From Prophet Mohammad (GR)(GR), Je suis Charlie Hebdo, global security to the Scale of Global Rights

Germain Dufour

January 15, 2015

Table of Contents

I.   Note Note
II.   Introduction Introduction
III.   Who is Prophet Mohammad? (GR) (GR) Who is Prophet Mohammad? (GR) (GR)
IV.   Security for all life on Earth Security for all life on Earth
V.   Values foundation of the Scale of Global Rights Values foundation of the Scale of Global Rights
VI.   The Scale is the primary guide for the decision-making process The Scale is the primary guide for the decision-making process.
VII.   The Scale of Global Rights is a balancing process to sustain all life on the planet now and for future generations The Scale of Global Rights is a balancing process to sustain all life on the planet now and for future generations
VIII.   Scale of Global Rights definition Scale of Global Rights definition
IX.   Section 1 Section 1
X.   Section 2 Section 2
XI.   Section 6: Cultural and religious rights Section 6
XII.   A new global order A new global order
XIII.   Modern morality is a product of evolutionary forces Modern morality is a product of evolutionary forces
XIV.   Human morality is a natural phenomenon Human morality is a natural phenomenon
XV.   The greatest happiness of the greatest number is a measure of right and wrong The greatest happiness of the greatest number is a measure of right and wrong
XVI.   Professions are expected to develop up-to-date codes of ethics with specific guidelines in line with the Scale of Global Rights Professions are expected to develop up-to-date codes of ethics with specific guidelines in line with the Scale of Global Rights
XVII.   Global Community Ethic for a business Global Community Ethic for a business
XVIII.   Ethics evolved over the course of many generations Ethics evolved over the course of many generations
XIX.   Political ethics are also concerned with moral problems Political ethics are also concerned with moral problems
XX.   The media industry and global security The media industry and global security
XXI.   Professions are expected to develop up-to-date codes of ethics with specific guidelines in line with the Scale of Global Rights Professions are expected to develop up-to-date codes of ethics with specific guidelines in line with the Scale of Global Rights
XXII.   The Golden Rule can only be integrated 'softly' within Global Community ethics The Golden Rule can only be integrated 'softly' within Global Community ethics
XXIII.   Education Education
XXIV.   Ecological Ecological
XXV.   Planarchist Planarchist
XXVI.   Terrarist Terrarist
XXVII.   The social implications of Global Law The social implications of Global Law
XXVIII.   Conclusion Conclusion


(GR) means ('Peace be upon him and may God exalt his mention and protect him from imperfection’) and is a note of respect to be included everytime the name of the Prophet (GR) is being used. In this paper I only briefly discussed and made notes concerning Islam religions. But there are at least twelve other religions worlwide that could have been included here. Perhaps in an other paper! For now what I am asking here includes all religions, people of all faiths, and everyone else.

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Human rights represent an ideal and a supreme goal which can give meaning to life in society. Throughout the history of humanity, the rights of human beings have been defined and enshrined with reference to the values of the dignity of each individual and of freedom, equality and justice. These values are universal. Global Community has accepted and enshrined them into its own ways of behaving and dealing with all peoples. Cultures and societies differ so much that their expression takes varying forms, but diversity does not affect the foundation of inalienable values constituted by human and Earth rights. Each individual is recognized as a representative of humankind. Human dignity resides in each of us, and this dignity must be recognized and respected by all.

How meaningful is the right to life or to participation in political life if poverty, gender inequality, destitution and epidemics prevent individuals from enjoying freedom of movement, freedom to vote, to marry and so on? The developing countries are having a harder time than others to achieve the exercise of global rights on a lasting basis, with the problems of economic globalization presenting new challenges. We must therefore beware of enforcing economic rights alone to the detriment of individual civil rights and the rights of all individuals to decide their own fate and the future of their country, their political rights. The universality of human rights recognizes the right of all individuals to participate in the cultural life of their community and of other country, to receive education and training, and to be informed.

Global Community is aware that traditional customs and standards could burden the sustainability of all life on Earth. They could burden Earth society or any society forever, and holds individuals in a straitjacket. We cannot accept that. No one can! There are choices to be made and you must make them. Cultures can develop and can go on developing. Even religious beliefs may evolve. We are living now, and we are able to create these changes. We are at least as bright, most certainly brighter, than the people who were living thousand of years ago. 

As far as the Global Community is concerned, cultural and religious differences cannot be a reason or an excuse or a pretext for not respecting human rights and, most importantly, ecological rights. Quite the contrary, all kinds of cultures may promote human rights and especially cultural rights. They are different in their achievements, but they are equal in dignity where they are expressions of  freedom. At any time or in any given place, men, women and children use their culture to invent new ways of making human rights a living reality. Diversity enriches us if it respects the dignity of each individual, and if it takes account of  human rights as a whole.

On January 7, 2015, the question was what brought up so much hate in the world so that some people felt that there was no justice, and they had to do justice themselves. Horrible crimes were committed. Why have leaders of nations of the West got together in France to accuse and blame "terrorists" for the killing of 12 people in the HQ of Charlie Hebdo? What was the cause of the hate of the gunmen? What was the cause of the hate shown by politicians from the Western nations? Why have law legislators and politicians in the Western nations never done laws that could have prevented the massacre? Why any of them never had enough courage and do their jobs as leaders? Why have human rights activists never help promoting new laws, and never thought that there is such thing in society as a Scale of Global Rights that can differentiate between what is a truly important global right and what is a less important right.

A global right is truly important when it affects significantly the survival of life on our planet. Certainly the security of all people on our planet is more important then the rights of five cartoonists from Charlie Hebdo (Charb, Cabu, Honore, Tignous, and Wolinski) making fun of the Prophet Muhammad (GR)(GR). It is important enough to discuss this issue because it affects the survival of life on our planet, and because so many politicians of the Western world met in France for the funeral of the 12 victims of the massacre to blame "terrorism", a completely off the board and abstract word that means something only to the proclamation of their own personal leadership. That leadership was wrong! Politicians got it wrong in purpose, and now they proclaim righteousness is on their side, and they must do more to subject everyone to more strict social rules and ways of doing things in our world. That is wrong as well! Politicians never learn unless someone put the writing right on their faces.

The reality is that not only politicians are missing the point but they are missing the point in purpose. They dont want to admit that what the world needs and wants is Justice. Justice for the massacre! Justice for the victims of the victims: the Prophet Muhammad (GR)(GR) and all Islam followers. They demand Justice for insults made to their religious leader and Islam. Justice is what is needed here. Politicians have made clear to the world that there will be no Justice but more hate, less liberty, and more restrictions on innocent people, and more checking of personal and social activities. All the wrong actions telling the two billion people who believe in God and Islam that there will not be Justice for the insults made to the Prophet Muhammad (GR)(GR) and Islam.

It is time now, today, to reflect on what really happened on January 7 in France. It is time to make sense of this global event which affected global security and, therefore, the survival of all life on our planet. Certainly Global Community Ethic is our best start for understanding the event that day and what to do about it. The Scale of Global Rights will guide us in this process of finding the truth and applying Justice. Let us see Global Community perspective and vision of the world. Let us have Justice!

The following chapters were written to show a process pointing at the different aspects of the problem we are facing today. Truly all aspects are closely related and need to be understood.

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Who is Prophet Mohammad? (GR) (GR) Read about a short history of the Prophet (GR)

To clear some confusions and some false information that doesn't tie to any reality in history, today I chose to quote what history said about the Prophet (GR) of mercy from Non-Muslim history scholars who are well respected in their field and known for their accuracy.

"He must be called the Savior of Humanity. I believe that if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world, he would succeed in solving its problems in a way that would bring it much needed peace and happiness." GEORGE BERNARD SHAW, The Genuine Islam, Singapore, Vol. 1, No. 8, 1936

"Philosopher, orator, apostle, legislator, warrior, conqueror of ideas, restorer of rational dogmas, of a cult without images, the founder of twenty terrestrial empires and of one spiritual empire, that is Muhammad (GR). As regards all the standards by which Human Greatness may be measured, we may well ask, IS THERE ANY MAN GREATER THAN HE?"

There exists a cultural vagueness in the West. This vagueness results from the presence of two different concepts. The first is a great Western concept that we respect, appraise, and need. That concept is freedom of speech. This is a great humane and civilized concept. On the other hand, there is the great Islamic concept of dignifying Allah Messenger (GR). The problem arises due to the lack of understanding of the Islamic Civilization and the Western Civilization regarding these two concepts. The non-Muslims cannot value the rank of dignifying the Prophet (GR). On the other hand, due to the below-average quality of practical application of freedom of speech, Muslims have a vague understanding of the concept of respecting freedom of speech. Accordingly, what is required now? Muslims do not want to refuse the concept of freedom of speech, absolutely not. However, the West should alter the freedom of speech so that it does not collide with the very important Islamic value of dignifying the Prophet (GR). Here lies the vagueness and ambiguity. The West understands very well the freedom of speech (which Muslims appreciate) but it does not understand Islamic values, such as dignifying the Prophet (GR) and other Islamic sanctities. This is where the Western cultural vagueness lies. The West cannot comprehend how much the Muslims love Prophet Muhammad (GR) (GR). The West, in general, governments and people, does not apprehend that Allah's Messenger (GR) is dearer to them than their parents, their children and grandchildren, and themselves.

Freedom of speech, which Muslims indeed respect, honor, and actually need, should be modified so that it does not clash with the highly revered Muslim value of dignifying the Prophet (GR). The West respects monarchies, Semitism, all races, and different ethnicities, and its respect to the Prophet (GR) and to sacred Muslim values should be no less.

The value of freedom of speech should be adapted to Muslim values. And indeed, this was accomplished in the Global Constitution.

Great men that existed throughout history were qualified as such due to a certain trait in their characters. Gandhi for example, was a great politician, Shakespeare a great dramatist, Voltaire a great writer, Napoleon a great military leader and so on. They were all great in one aspect or the other, while the Prophet (GR) was great in every aspect of his life. He was so great morally that he never hit or humiliated a soul, never beat a woman, never betrayed or lied, never went back on his word or avenged himself. He was always called 'the truthful and honest one' before bearing the message of Islam, and after becoming the Prophet, the values and principles of the Quran were the model for his behavior. He was also great in his political insight. After the Battle of the Trench, for example, he knew that it was a turning point that would not be followed by a defeat. Moreover, he was great in his submissiveness to Allah as he bowed when praying.

The Prophet (GR) was great in the way he believed in freedom of opinion. In the Battle of Badr, he changed the location of the battlefield upon the advice of a soldier. He also agreed to dig the trench around Madinah according to Salman al-Faresy's suggestion, and changed the fighting plan of the Battle of Uhud to respect the opinion of some of his companions. This is how he respected freedom of speech 1400 years ago!

The Prophet (GR) was great at forgiving others. On the day of the Conquest of Makkah, his companions were rejoicing saying, "Today is the day of a great battle and today Quraysh will be humiliated by Allah". Conversely, the Prophet's (GR) response was that today is the day of mercy in which Allah will bestow honor on Quraysh.

The Prophet (GR) was great in his voluntary renunciation of worldly luxuries when he could have been the richest man on earth had he wished to be. He was also great in the way he dealt with young people motivating them to exercise.

