Links to this Newsletter's sections
[ Global Communities ]
[ Global development aspects and issues ]
[ Societal family image ]
[ Cultural ]
[ Our overpopulated planet ]
[ Global Sustainability ]
[ Sustainable Cities ]
[ Earth resources availability ]
[ Drinking water availability ]
[ Global food production ]
[ Sustainable agriculture ]
[ Peak soils movement aspects and issues ]
[ Soil lost prevention ]
[ Water conservation ]
[ Protection of the Global Environment ]
[ Global pollution ]
[ Clean air ]
[ Biodiversity ]
[ Energy ]
[ Renewable energy ]
[ Global warming ]
[ Climate change ]
[ Peak Oil Movement ]
[ Global finance industry aspects and issues ]
[ Global Economy ]
[ Global businesses and trade ]
[ Corporate accountability ]
[ Global mining and mining the impacts ]
[ Global manufacturing of products ]
[ Education and training ]
[ Arts aspects, events and issues ]
[ Sciences ]
[ Technology ]
[ Global research and development ]
[ Global civilization ]
[ Earth governance and management ]
[ Democracy ]
[ Global Politics ]
[ Global Health ]
[ Vision of Earth, all life, now and in 2024 ]
[ Global Peace Movement and Disarmament ]
[ Global poverty ]
[ Security for all life ]
[ Youth aspects and issues ]
[ Global Community women aspects and issues ]
[ Social Justice ]
[ Ocean conservation and protection aspects and issues ]
[ Marine ecosystems, fisheries, Eco-label, seafood, and social marketing aspects and issues ]
[ Forest protection aspects and issues ]
[ Global Justice for all life on the planet ]
[ Earth and human rights ]
[ Global law, codes and standards ]
[ Green tax aspects and issues ]
[ Religion - spirituality ]
[ Global fight against trafficking of human beings ]
[ Soul of Humanity ]
[ Peak soils movement aspects and issues ]
[ Global Dialogue ]
[ Current News ]
[ Proclamations ]
[ Reports ]
[ Press Briefings ]
Table of Contents
This is he way
Message from the Editor
Global Law
a) The Portal of the Global Civilization is being researched and developed by members of the Executive Council of Global Ministers and by the Global Community through the Global Dialogue process
b) Global Law: Earth and human rights, Statutes, Codes, Standards, Bills and Other Legislative Information. This WWW site is maintained by the Legislative Counsel of Global Parliament, pursuant to Earth Government Global Law, its legislation. Earth Government Global Law consists of 69 codes, covering various subject areas, the Global Constitution, Bills and Statutes. Information presented reflects laws currently in effect. All Earth
Government Codes have been updated to include Statutes of year 2005. Researched and developed by the Global Community
c) Global Citizens Rights, Responsibility and Accountability Act. Researched and developed by the Global Community
d) Global Constitution. We call upon the national governments and legislatures of the world to ratify the Global Constitution for Earth Government and elect delegates to the House of the Global Governments Federation. Researched and developed by the Global Community
e) Agency of Global Police (AGP).
Building global communities requires a mean to enforce global law that protects all life on Earth. Researched and developed by the Global Community
f) Global Protection Agency (GPA).
Global Protection Agency will train and lead a global force, bypassing traditional peacekeeping and military bodies such as the United Nations and NATO. This is a great opportunity for globallateralism. Researched and developed by the Global Community
g) Global Community Earth Government: Politics and Justice without borders.
