occupy governmental positions, and (2) those that form cliques to rebel against any form of government. In addition, we may perhaps add another group that could be held responsible for the continued promotion of struggles and wars. It consists of religious leaders who do little or hardly anything to help replace struggles and wars with peace and harmony. For all practical purposes, let us concentrate on this latter group that is commonly referred to as religious leaders. The primary job of religious leaders has always been to provide guidance to the various peoples of the world to live in peace and harmony. However, experience has demonstrated, as clearly witnessed in the USA, that such religious leaders are often hesitant to speak out loud and clear against the evil in our society especially when it stems from political leaders or leaders of various factions within our earthly community. St. Thomas Aquinas tells us that the secret of good life has been to promote and to preserve the good regardless of where it comes from, even if it were to have originated from a garbage man. On the other hand, this great theological saint stressed the importance for all of us to condemn evil by all means even if it were to have originated from the king, that is, from high government officials. Religious leaders are obligated ex officio to investigate governmental belligerent policies that often lead to struggles and wars and that result in the destruction of the infrastructure of whole communities, the destruction of our environment and the destruction of human life itself. They need also to explore what kind of money that is being made by those who provide all lethal devices for the continued preservation of struggles and wars. This is often done under the guise of national defense and security! No Justification for Violence The world at large knows fully well today that the promotion of struggles and wars has turned into a lucrative business. The making of money by the elite few has taken priority over the sacredness of human life. “The end justifies the means” has become the slogan of quite a few governmental officials and a substantial number of organized rebels. Those in charge for the effective provision of moral leadership should learn from the Master Teacher of Nazareth that violence of any kind is never justified in no way whatsoever. This great moral leader of all times taught us that violence breads violence and more violence breeds more violence. It explains why Jesus of Nazareth told Peter, one of his disciples: “Put the sword away for he who kills by the sword will die by the sword.” Religious leaders ought to instruct military officials to change their mission from one of destruction into one of construction, to realize that their first duty is to render themselves as good instruments in the hands of God to alleviate human suffering rather than inflicting it. Military officials ought to defy openly political leaders when they are instructed to invade and attack another country, like it was with the case of Iraq which was considered to be a big mistake even by many American politicians. There was a time in history when struggles and wars were viewed as justified under various circumstances. Nowadays, under the guidance of many modern spiritual leaders we have come to realize that the promotion of struggles and wars has ceased completely to be for purpose of security. The nature of struggles and wars became criminal and it deserves the condemnation of every responsible human being. What did many of the modern spiritual leaders have in common such as Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Pope John Paul II, Bishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa, Sai Baba of India, the Dalai Lama, and Pope Benedict XVI, in addition to numerous others? They all condemned struggles and wars that are directed to the suffering and massacre of people as an evil that cannot be justified under any circumstance. Also, Nelson Mandela, along with others, stated that at this stage of history, the “United States has emerged to become the most belligerent and dangerous nation on earth.” He based his statement on the fact that this nation manufactures and sells more weapons of destruction than all the nations of the world combined! The US government seems to have succeeded fully well to brainwash and indoctrinate the vast majority of American religious leaders to view American involvement in struggles and wars as positive and constructive! Brainwashing and Indoctrination Many of the American religious leaders have been brainwashed and indoctrinated to believe that the struggles and wars, which US government wages anywhere in the world, are geared toward the security and national interest of the United States and that the Americans who fight in such struggles an wars are heroes while those who support the cause of these belligerent and genocidal policies are patriots! This explains why in the USA people hardly ever hear their religious leaders, as a whole, criticizing and condemn in the open the genocidal policies of their government. In their places of worship they opt to remain silent instead of demonstrating courage to condemn all kind of evil by all means. They often speak of peace and harmony but, at the same time, they hardly ever provide means to implement such elements among the various peoples of our planet. In addition to what has been stated, religious leaders ought to instruct periodically and systematically people everywhere of their sacrosanct moral obligation not to work for the weapons industry by all means. They should also make it clear that all those who perish by the lethal product, which they produce will sooner or later back fire to their regret and with no hope of return, since we cannot ever reverse the clock of history. Last but not least, religious leaders everywhere should instruct the general public that those who make money through the manufacture and sales of weapons should view such money as blood money. In essence, they are traitors and guilty of the massacre of innocent human lives same way as Judas Iscariot was with Jesus of Nazareth when he betrayed Him for merely 30 pieces of silver! After all, in our earthly courts of justice not only those who murder are condemned but also those who provide the means for such committed murders. They all share the same identical punishment. If we were to make it a point to fulfill properly our moral obligation to others, peace and harmony in the world may be achieved sooner than later, before we even know it. (6-5-08) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& La historia de nuestra comunidad terrenal ha sido caracterizada virtualmente por luchas y guerras. Esto parece ser algo extraño cuando consideramos que la gente en general optó siempre por paz y armonía. Si entráramos profundamente la materia pronto descubriríamos que los que tienden a promover luchas y guerras consisten generalmente en minorías minúsculas. Promoción de luchas y de guerras Agruparían a tales minorías minúsculas en dos segmentos básicos: (1) los que ocupan posiciones gubernamentales, y (2) los que forman a las pandillas para rebelar contra cualquier forma de gobierno. Además, podemos quizás agregar a otro grupo que podría ser llevado a cabo responsable de la promoción continua de luchas y de guerras. Consiste en los líderes religiosos que hacen poco o apenas cualquier cosa ayudar a substituir luchas y guerras con paz y armonía. Para todos los propósitos prácticos, concentremos en este último grupo que se refiera comúnmente como líderes religiosos. El trabajo primario de líderes religiosos ha sido siempre proporcionar la dirección a la varia gente del mundo para vivir en paz y armonía. Sin embargo, la experiencia ha demostrado, según lo atestiguado claramente en los E.E.U.U., que tales líderes religiosos son a menudo vacilantes hablar hacia fuera ruidoso y claro contra el mal en nuestra sociedad especialmente cuando proviene líderes políticos o a los líderes de varias facciones dentro de nuestra comunidad terrenal. El St. Thomas Aquinas nos dice que el secreto de la buena vida ha sido promover y preservar el bueno sin importar de donde viene, incluso si era haber originado de un hombre de basura. Por una parte, este gran santo teológico tensionó la importancia para todos nosotros para condenar mal por supuesto incluso si era haber originado del rey, es decir, de altos oficiales del gobierno. Obligan a los líderes religiosos ex oficio a investigar las políticas beligerantes gubernamentales que llevan a menudo a las luchas y a las guerras y que dan lugar a la destrucción de la infraestructura de comunidades enteras, a la destrucción de nuestro ambiente y a la destrucción de la vida humana sí mismo. Necesitan también explorar lo que un poco el dinero que está siendo hecho por los que proporcionen todos los dispositivos mortales para la preservación continua de luchas y de guerras. ¡Esto se hace a menudo bajo modo de la defensa nacional y de la seguridad! Ninguna justificación para la violencia El mundo en grande sabe completamente bien hoy que la promoción de luchas y de guerras ha dado vuelta en un negocio lucrativo. La fabricación del dinero por la élite pocos ha tomado prioridad sobre el carácter sagrado de la vida humana. “El fin justifica los medios” se ha convertido el lema de absolutamente algunos funcionarios gubernamentales y de un número considerable de rebeldes organizados. Ésos responsables para la disposición eficaz de la dirección moral deben aprender del profesor principal de Nazareth que la violencia de la clase nunca se justifica de ninguna manera cualesquiera. Este gran líder moral de todas las veces nos enseñó a que la violencia empana violencia y más violencia cría más violencia. Explica porqué Jesús de Nazareth dijo a Peter, a uno de sus discípulos: “Ponga de lado la espada para él que mate por la espada muera por la espada.” Los líderes religiosos deben dar instrucciones a funcionarios militares para cambiar su misión a partir de la una de destrucción en una de construcción, para realizar que su primer deber es rendirse como buenos instrumentos en las manos de dios para aliviar al ser humano que sufre algo que infligiéndola. Los funcionarios militares deben desafiar abiertamente a líderes políticos cuando los dan instrucciones para invadir y para atacar otro país, como él estaban con el caso de Iraq que era considerado ser un error grande incluso por muchos políticos americanos. Había una época en historia cuando las luchas y las guerras fueron vistas según lo justificado bajo varias circunstancias. Hoy en día, bajo dirección de muchos líderes espirituales modernos hemos venido realizar que la promoción de luchas y de guerras ha dejado totalmente de estar para el propósito de la seguridad. La naturaleza de luchas y de guerras sintió bien al criminal y merece la condenación de cada ser humano responsable. ¿Qué muchos de los líderes espirituales modernos tienen en campo común tal como Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Pope John Paul Ii, obispo Desmond Tutu de Suráfrica, bizcocho borracho de Sai de la India, de Dalai Lama, y de papa Benedicto XVI, además de otros numerosos? Ellos todas las luchas y guerras condenadas que se dirigen al sufrimiento y a la masacre de la gente como mal que no se pueda justificar bajo ninguna circunstancia. También, Nelson Mandela, junto con otros, indicó que en la etapa actual de historia, los “Estados Unidos han emergido para convertirse en la nación más beligerante y más peligrosa en la tierra.” ¡Él basó su declaración en el hecho de que esta nación fabrica y vende más armas de la destrucción que todas las naciones del mundo combinado! ¡El gobierno de los E.E.U.U. parece haber tenido éxito completamente bien para lavar el cerebro y para adoctrinar a la gran mayoría de líderes religiosos americanos para ver la implicación americana en luchas y guerras como positivas y constructivas! El lavar el cerebro y adoctrinamiento ¡Han lavado el cerebro y se han adoctrinado muchos de los líderes religiosos americanos para creer que las luchas y las guerras, que el gobierno de los E.E.U.U. emprende dondequiera en el mundo, están engranadas hacia la seguridad y el interés nacional de los Estados Unidos y que los americanos que luchan en tales luchas las guerras son héroes mientras que los que apoyen la causa de estas políticas beligerantes y genocidas son patriotas! Esto explica porqué en los E.E.U.U. la gente oye apenas nunca a sus líderes religiosos, en conjunto, el criticar y condena en el abierto las políticas genocidas de su gobierno. En sus lugares de culto optan seguir siendo silenciosas en vez de demostrar valor de condenar toda la clase de mal por supuesto. Hablan a menudo de paz y de armonía pero, al mismo tiempo, proporcionan apenas nunca medios de ejecutar tales elementos entre la varia gente de nuestro planeta. Además se ha indicado de qué, los líderes religiosos deben dar instrucciones periódicamente y sistemáticamente gente por todas partes de su obligación moral sacrosanta de no trabajar para la industria de las armas por supuesto. Deben también hacerla clara que todo el los que fallezcan por el producto mortal, que él produce tarde o temprano fuego trasero a su pesar y sin la esperanza de la vuelta, puesto que no podemos invertir nunca el reloj de la historia. Por último, los líderes religiosos por todas partes deben dar instrucciones el público en general que los que hacen dinero con la fabricación y las ventas de armas deben ver el dinero tal como el dinero de sangre. ¡Esencialmente, son traidores y culpable de la masacre de vidas humanas inocentes la misma manera que Judas Iscariot era con Jesús de Nazareth cuando él lo traicionó para simplemente 30 pedazos de plata! Después de todo, en nuestros Tribunales de Justicia terrenales no sólo los se condenan que asesinan pero también los que proporcionan los medios para tales asesinatos confiados. Todos comparten el mismo castigo idéntico. Si le hiciéramos un punto para satisfacer correctamente nuestra obligación moral a otras, la paz y la armonía en el mundo se pueden alcanzar más pronto que más adelante, antes de que incluso lo sepamos. ![]()
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![]() The United States is viewed as a predominantly Christian nation. The U.S. Constitution is said to be founded on Christian principles. The concept of God as the recognized Supreme Master of the entire country goes back to the early days of this land’s existence. In fact, the traditional motto has always been in practice: In God we trust to save America, which is found printed in the U.S. currency as well as inscribed in several buildings. Open Recognition of God Today Americans as a whole may be considered to represent virtually all major religions. That would include, above all, Judaism and Islam in addition to Christianity. Co-incidentally, these three religions, in spite of their traditional differences, all believe in one and the same God who is acclaimed to be the Creator of heaven and earth, the very source of everything that exists and could possibly exist. Although each of these religions could be viewed as good and sacred, yet, the adherents to such religions may not necessarily reveal this goodness and sacredness by the way they talk and by the way they act. The Jews founded their religion on the contents of the Bible, which is also known as the Old Testament. The Christians also view this book as their source of inspiration in addition to the New Testament, which has been conveyed to us by some of the disciples of the Master Teacher of Nazareth, commonly known as Jesus Christ. At the same time, the Moslems also believe that the Bible is their sacred book to follow in addition to the Koran, which talks about some of the major teachings of Prophet Muhammad. What seems to be amazingly curious is to discover how the adherents to these three major religions dare to censure or disregard God’s Commandments, which are enumerated as ten in the Bible. They are usually known as the Ten Commandments that God gave to Moses. This explains why in this write-up we are referring to religion in America as being cosmetic, that is, full of human additional touches that would try to make God’s will adhere to the will of the people in power and not the other way round, as it was always expected. A brief glance at the history of these three religions will enable us to see how their respective adherents at large tended always to act the same way when confronted with similar problems. On the whole, they all reveal to have a conspicuously weak spiritual leadership, which explains the disappointments that have been felt among many of their respective members. What happened to the Ten Commandments the way God handled them to Moses? For example, God said: Thou shalt not kill. This means we should take this commandment as it is with no “ifs” or “buts” on our part, with no virtual exception whatsoever. Human Relationship with God Unlike God who is simple, human beings tend to be quite complicated. Each time they disregard any of the Ten Commandments, they always find an “excuse” they could use by way of justification. To stick to the same example, in the case of murder they always try to find justification through such excuses as “self-defense and national security,” besides others. What is disturbing lies in the fact that such religious leaders do buy these excuses and tacitly justify the open disregard of the stated God’s Commandment. Hardly any of the religious leaders of these three major religions dares to raise questions such as: How come the manufacture and indiscriminate sales of weapons, along with the waging of wars, has become perhaps the most lucrative business in the world? How come many of those involved in such business transactions have become millionaires through the infliction of so much pain and suffering? Besides, such Jewish, Christian and Islamic religious leaders need to explore why the U.S. government continues to arm to the teeth as many nations as possible, under the guise of “national defense and security,” which has become a magic phrase. The U.S. government says that it needs to equip its “allies” with all weapons and military equipment possible for purpose of defending themselves in the event they are attacked. Even here, the American religious leaders of these three major religions, especially those that claim to be Christian clergymen, need to raise an additional question: Is it possible that U.S. government officials are not aware of the fact that a country that is viewed as “ally” today may be viewed as “enemy” tomorrow, like it was with Iran under the Shah, which then turned to emerge as “enemy” under the Ayatollah Khomeini? Besides, how come the U.S. government continues to furnish neighboring