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Global Civilization vision to saving the world.

Germain Dufour
May 11, 2017

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Table of Contents of June 2017 Newsletter

  • Introduction
  • Global Community offers a new global order with a vision of hope and love away from despair and social chaos.
  • What Global Civilization stands for?
  • Humanity's new vision of the world.
  • Global security.
  • Global rights.
  • Global justice.
  • Global law.
  • Global Protection Agency (GPA).
  • Protection of the global life support systems.
  • Planetary biodiversity zone.
  • World overpopulation and overconsumption.
  • Business ethics.
  • Global Ministries.
  • Short and long term solutions to saving the world, the Scale of Global Right and Global Parliament.
    1. Short term solution
    2. Long term solution
  • Conclusion


Earth is our most precious and the one and only place we can live for now. Earth is our home. This way Earth management will become a spiritual and a natural process whereby each person is responsible and accountable for its management the best they can. Peace in the world and Earth management have for too long been in the hands of and affected by government and business leaders, in the hands of a few people on the planet, as opposed to being in the hands of all of us (over 7 billion people on Earth) working together to keep our planet healthy. We cannot allow ourselves to let governments and other organizations take away our responsibility for managing Earth. It would be like giving the key of our planet to people who would be looking after their own self-interests and not bother with what is truly important. We are the keepers of the Earth, and we want to govern and manage sustainably our planet.

Global Civilization claims that everyone on Earth should be able to live in peace. ll This peace mouvement is about courage. Not the courage it takes to go into battle but the courage to organize resistance to war when a bloody taste for it inflames the world, and the threat of prison in a nation where the global rights and freedom of expression have diminished significantly. It is about the courage to say NO to the war industry. It is an industry that destroys Life on Earth, corrupts society, and violates morality. The war industry is the "mother of all evils" of our world. It must be shelved. War products and equipment from all nations must be decommissioned. Join the Peace Movement of Global Civilization .

Military intervention in the affairs of other nations is wrong. There are other ways, there are peaceful ways, ways that are not based on profit-making and the gain of power for itself.
Everyone shares responsibility for the present and future well-being of Life within Global Civilization.

Global Civilization will help us:
* resolve problems, concerns and issues peacefully;
* reinstate the respect for Earth;
* work with humanity to keep Earth healthy, productive and hospitable for all people and living things;
* bring forth a sustainable global society embracing universal values related to global rights, economic and social justice, respect of nature, peace, responsibility to one another; and
* help to protect Life and manage planet Earth.

We have the responsibility of managing Earth. Everyone shares responsibility for the present and future well-being of Life within Global Civilization. When there is a need to find a solution to a problem or a concern, a sound solution would be to choose a measure or conduct an action, if possible, which causes reversible damage as oppose to a measure or an action causing an irreversible loss.

Global Civilization has extended the idea of sustainability to be a moral and ethical state as well as an economic and environmental state. We invite everyone and every organization to participate openly without fear. Paticipate in the process of the Global Dialogue aa. Again today we ask everyone throughout the World to scrutinize all of their values. No exception! You are asked to create new thoughts that will sustain Earth, humanity and all Life. With the advance of a new millennium one tends to dream of a new Eden. From childhood our little ones have been privileged to enjoy group activities. They develop a circle of friends from many ethnic backgrounds, boys and girls together. These young people habitually hold two or three part-time jobs, or engage in some entrepreneural activity, for money is regarded as the energy source for their way of life. These young people are not trapped by things although they own the best of sports equipment and outdoor clothing, being very health conscious.
They eat very well. Being outdoors-aware, these young people will be focusing on the air we breathe, the water we drink. Our new generation already exhibits the inner awareness:<b> less is more</b>. Living with a group of friends in a Space Age may involve jobs in Space. One very re-assuring fact is that the young people of to-day are interested in all the secret wisdom behind all the existing religions and sifting out the common truths. Their childhood conditioning has prepared them to act on a firm understanding of what it takes to get along with others, working as a group. Each and every Self is dedicated to an idea for good that others can
share together in creating this new Eden. Doing good and the well-being of the 'other' have become the basic building block of any symbiotical relationship. What we have here is the birth of genuine group concern and unconditional support for the individual's well-being ~ a giant leap in human behaviour which could well change the functioning of global communities everywhere. We are becoming the human family. And Global Civilization has made grounds in Peoples way of life.

The Global Dialogue process will help humanity to think clearly and globally. Your research papers, brainstorming exercises, Vision statements, discussions, comments and recommendations will be well appreciated and reviewed. They will give us a sense of direction and purpose. The end product will also include universal values to connect us together as we all belong to Global Civilization.

The evil is the war industry.

Historically, the careless technology and policies of industrialized nations have caused the most damage to the environment. Emissions from factories and vehicles have caused ozone depletion, acid rain, climate change, global warming, and many other critical global problems. Part 1 Global Civilization issues today: global warming, climate change, overpopulation, overconsumption, overfishing, starvation, deforestation, refugees crisis, wars and conflicts, global life-support systems put in danger, Earth ecosystem destruction, pollution beyond repairs. Leaders of the wealthier nations must be willing to accept responsibility for past mistakes and to help pay the financial burden for environmental protection of the developing nations. Global Civilization must help wealthy and developing nations reach a better understanding of each other's needs. All aspects are interrelated: peace, global rights and the environment. In reality, all concerns are interrelated. As soon as the environment is destroyed beyond repair, human suffering is next. Ecology has no boundaries. Global life-support systems are planetary problems we all have to manage together. All nations suffer the effects of air pollution, global warming, loss of biodiversity, soil erosion, acid rain, ozone depletion, silting of streams, and countless of other environmental problems. This was the reason for proposing to Global Civilization the Scale of Global Rights as a shorth term solution to assure the survival of Life on Earth. Scale of Global Rights. This was the reason for proposing to  Global Civilization the Scale of Global Rights as a shorth term solution to assure the survival of Life on Earth. Values foundation of the Scale of Global Rights. The Scale is a balancing process to sustain all life on the planet now and future generations. Values that kept human beings alived from ancient time to today's Global Civilization; most important Global Commons; Commons Trust Fund; Earth rights; Global Ministries; global life-support systems; Scale of Global Rights.

Earth governance is about the rights of states to self-determination in the global context of Global Civilization rather than the traditional context of a world of separate states. Global Civilization offers both a short term solution and a long term solution to the people of all nations to assure the survival of life on Earth. Both solutions require the acceptance of the Scale of Global Rights as our guide for survival. What would be preferable is that all nations unite amongst themselves to form a more meaningful union of nine or more Global Governments. A Global Government is concerned not only with economics and trade, but also with the environment, health, agriculture, energy, food, social, cultural and many other essential aspects of community. We want each Global Government to take a larger share of responsibility of the specific region where it operates, and be more accountable to the people of that region. The Federation of Global Governments would be the place of meeting between Global Governments. Part 2 Global Civilization values, solutions, and vision of the world for survival as a species: freedom, knowledge, peace, justice, empathy, love, hope, sustainable management of global resources.  Every day of every year and for decades, global dialogues of Global Civilization have made possible to probe the world about what may be the best values to follow for humanity's survival this century. The <strong>Scale of Global Rights</strong> gives Peoples the moral foundation for a better individual and community and is the best guide to survival. Global Civilization values did not all exist at first during the first stage of human evolution. Most of them gradually developed over time. Today, it is not just about 'humanity survival' but about 'all lifeforms survival' on Earth we are fighting for. Earth management and good governance is now a priority and a duty of every responsible person on Earth. The problem with world overpopulation is everybody’s problem. Global Community is declaring a moratorium on world population, the fertility rate and immigration applications all over the world, until applicants from any religious or cultural background have satisfied completely Global Community standard for a population fertility rate of 1.3 children per family. We need leadership in the protection of all our natural resources, in peril because of what we do and what that does to our planet. We need to reclaim the ideal of being a democratic people without extremes of wealth and poverty. This all means letting go a sense of ourselves as consumption machines. Global Civilization  offers both a short term solution and a long term solution to the people of all nations to assure the survival of life on Earth. Global political parties are certainly the next best thing to talk about now as we urge all nations to replace the United Nations organization by <strong>Global Parliament</strong>, and that will require voting and electing leaders. Global politics is about doing what is right for all of us now and in the future, and for all life on the planet. We, citizens of the Global Community of North America, hereby resolve to establish the <strong>Global Government of North America</strong> (GGNA) to   govern in accordance with the Global Constitution. Global Law includes legislation covering all critical aspects of human activities. The GPA will train and lead a global force, bypassing traditional peacekeeping and military bodies such as the United Nations and NATO, and will enforce the law.

We, citizens of Global Civilization, hereby resolve to establish a federation of all nations, and to govern in accordance with Global Parliament Constitution. Global Parliament shall be composed of four (4) bodies, designated as follows:

1. the House of Elected Representatives,
2. the Federation of Global Governments,
3. the House of Advisers, and the
4. Executive Council

We, citizens of the Global Community of North America, hereby resolve to establish the Global Government of North America (GGNA) to govern in accordance with the Global Constitution. Member states of the GGNA are Mexico, the United States of America, Canada, the North Pole Region which also includes Greenland and Iceland. The GGNA ensures state governments that it will obey the principle of non-intervention in domestic affairs. Essential services to the people of each member nation are now the most important global rights and are protected by the Global Protection Agency (GPA) of each member nation. And that is how we can protect the global life-support systems, thus largely improving the quality of life of the next generations. We are also inviting the United Kingdom to become a member of the GGNA. The United Kingdom is leaving the EU and is available for a more meaningful relationship with the GGNA.

Global Civilization wants to provide a forum where international conflicts could be argued and resolved peacefully. Because of hatred and mistrust, disputing parties always find it difficult to express constructive ideas or proposals. A face-to-face meeting may not even be possible. Global Civilization offers to be a trusted third party that would carry ideas back and forth, put forward new proposals until both sides agree. When both parties feel they have gained more than they have lost from the process, the outcome is a win-win settlement for peace.

The United Nations are to restructure their organization or start rebuilding it from scratch. The United Nations must reflect the needs and aspirations of Global Civilization : all Peoples together, Global Economic Cooperation, Global Governance, Earth Governance, and Earth Environmental Governance.

We have the responsibility of managing Earth.
Global Civilization believes all citizens have the right to share the wealth in the world. The free trade agreement between nations must protect and improve social and environmental rights, not just the economy. A sustainable development in the world would mean finding a sound balance among the interactions designed to create a healthy economic growth, preserve environmental quality, make a wise use of our resources, and enhance social benefits. Free trade cannot proceed at the expense of the environment, labour rights, global rights and the sovereignty of a nation. Free trade leads to an increase in poverty by giving investor rights priority over government decision-making. Employers will be looking for more concessions from workers. Small businesses will find it more difficult to grow and compete against large corporations.

Free trade entrenches corporate power at the expense of democratically elected officials from local communities, municipal governments, provincial governments, national governments and states. It is a form of "world anti-government" (such as the European Union block) as citizens lose the ability to act in their best interests and find sound solutions to their own problems. As an example of a free trade arrangement gone bad is the United Kingdom Brexit. Shortly after the referendum on United Kingdom Brexit, the German parliament published an analysis on the consequences of a Brexit on the EU and specifically on the economic and political situation of Germany. According to this, Britain is, after the United States and France, the third most important export market for German products. In total Germany exports goods and services to Britain worth about €120 billion annually, which is about 8% of German exports, with Germany achieving a trade surplus with Britain worth €36.3 billion (2014). Should there be a "hard Brexit", exports would be subject to WTO customs and tariffs. The trade weighted average tariff is 2.4%, but the tariff on automobiles, for instance, is 9.7%, so trade in automobiles would be particularly affected; this would also affect German automobile manufacturers with production plants in the United Kingdom. In total, 750,000 jobs in Germany depend upon export to Britain, while on the British side about three million jobs depend on export to the EU.

Citizens become disconnected with the decision-making process. Their lives are then driven by the desire of making profits. Fear is used to force people to behave with the dollar sign as their god. In such scenario, democratic principles lose meaning and no longer prevail. All that we have worked for over the past decades to build sustainable communities is gone with free trade. People were never asked to discuss and were never invited in its development. The principles of a sustainable development are let go and replaced by the desire of the world business leaders to make larger profits.

Over its long past history trade has never evolved to require from the trading partners to become completely responsible for their products from beginning to end. At the end, the product becomes a waste and it needs to be properly dispose of. You manufacture, produce, farm or create a product, you become responsible and accountable of your product from beginning to end (to the point where it actually becomes a waste; you are also responsible for the proper disposable of the waste). People in our society often argue that their manufacturing products and the trading principles or rules that regulate their actions are all legal! But what about ethical values and moral principles?! When we do exploration work, develop, manufacture, produce, mine, farm or create a product, we become legally and morally responsible and accountable of this product from beginning to end. This product may be anything and everything from oil & gas, war products, construction products, transportation and communications products and equipment, to genetically engineered food products. All consumer, medical and pharmaceutical products!

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Global Community offers a new global order with a vision of hope and love away from despair and social chaos.

Global Community offers a new global order with a vision of Hope and Love away from despair and social chaos. This new global order will be better, safer, and more realistic after replacing the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the Scale of Global Rights Scale of Global Rights.

Global Community proposal

Global Community is proposing ethics to live by for life's survival on our planet. The illusion (Hope) being the belief that humanity can be repaired by some ethic principle. Humanity urgently wants social and ecological reforms, as well as a spiritual renewal to add trust, meaning, standards and practical guidelines to this new quest for survival. Global citizens Global Citizens voting on issues Letter to all Canadians concerning new legislation on direct democracy Global Citizens Rights, Responsibility and Accountability Act Freedom, security and justice without borders (Part II) Global Community and every global citizen, also known as the human family, the global civil society. I should start by emphasizing that I speak to you as a good global citizen.  Scale of Human and Earth Rights Global Parliament s Constitution   GCEG s commitment to the Global Community to make government and global citizens responsible and accountable, and to bring about Global Peace  Employment for every global citizen  Global Community Citizenship (every participant would become a global citizen)  We the Peoples are us Global Community days of celebration or remembering throughout the year: Global Citizenship Day on October 29 of every year want a spiritual home to do good and avoid evil in all its forms. This paper on global ethics is intended to clarify what this means.

This of course assumes humanity needs repairs. If so how and why? Dont we have human rights to live by? Yes, we do! Dont we have something to protect the global life-support systems without which life on Earth would be extinct? Yes, we do! Dont we have ethics in all professions? Yes, we do! Dont we have religions to teach us about good moral values to live by? Yes, we do! Are we not mostly good Peoples doing the best they can? Yes, we are! So why do we need repairs for? How can we be better Peoples than we are already?

How? Why? This is what this paper is about.

Not sure ethics are the answer to humanity's problems! But ehtics will certainly show the way to the survival of life in all its forms on our planet.

What Global Community stands for

What Global Community stands for What Global Community stands for

( see enlargement )
( see also Global Community and Essential Services )

Today's Global Community.
Artwork by Germain Dufour
October 2014
( see enlargement 34 MB Today's Global Community )

Global Community is for all life on Earth and is the 21st century framework for Earth governance.

What Global Community stands for
Global Community, what we stand for.
Artwork by Germain Dufour
October 2014
( see enlargement 5 MB Global Community, what we stand for )

What Global Community stands for What Global Community stands for

    Here is my short Bio
    Politics and Justice without borders: what we stand for
    Constitution Short Version
    Other summaries of the Global Communty work

What Global Community stands for
( see enlargement Politics and Justice without borders:  what we stand for)
Politics and Justice without borders: what we stand for
Artwork by Germain Dufour
May 12, 2010

To determine rights requires an understanding of needs and reponsibilities and their importance. The Scale shows social values in order of importance and so will help us understand clearly the rights of a community, its citizens, including corporate citizens. So now Global Community ethics includes a process based on the Scale of Global Rights.

Global Community ethic for a business proposed here provides no direct solution for all the extensive problems of humanity. The ethic is giving humanity the moral foundation for a better corporate citizen.

Global Community ethic for a business offers fundamental moral behaviors and irrevocable standards that every corporate citizen and, to some extent if applicable, the public at large may adapt as their own vision for life's survival on our planet. You need not be religious to make this vision yours. This vision is for all corporate citizens, regardless of their social origin, language, culture, sex, skin color, religious and non-religious. Global Community vision creates new hopes, standards, ideals and goals for corporate citizens to embrace freely, and live a life without fear.

Corporate citizens have a binding responsibility for the welfare of all humanity and care for all life on Earth. Global Community ethical grounds for a business are practical, real, and applicable for all corporate women and men of good will, religious and non-religious.

The basis of Global Community ethic for a business already exist. These ethics offer the possibility of a better corporate citizen, a global order with fairness and Justice, and a world with Hope and Love. A world where everything make sense in all areas of life, for families and communities, for races, nations and all religions.

It is Global Community challenge to develop ethics, moral directives, that can be acceptable to all Peoples for the survival of all life on our planet, and that will require sacrifices from us all. Let us remember over and over again that our primary goal and the most important principle on the Scale of Global Rights is the survival of all Life on Earth. The Scale shows social values in order of importance for humanity's survival, all Life's survival, while the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is about rights, all of them being just as important as an other. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights needs to be replaced now by the Scale of Global Rights.

Global Community ethics for a business are about how we treat others and a commitment to respect every person humanely and with dignity. For this process to work, global citizens learn to forgive, be patient and compassionate, promote acceptance, open theirs hearts to one another, and practice a culture of solidarity and cooperation. Let go narrow differences between us all for the greater good of humanity and future generations.

Morality can be derived from a standard that global citizens believe should be universal such as Global Community ethic for a business which include all lifeforms over the entire Universe.

Global Community ethic for a business aims to identify principles of right action that may be used to guide people in their lives. These principles can be used to decide whether particular courses of action, or particular types of action, are right or wrong. Ethics emphasizes respect for persons, and holds that there are certain actions that should never be done. This is what this paper is about: to describe those principles and propose a list of right actions for a business.

Wherever there are people there will be conflicts, and ethics can help to resolve conflicts. Global Community proposes that such conflicts be resolved without violence and within a framework of justice. People must commit themselves to the most nonviolent, peaceful solutions possible. This is the pathway to global peace Global Peace Ministry.

Modern morality is a product of evolutionary forces

Over ancient time to this day, morality in society made its way into our ways of doing business. So the set of behaviors that constitute Global Community ethic for a business evolved largely because they provided possible survival benefits to increase evolutionary success. Consequently, Peoples evolved socially to express emotions, such as feelings of empathy or guilt, in response to these moral behaviors. Humans developed truly moral, altruistic instincts. When looking across cultures of geo-cultural areas and across millennia, certain virtues have prevailed in all cultures, the major ones include wisdom, knowledge, courage, justice, love, truth, empathy, kindness, and social intelligence. These virtues were not always incorporated into the ways of doing business because the 1% business world became corrupted, greedy, no longer in line with humanity's survival on the planet, and more interested in keeping most of the wealth, resources and power for themselves keeping the remaining 99% of the world population in poverty.

But today we are going to incorporate these virtues and proper behaviors into corporate citizen global ethics.

Moral values can be identified across cultures, even if we do not accept a global understanding of principles: values including integrity, trustworthiness, benevolence, justice, and fairness. These values can be resources for finding common ground between believers and nonbelievers, and for conflicts needing of ethics to resolve their problems.

Human morality is a natural phenomenon

On the understanding that Global Community ethics are sets of self-perpetuating and biologically-driven behaviors which encourage human cooperation and symbiotical relationships, then we all can see why Global Community concepts and approaches to humanity's survival become so urgently needed today.

All social beings have modified their behaviors by restraining immediate selfishness in order to improve their evolutionary fitness. This is why humanity needs to correct the present business world and corporate citizens as most of the wealth on the planet is in the hands of the 1% of the world population while the remaining 99% of the people are badly taken avantage of and live in poverty.

Human morality, though sophisticated and complex relative to other lifeforms, is essentially a natural phenomenon that evolved to restrict excessive individualism of the 1%, including their human rights, that could undermine a group's cohesion and thereby reducing all life's survival on our planet.

After making the proper adjustment to ways of doing business in the world, morality can then be defined as an accumulation of interrelated behaviors that cultivate and regulate complex interactions within social groups. These behaviors includes empathy, reciprocity, altruism, cooperation, a sense of fairness, symbiotical relationships, and have been included directly into the corporate citizen global ethics.

The fundamental criteria of a global symbiotical relationship  The fundamental criteria of a global symbiotical relationship

The fundamental criteria is that a relationship is created for the good of all groups participating in the relationship and for the good of humanity, all Life on Earth. The relationship allows a global equitable and peaceful development and a more stable and inclusive global economy.

As it happens in Nature, symbiosis is also a common feature in human society.

Global Community has begun to establish the existence of the age of symbiotical relationships and global cooperation. There has always been symbiotical relationships in Nature, and between Souls and the matter of the Universe to help the formation of Life on Earth and on other planets. Global Community  is the new Faith, and the Religion of the 3 rd millennium.

Symbiotical relationships are needed today for the long term future of humanity and for the protection of Life on Earth.

Global citizens are civilized people and so the expression "global symbiotical relationship" needs to be defined to include ethics.

In the context of the global civilization of the 3rd Millennium Global civilization of the 3rd Millennium we have defined that any symbiotical relationship is for the good of all, for the good of the 'other'. It is based on a genuine group concern and unconditional support for the individual's well-being ~ a giant leap in human behaviour. The question is how can we improve the political and business symbiotical relationships to fulfill the fundamental criteria? Global Community promotes values and principles to achieve the fundamental criteria and that requires the promoting and establishment of: global community ethics, mutual respect, respect for Life, basic liberties, justice and equity, caring for the 'other', integrity, responsibility and accountability. Those very important values were also included into the corporate citizen global ethics.

Other symbiotical relationships may be based on common concerns and issues such as: the environment, peace, justice, women's rights, global rights, and many more. There is a whole spectrum of possible symbiotical relationships: geographical, economical, social, business-like, political, religious, and personal. Other types may be created all over the world between communities, nations, and between people themselves.

Let just make sure they all satisfy the fundamental criteria of a symbiotical relationship.

The greatest happiness of the greatest number is a measure of right and wrong

How can we be sure that the corporate citizen global ethics proposed here are truly what is needed for humanity's survival?

In society, the proper course of action is one that maximizes the greatest happiness of the greatest number which gives us a measure of right and wrong. What matters is the combined positive effect of everyone and not only of any one person and "not only of the 1% of the population in control of most of the wealth and power".

Over the past decades, a Global Dialogue  Global dialogues are the source of new ideas and finding new ways for our survival and taking along with us other lifeforms on the planet. was organized every day of every year to probe the world about what may be the best vision to follow for humanity's survival this century. Results obtained have shown clearly that a significant part of the world population has approved a global ethic with the Scale of Global Rights as being the proper guide for this generation and next ones this century.

Developing ethics that would save humanity from extinction will encounter numerous criticisms from individuals whose basic human rights were violated. But that is to be expected! And there is no other way! Global Community has researched and developed the Scale of Global Rights Scale of Global Rights to continue this process. On the Scale of Global Rights, primordial human rights and the protection of the global life-support systems and ecological rights are on top of the Scale. They are the most important aspects on the Scale. Applying the Scale into our ways of life will require sacrifices from people whose human rights were violated because social values have different degrees of importance on the Scale. But this process is necessary because the 1% of the world population already violated the basic human rights of most people on Earth.

All lifeforms are an important part of Global Community ethics

Now Global Community claims that all lifeforms are important and included as part of global ethics. It is not just about 'humanity survival' but about 'all lifeforms survival' we are fighting for. This is morally right for humanity's survival because each of us depends on the well-being of the whole, and so global citizens have respect for the community of living beings, for people, other lifeforms, and plants, and for the preservation of Earth, the air, water and soil.

Professions are expected to develop up-to-date codes of ethics with specific guidelines in line with the Scale of Global Rights

Corporate citizen global ethics should be consistent with the requirements of morality governing society. If improving survival of all life on our planet is given a moral priority in society, it must also be a moral priority to the corporate citizen, and it may be justifiable to contravene other moral demands in order to meet this goal. Because there are different moral codes that apply to different sections of society and differences in codes between societies, problems will arise when the Scale of Global Rights is applied as a basis of global ethics. The Scale was given a moral priority. So rights lower on the Scale may be affected negatively.

Global citizens may be asked to make sacrifices concerning human rights categorized as less important on the Scale of Global Rights. This would happen only to give the greater good a moral priority and success.

Professions such as scientists, physicians, business people, journalists, and politicians, are expected to develop up-to-date codes of ethics with specific guidelines in line with the Scale.

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What Global Civilization stands for?

The ethic proposed here provides no direct solution for all the extensive problems of humanity. The ethic is giving humanity the moral foundation for a better individual and community. Global Community offers a new global order with a vision of Hope and Love away from despair and social chaos. Global Community ethics offer fundamental moral behaviors and irrevocable standards. You need not be religious to make this vision yours. This vision is for all human beings regardless of their social origin, language, culture, sex, skin color or religion. Global Community vision creates new hopes, standards, ideals and goals for everyone to embrace freely, and live a life without fear. Global Community faith is about realizing this new global order will be better, safer, and more realistic after replacing the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the Scale of Global Rights Scale of Global Rights. To determine rights requires an understanding of needs and reponsibilities and their importance. The Scale shows social values in order of importance and so will help us understand clearly the rights of a community and its citizens. So now Global Community ethics includes a process based on the Scale of Global Rights. Global citizens have a binding responsibility for the welfare of all humanity and care for all life on Earth. Global Community ethical grounds are practical, real, and applicable for all women and men of good will, religious and non-religious.

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Strong global leadership

Perhaps a strong leadership is needed above everything else! The world needs a strong leadership! The kind of leadership the world needs is not found in the USA or the EU. Neither NATO! Not free trade types! Not the UN! Not money driven types!

The type of strong leadership the world need is SoulLife's leadership. Because SoulLife exists everywhere at all time and helps all life in the Universe.