Prosecuting criminals on the basis of universal jurisdiction regardless of a territorial or nationality nexus requires a solid commitment of
political will from national governments and the Global Community. The Earth Court of Justice
will hear cases involving crimes related to the global ministries. The Court will have a dual role: to settle in accordance with international law the legal disputes
submitted to it by national governments, local communities, and in some special cases by corporations, non-government-organizations and citizens, and to give advisory
opinions on legal questions referred to it by duly authorized organs and agencies. Researched and developed by the Global Community
Urgent need of an Ombudsperson and for the following Global Ministers:
a. Introduction and requirements
b. Ombudsperson
c. Global Citizenship
d. Global Health
e. Earth Security and Global Police
f. Global Community of North America (GCNA) Emergency, Rescue, and Relief Centre
g. The Judiciary
h. Global Protection Agency
Affiliated Centres for Education and Training
Requirements for participation
Global Dialogue 2007
Politics and Justice without borders. Theme: Building Global Communities for all life
a. Global Dialogue 2007
b. Process overview
c. Program
d. Call for Papers
1. Letter sent by Bill Ellis to the Global Community
The Soul of an apathist To be or not to be -- mortality and immortality
2. Letter sent by Tea Kovacevic Molnar to the Global Community
God government Jesus comments on political issues
1. Climate Change 2007
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has been established by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to assess scientific, technical and socio- economic information relevant for the understanding of climate change, its potential impacts and options for adaptation and mitigation. It is currently finalizing its Fourth Assessment Report "Climate Change 2007". The reports by the three Working Groups provide a comprehensive and up-to-date assessment of the current state of knowledge on climate change.
Press Briefing
Currents News
1. May 2007 Newsletter
2. April 2007 Newsletter
3. March 2007 Newsletter
4. February 2007 Newsletter
5. January 2007 Newsletter
6. December 2006 Newsletter
7. November 2006 Newsletter
Global Dialogue
1. Global Dialogue 2007
2. Issues from previous Global Dialogues are added to issues of Global Dialogue 2006
3. Global Dialogue 2006
Global Peace Movement and Disarmament
1. Le Pacte de la Culture, and La Bannière de la Paix, by Thierry Bécourt,
A l'origine dote du seul certificat d'etudes, je suis devenu a 40 ans, diplome de 3ieme cycle universitaire. Je sui message du Manifeste 2000 de l'UNESCO, ambassadeur universel de la paix, laureat des Academies
Toutes les institutions éducatives, artistiques, scientifiques et religieuses et tous les sites ayant une valeur et une signification culturelles et historiques doivent être reconnus comme inviolables et respectés par toutes les nations, en temps de guerre comme en temps de paix.
2. Paix et évolution, by Ammar Banni,
f you believe in the communion of the spirits, think with us, imagine with us, proclaim with us, the universalism of peace, the right of each man to be for all the other men, the expression of the tolerance
and the acceptance of the other
Global Politics
1. Deaths In Other Nations Since WW II Due To Us Interventions, by James A. Lucas , published in ,
After the catastrophic attacks of September 11 2001 monumental sorrow and a feeling of desperate and understandable anger began to permeate the American psyche. A few people at that time attempted to promote a balanced perspective
by pointing out that the United States had also been responsible for causing those same feelings in people in other nations, but they produced hardly a ripple.
Societal family image aspects and issues
Global businesses and trade
1. Human Rights And Globalization, by Dr. Samir Naim-Ahmed, published in
Would globalization enhance the implementation of human rights as stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ( 1948 ) and the subsequent United Nations agreements , particularly the covenant on civil and political rights ( 1966 ),
the covenant on economic, social and cultural rights (1966 ) and the declaration on the right to development (1986 )?
Global Justice for all life on the planet
1. Deaths In Other Nations Since WW II Due To Us Interventions, by James A. Lucas , published in ,
After the catastrophic attacks of September 11 2001 monumental sorrow and a feeling of desperate and understandable anger began to permeate the American psyche. A few people at that time attempted to promote a balanced perspective
by pointing out that the United States had also been responsible for causing those same feelings in people in other nations, but they produced hardly a ripple.
2. Human Rights And Globalization, by Dr. Samir Naim-Ahmed, published in
Would globalization enhance the implementation of human rights as stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ( 1948 ) and the subsequent United Nations agreements , particularly the covenant on civil and political rights ( 1966 ),
the covenant on economic, social and cultural rights (1966 ) and the declaration on the right to development (1986 )?
