Politics and Justice Without Borders
Global Community Newsletter main website


Volume 13 Issue 7 March 2015

Theme for this month

Global Protection Agency (GPA)

Joseph Germain Dufour, Prophet of God, Founder and Spiritual Leader of Global Community,President, Global Community, Global Parliament, Global Community WebNet Ltd.
Germain Dufour
Founders and Spiritual Leaders of Global Community

Table of Contents

I.   Introduction Note
II.   Protection of the global life-support systems Introduction
III.   Planetary state of emergency Note
IV.   Earth biodiversity zone Note
V.   Moratorium on all development within the planetary biodiversity zone Note
VI.   Preventive actions against polluters Note
VII.   Global Protection Agency (GPA) Note
VIII.   Conclusion Conclusion

I. Introduction

Our planet is populated with living beings consisting of millions of different life forms interacting with each other to survive, thus forming an intricate web of life in different ecosystems on the planet. The interaction and interdependence between life forms are the driving force that creates and maintains an ecological - environmental equilibrium that has sustained life on Earth for millions of years enabling it to evolve, flourish and diversify. Global Community values Earth’s diversity in all its forms, the non-human as well as the human.

On Earth’s surface exists a diversity of arctic, temperate and tropical ecosystems with many different varieties of plants, animals, and human beings, all of which are dependent on soils, waters and local climates. Biodiversity, the diversity of organisms, depends on maintenance of ecodiversity, the diversity of ecosystems. Cultural diversity – which in effect is a form of biodiversity – is the historical result of humans fitting their activities, thoughts and language to specific geographic ecosystems. Therefore, whatever degrades and destroys ecosystems is both a biological and a cultural source.

Today the ecological languages of aboriginal people, and the cultural diversity they represent, are as endangered as tropical forest species and for the same reasons: the world is being homogenized, ecosystems are being simplified, diversity is declining, variety is being lost.

Along with the lost of life, there is also the urgent human need to survive, and for this reason Global Community has declared a planetary state of emergency which then brought up the need of the Global Community Movement to Help  Global Community  Peace Movement has declared a planetary state of emergency Planetary state of emergency The global crisis that triggered the planetary state of emergency

II. Protection of the global life-support systems Protection of the global life-support systems Security for all life aspects and issues The third option: Global Law, the need to have it, and the benefits (Part II) Life is protected by Global Law God Law, Nature Law, the teaching of the Soul of Humanity with the teaching of the prophet are fundamental pillars of our Global Law  Global Justice for all life on the planet To protect our planetary environment, Global  life-support systems, we want to help you concerning all issues. e Global Protection Agency (GPA) Labor force aspects and issues

Seeing the world today, Global Community claims that each of us depends on the well-being of the whole, and so global citizens have respect for the community of living beings, people and all other lifeforms, and plants, and for the preservation of Earth, air, water and soil. And that explains why the protection of the global life-support systems is the most important right on the Scale of Global Rights.

Global Community asks how meaningful is the right to life or to participation in political life if the ecological base (the base of life) and the global life-support systems are seriously threatened:

*    wilderness is vastly disappearing; species of the fauna and flora becoming extinct
*    fisheries are out of control and will cease to be a part of our diet within a few decades;
*    the global Oxygen supply in the air we breathe is dangerously affected by both the burning of petroleum products and deforestation; our ways of life affect the capacity for photosynthesis;
*    losses of forest cover and of biological diversity;
*    climate change affects everyone and everything;
*    the ozone layer is dangerously damaged by man-made chemicals;
*    global warming causes major local and global problems and forces the climate to change;
*    our drinking (fresh) water is becoming more polluted and the increase in population requires much more fresh unpolluted water; our ways of life affect dangerously the water cycle;
*    clean air no longer exists; air contains chemicals affecting life all over the planet;
*    farmers do not generally engage on their own in investment in soil conservation and despite all other efforts the world is losing its best soils; global food production systems should be made to feed people as oppose to be competing for money;
*    everyone wants to consume more products and thus use more of Earth essential resources which are becoming much harder to obtain and create more pollution and wastes, and no one seems to know what to do with wastes; wastes of all kind including nuclear and release of radiation;
*    wars destroy not only human lives and community infrastructures but also other lifeforms and the environment; wars feed the economies of war makers, weapons manufacturers, and predator nations in control of the last 100 hundred years left of oil supplies in the world; and
*    chemicals produced for human use and not found in nature and, eventually, reaching the environment with impacts on Earth's waters, soils, air, and ecology.
Global Community found evident that the ecological base is the essential prerequisite for the effectiveness and exercise of all rights recognized for human beings. The stewardship of the ecological base has to be given priority before the fulfilment of various economic and social wishes. Demands resulting from the socio-economic system of a particular country have to find their limits in the protection of the global ecosystem. Vital interests of future generations have to be considered as having priority before less vital interests of the present generation. Supply chains have to be designed in a way, that the goods can enter after usage or consumption into natural or industrial recycling processes. If serious damages to persons, animals, plants and the ecosystem cannot be excluded, an action or pattern of behaviour should be refrained from. A measure for supplying goods or services should choose a path which entails the least possible impact on the ecological and social system concerned. This way functioning proven systems will not be disturbed, and  unnecessary risks will not be taken. Supply strategies consuming less resources should have preference before those enhancing more resource consumption. When there is a need to find a solution to a problem or a concern,  a sound solution would be to choose a measure or conduct an action, if possible, which causes reversible damage as opposed to a measure or an action causing an irreversible loss.

There are many related aspects of the global life-support systems:
*     global warming
*     Ozone layer depletion
*     Oxygen supplies
*     wastes of all kind including nuclear and release of radiation; chemical pollution
*     primordial global rights deterioration
*     climate change
*     species of the fauna and flora becoming extinct
*     losses of forest cover and of biological diversity
*     the capacity for photosynthesis
*     the water cycle and fresh water use
*     phosphorus and nitrogen cycles
*     change in land use and lost of agricultural soils
*     global ocean acidification
*     food production systems
*     genetic resources
*     chemicals produced for human use and not found in nature and, eventually, reaching the environment with impacts on Earth's waters, soils, air, and ecology

And all these related aspects must be looked after by all of us for our survival as a species and for all other lifeforms on our planet.

Global security can only be achieved if it can be shared by all peoples and through global co-operation, based on principles as explained in the Global Constitution such as justice, human dignity, and equity for all and for the good of all. All people and states are protected by Global Community.

