The Newsletter can be found at the following location:
February 2003 Newsletter
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The Table of Contents of the Newsletter is shown here.
Table of Contents
Local community issues: Regional District of Nanaimo, B.C., Canada
Assessment proposal
I) Uncle SAM is at the bottom of the
Scale of Human and Earth Rights
J) Regional District of Nanaimo ecosystems
and natural heritage at the midnight hour
K) Biophysical and economic assessment of Mount
Benson and surrounding ecosystems in the context of a Vancouver Island
Urban and Rural Development Master Plan
L) Mount Benson Preservation Society
* Meeting of the Mount Benson Preservation Society
* AGENDA for the meeting
* Constitution of the Mount Benson Preservation Society
* By-Laws of the Mount Benson Preservation Society
* Membership Form of the Mount Benson Preservation Society
* Explanation of the four interacting circles
Letter to the Board of Directors of the Regional District of Nanaimo
Letter to His Worship, Gary Richard Korpan, Mayor of the City of Nanaimo
Letter to Honourable Stan Hagen, Minister of Sustainable Resource Management
of British Columbia, Canada
Petition to save Mount Benson and surrounding ecosystems