3. Iraq Has Two Virginia Techs Every Day, by Juan Cole,, and published in
What is happening in Iraq is the most massive manmade human tragedy of the young century
Earth resources availability aspects and issues
1. Peak Soil: Why cellulosic ethanol, biofuels are unsustainable and a threat to America.
There are many serious problems with biofuels, especially on a massive scale, and it appears from this report that they cannot be surmounted.
So let the truth of Alice Friedemann’s meticulous and incisive diligence wash over you and rid you of any confusion or false hopes. The absurdity and destructiveness
of large scale biofuels are a chance for people to eventually even reject the internal combustion engine and energy waste in general. One can also hazard from this
report that bioplastics, as well, cannot make it in a big way. by Alice Friedemann, with Culture Change. Culture Change was founded by Sustainable Energy Institute.
The nation that destroys its soil destroys itself.
2. Human Rights And Globalization, by Dr. Samir Naim-Ahmed, published in
Would globalization enhance the implementation of human rights as stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ( 1948 ) and the subsequent United Nations agreements , particularly the covenant on civil and political rights ( 1966 ),
the covenant on economic, social and cultural rights (1966 ) and the declaration on the right to development (1986 )?
3. Hard to Deny: Iraq Is All About the Oil How the U.S. is working to secure Iraq's oil -- one of the most important sources of petrochemical energy on the planet -- and how the Iraqis are resisting,
by Michael Schwartz,, published in AlterNet: The Mix is the Message, EnviroHealth
Global Economy
1. Human Rights And Globalization, by Dr. Samir Naim-Ahmed, published in
Would globalization enhance the implementation of human rights as stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ( 1948 ) and the subsequent United Nations agreements , particularly the covenant on civil and political rights ( 1966 ),
the covenant on economic, social and cultural rights (1966 ) and the declaration on the right to development (1986 )?
Cultural aspects and issues
1. Le Pacte de la Culture, and La Bannière de la Paix, by Thierry Bécourt,
A l'origine dote du seul certificat d'etudes, je suis devenu a 40 ans, diplome de 3ieme cycle universitaire. Je sui message du Manifeste 2000 de l'UNESCO, ambassadeur universel de la paix, laureat des Academies
Toutes les institutions éducatives, artistiques, scientifiques et religieuses et tous les sites ayant une valeur et une signification culturelles et historiques doivent être reconnus comme inviolables et respectés par toutes les nations, en temps de guerre comme en temps de paix.
Protection of the Global Environment
1. Global Warming Health Effects
Higher temperatures over the coming decades are expected to cause more smoggy days and heat waves, contributing to a greater number of illnesses and deaths in the United States, according to international climate scientists.
by Jane Kay, The San Francisco Chronicle,, published in AlterNet: The Mix is the Message, EnviroHealth.
2. Peak Soil: Why cellulosic ethanol, biofuels are unsustainable and a threat to America.
There are many serious problems with biofuels, especially on a massive scale, and it appears from this report that they cannot be surmounted.
So let the truth of Alice Friedemann’s meticulous and incisive diligence wash over you and rid you of any confusion or false hopes. The absurdity and destructiveness
of large scale biofuels are a chance for people to eventually even reject the internal combustion engine and energy waste in general. One can also hazard from this
report that bioplastics, as well, cannot make it in a big way. by Alice Friedemann, with Culture Change. Culture Change was founded by Sustainable Energy Institute.
The nation that destroys its soil destroys itself.
Global Communities
1. Human Rights And Globalization, by Dr. Samir Naim-Ahmed, published in
Would globalization enhance the implementation of human rights as stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ( 1948 ) and the subsequent United Nations agreements , particularly the covenant on civil and political rights ( 1966 ),
the covenant on economic, social and cultural rights (1966 ) and the declaration on the right to development (1986 )?
