Who owns the Earth ?
Preview of Global Dialogue  2008: Who owns the Earth?  Democracy for the people  Global governance  Global Economic Model Law of property ownership  of the Roman Empire to today Earth management Global commons Global Movement for Taxation on all Earth Natural Resources Participate in roundtables on Who owns the Earth Participate in  Group Discussion by email  on Who owns the Earth
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The Global Community has had work on Who owns the Earth? aspects and issues ever since 1985. A short list of our previous work on Who owns the Earth? aspects and issues. A short list of our previous work on Who owns the Earth?   aspects and issues is shown here

For more recent work on the Who owns the Earth? aspects and issues read the following table.

 Month/year  Theme and Author  Read contents
 February 8, 2008   Canadian society: a vibrant, modern, symbiosis global society
Germain Dufour
Spiritual Leader of the Global Community
Prophete of God

Key words: Canadian multiculturalism, diversity, the Canadian experience, immigration, symbiosis global society, symbiotical relationship, global ministries
Canadian society today includes a vast diversity of cultural heritages and racial groups. This multicultural diversity is a result of centuries of immigration. Truly, the struggle for the making of Canadian multiculturalism is the Canadian experience and the Canadian identity. Canadian multiculturalism is a symbiotical relationship between Canada, the Canadian people, and the world.

 February 6, 2008   The Soul of all Life, the Soul of Humanity, is the unifying religion of a modern symbiosis society, that of the global civilization of the 3 rd Millennium  The Soul of all Life, the Soul of Humanity, is the unifying religion of a modern symbiosis society, that of the global civilization of the 3 rd Millennium
Soul of all Life
and by
Germain Dufour
Spiritual Leader of the Global Community
Prophete of God

The teaching of the Soul     The teaching of the Soul
The fundamental criteria of a global symbiotical relationship     The fundamental criteria of a global symbiotical relationship
Guiding Souls and God want to help us manage Earth     Guiding Souls and God want to help us manage Earth
Guiding Souls to serve God is a part of a new unifying religion of a modern symbiosis global society     Guiding Souls to serve God is a part of a new unifying  religion  of a modern symbiosis society
The Divine Plan and the higher purpose of humanity      The Divine Plan and the higher purpose of humanity
The Global Community teaching     The Global Community teaching
Global Law      Global Law

 December 10, 2007   The Missing Link in Creationism
by Sean Gonsalves
AlterNet, The Mix is the Message
How can social conservatives deny Darwin's theory of evolution while espousing social Darwinism?
I confess my heresy: like the Jesuit theologian/paleontologist Pierre Teilhard did 50 odd years ago, I'm a believer whose made his peace with evolution. But then, I've never understood why science and faith are discussed as if they're mutually exclusive. Folks who think evolution is an inherently atheist argument or those who think evolution disproves the existence of God are people with little imagination. The evolution vs. creationism debate may be an unavoidable political fight but much more relevant and revealing is what many evolution-believing secular conservatives and evolution-denying religious conservatives have in common: a belief in social Darwinism. A popular misconception is that Darwin coined the phrase "survival of the fittest." Actually, Darwin's thing was "natural selection," which turns out to involve lots of cooperation.
So while science battles evolution-opponents, I'm trying to understand a conservative political species that opposes evolution on religious grounds while supporting social Darwinism on the political and economic grounds. There's a missing link here.
  Read The Missing Link in Creationism
 November 29, 2007   Labor Goes to Bali: Unions Ready to Take on Global Warming
by Brendan Smith and Jeremy Brecher and Tim Costello, Global Labor Strategies
AlterNet, The Mix is the Message, ForeignPolicy
The devastating realities of climate change, and the scientific consensus around its cause and cure, are shifting the global political climate.
Some people might say you are anti-business. Is that the case?
This week trade unionists from around the world will travel to Bali for the December 3rd launch of negotiations for a successor to the Kyoto Protocol limiting greenhouse gasses. It will include delegates from such U.S unions as the Electrical Workers (IUE), Mine Workers, Service Employees, Boilermakers, Steelworkers, Communication Workers, Transport Workers (TWU), and UNITE HERE garment and textile workers. It will also include the AFL-CIO Industrial Union Council as well as such labor-oriented groups as the Blue-Green Alliance, the Cornell Global Labor Institute, and the Labor Research Association. The Kyoto Protocol was signed by 172 countries - not including the U.S. The AFL-CIO, which then represented the great majority of all U.S. unions, opposed the Kyoto protocol. What will be the stance of American labor toward an even stronger version for the future?
As trade unionists, we are confident that Bali will mark the beginning of a new and more ambitious process of social change, where our collective hearts and minds must aspire to save our planet, on the basis of solidarity and mutual respect.
  Read Labor Goes to Bali: Unions Ready to Take on Global Warming
 December 10, 2007   Wars and Climate Change: National Interests Verses Global Emergency
Letter sent by Abdul Basit to the Global Community
This is an appeal to World Leaders and Scientific Community, who have gathered in Bali, Indonesia for the United Nations Climate Change Conference. I remind the world leaders and researchers, who are attending the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Bali, that they have a huge responsibility on their shoulders. The decisions of this conference will not only decide the future of existence of humankind, but also for preserving all the past cultures and contributions humanity has offered throughout its thousands of years history of existence on this beautiful planet.