His enemies were never able to slander him due to any bad trait. He lived with them for 40 years before the divine message and another 13 years after it, and never were they able to smear him with a single bad trait that marred his character, or doubt his outstanding abilities. They even testified that he had never lied in his life. That is how great he was and that is how humiliating him smears every American, Indian, Pakistani etc.; everyone, whether Muslim or not. It is an insult to all humankind when such a great man is insulted.

He was great in his mercy. When he was persecuted by the people of At-Taef and stoned until his feet kept bleeding, the angel of the mountains asked for his permission to destroy them. Yet his response was to supplicate Allah to guide them and to save them. Furthermore, in the Battle of Uhud, he was injured, overcome by his enemies, had his front teeth broken, and fell into a pit with blood gushing from his wounds. Nevertheless, when his companions asked him to curse them and to invoke Allah to punish them, he declined stressing the fact that he was sent as a mercy to all of humankind. He even invoked Allah to guide them to the right path and to excuse them for their ignorance.

This is the Prophet (GR), and this is how great he was. Unlike that of other great human figures in history, the Prophet's (GR) greatness is lasting throughout the generations.

He believed in co-existence. He trusted the Jews and gave them all the rights of citizenship in Madinah, guaranteeing that no one would harm them, take any of their money, force them to convert, or intercede with their freedom to worship. He was also great in co-existence when he was against using the Muslims loyal to him in Makkah to create tension among the people of Quraysh, even during the war between Makkah and Madinah. At the time of the Hudaybeya treaty, he could have waged war against Quraysh but resorted to peace instead. He could have turned it into a bloodbath, but he chose peace and forced it on his enemies.

The human race should be proud that Prophet Muhammad (GR) (GR) existed one day, whether they were Muslims, Hindu, Jews, Christians, believers of any kind, or even non-believers. He is a turning point in the course of humanity. This is Muhammad (GR), and this is how humanity was humiliated the day he was. People around the world are demanding a Global Law that protects the dignity of this great Prophet (GR). Indeed, the Global Constitution provides for such protection. It is a 'fundamental human right'.

Freedom of religion and belief is a guarantee by a government for freedom of belief for individuals and freedom of worship for individuals and groups. It is considered by many to be a fundamental human right. Freedom of religion must also include the freedom to practice no religion (irreligion) or the belief that there exists no deity (atheism).

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Security for all life on Earth

Wars are the biggest threat to life and the ecosystem of the planet. The production and trade in arms should be listed as a criminal act against humanity; this global ministry of Global Community, the Ministry of Global Security and Peace, shall introduce a Convention on the curtailment of the arms trade, a provision for a mandatory Arms Register and the prohibition of the financing or subsidy of arms exports by governments.

Wars truly make no sense! The world is too crowded and too small nowadays! And weapons too lethal! So security cannot be achieved through the military. The only job the military should be asked to do today is to protect the global life-support systems. These systems have the highest priority on the Scale of Global Rights and are certainly more important than any of the other rights on the Scale including security. Simply because without life there is no other rights possible. Without Oxygen there is no life! Without clean water there is no life! Without a shelter life will still exist in some places but is hardly possible in cold place. So protect life on Earth at all costs.

Global Rights year one Global Rights year one is a new impetus of Global Community to educate everyone about the need for a change in thinking and of doing things amongst all nations. We need to realize what is a priority, what is the most important, and what is the least important for our survival. We need to make hard choices. We need a clear vision. We need a common vision. And we must all change! There are many important aspects of our lives we can no longer do, or should never do anymore. They are destructive. Humanity and all life can no longer afford activities that destroy life and the global environment, and certainly the military is a major one. And there are other activities we must do, thousands of them, to assure the survival of life on Earth. In view of the planetary state of emergency, which we declared a few years ago, we all must change, we must do things differently to give life on Earth a better survival chance.

And this is what Global Rights year one is about: to establish global fundamentals and a clear vision to follow, and to offer the people of all nations the Global Movement to Help.

Perhaps the Scale of Global Rights represents the strongest pillar of our vision.

In 1985, the Scale of Human and Earth Rights was first proposed as a replacement to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. After several decades of research and development, many global dialogues, we still find the Scale as the best solution to global problems. The Scale has now been titled the Scale of Global RightsScale of Global RightsGlobal  rightsScale of Global  RightsChapter X   of the Global Constitution is about the  Scale of Global  Rights

Today, we are presenting once more the Scale as the best educating tool to bring about the change the people of the world need to achieve for their own survival.

Global rights are defined in details in the section the Scale of Global Rights

These rights are dependent of their position on the Scale of Global Rights.

Thus global rights include:

Global Community found evident that the ecological base is the essential prerequisite for the effectiveness and exercise of all rights recognized for human beings. The stewardship of the ecological base has to be given priority before the fulfilment of various economic and social wishes. Demands resulting from the socio-economic system of a particular country have to find their limits in the protection of the global ecosystem. Vital interests of future generations have to be considered as having priority before less vital interests of the present generation. Supply chains have to be designed in a way, that the goods can enter after usage or consumption into natural or industrial recycling processes. If serious damages to persons, animals, plants and the ecosystem cannot be excluded, an action or pattern of behaviour should be refrained from. A measure for supplying goods or services should choose a path which entails the least possible impact on the ecological and social system concerned. This way functioning proven systems will not be disturbed, and  unnecessary risks will not be taken. Supply strategies consuming less resources should have preference before those enhancing more resource consumption. When there is a need to find a solution to a problem or a concern,  a sound solution would be to choose a measure or conduct an action, if possible, which causes reversible damage as opposed to a measure or an action causing an irreversible loss.

Global Community must now direct the wealth of the world towards the building of local-to-global economic democracies in order to meet the needs for food, shelter, universal healthcare, education, and employment for all.

Truly, the world is on the threshold of a global revolution, and needs to proceed with the non-violent approach. Global Community needs to build an economic democracy based firmly on the basic principle that the Earth belongs equally to everyone as a birthright. The Earth is for all people to labor and live on and should never be the possession of any individual, corporation, or uncaring government, any more than the air or water, or any other Earth natural resources. An individual, or a business should have no more than is needed for a healthy living.

The impacts of our democracy are destroying the Earth global life-support systems. To live in a world at peace and have conditions of basic justice and fairness in human interactions, our democratic values must be based on the principle of equal rights to the Earth.

Territorial conflict has for millennium been the basis of war and mass killing of others. Throughout the ages wars have been fought over land, and other Earth natural resources. We have seen oil conflicts in the Persian Gulf, and the Caspian Sea Basin. We have seen water conflicts in the Nile Basin, the Jordan, and Indus River Basins. We have seen wars being fought over minerals and timber in Brazil, Angola, Cambodia, Columbia, Congo, Liberia, the Philippines, and Indonesia. The view from space shows us a global landscape in which competition over resources is the governing principle behind the use of military power. Truly, resources have become the new political boundaries.

When people know they own the resources in their communities then people can start directing the wealth of their resources towards the building of local-to-global economic democracies in order to meet the needs for food, shelter, universal healthcare, education, and employment for all in their community. Global rights will help here. Global rights allow people to do what they need to do in order to be sustainable. People and communities are protected by global rights.

Problems arise when the leadership of the world, such as that of the Secretary General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, is mostly directed to personal gain.

As an example of a personal power gain Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations, concerning his support of Syrian rebels, the Syrian uprising A small group of students deciding to do what everyone else have been doing in that part of the world: lets get rid of the government.

This was shown very clearly at the begining of the Syrian uprising which started late January of 2011, when students (terrarists) were arrested for writing anti-government graffiti in the city of Damascus. They were calling for the resignation of their President Bashar-al-Assad and an end to Ba'ath Party rule. Heavy armament were supplied to rebel student terrarists, heavy enough to shut down jet planes and helicopters, and conduct continuous and offensive attacks against the government.

How did that happen?

Historically, a small group of students deciding to do what everyone else have been doing in that part of the world: "lets get rid of the government". And let us ask the United States to help us. A bunch of student terrarists who just wanted to create trouble and get help from the West to achieve their goals. Of course the United Nations jumped also onto this bandwagon and sided with the student terrarists. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations behaved in a way that clearly meant the following:
Syrian student rebels, terrarists, planarchists, let us go to war. Let us destroy Syria and bring it back to stone age. Let us put the Syrian government down. You have human rights! You should not be in jail for writing graffiti. Diplomacy used to be the way of the United Nations but no more. We get involved into local politics especially when the Syrian government is a friend of Russia. Well! What else is important!? Dont worry! The United Nations will back you up with the USA military, our best trouble maker fixers who happens to dislike Russia becoming again "the" superpower in the world. Our best UN members, the USA, Great Britain and France, will help you. Why? Their economies are bankrupted, and they want to sell more arms and weapons of mass destruction to the world so those three nations can fix their economical problems at home. They are UN members with the richest and most profitable war industry. Conflicts and wars in the Middle East and surrounding nations have been very profitable for them. Keep fighting student rebels! Kill! Kill! Kill! And destroy Syria! We sold arms and WMDs to Saudi Arabia and others. And they will supply you with these weapons to fight the Syrian government, your government. Saudis are Sunni, so now the Sunnis from Saudi Arabia have been attacking Syria with the best armaments in the world made in the USA. Today, these Sunnis are the jihadists forming the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) who have declared a caliphate, or new Islamic state, covering a large swath of territory in the two countries, they are reintroducing a political and theological concept that dates back to the time of the Prophet Muhammad. They are murderers, genociders, and invaders.
And we all know what happened next in Syria. More conflicts! Civil war! Refugees crisis! More than 2.5 million Syrians have fled their homes. More than 100,000 casualties. Destruction so bad the country is now back to stone age! That is the work of the United Nations giving hope to a bunch of student terrarists claiming they dont like their government anymore. And again, of course, following the lead of Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations, and that of other nations interested in arms be given to the student terrarists i.e. Great Britain, France and the United States, and who were just waiting the best time to do so. Because Syria is a friend of Russia, the U.S.A., Great britain and France saw the opportunity of a much larger conflict implying a lot of destruction, killing, and selling of more arms. Selling arms is very good for their economies which they poorly managed over the past decades.

The United Nations Secretary General should not have got involved in the human rights of those students who started the uprising. On the Scale of Global Rights, students dont have much of any rights to destroy a country and create war. They should have been thrown in jail for life and made sure they work hard in jail so as to pay the price for their living. Their families should have been forced to pay for the cost of arresting their children and keeping them in jail. Parents are responsible for their children even if these children are studying at the university level. When a child was born, the child was a person. But not a person at 100%. Never, not until that person has been taugth the way to survive in our world. The community has the obligation to teach children what is important in life. And certainly, young people had not the right to write anti-government graffiti in the city of Damascus and calling for the resignation of their President Bashar-al-Assad and an end to Ba'ath Party rule. Those students were not educated properly. The global environment comes first and the human rights of those student rebels/terrarists come second. That is reality! That is the way! And yes there is a Global Community arrest warrant against Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations, who decided to help those students. He will have to pay dearly for his crime against humanity.

