Global Community Assessment Centre ( GCAC )
This section was originally part of a complete report on the measurement of world sustainable development. GCAC is about the restoration of the planet, our home and our Global Community. ![]() for discussion and joint action on issues of local and global concerns. GCAC offers services to the Global Community. ![]()
1. Introduction
2. GCAC Objectives
3. Theory, measurement, valuation and management of Sustainable Development and the Scale of Values and measurement of the Gross Environmental Sustainable Development Index (GESDI) |
3.5.15 Energy Management and Conservation Programs in the Community ![]() 3.5.16 Air Quality in Buildings ![]() 3.5.17 Lighting System in Buildings ![]() 3.5.18 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning System ![]() 3.5.19 WHMIS ![]() 3.5.20 Health and Safety Hazards ![]() 3.5.21 Occupational Health and Safety Committee ![]() 3.5.22 Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) ![]() 3.5.23 National Building Code ![]() 3.5.24 Environmental Hazards ![]() ![]() 3.5.26 Building Custodial Services and Minor Repairs ![]() 3.5.27 Project Management ![]() |
An Energy Management Program is the long term commitment and support of an organization’s top management to improving the energy efficiency of an organization. This commitment includes energy audits, qualified staffing, a consistent database for measuring improvement and an ongoing process of modernizing energy systems. Staff personnel must be educated and motivated to use energy wisely. Energy Conservation is project oriented, lacks goals and is economic in the short term. The success of an Energy Management Program depends on the interests and motivation of the people implementing it. Participation and communication are key points. Employees can be stimulated to support and Energy Management Program through awareness of the following: · Amount of energy they use
Correct tuning, operation and maintenance procedure provide the foundation for the Energy Management and Conservation Program. They provide the most cost-effective means of energy conservation and are necessary to preserve the effectiveness of any equipment changes. The steps in implementing the Program include: 1. Optimizing the hours of operation, and levels of ventilation,
light, and temperature maintained in all parts of the site.
A successful Energy Management and Conservation Program requires careful scheduling and record keeping. It takes long-term commitment, persistence and attention to detail in order to succeed. It often involves changing attitudes and priorities. In-house Operation and Maintenance Operation and maintenance may be performed in-house or contracted out. There are advantages and disadvantages to each alternative. The advantage of in-house maintenance is the control it gives you over the work done. It also allows you the important opportunity to offer workers incentives to conserve and save. In-house maintenance also enables management to develop a better understanding of the building’s equipment. Unfortunately, many sites cannot afford specialized personnel on staff. In these cases, these sites have to contract out for services such as electrical, plumbing, heating, and refrigeration system maintenance and repair. Contract maintenance provides the specialized skill of professionals without the expense of keeping them on staff. A good maintenance contractor works with the site in developing an agreement spelling out all the service needed. This agreement should also spell out the difference between major and minor maintenance and who does what and when. The contract must be carefully written to include all of the services needed. A good maintenance and operation program costs about 10 percent of the
annual fuel bill and saves about 15-20 percent. It prolongs equipment life
and minimizes down-time which improves productivity. It also provides increased
comfort for building occupants.
Energy Management Opportunities is a term that represents the ways that energy can be used wisely to save money. A number of typical Energy Management Opportunities, subdivided into Housekeeping, Low Cost, and Retrofit categories, are listed here to illustrate potential energy savings. This is not a complete listing of the available opportunities. It is intended to provide management, operating and maintenance personnel to identify other opportunities that are applicable to the site. Examples of Energy Management Opportunities are: 1. Install dampers in different positions in the return air and outside
air intake duct systems.
Housekeeping Opportunities Implemented housekeeping opportunities are energy management actions that are done on a regular basis and never less than once a year. This include activities such as efficient operation, regular maintenance and troubleshooting. Examples:
(a) Operation The simplest and most cost-effective energy conservation measure is to reduce the amount of space heated and cooled and/or the number of hours that space is heated and cooled. The temperatures in hallways, vestibules, store rooms and unused space can be reduced in the building. Set temperatures up or back during unoccupied hours. It is often possible to shorten morning warm-up times. A carefully prepared building operation schedule is required to put these measures into successful practice. 1. Regularly check water treatment procedures. Recommended water treatment
procedures must be consistently followed to avoid scale build up.
· time-of-day scheduling
(b) Maintenance 1. Keep burners in proper adjustment.
