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Global Civilizational State:
( see enlargement )

Global Civilizational State

In this paper, a cause and effect relationship was applied to each of the following issues:

  • the replacement of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the Scale of Global Rights;
  • SoulLife and the Universe;
  • the second law of thermodynamics and Life extinction;
  • fossil fuels be used only for essential services;
  • the ways Society view Nature and the capitalist system of governance;
  • the global tipping points of greatest concerns and the emergence and spread of deadly pathogens; and
  • Life on our planet will gradually be extinct sooner than later.

First species on Earth that will have to limit itself for its own survival and that of all Life.
( see enlargement ) cc

Short and long terms solutions to the survival of all Life on Earth
( see enlargement )Scale cc gg cc ff cc cc

Values, solutions, vision, for survival as a species.
( see enlargement )

Global peace movement.
( see enlargement Global peace movement. )

Global Community Anniversary.
( see enlargement Global Community Anniversary. )

Prepare now for Global Community Anniversary.
( see enlargement Prepare now for Global Community Anniversary. )

Global Civilizational State Proceedings.
( see enlargement Global Civilizational State Proceedings. )

( see enlargement SoulLife. ) cc

Theme for this month February 2021:
Global Civilizational State: the application of the Scale of Global Rights to the most important global issues threatening humanity's survival worldwide.
(with videos)

    Text of the speech in the Video about global issue 1

    Global Civilizational State has researched Global Issues with respect to humanity's survival worldwide. Today Humanity is dealing with global issues related to COVID-19 pandemic, the global warming of the planet, globalization, political instability and a social and political regress to irrationality. Each one of those global issues are threatening the survival of life, especially humanity, on our planet. What is even more worrisome and fearful is that children stand on the precipice of a climate crisis and wealthy countries are threatening the future of all children in the world through the global warming of the planet.

    All global issues are impacting critically the survival of all Life on our planet, and especially humanity, and have been assessed with respect to the six sections of the Scale of Global Rights and compared to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Section 1 on the Scale has more importance than all other sections below, and so on. This assessment worldwide resolted in nine critical global issues. Ever since 1985, Global Civilizational State has researched all 9 global issues with respect to humanity's survival worldwide.

    Global Issue 1 is about replacing both the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Charters from all nations by the Scale of Global Rights to give more importance, substance, value, gravity, and urgency to human life, all life on Earth, and to the protection of the global life-support systems for this generation and future generations.

    Global Issue 2 is about human activities being responsible for the global warming of the planet, mostly through our use of fossil fuels.

    Global Issue 3 is about our ways of doing business and trade that are causing the destruction of livelihood worldwide and that of the next generations, in short threatening the survival of all life on our planet.

    Global Issue 4 is about the need to educate Peoples and to emphasize moral virtues and a healthy intellectual development.

    Global Issue 5 is about the 1% of the world population being richer by far than all other Peoples, along with corporations became corrupted, greedy, no longer in line with humanity's survival on the planet.

    Global Issue 6 is about poverty, racism, religious and ethnic conflict, terrorism, being further magnified by the widening spread and quickening pace of globalization.

    Global Issue 7 is about several distinct paths or tipping points to imminent human extinction. A global critical tipping point that is evident, obvious, clear, is the way society view Nature around us. Capitalism is the system that can only lead us to our annihilation, all Life extinction. This very important tipping point has been the primary cause of all global crises and is due to human activities, our ways of doing business and trade, and to our ways of consuming resources. Other critical tipping points are the rapid melting of the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets, the thawing of permafrost, and the gradual destruction of the global life-support systems and eco-systems of the planet.

    Global Issue 8 is about the global coronavirus pandemic, and other future viruses, and the failure of governments worldwide to fight the infection. We are facilitating the emergence and spread of deadly pathogens like the Ebola virus, SARS, and the coronavirus through deforestation, haphazard urbanization, and the ongoing warming of the planet.

    Global Issue 9 is about issues threatening the health and future of children and of the next generations.