One other important fact concerning the Syrian uprising is the question how did the rebels get their arms?! Who gave them armaments?! The kind of armaments capable of shutting down jet planes and hellicopters, and actually fighting the government military to the point of capturing part of Syria and making it theirs as a part of the new Islamic State. It was found out that they were Sunnis and that Saudi Arabia, a Sunni State, and an excellent friend of America, was the one supplying these terrarists, planarchists, with the most advanced armaments in the world, USA made armaments. And it is not a secret that Saudi Arabia has been buying armaments from the USA over the past decades. Over one hundred billion dollars. Saudi Arabia used its oil and gas resources to buy armaments from the US. Why? Because both americans and the people of Saudi Arabia do not want to see Iran becoming the most powerful state of the Middle East and wanting changing the Middle East into a peaceful and better place for living. Beside the people of Iran are Shias. And Saudi Arabia is jealous of seeing Iran becoming more powerful. So in effect, the two nations, Saudi Arabia and Iran hate one another. Hate creates conflicts and war. Rremember the Iran and Iraq war! At that time both the USA and Britain were calling themselves friends of both nations and yet were selling heavy armaments to both sides. Sunnis against Shias! America was never interested in peace. Peace does not pay the bills in America. War does! Americans would rather see Sunnis and Shias destroying themselves and the world. Destroying the world!? How!? War requires burning enormous amounts of natural resources, especially oil and gas, which create enormous quantities of green gases and consequently, making worst an already out of control global warming and climate change. This is totally unaceptable and insane! Global Community is holding Britain and America responsible for using natural resources to build WMDs and selling them to Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia and other nations in the Middle East. The USA military base called Israel has already got the most powerful and destructive WMDs: nuclear armaments. You are the worst people humanity has ever had. You are planarchists! You are terrarists! Americans have no ethics! They are "ethic minus".

Now the USA and other nations are challenging ISIS by bombing its newly acquired territories. In retaliation, Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (passed away 23 January 2015), the King of Saudi Arabia and Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, flooded the world with more cheap oil the world needed and so the price of oil collapsed to a record low never seen before. In consequences, the USA oil production would no longer find buyers in the open market and neither the Canadian dirty tar sands oil.

The Canadian magnate of the oil and gas industry in Alberta, Canada, have become the new terrarists of the 21st Century.


Canadians have been told lies from the government of Canada ever since the Conservatives have been taking over power in Canada.

In Canada, the oil & Gas industry is mostly under the control of the USA corporations. The oil & gas products are pipelined from Canada to the USA at no costs to Americans. Even security is paid by Canadian taxpayers. Similarly in Iraq, the USA corporations and puppet friendly government of the USA control the Iraquis oil & gas and the Iraquis taxpayers are paying dearly of its security and transportation to the West.

For example in Canada, the property of the hydrocarbons, the oil and natural gas, and tarsands, are mostly owned by American and other foreign corporations. Our natural resources have been bought out by foreigners. Pipelines have been built to transport the oil and natural gas to the customers in the United States without paying taxes to Canada. Canadian corporations have been taken over by American corporations with bankrupted money, paper money, Stock Exchange money, money that Americans dont even have. The White House prints dollar bills by the trillions and give them to corporations to buy more Canadian corporations and others in the world. This is no longer a fair exchange of something tangible with something else of an equivalent value. We have natural resources and Americans have bankrupted money to exchange with. That's not right! How can we let that happened? It is time to nationalize Canadian natural resources, and to take back ownership.

Over time Canadian corporations were created to supply oil and gas to the US, especially California. Pipelines were built throughout Canada and now feed US customers. Now that Americans control those Canadian corporations, the cost of selling the petroleum products to US customers have been lower than what Canadians actually pay for them. No income tax are paid by the US corporations on Canadian land. Basically, Canadian natural resources are being 'legally' stolen from Canada at no cost to Americans (bankrupted money) and no tax to be paid to Canada. Somewhat like what the World Bank and the IMF are doing in the world but then the US is also in charge of these two organizations. The US uses bankrupted money to supply them with the cash they need to promote American values in the world and take away Earth resources from the developing nations. This way of doing things has been going on ever since WWII. Americans are buying their way with bankrupted money.

In Canada, American corporations have the full legal protection of the WTO and NAFTA agreements. What is even worse is that the cost of security for sending the petroleum products to the US, by now US control corporations, is dumped onto Canadian taxpayers, not on the oil and gas, and pipeline corporations. How fair is that?! How is that possible?! How can we let that happened?! First American corporations buy Canadians corporations with money they dont own, bankrupted money. Then they carry Canadian natural resources through pipelines also built by Canadians taxpayers. They pay no taxes. And Canadian taxpayers are responsible of security for the transportation of the petroleum products to the US customers. Canadians are not getting a fair exchange of natural resources for fake money. They call that ' free trade '. Canadian environmental standards have to be lowered from beginning to end, from the exploration phase to development and transportation of the resources to the US customers in favour of corporations that allow more pollution into the environment and favor the violation of labour rights in the process.

Gee!!! What world are we living in?! It is the US invading Canada, legally. It is the US invading the world, developing nations, legally??!! Well! Not so legally! In Canada it is economic warfare! And of course Canadians have no chance against trillions of dollars of bankcrupted money, fake money. In other countries, the US White House use both military and economic warfare.

Lately, after seeing so much low prices in the barrel of oil, the Conservative Government of Canada, PM Harper, is retaliating against the King of Saudi Arabia act of war for feeding arms to ISIS rebels to take over Iraq and Syria. That is exactly what Saudi Arabia wants to do to take control of the Middle East and continue be the best friend of the USA to provide America with cheap oil. PM Harper sent Canadians soldiers to fight a war not base on principles of human rights and freedom but to put pressure on the King of Saudi Arabia to stop producing cheap oil flooding the global market. PM Harper wants the best for his one and only land, the province of Alberta (not Canada), and his friends the magnates of the oil and gas industry in Canada:
Suncor, Syncrude, Shell, Chevron, Marathon, BP, Oxy, ConocoPhillips, Cenovus, CNRL, Devon, Statoil, Nexen, Imperial Oil, Petro Canada, ExxonMobil, Laricina Energy, OSUM and KNOC.

Canada, the Mexico of the North, is the next victim of the IMF-World Bank rapacious appetite for nations with valuable natural resources. With PM Harper, the war industry is back on the job with no end at sight and the Alberta oil magnates are using Canadians tax dollars to fight the Islamic rebels on the other side of the planet. The goal here is to bomb as much as possible the rebels so that their sponsors, the King of Saudi Arabia, will stop producing cheap oil and thus a higher price of oil will benefit the oil magnates of Alberta. So now the Canadian oil magnates are at war against the oligarch (King supreme) of Saudi Arabia. The ecological costs of this war is astronomical. First the Canadian economy is now unofficially bankrupted as predicted in 2010 (see the following two pictures). The Canadian national debt has been skyrocketing ever since the Conservatives took power in Canada with a surpus of ten billion dollars left over by the previous liberal government. All the billions went into the pockets of the Alberta oil magnates, most of them from foreign countries, and yes again mostly from the USA. Could we call the PM Harper a traitor!? He committed treason by using Canadian tax dollars on behalf of the oil magnate of Alberta to pursue the goal of going to war against rebels subsidized by the King of Saudi Arabia whose armaments were bought from the USA and whose funds are practically unlimited. The only good thing that is working for PM Harper is that his understanding of the Islamic State or ISIS is as great as the understanding of the USA had of the communists at the time when they declared war to North Vietnam in 1955. The USA lost the war badly. Throughout the war, Americans never knew why they were bombing communities and killing millions of people. They never knew why they were at war at all. The war industry was doing all the brainwashing at home in the media.

PM Harper will see Canada become a puppet totally dependent of the IMF-World Bank organizations and, therefore, the oil magnates of Alberta will get more control on the oil and gas profits.



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The Scale is the primary guide for the decision-making process.

Global Community believes that the introduction of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has been a great step in humanity's evolution to better itself. But now is time to leave it behind and reach to our next step, that is, the Scale of Global Rights. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights resides in the fact that it gives equal emphasis to cultural rights, economic and social rights, and civil and political rights.  The Global Community asks how meaningful is the right to life or to participation in political life if the ecological base (the base of life) and the global life-support systems are seriously threatened:

*    wilderness is vastly disappearing; species of the fauna and flora becoming extinct
*    fisheries are out of control and will cease to be a part of our diet within a few decades;
*    the global Oxygen supply in the air we breathe is dangerously affected by both the burning of petroleum products and deforestation;
*    our ways of life affect the capacity for photosynthesis;
*    losses of forest cover and of biological diversity;
*    climate change affects everyone and everything;
*    the ozone layer is dangerously damaged by man-made chemicals;
*    global warming causes major local and global problems and forces the climate to change;
*    our drinking (fresh) water is becoming more polluted and the increase in population requires much more fresh unpolluted water; our ways of life affect dangerously the water cycle;
*    clean air no longer exists; air contains chemicals affecting life all over the planet;
*    farmers do not generally engage on their own in investment in soil conservation and despite all other efforts the world is losing its best soils; global food production systems should be made to feed people as oppose to be competing for money;
*    everyone wants to consume more products and thus use more of Earth essential resources which are becoming much harder to obtain and create more pollution and wastes, and no one seems to know what to do with wastes; wastes of all kind including nuclear and release of radiation;
*    wars destroy not only human lives and community infrastructures but also other lifeforms and the environment; wars feed the economies of war makers, weapons manufacturers, and predator nations in control of the last 100 hundred years left of oil supplies in the world; and
*    chemicals produced for human use and not found in nature and, eventually, reaching the environment with impacts on Earth's waters, soils, air, and ecology.
Virtually all life on earth, directly or indirectly, depends on photosynthesis as a source of food, energy, and Oxygen, making it one of the most important biochemical processes known. It is a part of the global life-support systems and is a right that needs protecting at all costs. The right and responsibility that human beings have in protecting photosynthesis has the highest importance on the Scale of Global Rights.

There are many other aspects of the global life-support systems:
* primordial global rights deterioration
* global ocean acidification
* global warming
* Ozone layer depletion
* wastes of all kind including nuclear and release of radiation
* climate change
* species of the fauna and flora becoming extinct
* losses of forest cover and of biological diversity
* the capacity for photosynthesis
* the water cycle and fresh water use
* food production systems
* genetic resources
* Oxygen supplies
* change in land use and lost of agricultural soils
* phosphorus and nitrogen cycles
* chemicals produced for human use and not found in nature and, eventually, reaching the environment with impacts on Earth's waters, soils, air, and ecology

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Values foundation of the Scale of Global Rights

The Scale of Global Rights contains six (6) sections. Section 1 has more importance than all other sections below, and so on. More importance is given to the sections higher on the Scale, and the Scale is the primary guide for the decision-making process.

Primordial human rights rights are in a separate categorie and distinct than ecological rights, the right of the greatest number of people, economic rights, social rights, cultural rights and religious rights. Ecological and primordial human rights are the only rights that have existed unchanged throughout the evolutionary origin of our species. Any major change would have threatened our very existence. All other human rights listed here are rights created by human beings and can be changed depending of new circumstances; they are not stagnant but are rather flexible and adaptive, and they can evolve. Ecological and primordial human rights of this generation and of future generations are therefore much more important than any other human rights existing now and in the future.

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The Scale of Global Rights is a balancing process to sustain all life on the planet now and for future generations

Concerning sections 1, 2, and 3, it shall be Global Community highest priority to guarantee these rights to Member Nations and to have proper lesgislation and implement and enforce global law as it applies.

Section  1.    Ecological rights and the protection of the global life-support systems

Section  2.    Primordial human rights

  •     safety and security
  •     have shelter
  •     'clean' energy
  •     'clean' and healthy environment
  •     drink fresh water
  •     breath clean air
  •     eat a balance diet
  •     basic clothing
  •     universal health care and education
  •     employment for all

Section  3.    The ecological rights, the protection of the global life-support systems and the primordial human rights of future generations.