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Humanity's new vision of the world

Building global communities Building a Global Civilization for all life. require understanding of global problems this generation is facing. There are sev eral major problems: conflicts and wars, no tolerance and compassion for one another, world overpopulation, human activities destroying and polluting, as population increases the respect and value of a human life is in decline, insufficient protection and prevention for global health, scarcity of resources and drinking water, poverty, Fauna and Flora species disappearing at a fast rate, global warming and global climate change, global pollution, deforestation, permanent lost of the Earth's genetic heritage, and the destruction of the global life-support systems and the eco-systems of the planet. We need to build global communities for all life on the planet. We need to build global communities that will manage themselves with the understanding of the above problems. Our goal for peace in the world can only be reached by resolving these important global problems. These problems have brought up a planetary state of emergency.

Life often involves tensions between important values. This can mean difficult choices. However, we must find ways to harmonize diversity with unity, the exercise of freedom with the common good, short-term objectives with long-term goals. Every individual, family, organization, and community has a vital role to play. The arts, sciences, religions, educational institutions, media, businesses, nongovernmental organizations, and governments are all called to offer creative leadership. The partnership of government, civil society, and business is essential for an effective global governance based on Global Community concepts and the Scale of Global Rights.

Our first objective was to find statements from all religions that promote the respect, stewardship, protection, ethical and moral responsibility to life and of the environment, the Earth global life-support systems, and statements that promote a responsible Earth management. Specific statements on environmental conservation are also important. This process was assumed to work well within the context of the Global Dialogue and after defining Global Community criteria of symbiotical relationships. In the context of the global civilization of the 3rd Millennium, we have defined that any symbiotical relationship is for the good of all, for the good of the 'other'. It is based on a genuine group concern and unconditional support for the individual's well-being ~ a giant leap in human behaviour. Symbiotical relationships are needed today for the long term future of humanity and for the protection of life on Earth.

A new symbiotical relationship between religion and the protection of the global life-support systems has begun to take place all over the world. Religious rituals now support the conservation efforts and play a central role in governing sustainable use of the natural environment. Major faiths are issuing declarations, advocating for new national policies, and creating educational activities in support of a sustainable global community. Global Community is establishing a symbiotical relationship between spirituality and science, between our heart and mind, and SoulLife, between religion and the environment. The human family is finding its role in the universe, a higher purpose and a meaning. We now can celebrate life. Celebration of Life Day This effort will lead over time to an escalation of human values and symbiotical relationships transcending money centered economics.

The fundamental criteria of any symbiotical relationship is that a relationship is created for the good of all groups participating in the relationship and for the good of humanity, all life on Earth. The relationship allows a global equitable and peaceful development and a more stable and inclusive global economy.

The question is how can we improve the political symbiotical relationship to fulfill the fundamental criteria? Global Community promotes the values and principles to achieve the fundamental criteria and that requires the promoting and establishment of: global community ethics, mutual respect, respect for life, basic liberties, justice and equity, caring for the 'other', integrity, responsibility and accountability, and be compassionate.

Living at the crossroads of this global crisis, we must hasten its passage, while assisting in the birth of a new civilization, the global civilization, based on life affirming rather than money affirming values. All over the world people are indeed waking up to the truth. We should strive and take steps to reclaim and rebuild our local economy. Be sustainable locally first, and globally next only if needed.

The peoples of all Nations, in creating an ever closer Global Community among themselves, a Global Civilization, are resolved to share a peaceful future based on common values. Conscious of its spiritual and moral heritage, Global Community is founded on the indivisible, universal values of human dignity, freedom, equality and solidarity; it is based on the principles of democracy and the rule of global law. It places the individual at the heart of its activities, by establishing the Global Community citizenship, and by creating an era of freedom, security, global justice and social harmony.

Global Community allows people to take control of their own lives. Global Community was built from a grassroots process with a vision for humanity that is challenging every person on Earth as well as nation governments. Global Community has a vision of the people working together building a new civilization including a healthy and rewarding future for the next generations, and living at peace and harmony. Global cooperation brings people together for a common future for the good of all.

An important objective of Global Community is to create a peaceful and just society. We believe that the peaceful development of the Global Community cannot be done unless social harmony is being created amongst community members.

Global Community promotes peace and social harmony by:
  • Peoples of all religions are asked to participate in bringimg about the event of peace amongst us all
  • organizing and promoting the Global Dialogue worldwide
  • knowing who we are and who owns the Earth
  • creating the Global Movement to Help and offering Essential Services to serve the people of all nations, all life on Earth
  • researching, developing and promoting global rights and justice, and global law
  • establishing the Global Protection Agency (GPA) to enforce global law as agreed by the Federation of Global Governments
  • showing the way to global symbiotical relationships allowing a global equitable and peaceful development and a more stable and inclusive global economy
  • creating a global civilization based on a just and tolerant society giving everyone the opportunity of becoming a global citizen. Global Citizens concerned about global issues since 1985. Global Citizens voting on issues Letter to all Canadians concerning new legislation on direct democracy Global Citizens Rights, Responsibility and Accountability Act Freedom, security and justice without borders (Part II) Global Community and every global citizen, also known as the human family, the global civil society. I should start by emphasizing that I speak to you as a good global citizen.  Scale of Human and Earth Rights Global Parliament s Constitution   GCEG s commitment to the Global Community to make government and global citizens responsible and accountable, and to bring about Global Peace  Employment for every global citizen  Global Community Citizenship (every participant would become a global citizen)  We the Peoples are us Global Community days of celebration or remembering throughout the year: Global Citizenship Day on October 29 of every year
  • creating peace amongst community members
  • creating opportunities for global citizens to live with dignity within communities and globally
  • promoting the beneficial effects of the Global Economic Model
  • researching and finding sound solutions to global problems
  • abolishing poverty
  • preventing conflicts and wars by providing a fair and just global governance

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Ministry of Global Peace in government

Over the past decades we have shown that peace in the world and the survival and protection of all life on our planet go hand in hand. Asking for peace in the world means doing whatever is necessary to protect life on our planet. Protecting life implies bringing about the event of peace in the world. Let our time be a time remembered for a new respect for life, our determination to achieve sustainability, and our need for global justice and peace.

Our Global Peace Movement is about the courage to live a life in a harmonious peace order and showing by example, thus preventing poverty, wars, terror and violence. We need to educate the coming generations with good principles, being compassionate, social harmony and global sustainability being some of them.

Soul of all Life said in Global Peace Earth "Soul of all Life teaching about Peace: Introduction" Peace is being who you are without fear. It is the "being who you are" who must be taught a value based on principles to live by. Only principles described in Global Law are necessary and required to attain Peace in the world.

Previous work done by Global Community on the creation of Peace in the world
What Peace amongst nations means? What Peace amongst nations means?
Global Peace Movement and Disarmament Global Peace Movement and Disarmament
What Peace amongst nations means (introduction) What Peace amongst nations means
The Canadian experience is the pathway to Peace in the world The Canadian experience is the pathway to Peace in the world
Peace amongst nations means follow the pathway to Peace in the world Peace amongst nations means follow the pathway to Peace in the world
Building a Global Civilization for all life Building a Global Civilization for all life
Fundamentals for PeaceFundamentals
Global Protection Agency (GPA) Global Protection Agency (GPA)
What we can no longer do What we can no longer do
What we must do for Peace What we must do
Global Rights year one Global Rights year one
Global Community Peace Movement has declared a planetary state of emergency. Global Community Peace advocates have told their stories
Essential services  Essential services
Essential services HQ  Essential services HQ
Global Essential Services Main Index Global Essential Services Main Index
Global Community of North America (GCNA) Emergency, Rescue, and Relief Centre  Global Community of North America (GCNA)  Emergency, Rescue, and Relief Centre
Federation of Global Governments Emergency, Rescue, and Relief Centre Esential services
Global Citizens concerned about global issues since 1985. Global Citizens voting on issues Letter to all Canadians concerning new legislation on direct democracy Global Citizens Rights, Responsibility and Accountability Act Freedom, security and justice without borders (Part II) Global Community and every global citizen, also known as the human family, the global civil society. I should start by emphasizing that I speak to you as a good global citizen.  Scale of Human and Earth Rights Global Parliament s Constitution   GCEG s commitment to the Global Community to make government and global citizens responsible and accountable, and to bring about Global Peace  Employment for every global citizen  Global Community Citizenship (every participant would become a global citizen)  We the Peoples are us Global Community days of celebration or remembering throughout the year: Global Citizenship Day on October 29 of every year
Ministry of Global Peace in government

Ministry of Global Peace in government
Global Dialogue 2013 is more concerned about the formation of a Ministry of Global Peace in the government of each nation of the world. There are several reasons why this is an important step in the history of humanity, and we will make that aspect of our Dialogue an extensive research and development. We ask everyone to participate because this is for all of us on planet Earth.

The formation of Global Ministries has been a goal of Global Community ever since 1985 when Global Community was first created along with many other major global projects such as Global Peace Ministry, Global Peace Village and Global Peace Earth.

Global Peace Village , a long time project of the Global Community, has always been about the teaching of Peace in the world. This goal may change over time but for now that is what we are doing. Global Peace Village is somewhat different than our Global Peace Earth project in its method of teaching and audiences to reach. Global Peace Earth reaches all of humanity, collects data from all aspects of life, makes assessment concerning what is the best way forward for all life on the planet, and actually shows the best way forward globally. On the hand, Global Peace Village has a history of dealing with individual communities, knowing their problems and concerns, and making a difference for the better. Of course, both projects work hand in hand for Peace in the world.

Over the past decades we have shown that peace in the world and the survival and protection of all life on our planet go hand in hand. Asking for peace in the world means doing whatever is necessary to protect life on our planet. Protecting life implies bringing about the event of peace in the world. Let our time be a time remembered for a new respect for life, our determination to achieve sustainability, and our need for global justice and peace.

From now on, building global communities for peace require understanding of global problems this generation is facing. There are several major problems: conflicts and wars, no tolerance and compassion for one another, world overpopulation, unemployment, insufficient protection and prevention for global health, scarcity of resources and drinking water, poverty, fauna and flora species disappearing at a fast rate, global warming and global climate change, global pollution, permanent lost of the Earth's genetic heritage, and the destruction of the global life-support systems and the eco-systems of the planet. We need to build global communities that will manage themselves with the understanding of those problems. All aspects are interrelated: global peace, global sustainability, global rights and the environment. The jobless is more concerned with ending starvation, finding a proper shelter and employment, and helping their children to survive. Environmental issues become meaningless to the jobless. In reality, all concerns are interrelated because the ecology of the planet has no boundaries. Obviously, as soon as our environment is destroyed or polluted beyond repair, human suffering is next.

Our goal for peace in the world can only be reached by resolving those global problems. Those problems have brought up a planetary state of emergency . In view of the planetary state of emergency, shown and declared by the Global Community, we all must change, we must do things differently to give life on Earth a better survival chance and bring about the event of peace amongst us all. There are also long term solutions. The Scale of Global Rights is the fundamental guide to Global Law. Global Law includes legislation covering all essential aspects of human activities.

The Global Protection Agency will enforce the law. And that is a long term solution to the planetary state of emergency. And that is also how we can solve the global problems facing this generation, thus largely improving the quality of life of the next generations, and that is how we will bring about the event of peace amongst us all.

Our first objective was to find statements from all religions, all faiths, that promote ethical and moral responsibility to life and a responsible Earth management. This was assumed to work well within the context of the global civilization of the 3rd Millennium and after defining the Global Community criteria of symbiotical relationships . In this context, we have defined that any symbiotical relationship is for the good of all. It is based on a genuine group concern and unconditional support for the individual's well-being ~ a giant leap in human behaviour. Symbiotical relationships are needed today for the long term future of humanity, for the protection of life on our planet, and to bring about the event of peace amongst us all.

The fundamental criteria of any symbiotical relationship is that a relationship is created for the good of all groups participating in the relationship and for the good of humanity, all life on Earth. The relationship allows a global equitable and peaceful development and a more stable and inclusive global economy.

Religious rituals now support the conservation efforts and play a central role in governing the sustainable use of the natural environment.

The Global Movement to Help , an initiative of the Global Community and of the Federation of Global Governments , is now applying more emphasis on the urgent need from the people of all nations to give everyone essential services. The urgent need to give all Global Citizens essential services was made obvious in the past few years after the occurrence of natural disasters, and the global destruction created by the military.

 Summary image of the theme Peace in the world with Global Community.
Artwork by Germain Dufour
October 11 2014

Summary image of the theme "Peace in the world with Global Community".

Building global communities require understanding of global problems this generation is facing. There are several major problems: conflicts and wars, no tolerance and compassion for one another, world overpopulation, human activities accelerating dangerously the amount of greenhouse gases in the air, as population increases the respect and value of a human life is in decline, insufficient protection and prevention for global health, scarcity of resources and drinking water, poverty, Fauna and Flora species disappearing at a fast rate, global warming and global climate change, global pollution reaching unhealthy peaks in the air, water and soils, deforestation, permanent lost of the Earth's genetic heritage, and the destruction of the global life-support systems and the eco-systems of the planet. We need to build global communities for all life on the planet. We need to build global communities that will manage themselves with the understanding of the above problems.

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Global security.

Security is a primordial human and Earth right. Global Community has broadened the traditional focus of the security of nations to include both the security of people as well as that of the planet. Global security policies include:

* every person on Earth has a right to a secure existence, and all states have an obligation to protect those rights
* prevention of conflicts and wars; identification, anticipation, and resolving conflicts before they become armed confrontations
* military force is not a legitimate political instrument
* weapons of mass destruction are not legitimate instruments of national defence
* eliminate all weapons of mass destruction from all nations and have inspectors verifying progress to that effect
* all nations should sign and ratify the conventions to eliminate nuclear, chemical and biological weapons
* the production and trade in arms should be listed as a criminal act against humanity;a Convention on the curtailment of the arms trade with a provision for a mandatory Arms Register and the prohibition of the financing or subsidy of arms exports by governments
* the development of military capabilities is a potential threat to the security of people and all life on Earth; a policy to make the demilitarization of global politics a high priority
* anticipating and managing crises before they escalate into armed conflicts and wars
* maintaining the integrity of the environment and global life-support systems
* managing the environmental, economic, social, political and military conditions that threatened the security of people and the planet

Another major source of global unsecurity for people is the culture of violence in everyday life as it is shown on television screens and cinemas. The American Way of Life is creating this culture of violence. An american child at age six year old has seen more violence on television than any other child of the Middle East over a life span. This culture of violence infects both industrial and developing countries, rich and poor. This trend of culture of violence must end. The movie and TV industry and the Internet are a threat to global security. The media is responsible for the propagation of violence through communications. Why has government not done anyhting to regulate the media industry? Surely everyone understood that on the Scale of Global Rights security of the people of any nation is more important than the human rights related to the freedom of expression of the media industry. Security of the people and the state is on top of the Scale. It is part of the primordial human rights. While freedom of expression is a right found lower on the Scale and is classified partly as:

*    partly Community rights and the right that the greatest number of people has by virtue of its number (50% plus one) and after voting representatives democratically (these rights can be and are usually a part of the constitution of a country)
*    and partly as economic rights (business and consumer rights, and their responsibilities and accountabilities) and social rights (civil and political rights)

So the freedom of expression of a person is not as important as the security of that person and the security of the state.

Worldwide disarmament and security

Worldwide disarmament and security  Worldwide disarmament and security

The planetary state of emergency was brought up by the threat of global warming, climate change, blood resources and blood money, disarmament not being a world issue, which have let us with no other alternatives than to assume someone is guilty until proven innnocent. Like President Bush said: a preventive strike is our only alternative from now on. In view of the planetary state of emergency, the Global Community says: for the protection of all life on Earth, a preventive principle is our only alternative. You are guilty until you can prove otherwise.

Global Disarmament Day

On May 26 of each year, along with the Celebration of Life Day and the Global Peace Mouvement Day, Global Community celebrates the Global Disarmament Day.
Declared nuclear weapons states
Country Warheads active/total Year of first test UN permanent member
United States 40,000 1945 yes
Russia 10,000 1949 yes
United Kingdom <200 1952 yes
France 350 1960 yes
People's Republic of China 130 1964 yes
India 75-115 1974 no
Pakistan 65-90 1998 no
Undeclared nuclear weapons states
Israel 75-200 none or 1979 no

This is a list of states with nuclear weapons. There are currently eight states that have successfully detonated nuclear weapons. Five are considered to be "nuclear weapons states", an internationally recognized status conferred by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). In order of acquisition of nuclear weapons these are: the United States of America, Russia (formerly the Soviet Union), the United Kingdom, France and the People's Republic of China. Since the formulation of the NPT, three non-signatory states of the NPT have conducted nuclear tests: India, Pakistan, and North Korea. Additionally, Israel is also strongly suspected to have an arsenal of nuclear weapons though it has refused to confirm or deny this, and there have been reports that over 200 nuclear weapons might be in its inventory. They were given to Israel by the United States. Israel was considered the Trojan Horse of the USA for the invasion of the Middle East and surrounding nations, including North Korea and China. Back in 1947, the creation of the State of Israel was a strategic military move by the USA military aiming at the invasion of the Middle East and securing for themselves the oil and gas reserves in the region. None of these four countries is currently a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Iran has been developing uranium enrichment technology and stands accused by the United Nations of doing so for weapons purposes. Iran insists that its intentions are limited to domestic nuclear power generation. As of February 4, 2006, the International Atomic Energy Agency referred Iran to the United Nations Security Council in response to concerns on their possible nuclear programs.

On the table above is a list of nations that have admitted the possession of nuclear weapons, the approximate number of warheads under their control in 2002, and the year they tested their first weapon. This list is informally known in global politics as the "Nuclear Club". These figures are estimates, in some cases quite unreliable estimates. Also, these figures represent total warheads possessed, rather than deployed. In particular, under the SORT treaty thousands of Russian and U.S. nuclear warheads are in inactive stockpiles awaiting processing. The radioactive material contained in the warheads can then be recycled for use in nuclear reactors that drive nuclear power plants and some military submarines and warships. From a high of 65,000 active weapons in 1985, there were about 55,000 active nuclear weapons in the world in 2002. Many of the "decommissioned" weapons were simply stored or partially dismantled, not destroyed.

Certainly we ought to disarm all nations from all weapons of mass destruction.

The leadership of the United Nations has failed to enforce disarmement. It is a tragedy that such a failure is now seen as the source of other nations, such as North Korea, Iran and others, wanting to defend themselves against an invasion by the USA.

The world knew America was invading the Middle East. Why has the UN not enforced hard sanctions against the USA for its bullying tactics at the UN to get what it wants? Proper UN leadership could have avoided the situation we have today. The UN did nothing at a critical time and just watched things happening. The UN is the organization where bullying takes place by those with nuclear war heads. The world is threatened by nuclear war heads. The five permanent members of the UN are allowed to bully any other nations. They are holding the world hostage with the threat of their nuclear war heads. They are all terrorist governments. There are Global Community Arrest Warrants against all five permanent members leaders. They are terrorists, dangerous criminals, and must be stopped. We will disarm you, like or not! Life on Earth has no need of all you with nuclear war heads and other WMDs. If you refuse to disarm it will be because you are very much like those others you accuse of being terrorists: you are the worst terrorists on the planet.

The USA is invading the world, and the UN can do nothing to stop them. The USA was allowed to invade other nations, change their governments, and has often made lies in speeches to the UN, to the world. Remember what the US representatives told the world at the UN prior to the invasion of Iraq? Lies! All lies! And the leadership of the UN never did anything to reprimand the US representatives and implement hard sanctions for the invasion of Iraq. Ever since the partitioning of Palestine by the UN in 1947, the USA have given Israel enough WMDs, including nuclear war heads, to destroy the entire Middle East region and no sanctions were ever enforced against Israel and the USA. Where was the UN leadership? What has the UN done to stop the invasion? Nothing! The UN has never done anything to help humanity. And that is a crime against humanity. To do nothing is a crime against humanity and all life on Earth. To facilitate the work done on climate change by scientists was OK. The UN should facilitate other worthy causes and conferences. But the work done by those scientists was not done by the UN. The UN have not spent a penny for the work done by scientists. It just seems that the UN is getting credit for a work it has not done.

The Earth Court of Justice along with the Agency of Global Police have made mandatory that all nations let inspectors verify proper dismantle of weapons facilities. We might as well shelved the war industry from humanity right now and that means phasing out all nuclear, biological, chemical weapons right now. No waiting! And again that also means having inspectors verifying the phasing out in all nations of the world, and not just in some Middle East country and North Korea.

There are many instances where the Earth Court of Justice could be successful in bringing Peace amongst nations and helping to step down the planetary state of emergency.

Global Community is promoting the settling of disputes between nations through the process of the Earth Court of Justice. Justice for all is what we want. Justice is a universal value for anyone, anywhere, and in any situations. Justice is to be applied to the military as well. Everyone! Every business and organization!

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Global rights.

Global Rights Global Rights

Building a Global Civilization for all life Scale of Global Rights Fundamentals Global Protection Agency (GPA) What we can no longer do What we must do Portal of the Global Community

Global Protection Agency (GPA) Portal of the Global Community   Definition of  Global Rights  Fundamentals Scale of Global Rights Building a Global Civilization for all life What we must do What we can no longer do  SoulLife's higher purpose for humanity

Global Community must now direct the wealth of the world towards the building of local-to-global economic democracies in order to meet the needs for food, shelter, universal healthcare, education, and employment for all. Introduction to Global Rights year one

Truly, the world is on the threshold of a global revolution, and needs to proceed with the non-violent approach. Global Community needs to build an economic democracy based firmly on the basic principle that the Earth belongs equally to everyone as a birthright. The Earth is for all people to labor and live on and should never be the possession of any individual, corporation, or uncaring government, any more than the air or water, or any other Earth natural resources. An individual, or a business should have no more than is needed for a healthy living.

The impacts of our democracy are destroying the Earth global life-support systems. To live in a world at peace and have conditions of basic justice and fairness in human interactions, our democratic values must be based on the principle of equal rights to the Earth.

Territorial conflict has for millennium been the basis of war and mass killing of others. Throughout the ages wars have been fought over land, and other Earth natural resources. We have seen oil conflicts in the Persian Gulf, and the Caspian Sea Basin. We have seen water conflicts in the Nile Basin, the Jordan, and Indus River Basins. We have seen wars being fought over minerals and timber in Brazil, Angola, Cambodia, Columbia, Congo, Liberia, the Philippines, and Indonesia. The view from space shows us a global landscape in which competition over resources is the governing principle behind the use of military power. Truly, resources have become the new political boundaries.

When people know they own the resources in their communities then people can start directing the wealth of their resources towards the building of local-to-global economic democracies in order to meet the needs for food, shelter, universal healthcare, education, and employment for all in their community. Global rights will help here. Global rights allow people to do what they need to do in order to be sustainable. People and communities are protected by global rights.

The universality of human rights recognizes the right of all individuals to participate in the cultural life of their community and of other country, to receive education and training, and to be informed. The Global Community is aware that traditional customs and standards could burden the sustainability of all life on Earth. They could burden Earth society or any society forever, and holds individuals in a straitjacket. We cannot accept that. No one can! There are choices to be made and you must make them. Cultures can develop and can go on developing. Even religious beliefs may evolve. We are living now, and we are able to create these changes. We are at least as bright, most certainly brighter, than the people who were living thousand of years ago. 

As far as the Global Community is concerned, cultural and religious differences cannot be a reason or an excuse or a pretext for not respecting human rights and, most importantly, ecological rights. Quite the contrary, all kinds of cultures may promote human rights and especially cultural rights. They are different in their achievements, but they are equal in dignity where they are expressions of  freedom. At any time or in any given place, men, women and children use their culture to invent new ways of making human rights a living reality. Diversity enriches us if it respects the dignity of each individual, and if it takes account of  human rights as a whole.

Today, earquakes, cyclones and other natural disasters require a rapid and efficient response from the world to help those in needs. We need to be organized and ready to help. We need all nations to be a part of this Global Movement to Help.

In the chaos after the magnitude 7.9 earthquake in China, which made 5 million homeless, many survivors were separated from their families. Burma was hit by a cyclone at the beginning of the month of May, leaving over two million persons in need of emergency relief. Thousands of children and parents have been separated. Nowadays, natural and human made disasters have become more frequent and require a rapid response to help.

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Global justice.

Global Justice Movement Global Justice Movement as developed by Global Community has many inter-related components: monetary, social, economic, environmental, democracy, and peace.

Global Justice Movement Global Justice Movement promotes new thinking to benefit all economies and societies – the true, fair, democratic and efficient solution to poverty.

Global Community has the productive resources to eliminate poverty and injustice. Humanity is now in the process of developing the democratic and transparent communications infrastructure which can bring this about.

Our approach transcends left-wing/right-wing designations. We see both conventional capitalism and socialism as being two arms of a philosophy which concentrate power in an elite, to the detriment of society as a whole. Reforming the current money system, to empower each and every person, is a first step for justice.

Global Justice Movement stands for:

1. Each person has the right to have clean air, clean water, food and housing, along with access to a quality health and educational system.

2. Every person should be respected, equal, free and able to choose their own destiny.

3. Everyone should be able to fulfill their full emotional, intellectual and spiritual potential.

4. Every person must respect Earth and take responsibility for preserving the environment including the fauna and flora, all of which are interdependent and share a symbiotical relationship with humanity.

5. The inalienable rights of the individual include the rights of life, liberty, access to productive property, truly free markets, and equal justice before the law.

6. It is the duty of democratic government to secure the results the people want from the transparent management of their public affairs, as far as such results do not infringe on the rights of the individual.

7. Replacing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the Scale of Global Rights.

The four interacting circles are quality systems.

