Vision and goals

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The following is part of the vision and goals of the Mount Benson Preservation Society.

1.         Environmental Preservation
(Note: see section 'Work in the field' for preliminary preservation work)
2.         Growth Management for the Regional District of Nanaimo
3.        Greenways, Trails & Parks in the region
4.        Creating Quality Places for the community
5.        Ecotourism Development for the region
6.       Sustainable community facilities
7.       Bikes, Walking, & Other Alternatives in the region
8.       Business Climate for a healthy development
9.       Quality of Senior Living of our retirement community
10.       Arts & Culture
11.       Air & Water Quality in the region
12.       Quality of Family Life in the community
13.       Citizen Participation
14.       Waste Management
15.       Harmonious coexistence of environmental preservation and economic activities
16.       Environment at water's edge
17.       Protection of wildlife

Environmental Preservation

*      More parks and open space areas.
*      Connect more with natural aspects of the region (i.e.. plants, weather, water, topography) to understand importance and how they shape our lives.
*      Meet the challenge as stewards of the environment, as well as of community.
*      Natural resources and aesthetic qualities of the region protected.
*      Improve walking trails and forest areas.
*      Improve environment and learn to live in harmony with nature.
*      Preserve nature areas and their natural beauty.
*      Design laws to protect Mount Benson.
*      Cut back on loss of forest, and rural, and forest areas.
*      Careful planning to preserve natural beauty.
*      Protecting more wilderness areas as Natural parks, forests, and other protected areas.
*      More parks for wild life with education support.
*      Protect and preserve the natural beauty of Mount Benson and surrounding ecosystems.
*      Preserve the greenery of the scenery.
*      Preserve and enhance our environment, (mountains, rivers, state parks, forests, etc.).
*      Maintain provincial parks, more funding.
*      Have some the mountain slopes, lakes and rivers restricted from motor boats, off-highway vehicles, etc.
*      Identify and protect ecologically significant land areas.
*      Restore and enhance our natural environment.
*      Create a regional, sustainable living environmental lab out of this whole region of the Regional District of Nanaimo.
*      Envision the Regional District of Nanaimo area as a giant lake and nature park and utilize these natural assets as a desirable place to live in and visit.
*      Enhance and protect our province area's natural resources:
a. Flood and forest fire control;
b. Park systems, clean-up and greenways, etc.
*      Stiffer restrictions and penalties to protect Mount Benson.
*      Preserve and value streams, wetlands, and wildlands.
*      Protect and preserve the environment.
*      Design and build a nature center for the Regional District of Nanaimo.
*      Protect our wildlife.
*      Preserve and enhance our natural ridge and valleys.
*      Preserve our resources.
*      Preserving natural resources and national parks.
*      Business and companies must pay true costs for products, instead of getting breaks on environmental laws (like damage to streams).
*      The environmental protection of the Regional District of Nanaimo is key to drawing visitors and residents having better than average life.
*      Preserve environment and enhance areas that have suffered (greenspace, rivers, soil, trees).
*      Aggressive land conservation program (wildlands and agriculture) and urban forests and farms funded by a wheel tax and car inspection program.
*      More community parks and greenways.
*      Preserve natural beauty-attractive to visitors.
*      Look at all aspects of environment - do what it takes to preserve it. Example: Park system - national - limit traffic.
*      Keep Mount Benson beautiful - preserve natural slope areas.
*      Protect mountain views.
*      Preserve gateway areas to Mount Benson from logging, and from residential and commercial development.
*      Protect natural resources/parks, rivers, lakes, wetlands.
*      Preserve our region's environmental health and beauty.
*      Preserve our natural areas, wildlife, water, natural resources, farmland far into the future-into the seventh generation.
*      Protect the natural resources that make our region so desirable (mountains, lakes, greenspace).
*      Never take Mount Benson for granted.
*      Strong encouragement through legislation to get developers to set aside wildlife areas in all new development.
*      Preserve open places.
*      Developers need to be seriously encouraged to keep areas green and natural trees need to be valued as well as wildlife.
*      Responsible development of the Regional District of Nanaimo while protecting scenic resources while protecting mountains, water (rivers, streams).
*      Limit vehicle access to Mount Benson.
*      Create multiple gateways to Mount Benson so the mountain will be noted for its cleanliness and natural beauty.
*      Preserve nature areas (I.e., tourism, pleasure).
*      Reverse trend of deterioration of Mount Benson.
*      Take proper care of wildlife.
*      Protect the environment/air/water/land.
*      Establish and maintain greenspaces, protect open space and public land.
*      Preserve our greenspaces and address urban sprawl.
*      Uncompromising environmental protection for entire region.
*      Save parks that are threatened with closure.
*      Clean up local lake banks.
*      See some way to better utilize our natural resources.
*      Tougher environmental standards for both public and industry.
*      Every new program should be based on environmental improvements and benefiting posterity.
*      More consideration of the natural habitat when doing construction.
*      Designate the region as a tree region - save and plant trees.
*      Environmentally friendly planning for preservation and development.
*      Implement urban forestry programs (long term planning).
*      Ensure scenic ridges are pristine.
*      Preserve ridges as green areas.
*      Preserve the natural features that provide beauty of the Regional District of Nanaimo.
*      Practice sensible development on flood plains and ridges to protect wetlands and water quality.
*      Preserve open spaces, greenbelt, watershed. More public lands for recreation.
*      Preserve and protect flood plains, wetlands, and natural areas.
*      More trees and less asphalt.
*      More funding for natural resources, conservation efforts.
*      Take care of and improve parks and lakes -- these are our assets.
*      More land set aside for parks and nature trails.
*      Eliminate development along lakes and streams.
*      Create wetlands for wilderness.
*      Promote natural resources -- for example, creating retirement villages.
*      Zone to protect mountains, hills, waterways; establish green belts and flood plains.
*      More public input on clear cutting of forests on Mount Benson and surrounding ecosystems.
*      Preserve integrity of wilderness areas and lakes and recreational areas from development.
*      Preserve natural beauty of region by creating parks, greenways and walking trails.
*      Protect the attributes of beauty: hardwoods, water, mountains -- we'll maintained with recreation.
*      Promote natural areas: waterways and lakes, what we got.
*      Decrease erosion by keeping higher lake levels.
*      Preservation and restoration of natural areas.
*      Preserve freshwater lakes and streams.
*      Ways to encourage land owners to protect the river banks and streams.
*      Protect land along Nanaimo River.
*      Retain open space along highways, and in around towns and cities.
*      Restrict building along waterways and ridge tops.
*      Preserve our natural resources and build upon them for enjoyment of ourselves and others.
*      Protect what is unique and good. Environment, rivers, cultural resources, natural beauty.
*      Preserve natural resources -- open spaces for people who follow us to enjoy.
*      Tax incentives for land owners who want to preserve natural resources and scenic beauty.
*      Preserve our natural and scenic resources.
*      Emphasize preservation more than quick-buck development.
*      Preserve green spaces and natural resources -- for hiking.
*      Work to be a "steward" of the park rather than exploiter.
*      Preserve and protect our natural environment for our families and our future.
*      Develop greenways and parks with nature, plants, trees, and flowers which are available and accessible.
*      Protect streams, trees and natural resources when constructing.
*      No developing of mountain tops, leave trees and plant more.
*      Establishment of regionwide conservation fund for land acquisition and purchase of conservation easements for wild land recreation.
*      Take care of natural resources, especially water.
*      Save the big trees everywhere.
*      Make sure we protect the scenic beauty of our area.
*      Protect water and natural beauty for residents and tourists.
*      Green parks with native plants in every neighborhood.
*      Buy greenbelt areas and parks and protect areas from over-develop.
*      To deter any development adjacent to our waterways and to maintain healthy riparian buffer.
*      Preserve integrity of our outdoors.
*      Preserve and enhance the regional natural environment through education, legislation and appropriation.
*      Protect diversity of life forms.
*      Expand nature center and forks of the river wildlife management.
*      Conservation and preservation of our natural recreational resources, ie. Mount Benson and surrounding ecosystems.
*      Limit development on steep slopes, sink holes, and wet lands.
*      Tree replacing program for developers.
*      Use 85% native plants on public lands and use integrated pest management.
*      Strong laws to preserve trees.
*      More parks, especially nature parks, that are safe to go to.
*      Stop bulldozing the natural land we have left.
*      Nationalize all forest and mining corporation lands to prevent destruction.
*      More city/Regional District of Nanaimo parks.
*      Work towards keeping our region environmentally safe. Have more walking areas throughout the county and protect our green spaces.
*      Create a development plan that preserves the natural beauty.
*      Stewardship of our bodies of water; lakes, streams, etc. (including Mount Benson.)
*      Use tax dollars for green spaces in cities.
*      Less commercialism with emphasis on preserving the natural beauty.
*      Plan for planting trees, especially native trees, along roadways and in parking lots. Many destroyed that need to be replaced.
*      See area promoted as a place for families to learn about the environment and nature.
*      Protect the scenic beauty of the Mount Benson and surrounding ecosystems by law.
*      Preserve adjacent land to Mount Benson, Westwood Ridge, no ridge top development.
*      Replace trees that are cut down.
*      More funding for parks in area.
*      More land for public use.
*      Prevent or stop destruction of trees on Mount Benson.
*      Stop mutilating vegetation along roadways.
*      Preserve lakes, rivers and woodland areas.
*      Emphasis on the environment locally to enforce laws, make companies comply and make regulations tougher.
*      Preserve the wild areas and endangered species of all kinds.
*      Increase hillside and wetlands protection.
*      Preserve land throughout region as national/public parks. Preserve natural areas.
*      Implement regional parks and roadside clean up systems.
*      Educate people about native species.
*      Stop cutting vegetation along highways just to improve business visibility. Regulate signage and communication towers to preserve scenic beauty.
*      Preserve unique/rare ecological environments with needed buffer zones.