countries, such as Pakistan and India with nuclear weapons? Such countries hardly ever had any friendly and cordial relations. Is the USA preparing the way for the creation of future holocausts everywhere? This cannot be taken lightly since here we are dealing with prospective real and extensive mass murders. Conscientiously good Americans should raise at least one question to their clergymen: Why are you so vocal when it comes to the condemnation of abortion but you remain virtually silent when it comes to condemnation of mass murder by the U.S. government through the manufacture and indiscriminate sales of weapons and the continued promotion of wars? An answer to this question should be given right now and not the next time we sit in our backyard watching the stars! Theological Teachings From theological teachings, we learned that when one uses weapons to kill others not only the one that uses the weapons is guilty of murder, but also the one who provided the killer with such weapons. If this is a fact, why is it the clergymen in the United States do not bring to the attention of their respective congregations this moral fact? Why is it that such clergymen never warn their congregations of their moral obligation not to work for the weapons industry? There have never been clergymen in America who reminded the members of their congregations that those who manufacture and procure such weapons share the same identical guilt of those that afterwards use them to murder many innocent people, along with the destruction of their homes. This may be due to the fact that such clergymen have created a new form of spirituality with a new set of beliefs, which amounts to the emergence of a cosmetic religion. Such clergymen may render themselves pleasing to some political figures, especially those with financial interest in the transaction of weapons and the waging of wars. However, clergymen, in virtue of their position, have a moral obligation to provide effective guidelines to people relative to the observance of God’s Ten Commandments. If clergymen were to do their job properly, they may become valuable in replacing the culture of war with the culture of peace. The creation of a cosmetic religion is not pleasing to God at all. The Pharisees did just that at the time of Jesus Christ who did not hesitate to call them hypocrites. He also compared them to whitewashed tombs, which looked clean from the outside but stunk from the inside. Americans need to have as spiritual leaders clergymen who are vociferous in their condemnation of wars and in the continued manufacture and sales of weapons. Last but not least, it is encouraging for us to know that we do have a few courageous clergymen in the U.S.A. who joined peace-workers in the streets of the nation to protest against armaments and wars, especially against nuclear weapons. Some ended up being put in jail but, like their Master Teacher of Nazareth, their day of triumph seems to be approaching sooner or later. When it comes to democracy and freedom, the United States has proved to be, perhaps, the most vocal nation in the world. This constitutes a great irony, which cannot be taken lightly. As St. Thomas Aquinas well put it, nemo dat quod non habet – no one can give something that one does not have. The sooner that all Americans and the nations of the world come to see this with crystal clarity, the sooner they could take appropriate and adequate precaution in dealing with the U.S. government, which is ultimately held responsible and accountable for the proliferation of weapons and the continued promotion of wars everywhere. Nation of Plutocracy In theory the USA may be viewed as a nation of democracy, where the people are the masters of the nation. However, in practice the USA is a nation of plutocracy, where the rich control the entire nation with iron fist. This explains why Pope John Paul II stated in Mexico during the decade of the eighties that world peace would eventually come only after the two greatest evils of the 20th century are gone. He singled out these two as being communism and capitalism because, he said, “both achieve their objectives through the exploitation of people.” As long as the USA remains the seat of capitalism it would be a grave mistake to trust its foreign policies in particular. We witnessed from history that a nation without genuine democracy tends to deprive its citizens from freedom in many ways. Unlike many other nations, the USA does not allow its citizens to travel in a number of countries, including its peaceful neighbor Cuba. What was the real major offense of Cuba? It simply made it very clear that the economy of Cuba would be controlled by Cubans and not by big U.S. corporations, whose job has always been to exploit the resources of other countries. In spite of the fact that the said Pope singled out capitalism as one of the greatest two evils of the 20th century, you never hear U.S. clergymen condemning the “exploitation” of capitalism. Besides, such clergymen never try to dehypnotize Americans from the false beliefs they have been fed through governmental propaganda that tends to glorify weapons and the waging of wars, always under the pretext of “national defense and security!” In conclusion, we need to explore from U.S. clergymen in general why is it they do not provide needed moral leadership by condemning the evil that stems especially from U.S. foreign belligerent policies. God’s Commandments are crystal clear, in particular the one that says: Thou shalt not kill. People everywhere do not want to espouse a cosmetic religion that has been modified to accommodate political abuses especially as they stem from the manufacture and indiscriminate sales of weapons and the continued waging of wars. ![]()
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![]() Over the past few decades, the Middle East has increasingly emerged to become a malignant tumor of our earthly community. Like any other disease, this fatal malady can still be cured in one way or another, even through an unexpected miracle. During the past centuries, quite a few books were written on the nature of miracles that even skeptics, who had serious doubts, after giving a second thought, began to believe in such mysterious phenomena. ![]()
There must be a reason as to why the United States is viewed in the world at large as a violent nation. In the early stages of this nation’s history everything seemed to
be fine in many ways. However, as time rolled on, at least one segment of this well written document became obsolete, abusive and dangerous because it was no longer
applicable to our times. This segment has become nowadays a liability, a malignant tumor that needs to be surgically removed.
Original Intent of U.S. Constitution Before we go straight into the heart of this vital issue, we need to learn the circumstances under which such a U.S. Constitution was written. We are focusing here on the phrase: “people’s right to bear Arms.” The said document was drafted in 1787 and became effective two years later in 1789, under completely different circumstances. At the time the U.S. Constitution went into operation, there were no airplanes, no trains, no busses, no cars, no telephones, and no radars. Once people left town mostly on horseback, they were fully on their own. There would be absolutely no one to protect them in any way whatsoever. Hence, this explains why the founding fathers found it wise to let people become their own protection, their own policemen, and their own militia for all practical purposes. In view of this, we may understand, within the context, the reason for the insertion of the “right to bear arms” in the second amendment, which states: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary for the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.” Nowadays, several irresponsible US government officials continue to advocate the right for Americans to be fully equipped with weapons both unchecked and unlicensed. This explains why in the United States every year there are more civilians killed by guns than in all the nations of the world combined. Such US government officials continue to resist any step that may be taken to bring the proliferation of weapons under control. At this stage of history, the United States has developed immensely compared to more than 200 years ago when it virtually started. Its population now has exceeded 300 million people who come from virtually every major country from across every continent. Its culture is rich as it has been formed from a fusion of the richest cultures on earth. In the world at large, the United States is viewed as a democratic nation even though its capitalistic system has enabled big corporations to control the entire governmental structure. Nation of Plutocracy As a matter of fact, many view this nation as being run by the rich and for exclusive interest of the wealthy. This is verified in time of elections especially when every political candidate to be elected must in the first place reach as many people as possible. To this end, such a candidate needs to have an enormous amount of money to pay the news media -- radio, press and television – for needed advertisements to reach the electorate. This means one has to pay from one’s own pocket money, in the event the individual happens to be rich. If the political candidate happens to have charisma but not much money of his own, then big corporations will find a way to exploit that charisma by financing the campaign of such a candidate for their long-range financial benefit. This explains why so many in the U.S. Congress continue to vote to spend more and more money on the manufacture and sales of weapons and the promotion of wars, rather than on the health care and education of the native population. It explains why they are opposing President’s Obama health care plan. It is not in the best interest of insurance and pharmaceutical companies to have competition from the US government. Deep inside they feel they would be fighting a losing battle. So, they lobby with the US Congressmen whose election they helped to finance as to keep for the years to come their financial monopoly unchallenged, even to the detriment of the American people. This, in a way, seems to be a blessing in disguise in the sense that it would be easy now for the American people to make a good value judgment of their elected officials. In view of this, we may now begin to understand why several US government officials continue to defend that constitutional phrase, “the right to bear arms,” even though nowadays it emerged to become a malignant tumor that is literally destroying the nation from every aspect one can imagine. The manufacture and sales of weapons and the promotion of wars has become the most lucrative business in the world. Those involved in this industry make big money fast and smooth, which is their ultimate goal. It’s quite interesting for us to find out that the American motto is viewed to be: In God we trust. Let us keep in mind here that in a capitalistic system the real God is not the heavenly God that Jesus of Nazareth conveyed to us. The nature of the capitalistic God consists merely of wealth and money. This explains why the United States, for this capitalistic God, it is ready to do anything. That would include the proliferation of the manufacture and sales of weapons in the entire world, along with the promotion of wars across virtually every continent. What counts in a capitalistic nation is the making of big money by all means. Disregard for Human Life To this end, the life of the American people as well as the life of people everywhere becomes secondary. We may begin to realize with clarity why so many members of the US government continue to defend the “constitutional right” for all Americans to purchase all kinds of weapons without the need of any permission or approval. Some time ago a group of teen agers in California were asked the question: Do you find it difficult to secure guns? The answer was quick: “All we need is $45 dollars; we can buy guns as easy as we buy candy!” Those that are heavily involved in the business of the manufacture and sales of weapons are generally characterized by paranoia. They are so afraid of governmental restrictions dealing with the purchase and sales of weapons that they are openly opposed even to the requirement of a license. Ironically, while no one objects to the fact that to drive a car one must have a license, those that deal with the weapons industry do object for anyone to use a gun must first have a license. Now, in recent times they went a step further. The promoters of the gun industry are encouraging Americans to carry loaded guns wherever they go, even in political meetings where the US President happens to be giving a speech. What is amazing is not that such promoters are doing their best to have as many Americans as possible carry loaded guns everywhere but that the US government just stays there looking while saying and doing nothing. Confronted with this reality, many foreigners are beginning to become increasingly suspicious of the US government. Many have raised the question saying: “If the US government, for any reason, cannot assume the responsibility to prevent needless fatalities among its civilians by bringing guns under full control, how can we expect such a government to help prevent needless fatalities among our people?” Others have expressed surprise and disgust at the same time when seeing this “cancerous” phrase, referring to the “right to bear arms,” is still not yet abrogated from the US Constitution. They feel that the continued presence of such “cancerous” phrase may end up doing more harm for the American nation in the long range. In some institutions of learning, students tried to use logic to prove the futility of the retention of such a malignant phrase. At one time, a few students said they would like to ask every single member of the US government who supports the continued existence of this dangerous constitutional phrase the following question: “Suppose you are in the midst of an auditorium watching a stage show with five 5,000 spectators in it. What would make you feel safer if you and every single spectator there with you carry a loaded gun, or if neither you nor anyone there sitting in the auditorium with you is carrying no gun at all?” Total Elimination of Guns Needless to say, will not people everywhere feel safer when they are shopping in a mall, attending service in a church, walking in parks or strolling on the beaches where absolutely no one there is carrying a loaded gun? Will really people feel at ease when they know that there is always the possibility of someone coming out to shoot them for any reason whatsoever? From a variety of studies made over the years in the USA, those that want to carry with them a loaded gun are generally those who feel insecure in some way or another. When Barack Obama was campaigning to become the U.S. President he promised that he would bring lobbyists in Washington DC under control. As to whether he would succeed to do so remains to be seen. The lobbyists, on the whole, are characterized by selfishness whose only goal is to get what they want even to the detriment of the American people. To this end, US government officials who allow themselves to be controlled by lobbyists should be viewed as traitors of the American people. We need to train a group of lawyers to be conscientious and patriotic as to take the initiative to bring to justice all US government officials who succumb to such vicious lobbyists. Here we are faced with methodical corruption that cannot be tolerated any longer. To turn insult into injury, quite a good number of U.S. Senators and Congressmen have prided themselves in the past as being owners of guns. They also pointed out that the fact that all Americans can carry loaded guns with them reveals a freedom that everyone enjoys! This is far from freedom. It is permissiveness which always leads to lawlessness, and which explains why children in U.S. schools have shot and killed other children along with their teachers. It also explains why we have had some entering malls shooting and killing everyone they come across. If everyone in the USA can carry loaded weapons, then what are the policemen doing? What are the members of the military doing since people have been allowed by the US constitution to become their own policemen and their own militia? Let us assume that in a town everyone is born and raised healthy. There is no sickness, no disease around. Everyone enjoys doing daily physical exercise and eating right. Now let us assume that after several years an epidemic sweeps this town and for people to survive they must have medical attention. Such people are now confronted with a choice: They may either choose to take needed medication to regain back their health and keep on living for a long time, or they may choose to refuse their needed medication and simply keep on living through this epidemic, which eventually will, sooner or later, prove fatal. Abrogation of the Malignant Tumor At this stage of history, the U.S. Constitutional phrase “the right to bear arms” has proven to have become fatal, a detriment for the continued survival of this nation in the long range. It has become abusive for it has already threatened in numerous ways the very life, serenity, security and peace of the American people. Ironically, the USA is viewed as a predominantly Christian country who professes belief in Jesus of Nazareth as being the promised Messiah of the Old Testament. This Master Teacher spent His lifetime preaching against violence. In fact, Jesus warned the Pharisees saying: “The God you preach is not the God I know. You preach a God that advocates the ’eye for an eye and the tooth for a tooth.’ The God I know is a God of love and mercy… a God that when you strike Him on the cheek He would rather turn His face to let you strike Him on the other cheek than to retaliate.” In other words, in the Old Testament God was presented as one who advocated the ‘eye for an eye and the tooth for a tooth.’ While in the New Testament God was presented a one who advocated ‘love and mercy.’ The two nations in the world that have been viewed as being violent because of their continued reliance on the manufacture and sales of weapons and the promotion of wars have been singled out as the USA and Israel. When it comes to the Old Testament both of these countries stand firmly together. They believe in a God that advocates the ‘eye for an eye and the tooth for a tooth,” a God of hatred and revenge. They differ somewhat from each other when it comes to the New Testament. Israel rejects it since the Jews in general refuse to recognize Jesus as the promised Messiah. The USA accepts the New Testament but only in theory. In practice, the USA rejects it also. This explains why in U.S. Churches you hardly ever hear one church minister preaching on the words Jesus said to Peter: “Put the sword away for he who kills by the sword will die by the sword.” You never hear one church minister condemning the violence the U.S. Military brought in both Iraq and Afghanistan, under the guise of “bringing freedom and democracy!” To go back to where we started, the United States is a capitalistic nation whose ultimate objective is the never-ending building of a capital. Because of this, the American government is more business-oriented than people-oriented. This means that the primary concern of the U.S. government lies with the boosting of the interests of big corporations, even to the detriment of the nation’s people. The adamant resistance to the abrogation of the stated malignant tumor “the right to bear arms” that developed in the U.S. Constitution proves the case that is being made in a tangible way. Still Bright Hope in U.S. Congress Fortunately, we do have quite a few members of the U.S. congress who would be ready to do something substantial about the nation’s proliferation of guns and all kinds of weapons. There are many things that they could do. They may introduce a constitutional amendment to abolish the second amendment that gives all Americans the “right to bear arms” unchecked and unsupervised. They may also take the initiative to pass a national referendum asking Americans two simple questions: 1.“Do you feel more secure if you and everyone you come across in the nation is carrying a loaded gun… or do you feel more secure if neither you nor anyone you come across in the country is carrying no gun at all?” Let us keep in mind that in the United States, the American people and not the government, big corporations and the wealthy, are constitutionally the supreme rulers of the nation. If the U.S. government is more interested in serving the interests of big corporations and the wealthy, such a government cannot constitutionally have the last say if it contradicts that of the American people. This explains why it is important that we have as many humanitarians, lawyers and judges as we can to work on having the involved constitutional cancer gone. In conclusion, we would like to see in the United States the abolition of all kind of domestic violence that comes through easily available guns and all kinds of weapons. Spiritual leaders from every walk of life and profession and from every religion and culture should start advocating in the open with constant persistence the end of violence that takes place continuously through the proliferation of these lethal elements. The greatest task facing schools and churches lies in bringing domestic violence to an end the sooner the better. ![]()
Download full WORD document by author ![]() There has never been a country in the history of the world that has occupied the minds of so many nations as the United States. A person is best judged not by the looks, outfit, wealth and power but rather by the character and personality. These two elements are generally viewed as sources of credibility and predictability. This means everyone knows where one stands with such a person in a way that would make us feel comfortable and at ease all the time. Positive and Constructive Aspects If we were to read several books about the United States we will soon discover how different they may be. In fact, each of such books may sound to be talking about an entirely different country that happens to bear the same name. The reason is simple. We may view an object from 360 angles each one of which tends to give us a somewhat different perspective. Churchmen, for example, may prefer to focus on American traditional spiritual values that may include week-end participation in religious services, the invocation of God’s name in prayer before every major event, and families united in love and friendship. Several news-reporters tend to focus on a variety of sports, football in particular. In fact, quite a few millions do not miss watching some tournaments especially in their final stage. Of course, the list in this area may go on and on. Humanitarian groups, along with philanthropists, talk often about their favorite charities, which may serve to help the handicapped and the homeless as well as the poor and the hungry. In this regard, the United States donates yearly more money for just humanitarian causes than any other nation on earth. In terms of virtue, Americans in general are viewed to be good and trustworthy. Most of them have visited several countries as tourists. In virtue of their presence, they proved to be the best ambassadors of good will that the United States ever had. Until a couple of decades ago or so, Americans were not only liked but, at times, envied as well. As a matter of fact, many foreigners felt the desire to immigrate to the United States and become also citizens. All of this reveals some of the positive and constructive aspects of the United Sates. We need to keep in mind that viewing the United States from the aspects that have just been presented is not the same as when viewing this same nation from entirely different angles. The United States is a capitalistic nation that is ruled in practice by big corporations, which finance the election of virtually every senator and congressman. Hence, although in theory people elect their government officials to represent them; in practice such government officials represent, first and foremost, the interests of big corporations even when proven to be detrimental to the American people. Evil of Communism and Capitalism When Pope John Paul II was asked in Mexico during the decade of the eighties as to whether world peace was feasible he did not hesitate to give a quick reply. He said clearly and emphatically: “Yes, world peace is feasible but only after two of the greatest evils of the 20th century are gone.” The he added saying: “These two great evils are communism and capitalism because both try to achieve their goals through the exploitation of people.” Some three years later, communism collapsed and the world took a great sigh of relief. This event gave capitalism the chance to reveal its true self. Instead of embarking on a program of international disarmament and arms control, the elimination of landmines and the abolition of all nuclear weapons, the United States embarked on the largest military build-up in history. Tens of billions of dollars were spent to open hundreds of US military bases around the world and to literally pollute the major oceans of the world with warships. Instead of cooperating with philanthropists and humanitarian groups in the build-up of a peaceful world community, the United States assumed determinedly the role of becoming literally the policeman of the world. Instead of offering nations across every continent with humanitarian assistance to help eliminate hunger and provide natives with adequate home facilities, the United States offered governments across every continent with all kinds of weapons and all military equipment as to enable them to solve all problems with neighboring countries through struggles and wars. After the collapse of communism, the United States had the unique opportunity to become an asset to the entire world. Yet, it deliberately blew up this opportunity and set on irreversible course of struggles and wars. As a result, tens of thousands, amounting to millions, of innocent people were slaughtered mercilessly. The world, instead of becoming safer, emerged to become more dangerous. Thousands of those who managed to survive whose properties were destroyed and relatives were killed have now lost the will to live. Some non-governmental organizations have asked children, ages 9 through 11 in both Gaza and Iraq, what it was they wished to do when they grew up. To their full surprise, more than 80% said unanimously: “Killing Americans!” When each one was asked as to “why” this was their ambition, the answer was quick: “Because Americans killed my father, they killed my mother, they killed or maimed my brother, along with several relatives; they destroyed our homes and all of our belongings; in essence we lost our will to live.” Planting Seeds for Future Terrorism What will happen when in a few years from now, these thousands of children become late teens or in their early twenties? They will surely find ways that would endanger the lives of Americans and even proceed to destroy their property wherever it may be. Of course, when such events will take place because they were instigated in the first place by the Americans years earlier, the US government officials will then label them as Al-Qaeda or Taliban, even though they might never had connection with any of these two groups. American foreign policies have been viewed by many around the world to be very belligerent. Such policies are based on the slogan: “Do it our own way or else face the consequences!” Such policies are also seen as an expression of machismo revealed in a determination to haunt people with fear, which often leads to paranoia. Once paranoia takes over, the elements of self-control and of solving conflicts through healthy dialogues tend to disappear very fast. More soldiers mean more killing of innocent people that is bound to bring more negative and destructive reactions toward Americans. The US full reliance on the military to get what it wants by hook or by crook has already put this great nation of so many good projects and good people on the road to financial collapse. US government officials as a whole tend to call the countless trillions of dollars spent on weapons and the military as “defense” money. To this end, there is always money with no end in sight, even to the detriment of American’s lives. And these same US government officials refer to any money for the health care of Americans as “deficit” money. In other words, US government officials as a whole do not even dream to do anything that is substantial for Americans, if that were to interfere with the financial interests of big corporations. The saintly Pope John Paul II, who may become canonized in our lifetime, was right when he condemned capitalism as a great evil because, as he said, “it advances its causes through the exploitation of people.” Ironically, these are Americans for whom their government claims to be fighting wars all over the world “to safeguard their democracy and freedom!” In recent decades, more people in the United States and around the world are beginning to believe that this nation does not have itself the democracy it advocates other nations to have. Also, Americans do not have the freedom that their government claims it wants to bring to other nations. Democracy is derived from two Greek words, demos (people) + kratia (government). In the United States we only have a façade of democracy. In theory, people elect their government officials supposedly to represent them. View of Democracy and Freedom However, for anyone to be elected one must reach the people in their homes through the press, radio and television. To use such media one must pay millions of dollars. This means that to have a chance to be elected one must be either very rich or have some rich sources to finance the campaign. Here is where the big corporations step in. Once the people elect their representatives through a well prepared propaganda, commonly known as “advertisements,” then such elected officials proceed to thank the corporations that financed their campaign by doing anything in their power to boost their corporate products. All of this modus operandi reveals that to have genuine democracy in a capitalistic nation constitutes a contradiction. As long as the US subscribes to capitalism, it can never have true democracy. Since democracy and freedom seem to be tied together, let us examine the concept of freedom of movement, since this is viewed as vital for people anywhere. When top US government officials advocate to other nations to give freedom to their people, they will have first to see what kind of freedom they do give to Americans in the first place. Although many people of several countries enjoy the freedom to travel anywhere in the world, even at their own risk, Americans are forbidden by their US government to travel freely in a number of countries. That includes Cuba their peaceful neighbor. The US news-media hardly ever bring any good and constructive news about Cuba, which has been viewed as “enemy” for almost half century! In fact, the United States has put an embargo against Cuba for well over four decades. Cuba committed only one “crime!” When the Revolution freed Cuba from the tyrannical Fulgencio Batista, the leader of the Revolution, Fidel Castro, made it clear that “Cuba belongs to the Cubans and not to US big corporations.” When such corporations realized that he meant what he said, then they asked US government officials who were elected by corporate money to “punish” Cuba and the embargo, which is still in operation, was imposed. It’s an example of how US government elected officials serve more as puppets of big corporations than as representatives of the people. A few years ago, Cuba found a cure to some forms of cancer. While people from overseas went to Cuba to be cured of their maladies, the American news media did not bring any news about this event. This was in line with their US corporate policies that news about Cuba must only be negative and destructive. Only God knows how many Americans died that would have still be alive if they paid a visit to Cuba to this end. If Americans do not have freedom of movement to go wherever they want, how can the US government give other nations such a freedom? Nemo dat quod non habet – No one can give anything that one does not have. Self-Proclaimed Christian Nation The United States is considered to be mostly a Christian nation. US government officials who feel proud of their traditional Christian heritage speak proudly of the country’s traditional belief in God. In fact, the American motto on money and on quite a few monuments reads: “In God We Trust.” Almost all of these US government officials attend church religious services on week-ends. The majority of them view the Master Teacher of Nazareth, Jesus Christ, as their Redeemer and Lord. All of this is perfectly fine and all of us should feel edified. However, we are faced with something ironic here. A good number of these self-proclaimed Christians in the US government do not seem to hesitate to censure the teachings of their proclaimed Master Teacher when they feel disagreeable. Whereas the mindset of Jesus was deeply trenched in the culture of peace, the mindset of most of our US government officials is deeply ingrained in the culture of war. We all recall the words of the Master Teacher to the Pharisees: “The God you preach is not the God I know. You preach a God that advocates the eye for an eye and the tooth for a tooth; the God I know is one who when stricken on the cheek he would not only refrain from retaliating but He would rather be stricken on the other cheek as well.” And when His disciple Peter tried to defend Him by taking out the sword, Jesus was quick to tell him: “Put the sword away for he who kills by the sword will die by the sword.” The mindset of this Master Teacher was truly ingrained in the culture of peace. This mainly Christian nation, whose mindset is deeply trenched in the culture of war, has defied the instructions of the Master Teacher, through its weapons, struggles and wars. Its troops in Iraq and Afghanistan need to be replaced with humanitarian agencies. The US can still provide world leadership to bring world peace. This would need first of all a shift from the mindset of the culture of war to the mindset of the culture of peace. US military bases could become humanitarian quarters. Besides, US war ships floating over the oceans need to be changed into floating hospitals to help save the lives of many. If what has been stated sounds clear and obvious, how come nothing is being done to change the role of the US military from one of destruction to one of construction? It is more noble and humane to preserve human life from every aspect than to destroy it brutally! The traditional US governmental philosophy of the culture of war needs to be replaced with the virtual unanimous people’s urge toward the eventual implementation the culture of peace. Questioned United States Leadership Is there any hope for the United States to emerge as an instrument of harmony and peace instead of struggles and wars? The answer is yes if all those who are concerned with the creation of a harmonious and peaceful world were to become involved. We cannot leave our constructive actions for tomorrow for as Frank Sinatra said in one of his songs: “Let’s forget about tomorrow for tomorrow never comes.” Here are steps to help replace the culture of war with that of peace. Periodical demonstrations against war policies are needed to demonstrate to our politicians our outrage and condemnation of their actions. Legal actions against those politicians who became millionaires through weapons and wars should be taken and have all of their money confiscated. Constant pressure should be put on government officials to close 50% of the hundreds of US military bases overseas. This would allow the American people to have all the money they need for their health care and education. Clergymen and physicians, who are responsible for the people’s spiritual and physical needs, should condemn openly the “abuse of power” involved when the US military destroys cities and kills thousands of innocent people. Big Corporations must be made fully aware of their moral obligation to change their destructive products into constructive ones; instead of making tanks for soldiers they could make tractors for farmers. Courage and determination should be revealed by those working in the manufacture of weapons to quit immediately their job and to seek for a kind of work that is constructive and beneficial to our earthly community. Nations everywhere should stop cooperating with the United States when it comes to the manufacture and sales of weapons and the promotion of struggles and wars. They should say loud and clear: Satis est satis - Enough is enough! A nation cannot be the seat of capitalism and the seat of democracy and freedom at the same time. As stated earlier, this constitutes a contradiction. In capitalism the power lies with big corporations where government officials are merely puppets of such elements, which financed their election. The real hope of the United States lies with the American people. Their courage and perseverance to move forward is bound to bring about constructive results in due time.