Concerning Sections 4, 5 and 6, it shall be the aim of Global Community to secure these other rights for all global citizens within the federation of all nations, but without immediate guarantee of universal achievement and enforcement. These rights are defined as Directive Principles, obligating Global Community to pursue every reasonable means for universal realization and implementation.

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Scale of Global Rights definition

To determine rights requires an understanding of needs and reponsibilities and their importance. The Scale of Global Rights is the best guidance for continuing this process. The Scale shows social values in order of importance and so will help us understand the rights of a community. What are the universal needs of a person, family, a community?

Sections 1, 2 and 6 are sections mostly concerned with this paper.

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Section 1

On the Scale of Global Rights primordial human rights and the protection of the global life-support systems and ecological rights are on top of the Scale. They are the most important aspects on the Scale.

For instance, the existing and future uses of water are constantly challenged; balancing supply and demand is made even harder by the amounts of pollution found in the air, land and waters. A large part of our body is made of water, and we cannot live without water; therefore water is a primordial human right by our very nature. In order to avoid conflicts and wars over drinking (fresh)water, fresh water has been categorized as a primordial human right. Industrial pollution plays a major role in the deterioration of nature but this time the level of pollution is above the carrying capacity of a healthy ecosystem. Pollution also affects significantly human health and all lifeforms on Earth. Every person needs Oxygen to live so clean air is certainly also a primordial human right by our very nature.

The ecological base is the essential prerequisite for the effectiveness and exercise of all rights recognized for human beings. The stewardship of the ecological base has to be given priority before the fulfilment of various economic and social wishes. Demands resulting from the socio-economic system of a particular country have to find their limits in the protection of the global life-support systems. Vital interests of future generations have to be considered as having priority before less vital interests of the present generation. Supply chains have to be designed in a way, that the goods can enter after usage or consumption into natural or industrial recycling processes. If serious damages to persons, animals, plants and the ecosystem cannot be excluded, an action or pattern of behaviour should be refrained from. A measure for supplying goods or services should choose a path which entails the least possible impact on the ecological and social system concerned. This way functioning proven systems will not be disturbed, and unnecessary risks will not be taken. Supply strategies consuming less resources should have preference before those enhancing more resource consumption.

The idea of sustainability has been extended to be a moral and ethical state, as well as an economic and environmental state, wherein sustainable consumption patterns respect the universal values of peace, security, justice and equity within the human relationships that exist in Earth Community. When there is a need to find a solution to a problem or a concern, a sound solution would be to choose a measure or conduct an action, if possible, which causes reversible damage as oppose to a measure or an action causing an irreversible loss. The existing and future uses of water are constantly challenged; balancing supply and demand is made even harder by the amounts of pollution found in the air, land and waters. A large part of our body is made of water, and we cannot live without water; therefore water is a primordial human right by our very nature. In order to avoid conflicts and wars over drinking freshwater, freshwater has been categorized as a primordial human right. Industrial pollution plays a major role in the deterioration of nature but this time the level of pollution is above the carrying capacity of the ecosystem. Pollution also affects significantly human health and all lifeforms on Earth. Every person needs Oxygen to live so clean air is certainly also a primordial human right by our very nature.

Control over the amounts of greengases produced by human activities and let go into our air must be paramount to governance and management of Earth.The production of greengases involves the destruction of the Oxygen in our air and its replacement by CO2, a deadly chemical. CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere have been measured at an altitude of about 4,000 meters on the peak of Mauna Loa mountain in Hawaii since 1958. The measurements at this location, remote from local sources of pollution, have clearly shown that atmospheric concentrations of CO2 are increasing. The mean concentration of approximately 316 parts per million by volume (ppmv) in 1958 rose to approximately 369 ppmv in 1998. The annual variation is due to CO2 uptake by growing plants. The uptake is highest in the northern hemisphere springtime. Today in 2013, the concentration is 400 ppmv. And after all the dirty tars sands oil of Alberta has been consumed, the concentration will be over 600 ppmv, i.e. the end of civilization as we know it, and the end of most lifeforms on the planet.

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Section 2

Primordial human rights are those human rights that individuals have by virtue of their very existence as human beings.

These rights as well as the ecological rights and rights for the protection of the global life-support systems are in a separate categorie and distinct than the right of the greatest number of people, economic rights, social rights, cultural rights and religious rights. Ecological, primordial human rights and rights for the protection of the global life-support systems are the only rights that have existed unchanged throughout the evolutionary origin of our species. Any major change would have threatened our very existence. All other human rights listed here were rights created by human beings and can be changed depending of new circumstances; they are not stagnant but are rather flexible and adaptive, and they can evolve. Ecological, primordial human rights and rights for the protection of the global life-support systems of this generation and of future generations are therefore much more important than any other human rights existing now and in the future.

Security is a primordial human and Earth right. Global Community has broadened the traditional focus of the security of nations to include both the security of people as well as that of the planet. Global security policies include:

* every person on Earth has a right to a secure existence, and all states have an obligation to protect those rights
* prevention of conflicts and wars; identification, anticipation, and resolving conflicts before they become armed confrontations. The Earth Court of Justice will help here.
* military force is not a legitimate political instrument
* weapons of mass destruction are not legitimate instruments of national defence
* eliminate all weapons of mass destruction from all nations and have inspectors verifying progress to that effect
* all nations should sign and ratify the conventions to eliminate nuclear, chemical and biological weapons
* the production and trade in arms should be listed as a criminal act against humanity; this global ministry will introduce a Convention on the curtailment of the arms trade, a provision for a mandatory Arms Register and the prohibition of the financing or subsidy of arms exports by governments
* the development of military capabilities is a potential threat to the security of people and all life on Earth; the ministry will make the demilitarization of global politics a high priority.
* anticipating and managing crises before they escalate into armed conflicts and wars
* maintaining the integrity of the environment and global life-support systems
* managing the environmental, economic, social, political and military conditions that threatened the security of people and the planet

All families need shelter, food, language, body of knowledge, certain skills, a source of income. Security of the home is an important aspect for any family and Global Community it belongs to. Primordial human needs raise the question of interacting universal responsibilities. In terms of parenthood, parents must raised their children mentally and physically healthy. It is a responsibility to do so. Which also means each local community must have an educational system to help parents raise the child.

Global Community has developed a global strategy to reinforce primordial human rights.

Recommendations to that effect are:

*     provision of minimal standards of health, education, and housing worldwide
*     reduce inequality in access to work opportunities
*     care for the quality of life of the people
*     all nations must ratify an agreement to form the Earth Court of Justice
*     increase global cooperation between nations to deal with terrorism in a more selective, targeted way
*     help Global Community promote and implement its global civic ethic program worldwide
*     allow our volunteers perform their global ethical management tasks during conflict resolution
*     emphasise social responsibility of corporations in the whole cycle of their products or services
*     expand coordination and global cooperation among nations, agencies, and NGOs, regarding information, early warning, apprehension, and punishment of terrorists through the Earth Court of Justice. The Court will create an environment for transparent Justice.
*     when there is massive damage done to a country that is abhorent to most countries of the world then the Earth Court of Justice will find it justified to go after the suspected criminals wherever they may be hiding.

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Section 6: Cultural and religious rights

Cultural and religious differences can promote human and Earth rights.

Traditional customs and standards could burden the sustainability of all life on Earth. They could burden Earth society or any society forever, and holds individuals in a straitjacket. We cannot accept that. No one can! There are choices to be made. Cultures can develop and can go on developing. Even religious beliefs may evolve. We are living now and we are able to create these changes. Cultural and religious differences cannot be a reason or an excuse or a pretext for not respecting human and Earth rights including and most importantly the ecological rights. Quite the contrary, all kinds of cultures may promote human and Earth rights. They are different in their achievements, but they are equal in dignity where they are expressions of freedom. At any time or in any given place, men, women and children use their culture to invent new ways of making human and Earth rights a living reality. Diversity enriches us if it respects the dignity of each individual, and if it takes account of human and Earth rights as a whole.

Intrinsic human cooperation at the core of creative cultural evolution promises to give rise to a new epoch for humanity defined by societal sustainability and lasting world peace. The biological basis for human cooperation and symbiotical relationships both validate and underlie evolutionary panaltruism in and beyond the twenty-first century. Twenty-first century education centered on human empathy and compassion and a terror-free global community garners important impetus from The Golden Rule Principle.

The Golden Rule Principle, also called the Ethic of Reciprocity by theologians, says: "Dont do to others what you wouldn't want done to you." Or treat others the way you would want to be treated. The Golden Rule has a moral aspect found in each religion or faith. It could be used as a global ethic. There are analogues for the golden rule in 13 faiths. These 13 analogue statements are passages found in the scriptures or writings that promote this ethos. Every faith is unanimous of saying that every individual should be treated with the same respect and dignity we all seek for ourselves.

The Golden Rule Principle by itself should have been sufficient to tell the five cartoonists of Charlie Hebdo that it is wrong to publish insults concerning the Prophet Muhammad (GR)(GR) and Islam.

A new symbiotical relationship between religion and the protection of the global life-support systems has begun to take place all over the world. Religious rituals now support the conservation efforts and play a central role in governing sustainable use of the natural environment.

Major faiths are issuing declarations, advocating for new national policies, and creating educational activities in support of a sustainable global community. Global Community is establishing a symbiotical relationship between spirituality and science, between our heart and mind, and God, between religion and the environment.

The human family is finding its role in the universe, a higher purpose and a meaning. We now can celebrate life.

A sustainable world can be built with the help of a very powerful entity: the human spirit. Community participation generates the energy needed to sustain the planet and all life. Religious and environmental communities have formed a powerful alliance for sustainability. Our next objective will be to find statements from all religions that promote the respect, stewardship, protection, ethical and moral responsibility to life and of the environment, the Earth global life-support systems, and statements that promote a responsible Earth management. We are also asking for specific statements on environmental conservation such as those expressed by the Islamic religion.

Societal sustainability in addressing international terrorism and the creation of a democratically planned global economy marshals previously untapped human cooperation, energy, and resources. Investigating, understanding, and eradicating the root causes of international terrorism entails objective analyses of all social dichotomies ranging in realm from religious dogmas, to political ideologies, to economic systems.