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Growth Management for the Regional District of Nanaimo

*      Realize difference between growth and development. Requirement for developers to be more concerned for the environment, especially during excavation. Make developers more accountable. Environmentally responsible development. Avoid haphazard development.
*      Clean up logging and construction areas, don’t just leave them.
*      Protect small communities from annexation, cut down on the number of subdivisions being built, and do not use mountains and natural areas for industrial parks.
*      Preserve some undeveloped land. Committee to protect environment during expansions with managed growth.
*      Better planning of the expansion of neighborhoods and business to prevent overcrowding in general.
*      Preserve our existing assets and not allow them to be compromised by uncontrolled development.
*      Encourage developers to adopt sustainable building practices. Use sustainability as a measuring stick for change.
*      Make use of unused /underdeveloped areas before considering annex or expansion. Redevelop existing areas rather than move into rural areas. Restrict suburban sprawl. Redevelop older, depressed urban area. Use current building spaces before developing more.
*      Control commercial and residential sprawl. Stop urban sprawl. Plan for quality growth. Planned growth areas to prevent urban sprawl and reserve more rural areas. Try to do planned growth between different sectors of use (industry, recreation, residential, etc.).
*      Plan for population way ahead of time. Comprehensive zoning laws for all communities.
*      Ensure that future generations have adequate local and regional parks, greenways, trails, and open space.
*      Start urban planning to control urban sprawl, traffic and pollution.
*      Residential zoning to preserve land and property values. Planned growth to allow for a diversity of land use while maintaining a good quality of life.
*      Keep the beauty of the area in tact with planned growth. It is important to protect and preserve the environment, the forests, rivers, rural farm lands and wildlife so that all development will be sustainable development. Sustainable development; look at big picture before development, responsible growth.
*      Ways to generate money to support park systems. Preserve land for active and passive parks, both city and county areas.
*      Develop villages. Developers should help pay for new schools and streets.
*      Save Mount Benson and surroundings ecosystems by restricting ridge top development and addressing environmental issues. Implement ridge top development restrictions.
*      Manage development to maintain the motto "the peaceful side of Mount Benson".
*      Keep a balance of development with green space. Anticipate and plan for growth. Develop and embrace guidelines for responsible growth.
*      Comprehensive regional land use planning-enterprise zones, recreational zones, wildlife zones. Decided by a voting referendum of all citizens, not committees, corporations, or elected officials.
*      Increase environmental emphasis by contractors. Managed growth to control/maintain natural beauty. Better environmental regulation. Promote responsible and reasonable environmental planning will ensure good quality of life. Keep development community-centered and environmentally friendly.
*      Plan ahead to have plenty of parks. Dedicate certain areas that may NEVER be subdivided.
*      Involve environmentalists in all major planning. Environmentally friendly planning for development.
*      Proactive comprehensive development plan to connect schools, parks, senior citizen facilities- focused on community size systems.
*      Change the way we approach development and plan for quality of life.
*      Protect scenic beauty and natural resources by recycling old neighborhoods, preserve open space, and find alternatives to urban sprawl. Redevelop used areas rather than develop natural areas.
*      Develop strategy for sustainable development. Manage growth through environmental sustainable development. Restrictions on development promote green areas, tree planting and beautification.
*      Protect, preserve, invest in the scenic beauty of Mount Benson and of surrounding ecosystems, and in historic resources. Planned growth.
*      Preserve unique historical and biological areas with appropriate buffer zones.
*      Major highway growth plan for next 50 years to preserve nature and historical areas for all areas, industrial, urban.
*      Conservation -- electricity, fuel, land.
*      Regulate growth so that the region remains attractive.
*      Prepare for population growth along and around the bottom of the slopes of Mount Benson and surroundings ecosystems with a corridor of sound planning, strong zoning and government focus on preserving the beauty and heritage.
*      The regional land use plan should accentuate unique qualities of scenic areas. Use better planning to maintain character and attract tourists.
*      Concentrate more on community growth, not just industrial growth.
*      Planned economic development. Encourage planning that respects environment.
*      Keep the developers, constructors real estate people and their relatives off zoning-planning commissions. To require developers to pay for the negative impacts that they produce through their development.
*      Require compensation of neighbors for commercial development that detracts from their quality of life (noise, traffic,
pollution.). Recognize the impact or aesthetics of the economy on the quality of life.
*      Limit human population growth to as close to zero as possible.
*      Practice green development, slow habitat destruction, practice habitat restoration, support solar electric power.
*      Stop clear-cutting sites. Limit size and amount of subdivisions.
*      Implement and improve checks and balance relationships between citizens and developers; weigh costs/benefits beyond economic and short term.
*      Getting communities to realize the "real" costs of development i.e.; environmental, fiscal, social, etc..
*      Strict enforcement of environmental regulations-region-wide environmental; clean up and preservation.
*      Fair taxation of developers to support county infrastructure. Make an understandable plan for development including growth boundaries, tightening towns.
*      Urban tree management plans for the Regional District of Nanaimo that focus on tree protection, preservation and planting.
*      Protect any prominent mountain top from being bulldozed for apartment buildings.
*      Set of regional policies and plans concerning responsible growth management.
*      A community action congress that would monitor; development, land use, zoning from outside government.
*      Regional planning and implementation; land use, water quality, transportation, etc.
*      Required planning to retain and enhance natural resources as apart of growth/development.
Protection of natural and scenic resources through greenways, conservation easements, etc. Mandatory open space preservation and effective development restrictions.
*      Regional planning and resource centers for citizens to view and comment on development plans.
*      Workshops for property owners and developers to educate about sustainable land use practices.

