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Lead Papers
A new concept proposed by du Hamel is called the Global Enhancement (GE). GE acts as a framework with a strategy that stems from a platform I call a change of focus (CF). CF is initiated from a microeconomic base where community pressure influences the political chain of power from the individual locality, to the national level of the state. Thereby, political power is secured by the politician’s subjugation to community initiatives, and continues to provide political stability to the party as long as they put into action the community’s needs. However, this structure loosely exists now for business initiatives both at the community level and the global level. For instance, the previous example of transnational companies operating in free trade or export processing zones are the result of political deals and investments made by people in power. But, what is the key to GE and critical for its success, is environmental education to the masses at the microeconomic level. Thus, the following process begins to take effect:
Karopa considered the interdependence between the human health and the state of environment. The main idea is that the conservation of man's health depends on the state of environment and requires optimization of different links in the system "man-society- nature". The goal of the course is to form the system of scientific knowledge about the human organism and ecological laws (Steiner, Savard) of its living and functioning, about the internal and external spheres of the human organism, about health as a cumulative effect of various ecological factors. The tasks of the course are to provide applied knowledge about the ways to maintain and preserve one's health, to form sanitary and hygienic skills and to propagate a healthy way of life. Langes concludes that adults become interested in the concept of sustainability and transforming their patterns of living and working when the learning process holds the promise of enabling them to return to their sense of life purpose, re-defining and raising their quality of life, and mobilizing their moral and ethical autonomy, particularly in the context of work. During her study, the participants began a transformative journey from "the mode of having" including consuming and grasping, to "the mode of being" or relatedness, a mode that is part of an ecological way of being. The participants also began to restore organic connections to their time, space, body and human relations. It was concluded that both transformative and restorative learning are vital elements for integrating ecological principles into everyday living and working and hence, for creating sustainable societies. Lopin discussed the theory of development is a method of cognition, that is a tool or a machine for extraction of knowledge, too as, say, bulldozer is the machine for extraction of gold. The task consists of its development. At all abstractness the theory of development contains internally requirement of concrete cognition, inherent in it. The application of the theory of development as a method of cognition is possible because any object of research can be reflected by concepts a new and an old inconsistently, hence, can be shown as a necessary part of a history of the developing universe. The historical approach in cognition means elaboration of concepts having direct connection with sensual perception and reflecting opposite of the driving contradictions. It is necessary to realize clearly, that ambient universe and our reflected internal universe are result of previous development and basis of the further development. Therefore any researches should be subordinated to cognition of a history of objects. A direct way lead cognition from a history to practice, to future.Shpigel discussed the achievements of science and technique and problems in interpersonal, ethnic, religious relations, in relations between states, has become the reason for considering the processes of the evolutionary development. Besides that the great volume of knowledge in biology and psychology which Darwin could only dream about when he created his famous work "On the Origin of Species" is accumulated today. The wording of the hypothesis of the law of evolutionary development according to my comprehension of the problem has been formed not long before the conference: The evolutionary development of the nature is determined by the priority development and perfection of information-control biological systems and the human brain possessing the consciousness is an information-control system which has become the highest point of development of the nature. McGregor considered political well-being, or an internal sense of power and autonomy, is construed as being in control of one's life, being able to and having the freedom to make decisions, being aware of and able to anticipate the consequences of one's actions on one's self and others and having the skills to act on one's decisions. We equate this with empowerment and self formation in our mission statement. When this dimension of well-being is achieved, individuals no longer accept unquestioningly those practices in society that are frequently taken for granted, those practices which reinforce inequality and injustice. The Personal Sustainable
Development pathway for an adult
Conscience in the mind of an adult: He realizes his personal life needs changes.
The ultimate war of independence is to decide for yourself
A man (a woman) has the right to decide what he will become and must his own personal clean-up with the aim of becoming: a better person, a better neighbour, a better citizen, and more useful member of his global community. Every man (woman) must make a personal decision about: What is most important to me?
Each and everyone of us is part of "a Global Community" wherever we go throughout our life. Personal sustainable development has to do with our behavior within this global community, what we do or dont, cause and effect, and how we interact with someone else's global community and, on the planetary scale, with The Global Community. We are constantly required to re-evaluate our values and make decisions. The following is meant to question our ways and behaviors and start a discussion amongst us all about a universal scale of values. A Roundtable Discussion on a Scale of Values has been proposed. Life's major problems make us react ~ and there are myriad possible reactions ~ but to be of a mind-set that allows one to calmly face the problem detached from emotion in order to pick the best solution, may quite possibly be the most powerful tool of any person interested in personal development. Human desires, vanities, attachments to family mores, influence these decisions and so they tend to be accurate expressions of each individual's character at that particular time, at that age in his life. These tend to constantly change as we from in experience. Our choice, in the end, is what we want because of what we feel. This particular assessment of any given situation appears to express our level of development as a human being devoted to building strong character. One feels the most honest thing to do is face exactly what is presented on the horns of our dilemma: One solution will satisfy old values. The other will be in accord with new. Make a choice! As a human, one is constantly challenged - go forward, or not - just yet! Are you ready for it? We are endlessly faced with the same choice hidden in endless guises
until we "get it right."