Artwork by Germain Dufour
October 2014
( see enlargement 2 MB The four interacting circles are quality systems. )

The four interacting circles are quality systems.The mathematical model for the measurement of sustainable development They are used because together they form a neat geometric expression about a complicated intellectual concept. They represent interactions. These interactions occur between the systems and within each individual system. Here same-size circles represent mathematical local/global indicators  Restoration of the planet, our home that have been developed for assessing and measuring sustainable development within four important realities in local/global life. The scale Scale of Human and Earth Rights used within the mathematical model reflects the importance of each quality system in ensuring a sound future for Earth. People need a healthy environment and resources for family, community, government, business and industry. Universal health care, education, retirement security and employment services to every Global Community citizen Businesses cannot thrive without people and resources. Global economy and trade Earth resources need to be managed wisely so they last longer and be of good use for all of us and the next generations. Let us not waste. Preventive actions against polluters Let us protect all life. Protection of the global life-support systems Economic stability depends on people, resources, and good businesses and trade. The Global Economic Model Earth Government Global Economic System was developed to bring stability. Global Community will help businesses to be part of the solution to the challenges of globalisation. In this way, the private sector in partnership with civil society can help realize a vision: allowing a global equitable and peaceful development and a more stable and inclusive global economy. And all of the above cannot exist without a healthy environment. Earth Environmental Governance can only be achieved successfully within the larger context of Sustainable Developent  and Earth Management.  All aspects are inter-related and affect one another  The four interacting circles are a simplistic expression of our need for one another, our interactions, our symbiotical relationships, and the thoughtless damage we can cause if not careful. We are worlds within worlds orbiting in and through each other’s space. This interaction can be planned and executed in a caring, considerate manner so that all may exist and not destroy the other. The four interacting circles also give us an indication of how difficult it may be to apply Global Justice for all life on the planet, and how difficult it is to include the needs of the next generations in our ways of doing things. It has been necessary to conduct a two decades long Global Dialogue, and longer even, to find a process for the establishment of justice amongst us all. We are now seeing all aspects of life through a single focusing lens we have called Global Law. Life is protected And that is the framework of Global Justice for all life on the planet as researched and developed by the Global Community.

The Global Community has had work on Global Justice for all life on the planet ever since 1985. A short list of our previous work on Global Justice for all life on the planet is shown here. A short list of our previous work on Global Justice for all life on the planet  is shown here

Global Community Global Justice Movement has many inter-related components: monetary, social, economic, environmental, democracy, and peace. Global Community Global Justice Movement promotes new thinking to benefit all economies and societies – the true, fair, democratic and efficient solution to poverty. Global Community has the productive resources to eliminate poverty and injustice. Humanity is now in the process of developing the democratic and transparent communications infrastructure which can bring this about.Global Community Earth Government  and the Global Constitution

Our approach transcends left-wing/right-wing designations. We see both conventional capitalism and socialism as being two arms of a philosophy which concentrate power in an elite, to the detriment of society as a whole. Reforming the current money system, to empower each and every person, is a first step for justice.

The Global Community Global Justice Movement stands for:

1.     Each person has the right to have warmth, clean air, clean water, food and housing, along with access to a quality health and educational system.

2.     Every person should be respected, equal, free and able to choose their own destiny.

3.     Everyone should be able to fulfill their full emotional, intellectual and spiritual potential.

4.     Every person must respect the rest of creation and take responsibility for preserving the environment including the fauna and flora, all of which are interdependent and share a divine origin with humanity.

5.     The inalienable rights of the individual include the rights of life, liberty, access to productive property, truly free markets, and equal justice before the law.

6.     Global Economic System that is fair for all.

7.     It is the duty of democratic government to secure the results the people want from the transparent management of their public affairs, as far as such results do not infringe on the rights of the individual.

8.     Global Community Global Peace Movement Global Community Global Peace Movement is about educating ourselves to engage in personal diplomacy in another country. We are given opportunities to meet and listen to some of the leading authorities on such subjects as humanitarian and volunteerism, education, politics, historical, social and cultural perspectives, conflict management, teamwork, world affairs, community involvement, and religion.

9.     Global Justice for all Life on the planet and it is about:

*     establishing respect for human and Earth rights;

*     implementing a global regulatory framework for capitals and corporations that emphasizes global corporate ethics, corporate social responsibility, protection of human and Earth rights, the environment, community and family aspects, safe working conditions, fair wages and sustainable consumption aspects;

*     establishing freshwater and clean air as primordial human rights;

*     practicing tolerance and living together in peace and harmony with one another as neighbours;

*     promoting the economic and social advancement of all peoples;

*     maintaining peace and security in the world by using negotiations and peaceful means;

*     finding unity in diversity with all Life;

*     establishing the respect for the life-support system of the planet;

*     keeping Earth healthy, productive and hospitable for all people and living things, and

*     applying the principle that when there is a need to find a solution to a problem or a concern, a sound solution would be to choose a measure or conduct an action, if possible, which causes reversible damage as opposed to a measure or an action causing an irreversible loss.

Global Community has shown that corporate-style globalization that ignores the needs of the poor and the environment will no longer be tolerated. Global Community is joining students, environmentalists, people of faith, human rights activists, and others, in the global struggle against corporate globalization being fought in cities and towns across the world.

We works on issues of global economic and social justice and sustainability. We believe another world is possible and necessary. We envision a world free of corporate domination and crushing debt, particularly in communities of color. We act to expose and change the institutionalized violence wrought by international financial and trade institutions such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and World Trade Organization.

Cancel all impoverished country debt to the World Bank and IMF, using the institutions' own resources.

End all World Bank and IMF policies that hinder people's access to food, clean water, shelter, health care, education, and right to organize. (Such "structural adjustment" policies include user fees, privatization, and so-called economic austerity programs).

Stop all World Bank support for socially and environmentally destructive projects such as oil, gas, and mining activities, and all support for projects such as dams that include forced relocation of people.

We are committed to nonviolence and recognizes militarism as a tool used by the global corporate elite to keep money flowing to the privileged few while restricting the rights of people worldwide. We oppose corporate practice which places short-term profits ahead of human dignity, sustainable development and a healthy earth. We stand for the globalization of our rights to speech, thought, religion, assembly, a clean environment, self-determination, freedom from fear and persecution and freedom from poverty.

We stand for the rights of women, children, elderly, affordable health care, strong labor rights and social and economic policies that put people and the environment before profits. We are opposed to the globalization of greed and obscene concentrations of wealth -- we say that another world is possible and necessary.

Global Community is a non-hierarchical nonviolent organization of individuals and organizations that promotes the arts, conducts workshops, facilitates nonviolent direct actions, educates, organizes, campaigns, empowers, and aims to rip injustice from its roots.

Global Community movement for Global Justice is committed to making all Global Dialogues and Global Exhibitions safe spaces that are open, accessible, and accepting of all. We welcome everyone to participate in making this happen. If you have any special needs, please let us know.

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Global law.

Global Law Global Law

Statutes       Codes       Bills       Global Parliament  Law        Global Citizens Rights, Responsibility and  Accountability Act
Global Parliament shall enact legislation as laid down in the Global Parliament Constitution. Chapter 12, on the Exercise of Global Parliament competence, and more specifically, Chapter 12.1, on Common provisions, describe the process by which Global Law was enacted.

Article 228:     The legal acts of Global Parliament

1.     In exercising the competences conferred on it in the Constitution, Global Parliament shall use as legal instruments, in accordance with the provisions of Chapters 19 to 25, Global Laws, nations'regulations, decisions, recommendations and opinions. A global law shall be a legislative act of general application. It shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member Nations. A global framework law shall be a legislative act binding, as to the result to be achieved, on Member Nations to which it is addressed, but leaving the national authorities entirely free to choose the form and means of achieving that result. A global regulation shall be a non-legislative act of general application for the implementation of legislative acts and of certain specific provisions of the Constitution. It may either be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member Nations, or be binding, as regards the result to be achieved, on all Member Nations to which it is addressed, but leaving the national authorities entirely free to choose the form and means of achieving that result. A global decision shall be a non-legislative act, binding in its entirety. A decision which specifies those to whom it is addressed shall be binding only on them. Recommendations and opinions adopted by the Institutions shall have no binding force.

2.     When considering proposals for legislative acts, Global Parliament shall refrain from adopting acts not provided for by this Article in the area in question.

Article 229:     Legislative acts

1.     Global laws and global framework laws shall be adopted, on the basis of proposals from the Global Judiciary , jointly by the Global Parliament and the Earth Executive Council under the ordinary legislative procedure as set out in Article 312. If the two Institutions cannot reach agreement on an act, it shall not be adopted. In the cases specifically provided for in Article 813, global laws and global framework laws may be adopted at the initiative of a group of Member Nations in accordance with Article 312.

2.     In the specific cases provided for by the Global Parliament Constitution, global laws and global framework laws shall be adopted by the Global Parliament with the participation of the Earth Executive Council, or by the latter with the participation of Global Parliament, in accordance with special legislative procedures.

Seeing the world today, Global Community claims that each of us depends on the well-being of the whole, and so global citizens have respect for the community of living beings, people and all other lifeforms, and plants, and for the preservation of Earth, air, water and soil. And that explains why the protection of the global life-support systems is the most important right on the Scale of Global Rights. Without this right there would be no life on our planet.

There is such a thing as Justice! Global Community ethics offer the possibility of a better individual and community, a global order with fairness and Justice, and a wolrd with Hope and Love. A world where everything make sense in all areas of life, for families and communities, for races, nations and all religions.

Artwork by Germain Dufour
October 2014
( see enlargement 4 MB There is such a thing as Justice! Global Community ethics offer the possibility of a better individual and community, a global order with fairness and Justice, and a wolrd with Hope and Love. A world where everything make sense in all areas of life, for families and communities, for races, nations and all religions. )
( see also enlargement Global Law)
Global Law
Artwork by Germain Dufour
April 22, 2010

There is such a thing as Justice! Global Community ethics offer the possibility of a better individual and community, a global order with fairness and Justice, and a wolrd with Hope and Love. A world where everything make sense in all areas of life, for families and communities, for races, nations and all religions. Peoples are asked to live a life following similar standards and fundamental rights and laws.

The four (4) pillars of Global Law

Life often involves tensions between important values. This can mean difficult choices. However, we must find ways to harmonize diversity with unity, the exercise of freedom with the common good, short-term objectives with long-term goals. Every individual, family, organization, and community has a vital role to play. The arts, sciences, religions, educational institutions, media, businesses, nongovernmental organizations, and governments are all called to offer creative leadership. The partnership of government, civil society, and business is essential for effective governance.

Global Law

SoulLife, Ecclesiastical Teaching, Civic Law by Government, Natural Processes and Laws, are fundamental pillars of Global Law. The work of the Global Community, the global civil society, and the determination of government worldwide, make it possible for everyone to comply with the law. The Global Protection Agency (GPA) enforces the law.

In order to build a sustainable global community, each individual, each local community, and national governments of the world must initiate their commitment to the Global Community, and support the implementation of the Scale of Global Rights principles with an international legally binding instrument on environment and development. This binding instrument is now called Global Law.

  • Global Law Global Law
  • Justice for all with Global Law Justice for all with Global Law
    Global Rights Global Rights
    The Judiciary Global Parliament Constitution  Chapter VIII     Enhanced cooperation between Member Nations Global Parliament Constitution  Chapter XIV     Global Community Global Community  with its governing institutions and bodies Global Parliament Constitution  Chapter XII     Exercise of Global Community  competence
    Earth Court of Justice Global Parliament Constitution  Chapter XIV     Global Community Global Community  with its governing institutions and bodies  Global Justice Movement for all life aspects and issues   Earth Court of Justice aspects and issues   Global Justice for all life on the planet
    Standards & good practices Global Parliament Constitution  Chapter IV     Global Community concepts and universal values Global Parliament Constitution  Chapter X     Scale of Human and Earth Rights Global Parliament Constitution  Chapter XIV     Global Community Global Community  with its governing institutions and bodies Global Parliament Constitution  Chapter XVIII     Global policies in other areas of Global Community Global Parliament Constitution  Chapter XIX     Freedom, security and justice without borders Global Parliament Constitution  Chapter XX     Areas where Global Community  may take coordinating, complementary or supporting action
    Global Law & Regulations  SoulLife, Nature Law, the teaching of the Soul of Humanity with the teaching of the prophet are fundamental pillars of our Global Law Global Citizens Rights, Responsibility and Accountability Act Global Community  Global Law consists of 69 codes, covering various subject areas, the Global Parliament Constitution , Bills and Statutes Global Parliament Constitution  Chapter X     Scale of Human and Earth Rights Global Parliament Constitution  Chapter XIV     Global Community Global Community  with its governing institutions and bodies Global Parliament Constitution  Chapter XVIII     Global policies in other areas of Global Community Global Parliament Constitution  Chapter XIX     Freedom, security and justice without borders Global Parliament Constitution  Chapter XX     Areas where Global Community  may take coordinating, complementary or supporting action Global Parliament Constitution  Chapter XII     Exercise of Global Community  competence About Global Law, Codes and standards Global Community  Legislation Global Parliament Constitution  Chapter XI     Limits of Global Community  competences Global Parliament Constitution  Chapter XV     Consistency between the different policies and activities of Global Community Global Parliament Constitution  Chapter XVI     A global market without borders in which the free movement of goods, persons, services and capital is ensured in accordance with this Constitution
    Formation of new nations Portal of the Global Civilization  The Global Community organization is calling upon global citizens and all peoples and governments of the world to rally with the GCEG for the good of all.  Unity in diversity. Getting to know one another and ourselves as one humanity. What Peace amongst nations means? Fundamentals of Global Rights
    Settling of disputes between nations through the process of the Earth Court of Justice The settling of disputes between nations Global Parliament Constitution  Chapter II     Earth Security and Peace Global Parliament Constitution  Chapter V     The establishment of Global Communities Global Parliament Constitution  Chapter VI     Global Community  Global Community Citizenship Global Parliament Constitution  Chapter XIV     Global Community Global Community  with its governing institutions and bodies Global Parliament Constitution  Chapter XXIII     Safeguards and Reservations What Peace amongst nations means? Fundamentals of Global Rights
    Codes, Bills, Acts, and Statutes About Global Law, Codes and standards Global Community  Legislation  SoulLife, Nature Law, the teaching of the Soul of Humanity with the teaching of the prophet are fundamental pillars of our Global Law Global Citizens Rights, Responsibility and Accountability Act Global Community  Global Law consists of 69 codes, covering various subject areas, the Global Parliament Constitution , Bills and Statutes
    Global Justice Network Global Justice Network  Global Justice Network
    Global Protection Agency (GPA) Main index of the  Global Protection Agency (GPA)  Global Protection Agency (GPA)
    Global Rights Global Rights

( see enlargement  Global Law)
Global Law
Artwork by Germain Dufour
June, 2010

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Global Justice movement

Justice for all with Global Law
( see enlargement Justice for all with Global Law)
Justice for all with Global Law
Artwork by Germain Dufour
June, 2010

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Global Protection Agency (GPA).

Global Protection Agency (GPA)
Artwork by Germain Dufour
October 2014
( see enlargement 1 MB Global Protection Agency (GPA) )

The Global Protection Agency will train and lead a global force, bypassing traditional peacekeeping and military bodies such as the United Nations and NATO. This is a great opportunity for globallateralism.

The Global Protection Agency (GPA) is leading a group of people in the world who participate in:

a)     peacekeeping or peacemaking mission;

b)     creating global ministries for:
1.     the policy response to the consequences of the global warming, and
2.     the development of strategies to adapt to the consequences of the unavoidable climate change.

c)     enforcing global law;

d)     saving the Earth's genetic heritage;

e)     keeping the world healthy and at peace;

f)     protecting the global life-support systems and the eco-systems of the planet;

g)     dealing with the impacts of: global poverty, lack of drinking water and food, global warming and the global climate change, threat to security, conflicts and wars, lack of good quality soil for agriculture, polluted air, water and land, overcrownded cities, more new and old diseases out of control, widespread drugs, human and Earth rights abuses, world overpopulation, and lack of resources;

h)     broadening the traditional focus of the security of states to include both the security of people as well as that of the planet. Global security policies include:

*     every person on Earth has a right to a secure existence, and all states have an obligation to protect those rights
*     prevention of conflicts and wars; identification, anticipation, and resolving conflicts before they become armed confrontations. The Earth Court of Justice will help here.
*     military force is not a legitimate political instrument
*     weapons of mass destruction are not legitimate instruments of national defence
*     eliminate all weapons of mass destruction from all nations and have inspectors verifying progress to that effect
*     all nations should sign and ratify the conventions to eliminate nuclear, chemical and biological weapons
*     the production and trade in arms should be listed as a criminal act against humanity; this global ministry will introduce a Convention on the curtailment of the arms trade, a provision for a mandatory Arms Register and the prohibition of the financing or subsidy of arms exports by governments
*     the development of military capabilities is a potential threat to the security of people and all life on Earth; the ministry will make the demilitarization of global politics a high priority.
*     anticipating and managing crises before they escalate into armed conflicts and wars
*     maintaining the integrity of the environment and global life-support systems
*     managing the environmental, economic, social, political and military conditions that threatened the security of people and all life on the planet
*     over the past decades and even now today, all Five Permanent Members of the United Nations Security Council (mostly the United States, Russia and Britain) were responsible for selling weapons and war equipment. These three nations are required to give back to the Global Community an amount of 8 trillion dollars (American) as a payment for the immense damage they have caused in the world. They have created a culture of violence throughout the world. They are nation bullies, nation predators. They are responsible for economic mismanagement, ethnic tensions, crimes, drug abuse, high unemployment, urban stress, worldwide poverty, and pressures on natural resources. Most conflicts in the world are direct legacies of cold war power politics, senseless politics. Other conflicts were caused by the end of the cold war and the collapse of old regimes. Other factors have combined to increase tension: religious, economical, political, and ethnic aspects. The dollar fine is to be administered by Global Parliament.

Global Community has developed a global strategy to reinforce primordial human rights.

Recommendations to that effect are:

*     provision of minimal standards of health, education, and housing worldwide
*     reduce inequality in access to work opportunities
*     care for the quality of life of the people
*     all nations must ratify an agreement to form the Earth Court of Justice
*     increase global cooperation between nations to deal with terrorism in a more selective, targeted way
*     help the Global Community promote and implement its global civic ethic program worldwide
*     allow our volunteers perform their global ethical management tasks during conflict resolution
*     emphasise social responsibility of corporations in the whole cycle of their products or services
*     expand coordination and global cooperation among nations, agencies, and NGOs, regarding information, early warning, apprehension, and punishment of terrorists through the Earth Court of Justice. The Court will create an environment for transparent Justice.
*     when there is massive damage done to a country that is abhorent to most countries of the world then the Earth Court of Justice will find it justified to go after the suspected criminals wherever they may be hiding

Global Protection Agency (GPA) Global Protection Agency (GPA)
Global Rights Global Rights
The Judiciary Global Constitution Chapter VIII     Enhanced cooperation between Member Nations Global Constitution Chapter XIV     Global Community Earth Government with its governing institutions and bodies Global Constitution Chapter XII     Exercise of Earth Government competence
Earth Court of Justice Global Constitution Chapter XIV     Global Community Earth Government with its governing institutions and bodies  Global Justice Movement for all life aspects and issues   Earth Court of Justice aspects and issues   Global Justice for all life on the planet
Standards & good practices Global Constitution Chapter IV     Global Community concepts and universal values Global Constitution Chapter X     Scale of Human and Earth Rights Global Constitution Chapter XIV     Global Community Earth Government with its governing institutions and bodies Global Constitution Chapter XVIII     Global policies in other areas of Earth Government Global Constitution Chapter XIX     Freedom, security and justice without borders Global Constitution Chapter XX     Areas where Earth Government may take coordinating, complementary or supporting action
Global Law & Regulations  SoulLife, Nature Law, the teaching of the Soul of Humanity with the teaching of the prophet are fundamental pillars of our Global Law Global Citizens Rights, Responsibility and Accountability Act Earth Government Global Law consists of 69 codes, covering various subject areas, the Global Constitution, Bills and Statutes Global Constitution Chapter X     Scale of Human and Earth Rights Global Constitution Chapter XIV     Global Community Earth Government with its governing institutions and bodies Global Constitution Chapter XVIII     Global policies in other areas of Earth Government Global Constitution Chapter XIX     Freedom, security and justice without borders Global Constitution Chapter XX     Areas where Earth Government may take coordinating, complementary or supporting action Global Constitution Chapter XII     Exercise of Earth Government competence About Global Law, Codes and standards Earth Government Legislation Global Constitution Chapter XI     Limits of Earth Government competences Global Constitution Chapter XV     Consistency between the different policies and activities of Earth Government Global Constitution Chapter XVI     A global market without borders in which the free movement of goods, persons, services and capital is ensured in accordance with this Constitution
Formation of new nations Portal of the Global Civilization  The Global Community organization is calling upon global citizens and all peoples and governments of the world to rally with the GCEG for the good of all.  Unity in diversity. Getting to know one another and ourselves as one humanity. What Peace amongst nations means? Fundamentals of Global Rights
Settling of disputes between nations through the process of the Earth Court of Justice The settling of disputes between nations Global Constitution Chapter II     Earth Security and Peace Global Constitution Chapter V     The establishment of Global Communities Global Constitution Chapter VI     Earth Government Global Community Citizenship Global Constitution Chapter XIV     Global Community Earth Government with its governing institutions and bodies Global Constitution Chapter XXIII     Safeguards and Reservations What Peace amongst nations means? Fundamentals of Global Rights
Codes, Bills, Acts, and Statutes About Global Law, Codes and standards Earth Government Legislation  SoulLife, Nature Law, the teaching of the Soul of Humanity with the teaching of the prophet are fundamental pillars of our Global Law Global Citizens Rights, Responsibility and Accountability Act Earth Government Global Law consists of 69 codes, covering various subject areas, the Global Constitution, Bills and Statutes
Federation of Global Governments Head Quarters Federation of Global Governments Head Quarters Federation of Global Governments
Portal of the Global Community Portal of the Global Community

Global Movement to Help main listing:
  • Federation of Global Governments Head Quarters (HQ) Federation of Global Governments Head Quarters Federation of Global Governments
  • Essential services Main index the Global Movement to Help essential services   Essential services
  • Global Justice Network Global Justice Network  Global Justice Network
  • Global Protection Agency (GPA) Main index of the  Global Protection Agency (GPA)  Global Protection Agency (GPA)
  • Global Rights Global Rights
  • Portal of the Global Community Portal of the Global Community
  • Portal Global Dialogue 2009 Main website of Global Dialogue 2009
  • Global Information Media (GIM) proclamations    Global Information Media (GIM) proclamations
  • Portal of Global Dialogue 2008 Portal of Global Dialogue 2008
  • Proceedings of the Global Dialogue   Proceedings of the Global Dialogue
  • Global Peace Movement amongst nations and people Global Peace Movement amongst nations and people
  • Global Citizens voting on issues Global Community voting on issues

Building global communities requires a mean to enforce global law that protects all life on Earth.

Global Protection Agency will train and lead a global force, bypassing traditional peacekeeping and military bodies such as the United Nations and NATO. This is a great opportunity for globallateralism.

The Global Protection Agency (GPA) is leading a group of people in the world who participate in:

a)     peacekeeping or peacemaking mission;

b)     creating global ministries for:
1. the policy response to the consequences of the global warming, and
2. the development of strategies to adapt to the consequences of the unavoidable climate change.
c)     enforcing global law;

d)     saving the Earth's genetic heritage;

e)     keeping the world healthy and at peace;

f)     protecting the global life-support systems and the eco-systems of the planet;

g)     dealing with the impacts of: global poverty, lack of drinking water and food, global warming and the global climate change, threat to security, conflicts and wars, lack of good quality soil for agriculture, polluted air, water and land, overcrownded cities, more new and old diseases out of control, widespread drugs, human and Earth rights abuses, world overpopulation, and lack of resources;

h)     broadening the traditional focus of the security of states to include both the security of people as well as that of the planet. Global security policies include:
*     every person on Earth has a right to a secure existence, and all states have an obligation to protect those rights
*     prevention of conflicts and wars; identification, anticipation, and resolving conflicts before they become armed confrontations. The Earth Court of Justice will help here.
*     military force is not a legitimate political instrument
*     weapons of mass destruction are not legitimate instruments of national defence
*     eliminate all weapons of mass destruction from all nations and have inspectors verifying progress to that effect
*     all nations should sign and ratify the conventions to eliminate nuclear, chemical and biological weapons
*     the production and trade in arms should be listed as a criminal act against humanity; this global ministry will introduce a Convention on the curtailment of the arms trade, a provision for a mandatory Arms Register and the prohibition of the financing or subsidy of arms exports by governments
*     the development of military capabilities is a potential threat to the security of people and all life on Earth; the ministry will make the demilitarization of global politics a high priority.
*     anticipating and managing crises before they escalate into armed conflicts and wars
*     maintaining the integrity of the environment and global life-support systems
*     managing the environmental, economic, social, political and military conditions that threatened the security of people and all life on the planet
*     over the past decades and even now today, all Five Permanent Members of the United Nations Security Council (mostly the United States, Russia and Britain) were responsible for selling weapons and war equipment.

In the past, security was thought as better accomplished through military means. Expanding the military capabilities and forming alliances with other nations were the only way to 'win'. Today wars are unlikely to produce winners. The Global Community is all over the planet. Ethnic groups are everywhere. So we would fight our own people? Wars truly make no sense! The world is too crowded and too small nowadays! And weapons too lethal! So security cannot be achieved through the military. The only job the military should be asked to do today is to protect the global life-support systems. These systems have the highest priority on the Scale of Global Rights and are certainly more important than any of the other rights on the Scale including security. Simply because without life there is no other right possible. Without Oxygen there is no life! Without clean water there is no life! So protect life on Earth at all costs. Wars are the biggest threat to life and the ecosystem of the planet. Primordial human rights come next on the Scale of Global Rights. Without a shelter life will still exist in some places but is not possible in cold place. There are many related aspects of the global life-support systems:
*     global warming
*     Ozone layer
*     wastes of all kind including nuclear and release of radiation
*     climate change
*     species of the fauna and flora becoming extinct
*     losses of forest cover and of biological diversity
*     the capacity for photosynthesis
*     the water cycle
*     food production systems
*     genetic resources
*     chemicals produced for human use and not found in nature and, eventually, reaching the environment with impacts on Earth's waters, soils, air, and ecology

So security must be achieved by other means than wars. We might as well shelved the war industry from humanity right now and that means phasing out all nuclear, biological, chemical weapons right now. No waiting! That also means having inspectors verifying the phasing out in all nations of the world, and not just in some Middle East country. The nature of global security has changed since the rise of the Global Community. Security used to be about the protection of the state and its boundaries, people, institutions and values from an outside threat. Global Community emphasizes as a priority the prohibition of external interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states. Today the security of people within the Global Community is just as important as the security of states. Citizens must be secure. The Global Community is just as important as the security and life of citizens and states.

