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Volume 19 Issue 6 February 2021:

Theme for this month:

Global Civilizational State: the application of the Scale of Global Rights to the most important global issues threatening humanity's survival worldwide.

(with videos)

Global Civilizational State: the application of the Scale of Global Rights to the most important global issues   threatening humanity's survival worldwide.(with videos)
( see enlargement )

Business, trade and global resources.
( see enlargement Business, trade and global resources. )

Global Community will celebrate its 35th year  in 2020. Prepare now! More significant and meaningful actions needed to save the Earth, all life.
( see enlargement Global Community will celebrate its 35th year  in 2020. Prepare now! More significant and meaningful actions needed to save the Earth, all life. )
Watch promoting animation. (50 MBs) Global Community will celebrate its 35th year  in 2020. Prepare now! More significant and meaningful actions needed to save the Earth, all life.

Global Community will celebrate its 35th year  in 2020. Prepare now! More significant and meaningful actions needed to save the Earth, all life.
( see enlargement Global Community will celebrate its 35th year  in 2020. Prepare now! More significant and meaningful actions needed to save the Earth, all life. )
Watch animation promoting participation. (41 MBs) Global Community will celebrate its 35th year  in 2020. Prepare now! More significant and meaningful actions needed to save the Earth, all life.

Reporting News
( see enlargement Reporting News)

Reporting News.
( see enlargement Reporting News)

Global Civilization Proceedings
( see enlargement Global Civilization Proceedings.)

Theme for this month February 2021:
Global Civilizational State: the application of the Scale of Global Rights to the most important global issues threatening humanity's survival worldwide.
(with videos)