So, on behalf of the human race, I appeal to the world leaders to set aside their narrow national interests and play the historical and highly moral responsibility in saving this planet and its inhabitants. The very future for all of life, human and otherwise, depends on their meeting this obligation with nothing short of total resolve!
  Read  Wars and Climate Change: National Interests Verses Global Emergency
Poeme sent by Guy CREQUIE to the Global Community Guy CREQUIE Global file Our Global Community volunteers will help you

 November 19, 2007   A World Dying, But Can We Unite To Save It?
by Geoffrey Lean , Countercurrents.org, The Independent
Humanity is rapidly turning the seas acid through the same pollution that causes global warming, the world’s governments and top scientists agreed yesterday. The process — thought to be the most profound change in the chemistry of the oceans for 20 million years — is expected both to disrupt the entire web of life of the oceans and to make climate change worse. The warning is just one of a whole series of alarming conclusions in a new report published by the official Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Scientists add that, as the seas become more acidic, they will be less able to absorb carbon dioxide, causing more of it to stay in the atmosphere to speed up global warming. Research is already uncovering some signs that the oceans’ ability to mop up the gas is diminishing. Environmentalists point out that the increasing acidification of the oceans would in itself provide ample reason to curb emissions of carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels and felling forests even if the dwindling band of skeptics were right and the gas was not warming up the planet.
Getting agreement on a new treaty to tackle climate change hangs on resolving an “after you, Claude” impasse between the United States and China, the two biggest emitters of carbon dioxide, the main cause of global warming. China insists - with other key developing countries like India and South Africa — that the United States must move first to clean up. It points out that, because of the disparity in populations, every American is responsible for emitting much more of the gas than each Chinese. But the US refuses to join any new treaty unless China also accepts restrictions.
  Read A World Dying, But Can We Unite To Save It?
 November 6, 2007  
When the system doesn't allow people to protect themselves from corporate harm to their communities, it is time to change the system.
Can you tell us about "democracy"? It's a word used by everyone and can mean so many things.
Some people might say you are anti-business. Is that the case?
Many people in this country don't understand that corporations have personhood rights. Why does this come as such a surprise to some people?
Speak about the regulatory system. It's supposed to keep corporations from doing harm, but everywhere you look -- the water, the land, the air -- everything is polluted.
Some believe that laws such as anti-corporate personhood ordinances are a waste of time because they will be challenged and shot down, so why bother? What is the logic behind civil disobedience to the law?
Do you believe it's possible to change the role of corporations in our society?
  Read How to Hold Corporations Accountable
 November 2, 2007  
Eco-Humanism and Popular System Dynamics as Preconditions for Sustainable Development

by Leslaw Michnowski
Manage the Sustainable Development Global Information Society website.
Committee for Futures Studies "Poland 2000 Plus", Polish Academy of Sciences