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Greenways, Trails & Parks in the region

*      Provide bike trails/paths/lanes that connect each community of the Regional District of Nanaimo. Build a greenway to connect them.
*      Region wide interconnected network of greenways and open spaces. Build drive to observation points to see our communities.
*      Regional network of hiking and biking trails. More greenways and more trails and have viewing areas for wildlife and preserve wildlife from development.
*      Make better use of natural resources, i.e. bike trails, hiking, green belts. Bike trails connecting between communities.
*      More parks and recreation areas in the community. Greenways and pedestrian trails. Greenbelt areas within industrial and residential areas.
*      Expand our hiking and biking trails so they go to Mount Benson and expand exercise programs for all ages.
*      Create system of regional horse trails for buggies and trail riding (with centralized areas for coffee shops and bed and breakfasts and antique shops).
*      Greenbelts/greenway throughout region - out in the mountains.
*      More walking trails. More safe walking trails in nature areas. Create more walking trails with safe and convenient facilities and programming to encourage use.
*      Provide a long walking course for walking, biking, jogging that you can get on at different points - 4-5 kilometer increments.
*      Provide nature trails. Regional system of interconnecting greenways. Greenbelt system throughout the county connecting all greenspace.
*      Community park commission connecting city park systems to come up with community wide system development.
*      Hiking/biking trails, clean creeks - more and better greenways.
*      Regional greenway and blueway (water) system. Greenways - hiking, biking paths - add more and improve what we have. More greenway space throughout the region (interconnected web).
*      Multi-use paths that connect the communities - bikes, foot, equestrian, etc.
*      Public use hiking area - along crest of Mount Benson - possible combine with a day-use park.
*      Develop greenways in new and existing communities, and bikeways along new and existing roads. Greenways connecting communities around blueways to connect rivers.
*      Safer greenway walking and bike trails.
*      Continue green way project to connect entire region to Mount Benson.
*      Develop a region-wide network to link parks, greenways, shorelines, and other open spaces.
*      Create a series of sidewalks and greenways that connect all of the Regional District of Nanaimo.
*      Greenways, bike trails in communities to bring them together in a natural environment -- tie to Mount Benson.
*      Create a more physically attractive city -- develop a plan to create more parks and walking trains.
Build a region-wide network of interconnected greenways for biking/walking in a natural setting.
Blue ways -- kayak and canoe access and designated trails along major waterways. Paddle ways; canoe and kayak trails.
Natural trail along river downtown and upstream. Build a river trail. Fully integrated green spaces and waterfront development with bike paths.
*      Bike lanes on major roads with trails that connect greenways and parks; encouraging environmentally friendly transportation.
Develop walkways and sidewalks and greenways interconnecting neighborhoods; require this in future development plans.
*      More linear parks, greenways, residential parks and open green spaces.
*      Do not close walk ways to the mountains.
*      Create an integrated system of greenways that connects neighborhoods and commercial areas.
*      Build safe, regional greenways which are wide enough for multiple concurrent use. Development of bike trails and walking paths throughout all communities.
*      Develop more greenways and bicycle/pedestrian safe streets.
*      Continued and improved greenway preservation accelerate trails linking communities and Mount Benson.
*      Footpath and bike trail from downtown Nanaimo to Mount Benson.
*      Establish and implement a 50-year plan for creating natural links between the communities in the region.
Urban wilderness system with regional greenway and blue way system.
Connect city to national park and other recreational areas.
*      Increase in accessibility; parks, greenways, bike trails and sidewalks.
*      Need greenways and parks, their maintenance and bicycling as an alternative form of transportation.

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Creating Quality Places for the community

*      Design communities on human and pedestrian scale instead of for autos. Encourage compact growth patterns.
Design the community with an emphasis on protection of the environment, compact settlements and maintenance of open land. Re-establish the easily reachable market places, plazas for the development of individual and community potential.
*      Encourage landscape plantings for long-term, both residential and commercial. Turn abandoned rock areas into parks.
*      More industrial and commercial plazas without disturbing esthetics of areas and roads. Redevelop run-down areas. Clean up useless buildings. Clean up abandoned buildings and houses.
*      Outdoor aesthetics and greenways for our schools, shopping areas, etc. Distinctive architecture in new public buildings -- make us proud. Improve appearance of mobile home parks.
*      More lights on the street in dark areas of town. Increase number of street lights in residential areas. Less disability oriented discrimination.
*      Sidewalks on every street and/or wider roads to accommodate walkers and bikers and wheelchairs. Disabled accessibility to public transportation system. Need handicap accessibility throughout the community and region. Facilities and the programs in them will be accessible to people with disabilities considering our aging population. Better handicapped accessibility on streets, transit, and buildings. More sidewalks. Sidewalks mandated for all new housing.
*      Develop or create huge park (or preserve a natural area) implementing the use of walkways; lots of re-circulating fountains; lots of flowers and large trees, benches, tables for art to be displayed; adequate free parking. More park and recreational areas within walking distance.
*      Strategically placed shade trees to cool off summer heat. Strategically plant urban shade trees to reduce heat and ozone pollution.
*      More public art installations; art in public places. Incorporate buildings into the land/environmentally friendly design.
*      More greenery in residential & commercial areas. Increase landscaping along roads. Local access to parks and recreation. More natural development leaving more trees and grass in business areas.
*      Create shade tree-lined boulevards along all major highways into cities & towns in the region. Anything would aid the keeping of a humanized tone to our environment, e.g., greenspace left in areas being developed such as parks that people can walk to and sidewalks.Pocket parks and community garden plots. Put in community parks, sidewalks, and more street lights to make safer and have more interaction.
*      Develop pedestrian-friendly environments, i.e., bicycle, sidewalks, green ways in all communities in the region.
*      Plan growth by clustering activities to facilitate small community development.
*      Better community planning - where they work, places to shop, sidewalks. People live near where they work.
*      Architectural design choices so that it appears that there is a method to "our madness." Show uniqueness to your area. The current designs have no artistic creativity. Creation of a physical and attitudinal environment that welcomes all citizens.
*      Make residential neighborhoods pedestrian, including waterways -- reduce auto volume and speed. Preservation of urban forests and regional land cover..let this be the reason for re-establishing small neighborhood communities where goods and services are within safe walking or biking distance at the same time inhibiting urban sprawl. Offer landscaped bicycle paths and walking paths. Improve visual image of city; fountains, parks, walkways, sculptures.
*      Increase the diversity of our urban areas; replace surface parking lots with buildings.
*      Enforce handicap access and regulations to buildings and recreation area.
*      More green space in developments and within cities, including parks and recreation sites. Create and implement guidelines such as protecting development view sheds and energy conservation. Conformity of outdoor business lights; low intensity/orange.
*      Signage restrictions; size, materials, set back guidelines, number of signs. No visual or noise pollution. Reduce noise pollution. (helicopters).
*      Adopt and enforce a better defined landscaping and beautification policy for commercial housing.
*      Promotion of villages; mix of commercial, residential, parks within walking distance. Create walkways, cafes, pedestrian malls and open areas. Sustainable community development. Reconfigure and localize neighborhoods to accommodate neighborhood centers.
*      Take some main roads and turn them into parkways; removal of telephone poles, planting of trees and shrubbery in mediums.
*      Standardization of landscaping requirements for all businesses and more stringent requirements supporting more green. Inclusion of green space in development planning for subdivisions and businesses.
*      Sound barriers when highways go through neighborhoods.
*      Encourage landscape plantings for long-term, both residential and commercial.
*      Better community planning - where they work, places to shop, sidewalks. People live near where they work.

