August 7, 2011 Divine Versus Human Mind-Set by Charles Mercieca, Ph.D. ![]() President International Association of Educators for World Peace Dedicated to United Nations Goals of Peace Education Environmental Protection, Human Rights & Disarmament Professor Emeritus, Alabama A&M University Hon President & Professor, SBS Swiss Business School, Zurich
In the history of creation and evolution, the mind has always been viewed as the seat of intelligence and wisdom. This seat has been influenced greatly by specific cultures which vary from one place to another. It explains why the mind has also been viewed as the seat of judgment, which could often be objective or subjective. A judgment may be seen as objective when the item involved is perceived as the same from every possible angle of envisionment.
God’s Wisdom in Perspective On the other hand, a judgment may be perceived as subjective when the item under consideration appears to be different from diverse angles. Ascetical writers and theologians tell us that God sees things from 360 angles at the same time. Hence, He reveals Himself to be supreme and fully reliable in whatever He has to say. This reveals the wisdom on relying on God in everything we try to do especially that He is always concerned with the welfare of all people without exception. From the early days of human existence, God has viewed all people as His very own beloved children. One of the greatest attributes of God lies in the fact that He is perennial and unchangeable. What was good for God thousands and millions of years ago, it is still good for Him today. As a matter of fact, it will remain good for Him even over the next thousands and millions of years. Over the centuries He provided us with guidelines which, when followed, humans always felt well and happy. Problems always developed when people began to disregard them. This is generally due to the fact that humans tend to have a tunnel-vision, which prevents them from seeing the total picture under consideration. We may begin to realize and understand why the history of this world is full of human conflicts that have caused so much pain and suffering to this very day. Is there a way that could enable us to live in a peaceful and harmonious society in which everyone will be a winner and no one a loser? The answer is a qualitative yes but we must first develop the will to do something positive and constructive. Actions of this nature can only be taken if they are geared toward the welfare of all people without exception. If we were to analyze the history of human relations revealed, for example, in the various forms of governments, we would soon discover that most of the time the good sought was geared toward the welfare of some but to the detriment of others. We know that what goes around comes around. This means if we promote good we would experience the benefits of it and if we promote evil we would suffer the consequences. Analysis of Our Mind-Set All of this is based on the kind of mind-set we reveal to have. As stated earlier, if our mind-set proves to be capable of seeing things from as many angles as possible, then we are going to perform actions that may be described as truly constructive. All people are bound to reap the benefits. On the other hand, if our mind-set proves to be imbued with a tunnel-vision type of perception, then problems are bound to develop that may go out of control to the detriment of all those involved. This explains why we have so much suffering in the world. Although it may be relatively easy to understand the divine mind-set, it may be somewhat difficult, perhaps next to impossible, to comprehend with clarity the human mind-set. The best way to hopefully shed some light on this somewhat mysterious and important topic may be through some clear-cut examples. Here, say, we have a group of people who enter into another country illegally, that is, without any permission from the legitimate authorities. Their intention is to do any menial work they could find for even as little money as possible in order to eventually survive. Those that would employ them feel quite fortunate because they would not have to give them even minimum wage, only just a few dollars to get by. Hence, such employers are enabled to save a tremendous amount of money in the long range, which they could invest in the further development of their business. Even though they live illegally in their new country, they are virtually viewed by everyone that comes across them as good law-abiding citizens, in the sense that they never get in trouble with the law on a daily basis. Besides, they all tend to demonstrate to have a good character and a pleasant personality. In brief, they all tend to be viewed by those for whom they work as God’s blessing. These would be, say, the Mexicans that have crossed into the United States illegally and then they simply settled there. A substantial number of Americans have advocated that they should all be deported, along with their children in spite of being born on American soil afterwards. The benefits that such Mexicans contributed, through their work, are fully ignored. Let us now take another group of people who enter into another country illegally without any documents and permission from legitimate authorities. However, their intention was very different from the one the Mexicans had when they entered the United States. Their intention was based on their determination to destroy the infrastructure of the nation they invaded leaving tens of thousands of people homeless and creating tens of thousands of refugees. As though this was not enough, these illegal intruders massacred mercilessly tens of thousands of people consisting mostly of women, children, the elderly and the sick. Clear-Cut Irony at Work The irony lies here. While the Mexicans who contributed to the welfare of the American nation with their work, were viewed as dangerous and even, at times, suspected as terrorists, those that invaded another country for a negative and destructive purpose, were viewed as heroes, as dedicated individuals who merit the support and admiration of the whole world! We are referring here to Americans that invaded Iraq in violation of the Geneva Convention and in spite of serious warnings given by a number of highly revered world personalities. Among such personalities we had the saintly Pope John Paul II, Nelson Mandela of South Africa, Oscar Arias of Costa Rica, and the Dalai Lama in addition to others. The Pope even warned that such an invasion would create animosity between Christians and Moslems and will turn that global area into a quagmire. Here we have a clear-cut illustration of the divine