    Global Civilizational State has shown that only the Scale of Global Rights can effectively evaluate the degree of important of those global issues with respect to humanity survival now and future generations. Results have shown that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is no longer serving adequately humanity and its survival. Only the Scale can quide us all toward survival.  It is time now to leave the Universal Declaration of Human Rights behind and reach to our next step of human evolution, that is the approval of a scale of social values, the Scale of Global Rights.

    Text of the speech in the Video about global issue 2

    The greenhouse effect is the way in which heat is trapped close to the surface of the Earth by “greenhouse gases”. In the last century or so, human activities have been interfering with the energy balance of the planet, mainly through the burning of fossil fuels that give off carbon dioxide which has been rising consistently for decades and trapping extra heat near the surface of the Earth, thus causing temperatures to rise and warming the planet, which in turn is causing the climate to change, the effects of which have a direct impact on fragile ecosystems.

    The climate system is causing several  tipping points, a threshold beyond which rapid and irreversible changes will occur. These will create a cascade of devastating effects. There are already several observable tipping points which have been reached. Until now, the tipping points of greatest concern have been the rapid melting of Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets. Should they melt ever more quickly with all that water flowing into neighboring oceans, a sea level rise of 20 feet or more can be expected, inundating many of the world’s most populous coastal cities and forcing billions of people to relocate. Other distinct tipping points include the cascading impacts triggered by the die-off of the Amazon rainforest particularly given its critical role in the global hydrological cycle, and the melting of the Arctic ice cap. Both are already under way, reducing the survival prospects of flora and fauna in their respective habitats. As these processes gain momentum, entire ecosystems are likely to be obliterated and many species killed off, with drastic consequences for the humans who rely on them in so many ways for their survival. Many species, perhaps insects and microorganisms highly dangerous to humans, could occupy those spaces emptied by extinction.

    The thawing of permafrost either from global warming or industrial exploitation of circumpolar regions are threats to human health. In the Arctic the melting permafrost steadily releases the hundreds of gigatons of methane, a greenhouse gas nearly 80 times more potent than carbon dioxide, stored in soil, lakes and sediment in Canada and Siberia. Methane boiling up from underneath the Arctic Ocean is estimated to contain thousands of gigatons of methane. Melting permafrost could potentially yield viruses from long-extinct hominin species like Neanderthals and Denisovans, both of which settled in Siberia and were riddled with various viral diseases.

    Losses of biomass through deforestation and the cutting down of tropical forests put our supply of oxygen gas at risk. Today forests are being destroy at an astronomical rate. No oxygen is created after a forest is put down, and more CO2 is produced in the process. In the tropics, ants, termites, bacteria, and fungi eat nearly the entire photosynthetic oxygen. The oxygen content of our atmosphere is slowly declining. Combustion of fossil fuels destroys oxygen.

    Text of the speech in the Video about global issue 3

    Over ancient time to this day, morality in society made its way into our ways of doing business. So the set of behaviors that constitute Global Civilizational State ethic for a business evolved largely because they provided possible survival benefits to increase evolutionary success. Consequently, peoples evolved socially to express emotions, such as feelings of empathy or guilt, in response to these moral behaviors. Humans developed truly moral, altruistic instincts. When looking across cultures of geo-cultural areas and across millennia, certain virtues have prevailed in all cultures, the major ones include:

    wisdom, knowledge, courage, justice, love, truth, empathy, kindness, and social intelligence.
    These virtues were not always incorporated into the ways of doing business because the 1% business world became corrupted, greedy, no longer in line with humanity's survival on the planet, and more interested in keeping most of the wealth, resources and power for themselves keeping the remaining 99% of the world population in poverty.

    In recorded history, humanity has been depleting and degrading the natural capital of Earth, its global resources, rich agricultural soils, its groundwater stored during ice ages, and its biodiversity. Overpopulation and increasing per capita consumption are major reasons for the depleting of resources and deterioration of humanity common heritage. Politicians and business executives are under the delusion that such a disastrous end to the modern human enterprise and institutions can be avoided by technological fixes that will allow the population and the economy to grow forever. People from Wall Street live a dream Life. Our current way of Life is unsustainable. We are the first species on Earth that will have to self-consciously impose limits on ourselves to survive.