Personal sustainable development has to do with each and everyone of us: * being with self-control; eating
to accommodate your body's needs and holding hereditary ills in check;
maintaining a well working physical vehicle (your body); balancing our life
with work, play and rest; feeding our mind and being constantly learning;
communicating with others
Everyone has to decide this by himself. Knowing our weaknesses we can work at eliminating them or at least making sure they would not affect significantly our decision-making process. It is a struggle that spans our lifetime. Once an individual is in control of his own being then he can extend his empowerment out to his global community and The Global Community. This way each person has to decide: * what are the things holding
him back and requiring serious attention and how can they be starved-out
so good things may grow
At the end each and everyone of us decides what sort of person we want
to become. After going through this personal clean-up a person becomes
a better citizen, a more sensitive neighbour, a moral responsible father,
and a more useful and respected member of The Global Community.
right to make choices:
Suggested ideas upon which a creative teacher may build a program
in Personal
Most of us have been brought up with the knowledge adults make their
own choices ~ and
Even a child could see if he acts in certain ways, things can backfire
and cause harm. And also
If a child has the habit of reacting to unpleasant life events in knee-jerk
revenge or angry
It is very important for children to have experience in choosing
to react well, even in little
It is not so important that one agree with other children all
the time. One obeys parents and
What must be let go is the uncontrolled way some children react
to the troubles of their lives.
Teaching a child how to sustain the development of his own life toward
happy solutions calls
Perhaps the best place to start is care and management of the child's
own room at home,
Older children could be encouraged to keep a journal about incidents,
and how things happened
Referring back to these records, a child gains a sense of mastery, and
quickly builds up finesse
It won't take long before a child has solid evidence that bad luck and
tough breaks were only
He'll get the conviction it is not people or "things" that makes him
happy. He is making himself
This self-improvement journey will sustain him for as long as
he uses it, the results to be
Personal Sustainable Development
Seed thought:
Conscience in the minds of children is needed for they will inherit
the earth.
Conscience in the mind of an adult:
The ultimate war of independence is to decide for yourself
A man (a woman) has the right to decide what he will become and must go through his personal clean-up with the aim of becoming: a better person, a better neighbour, a better citizen, and more useful member of his global community. Every man (woman) must make a personal decision about;
Each and everyone of us is part of "a Global Community" wherever we go throughout our life. Personal sustainable development has to do with our behavior within this global community, what we do or dont, cause and effect, and how we interact with someone else global community and, on the planetary scale, with The Global Community. We are constantly required to re-evaluate our values and make decisions. The following is meant to question our ways and behaviors and start a discussion amongst us all about a universal scale of values. A Roundtable Discussion on a Scale of Values has been proposed. 2. The appalling dilemma of decision-making
Human desires, vanities, attachments to family mores, influence these decisions and so they tend to be accurate expressions of each individual's character at that particular time. Our choice, in the end, is what we want because of what we feel. This particular assessment of any given situation appears to express our level of development as a human being devoted to building strong character. One feels the most honest thing to do is face exactly what is presented
on the horns of our dilemma for our choice:~
As a human, one is challenged - go forward, or not (just yet). We are endlessly faced with the same choice hidden in endless guises unitl we "get it right." 3. What is personal sustainable development?
3.1 being
with self-control; eating to accommodate your body's needs and holding
hereditary ills in check; maintaining a well working physical vehicle(your
body); balancing our life with work, play and rest; feeding our mind and
being constantly learning; communicating with others
Everyone has to decide this by himself. Knowing our weaknesses we can work eliminating them or at least making sure they would not affect significantly our decision-making process. It is a struggle that spans our lifetime. 4. What to decide?
This way each person has to decide what: 4.1 are the things
holding us back and requiring serious attention and how can they be starved-out
so good things may grow
At the end each and everyone of us decides what sort of person we want to become. After going through this personal clean-up we become a better citizen, a more sensitive neighbour, a moral responsible father, and a more useful and respected member of The Global Community. 5. Spiritual values and survival
Having said that what are spiritual values to sustain life? 6. Old rules to deal with old fears
Old fears have sometimes to do with family feud over several generations.
Things to go:
7. Human conscience
Human conscience will insist all possible measures be taken to prevent the planet from becoming uninhabitable. Education is necessary to awaken all people in all countries to the frightening fact that unless we all take responsibility for plant life it will soon become uninhabitable. It will no longer be able to support human life. The most important factor in human existence is survival. To survive we need oxygen and we need food and shelter. Oxygen is provided by green plants. Therefore, we'd darn well better see we have lots of green growing plants. Most people nowadays are urban dwellers. Urban people do not know the source of their food. Therefore people have to be taught to protect their food supply. Things we do in our country can affect people on the other side of the planet. We exchange food with one another; there is a constant exchange of goods, services, manufactured products, basic products, energy, etc. If our manufactured plants produce pollution into theair this will affect food produced South of us. Self-interest, self-preservation as a species, as peoples and inhabitants of this planet, instinct, are all driving forces of global human consciousness. Global consciousness is about a chain of dependence; everything depends on another form of life for survival like a symbiosis: lifeforms who contribute to the food or well-being of another species. 8. What are the universal needs of
a family, a community
There are families all over the world (a few examples here):
All families need shelter, food, parents, children, language, body of knowledge, certain skills, a source of income, etc. There are interacting universal responsibilities. In terms of parenthood, parents must raised their children mentally and physically healthy. It is a responsibility to do so. Which also means each must have an educational program (parents to children type, school, college, university, etc.). It is important to have a home-base (for a sense of security), a house,
a campsite in the bushes (for nomades).