There are many threats to security other than the threats to the global life-support systems and threat caused by weapons of mass destruction and the threats to the sovereignty of a state, and they include:

*     the proliferation of conventional small arms
*     the terrorizing of civilian populations by domestic groups
*     gross violations of human and Earth rights

Global security can only be achieved if it can be shared by all peoples and through global co-operation, based on principles as explained in the Global Constitution such as justice, human dignity, and equity for all and for the good of all. All people and states are protected by the Global Community.

In connection between human well-being and a sound environment, Earth rights are ecological rights and the rights that human beings have in protecting their global life-support systems. Earth rights are those rights that demonstrate the connection between human well-being and a sound environment. They include individuals and global communities human rights and the rights to a clean environment, and participation in development decisions. We define ecological rights as those rights of the ecosystem of the Earth beyond human purpose. They are those rights that protect and preserve the ecological heritage of the Earth for future generations. The Earth Court of Justice guarantees ecological rights in its Statute. The Court guarantees also the rights to a safe environment and an environment free from environmental degradation.

Earth rights are the rights to life on Earth.

The Global Protection Agency provides leadership for training of other countries citizens who would like to participate in peacekeeping and Earth security so that we have a ready cadre of people who are trained and equipped and organised and have communications that they can work with each other.

The overall size of the force, or who would pay for it, have not been discussed, but the idea has been raised with countries in Europe and Asia.

As well, there are questions about how many nations would sign up if such a force were under the control of Global Community.

To act as a global policing force, as the GPA aspires to do, many foundations must be laid, especially regarding the move from wielding power derived from Global Community to legitimate global leadership. There are many required characteristics that are prerequisite for legitimate leadership:
1.     Legitimate leadership is built upon trust. Those who are led must largely believe that the leader is committed to integrity, honesty, and transparent inquiry into problems. The leader’s actions must align with his words

2.     Legitimate leadership rests upon checks and balances, which are necessary to ensure power is not corrupted.

3.     Legitimate leadership is an act of service. Those in power must show a primary interest in the good of the collective ahead of their self-interest. In this way, true leaders are mission-centered rather than self-centered.

4.     Legitimate leadership empowers others appropriately rather than concentrating power disproportionately. In other words, true leaders produce more leaders and empower them as situations demand.

5.     Legitimate leadership is visionary, carrying the torch of a possible future.

6.     Legitimate leadership is willing to lead by example, including following a foundation of ethics, performing more than one’s share of work, and making sacrifices where appropriate.

7.     Legitimate leadership is compassionately fierce when something undermines the good of the whole. In a company this might mean the CEO fires a slacking employee. In a city, the police may jail a murderer. On a global level, this might even mean arresting those breaking global law.

The defence function of a leader requires that he safeguard the good of the whole by whatever the most skillful means are to accomplish that defence.

While that is not a comprehensive catalog of leadership prerequisites, I do think those few requirements are foundational and relatively unquestionable. Without at least a solid foundation of those requirements, the GPA’s actions among nation-states will remain those of a unilateralist leader rather than a global leader. We will be, and should be, legitimated in the role of a global leader among nation-states and validated as an enforcer of global law. Global Community offers a few recommendations for actions that would strengthen and legitimate the GPA’s role as a true global leader by gradually creating an international structure that better safeguards the whole than we can ever do now as a unilateralist leader.

The GPA recommendations:

1.     Ban military action in all parts of the world;

2.     Lead the way in creating legitimate power for Global Parliament, subjecting ourselves and multinational corporations to taxation that generates money for programs that are focused on world betterment and world problems. As a mark of our global leadership, we should commit a greater percentage of our resources to this effort than any other organization.

3.     Hold ourselves to a high standard of compliance around global treaties that aim for collective benefit and the redress of economic, environmental, military, and political problems. Our adherence should be exemplary. Or, if we truly question the merit of a global accord, we should lead the way in creating agreements that even better serve the global interest rather than simply ignoring or undermining the existing attempts.

4.     Exert strong global leadership on multinational solutions to pressing health, environmental, and other problems. We should propose innovative new solutions and show leadership in carrying them out, especially in areas such as clean energy development.

5.     Take seriously the process of coming clean by exposing corporate interests in politics, lobbying by powerful organizations, subsidies of fringe military groups, etc. When our global government officials commit to be honest and transparent, a much deeper foundation of international trust will be built.

As we enact global law, we will begin to take on a much deeper kind of global leadership, one that earns more respect than envy and more gratitude than hatred, one that can catapult the whole planet forward into a future where war is no longer thinkable between nation-states and a legitimate and beneficial global government is able to cope with global problems.

Table of Contents
  • Global Community proposal Global Community proposal
  • A new global order A new global order
  • Strong global leadership  Strong global leadership
  • An old preachers' story An old preachers story
  • Justice happens before you even committed a crime Justice happens before you even committed a crime
  • Guidelines, politics and ethics for human behaviors Guidelines, politics and ethics for human behaviors
  • Modern morality is a product of evolutionary forces Modern morality is a product of evolutionary forces
  • Symbiotical relationship between women and men Symbiotical relationship between women and men
  • Human morality is a natural phenomenon Human morality is a natural phenomenon
  • Symbiotical relationship in Nature Symbiotical relationship in Nature
  • The fundamental criteria of a global symbiotical relationship The fundamental criteria of a global symbiotical relationship
  • Knowledge is an essential good Knowledge is an essential good
  • The greatest happiness of the greatest number is a measure of right and wrong  The greatest happiness of the greatest number is a measure of right and wrong
  • Ethics evolved over the course of many generations Ethics evolved over the course of many generations
  • Religion and ethics  Religion and ethics
  • All lifeforms are an important part of Global Community ethics All lifeforms are an important part of Global Community ethics
  • Reasoning generates important ethical conclusions Reasoning generates important ethical conclusions
  • Political ethics are also concerned with moral problems Political ethics are also concerned with moral problems
  • Professions are expected to develop up-to-date codes of ethics with specific guidelines in line with the Scale of Global Rights Professions are expected to develop up-to-date codes of ethics with specific guidelines in line with the Scale of Global Rights
  • The Golden Rule can only be integrated 'softly' within Global Community ethics The Golden Rule can only be integrated 'softly' within Global Community ethics
  • Education Education
  • Ecological Ecological
  • Making clear to all people what they can no longer do and must do for survival Making clear to all people what they can no longer do and must do for survival
  • Planarchist Planarchist
  • Terrarist Terrarist
  • Ukraine hungry, poor and no ethics Ukraine hungry, poor and no ethics

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Protection of the Global Life Support Systems.

Seeing the world today, Global Community claims that each of us depends on the well-being of the whole, and so global citizens have respect for the community of living beings, people and all other lifeforms, and plants, and for the preservation of Earth, air, water and soil. And that explains why the protection of the global life-support systems is the most important right on the Scale of Global Rights.
Artwork by Germain Dufour
October 2014
( see enlargement 38 MB Today's Global Community )
( see also enlargement 4 MB Seeing the world today, Global Community claims that each of us depends on the well-being of the whole, and so global citizens have respect for the community of living beings, people and all other lifeforms, and plants, and for the preservation of Earth, air, water and soil. And that explains why the protection of the global life-support systems is the most important right on the Scale of Global Rights.  )

Protection of the global life-support systems Protection of the global life-support systems

Seeing the world today, Global Community claims that each of us depends on the well-being of the whole, and so global citizens have respect for the community of living beings, people and all other lifeforms, and plants, and for the preservation of Earth, air, water and soil. And that explains why the protection of the global life-support systems is the most important right on the Scale of Global Rights. Without this right there would be no life on our planet.

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Planetary biodiversity zone.


Global Civilization has established a planetary biodiversity zone now under the protection of the Global Protection Agency (GPA). We have declared a moratorium on all development in the zone, including all drilling, military testing, and any other destructive uses of the ecosystems.

The planetary biodiversity zone includes :

  • North Pole region
  • South Pole region
  • all oceans
  • all forests
  • all lakes
  • all rivers and connecting streams
  • all wetlands and grasslands
  • living organisms and ecosystems in all of the above

The people of all nations are required to respect the moratorium until global law has been completed to include regulations to be enforced by the GPA.

Planetary biodiversity zone ( Part III )

As a first step to getting help, all nations can and should approve those first three sections on the Scale of Global Rights. Scale of Global Rights The approval would supersede the political and physical borders of participating member nations. The Global Protection Agency (GPA) would have the approval from all member nations to give immediate help, bypassing normal government protocols. Somewhat like an emergency unit but at the global level. That is what those first three sections mean. They represent an efficient and immediate emergency response to help. First, participating member nations need to give their approval to the GPA. The GPA is a global organization much like the World Trade Organization (WTO) for trade between nations, the World Health Organization (WHO) for health, or the European Union, North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFT), South American Community of Nations (SACON) for trade and economics. The GPA offers an efficient emergency response to help. The GPA is a short term solution, an immediate and efficient response to help. There are also long term solutions. As with the short term solution, the most significant long term solution is also related to the Scale of Global Rights. The Scale was entrenched in the Global Constitution and is thus the fundamental guide to Global Law. Now the Scale of Global Rights is a long term solution and is also a part of the Global Movement to Help of the Global Community. The Scale was designed to help all life on Earth. What would be preferable is that nations unite amongst themselves to help. Over time, we have seen the creation of the United Nations, the European Union, the South American Community of Nations, and the North American Free Trade Agreement. Except for the UN, these organizations are mainly concerned with trade and economics. Global Community offers a more meaningful union in the form of nine or more Global Governments. For instance the South American Community of Nations can be a Global Government by simply accepting the Global Constitution as a way of dealing between member nations. A Global Government is concerned not only with economics and trade, but also with the environment, health, agriculture, energy, food, social, cultural and many other essential aspects. The Federation of Global Governments is the place of meeting between Global Governments. The very first step of the Federation, and maybe the only one for several decades ahead of us, would be the approval of essential services amongst the participating member nations. The Global Community has researched and developed such services and listed them here. All of them are already in operation on a small scale.

Key words:
Planetary biodiversity zone, biodiversity zone in the North Pole region, biosphere, rainforest, boreal forest, oceans, Earth ecosystems, global ocean, human activities, global rights, a nation sovereignty, Northwest Passage, North Pole region, criteria for sovereignty, biodiversity zone in the North, Nunavut settlements, Global Community, movement for taxation on natural resources, North America security for all life, Earth is the birth right of all life, Earth ownership, Scale of Global Rights, Global Law, global citizenship, Kyoto Protocol, global warming, climate change, global symbiotical relationship, Global protection Agency (GPA), GCNA Emergency, Rescue and Relief Centre.

Table of contents
    Introduction Introduction
    Global Community concept Global Community concept
    Global rights Global rights
    Global Community criteria for sovereignty Global Community criteria for sovereignty
    Biodiversity zone in the North Pole region Biodiversity zone in the North Pole region
    Planetary biodiversity zone Planetary biodiversity zone
    Benefits of biodiversity Benefits of biodiversity
    Boreal forest Boreal forest
    The Boreal forests are threatened by human activities The Boreal forests are threatened by human activities
    Rainforest Rainforest
    Definition and description Definition and description
    Locations of temperate and tropical rainforests Locations of temperate and tropical rainforests
    Impacts of human activities on rainforest Impacts of human activities on rainforest
    Benefits of rainforest to the Global Community Benefits of rainforest to the Global Community
    Temperate rainforest Temperate rainforest
    Oceans, lakes and streams Oceans, lakes and streams
    Global warming Global warming
    What we must do to protect life and create a planetary biodiversity zone What we must do to protect life and create a planetary biodiversity zone
    Conclusion Conclusion

In 1985, Part I was the subject of defining the fundamentals of the Global Community. Major Global Community investigative reports were published during those beginnings. Some were published under the idea: Protect photosynthesis: less CO2 , more Oxygen and better health for all of us. Protection of the global life-support systems Climate change prelude Climate change: responsibility and accountability of cities

Part II was about applying those fundamentals to the Earth, especially to the North Pole region.

Part IV will be coming soon and proposing specific legislation and regulations to help humanity and all life on Earth through this very difficult period of our history.

In this report we have established a planetary biodiversity zone to include:

  • North Pole region
  • South Pole region
  • all oceans
  • all forests
  • all lakes
  • all rivers and connecting streams
  • all wetlands and grasslands
  • living organisms and ecosystems in all of the above

Our planet is populated with living beings consisting of millions of different life forms interacting with each other to survive, thus forming an intricate web of life in different ecosystems on the planet. The interaction and interdependence between life forms are the driving force that creates and maintains an ecological - environmental equilibrium that has sustained life on Earth for millions of years enabling it to evolve, flourish and diversify. Global Community values Earth’s diversity in all its forms, the non-human as well as the human.

On Earth’s surface exists a diversity of arctic, temperate and tropical ecosystems with many different varieties of plants, animals, and human beings, all of which are dependent on soils, waters and local climates. Biodiversity, the diversity of organisms, depends on maintenance of ecodiversity, the diversity of ecosystems. Cultural diversity – which in effect is a form of biodiversity – is the historical result of humans fitting their activities, thoughts and language to specific geographic ecosystems. Therefore, whatever degrades and destroys ecosystems is both a biological and a cultural source.

Today the ecological languages of aboriginal people, and the cultural diversity they represent, are as endangered as tropical forest species and for the same reasons: the world is being homogenized, ecosystems are being simplified, diversity is declining, variety is being lost.

Along with the lost of life, there is also the urgent human need to survive, and for this reason the Global Community has declared a planetary state of emergency which then brought up the need of the " Global Community Movement to Help
". The Global Community Peace Movement has declared a planetary state of emergencyPlanetary state of emergency We have shown that several events have contributed to the planetary state of emergency:
A)     widespread poverty and hunger in more than half the world population
B)     The global warming of the planet due to human activities C)     Climate change
D)     Economic and military invasion of nations by the United States and NATO
E)     Absence of fair and democratic global governance at the United Nations and European Union
F)     Our global environment and global life-support systems are threatened by:
  • any of the above mentioned events
  • pollution worldwide
  • the U.S.A. military exploded war heads over the bottom of the Indian ocean, and that scenario created a tsunami wave in 2004.  Just a test, said the captain of the submarine that did it.
  • the U.S.A. military exploded war heads to melt the Polar Cap and glaciers. All nations capable of such an extreme action against humanity and all life on Earth must be disarmed and pay for the independent global investigation. The United States is the only nation that would profit from the melting of the North Pole and is capable of such an extreme action against humanity and all life. Blood resources. 

Global Community is now applying more emphasis on the urgent need from the people of all nations to give everyone essential services. Today, earquakes, cyclones and other natural disasters, as well as human made global destruction and disasters, require a rapid and efficient response from the world to help those in needs. We need to be organized and ready to help. We need all nations to be a part of this Global Movement to Help. In the chaos after the magnitude 7.9 earthquake in China, which made 5 million homeless, many survivors were separated from their families. Burma was hit by a cyclone at the beginning of the month of May, leaving over two million persons in need of emergency relief. Thousands of children and parents have been separated. Nowadays, natural and human made disasters have become more frequent and require a rapid response to help.

The planetary state of emergency is showing us that humanity needs and wants are so destructive to itself and to all life on Earth that something significant must be done to protect this amazing life heritage, not just for ourselves but the next generations. Over the last Century humanity has been depleting the natural capital of Earth, rich agricultural soils, its groundwater stored during ice ages, and its biodiversity. Overpopulation and increasing per capita consumption are major reasons for the depleting of resources. Politicians and business executives are under the delusion that such a disastrous end to the modern human enterprise and institutions can be avoided by technological fixes that will allow the population and the economy to grow forever. The recent event that brought down the American economy is a signal of desperation, a wake-up call, something has gone very wrong and we need to make things right. People from Wall Street live a dream life. Our current way of life is unsustainable. Our current way of life is unsustainable. We are the first species that will have to self-consciously impose limits on ourselves if we are to survive.

Can we really believe this world can go forward indefinitely, a few decades? We are seeing the end of the era of cheap fossil energy, and there is no viable large-scale replacements for that energy.

The health of the planet is not what Wall Street is showing us. The reality is that we see more trends such as :
  • groundwater contamination,
  • high levels of toxicity,
  • topsoil loss,
  • widening inequality in the world,
  • the intensity of the violence,
  • war over oil and gas,
  • floods, and
  • the desperation that so many feel at every level of society.

Is this a sustainable system? We need to recognize the failure of fundamental systems and to abandon the notion that there is to do is recalibrate the institutions that structure our lives today. Somewhat like the US Congress is doing. Put money we dont own into the system and everything will be fine. We need to realize that the way we thought things would work out truly is gone. Capitalism is at the core of this unsustainable system. It gives rise to the high-energy/mass-consumption configuration of privileged societies. We must set-up measures to stop speculators from benefiting from the misery of others, by punishing corrupt politicians, and by collectively understanding that bankers are rich because we have placed our money in their hands. Ultimately, unless we begin to see the world as a whole, in which things are truly interconnected, our governments will continue their hostilities, oil prices will keep on rising, and when the time comes for us to complain, we will be faced with the guns of the police whom we have helped to create with the payment of our taxes.

It's time for us to come to terms with reality. We need ways of organizing ourselves to help us live in a world with less energy and fewer material goods. We need to recover a deep sense of community that has disappeared from many of our lives. The World is in the global crisis. We are exploiting our natural resources, minerals and fuels faster than we are gaining access to alternative sources. We are polluting the natural environment faster than the environment can regenerate itself to reach the level suitable for human needs. We are changing climate dangerously. Our attitude and way of life show a moral degradation of the existing forms of life on the planet. It's time for us to protect what is left to protect: life itself on Earth. This is the reason for the creation of a planetary biodiversity zone. In this report we have shown the benefits of biodiversity to humanity and hope this approach will motivate others to help create the zone.

As a first step to getting help, all nations can and should approve those first three sections on the Scale. The approval would supersede a nation political and physical border anywhere in the world. The Global Protection Agency (GPA) would have the approval from all member nations to give immediate help. Somewhat like an emergency unit but at the global level. That is what those first three sections mean. An efficient and immediate emergency response to help.

First, participating member nations need to give their approval to the GPA.

The GPA is a global organization much like the World Trade Organization (WTO) for trade between nations, or the World Health Organization (WHO) for health. The GPA offers an efficient emergency response to help.

The GPA is a short term solution, an immediate response to help. There are also long term solutions. As with the short term solution, the most significant long term solution is also related to the Scale of Global Rights.

Since year 1985 the Global Community has organized the Global Dialogue to probe the Peoples of the world, people from all nations, as to what it will take to make living on Earth sustainable, now and for the next generations. Results were published in our Proceedings. Global Proceedings of the Global Community

Global Rights year one Global Rights year one is a new impetus of the Global Community to educate everyone about the need for a change in thinking and of doing things amongst all nations. We need to realize what is a priority, what is the most important, and what is the least important for our survival. We need to make hard choices. We need a clear vision. We need a common vision. And we must all change! There are many important aspects of our lives we can no longer do, or should never do anymore. They are destructive. Humanity and all life can no longer afford activities that destroy life and the global environment. And there are other activities we must do, certainly thousands of them, to assure the survival of life on Earth. In view of the planetary state of emergency we all must change, we must do things differently to give life on Earth a better survival chance.

And this is what Global Rights year one is about: to establish global fundamentals and a clear vision to follow.

Perhaps the Scale of Global Rights represents the strongest pillar of our vision.

In 1985, the Scale of Global Rights was first proposed as a replacement to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. After several decades of research and development, many global dialogues, we still find the Scale as the best solution to global problems. The Scale has now been titled the Scale of Global Rights. Scale of Global Rights Human and Earth rights  Scale of Human and Earth Rights Chapter X   of the Global Constitution is about the  Scale of Human and Earth Rights

Today, we are presenting once more the Scale as the best educating tool to bring about the change the people of the world need to achieve for their own survival.

Now the Scale of Global Rights is a long term solution and is also a part of theGlobal Movement to Help of the Global Community. In itself the Scale was designed to help all life on Earth. What would be preferable is that nations unite amongst themselves to help. Over time, we have seen the creation of the United Nations, the European Union, the South American Community of Nations, and the North American Free Trade Agreement. Except for the UN, these organizations are mainly concerned with trade and economics. Global Community offers a more meaningful union in the form of nine or more Global Governments. For instance the South American Community of Nations can be a Global Government by simply accepting the Global Constitution as a way of dealing between member nations. A Global Government is concerned not only with economics and trade, but also with the environment, health, agriculture, energy, food, social, cultural and many other essential aspects.

The Federation of Global Governments would be the place of meeting between Global Governments. The very first step of the Federation, and maybe the only one, would be the approval of essential services amongst the participating member nations. Global Community has researched and developed such services and listed them here. All of them are already in operation on a small scale.

We, citizens of Global Civilization, hereby resolve to establish a federation of all nations, and to govern in accordance with Global Parliament Constitution. Global Parliament shall be composed of four (4) bodies, designated as follows:

1. the House of Elected Representatives,
2. the Federation of Global Governments,
3. the House of Advisers, and the
4. Executive Council

We, citizens of the Global Community of North America, hereby resolve to establish the Global Government of North America (GGNA) to govern in accordance with the Global Constitution. Member states of the GGNA are Mexico, the United States of America, Canada, the North Pole Region which also includes Greenland and Iceland. The GGNA ensures state governments that it will obey the principle of non-intervention in domestic affairs. Essential services to the people of each member nation are now the most important global rights and are protected by the Global Protection Agency (GPA) of each member nation. And that is how we can protect the global life-support systems, thus largely improving the quality of life of the next generations. We are also inviting the United Kingdom to become a member of the GGNA. The United Kingdom is leaving the EU and is available for a more meaningful relationship with the GGNA.

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World overpopulation and overconsumption.

Perhaps the most important step towards achieving global sustainability now and for future generations is to control our population growth. World overpopulation is now at the turning point and requires from each and every one of us making a commitment to a statement of rights, responsibilities and accountabilities, and of belonging to the Global Community, the human family. Humanity has to regulate its population by means that are voluntary and benign and has to take along with a fair proportion of other lifeforms. Proper Earth management will certainly be a necessary tool to achieve our goal. If not there will be a collapse of humanity and of the environment. From now on every global decision has tremendous consequences on our future. Comprehensive population policies are an essential element in a world development strategy that combines access to reproductive health services, to education and economic opportunities, to improved energy and natural resource technologies, and to healthyer models of consumption and the "good life."

    Policies to decrease world population
  • delay reproduction until later in life

  • Delaying reproduction is important in influencing population growth rates. Over a period of 60 years, if people delay reproduction until they are 30 years old, you would have only two generations, while if you do not delay reproduction you would have three generations (one generation every 20 years).
  • spread your children farther apart

  • to have fewer children overall

  • government commitment to decreasing population growth

  • Create policies that help decreasing the number of children being born. Policies such as income tax deductions for dependent children and maternity and paternity leaves are essentially pronatalist and should be eliminated.
  • programs that are locally designed and that include information on family planning and access to contraceptives

  • educational programs that emphasize the connection between family planning and social good

The vast disparities in reproductive health worldwide and the greater vulnerability of the poor to reproductive risk point to several steps all governments can take, with the support of other sectors, to improve the health of women and their families:
  • Give women more life choices. The low social and economic status of women and girls sets the stage for poor reproductive health
  • Invest in reproductive health care
  • Encourage delays in the onset of sexual activity and first births
  • Help couples prevent and manage unwanted childbearing
  • Ensure universal access to maternal health care
  • Support new reproductive health technologies
  • Increase efforts to address the HIV pandemic
  • Involve communities in evaluating and implementing programs
  • Develop partnerships with the private sector, policymakers and aid donors to broaden support for reproductive health

  • Measure Progress
More and more young people on every continent want to start bearing children later in life and to have smaller families than at any time in history. Likewise, in greater proportions than ever, women and girls in particular want to go to school and to college, and they want to find fulfilling and well-paid employment. Helping people in every country obtain the information and services they need to put these ambitions into effect is all that can be done, and all that needs to be done, to bring world population growth to a stable landing in the new century.

Moratorium on world population  Moratorium on world population

Despite humanity's success in feeding a growing world population, the natural resources on which life depends, such as fresh water, cropland, fisheries and forests, are increasingly depleted or strained. In this millennium, population growth continues, meaning that more people will be sharing such finite resources as fresh water and cropland. UN population projections for the year 2050 range from 7.9 billion to 10.9 billion, suggesting the extent to which we can influence our future. More people worldwide are multiplying humanity 's impact on the environment and on natural resources essential to life.

Because of the high per capita consumption of resources in industrialized nations, we have the world's worst population problem! People think of the population problem as being a problem only of "those people" in the undeveloped countries, but this serves only to draw attention away from the difficulties of dealing with our own problems. It is easier to tell a neighbor not to cut forests or create global warming than it is for us not to cut forests and create global warming. With regard to other countries, we can offer family planning assistance on request, but in those countries we have no jurisdiction or direct responsibility. Within our own country we have complete jurisdiction and responsibility, yet we fail to act to help solve our own problem. What the industrialized world can do to help other countries stop their population growth is to set an example and stop our own population growth.

It clear that there will always be large opposition to programs of making population growth pay for itself. Those who profit from growth will use their considerable resources to convince the community that the community should pay the costs of growth. In our communities, making growth pay for itself could be a major tool to use in stopping the population growth.

Because of world overpopulation and our never satisfied consumer societies natural resources are being depleted at an alarming rate.

Agriculture faces an increasing challenge in feeding the growing world population.