    Realizing that the world global economic development and use of global resources are out of control and forcing a complete collapse of nation states worldwide, and realizing that international trade agreements are all obsolete and primitive, and that all human activities by large are causing the destruction of livelihood worldwide, endangering all lifeforms on the planet, putting in great danger all global ecosysytems, in short threatening the survival of all Life on our planet, we need a complete turn around of our ways of doing business and trade, in global development and the management of global resources. While telling lies about caring for the Earth, most of our governments are deepening the crisis with new plans for expanded resource exploitation, unregulated free trade deals, more invasive investments, the privatization of absolutely everything, and unlimited growth. This model of development and governance is literally killing the planet and the fundamental cause of Life extinction.

    The enormous productive capacities and market forces of the planet have been committed to satisfying human needs and desires with little overall regard to the short-term and long-term future of Life on the planet, or Life in other nations and of future generations. Capitalism is at the core of this unsustainable system.

    We need to recognize the failure of fundamental systems, and to abandon the notion that what there is to do is recalibrate the institutions that structure our lives today. We need to realize that the way we thought things would work out truly is gone. The extinction crisis was caused by economic systems based on capitalism which promotes accumulation by dispossession, and ceaseless growth designed and calculated to encourage a higher yearly Gross Domestic Product (GDP) that is destroying ecosystems the world over. As measured by GDP, those economic systems have become addicted to “growth at all costs”. They assume that GDP growth is synonymous with increasing wellbeing and prosperity. However this approach has led to growing inequality, an escalating out-of-control climate crisis, and the depletion of natural and social capital. We must set-up measures to stop speculators from benefiting from the misery of others, by punishing corrupt politicians.

    We need to recognize the failure of fundamental systems, and to abandon the notion that what there is to do is recalibrate the institutions that structure our lives today. We need to realize that the way we thought things would work out truly is gone. The extinction crisis was caused by economic systems based on capitalism which promotes accumulation by dispossession, and ceaseless growth designed and calculated to encourage a higher yearly Gross Domestic Product (GDP) that is destroying ecosystems the world over. As measured by GDP, those economic systems have become addicted to “growth at all costs”. They assume that GDP growth is synonymous with increasing wellbeing and prosperity. However this approach has led to growing inequality, an escalating out-of-control climate crisis, and the depletion of natural and social capital. We must set-up measures to stop speculators from benefiting from the misery of others, by punishing corrupt politicians.

    Text of the speech in the Video about global issue 4

    For hundreds of years, the nation states of the West formed a multipolar world within Western civilization. For a long time, Americans have defined themselves, their society, by building up positive links across different cultural groups of the West. America was the land of freedom, equality, opportunity, the future, and a distinct civilization. Democratic societies of the West were led by the United States. During those years, not so much ideologies, but economics and politics were differentiating peoples of different civilizations. Their cultures, their ways of life, ways of doing things have been their most distinguishing characteristics and which have been defined by religion, language, and ancestry. In modern era, Western civilization, the West, is referred to the European-American civilization. 

    The future of the United States and of the West depend upon Americans reaffirming once more their commitment to Western civilization. When Americans look for their cultural roots, they find them in Europe. As Western countries increasingly interact with increasingly powerful non-Western societies they become more and more aware of their common Western cultural core that binds them together. If North America and Europe renew their moral life, build on their cultural commonality, and develop close forms of economic and political integration to supplement their security collaboration in NATO, they could generate a renewal of the Euroamerican phase of Western economic affluence and political influence. Meaningful political integration would in some measure counter the relative decline of the West in the world, and revive the power of the West in the eyes of the Peoples of other civilizations.

    The most important characteristics of the Western civilization include:

    a) Western Christianity, namely Catholicism and Protestantism, is the most important characteristic of Western civilization.

    b) Language is second only to religion as a factor distinguishing people of one culture from those of another.

    c) The separation between church and state that typify Western civilization have existed in no other civilization. This division of authority contributed immeasurably to the development of freedom in the West.

    d) The concept of the centrality of law to civilized existence has laid the basis for constitutionalism and the protection of human rights, including property rights, against the exercise of arbitrary power, autocratic, totalitarianism, or despotic.

    e) Historically Western society has been highly pluralistic and that was a distinguishing characteristic, the rise of diverse autonomous groups not based on blood relationship or marriage.

    f) Social pluralism gave rise to estates, parliaments, and other institutions to represent the interests of the aristocracy, clergy, merchants, and other groups. These bodies provided forms of representation which in the course of modernization evolved into the institutions of modern democracy.

    g) Over time emerged a sense of individualism and a tradition of individual rights and liberties unique among civilized societies, even claims for equal rights for all individuals. Again and again both Westerners and non-Westerners point to individualism as the central distinguishing mark of the West.