Global businesses and trade
Religion and spirituality aspects and issues
1. Letter sent by Tea Kovacevic Molnar to the Global Community,
God government, Jesus comments on political issues
2. Letter sent by Bill Ellis to the Global Community, The Soul of an apathist To be or not to be -- mortality and immortality
3. Christian Right Leaders: America Can Only Be 'Reclaimed' by Religious Revival
Religious Right leaders at the Reclaiming America For Christ Conference fretted that America cannot be "reclaimed" from the grip of the evil forces that now engulf it until religious revival sweeps the land,
by Adele Stan,, Church and State, published in AlterNet: The Mix is the Message, EnviroHealth
Global Sustainability
1. Ecovillage Design Education - Training of Trainers 2007, 27 October - 24 November 2007 , by Pracha Hutanuwatr,, published in Findhorn Foundation in partnership with the Global Ecovillage Network and Gaia Education.
Based on the Gaia Education Ecovillage Design Curriculum - an official contribution to the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2005-2014
Sciences aspects and issues
Global food production aspects and issues
1. Peak Soil: Why cellulosic ethanol, biofuels are unsustainable and a threat to America.
There are many serious problems with biofuels, especially on a massive scale, and it appears from this report that they cannot be surmounted.
So let the truth of Alice Friedemann’s meticulous and incisive diligence wash over you and rid you of any confusion or false hopes. The absurdity and destructiveness
of large scale biofuels are a chance for people to eventually even reject the internal combustion engine and energy waste in general. One can also hazard from this
report that bioplastics, as well, cannot make it in a big way. by Alice Friedemann, with Culture Change. Culture Change was founded by Sustainable Energy Institute.
The nation that destroys its soil destroys itself.
Research and Development
Earth and human rights aspects and issues
Global warming aspects and issues
Notre réseau de personnes engagées dans la culture de la paix ; nous : les artistes, écrivains, intellectuels divers, qui chantons l’amour de la nature, nous pouvons être le ciment de cette civilisation de l’exigence pour la paix et la protection et la promotion de la nature.
2. Hard to Deny: Iraq Is All About the Oil How the U.S. is working to secure Iraq's oil -- one of the most important sources of petrochemical energy on the planet -- and how the Iraqis are resisting,
by Michael Schwartz,, published in AlterNet: The Mix is the Message, EnviroHealth
3. Global Warming Challenges Environmental Law We need a new approach to environmental law that would bypass the debate over property rights vs. the environment and replace the discretion to regulate with the obligation to protect,
by Kelpie Wilson,, , published in AlterNet: The Mix is the Message, EnviroHealth
Earth governance and management
1. Human Rights And Globalization, by Dr. Samir Naim-Ahmed, published in
Would globalization enhance the implementation of human rights as stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ( 1948 ) and the subsequent United Nations agreements , particularly the covenant on civil and political rights ( 1966 ),
the covenant on economic, social and cultural rights (1966 ) and the declaration on the right to development (1986 )?
Climate change aspects and issues
Notre réseau de personnes engagées dans la culture de la paix ; nous : les artistes, écrivains, intellectuels divers, qui chantons l’amour de la nature, nous pouvons être le ciment de cette civilisation de l’exigence pour la paix et la protection et la promotion de la nature.
1. Global Warming Challenges Environmental Law We need a new approach to environmental law that would bypass the debate over property rights vs. the environment and replace the discretion to regulate with the obligation to protect,
by Kelpie Wilson,, , published in AlterNet: The Mix is the Message, EnviroHealth
Democracy aspects and issues
1. Human Rights And Globalization, by Dr. Samir Naim-Ahmed, published in
Would globalization enhance the implementation of human rights as stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ( 1948 ) and the subsequent United Nations agreements , particularly the covenant on civil and political rights ( 1966 ),
the covenant on economic, social and cultural rights (1966 ) and the declaration on the right to development (1986 )?