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Ecotourism Development for the region

*      Regional approach to tourism system. Clearer vision of what tourism means. Eco-tourism - job creation with earth in mind. More parks to go along with this. Make region known for something to attract tourists. Multiple linked-end, destination tourist facilities. Regional major attractions.
*      Put more focus on getting more tourists to utilize the beauty of the region, rivers and develop beauty that mirrors the region. More tourist attractions. Become a water sports center. Bring camp invention from Inventors Hall of Fame. Create Tourism trail. Eco-tourism science facility. Advertise region - build tourism of whole region. Support tourism-more tourism attractions. Create regional tourism scheme focusing on four seasons, geography and diversity of people.
*      Cooperative efforts in marketing tourist attractions. Find ways to make our region a destination using our unique resources.
*      Market our museum and art centers better (the entire region). Support for region-wide tourism development and marketing. Make the region a place where people want to visit and live.
*      Stronger, more experienced convention/visitors' bureau to enhance tourism.
*      In conjunction with the convention center, need a major attraction downtown, something to make people want to come. World class regional arboretum/conservatory/botanical garden. More economic development of inner-city.
*      More entertainment/amusements in the region that could attract tourists to come to our city. Region become an arts center.
*      Use wide range of draws to create a regional tourist destination. Avoid commercialism. Natural habitat tourist attraction.
*      More family-oriented parks and community activities. Less emphasis on tourist-type of parks, etc. *      Growth with respect for our environment; parks, clean rivers, lakes targeted to recreation and tourism. Make our provincial parks admission free. Promote regional natural attractions and assets through tourism.
*      A region united by focus on ecological tourism for all of the Regional District of Nanaimo, linking urban to natural through environmentally sound means, such as light rail.
*      Better educate local citizens about regional tourism. In the interest of tourism, have greater pride in our area of all people.
*      Promote marina/dam to bring others to the area.
*      Preserve natural resources, but don't overburden the area with new tourist areas. Promote lakes and waterways as a tourist attraction.
*      Use recreational tourism, especially lakes, to get people into the region and boost economy.
*      Annual major event for the Regional District of Nanaimo.
*      Advertise our natural resources (but sustainable) on the internet. Sustainable growth for tourist industry: quality diverse restaurants.
*      Tourist transportation to limit private cars.
*      Create identity that preserves natural beauty of the area as a part of business tourism and quality of life. Tour bus parking downtown.
*      Develop canoeing blueways, take outs and canoe camping area.
*      Develop the region into a destination location for education, tourism and retirement.
*      Development of a science center as a tourist/educational attraction. Tie in literature or science.
*      Eliminate commercial advertising billboards or restrict content to informative/community events and tourism destinations.
*      Promote tourism and development of retirement communities.

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Sustainable community facilities

*      Create a visual arts center(s) featuring regional artists, combining studio and retail space. Natural history museum. More community centers for recreation. Children's discovery center downtown. Children's discovery museums/technology museum. More museums and arboretums. Small picnic areas throughout region.
*      Nicer area for local entertainment to perform. Build more libraries, schools and parks for more entertainment, like red light district.
*      Create more museums, better promotions for existing museums. Science museum, a good one, more hands on. Community center larger to include recreational and technology.
*      Places for entertainment in beautiful outside settings. Need more attractions (amusement parks, IMAX, etc.). More entertainment centers in smaller communities.
*      More public libraries spread out in the community. Bigger libraries. Have a large meeting facility in each of the counties for town meetings and community events that will encourage participation. Educational center and recreational center to promote the region.
*      Plant sanctuary with atrium. Create botanical garden for native plants. Build bird sanctuary. Build a premier botanical garden to showcase native plants and to encourage gardening as a hobby.
*      Foundation for community encouragement classes for better team building within the region. Have a fresh and saltwater aquarium on the river.
*      Take more advantage of mild outdoor climate - amphitheaters, outdoor evening activities. Establish an outdoor market for exchange of flowers and produce.
*      Develop world class nature/education center or camp to take advantage of the Mount Benson and mountainous land and ocean settings of the region as living lab and take advantage of scientific expertise in the region.
*      Establish a science camp on Mount Benson. Change college home project to museum project and housing. Build state of the art planetarium.
*      Develop marina/rowing area with shopping and entertainment centers, paddle boats by restaurant, walk-bridge to NewCastle Island for year-round use.
*      Develop Sportings with walking trails marked on map.
*      Develop a Zoo into major facility including focus on endangered species reproduction.
*      Address the World Fair Park. Make World's Fair Park more of a park. Establish an IMAX theater at World's Fair Park. Utilize farmer's market. Corridor connecting the convention center/World's Fair site to waterfront. Develop a herpetarium at World's Fair Park (reptiles and amphibians).
*      Develop quality theme park. Parks with community centers which can be utilized year-round.
*      Youth centers. Children's museum. Interactive museum downtown for all kids in area. Truly family-oriented. Theater organized by volunteers for small and large groups and for after school activities. Convert dirty bowl under Baptist Hospital to multigenerational exercise course. Community amusement park. Build a children's museum. Have a community center for children and elderly to help get children of streets after school; also give elderly something to do. Expansion and endowment of Beck Cultural Exchange Center. Plan educational and recreational facilities which will encourage youth and elderly to take part.
*      Improve library services throughout the region. Public libraries for 21st century. 50 electronic library placed throughout region. Upgrade and expand Nanaimo library. A new main public library, as well as branches throughout the Regional District of Nanaimo. It should reflect heritage and provide needed services for all people.
*      Community Center for all ages. Community center: Recreation center/class-in training, one of which training for volunteers for tourism jobs, or learning a trade. Build a civic center. Community Center for youth, adult and seniors (individual centers). Very large community center - ongoing activities for all age groups. Indoor swimming pools - indoor gardens, major community center with activities for all.
*      Maintain small community identity by providing community centers for young and old alike. Establish community centers to keep sense of community for youth, adults, and seniors.
*      Develop multipurpose public facilities. More recreational facilities for all ages.
*      Multi-cultural center, (small and moderate sized performance space and comparable rehearsal space) which would include history and art. Accessible affordable office space for all individuals and groups - studio space. Establish a civic center to promote the highest quality of what mankind has achieved. Community center where people can get information about non-profits.
*      Well equipped community centers for all family members. All ages would be exposed to each other. A major community center with modern architectural design which would include senior and youth centers, theater, grocery stores, shops -- in keeping with the historical area.
*      Better conference facilities.
*      Open air theater and auditorium for concerts and lectures.
*      Park with playground and picnic tables.
*      Taking advantage of historical theatres downtown to make downtown more of an entertainment venue. Develop series of regional gardens; including conservatory, auditorium and amphitheater. Children's discovery museum downtown/planetarium. Large center city park with a botanical and or butterfly garden. Establish mini museums downtown that focus on science, history and art.
*      A regional commercial and cultural center for downtown Nanaimo. Places where people can go in our community.
*      Historical bio-diversity amusement park on south side of riverfront, connected to downtown Nanaimo by monorail or river taxi with chair lift.
*      Design and build a large public conservatory as part of south side waterfront development of Nanaimo.

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Bikes, Walking, & Other Alternatives in the region