If we were to study carefully the evolution of events that took place over the past 6,000 years of recorded history, we will discover that most of the world's problems stemmed out from politics of one kind or another. The New Webster Dictionary of the English Language describes "politics" as "the science of government; that part of ethics which relates to the regulation for the preservation of its safety, peace, and prosperity."
Meaning of Politics Also, politics is derived from the Greek word "polis" meaning city, which consists of citizens that make up the state or the nation. Those who become involved in the government of a nation are normally viewed as politicians. Needless to say, politicians are human beings that may be good or bad, beneficial or detrimental, and generous or egoistic. The people of a nation always tend to benefit when their politicians are highly concerned with their human needs. At the same time, people in general always tend to suffer in many ways when their politicians carry agendas that are beneficial to a selected few but detrimental to many others. These kinds of politicians are viewed as abusive and the greatest problem people are faced with in this regard lies in how to get rid of them fast and smooth, peacefully and effectively. Since politicians differ from each other enormously it is somewhat difficult and confusing to have them classified by political or religious affiliation or other devised categories. The Romans had a proverb, aliud est theoria aliud est practica - one thing is theory and other thing is practice. On the whole, people all over the world seem to share at least one thing in common about politicians. This was pointed out by well-known writer George Orwell who said: "Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give the appearance of solidity to pure wind." This statement cannot be taken lightly because it has been verified to be true century after century to this very same day. Let us examine carefully George Orwell's words. Suppose we come to know that the food we are about to share with many of our friends is poisonous, what would we do? Shall we proceed to consume it knowing that all of us afterwards will be sick, if not dead? Or shall we have it discarded and seek for a remedy to this problem? If we were to tell the people that this food is very good and tasty and they believe us, they will surely proceed to eat it only to face the tragic consequences that will follow. Deceitful Politics in Operation Contrary to the admonition of the United Nations, Pope John Paul II, Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu of South Africa, Oscar Arias of Costa Rica, and many outstanding world figures, the United States proceeded to invade Iraq. The political language designed by the US government consisted of lies that were made to sound truthful. Not only that, but as George Orwell pointed out, the US government and its European allies made the murder of tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi people viewed as respectable. This needless massacre was referred to by some US military officials as "collateral damage!" Is it possible that in the world of politics we manage to reach a point as to find it necessary to reduce the sacred lives of many to merely a piece of furniture?! Moreover, to turn an insult into an injury, the US later insisted that the Iraqis were better off now, following the American invasion, than they were before under Saddam Hussein. Quite a few humanitarian and non-governmental organizations visited Iraq to see for themselves what was going on there. They asked little children between the ages of nine and twelve the following question: "What would like to do when you grow up? We were told that some 80% of the Iraqi children said without hesitation: "Killing Americans!" Those that raised the question in the first place were very much surprised with this reply. So they proceeded to ask: "Why do you want to do that?" Each of these children gave more or less the same answer: "Because Americans killed my father, they killed my mother and they killed or maimed my brothers, sisters and friends." Others added saying: "Americans destroyed our homes and schools and all of our belongings and now we are all homeless." When the Iraqi adults were asked: "Don't you feel better that the US troops removed Saddam Hussein from office?" They all said unanimously: "We were much better before the invasion of Americans because then we still had our houses and schools, our spouses were alive and well and all of us enjoyed seeing our children playing and growing up. Now a number of them are gone and others are maimed and ruined for life." Ironically, the United States views itself as a nation of democracy that is "ruled by the people who elect their representatives to serve them as senators and congressmen." Well, the vast majority of the American people proved to be against the US invasion of Iraq. Moreover, after such an invasion the American people, as a whole, continued to say loud and clear that the US government should pull out all US troops from Iraq without further delay. We had even US presidential candidates, one of whom was Dennis Kucinich, who vowed to pull out all American troops out of Iraq without further delay, if elected. Orwell's Saying at Work Unfortunately, like George Orwell well pointed out, the US government succeeded to make the tremendous amount of civilian killings in Iraq look respectable, "a necessity to safeguard the freedom, democracy and security of the United States" as some leading politicians said over and over again in the US news-media. By the way, in the last US presidential elections Barack Obama was elected as the next US President primarily because he promised to end the war in Iraq and bring all US troops back home, even though as of now his promise has not yet been fulfilled. Also, the American people elected Barack Obama as their US President because he promised that he would resort to solve political problems through healthy dialogues and strong diplomacy and not through struggles and wars. This peaceful approach in the sphere of world politics that he promised enabled him to win the Nobel Peace Prize as well. Of course, this new US President has still time to prove his sincere promises in replacing struggles and wars with harmony and peace everywhere. However, when he escalated the war in Afghanistan many Americans felt highly disappointed. Besides, due to the fact that the United States is deeply immersed in a culture of war mentality, the unjust struggle in the Middle East is still on. The way to bring politics under control is for the people in the world to see to it that those that represent them in the government give top priority on people's health care and education rather than on continued struggles and wars which lead to nowhere except to the eventual bankruptcy of the national economy. The time has arrived when the people should bring politics under their full control. Anything that politicians say which is not conducive to the welfare of all people without exception should be viewed as dangerous and should never get our support. Anything that politicians say which is beneficial to welfare of people from every walk of life and procession should receive our wholehearted support. To this end, we must keep good politicians and get rid of the bad ones. There is not one single group in the world that could claim to be perfect, an ideal source of inspiration. In other words, it is not wise for us to make it a habit to elect politicians because of their affiliation with a specific political party or with a religion of one kind or another. It would reveal a great lack of wisdom on our part if we were to view blindly things the way politicians would want us to see them in order to control us. Political Meaning of "Pro-Life" Let us illustrate this by some practical example. In the United States people are notably influenced by the name the political party carries: Republican versus Democrat, or the politician's religious affiliation. In this latter one, Americans feel often trapped in a political dilemma, especially when they are faced by self-proclaimed "pro-life" politicians versus self-proclaimed "pro-choice" politicians. These divisions or classifications are nothing but meaningless and deceitful frames people choose to put in their mind. It will help us understand better where we stand in politics if we were to illustrate what has just been stated with some evidences that bring into proper focus the contradictions found in politics. Republicans claim to be "pro-life." This certainly pleases many clergymen especially when Republicans stress that "the sacredness of life starts from the moment of conception." Like George Orwell well stated, this political statement is "designated to make lies sound truthful." In fact, we need here to raise one serious question. If the sacredness of life starts from the first moment of conception then does this sacredness of life end with the moment of birth? This is a very relevant question since Republicans always tend to solve virtually all political problems at the global level with all sorts of struggles and wars. This is revealed in their putting more money in the manufacture and sales of weapons, in the building of hundreds of US military bases around the world and in their instigation of more struggles and wars where millions of innocent people are killed, including pregnant women! We all know that actions speak louder than words. Since struggles and wars could only be waged by people, is it possible that Republicans and those who claim to be "pro-life" may have ulterior motives? Are they "pro-life" as to make sure more humans are born to be used later as instruments to massacre millions of innocent people? Republicans, with other politicians that support US belligerent foreign policies, succeed to make "murder appear to be respectable," as George Orwell remarked. Many US politicians state that "wars cannot be avoided when the freedom, democracy and security of the USA is involved!" If that is the case, then we need to define well the meaning of freedom democracy and security, otherwise we will continue to misuse such words to the detriment of the American nation and, as a matter of fact, of every other single nation in the world. The New Webster Dictionary of the English Language defines these three stated terms as follows. Freedom, Democracy and Security Freedom is described as "the state of being free; exemption from slavery, confinement, or constraint; liberty; independence; openness; outspokenness." Each time the United States invades other countries, and interferes with their internal affairs does it make sense to say that this was to preserve American freedom?! What about if Russia and China were to invade the USA under the guise of preserving Russian and Chinese freedom? Democracy is described as "that form of government in which the supreme power rests with the people, ruling themselves either directly or through representatives. It's a government, as Abraham Lincoln put it that is "of the people, by the people, and for the people." The United States has no right whatsoever to impose its form of government on other nations by military force, under the guise of "preserving" its so called democracy. Security is described as "the state of being secure; freedom from apprehension; freedom from danger or risk; something that secures against pecuniary loss." How does the manufacture and sales of weapons to anyone that gives the right price, the eventual US military invasion of a nation along with the forming of so called military alliances bring security to the American nation that takes the initiative to attack other nations? We are all familiar with the saying that "what goes around comes around," and with the Master Teacher's firm warning to "put the sword away for he who kills by the sword will die by the sword." In view of what has been stated, it is quite obvious that many politicians in quite a number of countries have eventually emerged to be very dangerous to their respective nation's people. People everywhere need to become fully aware of this tangible reality and do something about it, the sooner the better. Let us all face our greatest challenge courageously keeping in mind that "when there is a will there is a way." In the social sphere, the people exist to control politics and not the other way round. Politicians who resort to dialogues and diplomacy rather than struggles and wars, should receive our full support since they prove to be very beneficial to all people without exception. ![]()
Over the centuries the topic on basic human rights often served as the center of attention for scholars, humanitarian groups and government officials. In spite of this, violations against basic human rights have taken place periodically to the point of making millions of people suffer immensely and unnecessarily on a global scale. Since this could be traced to manifold sources, we may simply here analyze carefully and concentrate properly on just four aspects as follows: respect, law, taxation, and environment.
View of Fundamental Aspects 1. Respect: Human beings are entitled from their very first moment of conception to great respect. This is shown especially by demonstrating interest in the welfare of their life. Since they constitute the backbone of the nation, they are entitled by natural law to receive free education and free health care from the cradle to the grave. When people develop their full potential they are better equipped to make greater and more outstanding contributions to society. As a result, everyone benefits greatly. Also, when people are healthy they are in a position to work harder and to be more productive as a result to the extent that everyone will be a winner and no one a loser. When a government gives its people free education and free health care from the cradle to the grave, this would serve as a guarantee that such a nation would be making the best investment that could be ever made beyond which there is no greater one. By demonstrating respect to these two basic vital needs of people a nation is assured of its eventual strength. 2. Law: One of the most unfortunate experience people go through is to realize that higher laws, which were meant to protect them from their very beginning of human existence, are ignored by their government. In order to have a clear concept of this reality, we need, in the first place, to enlist the four hierarchical laws that always existed since the beginning of times. These are viewed as hierarchical because in the event there is a clash then the higher law should be observed and the lower one disregarded. These four laws are enlisted as follows: Divine Positive Law, Natural Law, Ecclesiastical Law and Civic Law. (a) The Divine Positive Law consists basically of the Ten Commandments which God gave to Moses. They are found in every religion under different names. Among these we find that we should not kill, not say lies, show respect to our parents and so on. (b) The Natural Law consists of the way nature is meant to function. It is found, for example, in the law of gravity, where everything heavier than air goes down and anything lighter goes up, and the law of plantation where the roots always grow below the surface of the earth. Examination of Hierarchical Laws These two mentioned laws are viewed to be God-made laws because they are perennial and they can never be modified or changed. Hence, all other laws that are enacted in both the ecclesiastic and civic sphere should be subservient to both the Divine Positive Law and the Natural Law. Anything enacted that would violate any of these two higher laws should be disregarded and not observed at all. (c) The Ecclesiastical Law consists of laws enacted by religious authorities or groups the purpose of which is to guide their adherents to lead a better and more fulfilling life. Such laws should be observed provided they show respect to the first two laws mentioned. Besides, religious authorities should become very vocal in condemning any civic law that does not respect higher laws. (d) The Civic Law refers to any law enacted by governments for their respective nations. Such laws need also to be observed provided they do not contradict the first three kinds of laws, especially the Divine Positive Law and the Natural Law. Although the civic law is the least important of all these four hierarchical laws, it has been quite often the source of so many conflicts, struggles and wars. Those that have the courage to defy the civic law, when it goes against the three mentioned higher laws, often ended up as martyrs, as victims of their tyrannical government. The enactment of a civic law that goes against the first three laws constitutes an abuse of power, which is criminal. 3. Taxation: The notion of taxation is not a new one. It goes back to centuries and even millennia. There is nothing wrong with taxation as long as it is fair and as long as the money collected from the general public is used merely for positive and constructive purposes. This is proved to be so only when such tax money is not used for purposes that would violate the Divine Positive Law and the Natural Law in particular. Unfortunately, over the centuries, the many abuses that took place in this area caused suffering and death to millions of people. For example, if tax money is used to promote struggles and wars, which would involve the killing of innocent people that constitutes a direct violation of the Divine Positive Law, God-made law. Although taxation may be viewed as legitimate, such tax money should be used only for positive and constructive purposes. This means the governments involved are expected to improve the nation's educational system by providing better teachers and by improving the school facilities. It also means that such authorities must use tax money to make sure that the nation's people are provided with the best health care system possible. Besides, such tax money may also be used to provide adequate home facilities to the poor and the homeless and to encourage the creation of humanitarian organizations that are mostly composed of volunteers. Role of Taxation and Environment It would certainly be ideal for any government if it were to find ways where taxes become minimal, if not eliminated at all. Fortunately, we do have very few nations that found ways of generating the needed national revenue from the natural resources of the nation itself. This way their people are not really bothered with taxes. In this area of taxation there is one thing for sure. Those nations that tend to achieve what they want, nationally or internationally, through military force are among the most prominent in taxing their own people even at the cost of making many suffer as a result. In nations where the indiscriminate usage of the military becomes a way of life, taxation has become very much abused to the very detriment of the nation's people. 4. Environment: All people around the world have a sacrosanct right to live a long and healthy life. This is done not only by having adequate nourishment but also by having their environment protected against air and water pollution. In this regard, every government has the sacrosanct obligation to see to it that its respective nation is properly protected from air and water pollution. Nowadays, most governments have become merely ornaments. They seem to exist for any purpose but not to look properly after the welfare of their own people. In many countries the accumulation of money and wealth by the few has become more important that the health and life of the nation's people. This explains why some of the leading nations of the world have emerged to become among the greatest polluters on earth. They are mostly guided by the elite wealthy and rich to the extent that the government becomes merely a puppet in their hands for all practical purposes. For example, the weapons industry and the military industrial complex have emerged to become among the greatest polluters on earth. Many of those who worked for such entities have incurred cancer of some kind and died some time afterwards. Yet, the governments involved in such nations do nothing about it for fear that the war-oriented industry may suffer financially! Some 4,500 years ago Greek philosopher Socrates said that we can solve every problem we encounter if we were to take the first step, namely, to bring the problem into the open for everyone to see. He said that "unless the people become aware of a problem they would do nothing to bring it under control." This means that we are fully obligated to bring into the open all kinds of violations against sacred human rights and to hold those that cause such violations as fully responsible and accountable. We should do this especially when those responsible happen to be in authority. We should let them know that we are fully aware of the existent problem that is violating human rights and that immediate steps should be taken to remedy the situation. Importance of Our Involvement When confronted with violations of sacred human rights, we should not remain silent. On the contrary, we should have the courage to become highly vocal and to take all legitimate steps to remedy the situation. We should establish a series of healthy and constructive dialogues until all problems that deal with the violations of sacred human rights are solved. These would include the right for self-respect; the right to have civic laws that observe, in turn, higher laws; the right for adequate or small taxation that would not make the financial life of many miserable; and the right for an environment that is totally free from air and water pollution by all means. It is true that our earthly community has been experiencing so many struggles, wars and suffering. However, it is also true that we do still have hope for a better and brighter future. All we need is for all of us to become involved in making sure that the basic human rights outlined in this presentation would be safeguarded. Above all, we should continue to enlighten government and industrial officials of their obligation to protect by all means the basic human rights that were discussed. We should encourage all those who are involved with the weapons and war industries to change their products from destructive ones to constructive ones. This means encouraging the replacement of tanks with tractors, military machinery with medical and educational equipment, barracks with home facilities and so on. To this end, we need to continue to do our best to create a global environment where all people begin to feel they are, after all, members of one big global family. Their actions, individually and collectively, should always be positive and constructive because this way everyone will end up to be a winner and no one a loser. As a result, hatred will be replaced with love, fear with hope, suspicion with trust, struggles and conflicts with harmony and peace. Let us keep in mind that when there is a will there is always a way. ![]()
If we were to examine the products of some of the business ventures in the world we would discover that some are meant to lead and preserve peace while others are structured to create and promote war. Those that are involved in the manufacture of peace products should be viewed as valuable and beneficial and they deserve our help and cooperation to the best we can. On the other hand, those that are involved in production of war material should be viewed as the eventual mortal enemies of our earthly community and should be considered as dangerous.