2. Deaths In Other Nations Since WW II Due To Us Interventions, by James A. Lucas , published in ,
After the catastrophic attacks of September 11 2001 monumental sorrow and a feeling of desperate and understandable anger began to permeate the American psyche. A few people at that time attempted to promote a balanced perspective
by pointing out that the United States had also been responsible for causing those same feelings in people in other nations, but they produced hardly a ripple.
Drinking water availability aspects and issues
Global sustainable agriculture aspects and issues
1. Peak Soil: Why cellulosic ethanol, biofuels are unsustainable and a threat to America.
There are many serious problems with biofuels, especially on a massive scale, and it appears from this report that they cannot be surmounted.
So let the truth of Alice Friedemann’s meticulous and incisive diligence wash over you and rid you of any confusion or false hopes. The absurdity and destructiveness
of large scale biofuels are a chance for people to eventually even reject the internal combustion engine and energy waste in general. One can also hazard from this
report that bioplastics, as well, cannot make it in a big way. by Alice Friedemann, with Culture Change. Culture Change was founded by Sustainable Energy Institute.
The nation that destroys its soil destroys itself.
Energy aspects and issues
1. Peak Soil: Why cellulosic ethanol, biofuels are unsustainable and a threat to America.
There are many serious problems with biofuels, especially on a massive scale, and it appears from this report that they cannot be surmounted.
So let the truth of Alice Friedemann’s meticulous and incisive diligence wash over you and rid you of any confusion or false hopes. The absurdity and destructiveness
of large scale biofuels are a chance for people to eventually even reject the internal combustion engine and energy waste in general. One can also hazard from this
report that bioplastics, as well, cannot make it in a big way. by Alice Friedemann, with Culture Change. Culture Change was founded by Sustainable Energy Institute.
The nation that destroys its soil destroys itself.
2. Hard to Deny: Iraq Is All About the Oil How the U.S. is working to secure Iraq's oil -- one of the most important sources of petrochemical energy on the planet -- and how the Iraqis are resisting,
by Michael Schwartz,, published in AlterNet: The Mix is the Message, EnviroHealth
Global pollution aspects and issues
Global civilization aspects and issues
1. Ecovillage Design Education - Training of Trainers 2007, 27 October - 24 November 2007 , by Pracha Hutanuwatr,, published in Findhorn Foundation in partnership with the Global Ecovillage Network and Gaia Education.
Based on the Gaia Education Ecovillage Design Curriculum - an official contribution to the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2005-2014
2. Human Rights And Globalization, by Dr. Samir Naim-Ahmed, published in
Would globalization enhance the implementation of human rights as stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ( 1948 ) and the subsequent United Nations agreements , particularly the covenant on civil and political rights ( 1966 ),
the covenant on economic, social and cultural rights (1966 ) and the declaration on the right to development (1986 )?
3. Le Pacte de la Culture, and La Bannière de la Paix, by Thierry Bécourt,
A l'origine dote du seul certificat d'etudes, je suis devenu a 40 ans, diplome de 3ieme cycle universitaire. Je sui message du Manifeste 2000 de l'UNESCO, ambassadeur universel de la paix, laureat des Academies
Toutes les institutions éducatives, artistiques, scientifiques et religieuses et tous les sites ayant une valeur et une signification culturelles et historiques doivent être reconnus comme inviolables et respectés par toutes les nations, en temps de guerre comme en temps de paix.
4. Letter sent by Bill Ellis to the Global Community
The Soul of an apathist To be or not to be -- mortality and immortality
Global mining and mining the impacts aspects and issues
Biodiversity aspects and issues
Global manufacturing of products aspects and issues
Social Justice aspects and issues
1. Human Rights And Globalization, by Dr. Samir Naim-Ahmed, published in
Would globalization enhance the implementation of human rights as stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ( 1948 ) and the subsequent United Nations agreements , particularly the covenant on civil and political rights ( 1966 ),
the covenant on economic, social and cultural rights (1966 ) and the declaration on the right to development (1986 )?