Freedom of thought and conscience, speech, press, writing, communication, expression, publication, broadcasting, telecasting, and cinema, are acceptable except as an overt part of or incitement to violence, armed riot or insurrection.
    A crime against the natural world is a sin
To commit a crime against the natural world is a sin. It is a sin for humans to:
a)     cause species to become extinct and to destroy the biological diversity of God's creation
b)     degrade the integrity of Earth by causing changes in its climate, by stripping the Earth of its natural forests, or destroying its wetlands
c)     injure other humans with disease
d)     contaminate the Earth's waters, its land, its air, and its life, with poisonous substances

Ecological Affirmations of Faith
a)     We stand with awe and gratitude as members of God's bountiful and good creation. We rejoice in the splendor and mystery of countless species, our common creaturehood, and the interdependence of all that God makes. We believe that the Earth is home for all and that it has been created intrinsically good.
b)     We lament that the human species is shattering the splendid gifts of this web of life, ignoring our responsibility for the well being of all life, while destroying species and their habitats at a rate never before known in human history.
c)     We believe that the Holy Spirit, who animates all of creation, breathes in us and can empower us to participate in working toward the flourishing of Earth's community of life. We believe that the people of God are called to forge ways of being human that enable socially just and ecologically sustainable communities to flourish for generations to come.
d)     We lament that we have rejected this vocation, and have distorted our God-given abilities and knowledge in order to ransack and often destroy ecosystems and human communities rather than to protect, strengthen, and nourish them.
e)     We believe that, in boundless love that hungers for justice, God acts to restore and redeem all creation (including human beings). God incarnate affirms all creation, which becomes a sacred window to eternity. In the cross and resurrection we know that God is drawn into life's most brutal and broken places and there brings forth healing and liberating power. That saving action restores right relationships among all members of the whole creation.
f)     We confess that instead of living and proclaiming this salvation through our very lives and worship, we have abused and exploited the Earth and people on the margins of power and privilege, altering climates, extinguishing species, and jeopardizing Earth's capacity to sustain life as we know and love it.
g)     We believe that the created world is sacred-a revelation of God's power and gracious presence filling all things. This sacred quality of creation demands moderation and sharing, urgent antidotes for our excess in consumption and waste, reminding us that economic justice is an essential condition of ecological integrity.
h)     We cling to God's trustworthy promise to restore, renew, and fulfill all that God creates. We long for and work toward the day when churches, will respond to the groaning of creation and to God's passionate desire to renew the face of the Earth.
i)     We look forward to the day when the lamentations and groans of creation will be over, justice with peace will reign, humankind will nurture not betray the Earth, and all of creation will sing for joy.

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A new global order

Global Community offers a new global order with a vision of Hope and Love away from despair and social chaos. This new global order will be better, safer, and more realistic after replacing the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the Scale of Global Rights Scale of Global Rights.

Global Community ethic for a business proposed here provides no direct solution for all the extensive problems of humanity. The ethic is giving humanity the moral foundation for a better corporate citizen.

Global Community ethic for a business offers fundamental moral behaviors and irrevocable standards that every corporate citizen and, to some extent if applicable, the public at large may adapt as their own vision for life's survival on our planet. You need not be religious to make this vision yours. This vision is for all corporate citizens, regardless of their social origin, language, culture, sex, skin color, religious and non-religious. Global Community vision creates new hopes, standards, ideals and goals for corporate citizens to embrace freely, and live a life without fear.

Corporate citizens have a binding responsibility for the welfare of all humanity and care for all life on Earth. Global Community ethical grounds for a business are practical, real, and applicable for all corporate women and men of good will, religious and non-religious.

The basis of Global Community ethic for a business already exist. These ethics offer the possibility of a better corporate citizen, a global order with fairness and Justice, and a world with Hope and Love. A world where everything make sense in all areas of life, for families and communities, for races, nations and all religions.

It is Global Community challenge to develop ethics, moral directives, that can be acceptable to all Peoples for the survival of all life on our planet, and that will require sacrifices from us all. Let us remember over and over again that our primary goal and the most important principle on the Scale of Global Rights is the survival of all Life on Earth. The Scale shows social values in order of importance for humanity's survival, all Life's survival, while the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is about rights, all of them being just as important as an other. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights needs to be replaced now by the Scale of Global Rights.

Global Community ethics for a business are about how we treat others and a commitment to respect every person humanely and with dignity. For this process to work, global citizens learn to forgive, be patient and compassionate, promote acceptance, open theirs hearts to one another, and practice a culture of solidarity and cooperation. Let go narrow differences between us all for the greater good of humanity and future generations.

Morality can be derived from a standard that global citizens believe should be universal such as Global Community ethic for a business which include all lifeforms over the entire Universe.

Global Community ethic for a business aims to identify principles of right action that may be used to guide people in their lives. These principles can be used to decide whether particular courses of action, or particular types of action, are right or wrong. Ethics emphasizes respect for persons, and holds that there are certain actions that should never be done. This is what this paper is about: to describe those principles and propose a list of right actions for a business.

Again, publishing insults about the Prophet Muhammad (GR)(GR) and Islam was wrong and also shown a bad sense of business. Charlie Hebdo is a business that should have been closed down because of its insulting cartoons. Businesses in France have not evolved toward better and safer ways of doing business in their country. Foreign businesses should avoid investing in France until the government of France passes better laws in line with Global Community ethics.

Wherever there are people there will be conflicts, and ethics can help to resolve conflicts. Global Community proposes that such conflicts be resolved without violence and within a framework of justice. People must commit themselves to the most nonviolent, peaceful solutions possible. This is the pathway to global peace Global Peace Ministry.

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Modern morality is a product of evolutionary forces

Over ancient time to this day, morality in society made its way into our ways of doing business. So the set of behaviors that constitute Global Community ethic for a business evolved largely because they provided possible survival benefits to increase evolutionary success. Consequently, Peoples evolved socially to express emotions, such as feelings of empathy or guilt, in response to these moral behaviors. Humans developed truly moral, altruistic instincts. When looking across cultures of geo-cultural areas and across millennia, certain virtues have prevailed in all cultures, the major ones include wisdom, knowledge, courage, justice, love, truth, empathy, kindness, and social intelligence. These virtues were not always incorporated into the ways of doing business because the 1% business world became corrupted, greedy, no longer in line with humanity's survival on the planet, and more interested in keeping most of the wealth, resources and power for themselves keeping the remaining 99% of the world population in poverty.

But today we are going to incorporate these virtues and proper behaviors into corporate citizen global ethics.

Moral values can be identified across cultures, even if we do not accept a global understanding of principles: values including integrity, trustworthiness, benevolence, justice, and fairness. These values can be resources for finding common ground between believers and nonbelievers, and for conflicts needing of ethics to resolve their problems.

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Human morality is a natural phenomenon

On the understanding that Global Community ethics are sets of self-perpetuating and biologically-driven behaviors which encourage human cooperation and symbiotical relationships, then we all can see why Global Community concepts and approaches to humanity's survival become so urgently needed today.

All social beings have modified their behaviors by restraining immediate selfishness in order to improve their evolutionary fitness. This is why humanity needs to correct the present business world and corporate citizens as most of the wealth on the planet is in the hands of the 1% of the world population while the remaining 99% of the people are badly taken avantage of and live in poverty.

Human morality, though sophisticated and complex relative to other lifeforms, is essentially a natural phenomenon that evolved to restrict excessive individualism of the 1%, including their human rights, that could undermine a group's cohesion and thereby reducing all life's survival on our planet.

Obviously the 1% business world has to evolve along with society, and that means closing down businesses that aim at publishing cartoons to insult the Prophet Muhammad (GR)(GR) and Islam.

After making the proper adjustment to ways of doing business in the world, morality can then be defined as an accumulation of interrelated behaviors that cultivate and regulate complex interactions within social groups. These behaviors includes empathy, reciprocity, altruism, cooperation, a sense of fairness, symbiotical relationships, and have been included directly into the corporate citizen global ethics.

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The greatest happiness of the greatest number is a measure of right and wrong

How can we be sure that the corporate citizen global ethics proposed here are truly what is needed for humanity's survival?

In society, the proper course of action is one that maximizes the greatest happiness of the greatest number which gives us a measure of right and wrong. What matters is the combined positive effect of everyone and not only of any one person and "not only of the 1% of the population in control of most of the wealth and power".

After the massacre at the HQ of Charlie Hebdo, the media industry got into full gears to direct the population to give approval and support of the five catoonists and their insulting cartoons against the Prophet Muhammad (GR)(GR) and Islam. When there is such fraudulent control by the media over the population, Global Community considers that this is no longer "The greatest happiness of the greatest number is a measure of right and wrong". Global Community considers that it is a fraudulent manipulation of people thoughts and feelings. And that is wrong!

Over the past decades, a Global Dialogue  Global dialogues are the source of new ideas and finding new ways for our survival and taking along with us other lifeforms on the planet. was organized every day of every year to probe the world about what may be the best vision to follow for humanity's survival this century. Results obtained have shown clearly that a significant part of the world population has approved a global ethic with the Scale of Global Rights as being the proper guide for this generation and next ones this century.

Developing ethics that would save humanity from extinction will encounter numerous criticisms from individuals whose basic human rights were violated. But that is to be expected! And there is no other way! Global Community has researched and developed the Scale of Global Rights Scale of Global Rights to continue this process. On the Scale of Global Rights, primordial human rights and the protection of the global life-support systems and ecological rights are on top of the Scale. They are the most important aspects on the Scale. Applying the Scale into our ways of life will require sacrifices from people whose human rights were violated because social values have different degrees of importance on the Scale. But this process is necessary because the 1% of the world population already violated the basic human rights of most people on Earth.

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Professions are expected to develop up-to-date codes of ethics with specific guidelines in line with the Scale of Global Rights

Corporate citizen global ethics should be consistent with the requirements of morality governing society. If improving survival of all life on our planet is given a moral priority in society, it must also be a moral priority to the corporate citizen, and it may be justifiable to contravene other moral demands in order to meet this goal. Because there are different moral codes that apply to different sections of society and differences in codes between societies, problems will arise when the Scale of Global Rights is applied as a basis of global ethics. The Scale was given a moral priority. So rights lower on the Scale may be affected negatively.

Global citizens may be asked to make sacrifices concerning human rights categorized as less important on the Scale of Global Rights. This would happen only to give the greater good a moral priority and success.

Professions such as scientists, physicians, business people, journalists, and politicians, are expected to develop up-to-date codes of ethics with specific guidelines in line with the Scale.

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Global Community Ethic for a business

Certified Corporate Global Community Citizenship (CCGCC)

Global ethic for a business must always be grounded in realities.

1.     As a business you may:

a)     be a corporate eco-friendly
b)     be a socially responsible investor
c)     have taken the challenge of a more integrated approach to corporate responsibility by placing environmental and community-based objectives and measures onto the decision-making table alongside with the strategic business planning and operational factors that impact your bottom-line results
d)    provide not only competitive return to your shareholders but you also operate your business in light of environmental and social contributions, and you have understood the interdependence between financial performance, environmental performance and commitment to the community
e)     have taken a full life-cycle approach to integrate and balance environmental and economic decisions for major projects
f)     have an active Environmental, Health and Safety Committee and integrated codes of conduct, policies, standards and operating procedures to reflect your corporate responsibility management
g)     have scored high on categories such as:

* environmental performance
* product safety
* business practices
* help small business in the least developed countries
* commitment to the community
* abolition of child labour
* eliminate discrimination in respect of employment and occupation
* employee relations and diversity
* effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining
* corporate governance
* share performance
* global corporate responsibility
* against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery
* health, safety and security
* provided help to combat diseases at home and abroad
* uphold the freedom of association
* audits and inspections
* emergency preparedness
* corporate global ethical values
* ensured safe working conditions
* standards of honesty, integrity and ethical behaviour
* elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour
* in line with the Scale of Global Rights
h)     support a balance and responsible approach that promotes action on the issue of climate change as well as all other issues related to the global life-support systems :

* primordial global rights deterioration
* global ocean acidification
* global warming
* Ozone layer depletion
* wastes of all kind including nuclear and release of radiation
* climate change
* species of the fauna and flora becoming extinct
* losses of forest cover and of biological diversity
* the capacity for photosynthesis
* the water cycle and fresh water use
* food production systems
* genetic resources
* Oxygen supplies
* change in land use and lost of agricultural soils
* phosphorus and nitrogen cycles
* chemicals produced for human use and not found in nature and, eventually, reaching the environment with impacts on Earth's waters, soils, air, and ecology
* ship Captains and owners dumping waste oils in oceans
* human activities of all kinds have disastrous impacts on the life-support systems: overfishing and bottom trawling, car and truck manufacturers using fossil fuels, etc.

