Lead Papers
Djanaeva proposed that each level of the Social Ecological Crisis(SEC) roots has its own structure, interrelations, or hierarchy, subordination as well as with the basic ecological relations. If, for example, socio-economic relations are particular regarding the relations of society-nature, and relate to them as conditions and causes, inside of them contradictions at the production, socio-political level, reflecting contradictions of the general character, become causes, but of the secondary type. In this economic approach there are different from the ecological relations between causes of the SEC. The ecological approach permits to identify roots, causes from the moving forces of the SEC. Ecological approach helps to find direct causes, main contradictions in relations of society and nature. It is an approach with focusing main attention to exchange relations between social and natural environments. proposed that the restructuring of knowledge that governs society. This paper introduces a strategy aimed to change the focus of the capitalist economy. Considered in this paper are Indigenous peoples and their nurturing of spiritual and environmental partnership with nature - a valuable and integral part of their socio-economic structure. The change of focus platform preserves the socio-economic relationship with nature that is evident in many Indigenous societies, and calls for the integration of contemporary environmental sciences to assist in environmental goals. Therefore, the change of focus platform encourages the conscious participation of all peoples towards a more environmentally sympathetic global order. By associating Indigenous values with contemporary sciences, it is also possible to produce a strategy to effect environmental consciousness in capitalist production. A new project is being proposed: Capacity Building for Sustainable Development in Slovak Republic. The overall aim of the project is to contribute to creating an understanding of sustainable development as an ongoing, cumulative process owned by the society as a whole(Vilinovic, Chrenko, Hudek, Toma and Miklos ). Raghbendra Jha and K.V. Bhanu Murthy argue that the notion of sustainability as used in the extant literature is incomplete because of two reasons: (i) a neglect of the spatial dimensions of sustainability and (ii) the absence of a link between sustainability on the one hand and change in behavior and property rights on the other. They concentrate only on the problem of consumption reduction. It advocates a complex strategy for attaining the reductions in consumption necessary for attaining sustainability. It advocates the use of group taxes on producers as well as consumers. Second, the tax revenues so collected are earmarked for spending for the purpose of the environment. The resulting lowering of the discount rate and behavioral changes would lead to a drop in the rate of increase of prices of natural resources and, therefore, to a postponement of their consumption. All these involve the design of an intermediate run policy that treats environmental goods as merit goods as a prelude to their (ultimately) being treated as common resources. Md. Hasibur Rahman explained that air pollution must be considered as the most vulnerable environmental health hazards. It is important to take immediate initiative to protect air pollution on the basis of latest scientific information and technology available. To address this problems environmental education and mobilizing through community participation in the urban area is essential. To reduce air pollution, every one of the society can play an important role by taking right decision of consumer choice and maintaining their own vehicles and also participating in tree plantation. Tree and green vegetation can reduce air pollution by absorbing carbon dioxide and inhibit travelling of dust and chemical elements that causes positive impact on human health. On the other hand, air pollution stimulated greenhouse effects, global warming and sea level rising. Sea level rising would be most worsen environmental disastrous for the low-lying country Bangladesh. It is important to raise awareness campaign and mitigative measures for air pollution to control global warming. The democratic functioning of The Global Community organization, or Earth Community, or Earth Society (three names for the same organization), implies the possibility of a global dialogue among all its members, between people of all beliefs and opinions. Democracy is a way of living together and an expression of respect for other people; it is now rooted in The Global Community. The typical fundamental freedoms of a democracy (freedom of expression, thought, assembly, and association) are themselves part of human rights. These freedoms were present during the World Congress as we have dialogue and debate on the rights of different people and their accompanying obligations and responsibilities as human beings. These freedoms can exist everywhere. Democracy is a political system based on the participation of the people. It foresees the separation of powers among the judiciary, the legislative and the executive authorities, as well as free and regular elections. The organization promotes efficient forms of management and participation. The political rights of The Global Community define the conditions under which citizens exercise their responsibilities. For our organization to be democratic, we must organized our political and social life with the greatest respect of all peoples.