*      Bike lanes, add more.
*      More sidewalks and trails.
*      Help with transportation to extra-curricular activities.
*      Biking/hiking trail system that would run by waterways and other points of interest and would allow people to begin biking from their own neighborhoods.
*      Create alternate/contiguous destination with alternate travel methods (link sites) - minimize automobile travel.
*      Bike lanes and laws.
*      Expand greenways and make greenways a coordinated effort for entire region and more public transportation to walking trails.
*      The quality and safety for all pedestrians and bicyclists.
*      Create more walking opportunities and develop a top-notch mass transit system and encourage non-vehicular modes of travel.
*      More sidewalks, pedestrian-friendly.
*      Develop alternative, environmentally responsible, and efficient means of transportation.
*      Better roads and sidewalks.
*      Bike trails.
*      Shift away from cars to other means of transportation.
*      Transportation policies -- less dependent on personal cars (greenways, electric busses, light rail).
*      Decrease general dependence on automobiles.
*      Make our region a leader in research, demonstration and manufacturing of alternative forms of transportation.
*      Develop transportation systems other than automobile.
*      Sidewalks all through town so that cycling and walking are available to everyone.
*      Some sort of transportation link from downtown to mountains.
*      Bike paths that do not endanger the bikers or traffic.
*      Less congested transportation by providing safer alternatives for bicycling and sidewalks.
*      Alternative transportation - bike and walking along major arteries.
*      Develop bikeways, greenways, and footpaths (sidewalks) to meet transportation purposes, as well as recreational purposes.
*      Provide for alternative transportation - walk, bike, all over the Regional District of Nanaimo.
*      "Alternate" fuel vehicles only.
*      To promote respect between petroleum-based transportation and non-petroleum-based transportation.
*      When planning bike and pedestrian trails, promote restroom facilities.
*      Develop more alternative transportation corridors/greenways.
*      Improve/enhance water ways so people encouraged to use/take advantage.
*      Hiking and biking trails throughout the region.
*      Sidewalks along all streets and highways, subdivisions.
*      Prohibit private cars on Mount Benson
*      Facilitate alternative transportation by enhancing the greenway system.
*      A complete commuter bike trail throughout town
*      Less automobile traffic and more pedestrian and bike traffic
*      Control the vehicle traffic and emissions into the area.
*      River transportation system.
*      Bikes lanes all over the place.
*      Establishment of a bicycle route along Parkway through the Regional District of Nanaimo.
*      Regional system of bike/walking trails (greenways); well policed and safe.
*      Bike/fitness/greenway trails.
*      Infrastructure for pedestrian and bike transport.
*      Establish mandatory car-pooling or public transportation.
*      Make the area become less automobile dependent by providing more greenways, bike lanes, rail lines, and sidewalks.
*      Car pool lanes.
*      More accessibility to alternative transportation -- bikes, commuting, non-fossil fuels.
*      Need a way to get to the trails without fighting congestion to reduce air pollution so you can enjoy the view.
*      Dependable transportation for disabled and seniors.
*      Park and ride service to get to work.
*      Heavily restrict traffic in mountains.
*      Safer roads for biking or greenways that take you somewhere (more than 5-6 kilometers).
*      All city roads to be suitable for bicycles.
*      Shoulders on roads for bikes, pedestrians.
*      Develop an area-wide network of non-motorized transportation (i.e., greenways) with public access and multi-use.
*      Re-think and restructure automobile transportation and parking.
*      Create serious alternative transportation corridors for bikes, walkers, and anyone other than people who drive cars.
*      Build bicycling lanes; and encourage respect for cyclists.
*      Extend hiking/biking trails throughout the Regional District of Nanaimo.
*      Wider roads with berm for walking and riding bikes.
*      Green ways that serve a more useful function by connecting nodes of development.
*      Create balance between vehicle, pedestrian and bicycle traffic by using traffic calming and green links.
*      Achieve "walkable" community.
*      Learn to live with less; bicycle trails, walking trails, connect to mountains and neighboring communities with sidewalks.
*      Extension of bike trails to public venues.
*      Bike lanes on old and new roads.
*      Bike paths connecting downtown and all the way to suburbs.
*      With every new road or road improvement, add sidewalks or bike lanes.
*      Pedestrian walking, biking trails, greenways linking City of Nanaimo and surrounding towns.
*      Develop a tricycle/bicycle/walking trail in the vestal community.
*      Rollercoasters for public transportation.
*      More parks for bicycles and skateboards.
*      Walking and bicycling trail that would link our communities.
*      Provide a safe area for skateboarding, bicycling and skating.
*      Eliminate need to drive everywhere.
*      Leverage on transportation research assets to make the Regional District of Nanaimo the center for non-automotive transportation.

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Business Climate for a healthy development

*      Better marketing of our regional assets. In the vision, identify our best assets, that actually bring people to the area. Create a regional economic development plan. Environmentally sustainable economic growth. A balance development, resource protection and corporate recruiting. Diversified economy that encourages entrepreneurial activity. City of Nanaimo and Regional District of Nanaimo commit themselves to change economic barriers regarding development. More planning that we implement in terms of development that protects investments and makes the area desirable. Enhance economic development. Stronger link between developments that happen and the infrastructure needed to support them.
*      Regional efforts and abilities to recruit new business and industry. Need an economic development council instead of economic growth. Be more business and development friendly. Better ways to promote better economic development over the entire Regional District of Nanaimo. Learn about and understand each other's counties so we can better promote them. Recruit employers that provide jobs which are above poverty level in pay and benefits in all communities.
*      Higher paying jobs for companies that are environmentally friendly.
*      Recruit business that are proactive in supporting family values. Responsible employers. Maintain a high quality of life for everyone -- be more cooperative and less greedy -- an optimistic, positive culture.
*      Discourage mega centers that destroy private enterprise. Regional identity, unique.
*      Have a motto such as "gateway to the mountains and ocean on Vancouver Island" to sell the region and a shorter name vision. Develop a positive regional identity on a national scale. Get rid of hillbilly image.
*      Foster growth through creative tax incentives.
*      Focus on regional assets - Mount Benson and surroounding ecosystems - improve air quality - ocean settings. All four seasons.
*      Capitalize on tradition of scientific research and development, like research triangle park.
*      Send publications to sell region to conventions of mayors, CEO's, etc. Stage "drawing" events to bring people to come here so they can see other "non glowing" assets. Promote area for what we do have; recreation, natural beauty, history, etc.
*      Create a region that is business, entrepreneurial, and industry friendly. Laws, codes, workman's compensation, education, zoning, roads and communities. More cooperation between developers, government and individuals to foster more economic opportunities for everybody.
*      Develop a more highly skilled workforce to attract new businesses by reducing dropout rate and offering adult training programs. Development that puts people first, not profits. Assist in entrepreneurship training in whole region to help control growth. Local people should develop local properties/resources.
*      To protect our community from businesses that promote immorality.
*      Promote and improve private airports. Maximize the strengths of air transportation.
*      Balance industrial growth with assurance that recreational, health, environmental, and residential needs are met. More responsibility by commercial property owners to maintain their property.
*      Media responsibility to take role in promoting positive elements of the community. Positive public advertising and image.
*      Attract good companies that pay well, don't pollute, and support neighbors.
*      Market the area and its natural resources to improve image. Welcome the world to this beautiful area. Economic development with low impact on quality of life.
*      Recognize that not all businesses are good for the community. Central economic development organization that all chambers are a part of; equal voice, equal vote.
*      Publicly address what we gain and lose from population/business growth.
*      Create relationship between industry, government and education.
*      Foster an attitude of decentralization of goods and services.
*      Planned effort focused on making our region and its economy more resilient and vibrant.

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Quality of Senior Living of our retirement community

*      Prepare for future of our elderly. Strong emphasis on retirement community. Develop retirement communities. Provide care for the elderly. Provide services for the elderly. Plan for needs of senior citizens. Good quality senior care facilities. Senior center in each community in the Regional District of Nanaimo. Better facilities for the aging. More affordable nursing home and retirement communities. Spread out elderly care. Affordable health services for seniors including prescription drugs.
*      Recognize as a resource the citizens who have retired to this area. Recognize the talents and resources brought to our communities by a growing retiring population. Provide chances for retirees to be engaged in community life. Exploit talent and experience of retired. Need plan to get retired people active and involved/participating. Continue to consider seniors, they are a good resource.
*      Promote "adopt a grandparent" programs to meet needs and share wealth of wisdom and perspective. More social activities that are free especially for older population. More facilities for youths and seniors.
*      Interaction between younger and older people. Programs for interaction of older people (especially in nursing homes) with younger people.
*      More choices for affordable assisted living for senior adults. Affordable assisted-living for elderly and better health care. Better, accessible healthcare for senior citizens.
*      Transportation for older people who should not drive. Transportation services for our seniors and others.
*      More recreational parks for senior citizens. More nice, centrally located senior centers. Need senior citizens center.
*      Need system of volunteers for respite care of elderly. Senior citizen outreach. Establish a volunteer services center to use growing number of retirees.
*      More services to the elderly to allow them to be self sufficient longer. Help the elderly live more independently in their own homes by providing support services.
*      Promote senior services, i.e., transportation, daycare, nursing homes, assisted living, in-home services and activities, etc. Assisted living facilities for senior citizens.
*      Provide for excellent retirement facilities and programs, etc. Improve facilities for senior citizens. More affordable housing for elderly. Create more programs for elderly people. Concern for aging population - assisted living centers, etc. Better facilities for aging, care and recreation. Think about more nursing homes and caring for the elderly. More affordable assisted living and home health care for senior citizens. Help elderly with low-income housing, low medicine prices, and transportation.
*      Activities for middle age and elderly. Program to help elderly maintain homes they don't want to leave. Make use of abilities and expertise of seniors.
*      Involve seniors to solve problems in society (develop program for). Utilize senior citizens in public programs with non-taxable nominal wages.
*      Computer classes for senior citizens well equipped with all supplies.
*      Need community centers geographically located for senior citizens with health programs and whole community - all ages. Every community is responsible for its elderly.
*      All-day care center for our senior adults while family is working. More and better variety of facilities for elderly.
*      Gated community where senior citizens can feel safe. As communities become more developed, local assisted care living facilities are needed.
*      More help for seniors in their home. Extend senior nutrient services to all areas. Get more people off welfare and provide better and more affordable care for our elderly.
*      Lunch provided for senior citizens who volunteer in the school.
*      Services for homes where people can live in a community for elderly where yards are kept up.
*      Provide educational and recreational opportunities for older people.
*      Better care facilities for senior citizens that utilize resources for efficiently.
*      Help elderly people so they can have fun.
*      Daycare facility for senior adults.
*      Programs set up for older folks to pass on knowledge, lore.