Dream of Lasting Peace If there is one element that the vast majority of people in every country really want to see by all means would be the creation of a world that is characterized by peace on a permanent basis. They would want to see a world where harmony among all people becomes the daily experience of their children and grandchildren, where the very concept of war becomes remote to the point of oblivion. If such were to be the case then we need to take immediate steps toward this end, the sooner the better. In the first place, we need to continue to support and promote all products that are conducive to the universal welfare of all people without exception. At the same time, we should take drastic steps to stop the further creation of lethal products that are a detriment to human life and to our environment. This would be the best test we could possibly take to discover with crystal clarity as to whether we are strong or weak as well as beneficial or detrimental to the good cause of humanity everywhere. To this end, we need to raise seriously some questions. Let us bring to our mind right now one person or a group of persons that we do feel we love dearly and infinitely. Let us assume, say, that this may be a father, a mother, a husband, a wife, a son, a daughter, a grandson, a granddaughter, a friend and the list could go on and on. Now let us suppose that we are approached and offered quite a few millions of dollars on condition that we proceed to kill one or more of these dearly beloved of ours. Would we dare to accept the money in exchange for the destruction of our beloved ones? Let us approach this scenario from a different angle. Suppose we observe a group of individuals manufacturing lethal weapons that sooner or later would be used to destroy our environment and our very own lives as a matter of fact. How would we react? Would we try to sit calmly in our backyard watching the stars while trying to forget all about what we have observed? Or, would we try to become fully alerted and try to take immediate steps to stop and reverse this tragic trend in an effort to save ourselves by all means before it is too late? Friends and Enemies at Work Based on our past experience, what are the criteria we use to judge as to whether those we come across are genuine friends or potential enemies? Do we tend to trust people based on the titles they carry and positions they occupy in society? Or do we tend to trust them or distrust them in relation to how their actions are eventually affecting our lives for the better or the worse? If we were to glance at the history of the last 6,000 years we would soon discover that the various governments of the world tended to serve for their people either as a blessing or as a curse. Those governments that, in their national expenditures, put top priority on the vital needs of their own people, such as good health care, proper education, and adequate residential facilities, have always proved to be God's blessing at work. On the other hand, those governments that, in their national expenditures, put top priority on the manufacture and sales of weapons, on the promotion of struggles and wars, which often resulted in the annihilation of human lives and the destruction of the infrastructure of cities, have always proved to be a curse in operation. The negative and disastrous elements of such governments are too many to enumerate. Among others, they are heartless, that is, void of all mercy and compassion. They are cruel and selfish that for money and wealth they would not miss any opportunity even if that were to involve the sacrifice of the lives of their beloved ones and risk of their very own lives. In addition, they are methodical and compulsive liars who deceitfully try to justify their evil and vicious actions by such words and phrases as "national defense and security" as well as "safeguard of democracy and freedom," and the list goes on and on. Ascetical writers tell us that when good and evil clash, evil tends to take the upper hand initially. However, at a time least expected evil will eventually take a sharp turn downwards to the point of total collapse before we even know it. This should be a great source of encouragement for all those who are determined to do their best to leave a vibrant legacy of peace to our children and all of our posterity. For quite a long time now we have witnessed a never-ending struggle between God and Satan, between God's good children and Satan's evil followers. Those governments that put periodically money on the manufacture and sales of weapons and the promotion of struggles and wars, should be viewed as evil and vicious, as Satan's evil followers at work. We should do our best to prevent them peacefully from the pursuance of this demonic trend. We say "peacefully" because this is an indispensable pre-requisition to have God on our side and to be assured of eventual victory in the long range. The only condition God set for us to eventually secure the victory we seek is merely this: "Do your best and God will do the rest." Importance of Faith Can we really do our best trusting eventually that God, at a time He chooses, will step in to finish the job we seek properly, effectively, with determination and success? What proper and effective actions we may take as to convince God that we are really doing our utmost and the very best to bring about a complete stop to the manufacture and sales of weapons and to the further promotion of struggles and wars? Needless to say, we are all welcome to come out with a list of as many proposals we may possibly make. This would be a good effort in our genuine try to create some good and practical proposals toward bringing eventually a permanent peace. Since the best and most effective way to solve any problem we face in life is to go to its source and block it in a way as to prevent it from ever appearing again, we should start here by all means. Let us concentrate fully and thoroughly on the greatest two devastating enemies of our earthly community. We have already mentioned them earlier. They are the manufacture and sales of weapons and the promotion of struggles and wars. Let us enlist some of the effective steps we could take to obliterate these two mortal enemies from the surface of our planet. Since the manufacture and sales of weapons as well as the promotion of struggles and wars are viewed as a lucrative business, we need simply to device strategies to bring this disastrous business completely to an end, no matter how much time it would take us. Once more, let us keep in mind that God is fully on our side since we have volunteered to be on the frontline to defend openly and courageously his two great commandments: 1) You should not kill, and 2) you should not destroy the property of others. Also, God has warned us very seriously not to do to others what we do not want others to do to us. We do not want others to destroy our lives, which means, that we should never take the initiative to destroy the lives of others. We do not want others to destroy our cities, which means, that we should never take the initiative to destroy the cities of others. With this in mind we should approach the various heads of government and all those responsible in a nation not only to refrain from the manufacture and sales of weapons but also to refuse purchasing them. Besides, we should find an effective way how to make every nation that has foreign military bases on their soil to have such machineries of death closed down. In addition, we should also discourage every nation that has no foreign military bases on their soil never to accept having such bases by all means. We need to convince all nations that are approached by advanced militaristic nations to purchase weapons and military equipment to refuse such offers and to request of having, instead, useful health items, needed educational material and good residential facilities. Using Money Constructively Such constructive approaches may be viewed as peace in business ventures where everyone will end up a winner and no one a loser. In his farewell speech, President Dwight Eisenhower told the US Congress emphatically: "Remember that every dollar you spend on weapons and wars is a theft from the hungry and the poor." This inspired statement from a former US President applies to every nation today that spends millions and billions of dollars to purchase weapons and all possible machineries of war. It was recently reported that Saudi Arabia has purchased $60 billion worth of weapons and military equipment from the United States. This may be viewed as a very poor deal and a very big mistake. If Saudi Arabia were to use such military equipment it will bring about the annihilation of human lives and the destruction of numerous residential facilities. If such military material is never used, then such money could be termed as pure waste. In proceeding with this venture Saudi Arabia put itself fully into lose-lose situation. Nations that take the initiative to pose threats can never be viewed by the world at large as peaceful. Instead of using such money for destructive purposes, Saudi Arabia might have used such money for constructive purposes. This nation which proclaims belief in a good and merciful God who loves all of His children dearly, could have used such money wisely by providing the suffering children of God in Africa with good hospitals equipped with all available medical needs, with good schools to provide children with adequate education, and the structure of residential facilities as to provide the homeless with homes of their own. This way Saudi Arabia would have pleased immensely that good and merciful God it proclaims so strongly to believe in. Also, this very same God, the beloved Father and creator of everything that exists, would have certainly blessed Saudi Arabia 100 fold. Saudi Arabia would have performed an action that would have put it in win-win situation. We are all familiar with the saying that actions speak louder than words. When we take the initiative to provide vital help to God's most dear and beloved suffering children, God has many ways at his disposal to reward us big. It is amazing how the United States, a nation whose motto says: In God we trust to save America would proceed to become so heavily involved in business transactions that are negative and destructive instead of becoming involved in business transactions that are positive and constructive. It is incomprehensive that the governments of nations that profess belief in a good and merciful God, who is assumed to love all of His children dearly, would proceed to defy some of God's commandments with no apparent remorse whatsoever. What is sad in these war policies lies in the fact that millions of innocent people will suffer immensely and unnecessarily as a result. Characteristics of God's Children Apart from warning us not to lie to people when we deal with them, God made it very clear that we should not kill and that we should not destroy the property of others. There are absolutely no exceptions whatsoever. The negative and destructive material the United States sold to Saudi Arabia has only one purpose when used, namely to kill God's people and to destroy their properties. We have learned from a recorded history of 6,000 years that it is never wise on our part to take the initiative to defy God's commandments in any way whatsoever. If we were to examine some of the main characteristics that exist between the children of God and the victims of Satan, we would soon observe the following. The children of God tend to be imbued with the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, which may be enlisted as follows: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety and fear of God. Of course, the victims of Satan are generally characterized by a conspicuous lack of these seven gifts, all of which are termed to be spiritual. Wisdom is revealed in the courage to follow God's prescribed laws fearlessly. Understanding consists in our ability to distinguish between what is beneficial and what is detrimental to us. Counsel deals with the capability of giving the right and proper advice as to enable people choose what God wishes. Fortitude is revealed in our determination to do what needs to be done in line with God's way of thinking. Knowledge enables us to enrich our minds as to see things into better and truer perspective. Piety means compassion especially toward all those who are in dire need of both spiritual and physical help. Fear of God does not consist in our fear that God is ready to punish us when we do things wrong, but in the fear that we offend such a good and merciful Father who loves us dearly and is always ready to help us even when we manage to offend him. In view of what has been stated, when it comes to business ventures we need to become engaged only in those ventures that are peaceful or are meant to lead to peace. If we do just that, then before we may even know it or realize it, world peace will finally become a tangible reality to enjoy and cherish for centuries to come. ![]()
If we were to give a rapid glance at the last 6,000 years of recorded history, we would soon discover that most problems in the world stem from the government. Needless to say, the source of such problems may vary from one country to another. The most common one could be easily traced to questionable behavior in business transactions. This is due to power-abuse in the deliberate exploitation of people. We need to keep in mind here that the end does not necessarily justify the means. In other words, we cannot succeed in life through fraud and manipulation.