Security must be achieved by other means than wars. We might as well shelved the war industry from humanity right now and that means phasing out all nuclear, biological, chemical weapons right now. No waiting! That also means having inspectors verifying the phasing out in all nations of the world, and not just in some Middle East country. The nature of global security has changed since the rise of Global Community. Security used to be about the protection of the state and its boundaries, people, institutions and values from an outside threat. Global Community emphasizes as a priority the prohibition of external interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states. Today the security of people within Global Community is just as important as the security of states. Citizens must be secure.

There are many threats to security other than the threats to the global life-support systems and threat caused by weapons of mass destruction and the threats to the sovereignty of a state, and they include:

*     the proliferation of conventional small arms
*     the terrorizing of civilian populations by domestic groups
*     gross violations of human and Earth rights

As a first step to getting help in managing those threats to security, all nations can and should approve the first three sections on the Scale of Global Rights Scale of Global Rights. The approval would supersede a nation political and physical border anywhere in the world. The Global Protection Agency (GPA) would have the approval from all member nations to give immediate help. Somewhat like an emergency unit but at the global level. That is what those first three sections mean: an efficient and immediate emergency response to help.

First, participating member nations need to give their approval to the GPA.

The GPA is a global organization much like the World Trade Organization (WTO) for trade between nations, or the World Health Organization (WHO) for health. The GPA offers an efficient emergency response to help.

The GPA is a short term solution, an immediate response to help. There are also long term solutions. As with the short term solution, the most significant long term solution is also related to the Scale of Global Rights.

III. Planetary state of emergency

Global Community is now applying more emphasis on the urgent need from the people of all nations to give everyone essential services.

And as part of Global Protection Agency (GPA), Global Community proposes to establish in each nation an "Emergency, Rescue, and Relief Centre" As part of the GPA: establishing in each nation an Emergency, Rescue, and Relief Centre. The global crisis that triggered the planetary state of emergency

We have shown that several events have contributed to the planetary state of emergency:
A)    widespread poverty and hunger in more than half the world population
B)     The global warming of the planet due to human activities
C)     Climate change
D)     Economic and military invasion of nations by the United States and NATO
E)     Absence of fair and democratic global governance at the United Nations and European Union
F)     Our global environment and global life-support systems are threatened by natural and human made disasters
G)     Leadership worldwide applied wrongly, destructively

The planetary state of emergency is showing us that humanity needs and wants are so destructive to itself and to all life on Earth that something significant must be done to protect this amazing life heritage, not just for ourselves but the next generations. Over the last Century humanity has been depleting the natural capital of Earth, rich agricultural soils, its groundwater stored during ice ages, and its biodiversity. Overpopulation and increasing per capita consumption are major reasons for the depleting of resources. Politicians and business executives are under the delusion that such a disastrous end to the modern human enterprise and institutions can be avoided by technological fixes that will allow the population and the economy to grow forever. The recent event that brought down the American economy is a signal of desperation, a wake-up call, something has gone very wrong and we need to make things right. People from Wall Street live a dream life. Our current way of life is unsustainable. Our current way of life is unsustainable. We are the first species that will have to self-consciously impose limits on ourselves if we are to survive.

Can we really believe this world can go forward indefinitely, a few decades?

The health of the planet is not what Wall Street is showing us. The reality is that we see more trends such as:

  • groundwater contamination,
  • high levels of toxicity,
  • topsoil loss,
  • widening inequality in the world,
  • the intensity of the violence, ethnic tensions and religious based terrorism,
  • war over oil and gas,
  • floods, and
  • urban stress and the desperation that so many feel at every level of society.

Is this a sustainable system?

We need to recognize the failure of fundamental systems and to abandon the notion that all there is to do is recalibrate the institutions that structure our lives today. Somewhat like the US Congress is doing. Print dollar bills by the trillions, inject them into the system, and everything will be fine. We need to realize that the way we thought things would work out truly is gone. Capitalism is at the core of this unsustainable system. It gives rise to the high-energy/mass-consumption configuration of privileged societies. We must set-up measures to stop speculators from benefiting from the misery of others, by punishing corrupt politicians, and by collectively understanding that bankers are rich because we have placed our money in their hands. Ultimately, unless we begin to see the world as a whole, in which things are truly interconnected, our governments will continue their hostilities, and when the time comes for us to complain, we will be faced with the guns of the police whom we have helped to create with the payment of our taxes.

It's time for us to come to terms with reality. We need ways of organizing ourselves to help us live in a world with less energy and fewer material goods. We need to recover a deep sense of community that has disappeared from many of our lives. The World is in the global crisis. We are exploiting our natural resources, minerals and fuels faster than we are gaining access to alternative sources. We are polluting the natural environment faster than the environment can regenerate itself to reach the level suitable for human needs. We are changing climate dangerously. Our attitude and way of life show a moral degradation of the existing forms of life on the planet. It's time for us to protect what is left to protect: life itself on Earth. This is the reason for the creation of a planetary biodiversity zone. In this paper we have shown the benefits of biodiversity to humanity and hope this approach will motivate others to help create the zone.

Climate change is a result of the rising global temperatures associated with global warming, the effects of which have a direct impact on all life on Earth. Global warming due to human activities is contributing to the melting of the polar ice caps. The Polar Regions are very sensitive indicators of global warming. These regions are highly vulnerable to rising temperatures and may be virtually ice free by the summer of 2030.

Satellite and other monitoring confirm that the Arctic sea ice has been declining in both thickness and size. A significant reduction last summer indicates that the summer ice may disappear much sooner than expected.

Obviously something has to be done! We propose a tight global policy, benignly implemented, or it will be very nasty indeed. In practice, a human population of 10 to 12 billion would be too uncomfortably high and would add a high strain on world resources. What kind of world population would be reasonable? What goal should we aim at? A population should be small enough to be sustainable indefinitely and still allow plenty of leeway for ourselves and other lifeforms. It should also be large enough to allow the formation of healthy civilizations.

Comprehensive population policies are an essential element in a world development strategy that combines access to reproductive health services, education and economic opportunities, improved energy and natural resource technologies, and to healthier models of consumption and the 'good life'.

Would you agree to the promotion of the world development strategy proposed by Global Community ?

IV. Earth biodiversity zone Earth biodiversity zone

Biological diversity means the variety and variability among living organisms, global communities, and the ecosystems in which they are a part.

Elements of biodiversity include:

a) genetic diversity which includes the different genetic make-up among individuals of a single species

b) species diversity which includes the different species within a particular geographic area, such as the fish, birds, insects, bacteria and plants that live within a wetland

The variety of ecosystem types include forests, grasslands, deserts, wetlands, streams, lakes and oceans, and the global communities within them. These communities interact with each other and with the non-living environment.