The number of people living in countries where cultivated land is critically scarce is projected to increase to between 600 million and 986 million in 2025. Despite the Green Revolution and other technological advances, agriculture experts continue to debate how long crop yields will keep up with population growth. The food that feeds the future will be raised mostly on today's cropland. The soil on this land must remain fertile to keep food production secure. Easing world hunger could become unimaginably difficult if population growth resembles demographers' higher projections. Soils represent an important component of the terrestrial resources. In fact, more carbon is stored in soils (including peat) than in all of the vegetation of the world!

Global warming and agriculture

Weather conditions such as temperature, radiation and water, determine the carrying capacity of the biosphere to produce enough food for the human population and domesticated animals. Any short-term fluctuations of the climate can have dramatic effects on the agricultural productivity. Thus, the climate has a direct incidence on food supply. In the coming years, unless population size is stabilized, agriculture will have to face an increasing challenge in feeding the growing population of the world.

Moratorium on world population and the fertility rate, and ending population warfare.  Moratorium on world population and the fertility rate and ending population warfare

Global symbiotical relationship

Any symbiotical relationship is for the good of all, for the good of the 'other'. It is based on a genuine group concern and unconditional support for the individual's well-being ~ a giant leap in human behaviour. The question is how can we improve the political symbiotical relationship to fulfill its goals? The Charter of the Earth Community promotes the values to achieve its goals. These goals require the promoting and establishment of: global community ethics, mutual respect, respect for life, basic liberties, justice and equity, caring for the 'other', integrity, responsibility and accountability.

Other symbiotical relationships may be based on common concerns and issues such as: the environment, peace, justice, women's rights, human and Earth rights, and many more. There is a whole spectrum of possible symbiotical relationships.

Symbiotical relationships are needed today for the long term future of humanity and for the protection of life on Earth. Humanity needs to slow down significantly world population.

vvorld population

World population estimates from 1800 to 2100, based on "high", "medium" and "low" United Nations projections in 2010 (colored red, orange and green) and US Census Bureau historical estimates (in black). Actual recorded population figures are colored in blue. According to the highest estimate, the world population may rise to 16 billion by 2100; according to the lowest estimate, it may decline to 6 billion.

Continent Density
(billions, 2013 estimates)
Most populous country Most populous city
Asia 96.4 4.298 China (1,361,000,000) Greater Tokyo Area (35,676,000)
Africa 36.7 1.111 Nigeria (173,120,000) Cairo (19,439,541)
Europe 72.9 0.742 Russia (143,700,000;
approx. 110 million in Europe)
Moscow (14,837,510)
North America 22.9 0.565 United States (317,996,000) Mexico City/Metro Area (8,851,080 / 21,163,226)
South America 22.8 0.407 Brazil (201,032,714) São Paulo City, Metro Area(11,316,149 / 27,640,577)
Oceania 4.5 0.038 Australia (23,475,992) Sydney(4,575,532)
Antarctica 0.0003
0.000 004
(non-permanent, varies)
N/A McMurdo Station (1,200) (non-permanent, varies)

Population warfare: use of a very high fertility rate to conquer a nation, and that could mean as many as or more than 2.11 children per family. It is a form of cultural and/or religious aggression and invasion by having a much too high number of new born babies. For instance, there has been a rapid increase in population among Muslims to the extent that in fifty years all of Europe and North America are expected to be mostly Islamic. The influx of Latino immigration into the western states of the USA will also have the effect of a population warfare.

Clearly the environmental challenges facing humanity in the 21st century and beyond would be less difficult in a world with slower population growth or none at all. Population is a critical variable influencing the availability of each of the natural resources considered here. And access to family planning services is a critical variable influencing population. Use of family planning contributes powerfully to lower fertility, later childbearing, and slower population growth. Yet policymakers, environmentalists and the general public remain largely unaware of the growing interest of young people throughout the world in delaying pregnancies and planning their families. In greater proportions than ever, girls want to go to school and to college, and women want to find fulfilling and well-paid employment. Helping people in every country to obtain the information and services they need to put these ambitions into effect is all that can be done, and all that needs to be done, to end world population growth in the new century.

Reproductive health services can help. Voluntary family planning and other reproductive health services can help couples avert high-risk pregnancies, prevent unwanted childbearing and abortion, and avoid diseases such as HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections, that can lead to death, disability, and infertility.

Comprehensive reproductive health services, especially care in pregnancy and childbirth and for sexually transmitted infections, are key to preventing disability and death and improving women's health. Better access to emergency care during childbirth and safe abortion services would also contribute significantly to lower maternal death rates. Family planning diminishes risks associated with frequent childbearing and helps reduce reliance on abortion.

An important obstacle to couple negotiation of contraceptive use and protection from STDs including HIV is that most women have unequal access to resources and decision-making. Yet women are more vulnerable to the consequences of unplanned pregnancies and often HIV/STI's. For these reasons, countering the prevailing gender stereotypes that increase risky behaviors and decrease couple communication is a key strategy for promoting good reproductive health.

Individuals, too, can help bring about a world that is more secure and more supportive of life, health and happiness. They can educate themselves on population dynamics, consumption patterns and the impact of these forces on natural resources and the environment. They can be socially, politically and culturally active to elevate the issues they care about. They can become more environmentally responsible in their purchasing decisions and their use of energy and natural resources. And individuals and couples can consider the impacts of their reproductive decisions on their communities and the world as a whole.

Population dynamics are among the primary underlying causes of forest decline. Poverty, corruption, inequitable access to land and wasteful consumption practices also influence the decisions of governments, corporations and individuals to cut and clear forests. The interaction of these forces is most evident in areas such as South Asia, Central America and sub-Saharan Africa, where poverty, rapid population growth and weak institutions contribute to forest loss and severe environmental degradation.

The dominant force in forest loss is growth in the demand for farmland. Subsistence agriculture is the principal cause of forest loss in Africa, Asia and much of Latin America. Slash-and-burn farming and other traditional techniques were sustainable for centuries when population densities were lower. Today they are a major factor, along with the expansion of commercial farms and livestock grazing areas, in the permanent conversion of wooded land to agriculture. The need to increase food production is expected to accelerate the forest-to-farmland cycle, especially in countries where alternatives for meeting this demand are limited.

A typical American uses 15 times as much lumber and paper as a resident of a developing country. Reducing wood consumption in the industrialized world is unlikely to stop forest loss in developing countries however, since most of the wood consumed comes from trees in the industrialized countries themselves. Nevertheless, the consumption model offered to the rest of the world threatens accelerated forest loss as both populations and economies grow in developing countries.

Population policies based on human development and the Scale of Global Rights offer the greatest hope for the future of forests. This is not an argument for population "control" but for the social investments that allow couples to choose when to have children and how many to have. Programs linking conservation activities with family planning services show promise for achieving both the sustainable use of forests and greater acceptance of reproductive health services.

Sustainable wood consumption is essential for the future of forests. Individuals and institutions alike should promote the ecologically sound and socially responsible use of forest products. Eco-labeling, or the environmental certification of wood products, could speed the adoption of more sustainable forestry practices. Consumer demand for green-certified paper and other wood products is an important complement to recycling and other efforts to reduce wood consumption.

The total number of people worldwide could still double or even triple from today’s 6.7 billion before stabilizing a century or more from now. Women in most countries are still having more than the two-child average consistent with a stable population size. Moreover, so many young people are now entering or moving through their childbearing years that even a two-child average would still boost population size for a few decades until the momentum of past growth subsides. Yet there is reason for optimism. The combination of access to family planning and other reproductive health services, education for girls and economic opportunity for women could lower birthrates enough to stabilize world population well before a doubling of today’s total.

Motivation, rather than differential access to modern contraception is a major determinant of fertility.  Individuals frequently respond to scarcity by having fewer children, and to perceived improved economic opportunity by having more children. Economic development does not cause family size to shrink; rather, at every point where serious economic opportunity beckons, family size preferences expand.

A)  Foreign aid conveys to the recipients the perception of improving economic wellbeing, which is followed by an increase in the fertility of the recipients of the aid.

B)  Migrations from regions of low economic opportunity to places of higher economic opportunity result in an increase in the fertility of the migrants that persists for a generation or two.

The need is not to control population growth. Governments cannot control childbearing and attempts to do so have sometimes led to coercive approaches to reproduction that violate human rights. The need is rather to expand the power individuals have over their own lives, especially by enabling them to choose how many children to have and when to have them.

Investing in education for girls helps them to contribute to their national economies–and to postpone childbearing until they are ready for a family. Providing credit and other economic opportunities for women creates alternatives to early and frequent childbearing. Finally, better access to quality reproductive health services directly benefits women and their families. These approaches increase human capacity, providing the greatest long-term return to societies, individuals and the environment. Moreover, they are likely to lead to an early peak in world population in the coming century.

Comprehensive population policies are an essential element in a world development strategy that combines access to reproductive health services, to education and economic opportunities, to improved energy and natural resource technologies, and to healthyer models of consumption and the "good life."

Policies to decrease world population:
  • delay reproduction until later in life
    Delaying reproduction is important in influencing population growth rates. Over a period of 60 years, if people delay reproduction until they are 30 years old, you would have only two generations, while if you do not delay reproduction you would have three generations (one generation every 20 years).
  • spread your children farther apart
  • to have fewer children overall
  • government commitment to decreasing population growth
    Create policies that help decreasing the number of children being born. Policies such as income tax deductions for dependent children and maternity and paternity leaves are essentially pronatalist and should be eliminated.
  • programs that are locally designed and that include information on family planning and access to contraceptives
  • educational programs that emphasize the connection between family planning and social good
  • The vast disparities in reproductive health worldwide and the greater vulnerability of the poor to reproductive risk point to several steps all governments can take, with the support of other sectors, to improve the health of women and their families:

    • Give women more life choices. The low social and economic status of women and girls sets the stage for poor reproductive health

    • Invest in reproductive health care

    • Encourage delays in the onset of sexual activity and first births

    • Help couples prevent and manage unwanted childbearing

    • Ensure universal access to maternal health care

    • Support new reproductive health technologies

    • Increase efforts to address the HIV pandemic

    • Involve communities in evaluating and implementing programs

    • Develop partnerships with the private sector, policymakers and aid donors to broaden support for reproductive health
    • Measure Progress

    More and more young people on every continent want to start bearing children later in life and to have smaller families than at any time in history. Likewise, in greater proportions than ever, women and girls in particular want to go to school and to college, and they want to find fulfilling and well-paid employment. Helping people in every country obtain the information and services they need to put these ambitions into effect is all that can be done, and all that needs to be done, to bring world population growth to a stable landing in the new century.
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    As a species we no longer need to procreate by the millions so quit making children Peoples.
    Introduction to issues of overpopulation worldwide

    Authors of research papers and articles on issues of overpopulation worldwide
    Authors of research papers and articles on issues of Global Peace Authors of research papers and articles on issues of Global Peace
    As a species we no longer need to procreate by the millions so quit making children Peoples.As a species we no longer need to procreate by the millions so quit making children Peoples.
    For our survival as a species one child per family is more than enough.
    Let us restrain ourselves!
    Let the community be the other child our child needs as a companion.
    Let the Soul of all Life be our guiding hand!

    Perhaps the most important step towards achieving societal sustainability this century is to control our population growth. World overpopulation is now at the turning point and requires from each and every one of us of agreeing about the statement of rights and belonging to the Global Community, the human family.

    Comprehensive population policies are an essential element in a global development strategy that combines access to reproductive health services, education and economic opportunities, improved energy and natural resource technologies, and to healthyer models of consumption and the good life.


    Global problems arising from an overpopulated planet, reducing consumption, control our population growth, and comprehensive population policies

    What happens when the energy supply stops growing, but the population continues to grow? More importantly, what happens when the energy supply begins to decline, as population continues to grow? Peak oil is not simply an issue of learning to conserve or finding ways to do more with less. It isn't simply about the possibility of economic collapse, war, starvation or global pandemic. It isn't just about changing our behaviors or our beliefs. It is about turning ourselves inside-out, and not only surviving the transformation, but also being and living equal and in harmony with all the rest. Reducing consumption is imperative, but it's pointless to cut out meat and cars while having lots of children. When challenged, environmentalists have coherent arguments to defend their retreat from the population debate. They insist that the pressure on the earth's resources - its water, forests, soil fertility - and carbon emissions are all about consumption and lifestyle, not about sheer numbers of human beings. They rightly point out that the average American produces some 20 tonnes of carbon a year while some of those living in areas of the world with the fastest growing populations, such as Africa, produce a tiny fraction of that kind of carbon footprint. They insist that the earth can support the 9 billion now predicted by 2050 (the increase in the next 40 years will equate to roughly what the entire global population was in 1950) if everyone is living sustainable lifestyles. The focus of campaigning must stay on the consumption patterns of the developed world, rather than on numbers of people. We must bring a solution to our overpopulation problem. Perhaps the most important step towards achieving societal sustainability this century is to control our population growth. World overpopulation is now at the turning point and requires from each and every one of us of agreeing about the statement of rights and belonging to the Global Community, the human family. Comprehensive population policies are an essential element in a global development strategy that combines access to reproductive health services, education and economic opportunities, improved energy and natural resource technologies, and to healthyer models of consumption and the good life. The rate of world population growth is beginning to decline, but the total number of people could still double or even triple from today’s 6.3 billion before stabilizing a century or more from now. Women in most countries are still having more than the two-child average consistent with a stable population size. Moreover, so many young people are now entering or moving through their childbearing years that even a two-child average would still boost population size for a few decades until the momentum of past growth subsides. Yet there is reason for optimism. The combination of access to family planning and other reproductive health services, education for girls and economic opportunity for women could lower birthrates enough to stabilize world population well before a doubling of today’s total. Motivation, rather than differential access to modern contraception is a major determinant of fertility.  Individuals frequently respond to scarcity by having fewer children, and to perceived improved economic opportunity by having more children. Economic development does not cause family size to shrink; rather, at every point where serious economic opportunity beckons, family size preferences expand.

    A)  Foreign aid conveys to the recipients the perception of improving economic wellbeing, which is followed by an increase in the fertility of the recipients of the aid.

    B)  Migrations from regions of low economic opportunity to places of higher economic opportunity result in an increase in the fertility of the migrants that persists for a generation or two.

    The need is not to control population growth. Governments cannot control childbearing and attempts to do so have sometimes led to coercive approaches to reproduction that violate human rights. The need is rather to expand the power individuals have over their own lives, especially by enabling them to choose how many children to have and when to have them. Investing in education for girls helps them to contribute to their national economies–and to postpone childbearing until they are ready for a family. Providing credit and other economic opportunities for women creates alternatives to early and frequent childbearing. Finally, better access to quality reproductive health services directly benefits women and their families. These approaches increase human capacity, providing the greatest long-term return to societies, individuals and the environment. Comprehensive population policies are an essential element in a world development strategy that combines access to reproductive health services, to education and economic opportunities, to improved energy and natural resource technologies, and to healthyer models of consumption and the "good life."

    Policies to decrease world population:
  • delay reproduction until later in life
  • Delaying reproduction is important in influencing population growth rates. Over a period of 60 years, if people delay reproduction until they are 30 years old, you would have only two generations, while if you do not delay reproduction you would have three generations (one generation every 20 years).
  • spread your children farther apart
  • to have fewer children overall
  • government commitment to decreasing population growth
  • Create policies that help decreasing the number of children being born. Policies such as income tax deductions for dependent children and maternity and paternity leaves are essentially pronatalist and should be eliminated.
  • programs that are locally designed and that include information on family planning and access to contraceptives
  • educational programs that emphasize the connection between family planning and social good
  • The vast disparities in reproductive health worldwide and the greater vulnerability of the poor to reproductive risk point to several steps all governments can take, with the support of other sectors, to improve the health of women and their families:
    • Give women more life choices. The low social and economic status of women and girls sets the stage for poor reproductive health
    • Invest in reproductive health care
    • Encourage delays in the onset of sexual activity and first births
    • Help couples prevent and manage unwanted childbearing
    • Ensure universal access to maternal health care
    • Support new reproductive health technologies
    • Increase efforts to address the HIV pandemic
    • Involve communities in evaluating and implementing programs
    • Develop partnerships with the private sector, policymakers and aid donors to broaden support for reproductive health
    • Measure Progress
    More and more young people on every continent want to start bearing children later in life and to have smaller families than at any time in history. Likewise, in greater proportions than ever, women and girls in particular want to go to school and to college, and they want to find fulfilling and well-paid employment. Helping people in every country obtain the information and services they need to put these ambitions into effect is all that can be done, and all that needs to be done, to bring world population growth to a stable landing in the new century.

    Table of Contents

    1.0        Overview of the problem
    1.1        Societal sustainability
    1.2        Agriculture and population increase
    1.3        Our overpopulated planet
    1.4        Overpopulation and natural resources

    2.0        Growth and measurement of world population
    2.1       Data and terminology
    2.2       Measurement of world population
    2.3       Developing nations with low total fertility rate
    2.4       Developing nations with high total fertility rate
    2.5       Policies to decrease world population

    3.0       Global Community overall picture
    4.0       Overpopulation as social issue
    5.0       Impacts of the overpopulation
    6.0       Population control

    7.0       Action at the Global Community level
    7.1       Impacts of family planning and health services
    7.2       Reproductive health services
    7.3       Unintended pregnancies
    7.4       Abortion policies
    7.5       Nutritional anemia in pregnancy
    7.6       Care in pregnancy and childbirth
    7.7       HIV/AIDS
    7.8       Risk of death in childbearing
    7.9       Improving reproductive health
    7.10       Biodiversity
    7.11       Forests
    7.12       Education
    7.13       Population and hope

    8.0       Birth Control
    8.1       History of birth control
    8.2       Traditional birth control methods:
    8.3       Modern birth control methods:
    8.4       Religious and cultural attitudes to birth control

    9.0       Action at the local community level
    10.0       Action concerning fisheries
    11.0       Action concerning forests
    12.0       Action concerning agricultural land and food production
    13.0       Action concerning world hunger
    14.0       Action concerning natural resources
    15.0       Action concerning water
    16.0       Carrying capacity
    17.0       Overview of results from this report
    18.0       Conclusion
    19.0       Recommendations

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    Business ehtics.

    Global Community Ethic for a business

    Certified Corporate Global Community Citizenship (CCGCC)

    Global ethic for a business must always be grounded in realities.

    1.     As a business you may:

    a)     be a corporate eco-friendly
    b)     be a socially responsible investor
    c)     have taken the challenge of a more integrated approach to corporate responsibility by placing environmental and community-based objectives and measures onto the decision-making table alongside with the strategic business planning and operational factors that impact your bottom-line results
    d)    provide not only competitive return to your shareholders but you also operate your business in light of environmental and social contributions, and you have understood the interdependence between financial performance, environmental performance and commitment to the community
    e)     have taken a full life-cycle approach to integrate and balance environmental and economic decisions for major projects
    f)     have an active Environmental, Health and Safety Committee and integrated codes of conduct, policies, standards and operating procedures to reflect your corporate responsibility management
    g)     have scored high on categories such as:

    * environmental performance
    * product safety
    * business practices
    * help small business in the least developed countries
    * commitment to the community
    * abolition of child labour
    * eliminate discrimination in respect of employment and occupation
    * employee relations and diversity
    * effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining
    * corporate governance
    * share performance
    * global corporate responsibility
    * against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery
    * health, safety and security
    * provided help to combat diseases at home and abroad
    * uphold the freedom of association
    * audits and inspections
    * emergency preparedness
    * corporate global ethical values
    * ensured safe working conditions
    * standards of honesty, integrity and ethical behaviour
    * elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour
    * in line with the Scale of Global Rights
    h)     support a balance and responsible approach that promotes action on the issue of climate change as well as all other issues related to the global life-support systems:

    * primordial global rights deterioration
    * global ocean acidification
    * global warming
    * Ozone layer depletion
    * wastes of all kind including nuclear and release of radiation
    * climate change
    * species of the fauna and flora becoming extinct
    * losses of forest cover and of biological diversity
    * the capacity for photosynthesis
    * the water cycle and fresh water use
    * food production systems
    * genetic resources
    * Oxygen supplies
    * change in land use and lost of agricultural soils
    * phosphorus and nitrogen cycles
    * chemicals produced for human use and not found in nature and, eventually, reaching the environment with impacts on Earth's waters, soils, air, and ecology

    As a business you may have scored high on all of the above challenges but Global Community wants you to take on even greater challenges in line with Global Community ethic for a business.

    2.     Checks and balances

    In the past, corporations ruled without checks and balances. Now, global ethics will be a basic minimum to do business, and there will be checks and balances. Our judgement will be based on global ethics. Global ethics must always be grounded in realities. But realities are changing constantly and are different in different places. We live in a world that makes progress toward democracy. Ethics and morality exist only when human beings can act freely.

    In our free society, rights are tied to responsibilities. Corporations are committed to improvement in business performance and want to be seen as 'good corporate citizens' on a local and a global scale. Corporations have social responsibilities as they are an integral part of society. Global ethics recalls that those realities, on which others build upon, have to be protected first. Global Community has found evident that universal values and the Scale of Global Rights as described above were the foundation of global ethics for a business.

    3.     Corporate citizen global ethic

    Global Community has now at hand the method and framework to conduct societal checks and balances based on a method reinforcing global ehtics for a business. A more balance world economy will result of annual checks and balances. Corporations will take their social responsibilities and become involved in designing, monitoring, and implementing these checks and balances. Several corporations have already done so. Results will be taken into account in the evaluation of a global ethic for a business. Corporations are required to expand their responsibilities to include global rights, the environment, community and family aspects, safe working conditions, fair wages and sustainable consumption aspects.

    A corporation will now be required to operate its business as per global ehtics for a business:

    *    Be concerned with issues such as climate change, bio-diversity, pollution prevention and adopt high standards
    *     Minimize environmental degradation and health impacts
    *    Be responsible for the environmental impact of its products and services throughout their cycle
    *     Adopt a wide environmental code, and policies, health and safety practices and procedures aimed at reducing resource and energy use in each stage of a product or service life-cycle
    *     Set up appropriate management systems to implement policies
    *     Conduct annual checks and balances and provide reports to the community
    *     Respect the political jurisdiction of national communities
    *     Respect human rights, social and cultural rights
    *     Recognize its political and economic impact on local communities
    *     Contribute to the long-term social, cultural, environmental and economic sustainability of the local communities
    *     Respect the rights of indigenous peoples, their culture and land, and their religious and social customs; provide employment and training opportunities
    *     Ensure that each employee is treated with respect and dignity and is not subjected to any physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or abuse
    *     Respect employees' right to freedom of association, labour organization, and free collective bargaining
    *     Provide equal pay for work of equal value to women and men
    *     Recognize the responsibilities of all workers to their families, and provide for maternity leave, and paternity leave
    *     Ensure that their be no barriers to the full participation of women within the company
    *     Participate in the creation of child care centres and centres for the elderly and persons with disabilities where appropriate
    *     Ensure no discrimination on grounds of race, ethnicity, or culture
    *     Ensure that persons with disabilities who apply for jobs with the company receive fair treatment and are considered solely on their ability to do the job; provide resources and facilities which enable them to achieve progression in employment in the company
    *     Provide training to all employees to conduct their activities in an environmentally responsible manner
    *     Work with organizations concerned with children's rights, human rights and labour rights to ensure that young workers are not exploited
    *     Ensure that a mechanism is in place to address ethical issues of concern raised by employees
    *     Make sure that the company's policies balance the interests of managers, shareholders, employees, and other affected parties
    *     Adhere to international standards and protocols relevant to its products and services
    *     Adopt marketing practices which protect consumers and ensure the safety of all products
    *     Conduct or support research on the environmental impacts of raw materials, products, processes, emissions and wastes associates with the company and on the means of minimizing such adverse impacts
    *     Make a sustainable use of renewable natural resources such as water, soils and forests
    *     Conserve non-renewable natural resources through efficient use and careful planning
    *     Conserve energy and improve energy efficiency of internal operations and of the goods and services being sold

        To make a business even better
    As a business you may:

    a)     be a corporate Knight
    b)     be a socially responsible investor
    c)     have taken the challenge of a more integrated approach to corporate responsibility by placing environmental and community-based objectives and measures onto the decision-making table alongside with the strategic business planning and operational factors that impact your bottom-line results
    d)    provide not only competitive return to your shareholders but you also operate your business in light of environmental and social contributions, and you have understood the interdependence between financial performance, environmental performance and commitment to the community
    e)     have taken a full life-cycle approach to integrate and balance environmental and economic decisions for major projects
    f)     have an active Environmental, Health and Safety Committee and integrated codes of conduct, policies, standards and operating procedures to reflect your corporate responsibility management
    g)     have scored high on categories such as:

    *     environmental performance
    *     product safety
    *     business practices
    *     help small business in the least developed countries
    *     commitment to the community
    *     abolition of child labour
    *     eliminate discrimination in respect of employment and occupation
    *     employee relations and diversity
    *     effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining
    *     corporate governance
    *     share performance
    *     global corporate responsibility
    *     against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery
    *     health, safety and security
    *     provided help to combat diseases such as AIDS
    *     uphold the freedom of association
    *     audits and inspections
    *     emergency preparedness
    *     corporate global ethical values
    *     ensured decent working conditions
    *     implemented no-bribe policies
    *     standards of honesty, integrity and ethical behaviour
    *     elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour
    *     in line with the Scale of Global Rights and the Global Constitution
    h)     support a balance and responsible approach that promotes action on the issue of climate change as well as all other issues related to the global life-support systems:

    *     global warming
    *     Ozone layer
    *     wastes of all kind including nuclear and release of radiation
    *     climate change
    *     species of the fauna and flora becoming extinct
    *     losses of forest cover and of biological diversity
    *     the capacity for photosynthesis
    *     the water cycle
    *     food production systems
    *     genetic resources
    *     chemicals produced for human use and not found in nature and, eventually, reaching the environment with impacts on Earth's waters, soils, air, and ecology

    Now is time to reach a higher level of protection to life on Earth. We all need this for the survival of our species. Global Community can help you integrate and balance global life-support systems protection, global community participation, and economic decisions into your operations and products.