    • Global Issue 1, sections 1,2,3, and 6 affected: Replacing both the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Charters from all nations by the Scale of Global Rights will give more importance, substance, value, gravity, and urgency to human life, all life on Earth, and to the protection of the global life-support systems for this generation and future generations.
      Short explanation of global issue 1. Global Issue 1, sections 1,2,3, and 6 affected
      Video about global issue 1. Video global issue 1.
      Text of the speech in the Video about global issue 1. Text of the speech in the Video about  global issue 1.
      Full explanation concerning all nine (9) global issues. Full explanation concerning all  nine (9) issues.
    • Global Issue 2, sections 1,2,3, and 5 affected: Human activities are responsible for the greenhouse effect, global warming, and climate change, mostly through our use of fossil fuels, and could be catastrophic, and a tragic end to our present human evolution, without effective mitigation.
      Short explanation of global issue 2. Global Issue 2, sections 1,2,3, and 5 affected
      Video about global issue 2. Video global issue 2.
      Text of the speech in the Video about global issue 2. Text of the speech in the Video about  global issue 2.
      Full explanation concerning all nine (9) global issues. Full explanation concerning all  nine (9) issues.
    • Global Issue 3, sections 1,2,3, and 5 affected: Our ways of doing business and trade are causing the destruction of livelihood worldwide and that of the next generations, endangering all lifeforms on the planet, putting in great danger all global ecosystems, in short threatening the survival of all life on our planet. We need a complete turn around of our ways of doing things in business and trade.
      Short explanation of global issue 3. Global Issue 3, sections 1,2,3, and 5 affected
      Video about global issue 3. Video global issue 3.
      Text of the speech in the Video about global issue 3. Text of the speech in the Video about  global issue 3.
      Full explanation concerning all nine (9) global issues. Full explanation concerning all  nine (9) issues.
    • Global Issue 4, sections 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 affected: The need of Evolutionity and Global Civilizational State leadership to educate Peoples for humanity survival, and to emphasize moral virtues and a healthy intellectual development.
      Short explanation of global issue 4. Global Issue 4, sections 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 affected
      Video about global issue 4. Video global issue 4.
      Text of the speech in the Video about global issue 4. Text of the speech in the Video about  global issue 4.
      Full explanation concerning all nine (9) global issues. Full explanation concerning all  nine (9) issues.
    • Global Issue 5: sections 1,2,3,4, and 5 affected: Super rich Peoples and corporations became corrupted, greedy, no longer in line with humanity's survival on the planet.
      Short explanation of global issue 5. Global Issue 5: sections 1,2,3,4, and 5 affected
      Video about global issue 5. Video global issue 5.
      Text of the speech in the Video about global issue 5. Text of the speech in the Video about  global issue 5.
      Full explanation concerning all nine (9) global issues. Full explanation concerning all  nine (9) issues.
    • Global Issue 6: sections 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 affected: Global issues such as poverty, crime, racism, religious and ethnic conflict, terrorism, global warming, climate change, energy scarcity, are further magnified by the widening spread and quickening pace of globalization.
      Short explanation of global issue 6. Global Issue 6: sections 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 affected
      Video about global issue 6. Video global issue 6.
      Text of the speech in the Video about global issue 6. Text of the speech in the Video about  global issue 6.
      Full explanation concerning all nine (9) global issues. Full explanation concerning all  nine (9) issues.
    • Global Issue 7: sections 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 affected: There are several major global issues: conflicts and wars, no tolerance and compassion for one another, world overpopulation, human activities destroying and polluting, as population increases the respect and value of a human life is in decline, insufficient protection and prevention for global health, scarcity of resources and drinking water, poverty, Fauna and Flora species disappearing at a fast rate, global warming and global climate change, global pollution, deforestation, permanent lost of the Earth's genetic heritage, and the destruction of the global life-support systems and the eco-systems of the planet. Our goal for peace in the world can only be reached by resolving these important global problems. These problems have brought up a planetary state of emergency. Global Civilizational State found evidence that resolving all those global issues is the essential prerequisite for the effectiveness and exercise of all rights recognized for human beings. We need to build global communities for all life on the planet.
      Short explanation of global issue 7. Global Issue 7: sections 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 affected
      Video about global issue 7. Video global issue 7.
      Text of the speech in the Video about global issue 7. Text of the speech in the Video about  global issue 7.
      Full explanation concerning all nine (9) global issues. Full explanation concerning all  nine (9) issues.
    • Global Issue 8: sections 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 affected: The global coronavirus pandemic is the product of a staggering multitude of factors, including the air travel links connecting every corner of the planet so intimately and the failure of government officials to move swiftly enough to sever those links. But underlying all of that is the virus itself. Are we, in fact, facilitating the emergence and spread of deadly pathogens like the Ebola virus, SARS, and the coronavirus through deforestation, haphazard urbanization, and the ongoing warming of the planet? It may be too early to answer such a question unequivocally, but the evidence is growing that this is the case.
      Short explanation of global issue 8. Global Issue 8: sections 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 affected
      Video about global issue 8. Video global issue 8.
      Text of the speech in the Video about global issue 8. Text of the speech in the Video about  global issue 8.
      Full explanation concerning all nine (9) global issues. Full explanation concerning all  nine (9) issues.
    • Global Issue 9: sections 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 affected: Issues threatening the health and future of children and of the next generations. Climate change, ecological degradation, migrating populations, conflict, pervasive inequalities, predatory commercial practices, and the rampant spread of Covid-19 threaten the health and future of children in every country. What is even more worrisome and fearful is that children stand on the precipice of a climate crisis. Wealthy countries are threatening the future of all the children in the world through carbon pollution.
      Short explanation of global issue 9. Global Issue 9: sections 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 affected
      Video about global issue 9. Video global issue 9.
      Text of the speech in the Video about global issue 9. Text of the speech in the Video about  global issue 9.
      Full explanation concerning all nine (9) global issues. Full explanation concerning all  nine (9) issues.
    • Summary Introduction Introduction Introduction and Conclusion Conclusion

Proceedings Global Dialogue 2020 (September 1st 2019 to August 31st 2020). Global Dialogue 2020 Proceedings (September 1st 2019 to August 31st 2020).

Global Peace Earth. Global Peace Earth.

Global Community days of celebration or remembering throughout the year. Global Community days of celebration or remembering throughout the year.

Authors of research papers and articles on global issues for this month. Authors of research papers and articles on global issues for this month.

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Note: We do not have any funds to pay anyone and for anything. We work strictly on a volunteer basis Volunteering..