Luis T. Gutierrez, Editor of the Solidarity & Sustainability, Non-Violence homepage says the following about the book. The invited article this month is contributed by Leslaw Michnowski, a member of the Committee for Futures Studies "Poland 2000 Plus," Polish Academy of Sciences. In this paper, which is a synopsis of his recently published book on his vision for a sustainable development process "with a human face," he identifies the ingredients that will be required to assure a future for humanity and the human habitat. The reader is warned that this paper is not intended for casual, easy reading. Michnowski's intent is to define the information/knowledge infrastructure that will be required, the technologies to be used, and the principles of solidarity and social justice to be adhered to, in order to face the inevitable global crises now emerging as a consequence of the pervasive human misbehavior, socially and environmentally, triggered by (most recently) the industrial revolution. The reader will notice the congruence between this article and some of the issues and concerns discussed in page 1. The vision presented here is one that shows the need for a global transition toward a new order of things, one in which technology and other resources are used to balance individual interests with the common good. It is shown that it is a feasible vision, one that can be achieved if the humans who populate the planet make a decision to overcome obsolete mindsets that seek the accumulation of wealth and power as the only path to "happiness." The impending global crisis may trigger a sequence of events that forces making such decisions in the midst of turmoil and much suffering. Let us pray and work for a transition from homo economicus to homo solidarius. It may be painful, but it can be peaceful. This is the path of truth, freedom, and care; the path toward a better world for our children and grandchildren. This is the only path of sure hope.
This article is an overview of a book by the author: "VISION OF A SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY – THE FUTURE OF THE WORLD FROM THE CYBERNETICIST PERSPECTIVE” (in Polish), published by Polish Academy of Sciences, Committee for Futures Studies "Poland 2000 Plus", Warsaw, Poland, 2006. This book contains his conclusions from many years of research on the current global crisis. This definitive work is based on the author’s System of Life evidence-based model that couples the realities of globalization and information technology with the urgent need to identify and analyze the conditions for transitioning the worldwide human community toward a new worldwide civilization that uses information and knowledge for sustainable development and, in particular, sustainable human development.
  Read World - Grid Type, Continuously Under-development - System Dynamics. Why do we need it?
 October 28, 2007   Uncommon Grace: Biology And Economic Theory
by Charles Sullivan, csullivan@phreego.com Countercurrents.org

In a society that holds sacred the private ownership of property and economic self interest, it may seem strange that neither my wife nor I consider ourselves property owners. At best, we are squatters or temporary guardians of something that has inherent value; an evolving biological entity that exists far beyond the realm of economic self interest and monetary valuation systems.
In an ownership society, the land is valued not as an evolved living biological entity with inherent value and rights, including the fulfillment of its own evolutionary destiny, but as a commodity — a natural resource. Ecological integrity is the foundation of planetary health. It is the organizing principle of life. Undermining that integrity for short term profits is to limit all future options in perpetuity, the ultimate incarnation of insensate greed and selfishness. Like all economic systems that are not based upon real science, or an appropriate land ethic, the concept of property rights and private ownership are misguided and ultimately self-destructive constructs. The public welfare and the ecological integrity of the earth exceed all economic self interests in importance. Economics are based upon self-serving, false premises, whereas ecology is real. The most precious things in life are those that cannot be commodified, and hence, owned.
  Read Uncommon Grace: Biology And Economic Theory
 October 12, 2007   Surviving The Century
by Chris Goodall, Countercurrents.org, Nature.com

