Corporations want to be seen as good corporate leaders and have a stronger form of accountability.
Business and trade will prosper after stronger common bonds and values have been established. Obtaining one ECO will have a beneficial
impact on future returns, and share price performance.

Obtaining one ECO is a tremendous asset to business owners, self-regulatory organizations, investors, brokers, regulators, stock exchanges, accountants,
analysts, financial advisers, asset managers, and consultants. It will contribute to strengthen investment markets.
Global Dialogue 2006 is about the impacts of and resistance to globalization. The Global Community and civil society in
Europe and North America have seen that world development is
being undermined by corporate power, yet we are living through significant changes as societies respond to the challenge.
The Global Community has proposed a solution to the corporate world: apply for one ECO, the Certified Corporate Global Community Citizenship (CCGCC).
to show the world your ways of doing business are best for the Global Community. Obtaining one ECO will help businesses to be part of the solution to the challenges of globalisation.
In this way, the private sector in partnership with the civil society can help realize a
vision: allowing a global equitable and peaceful development and a more stable and inclusive global economy.
After developing this solution the world has seen the emergence of a new corporate accountability movement. Corporations want to be
global citizens.
The growth of a global civil society has
created a new context, and a new opportunity to address the problem of corporate power. Many other solutions are brought by the corporate world
including that of voluntary corporate initiatives in addressing the systemic problems in the global economy. However none are as powerful and rewarding as obtaining one ECO.
As a business you may:
a) be a corporate Knight
b) be a socially responsible investor
c) have taken the challenge of a more integrated approach to corporate responsibility by placing environmental and community-based objectives
and measures onto the decision-making table alongside with the strategic business planning and operational factors that impact your bottom-line results
d) provide not only competitive return to your shareholders but you also operate your business in light of environmental and social
contributions, and you have understood the interdependence between financial performance, environmental performance and commitment to the community
e) have taken a full life-cycle approach to integrate and balance environmental and economic decisions for major projects
f) have an active Environmental, Health and Safety Committee and integrated codes of conduct, policies, standards and operating
procedures to reflect your corporate responsibility management
g) have scored high on categories such as:
* environmental performance
* product safety
* business practices
* help small business in the least developed countries
* commitment to the community
* abolition of child labour
* eliminate discrimination in respect of employment and occupation
* employee relations and diversity
* effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining
* corporate governance
* share performance
* global corporate responsibility
* against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery
* health, safety and security
* provided help to combat diseases such as AIDS
* uphold the freedom of association
* audits and inspections
* emergency preparedness
* corporate global ethical values
* ensured decent working conditions
* implemented no-bribe policies
* standards of honesty, integrity and ethical behaviour
* elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour
* in line with the Scale of Human and Earth Rights and the Charter of Global Community
h) support a balance and responsible approach that promotes action on the issue of climate change as well as all other issues related to the global life-support systems:
* global warming
* Ozone layer
* wastes of all kind including nuclear and release of radiation
* climate change
* species of the fauna and flora becoming extinct
* losses of forest cover and of biological diversity
* the capacity for photosynthesis
* the water cycle
* food production systems
* genetic resources
* chemicals produced for human use and not found in nature and, eventually, reaching the environment with impacts on Earth's waters, soils,
air, and ecology
Now is time to reach a higher level of protection to life on Earth. We all need this for the survival of our species.
We can help you integrate and balance global life-support systems protection, global community participation, and economic decisions into your operations and products.
We want to help you be an active corporate member of the Global Community, the human family, the Earth Community.
Apply to us to be a global corporate citizen of the Global Community.