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Arts & Culture

*      Create and foster a creative arts council for the entire Regional District of Nanaimo. Preserve and centralize the cultural arts within the communities. More attention and more funds to the arts and culture of our region. Conservatory to encompass storytelling, woodcraft, theater, etc.
*      Art/cultural center within a bike ride from everyone in Nanaimo. Promote performing arts. Support more visual arts. Promotion of visual arts for young and old.
*      Neighborhood-based art districts, each with its own flavor.
*      Teach more about the different cultures. Major Native Canadian monument or museum or cultural centre around the areas where they're digging up graves.
*      A cultural center. Improve the quality of public television. An urban radio station offering a variety of music, news, public service.
*      More cultural activities like museums and theatres. More museums and centers for hands on learning.
*      More art education in schools in smaller communities.
*      Focus on the different number of cultures in the arts and in entertainment.
*      Promote the arts not only to draw others to the area, but to our existing arts and artists. Promote the arts -- all facets.
*      School for the arts - young and old. Create a regional arts and crafts center.
*      Think of people and cultural activities as assets. Civic Center centrally located that would offer the very best in humanities, science and arts.
*      Broad expansion and expression of what is authentic to region by developing arts, culture, entertainment, and history into an industry.
*      Cultivate a broad variety of the arts. Develop a way to share and show off our culture.
*      Have a music festival. Promote arts of our heritage (music). Atmosphere conducive to celebration of regional music.
*      Give community access to theaters at no charge for their own production.
*      Multicultural Arts and Sciences and Convention Center for riverfront of Nanaimo.
*      Promote cultural activities. Develop the arts and culture in the community and schools.Performing arts available to all children.
*      Democratization of the arts, marketing to the working class. Provide more cultural opportunities in schools.
*      Learning and discovery museums and centers for children.
*      Better venues for cultural arts, music, conventions.
*      Outdoor drama theater.
*      Cultivate riverfronts for relaxation and culture.
*      More cultural activities such as concerts for people to participate in. Family-oriented activities (theater). Public notice available in shopping centers and public areas regarding cultural activities and parking availability. Emphasize and be alert to the importance of the arts in the life of a community - visual, cultural, performance, literacy.
*      More arts/crafts facilities.
*      Create and Regionalize the Dogwood Arts Festival.
*      Regional arts focus, arts swap, play workshops, and Mountain Ocean Arts Community.
*      Increase volunteer participation in the communities (arts).
*      Share cultural experiences with communities -- learn more about each other. Center for storytelling, history, film making, with assistance in recording. Develop a reputation for promoting and developing the arts -- conservation and funding for the arts. Need to have more cultural awareness and diversity programs in our schools, government, and community. More emphasis on cultural/music programs in schools and community.
*      Apprenticeship program to preserve regional craftsmanship.
*      Central data base of current attraction for our area which would include; recreation, crafts, fine arts (visual and performing), history, traveling, that is kept current and accessible for both residents and tourists.
*      More arts, music and second language in schools.
*      Better public and private support of our arts, culture, and history. Increase the importance of arts in education and funding to arts organizations.
*      Develop a cultural center for regional non-profits and art organizations to share ideas, expenses, resources.
*      Support and encourage local theatre, local music and local artisan.
*      Not only make this area a center for the arts but to extend them to the whole community.
*      Comprehensive art center funded by tax dollars. Funding for cultural education: A; regional. B; arts. C; Classical Music.
*      Nationally recognized art festival.
*      Summer Creativity Camp for children.
*      Artist cultural hub; grant, movies, residence, fellowships, etc.
*      Regional artistic festival theatre, dance, art, fine arts.
*      Increase of the importance of arts and full time arts in schools.

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Air & Water Quality in the region

*      Identify major sources of water and air pollution in the Regional District of Nanaimo and try to improve them. Keeping some kind of control for a clean environment, i.e. water, air and trash. More attention paid to general pollution problems: air, water, and visual pollution. Achieve high water quality throughout the region.
*      Clean up rivers and lake and solve air pollution in the region. Keep the rivers and mountains clean.
*      User fee for visitors to Mount Benson toward cleaning up the air. Less tree cutting will clean the air. More clean air.
*      Improve water quality, and change lake draw-down policies for recreation.
*      Have a program through the city to keep rivers and lakes, and other streams cleaned up. Clean up waterways.Clean up waterways in the region, i.e. back of rivers and creeks. Need to clean up the environmental "legacy" we have inherited. Clean up the environment - air, water and aesthetics. Clean up rivers, highways, etc., of all pollution. Pay more attention - clean up pollution especially in mountains (air, water, solid waste, emissions).
*      Cut back on pollution. Get rid of pollution from industry, from air, water. Better air and water quality (indoors and outdoors). Do more to protect Mount Benson and surrounding ecosystems from pollution.
*      Stricter laws and fines on littering and dumping in water areas.
*      Slower traffic to mountains to reduce pollution.
*      Water - how to use this wonderful asset to our betterment.
*      Eliminate actual and/or perceived water quality problems.
*      Develop regional approaches and organize lobbying campaigns for better air quality in the Regional District of Nanaimo by reducing point sourcing and non-profit sourcing pollution.
*      Eliminate air pollution by car-pooling, recycling, and encouraging trash pick-up.
*      Regional advocates to influence national policies on natural air quality.
*      Need emission standards for cars.
*      Community-wide water programs. Environmental controls - streams. Really want rivers and streams cleaned up for fish habitat/clean.
*      Lead the nation in conservation of water, energy and other natural resources and the cleanliness of the same.
*      Make sure creeks are well kept and no illegal dumping of septic tanks.
*      Reduce air pollution on trucks.
*      Improve quality of air standards by controlling pollution. Improve air quality by emissions testing and stricter control of businesses.
*      Limit types of businesses coming in to avoid pollution.
*      Quality of air care in mountains.
*      Rivers/bodies of water quality and maintenance and improvement. Better training/education regarding water resources.
*      Preserve Mount Benson and surrounding ecosystems - clean air and environment for all to enjoy.
*      Protect water supply future generations.
*      Aggressive ridding of pollution from corporate to individual.
*      Prohibit air and water polluting industries in the area.
*      Better system of clean up and maintenance of waterways for recreational use.
*      Find and remove sewers and factory drains that dump into our rivers and streams.
*      Maintain and improve environmental quality as the cornerstone in enhancing quality of life.
*      Concerns with logging and development of the area on and around Mount Benson and pollution.
*      Preserve natural resources - don't pollute air, water and land. Improve the environment, littering and polluted air and water.
*      Find cause of pollution in all lakes and streams and eliminate the problem.
*      Eliminate pollution: chemical, noise, and particulate.
*      Be aware of air and other pollution when attracting industry - don't add to the problem.
*      Get the toxins out of the schools and homes, which cause cancer and allergies.
*      A thorough and ongoing survey of water quality with published results.
*      To have tighter environmental controls of industrial pollution of all types affecting Mount Benson and surrounding ecosystems.
*      New ways to make electricity such as windmills.
*      Concern for clean drinking water:

