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Politics and Justice without borders
Interim Earth Government original website
[Global Governments FederationThe Global Governments of the world] [Earth Government Global Law Earth Government Global Law] [Activities of the Global Community  Activities of the Global Community] [ Humanity's new vision of the world Humanity's new vision of the world ] [ Global Community institutions and bodies Global Community institutions and bodies ] [ Global Dialogue The Global Dialogue ] [ The Global Constitution The Global Constitution ] [ Portal of the Global Community Portal of the Global Community  ] [ Global Exhibition Global Exhibition ] [ Earth Government Legislation: Statutes, Codes and Bills Earth Government Legislation: Statutes, Codes and Bills ] [ Global Constitution Advisory Board Global Constitution Advisory Board ] [ Portal of the Global Community of North America Portal of the Global Community of North America ] [ Ratification of the Global ConstitutionRatification of the Global Constitution ] [ Recommendations to humanityRecommendations to humanity ] [ GGNA Global Government of North America (GGNA) ] [ GGNA schematic GGNA organizational schematic ] [ GCEG schematicGlobal Community Earth Government (GCEG)organizational schematic ] [ GCNA Portal of the Global Community of North America ] [ GGs Global Governments ] [ Global Constitution The Global Constitution ] [ Welcome to the GGNA Welcome to the Global Government of North America (GGNA) ] [ GCEG historyHistory of the Global Community Earth Government (GCEG) ] [ Global Citizens Act  Global Citizens Rights, Responsibility and  Accountability Act ] [ Global Law  Global Law: legislation, Statutes, Codes and Bills ] [ Global Environment Ministry  Global Environment Ministry ] [ Global ministries  Perhaps now  we all see the wisdom to create global ministries in several aspects of our global life.  ] [ Council of Global Ministers Council of Global Ministers ] [ "We the Peoples" are us  Press release: We the Peoples are us Newsletter with theme:  We the Peoples  ] [ Global Politics & Justice NewsGlobal Politics and Global Justice News ] [ Global Community Web Net Global Community Web Net scripted ] [ Global Dialogue 2007 scriptedGlobal  Dialogue 2007 scripted ] [ Global Dialogue 2007 not scriptedGlobal  Dialogue 2007 not scripted ] [ Agency of Global PoliceAgency of Global Police ] [ Global Protection Agency (GPA) Global Protection Agency ] [ Portal of the Global Civilization Portal of the Global Civilization ] [ Our Global Leaders Global leadership aspects and issues ] [ Global Data Measurement and Assessment Global Data Measurement and Assessment aspects and issues ] [ Global Justice for all life Global Justice for all life  ] [ Global Community definition  The fundamental definition of the expression Global Community first defined by myself and my wife Virginie in 1985 ] [ Portal of the Global Community Portal of the Global Community  ] [ Global Dialogue 2008 Global Dialogue 2008  ] [ Who owns the Earth? Series of articles concerning the issues of Who owns the Earth?   ] [ Global Community Information Media (GIM) Global Community Information Media (GIM)  ] [ Proceedings of the Global Dialogue Proceedings of the Global Dialogue  ] [ Participate in roundtables on Who owns the Earth ?Participate in roundtables on Who owns the Earth ] [ Participate in Group Discussion by email on Who owns the Earth ? Participate in  Group Discussion by email  on Who owns the Earth ] [ Canada sovereignty of Nunavut, Northwest Passage, blood resources Canada sovereignty of Nunavut, Northwest Passage, blood resources ] [ Global referendumVote now Global referendum. Vote now ] [ Global Community Peace Movement website Global Community Peace Movement website ] [  Scale of Global Rights  Scale of Global Rights  ] [  GIM daily proclamations GIM daily proclamations  ] [  Global Dialogue 2009   Global Dialogue 2009  ] [  Federation of Global Governments Head Quarters (HQ)  Federation of Global Governments Head Quarters (HQ)   ] [  Global Movement to Help essential services  Global Movement to Help essential services  ] [  Global Justice Network  Global Justice Network   ] [  Global Protection Agency (GPA)  Global Protection Agency (GPA)  ] [  Global Rights year one  Global Rights year one ] [  Cultural Appreciation Day celebration August 22  Cultural Appreciation Day celebration August 22  ] [  Portal of the Global Community 2009 Portal of the Global Community 2009 ] [  Portal of the Global Community 2010 Portal of the Global Community 2010 ] [  Portal of the Global Community 2011 Portal of the Global Community 2011 ]