Low Cost Opportunities Implemented low cost opportunities are energy management actions that are done once and for which the cost is not great. Examples:
(a) Install Performance Monitoring Equipment Minimum monitoring instrumentation should provide the ability to determine the boiler energy input and output. The fuel meter or wattmeter could be a portable instrument used for several boilers. Additional instruments would be required to measure the flow, pressure and temperature at the boiler outlet, and the temperature of the boiler feedwater. Flue gas temperature and gas analysis should be used to determine the flue gas loss. (b) Relocate Combustion Air Intake The combustion air intake can sometimes be relocated to the top of the boiler house to use heated air and save energy. (c) Add Insulation Add insulation to areas previously left uninsulated or increase thickness in areas already insulated. Boilers installed 15 to 20 years ago were sometimes insulated for reasons of personnel protection rather than energy conservation. Insulation thicknesses were selected to give an outside temperature of 55 C. If additional insulation was added to reduce the skin temperature to 40 C, the energy saving could amount to at least 0.25 per cent of the annual bill. Also, some areas out of reach of operating staff may not be insulated and should be done now. (d) Reduce Boiler Excess Air Reduction in the excess air may be achieved by minor adjustments to the control system, and burner assembly. These changes can be effected at low cost. Example: A boiler burning natural gas is operating at 60% excess air. Boiler efficiency has been tested and found to be 77%. Annual fuel costs are $400,000. Recalibration of the controls and minor repairs to the burner windbox dampers cost $2000. These changes permit operation at 40% excess air. A reduction in excess air from 60% to 40% results in a reduction in flue gas losses from 21% to 19% at a flue gas temperature of 210 C. Assuming that other losses and the flue gas temperature remain unchanged, the boiler efficiency will be 79%. Annual fuel cost at 40% excess air = $400,000. x 77/79 = $389,873. Annual savings = $400,000. - $389,000 = $10,127. Payback =
$2,000./$10,127. =
0.2 year (2.4 months)
Retrofit Opportunities Implemented retrofit opportunities are energy management actions which
are done once and
(a) Install Economizer
Section Assessment Scoring
I(normalized) = 0.2380
In this assessment, the values used for I(normalized) are the
same as those obtained and described in section 2.3 The Mathematical
Model. The two tables in The Scale of Values obtained from
the survey, guess-estimated and standard give all normalized
values in their last columns. Although most values were not given here,
they were obtained a few years ago by evaluating each impact as shown in
2.3 under Impact equation example: Forestry. It is obvious
now that one has to keep updating these impact equation calculations every
year as the world is changing very fast. Their calculations are a very
powerful educational tool and should be used in school to educate students
in thinking globally and in terms of interactions and their multidimensional
effects within themselves and on all four major interacting quality systems.
To become responsible in sustaining Earth has to start at early stage in
someone's life and calculating impact equations would be one of their first
Section Rating
= Sub-section % total
x 0.2380
= GESDI for
this section Back to top of page HOME
Back to Index of the Restoration of the planet, our home Back to Index of the Scale of Values and measurement of the GESDI
In today’s litigious society, management of a building needs be aware of the legal ramifications of an unhealthy indoor environment. A building’s indoor air quality is the result of the decisions and actions of a wide variety of individuals over an extended period of time. ASHRAE Standard 62 specifies minimum outside
air quantities to be supplied to occupied spaces to maintain acceptable
indoor air quality. The Standard provides basic equipment and system requirements
and minimum ventilation rates which are expected to result in indoor air
quality "acceptable" to human occupants. It is intended to help minimize
adverse health effects. This standard was adopted by the National
Building Code. Ventilation airflow, contaminants sources and air-cleaning
efficiency all play roles, as do operation and maintenance of the building
and its systems. Together, these variable make achieving acceptable
indoor air quality a complex, multifaceted problem. ASHRAE Standard 62
- 1989, "Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)," addresses
this complexity by establishing the IAQ-related standard of care for the
design of heating, ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems. IAQ
cannot be achieved by addressing any one specific building product, system
or procedure. Rather, it is the result of careful attention to each of
the fundamental elements of an Air Quality Management Plan.
Air Quality Management Plan · Contaminant source control
Today, microbial contamination in the form of mold and mildew is a major indoor pollutant. Contamination can also come from building occupants and their actions (cooking, cleaning, photocopying, laser printing, laboratory activities, chemicals, laboratory equipment and other processes), be emitted from furnishings and wall and pipe coverings, or be brought into the building with the intake air from outdoors. The Standard also defined the "Ventilation effectiveness" that is the fraction of the outdoor air delivered to the space that actually reaches the occupants. The Standard recommends maintaining humidity between 30% and 60%. Humidity levels less than 30% cause some people respiratory discomfort while levels over 60% promote the growth of some forms of mold and mildew. Filtration is a means of controlling contaminants (particulate and gaseous) by reducing their concentrations to acceptable levels, or removing them from the air stream altogether. In order to maintain comfortable conditions in a building, it is necessary to maintain not only the temperature at a reasonable level but also to supply fresh, clean air into the occupied areas and to remove the stale used air containing odours, smoke, etc. This is called ventilation. The amount of ventilating air required depends on the number of people occupying a space, their activities, the volume of the space, and the duration of the stay of the occupants in that space. Actual ventilation rates vary from 0.14 to 1.5 m³/min (approximately 5-40 cfm) per person, but even if occupancy is low, a minimum of about one air change per hour is recommended for most occupied areas. The air supplied by an air handling system must be as clean as possible in order to maintain a clean atmosphere in the conditioned spaces. The air being recirculated through a building as well as the outside air drawn into the system for ventilation purposes usually contains a considerable amount of contaminants. The contaminants suspended in the air can be divided into the following: * Solid particles of visible size - dust, dirt, lint,
pollen, insects, etc.;