1) Protect wells, underground water
2) Extend city water
(see website)
*      Initiate and enforce noise pollution ordinances.
*      Protect water quality from urban run-off, bad logging practices, construction, agriculture, failing septic system, and overloaded and inadequate sewage treatment plants.
*      Test air and water for carcinogens. We must reduce air emissions -- automotive, industrial. Improve air quality here and in our neighboring communities by enforcing reasonable standards.
*      Water quality -- residential, recreation, commercial -- declined due to uncontrolled residential development; geology cannot support it. Protest our water quality. Educate people about environmental protection.
*      Region-wide water and sanitation system. Springs and water system have not been cared for well enough.
*      Educate saving energy and not polluting the air so much. Clean up the water.
*      Independent regional water pollution monitoring for creeks, lakes, rivers and ocean along with public disclosure of findings.
*      Improve lake water quality for residential and general use.
*      Stop chemical pollution of air, water, and ground.
*      Better control of air and water pollution and deforestation impacts on Mount Benson and surrounding ecosystems.
*      Clean up environment, land, air, and water. Pollution control by working together for cleaner air and water and eliminating visual blights.
*      Stop dumping waste of any kind into our waters.
*      Do as much as possible for soil and water conservation.
*      Quality of life issues using innovative ideas to work with transportation, specifically to reduce pollution and to add uniqueness to the area. Unique ways of getting from place to place in a clean manner.
*      Vehicle inspection for air emissions every year, enforced! Implement auto emission controls. Reduce air pollution from all sources. Improve air quality by reducing fossil fuel emission. Enforce auto responsibility by requiring emissions testing and mandatory insurance. Enact and enforce laws to minimize pollution.
*      Clean up land and waterways and green spaces. Good decisions regarding environment -- stop poisoning the future.
*      Generate green power.
*      Polluters must be prosecuted. Vehicle emission testing to fund national park.
*      Sustainable and efficiently managed clean water supply. Creeks, streams and lakes need to be cleaned and restocked.
*      Zoning laws to control air pollution and water pollution.
*      Protecting our natural resources particularly by addressing air and water quality.
*      Provide incentives for people to become more energy independent.
*      Encouraging and developing alternative energy systems for homes, businesses, schools, etc.
*      Community consciousness; environmental concerns, recycle, provincial parks, clean air and water.
*      Find ways to save mountains and lakes from development and pollution.
*      Bring an end to air pollution to protect the hearts and lungs of residents and visitors. Animals, plants, businesses and economy.
*      Address escalating air pollution problem.
*      Lobby the federal and provincial governments to come down on polluters from citizens to corporations and develop means that car manufacturers use solar and/or electric energy.

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Quality of Family Life in the community

*      Government and corporate support for core family values. Eradicate family violence in all its forms. Zero tolerance for child abuse and violence.
*      Parents should talk to children more and stress importance of everyday decisions and actions they take. Parenting, family relations, should be taught in public schools.
*      More financial and volunteer support towards serenity and runaway shelters. *      More financial support to centers for abused women and young teenage mothers. Place for people who are being abused or have had a bad home lives to go to. Family violence will not be acceptable.
*      Better daycare centers. More affordable day care. Multifunctional day care center for adults and children. Cooperative intergeneration daycare.Day care facilities that will take state vouchers.
*      More easily available assistance for pregnant teens or teen mothers. More crisis pregnancy availability. Create a regional and zone-wide support group operated by mothers and for mothers who feel they have reached their limits physically, emotionally and financially. Hotline services and shelters for battered spouses, children and runaways - possibly United Way.
*      Parents (not police) should be responsible for curfews. Help parents learn how to parent.
*      More family-friendly place to live, great school, great environment for kids and families, good housing for all races and backgrounds. Expanded programs that support parents and children. More protection and encouragement of the family unit.
*      Inspect day care more often.
*      Population control permanent.
*      A moral code needed. Teach our children character.
*      Family wellbeing - root of all we are. Family businesses, moms at home, community centers, farmers market, business cooperatives, neighborhood parks, affordable housing. Promote heritage (family) parenting skills for men and women. Wholesome family events. Church and communities working together to strengthen families. Do something positive to strengthen the family unit - by getting reacquainted.
*      Continual care retirement centers that include children's day care centers. *      More parent training to prepare children mentally, physically and emotionally to enter school. Schools require more parent participation.
*      Enhance community health programs, especially in field of parenting. Train men to become good fathers. More family recreational facilities, restaurants, bowling, etc., that area safe. More access, 24-hour childcare. Affordable 24 hour child care. Plan activity center that is family oriented.
*      Focus on the needs of the basic family structure -- "supporting basic family needs." More child care facilities for working parents. Program to teach parents to become self-sufficient and teach their children.
*      Make reading material available to newborns to encourage reading. Surrogate grandparent program similar to big brother/big sister. Parent/teacher intervention program in high school.
*      Promote development of stable families.
*      Healthy fast-food (organic, vegetarian, local grown) alternatives for our children.
*      Improve/enhance disabled children's services and foster programs.
*      Teach our children and grandchildren pride in what they have and what they are.
*      Well baby clinics in neighborhoods and senior citizens center.
*      Encourage and train our young people for greater parent responsibilities.
*      Create morals of everyone to provide role models for children.
*      Create a task force to better deal with child abuse. Let it not be limited in funding for victims and offenders.
*      To have a parent in the home when school is over; no more latch-key children.
*      Mobile childcare oriented to specific event/areas.
*      Integrate community medical professional to educate parents with skills to all use and all community resources. Develop a media blitz to encourage parents to spend more time with their children to bring child violence in schools to a halt.

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Citizen Participation

*     More community involvement. Community involvement with good positive attitude. People want to have a say in everything. More public forums, global dialogues, so a healthy development can continue. More meetings to expand vision process. *      More public participation in public works decisions. Involve more people in volunteer projects (i.e.. hospital, mentoring, children, literacy, etc.). Improve opportunities for young people to participate responsibly in their communities.
*      Encourage volunteering and show opportunities available to attract more volunteers. Maintain and improve buildings for volunteer organizations.
*      Encourage voter education. Encourage good people, capable people to be involved in political process and become local leaders.
*      Encourage community leaders to become involved with schools.
*      More student involvement in government and in the community.
*      More teen involvement in community service activities. Opportunities for involvement of younger citizens - ages 18 to 35. Provide opportunities for children of all ages to participate in the growth of the community.
*      More involvement in neighborhoods (neighborhood watch).
*      More youth political involvement. Political education.
*      More community service opportunities.
*      Provide a place where citizens and students can come together to discuss problems and solutions in the community.
*      Increase community involvement by corporations.
*      More opportunities to have a voice in planning process, like this.
*      Enable and encourage today's generation of working women to volunteer.
*      Rights, privileges and responsibilities of citizenship are understood and participation is the rule not the exception. Look at who we are, what makes us special -- celebrate it, tell our story to others, let us appreciate more, not just picture (hands-on) technology/science.
*      Increase participation in government and decrease public apathy. All people have the right to make decisions that affect their lives. Open communication by way of elected officials and public. Integrate people more to be involved in anything to get them involved at any age and to learn more things. More people involved in civic responsibilities on a regular basis. Find ways to encourage more individual participation in civic obligations. Create more opportunities for real public participation in decision-making. Involve younger people in decision-making about future. *      Advance planning for streets and highways prior to approval of new subdivisions. Public input in zoning issues.
*      Public education sessions regarding where our tax dollars go.
*      Develop an overall less "disposable" society.
*      Stop the fraud of orchestrated public forums that benefit a few private/public developers.
*      Develop more neighborhood groups with decision-making power. Find out what's already available so people can tap into what we have and use same dollars to accomplish greater.
*      Consensus in citizen decision-making process for development of over $2.5 million of taxpayer money.
*      Create various locations for citizens to view and comment on proposed development plans.
*      Improve communication between elected officials and constituents involvement.
*      Provide more forums for inter-community cooperation. People be more involved in the community to make things happen.
*      More involvement/responsibility by all segments of community. Meeting of the minds-regional, local community and elected officials. More forums and opportunities for the public to engage.
*      Educating citizens to care for the whole community rather than own well-being only.
*      Require all corporate charters to include concise, legally binding language to address issues of civic responsibilities to employers, environment and community.
*      When a major decision is made, a popular vote would be required before enactment (i.e., annex and zoning, Native threaties).
*      Make a place where students and citizens can come together and discuss conflicts and resolutions in their community. Rapid implementation of as many parts of vision as possible. Problems may be different in five years.
*      People who make decisions/laws should participate in education in the classroom as teachers - maybe one semester every couple of years.
*      Master plans designed for our cities, led by design professionals with lots of public input rather than by politicians and developers.
*      Encourage community participation. Stress importance of cooperation between public and private sectors. Develop a shared vision, shared purpose, and values in working toward compatible.
*      Increase voter participation. Better informed citizenry.
*      City, town administrators address the input of citizens with regard to preservation, repair, and cleanliness.
*      Greater public awareness in government decision-making process.
*      Hold elected officials accountable for reasonable spending. Closer dialogue with government officials who represent us.
*      Establish an ongoing visioning priority and development process.
*      Stimulate public participation. Coverage everyday during evening news regarding one local organization working to improve our region.
*      Get everyone in this region to become totally involved in the decision making that affects the lives of every man, woman, and child in this area.
*      Have public hearings on any major projects taking place in county.
*      Better evaluation of all our existing resources and ways to utilize them in the 21st century.
*      Make sure planners that share our vision, not realtors and developers are responsible to follow through on these plans.
*      Community-wide vision with guiding principle of how we can best serve the next generation. We need better land use planning; a community based planning/long term.
*      Actual public participation in government-dialogue.
*      Regular public forum meetings.
*      Foster creation of a citizens environmental resources council to review and support environmentally sensitive development.
*      Make this region the national model for on going citizen participation and creative thinking.
*      Change political structure to foster real community participation in decision making. Include at least one citizen on every committee or office.
*      Reeducate the public on their responsibility to their community and to reestablish a sense of pride.
*      Retrain the youth/adults to instill community-minded values.
*      To be more civic minded and participate more in community meetings and local and state government agendas. Better communication with elected officials, politicians, for the community's best interests as opposed to special interest groups.
*      Televise local government meetings; zoning, county commissions.
*      People need to actively participate in their community, church, and social organizations to determine problems and how to rectify them with local and state governments.
*      Do things that get more people involved, not government.
*      Encourage people and institutions of faith to have a greater impact on the community.
*      Have newspaper do better job of informing readers about possible legislation that affects our region.
Establish clearing house of all community avenues to participate as a volunteer or a committee member.
*      Establish well-defined, continuous programs that create strong relationships between community and law enforcement organizations.
*      Plan activities that encourage a sense of community.
*      Promote policies and procedures to make the community more inclusive.
*      Require an expression by legislative bodies of long term and comprehensive implication of each public investment.
*      Spark a better response from citizens during elections, budget and long range planning.
*      Get rid of the "old boy" network.
*      More community service and leadership programs available to high school and college students.
*      Form an alliance of groups; civic, Christian, national parks, politicians, etc. To work together and form a better community.

