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The theme of Global Dialogue 2012 is:
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Theme of Global Dialogue 2012 is Global Peace Village: the way forward
( see enlargement  Enlargement 2880x1800)
Global Peace Village: the way forward Monthly Newsletters October Newsletter Press Release
Artwork by Germain Dufour
October 2011

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Short list of previous articles and papers on Global Peace
Animation movie of Global Peace Village: the way forward in .swf Animation movie of Global Peace Village: the way forward  in swf
Animation movie of Global Peace Village: the way forward in .html Animation movie of  Global Peace Village: the way forward  in HTML
Animation movie of Global Peace Village: the way forward in .wmv on the Internet Animation movie of  Global Peace Village: the way forward  in wmv

See the following artboards promoting Global Peace Village: the way forward and feel free to use them. The artboards have dimensions 2880x1800.

Artboard of Global Peace Village: the way forward
The staff inside of the observatory receiving instruction from Kathia, the owner and manager of the facility Intelligent Life Forms on Distant Planets (ILFODP) presently involved with finding other life forms on distant planets and making contact with intelligent life. Global Peace Village: the way forward  artboard

Artboard of Global Peace Village: the way forward
The Earth orbiting telescope manage by the staff at ILFODP.  Global Peace Village: the way forward  artboard

Artboard of Global Peace Village: the way forward
Kathia giving instruction as to the next step forward concerning the research centre at the ILFODP facility and be using a new type of instruments capable of actually observing at any distances in our home galaxy, the Milky Way, and on planets in distant galaxies. The VGscope (vector graphics scope) is capable of observing images at any distances and show actual images with high quality details.  Global Peace Village: the way forward  artboard

Artboard of Global Peace Village: the way forward
Kathia about to take her son Eric home.  Global Peace Village: the way forward  artboard

Artboard of Global Peace Village: the way forward
Kathia and Eric outside the observatory and about to take their bikes to check the different sections of the ILFODP facility on the ground.  Global Peace Village: the way forward  artboard

Artboard of Global Peace Village: the way forward
The different sections of ILFODP on the ground  Global Peace Village: the way forward artboard

Artboard of Global Peace Village: the way forward
Eric about to enter greenhouse #26 Global Peace Village: the way forward  artboard

Artboard of Global Peace Village: the way forward
Eric inspecting greenhouse #26 and finding it in good conditions. Global Peace Village: the way forward  artboard

Artboard of Global Peace Village: the way forward
Kathia and Eric at their home near the ILFODP facility, a bike ride away. Global Peace Village: the way forward  artboard

Artboard of Global Peace Village: the way forward
Sun rising over Global Peace Village. Global Peace Village: the way forward  artboard

Artboard of Global Peace Village: the way forward
Global peace Village. ILFODP facility can be seen on the hills. Global Peace Village: the way forward  artboard

All our Global Peace animation projects are listed here.

Germain Dufour
Spiritual Leader of the Global Community
October 1st, 2011

Portal of the Global Community ] the  Global Community ] Global Dialogue ] Global Peace Village: the way forward ] Global concepts published in the 1990s ] Glass-bubble concept of a Global Community  ] Global Peace Village ] Global Peace Movement ] Global Movement to help ]
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Fundamentals for PeaceFundamentals
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The Global Community Peace Movement has declared a planetary state of emergency. Global Community Peace advocates have told their stories
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Essential services HQ  Essential services HQ
Global Essential Services Main Index Global Essential Services Main Index
Global Community of North America (GCNA) Emergency, Rescue, and Relief Centre  Global Community of North America (GCNA)  Emergency, Rescue, and Relief Centre
Federation of Global Governments Emergency, Rescue, and Relief Centre Esential services
Global Peace Village: the way forward

Global Peace Village , a long time project of the Global Community, has always been about the teaching of Peace in the world. This goal may change over time but for now that is what we are doing. Global Peace Village is somewhat different than our Global Peace Earth project in its method of teaching and audiences to reach. Global Peace Earth reaches all of humanity, collects data from all aspects of life, makes assessment concerning what is the best way forward for all life on the planet, and actually shows the best way forward globally. On the hand, Global Peace Village has a history of dealing with individual communities, knowing their problems and concerns, and making a difference for the better. Of course, both projects work hand in hand for Peace in the world.

