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Earth  Government Main Index

Global Dialogue 2005
Politics and Justice without borders
The Global Constitution

the Global Constitution
The Global Constitution Main Index

Final Program
Organizing Committee
Registration Form

Opening Ceremonies
Closing Ceremonies
Program Scheduling
Framework for Sessions

Place of the Global Dialogue
What are the expectations from the Participants and Leaders of the Discussion Roundtables and Workshop Sessions?
Expectations from those sending research Papers
General listing of Participants
List of participants submitting research papers
Call for Papers
Paper Submission Cover Sheet
Presentation Notes
Other Submission Cover Sheet
Workshop Sessions
Discussion Roundtables on Internet
Student Sessions
Posters you may used to promote Global Dialogue 2005 and 2006
Poster Presentations

Dramatic Displays
Art work presentations
Positive actions to sustain the Global Community and all life, good Earth governance and management
Vision of Earth in Year 2024
Brain-storming exercises on all issues
Trade Show
Special arrangements
Other arrangements
Collaboration with other organizations
Sponsors and donations
Submission of sponsored activities
Guided Tours
Other Activities
General Inquiries
Accommodations and meals
Universal Currency Converter service
Transportation and accessible services
Expense Estimate Information
General information on the site


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