2. Child Pornography and Human Trafficking: Cancun's Dark Side ,
by Heather Gehlert, published in AlterNet: The Mix is the Message, Rights and Liberties,
A conversation with human rights activist Lydia Cacho Ribeiro on the coastal city's violence and abuses -- and her lifelong mission to combat them
3. Iraq Has Two Virginia Techs Every Day, by Juan Cole,, and published in
What is happening in Iraq is the most massive manmade human tragedy of the young century
Technology aspects and issues
Peak oil movement aspects and issues
Security for all life aspects and issues
1. Iraq Has Two Virginia Techs Every Day, by Juan Cole,, and published in
What is happening in Iraq is the most massive manmade human tragedy of the young century
Our overpopulated planet aspects and issues
Global Health
1. Global Warming Health Effects
Higher temperatures over the coming decades are expected to cause more smoggy days and heat waves, contributing to a greater number of illnesses and deaths in the United States, according to international climate scientists.
by Jane Kay, The San Francisco Chronicle,, published in AlterNet: The Mix is the Message, EnviroHealth.
Arts aspects and issues
Vision of Earth, all life, now and in 2024
1. Le Pacte de la Culture, and La Bannière de la Paix, by Thierry Bécourt,
A l'origine dote du seul certificat d'etudes, je suis devenu a 40 ans, diplome de 3ieme cycle universitaire. Je sui message du Manifeste 2000 de l'UNESCO, ambassadeur universel de la paix, laureat des Academies
Toutes les institutions éducatives, artistiques, scientifiques et religieuses et tous les sites ayant une valeur et une signification culturelles et historiques doivent être reconnus comme inviolables et respectés par toutes les nations, en temps de guerre comme en temps de paix.
Education and training aspects and issues
1. Ecovillage Design Education - Training of Trainers 2007, 27 October - 24 November 2007 , by Pracha Hutanuwatr,, published in Findhorn Foundation in partnership with the Global Ecovillage Network and Gaia Education.
Based on the Gaia Education Ecovillage Design Curriculum - an official contribution to the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2005-2014
2. Paix et évolution, by Ammar Banni,
f you believe in the communion of the spirits, think with us, imagine with us, proclaim with us, the universalism of peace, the right of each man to be for all the other men, the expression of the tolerance
and the acceptance of the other
Clean air aspects and issues
Corporate accountability aspects and issues
1. Human Rights And Globalization, by Dr. Samir Naim-Ahmed, published in
Would globalization enhance the implementation of human rights as stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ( 1948 ) and the subsequent United Nations agreements , particularly the covenant on civil and political rights ( 1966 ),
the covenant on economic, social and cultural rights (1966 ) and the declaration on the right to development (1986 )?
Renewable energy aspects and issues
1. Peak Soil: Why cellulosic ethanol, biofuels are unsustainable and a threat to America.
There are many serious problems with biofuels, especially on a massive scale, and it appears from this report that they cannot be surmounted.
So let the truth of Alice Friedemann’s meticulous and incisive diligence wash over you and rid you of any confusion or false hopes. The absurdity and destructiveness
of large scale biofuels are a chance for people to eventually even reject the internal combustion engine and energy waste in general. One can also hazard from this
report that bioplastics, as well, cannot make it in a big way. by Alice Friedemann, with Culture Change. Culture Change was founded by Sustainable Energy Institute.
The nation that destroys its soil destroys itself.
Water conservation aspects and issues
Soil lost prevention aspects and issues
1. Peak Soil: Why cellulosic ethanol, biofuels are unsustainable and a threat to America.
There are many serious problems with biofuels, especially on a massive scale, and it appears from this report that they cannot be surmounted.