It is well known that the planet's diversity is being threatened. The effect that human activities have had on our planet have become a major concern. Erosion, pollution, desertification, increased rates of extinction can all be traced back to human activities and are now starting to completely change the future of life on the planet.

Development in society affects dangerously biodiversity.

Perhaps we should understand better the good of biodiversity. At the ecosystem level, as shown on the folowing table, biodiversity provides numerous benefits and services to Global Community.

Global Community has also established a planetary biodiversity zone now under the protection of the Global Protection Agency (GPA).

We have declared a moratorium on all development in the zone.

Benefits of biodiversity
Food security

Biodiversity provides the vast majority of our food. The annual world fish input is about 100 million metric tons which represents humanity’s most important source of wild animal protein. More than 20 per cent of the population in Africa and Asia are dependent on fish as their primary source of protein. Land animals supply an array of food products such as meat, eggs, milk, etc. Wild biodiversity provides a wide variety of important fruits, honey, game meats, mushrooms, nuts, spices and flavorings which are all important when agricultural supplies fail. The productivity of many of the developed world’s agricultural crops is maintained through the regular assimilation of new genes from wild relatives of these crops. These wild genes provide resistance to the pests and diseases that pose an ever-evolving threat to harvests.
Medicinal importance to our health

About 70 per cent of people in the developing world rely on traditional medicines derived mainly from plants. In Southeast Asia, for example, traditional healers use some 6,500 different plant species to treat syphilis, malaria, stomach ulcers, and other diseases. And about 150 prescription drugs used in the United States, 118 are based on natural sources and more than half are derived from plants. Microbes and animal species have been a part of a range of medicines, including Penicillin and anesthetics. A recent study of cone snails has been identified a painkiller that is up to a thousand times more effective than morphine, but without morphine’s addictive properties.
Global warming and climate

Several organic matter and plant tissues within land and ocean ecosystems process carbon, a part of greengases causing global warming, thus helping to slow the build-up of atmospheric carbon dioxide, and contributing to climate stabilization. Moisture released into the atmosphere by rainforests causes regular rainstorms, limiting water loss from the region and helping to control surface temperature. In cold climates forests become windbreakers, helping to mitigate the impacts of freezing temperatures and lost of top soil by blowing wind.
Global economy

Biodiversity is a direct source of incomes and economic development. Natural pesticides, anti-fungal toxins, oil-eating enzymes, waxes, fibres, aromatics, fuels, resins, dyes and gums are a few examples of a long list of goods provided by biodiversity. Ecotourism and people taking nature-related holidays are creating thousands of jobs and adding a substantial input to the global economy.
Soils maintenance

Microbial and animal species such bacteria, fungi, worms, algae, mites, millipedes help condition soils, break down organic matter, and release essential nutrients to plants. These processes are the source of the cycling of nitrogen, carbon and phosphorous between the living and non-living parts of the biosphere.
Water quality and photosysmthesis

Wetland ecosystems (swamps, marshes, etc.) absorb and recycle essential nutrients, treat sewage, and cleanse wastes. In estuaries, molluscs remove nutrients from the water, thus preventing nutrient over-enrichment and eutrophication arising from fertilizer run-off. Trees and forest soils purify water as it flows through forest ecosystems. In preventing soils from being washed away, forests also prevent the harmful siltation of rivers and reservoirs that may arise from erosion and landslides.
Air quality

Plant species, especially forests, purify the air, regulate the composition of the atmosphere, recycle vital oxygen and filter harmful particles resulting from industrial activities.
Decrease the impacts of natural disasters

The action of roots of forests and grasslands protect land against erosion, nutrient loss, and landslides. Ecosystems found in floodplain forests and wetlands help absorb excess water and thus reduce the damage caused by floods. Certain coastal ecosystems such as salt marshes and mangrove forests prevent the erosion of coastlines.
Natural pollination of plants and crops

Various animal species such as birds, bees, butterflies, and bats, pollinate flowering plants and thus help them reproduce. Over one-third of humanity’s food crops depend on this process. The dispersal of seeds by many animal species also help in plant reproduction.
Processing of wastes

Over 150 billion metric tons of organic and chemical waste are being processed every year by earth’s decomposing organisms, including wastes such as oils, detergents, acids, and paper. In soils, the end product of these processes is returned to plants as nutrients. Plants can also serve to remove harmful substances from groundwater.
Managing pest in crops

About 98 per cent of potential crop pests are controlled by a variety of organisms such as birds, insects, and fungi. These natural pesticides are in many ways superior to their artificial equivalents, since pests can often develop resistance to chemical controls.
Spiritual / cultural value

Our emotional wellbeing is enhanced by the proximity of natural beauty. The symbiotical relationship between humanity and biodiversity is reflected in the art, religions and traditions of diverse human cultures: a spiritual heritage that will be lost for all time if its basis – nature itself – continues to be destroyed.

During the last century, the lost of biodiversity has been increasingly observed. About one eighth known plant species is threatened with extinction and this is a loss of about 140,000 species per year.

Our rapid human population expansion, need, greed, and ignorance, have caused alarming destruction of the Earth's living resources. As a result, thousands of life forms have been threatened, endangered, or extinct. At current rate of destruction over 50% of species of life forms will be wiped out within 50 years seriously compromising the integrity of life on Earth. In fact, this magnitude of destruction will have unknown consequences with respect to the food supply, environment, climate, and the overall well being of the planet.

Human activities are responsible for most of the species extinctions, in particular destruction of plant and animal habitats, often being driven by human consumption of organic resources. When they are not food species, their biomass is converted into human food, and their habitat is transformed into pasture, cropland, and orchards. The ecosystem decreases in stability as its species are made extinct and the global ecosystem is destined for collapse. Significant factors contributing to loss of biodiversity are: deforestation, overpopulation, pollution ( water pollution, air pollution, soil contamination), global warming, and climate change.

Actions that affect the stability and health of Global Community and its ecosystems need to be identified and publicly condemned. Among the most destructive of human activities are militarism and its gross expenditures, the mining of toxic materials, the manufacture of biological poisons in all forms, industrial farming, industrial fishing, and industrial forestry. Destructive technologies such as these, justified as necessary for protecting specific human populations, enriching special corporate interests, and satisfying human wants rather than needs, will lead to evergreater ecological and social disasters.

V. Moratorium on all development within the planetary biodiversity zone

The more detailed planetary biodiversity zone in the North Pole region was declared a few years ago to prevent further drilling and development until proper regulations and protection have been established. This would prevent the kind of catastrophic event that occurred in the Gulf of Mexico.

