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Mount Benson Preservation Society promotes the following events and activities.

*       Promote a vibrant cultural life in the region, so there's always something to do. Hold outdoor community festivals.
*       Provide more cultural experiences in both education and recreation. Encourage multi-cultural events. Have a week-long fair - different cultural experiences and events. Have more social gathering places - cafes, dance clubs, pop culture places.
*       Promote activities for distinct age groups. More opportunities for cultural experiences (like museums, exhibits, festivals) outside of downtown Nanaimo.
*       More activities to help us realize our cultural heritage.
*       More trails and activities for the Mount Benson and surrounding ecosystems to attract people.
*       Coalition of artists and community leaders to teach music, art, photography, theatre to people ( who don't have a creative outlet for access to arts programs) or folks who don't have a place to get exposed to art. Provide a place for youth to learn music and perform.
*       Do more for children by giving them cultural activities that they can put to use in the future. Better communication about community events.
*       Increase entertainment opportunities without impacting environment on regional level.
*       Combine efforts for enrichment programs for school age children during summer time.
*       City of Nanaimo and Regional District of Nanaimo fund outdoor concerts in area parks. More open air arts festivals sponsored by local municipalities.
*       More entertainment venues for local entertainers, regional musicians, and bands; more support of the arts.
*       Bring people together in whole city area and public places (music festival).
*       Provide a wider variety of entertainment opportunities (theater, music, arts, sports, zoo, performing arts, and crafts).
*       Reeducate and Reacquaint our region with its history and identity: example, downtown museum for music heritage.
*       Community centers where our kids can play safely with arts, theater, activities. Develop cultural centers, park, performing arts and exhibits. Keep community culturally and historically oriented with music and arts. Establish boys and girls club in each community.
*       An entertainment venue providing the integration of young and old people from all walks of life with an emphasis on positive and proactive themes.
*       Community park and community center to plan and hold events.
*       Community-wide celebrations for academic achievements.
*       Entertainment venue to provide for integration of older and younger people, emphasizing poverty and proaction.
*       Festivals downtown; food festivals where big restaurants participate.

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Copyright © 2002 Mount Benson Preservation Society