Integrity of Character We are all familiar with such traditional sayings as: (a) honesty is the best policy, (b) the art of living is the art of giving, and (c) you reap what you plant. In all of our business dealings, integrity of character becomes an indispensable element in human relations. In this regard, egoism needs to be replaced by altruism, hatred by love, arrogance by modesty, pride by humility and anger by patience. Above all, trust must become a vital element, which is indispensable for the achievement of our common goals and objectives. Such evidenced virtues were the source of power and strength of some of the major religious leaders in the world from Confucius down to Jesus of Nazareth all the way to Francis of Assisi, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Pope John Paul II and the list goes on and on. The presence of these deeply spiritual individuals made a difference. Because of them we have today a better world in spite of the manifold problems it still faces. Doing to others what we would like others to do to us, remains the way to go by all means and with no exceptions whatsoever. Ethics deals with morality, that is, with human behavior. It is something that can be taught in schools at all levels of education through the development of virtues that would enable one`s character and personality to be pleasant, positive and constructive. When we feel at ease with those around us we are more likely to perform better. In this regard, we become visibly more successful to the satisfaction of everyone involved and concerned. Let us keep in mind that we live in the kind of world that we create by our actions. In other words, we reap what we plant, nothing less and nothing more. A former president of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor once made the following remark: "What are our universities doing? Some of the most sophisticated crimes in the nation are committed by former students of ours who graduated with flying colors, summa cum laude!" This remark was based on the fact that while our institutions of learning provide our students with knowledge, they fail to provide them with the responsibility to use such acquired knowledge in a positive and constructive manner. This means the present academic approach needs a lot of improvement. Setting Good Example Instructors in the schools of business have to keep in mind that their first duty is to set a good example for their students. They cannot exhort students to be honest in their business transactions while they themselves practice dishonesty through manipulation and fraud. A careful study of quite a few big corporations vindicates precisely what is being stated over here. For example, the weapons industry has emerged to become a very lucrative business. This is revealed in the fact that such an industry is ready to sell its lethal product to anyone that gives the right price. It makes no difference if those who want to purchase such disastrous product happen to be friends or enemies. It really does not matter for the weapons industry if those to whom they sell weapons would decide to use them afterwards for defensive or offensive purposes. The primary purpose of such an industry is not to create a safer world, as it proclaims, but to make plenty of money and to make it fast, even if the world were to be literally annihilated as a result. This demonstrates clearly that those in the management of such an industry do not have any sense of responsibility due perhaps to lack of ethical knowledge in their business education. Let us keep in mind that people are more important than money. In fact, if we were to have a world with people but with no money, everything would still move forward. People may still grow their food and build adequate houses where they can live. They may still get a good education as to develop better knowledge in the way they could make their life more beneficial and constructive. However, if we were to have all the money in the world with no people, all such money may be viewed merely as toilet paper that is totally worthless for all practical purposes. When during the decade of the eighties Pope John Paul II was asked in Mexico as to whether he thought world peace was possible, he stated the following: "Yes, world peace is possible but only after two of the greatest evils of the 20th century are gone." After a brief pause he added saying: "These two great evils are communism and capitalism because they both advance their cause through the exploitation of people." Three years later communism collapsed and the world took a sigh of relief, thinking that now money would be spent for only constructive purposes. Instead of having capitalism taking the lead to solve all vital human problems as to bring about permanent world peace, it embarked upon the largest military build-up in history. The weapons industry was adamantly determined not to go out of business. So, numerous weapons were furnished in countries with inner conflicts that led to civil wars, like we had with the case of Uganda, to mention one instant. This demonstrates clearly that the very concept of ethics in the business education of those involved in the transaction of such lethal products was conspicuously absent. The harm we are inflicting in the world at large is beginning to get out of control. Our Moral Obligations We are all familiar with the saying: "Better late than never." We can still take the initiative to take over where the schools left off. This means we need to bring into the open the concept of business ethics as to have it implemented by all means available at our disposal. Anything we do in life, which is geared toward violating the divine positive law and the natural law, should be strongly opposed through all the peaceful means we have at our disposal. Such violations are revealed in the destruction of human lives and the annihilation of the infrastructure of cities. Let us keep in mind the saying: "When there is a will there is a way." When we deal with business education we are not merely dealing with that kind of education that students normally are expected to get in schools. We are dealing with all those sources that have the potential to covey principles of good ethics in business transactions of any kind. Hence, if we feel we are well versed in ethics then we should feel the obligation to provide guidelines when needed. We also should make it a point to bring into the open all moral abuses that are being taken for granted. Hence, ethics in business education is to be taken in a broad sense. Just because the school from which we graduated did not offer a good program in business ethics, it does not mean that we are free to do anything that crosses our mind as long as that would lead to the eventual achievement of our goals and objectives. It's better to make, say, $100,000 a year with honesty than $10 million a year with dishonesty. The first case will provide us with a good conscience and feeling of happiness while the second case will instill in us a bad conscience and a feeling of remorse and eventual unhappiness. Happiness is something that comes from the inside of our being and it generally stems from the good and beneficial actions we perform. In essence, it is not linked with the material things of this world. This explains why we have so many people that have hardly the basic necessities of life and they are happy, while we have many people who are rich but feel rather desperate to the point, in a number of instances, of committing suicide. It explains why we had great people in history who were rich and gave everything they had to the poor to lead a very simplistic life. The history of the world may be described as the history of human actions. When such actions are beneficial everyone ends up a winner. But when such actions are disastrous everyone ends up a loser. People are entitled to help even if they were to refuse it. At least we should do our best to give them the inspiration they need as to perform constructive actions that are beneficial not only to themselves but also to people elsewhere as well. The concept of ethics is not restricted to one person or to one group but to all people without exception. Making Constructive Judgments To this end, we should develop a strategy to convince those who work for the manufacture of lethal products to quit their jobs and to work, instead, for companies that produce beneficial products. Our job is merely to enlighten them to see things into true perspective before they may possibly have any regrets. When we speak of lethal products we are talking of a variety of items that would include water and air pollution that over the years have inflicted millions of people with cancer of some sort and led many of them to their grave at a faster pace than anticipated. At this stage of history there seems to be a dire need to reform the teaching-/learning process as to make it more meaningful and beneficial. Rather than teaching a subject area as an end in itself, instructors should teach their respective subject areas as a means to a further end. This would be revealed in the students' ability to use anything learned in school for positive and constructive purposes. One of the best contributions we can possibly make to our earthly community is to provide every human being with the ability to develop one's potential to the maximum. At the same time, we need to help all human beings to use the maximum of their potential to contribute toward the creation of a better and safer world. We need to bring into the open the viciousness of the Machiavellian dictum: "The end justifies the means." By the way, this dictum has become the law of the mafia who try to get what they want even if they were to have a number of innocent people killed. Since everything we do in life may be viewed as business, including teaching, the concept of good ethics needs to be taught in every subject area. Let us illustrate this by a couple of examples. Suppose we are assigned to teach history. It is not enough for the teacher to teach accurate historical facts. The teacher needs to go a step further and discuss with the students what could be done that we may avoid in the future the repetition of such a historical war or disaster. Hence, from the knowledge of history the students may feel the obligation to become directly involved in creating a better and safer world. The development of a conscience in the students as to feel the moral obligation to become involved in society constitutes an integral part of business ethics in the teaching of history. Suppose we are now assigned to teach geography. It is not enough for the teacher to show a good map of the world with its oceans, continents and countries within each of such continents. The teacher needs to go a step further to demonstrate to the students how the boundaries of nations change from time to time. For example, before World War II, west Poland was a part of Germany and people there spoke German. Then it became a part of Poland and, while the people there still spoke German, they became officially Polish who now travel with a Polish passport. Priority in Human Relations The teacher here may raise to the students the following question: "Does it make sense for the world to refer to these people as Polish when they are essentially Germans?" Then the teacher may proceed to show how it would make more sense to speak of people in terms of their character and personality and in terms of what they can contribute to society than simply in terms of being Germans, French, Chinese, Polish or Russian. After all, the concept of ethics is linked to human actions and not to people's nationality. If we were to explore the nature of government of many countries in the world, we are likely to find out corruption a major factor. And if we were to study the major source of such corruption, it almost boils down to money, which is said to "buy" power. This is best understood when one studies the United States political system. In theory we have a nation of democracy but in practice we have a nation of plutocracy. For anyone to be elected, one must have plenty of money to reach millions of people through proper advertisements. Once the individuals are elected mostly with corporate money, then their primary job is to boost the product of the corporations that financed their campaign, even though such product may prove to be a detriment to the people that voted to elect such officials. Here the American people witness corruption at work that comes from a conspicuous absence of ethics in the way business is conducted. The past is gone and we have no longer control over it. The present is in a state of transition. Our hope is to get good hold of the future relative to the knowledge and implementation of ethics in business education across every academic sector of each school. In view of what has been stated, it is obvious that we cannot take lightly the role ethics plays in business education. As a matter of fact, it is a vital element in the various branches of academics as far as our ability to create a better and more stable community is concerned. If the members of every government were to conduct their job on ethically sound principles, the concept of struggles and wars, would become a thing of the past. Prosperity would flourish and people everywhere would be given the opportunity to make constructive contributions to society on a habitual basis. ![]()
Over the past 6,000 years of recorded history, violence seems to have been the distinguished characteristic of our earthly community. Violence of one kind or another always promotes animosity, hatred, destruction of the environment and total disregard for the sacredness of human rights. Every kind of violence stems from abuse of individual or collective power. It tends mostly to derive from those in authority who are held accountable for all the struggles and conflicts as well as disasters and wars.
Source and Nature The source of violence varies from one place to another. However, whatever the sources may be there is always a conspicuous element of anger which often leads to lack of self control. We should keep in mind that violence breeds violence and more violence breeds more violence. This means that one of the greatest mistakes we can possibly make is to deal with violence by retaliation. This explains why the Master Teacher of Nazareth taught us peace by "turning the other cheek when slapped" instead of resorting to violence. One thing we need to keep in mind and to learn from history is this. When we use violence for any purposes, everyone ends up being a loser including us. To turn an insult into injury, the governments of our respective nations have institutionalized violence and made it legal through the creation and use of the military for this end. We need here to distinguish between the theoretical and practical aspect of the institution of the military. In theory, the military exists for the purpose of "national defense and security." In practice, the military has been abused by various governments to achieve what they want through brutality for which no one is held accountable. This abuse of power is revealed each time the military invades a country. In fact, the military always served to suppress the people and to destroy their cities while exploiting their nation's natural recourses. It never served to establish beneficial dialogues and to bring about a permanent peace. This is verified by the fact that the military massacres thousands of innocent people with no remorse. If we were to analyze carefully the initial source that led to the complete collapse of a world power in history, we always discover that its war policies destroyed eventually its very own economy. At this stage of time, the United States is viewed as the sole world power, which explains, in part, why this nation tends to try to solve all of the world's problems through constant and continuous military intervention, that is, through violence. It explains why so many people in this nation are poor and helpless and several millions do not have any financial resources to pay for their medical problems. Exposing Military Danger When it comes to the military, there are no higher laws! The Divine Positive Law, consisting of the Ten Commandments, the Natural Law, based on the orderly process of nature, and the Ecclesiastical Law, which often serves as a guideline for people to observe properly these sacred laws become all meaningless. There has never been in history an element that has been abused and so deceitful as the institution of the military. In our communities, when we abuse our neighbor in any way, we become fully responsible for our actions. We are generally taken to court and receive an adequate punishment. At the same time, we are viewed as "dangerous" to those living in our same community, at times for the rest of our lives. Not only it is all right for the military to destroy the infrastructure of cities and kill millions of innocent people, including women, children, the elderly and the sick, but those that carry out such orders are officially viewed as heroes or patriots! This mind-set is now so deep that it would take a miracle direct from heaven to have it changed. However, in the civil communities there is at least one crime that could be performed at leisure without any fear of prosecution and punishment. This crime consists in the ruthless murder of children at their early stages of life. When we have governments that condone these crimes and try even to finance them to make sure such a heinous trend would continue the notion of violence has become an intrinsic part of human life. All of this reveals the characteristics of a culture of war in which we were all born and raised. Violence could be brought up to a complete halt if we were to understand clearly its sources and go after them to provide adequate remedies. If we are dying of a malignant tumor, the best way to deal with it is to go to its source. We need to know how it came to exist in the first place. After that we will be in a good position to take drastic steps to remedy the situation in a way that such a malignancy will never pop up again. Violence will escalate when we use violence, like we have observed in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. The purpose of violence is very clear. It is used to hurt others brutally and ruthlessly. It makes no difference as to whether those hurt were guilty or innocent of an assumed crime. In addition to what has been stated, violence is also used as an "effective" means to silence people. Needless to say, when it comes to the solution of problems we encounter, we can always solve them through non-violence if we were to understand vital and basic human needs. This would eventually enable us to provide remedies that are effective and peaceful and that are inexpensive and lasting. Obama No Exception The key of success in human relations problems lies in the ability of all sides involved to listen not only to our own feelings but also to what others have to say. President Barack Obama won the noble peace prize because he convinced Americans and nations around the world that he intended to use healthy dialogues and a strong diplomacy to solve problems instead of struggles and wars. This gave the whole world a sigh of relief. Unfortunately, shortly after he received the noble peace prize, he proceeded to escalate the war in Afghanistan. In other words, Obama continues with the traditional trend of the last 6,000 years of civilization of trying hopelessly to solve international problems through the use of deadly weapons, struggles and wars. He continues to use the military, the institution that is in charge of carrying out ruthless brutalities without being accountable to no one. World peace would be achieved faster if we were to discuss together our feelings, observations and needs. This will enable us, in good faith, to develop policies that are on a mutually beneficial basis. There are quite a few things that all people from every walk of life and profession as well as from every religious creed and nationality have in common. One of this lies in their deep desire not to become a victim of violence. For many of us it may be fine if others were to become victims of violence but we surely do not want, by all means, to become ourselves victims of violence. The Master Teacher said it beautifully when He exclaimed: "Do to others what you want others to do to you." In English we have the expression: "What goes around comes around." And when it comes around it usually comes in a way we never expect. In fact, we are often taken by surprise because those that are meant to hurt us tend to use different elements than those we expect. We all need to get together to discuss seriously how we can make the military cease to be an agency of violence and, instead, become an agency of peace characterized by love, concern and respect for the vital human interests of all people without exception. ![]()
One of the major problems people are caught up in lies with the nation's politicians who seem to act with no principles in general. They often abound in mysterious contradictions. As the Romans used to say: Aliud est theoria, aliud est practica - one thing is theory, another thing is practice. In this respect the Italians have a proverb which runs as follows: Tra il dire e il fare c'e' in mezzo il mare - between saying and doing there is in between an ocean.