The people of all nations are required to respect the moratorium until global law has been completed to include regulations to be enforced by the GPA.

Global Community believes that to protect this ecosystem, industrial activity both inside and outside the planetary biodiversity zone must be carefully regulated. Large reserves able to maintain their ecological integrity must be adequately set aside and thorough environmental assessments must be carried out before governments decide to allow any sort of large-scale industrial activity.

What we must do to protect life and create a planetary biodiversity zone
Respect the moratorium on all development in the zone

Global Community has declared a moratorium on all development in the zone, including all drilling, military testing, and any other destructive uses of the ecosystems.

The planetary biodiversity zone includes :

  • North Pole region
  • South Pole region
  • all oceans
  • all forests
  • all lakes
  • all rivers and connecting streams
  • all wetlands and grasslands
  • living organisms and ecosystems in all of the above

The people of all nations are required to respect the moratorium until global law has been completed to include regulations to be enforced by the GPA.
Reduce human population size

A primary cause of ecosystem destruction and species extinctions is the human overpopulation that already far exceeds ecologically sustainable levels. Total world population, now at 6.7 billion, is inexorably climbing by 75 million a year. Every additional human is an environmental “user” on a planet whose capacity to provide for all its creatures is size-limited. In all lands the pressure of numbers continues to undermine the integrity and generative functioning of terrestrial, fresh water, and marine ecosystems. Our human monoculture is overwhelming and destroying Nature’s polycultures. Country by country, world population size must be reduced by reducing conceptions.
Educate our children on the ethics that value life species

Educate our childrenn on the ethics that value life species over consuming resources without restraint, and condemn the social acceptance of unlimited human fecundity. Present need to reduce numbers is greatest in wealthy countries where per capita use of energy and Earth materials is highest. A reasonable objective is the reduction to population levels as they were before the widespread use of fossil fuels; that is, to one billion or less. This will be accomplished either by intelligent policies or inevitably by plague, famine, and warfare.
Ban overconsumption of Earth resources

The greatest threat to the planetary biodiversity zone is the ever-increasing appropriation of the planet’s goods for exclusive human uses. Such appropriation and over-use, often justified by population overgrowth, steals the livelihood of other organisms. The selfish view that humans have the right to all ecosystem components – air, land, water, organisms – is morally reprehensible. It is wrong. Global Rights were researched and developed for all life on our planet, not just for ourselves as human beings. Unlike plants, we must kill to feed, clothe and shelter ourselves, but this is no license to plunder and exterminate. The accelerating consumption of Earth’s vital parts is a recipe for destruction of ecodiversity and biodiversity. Wealthy nations armed with powerful technology are the chief offenders, best able to reduce consumption and share with those whose living standards are lowest, but no nation is blameless. The eternal growth ideology of the market, and Wall Street, must be renounced, as well as the perverse industrial and economic policies based on it. One rational step toward curbing exploitive economic expansion is the ending of public subsidies to those industries that pollute air, land or water and/or destroy organisms and soils. A philosophy of symbiosis, of living compliantly as a member of Earth’s communities, will ensure the restoration of productive ecosystems.
Promote global governance

Concepts of governance that encourage over-exploitation and destruction of Earth’s ecosystems must be replaced by those beneficial to the survival and integrity of Global Community. Everyone is asked to help. A body of environmental law and regulations that confers legal standing on Global Community’s vital structures and functions is required. Country by country, ecologically responsible people must be elected or appointed to governing bodies. Appropriate attorney-guardians will act as defendants when ecosystems and their fundamental processes are threatened. Issues will be settled on the basis of preserving ecosystem integrity, not on preserving economic gain. Over time, new bodies of global law, policy, and administration will emerge as embodiments of the 21st Century life philosophy of Global Community. Implementation will be the work of the Global protection Agency (GPA).
Education and leadership are needed

We all have a duty to spread the word by education and leadership. The initial urgent task is to awaken all people to their functional dependence on Earth’s ecosystems, as well as to their bonds with other species. We must all participate in Earth-wise global community activities, each playing a personal part in sustaining the marvelous surrounding reality. By promoting a quest for abiding values – a culture of compliance and symbiosis with our living planet – it fosters a unifying outlook. By spreading the ecological message and emphasizing humanity’s shared outer reality, will open a new and promising path toward international understanding, harmony, cooperation, stability, and peace.

VI. Preventive actions against polluters  Preventive actions against polluters aspects and issues. Preventive actions against polluters

Individuals, too, can help bring about a world that is more secure and more supportive of life, health and happiness. They can educate themselves on population dynamics, consumption patterns and the impact of these forces on natural resources and the environment. They can be socially, politically and culturally active to elevate the issues they care about. They can become more environmentally responsible in their purchasing decisions and their use of energy and natural resources. And individuals and couples can consider the impacts of their reproductive decisions on their communities and the world as a whole.

What is needed is for government and the private sector to make reproductive health services available to all who seek them, to make sure that girls and boys can go to and stay in school, and to make economic opportunities as accessible to women as to men. Combined with improved energy and natural-resource technologies and saner models of consumption and the “good life,” these strategies can bring humanity into enduring balance with the environment and the natural resources that people will always need.

Nationalization of natural resources

As defined by Global Community, the concept of ownership states that land and natural resources of the planet are a common heritage and belong equally to everyone, to all life on Earth, as a birthright. Products and services created by individuals are properly viewed as private property. Products and services created by groups of individuals are properly viewed as collective property. Only Global Community can rightfully claim ownership of the Earth.

Along with ownership comes the obligation of using the resources, share them or lose them. Land and all other Earth natural resources are not commodities. Use the land, share it or lose it. This principle also applies to banks and similar institutions all over the world and to Wall Street. You own property because the previous owners could not pay. Use that property, share it or lose it. Global Community stipulates that land ownership is no longer a problem because Earth and all its natural resources belong to all the "global communities" contained therein. A village, or a city is "a global community" and owns the land around its boundaries. Along with Global Community, it has ownership of all natural resources within its boundaries. So, by definition, land here, covers all naturally occurring resources like surface land, the air, minerals deposits, fossil fuels, water, electromagnetic spectrum, the trees, fish in the seas and rivers. It is unjust to treat land as private property. It is unjust to treat land as private property. Land is not a product of labour. Everyone should therefore be given equal access to such natural resources.