  Current News Current News
  Press BriefingsPress releases
  Proclamations Official Letters
  ECO Awards The ECO Awards
  Reports Scientific and technical reports
  New Legislation New Legislation

Talk Back
  Ask the President Contact the President
  Ask a Minister Contact a Cabinet Minister

Contact us Contact Global Community Earth Government Head Office

Issues Issues
  Economy & TradeGlobal economy and trade
  Earth resources Management of Earth reources
  Education Education for all global citizens
  Social services Universal health care, education, retirement security and employment services to every Global Community citizen
  Global food bank The world produces enough food for everyone. But over 800 million people remain chronically hungry. Let us have a Global food bank.
  Global Security Global security policies
  Global governanceGlobal governance
 Alternative energyRenewable energy technologies
  Science & tech Science and technology for development
  Tsunami Relief Tsunami Relief
  Global tax A method of raising global taxes, of redistributing incomes to the poorest communities, of providing debt-free technical
assistance to non-industrial and developing countries to help them out of poverty, and to meet environmental and social standards
  Climate change Two fundamental types of response to the risks of climate change
  Earth governance Earth governance and management
  Sustainability Global societal sustainability
  Overall picture Global Community Overall Picture
  Global cooperationGlobal cooperation between communities, nations, and between people themselves
  Life support The global life-support systems
  Global poverty What needs to be done to eradicate poverty in the world
  Food supplies One of the Global Community's Millennium Goals is halving the percentage of the world's population that is hungry
  Overpopulation World overpopulation is now at the
turning point and requires from each and every one of us of agreeing about the statement of rights and belonging to the Global Community, the human family
  Forests The world's forests provide goods and services essential to human and planetary well-being.
  Agriculture There will not be sufficient agricultural production to meet increases in demand over the next thirty years
  Drinking water The world situation concerning freshwater is critical
  Consumerism Consumer rights and responsibilities
  Manage wastesReduce solid wastes, re-use, recycle or recover more of our waste
  Cattle & beef We will have to produce less livestock as we effectively double the population we need to feed: ourselves, plus the livestock that is supposed to be feeding us

  Global Ministries Global Community Earth Government has been promoting the formation of 51 global ministries for the proper governance of Earth

Major Speeches
  Press Conference
  Life Day Celebration of Life  Day

History of the Interim Earth Government History of the Global Community Organization and the Interim Earth Government

Founding Members of the Global Community Organization and Interim Earth Government Founding Members of the Global Community Organization and Interim Earth Government

Global Dialogue
Global Dialogue
  Global 2000 Global Dialogue 2000 Proceedings
  Global 2002 Global Dialogue 2002 Proceedings
  Global 2004 Global Dialogue 2004 Proceedings
  Global 2005 Global Dialogue 2005 Proceedings
  Global 2006 Global Dialogue 2006 Proceedings

Citizenship Global Community Citizenship
  Global Citizen
  Corporate Citizen Certified Corporate Global Community Citizenship (CCGCC)

Assessment Global Community Assessment Centre (GCAC)
  Impact assessment
  Global Indicators
  Social & economic

Global Vision  Humanity's new vision of the world is about seeing human activities on the planet
Human & Earth RightsScale of Human and Earth Rights
Statement of Rights Statement of rights, responsibilities and accountabilities of a person, 'a global community' and 'the Global Community'
Symbiotical relationsGlobal symbiotical relationships

Peace MovementGlobal Community Peace Movement
 Abolition of WMDAbolition of weapons of mass destruction
 Settling of disputesSettling of disputes between nations

Global response to events GCEG global response to events in the world

Global ethics, corporate social responsibility, and new way of doing business Global ethics, corporate social responsibility, and new way of doing business

Youth participation in the Global Community activities and Earth Government Everyone is welcome to participate  in the Global Community activities and Earth Government