Contaminants in the air vary tremendously in size. Smaller particles such as tobacco smoke are only 0.2 microns in diameter, bacteria vary from 0.2 to 5 microns, pollens from 5 to 150 microns, while dust particles may vary from 1 micron to well over 1000 microns. The infinite variety in sizes has made it impossible to design a single air cleaner which will remove all contaminants and, as a result, many different types of air cleaners have been designed to meet the needs of various applications. The type of air cleaner to be used in air conditioning system will depend on the type and concentration of the contaminants and the degree of cleanliness desired. Air cleaning devices can generally be divided into the following classifications: * Air filters for the removal of solid and liquid
particles (mechanical filters such as dry
The electrostatic filter is the best filter available for the removal of fine dust, smoke, and fumes and, therefore, is extensively used in buildings where the air supply has to be as clean as possible, as in hospitals and blood donor clinics. It is common practice to place dry filters of the throwaway type ahead of the electronic filter to prevent large dirt particles from entering. One of the most versatile pieces of equipment used in air conditioning systems is the air washer. Its main purpose is the humidification of air but, in combination with humidification, it is also used to heat, cool, dehumidify, or clean the air. The air flows through a spray chamber and is in contact with the spray water. Eliminators are installed at the outlet of the washer to prevent droplets of water from being carried away by the air. They are so designed that they change the direction of air flow several times causing the droplets to impinge and to run down the surface of the eliminators into the bottom of a tank. Dust particles will alos strike the surface of the eliminators and they are washed down by a continuous stream of water from the flooding nozzles. Some odours are also removed by the air washer. The spray water collects in the bottom tank and is usually recirculated to the sprays by a pump. An air washer should be installed on the suction side of the fan where it can be maintained at a pressure slightly below that of the atmosphere in order to avoid leakage of water through the joints. When the air washer is used for humidification, the spray water must be heated above the dew point temperature of the entering air. If the heating process increases the water temperature above the dry bulb temperature of the entering air then both heating and humidification will be achieved. It is also recommended that: · Air quality issues be further investigated: air pollution,
air pressure, humidity, heating and A/C, air circulation, building temperature
control and temperature control devices for specific rooms, labs or offices;
Section Assessment Scoring
I(normalized) = 0.7250
In this assessment, the values used for I(normalized) are the
same as those obtained and described in section 2.3 The Mathematical
Model. The two tables in The Scale of Values obtained from
the survey, guess-estimated and standard give all normalized
values in their last columns. Although most values were not given here,
they were obtained a few years ago by evaluating each impact as shown in
2.3 under Impact equation example: Forestry. It is obvious
now that one has to keep updating these impact equation calculations every
year as the world is changing very fast. Their calculations are a very
powerful educational tool and should be used in school to educate students
in thinking globally and in terms of interactions and their multidimensional
effects within themselves and on all four major interacting quality systems.
To become responsible in sustaining Earth has to start at early stage in
someone's life and calculating impact equations would be one of their first
Section Rating
= Sub-section % total
x 0.7250
= GESDI for
this section Back to top of page HOME
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The EEACT law effectively allows the less expensive halophosphor colours, such as warm white and cool white, only in reduced wattage or energy saver versions. T8 fluorescent lamps of any wattage are in full compliance with EEACT. When used with electronic ballasts, a system using T8 lamps offers tremendous flexibility and provides the best combination of energy savings and colour quality. Another way in which the new legislation affects the lighting industry, is through changing building codes for new construction and major renovations. In 1995, the Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes has published a model National Energy Code for Buildings. The Code requires that all new buildings in Canada meet or exceed minimum standards similar to those contained in the ASHRAE / IES 90.1 - 1989 lighting standards for interior and exterior spaces. By restricting the amount of power available for lighting, this new Code effectively mandates the use of the most efficient systems. People at the workplace are very particular of the lighting quality,
not only from an energy conservation basis but also from a visual comfort
basis. Poor lighting can affect our eyes and therefore how we feel and
how well we complete our work. Several studies have established a relationship
between lighting and employee productivity. Quality of light is an important
aspect of
Several factors affect the productivity of employees at the workplace. The colour properties of light are important aspects and are described by two quantities: · chromaticity or colour temperature in kelvin
Sources with low colour temperatures below 3,000 K have a reddish or yellowish colour, described as "warm" colour. An example of such lamp is the F40T12/WW. Colour rendering is a general expression for the effect of a light source on the colour appearance of objects, compared with the effect produced by a reference or standard light source, of the same correlated colour temperature. Sources with high CRI cause the least emphasis or distortion of colour. A higher CRI means a better colour rendering. The F40T12 has a "fair" CRI value. The fluorescent warm white deluxe lamp has a "good" CRI value. The fluorescent cool white deluxe lamp has an "excellent" CRI value. As per standards defined by
· Canadian Electrical Association
the illuminance (Illumination is measured in footcandles by a light meter while the light at a source is measured in lumens of output; the energy to generate those lumens is measured in watts) or light levels by visual tasks in a building are required to be as follow (see Table). A program to improve lighting efficiency can produce significant savings, as much as 20% of base electrical usage without compromising security, safety or task performance. Proper maintenance of fixtures to keep them cleaned increases lumen output. It was found that in most sites: · The luminaires are energy efficient and have recently been
retrofitted, ballasts replaced with electronic ballasts and bulbs with
T8 tubes ;
Manufacturers of lighting systems (luminaires) provide information about the efficiency of their product in terms of coefficient of utilization (CU). A coefficient of utilization refers to the degree to which a fixture affects lighting system efficiency. The T8 retrofits emit less lumens/lamp but produce more ft.cd. In fact, the T8 tubes are way above standards of illuminance over a workplace. The occupants do not need 3100 lumens/lamp and, therefore, less fixtures, and less power (see calculations) is required at most sites visited. The number of fixtures required were calculated backward knowing the ft.cd. needed by the occupants. By defining a typical workplace area to be 10 x 12 = 120 sq.ft.