In order to better protect life on our planet, Global Community is asking people of all nations to defend and protect their natural resources. In particular, all the hydrocarbons within a national territory must be nationalized. It is an obligation, not only of a national government, but also of all the active forces in a country; it is the duty of local and municipal authorities, the duty of state authorities, of everyone, to take upon themselves this defense and this recuperation of natural resources.

Nationalization is a necessity because American corporations have been buying local corporations to acquire natural resources of a country. This state of affairs has been going on ever since WWII. Over the past decades, the US national debt and annual deficit have been out-of-control because of a complete business freedom of the US corporate world. No taxation! When a large corporation is about to go out of business, the White House intervened with a bail out. This bail out money is really fake money coming out of nowhere. It was never "earned" money. The USA Government prints out dollar bills by the trillions and gives them to American corporations and banks so they can buy corporations, properties, resources and land of other nations all over the world. They call that economic warfare and free trade.

VII. Global Protection Agency (GPA) Global Protection Agency (GPA) Global Protection Agency (GPA) Main index of Global  Protection Agency (GPA)  Global Protection Agency (GPA) Global Protection Agency (GPA)

Global Protection Agency (GPA)

Global Protection Agency will enforce Global Law. And that is a long term solution to the planetary state of emergency. And that is also how we can solve global problems facing this generation, thus largely improving the quality of life of the next generations, and that is how we will bring about the event of peace amongst us all.

In order to create a harmonious and compassionate Global Community I ask everyone to comply with Global Law. God Law, Ecclesiastical Teaching, Civic Law by Government, Natural Processes and Laws, are fundamental pillars of Global Law. I have shown that the building of global communities required a mean to enforce Global Law for the protection of life on Earth. This is a great opportunity for globallateralism. Global Law includes legislation covering all aspects of human activities. The GPA will enforce the law. And that is the third option we offer Global Community. And that is also how we can stop the global warming of the planet and protect the global life-support systems, thus largely improving the quality of life of the next generations. The third option: the Global Protection Agency Read about Global Law Introductory page to Global Law  Portal of the Global Civilization

The Global Protection Agency provides leadership for training of other countries' citizens who would like to participate in peacekeeping and Earth security ... so that we have a ready cadre of people and nations who are trained, equipped, organised and have communications that they can work with each other.

Global Law
Read about the three pillars

( see enlargement  Global Law)
Global Law
Artwork by Germain Dufour
June, 2010

God Law, Ecclesiastical Teaching, Civic Law by Government, Natural Processes and Laws, are fundamental pillars of Global Law. The work of Global Community, the global civil society, and the determination of government worldwide, make it possible for everyone to comply with the law. The Global Protection Agency (GPA) enforces the law.

Results from previous Global Dialogues have showed us that the governance of Earth through global cooperation and symbiotical relationships was the only possible option for a large population such as the Earth's population, and so, to help achieve this goal we have developed the Global Constitution and the Global Citizens Rights, Responsibility and Accountability Act to govern ourselves as member nations of Global Community.

Building global communities requires a mean to enforce Global Law for the protection of life on Earth. Global Civilization Portal of the Global Civilization Global issues guides humanity for the building of global communities. Global Law includes legislation covering all aspects of human activities.

Global Protection Agency will train and lead a global force, bypassing traditional peacekeeping and military bodies such as the United Nations and NATO. This is a great opportunity for globallateralism.

The Global Protection Agency (GPA) is leading a group of people in the world who participate in:

a)     peacekeeping or peacemaking mission;

b)     creating global ministries for:
1.     the policy response to the consequences of the global warming, and
2.     the development of strategies to adapt to the consequences of the unavoidable climate change.

c)     enforcing global law;

d)     saving the Earth's genetic heritage;

e)     keeping the world healthy and at peace;

f)     protecting the global life-support systems and the eco-systems of the planet;

g)     dealing with the impacts of: global poverty, lack of drinking water and food, global warming and the global climate change, threat to security, conflicts and wars, lack of good quality soil for agriculture, polluted air, water and land, overcrownded cities, more new and old diseases out of control, widespread drugs, human and Earth rights abuses, world overpopulation, and lack of resources;

h)     broadening the traditional focus of the security of states to include both the security of people as well as that of the planet. Global security policies include:

*     every person on Earth has a right to a secure existence, and all states have an obligation to protect those rights
*     prevention of conflicts and wars; identification, anticipation, and resolving conflicts before they become armed confrontations. The Earth Court of Justice will help here.
*     military force is not a legitimate political instrument
*     weapons of mass destruction are not legitimate instruments of national defence
*     eliminate all weapons of mass destruction from all nations and have inspectors verifying progress to that effect
*     all nations should sign and ratify the conventions to eliminate nuclear, chemical and biological weapons
*     the production and trade in arms should be listed as a criminal act against humanity; this global ministry will introduce a Convention on the curtailment of the arms trade, a provision for a mandatory Arms Register and the prohibition of the financing or subsidy of arms exports by governments
*     the development of military capabilities is a potential threat to the security of people and all life on Earth; the ministry will make the demilitarization of global politics a high priority.
*     anticipating and managing crises before they escalate into armed conflicts and wars
*     maintaining the integrity of the environment and global life-support systems
*     managing the environmental, economic, social, political and military conditions that threatened the security of people and all life on the planet
*     over the past decades and even now today, all Five Permanent Members of the United Nations Security Council (mostly the United States, Russia and Britain) were responsible for selling weapons and war equipment. These three nations are required to give back to Global Community an amount of 8 trillion dollars (American) as a payment for the immense damage they have caused in the world. They have created a culture of violence throughout the world. They are nation bullies, nation predators. They are responsible for economic mismanagement, ethnic tensions, crimes, drug abuse, high unemployment, urban stress, worldwide poverty, and pressures on natural resources. Most conflicts in the world are direct legacies of cold war power politics, senseless politics. Other conflicts were caused by the end of the cold war and the collapse of old regimes. Other factors have combined to increase tension: religious, economical, political, and ethnic aspects. The dollar fine is to be administered by Global Parliament.

As we enact global law, we will begin to take on a much deeper kind of global leadership, one that earns more respect than envy and more gratitude than hatred, one that can catapult the whole planet forward into a future where war is no longer thinkable between nation-states and a legitimate and beneficial global government is able to cope with global problems.