Over the past decades we have shown that peace in the world and the survival and protection of all life on our planet go hand in hand. Asking for peace in the world means doing whatever is necessary to protect life on our planet. Protecting life implies bringing about the event of peace in the world. Let our time be a time remembered for a new respect for life, our determination to achieve sustainability, and our need for global justice and peace.

From now on, building global communities for peace require understanding of global problems this generation is facing. There are several major problems: conflicts and wars, no tolerance and compassion for one another, world overpopulation, unemployment, insufficient protection and prevention for global health, scarcity of resources and drinking water, poverty, Fauna and Flora species disappearing at a fast rate, global warming and global climate change, global pollution, permanent lost of the Earth's genetic heritage, and the destruction of the global life-support systems and the eco-systems of the planet. We need to build global communities that will manage themselves with the understanding of those problems. All aspects are interrelated: global peace, global sustainability, global rights and the environment. The jobless is more concerned with ending starvation, finding a proper shelter and employment, and helping their children to survive. Environmental issues become meaningless to the jobless. In reality, all concerns are interrelated because the ecology of the planet has no boundaries. Obviously, as soon as our environment is destroyed or polluted beyond repair, human suffering is next.

Our goal for peace in the world can only be reached by resolving those global problems. Those problems have brought up a planetary state of emergency . In view of the planetary state of emergency, shown and declared by the Global Community, we all must change, we must do things differently to give life on Earth a better survival chance and bring about the event of peace amongst us all. There are also long term solutions. The Scale of Global Rights is the fundamental guide to Global Law. Global Law includes legislation covering all essential aspects of human activities.

The Global Protection Agency will enforce the law. And that is a long term solution to the planetary state of emergency. And that is also how we can solve the global problems facing this generation, thus largely improving the quality of life of the next generations, and that is how we will bring about the event of peace amongst us all.

Our first objective was to find statements from all religions, all faiths, that promote ethical and moral responsibility to life and a responsible Earth management. This was assumed to work well within the context of the global civilization of the 3rd Millennium and after defining the Global Community criteria of symbiotical relationships . In this context, we have defined that any symbiotical relationship is for the good of all. It is based on a genuine group concern and unconditional support for the individual's well-being ~ a giant leap in human behaviour. Symbiotical relationships are needed today for the long term future of humanity, for the protection of life on our planet, and to bring about the event of peace amongst us all.

The fundamental criteria of any symbiotical relationship is that a relationship is created for the good of all groups participating in the relationship and for the good of humanity, all life on Earth. The relationship allows a global equitable and peaceful development and a more stable and inclusive global economy.

Religious rituals now support the conservation efforts and play a central role in governing the sustainable use of the natural environment.

The Global Movement to Help , an initiative of the Global Community and of the Federation of Global Governments , is now applying more emphasis on the urgent need from the people of all nations to give everyone essential services. The urgent need to give all Global Citizens essential services was made obvious in the past few years after the occurrence of natural disasters, and the global destruction created by the military.

Our Global Peace Mouvement is about the courage to live a life in a harmonious peace order and showing by example, thus preventing poverty, wars, terror and violence. We need to educate the coming generations with good principles, being compassionate, social harmony and global sustainability being some of them.

Soul of all Life said in Global Peace Earth "Soul of all Life teaching about Peace: Introduction"

Peace is being who you are without fear. It is the "being who you are" who must be taught a value based on principles to live by. Only principles described in Global Law are necessary and required to attain Peace in the world.  Soul teaching on Peace  artboard

Today we are introducing the theme of Global Dialogue 2012

Throughout Global Dialogue 2012, i.e. from September 1st, 2011, to August 31st, 2012, Global Peace Village will present several methods of teaching to children and youths as they are more likely to absorb and retain the internal structures needed to bring about Peace to future generations. These methods of teaching have already been laid down by the Global Community during the 1990s. We are showing some of the papers with their links just below here. They were copied in
for fast reading.

In fact, these methods include the basics of what it means to be "a Global Community", and also include the original definition of the Global Community. This was at a time when no one was even thinking about these new concepts but today they are widespread all over the world.