The illuminance is obtained by:
Illuminance = [
LL x CU x
LLF x #fixtures ]
For example, consider a fluorescent luminaire which uses a lamp with an efficiency of 88 lumens per watts ( l/W ). The fixture (as per manufacturer) has a CU of 0.70 (meaning that 70% of the light emitted by the lamp reaches the surface to be lighted. where RCR = 5H (L + W) / LW = Room cavity ratio above workplace = Value to define coefficient of utilization L = room length H = room height minus desk height W = room width and where Tables given by manufacturer show CU at intersection of say 20/80/70
LL = Lamp lumen
Working backward: #fixtures = Illuminance x Area / [ LL x CU x LLF ] For the F40T12 fixtures, # fixtures = 70 ft.cd. x 120 sq.ft. / [ 2 x 3100 x 0.77518 x 0.810 ] = 2.16 For the F34T8 fixtures, # fixtures = 70 ft.cd. x 120 sq.ft. / [ 2 x 2750 x 0.77518 x 0.810 ] = 2.43 These calculations show that delamping is an appropriate retrofit in this specific site. Lighting represents a major part of the electrical costs (and the total energy utility costs). As lighting represents a significant portion of the utility costs, the above-mentioned modifications will result in worthwhile dollar savings. The implementations of conversion on a burn-out basis will minimize any capital costs associated with such changes. A program to improve lighting efficiency can produce significant savings.
In some cases no-cost/low-cost techniques will save 20 % of the base electrical
usage without compromising security, safety or task performance. Reduce
lighting levels by using lower wattage bulbs in place of high wattage bulbs
and the site energy savings will be proportional to the difference in wattage.
Other Lighting System Opportunities: · Reduce/increase light levels as per requirements of the space.
Section Assessment Scoring
I(normalized) = 0.1690
In this assessment, the values used for I(normalized) are the
same as those obtained and described in section 2.3 The Mathematical
Model. The two tables in The Scale of Values obtained from
the survey, guess-estimated and standard give all normalized
values in their last columns. Although most values were not given here,
they were obtained a few years ago by evaluating each impact as shown in
2.3 under Impact equation example: Forestry. It is obvious
now that one has to keep updating these impact equation calculations every
year as the world is changing very fast. Their calculations are a very
powerful educational tool and should be used in school to educate students
in thinking globally and in terms of interactions and their multidimensional
effects within themselves and on all four major interacting quality systems.
To become responsible in sustaining Earth has to start at early stage in
someone's life and calculating impact equations would be one of their first
Section Rating
= Sub-section % total
x 0.1690
= GESDI for
this section Back to top of page HOME
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The emerging technology of the twentieth century allowed the development of Heating, Ventilating and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) systems capable of maintaining fully controlled indoor environments. Based on apparently abundant low cost energy, systems were designed to meet a wide range of demands, but with little concern about energy efficiency. Current technology has demonstrated that HVAC systems can provide safe, healthful and comfortable environments and operate at low energy consumption. By applying the available technology to manage energy, dramatic cost savings can be achieved. Even in newly constructed buildings significant Energy Management Opportunities can be found by operating staff who are adequately informed about the building systems and their functions. The degree to which an HVAC system fails to match the heating, cooling and ventilation requirements and overheats, overcools or overventilates the building space determines the amount of energy being wasted. The primary units in any heating, ventilating, and air conditioning system are the boilers and chillers. For efficient operation of these systems, use them as near to their rated capacity as possible. If water treatment has been neglected, a tune-up will also include de-scaling of heat exchangers and coils and removal of scum from cooling towers. Operate chillers at their rated capacity. When two chillers are installed, cross-connecting them allows one to meet the load during low-use periods. Purchasing a small separate heater for summer hot water use is another example of improving primary system efficiency by allowing heaters to operate at their rated capacity. A relatively large boiler that may be operating inefficiently during summer can then be shut down. Cleaning, testing, and lubricating come under the heading of maintenance, but be careful not to overlubricate electric motors. Check refrigerant levels in cooling systems regularly and keep up a water treatment program for both heating and cooling equipment. Energy consumption in HVAC systems is affected by the following: * Building enclosure heat loss and heat gain.