Global Community has made clear that globalization and planetary trading blocks should be serving the Human Family and not the other way around, the people around the world serving the very few rich individuals. Conflicts and wars in the world are often the results of bad trading of arms and oil and the absence of moral responsibility and accountability in our ways of doing business with nations such as those of the Middle East. By applying proper moral safeguards, ethics, and accepting responsibility and accountability of all products (arms and oil in this case), from beginning to end where they become wastes, each corporation would make free trade and globalization serving the Human Family. Over its long past history trade has never evolved to require from the trading partners to become legally and morally responsible and accountable for their products from beginning to end. At the end the product becomes a waste and it needs to be properly dispose of. Now trade must be given a new impetus to be in line with the global concepts of Global Community.

When you do exploration work, develop, manufacture, produce, mine, farm or create a product, you become legally and morally responsible and accountable of your product from beginning to end (to the point where it actually becomes a waste; you are also responsible for the proper disposable of the waste). This product may be anything and everything from oil & gas, weapons, war products, construction products, transportation and communications products and equipment, to genetically engineered food products. All consumer products! All medical products! All pharmaceutical products! In order words, a person (a person may be an individual, a community, a government, a business, an NGO, or an institution) becomes responsible and accountable for anything and everything in his or her Life.

To act as a global policing force, as the GPA aspires to do, many foundations must be laid, especially regarding the move from wielding power derived from Global Community to legitimate global leadership.

There are many required characteristics that are prerequisite for legitimate leadership:
1.     Legitimate leadership is built upon trust. Those who are led must largely believe that the leader is committed to integrity, honesty, and transparent inquiry into problems. The leader’s actions must align with his words

2.     Legitimate leadership rests upon checks and balances, which are necessary to ensure power is not corrupted.

3.     Legitimate leadership is an act of service. Those in power must show a primary interest in the good of the collective ahead of their self-interest. In this way, true leaders are mission-centered rather than self-centered.

4.     Legitimate leadership empowers others appropriately rather than concentrating power disproportionately. In other words, true leaders produce more leaders and empower them as situations demand.

5.     Legitimate leadership is visionary, carrying the torch of a possible future.

6.     Legitimate leadership is willing to lead by example, including following a foundation of ethics, performing more than one’s share of work, and making sacrifices where appropriate.

7.     Legitimate leadership is compassionately fierce when something undermines the good of the whole. In a company this might mean the CEO fires a slacking employee. In a city, the police may jail a murderer. On a global level, this might even mean arresting those breaking global law.

The defence function of a leader requires that he safeguard the good of the whole by whatever the most skillful means are to accomplish that defence.

While that is not a comprehensive catalog of leadership prerequisites, I do think those few requirements are foundational and relatively unquestionable. Without at least a solid foundation of those requirements, the GPA’s actions among nation-states will remain those of a unilateralist leader rather than a global leader. We will be, and should be, legitimated in the role of a global leader among nation-states and validated as an enforcer of global law. Global Community offers a few recommendations for actions that would strengthen and legitimate the GPA’s role as a true global leader by gradually creating an international structure that better safeguards the whole than we can ever do now as a unilateralist leader.

VIII. Conclusion

Building global communities require understanding of global problems this generation is facing. There are several major problems: conflicts and wars, no tolerance and compassion for one another, world overpopulation, human activities, as population increases the respect and value of a human life is in decline, insufficient protection and prevention for global health, scarcity of resources and drinking water, poverty, Fauna and Flora species disappearing at a fast rate, global warming and global climate change, global pollution, deforestation, permanent lost of the Earth's genetic heritage, and the destruction of the global life-support systems and the eco-systems of the planet. We need to build global communities for all life on the planet. We need to build global communities that will manage themselves with the understanding of the above problems.

Our world is facing crises of freshwater, food, deforestation, ocean health, and destruction of the global life-support systems. We need leadership in the protection of all our natural resources, in peril because of what we do and what that does to our planet. We are facing a fresh water crisis. We are facing a food crisis. We are facing a crisis over deforestation. And we are facing crises in our oceans. While carbon emissions from fossil fuels pollute the air, land and our oceans, we are facing the climate change crisis. Now is the time to press for leadership.

Those who fight to protect life on Earth for this generation and the next ones are the defenders of the environment and the global life-support systems. They know who the beasts are, the planarchists dd, and how they destroy the living on our planet. They have rallied together all over the world to protect our home, Earth. We know it all! We know how everything works. And we will do whatever it takes to protect life on Earth.

We need ways of organizing ourselves to help us live in a world with less energy and to grow strong caring communities in which we get more of our human satisfaction from caring relationships and less from material goods. We need to reclaim the ideal of being a democratic middle-class people without extremes of wealth and poverty. We need to recover a deep sense of community that has disappeared from many of our lives. This means letting go a sense of ourselves as consumption machines.

The lives of all lifeforms and plants on our planet deserve protection, preservation, and care. Global Community disapproves of the limitless exploitation of the natural foundations of life, the relentless destruction of the biosphere, and the militarization of the space within and above the Earth's atmosphere. Global citizens must live in harmony with nature on and above the Earth's surface. This can be achieved within Global Community vision for protecting all life on our planet by:

A) Seeing the world today, Global Community claims that each of us depends on the well-being of the whole.

And so global citizens have respect for the community of living beings, people and other lifeforms, and plants, and for the preservation of Earth, air, water and soil.

B) Humanity is the planet's keepers. Every global citizen is a Life's protector.

Global Community concepts Global Community concepts, ethics Global Community Ethics
and approaches to humanity's survival are urgently needed today.

C) Global Community claims that all lifeforms are important and included as part of global ethics.

It is not just about 'humanity survival' but about 'all lifeforms survival' we are fighting for. The lives of all lifeforms and plants on our planet deserve protection, preservation, and care. Global Community disapproves of the limitless exploitation of the natural foundations of life, the relentless destruction of the biosphere, and the militarization of the space within and above the Earth's atmosphere. Global citizens must live in harmony with nature on and above the Earth's surface.

D) Symbiotical relationships are needed today for the long term future of humanity and for the protection of Life on Earth.

In our global civilization, the fundamental criteria of a symbiotical relationship between individuals and their communities is that a relationship is created for the good of all groups participating in the relationship and for the good of humanity, all Life on Earth. The relationship allows a global equitable and peaceful development and a more stable and inclusive global economy. We have defined that any symbiotical relationship is for the good of all, for the good of the 'other'. It is based on a genuine group concern and unconditional support for the individual's well-being ~ a giant leap in human behaviour. The question is how can we improve the political symbiotical relationship to fulfill the fundamental criteria? Global Community promotes values and principles to achieve the fundamental criteria and that requires the promoting and establishment of: global community ethics, mutual respect, respect for Life , basic liberties, justice and equity, caring for the 'other', integrity, responsibility and accountability.

