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Send us articles.

The Mount Benson Preservation Society has now Newsletters for publishing. The Table of Contents are found here.
We are delighted to receive new articles for future Newsletters from our readers.

It is imperative that, if you give us permission to re-print, all or in part, you include all copyright verification of permission of quote. We do not have a copyright research expert to do this work.

The Editor.
1.         Administration, writing and editing
2.        Requirements for accepting articles from writers
3.        Volunteering
4.        Publishing
5.        Sponsors
6.        August 2003 Newsletter
7.        September 2003 Press Release #1
8.        October 2003 Newsletter
9.        November 2003 Newsletter
10.        December 2003 Newsletter
11.        January 2004 Newsletter

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1. Administration, writing and editing

The Editor of this Newsletter is now accepting articles for publication. The Newsletter is a way to communicate "workable sound solutions" to problems arising in the world. Let us share our problems and workable sound solutions. Sharing information is vital to survival.

2. Requirements for accepting articles from writers

Your articles should follow the same Guidelines used for the preparation of Research Papers. All articles will be classified, organized and edited if too long and made available on the Internet.

3. Volunteering

All articles are considered as volunteering work from the authors. We have no way to pay anyone for their work.

4. Publishing

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5. Sponsors

The Mount Benson Preservation Society is sponsoring the publication of Newsletters.

6. August 2003 Newsletter of the Mount Benson Preservation Society

The Newsletter can be found at the following location:
August 2003 Newsletter
There are no costs in reading our Newsletters

The Table of Contents of this Newsletter is shown here.
Table of Contents
1.0    President's Message
2.0    Letter to the forest industry in British Columbia, Canada

3.0    Articles
A)    Trails for seniors and people with disabilities
B)    In British Columbia, forestry is dominated by clearcutting and most of the province's timber is exported for manufacture elsewhere.
C)    Deforestation can cause the climate to become more extreme in nature

The following section was first published in January and February 2003 on the Earth Community Organization (ECO) website. The proposal itself was brought forward in December 2002 to the Regional District of Nanaimo and to the City of Nanaimo.
Local community issues: Regional District of Nanaimo, B.C., Canada
Assessment proposal

I)    Uncle SAM is at the bottom of the Scale of Human and Earth Rights
J)    Regional District of Nanaimo ecosystems and natural heritage at the midnight hour
K)    Biophysical and economic assessment of Mount Benson and surrounding ecosystems in the context of a Vancouver Island Urban and Rural Development Master Plan
L)    Mount Benson Preservation Society
                  * Meeting of the Mount Benson Preservation Society
                  * AGENDA for the meeting
                  * Constitution of the Mount Benson Preservation Society
                  * By-Laws of the Mount Benson Preservation Society
                  * Membership Form of the Mount Benson Preservation Society
                  * Explanation of the four interacting circles
   Letter to the Board of Directors of the Regional District of Nanaimo
   Letter to His Worship, Gary Richard Korpan, Mayor of the City of Nanaimo
   Letter to Honourable Stan Hagen, Minister of Sustainable Resource Management of British Columbia, Canada
   Petition to save Mount Benson and surrounding ecosystems

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7. September 2003 Press Release #1

The Newsletter can be found at the following location:
September 2003 Press Release #1

Mount Benson Preservation Society is putting pressure on the logging companies and sawmills, the City of Nanaimo, the Regional District of Nanaimo, the Port Authority, the Government of British Columbia, and the Government of Canada to stop completely the log storage and ship activities in the estuary of Nanaimo River. There is no compromise here. Take your logs elsewhere. Stop cutting forests on Mount Benson, and no ship activities at or near the entrance of the estuary, and no other uses such as fish farming by the Natives or by any other groups.

Mount Benson Preservation Society is preparing a law sue against the above listed stakeholders of the estuary.

Mount Benson Preservation Society is very concerned about the salmon life cycle in the estuary of Nanaimo River, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada. In a previous report, we have described impacts of ship activities and log storage in the estuary of Nanaimo River. We concluded that no activity of any kind should be allowed in the estuary.

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8.0 October 2003 Newsletter of the Mount Benson Preservation Society

The Table of Contents of the Newsletter is shown here.

The Newsletter can be found at the following location:
October 2003 Newsletter

There are no costs in reading our Newsletters

The Table of Contents of this Newsletter is shown here.
Table of Contents

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9. May 2003 Newsletter of the Mount Benson Preservation Society

The Table of Contents of the Newsletter is shown here.

The Newsletter can be found at the following location:
May 2003 Newsletter

There are no costs in reading our Newsletters

The Table of Contents of this Newsletter is shown here.
Table of Contents

10. June 2003 Newsletter of the Mount Benson Preservation Society

The Newsletter can be found at the following location:
June 2003 Newsletter

There are no costs in reading our Newsletters

The Table of Contents of this Newsletter is shown here.
Table of Contents

11. July 2003 Newsletter of the Mount Benson Preservation Society

The Newsletter can be found at the following location:
July 2003 Newsletter

There are no costs in reading our Newsletters

The Table of Contents of this Newsletter is shown here.

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