It was in 1985 that I first defined the concept of Global Community and further refined it over the years afterwards. Gradually, I defined several original concepts during the second half of the 80s and throughout the 1990s with my wife Virginie. They are now widely used. Part of the history of these concepts can be verified at the following locations:

A) History of the Global Community Since its beginning in 1985, many accomplishments can be claimed by the Global Community: History of the Global Community organization and Earth Government History of the Global Community Organization Since its beginning in 1985, many accomplishments can be claimed by the Global Community: History of the Global Community organization and Earth Government History of the Global Community Organization

B) History of Earth Government
History Founding of the Global Community organization, Earth Government and the Federation of Global Governments History of the Global Community Organization and the Interim Earth Government
Founding Members of the Global Community Organization and Earth Government Founding Members of the Global Community Organization and Interim Earth Government

During the period from 1985 to 1995, except for our work Virgine and I, there was nothing over the internet promoting these new concepts. It took another five years before they became widely used.

These methods of teaching will be further accentuated by newly researched and developed animations which are to show how children and youths can be taught to develop those internal structures so needed to bring about the event of Peace to future generations.

Global Dialogue 2012 will thus be mainly concerned with the further teaching of these global concepts brought forward in the 1990s.

Global Dialogue 2012 Issues

 Global Dialogue 2012
Issues #
 Read contents
 702   Reduce food waste.
  703   Replenish groundwater sources.
 704   Improve storage of excess water
 705   Increase energy efficiencies of desalination.
  706   Improve groundwater management
 707   Introduce treated wastewater, storm water or rainfall into the aquifer by the use of wells or by altering conditions to increase natural infiltration.
 708   Prepare all coastal settlements around the world for a substantial increase in ocean water level.
 709   Use sustainable "clean" energy technologies and "clean" management technologies to reduce energy waste.
  710   Reduce the environmental impact of fossil fuel consumption.
  711   Energy policy must encourage consumption to decrease and reduce demand.
  712   Encourage childfree couples.
 713   Give women the choice of not having children and make that choice socially acceptable.
 714   Apply the Global Community global strategy concerning overpopulation.
 715   Apply the Global Community policies to decrease world population.
 716   Enforce the Global Community moratorium on world population, the fertility rate and immigration applications.
 717   Condemn the three faces of warfare we see in the world today: 1) military, 2) economic, and 3) population.
  718   Implement the Scale of Global Rights in society so as to give Peoples a sense of direction now and for future planning and managing Earth.
 719   Create Peace in the world by managing instabilities existing between Peoples, and between Peoples and the Earth life-support systems. The three face of warfare that cause instabilities worldwide are:
1. the military, and its armament industry,
2. uncontrolled economics and overconsumption, and
3. overpopulation.
 720   Demonstrate the concept of "a Global Community" to children and youths.
 721   Walk outdoors with children and youths to a location with as many natural elements as possible - park, river, lake, mountain.
  722   Make children and youths discover for themselves why each member of "a Global Community" is important - each bird, each tree, each little animal, each insect, plant and human being, ~ and how all work together to create a good place to live.
 723  Teach children and youths the Glass-bubble concept of a Global Community.
Here is a sample-mini lesson plan to assist Elementary School Teachers to demonstrate the concept of Global Community to children.

To experience the concept of "global community" walk outdoors in a location with as many natural elements as possible - city, park, river, mountains - be prepared to really look, to really see whatever surrounds you.

Look up, look down, to the right, to the left, in front and behind you.
Imagine all this space is inside a giant clear glass bubble.
This is "a global community." Wherever you go, you are inside a "global" community. Every thing, every living creature there, interacts one upon the other. Influences inter-weave and are responsible for causes and effects. Worlds within worlds orbiting in and out of one another's space, having their being. Your presence has influence on everything else inside your immediate global community.

Learn to be aware of that and act accordingly, to create good or destroy, to help or to hurt. Your choice. To do good is being a responsible global citizen.

Now let us explore this Global Community that we have visited and discover why each member is important ~ each bird, each tree, each little animal, each insect, plant and human being ~ and how all work together to create a good place to live.

You walk like a giant in this Global Community. To all the tiny members you are so big, so powerful, even scary? You can make or break their world. But by knowing their needs, and taking care, you can help your whole Global Community be a good one. You become a good global citizen.

Why are you important to this "Global Community"?
* Why is it important to you?
* What do you like about it?
* What bothers you about it?
* Anything need to be done?
* What is really good there?
* What is very very important?
* What is not so important?
* What is not good?
* What is needed to keep the good things?
* What could make them even better?
* What do they do to keep the good things good?
* Could they help get rid of bad things?
* What unimportant things need to go?
* How could they help get rid of these things?