The Canadian Standards Association (CSA) has formulated and published standards which are of importance to the building operator and which have been adopted by Canadian jurisdiction: · CSA Standard B51 - Boiler, Pressure Vessel, and Pressure Piping Code; the Code provides for the safe design, construction, installation, operation, inspection, testing, and repair of boilers and pressure vessels. · CSA B52 - Mechanical Refrigeration Code; the Code provides for the safe design, construction, installation, operation, inspection, testing, and repair of refrigerating and air conditioning equipment and systems, and related equipment. The sections of the ASME Code which are of prime concern to the Building
Operator are:
In Canada, the federal government and all the provincial jurisdictions and territories have Boilers and Pressure Vessels Acts or their equivalents. The Canadian jurisdiction have all adopted CSA B51 Boiler, Pressure Vessel, and Pressure Piping Code, via the use of Regulations as allowed by their Acts. CSA B51 references the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), American National Standards Institute (ANSI), and several other codes and standards. Thus, by simply adopting CSA B51, the other two are used in Canada. ASME standards are used as references for a standard of performance or quality control. CSA B51 establishes that every boiler, pressure vessels, safety valve, relief valve, safety relief valve and rupture disc shall be stamped with either an ASME Code Symbol Stamp, or other stamping acceptable to the regulatory authority. ASME controls the quality of shops which they approve by issuing code symbols, by issuing Certificate of Authorization, and by controlling advertising which makes reference to the ASME codes. ASME - approved shops undergo regular intensive inspections by inspectors employed by ASME. Any new boiler, pressure vessel or fitting going into service must have a Canadian Registration Number (CRN), that is issued by the province in which it is to be installed, and it must be fabricated in an ASME shop if not made in Canada. If it is fabricated in Canada it must be fabricated by an ASME or other shop acceptable to the regulatory authority. Non-code shops are those that fabricate storage tanks, water heaters, etc., for use in areas not included in the scope of the Act, codes, or standards. These vessels are not made to conform to ASME or CSA standards and are not inspected by authorized inspectors. A site or organization should require that: * The contractor inspecting and maintaining a site does
the work in an ASME approved shop; and
Quality Control programs are required to manufacture, repair or modify a boiler, pressure vessel, piping, fired heater pressure coil or fitting. The QC program consists of a written description of the way the organization will perform the work. This description provides guidance to company staff involved in construction to ensure that all Code and Branch requirements are met during construction. The program also prevents costly mistakes such as the construction of a pressure vessel using the wrong material. After the QC manual has been reviewed and if the organization with the QC system has demonstrated to a Boilers Branch Inspector that they are following the QC program, they are authorized to construct the work described for a period of three years. The Boilers Branch provides the authorized organization with a Certificate describing the work they are authorized to perform and one copy of the organization’s QC manual is stamped with a Boilers Branch acceptance stamp on the Statement of Authority page. CSA also provides for the establishment of a quality assurance program
by any safety valve servicing firm. The program includes a quality assurance
manual, successful completion of a course given by an ASME valve manufacturer
which authorizes personnel to work on the manufacturers valves, and a proven
method of assuring that proper replacement parts and servicing methods
are used. An approved test facility must be installed, inspected, and approved,
following which the servicing firm will obtain authorization for the scope
of work conducted.
AVisual Inspection of the service rooms (boiler rooms, mechanical room, rooms to accommodate air-conditioning or heating appliances, pumps, compressors and electrical services ) usually show that there are all sorts of waste materials, debris, combustible materials, empty containers, dirt, batteries, unused equipment and equipment left over from previous repairs spread over the floors. They are hazards and will cause potential problems in case of an emergency. The site or organization in place should make sure that: * No foreign matter, such as tools or rags, are found on the fire- and
water-sides of
If water treatment is to be effective, a proper program should be set up. It should include regular testing of the boiler water, adding chemicals at regular intervals, keeping a record of the test results and the amount of chemicals added, and recording the frequency of blowoff and its duration. Improper water treatment can be as harmfull as the lack of treatment. To be successful, a water treatment program must be continuously monitored and controlled to compensate for the constantly changing conditions within a system. Monitoring is achieved through sampling and testing of the water and condensate for chemical content. Tests may be for the presence of specific impurities in the water or to determine the amount of free water treatment chemicals left in the water. The use of chemicals for internal water treatment for heating boilers can be a very effective way of boiler protection. Unfortunately, many boiler operators have the mistaken idea that if a small amount of chemicals will do the job, an extra dose of chemicals above the amount required will do a better job. This idea is wrong. Some of the results of over treatment can be: extensive corrosion of the boiler metal due to excessive alkalinity caused by free caustic soda in the water and, cracking and embrittlement of the metal in the areas where the metal is heavily stressed such as the tube ends rolled into the tube sheets. The site should consult a reputable water treatment company to obtain
aid and advice on setting up a proper treatment program. The company will
have a complete chemical analysis made of the water supply available. They
will determine the amount and kind of chemicals required, supply the apparatus
and reagents required for testing of boiler water samples, instruct the
operator in the use of the testing equipment, advise on the concentration
of chemicals to be maintained in the water for greatest protection, and
set the intervals at which tests should be taken and chemicals should be
added. The building operator should be able to perform the following tests
as part of the water treatment program: hardness, alkalinity, dissolved
solids, Chlorides, Sodium Sulphite, Phosphate, Chromates and pH.
Several heat exchangers are operated throughout the year to obtain either warm or cold temperatures. Three roof top heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) units work in conjunction with the heat exchangers. Well kept inspection and maintenance reports are filed at the site. The heating requirement is comprised of the sum of three components: 1. Conduction loss
The cooling requirement is determined by calculating and analyzing the sum of five components: 1. Solar radiant heat through glass
A Level III Energy Audit should be conducted at the site to determine the values of these components and make it much easier to supply comfort air to labs, offices and other rooms at the site. A Level III Energy Audit includes the following activities: 1. A detailed lighting inventory and layout.