E) Economic and political power must be used as a service to humanity instead of misusing it in ruthless battles for domination.

Global Community faith Global Community is the new Faith, and the Religion of the 3 rd millennium can help to develop a spirit of compassion with those who suffer, with special care for the children, the aged, the poor, the disabled, and the refugees.

F) "We the Peoples", Global Community, will protect life on Earth at all costs.

We need ways of organizing ourselves to help us live in a world with less energy and grow strong caring communities in which we get more of our human satisfaction from caring relationships and less from material goods. We need to reclaim the ideal of being a democratic middle-class people without extremes of wealth and poverty. We need to recover a deep sense of community that has disappeared from many of our lives. This means letting go a sense of ourselves as consumption machines.

G) Global Community ethics Report of Global Community Ethics

Global Community ethics have established that the greatest happiness of the greatest number of people is a measure of right and wrong. What matters is the combined positive effect of everyone and not only of any one person (or the wealthy 1% in our society). Global Community ethics are meant to save humanity, all lifeforms on Earth, from extinction, and includes a process based on the Scale of Global Rights which describes social values in order of importance to help us understand clearly the rights of a community and its citizens. Global citizens have a binding responsibility for the welfare of all humanity and care for all life on Earth.

Global Community ethics are about how we treat others and a commitment to respect every person humanely and with dignity. For this process to work, global citizens learn to forgive, be patient and compassionate, promote acceptance, open theirs hearts to one another, and practice a culture of solidarity and cooperation. Let go narrow differences for the greater good of humanity and future generations.

Obviously the Golden Rule can be only integrated 'softly' within Global Community ethics as global ethics require breaking many rules and morality standards, including human rights. It is Global Community challenge to develop ethics, moral directives, that can be acceptable to all Peoples for the survival of all life on our planet, and that will require sacrifices from us all. Let us remember over and over again that our primary goal and the most important principle on the Scale of Global Rights is the survival of all Life on Earth.

H) Global Community faith Global Community faith

Global Community faith is helping, along with the various communities of faith, to formulate their very specific ethics about the meaning of life and death, the enduring of suffering and the forgiveness of guilt, about selfless sacrifice and the necessity of renunciation, about compassion and joy.

I) Education

The lives of all lifeforms and plants on our planet deserve protection, preservation, and care. Global Community disapproves of the limitless exploitation of the natural foundations of life, the relentless destruction of the biosphere, and the militarization of the space within and above the Earth's atmosphere. Global citizens must live in harmony with nature on and above the Earth's surface.

A major worldwide education program must be organized and coordinated in all nations to educate people on the thousands of ways to protect life on our planet.

J) Global Community has developed a mean to measure the amount of destruction cause by human activities.

Not by Nature! But by human activities! Why is that important? It is important because there are human activities going on in every part of the world. And the world, our planet, can only be pushed to its limits by so much destruction before everyone on the planet suffer extinction. Life extinction! So Global Community has proposed a way to measure human activities of all types and show how important and destructive consequences may be. Global Community already has researched and developed the Scale of Global Rights Scale of Global Rights for people to live by. The Scale tells you what is the most important, and what is the least important for the survival of our species. By accepting the Scale as our first principle, many activities would not be conducted as we would know their destructive effects. Well! That is the idea!

We applied here the above principle and conducted measurements on the actual consequences of the activitiy concerning the production, transportation and burning of the dirty tar sands oil of Alberta, Canada. Of course we deal here with actual facts and events and not on what people are saying in the Media. After all of the dirty tar sands oil has been used up, the amounts of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere will bring about the end of all civilizations on Earth. And that is a fact!

Global Community believes that to protect this ecosystem, industrial activity both inside and outside the planetary biodiversity zone must be carefully regulated. Large reserves able to maintain their ecological integrity must be adequately set aside and thorough environmental assessments must be carried out before governments decide to allow any sort of large-scale industrial activity.

Actions that affect the stability and health of Global Community and its ecosystems need to be identified and publicly condemned. Among the most destructive of human activities are militarism and its gross expenditures, the mining of toxic materials, the manufacture of biological poisons in all forms, industrial farming, industrial fishing, and industrial forestry. Destructive technologies such as these, justified as necessary for protecting specific human populations, enriching special corporate interests, and satisfying human wants rather than needs, will lead to evergreater ecological and social disasters.

It is time for global citizens to come to terms with reality. We need ways of organizing ourselves to help us live in a world with less energy and fewer material goods. We need to recover a deep sense of community that has disappeared from many of our lives. The World is in the global crisis. We are exploiting our natural resources, minerals and fuels faster than we are gaining access to alternative sources. We are polluting the natural environment faster than the environment can regenerate itself to reach the level suitable for human needs. We are changing climate dangerously. Our attitude and way of life show a moral degradation of the existing forms of life on the planet. It's time for us to protect what is left to protect: life itself on Earth. This is the reason for the creation of a planetary biodiversity zone. In this report we have shown the benefits of biodiversity to humanity and hope this approach will motivate others to help create the zone.

In the past, security was thought as better accomplished through military means. Expanding the military capabilities and forming alliances with other nations were the only way to 'win'. Today wars are unlikely to produce winners. Global Community is all over the planet. Ethnic groups are everywhere. Some say there are more Italians in Montreal, Canada that there are in Italy. So we would fight our own people? Wars truly make no sense! The world is too crowded and too small nowadays! And weapons too lethal! So security cannot be achieved through the military. The only job the military should be asked to do today is to protect the global life-support systems. These systems have the highest priority on the Scale of Human and Earth Rights and are certainly more important than any of the other rights on the Scale including security. Simply because without life there is no other right possible. Without Oxygen there is no life! Without clean water there is no life! So protect life on Earth at all costs. Wars are the biggest threat to life and the ecosystem of the planet. Primordial human rights come next on the Scale of Human and Earth Rights. Without a shelter life will still exist in some places but is not possible in cold place.

Seeing the world today, Global Community claims that each of us depends on the well-being of the whole, and so global citizens have respect for the community of living beings, people and all other lifeforms, and plants, and for the preservation of Earth, air, water and soil. And that explains why the protection of the global life-support systems is the most important right on the Scale of Global Rights. Without this right there would be no life on our planet.

The GPA recommendations:

1.     Ban military action in all parts of the world;

2.     Lead the way in creating legitimate power for Global Parliament, subjecting ourselves and multinational corporations to taxation that generates money for programs that are focused on world betterment and world problems. As a mark of our global leadership, we should commit a greater percentage of our resources to this effort than any other organization.