    Because of modernization, global politics today is being reconfigured along cultural lines and civilizations. And of course, Global Civilizational State is finally giving its historical place as the global solution to saving humanity from complete extinction. Peoples and countries with similar cultures are coming together. Alignments defined by ideology and superpower relations are giving way to alignments defined by culture and civilization.

    A successful Global Civilizational state for all Life on Earth is on the horizon. Let us lead the world toward a Global Civilizational state.

    Text of the speech in the Video about global issue 5

    Planet Earth is humanity's inheritance. The land, water, air, and the wonderful other bounty of natural resources were not human made. Everyone, all lifeforms, has a common right and ownership to their uses. We must recognize the rightful claim of every person to inherit an equitable portion of Earth's natural bounty. And that explains why the protection of the global life-support systems is the most important right on the Scale of Global Rights.

    The extinction crisis is an environmental issue and a social justice issue, one that is linked to long histories of capitalist domination over specific people, animals, and plants, and natural resources. This crisis, in other words, ought to be a key issue in the fight for climate justice.

    Global Community Global Justice Movement has many inter-related components: monetary, social, economic, environmental, democracy, and peace. The Movement never ceased to forge ahead new thinking to benefit all economies and societies worldwide: the true, fair, democratic and efficient solutions to social issues worldwide. It is the duty of democratic government to secure the results the people want from the transparent management of their public affairs.

    All Life species, humans and cultures, have intrinsic worth. They are subjects, not objects of manipulation or ownership. No humans have the right to own other species, other people or the knowledge of other cultures through patents and other intellectual property rights. Defending biological and cultural diversity is a duty of all people. Diversity is an end in itself, a value, a source of richness both material and cultural. All members of Global Community have the right to food and water, to safe and clean habitat, to security of ecological space. These rights are natural rights, they are birthrights given by the fact of existence on Earth and are best protected through community rights and the Global Commons. They are not given by states or corporations, nor can they be extinguished by state or corporate action. No state or corporation has the right to erode or undermine these natural rights or enclose the commons that sustain all through privatisation or monopoly control.

    As universal values, equality, justice and freedoms are concerned with our ability to decide, to choose values and to participate in the making of laws, and they are dependent on the recognition of other people. These values forbid any form of discrimination on the grounds of race, nationality, sex, religion, age or mother tongue. By accepting both values of freedom and equality we can achieve justice. One can be answerable for one's actions in a 'just' way only if judgements are given in the framework of democratically established laws and courts. Social justice is another universal value to which Global Civilizational State aspires and accepts as a universal value. Social justice consists in sharing wealth with a view to greater equality and the equal recognition of each individual's merits. All persons within a given society deserve equal access to goods and services that fulfill basic human needs.

    Text of the speech in the Video about global issue 6

    Free trade entrenches corporate power at the expense of democratically elected officials from local communities, municipal governments, provincial governments, national governments and states. It is a form of "world anti-government" as citizens lose the ability to act in their best interests and find sound solutions to their own problems. Citizens become disconnected with the decision-making process. Their lives are then driven by the desire of making profits. Fear is used to force people to behave with the dollar sign as their god. In such scenario, democratic principles lose meaning and no longer prevail. All that we have worked for over the past decades to build sustainable communities is gone with free trade. The principles of a sustainable development are let go and replaced by the desire of the world business leaders to make larger profits.  

    Over its long past history trade has never evolved to require from the trading partners to become completely responsible for their products from beginning to end. But today, Global Civilizational State ethics claims that when you manufacture, produce, farm or create a product, you become responsible and accountable of your product from beginning to end, to the point where it actually becomes a waste; you are also responsible for the proper disposable of the waste.  