As a business you may have scored high on all of the above challenges but Global Community wants you to take on even greater challenges in line with Global Community ethic for a business.

2.     Checks and balances

In the past, corporations ruled without checks and balances. Now, global ethics will be a basic minimum to do business, and there will be checks and balances. Our judgement will be based on global ethics. Global ethics must always be grounded in realities. But realities are changing constantly and are different in different places. We live in a world that makes progress toward democracy. Ethics and morality exist only when human beings can act freely.

In our free society, rights are tied to responsibilities. Corporations are committed to improvement in business performance and want to be seen as 'good corporate citizens' on a local and a global scale. Corporations have social responsibilities as they are an integral part of society. Global ethics recalls that those realities, on which others build upon, have to be protected first. Global Community has found evident that universal values and the Scale of Global Rights as described above were the foundation of global ethics for a business.

3.     Corporate citizen global ethic

Global Community has now at hand the method and framework to conduct societal checks and balances based on a method reinforcing global ehtics for a business. A more balance world economy will result of annual checks and balances. Corporations will take their social responsibilities and become involved in designing, monitoring, and implementing these checks and balances. Several corporations have already done so. Results will be taken into account in the evaluation of a global ethic for a business. Corporations are required to expand their responsibilities to include global rights, the environment, community and family aspects, safe working conditions, fair wages and sustainable consumption aspects.

A corporation will now be required to operate its business as per global ehtics for a business:

*    Be concerned with issues such as climate change, bio-diversity, pollution prevention and adopt high standards
*     Minimize environmental degradation and health impacts
*    Be responsible for the environmental impact of its products and services throughout their cycle
*     Adopt a wide environmental code, and policies, health and safety practices and procedures aimed at reducing resource and energy use in each stage of a product or service life-cycle
*     Set up appropriate management systems to implement policies
*     Conduct annual checks and balances and provide reports to the community
*     Respect the political jurisdiction of national communities
*     Respect human rights, social and cultural rights
*     Recognize its political and economic impact on local communities
*     Contribute to the long-term social, cultural, environmental and economic sustainability of the local communities
*     Respect the rights of indigenous peoples, their culture and land, and their religious and social customs; provide employment and training opportunities
*     Ensure that each employee is treated with respect and dignity and is not subjected to any physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or abuse
*     Respect employees' right to freedom of association, labour organization, and free collective bargaining
*     Provide equal pay for work of equal value to women and men
*     Recognize the responsibilities of all workers to their families, and provide for maternity leave, and paternity leave
*     Ensure that their be no barriers to the full participation of women within the company
*     Participate in the creation of child care centres and centres for the elderly and persons with disabilities where appropriate
*     Ensure no discrimination on grounds of race, ethnicity, or culture
*     Ensure that persons with disabilities who apply for jobs with the company receive fair treatment and are considered solely on their ability to do the job; provide resources and facilities which enable them to achieve progression in employment in the company
*     Provide training to all employees to conduct their activities in an environmentally responsible manner
*     Work with organizations concerned with children's rights, human rights and labour rights to ensure that young workers are not exploited
*     Ensure that a mechanism is in place to address ethical issues of concern raised by employees
*     Make sure that the company's policies balance the interests of managers, shareholders, employees, and other affected parties
*     Adhere to international standards and protocols relevant to its products and services
*     Adopt marketing practices which protect consumers and ensure the safety of all products
*     Conduct or support research on the environmental impacts of raw materials, products, processes, emissions and wastes associates with the company and on the means of minimizing such adverse impacts
*     Make a sustainable use of renewable natural resources such as water, soils and forests
*     Conserve non-renewable natural resources through efficient use and careful planning
*     Conserve energy and improve energy efficiency of internal operations and of the goods and services being sold

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Ethics evolved over the course of many generations

Those things that are usually thought to be good, such as intelligence, perseverance and pleasure, sometimes fail to be intrinsically good. Pleasure, for example, appears to not be good because when people take pleasure in watching someone suffering, this seems to make the situation ethically worse. So that makes it hard to understand ethics based on the Scale of Global Rights.

Ethics holds that moral correctness evolves similarly to scientific knowledge: socially over the course of many generations. Thus, we should prioritize social reform over attempts to account for consequences, individual virtue or duty. And that is what Global Community ethics have been about over the past decades.

There are several obvious applications of Global Community ethics. For instance, for those who work in the mass media, they should report for the sake of truth. They do not stand above morality but have the obligation to respect human dignity, global rights, and fundamental values; they are duty-bound to objectivity, fairness, and the preservation of human dignity; they have no right to intrude into individuals' private spheres, to manipulate public opinion, or to distort reality.

And that is what really happened on January 7 in France. The five cartoonists were killed because they insulted the Prophet Muhammad (GR)(GR) and Islam.

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Political ethics are also concerned with moral problems

Global Community ethics are concerned about the leaders of countries, politicians, and political parties, because when they lie in the faces of their people, when they manipulate the truth, or when they are guilty of venality or ruthlessness in domestic or foreign affairs, they forsake their credibility and deserve to lose their offices and their voters; conversely, public opinion should support those politicians who dare to speak the truth to the people at all times.

Security of the world has become a major issue and should be dealt with for the good of all and of all life on Earth. Global Community is the only world organization capable of handling security and the many other global problems.

Security for all citizens of Global Community .
Global Community has broadened the traditional focus of the security of states to include both the security of people as well as that of the planet.

Politicians can be corrupted but the great majority of the people are good and believe 'justice for all' is a universal value. Politicians make global decisions or the lack of them during meetings. Politicians become actors on the world scene. Actors taken jobs they are not always qualified to take in reality. They make decisions, and they dont understand consequences. In effect, the lack of sound leadership from the part of our politicians are threatening the security of all people and all life on Earth.

Security of the world has become a major issue and should be dealt with for the good of all and of all life on Earth. Global Community is the only world organization capable of handling security and the many other global problems.

Before the massacre that happened on January 7 in France, it is obvious that politicians never done their job. Politicians not just in France but in all nations of the Western world have not done their job. They should have passed laws to punish people such as the five cartoonists for publishing insulting cartoons against the Prophet Muhammad (GR)(GR) and Islam. The business Charlie Hebdo should have also been closed down.

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The media industry and global security

The media industry includes the movie and television program industry. They are major sources of global unsecurity. They display a culture of violence in everyday life on television screens and cinemas. The American Way of Life is creating this culture of violence. An american child at age six year old has seen more violence on television than any other child of the Middle East over a life span. This culture of violence infects both industrial and developing countries, rich and poor. This trend of culture of violence must end. The movie and TV industry is a threat to global security. The media is responsible for the propagation of violence through communications. Why has government not done anyhting to regulate the media industry? Surely everyone understood that on the Scale of Global Rights security of a nation is more important than the human rights related to the freedom of expression of the media industry. Security of the people and the state is on top of the Scale. It is part of the primordial human rights. While freedom of expression is a right found lower on the Scale and is classified partly as

*     Community rights and the right that the greatest number of people has by virtue of its number (50% plus one) and after voting representatives democratically (these rights can be and are usually a part of the constitution of a country)

and partly as

*    Economic rights (business and consumer rights, and their responsibilities and accountabilities) and social rights (civil and political rights)

So the freedom of expression of a person is not as important as the security of that person and the security of the state.

When analyzing the event that occurred in France it is heartbreaking to apply the Scale of Global Rights. On January 7, 2015, two Islamist gunmen forced their way into and opened fire in the Paris headquarters of Charlie Hebdo, killing twelve: staff cartoonists Stephane Charbonnier (chief editor Charb), Jean Cabu, Philippe Honore, Bernard Verlhac (Tignous) and George Wolinski, economist Bernard Maris, editors Elsa Cayat and Mustapha Ourrad, guest Michel Renaud, maintenance worker Frederic Boisseau, and police officers Frank Brinsolaro and Ahmed Merabet, and wounded eleven, four of them seriously. During the attack the gunmen shouted "Allahu akbar" (God is great) and also "the Prophet is avenged".

The police officers were there to protect the five staff cartoonists against such an attack. According to the Scale of Global Rights the cartoonists had no rights of making fun of the Prophet (GR) and so should have been arrested and thrown in jail a long time before January 7. So why were they still doing funny cartoons against the Prophet (GR)? Why were they protected by the officers? Surely they would still be alive today had they been arrested.

Question is now on what legal grounds should they have been arrested? Obviously ethical grounds! Political leaders were keen in blaming everybody but themselves. None of them had any thoughts whatsoever about the ethical reasons that should have been followed in making legislation protecting the Prophet (GR) from being making fun of by cartoonists. In my country a person can be arrested for writing graffitis on walls and buildings. A tragic example of such action is the Syrian uprising (see chapter on Education). So why were the cartoonists not arrested on ethical grounds? Beside, what they were doing has affected global security in a big way. And global security is a right in Section 1 on the Scale of Global Rights. The cartoonists could have been arrested because what they were doing affected global security. In a way they were terrorists themselves! In many countries "writing" can have you thrown in jail and even killed. So why were the cartoonists not arrested for being terrorists?

For example, in the question of global justice, the conflict is between the claims of the nation state and citizens on one side and the claims of all citizens of the world. Traditionally, priority has been given to the claims of nations, but in recent years thinkers known as global citizens have pressed the claims of all citizens of the world. Global Community represents all global citizens, all lifeforms, and stands for global justice. Political ethics deals not mainly with ideal justice, however, but with realizing moral values in democratic societies where citizens disagree about what ideal justice is. In a pluralist society, how if at all can governments justify a policy of progressive taxation, affirmative action, the right to abortion, universal healthcare, and the like? Political ethics is also concerned with moral problems raised by the need for political compromise, whistleblowing, civil disobedience, and criminal punishment.

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Professions are expected to develop up-to-date codes of ethics with specific guidelines in line with the Scale of Global Rights

On a theoretical level, there is debate as to whether an ethical code for a profession should be consistent with the requirements of morality governing the public. For example, it could be argued that a doctor may lie to a patient about the severity of their condition, if there is reason to think that telling the patient could cause them so much distress that it would be detrimental to their health. This would be a disrespect of the patient’s autonomy, as it denies them information on something that could have a great impact on their life. This would generally be seen as morally wrong. However, if the end of improving and maintaining health is given a moral priority in society, then it may be justifiable to contravene other moral demands in order to meet this goal. There can be different, equally valid moral codes that apply to different sections of society and differences in codes between societies. Those problems will arise when the Scale of Global Rights is applied as a basis of global ethics. The Scale was given a moral priority. Professions such as scientists, physicians, business people, journalists, and politicians, are expected to develop up-to-date codes of ethics with specific guidelines in line with the Scale.

Such Code of Ethics should have been made a law by politicians. Certainly, life on society would be better, more peaceful and harmonious. The 12 victims of Charlie Hebdo would still be alive today had politicians done their job in the Western world.