Surviving the Century: Facing Climate Chaos and Other Global Challenges. climate change is not a technical or scientific problem. The main impediment to tackling global warming is that many of the powerful institutions of the world, whether it be the World Trade Organization, BP or the investment banks that control the world's allocation of capital are resistant to radically changing the way we operate the world economy. The poor, whose share of world income is certainly not growing, are unable to successfully demand that policies be developed to protect them from climate change or from other environmental or economic disasters.
The most productive and efficient economies, judged in the conventional sense, are often the most wasteful and destructive.
  Read Surviving The Century
 October 11, 2007  
Our Drinkable Water Supply Is Vanishing
by Tara Lohan, AlterNet, The Mix is the Message, Environment
We are faced with thoughtless development that paves flood plains and destroys wetlands; dams that displace native people and scar watersheds; unchecked industrial growth that pollutes water sources; and rising rates of consumption that nature can't match. Increasingly, we are also threatened by the wave of privatization that is sweeping across the world, turning water from a precious public resource into a commodity for economic gain. The problems extend from the global north to the south and are as pervasive as water itself. Equally encompassing are the politics of water. Discussions about our water crisis include issues like poverty, trade, community and privatization. In talking about water, we must also talk about indigenous rights, environmental justice, education, corporate accountability, and democracy. In this mix of terms are not only the causes of our crisis but also the solutions. It ultimately comes down to an issue of democracy. "We came to see that the conflicts over water are really about fundamental questions of democracy itself: Who will make the decisions that affect our future, and who will be excluded?
  Read Our Drinkable Water Supply Is Vanishing
 October 7, 2007   Climate Change And Entire Landscapes On The Move
by Stephen Leahy, Countercurrents.org BROOKLIN, Canada, Inter Press Service

The hot breath of global warming has now touched some of the coldest northern regions of world, turning the frozen landscape into mush as temperatures soar 15 degrees C. above normal. Entire hillsides, sometimes more than a kilometre long, simply let go and slid like a vast green carpet into valleys and rivers on Melville Island in Canada’s northwest Arctic region of Nunavut this summer, says Scott Lamoureux of Queens University in Canada and leader of one the of International Polar Year projects. The entire landscape is on the move, it was very difficult to find any slopes that were unaltered, said Lamoureux, who led a scientific expedition to the remote and uninhabited island. The topography and ecology of Melville Island is rapidly being rearranged by climate change.
Burning such fossil fuels is the major reason why the Arctic is losing ice. Scientists and native people note that it would be more than ironic should those emissions facilitate the extraction of even more fossil fuels with which to further warm our overheating global greenhouse.
  Read Climate Change And Entire Landscapes On The Move
 October 5, 2007   Economic Sharing: A Shift In Global Values
by Rajesh Makwana, Countercurrents.org Rajesh Makwana is the Director of Share The World's Resources (STWR), an NGO campaigning for global economic and social justice. He can be contacted at rajesh@stwr.net