    The global Life extinction crisis was caused by an economic system based on capitalism which promotes accumulation by dispossession, and ceaseless growth designed and calculated to encourage a higher yearly GDP that is destroying ecosystems the world over. The global socioeconomic system of capitalism is thus forcing us to work harder to surpass previous GDP consumption and population numbers until we have devoured everything that maintains Life, ending up with a polluted, lifeless, and scorched planet. This system made it possible for 1% of people in the world, namely Transnational Corporations CEOs, and mostly global corporate America, to have as much wealth as half the world's population, with always the overriding goal for which maximal profits, and not the needs and welfare of future generations. The combined effects of aggressive marketing, advertising, and planned product obsolescence has meant that the consumer’s oversized footprint is largely a consequence of the global power of this 1% so, in that sense, it is perhaps more accurate to speak of corporate global ecological footprints rather than the footprints of nations or individuals. In a nutshell, capitalism is responsible for the global Life extinction crisis.

    Without a fundamental change in our ways the poor will still be poor, and the government will have no money to spend. Capitalism is sacrosanct in our ways, and we believe that it is the best way to achieve growth. It is a sociological phenomenon as much as an economic one. We associate the solution to the environmental impacts of unlimited growth to technological advances, hoping technology will have a way to save us all. But technological solutions will not be sufficient to save the world. Nothing positive can be accomplished in a society in which the entrenched forces of free market capitalism and the disregard for sustainable solutions of dominant institutions are committed to obstructing the change required. The relentless need of people for consumption coupled with the relentless appetite of capitalists for accumulation, is sustaining the planetary crisis, and so the battle for survival is economized and clogged.

    Text of the speech in the Video about global issue 7

    In a cause and effect relationship, one event causes another to happen. The cause is why it happened, and the effect is what happened or is a consequence of the cause. Let us apply a cause and effect relationship between God and the Universe. If God created the Universe, then who created God? If the Universe needs a cause, then why doesn’t God need a cause? And if God doesn’t need a cause, why should the Universe need a cause? Everything which has a beginning has a cause. The Universe has a beginning. Therefore the Universe has a cause. God, unlike the Universe, had no beginning, so doesn’t need a cause. God, as creator of time, is outside of time. Since therefore God has no beginning in time, God has always existed, so doesn’t need a cause. If there is no cause, there is no explanation why this particular Universe appeared at a particular time, nor why it was a Universe and not something else. If there is no time before the creation of the Universe then how can God create the Universe. Since time itself began with the beginning of the Universe, it is meaningless to talk about what happened ‘before’ the Universe began. Causes must precede their effects. So if nothing happened ‘before’ the Universe began, then it is meaningless to discuss the cause of the Universe’s beginning. So this cannot be used to prove creation by God. On the other hand, there is good evidence that the observable Universe had a beginning. This can be shown from the Laws of Thermodynamics, the most fundamental laws of the physical sciences.

    1st Law: The total amount of mass-energy in the Universe is constant.

    2nd Law: The amount of energy available for work is running out, or entropy is increasing to a maximum.

    The Big Bang theory is the prevailing cosmological model for the Universe from the earliest known periods through its subsequent large-scale evolution. The energy and matter initially present have become less dense as the Universe expanded. Detailed measurements of the expansion rate of the Universe place the Big Bang at around 13.8 billion years ago.

    In Physics, the second law of thermodynamics is one of those puzzling laws of nature that simply emerges from the fundamental rules. It says that entropy, a measure of disorder or randomness in the Universe, must always increase in any closed system. A positive entropy change means an increase in disorder. The Universe tends toward increased entropy. Entropy shows that the directions associated with the second law, heat transfer from hot to cold, for example are related to the tendency in Nature for systems to become disordered and for less energy to be available for use as work. When entropy increases, a certain amount of energy becomes permanently unavailable to do work.

