Achievements of
Global Community WebNet Ltd.
a federal corporation of Canada, the first corporation on Earth to qualify and obtain one ECO, the Certified Corporate Global Community Citizenship, and is a unique way to show the world that our ways of doing business are best for the Global
Since 1990, the business has operated under four other names
Global Community WebNet Ltd. has copyrights on all research and development conducted while
operating under these four names.

Some of the major achievements are listed here.
Earth Government
Earth governance and management
Global policies and strategies for climate change
Earth Court of Justice
Earth Government
Criteria to obtain the Global Community Citizenship
Scenarios for what may become of humanity
Earth flag
Global concepts
Global policies and strategies for the proper governance and management of the Earth
Global Dialogue 2002
Earth Community
Charter of the Earth Community
Scale of Human and Earth Rights
Peace movement of Earh Community
Statement of rights and responsibilities of a person, a Global Community, the Global Community
Celebration of Life Day
Global policies and strategies for global cooperation and symbiotical relationships between communities and nations
Global concepts
Global policies and strategies for managing world overpopulation
Earth Community Organization (ECO), the Global Community
Global strategies for proper governance of the Earth
Global Dialogue 2004
Global Community
Defined 'the Global community'
Defined 'a global community'
Evaluation of sustainable development locally and globally
Sound solutions for an equitable global sustainable development
Created the Global Community Assessment Centre (GCAC)
Global Community Overall Picture: a country by country description of needs and problems
Vision of Earth in year 2024
Global concepts
Global Dialogue 2000
Global Dialogue
Established a global dialogue between people, businesses, communities and nation governments
Promote peace in the world through dialogue
Finding sound and equitable solutions to local and global problems
Protection of life on Earth
Help humanity survive this millennium
Established the process to obtain on ECO, the Certified Corporate Global Community Citizenship
Global Dialogue 2000, Global Dialogue 2002,
Global Dialogue 2004,
Global Dialogue 2005,
Global Dialogue 2006