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Waste Management

*      Address water quality and solid waste issues for the region. Safe, clean, litter-free environment in our region.
*      Program to reduce roadside trash. Clean highways and roadways of trash. Enforce trash regulations vis a vis roadside clean-up. Create litter program. Strict anti-littering laws with PR and appropriate sanctions.
*      Comprehensive recycling programs. More better recycling facilities. Better recycling program in school.
*      Regional multipurpose recycling facility affordable to all communities. Make the region the world leader in clean recycling industries specializing in reuse and recycling. Recycling in a big, big way (everything), to preserve the entire region. Major campaign through education about littering. Enforce littering laws. Tougher litter laws (enforced).
*      Clean up city (pollution, trash on highway, etc.).
*      Teach school children the responsibility of disposing trash properly.
*      Curb-side recycling.
*      Garbage: homes should take care of their own; businesses must put up fence around dumpsters. Garbage contractors must be more responsible for keeping garbage in trucks.
*      Recycle bins in every building and on the streets for all recycling: paper, glass, cardboard, plastic. Weekly city pickup. Better recycling - make people more aware and encourage use by providing recycling centers.
*      Have a beautification policy that includes well maintained recycling centers, litter prevention and removal. The region should have programs to clean up the community through community service projects or inmates.
*      A system that screens potential industries on their possible pollution which would make them deal with disposal of their own waste.
*      Central recycling center (region-wide). Bottle and can deposit.
*      Critical need for water and sewer in fast growing areas. Completion of sewer system.
*      Pollution hotline.
*      Increase water and waste water services and accessibility for the entire region.
*      Litter and waste education for the whole environment. Better environmental awareness - recycling, pollution.
*      Waste reduction including community composting program.
*      Clean up the litter - tools include education, fines, bottle bill, enforcing laws, using volunteers.
*      Recycling of garbage enforcement!
*      Better landfill management and waste management - regional incinerator.
*      Utility water for all homes and sewage extended.
*      Formalize a recycling plan for household and industrial.
*      Better planning for residential development impacts on sewage, drainage and other impacts.
*      Community and private industry involvement in the cleanup of highways and streets.
*      Build an incinerator to convert solid waste into electricity. Build waste incinerator to generate power alternatives.
*      Clean, fix, get rid of junk cars and litter and trash.
*      Waste convenient centers.
*      Clean up and make our community more appealing to market ourselves.
*      Use volunteers (scouts, prisoners) for recycling efforts.
*      Mini-competition between communities for prizes with recycling.
*      Prison labor for clean up.
*      Discourage illegal dumping.
*      Look globally for the best rubbish disposable system.
*      Restrict junk mail and additional supplements.
*      Environmental concerns through industrial waste and sewage disposal and litter and use of land around waterways for industrial use.
*      Create a focused recycling program, including pilot funding for businesses that transform waste into useable products.
*      Reduce, reuse, recycle!
*      Preserve national parks and encourage/provide better recycling techniques and availability.
*      Bio-technical storm water management and biological waste water management.
*      An aggressive deposit system on all disposable containers; all other materials biodegradable.
*      Develop an energy efficient waste disposal system.
*      Search for other ways to dispose of garbage instead of landfills.
*      Minimize garbage through education; tax incentives for businesses to use recyclable packaging or containers.
*      A major re-cycling center that allows us to re-use the by-product.
*      Public education of regarding cost of solid waste handling and disposal. Recycling place for tires. We've already paid for it, where is it?
*      Adopt-a-kilometer clean up weekly.

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Harmonious coexistence of environmental preservation and economic activities

The vision of the Mount Benson Preservation Society is to have an harmonious coexistence of environmental preservation and economic activities.

The core of this vision is “clean energy” and “clean aqua.”

The aim of the Society is harmony with the global environment, while maintaining a comfortable lifestyle.

Research and development of environmental technologies to promote the harmonious coexistence of environmental preservation and economic activities, and through its efforts has developed a wide range of environmental technologies. Examples of these technologies in the clean energy field include solar cell using sunlight and fuel cells using hydrogen as energy sources transforming into water when completely combusted. An example in the clean aqua field is technology to remove nitrogen and phosphorous from waste water. Even in other fields, technology, high efficiency waste heat driving technology, CO2 systems, waste bio-processing technology, and lead-free solders. The Society is promoting these environmental technologies for practical use in global environmental preservation and greater living comfort in order to contribute to achieving a recycling-oriented society. For the bright future of people and the Earth, the Society is elevating “technologies and the mind” and challenging the century of the environment.

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Environment at water's edge

To preserve natural springs that are drying up and disappearing due to development and the like, the Mount Benson Preservation Society has formulated a "spring preservation indicator" and pursues spring preservation and restoration in tandem with subordinate political units. Further, the Society promotes highly treated water to the urban rivers and lakes in the Regional District of Nanaimo whose water sources need protection, and the Society also strives to restore the water's-edge environment.

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Protection of wildlife

The Mount Benson Preservation Society will investigate the conditions of habitats for wild animals and plants that are on the verge of extinction and designate species to be protected and conservation districts to be designated. With regard to living creatures for particular protection, we will proceed with protection and reproduction projects by restoring safe and sustainable environments for the species. We will also take measures to get rid of foreign species so as to protect and raise precious indigenous species in and around Vancouver Island. In addition, we will provide parks and schools with spaces for familiar living creatures like butterflies and dragonflies to live.

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Sustainable community facilities

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Copyright © 2002 Mount Benson Preservation Society