The Soul of all Life, the Soul of Humanity, is the unifying religion of a modern symbiosis society, that of the global civilization of the 3 rd Millennium
The Soul of all Life, the Soul of Humanity
Artwork by Germain Dufour
January 6, 2008
see enlargement )
The Soul of all Life, the Soul of Humanity, is the unifying religion of a modern symbiosis society, that of the global civilization of the 3 rd Millennium
The teaching of the Soul 
The fundamental criteria of a global symbiotical relationship
Guiding Souls and God want to help us manage Earth 
Guiding Souls to serve God is a part of a new unifying religion of a modern symbiosis global society
The Divine Plan and the higher purpose of humanity 
The Global Community teaching
Global Law 
1. Evolution, Creation and now, Guiding Souls
2. Is humanity as we know it today on Earth our final destination?
3. The Soul of the Global Community
4. Soul of Humanity's Message
5. Forever darkness for the Souls related to the war industry, the business of conflicts and wars
6. Revelations, by God
God Law, Nature Law, the teaching of the Soul of Humanity with the teaching of the prophet are fundamental pillars of our Global Law