    Global Community wants to help you be an active corporate member of the Global Community, the human family, the Earth Community.

    Apply to us to be a global corporate citizen of the Global Community. Apply to obtain the Certified Corporate Global Community Citizenship

    A Certified Corporate Global Community Citizenship is a unique way to show the world that your ways of doing business are best for the Global Community.

    You can obtain the citizenship after accepting the Criteria of the Global Community Citizenship and following an assessment of your business. The process shown here is now standardized to all applicants. Global Community then asked to operate your business as per the values of the citizenship.

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    Global Ministries.

    Ministries  The Interim Earth Government

    Table of Contents

    I.   Global Movement to Help Global Movement to Help
    II.   Global Ministries:
    • Global Ministry of World Population Global Ministry of World Population
      • Summary Summary
      • Global resources affected by overpopulation Global resources affected by overpopulation
      • Causes of overpopulation Causes of overpopulation
      • Effects of overpopulation  Effects of overpopulation
      • Solutions to the global problem of overpopulation Solutions to the global problem of overpopulation
      • Leadership needed to solve the global problem of overpopulation Leadership needed to solve the global problem of overpopulation
    • Global Ministry of Essential Services Global Ministry of Essential Services
    • Ministry of Global Resources  Ministry of Global Resources
    • Ministry of Global Peace in government Ministry of Global Peace
    • Earth Environmental Governance Earth Environmental Governance
    • Earth Ministry of Health Earth Ministry of Health
    • Global Ministry of Forests Global Ministry of Forests
    • Global Ministry of Agriculture, Food Production and Distribution  Global Ministry of Agriculture, Food Production and Distribution
    • Global Civilization Ministry of Peace and Disarmament  Global Civilization Ministry  of Peace and Disarmament
    • Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs: Global Government of Africa  Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs: Global Government of Africa
    • Global Ministry of Water Resources Protection  Global Ministry of Water Resources Protection
    • Global Environment Ministry  Ministry of Global Environment
    • Sustainable Development Global Information Society  Sustainable Development Global Information Society

    III.   Building a Global Civilization for all life. Building a Global Civilization for all life.
    IV.   Making clear to all people what they can no longer do, and what they must do for survival. Making clear to all people what they can no longer do, and what they must do for survival
    V.   As part of Global Protection Agency (GPA): establishing in each nation an "Emergency, Rescue, and Relief Centre". As part of the GPA: establishing in each nation an Emergency, Rescue, and Relief Centre.
    VI.   Establishing a global action plan for survival. Such worldwide action plan be promoted widely during the Global Exhibition. Establishing a global action plan for survival. Such worldwide action plan be promoted widely during the Global Exhibition
    VII.   Education for Global Survival Education for Global Survival
    VIII.  Applying the proper taxation system to establish confidence and trust in the global action plan for survival Applying the proper taxation system	to establish confidence and trust in the global action plan for survival
    IX.   Making available to all nations an efficient global warning system to warn people of imminent danger due to natural or humanmade disasters. Making available to all nations a global warning system to warn people of imminent danger due to natural or humanmade disasters.
    X.   Analyzing and publishing local and global impacts of all significant events that affect the survival of life on the planet. Analyzing and publishing local and global impacts of all significant events that affect the survival of all life on the planet.
    XI.   Family is important. Family with too many children is a problem. Family is important. Family with too many children is a problem.
    XII.   Preventing actions to alliviate the effects of global warming and climate change. Preventing actions to alliviate the effects of global warming and climate change.
    XIII.   Making public worlwide a daily list of all people responsible of causing significant deterioration of the global life-support systems. Making public worlwide a daily list of all people responsible of causing significanr deterioration of the global life-support systems
    XIV.   Conducting research and development of new ways of saving us all from conflicts, wars, destructive paths or ways of doing things.  Conducting research and development of new ways of saving us all from conflicts, wars, destructive paths or ways of doing things
    XV.   Measuring, assessing and publishing daily actions and changes in the world which significantly affect survival  Measuring, assessing and publishing daily actions and changes in the world which significantly affect survival
    XVI.   Moratorium on world population and the fertility rate, and ending population warfare. Moratorium on world population and the fertility rate and ending population warfare
    XVII.   Ending economic warfare Ending economic warfare
    XVIII.   Creating a planetary biodiversity zone Creating a planetary biodiversity zone
    XIX.   Establishing a global dialogue between all Peoples. Establishing a global dialogue between all Peoples.
    XX.   Humanity new Vision of the World. Humanity new Vision of the World.
    XXI.   Global Parliament's Constitution. Global Parliament's Constitution.

    References References

    Global Community Ministry of World Population

    Protection Protection of the global life-support systems of the :
    • global life-support systems Security for all life aspects and issues
    • Earth ecosystems Earth Management aspects and issues
    • environment  Global environmental protection aspects and issues

    Security for all life, and safety at work Security for all life aspects and issues The third option: Global Law, the need to have it, and the benefits (Part II) Life is protected by Global Law SoulLife, Nature Law, the teaching of the Soul of Humanity with the teaching of the prophet are fundamental pillars of our Global Law  Global Justice for all life on the planet To protect our planetary environment, the global life-support systems, we want to help you concerning all issues. e Global Protection Agency (GPA) Labor force aspects and issues
    Peace and disarmament  Global Peace Movement aspects and issues.  Movement for WMDs Disarmament aspects and issues What Peace amongst nations means?
    Have shelter and basic clothing Primordial human rights are those human rights that individuals have by virtue of their very existence as human beings
    Global voting The process of global voting on the Internet  Global voting on the sovereignty of Tibet and on the Dalai Lama as a peacemaker
    Sustainable agriculture and food supplies  Agriculture and food production aspects and issues  Food production for all global communities aspects and issues
    Water resources protection and drinking fresh water Global Ministry on Water Resources Drinking water, clean air and food for all  drinking water issues and rights Drinking water sources
    Ombudspersons Office Global Constitution Chapter IX     The democratic base of Earth Government Global Constitution Chapter XIV     Global Community Earth Government with its governing institutions and bodies
    Global Information Media ( GIM )   Global  Information  Media ( GIM )  Global Information Media (GIM) daily proclamations
    Volunteering Global Community volunteers
    Breathing clean air  Drinking water, clean air and food for all
    Global Community Assessment Centre ( GCAC)  Global Community Assessment Centre (GCAC) is the assessment Centre for  Global Community
    Preventive actions against polluters  Preventive actions against polluters aspects and issues. Preventive actions against polluters
    Eating a balance diet Drinking water, clean air and food for all   Food production for all global communities aspects and issues
    Sustainable use of human and natural resources  Building Global Communities for all life aspects and issues   Global development management aspects and issues
    ' Clean ' energy Energy management, issues and rights Sustainable energy
    Eradicating poverty and hunger  Eradicating poverty   Eradicating poverty   Global Community  must now direct the wealth of the world towards the building of local-to-global economic democracies in order to meet the needs for food, shelter, universal healthcare, education, and employment for all
    Universal health care and education for everyone  Universal health care for every Global Community citizen
    Global Rights Global Rights year one is new impetus of  Global Community  to educate everyone about the need for a change in thinking and of doing things amongst all nations.
    All of the above essentials for this generation and the next ones  Overpopulation issues and management Peace amongst nations means having a global vision for humanity and knowing what is needed to give a healthy future to the next generations.

    Global Movement to Help main listing:
    • Federation of Global Governments Head Quarters (HQ)Federation of Global Governments Head Quarters Federation of Global Governments
    • Essential services Main index the Global Movement to Help essential services   Essential services
    • Global Justice Network Global Justice Network  Global Justice Network
    • Global Protection Agency (GPA) Main index of the  Global Protection Agency (GPA)  Global Protection Agency (GPA)
    • Global Rights Global Rights
    • Portal of Global Community Portal of  Global Community
    • Portal Global Dialogue 2009 Main website of Global Dialogue 2009
    • Global Information Media (GIM) proclamations    Global Information Media (GIM) proclamations
    • Portal of Global Dialogue 2008 Portal of Global Dialogue 2008
    • Proceedings of the Global Dialogue   Proceedings of the Global Dialogue
    • Global Peace Movement amongst nations and people Global Peace Movement amongst nations and people
    • Global Citizens voting on issues Global Community voting on issues

    Global Community, the 21st century framework for Earth governance

    Global Community, the 21st century framework for Earth governance.
    Artwork by Germain Dufour
    October 2014
    ( see enlargement 7 MB Global Community, the 21st century framework for Earth governance )

    Global Community ethics, a moral foundation for a better individual and community.
    Global Community ethics, a moral foundation for a better individual and community.
    Artwork by Germain Dufour
    October 2014
    ( see enlargement 20 MB Global Community ethics, a moral foundation for a better individual and community. )

    The formation of global ministries
    Artwork by Germain Dufour
    October 2014
    ( see enlargement 1 MB The formation of global ministries )

    Over the past decades, Global Community has been promoting the formation of several global ministries for the proper governance of Earth. Global ministries are world wide organizations just like the World Trade Organization (WTO) for trade and therefore should have the power to rule on cases as that of the WTO.

    The formation of global ministries is the most important event in human history. Humanity sees the need to manage the world affairs in several aspects of our lives: energy, agriculture, environment, health, Earth resources, Earth management, security and safety, emergencies and rescues, trade, banks, speculation on world markets, peace, family and human development, water resources protection, youth, education, justice, science and technology, finance, human resources, ethics, global rights, sustainable development, industry, and the manufacturing of products. Global ministries will be given power to rule themselves in harmony with each other.

    Global Community has researched and developed several important global ministries:

    * Global Ministry of Essential Services Global Ministry of Essential Services

    * Ministry of Global Resources Ministry of Global Resources

    * Ministry of Global Peace in government Ministry of Global Peace in government

    * Earth Environmental Governance Earth Environmental Governance

    * Earth Ministry of Health  Earth Ministry of Health

    * Global Ministry of Forests Global Forests Ministry

    * Global Ministry of Agriculture, Food Production and Distribution  Ministry of Agriculture, Food Production and Distribution

    * Global Civilization Ministry of Peace and Disarmament  Global Civilization Ministry  of Peace and Disarmament

    * Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs: Global Government of Africa  Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs: Global Government of Africa

    * Global Ministry of Water Resources Protection  Global Ministry of Water Resources Protection

    * Global Environment Ministry  Ministry of Global Environment

    Management of resources

    Humanity sees the need to manage world affairs in several aspects of our lives. Today, earquakes, cyclones and other natural disasters, as well as human made global destruction and disasters, require a rapid and efficient response from the world to help those in needs. All of this can be effectively accomplished when the organizational structure of the government of each nation-state includes a Ministry of Global Peace in government and a Global Ministry of Essential Services. We can all co-operate together better this way when all people are prepared and able to do so.

    Because of the limited quantities of Earth resources to be made available for this generation and the next ones, and because of environmental, climate change, and world population concerns, there is a need to manage the entire process of managing resources. And we all know that the amount of oil left in the ground in the world has already passed its peak quantity. So why waste the oil on doing things we know are nothing but a waste of energy and often used for destruction and certainly will shorten the life span of the next generations. A Ministry of Global Resources is needed to look after the management of Earth resources at all stages: exploration, production, transportation, manufacturing and distribution.

    There is a multitude of diverse Earth resources being taken from the ground and water, carried away for processing, manufacturing, packaging, or used in some form or another by consumers.

    Having reached nearly 6.1 billion in year 2000, human population continues to grow. UN population projections for the year 2050 range from 7.9 billion to 10.9 billion, suggesting the extent to which we can influence our future. More people and higher incomes worldwide are multiplying humanity's impacts on the environment and on the natural resources that are essential to life. The planet's fresh water, fisheries, forests and atmosphere are already strained to their safe limits for global survival.

    Based on these trends, it is clear that the 21st century will witness even greater pressures on natural resources. Young people increasingly want to wait to have children and to have smaller families. Policymakers have a choice. They can do nothing, or they can help ensure that in the 21st century the world's population peaks with fewer than 8 billion people, simply by committing the financial resources to meet the needs of couples who want to have smaller families later in life.

    The future of the relationship between people and critical natural resources has begun to appear more hopeful than it has for some time. Unfortunately, human population growth continues, meaning that more people will be sharing such finite resources as freshwater and cropland. And in some regions – notably in sub-Saharan Africa and parts of Asia – large families and early pregnancies provide strong momentum for population growth that could continue for generations to come.

    It is important to manage the Earth resources in the following aspects:
    1 Air
    2 Water
    3 Mining
    4 Electromagnetic waves
    5 Fisheries
    6 Tourism
    7 Environment
    8 Forests
    9 Soils
    10 Fossil fuels

        Scientists, tehnologists, technicians, engineers and all professionals to find sound solutions to human needs
    Global Community has come to realize that peoples live in a world of increasing interdependence and our faith is intrinsically related to the preservation of the global life-support systems for the survival of humanity and all forms of life. Global Community is calling upon scientists, tehnologists, technicians, engineers and all professionals to:

    a) create positive actions in their own fields to use the knowledge of science in a responsible manner, and
    b) find sound solutions to human needs and to fulfill aspirations without misusing human knowledge.
        Science has a responsibility for the well-being of humanity.
    Science gives a person a set of rules, a way of thinking, a philosophy to look at the physical universe, to observe and analyze it, and to discover its making, its functioning, and its structure. The scientific method is very reassuring to oneself. It gives us the basic reasoning we need in order to make informed and sound policy and management decisions.

    Science has a responsibility for the well-being of humanity. Science is found everywhere in our societies. Because of science, new technologies and techniques were developed and used in the market place. The products of science take important places in all aspects of our lives and actually save lives every second. They make our lives manageable in a million difeerent ways. Science has also played a destructive role in our history and is continuing to do so today. Science, technology and engineering are directly or indirectly responsible for threats to our environment, for wasteful uses of the Earth's resources and for wars and conflicts in the world.

        Science, technology and engineering are major forces of socio-economic change.
    Science, technology and engineering are major forces of socio-economic change. They cause humanity and its social and natural environment to evolve rapidly and, therefore, they carry serious responsibility and accountability. They are no longer regarded as benefactors of humanity. Ethical integrity has declined. In several parts of the world people have become suspicious and are questioning abuses of various kinds. Many scientists and other professionals have shown little regard to ethical problems arising from their work and must become responsible and accountable just like everyone else. There are no exception. We are all asked in helping humanity and all life on Earth from complete extinction. It is a common goal.

        Public funding should be directed towards very specific research projects related to the life-support system of the planet

    Researchers and other professionals receive public funding for finding solutions to problems in society. Public funding should be directed towards very specific research projects related to the life-support system of the planet and to a more sustainable biosphere.

        Science, technology and engineering to state ethical responsibilties and become a voice to present and future generations

    Science, technology and engineering must regain public trust, state ethical responsibilties and become a voice to present and future generations. Continuous discussions are needed on the ethical issues related to science, technology and engineering, their practices and ideologies.

    The public should be informed about research projects and their wider implications. All parties involved should collaborate with the public. Strong legal and moral safeguards must be implemented to discourage unethical practice and the wrongly use of science, technology and engineering for the development and manufacturing of mass destruction weapons, and for experiments which do not respect the dignity of human persons and animals.

        Prohibiting all acts, research projects, technology development, which do not conform to the ideas of humanity.

    Just as for human rights, the respect of the dignity of the human person is at the root of the ethics of science, technology and engineering. The Scale of Global Rights is aimed at prohibiting all acts, research projects, technology development, which do not conform to the ideas of humanity.

    There are many aspects of science, technology and engineering that must be discussed with respect to the Scale of Global Rights. For instances: cloning of human beings, and prohibiting the making of the human body and its products as a source of financial gain.

        A set of rules to balance consumption, consumer rights and responsibilities

    Globalization is a process interaction which involves growing economic interdependence of countries worldwide with implications and impacts on social, cultural, political, environmental and familial aspects and rights. With the globalization of the economy comes now the task for defining the obligations that go with the rights. This phenomenon is also present in the arena of international finance. In this area, however, the presumed virtues of globalization are far from being materialised. Until now, no orderly or stable financial system has been implemented. Furthermore, the current financial system does not succeed in channelling sufficient funds to finance crucial world problems such as adequate social development in poor countries. We have assigned ourselves the task of defining a set of rules to balance consumption, consumer rights and responsibilities :
    a)     Socially responsible and sustainable to future generations
    b)     In line with the universal values defined in this Constitution
        Democracy is not to be enforced by anyone and to anyone or to any global community

    The political system of an individual country does not have to be a democracy. Political rights of a country belong to that country alone. Democracy is not to be enforced by anyone and to anyone or to any global community. Every Member Nation of Global Community can and should choose the political system of their choice with the understanding of the importance of such a right on the Scale of Global Rights. On the other hand, representatives to Global Community must be elected democratically in every part of the world. An individual country may have any political system at home but the government of that country will have to ensure (and allow verification by Global Community ) that representatives to Global Community have been elected democratically. This way, every person in the world can claim the birth right of electing a democratic government to manage Earth: the rights to vote and elect representatives to form Global Community.

        The role of families has impacts on sustainable consumption and development

    Global consumption is a very important aspect of a community's needs. Consumers should be concerned with the impact of their decisions on the environment but also on the lives, human and Earth rights and well-being of other people. Since one of the key functions of families as a social institution is to engage in production (selling their labour in return for wages) and consumption (using those wages to buy goods and services), then the role of families has impacts on sustainable consumption and development. This certainly limits the rights of a family and of a community.

        Universal quality of life values which lead to 'human betterment' or the improvement of the human condition

    Just as corporations have social responsibilities and so do consumers in societies. Consumers are socialized to improve the quality of their lives. Quality of life is a multi-dimensional, complex and very subjective concept. For instance, someone who has changed their consumption habits to better ensure that their choices will make a better quality of life for themselves, the environment and future generations, may be seen by others as having a lower or inferior quality of life since they have removed themselves from the materialistic mainstream characteristic of our consumer society. Someone may feel that an absence of violence and abuse in their life leads to a higher quality of living even though they have fewer tangible resources, money, or shelter; peace of mind and freedom from abuse has increased the quality of their daily life relative to what it was like before. There are universal quality of life values which lead to 'human betterment' or the improvement of the human condition. In addition to the value of species survival (human and other living organisms), they include: adequate resources, justice and equality, freedom, and peace or balance of power. A better quality of life for all people of the Global Community is a goal for all of us.

        Trade laws to facilitate cross border transactions

    Consumers' rights impinge on the rights of other humans living in the Global Community. The right to choice is the consumer right that refers to the right to have a range and variety of goods and services at competitive, fair prices and variable, satisfactory quality. In order to assure choice in the developed country markets, governments have implemented trade laws to facilitate cross border transactions and transnational corporations (TNCs) have set up business off shore so they can lessen the cost of the production process. The goods that are available in the developed country markets are provided by slave labour, child labour, sweatshops or in countries that allow the TNCs to forego adhering to pollution or ecological concerns and human rights in pursuit of profit. Labour rights are abused in efforts to earn more profits. This leads to abhorrent working conditions, job insecurity and low living standards (all human rights). Consumers in developed countries have been socialized to want more and more things to consume but have not been socialized to appreciate the impact of their consumption choices on the human rights of other people; that is, they are not being responsible for their decisions.

        Social justice is a universal value

    As universal values, equality, justice and freedoms are concerned with our ability to decide, to choose values and to participate in the making of laws, and they are dependent on the recognition of other people. These values forbid any form of discrimination on the grounds of race, nationality, sex, religion, age or mother tongue. By accepting both values of freedom and equality we can achieve justice. One can be answerable for one's actions in a 'just' way only if judgements are given in the framework of democratically established laws and courts. Social justice is another universal value to which Global Community aspires and accepts as a universal value. Social justice consists in sharing wealth with a view to greater equality and the equal recognition of each individual's merits. All persons within a given society deserve equal access to goods and services that fulfill basic human needs.

        Socially responsible use of science and technology

    Global Community shall explore ways of encouraging a more socially responsible use of science and technology in a number of fields, including information technology, biotechnology and genetic engineering. It also explores corporate responsibility, often generated in relation to social and environmental issues.

        Civil and social rights and freedoms

    a)     Assure to each child the right to the full realization of his or her potential.
    b)     Social Security for everyone to relieve the hazards of unemployment, sickness, old age, family circumstances, disability, catastrophies of nature, and technological change, and to allow retirement with sufficient lifetime income for living under condi tions of human dignity during older age.
    c)     Equal opportunity for leisure time for everyone; better distribution of the work load of society so that every person may have equitable leisure time opportunities.
    d)     Equal opportunity for everyone to enjoy the benefits of scientific and technological discoveries and developments.
    e)     Freedom of choice in work, occupation, employment or profession.
    f)     Right of privacy of person, family and association; prohibition against surveillance as a means of political control.
    g)     Right to family planning and free public assistance to achieve family planning objectives.
    h)     Right of habeous corpus; no ex-post-facto laws; no double jeopardy; right to refuse self-incrimination or the incrimination of another.
    i)     Freedom of assembly, association, organization, petition and peaceful demonstration.
    j)     Freedom to vote without duress, and freedom for political organization and campaigning without censorship or recrimination.
    k)     Freedom to profess and promote political beliefs or no political beliefs.
        Democratic rights, and equality rights

    a)     Everyone has the right to a nationality;
    b)     Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others;
    c)     No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property;
    d)     Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association;
    e)     No one may be compelled to belong to an association;
    f)     Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives;
    g)     Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country;
    h)     Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality;
    i)     Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment;
    j)     Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work;
    k)     Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and  supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection;
    l)     Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests;
    m)     Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay; and n)     Everyone is entitled to a social and international order.

        Section  6.    Cultural and religious rights

        Cultural and religious differences can promote human and Earth rights.

    Traditional customs and standards could burden the sustainability of all life on Earth. They could burden Earth society or any society forever, and holds individuals in a straitjacket. We cannot accept that. No one can! There are choices to be made and you must make them. Cultures can develop and can go on developing. Even religious beliefs may evolve. We are living now and we are able to create these changes. Cultural and religious differences cannot be a reason or an excuse or a pretext for not respecting human and Earth rights including and most importantly the ecological rights. Quite the contrary, all kinds of cultures may promote human and Earth rights. They are different in their achievements, but they are equal in dignity where they are expressions of freedom. At any time or in any given place, men, women and children use their culture to invent new ways of making human and Earth rights a living reality. Diversity enriches us if it respects the dignity of each individual, and if it takes account of human and Earth rights as a whole.
    A sustainable world can be built with the help of a very powerful entity: the human spirit. Community participation generates the energy needed to sustain the planet and all life.

    Religious and environmental communities have formed a powerful alliance for sustainability.

    Intrinsic human cooperation at the core of creative cultural evolution promises to give rise to a new epoch for humanity defined by societal sustainability and lasting world peace. The biological basis for human cooperation and symbiotical relationships both validate and underlie evolutionary panaltruism in and beyond the twenty-first century. Twenty-first century education centered on human empathy and compassion and a terror-free global community by the year 2010 garners important impetus from The Golden Rule principle.

    The Golden Rule principle, also called the Ethic of Reciprocity by theologians, says: "Dont do to others what you wouldn't want done to you." Or treat others the way you would want to be treated. The Golden Rule has a moral aspect found in each religion or faith. It could be used as a global ethic. There are analogues for the golden rule in 13 faiths. These 13 analogue statements are passages found in the scriptures or writings that promote this ethos. Every faith is unanimous of saying that every individual should be treated with the same respect and dignity we all seek for ourselves. As a first step in bringing together religious leaders all around the world, the Global Community is presenting here 13 statements that unify us all in one Golden Rule.

    A new symbiotical relationship between religion and the protection of the global life-support systems has begun to take place all over the world. Religious rituals now support the conservation efforts and play a central role in governing sustainable use of the natural environment.

    Major faiths are issuing declarations, advocating for new national policies, and creating educational activities in support of a sustainable global community. Global Community is establishing a symbiotical relationship between spirituality and science, between our heart and mind, and SoulLife, between religion and the environment.

    The human family is finding its role in the universe, a higher purpose and a meaning. We now can celebrate life.

    A sustainable world can be built with the help of a very powerful entity: the human spirit. Community participation generates the energy needed to sustain the planet and all life. Religious and environmental communities have formed a powerful alliance for sustainability. Our next objective will be to find statements from all religions that promote the respect, stewardship, protection, ethical and moral responsibility to life and of the environment, the Earth global life-support systems, and statements that promote a responsible Earth management. We are also asking for specific statements on environmental conservation such as those expressed by the Islamic religion.

    Societal sustainability in addressing international terrorism and the creation of a democratically planned global economy marshals previously untapped human cooperation, energy, and resources. Investigating, understanding, and eradicating the root causes of international terrorism entails objective analyses of all social dichotomies ranging in realm from religious dogmas, to political ideologies, to economic systems.

        Encouragement for cultural diversity
        Freedom for peaceful self-determination for minorities, refugees and dissenters
        Freedom to profess, practice and promote religious or religious beliefs or no religion or religious belief
        Fundamental freedoms, and language rights
    (1)    Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.
    (2)    Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.
    (3)    Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.

        Right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community
    Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits.
        Freedom of thought and conscience
    Freedom of thought and conscience, speech, press, writing, communication, expression, publication, broadcasting, telecasting, and cinema, except as an overt part of or incitement to violence, armed riot or insurrection.
        A crime against the natural world is a sin
    To commit a crime against the natural world is a sin. It is a sin for humans to:
    a)     cause species to become extinct and to destroy the biological diversity.
    b)     degrade the integrity of Earth by causing changes in its climate, by stripping the Earth of its natural forests, or destroying its wetlands
    c)     injure other humans with disease
    d)     contaminate the Earth's waters, its land, its air, and its life, with poisonous substances

    We have become un-Creators. Earth is in jeopardy at our hands.

        The special responsibility that falls to all Global Community citizens

    This repentance of our social and ecological sins will acknowledge the special responsibility that falls to those of us who are citizens of the world.