    Our everyday experience with reality shows entropy being reversed. Energy coming from the Sun can decrease the entropy of local systems on Earth. But the overall entropy of the rest of the Universe increases by a greater amount that is positive and greater in magnitude. For example, the solar energy hits the leaf of a tree, and is used to create complex carbohydrates. Using lower order energy to create greater order in the carbohydrates of a leaf seemingly violates the laws of thermodynamics. Except, that it does not.  To generate that ray of light, inside the sun, 600 million tons of hydrogen per second is converted to energy.  This is a massive flow of order (the atoms) to disorder (energy).  The leaf of a tree converts a tiny percentage of this disordered energy back to order. Combining the two together shows that, overall, there is still a massive flow of order to disorder. Thus the second law of thermodynamics is not violated. So, the entire Universe, without exception, is moving from a state of order to disorder. Once this has happened, no more work can be extracted from the Universe and there is no remaining useable energy.

    Why is it important for humanity to understand that the observable Universe had a beginning? Why is it important for humanity to understand that the Universe tends toward increased entropy, and that there is the tendency in Nature for systems to become disordered and for less energy to be available for use as work? Why is it important for humanity to understand that Life on our planet will gradually be extinct sooner or later? Perhaps we should all take very seriously the need to manage Life on Earth, our livelihood in our own community. Let us all manage the most serious threat to Life on Earth: global warming.

    Global warming alone can kill us all. Global warming will also release the greenhouse gases from the permafrost thus producing colossal positive feedbacks. They are tipping points easily observable. Soon, to sustain Life in those extreme conditions would require more energy but there will be less to share, especially with more people. There’s no certainty of how much time we have to turn the world economy from an exploitative one, to one that functions within Nature, as a part of Nature before it becomes irretrievable.

    Petroleum or crude oil is a fossil fuel derived from ancient fossilized organic materials and is a mixture of hydrocarbons that exists as a liquid in underground geologic formations and remains a liquid when brought to the surface. Crude oil reserves are vanishing at a rate of more than 4 billion tonnes a year so if we carry on as we are, our known oil deposits could run out in just over 50 years. The burning of fossil fuels causes pollution and releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere thus creating the global warming of the planet and global climate change.

    Knowing now what is going to be our future, and the future of the next generations, would humanity finally understand the urgent need of governing and managing Earth resources, and our needs for them?  

    To solve the climate crisis we must activate immediately, without delay, the following five jobs. Job number one is retiring old coal plants. Job number two is using fossil fuels only for essential services, starting now, today. Job number three make it a law to declare all of our various modes of transport be used only for essential services, from airplanes and cars to buses and cargo ships. Job number four, cut down on consumption of all types by 50%. Job number five, petroleum or crude oil is a nonrenewable source of energy and must be left in the ground and replaced by renewable sources of energy. Again and again, only essential services of a city will be allowed to use fossil fuels. Airports and shipyards all over the world should only be allowed to operate for essential services, and manage under government controls.

    Let us explore how else we could all survive global Life extinction.

    For a century evolutionists have challenged creationists with a large amount of scientific experiments and theories. Was Life on Earth created by God about ten thousand years ago as described in the Bible or was it a slow and natural evolution spreading over several billion years? Unfortunately, a natural evolution encounters significant problems in explaining many biochemical systems which cannot be built up by natural selection alone and so evolution cannot explain the step-by-step pathways that created cells. Cells are the basis of Life, the basic structural unit of living things, and all functions essential to life occur within the cell. Evolution could not have been happening by chance either. But Life was purposely arranged. So it seems!  Only Global Community can provide a reasonable explanation about how Life was formed in the Universe. 

    The laws of nature can organize matter to build complex biochemical systems that are at the origin of lifeforms such as a complex human being. The most relevant laws are: biological reproduction, natural selection and mutation. The evolutionary process has been activated from the beginning. And each particle or space-time point, had a 'Guiding Soul'. All biological structures can be explained in terms of those natural laws and the existence of  Guiding Souls. Some mutations have a positive effect on the organism in which they occur and increase the fitness of the organism. They are called beneficial mutations. They lead to new versions of proteins that help organisms adapt to changes in their environment. Beneficial mutations are essential for evolution to occur. Without-doubt there have been other types of beneficial mutations during Life evolution, and humanity would need more of them today for survival. Let us explore what the Soul of Humanity can do for us all.