Cities: power, rights, responsibilities and accountabilities Cities: power, rights, responsibilities and accountabilities

A strategy for implementing the area of freedom, security and justice without borders A strategy for implementing the area of freedom, security and justice without borders

Racism, xenophobia and discrimination Racism, xenophobia and discrimination

Asylum, immigration, border control Asylum, immigration, border control

Religious and environmental communities have formed a powerful alliance for sustainability Religious and environmental communities have formed a powerful alliance for sustainability

Genetically modified stem cells, gene therapy, and genetically modified plants and food Genetically modified stem cells, gene therapy, and genetically modified plants and food

Preventive actions against polluters  Preventive actions against polluters

Global warming systems, fossil fuels, forest industry and paper manufacturing Global warming systems,  fossil fuels, forest industry and paper manufacturing

Mines and mining the impacts Mines and mining the impacts
Global Community Earth Government
Earth Executive Council
1.    Global Council
2.    Cabinet Ministers

Profile of President Germain Dufour
Germain Dufour
Earth Executive Council
Global Community Earth Government

The Global Constitution Main Index

  Minister for Sustainable Civilisation, Peace and Disarmament  Michael Ellis
DR. MICHAEL ELLIS Profile of DR. MICHAEL ELLIS, Minister for Sustainable Civilisation, Peace and Disarmament
Minister for Sustainable Civilisation, Peace and Disarmament   Minister for Sustainable Civilisation, Peace and Disarmament  Michael Ellis
Chief Editor, Co Publisher and Creative vision behind The New Paradigm Journal
Founder of:
The Centre For Change http://www.centreforchange.org and
The Medical renaissance Group http://www.medicalrenaissance.org

Research & Published Papers
Cabinet of Global Ministers Global Community Earth Government Council of Global Ministers

Most Honorable Bilongo Bolo Serge Christian
Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs
Global Government of Africa
Appointed by Global Parliament
Other initiatives
Ambassador of the Dominion of Melchizedek (Ecclesiastical Sovereign Nation State) to the Republic of Cameroon
Universal Peace Ambassador ( Universal Ambassador Peace Circle)
Member of the International Peace Bureau

James Mwami
Minister of Water Resources Protection Profile of Minister James Mwami
Appointed by Global Parliament Profile of Minister James Mwami

Profile of Minister  José G. Vargas-Hernández
Dr. José G. Vargas-Hernández
Global Environment Minister Global Environment Minister webpage
Appointed by Global Parliament
Other initiatives
Research Professor
Ciencias económico Admionistrativas
Instituto tecnológico de cd. Guzman
Other professional qualifications:
Investigador I
Sistema Nacional de Investigadores
Instituto Tecnologico de Cd. Guzman
Research & Published Papers
Global Dialogue 2006
Co – operation and conflict between firms, communities, new social movements and the role of government:
village Cerro de San Pedro case

Global Dialogue 2007

Global Dialogue 2008

Global Dialogue 2009
Annual Meeting in August 2009 of the Federation of Global Governments
Atenquique's environmental and economic development shrinkage in Globalization era Atenquique's environmental and economic development shrinkage in Globalization era

Executive Office of the President Chapter 14 of the Global Constitution
  • Head Office
  • Global Parliament
  • Quaestors
  • Conference of presidents
  • Parliament's Constitutional Affairs Committee
  • Earth Executive Council
  • The Global Council
  • Council of Ministers
  • Global Community Citizenship
  • Committee of Nations
  • Delegations from Civil Society
  • Ministries of the Global Community
  • Global Community Ombudspersons Office
  • Global Bank
Organs of Earth Government Chapter 14 of the Global ConstitutionGlobal Community Earth Government with its governing institutions and bodies
  • Earth Executive Council
  • Earth Government Departments
  • Global Civil Service Administration and Planning
  • The Global Judiciary
  • Agency of Global Police
  • Global Community Ombudspersons Office
  • Global Investment Bank
  • The Court of Auditors
  • Global Community Citizenship Office
  • Human and Earth Rights Office
  • Global Community Assessment Centre (GCAC)
  • Earth Security
  • Global Civil Society Council
  • Agency for Research, Planning and Development
  • Global Community Justice Network