Let each child be aware he either grows up to be a person who helps or a person who destorys. Each child makes his own choice. He creates his own future in this way. This may or may not inspire some sort of creative project, of what "could be" to aid this Global
Community to remain healthy.

To interact knowledgeably within one's global community has to be taught ~ especially to urban children. It has to be brought to them very clearly all life forms interact and depend upon other life forms for survival. They need to know "reasons why" ignorance of nature's law causes such damage, and why working in harmony with nature produces such good results.

The concept of the Glass Bubble can be extended to include the planet Earth and all the "global communities" contained therein. That is "the Global Community".
 724  Teach children and youths that they have the right to make choices and how this right is part of their Personal Sustainable Development.

Suggested ideas upon which a creative teacher may build a program in Personal Sustainable Development for Children, which develops their ability to make decisions.

Most of us have been brought up with the knowledge adults make their own choices ~ and pay the price. Could children not be made aware of this as well?

Even a child could see if he acts in certain ways, things can backfire and cause harm. And also that he can act in ways that attracts good things ~ even over a period of time. If a child has the habit of reacting to unpleasant life events in knee-jerk revenge or angry responses, sparks fly and nasty side-effects flare up all around him. Such action causes memories that rankle for years.
It is very important for children to have experience in choosing to react well, even in little things.
It is not so important that one agree with other children all the time. One obeys parents and teachers. But a child has to be taught it is not required of him to be somebody's victim; that is o.k. to disagree with a course of action.
What must be let go is the uncontrolled way some children react to the troubles of their lives. Let us teach them making unproductive choices attracts even more trouble and frustration. Reacting in inappropriate ways in time of conflict must stop.
Teaching a child how to sustain the development of his own life toward happy solutions calls for a series of small victories, each one easily achieved.
Perhaps the best place to start is care and management of the child's own room at home, and his own personal care. Once the child feels he has his personal space just the way he wants it, he can advance to dealing one by one with family members, later on, school-mates.
Older children could be encouraged to keep a journal about incidents, and how things happened and were worked out.
Referring back to these records, a child gains a sense of mastery, and quickly builds up finesse with successful ways and means, good phrases to use and so on.
It won't take long before a child has solid evidence that bad luck and tough breaks were only wrong moves that could have been avoided.
He'll get the conviction it is not people or "things" that makes him happy. He is making himself happy ~ it is a state of mind he has created for himself.
This self-improvement journey will sustain him for as long as he uses it, the results to be enjoyed for ever.
  725  The need to change the "who cares?" attitude in children.

Human beings and other life species need oxygen to live. Trees, plants and growing things provide oxygen. Therefore we destroy the source of oxygen at our peril.

The above is a vitally important fact.
It is very important to have many areas of healthy green growth.
It is not so important that every person owns his own green area.

But what has to go is the "who cares?" attitude which stems from ignorance about the importance of green growing areas.

Everyone who wants a life has to take responsibility for it.

  726  Let children and youths know that each and everyone of us is part of "a Global Community" wherever we go throughout our life. Personal sustainable development has to do with our behavior within this global community, what we do or dont, cause and effect, and how we interact with someone else global community and, on the planetary scale, with the Global Community. We are constantly required to re-evaluate our values and make decisions. Make them to understand that it is OK to question our ways and behaviors and start a discussion amongst us all about a universal scale of values. As an example, this may be the time to introduce the Scale of Global Rights of the Global Community.
 727  The appalling dilemma of decision-making. The idea here is to teach children and youths a unique way to make decisions.
Life's major problems make us react ~ and there are myriad possible reactions ~ but to be of a mind-set that allows one to calmly face the problem detached from emotion in order to pick the best solution, may quite possibly be the most powerful tool of any person interested in personal development.

Human desires, vanities, attachments to family mores, influence these decisions and so they tend to be accurate expressions of each individual's character at that particular time.

Our choice, in the end, is what we want because of what we feel.

This particular assessment of any given situation appears to express our level of development as a human being devoted to building strong character.

One feels the most honest thing to do is face exactly what is presented on the horns of our dilemma for our choice:~ One solution will satisfy old values. The other will be in accord with new.

As a human, one is challenged - go forward, or not (just yet).