A growing body of progressives within the global justice movement, including environmentalists, economists and policy makers, broadly agree that a significant overhaul of the world’s economic and political systems is long overdue, and that without significant restructuring our most pressing problems will never be tackled. It is time for a significant re-evaluation of global economic and political values and the creation of an economy that serves the needs of the global community as a whole, within our environmental limitations.
In order to consider how the ownership and management of key resources could be organized, it is useful to group them according to type. There are three general categories:
-Naturally occurring resources – e.g. land, water, oil, gas and mineral ores
-Produced goods – e.g. agricultural produce, medicines, building materials and machinery
-Services – e.g. utilities, healthcare and education
  Read Economic Sharing: A Shift In Global Values
 October 6, 2007  
Big Banks Are Selling Us Out on Climate Change
by Tara Lohan, AlterNet, The Mix is the Message, Environment
Whether we avert catastrophe with climate change may actually be decided by Citibank and Bank of America. Citi has been busy funding dirty energy. Last year they gave 200 times more money for dirty energy than for clean. In the process they've helped underwrite some of the world's worst environmental and human rights offenders. In 2006 they gave $4 billion to Peabody Energy, the world's largest coal mining company, which has been ravaging Dine and Hopi lands for 40 years, taking 2.5 million gallons of water out of their desert watershed each day and leaving behind a trail of toxic waste. The disastrous Peabody Energy got $4 billion last year from BOA, which should help them on their way to building new plants in New Mexico, Illinois and Kentucky. The banks are helping coal to take the wealth from us, to steal us blind and leave us in poverty, and leave us in poison. If those banks took the $141 billion they plan to spend on building new coal plants, and instead invested it in energy efficient measures, they could reduce electricity demand by 19 percent by 2025.
  Read Big Banks Are Selling Us Out on Climate Change
 October 22, 2007   Investigative report concerning the Northwest Passage, Canadian territory of Nunavut , and Canada Sovereignty
by Germain Dufour, Spiritual Leader of the Global Community
The creation of Nunavut was the outcome of the largest aboriginal land claims agreement between the Canadian government and the native Inuit people. The Inuit is one of the first indigenous peoples in the Americas to achieve self-government. They have the right to participate in decisions regarding the land and water resources, and rights to harvest wildlife on their lands. Conservation, restoration, and management of the Earth resources is about asking ourselves the question of "Who owns the Earth?" The Global Community has proposed a democracy for the people based on the fact that land, the air, water, oil, minerals, and all other natural resources rightly belong to the Global Community along with the local communities where those resources are found. The Earth is the birthright of all life. To gain control of the Northwest Passage, Canada would have to show strong Earth management initiatives and the protection of its environment. Without the fulfillment of the Global Community criteria for sovereignty no one can claim ownership - sovereignty - of both Nunavut and the Northwest Passage. In Nunavut there is also a vast array of different life-form communities such as the polar bears, caribou, Arctic foxes, seals, beluga whales, northern fulmars, and those communities of organisms that inhabit the sea floor like brittle stars, worms, zooplankton, microalgae, bivalves and some of the lesser known sea spiders. And there are many more. Everyone of those global communities have an Earth right of ownership of the North and of all its natural resources. It is their birthright. They dont express themselves in English, but we understand them. Human beings have a moral obligation to protect and conserve the biodiversity of life on Earth. Fot the protection of those global communities we will need to create a biodiversity zone in the North by way of Earth rights and taxation of natural resources. We are all members of the Global Community. We all have the duty to protect the rights and welfare of all species and all people.
This letter may be a starting place for a group global discussion and roundtable on the issues of Canada sovereignty in the Nunavut and the control of the Northwest Passage. If you wish to send a reply I will post it on the Global Community website at
http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/EmailDiscussions/ and http://globalcommunitywebnet.com/GPA/2008discussionroundtables.htm
For now I started the process by researching and writing a paper concerned with the issues, and you will find the paper at

  Read  Investigative report  concerning the Northwest Passage, Canadian territory of Nunavut , and Canada Sovereignty
 October 3, 2007   Scrap Special Export Zones (SEZs), Promote Agri Export Zones (AEZs)
by Dr. Krishan Bir Chaudhary, President
Bharatiya Krishak Samaj (Indian Farmers' Organisation), Indian Society For Sustainable Agriculture And Rural Development, New Delhi, INDIA

see also by same author " Indian Farmer Leader On India-US Pact On GMOs"  Letter sent: Indian Farmer Leader On India-US Pact On GMOs
I have written an article on how big Corporate houses are grabbing farmlands from farmers in India at a platter. This is due to the government policy of Corporate pampering, ignoring the food security of the nation.
  Read  Scrap Special Export Zones (SEZs), Promote Agri Export Zones (AEZs)
 September 26, 2007   Earth Calls for Radical Social Change and Spiritual Transformation
by Dr. Glen Barry
The population bomb has burst, the climate and biosphere are in tatters, and tyrannical, militaristic governments rule; yet there remains a path to global ecological sustainability
Earth Meanders
Dr. Barry is founder and President of Ecological Internet; provider of the largest, most used environmental portals on the Internet including the Climate Ark at
http://www.climateark.org/ and
http://EcoEarth.Info/ .
Earth Meanders is a series of ecological essays that are written in his personal capacity.
  Read Earth Calls for Radical Social Change and Spiritual Transformation
 August 5, 2007   Who should own the Earth ?, by Norman Kurland thirdway@cesj.org

Email discussion with Norman Kurland and Garry Davis of the Global Justice Movement, and with John Watkins of the Alliance for Human Empowerment
  Read Who should own the Earth ?

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