An energy audit is a systematic approach for assessing the existing: · condition and performance of energy systems; and
It is a complete inspection of energy and mechanical systems that provide a breakdown of energy use, a baseline for future investigations, and a priority list of energy project measures. It is a formal assessing of energy consumption. It addresses the proper operation of complex building systems. An energy audit is a series of actions aimed at identifying and evaluating Energy Management Opportunities (EMO). The bottom line of an Energy Audit is to: · reduce the amount of money spent on energy
Section Assessment Scoring
I(normalized) = 0.4120
In this assessment, the values used for I(normalized) are the
same as those obtained and described in section 2.3 The Mathematical
Model. The two tables in The Scale of Values obtained from
the survey, guess-estimated and standard give all normalized
values in their last columns. Although most values were not given here,
they were obtained a few years ago by evaluating each impact as shown in
2.3 under Impact equation example: Forestry. It is obvious
now that one has to keep updating these impact equation calculations every
year as the world is changing very fast. Their calculations are a very
powerful educational tool and should be used in school to educate students
in thinking globally and in terms of interactions and their multidimensional
effects within themselves and on all four major interacting quality systems.
To become responsible in sustaining Earth has to start at early stage in
someone's life and calculating impact equations would be one of their first
Section Rating
= Sub-section % total
x 0.4120
= GESDI for
this section Back to top of page HOME
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The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) is a Canada wide system developed to make it easy for workers to find out about materials in their workplace that could injure them or be bad for their health. The federal was called Bill C-70 which sets out penalties for non-compliance, worker education requirements, and information on labels and MSDS’s. WHMIS requires suppliers, employers and workers to use the system to identify and handle hazardous materials safely. WHMIS has three main parts to help workers: (a) Labels, (b) MSDS and (3) Worker Education. Every staff member in an organization and new employee must be educated to WHMIS and must passed an open-book test as a requirement to work. The WHMIS worker education includes training workers to understand: · The information on WHMIS labels and MSDSs, the meaning of that
information, and how it applies to their work,
All hazardous materials must have proper labels and material safety data sheets (MSDS) made available. Most MSDS were updated last in 1995 and , therefore, the Centre is in non-compliance with Regulations. The storage rooms of a building require investigation as to: * Compliance with regulations (Occupational Health
and Safety, WHMIS, TDG, Safety Code);
The Occupational Health Committee handles issues related to WHMIS
and safety in the workplace. A standard inspection would verify standard
requirements of fire safety, TDG, WHMIS, and occupational health and safety
regulations.Floor maps should be designed to indicate the locations and
types of chemicals.
Section Assessment Scoring
I(normalized) = 0.350
In this assessment, the values used for I(normalized) are the
same as those obtained and described in section 2.3 The Mathematical
Model. The two tables in The Scale of Values obtained from
the survey, guess-estimated and standard give all normalized
values in their last columns. Although most values were not given here,
they were obtained a few years ago by evaluating each impact as shown in
2.3 under Impact equation example: Forestry. It is obvious
now that one has to keep updating these impact equation calculations every
year as the world is changing very fast. Their calculations are a very
powerful educational tool and should be used in school to educate students
in thinking globally and in terms of interactions and their multidimensional
effects within themselves and on all four major interacting quality systems.
To become responsible in sustaining Earth has to start at early stage in
someone's life and calculating impact equations would be one of their first
Section Rating
= Sub-section % total
x 0.3500
= GESDI for
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3.5.20 Health and Safety
The Visual Inspection of a site shows health and safety hazards. Service rooms (boiler rooms, mechanical room, rooms to accommodate air-conditioning or heating appliances, pumps, compressors and electrical services, janitors’closets) often have all sorts of waste materials, debris, combustible materials, empty containers, dirt, air filters, batteries, unused equipment and equipment left over from previous repairs spread over the floors. They are hazards and will cause potential problems in case of an emergency. The definition of combustible material is given as being a material that is ignitable and liable to burn, including but not limited to wood, dry paper, plastic or plastic synthetic products. The building has to be equipped of a "sprinklered system and the materials be kept in approved cabinets or lockers in such manner, quantity and area as are acceptable to the Fire Chief." The sprinkler system should be designed and installed in conformance with government specifications. Flammable liquids and combustible liquids shall be separated from other hazardous material. Combustible materials in and around the building shall not be permitted to accumulate in such quantities or locations that will constitute a fire hazard. Responsibility for safety rests with the building operator. Unless you have sound training and apply it in your daily routine you may be a safety risk. The building operator’s responsibility for safety is: 1. To maintain a safe building and high quality safe equipment.
(a) Accidents due to neglect of floor surfaces account for
a major source of injury: holes,
Section Assessment Scoring
I(normalized) = 0.4100
In this assessment, the values used for I(normalized) are the
same as those obtained and described in section 2.3 The Mathematical
Model. The two tables in The Scale of Values obtained from
the survey, guess-estimated and standard give all normalized
values in their last columns. Although most values were not given here,
they were obtained a few years ago by evaluating each impact as shown in
2.3 under Impact equation example: Forestry. It is obvious
now that one has to keep updating these impact equation calculations every
year as the world is changing very fast. Their calculations are a very
powerful educational tool and should be used in school to educate students
in thinking globally and in terms of interactions and their multidimensional
effects within themselves and on all four major interacting quality systems.