We are endlessly faced with the same choice hidden in endless guises unitl we "get it right."

  728  Improvement based on conscience is self-improvement which requires discipline to get rid of things that have to go and be replaced by actions that succeed.

Conscience in the minds of children is needed for they will inherit the earth.

Conscience in the mind of a person:
He/she realizes his/her personal life needs changes. He needs thought upon which his creativity for a better life will grow.
He will face, and reject all that must go.
He will replace bad habits.
He will meet his needs with self-empowerment.
No one else's.
To empower himself is the first step.

The ultimate war of independence is to decide for yourself to know what you want to "own" your life quest outright free and clear of imaginary obligation or laid-on guilt.

A man (a woman) has the right to decide what he will become and must go through his personal clean-up with the aim of becoming: a better person, a better neighbour, a better citizen, and more useful member of his global community.

Every man (woman) must make a personal decision about:
What is most important to me?
What about me deserves to be nurtured?
What is holding me back?
What requires serious attention?
What about me needs "starving out" so good qualities can grow?

 729  What is personal sustainable development? Why is this important to teach children and youths?
Personal sustainable development has to do with each and everyone of us:

a. being with self-control; eating to accommodate your body's needs and holding hereditary ills in check; maintaining a well working physical vehicle(your body); balancing our life with work, play and rest; feeding our mind and being constantly learning; communicating with others

b. living with the empowerment of free-thought, creativity

c. taking charge of our lives

d. planning for our own future

Everyone has to decide this by himself. Knowing our weaknesses we can work eliminating them or at least making sure they would not affect significantly our decision-making process. It is a struggle that spans our lifetime.

What to decide?
Once an individual is in control of his own being then he can extend his empowerment out to his global community and the Global Community.

This way each person has to decide what:

a. are the things holding us back and requiring serious attention and how can they be starved-out so good things may grow
b. is most important
c. deserves to be nurtured

At the end each and everyone of us decides what sort of person we want to become. After going through this personal clean-up we become a better citizen, a more sensitive neighbour, a moral responsible father, and a more useful and respected member of the Global Community.

 730  What spiritual values and survival should be taugth to children and youths?
What conduct is correct if survival is the issue?
In Nature:
Predators are involved in eating other life forms, young of any other species sometimes their own.
In our History:
We have seen cannibalism, murders, wars. Wars have been and are still the most unsustainable action of our species. Wars destroy everything and everyone. Wars satisfy self-interest of a small group of people. Wars keep gun, ship, plane, computer manufacturers and people working with them happy and well fed and give them security for the rest of their lives. Wars are often taken or created in another country by a superpower for the purpose of creating wealth and a healthy economic development in the country of the superpower but completely destroy the country(ies) submitted to the war machine.

Having said that what are spiritual values to sustain life? Most people are part of a religious group to use as an excuse for killing other people and destroying communities in other countries. Children and youths should be taught the secret wisdom behind all the existing religions and helping them to sift out the common truths. Let them seek the best of the best. The teaching of the Soul of all Life would certainly be the best of the best.

 731  Old rules to deal with old fears.
Many rules are made to empower the rule-maker only learn to recognize those kind of rules! For they are seldom good for the person who obeys such rules.

Old fears have sometimes to do with family feud over several generations.
Old fears could be:
1. a traditional hatred of people based on religious differences, skin colour, life styles, language differences, inter-marriage
2. suspicious of strangers
3. supertitions
4. inaccurate beliefs due to ignorance
5. inaccurate knowledge and interpretation of a religion

Things to go:
1. Living in the past with old traditions, old wives'wisdom
2. Family beliefs(racism)
3. Old-age values
4. Archaic mores
5. Ghetto-ism
6. Class systems
7. Slavery
8. Cast systems
9. Sweatshops
10. Perversions: child prostitution, child selling, etc.

 732  Human conscience.

Conscience means human have the knowledge to keep the planet healthy; it is the science of determining right and wrong. In case of the human conscience towards the planet's survival it is:
a. Saving the planet from becoming an uninhabitable place
b. Stopping the planet from becoming an uninhabitable place

Human conscience should prevent the planet from becoming uninhabitable. How much of what we have in spiritual values do we have to leave behind? Old ideas and thoughts, traditions, laws, ways of doing things must be re-evaluated and some left behind.