Proceedings of Global Dialogue 2020

Proceedings of Global Dialogue 2020 (September 1st, 2019 to August 31, 2020) are ready for reading. Please do verify that your articles, comments and papers were correctly published, and that recommendations were appropriate, useful, pertinent, and proper. Authors of research papers and articles on global issues for Global Dialogue 2020 were published in the Dialogue Overview section at Dialogue Overview

Proceedings of the Global Dialogue 2020

Proceedings of Global Dialogue 2020.
Artwork by Germain Dufour
August 2020
( see enlargement Proceedings of the Global Dialogue 2020)

Canadian Maple Leaf.

Global Peace Earth

Ministry of Global Peace in government

Over the past decades we have shown that peace in the world and the survival and protection of all life on our planet go hand in hand. Asking for peace in the world means doing whatever is necessary to protect life on our planet. Protecting life implies bringing about the event of peace in the world. Let our time be a time remembered for a new respect for life, our determination to achieve sustainability, and our need for global justice and peace.

Our Global Peace Mouvement is about the courage to live a life in a harmonious peace order and showing by example, thus preventing poverty, wars, terror and violence. We need to educate the coming generations with good principles, being compassionate, social harmony and global sustainability being some of them.

Soul of all Life said in Global Peace Earth "Soul of all Life teaching about Peace: Introduction"

Peace is being who you are without fear. It is the "being who you are" who must be taught a value based on principles to live by. Only principles described in Global Law are necessary and required to attain Peace in the world.

Global Community days of celebration or remembering throughout the year.

Cultural Appreciation Day: August 22 Cultural Appreciation Day

Along with all the global communities, the Global Community, all life on Earth, and the Soul of Humanity can rightfully claim ownership of the Earth as a birthright: October 6 Claiming ownership of the Earth as a birthright

Founding of the Global Community organization, Global Community and the Federation of Global Governments: October 6 , 1985Founding of the Global Community organization, Global Community  and the Federation of Global Governments

Global Citizenship Day: October 6 Global Citizenship Day

Tribute to Virginie Dufour, the first Secretary General of the Global Community organization, who passed away April 28,2000 Tribute to Virginie Dufour

The Global Exhibition: August 17-22 The Global Exhibition

Nationalization of natural resources: October 6 Nationalization of natural resources

Global Peace Movement Day: May 26 Global Peace Movement Day

Global Movement to Help: May 26 Global Movement to Help

Global Justice for all Life Day: October 6 Global Justice for all Life Day

Global Justice Movement: October 6 Global Justice Movement

Global Disarmament Day: May 26 Global Disarmament Day

Planetary State of Emergency Day: May 26 Planetary State of Emergency Day

Global Community 25 th Anniversary Celebration (1985 - 2010): October 6 Global Community 25 th Anniversary Celebration (1985 - 2010)

Celebration of Life Day: May 26 Celebration of Life Day

Planetary Biodiversity Zone Day: September 26 Planetary Biodiversity Zone

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Authors of research papers and articles on global issues since 1985.

  • List of all author names in all papers, articles, comments, opinions, recommendations of all Global Dialogues since 1985. Global participants files.jj

    List of all participants and authors with their work from 1985 to 2007.jj
    All work can be found in Global Proceedings.jj

    Global Information Media (GIM) publishing monthly Newsletters dealing with global issues. Global Information Media (GIM) publishing monthly Newsletters dealing with global issues.

  • List of all author names in all papers, articles, comments, opinions, recommendations of Global Dialogue 2020.

  • List of all author papers, articles, comments, opinions, recommendations of Global Dialogue 2020.

  • List of all Monthly Newsletters with all author names in papers, articles, comments, opinions, recommendations concerning the issues of Global Dialogue 2020.

  • We thank authors for their hard work and activism this dialogue. Over the past several decades, they have fought hard for the protection of the global life-support systems. Proceedings of all dialogues are available at:

Authors of research papers and articles on global issues for this month

Simon Anholt,

Simon Anholt, Which country does the most good for the world? Which country does the most good for the world?