To become responsible in sustaining Earth has to start at early stage in
someone's life and calculating impact equations would be one of their first
Section Rating
= Sub-section % total
x 0.4100
= GESDI for
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3.5.21 Occupational Health
and Safety Committee
The Occupational Health and Safety Committee handles issues related to issues such as TDG, WHMIS and safety in the workplace. Minutes of the 12 months of the Committee’s meetings were obtained. The Occupational Health and Safety Committee should have other responsibilities such as: · be upgraded to cover environmental, health and safety issues;
Section Assessment Scoring
I(normalized) = 0.2800
In this assessment, the values used for I(normalized) are the
same as those obtained and described in section 2.3 The Mathematical
Model. The two tables in The Scale of Values obtained from
the survey, guess-estimated and standard give all normalized
values in their last columns. Although most values were not given here,
they were obtained a few years ago by evaluating each impact as shown in
2.3 under Impact equation example: Forestry. It is obvious
now that one has to keep updating these impact equation calculations every
year as the world is changing very fast. Their calculations are a very
powerful educational tool and should be used in school to educate students
in thinking globally and in terms of interactions and their multidimensional
effects within themselves and on all four major interacting quality systems.
To become responsible in sustaining Earth has to start at early stage in
someone's life and calculating impact equations would be one of their first
Section Rating
= Sub-section % total
x 0.2800
= GESDI for
this section Back to top of page HOME
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3.5.22 Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) Canada Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act and Regulations (along
with the provinces regulations) regulate the transportation of dangerous
goods in Cabada.
Section Assessment Scoring
I(normalized) = 0.4650
In this assessment, the values used for I(normalized) are the
same as those obtained and described in section 2.3 The Mathematical
Model. The two tables in The Scale of Values obtained from
the survey, guess-estimated and standard give all normalized
values in their last columns. Although most values were not given here,
they were obtained a few years ago by evaluating each impact as shown in
2.3 under Impact equation example: Forestry. It is obvious
now that one has to keep updating these impact equation calculations every
year as the world is changing very fast. Their calculations are a very
powerful educational tool and should be used in school to educate students
in thinking globally and in terms of interactions and their multidimensional
effects within themselves and on all four major interacting quality systems.
To become responsible in sustaining Earth has to start at early stage in
someone's life and calculating impact equations would be one of their first
Section Rating
= Sub-section % total
x 0.4650
= GESDI for
this section Back to top of page HOME
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3.5.23 National Building Code The danger of fire is present in most high occupancy buildings, the precautions which must be taken to prevent and protect from fires take on added importance. The National Building Code outlines the minimum fire safety regulations buildings should comply with in order to safeguard against loss of life and property from fire. These standards cover the design and construction of buildings, the materials used in the buildings, electrical systems, heating and ventilating systems, alarm systems, fire fighting equipment, fire exits, and all other equipment that, in one way or another, could affect the safety of the occupants. Even though all possible safety features may be incorporated in the construction of a building to protect the occupants against fire hazards, the building is not going to be safe unless the building operator accepts full responsibility for the maintenance of safe conditions and the enforcement of fire regulations. Ordinary fires result from the combination of fuel, oxygen, and heat. Remove any of these three ingredients and the fire dies. CLASS A - Fires in ordinary combustibles, such
as wood, paper, and rubbish.
In CLASS A fires, try to remove the heat by cooling using water, soda acid and foam extinguishers. CLASS B fires can be extinguished by removing the fuel (shutting off a gas valve) or by smothering the fire thus cutting off the oxygen supply. CO2 extinguishers dilute the oxygen the fire needs. Foam extinguishers cover the liquid with chemical foam and smother the fire by excluding the oxygen. Dry chemical extinguishers interrupt the chemical action as well as smother the fire. CLASS C fires must be controlled with non-conducting material. CO2 extinguishers are supplied in all areas where there is electrical equipment. Dry chemicals are non-conducting and can be used when necessary. The toxicity of CO2 is practically negligible, but when used in unventilated rooms or a confined space, persons should take precautions to avoid breathing the gases or fumes. The CO2 gas can dilute the oxygen supply below the necessary minimum to sustain life. Chemicals used in dry chemical extinguishers are sodium-bicarbonate, potassium-bicarbonate, and ammonium phosphate. The powder is propelled by either CO2 or nitrogen. They are effective on CLASS B and C fires. They are available in sizes from 2 to 14 kg (5 to 30 lbs). The effective range is 1.5 to 6 m (5 to 20 ft), and the time of discharge is ten to fifteen seconds, varying with the size, type, and manufacturer. Fire extinguisher units must be checked regualarly.The Fire Alarm Equipment
must be inspected regularly.
Section Assessment Scoring
I(normalized) = 0.2900
In this assessment, the values used for I(normalized) are the
same as those obtained and described in section 2.3 The Mathematical
Model. The two tables in The Scale of Values obtained from
the survey, guess-estimated and standard give all normalized
values in their last columns. Although most values were not given here,
they were obtained a few years ago by evaluating each impact as shown in
2.3 under Impact equation example: Forestry. It is obvious
now that one has to keep updating these impact equation calculations every
year as the world is changing very fast. Their calculations are a very
powerful educational tool and should be used in school to educate students
in thinking globally and in terms of interactions and their multidimensional
effects within themselves and on all four major interacting quality systems.