The Earth Executive Council shall consist of a Global Council of six members, and of twenty to thirty Cabinet Ministers, all of whom shall be members of the Global Parliament. Each member of the Global Council shall be from a different Continental Division. Each member of the Cabinet Ministers shall serve as the head of a department or agency of the Global Administration, and in this capacity shall be designated as Minister of the particular department or agency. The Global Council , in consultation with the Cabinet Ministers, shall prepare and present to the Global Parliament near the beginning of each year a proposed program of global legislation, and shall be responsible for preparing and submitting to the Global Parliament the proposed annual budget , and budgetary projections over periods of years.
The Judiciary hears cases that challenge or require interpretation of the legislation passed by the Global Parliament and signed by the President of Earth Government. Global Judiciary Commissioners shall be appointed for a period of five years. Only nationals of Member Nations may be Global Judiciary Commissioners.

Justice without bordersJustice without borders
Prosecuting criminals on the basis of universal jurisdiction regardless of a territorial or nationality nexus requires a solid commitment of political will from national governments and the Global Community. The Earth Court of Justice will hear cases involving crimes related to the global ministries. The Court will have a dual role: to settle in accordance with international law the legal disputes submitted to it by national governments, local communities, and in some special cases by corporations, non-government-organizations and citizens, and to give advisory opinions on legal questions referred to it by duly authorized organs and agencies.
The Global Parliament The Global Parliament shall create, alter, abolish or consolidate the departments, commissions, offices, agencies and other parts of the several organs of Earth Government, subject to the specific provisions of the Global Constitution. The Global Parliament shall, jointly with the Earth Executive Council, enact legislation, and exercise the budgetary function, as well as functions of political control and consultation as laid down in the Constitution. Global Parliament shall elect the President of Earth Government. The legislative branch of Earth Government consists of the Global Parliament, which is divided into three chambers:
A.1    House of Elected Representatives
A.2    House of Advisers, and
A.3    United Nations (UN).

The Global Parliament shall elect its President and its officers from among its members.

Agencies & Commissions Earth Government Agencies and Commissions
An alphabetized list of different Earth Government Agencies and Commissions.
Global Statistics Global Statistics
The purpose of this service is to provide easy access to current global economic, social and global life-support system indicators.
Global Citizens Handbook Global Citizens Handbook
Located in this handbook are a number of useful ways of finding government information.
Member Nations Member Nation Constitutions, Statutes and Related Legislative Information
Member Nation Constitutions, Statutes and Related Legislative Information.
The Global Constitution Advisory Board Global Constitution Advisory Board
We are inviting anyone to submit an application to become a member of the Global Community Parliament's Constitutional Affairs Committee (PCAC).
Appointments Earth Government Executive Members and Staff
One of Earth Government President's top priorities is to select men and women of the greatest ability and highest ethical and professional integrity to serve in policymaking and key administrative positions.
International Agreements Earth Government's action on the international scene
Earth Government's action on the international scene shall be guided by, and designed to advance in the wider world, the principles which have inspired its own creation, development and enlargement: democracy, the rule of law, the universality and indivisibility of human rights and fundamental freedoms, respect for human dignity, equality and solidarity, and for international law in accordance with the principles of the Global Constitution. Earth Government shall seek to develop relations and build partnerships with third countries, and international, regional or global organisations, which share these values. It shall promote multilateral solutions to common problems, in particular in the framework of Global Parliament.

Global Ministries Earth Government has   formed 51 global ministries
Global ministries are a very specific and useful type of symbiotical relationships on Earth. There are urgently needed. Earth Government has formed 51 global ministries for the proper governance of Earth. Global ministries are world wide organizations just like the WTO for trade and therefore should have the same power to rule on cases as that of the World trade Organization (WTO).



Contact Information

Postal address
186 Bowlsby Street, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada V9R 5K1
Electronic mail
General Information:
GlobalConstitution@telus.net GlobalConstitution@telus.net
globalcommunity@telus.net globalcommunity@telus.net

Webmaster: gdufour@globalcommunitywebnet.com gdufour@globalcommunitywebnet.com


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