Human conscience will insist all possible measures be taken to prevent the planet from becoming uninhabitable.

Education is necessary to awaken all people in all countries to the frightening fact that unless we all take responsibility for plant life it will soon become uninhabitable. It will no longer be able to support human life.

The most important factor in human existence is survival. To survive we need oxygen and we need food and shelter. Oxygen is provided by green plants. Therefore, we'd darn well better see we have lots of green growing plants.

Most people nowadays are urban dwellers. Urban people do not know the source of their food. Therefore people have to be taught to protect their food supply.

Things we do in our country can affect people on the other side of the planet. We exchange food with one another; there is a constant exchange of goods, services, manufactured products, basic products, energy, etc. If our manufactured plants produce pollution into the air this will affect food produced South of us.

Self-interest, self-preservation as a species, as peoples and inhabitants of this planet, instinct, are all driving forces of global human consciousness. Global consciousness is about a chain of dependence; everything depends on another form of life for survival like a symbiosis: lifeforms who contribute to the food or well-being of another species.

 733  The Universal Scale of Values or Scale of Global Rights must be taught to children and youths.

The Scale was developed by evaluating impacts with respect to four interacting concerns (people's lives, resources, economic development and the environment) based on a new scale of values. The scale of values is about establishingwhat is very important to ensure a sound future for Earth, and to keep our planet healthy, productive and hospitable for all people and living things, what is important, what is not so important, and what should be let go.
The Scale gives a person a sense of direction, a goal to achieve, and the hope that by achieving the goal the world will be a better place and at Peace. From this scale, agreed upon by all members of the Global Community, the assessment of sustainable development can be conducted. The benchmark is the scale established in year 2000 along with the first evaluation of sustainable development conducted with respect to the above mentioned four levels.

 734  Explain the main goal of Global Community.
New standards, goals and objectives have to be defined. Firm universal guidelines are essentials in keeping the world healthy. Already we notice throughout the world new ways of thinking being embraced, new behaviors and attitudes adopted. Sound workable solutions to all our problems will have to be researched and developed and made available to everyone on the Internet. This is the main goal of the Global Community organization.

The aim of the Global Community is to give people an opportunity to meet, encourage and advise one another about original ways to best harmonize impacts upon:

· the lives of people
· natural resources
· environment
· economic development

We must abandon ideas and old ways which have not worked well, including traditional ways that have simply become habits. Getting rich at the expense of everyone else is no longer acceptable. Over the decades, history has proven projects and actions which ignored everything except a special interest have resulted in ultimate failure and human misery.

The Global Community aims to establish a UNIVERSAL BENCHMARK for the 21st Century made up of a Scale of Global Rights for sustainable development based on universal indicators.
For example:
Human beings and other life species need oxygen to live. Trees, plants and growing things provide oxygen. Therefore we destroy the source of oxygen at our peril.

The above is a vitally important fact. It is very important to have many areas of healthy green growth. It is not so important that every person owns his own green area.

But what has to go is the "who cares?" attitude which stems from ignorance about the importance of green growing areas.

In other words, everyone who wants a life has to take responsibility for it.

 735  Conduct exercises to learn about specific species and create projects. Imagine what their own Glass Bubbles might be like.
Using evolution-of-species charts, maps of continental drift and records of climate over the ages examine the evolutionary changes in your chosen species, imagining the glass bubbles, or global communities in which they lived at each stage of development.

Consider climate, food supply, possible life hazards.

Pretend you are there.

Use your imagination to pretend you are actually inside that glass bubble, that global community, with your selected species. Feel the situation. Respond to the need of your species. Understand what makes things happen.

Oral Presentations   or Papers

*    Describe why major physical changes came to the body of your chosen species over time, even causing sub-species.

*    Clarify how climate changes caused the need for a different kind of food, and illustrate how the body adapted and changed in certain areas to accommodate the new food, new location, new climate. Document how life-styles changed and sub-species developed over the ages.

*    Record the special skills in survival, collection of food, dealing with danger, of the various sub-species as evolution occured in its different branches of the family tree.


Bringing the new knowledge home to see how it fits in our lives as well.


You are in your private glass bubble, the global community in which you live every day.
Changes have come to your environment:
-    Temperatures have shot up 10% and stayed there.
-    There is no place for the water to drain off, and the rain falls every day.