So let the truth of Alice Friedemann’s meticulous and incisive diligence wash over you and rid you of any confusion or false hopes. The absurdity and destructiveness
of large scale biofuels are a chance for people to eventually even reject the internal combustion engine and energy waste in general. One can also hazard from this
report that bioplastics, as well, cannot make it in a big way. by Alice Friedemann, with Culture Change. Culture Change was founded by Sustainable Energy Institute.
The nation that destroys its soil destroys itself.
Forest protection aspects and issues
Green tax aspects and issues
Ocean conservation and protection aspects and issues
Global development aspects and issues
1. Ecovillage Design Education - Training of Trainers 2007, 27 October - 24 November 2007 , by Pracha Hutanuwatr,, published in Findhorn Foundation in partnership with the Global Ecovillage Network and Gaia Education.
Based on the Gaia Education Ecovillage Design Curriculum - an official contribution to the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2005-2014
2. Human Rights And Globalization, by Dr. Samir Naim-Ahmed, published in
Would globalization enhance the implementation of human rights as stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ( 1948 ) and the subsequent United Nations agreements , particularly the covenant on civil and political rights ( 1966 ),
the covenant on economic, social and cultural rights (1966 ) and the declaration on the right to development (1986 )?
Global finance industry aspects and issues
Sustainable Cities aspects and issues
Global Community women aspects and issues
Marine ecosystems, fisheries, Eco-label, seafood, and social marketing aspects and issues
Youth aspects and issues
1. Iraq Has Two Virginia Techs Every Day, by Juan Cole,, and published in
What is happening in Iraq is the most massive manmade human tragedy of the young century
Global fight against trafficking of human beings: aspects and issues
1. Child Pornography and Human Trafficking: Cancun's Dark Side ,
by Heather Gehlert, published in AlterNet: The Mix is the Message, Rights and Liberties,
A conversation with human rights activist Lydia Cacho Ribeiro on the coastal city's violence and abuses -- and her lifelong mission to combat them
Soul of Humanity
1. Letter sent by Tea Kovacevic Molnar to the Global Community,
God government, Jesus comments on political issues
2. Letter sent by Bill Ellis to the Global Community
The Soul of an apathist To be or not to be -- mortality and immortality
Peak soils movement
1. Peak Soil: Why cellulosic ethanol, biofuels are unsustainable and a threat to America.
There are many serious problems with biofuels, especially on a massive scale, and it appears from this report that they cannot be surmounted.
So let the truth of Alice Friedemann’s meticulous and incisive diligence wash over you and rid you of any confusion or false hopes. The absurdity and destructiveness
of large scale biofuels are a chance for people to eventually even reject the internal combustion engine and energy waste in general. One can also hazard from this
report that bioplastics, as well, cannot make it in a big way. by Alice Friedemann, with Culture Change. Culture Change was founded by Sustainable Energy Institute.
The nation that destroys its soil destroys itself.
The Editor of the Global Information Media is now accepting articles, letters, reports, research papers, discussions and global dialogues, and messages for publication.
This Media is a way to communicate workable sound solutions to problems arising in the
world. Let us share our problems and workable sound solutions. Sharing information is a necessity to all life and humanity's
survival. Our world is changing fast before our eyes, and we must react quickly and hard to protect all life on Earth. No hesitation! Right now and no waiting! Life on the planet is our first priority. We must protect it at all costs. We, global
citizens, fight to protect life on Earth for this generation and the next ones. We are the defenders of the environment and the global life-support systems. We know who the beasts are, and how they destroy the living on our planet.
We have rallied together all over the world to protect our home, Earth. But this time we are not alone. We know it all! We know how everything works. And we will do whatever it takes to protect life on Earth.
"We the Peoples", the Global Community, the GCEG, are the Earth revolutionaries, and we will protect life on Earth at all costs.
This is the main index for the Global Information Media (GIM)
concerning activities of the Global Community.