Characteristics of Politicians At heart all politicians seem to have plenty of things in common. They all seem to be ready to do anything to be elected and to remain in the office they may hold. In this regard, in both their words and actions they tend to say and do anything that is rather expedient, even if, in the long range, it were to be, most assuredly, a detriment to the people that put them in office. If they like something, they tend to bring out all the positive and constructive aspects of it and they tend to exaggerate enormously. On the other hand, if they happen to dislike something, they tend to bring out all the negative and destructive aspects imaginable. There seems to be no sense of balance or equilibrium. Their real concern is to make people, to the best they can, to see things the way they want them to see them by all means. To this end, they often resort to manipulation and distortion of facts and events. The best way to evaluate politicians is to explore how they stand on vital issues. Needless to say, the American traditional saying - money talks - says it all. Most American politicians had their election financed by big corporations whose job afterwards was to control such political figures with iron fist. This explains why so many politicians tend to defend the products of big corporations, no matter how deadly and detrimental to human life they may prove to be. Among the most abused elements are those related to the indefinite manufacture of weapons and the perpetual waging of wars. In this study we are going to concentrate on one major issue, which has caught the news media attention on virtually a daily basis. It deals with the problem of the so called "illegal" immigration. Over the years, tens of thousands of Mexicans crossed the border and entered the United States without any legal documents. Today, the number of Mexicans that live in the USA without proper documentation amounts to quite a few millions. These Mexicans have been a financial asset to those that employed them. Sacrifices of Illegal Immigrants They virtually all worked for less than a minimum wage, thus saving tens of millions of dollars to both the US industries that employed them and also to those in the American private sector. Their intention of coming to the United States was not the exploitation of the US economy but to serve, even at the cost of great sacrifice, the entire American nation as needed with as little money as possible. The US President Barack Obama did not hesitate to recognize the contributions that the involved Mexicans made to this great nation. In fact, this American President has been contemplating very seriously to give these so called illegal immigrants an amnesty, especially in recognition for all their positive and constructive work, which saved the US billions of dollars over the years, as explained earlier. Of course, these so called illegal immigrants had tens of thousands of children born and raised in the US which is the only country they ever knew, not to mention the great number of grandchildren. In the moral sphere, it is not appropriate to punish hard workers retroactively. When Americans enter illegally another country, whose purpose is to destroy the infrastructure of cities, along with the killing and maiming of tens of thousands of innocent people, most US politicians tend to view such an event as a necessity! Not only so, but Americans who were responsible for their negative and destructive actions, are viewed by the US government as patriots and heroes! There must be something intrinsically wrong in the American political philosophy of our times. It is better for people to enter a country illegally when all they do is positive and constructive than to enter a country illegally and all they do is negative and destructive. As ascetical writers have told us many times, in our actions we should reveal love and concern for all people. The Master Teacher of Nazareth warned us saying: "Do to others as you would like others to do to you." The illegal immigrants in the US proved to be very beneficial to the entire nation. We cannot close our eyes to this sacrosanct fact. We are morally obligated to thank them for their hard work and reward them with general amnesty. We all know the story of the Pharisees. They accused the Master Teacher of Nazareth of violating the Sabbath because He performed humanitarian work such as healing the sick. This Master Teacher called the Pharisees hypocrites and compared them to tombs… clean from the outside but stinking from the inside. Most US politicians want to punish our illegal immigrants, in spite of the good contributions they made. Ironically, such politicians support the sales of weapons to anyone that pays the right price, along with the promotion of wars! Source of Economic Collapse We learn from a recorded history of 6,000 years that every big power collapsed because it disintegrated its economy by fighting needless wars. Those in the USA that are destroying the American economy are not the illegal immigrants but those in the government who are constantly putting billions of dollars on weapons and wars. It has been calculated that if the USA were to close 50% of its 746 military bases it has around the world, there would be enough money to solve virtually all the economic problems this great nation is facing. The American military has become the albatross of the United States. Not only it is alienating many nations with its presence everywhere but it is instigating retaliations each time the US military destroys the infrastructure of cities, kills thousands of innocent people, forces many to become refugees, and increases the number of orphans. Pope Pius XII was perfectly right when he said to both Great Britain and Germany on the eve of World War II that "in a war everyone is a loser and no one a winner." Germany lost the war and its economy collapsed. On the other hand, Great Britain won the war and its economy equally collapsed. The fact that the US is resorting increasingly to tactics of threats and fear shows that it has virtually reached the point of paranoia. Higher laws, such as the divine positive law and the natural law, are disregarded for all practical purposes. The teachings of the Master Teacher of Nazareth have become fully meaningless and ignored fully by all means. One of the most conspicuous was when Jesus said to Peter: "Put the sword away for he who kills by the sword will die by the sword." And to show that he was not bluffing, He added saying: "Heaven and earth will pass away but my words will not pass away." Jesus has condemned violence of any kind with persistence. Needless to say, He condemned retaliation when He stated clearly "to turn the other cheek when slapped on one cheek" instead of hitting back. If there is one element in the world that constantly defies God's laws is the way the military is handed by respective governments. We are referring here to God's commandments: "You should not kill" for only God is the author of life, and also, "You should not destroy the property of others," who all happen to be God's children. Another one of God's laws says clearly: "You should not tell lies." Unfortunately, we learn from history that many leading government officials lie to their people systematically. They try to hide their ulterior motives in anything they do negatively and destructively with such words as "national defense and security." Role of Political Expediency Such phrases and other similar ones are used in an effort to keep completely shut or sealed the mouths of both the civilian population and the news media reporters. When some humanitarian organizations visited young children in both Iraq and Gaza strip they asked them the question: "What would you like to do when you grow up?" To their surprise and without hesitation some 80% of these little children said unanimously: "Killing Americans!" When these children later try to achieve their goal, the US will view them as terrorists! When asked "why" they wanted to kill Americans, they all gave, one by one, more or less the same answer: "Because Americans killed my father and now I have not father; they killed my mother and now I have no mother; they killed my relatives and friends and now I feel desperate and lonely." Within the supernatural context, is this not really ironic? We are referring here to the American political philosophy that views those who contribute to our earthly community beneficial and constructive work as bad, vicious and that need to be punished simply because they go by the name of "illegal immigrants." At the same time, this same American political philosophy refers to those who destroy the infrastructure of cities and kill thousands of innocent people, as our "heroes who risked their lives to safeguard the democracy and freedom of the American nation!" This is fully incomprehensive when the United States views itself as a predominantly Christian nation. How can a nation that views Jesus as its Lord and Master, as the Son of God dares to trash into the garbage anything He says that is not viewed as politically expedient? When Nelson Mandela became the President of South Africa, the whole world was expecting him to take some revenge against the Whites that put him in jail for 27 years. Instead, Mandela won the hearts of the world when he said: "Let bygones be bygones. We are all South Africans. We need to work together and move the country forward." We need to learn from Mandela and say: "Let bygones be bygones. Our so called illegal immigrants made US corporations and families richer as explained earlier. It would be fair to give them amnesty." ![]()
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If we were to take a world-wide tour and visit the religious practices of natives across every continent, we would discover a great variety of beliefs and ways of spiritual behavior as a result. Some of them are centered on the belief of one God, the source of anything that exists, while others tend to concentrate more on a variety of sources that work together for the common good. However, in spite of all this they all have one strong thing in common that is known everywhere as the Golden Rule.
Meaning and Purpose The Golden Rule concentrates on vital human relations that are mutually beneficial in spite of numerous diversities that may exist as a matter of fact. It deals with love and respect for our neighbor, that is, for every other human being in our community, the nation and eventually the whole world. In Christianity, for example, we find Jesus saying in the New Testament: "Do to others what you would like others to do to you." This has become a distinctive characteristic of Christianity, which is found in virtually every country around the world. In Islam we discover Prophet Muhammad saying in the Hadith: "Wish for others what you wish for yourself." A true believer is viewed to be one who is genuinely concerned with the welfare of all other people without exception. In Judaism we learn from Hillel in the Talmud: "What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor." This is considered as the essence of the whole Torah, all the rest is viewed merely as commentary. In Buddhism we hear Buddha stating in Udana-Varga: Treat not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful." In Hinduism we notice in Mahabharata the statement: "Do not do to others what would cause pain if done to you." This is viewed as the sum of duty from which no one can escape. In Confucianism we read in the Analects what Confucius has stressed to all of his followers: "Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself. " To this end this religious leader advocated good conduct revealed in loving-kindness. In Taoism, we hear Lao Tzu telling us in T'ai Shang Kam Ying P'ien: "Regard your neighbor's gain as your own gain, and your neighbor's loss as your own loss." This means we should identify our neighbor as an integral part of ourselves. In Sikhism, Guru Granth Sahib expressed his basic message to those embracing this religion saying: "I am a stranger to no one; and no one is a stranger to me. Indeed, I am a friend to all." This approach has proved to be a real source of peace. Common Denominator In the Baha'i Faith, Baha'u'llah underlines the importance of good human relations stating: "Lay not on any soul a load that you would not wish to be laid upon you, and desire not for anyone the things you would not desire for yourself." In Jainism, in Sutrakritanga the basic teaching of this religion was expressed by Mahavira as follows: "One should treat all creatures in the world as one would like to be treated." In Zoroastrianism we find in Shayast-na-Shayast the following important statement: "Do not do unto others whatever is injurious to yourself." In Unitarianism, we notice the following basic principle of Unitarians: "We affirm and promote respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part." In Native Spirituality, as it is known, Chief Dan George affirms the belief of his religious group stating: "We are as much alive as we keep the earth alive." This is based on the belief that for all people to live strong and healthy as well as happy we must protect our environment from air and water pollution. The quality of air and water we have does make a big difference. Needless to say, the list of various religions we have in the world may go on and on. Besides, each of the religions mentioned above has a lot of denominational groups or sects within it. In Christianity, for example, there is a big variety of such denominational groups, such as Orthodox Christians, Roman Catholics, Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Methodists and so on. Regardless of the various denominations or sects we find in each religion, the Golden Rule is always there, even though some adherents may tend to disregard it. The question that needs to be raised here is this: If every religion advocates love and respect for our neighbor, how come we have had and we still have so many struggles and wars, so much hatred and pain? This may be traced to greed, envy, power-abuse, ignorance, pride, mistrust, disrespect, hypocrisy, sadistic tendencies, and anything that is negative and destructive. Since the early days of civilization, the world has always been saturated with beneficial and vicious people who served as a benefit or a curse to our earthly community. For many centuries now, the dominant philosophy in human relations has been based radically on the culture of war. Needless to say, the governments of our respective nations must assume full responsibility for all the massacre and pain they caused to tens of millions of good and innocent people. They always resorted to secure the most sophisticated and devastating weapons to this end. Whether they admit it or not, their hearts were full of venom and hatred toward their fellow brethren whom God loved dearly as His own children. Let us keep in mind the proverb: You can catch more flies with honey. Retaliation as Self-Defeating Purpose We are all familiar with traditional sayings such as: What goes around comes around….. In a war everyone is a loser, no one a winner. In fact, at this stage of history, the traditional concept of conventional war, like we experienced in World War II, is no longer applicable. Today, the deadly struggles we are experiencing are not between one nation fighting against another, where each side knows where the other side is. Those nations that continue to amass more devastating weapons, including nuclear bombs, are faced with a great handicap. Their enemies are no longer nations, where you can locate them geographically. They consist of small groups, which use small sling shots like David of the Old Testament that are bound to hit and destroy Goliath, in our case the United States and its military allies. Since such enemies cannot be identified by nationality, they are just referred as terrorists who use entirely different tactics than those which have been used in conventional wars over the past several centuries. They simply try to destroy the economy of their targeted enemy. How do they do it? They try to perform terrorist activities as to alarm the government of that nation whose economy they plan to destroy, which is usually a big power in the traditional sense. At this stage of history, the real target of these few individuals is the United States. They will do anything to alarm the United States as to force it drain billions and now trillions of dollars on building more military bases, more warships spread in all oceans, and more devastating airplanes. They are not afraid of all this since they have no real identification. Since the United States still believes that it can control the world once it has a strong military and highly devastating weapons, it seems there is no choice as to identify these so called terrorists with a nation and then go to wage a conventional traditional war there. In the process of doing so, millions of innocent and good people are killed or maimed for life and their property is utterly destroyed. This is viewed by the natives at large as cruelty and great animosity has grown against the United States and its war allies as a result. In the meantime, the American people, which may be viewed as the backbone of the nation, begin to suffer because their government has no money left to provide them with a free good health care system, affordable housing facilities and productive education for all. The United States can solve the problem of terrorism, properly and effectively, through sound educational means and not through a so called strong military. This nation can bring peace on earth only through highly dedicated groups that are characterized by love and service for their neighbor and not by hatred and threats. Secret of Political Success The United States, and its military allies, must adapt to the realities that surround us. The choice is crystal clear: Just continue to adhere to traditional conventional wars, which are now becoming totally outdated and fully ineffective, or simply follow the instinct of every human being in every religion by doing to others what you would want others to do to you. If you threaten others, soon you will be threatened in ways totally unexpected. If you destroy the property of others, soon the lives of your good citizens will be put in danger. In a commencement address he gave at the University of Kansas in 1966, former US military commander in Vietnam, General Westmoreland, said the graduating students: The Vietnamese come to shoot us with rifles we use in the USA for pigeons; at the same time, we have the most sophisticated and devastating weapons one can imagine and yet we cannot subdue them. Unless we have the support of the native population there is nothing much that we can do. And the Vietnamese as a whole view us as enemies. This was also confirmed by US military commander in Afghanistan, General McChrystal, who, like General Westmoreland, said that without the support of the people in Afghanistan there is nothing much that the United States and its war allies can do. He pointed out flatly that the people in Afghanistan in general viewed the US troops as enemies. There is nothing of a surprise in this since many good and innocent civilians were killed by Americans and had their houses and all of their belongings destroyed. The USA may become the salvation of the world if it were to take the initiative to change the nature of the military from one of destruction to one of construction, from a belligerent entity to a humanitarian institution. All the money used on the military would then be used only for constructive purposes with positive results. But the USA still speaks of anti-ballistic missiles and of sharing nuclear information with nations it views as allies. Of course, this keeps encouraging the little Davids that are bent to destroy the Goliaths of our time. What is ironic lays in the fact that war alliances, headed by the United States, cannot understand anything, which is not in line with the culture of war mind-set. They still keep on thinking of wars fought between nations, which have specific boundaries found in our various continents. Besides, such war allied nations do not admit actions they take which are fully provocative, like the case of American and South Korean forces performing joint military exercises close to Japan and China. Ultimate Choice in Perspective In view of what has been stated, we may begin to realize and understand why so called terrorist activities keep on going with no end in sight. Many of us still cannot comprehend that the objective of these so called of terrorists is not to "defeat" the United States militarily but merely to "weaken" its economic potential by continuing to force this world power to spend money, not on the vital needs of the American people, but on the manufacture and sales of weapons, the maintenance of 746 foreign military bases, and the eventual implementation of the star wars concept. As a result, the United States has incurred the largest economic debt in history, which is putting it on the road of economic collapse following the footsteps of the Soviet Union. Is there a way out? Is there a way that would outsmart the present terrorists and all prospective ones in the future? Is there a way that would bring about a permanent world peace where everyone will be a winner and no one a loser? The answer to such questions is a qualitative yes, which is easily done through the implementation of the Golden Rule. As a matter of fact, the Golden Rule remains the only hope we have at our disposal for the eventual establishment of a permanent world peace. This brings to our mind the warning former US President Eisenhower gave to the United States Congress in his farewell speech. He said emphatically: "Remember that all people of all nations want peace, only their government wants war." In studies made on so called terrorists it was discovered that these are generally young men who lost their will to live along with the very concept of fear. This was due to the fact that they lost several of their family members and friends, along with the destruction of their properties through a conventional war fought on their own land by foreign military forces. If the United States and its military allies continue to use military force to solve human problems, not only such problems would not eventually be solved, but they are planting the seeds for an eventual Armageddon, where everyone will be a loser and no one a winner. Respect for the Golden Rule remains the only hope for human survival. ![]()