How does this influence your daily life?
How do you dress?
How do you get to school?
Where do you play?
Where does your food come from now?
What is there around that you could eat?
What new skills do you need to develop?
How are the adults in your life coping with this?
What happened to their jobs?
Where would they move?

Suppose the climate change in our imaginary scenario persisted.

How might the human species evolve over the next 10,000 years?

Create a class project

Make a panoramic model of a global community with evolved humans, who have survived the heat and the water. Show all the likely adaptations they would make. Record other life-style changes including food.

Students taking part in such a study are quite likely to internalize the following basic truths:

*    what we put into our bodies matters
*    nature's laws must be respected and adapted to
*    climate can be dealt with once we understand its causes
*    there is still time for us to "clean up our act" as humans, and co-operate with nature to keep this planet healthy and comfortable for all life forms
*    every species relies heavily for survival on the co-operation and support of its global community
*    every single thing in a global community is an important part of the whole

 736  Make children and youths build their own self-improvement way.
There are a number of ideas to keep a child's development sustainable:
1. Eating for power: combinations of foods that create vitality and health.
2. Making good things to eat: simple meals children can make for themselves.
3. Where good food comes from: individual garden plots at school growing food that keeps them strong and healthy. Community effort is necessary to make this work ~ gardens grow during summer holidays. They need constant care.
4. Developing the perfectly healthy body: games and exercises, activities that develop a great body (swimming, skating, skiing, roller-blading, etc.)
5. Developing an open mind: ideas, concepts, attitudes that have proven to work well in foreign societies as well as our own.
6. How learning works: how to study, how to memorize, how to think, logic. Finding "best ways" to do things, workable sound solutions.
7. Children have to learn to become problem solvers as they will be facing global problems on a daily basis.
8. How kindness works: how people react; cause and effect of action; living smoothly.
9. What is happiness: LOVE is a verb; one does nice things for others.

Suggested ideas upon which a creative teacher may build a program in Personal Sustainable Development for children, which develops their ability to make decisions.

Most of us have been brought up with the knowledge adults make their own choices ~ and pay the price. Could children not be made aware of this as well?

Even a child could see if he acts in certain ways, things can backfire and cause harm. And also that he can act in ways that attracts good things ~ even over a period of time.

If a child has the habit of reacting to unpleasant life events in knee-jerk revenge or angry responses, sparks fly and nasty side-effects flare up all around him. Such action causes memories that rankle for years.

It is very important for children to have experience in choosing to react well, even in little things.

It is not so important that one agree with other children all the time. One obeys parents and teachers. But a child has to be taught it is not required of him to be somebody's victim; that is OK to disagree with a course of action.

What must be let go is the uncontrolled way some children react to the troubles of their lives.
Let us teach them making unproductive choices attracts even more trouble and frustration.
Reacting in inappropriate ways in time of conflict must stop.

Teaching a child how to sustain the development of his own life toward happy solutions calls for a series of small victories, each one easily achieved.

Perhaps the best place to start is care and management of the child's own room at home, and his own personal care. Once the child feels he has his personal space just the way he wants it, he can advance to dealing one by one with family members, later on, school-mates.

Older children could be encouraged to keep a journal about incidents, and how things happened and were worked out.

Referring back to these records, a child gains a sense of mastery, and quickly builds up finesse with successful ways and means, good phrases to use and so on.

It won't take long before a child has solid evidence that bad luck and tough breaks were only wrong moves that could have been avoided.

He'll get the conviction it is not people or "things" that makes him happy. He is making himself happy ~ it is a state of mind he has created for himself.

This self-improvement journey will sustain him for as long as he uses it, the results to be enjoyed for ever.

 737  Actions geared to survive a million years as a species.
 738  Regulate world population by means that are voluntary and benign.
 739  Take along with us a large proportion of other lifeforms.
 740  Recognize that men and women have equal rights.
 741  Build global communities for peace with the understanding of global problems this generation is facing: conflicts and wars, no tolerance and compassion for one another, world overpopulation, unemployment, insufficient protection and prevention for global health, scarcity of resources and drinking water, poverty, Fauna and Flora species disappearing at a fast rate, global warming and global climate change, global pollution, permanent lost of the Earth's genetic heritage, and the destruction of the global life-support systems and the eco-systems of the planet.