    Souls exist in all spaces and are goal oriented. The conditions for the formation of Life on Earth appeared gradually over the past billion years. Souls show the way in whatever particles they exist in. A Soul has one very important goal, and it is to show the way toward the creation of Life in the Universe. Souls have been guiding the expansion of the Universe and evolution of Life in small ways so as to make it possible for Life to evolve and be conscious of itself. All lifeforms, even plants, can be conscious. This goal is a global common to all Souls.

    From Life's viewpoint, the ultimate goal of a Soul is truly to create a symbiotical relationship between Life in all its forms. Souls exist in all particles and can have an effect on the physical Universe. That is why I referred to them as 'Guiding Souls'. Since time has no meaning to a Soul, the billions of years that it takes to create galaxies, planets, and ultimately Life, can always be achieved. Like an artist painting the Universe making sure that, at the end, Life is expressed on the canvas. Life is the ultimate goal to achieve. This is what Souls do best, they unify to better serve Life. They merge together to better serve Life. Souls can evolve as well. They have formed a new Being, the Soul of all Life, or SoulLife, also called the Soul of Humanity for us on planet Earth, to better serve Life. A life-form with more physical senses has more ways to communicate with the Soul and thus with Soul of Humanity. The Soul of Humanity is a wonderful loving Being made up of the Souls of all Life on Earth and the Soul of Earth itself, and by extension the Soul of all Life is also the Soul of all Life over the entire Universe.

      Global commons amongst Souls are peace, truth, justice, doing good, social harmony, cooperation, love, absolute communications, and fluid motion. Although the same Soul would be within a life-form throughout its life-span, it is only a viewpoint, Life's viewpoint, the physical Universe's viewpoint. The overall picture, the Soul's viewpoint, is still a fluid type of motion and Souls move around as waves and the wind, swirls, interacting gusty winds, in and out of each other, constantly merging to achieve the ultimate goal of the Soul. We all need to be in touch with the Soul of Humanity and ask for guidance. No better time for help!

    Our planet is populated with millions of different lifeforms interacting with each other to survive, thus forming an intricate web of Life in different ecosystems on the planet. The interaction and interdependence between lifeforms are the driving force that creates and maintains an ecological, environmental equilibrium that has sustained Life on Earth for millions of years enabling it to evolve, flourish and diversify. Worldwide, Peoples live in a cocoon of denial. They have been thought from childhood that they are isolated or protected from harsh, dangerous, or disturbing realities, so why should anyone be worried about Life extinction on our planet. Humanity’s rapidly growing consumption of materials, water, energy resources, fertile land is causing severe damage to all Life on Earth. The amount of natural resources extracted for the production of goods and services is steadily increasing and wasted.

    A global critical tipping point that is evident, obvious, clear, is the way society view Nature around us, a situation that is bad in two different ways. To maintain a general satisfaction within the capitalist system that is driven and motivated by competition, endless growth is needed, but in a finite system it must end when resources are exhausted. However, we also have a double crisis emanating from this view, pollution that impairs Life and the greenhouse gases that are heating the biosphere and acidifying the oceans, all would end Life if the system is maintained to its exhaustion.

    There are other tipping points with potentially far-reaching consequences: the die-off of the Amazon rain forest, the rapid melting of Greenland and West Antartic ice sheets, and the melting of the Artic ice cap. All are already under way, reducing the survival prospects of flora and fauna in their respective habitats. As these processes gain momentum, entire ecosystems are being obliterated and many species killed off, with drastic consequences for the humans who rely on them.

    Text of the speech in the Video about global issue 8

    Scientific research suggests that breeding grounds for rats, like mosquitoes are expanding significantly as a result of rising world temperatures, thus facilitating the emergence and spread of deadly pathogens like the Ebola virus, SARS, and coronavirus. The global warming of the planet caused climate change and Artic ice to melt at rates unseen before. The Artic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the world. Iceberg and the Artic snow cover are melting much faster. The tipping points of greatest concern have been the rapid melting of the Greenland and West Antartic ice sheets. Should they melt ever more quickly with all that water flowing into oceans, a sea level rise of 20 feet or more can be expected, inundating many of the world's most populous coastal cities and forcing billions of people to relocate. The Artic Council suggests 20 percent of the uppermost layers of permafrost may melt by 2040. As the ice begins to thaw, each eroding layer will expose new layers, along with microbes that have been frozen away for thousands of years. That vast collection of bacteria, viruses and other pathogens may impact, or infect, our lives in ways that are hard to imagine.