3.     Hold ourselves to a high standard of compliance around global treaties that aim for collective benefit and the redress of economic, environmental, military, and political problems. Our adherence should be exemplary. Or, if we truly question the merit of a global accord, we should lead the way in creating agreements that even better serve the global interest rather than simply ignoring or undermining the existing attempts.

4.     Exert strong global leadership on multinational solutions to pressing health, environmental, and other problems. We should propose innovative new solutions and show leadership in carrying them out, especially in areas such as clean energy development.

5.     Take seriously the process of coming clean by exposing corporate interests in politics, lobbying by powerful organizations, subsidies of fringe military groups, etc. When our global government officials commit to be honest and transparent, a much deeper foundation of international trust will be built.

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Canadian Maple Leaf

Global Peace Earth

Ministry of Global Peace in government

Over the past decades we have shown that peace in the world and the survival and protection of all life on our planet go hand in hand. Asking for peace in the world means doing whatever is necessary to protect life on our planet. Protecting life implies bringing about the event of peace in the world. Let our time be a time remembered for a new respect for life, our determination to achieve sustainability, and our need for global justice and peace.

Our Global Peace Mouvement is about the courage to live a life in a harmonious peace order and showing by example, thus preventing poverty, wars, terror and violence. We need to educate the coming generations with good principles, being compassionate, social harmony and global sustainability being some of them.

Soul of all Life said in Global Peace Earth "Soul of all Life teaching about Peace: Introduction"

Peace is being who you are without fear. It is the "being who you are" who must be taught a value based on principles to live by. Only principles described in Global Law are necessary and required to attain Peace in the world.


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Register your Ministry of Global Peace in government

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Global Community days of celebration or remembering throughout the year.

Cultural Appreciation Day: August 22 Cultural Appreciation Day

Along with all the global communities, the Global Community, all life on Earth, and the Soul of Humanity can rightfully claim ownership of the Earth as a birthright: October 29Claiming ownership of the Earth as a birthright

Founding of the Global Community organization, Global Community and the Federation of Global Governments: October 29, 1985Founding of the Global Community organization, Global Community  and the Federation of Global Governments

Global Citizenship Day: October 29 Global Citizenship Day

Tribute to Virginie Dufour, the first Secretary General of the Global Community organization, who passed away April 28,2000 Tribute to Virginie Dufour

The Global Exhibition: August 17-22 The Global Exhibition

Nationalization of natural resources: October 29 Nationalization of natural resources

Global Peace Movement Day: May 26 Global Peace Movement Day

Global Movement to Help: May 26 Global Movement to Help

Global Justice for all Life Day: October 29 Global Justice for all Life Day

Global Justice Movement: October 29 Global Justice Movement

Global Disarmament Day: May 26 Global Disarmament Day

Planetary State of Emergency Day: May 26 Planetary State of Emergency Day

Global Community 25 th Anniversary Celebration (1985 - 2010): October 29 Global Community 25 th Anniversary Celebration (1985 - 2010)

Celebration of Life Day: May 26 Celebration of Life Day

Planetary Biodiversity Zone Day: September 26 Planetary Biodiversity Zone

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Authors of research papers and articles on global issues for this month

John Scales Avery, David Barsamian, Robert J. Burrowes, Ghada Chehade, Noam Chomsky, Gary Corseri, Steven D, Erica Etelson, Gustavo M. GALLIANO, Glenn Greenwald, Thom Hartmann, Michael T. Klare, Daily Kos, Alison Rose Levy, KADIMA KADIMA oliver, Anastasia Pantsios, Dr Gideon Polya, Robert Reich, Eric Zuesse

John Scales Avery, Quick Action Is Needed To Save The Long-Term Future Quick Action Is Needed To Save The Long-Term Future
Noam Chomsky and David Barsamian, The World of Our Grandchildren  The World of Our Grandchildren
Robert J. Burrowes, Terrorism: Ultimate Weapon Of The Global Elite Terrorism: Ultimate Weapon Of The Global Elite
Ghada Chehade, Evil Assad, Evil Gaddafi, Now Evil Putin: How the West Sells War (and Makes a Killing)  Evil Assad, Evil Gaddafi, Now Evil Putin: How the West Sells War (and Makes a Killing)
Gary Corseri, War Is The Failure Of Humanity War Is The Failure Of Humanity
Steven D and Daily Kos, The Megadrought Is Coming: Climate Scientists Predict Decade Long Droughts For Much of America  The Megadrought Is Coming: Climate Scientists Predict Decade Long Droughts For Much of America
Erica Etelson Can 7 Billion Humans Go Paleo? Can 7 Billion Humans Go Paleo?
Glenn Greenwald, Hailed as a Model for Successful Intervention, Libya Proves to be the Exact Opposite Hailed as a Model for Successful Intervention, Libya Proves to be the Exact Opposite
Thom Hartmann, Free Trade Deals Have Devastated the U.S.: Now Obama Pushes Through Biggest One Yet Free Trade Deals Have Devastated the U.S.: Now Obama Pushes Through Biggest One Yet
Michael T. Klare, Keystone XL, Cold War 2.0, And The GOP Vision For 2016  Keystone XL, Cold War 2.0, And The GOP Vision For 2016
Alison Rose Levy, Will the Trans-Pacific Trade Pact Deepen Our Climate Change Nightmare?  Will the Trans-Pacific Trade Pact Deepen Our Climate Change Nightmare?
KADIMA KADIMA oliver, Stop à la guerre Stop the war Parar a guerra Остановить войну Detener la guerra Stop à la guerre Stop the war Parar a guerra Остановить войну Detener la guerra
Anastasia Pantsios, Burlington, VT Becomes First City to Run Entirely on Renewable Electricity  Burlington, VT Becomes First City to Run Entirely on Renewable Electricity
Dr Gideon Polya, Biochemical Targets Of Plant Bioactive Compounds: Moral & Utilitarian Reasons To Stop Ecocide, Speciescide, Omnicide & Terracide Biochemical Targets Of Plant Bioactive Compounds: Moral & Utilitarian Reasons To Stop Ecocide, Speciescide, Omnicide & Terracide
Robert Reich, Robert Reich: Obama Shouldn't Just Halt the Keystone Pipeline -- He Should Toss It in the Trash ,  Robert Reich: Obama Shouldn't Just Halt the Keystone Pipeline -- He Should Toss It in the Trash
Eric Zuesse, Crimea: Was It Seized By Russia, or Did Russia Block Its Seizure By The U.S.?  Crimea: Was It Seized By Russia, or Did Russia Block Its Seizure By The U.S.?



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