We need to build global communities that will manage themselves with the understanding of those problems. All aspects are interrelated: global peace, global sustainability, global rights and the environment. The jobless is more concerned with ending starvation, finding a proper shelter and employment, and helping their children to survive. Environmental issues become meaningless to the jobless. In reality, all concerns are interrelated because the ecology of the planet has no boundaries. Obviously, as soon as our environment is destroyed or polluted beyond repair, human suffering is next.
 742  Teach Peace in local communities by finding their problems and concerns, and making a difference for the better.
 743  Find statements from all religions, all faiths, that promote ethical and moral responsibility to life and a responsible Earth management. This was assumed to work well within the context of the global civilization of the 3rd Millennium and after defining the Global Community criteria of symbiotical relationships . In this context, we have defined that any symbiotical relationship is for the good of all. It is based on a genuine group concern and unconditional support for the individual's well-being ~ a giant leap in human behaviour. Symbiotical relationships are needed today for the long term future of humanity, for the protection of life on our planet, and to bring about the event of peace amongst us all.

The fundamental criteria of any symbiotical relationship is that a relationship is created for the good of all groups participating in the relationship and for the good of humanity, all life on Earth. The relationship allows a global equitable and peaceful development and a more stable and inclusive global economy.

Religious rituals now support the conservation efforts and play a central role in governing the sustainable use of the natural environment.
 744  Give every global citizen essential services.
The Global Movement to Help , an initiative of the Global Community and of the Federation of Global Governments , is now applying more emphasis on the urgent need from the people of all nations to give everyone essential services. The urgent need to give all Global Citizens essential services was made obvious in the past few years after the occurrence of natural disasters, and the global destruction created by the military.
 745  Educate the coming generation with good principles.
Our Global Peace Mouvement is about the courage to live a life in a harmonious peace order and showing by example, thus preventing poverty, wars, terror and violence. We need to educate the coming generations with good principles, being compassionate, social harmony and global sustainability being some of them.
 746  Introduce and teach Soul of all Life teaching about Peace.
Soul of all Life said in Global Peace Earth "Soul of all Life teaching about Peace: Introduction"
Peace is being who you are without fear. It is the "being who you are" who must be taught a value based on principles to live by. Only principles described in Global Law are necessary and required to attain Peace in the world.  Soul teaching on Peace
 747  Use the Global Community methods of teaching to children and youths.
Throughout Global Dialogue 2012, i.e. from September 1st, 2011, to August 31st, 2012, Global Peace Village will present several methods of teaching to children and youths as they are more likely to absorb and retain the internal structures needed to bring about Peace to future generations. These methods of teaching have already been laid down by the Global Community during the 1990s. We are showing some of the papers with their links just below here. They were copied in for fast reading.
 748  Use the Global Community animations to teach Peace to children and youths.

Verify the following research papers.

July 1999

The Global Community concepts

1. The Glass-bubble concept
2. Ricochet responses to family trauma
3. TIMSHEL - The right to make choices
Personal Sustainable Development for Children
4. The need to change the "who cares?" attitude in children
5. Humanistic research needed on the subject of children

August 1999 Newsletter

4.   Articles:         a.    Personal Sustainable Development pathway
                by Germain Dufour
                     1.    Introduction
                     2.    The appalling dilemma of decision-making
                     3.    What is personal sustainable development?
                     4.    What to decide?
                     5.    Spiritual values and survival
                     6.    Old rules to deal with old fears
                     7.    Human conscience
                     8.    What are the universal needs of a family, a community
                     9.    Governments self-serving politics
                     10.   Do laws serve more governments and selected groups than the overall population?
                     11.   Creating a universal code of conduct acceptable to all?
                     12.   The Universal Scale of Values
                     13.   The Glass Bubble Concept of a Global Community and Evolution
                     14.   Teaching children to become self-confident thinkers
                     15.   Is the human race becoming more intuitive or instinctive?
                     16.   Personal sustainable development for children
                     17.    In sustaining the development of your own life

November 1999 Newsletter

12.    Articles

        a.    To-day's children evoke a VISION of new millennium, by Virginia Dufour, retired teacher
        b.   The Personal Sustainable Development pathway for children, by Germain Dufour, Physicist
        c.   The Personal Sustainable Development pathway for an adult, by Germain Dufour, Physicist
        d.   Globalization  vs  The Global Community Concepts and its Organization, by Germain Dufour, Physicist

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