        SoulLife's sacred Earth is the moral assignment of our time

    Global Community firmly believes that addressing the degradation of SoulLife's sacred Earth is the moral assignment of our time comparable to the Civil Rights struggles of the 1960s, the worldwide movement to achieve equality for women, or ongoing efforts to control weapons of mass destruction in a post-Hiroshima world.
        Ecological Affirmations of Faith

    a)     We stand with awe and gratitude as members of SoulLife's bountiful and good creation. We rejoice in the splendor and mystery of countless species, our common creaturehood, and the interdependence of all that SoulLife makes. We believe that the Earth is home for all and that it has been created intrinsically good.
    b)     We lament that the human species is shattering the splendid gifts of this web of life, ignoring our responsibility for the well being of all life, while destroying species and their habitats at a rate never before known in human history.
    c)     We believe that the Holy Spirit, who animates all of creation, breathes in us and can empower us to participate in working toward the flourishing of Earth's community of life. We believe that people are called to forge ways of being human that enable socially just and ecologically sustainable communities to flourish for generations to come.
    d)     We lament that we have rejected this vocation, and have distorted our SoulLife-given abilities and knowledge in order to ransack and often destroy ecosystems and human communities rather than to protect, strengthen, and nourish them.
    e)     We believe that, in boundless love that hungers for justice, SoulLife acts to restore and redeem all creation (including human beings). SoulLife incarnate affirms all creation, which becomes a sacred window to eternity. In the cross and resurrection we know that SoulLife is drawn into life's most brutal and broken places and there brings forth healing and liberating power. That saving action restores right relationships among all members of the whole creation.
    f)     We confess that instead of living and proclaiming this salvation through our very lives and worship, we have abused and exploited the Earth and people on the margins of power and privilege, altering climates, extinguishing species, and jeopardizing Earth's capacity to sustain life as we know and love it.
    g)     We believe that the created world is sacred-a revelation of SoulLife's power and gracious presence filling all things. This sacred quality of creation demands moderation and sharing, urgent antidotes for our excess in consumption and waste, reminding us that economic justice is an essential condition of ecological integrity.
    h)     We cling to SoulLife's trustworthy promise to restore, renew, and fulfill all that SoulLife creates. We long for and work toward the day when churches, will respond to the groaning of creation and to SoulLife's passionate desire to renew the face of the Earth.
    i)     We look forward to the day when the lamentations and groans of creation will be over, justice with peace will reign, humankind will nurture not betray the Earth, and all of creation will sing for joy.


    Global Community is compelled to seek eco-justice, the integration of social justice and ecological integrity.
    a)     The quest for eco-justice also implies the development of a set of human environmental rights, since one of the essential conditions of human well being is ecological integrity. These moral entitlements include protection of soils, air, and water from diverse pollutants; the preservation of biodiversity; and governmental actions ensuring the fair and frugal use of creation's riches.
    b)     Sustainability -- living within the bounds of planetary capacities indefinitely, in fairness to both present and future generations of life. SoulLife's covenant is with humanity and all other living creatures for all future generations. The concern for sustainability forces us to be responsible for the truly long-term impacts of our lifestyles and policies.
    c)     Bioresponsibility-- extending the covenant of justice to include all other life forms as beloved creatures of SoulLife and as expressions of SoulLife's presence, wisdom, power, and glory. We do not determine nor declare creation's value, and other creatures should not be treated merely as instruments for our needs and wants. Other species have their own integrity. They deserve a fair share of Earth's bounty- a share that allows a biodiversity of life to thrive along with human communities.
    d)     Humility--recognizing, as an antidote to arrogance, the limits of human knowledge, technological ingenuity, and moral character. We are not the masters of creation. Knowing human capacities for error and evil, humility keeps our own species in check for the good of the whole of Earth as SoulLife's creation.
    e)     Generosity--sharing Earth's riches to promote and defend the common good in recognition of SoulLife's purposes for the whole creation and SoulLife's gift of abundant life. Humans are not collections of isolated individuals, but rather communities of socially and ecologically interdependent beings. A measure of a good society is not whether it privileges those who already have much, but rather whether it privileges the most vulnerable members of creation. Essentially, these tasks require good government at all levels, from local to regional to national to Global Community .
    f)     Frugality -- restraining economic production and consumption for the sake of eco-justice. Living lives filled with SoulLife's Spirit liberates us from the illusion of finding wholeness in the accumulation of material things and brings us to the reality of SoulLife's just purposes. Frugality connotes moderation, sufficiency, and temperance. Many call it simplicity. It demands the careful conservation of Earth's riches, comprehensive recycling, minimal harm to other species, material efficiency and the elimination of waste, and product durability. Frugality is the corrective to a cardinal vice of the age: prodigality - excessively taking from and wasting SoulLife's creation. On a finite planet, frugality is an expression of love and an instrument for justice and sustainability: it enables all life to thrive together by sparing and sharing global goods.
    g)     Solidarity -- acknowledging that we are increasingly bound together as a global community in which we bear responsibility for one another's well being. The social and environmental problems of the age must be addressed with cooperative action at all levels-local, regional, national and Global Community . Solidarity is a commitment to the global common good through international cooperation.
    h)     Compassion -- sharing the joys and sufferings of all Earth's members and making them our own. Global Community sees the vulnerable and excluded. From compassion flows inclusive caring and careful service to meet the needs of others.

    Short term solution to saving the world, the Scale of Global Right.

    Global Community ethics embrace the process of understanding what is truly important for humanity's survival on our planet, and that is living a life with the Scale of Global Rights as the primary guide.
    Artwork by Germain Dufour
    October 2014
    ( see enlargement 6 MB Global Community ethics embrace the process of understanding what is truly important for humanity's survival on our planet, and that is living a life with the Scale of Global Rights as the primary guide. )
    Global Community ethics embrace the process of understanding what is truly important for humanity's survival on our planet, and that is living a life with the Scale of Global Rights as the primary guide.

    The Scale of Global Rights shows social values in order of importance, and so helps us truly understand the rights of an individual and a community for humanity's survival on our planet.

    The Scale of Global Rights shows social values in order of importance, and so helps us truly understand the rights of an individual and a community for humanity's survival on our planet.
    Artwork by Germain Dufour
    October 2014
    ( see enlargement 9 MB The Scale of Global Rights shows social values in order of importance, and so helps us truly understand the rights of an individual and a community for humanity's survival on our planet. )

    Global Community offers both a short term solution and a long term solution to the people of all nations. Both solutions have been integrated into the Scale of Global Rights Scale of Global Rights, itself a necessary first step which must be approved by all of us.

    The Scale of Global Rights contains six (6) sections. Section 1 has more importance than all other sections below, and so on.

    Concerning sections 1, 2, and 3, it shall be the Global Community highest priority to guarantee these rights to their respective Member Nations and to have proper legislation and implement and enforce global law as it applies and as shown in the Global Constitution.

    Section  1.    Global [ Ecological, environmental, protection of life-support systems ] rights

    Section  2.    Primordial human rights
    • safety and security
    • have shelter
    • 'clean' energy
    • a 'clean' and healthy environment
    • drink fresh water
    • breath clean air
    • eat a balance diet
    • basic clothing
    • universal health care and education, and
    • employment for all.

    Since year 1985, the Global Community has organized the Global Dialogue to probe the Peoples of the world, people from all nations, as to what it will take to make living on Earth sustainable, now and for the next generations. Results were published in our Proceedings. Global Proceedings of the Global Community

    Global Rights year one is new impetus of the Global Community to educate everyone about the need for a change in thinking and of doing things amongst all nations. We need to realize what is a priority, what is the most important, and what is the least important for our survival. We need a clear vision. We need a common vision. And we must all change! There are many important aspects of our lives we can longer do, or should never do anymore. They are destructive. Humanity and all life can no longer afford activities that destroy life and the global environment. And there are other activities we must do, certainly thousands of them, to assure the survival of life on Earth. In view of the planetary state of emergency we all must change, we must do things differently to give life on Earth a better survival chance.

    And this is what Global Rights year one is about: to establish global fundamentals and a clear vision to follow.

    Perhaps the Scale of Global Rights Scale of Global Rights Human and Earth rights  Scale of Human and Earth Rights Chapter X   of the Global Constitution is about the  Scale of Human and Earth Rights represents the strongest pillar of our vision.

    In 1985, the Scale of Global Rights was first proposed as a replacement to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. After several decades of research and development, many global dialogues, we still find the Scale as the best solution to global problems.

    Today, we are presenting once more the Scale as the best educating tool to bring about the change the people of the world need to achieve for their own survival.

    Scale of Global Rights

    Current News

    Scale of Global Rights
    Germain Dufour
    March 11, 2014
    mp4 (20 MB) Scale of Global Rights

    Values foundation of the Scale of Global Rights

    On the Scale of Global Rights, primordial human rights and the protection of the global life-support systems and ecological rights are on top of the Scale. They are the most important aspects on the Scale.

    Primordial human rights are those human rights that individuals have by virtue of their very existence as human beings:

    1.     safety and security
    2.     have shelter
    3.     'clean' energy
    4.     'clean' and healthy environment
    5.     drink fresh water
    6.     breath clean air
    7.     eat a balance diet
    8.     basic clothing
    9.     universal health care and education
    10.     employment for all

    These rights are in a separate categorie and distinct than ecological rights, the right of the greatest number of people, economic rights, social rights, cultural rights and religious rights. Ecological and primordial human rights are the only rights that have existed unchanged throughout the evolutionary origin of our species. Any major change would have threatened our very existence. All other human rights listed here are rights created by human beings and can be changed depending of new circumstances; they are not stagnant but are rather flexible and adaptive, and they can evolve. Ecological and primordial human rights of this generation and of future generations are therefore much more important than any other human rights existing now and in the future.

    Throughout the history of humanity, the rights of human beings have been defined and enshrined with reference to the values of the dignity of each individual and of freedom, equality and justice. These values are universal. Global Community has accepted and enshrined them into its own ways of behaving and dealing with all peoples. Cultures and societies differ so much that their expression takes varying forms, but diversity does not affect the foundation of inalienable values constituted by human and Earth rights. Each individual is recognized as a representative of humankind. Human dignity resides in each of us, and this dignity must be recognized and respected by all.

    How meaningful is the right to life or to participation in political life if poverty, gender inequality, destitution and epidemics prevent individuals from enjoying freedom of movement, freedom to vote, to marry and so on? The economic and social rights are the essential prerequisite for the effectiveness and exercise of all other rights (other than the protection of the global life-support systems and ecological rights) recognized for human beings. The developing countries are having a harder time than others to achieve the exercise of these rights on a lasting basis, with the problems of economic globalization presenting new challenges. We must therefore beware of enforcing economic rights alone to the detriment of individual civil rights and the rights of all individuals to decide their own fate and the future of their country, their political rights. The universality of human rights recognizes the right of all individuals to participate in the cultural life of their community and of other country, to receive education and training, and to be informed. Primordial human rights are necessarily human needs but not all human needs are primordial human rights. To determine rights requires an understanding of needs and reponsibilities and their importance.

    As universal values, equality, justice and freedoms are concerned with our ability to decide, to choose values and to participate in the making of laws, and they are dependent on the recognition of other people. These values forbid any form of discrimination on the grounds of race, nationality, sex, religion, age or mother tongue. By accepting both values of freedom and equality we can achieve justice. One can be answerable for one's actions in a 'just' way only if judgements are given in the framework of democratically established laws and courts. Social justice is another universal value to which the Global Community aspires and accepts as a universal value. Social justice consists in sharing wealth with a view to greater equality and the equal recognition of each individual's merits. All persons within a given society deserve equal access to goods and services that fulfill basic human needs.

    To determine rights requires an understanding of needs and reponsibilities and their importance. The Scale of Global Rights is the best guidance for continuing this process. The Scale shows social values in order of importance and so will help us understand the rights of a community. What are the universal needs of a person, family, a community?

    Primordial human rights are necessarily human needs but not all human needs are primordial human rights.

    Nevertheless there are very specific primordial human needs. First there are the material needs, the requisites for a dignified life and truly those needs are the primordial human rights.

    Then there are the nonmaterial needs which can evolve, and are flexible and adaptive:

    •     social justice
    •     basic health care
    •     communications facilities in the community
    •     well-rounded education
    •     cultural protection
    •     spiritual and religious acceptance and
    •     human and Earth rights

    All families need shelter, food, language, body of knowledge, certain skills, a source of income. Security of the home is an important aspect for any family and the global community it belongs to. Primordial human needs raise the question of interacting universal responsibilities. In terms of parenthood, parents must raised their children mentally and physically healthy. It is a responsibility to do so. Which also means each local community must have an educational system to help parents raise the child.

    The  Scale is the primary guide for the decision-making process.

    The Scale is the primary guide for the decision-making process.

    The Scale of Global Rights contains six (6) sections. Section 1 has more importance than all other sections below, and so on. More importance is given to the sections higher on the Scale, and the Scale is the primary guide for the decision-making process.

    Global Community believes that the introduction of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has been a great step in humanity's evolution to better itself. But now is time to leave it behind and reach to our next step, that is, the Scale of Global Rights. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights resides in the fact that it gives equal emphasis to cultural rights, economic and social rights, and civil and political rights.  Global Community asks how meaningful is the right to life or to participation in political life if the ecological base (the base of life) and the global life-support systems are seriously threatened:

    *    wilderness is vastly disappearing; species of the fauna and flora becoming extinct
    *    fisheries are out of control and will cease to be a part of our diet within a few decades;
    *    the global Oxygen supply in the air we breathe is dangerously affected by both the burning of petroleum products and deforestation; our ways of life affect the capacity for photosynthesis;
    *    losses of forest cover and of biological diversity;
    *    climate change affects everyone and everything;
    *    the ozone layer is dangerously damaged by man-made chemicals;
    *    global warming causes major local and global problems and forces the climate to change;
    *    our drinking (fresh) water is becoming more polluted and the increase in population requires much more fresh unpolluted water; our ways of life affect dangerously the water cycle;
    *    clean air no longer exists; air contains chemicals affecting life all over the planet;
    *    farmers do not generally engage on their own in investment in soil conservation and despite all other efforts the world is losing its best soils; global food production systems should be made to feed people as oppose to be competing for money;
    *    everyone wants to consume more products and thus use more of Earth essential resources which are becoming much harder to obtain and create more pollution and wastes, and no one seems to know what to do with wastes; wastes of all kind including nuclear and release of radiation;
    *    wars destroy not only human lives and community infrastructures but also other lifeforms and the environment; wars feed the economies of war makers, weapons manufacturers, and predator nations in control of the last 100 hundred years left of oil supplies in the world; and
    *    chemicals produced for human use and not found in nature and, eventually, reaching the environment with impacts on Earth's waters, soils, air, and ecology.
    Global Community found evident that the ecological base is the essential prerequisite for the effectiveness and exercise of all rights recognized for human beings. The stewardship of the ecological base has to be given priority before the fulfilment of various economic and social wishes. Demands resulting from the socio-economic system of a particular country have to find their limits in the protection of the global ecosystem. Vital interests of future generations have to be considered as having priority before less vital interests of the present generation. Supply chains have to be designed in a way, that the goods can enter after usage or consumption into natural or industrial recycling processes. If serious damages to persons, animals, plants and the ecosystem cannot be excluded, an action or pattern of behaviour should be refrained from. A measure for supplying goods or services should choose a path which entails the least possible impact on the ecological and social system concerned. This way functioning proven systems will not be disturbed, and  unnecessary risks will not be taken. Supply strategies consuming less resources should have preference before those enhancing more resource consumption. When there is a need to find a solution to a problem or a concern,  a sound solution would be to choose a measure or conduct an action, if possible, which causes reversible damage as opposed to a measure or an action causing an irreversible loss.

    The Scale is a balancing process to sustain all life on the planet now and future generations

    The Scale is a balancing process to sustain all life on the planet now and future generations

    Concerning sections 1, 2, and 3, it shall be Global Community highest priority to guarantee these rights to Member Nations and to have proper lesgislation and implement and enforce global law as it applies.

    Section  1.    Ecological rights and the protection of the global life-support systems

    Section  2.    Primordial human rights

    •     safety and security
    •     have shelter
    •     'clean' energy
    •     'clean' and healthy environment
    •     drink fresh water
    •     breath clean air
    •     eat a balance diet
    •     basic clothing
    •     universal health care and education
    •     employment for all

    Section  3.    The ecological rights, the protection of the global life-support systems and the primordial human rights of future generations

    Concerning Sections 4, 5 and 6, it shall be the aim of Global Community to secure these other rights for all global citizens within the federation of all nations, but without immediate guarantee of universal achievement and enforcement. These rights are defined as Directive Principles, obligating the Global Community to pursue every reasonable means for universal realization and implementation.

    Section  4.    Community rights, rights of direct democracy, the right that the greatest number of people has by virtue of its number (50% plus one) and after voting representatives democratically.

    Section  5.    Economic rights (business and consumer rights, and their responsibilities and accountabilities) and social rights (civil and political rights)

    Section  6.    Cultural rights and religious rights

    Scale of Global Rights definition

    Scale of Global Rights
    ( see enlargement Definition of the Scale of Global Rights)
    Definition of the Scale of Global Rights Scale of Global Rights Human and Earth rights  Scale of Global Rights Chapter X   of the Global Parliament Constitution  is about the  Scale of Human and Earth Rights
    Artwork by Germain Dufour
    June, 2010

    On the Scale of Global Rights primordial human rights and the protection of the global life-support systems (ecological rights) are on top of the Scale. They are the most important aspects on the Scale.
    For instance, the existing and future uses of water are constantly challenged; balancing supply and demand is made even harder by the amounts of pollution found in the air, land and waters. A large part of our body is made of water, and we cannot live without water; therefore water is a primordial human right by our very nature. In order to avoid conflicts and wars over drinking (fresh)water, fresh water has been categorized as a primordial human right. Industrial pollution plays a major role in the deterioration of nature but this time the level of pollution is above the carrying capacity of a healthy ecosystem. Pollution also affects significantly human health and all lifeforms on Earth. Every person needs Oxygen to live so clean air is certainly also a primordial human right by our very nature.

    Control over the amounts of greengases produced by human activities and let go into our air must be paramount to governance and management of Earth.The production of greengases involves the destruction of the Oxygen in our air and its replacement by CO2, a deadly chemical. CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere have been measured at an altitude of about 4,000 meters on the peak of Mauna Loa mountain in Hawaii since 1958. The measurements at this location, remote from local sources of pollution, have clearly shown that atmospheric concentrations of CO2 are increasing. The mean concentration of approximately 316 parts per million by volume (ppmv) in 1958 rose to approximately 369 ppmv in 1998. The annual variation is due to CO2 uptake by growing plants. The uptake is highest in the northern hemisphere springtime. Today in 2013, the concentration is 400 ppmv. And after all the dirty tars sands oil of Alberta has been consumed, the concentration will be over 600 ppmv, i.e. the end of civilization as we know it, and the end of most lifeforms on the planet.

    CO2 concentration: Mauna Loa curve

    CO2 concentration: Mauna Loa curve

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    Long term solution to saving the world, Global Parliament.

    Making clear to all people what they Making clear to all people what they can no longer do and must do for survival can no longer do and must do for life survival on Earth.

    Politics and Justice without borders:  Earth governance

    ( see enlargement Politics and Justice without borders:  Earth governance )

    Politics and Justice without borders: Earth governance
    Artwork by Germain Dufour
    June 6, 2010

    Global Parliament

    Artwork by Germain Dufour
    October 2014
    ( see enlargement 2 MB Global Parliament

    Global Parliament

    The House of Elected Representatives, the House of Advisers, the Earth Executive Council, and the Federation of Global Governments together form Global Parliament. The Peoples of Global Community elect, nominate or appoint their representatives to Global Parliament.

    1. Global Parliament shall enact legislation, and exercise the budgetary function, as well as functions of political control and consultation as laid down in the Constitution.

    2. Global Parliament shall be elected by direct universal suffrage of all Global Community citizens in free and secret ballot for a term of five years. Representation of the Global Community citizens shall be of one Elected Representative per million people. Sufficiently in advance of the Parliamentary elections, the Global Parliament shall adopt by unanimity, on the basis of a proposal from Global Parliament and with its consent, a decision establishing the composition of Global Parliament, respecting the principles set out above.

    3. Global Parliament shall elect its President and its officers from among its members.

    4. Global Parliament shall create, alter, abolish or consolidate the departments, commissions, offices, agencies and other parts of the several organs of Global Parliament, subject to the specific provisions of Global Parliament Constitution.

    Global Parliament Constitution

    Artwork by Germain Dufour
    October 2014
    ( see enlargement 4 MB Global Parliament Constitution

    Global Parliament Constitution

    A working Global Parliament Constitution is the only way for us all to guarantee essential services, Justice, and protection to every home. Global Parliament is not a World Government or Earth Government. No! It is the Federation of Global Governments. Global Parliament and its Constitution were researched and developed from fundamental principles as opposed to kitchen recipe types of Constitution that follow a set of instructions for a world parliament of some kind. Or as opposed to using the old USA Constitution with its military overtones to invading the world and lobbyists base democracy.

    Some of those principles we developed are "Global Community" and the "Scale of Global Rights". That is what differentiates most our proposal from others. The Federation and its Global Parliament operate as per those principles. The definition of Global Community concept is truly the 21st century "philosophy of life" framework, some called it the religion of the third millennium, others called it the politics of the future generations now.

    Global Parliament
    ( see enlargement GPA and Essential Services )

    Artwork by Germain Dufour
    October 2014
    ( see enlargement 34 MB Federation of Global Governments )
    Global Parliament and Essential Services
    Artwork by Germain Dufour
    June 2010

    Federation of Global Governments

    The Federation of Global Governments represents the nations of the world. Candidates to the Federation are elected or appointed by Member Nations. The Federation is the place of meeting between Global Governments. We want each Global Government to take a larger share of responsibility of the specific region where it operates, and be more accountable to the people of that region. And we want a Global Government to be made of wealthy nations as well as nations in need of help. Be compassionate. Each Global Government is obliged to offer Essential Services to the people of its member nations.

    House of Elected Representatives

    The House of Elected Representatives represents Global Community directly and equally. Candidates to the House of Elected Representatives are elected democratically. Representatives shall be elected by direct universal suffrage of all Global Community citizens in free and secret ballot for a term of five years. Representation of the Global Community citizens shall be of one Elected Representative per million people.

    House of Advisers

    Candidates to the House of Advisers are nominated by teachers, students, or professional organizations. The House of Advisers goal is to represent the highest good and best interests of humanity as a whole.

    Earth Executive Council

    Members of the Earth Executive Council shall consist of a representative of each Member Nation at ministerial level.
    Introduction Introduction to  Federation of Global Governments essential services   are offering the	Global Movement to Help

    The Federation of Global Governments is now applying more emphasis on the urgent need from the people of all nations to give everyone essential services. Global Community has already declared a planetary state of emergency to that effect. The Global Community Peace Movement has declared a planetary state of emergency Planetary state of emergency

    We have shown that several events have contributed to the planetary state of emergency:
    A)     widespread poverty and hunger in more than half the world population

    B)     The global warming of the planet due to human activities

    C)     Climate change

    D)     Economic and military invasion of nations by the United States and NATO

    E)     Absence of fair and democratic global governance at the United Nations and European Union

    F)     Our global environment and global life-support systems are threatened by:

    • any of the above mentioned events
    • pollution worldwide
    • the U.S.A. military exploded war heads over the bottom of the Indian ocean, and that scenario created a tsunami wave in 2004. Just a test, said the captain of the submarine that did it.
    • the U.S.A. military exploded war heads to melt the Polar Cap and glaciers. All nations capable of such an extreme action against humanity and all life on Earth must be disarmed and pay for the independent global investigation. The United States is the only nation that would profit from the melting of the North Pole and is capable of such an extreme action against humanity and all life. Blood resources.

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    Earth management will become a spiritual and a natural process.

    Earth is our most precious and the one and only place we can live for now. Earth is our home. Earth management will become a spiritual and a natural process whereby each person is responsible and accountable for its management the best they can. Peace in the world and Earth management have for too long been in the hands of and affected by government and business leaders, in the hands of a few people on the planet, as opposed to being in the hands of all of us (over 7 billion people on Earth) working together to keep our planet healthy. We cannot allow ourselves to let governments and other organizations take away our responsibility for managing Earth. It would be like giving the key of our planet to people who would be looking after their own self-interests and not bother with what is truly important for life survival on our planet. We are the keepers of the Earth, and we want to govern and manage sustainably our planet.

    Moral values, peace and sustainability.

    Global Civilization claims that everyone on Earth should be able to live in peace. This peace movement is about courage. Not the courage it takes to go into battle but the courage to organize resistance to war when a bloody taste for it inflames the world, and the threat of prison in a nation where the global rights and freedom of expression have diminished significantly. It is about the courage to say NO to the war industry. It is an industry that destroys life on Earth, corrupts society, and violates morality. The war industry is the "mother of all evils" of our world. It must be shelved. War products and equipment from all nations must be decommissioned. Join the Peace Movement of Global Civilization.

    Military intervention in the affairs of other nations is wrong. There are other ways, there are peaceful ways, ways that are not based on profit-making and the gain of power for itself.

    We have the responsibility of managing Earth. Everyone shares responsibility for the present and future well-being of life within Global Civilization. When there is a need to find a solution to a problem or a concern, a sound solution would be to choose a measure or conduct an action, if possible, which causes reversible damage as oppose to a measure or an action causing an irreversible loss.

    Global Civilization has extended the idea of sustainability to be a moral and ethical state as well as an economic and environmental state. We invite everyone and every organization to participate openly without fear. Paticipate in the process of the Global Dialogue. Again today we ask everyone throughout the world to scrutinize all of their values. No exception! You are asked to create new thoughts that will sustain Earth, humanity and all life.

    Moral values can be identified across cultures, even if we do not accept a global understanding of principles: values including integrity, trustworthiness, benevolence, justice, and fairness. These values can be resources for finding common ground between believers and nonbelievers, and for conflicts needing of ethics to resolve their problems.