To become responsible in sustaining Earth has to start at early stage in
someone's life and calculating impact equations would be one of their first
Section Rating
= Sub-section % total
x 0.2900
= GESDI for
this section Back to top of page HOME
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3.5.24 Environmental Hazards The environmental legislation requires the owner of a contaminant
that is discharged into the environment in an amount that is in excess
of an operating permit or certificate of approval, to notify the applicable
regulatory agency, to stop the excessive contaminant discharge, and to
cleanup the environmental contamination. No stain, discoloration,
or odors should be observed around floor drains and in sinks linked to
the sewer system, or around sewer system hookups with the sewer system.
There should be no indication of illegal discharge of hazardous wastes
or petroleum products into the drain.There should be no obvious visual
indication of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), lead paint, asbestos, radioactive
or organic or inorganic materials being dumped into sinks or drains.
Sometimes, in order to be certain that there is no such material at the
site, samples would have to be taken from building materials and analyzed
by a laboratory.
Section Assessment Scoring
I(normalized) = 0.4920
In this assessment, the values used for I(normalized) are the
same as those obtained and described in section 2.3 The Mathematical
Model. The two tables in The Scale of Values obtained from
the survey, guess-estimated and standard give all normalized
values in their last columns. Although most values were not given here,
they were obtained a few years ago by evaluating each impact as shown in
2.3 under Impact equation example: Forestry. It is obvious
now that one has to keep updating these impact equation calculations every
year as the world is changing very fast. Their calculations are a very
powerful educational tool and should be used in school to educate students
in thinking globally and in terms of interactions and their multidimensional
effects within themselves and on all four major interacting quality systems.
To become responsible in sustaining Earth has to start at early stage in
someone's life and calculating impact equations would be one of their first
Section Rating
= Sub-section % total
x 0.4920
= GESDI for
this section Back to top of page HOME
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3.5.25 Building Systems Management, Operating and Maintenance Programs Such programs would include: 1. Professional Management and Support Services;
Tasks to be performed include: * Preventive maintenance of all mechanical and electrical
building systems;
Section Assessment Scoring
I(normalized) = 0.3970
In this assessment, the values used for I(normalized) are the
same as those obtained and described in section 2.3 The Mathematical
Model. The two tables in The Scale of Values obtained from
the survey, guess-estimated and standard give all normalized
values in their last columns. Although most values were not given here,
they were obtained a few years ago by evaluating each impact as shown in
2.3 under Impact equation example: Forestry. It is obvious
now that one has to keep updating these impact equation calculations every
year as the world is changing very fast. Their calculations are a very
powerful educational tool and should be used in school to educate students
in thinking globally and in terms of interactions and their multidimensional
effects within themselves and on all four major interacting quality systems.
To become responsible in sustaining Earth has to start at early stage in
someone's life and calculating impact equations would be one of their first
Section Rating
= Sub-section % total
x 0.3970
= GESDI for
this section Back to top of page HOME
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3.5.26 Building Custodial Services and Minor Repairs Such programs would include: * Landscaping and Groundskeeping:
* Fire Safety:
* Housekeeping services:
Tasks to be performed also include: * Co-ordination and scheduling of daily building maintenance
Section Assessment Scoring
I(normalized) = 0.1980
In this assessment, the values used for I(normalized) are the
same as those obtained and described in section 2.3 The Mathematical
Model. The two tables in The Scale of Values obtained from
the survey, guess-estimated and standard give all normalized
values in their last columns. Although most values were not given here,
they were obtained a few years ago by evaluating each impact as shown in
2.3 under Impact equation example: Forestry. It is obvious
now that one has to keep updating these impact equation calculations every
year as the world is changing very fast. Their calculations are a very
powerful educational tool and should be used in school to educate students
in thinking globally and in terms of interactions and their multidimensional
effects within themselves and on all four major interacting quality systems.
To become responsible in sustaining Earth has to start at early stage in
someone's life and calculating impact equations would be one of their first
Section Rating
= Sub-section % total
x 0.1980
= GESDI for
this section Back to top of page HOME
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3.5.27 Project Management Services should be made available for planning, co-ordination and supervision
of renovation
Tasks to be performed also include: * Liaise with architects, engineers and users to establish
project guidelines;
Section Assessment Scoring
I(normalized) = 0.0980
In this assessment, the values used for I(normalized) are the
same as those obtained and described in section 2.3 The Mathematical
Model. The two tables in The Scale of Values obtained from
the survey, guess-estimated and standard give all normalized
values in their last columns. Although most values were not given here,
they were obtained a few years ago by evaluating each impact as shown in
2.3 under Impact equation example: Forestry. It is obvious
now that one has to keep updating these impact equation calculations every
year as the world is changing very fast. Their calculations are a very
powerful educational tool and should be used in school to educate students
in thinking globally and in terms of interactions and their multidimensional
effects within themselves and on all four major interacting quality systems.
To become responsible in sustaining Earth has to start at early stage in
someone's life and calculating impact equations would be one of their first
Section Rating
= Sub-section % total
x 0.0980
= GESDI for
this section
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