mind-set versus the human mind-set. The Pope’s view of the Iraqi war revealed the divine mind-set, which views all people involved as the dearly and most beloved children of God. The American government’s view of the Iraqi war revealed the human mind-set, which wanted to demonstrate to the world its capability to retaliate atrociously to the so called 9/11 attack on the New York twin towers where 3,000 innocent people were left dead. God’s mind-set advocated caution, patience, love and mercy. God’s mind-set would resort to strong diplomatic means and healthy dialogues. However, the human mind-set preferred to resort to retaliation that literally went out of control. Within eight years, Americans destroyed the infrastructure of quite a few cities leaving tens of thousands homeless, with some two million escaping into nearby countries as refugees. Apart from the fact that many innocent people were maimed with legs and arms amputated, some one million citizens were killed. In addition, some three quarters of a million children found themselves orphans with one parent or both killed. Whereas God’s mind-set generates love, tolerance, mercy, and compassion, the human mind-set generates the opposite. Some ascetical writers in the past told us that if God’s mind-set was the same as the human mind-set, the human race would have been exterminated many centuries ago. Whereas God’s divine mind-set views all people as His own dearly and most beloved children, as respectable members of His one divine family, our governments’ mind-set views people by their nationality, culture, religion, political orientation and other things that have always contributed to separate people from each other rather than uniting them together in peace and harmony like one big family. Two Mind-Sets in Contrast As outlined earlier, while the divine mind-set is relatively easy to figure out and to understand, the human mind-set is quite difficult and, very often, virtually impossible to comprehend. While the divine mind-set is based on a set of principles that are in the best interest of all people without exception, the human mind-set, to get what it wants by all means is fully ready to disregard all justifiable laws. That would include the divine laws as found in the Ten Commandments that God gave to Moses, a couple of which say: “You should not kill and you should not destroy the property of others.” In God’s mind-set, when the twin towers of New York were destroyed and some 3,000 people lost their lives those that performed this act of murder are considered as criminals. Also, in God’s mind-set, when those that invaded Iraq killed tens of thousands of people those that happened to be responsible for such a massacre were also viewed as criminals. On the other hand, in the American human mind-set, those that were responsible for the death of 3,000 innocent Americans in New York were viewed as criminals. However, those that were responsible for the death of tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi people were viewed not as criminals but as heroes, as defenders of democracy and freedom! Is there a way to make this crystal clear evidence fully understood by all those who are deeply trenched in the human mind-set that those who killed innocent Americans are guilty of murder in no lesser way than those who killed innocent Iraqis? In theory yes, that is, if we were to manifest great effort in our genuine search to see things the way God sees them. In practice, the situation is different. Unlike God, humans can see things only from one angle at a time, which means they have a tunnel-vision in viewing the object under consideration. Unlike God, bar a miracle comparable to raising Lazarus from the grave, humans who have trenched themselves in a specific mind-set may find it virtually impossible to view anything from 360 angles as God does and as those fully imbued with God’s spirit always tend to do. St. Paul tells us that the greatest three virtues are faith, hope and love. With faith we can never be tempted to despair. With hope we always feel encouraged to move forward with courage and perseverance. With love we are bound to become great instruments in the hands of God to bring His divine kingdom on earth. Those that are imbued with these three virtues develop the habit of resorting to prayer even on a daily basis. The Master Teacher of Nazareth told us that with prayer we can move a mountain. Importance and Power of Prayer On this point, the Blessed Virgin told the six children in Medjugorje that with prayer we can suspend the laws of nature. All this demonstrates that, from a supernatural standpoint, those that resort periodically to prayer emerge to become very powerful in the world in bringing about good change in the best interest of all people without exception. From studies that were made over a period of time, we find out that all people share very similar desires. For example, they all would like to live a long life full of good health and happiness. The primary job of every responsible government is to make sure that their people are provided with all needed opportunities toward this noble goal of theirs. Hence, they various governments have the obligation to develop an international program of disarmament and arms control, to abolish all nuclear weapons and landmines, and eliminate all air and water pollution. Besides, we should safeguard the human rights of all people who, by their very nature, are entitled to have free health care and free education from the cradle to the grave. All schools should become effective instruments for the creation of a global community that is characterized by peace and harmony. We learned from the past history of 6,000 years of recorded civilization that when we have peace everyone is a winner but when we have war everyone is a loser. Resorting to peace through good dialogues and healthy diplomacy will enable us to achieve anything positive and constructive we want. On the other hand, resorting to war through never-ending conflicts and struggles is a self-defeating purpose that we may regret enormously in due time. We need to keep in mind that when there is a will there is a way. If we concentrate on doing everything positive and constructive in the best interest of all people without exception we are bound to reap great benefits that may last long. When the Master Teacher of Nazareth was asked what we need to do to be good, He said: Imitate the Father who is in heaven. In our case, we need to do our best to replace the human mind-set with the divine mind-set. We have merely to do our best and then God will do the rest. ![]()
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