GIM was organized with sixty one sections:
Global Justice for all life on the planet,
Global Politics,
Vision of Earth, all life, now and in 2024,
Earth governance and management,
Global Sustainability,
Current News,
Press Briefings,
Global Communities,
Global Health,
Global Economy,
Protection of the Global Environment,
Global businesses and trade,
Global research and Development,
Global Dialogue,
Global Peace Movement and Disarmament,
Cultural aspects and issues,
Religion - spirituality aspects and issues,
Education and training aspects and issues,
Social Justice aspects and issues,
Arts aspects, events and issues,
Sciences aspects and issues,
Technology aspects and issues,
Peak Oil Movement,
Societal family image aspects and issues.
Global food production aspects and issues,
Global poverty, aspects and issues,
Sustainable agriculture,
Global mining and mining the impacts,
Global civilization, aspects and issues,
Global pollution, aspects and issues,
Global manufacturing of products, aspects and issues,
Earth resources availability, aspects and issues,
Global law, codes and standards,
Earth and human rights, aspects and issues,
Drinking water availability, aspects and issues,
Global warming aspects and issues,
Climate change aspects and issues,
Energy aspects and issues,
Democracy aspects and issues,
Biodiversity aspects and issues,
Security for all life aspects and issues,
Our overpopulated planet aspects and issues,
Global finance industry aspects and issues,
Global development aspects and issues,
Ocean conservation and protection aspects and issues,
Green tax aspects and issues,
Forest protection aspects and issues,
Soil lost prevention,
Water conservation,
Renewable energy,
Corporate accountability,
Clean air,
Marine ecosystems, fisheries,
Sustainable cities aspects and issues,
Youth aspects and issues,
Global Community women aspects and issues,
Global fight against trafficking of human beings: aspects and issues,
Soul of Humanity, and
Peak soils movement aspects and issues.
All sixty one sections may contain any of the following information: abstracts, research papers, notes, outlines, posters, articles, letters, press releases, reports, and newsletters.
They may also contain discussions, global dialogues, brain-storming exercises on issues, or just email messages from interested participants and groups.
We are delighted to receive new articles for future Newsletters from our readers.
It is imperative that, if you give us
permission to re-print, all or in part, you
include all copyright verification of permission
of quote. We do not have a copyright
research expert to do this work.
Just so you all know we don't pay anyone, and we don't pay expenses. We do volunteer work for humanity. We expect volunteers to be
responsible and accountable of all their actions. We do soft activism work. The Global Constitution shows us how to operate our organization. We follow Global Law as
shown in the Global Constitution. All those who do volunteer
work for us must become familliar with it and become 'global citizens'. We want our volunteers to be completely loyal to the Global Community and to the values and principles we
The Editor.
From now on I will be using this space to express my thoughts and communicate them to you. It might not always be coherent thoughts. And not always with a theme.
Let us start from the beginning. How have I got to be a spiritual leader?
Perhaps I have been that way since I was born. I just did not know about it until recently. Somewhat like a large puzzle. Hard to tell who you are until all the pieces
have been put together. This two decades long work with the Global Community has been the last piece of my puzzle. Actually it was there all along in front of my eyes, and I could
not see it. If you have followed the work of the Global Community I have signed every article and message the following way:
Germain Dufour
the Global Community
Global Community Earth Government
and the expression ' the Global Community' way always left open instead of writing 'The Global Community'. Why? I have always wondered why every time I have signed a letter
or a message. Now I know why. It was left opened because something was to come in front of the expression. And that something was ' Spiritual Leader of '.
Actually the first time I have signed ' Spiritual Leader of the Global Community' I did not even think about it. I have just signed that way, and then realized what I had just done.
As if it was meant to be that way all along.
And it all made sense from there on. Looking back at the work we did over the past decades and since my teenager days I was meant to be a spiritual leader.
God was there around the corner and God signed my first message as a spiritual leader. I would not say no. Did not!
Spiritual Leader of the Global Community