Social1 Social2 Social3 Social4 Social5 Social6 Social7 Social8 Social9 Social10 Social11 Social12 Social13 Social14 Social15 Social16 Social17 Social18 Social19 Social20 Social21 Social22 Social23 Social24 Social25 Social26 Social27 Social28 Social29 Social30 Social31 Social32 Social33 Social34 Social35 Social36 Social37


Economic Dev.
Social Aspects

1. On well-being, the healthy family and the community
2. The role of families
3. Women's issues
4. Personal sustainable development pathway
5. Social development
6. Earth Charter
7. Aboriginal peoples
8. Human Rights
9. Quality of Life
10. Global Ethics
11. Genetic resources
12. Public discussions: listening to all voices
13. Eradication of poverty
14. Wars, armed conflicts, and violence
15. Earth management
16. Cooperation between developing and developed countries
17. Human health
18. Education and training
19. Spiritual values helping a sustainable future
20. Transboundary agreements
21. Disability and globalization
22. Human evolutionary development
23. Institutions for Environmental Governance: issues of Community Participation and Sustainable Development
24. International and interstate conflicts on the base of environmental stress
25. Social-economical problems of environmental refugees
26. Sustainable urban community development
27. Globalization
28. The Global Community: its objectives, the GCAC, the Charter, the grassroots process and the organization
29. World models to sustain Earth
30. Definition of Sustainable Development
31. Vision of Earth in Year 2024
32. The Scale of Values
33. A photo display presentation for interpreting sustainability
34. Dramatic play presentation
35. Implementation of Sustainable Development
36. Measurement and assessment of indicators
37. Population Pressure

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