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The Golden Rule can only be integrated 'softly' within Global Community ethics

"Do not do to others what you would not want them to do to you". This is a moral axiom which reappears in the writings of almost every culture and religion throughout history, the one we know as the Golden Rule. Moral directives do not need to be complex or obscure to be worthwhile, and in fact, it is precisely this rule's simplicity which makes it great. It is easy to come up with, easy to understand, and easy to apply, and these three things are the hallmarks of a strong and healthy moral system. The idea behind it is readily graspable: before performing an action which might harm another person, try to imagine yourself in their position, and consider whether you would want to be the recipient of that action. If you would not want to be in such a position, the other person probably would not either, and so you should not do it. It is the basic and fundamental human trait of empathy, the ability to vicariously experience how another is feeling, that makes this possible, and it is the principle of empathy by which we should live our lives.

Trying to live according to the Golden Rule means trying to empathise with other people, including those who may be very different from us. Empathy is at the root of kindness, compassion, understanding and respect. Those are qualities that we all appreciate being shown, whoever we are, whatever we think and wherever we come from. And although it is not possible to know what it really feels like to be a different person or live in different circumstances and have different life experiences, it is not difficult for most of us to imagine what would cause us suffering and to try to avoid causing suffering to others. The five cartoonists might still be alive today had they put themselves at the place of the people who love the Prophet Muhammad (GR)(GR) and Islam.

Global Community ethics are about how we treat others and a commitment to respect every person humanely and with dignity. For this process to work, global citizens learn to forgive, be patient and compassionate, promote acceptance, open theirs hearts to one another, and practice a culture of solidarity and cooperation. Let go narrow differences for the greater good of humanity and future generations.

Obviously the Golden Rule can be only integrated 'softly' within Global Community ethics as global ethics require breaking many rules and morality standards, including human rights. It is Global Community challenge to develop ethics, moral directives, that can be acceptable to all Peoples for the survival of all life on our planet, and that will require sacrifices from us all. Let us remember over and over again that our primary goal and the most important principle on the Scale of Global Rights is the survival of all Life on Earth.

Global Community faith Global Community faith is helping, along with the various communities of faith, to formulate their very specific ethics about the meaning of life and death, the enduring of suffering and the forgiveness of guilt, about selfless sacrifice and the necessity of renunciation, about compassion and joy.

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Young people have a right to information and education to be able to make the decisions that will form their lives. Without an ethical formation they will hardly be able to distinguish the important from the unimportant. They will not understand living now requires sacrifices and the primary goal of society today is the survival of all Life on our planet. They must be shown at home and in school that violence is not a means of settling differences with others.

In the daily flood of information, ethical standards will help them discern when opinions are portrayed as facts, interests veiled, tendencies exaggerated, and facts twisted.

Young people have human rights but they have to learn what their rights really means and the responsibilities attached to them. They should not be allowed to abuse those rights for personal power gain as we so often seen in the world today.

As an example of a personal power gain Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations, concerning his support of Syrian rebels, the Syrian uprising A small group of students deciding to do what everyone else have been doing in that part of the world: lets get rid of the government.

This was shown very clearly at the begining of the Syrian uprising which started late January of 2011, when students (terrarists) were arrested for writing anti-government graffiti in the city of Damascus. They were calling for the resignation of their President Bashar-al-Assad and an end to Ba'ath Party rule. Heavy armament were supplied to rebel student terrarists, heavy enough to shut down jet planes and helicopters, and conduct continuous and offensive attacks against the government.

How did that happen?

Historically, a small group of students deciding to do what everyone else have been doing in that part of the world: "lets get rid of the government". And let us ask the United States to help us. A bunch of student terrarists who just wanted to create trouble and get help from the West to achieve their goals. Of course the United Nations jumped also onto this bandwagon and sided with the student terrarists. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations behaved in a way that clearly meant the following:
Syrian student rebels, terrarists, planarchists, let us go to war. Let us destroy Syria and bring it back to stone age. Let us put the Syrian government down. You have human rights! You should not be in jail for writing graffiti. Diplomacy used to be the way of the United Nations but no more. We get involved into local politics especially when the Syrian government is a friend of Russia. Well! What else is important!? Dont worry! The United Nations will back you up with the USA military, our best trouble maker fixers who happens to dislike Russia becoming again "the" superpower in the world. Our best UN members, the USA, Great Britain and France, will help you. Why? Their economies are bankrupted, and they want to sell more arms and weapons of mass destruction to the world so those three nations can fix their economical problems at home. They are UN members with the richest and most profitable war industry. Conflicts and wars in the Middle East and surrounding nations have been very profitable for them. Keep fighting student rebels! Kill! Kill! Kill! And destroy Syria! We sold arms and WMDs to Saudi Arabia and others. And they will supply you with these weapons to fight the Syrian government, your government. Saudis are Sunni, so now the Sunnis from Saudi Arabia have been attacking Syria with the best armaments in the world made in the USA. Today, these Sunnis are the jihadists forming the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) who have declared a caliphate, or new Islamic state, covering a large swath of territory in the two countries, they are reintroducing a political and theological concept that dates back to the time of the Prophet Muhammad. They are murderers, genociders, and invaders.
And we all know what happened next in Syria. More conflicts! Civil war! Refugees crisis! More than 2.5 million Syrians have fled their homes. More than 100,000 casualties. Destruction so bad the country is now back to stone age! That is the work of the United Nations giving hope to a bunch of student terrarists claiming they dont like their government anymore. And again, of course, following the lead of Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations, and that of other nations interested in arms be given to the student terrarists i.e. Great Britain, France and the United States, and who were just waiting the best time to do so. Because Syria is a friend of Russia, the U.S.A., Great britain and France saw the opportunity of a much larger conflict implying a lot of destruction, killing, and selling of more arms. Selling arms is very good for their economies which they poorly managed over the past decades.

The United Nations Secretary General should not have got involved in the human rights of those students who started the uprising. On the Scale of Global Rights, students dont have much of any rights to destroy a country and create war. They should have been thrown in jail for life and made sure they work hard in jail so as to pay the price for their living. Their families should have been forced to pay for the cost of arresting their children and keeping them in jail. Parents are responsible for their children even if these children are studying at the university level. When a child was born, the child was a person. But not a person at 100%. Never, not until that person has been taugth the way to survive in our world. The community has the obligation to teach children what is important in life. And certainly, young people had not the right to write anti-government graffiti in the city of Damascus and calling for the resignation of their President Bashar-al-Assad and an end to Ba'ath Party rule. Those students were not educated properly. The global environment comes first and the human rights of those student rebels/terrarists come second. That is reality! That is the way! And yes there is a Global Community arrest warrant against Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations, who decided to help those students. He will have to pay dearly for his crime against humanity. Beside, how many refugees his country of origin has taken in? None! His own people, much like himself, like to tell others to help yet they dont show a good example of helping anyone.

One other important fact concerning the Syrian uprising is the question how did the rebels get their arms?! Who gave them armaments?! The kind of armaments capable of shutting down jet planes and hellicopters, and actually fighting the government military to the point of capturing part of Syria and making it theirs as a part of the new Islamic State, ISIS. It was found out that they were Sunnis and that Saudi Arabia, a Sunni State, and an excellent friend of America, was the one supplying these terrarists, planarchists, with the most advanced armaments in the world, USA made armaments. And it is not a secret that Saudi Arabia has been buying armaments from the USA over the past decades. Over one hundred billion dollars. Saudi Arabia used its oil and gas resources to buy armaments from the US. Why? Because both americans and the people of Saudi Arabia do not want to see Iran becoming the most powerful state of the Middle East and wanting changing the Middle East into a peaceful and better place for living. Beside the people of Iran are Shias. And Saudi Arabia is jealous of seeing Iran becoming more powerful. So in effect, the two nations, Saudi Arabia and Iran hate one another. Hate creates conflicts and war. Remember the Iran and Iraq war! At that time both the USA and Britain were calling themselves friends of both nations and yet were selling heavy armaments to both sides. Sunnis against Shias! America was never interested in peace. Peace does not pay the bills in America. War does! Americans would rather see Sunnis and Shias destroying themselves and the world. Destroying the world!? How!? War requires burning enormous amounts of natural resources, especially oil and gas, which create enormous quantities of green gases and consequently, making worst an already out of control global warming and climate change. This is totally unaceptable and insane! Global Community is holding Britain and America responsible for using natural resources to build WMDs and selling them to Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia and other nations in the Middle East. The USA military base called Israel has already got the most powerful and destructive WMDs: nuclear armaments. You are the worst people humanity has ever had. You are planarchist! You are terrarists! Americans have no ethics! They are "ethic minus".

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Our world is facing crises of freshwater, food, deforestation, ocean health, and destruction of the global life-support systems. We need leadership in the protection of all our natural resources, in peril because of what we do and what that does to our planet. We are facing a fresh water crisis. We are facing a food crisis. We are facing a crisis over deforestation. And we are facing crises in our oceans. While carbon emissions from fossil fuels pollute the air, land and our oceans, we are facing the climate change crisis. Now is the time to press for leadership.

Those who fight to protect life on Earth for this generation and the next ones are the defenders of the environment and the global life-support systems. They know who the beasts are, the planarchists dd, and how they destroy the living on our planet. They have rallied together all over the world to protect our home, Earth. We know it all! We know how everything works. And we will do whatever it takes to protect life on Earth. "We the Peoples", Global Community , the Federation of Global Governments, are the Earth revolutionaries, and we will protect life on Earth at all costs.

We need ways of organizing ourselves to help us live in a world with less energy and to grow strong caring communities in which we get more of our human satisfaction from caring relationships and less from material goods. We need to reclaim the ideal of being a democratic middle-class people without extremes of wealth and poverty. We need to recover a deep sense of community that has disappeared from many of our lives. This means letting go a sense of ourselves as consumption machines.

The lives of all lifeforms and plants on our planet deserve protection, preservation, and care. Global Community disapproves of the limitless exploitation of the natural foundations of life, the relentless destruction of the biosphere, and the militarization of the space within and above the Earth's atmosphere. Global citizens must live in harmony with nature on and above the Earth's surface.

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Planarchist Planarchists: definition and who they are  The worst kind of planarchists are NATO nations

Today, the world is facing social crises all over the planet and a surge of violent protests from economic upheaval. There is an increased civil unrest and ethnic strife everywhere.

Fighting poverty goes hand in hand with fighting climate change; you can't expect people to starve today to save tomorrow's planet.

Several events have contributed to the planetary state of emergency declared by Global Community :

A)     widespread poverty and hunger in more than half the world population

B)     The global warming of the planet due to human activities

C)     Climate change

D)     Economic and military invasion of nations by the United States and NATO

E)     Absence of fair and democratic global governance at the United Nations and European Union

F)     Our global environment and global life-support systems are threatened by:

  • any of the above mentioned events
  • pollution worldwide
  • blood resources. 
But all these crises are due to human activities, our ways of doing business and trade, and to our ways of consuming resources, and involved well known international organizations and nations such as:
*     G7 nations,
*     World Trade Organization (WTO),
*     Free Trade Agreement (FTA),
*     North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA),
*     Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA),
*     World Bank,
*    Free trade between Canada and the EU,
*     International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the
*     military and war industry.

Most dont have ethics. If they do they dont follow them.

The problem is the system they have created. It has become clear that this culture of waste, mismanagement and corruption cannot reform itself.

People promoting and leading these nations and organizations are planarchists. As was first defined in the original paper published in May 2009 The planarchists:       definition, and who they are The planarchists: definition, and who they are planarchists are the 21st Century anarchists.