September 22, 2011
Word document The greatest problem of the American people is threefold in nature: (1) Congress, commonly known as the US government, which formulates and makes laws, (2) Whitehouse, the seat of the US President, who is empowered to set up guidelines and policies that are beneficial to the entire nation, and (3) Supreme Court, composed of nine members each one nominated by the US President but has to be approved by Congress in order to take office. Branches of US Government These three branches of the US government were set up by the Founding Fathers of the nation to serve as checks and balances. This means that the American people would be more likely to be protected from any kind of power-abuse. In spite of this, the American people are increasingly becoming more and more nervous. They feel that they have literally ceased to occupy top priority in the overall nation’s agenda. Since actions speak louder than words, this does not need much explanation to discover it. As a result, the nation plunged into turmoil, which could be traced to a mixture of ignorance or stupidity, power-abuse and corruption as well as conspicuous lack of courage to do what needs to be done fearlessly. According to Socrates, who lived some 2,500 years ago, every problem we encounter could be solved if we were to take the first step. This consists of bringing the problem into the open for everyone to see. Once people become aware of an existing problem, they soon begin to see how this problem would affect them. When this is discovered, then steps are quickly taken and the problem is eventually solved. This explains why many governments in history feared most their people who could eventually remove them from power. It also explains why many governments feel safe to immerse their people into ignorance by not letting them know what is going on. Let us now analyze carefully how each of the three branches of the US government has emerged to become the greatest problem of the American people. Congress in Perspective This body is composed of 100 senators, two from each of the 50 states, and 435 congressmen the number of which varies in each state depending on the number of their respective population. Since political elections in the USA evolved to become a popularity contest, a lot of money is needed for extensive self-advertisement through the major news media: radio, press and television. This is virtually the only way prospective senators and congressmen have to take, in an effort to be elected. Sooner or later, a substantial number of these elected officials begin to show by their actions irresponsibility and corruption. Needless to say, the bulk of money comes from the rich and big industries. Of course, since both of these elements are involved in the business of making money, all financial assistance given to prospective political figures are always given with strings attached. This means that, in return, the elected senator and congressman must dedicate his/her life not primarily to help the American people in all of their necessities but to develop policies that would make the rich become richer and for corporations to sell their respective products. We can understand why at this stage of history, the majority of American politicians in Congress do not want to impose any taxes on the millionaires and billionaires. On the contrary, they rather take all money they want from the health and educational needs of the American people. And they would rather continue to make the poor get poorer than develop a program of fairness and balance among all Americans, rich and poor alike. This reveals irresponsibility and disrespect for the American people by all means. Once senators and congressmen start to become abusive and corrupt they would do anything to get what they want even by literally robbing mercilessly the American people from their hard-earned money. This could be illustrated by the so called “social security” money. All Americans who work have a portion of their paycheck that goes for their social security. This means after they retire, maybe 25, 30 or 35 years later, they will start receiving a monthly paycheck. The social security could be described as the money of people that helps people. For the members of congress to manufacture more and more devastating weapons and to engage in more and more wars, the latest being Afghanistan and Iraq, they have to spend tens of billions of dollars. So, without the consent of the American people, the US senators and congressmen took the social security money, which was all earned by the people for their future, and put such money into the general fund, from which they began to finance weapons and wars with billions of dollars stolen from the people’s social security money. In brief, the US Congress has now virtually bankrupted the social security money fund. And to turn an insult into injury, the 2012 Republican presidential candidates are advocating the elimination of the social security money fund! As already stated, this money never belonged to the American government. It always belonged to the American people. Hence, those who have tampered with social security money in the US government have committed a power-abuse crime for which they should be held fully accountable. They should all be prosecuted for treason and be adequately punished with long jail sentences. Whitehouse in Operation Anyone that runs to become US President normally reveals a will to alleviate all or some of the manifold problems the American people are facing. However, after the American people elect the one they think would be for them a great asset, they begin to experience frustration and disappointment as the time goes by. The position of the US President is somewhat different in nature from that of both the US Senate and the US House of Representatives. The United States president enjoys executive power. Every law passed by the US Congress will eventually become effective only after the US President signs it. In fact, the US President has the power of veto. This means if he chooses not to sign the enacted law by Congress it cannot be put into operation. Also, although the US Constitution makes it clear that only the US Congress can declare war, yet the US President may involve the USA into war by-passing Congress. This explains why the USA has so often been engaged in virtually every global conflict since World War II ended in 1945. This also explains why the USA, which has always been described as the richest nation on earth, is today on the verge of bankruptcy. The recent US wars in both Afghanistan and Iraq have cost the USA already $4 trillion dollars, half of this amount was literally stolen from the hard-earned money of the American people – the social security money. If the US government has destroyed the necessities of life of the American people, how can we expect people of other countries to believe that the USA is there to save their necessities of life? As St. Thomas Aquinas stated on more than one occasion, nemo dat quod non habet – you cannot give something you do not have. In the 2008 US Presidential race, Barack Obama has impressed Americans with his intelligence and clarity of mind. He made it clear that he would replace struggles and wars with other nations by healthy dialogues and strong diplomacy. He also promised to close the US torturous prison of Guantanamo Bay. Besides, he vouched to end the Iraqi war, which he opposed from the outset. This good and well-intentioned US President found the hard way that anyone who occupies the Whitehouse has enormous pressure from big corporations whose job is to get what they want by all means. Not only the US Congress but also the US President has to submit, by all means, to the ruthless will of big corporations headed by the weapons industry and the military industrial complex. The executives of these two industries understand fully well that to survive in their business there must always be wars going on; there should always be turmoil not only in the USA but in every global area. This explains why the military industrial complex and the promotion of wars are viewed, especially by most US politicians, as the Holy Cow, more sacred than God Himself! President Obama has been so much under pressure from Republicans, where their ultimate goal is to oust him from the Whitehouse, that he has compromised his principles beyond comprehension. The Republicans want to continue to protect the rich as to become even richer, while they are literally dumping the poor making them poorer. Instead of having the US Democratic President drawing the line and be firm with Republicans on a no-matter-what basis, he continues to cave in even at the cost of breaking the promises he made to the American people during the time of election. All of this does not reveal what kind of President Barack Obama happens to be, but it reveals that the real power in the United States is vested neither in Congress not in the Whitehouse but, quite shamelessly and very disgracefully, in big corporations. US Supreme Court in Reality The establishment of the US Supreme Court was done with the best of good intentions. But even here, as the traditional saying goes, the way to hell is paved with good intentions. Although it is true that the US Supreme Court proved to be more of an asset in the entire history of its existence, it is still subject to make serious mistakes. Fairly recently, the US Supreme Court, which consists of nine individuals appointed for life, revealed its true color. To comprehend fully well the actions of the US Supreme Court we have to know, in the first place, how did such individuals got there. When a vacancy occurs, either through death or retirement, then the US President appoints one to fill up this vacancy. However, this nominated individual will take office only if approved by the US Congress. Over the past several decades, the nomination of such individuals was quite predictable. If the US President is a democrat he tends to appoint one who espouses his own political party philosophy and beliefs. This applies equally well if the US President happens to be a Republican. Fairly recently, the US Supreme Court by 5 to 4 votes, stated that US corporations should be viewed as persons! This brought a tremendous negative reaction that challenges the wisdom of having such members on the Supreme Court for life. These five members that voted for this measure were virtually all Republicans, while those that voted against were obviously democrats. As stated earlier, the Republicans are concerned mainly in making the rich become richer. Republicans do not want to tax the rich even, believe it or not, if they were multi-billionaires. Until this stated measure was taken by the US Supreme Court, while individuals could donate money as much as they wanted to help elect the candidate of their choice, US corporations were quite limited as to the amount of money they could give in political campaigns. Of course, since the US Supreme Court has just declared that the US corporations should be viewed as “persons,” they are now free to spend unlimited millions of dollars on politicians of their respective choice. Needless to say, we are all aware of the traditional saying that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The US Supreme Court gave the green light to such corporations to start now giving any amount of money they want without limit. Hence, knowingly or unknowingly, the US Supreme Court took the initiative to literally “legalize” corruption, the mafia type. Former US President Jimmy Carter referred to this US Supreme Court decision as “stupid.” Others were wondering what kind of education these five US Supreme Court members received in their elementary and secondary schools where they learned that in English we have three types of pronouns. They are “he,” “she” and “it.” “He” is masculine, “she” is feminine, and “it” is neuter. Hence, we use the pronoun “it” to refer to a hospital, school and corporation as well as to a table, chair and door. Maybe former US President Jimmy Carter was absolutely right in referring to this stated US Supreme Court decision as “stupid.” We are all familiar with the proverb: To err is human, to forgive divine but to persist in error is diabolical. In view of this, we have to realize that it is never wise in planet earth to have an individual to stay in power of any kind for life. The time for the US Supreme Court members to have a limited term has definitely arrived. Besides, the American people must begin to become fully involved in seeing to it that those that represent them in the US Congress, the Whitehouse and the US Supreme Court do show in their actions that their primary concern is the welfare of all the American people. All US citizens have a sacrosanct right by natural law for adequate residential facilities, a good health care system and a free education from the cradle to the grave. The members of the US Congress must make it clear that the time for the USA to solve social problems everywhere through wars has now become a thing of the past. Unless the United States works closely with the United Nations in developing seriously an international program of disarmament and arms control, the American people will continue to be seriously misguided by these three branches of the US overall government. Those who occupy a position of some kind in the US government need to keep the following in mind. Backbone of the Nation The American people are the backbone of the nation. We have a strong country not when we have a strong military but when we have healthy people that are properly educated and who enjoy living in adequate facilities. Besides, let us keep in mind that honesty is the best policy, which means we should realize that the weapons industry wants to keep in business through the never-ending of wars. For such an industry people are merely means to reach their money-making goals, regardless of how many innocent people are killed. In view of this, the three branches of the US government should keep in mind the words of US President Dwight Eisenhower who warned the United States Congress saying: Every dollar you spend on weapons and wars is a theft from the hungry and the poor. We should add that the excessive money that is spent on weapons and wars constitutes an abuse of power in a number of ways especially when we consider that many in the US government became rich as a result. What amazes many is the hypocrisy of some US government officials. The United States claims to be a predominantly Christian nation where God is revered in the open and where Jesus is viewed as the Master Teacher with great respect and reverence. Yet, anything that this Master Teacher of Nazareth taught and with which US government officials disagree, is simply dumped into the garbage literally. Ironically, this is observed systematically and with regularity among those who view themselves politically as conservatives! Let us bring a practical example to illustrate this vividly. When the apostle Peter took off the sword to defend his Master, Jesus did not hesitate to tell him: “Put the sword away for he who kills by the sword will die by the sword.” And on another occasion Jesus warned his disciples saying: “Heaven and earth will pass away but my words will never pass away.” The USA, in resorting to weapons and wars to continue to solve global conflicts, has chosen the path to its own tribulations, with the American people ending up suffering as a result. The US three branches of government need to make the welfare of the American people a top priority that comes above anything else. ![]() |
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Preparing Peace Teachers and Peace Workers in the Community |
1. Divine Law ?This law is also known as the divine positive law, which consists of the Ten Commandments which God gave to Moses and which are found in every religion by different names. Among other things we find that we should not kill, destroy others?property, say lies, and abuse people. They also speak of the obligation we have to show love and respect for our parents.
2. Natural Law ?This consists of all those laws that God put in the order of nature since the very beginning of times. For example we have the law of gravity where everything heavier than air will tend to fall down, the law of plant growth where the roots of the trees will always grown below the surface while the trees themselves will always grow above the surface.
3. Ecclesiastical Law ?This consists of rules and regulations enacted by religious leaders that usually serve as a guide to help people lead a better and more beneficial life. Such rules and regulations should demonstrate respect toward the other two laws just mentioned. If for some reason, rules are enacted that go against the divine and natural law, then they should be disregarded.
4. Civic Law ?This is man-made law which could change from time to time. No government, no court, no authoritative source of any kind may enact laws that go against the three previously mentioned laws, especially the divine law and natural law. If such would be the case, then we have the moral obligation to disregard such laws openly and courageously by all means.
1. Conviction that the manifold problems of the world would be better solved when we are in peace than when we are at war.
2. Initiative in doing constructive work in the best interest of all people.
3. Determination in never giving up when confronted with problems.
4. Ability to do everything positive with determination and perseverance.
Discovering the Most Brutal Enemies of our Earthly Community |
Role of Governments in Promoting Peace |
Abuse of Power: Criminal Assault on Humanity |
Effective Sharing of World Responsibility |
Perspective of the Most Violent Nation in the Civilized World |
Role of Religion in the World Community |
American Culture of Death in Perspective |
American Government in Perspective: Theory versus Practice |
World Peace in Operation On a Permanent Basis |
Philosophy of Violence in Operation |
Peace as a Break between Wars and Preparation for New Wars |
Creating World Peace and Harmony |
Article 6 |
Article 6 |
Article 6 |