    From now on, building global communities for peace require understanding of global problems this generation is facing. There are several major problems: conflicts and wars, no tolerance and compassion for one another, world overpopulation, overconsumption in developed nations, unemployment, insufficient protection and prevention for global health, scarcity of resources and drinking water, poverty, fauna and flora species disappearing at a fast rate, global warming and global climate change, global pollution, permanent lost of the Earth's genetic heritage, and the destruction of the global life-support systems and the eco-systems of the planet. We need to build global communities that will manage themselves with the understanding of those problems. All aspects are interrelated: global peace, global sustainability, global rights and the environment. The jobless are more concerned with ending starvation, finding a proper shelter and employment, and helping their children to survive. Environmental issues become meaningless to the jobless. In reality, all concerns are interrelated because the ecology of the planet has no boundaries. Obviously, as soon as our environment was destroyed or polluted beyond repair, human suffering is next.

    A planetary state of emergency.

    Our goal for peace in the world can only be reached by resolving global problems. Those problems have brought up a planetary state of emergency. In view of the planetary state of emergency, shown and declared by Global Civilization, we all must change, we must do things differently to give life on Earth a better survival chance and bring about the event of peace amongst us all. There are also short term and long term solutions to resolving global problems. The Scale of Global Rights is certainly the first solution to this end, and it will be entrenched in Global Law.

    The Global Protection Agency will enforce the law. And that is a long term solution to the planetary state of emergency. And that is also how we can solve the global problems facing this generation, thus largely improving the quality of life of the next generations, and that is how we will bring about the event of peace amongst us all.

    Truly, the world is on the threshold of a global revolution, and needs to proceed with the non-violent approach. Global Civilization needs to build an economic democracy based firmly on the basic principle that the Earth belongs equally to everyone as a birthright. The Earth is for all people to labor and live on and should never be the possession of any individual, corporation, or uncaring government, any more than the air or water, or any other Earth natural resources. An individual, or a business should have no more than is needed for a healthy living.

    Global citizens have respect for the community of living beings.

    As far as Global Civilization was concerned, cultural and religious differences cannot be a reason or an excuse or a pretext for not respecting human rights and, most importantly, ecological rights. Quite the contrary, all kinds of cultures may promote human rights and especially cultural rights. They are different in their achievements, but they are equal in dignity where they are expressions of  freedom. At any time or in any given place, men, women and children use their culture to invent new ways of making human rights a living reality. Diversity enriches us if it respects the dignity of each individual, and if it takes account of  human rights as a whole.

    There is such a thing as Justice! Global Civilization ethics offer the possibility of a better individual and community, a global order with fairness and Justice, and a wolrd with hope and love. A world where everything make sense in all areas of life, for families and communities, for races, nations and all religions. Peoples are asked to live a life following common standards and fundamental rights and laws.

    Building a sustainable Global Civilization.

    In order to build a sustainable Global Civilization, each individual, each local community, and national governments of the world must initiate their commitment to Global Civilization, and support the implementation of the Scale of Global Rights principles with an international legally binding instrument on environment and development. This binding instrument is now called Global Law.

    Building global communities requires a mean to enforce global law that protects all life on Earth.

    Global Protection Agency (GPA) will train and lead a global force, bypassing traditional peacekeeping and military bodies such as the United Nations and NATO. This is a great opportunity for globallateralism.

    As we enact global law, we will begin to take on a much deeper kind of global leadership, one that earns more respect than envy and more gratitude than hatred, one that can catapult the whole planet forward into a future where war is no longer thinkable between nation-states and a legitimate and beneficial global government is able to cope with global problems.

    A planetary biodiversity zone.

    Global Civilization has established a planetary biodiversity zone now under the protection of the Global Protection Agency. We have declared a moratorium on all development in the zone, including all drilling, military testing, and any other destructive uses of the ecosystems.

    The planetary biodiversity zone includes:

    • North Pole region,
    • South Pole region,
    • all oceans,
    • all forests,
    • all lakes,
    • all rivers and connecting streams,
    • all wetlands and grasslands, and
    • living organisms and ecosystems in all of the above.
    The people of all nations are required to respect the moratorium until global law has been completed to include regulations to be enforced by the GPA.

    An efficient emergency response to help at the global level.

    As a first step to getting help, all nations can and should approve the first three sections on the Scale of Global Rights. The approval would supersede the political and physical borders of participating member nations. Global Protection Agency would have the approval from all member nations to give immediate help, thus bypassing local government protocols. Somewhat like an emergency unit but at the global level. That is what those first three sections mean. They represent an efficient and immediate emergency response to help. First, participating member nations need to give their approval to the GPA. The GPA is a global organization much like the World Trade Organization (WTO) for trade between nations, the World Health Organization (WHO) for health, or the European Union, North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFT), South American Community of Nations (SACON) for trade and economics. The GPA is a short term solution, an immediate and efficient response to help. There are also long term solutions. As with the short term solution, the most significant long term solution is also related to the Scale of Global Rights. The Scale was entrenched in the Global Constitution and is thus the fundamental guide to Global Law. Now the Scale of Global Rights is a long term solution and is also a part of the Global Movement to Help of Global Civilization. The Scale was designed to help all life on Earth.

    An ecological - environmental equilibrium that has sustained life on Earth.

    Our planet is populated with living beings consisting of millions of different life forms interacting with each other to survive, thus forming an intricate web of life in different ecosystems on the planet. The interaction and interdependence between life forms were the driving force that created and maintained an ecological - environmental equilibrium which has sustained life on Earth for millions of years enabling it to evolve, flourish and diversify. And today, Global Civilization is promoting values of Earth’s diversity in all its forms, the non-human as well as the human.

    On Earth’s surface exists a diversity of arctic, temperate and tropical ecosystems with many different varieties of plants, animals, and human beings, all of which are dependent on soils, waters and local climates. Biodiversity, the diversity of organisms, depends on maintenance of ecodiversity, the diversity of ecosystems. Cultural diversity – which in effect is a form of biodiversity – is the historical result of humans fitting their activities, thoughts and language to specific geographic ecosystems. Therefore, whatever degrades and destroys ecosystems is both a biological and a cultural source.

    Today the ecological languages of aboriginal people, and the cultural diversity they represent, are as endangered as tropical forest species and for the same reasons: the world is being homogenized, ecosystems are being simplified, diversity is declining and being lost forever.

    Along with the lost of life, there is also the urgent human need to survive, and for this reason Global Civilization has formed the "Global Civilization Movement to Help". We have shown that several events have contributed to this new movement:
    A)     widespread poverty and hunger in more than half the world population,
    B)    The global warming of the planet due to human activities,
    C)    Climate change,
    D)    Economic and military invasion of nations by the United States and NATO,
    E)    Absence of fair and democratic global governance at the United Nations and European Union, and
    F)    Our global environment and global life-support systems are threatened daily.

    The Global Civilization Movement to Help is showing us that humanity needs and wants are so destructive to itself and to all life on Earth that something significant must be done to protect this amazing life heritage, not just for ourselves but the next generations. Over the last Century humanity has been depleting and degrading the natural capital of Earth, rich agricultural soils, its groundwater stored during ice ages, and its biodiversity. Overpopulation and increasing per capita consumption are major reasons for the depleting of resources. Politicians and business executives are under the delusion that such a disastrous end to the modern human enterprise and institutions can be avoided by technological fixes that will allow the population and the economy to grow forever. The recent event that brought down the American economy is a signal of desperation, a wake-up call, something has gone very wrong, and we need to make things right. People from Wall Street live a dream life. Our current way of life is unsustainable. We are the first species that will have to self-consciously impose limits on ourselves if we are to survive.

    Can we really believe this world can go forward indefinitely, a few decades? We are seeing the end of the era of cheap fossil energy, and there is no viable large-scale replacements for that energy.

    The health of the planet is not what Wall Street is showing us. The reality is that we see more trends such as :
    • groundwater contamination,
    • high levels of toxicity,
    • topsoil loss,
    • widening inequality in the world,
    • the intensity of the violence and social chaos,
    • war over oil and gas,
    • extensive and destructive forest fires and weather systems,
    • floods, and
    • the desperation that so many feel at every level of society.

    Is this a sustainable system? We need to recognize the failure of fundamental systems, and to abandon the notion that what there is to do is recalibrate the institutions that structure our lives today. We need to realize that the way we thought things would work out truly is gone. Capitalism is at the core of this unsustainable system. It gives rise to the high-energy/mass-consumption configuration of privileged societies. We must set-up measures to stop speculators from benefiting from the misery of others, by punishing corrupt politicians, and by collectively understanding that bankers are rich because we have placed our money in their hands. Ultimately, unless we begin to see the world as a whole, in which things are truly interconnected, our governments will continue their hostilities, oil resources will keep on decreasing, and when the time comes for us to complain, we will be faced with the guns of the police whom we have helped to create with the payment of our taxes.

    It's time for us to come to terms with reality.

    We need ways of organizing ourselves to help us live in a world with less energy and fewer material goods. We need to recover a deep sense of community that has disappeared from many of our lives. The world is in global crisis and a planetary state of emergency. We are exploiting our natural resources, minerals and fuels faster than we are gaining access to alternative sources. We are polluting the natural environment faster than the environment can regenerate itself to reach the level suitable for human needs. We are changing the global climate dangerously. Our attitude and way of life show a moral degradation toward the existing forms of life on the planet. It's time for us to protect what is left to protect: life itself on Earth. This was the reason for the creation of a planetary biodiversity zone. Global Civilization has shown the benefits of biodiversity to humanity and hope this approach will motivate others to help create the zone.

    Policies to decrease world population.

    Perhaps the most important step towards achieving global sustainability now and for future generations is to control our population growth. World overpopulation is now at the turning point and requires from each and every one of us making a commitment to a statement of rights, responsibilities and accountabilities, and of belonging to Global Civilization, the human family. Humanity has to regulate its population by means that are voluntary and benign and has to take along with a fair proportion of other lifeforms. Proper Earth management will certainly be a necessary tool to achieve our goal. If not there will be a collapse of humanity and of the environment. From now on every global decision has tremendous consequences on our future. Comprehensive population policies are an essential element in a world development strategy that should combine access to reproductive health services, to education and economic opportunities, to improved energy and natural resource technologies, and to healthyer models of consumption and the "good life."

    Despite humanity's success in feeding a growing world population, the natural resources on which life depends, such as fresh water, cropland, fisheries and forests, are increasingly depleted or strained. In this millennium, population growth continues, meaning that more people will be sharing such finite resources as fresh water and cropland. UN population projections for the year 2050 range from 7.9 billion to 10.9 billion, suggesting the extent to which we can influence our future. More people worldwide are multiplying humanity's impact on the environment and on natural resources essential to life.

    Because of the high per capita consumption of resources in industrialized nations, we have the world's worst population problem! People think of the population problem as being a problem only of "those people" in the undeveloped countries, but this serves only to draw attention away from the difficulties of dealing with our own problems. It is easier to tell a neighbor not to cut forests or create global warming than it is for us not to cut forests and create global warming. With regard to other countries, we can offer family planning assistance on request, but in those countries we have no jurisdiction or direct responsibility. Within our own country we have complete jurisdiction and responsibility, yet we failed to act to help solve our own problems. What the industrialized world can do to help developing nations stop their population growth is to set an example and stop our own population growth.

    It is clear that there will always be large opposition to programs of making population growth pay for itself. Those who profit from growth will use their considerable resources to convince the community that the community should pay the costs of growth. In most communities, making growth pay for itself could be a major tool to use in stopping the population growth.

    Because of world overpopulation and our never satisfied consumer societies natural resources are being depleted at an alarming rate. Agriculture faces an increasing challenge in feeding the growing world population.

    The number of people living in countries where cultivated land is critically scarce is projected to increase to between 600 million and 986 million in 2025. Despite the Green Revolution and other technological advances, agriculture experts continue to debate how long crop yields will keep up with population growth and climate change. The food that feeds future generations will be obtained mostly on today's cropland. The soil on this land must remain fertile to keep food production secure. Easing world hunger could become unimaginably difficult if population growth resembles demographers' higher projections. Soils represent an important component of the terrestrial resources. In fact, more carbon is stored in soils (including peat) than in all of the vegetation of the world! So it is very important to create and implement worldwide policies to decrease world population today:
    • delay reproduction until later in life;
    • Delaying reproduction is important in influencing population growth rates. Over a period of 60 years, if people delay reproduction until they are 30 years old, you would have only two generations, while if you do not delay reproduction you would have three generations (one generation every 20 years).
    • spread your children farther apart;
    • to have fewer children overall;
    • government commitment to decreasing population growth;
    • Create policies that help decreasing the number of children being born. Policies such as income tax deductions for dependent children and maternity and paternity leaves are essentially pronatalist and should be eliminated.
    • programs that are locally designed and that include information on family planning and access to contraceptives; and
    • educational programs that emphasize the connection between family planning and social good.
    The vast disparities in reproductive health worldwide and the greater vulnerability of the poor to reproductive risk point to several steps all governments can take, with the support of other sectors, to improve the health of women and their families:
    • Give women more life choices. The low social and economic status of women and girls set the stage for poor reproductive health;
    • Invest in reproductive health care;
    • Encourage delays in the onset of sexual activity and first births;
    • Help couples prevent and manage unwanted childbearing;
    • Ensure universal access to maternal health care;
    • Support new reproductive health technologies;
    • Increase efforts to address the HIV pandemic;
    • Involve communities in evaluating and implementing programs;
    • Develop partnerships with the private sector, policymakers and aid donors to broaden support for reproductive health; and
    • Measure Progress.

    More and more young people on every continent want to start bearing children later in life, and to have smaller families than at any time in history. Likewise, in greater proportions than ever, women and girls in particular, want to go to school and to college, and they want to find fulfilling and well-paid employment. Helping people in every country obtain the information and services they need to put these ambitions into effect is all that can be done, and all that needs to be done, to bring world population growth to a stable landing in this century.

    Global Civilization promotes the formation of several global ministries for the proper governance of Earth.

    Over the past decades, Global Civilization has been promoting the formation of several global ministries for the proper governance of Earth. Global ministries are world wide organizations just like the World Trade Organization (WTO) for trade and therefore should have the power to rule on cases as that of the WTO.

    The formation of global ministries is the most important event in human history. Humanity sees the need to manage the world affairs in several aspects of our lives: energy, agriculture, environment, health, Earth resources, Earth management, security and safety, emergencies and rescues, trade, banks, speculation on world markets, peace, family and human development, water resources protection, youth, education, justice, science and technology, finance, human resources, ethics, global rights, sustainable development, industry, and the manufacturing of products. Global ministries will be given power to rule themselves in harmony with each other.

    Humanity sees the need to manage world affairs in several aspects of our lives. Today, earquakes, cyclones and other natural disasters, as well as human made global destruction and disasters, require a rapid and efficient response from the world to help those in needs. All of this can be effectively accomplished when the organizational structure of the government of each nation-state includes a Ministry of Global Peace in government and a Global Ministry of Essential Services. We can all co-operate together better this way when all people are prepared and able to do so.

    There is a need to manage the entire process of using Earth natural resources resources.

    Because of the limited quantities of Earth resources to be made available for this generation and the next ones, and because of environmental, climate change, and world population concerns, there is a need to manage the entire process of using Earth natural resources. And we all know that the amount of oil left in the ground in the world has already passed its peak quantity. So why waste the oil on doing things we know are nothing but a waste of energy and often used for destruction and certainly will shorten the life span of the next generations. A Ministry of Global Resources is needed to look after the management of Earth resources at all stages: exploration, production, transportation, manufacturing and distribution.

    There is a multitude of diverse Earth resources being taken from the ground and water, carried away for processing, manufacturing, packaging, or used by consumers. More people and higher incomes worldwide are multiplying humanity's impacts on the environment and on the natural resources that are essential to life. The planet's fresh water, fisheries, forests and atmosphere are already strained to their safe limits for global survival.

    Based on these trends, it is clear that the 21st century will witness even greater pressures on natural resources. Young people increasingly want to wait to have children and to have smaller families. Policymakers have a choice. They can do nothing, or they can help ensure that in the 21st century the world's population peaks with fewer than 8 billion people, simply by committing the financial resources and promoting the new thinking here that will meet the needs of couples who want to have smaller families later in life.

    As a recommendation to alleviate the global problems we face, it is important to manage Earth resources in the following aspects:
    1 Air
    2 Water
    3 Mining
    4 Electromagnetic waves
    5 Fisheries
    6 Tourism
    7 Environment
    8 Forests
    9 Soils
    10 Fossil fuels

    The stewardship of the ecological base has to be given priority before the fulfilment of various economic and social wishes.

    All families need shelter, food, language, body of knowledge, certain skills, a source of income. Security of the home is an important aspect for any family and Global Civilization it belongs to. Primordial human needs raise the question of interacting universal responsibilities. In terms of parenthood, parents must raised their children mentally and physically healthy. It is a responsibility to do so. Which also means each local community must have an educational system to help parents raise the child.

    Global Civilization found evident that the ecological base is the essential prerequisite for the effectiveness and exercise of all rights recognized for human beings. The stewardship of the ecological base has to be given priority before the fulfilment of various economic and social wishes. Demands resulting from the socio-economic system of a particular country have to find their limits in the protection of the global ecosystem. Vital interests of future generations have to be considered as having priority before less vital interests of the present generation. Supply chains have to be designed in a way, that the goods can enter after usage or consumption into natural or industrial recycling processes. If serious damages to persons, animals, plants and the ecosystem cannot be excluded, an action or pattern of behaviour should be refrained from. A measure for supplying goods or services should choose a path which entails the least possible impact on the ecological and social system concerned. This way functioning proven systems will not be disturbed, and  unnecessary risks will not be taken. Supply strategies consuming less resources should have preference before those enhancing more resource consumption. When there is a need to find a solution to a problem or a concern,  a sound solution would be to choose a measure or conduct an action, if possible, which causes reversible damage as opposed to a measure or an action causing an irreversible loss.

    On the Scale of Global Rights primordial human rights and the protection of the global life-support systems and of ecological rights are on top of the Scale. They are the most important aspects on the Scale.

    For instance, the existing and future uses of water are constantly challenged; balancing supply and demand are made even harder by the amounts of pollution found in the air, land and waters. A large part of our body is made of water, and we cannot live without water; therefore water is a primordial human right by our very nature. In order to avoid conflicts and wars over drinking (fresh)water, fresh water has been categorized as a primordial human right. Industrial pollution plays a major role in the deterioration of nature but this time the level of pollution is above the carrying capacity of a healthy ecosystem. Pollution also affects significantly human health and all lifeforms on Earth. Every person needs Oxygen to live so clean air is certainly also a primordial human right by our very nature.

    Global warming, agriculture and population growth.

    Weather conditions such as temperature, radiation and water, determine the carrying capacity of the biosphere to produce enough food for the human population and domesticated animals. Any short-term fluctuations of the climate can have dramatic effects on the agricultural productivity. Thus, the climate has a direct incidence on food supply. In the coming years, unless population size is stabilized, agriculture will have to face an increasing challenge in feeding the growing population of the world.

    Governments cannot control childbearing and attempts to do so have sometimes led to coercive approaches to reproduction that violate human rights. The need is rather to expand the power individuals have over their own lives, especially by enabling them to choose how many children to have and when to have them. Investing in education for girls helps them to contribute to their national economies and to postpone child bearing until they are ready for a family. Providing credit and other economic opportunities for women creates alternatives to early and frequent childbearing. Finally, better access to quality reproductive health services directly benefits women and their families. These approaches increase human capacity, providing the greatest long-term return to societies, individuals and the environment. Comprehensive population policies are thus an essential element in a world development strategy that combines access to reproductive health services, to education and economic opportunities, to improved energy and natural resource technologies, and to healthyer models of consumption and the "good life."

    Governance and management of Earth resources.

    Control over the amounts of greengases produced by human activities and let go into our air must be paramount to governance and management of Earth. The production of greengases involves the destruction of the Oxygen in our air, and its replacement by CO2, a deadly chemical. CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere have been measured at an altitude of about 4,000 meters on the peak of Mauna Loa mountain in Hawaii since 1958. The measurements at this location, remote from local sources of pollution, have clearly shown that atmospheric concentrations of CO2 are increasing. The mean concentration of approximately 316 parts per million by volume (ppmv) in 1958 rose to approximately 369 ppmv in 1998. The annual variation is due to CO2 uptake by growing plants. The uptake is highest in the northern hemisphere springtime. Today in 2013, the concentration is 400 ppmv. And after all the dirty tars sands oil of Alberta, Canada, has been consumed, the concentration will be over 600 ppmv, i.e. the end of civilization as we know it, and the end of most lifeforms on the planet.

    Earth governance is about the rights of states to self-determination in the global context of Global Civilization rather than the traditional context of a world of separate states. Global Civilization offers both a short term solution and a long term solution to the people of all nations to assure the survival of life on Earth. Both solutions require the acceptance of the Scale of Global Rights as our guide for survival. What would be preferable is that all nations unite amongst themselves to form a more meaningful union of nine or more Global Governments. A Global Government is concerned not only with economics and trade, but also with the environment, health, agriculture, energy, food, social, cultural and many other essential aspects of community. We want each Global Government to take a larger share of responsibility of the specific region where it operates, and be more accountable to the people of that region. The Federation of Global Governments would be the place of meeting between Global Governments.

    We, citizens of Global Civilization, hereby resolve to establish a federation of all nations, and to govern in accordance with Global Parliament Constitution. Global Parliament shall be composed of four (4) bodies, designated as follows:

    1. the House of Elected Representatives,
    2. the Federation of Global Governments,
    3. the House of Advisers, and the
    4. Executive Council.

    The very first step of the Federation, and maybe the only one for several decades ahead of us, would be the approval of essential services amongst the participating member nations. Global Civilization has researched and developed such services and listed them here. All of them are already in operation on a small scale.

    A working Global Parliament Constitution is the only way for us all to guarantee essential services, Justice, and protection to every home. Global Parliament is not a World Government or Earth Government. No! It is the Federation of Global Governments. Global Parliament and its Constitution were researched and developed from fundamental principles as opposed to kitchen recipe types of Constitution that follow a set of instructions for a world parliament of some kind. Or as opposed to using the old USA Constitution with its military overtones to invading the world and lobbyists base democracy.

    Some of those principles we developed are "Global Civilization " and the "Scale of Global Rights". That is what differentiates most our proposal from others. The Federation and its Global Parliament operate as per those principles. The definition of Global Community concept is truly the 21st century "philosophy of life" framework, some called it the religion of the third millennium, others called it the politics of the future generations now.

    Business, trade and ethics.

    Global Civilization believes all citizens have the right to share the wealth in the world. The free trade agreement between nations must protect and improve social and environmental rights, not just the economy. A sustainable development in the world would mean finding a sound balance among the interactions designed to create a healthy economic growth, preserve environmental quality, make a wise use of our resources, and enhance social benefits. Free trade cannot proceed at the expense of the environment, labour rights, global rights and the sovereignty of a nation. Free trade leads to an increase in poverty by giving investor rights priority over government decision-making. Employers will be looking for more concessions from workers. Small businesses will find it more difficult to grow and compete against large corporations.

    Over its long past history trade has never evolved to require from the trading partners to become completely responsible for their products from beginning to end. At the end, the product becomes a waste, and it needs to be properly dispose of. You manufacture, produce, farm or create a product, you become responsible and accountable of your product from beginning to end (to the point where it actually becomes a waste; you are also responsible for the proper disposable of the waste). People in our society often argue that their manufacturing products and the trading principles or rules that regulate their actions are all legal! But what about ethical values and moral principles that protect life on Earth?!

    Global Civilization ethic for a business proposed here provides no direct solution for all the extensive problems of humanity. The ethic is giving humanity the moral foundation for a better corporate citizen.

    Global Civilization ethic for a business offers fundamental moral behaviors and irrevocable standards that every corporate citizen and, to some extent if applicable, the public at large may adapt as their own vision for life's survival on our planet. You need not be religious to make this vision yours. This vision is for all corporate citizens, regardless of their social origin, language, culture, sex, skin color, religious and non-religious. Global Civilization vision creates new hopes, standards, ideals and goals for corporate citizens to embrace freely, and live a life without fear.

    Corporate citizens have a binding responsibility for the welfare of all humanity and care for all life on Earth. Global Civilization ethical grounds for a business are practical, real, and applicable for all corporate women and men of good will, religious and non-religious.

    Global Civilization ethics for a business are about how we treat others and a commitment to respect every person humanely and with dignity. For this process to work, global citizens learn to forgive, be patient and compassionate, promote acceptance, open theirs hearts to one another, and practice a culture of solidarity and cooperation. Let go narrow differences between us all for the greater good of humanity and future generations.

    Morality can be derived from a standard that global citizens believe should be universal such as Global Civilization ethic for a business which include all lifeforms over the entire Universe.

    Global Civilization ethic for a business aims to identify principles of right action that may be used to guide people in their lives. These principles can be used to decide whether particular courses of action, or particular types of action, are right or wrong. Ethics emphasizes respect for persons, and holds that there are certain actions that should never be done. This is what this paper is about: to describe those principles and propose a list of right actions for a business.

    Wherever there are people there will be conflicts, and ethics can help to resolve conflicts. Global Civilization proposes that such conflicts be resolved without violence and within a framework of justice. People must commit themselves to the most nonviolent, peaceful solutions possible. This is the pathway to global peace.

    Over ancient time to this day, morality in society made its way into our ways of doing business. So the set of behaviors that constitute Global Civilization ethic for a business evolved largely because they provided possible survival benefits to increase evolutionary success. Consequently, Peoples evolved socially to express emotions, such as feelings of empathy or guilt, in response to these moral behaviors. Humans developed truly moral, altruistic instincts. When looking across cultures of geo-cultural areas and across millennia, certain virtues have prevailed in all cultures, the major ones include wisdom, knowledge, courage, justice, love, truth, empathy, kindness, and social intelligence. These virtues were not always incorporated into the ways of doing business because the 1% business world became corrupted, greedy, no longer in line with humanity's survival on the planet, and more interested in keeping most of the wealth, resources and power for themselves keeping the remaining 99% of the world population in poverty.

    But today we are going to incorporate these virtues and proper behaviors into corporate citizen global ethics.