    Many organisms change their nature with fluctuating climatic conditions, and become fatal and toxic with changing environments. In the Artic as melting permafrost steadily releases the hundreds of gigatons of methane, a greenhouse gas 80 times more potent than carbon dioxide, stored in soil, lakes and sediment in Canada and Siberia. Methane is also boiling up from underneath the Artic ocean. Melting permafrost could potentially yield viruses from long-extinct homonin species like Neanderthals and Denisovans, both of which settled in Siberia and were riddled with various viral diseases.

    The thawing of permafrost either from global warming or industrial exploitation of circumpolar regions are affecting and threats to human health. Putting aside long-dormant new viruses, there is also the issue of "zombie diseases" that have been safely tucked away in the ice for tens of thousands of years. These can include infections that have wreaked havoc on human populations in previous eras, including smalpox, various flu varieties, bubonic plague, and other deadly illnesses long since forgotten. Other infections that did not kill previous generations, but which we have lost immunity protection for, could also emerge. A bacterium that have been encased in the Antartic glacier for million years can be revived. Carnobacterium pleistocenium shared the era with mastodons, woolly mammoths and saber-toothed cats. Though the microbes have been immobilized in a chunk of ice for thousands of years, they can be revived as things warm up. Even within humans and other living creatures there exist micro-organisms whose nature we simply cannot ascertain. Science so far has been able to identify only one percent of bacteria and its nature living in human body, and 99% of other organisms living within us are still unknown.

    Warmer temperatures and more moisture are conducive to the accelerated reproduction of mosquitoes, including those carrying malaria, the zika virus, and other highly infectious diseases. Such conditions were once largely confined to the tropics, but as a result of global warming, formely temperate areas are now experiencing more tropical conditions, resulting in the territorial expansion of mosquito breeding grounds. Accordingly, malaria and zika are on the rise in areas that never previously experienced such diseases. Similarly, dengue fever, a mosquito-borne viral disease that infects millions of people every year, is spreading especially quickly due to rising world temperatures.

    Text of the speech in the Video about global issue 9

    Because of the pandemic, parents, grandparents, and children spend much more time together within their houses. This might have led to new familial relationships, understanding and responses including conflicts when children might have learnt new things about their parents and vice-versa during the extra ordinary length of lockdown time.  It could be both positive and negative with respect to the family dynamics. Because of Covid-19, the lock down and the confinement within homes initially were difficult. It led to considerable release of negative emotions. The pandemic has also transformed the thinking and worldview of people when they started seeing others as  potential carriers of infection. The pandemic has significantly influenced the social and psychological fabric of society where everyone is fearful of getting infected.  

    Despite dramatic improvements in survival, nutrition, and education over recent decades, today’s children face an uncertain future. Successful societies invest in their children’s futures and protect their rights. However, many politicians and governments in the world still do not consider such an investment as a priority. Even in rich countries, many children, especially in marginalized groups including indigenous people and ethnic minorities still suffer from hunger or live in conditions of total poverty.  

    Data show the largely negative impact the commercial sector on the well-being of children in all countries, with companies promoting addictive or unhealthy commodities, such as fast food, sugar sweetened beverages, alcohol, tobacco, gambling, and social media. Companies make huge profits from marketing products directly to children and promoting addictive or unhealthy commodities, all of which are major causes of non­communicable diseases. The commercial sector’s profit motive poses many threats to child health and wellbeing, not least the environmental damage unleashed by unregulated industry. Children around the world are enormously exposed to advertising from business, whose marketing techniques exploit their developmental vulnerability and whose products can harm their health and wellbeing.  

    The world’s countries agrees to leave future generations with a cleaner and healthier world. Early investments in children’s health, education, and development have benefits that compound throughout the child’s lifetime, for their future children, and society as a whole. As our economies become more knowledge-based, and the use of telecommuting thus making it easy to learn and work from home, education has become more and more important.