Planarchist means this large body of international organizations and groups of people engaged in the large scale destruction of the global life-support systems and of the ecosystems of the planet. They are strongly opposed to the establishment of Global Parliament.

Planarchists have no true religion, they dont believe in anything but money and the wealth of the planet for themselves, they have no care for the people they represent except those who work direcly or indirectly for the war industry and the corporate elite, they refuse to acknowledge the trends of the global crisis and its chaotic end and doing something humane to prevent it, and they refuse to accept the global concepts researched and developed by Global Community for the protection of life on our planet. Because of their wrong way of doing things, our planet is in great danger of losing its most precious asset: life. They are true anarchists, the destructive kind, and they want humanity to follow on their destructive path.

And that is threatening the security of all life on our planet. And that makes the planarchists also terrorists of the worst kind. Terrorists to all life on our planet.

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Terrarist Definition of the word terrarist  Letter to President Obama

We applied here the above principle and conducted measurements on the actual consequences of the Syrian uprising which started late January of 2011 and the activitiy concerning the production, transportation and burning of the dirty tar sands oil of Alberta, Canada. Of course we deal here with actual facts and events and not on what people are saying in the Media.

We define here a "terrarist" to Global Community as being a person, a group of persons, a business, a government, or an organization that by their activities have had a significant destructive effect on the global life-support systems. This is where the above measurement of the effects and activities come to be useful. For instance, a person such as Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations, is a terrarist because of his position as a leader with significant powers over the world and has given hope to a small group of people, students, also terrarists, who started the Syrian uprising with significant consequences and destruction. A business is called a terrarist business when its activities can bring about signifiant destruction to the global life-support systems. A typical example is of course the businesses involved with the production of the dirty tar sands oil of Alberta, Canada.

Other very obvious activities that qualify as terrarism against Global Community are: economic warfare, population warfare and military warfare. All three aspects have been defined more specifically in July 2010 Newsletter. Warfare

Another type of terrarism against Global Community is related to the political relationships between nations and the United Nations. A typical example is the relationship between Russia and America.

The Soviet Union defeated Hitler and his army in WWII. The so called "allied" never got over that and had to create the "Cold War" against Russia for decades following WWII. A similar situation is happening all over again today. And again Russia formidable natural resources are what the EU 28 member states and the USA mercenaries from the White House want to take away from Russia. They are jealous, poor and hungry. And again we see EU, UN and the White House trying to re-write the history books for the generations to come, much like Churchill has done in his life. Telling the truth was not a part of his upbringings and education. Today, concerning Syria and the Ukraine, the media industry is producing countless lies to the population in the so called Allied nations. Brainwashing on steroids! They are "ethic minus".

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The social implications of Global Law

Global Civilization guides humanity for the building of global communities. This is a great opportunity for globallateralism. Global Law includes legislation covering all aspects of human activities. The Global Protection Agency (GPA) will train and lead a global force, bypassing traditional peacekeeping and military bodies such as the United Nations and NATO. The GPA will enforce the law. And that is the third option we offer Global Community . And that is also how we can stop the global warming of the planet and protect the global life-support systems, thus largely improving the quality of life of the next generations.

As we enact global law, we will begin to take on a much deeper kind of global leadership, one that earns more respect than envy and more gratitude than hatred, one that can catapult the whole planet forward into a future where war is no longer thinkable between nation-states and a legitimate and beneficial global government is able to cope with global problems.

Building global communities require understanding of global problems this generation is facing. There are several major problems: conflicts and wars, no tolerance and compassion for one another, world overpopulation, human activities, as population increases the respect and value of a human life is in decline, insufficient protection and prevention for global health, scarcity of resources and drinking water, poverty, Fauna and Flora species disappearing at a fast rate, global warming and global climate change, global pollution, deforestation, permanent lost of the Earth's genetic heritage, and the destruction of the global life-support systems and the eco-systems of the planet. We need to build global communities for all life on the planet. We need to build global communities that will manage themselves with the understanding of the above problems.

Results from previous Global Dialogues have showed us that the governance of Earth through global cooperation and symbiotical relationships was the only possible option for a large population such as the Earth's population, and so, to help achieve this goal we have developed the Global Constitution and the Global Citizens Rights, Responsibility and Accountability Act to govern ourselves as member nations of Global Community.

Building global communities requires a mean to enforce global law that protects all life on Earth and that means broadening the traditional focus of the security of states to include both the security of people as well as that of the planet. Global security policies include:

*     every person on Earth has a right to a secure existence, and all states have an obligation to protect those rights
*     prevention of conflicts and wars; identification, anticipation, and resolving conflicts before they become armed confrontations. The Earth Court of Justice will help here.
*     military force is not a legitimate political instrument
*     weapons of mass destruction are not legitimate instruments of national defence
*     eliminate all weapons of mass destruction from all nations and have inspectors verifying progress to that effect
*     all nations should sign and ratify the conventions to eliminate nuclear, chemical and biological weapons
*     the production and trade in arms should be listed as a criminal act against humanity; this global ministry will introduce a Convention on the curtailment of the arms trade, a provision for a mandatory Arms Register and the prohibition of the financing or subsidy of arms exports by governments
*     the development of military capabilities is a potential threat to the security of people and all life on Earth; the ministry will make the demilitarization of global politics a high priority.
*     anticipating and managing crises before they escalate into armed conflicts and wars
*     maintaining the integrity of the environment and global life-support systems
*     managing the environmental, economic, social, political and military conditions that threatened the security of people and all life on the planet
*     over the past decades and even now today, all Five Permanent Members of the United Nations Security Council (mostly the United States, Russia and Britain) were responsible for selling weapons and war equipment. These three nations are required to give back to Global Community an amount of 8 trillion dollars (American) as a payment for the immense damage they have caused in the world. They have created a culture of violence throughout the world. They are nation bullies, nation predators. They are responsible for economic mismanagement, ethnic tensions, crimes, drug abuse, high unemployment, urban stress, worldwide poverty, and pressures on natural resources. Most conflicts in the world are direct legacies of cold war power politics, senseless politics. Other conflicts were caused by the end of the cold war and the collapse of old regimes. Other factors have combined to increase tension: religious, economical, political, and ethnic aspects. The dollar fine is to be administered by Global Parliament.

In the past, security was thought as better accomplished through military means. Expanding the military capabilities and forming alliances with other nations were the only way to 'win'. Today wars are unlikely to produce winners. Global Community is all over the planet. Ethnic groups are everywhere. Some say there are more Italians in Montreal, Canada that there are in Italy. So we would fight our own people? Wars truly make no sense! The world is too crowded and too small nowadays! And weapons too lethal! So security cannot be achieved through the military. The only job the military should be asked to do today is to protect the global life-support systems. These systems have the highest priority on the Scale of Global Rights and are certainly more important than any of the other rights on the Scale including security. Simply because without life there is no other right possible. Without Oxygen there is no life! Without clean water there is no life! So protect life on Earth at all costs. Wars are the biggest threat to life and the ecosystem of the planet. Primordial human rights come next on the Scale of Global Rights. Without a shelter life will still exist in some places but is not possible in cold place.

So security must be achieved by other means than wars. We might as well shelved the war industry from humanity right now and that means phasing out all nuclear, biological, chemical weapons right now. No waiting! That also means having inspectors verifying the phasing out in all nations of the world, and not just in some Middle East country. The nature of global security has changed since the rise of Global Community . Security used to be about the protection of the state and its boundaries, people, institutions and values from an outside threat. Global Community emphasizes as a priority the prohibition of external interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states. Today the security of people within Global Community is just as important as the security of states. Citizens must be secure. Global Community is just as important as the security and life of citizens and states.

There are many threats to security other than the threats to the global life-support systems and threat caused by weapons of mass destruction and the threats to the sovereignty of a state, and they include:

*     the proliferation of conventional small arms
*     the terrorizing of civilian populations by domestic groups
*     gross violations of human and Earth rights

Global security can only be achieved if it can be shared by all peoples and through global co-operation, based on principles as explained in the Global Constitution such as justice, human dignity, and equity for all and for the good of all. All people and states are protected by Global Community .

The GPA recommendations:

1.     Ban military action in all parts of the world;

2.     Lead the way in creating legitimate power for Global Parliament, subjecting ourselves and multinational corporations to taxation that generates money for programs that are focused on world betterment and world problems. As a mark of our global leadership, we should commit a greater percentage of our resources to this effort than any other organization.

3.     Hold ourselves to a high standard of compliance around global treaties that aim for collective benefit and the redress of economic, environmental, military, and political problems. Our adherence should be exemplary. Or, if we truly question the merit of a global accord, we should lead the way in creating agreements that even better serve the global interest rather than simply ignoring or undermining the existing attempts.

4.     Exert strong global leadership on multinational solutions to pressing health, environmental, and other problems. We should propose innovative new solutions and show leadership in carrying them out, especially in areas such as clean energy development.

5.     Take seriously the process of coming clean by exposing corporate interests in politics, lobbying by powerful organizations, subsidies of fringe military groups, etc. When our global government officials commit to be honest and transparent, a much deeper foundation of international trust will be built.

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I believe that there is no greater task in the world today than for Global Community to proceed through the maturation of its leadership, emerging from a more self-interested adolescence as a global leader into a nobler adulthood. We have the potential to act as a torchbearer for a better tomorrow. Do we heed the call? I hope this message has convinced at least a few people that the question of how to proceed with that maturation is of far deeper significance than the reforming of the United Nations. I thus pray that we move with wisdom, grace, clarity, and love in the days, years, and even decades ahead.

Our planet is populated with living beings consisting of millions of different life forms interacting with each other to survive, thus forming an intricate web of life in different ecosystems on the planet. The interaction and interdependence between life forms are the driving force that creates and maintains an ecological - environmental equilibrium that has sustained life on Earth for millions of years enabling it to evolve, flourish and diversify. Global Community values Earth’s diversity in all its forms, the non-human as well as the human.

On Earth’s surface exists a diversity of arctic, temperate and tropical ecosystems with many different varieties of plants, animals, and human beings, all of which are dependent on soils, waters and local climates. Biodiversity, the diversity of organisms, depends on maintenance of ecodiversity, the diversity of ecosystems. Cultural diversity – which in effect is a form of biodiversity – is the historical result of humans fitting their activities, thoughts and language to specific geographic ecosystems. Therefore, whatever degrades and destroys ecosystems is both a biological and a cultural source.

The "I am Charlie" massacre is showing us that humanity needs and wants are so destructive to itself and to all life on Earth that something significant must be done to protect this amazing life heritage, not just for ourselves but the next generations. Over the last Century humanity has been depleting the natural capital of Earth, rich agricultural soils, its groundwater stored during ice ages, and its biodiversity. Overpopulation and increasing per capita consumption are major reasons for the depleting of resources. Politicians and business executives are under the delusion that such a disastrous end to the modern human enterprise and institutions can be avoided by technological fixes that will allow the population and the economy to grow forever. The recent event that took the lifes of so many people in France is a signal of desperation, a wake-up call, something has gone very wrong, and we need to make things right. People wanted Justice for insulting with cartoons the Prophet Muhammad (GR)(GR) and Islam. Laws need to be passed to protect society from cartoonists and others who get a kick from making fun of other member of our society, faith and religion. Our current way of life is unsustainable. We are the first species that will have to self-consciously impose limits on ourselves if we are to survive.

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